Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1890, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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do taken until 12..IO p. in. , fur ( tie arming
* dlllonnnd until 8m ; : p. m. , ( or ih morulnit
Klltlou od BUNIHV HUB
rj'EHM - Cash In adranco.
T > ATF. ? AdYertlirTncntion thl p ( te will tw
JLlchnrired ( or Rt tlio rate of 1H cent p r word
fortho llrst ln rtlon ntxl 1 cent per word for
each nuhscriucnt I inert Ion. uncl II.W per line
par month. No advertisement tnken ( or
I CM than 21 cents for tlui lint Insertion ,
I MTU 1.9 , figures , symbols , eto. , count nch
ni ono word ,
rfllirati ndvertlnomcnts must run eonsccii-
JL lively nnd under no circumstances will
they lw tula'n or discontinued by tclepliuno.
TJAKTIES advertising In tlie , colutnni nnd
JL having thnlr nimweri nddressod to a "nttm-
birtd Icttnr" Incnru of TUB Her will rcciilru
a numhorcil cluck tommblu thnmto pel their
letters. Answers will ho delivered onlynii
prcsontntlon of thlschcrlf. Knoloso tins wen
In onvelopn properly addressed ,
advertisements under tlio licnd nf
ALL Notices" nro published In liotli t in
mnrnliiK nnd e-venlnz edition * of 'lllK llr.B. tlin
circulation of which nucrognte * innru thi
20,000 pipen dnlly , und Hives the advertise ; ?
tlio benefit not only of the lurisn circulation of
/UK llr > : In Omalnt , but also In Council IllufU ,
Lincoln and other cltlcn mill town * In tlia wont
Advertising fnr tliesn column * will tie taken
on the nbOYp conditions , tit tlio followlr busl-
apss houses wlio are authorized totnkespeclnl
riotli'jx. iitlho iiuiio rates us can had at the
i ( illleo.
SOUTH Htrcot , Lister llloclt.
JOHN W HELL , I'lnirmiicist , 820 South Tenth
HASH A EDDY , Htntlonor * and PrlnUrs ,
113 South ICth street.
_ _
SII "f AKNSWOKTII , I'uunnaolit , 2115Oum-
Ing Htrcut.
J. HUailES , I'hnrmaclit , G2I North 16th
g treat.
EO W I1 ARIl , rhnrmuclJt , 1718 Le.ven-
TrUOIIES' t'HAHJIACY. 21th nml Fnnmtn.
Iorroltt , ( tttte l i > nf fart mltunnon Ihl * JKIO ,
"l\rANTii-Sltuiitlon-e\porleneotl : ) trust-
* oi thv business nun : needs work , otllco
orstoie. Will ncd'titiiiivlliliiK Hint piomlscs
. idviiiieemciit. ( ! oed refciencu V.r > , Hcxi. 4)1- ) " *
irANTlID 1'osltlon ns cashier ornsslst'int
i loolikceper ; good referencca V ( ! . ilee.
" \\7 ANTI'.D Situation In dressmaking ost'ili-
' INhmiMit hv yoiine lady , to leaiii the
tr.iili ? full atTrcmoiitliousf. SOI N. Ifllli it.
\ \ 7 ANTIH ) I'osJtlon In dressmaking estnh-
' ' IMiment by experienced scaiiistioss. Ad-
. . . . SSSTO , Ilee ntllce. -118-2 *
SriTATION wanted by a Ooinmii ladv to
- isslsl In thii household ; low wages. Ad
dress I , . K , , lleo olllce , Council BlnlN.
! iCO 1 *
1" > V 'i young woman who 1ms worked In Ilist-
> clnss Huston families , diessmuklng ami
sewln , ' bv the d.iy , or would tul.ouolU hoiiie.
Terms modelulc , Address s I * ' . , Hoc. "s'i-2 *
"l\rA\TI'l--lly a reliable youiu man. posl-
' ' lion hi olllce as us-lstnnt bookkeeper , erIn
In do cle ill-ill work ; good icfcreiico given. Ad-
ilrcfMH 0.1 lice. : M 2 *
" \\T\NTiD , : Position ns coat .man by col-
IT oied man , cond Omnhu teferenees , , ' )
iearsevpcrlonCo In Omaha. Addiess S .11 , lleo.
