Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1890, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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What Roy , Louis Zahner Has Done In a Few
loan for Ruligion ,
A I'cuiiino of JIiippiMiliiKft Among ;
Mm IVoplo of Ilio Cliurcli
Ilotli nt Honio anil
Abroad , .
All Kulnts Kiiiscopnl churcli , Iwautlfully
located nt the comer of Twenty-sixth ntul
IIulf-Hnv.'nnlstreets , will cclobratu Its fourth
ntiiiiial pariah festival today. The event will
doulitluss bring out a lurgu uttcndnncu nt the
Bcrvlcos ,
'This parish ot the Kplscopnl church in
Omnhu lins had almost a phenomenal growth ,
Four years IIRO , when the present rector ,
HOT. Luivla Xnhucr , cuinu to Omuhu , thorn
was very llttlo heard or It novvn about this new
cliurclictitciprKo. Thecdlllcoiviisaboutliulf.
completed \vlicn Ur. Xnhner tirrlvuil. It win
the Intention to hove the church formally
opened for worship on All Saints' days but
owliiK tn the iisunl drln.v * In buildlnpr it was
not flushed until the inldillo of the following
Jnmmry , when Dr. Xnlinur was Instullcd ni
tno IIrst lector nnd tlio new parish uuiuu Into
The parish hns licqnlred property vnlued at
JoB.rOO , which liu'luilcs the eliurcli und the
rcctorv ami the choir room , forming
n liandsoino groun of building
upon n very ImiuKoino ito unil
fuirrniiwlod by a liixurlnnt sward of blue
grass beautifully kept and ( 'ivlnp one an im
pression of rotlnrniont nml contentment
'J'hoso who hiivo known All Saints i > , irish
from tliu befriimliiK liavo noticed n steady and
most substantial growth In nieinlicrsliip unil
In nil tlio departments of lutirch work.
Koine of tlio licst church workers In tlio
city are connected with All Suints church ,
their iinim-H bulnj ? familiar in local ciiaiitublo
InsUUitlmiH nml unions the poor. Theio rio
about nno hundred families nnd moro than
two hundred communicants. A very snccc'sv
fill nnd uUiuctlvo Sunday school Is held in
thurhnri'li mid Is ntidor the direction of Mr.
A. 1' . Hopkins.
The \estry Is made up of representative
jncn of the city. , T. \VoolworthandA.l' .
Hopkins are the wardens and C. S. Mont
gomery , II. Mcdav , S. I * . Morse , Louis Brad
ford , \V. A. Kotlick nml R li.Uulld are- the
vestrymen. Mr. M. A. Hnll Is thosecietary.
The clioirhus for sonic time been consid
ered by many competent ciltles of sacred
music na ono of the best in Omaha. It bus
from the very llrst hccn under the direction
nnd training of Mr. Thomas .T. 1'omioll ,
The pews nro rented , hut It Is a tact well
known throughout the city that It is one of
the mast hospitable houses of worship la
Omalin The ushers are always nt-
tentivo nnd painstaking in their ef
forts to plnco every one who
enters the doors In n convenient
scat. This particular feature in the manage
ment of tlio church scivlco has hol | > cd to
make n All Saints' a very popular church.
Ton much cannot bo said of the .services
rendered the All Saints' imrlsh liy Dr. Xah-
iier. Ills work tins been done after tbo man
ner of n skillful builder , every btono and tim-
boKoinu tolls proper plnco In the mapiilllcent
Mructuio bo bus been enpiKeil in rearing.
V. M. C. A. Jtoiioptlon.
The nnnnal reception given by the mom-
Tiers of the YOUIIB Men's Christina as
sociation last Tuesday evening was
ono of tlio most successful nrtulrsof the
kind over undertaken by the association.
Fully ono thousand persons attended and
\vero delightfully entertained by the excel
lent puigwmmo la the concert ball and in the
( Jtcnerid Koclublo that followed. Nearly all
the young1 people's societies connected with
tlio various churches of Omaha were repres
ented and the spirit of socUuillty between
the different churches very much stimu
lated by tlio oxpcilcneo of tbo evening ,
Many will regret to learn that for Jltmnclal
reasons KonnUo Memorial church has de
cided to ilispenso with tbo services of the or
ganist and choir. Under the able leadership
of Prof. ICnoppel the music was considered to
bo nn nttractivo feature of the services , and
ns an organist Prof. Knoppol has rnnKeil for
years us ono of the bust in the country.
Hov. W. A. Line Is doing sonio c.\cclleut
work nt tbo old mission chapel on Dodge
Btreot. Ho is'not only helping" mightily to
furnish spiritual food for the poor , but ho
nlso assists them in getting the necessities of
life. All goods donated to the poor through
Him will bo faithfullv distributed where they
will ho the moans of milking many poor people
ple hnppy. The Sunday school is hold ut the
mission at 10:30 : and the preaching service at
70. : ! !
The advisory committee of the woman's
missionary board of the CoiiRrenationnl
church moots on the llrst Thursday lu each
month at the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation rooms. The members are Mrs.
GOOI-KO W. Hull , MH. A. UTnaln , Mrs. W.
31. liussoll , Mrs. "William Cumlng ami Mrs.
Wllliwl Scott ,
Tlio oloetlon In the Hanscom Park Method-
1st church , to decide whether or not women
ttlmU ! } scat to the general conference , will
take placoou Is'ovoirber'.l. Uov. Ilroivn will
tpeiik upon the subject next week ,
ClllllUllI'S (
Kov. P. S. Jlorrlll of the First McthoJIst
iilnuTh rotiiriuil froin n very pleasant trip to
9ttlonutu lust \vcolc.