, tic. . Mr tuyof frvl roltitnn ouf/ih jmoe.
WANTI'D W ) mpii on Monday inoiiilni ! on
1' . I' . 1C. It. , South Onmhn lUipot ; WIICUM
81. .10 per dny , prompt \MoUly uaynionts. I'oic-
inan will tnko inun to nolle. 413-2 *
AN iilderly ccntlciiian wanted for n ponnn-
ncnt position , former elty business man
preferred ! * \\eoklv ! silnry. fall after 10
'liii-siliiy. A. N. Shldelcr. 12 Uiolghton block.
_ _ _ _ , _ i ? ! * _ .
WANTED AitciilHtn poll the latest nouil-
tles In biitton-holo bounnots. Two dis
tinct a.itiiplesund paitlculaia lOcta. M Krnst ,
( lloveland , O , 4.CI5
AYOJ'R own business at home. I'lcaxuut.
1'iofltalilc. Nocnpltal. Wrltp fnrlnstruc-
tlons. Homo Chemical Co. , KlTi N. La/olio st. .
( 'olumbiia , O.
" \\TANTLD An nnol otto ynuiiR ninli to
TT maiiiuio nn olllee. Mint furnish ii > fcr-
to ) ' < no cash. Snlary 11,000 per
nnnuin and Interest In business , lint 401 , Ut ,
Mo. 401)-'J ) *
WANTIID A Hti'iior.iiher : a ynuiiRiu nn
who know H bometlilnR of bookkeoplnB.
H7I. llounlllcu. 4a-j ) *
_ _
AOHNTriJltollU jicrday colleotlns small
plelnres for us to ropy and onlnrco. Sat
isfaction irnaritnti'ed nnd nfl nut tit free. A.
lliiiinn v'cL'ii. , M ! Kendo St. , > uw Yoik. 40.VS . *
WA NTnn-Cicntloiiinn of tact anil ublllfy
us local agent to leprosont and Intro-
diico aiiinnu bankers ami flnuiicliil mini ,
( .tnnd.ird semi-monthly banklni ; puhllcntlon ,
A llhmal commission which lll prove ruiim-
nornllvc , AiUlruss T. 11. I'alon , 03 Pine St. ,
Now Vork. 40lli *
WAN'rni ) Salesman on salary or commls-
idoii to bundle the. now patent chemical
InkioruslnR pencil. Tlin Ktoatnst sollliiK nov
elty over piiHliici'd , Ilrascs Ink thoroiiRhly
In two seconds ; no abr.islun of paper. UK ) to
MO percent pro lit. Onaapvnrs salusjunoiinted
tiifll.V In six days ; nnotlicr E ! In two hours.
\W want nno enorRetlo Runurul tiKont for each
htiitiiiinil teirltory. S.unplo by mull ILVts.
1'or | ci ms nml full particulars , addres.s Tlio
Monioo Tr.iser Mfg. Co. La 0 rosso , WIs. 400-1 *
\\'ANTii-A : piano plajor ( man ) . Call 103
> > Noithoth. M ar.-i : *
WANTKO A man who understands run
ning a btcain boiler , la a residence , "all
IPS N.utli. Mi73-i : :
' \ \ TANTRD-A good moivt cutter nnd nil
T T iiiiiiiil iiinii In shop ; i nil out. Olio IH
Mildly sqhur. Oullnt 07 Main st , , Uounoll
lllulN , In.Vulltcr k Strong. : iai-t :
) Talented amateurs for spcolal
perforniiincv. Now play , society ( Ir.iiiin.
Address S.V ) lleo. M : )7i2 ) > *
\\7A NTKII-A llrst-elass milker at Ames
> ave. north otdoaf and dumb Instltulo. .1.
TX7AM'nn-rii-stcluss tiiinor for Ruwllns ,
' \ \ yo , ; steady job and Rood wages. Apply
lo Hector & Wllliolmy Co. . city. .Tltl 2
M11N or women wanting work , or persons
needing help of any kind , city or country ,
can always bo supplied at Keith's olllce , 318 ! }
h. st , Satlsfaction guaiuntccd.
\yANTii-Toii : first class brloklayers at
I olumbus. Neb. , at once , wages 40 cents
per hour. Imiulruon the grounds. ; gi-2J
\\fANTEl ) A coed wacoiimaker at Mill-
T T doon s Nhop , 1011 Oiimlng nt. ICEl-S *
, 'p-Iiuiiieillately. young man to re-
conn Instruetlon unil keep books ; one
lady wanted. J , It. Smith , WO Now York Llfo.
170X1 *
\VANTIHi-Mon with peed reference nt
Metropolitan MfK' Co. , 100U Howard it.
I l.D I'lrst olavs hteam litters can find
omplovment In Chicago. Steadv work.
\t \ hours. Apply at once. M.2iV14 *
ANYASSKltS Wanted-Correspondonco s-n-
United with coniprtontcnn\iiHsers to > .ull
im per elothiiig. Hood WHCCS can bo earned ,
\Vrlto I'apor Clothing Co , fort Huron. Mich ,
"IVANI'KU Mcn und women of ubllltv In
every elty , town nnd xlllngo to act as
agents for tlio Ladles' Homo Journal , Wr
wunt thu best obtainable cluss of agents , und
toHiich uuitsuul term * , will Too olTerod. Tin
Journal Is the liniuboiiicst perlixllcal for In
dies ami tlio family e\cr und hus neuis
Ivh-ilfn million bttbscrlhers. H will be ad-
verlKod the coming niitiimn nnd winter oiui
LiruurM-alo than xcr twfore , creattiiK a ile-
iiinnd that ngcuts should bo ready to fill.
Curtis I'liblUhlngCo , , I'hlludolnhln. Mls3l )
WANTEl ) 200 luborera for.Mimo and KI tuli
work. Apply to 1' . II. Johnson , Unloi
passenger deKt | , Omalm. 87U
"IXfANTEl ) At once , sovorul good city can
TT vaksurs. 1516 Douglas t. ri75n2l
WANTED Audits wanted throughout Ne
bruiku. Send stamp for reply. Jos. I1
Mfgeuth. Oiiiuhii. 77-
\\rANTlill A liveenergetic nurlv tnuverj
" l idnco to Int nxl nee our RixxlsYolinvai
now line that will hell nt uu < ry liouso nm
imcnts can roiin a harvest between now nm
the holiday * , will pay n Kalary nt T3 pe
iiiontli If preferred and furnish u team fiee
Address at once , btaudurd bllverwuro Co.
lliMton Muss. M KR-l ) is *
TV rANTEl ) Men totrii el for our Canudl.ii
iiuriurlcs. ytoncXWelllnRtcm.Mudlson. Wl
ttc toji'jrtt fotiumi otifhlt
* 1fll7"ANTKI ) Lniindresa for hotel : womuno
Ti S.1 to earn for child and triuel ; nix tli >
oliut'ookn ; bext wane * . Kmp. Aier
UullitliiF , IClIi uud UodgH , 477-2'
furnit > , tie , , f ) ji of frtt fofiimn on WiU l i Jt
WANTED Lady to control Milcnf nrnn-
inentnl blid * . butterflies , etc. , forliat * .
lionncts ; nlso for ( loeoratliu rarlnr , etc. , and
itber novelties. International Millinery Co ,
t'letoliiml , O , VUft
Y\7ANTKl-Olrl to dra general housework.
Dane or flcrinan iiruferred , ails Capitol
live. 414-.I *
' ti7 7TcooijuTilitlLocust cnTi
WANTi'ii > * HI.