Ucv. A.J. TurUloof the ICouutzo Memorial
SLutlioran uhurcli , nuulou Irit to ( Jtiic\h'o : \ last
ifreok to nmut his wife , who bus boon
III forsoiiio tinio athor linino in Ohio. They
tfrrivnl in Oinnha Inat I'VUlay.
Dr. Uuryra of the First Congregational
hinrli ivcolvoil the sad liitelllKunco or the
ileathof his aped f.itherat his lioaio on L.ODK
Jslnnil last Wrdnesiluy The old gentleman
vas i > lKl > ty-t\vo years old anil very iictlvo in
church work up to thu week of his death.
Hcth-lCilen DuptUt church ! IJ rk avenue ,
poutli of Lciivcnwortli. Prcachlnj ? by the
pastor , Hov. II. L. Houso. Morning subject ,
"MoiiU'eal. " In thoovoninp will bo tfivun
the llfUi hi thosurles of patriotic lecture * on
the huhlect of "The Christian Citizen. " All
nro cordially invittil.
South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal
chuuh ; Corner Tenth and Pierce streets.
Kov. Alfiul IIodKCtts , pastor , llornliifj ser
vices Cl.iss meetliifj nt 10 o'clock , proaeh-
lOiiM. Subject , "I lfo Mudo u Sue-
cess. " Kabbuth school ut 12 in. KvcnliiB
gorvlccs : ICpworth Icajjuo nt OM1 ; , pleaching
nt73. ! Subject , "Thu Soul's Klcction Alailo
Sure. "
Mrs. G. W. Hall , president of the "Woman's
jnlsslonaiy union , of the CoiiKroirntional
church in the state , entertained n party nttea
last Tuesday evening. coiihbtiiiKof Dr. C. U.
Creogiin , of Iloston ; Uov. G , II. Guttorson ,
ofliuiln : both members of the American
board of fowlRii mission , Dr. A. It. Tlialn
onU wife niul Kov.Villoid Scott and wlfo.
Tlio stiito YOUIIB People's Society of
Cliristluii KnJeiivor of the CoiiKrt'gntional
chuichlll meet nt Hastings on Novuinbor
Ul. Kov.Villiinl Scott will ilolivor the con
vention s > ermon on thu uvcningof tlio oncn-
iiiB ilav.
The llrst jun-CoiiBrepUloiml council will
bo hi'Iil In Lonilon nuxt July. Nebraska will
IHJ CMI tit led tounu ilcleKiito , imd Kov. Willnril
Scott of this city was clectnl to the iKjaltlou ,
with Kuv , loliu AsUin of ICeainoy us alter
nate , bust wivk by the Mate convention at
Norfolk. Uov Mr , Scott will probably at
tend. Thu session will last about two weeks.
At the Ne\vmim Methodist church last
Wednesday nli ht , the members votoil upon
the mieMation of juliiiittiiig women dolomites
to the Kenoial conference of tlui chinch.
There \vis : an animated dlsiusslon of the sub
ject betHven Uov , Mrs. Andrews , of the
Universalist church , ana Mra. Dryant of the
Nouiimnrlmrch , the former taklutr thu alllnn-
ntlvo and the latter the negative side of the
question. ot hoi's iimdo sliort nd-
urcjisos mid- the vole was taken , resulting in
n bollnt of thirteen for unit two aenlnst. The
Inclemency of tlio weather prevented many
from attending.
An Important matter discussed at the Con-
preK'itlunnl council at Norfolk lust week uas
u change hi tha luwU of fcpiv&entation ,
Horetofoi-o cacli chua-h has had two dele
gates to the btutu convention , but this bus
wrought homo Injustk-o to tha larger
couitivi itiomi , for the reason that
the tmiullcr churches huvo Imd Just
us HlroiiK n rotireaentatlon , In point of num
bers , among the delegates us th InrKCr ones.
The Duslt wns changed so that each church
Will huvo two delegates uuU cue additional
for every 100 members , or mnjor frnctlon
thereof , over the Jlr t hunJrcil. Ohurehw
linvlnKtM or moro membons will bo entitled
to three tlclCKates , those having Wl or more
will Imvo four delegates , etc. Another im
portant matter wns tbo Instruction of the
committee on programme for 1S91 , to set
aildo oiioholu diiy for the dismission of the
college question. The nppllcation of tlntcs
collcKOtit Ncllgli for recofrnltloii from the
church lias brought this matter about. At
present Donno collepo at Crete is the only
ivcotrnlzcd CIotiBrcgutionnl collcKo In No-
hriLs'ua , but Cates college is tnakliif a very
strong detniind for recognition.
niit i nns.
November 0-1. U niipolutcil as tlio week of
prayer for young men.
Kov. Henry Al. Ilonth , D.Iof ) Knclowood ,
Jf. J. , declines to t > ccorno president of Auburu
theological seminary.
The Chicago presbytery has petitioned the
board of education of Unit city to make nn
onlor requiring tbo rending or appropriate ex-
tractH from the hlblo each day In nil the de
partments of tlio public schools of Chicago.
ThoAnicrlcnn missionary imodntloii closes
Us year with a slight b.ilanco In band. The
receipt * of tbo vcnr were gion.ttl1) ) , the largest
In its history. The Inruma from the Uuulel
Hand fund , not included In the above1 , was
* I7 , IB- .
fcTho Catholic Review proposes thnt repre
sentation for the next Catholic congress bo
llxcd on u basis of computation that would re
sult Ina total of 7,150 lay delegates , 7."i ( ) priests
mid 1'JO bishops and ot her ux-ofllclo delegates ,
matting n body of six , ) < ) .
The Salvation nrmy Is holding "n prent
eastern congress" of its staff and Hold ofU-
cors "between the KocWes nnd the Atlantlr"
in Chicago nnd Hrookllu for a week , begin
ning on November 1. It Is expected that
there will bo 100 staff oftleew in attendance ,
besides : ) ( ) Held olllccrfl und X ) local olllcers.
The number of missionary stations in Africa
now exceeds live hundred. There nro 100,000 ,
tonvcrts , nnd the number is increasing at the
rate of about twcnty-Ilvo thousand n year.
Wlthm live ye.irs moro than two hundred na
tives htivo suffered mmtyrdoni for their laith.
It is announced that a portahlo cathedral
1ms arrived in Tonquln. It was imported
from the town of Kesuu , and Is of Iron. It
arrived in Sill packages and is to bo 1J-0 feet
long , < i5 feet bioad unu M ) tect high. It is said
that a native convert i3 bearing t'io ' v hole ex
pense of the edifice.
Dr. Sions tolls this story of Henry Ward
Itccclier After Dr. Sprague had given
10,000 sermons , or possibly It was 10,000 vol
umes of sermons , said Dr. Storrs. to Prince
ton , Mr. Hcochor remarked. "Well , I know
where I shall go if there is another flood. It
will bo to Princeton , for there will bo one
dry spot. "
A convention of Christian workers meets
In Hartford , Conn. . November ( ' -11 ! . The
subjects to bo considered relate to matters
connected with aggressive benevolent and
Christian woik. For paitlculnrs and an
nouncement of the many prominent Chris *
tian workers who will take part , Hov. John
C. Collins of Xow Haven , Conn. , may bo
The will of Newton Case of Hartford ,
which gives half n million dollars to the
Hartford theological seminary , will iniiko
Hartford ono of the best equipped seminaries
in the United States. It has u good equip
ment of nuw and commodious buildings , a
choice II lir.irv of11,000 books , nn nblo corps
of teachers , and a handsanio fundbesldes | the
present gift.
Sister Catherine ( Miss Knto Droxcl ) is
soon to begin the erection near Andalusia , in
Ducks county , Pa , , of n great convent build
ing or sister house of the order of Sisters of
Mercy , the mother housu of which is at 1'ltts-
b'urg. The institution will bo for the in
struction of girls , to qualify thorn for teach
ing among the Indians a branch of
educational nnd religious work Inhlrh
Sister Catherine has shown n great Interest
h the rofornicd Mormon polygairtlst
to do with bis superlluoiis wives !
Never plnco so much confidence in your
minister us to sleep during his sermon.
It requires pious gall to pluynll day with
the ilovil and at night nslr ( Jed to save you.
'Tis noticed In church that this Is bound to
occur , she looks for thu hymn und lie for tbo
In tbo old fashioned orthodox churches
they gut more blasts fiom hell than airs from
Sunday ought to hnvo n fcnoo before nnd
behind it , and then it would bo indeed n day
of rest.
The vain man has this in common with tbo
Aneel Gabriel ho Is good ut blowing his
"When wo hear some people talk wo regret
that the Lord did not provide u man's ears
with shutters.
"When a now minister conies to town ho is
"called. " When ho leaves ho Is often called ,
too , but Just what ho Is called wo decline to
'You're very late In ret timing from
chinch ; yon must huvo had along sermon. "
"O yes , Dr. Sixthly fjnvo us areal ( iltsrourbO
on l'rho Evils of Talking Too Much. "
"O papa , " cried tlio pretty lad ,
As down the rain wns coming :
. "There's surely something very had
About tlio heavens' plumbing. "
"I understand that our minister is to have
n VOUIIK assistant , who must bo unmarried ,
What is the object of the lust clause I"
"Well , that is to ninko thoyounir men jealous
and Induce tiioui to coma to church so as to
keep un eye upon their lady loves.
"Lookout , there I" shoutoil the deacon , o ?
the hired inun pitched clown from the mow
soinothinir loss than a half a ton of hay. "I
don't want to got killed. " "It must bo , then ,
thnt you haven't nn abiding fnith in heaven , "
replied the hired man , sarcastically.
Teacher Jimmy MuGiuuls , tell thoclass
what the Lord's day Is. Jimmy AlcOiunls
I it mi no. Teacher If ntio O'llnre , you tell
Jimmy what it is. Now , Jimmy , listen.
ICntlo O'llaro The Lord's day is the day I
liavo to rush the growler through the side
"CusshV an' swearin1 , my dear breddern ,
am n very had habit , but do use ol ) do word
'damn'wen yo'pot co'n am stopped on ain't '
nceilor ciissln' nor swcaria' , Its Jess human
nature , an' do Lord won't count it against yo'
wen yo' turn comas to apply for admittance
at do golden gate. "
"Now , mndntn , " said the bric-.i-hrac dealer ,
"hero Is nn elegant broiuo vtiso In genuine
repousse work. The nautical scene oa this
side represents Jonah and the whale , " "I
only see the whalo. Where's Jonnhj" "You
note that distension near the tuill" "Yos , "
"Well , that's Jonah. "
During the sermon ho underscored
In the hymnal hero and there a word ,
Then unto her hu gave the hook
She took It with a pratofnl look ,
And rend nt last this tender line : *
1' Loved one. I pray that thou wilt bo minc-
AVilt thou forever my poor life bless i"
She turned nml gently whispered "Yes. "
The meter was bad , but shn understood
That ho had done the best ho could.