> Hiindny nnd Monday. ! ts'-2
" \\r\NTI.H-A good fiiTViint girl , flood
wages paid. ' .MIC. Kintiii'tt < t. MJlVWl ,
\\rANTKIi- Voting lady wll h first I'lnM rcf-
> > ercnci ) and MIIIIO eVjierlem o ns a. cashier
lniillro | The V'ulr. J L , Hriindo s . ' ; Hoim Utl-8
WILL pay Indlesa Mainry of flu pei week
to woitt fif inn In their localltv at honie.
light wijrk.good fay for.nut time , wrltowltli
( ttuiiii ) . .Mrs. II. if. ruriliigtoii. l > o\7i _ Chlciigo
trim ted to , ollolt ordets from the
ALAIIY for \V Illlanis' gummed loiters and
other Hpecliiltles. ( , with n'fi < ienec4 ,
to Tablet A. Ticket Co , t7 * nnd 80 I'riiiklln sli ,
Chicago M 22 *
/ < IHL for gencial liouHowurK. 721 S. nth.
( RIGHT younc Inily uuntod to
_ _ C ' Berlbers foitlio Oiuiilin I'xeelsior ; W ) per
eent conualsslon. Aiily ) | IHSliitli st , Mll3 _ _
" \ArANTED-Olrl for gi'iinrnl housework.
Mis. U W. lAiomls , 10U S.iUtli ave. ! I.Vi
rilllE Now Hmp. Agcy , built building , Ifith
L and DodKo. licfcienccYoinoin CbiNtlnn
ussnelutloil , 4ls-'J *
iiurt , . 2 SI. Murv'Ha\c.
Keir nttm , etr , , M ton of column oil Ilia
nnd colts fid ; tuid cared fovn
the uliit-r. Ciirii , oit.- : ) , out focil and
utr.iw. . Stoolf can also run at Inrso and fcid
on 100 acres nf porn stnllssi ulpnty of watci ,
slahlo-tind KK | I riMiin. U inllosKitiitli of South
Oiii.ihn.'J inllvH north of ( lllmoio , < has. Chillis'
fiiiin , west slilu of U. I' , tiueks , 1'rli'i'sll and
$5 pur month. Oco. 0. OantMt7T : - " *
winter * 7 with
and JTiwilliout : KOIM ! ciuo will botnl.i'ii
of them ut ColTniiiii I'.irk fiirni. Ijoavc horses
with N.i : . Dlllrance , stable 411 y. 17th st , TU-
ophono Ml. M b'-Ti
1.I)1ES1'B ( wlntored . 'it Omaliii fair Kiniunls.
1 I can ulntorW ) horscH , oiuh hoiso luisa
lur \jiutn linxalull , feed all the urnlii the
owner wauls , luijfo i'uiils for uxuiulso In llnu
weather. A , 1'hotnson. M'Jfll N'Jii
/ " < /r / ioci > , elf , , M ( up ( iflnl rnlumn nn llili
" '
-L' rooms , ivldi modem c'uiivoiilcni'es. liuiulrc
a/l l > ouulim st , 41i ( M *
10-nmia Inluk tesl-
- deni'e , ntcxtiMiriduavn. ) will rout until May
1 for i ; rent duo from Nuv , 1. This Is ,1 snip.
IJcnuIson llios. l.'s-n *
poll un.NT At tt07 ! I'urniiiit st. . a. 0-rooin
-L1 lioiisii , ullh iiimlcin himioM'iiu.'nt * and la-
| > . _ , . . _ . At --li.'l Inrnuiii at. , _ -room
cottime , with oltvMILT ( and In gnoct
1 niiilic | of W. U.'Doiuiu , 5i : > N. V. Llfo Midi ; .
_ _ _
"IT1OII UHNTNico desirable Woinn cotta''e ,
JL1 with or without barn , at 010 S. lth ! ) st. In-
qillio 808 , ; ail-3 *
T71OK KHXT .1-ioom house , \oryehoip , I'M
JU S. u'lst , between Ceaturand Dorcas sts.