A flno collection of water colons on ex
hibition nt IIo < ? ler & Whltmoro'd , 1510
Dodge st.
Dr. Uirncv , nose nnd throat , Ueo bid ; , ' .
She Wanted. Know y' Know ,
A youiifr luily in a far western btato re
cently Bent tlio following inn uiry to sonio
ono in Washington : "Will you inform
mo where the nnvycof | the Unitoil
States is , and how many inou do they
keep there , und what clso do they Jteon
there , und what do they keep tho'in forr
Do the men of war stay Ihora ? ITo\v \
ninny guns , cannons and a\wlla \ do they
kcop there , and wlmt do tlioy keep them
fiii 'y
Ur. Hirnoy , nose and throat , Boo bid ? .
Not at All
A stranger in Now
York wont into a
cheap lodging house for the night , says
the Philadelphia. Times.
The next morning' by eomo chance ho
saw u laryo turtle balonjliir ( to thu res-
tuuriuit in the sniiio building. IIus
the llrst of tlie. o Insects ho had over
peon.His ovcs openeil in iuim7oinoiit.
" \Vcll. If thnt'H tliu alzo of them , no
wontlur I I'ouldu't sloop In thnt boil. "
'Ur. Uli'iioy euros untarrli , Boo bldg
Monday oveulng , after its engagement at
the Omaha guards' "camp tire , " the Mnmlo-
> ino club tendered Mr. and Mrs. Hlall u very
prncflful serenade , which was followed by
delightful i-ofreahincuU.
At tins Aonilomv of the Snored Heart.
The Academy of the Sucred Heart , i'nrk
Pinto , -was last vccktho scene of an cxclttnff
contest In which the lovolutlonary war was
fought over ngnln with patriotic ardor. A
"eencourts" in American history roused the
young ladles of the Intermediate class to
heroic efforts , crowned by gratifying succor.
The grade , for the purposes of the combat ,
was divided into two equal phalanxes , ono
representing the army the other the itnvy ,
heiuled , the one by the cntlicst American Hag
of . the Innd forces , the other by the first sea
Hag ' , both banners painted by ono of tholaules
olol the faculty. The ofllcers of both branches
oln son'ico woi-o appropriate cnsigiila of rank ;
n lieutenant on each sldo held ten counters ,
a so made for the occasion , severally repre
senting the wounded and fallen ; nteneh fail
ure the officer fulillled the painful duty of
rising and cousipnltiR n counter to
the ! funeral urn. When ten combatants
on : ono side were dropped into disgrace , the
other party claimed tlio glory of the defeated.
This 111 chuncc befell the colors of the navy ,
which were triumphantly captured by the
land foices and retained to the close of the
stiugglc. The commit tec of examination nnd
arbitration consisted of Huvo ladles of the
faculty and two member. ) of the ( 'iMiluiUliiK
class. The range of permitted questions covered
the entire ground from the remote causes of
the revolution down to Washington's Inaugu
ration. It embraced dates , facts , lavs , but
tles , speeches , commanders , statesmen , nnd
even incmorablo bon mots nnd literary ex
tracts. ! The great contest lasted over ono
hour and a half , iutcrogutioits and responses
given with great rapidity. The close of the
combut supplied thefollowlng record. Names
representing absences and complete fnlluies
are omitted from this list :
Victors ( That Is young ladles whose record
wns absolutely poifeet ) Misses A. Nash ,
Maguiic , Keani , Scouteti , Norwood , tiiilmi ,
Peck , O'Connor.
Honorable mention Misses Dolnn , Furay ,
Maplo. Lynch , Wright , I'helpa , Gorman.
Attaining crcditiblo averages Misses
Gushing , Cloves , ( Jooitman , liotiscarcn. Lee ,
Smith , Levitt , McNiunnra.
The \ictors drew lots for the prize , which
thus fell to Miss Pearl Scouteti of Onialui.
It was bestowed the following day in the
presence of the whole school and consisted of
a neat combination workbox and writing
desk , bearing In gilt loiters the Inscription ,
"To the Victor in the Revolutionary . "
The "Premier" ' ' .
1'lnyn High I'lvc.
The "Premier" High Five club organised
nt the commencement of the season had its
fourth meeting last Wednesday evening at
Mrs. Andrew Haas' . The "I'rcr.iior'1 meets
every alternate Wednesday , and the congenial
spirit of the members , combined with tbo in
terest attached to the game , makes this party
especially enjoyable. 4 At Mrs. Unas ,
the llrst prize , nn ovodlrcd silver
pin tray , was won by Mrs. Sobetnan
The booby , a silver friendship ring , with 1M > 0
and bcobyhiscribedthoieon.waswonby Mrs.
Polaek ; the llrst prize , an oxodbed cigar cut
ter , won by Max Meyer , and the booby , a
corncob pipe , by MontMoyer. . The mem
bers are Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Calm , Mr. and
Mrs. iMartla Calm. Mr. and Mrs. MaxMejer ,
Mr. and Airs. Moritz Meyer , Mr. ami Jlrs.
Andrew Haas. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex I'olax , Mr.
aril Mrs. S. Katz , Mr. and Mrs. Sobenmn ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Hcyn , Mr. and Airs , E.
Florence Note-4.
Mrs. Dele of Arlington is visiting friend' *
in Florence.