"fjlOlt ItHNT 8-rnotu liouso : iill modern Im-
* ' | ) io\oincnts. IDS bnuthi'itliiiVLMiiio U'twii'ii
Kiirnuni and Uoilgo itioctH ! JIVIM ) ; host local
ity In city : convcnlont to business. i\Il"0-7' \
COSY , ooiiM'iilcnt cottiuro , nlcn yard , motor
two blocks. ( UI , tor. Xith und Juokson.
iiq-i4 *
1UNT AS-rooni house , L'lst nnd Chai-
Inqulro ut L'OH Cliurlosst. aj.M *
H OITHI' for rent ; ten rooms , modern con-
vnnlonro , ( CM &o. IHI h st. ! ! 48-a *
jiOU KENT 00 ( ! Mnson , I ) rooms , every con-
- voiilcnco , newly deeorutod , flist-ulaKs
lulchborhood , near cirs. Low lent to deslr-
iiblo tenant. lniiilio | : > 010 Mason. M-3r *
TTlOll KENT- Rood B-room house , elty
-L' water , south front lotncnr I/alio anil Phor-
nun a\o , : ut expiration of : i years \\1I1 glvo
Wn Warrnnty ( Ued.sutiject to morteage. Look
Jdsnp. C. 17Klm\Yw8Shcoley : blk. : ta )
Foil RENT 8 loom liouso , all modern Ini-
provcnicnts. KJitiOhlcnBo St. , JI1.U7. Itlng-
iv.ilt llros , . llail.-er block , SU
" 1T1OIJ URNT iieKant"2-tloor : house , nil tnod-
Jorn ImprovemcnU.corncrainl and Chlcngo.
Apply at 1J01) ) Farnam st. Ill'J S
THOU HiNT : Slv Rnmll bilck dwelllns
XMiouses near 1'ltli ' and r.euvt'nworth ut JI.
icr month. Thomas & Hoche , 'JKi Now York
'IAWO8 andl ) room houses , modern Impni\e-
L inents , cheap , t * > nnd * > " . ' per month , wnll
ocatcd. AI. M. Mui liiili , Uooin irjr , N. y. lfe. |
HOUSR for rent , ut - < ! 21 1'icrco street , con
venient to depot. 'lco eottauo. Iiuinlic
) f T. J. Lowry. 200-
"I71OH RENT 7-room oottagp , convcnlont tc
J. wholesale district and business. Apoly
' ' , la. )
"ITIOU 11KXT 8-rooni modern house with nice
J- ' barn , 1T04 N L'lst ; also 8-ioom linuso and
nice barn , SWl Miami , by Cruin Bishop , 1154 ,
Hoard of Trade. I'M
TT1OI ? n'EJilV-Vurnlshed hoiiso.SOZ ! St. Marys
J-1 ave. ICC S *
" 171OH KENT Low to gno't tenant , desirable
-L1 ( J-riKim cnttnKC , No. 1U14 b. S4lli st. Apply
room G , l'J05 I'ariKiin at. KVl 2
lilOK KENT 3 8-room houses at 2fi2 iimia
-1. Cnldwell st , nicely papered , hnvIiiR mod
ern conveniences nnd li.irns ; torellahln par
ties until siirlns J25 per month. J , 11. Johnson
.11111'uxton block. 670
pOR RENT Siven-room cottnee. cor. IStl
live , und Cup. a.Mi.Inquire 201H Uoilgo. M-IXK
POR RENT 5-room house. 112 S. 2.sih st ,
era Nil *
BKSIRAHLT : ilwiilllni ; * all jiarU of the city
Smcaton Sc Allen , Itxr ? Kurnnin st. K3-nU
"ITIOU RENT An 8 room liouso witli all mod-
Jern ImprovcmontH , heated liy lint water
I'lil H lHli st. 4 blockrt onstof Ilanscom I'ark
Kmiulro 403 lieo ImiMliiK. 441
TT1OR HKST lloiise.a rooms , peed laundry
JJ llupilro Kobt. l'urvls,24tli i St. Jlary's ave
[ F YOU wish to rout u house orntore. see II
E. Cole , Continental block. 8X1
FOR KENT To rosponslblo parties only
those line now brick and slono houses 61
Georgia nvnnuo ; fifteen rooms nnrt alcoves
morn conveniences and bntter finished that
nny house for runt In the city. U. 11. Homier
son. 4UO I'axton block , city. AMI
- ou o with bnrn ; nominal rent.