Mr. nnd Airs. Weasa entertained a high
five . party at their home on Wednesday even
ing very pleasantly ,
A largo party of friends surprised AIIss
Eunice Tracy at her homo on Monday even
ing. Charades nnd other pleasant games fur
nished ninusomcat for the evening. All ex
pressed themselves as having enjoyed the
Mw. Alorrisscy and family loft for Denver
on Wednesday where they expect to reside
in future. Their many friends icgret to
know of their departure.
Mr , Chris Nlcman , who lost a pocketboolc
some time ago , bus been fortunate enough to
recover the snmo , but the money is still miss
ing ; checks to the amount of ft5 ! had not
been removed , The poi'ketbook wns round
in the weeds at the rear of the drug store.
3Iovomcnts and Wliorenhmits.
Aliss Alarks of Sioux City is the guest of
AIIss I'olnck.
The Aletropolltan club will give its premiere
party of the season No\ ember S.
Airs. J. P. Johnson gave a very charming
Konsmgton last Friday afternoon.
Aliss Alary Drown gave n delightful hal
lowo'en party Friday evening.
Captain and Airs. Simpson have gene to
housekeeping at 1519 Virginia avenue.
Airs Isanu Hodgson , jr. , has gone to Min
neapolis to spcud the winter with her par
Airs. Ado Brachvogel will return from her
extended visit to Now York some day this
Aliss AInrgarot Williams is the guest of
Mrs. Krncst IJInll during the absence of Air.
Itlnllin Denver.
Dr. and Airs. C. E. Smith have returned
from their wedding tour to fiienils in Chicago
cage and Davenport.
Mrs. Kcgina Atwater sings Dunk's "Ava
Maria" nt St. Philoniena's cathedral Sunday
next , as the offertory.
Air. nnd Airs. 0. .A' , Unmsoy have moved
Into their very pretty residence , Twenty-
fourth and ilownul streets ,
The "Limited club" will bo entertained
tomorrow evening by Mr. nnd Mrs , W. Lvlo
Dicltey , 1115 Soutli Thirty-third street. *
Air. nnd Airs. ICilpatrlck entertained nt
dinner last Sunday Air. and Airs. U AI. Ben-
nutt , Judge and Airs. Savage and Air. Brach-
AIUs Mary Helen Williams , daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. I1. Williams , left for Kdirer-
ton , Wis , . Thursday on : i visit to Lor slbter ,
Mrs. Dr. Lord
layman Hichurdson and family arrived in
Nuw Vorlc from Europe oa Friday , having
had a vciy pleasant voyage across the ocean
on the Umbrhi.
AIUs Wallace , vho has been tbo recipient
of t.o many social eouitesics during her stay
in Omaha , the guest of Aliss Yost , loft for her
homo in Salt Lake City Thursday , accom
panied by AIIss Nash.
Tuesday evening Air. Al Patrick Invited a
few friends to join him in u tally-ho ride , the
guests being Alisses Dandy , Luon Dundv ,
Hoaglund , Laura Ilongland , Airs. Will
He dick , Miss Orchard , Air , Dan Alorgan.
Aliss Frit/.a Barnard gave n delightful In
formal party Wednesday evening , tbo guests
present being Alissos Kmlly Wakcley , Daisy
Donne , Lynn Curtis , Messrs. Stanley Smith' ,
Egbert Keller , Harry Cleaver , Art Gulou ,
Harry Aiooros.
In honor of Air , F. U , Shnrron of Daven
port , In. , a young newspaper man of brilliant
promise , nnd his sister , Aliss Shun-on , Mrs ,
11. C. Cushing gave n pleasant carit party
Monday ovenluir , a few 1'rwnds being invited
to meet Mr. SSImmm.
Thursday evening the Alisbcs Hoaglnnd
gave a very piotty dinner , covers being hud
lor twelve , the guests participating being
Misses Yatcs , Brown , Orchard , Vest and
Monsrs. Hamilton , Will Wyinan , Henry Wy-
man , Saunders , IJarton , Hobort Patrick , John
Air. und Mrs. C. D. Concll gave n very
pleasant cant party last "Wednesday evening
ut their residence , 1M ) North Twontj-llfth
street. The gues > ts were Mr. and Mrs. Slo-
cum , Air , and Airs. Cooley , Dr. and Airs.
( jllnmn , .Mrs , Allies From-h , Dr. nirney and
Mr. nnd Airs. Annowalt.
In honor of Aliss Wallace of Salt Lake
City , Mrs. Joseph IJarUor gavoa very pretty
company Wednesday evening nt her resl-
rarest Hill , between Klghth and
Ninth streets. The guests were Ailsscs
Hoaghunl , Yntes , Broun , Nash , Wallace ,
Yost and Messrs Patrick , A. Smith , Hall ,
Wyinan , Hamilton and Darling.
Hon. Oorgo II , Durand of Flint , Alich. , a
brother of Mrs. J. 1' . Williams of Dinncy
street , KouuUo Place , who lias been visiting
the latter for n week , rammed honi j on Sat
urday last. So Infatuated ia Air. Durand
with Ornaha and nor possibilities that , could
ho dispose of his interests in .Michigan , he
would remove to Omulm and east hU fortunes
with the growing metropolis of the Missouri
Hollow e'en parties was uovcr snore pleas
antly carried out than bv a small party of
young folks invited by the MUwes ( Jrace ,
Clam and Sophia Cleveland at their rosl-
ilonco on Chicago htm't Friday oven-
tn . The cuing \ was spent in muMo
nnd gcnoral merry nmkln ? nnd many
of the Jolics plnyad on ono another
were extremely funn. * . At 13 o'clocK the
gentlemen were blindfolded nnd msda to
choose their partners f6r supper and while
eating no ono WAS nllowdd to sneak n word.
Ono of the gentlemen ino o and acted out a
most eloquent speech , , after which another
proiwscd n toast to tint ladles present , nil In
motions. Those present were the illsses
Lending. Ltouhih NeUoh , Ur.ico , Clara and
Sophia Cleveland , Alfssrs. Lo\vl . Nelson ,
Knlteier , Lcimlng , ClaVblimd imd Singer.
A favorite device Injot-elry among fash-
lonnblo women now id a ribbon tn gold tied In
a bow with the on < Hluted / , enameled or
Jeweled. New bangles have n single largo
pearl strung on n del lento gold wire , orlhreo
or four smaller pearls threaded In the same
way. Jeweled insects nnd bows appear on
others of the same kind , whllo plain gold
bangles are now musslvonnd inoro suggest ho
of their Indian origin than heretofore. The
French style still prevails lu the setting of nil
ornaments , employing the use of many
smaller stones in the setting of largo ones
nnd combining Jewels of moro than ono color
In the same piece. Diamond sot miniature ,
equally ns delicate nnd beautiful ns the ukl
French models and set in frames.
continue to bo worn In pendants and
brooches , Lockets are much used , those In
thin henrt shapes of shell gold or small blos
soms being most admired ,
Dr. llirnoy euros catarrh , Dee bldg.
Friday and Saturday T T KT T Saturday
Kov , 7 nnd 8 , _ _ Matbec ,
T , m\ \
lllii < lrnt-iltir I'rof llemnnnn nml ( iyn. \ Vcrs
crs MiKnmeciitCUMI'A.Nl OK fOMKI > UNS >
The GranteTonight. :
Special eiiKiurviunat tif Ilio rnmous
lIliieUMiiRiiet" .
Colored : : Minstrels.
final Popular l'rleo ,
Monday Evening , Tuesday Evening , Wednesday Evening ,
" " " ) " "
"Patience. , "lolanthe.
t'liarli-sO. lla isclt , .Tn-cph 1'ay. Miss Lonlio Itenndet , Miss Hdlth IMwarcls ,
Win. Mcljiiiifthlln , Cli'tucnt ll.ilnlnldgc , Mlsi LemnuSayilur. MNs tJoiiiell i llal'-et ,
Wnllaee Maciery , J. K. Stlllc , Mlsi I.otla Oilman , jil-sMlnnlu Do Kue.
Chorus of Si > cty Voices
M1WULIAN EDWARDS , Conductor. MR. JOHN 13. NASH , Stage Maimfjor.
LAWLER , Manager.
Corner 1,1th and Farnam Sts. , Omaha.
Our $10 , ooo Importation The Mikado Favorites.
In a programme of novel and daring acts that far excel any
performers ever witnessed. Don't mix this troiip with
the Japanese Burlesque which played last week. This
is a company of talented Japanese artists
of renowned ability :
Ognwnwn , the great juggler. Toyokiko , the boy wonder in
arand and lofty tumbling. Akinioto and Little Suti on the flag
ladder. L.ittle All Highland Obi Sonam on the revolving globes , a
Nnrdges Sisters 3 , from the royal choir , quaint singers from the
Orient. Rolnnd , Jopnnesejester Irom the Mlkndo court. Oya , Jap
anese -water color artist. Maritini , the boy herecules.
American premier ariel artist , -will give outside exhibitions
daily , 1,3 , B and 7 p. m. , and will on Tuesday at 7 p. m. , throw $20
in silver to the crowd below.
hers , Corner Mflconlli nmt noilito. Now cln os i > llt liporuinlzpil tomorrov In all the
rtopnrtiwnts. NotTBtiulciiti canonti'V tofplcmlld nilvunlaxn Anew clnts In short lianil ntnrli .Muniliir
Jsew liii ci Sldiirtny cvi-nlnit In NlKlilSchool In all brnnclioH hlmit lianil taiiKlitby mull two tomuiH fri'o.
llornil f2 per > ro ( > korfi.r tlneu limirviwurl , per chv , ( Ivor''CO KluileiitH Innttpnilniiro .Vowli tlnielo nuikan
atiirt. Kurelencm are Klvvn Kpcclnl nttcntlon. Mnko tliocollriiu urUlt. Write fur circulars and I'li'Kunt
( poclniim of pcnmaii8lili. | Address HnhrboiiKh llrotlicrJ.
A mit ; ; l'lccnt ' display of everything useful and ornamental in the furuituro
, , mukor's nrt utroasonnblo prices.
IT so call andiioxamine our fine line of art aoods , comprising
LocKs. Knobs , Escutcheons nnd Htngos , in all finishes and designs
14O5 Douglas St. , Omaha.
Friday ainf Saturday , Aroi' ' . /
Ktm ,
Presenting the LitestFarco-Comody . Furore ,
Entitled.'I. ' .
The Star of the Coiiieilic-Fianuisc ,
Seat Sale Commences TJiitrstKiy a. in.
This Sunday Evening.
Frank Daniels
In tin * Clout Comedy ,
KIXU'IAlt I'KlfK ?
Cov John P.
1307 Douglas St ,
Sunday Night. Everybody Invited to Hear
This Famous Orator.
"The goods which
please are already
half sold. "
Black Cheviot
Fine Overcoats.
Come early and
take your choice
from the full assort
ment now offered.
Rooms 3 and 4 , Continental lilock.
1420 DonnlaiHtrri't. Ti
We Offer for Sale ,
Cull and MMS u *
From date of tliia paper. "Wishing to introduce our
nnd at tlio sninntlmo extend our bmlness nml nialcoiiewcinloniers ,
woImradccIilttltoumknthiMpirlnloffer , KciidiiinCahlmai'lrttiro ' ,
. , , . . , , . n. . _ . _ / l"1" " " " .l' " " ' " " " " " 1 " " " "f'lliHll , . Mllll lllll IIHUIII-M. JlClCr lllllMV UIl IK 111 I.
Address nil mall to
olloo itf tlio HlttliiK or ( lie CKy Coutf
ull an n Itonrd of i : < | unll > ntluit.
To tln'owiicM of lols unil liuuN nbultltiRiut
r iiiljiicont to ihPHircolt. ulli'j'H or iivoiiupt
Itiiiilcil In wluilo or ( inrtHliiu nny of
nnnii'il :
You and e.icli of you aic hereby nollllcd thnt
I in city council will sit ma Ixnnl of cmiullfii-
lon nt Ilio ollleenf tlio clly clerk In riniiitlim
oinily coitit house , on Thin-day the Oth day
f Xoxcmhci. ifVi , from U o'clock a in. tuft
'clock p , m. , for the purio | o of eitiall | > h.g Ilio
roposcil levy of special taxes and a * o < s-
iionts , nad I'oiH'cthiK any ernirs Ilicteln , and
f lionrlnu all complaint * the owners of
importyo to lie laved and a sessed limy
uikoj mid poolil tuxes nnd assessments bo-
uulevli'd lU'ooitllini lo liiw tit cmer Ilio rust
lid O\IOII-H | of ptiung. curbing , sewer ciin
trnct Inn , damage for eradlni : iiiiilelniiiKcof
rado. and tlio full cost or oiio-linlf-oost of
licrolnaftor stated.
Alley In block 117 , Alley paMiin dlsltlet
N'n. liJ.
IhxenporlsliTr't from Thlrlv-llrst street to
/htrtv-'oeoad uxonuo , lu paving uNlrlcb
So , L'ul.
t'ldeaeo slrcol from Thirtieth street to VO
< -t east ofxosl lln Itlllsldo adil. No. 1 , In
utlnuillstrlct > . 1UV
Tlihlv-tlrst street froni'a stiect to P.iv-
'iiport ' Hled | In pavliijt dlslrlot No. ' .Mil.
I urnimi sheet fiom I.own a\enuo to < inlth
tn'i't. in P.ix Initdlstrlct No. SI' . ' .
T outlet list root from Tenter street to Ma-
onstii'et. In I'avlngdlstrlct No. M.
1'rani'ls street from Thirty-second nxcnito to
! ci'd stieet , In I'ax'lni ? dhtrlol No LTI
Smith street from I'aik street to llnrton
tioot In mix hit-district No. SK.
Heed strict frtini I'ark street to Uuttou
street In pmliiKdistrict No.'JTJ.
1'aelllestH'et from Tuviitv-alnlli avriuip to
ridilv.eeimd stieel la pulnedUlrli-l No ' .Nt.
Thirtietha\onue friini I'oppieton numno to
MIIHOII itrecl liipiivliitf ills ! t lot .No.-NX
Tlilrly-llr < t wtiuot fixnii I'onplotim IIMMIIIO to
wllloHtri'Ot tnpii\liiK ilMrli't Nn ' NII ,
> \iHHorlli \ | luoniio from Tnenly ninth
stiool lo T ontjninth au-miu In pu\liiiill' "
trlot No. .N : .
llli'lfiirv stroi't from T\\on-nlnth ! slroot torn
r\n > nt-iilnlh u\oimolu p.ix InKtlMiK-t , No.
'I'wonljthird 'street from ( 'inning xtiotto
illi < y smith of Unit sued In pining dlslrlel
No. S.VJ.
ri'iiiuvo. '
linvoiipoil street fnmi Thlrty-llrst slice ! to
I'hltty-si'eom ! a\enno In paxhix dlstilct No.
Thlily-llitt street from ratsslieetto H.iv-
.inpoititivd In pu > Intf dlslrli't Nil. aid ,
liulksttei't from Tlilrlli'tliilicH to 1'hlrty-
tlilulIreel In pix liitfilNlrli'l No.STl > .
I'acllle stieet from T cnt v-nliilli uirtiuo to
"lilrtj-si'coMd stieel In pavhiKdlitrlet No i.Xl.
Tlilrtlotliaxcnue friini I'opplelnii nu'ntio to
MiiMinstrei'l InpavliiK district No "x\
Thlilv-llftt slieel fiom I'ojiph'ton nvoiino
to I'ai'llle stieel In puvlnu dMrli'l No ' 'vl. (
Welmlor sited from Tw cut j-teeoiid street
tnTui'iity-dilnl stieel In paving dNtrletNo ,
Twenty ocond ttK > et fi-oni failfoi ma ilieot
tiiCii.iiliiKitrepl In paving dlslrli'l No. ! Si | .
rr\si'iity-llilr < l slicL'l rintii Capllol avenue to
liiniliin slii'ut lii iii\lnj'dlslilcl ) No V .
l.neiisl slteet fiinn Tlilrlei'titli.Irecl to
liernian mi'iuio la pivln district Nn , , ' 77.
( IIIAlll.Nd.
Allev In Mocks S and II , siilidlvislon 5. Cniil-
tel aildllloiii 1'liliiy-sccoail Htreel fiom I'n-
clll'1 streel \Vonlwoith axeniie , I'.iclllo
strei'l from Tlilrly-llist sliect toalle ) west of
Tlilrty-thlid sheet ; Tlilrlli'th aMMiue fiom
I'.iclllc Htreet lo 1'uppleton aM'iiuu ) dHtilet
( ) . 10.
Tttetity-iriiillislrnct friini JaeKsonslrei't t < i
Half llduuid stunt ; Jackson Hticet from
Tnontx-oliililh hliiel lo Tneiily-nlatliimi
line ; illstrli'l No , II.
Tweiity-slMli slicet fiom IlndRo itrect tn
f'.iss street ; Oiiillnl avenue fuini Tui'iilv
sixth-.lied to Twenly-soventh avenue. ; tils-
trlrt .V > . li
Mauilcr-iin Ntiee ) from Slicntum aveniu' to
Tiveiily-finii t list red ; l' street fiom
. lioiinaii aveiiuu to Tnutity-fniirlli Htreitt ,
district No. ir > .
Martha stici'l from Sltleeiith street to
Tttentlctlistici't ; lllcKnrv stieet from I'nur
Iceatlistiuet to M.Uuenth htront ; district No.
Dodije street fnin Lee avcnuu to Holt
Diidgu .street from Orox-ostrout tn !
Ithilnu. street frm. i Tenth stiuot to Tlilr-
l , lkstri'L t from Tlilrtlotli .stieot to Thlily-
tliliMl MriM'l.
Thirly-tlilril street fiom l.akiiHtreut to Ma-
Instltiitnhntiluvard fiom Iliiinllton street lo
Nol on street.
Nulsnii slUM't Inini lastltuto hoiiluvaul In
St. Marv's axcaiio from Twuiity-sUthj-lieet
to Twcaty-s.o\ealh struct.
Connections In ( listrids .VI. ( no and 111.
Suxxi-r dl-itrlct No. ID" ,
Seucr district No ! III. '
Sexxcrdistrict No. Ml.
Hoxxor < llstrlot Nn , 115.
Ho\\er district No IKI.
DAMAni : KOII ( lllMINl.
Nelson ttroet fnnii Instltntci honlex-.ird In
l.ovxii iiM'iiue.
Ninth strcot from llloUory Htroot to Diiru is
Ml reel.
St. Marj'snviMitui from Tivciity-sl\tli street
Illnlnit si red frnin Tenlli street to llilr-
tiM'iilh stiiijl.
( tarllehsfieot fitim Picasmt stivet to livvia
r.lnlitoenth Mrort frnm licax-i-iixvinth street
to 4011 fcutsontli of Alasnn street.
Anil he It f u it her rusiduid. Tlial tin * city
durk tflvo nollei- , ' sneh sltlliii ; at least six
ihiyspi lei theietoln tlneu dully jiapursof thu
And ho It fnrlhiT ivsolvi'il , That miloss for
Koodiiiiilhiilllclunt ciiusu U may huntliiTivlsu
ordered unit di'tormlneil. tliatsald eint , orpnrl
ot cint be HO usse.ssid pro inta , noeonllnij H
In font frontauo upon all the lots and leal p.
rstulu In said districts icspeetlvoly , adjacent
to or iil-nttliiK tholliienf H'lld liiipinx'uincnls ,
iiccorilhiK to Ilio usual KL'alliii haulc process
as licrotoforo adopted and folloxvcil by uald
council. In thpimscssincul of special taxes tn
cover the cost of said work lo-ult ;
Olio-third of .said pro rat a cost nnnn tlin
nnn-slxtlipirloC : Ilinxholo ainoiintof around
lo hiMissi'sst'd. llrsl aliutthu upon thoslrccl
line alonirsald linmoxunii'iits.
Oni.-lirih part of such pro rata cost upon
the M-cond one-sixth nari of thcxvholn amount
nf staid ground adjnlnlni ; thnrntn.
OIK-sixth pirt of Hiicli pro inta cost upon
the third one-sixth part of HID xvhnlo amount
of said Kioiluil next iidjaeeal.
And t iiruo-tenIhs of said pie rata cost IIDOII
Ilio adjacent or leiiinlnlii 'onu-lialf nail nl
IlievhoUinf sild iioiinil. ;
Von and eai'lmf you are heri'hy not tiled tn
appear before Mild hnaidnf ciimllztitlon. | at
tlio tniui and nlaco nhovu spui'llliil to iniiKu
any complaint , siatunnml , or ohjielloii you
may iliMtrn ( rineernlnK said nroposcd luvy and
assessment of muclal tnxuH.
, loiiN UIIOVUH , Oily Clrrli ,
OMAHAOct.L"J , in ) ) , octi diil
Our nmvhtjlo Illfuoal Spodiielos uad 1-yo
Olasses. Espi-ol.illy snltiihlo for
5Ion , Tunuliurk und I'nhlluSiioakuis.
fcllH'K f-l'll'C
tlOUHMJIll lO I'll illlllll n
ontsldo of t'lty.
Spectacles flllod ncouratoly. I'ersiinial .ittun-
tloa lo tMi.stomuri > .
N. M , Ruddy , Practical Optician ,
Dr. F. C , Werner's
Are highly rocommondcil after seven
ycnrs of suucussful cxpcrlcncu by tlio
Kopp , Dreibus&Co. ,
1 1 06 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
< > d ovorywhoiv , Co jioi * pucKiio | ,
Hond for Htunnlcri.
G. A. LinclqucsL
Merchant : - : Tailoring
Inislni Main ) Invites lilH old filemls und pit *
runs , an we'll as iho ui'fior.ii ' pulillto ivill iiad
InspeoililH now HluukVif Inipoitud I'll < liiinc"tlO
woolons. Kuir.vlhln