I V , Harrison , 911 N. V. Llfo. 879
FOR UF.NT ' ) room house , all modern eon
vcnlonees , IncludliiKii Kood stable. Caplto
iivcniie. noiir the lilith M.'liooli rent niodoratu
I ) . J. O'Uonahoc , 10)1 ) Kariiam st , 0(11 (
S EVrN-rooni lionso , ISth nnd Vlnton , $16. J
II. Johnson , 51 ! ) I'.ixtou block. GRO
FLATS , htenti heated. 7t > JS. ICth. The ? . I1
linll. lilt I'axton blk. fxS.H
I OR UKNT 7-room eottases. Hath and al
modern conveniences , leadylnfuw days
0. S. r.lRiittoi. 407 i'lrst Nnt'l b.vnk. MJ
for tatt * , ttr. , fee fop nf fnt column on Ihtr
LARGEfurnlnhed front room , modern con
M'nlences , suitable for two men or ma
and wife. KM P. 17lh. 4402 *
N'lOELY furnished room with heat , W pn
mouth. 400 Williams .slrcm , near iimo
ilopot. 4JO
O rilONT rooms , slnzlo or ca suite , ball
J I'.irk ave. Address S 07 , lleo , 410-21
S . . . . . . . heated front rooms , ;
ot bulb ; 17H Nicholas .st. 40H-1'
iAWO neatly furnished , miniiy riMms ; rci
L reasonable , 1312 Uass , fncltiK park. 4.1J- :
: front room for rent. lOCI Doduc/
"IjlURNlfllKD rooms , all conveniences ; rei
JU cheap. 2220 Hurt. 424-J *
1 > ARLOR anil Ixxl nxini for twn gcntlemci
bteiim heat , gin , bath. U17 ! { S , lUth.
ROOMS for contlomenj steam heat , jja
bath. UI7J4 South 13th. * 40TI-6 *
FOR UflNT To one or'two centlonicn. he (
room and sitting room , nlct'ly furnlsliei
which will suit In ull paitloulais. Hoard
desired. iiMCrurnain st. 417 a *
TTUUNISHKDor uufunihhed rooms , stun :
JU heat , 315 Douglas. way
TJIRONT room , modern convenloncos. 021
JU S. lUth. 'J 0 3 *
" 171(71 ItKNT I'lensaut furnished south root
-L1 modern conveniences , 2015 Douglas.I1U84
I1U84 *
FURNISHED roam , 1UOQ I'tunam. ut Ki pi
mouth. xa 2
poll IIIJNT-HOOSI8 I'UllMHIini ) .
J'lir nilM , tie. , rtt lii > n ) Ant fnliimii on tlilt | * ii/c.
IM.KASANT south front room , 3112
. rooms ; 2 sleeping rooms : lioat
KUS niKlbii th. yi C'lilcago st. -i : *
i AN
ALARUP. sontli front room cheap. 4ilS < nith
2M si.
IjlOR unNT-ruriiNlicd rooms , fin * , bath
.E iiiidfnrnacu boat , opposite the Merrlnm ,
111) ) r1. 2.illl M. 24.V2 *
Y furnished room , 1K touithi ) < i.
M a.-9-i *
jilOlt lliNT"T : o nleely furalHhcd front
J rooms. HUD DiiU'iipnrt Mt. 207
_ _
iriUHNlMIKI ) rooms for lent wl\h \ all modern
U conveniences. a ) llarney. -12 ! l *
irioll HUNT L'Uk'P south loom ; newly fur-
JJ nWied,2Hlouitra ) . M IWWI *
IjlOU UKXT runilshed rooms , 1WH Capitol
1 ti\c. MI01 10-
VTKWIjY furnished rooms , hteam heat. ( ? ii8 ,
i > bath. 711 H. Kith St. , 3d lloor. 111)2 ) *
DKSlUAIILi : looms for three or four gcntli'-
inen. private slttlni ; room Jncludcd. 1TOI
tiupllol ate. ' 411
L1OR UKNT furnished rooms ; gas.bnlhand
J-1 .steam , IM ! ) Howard. bTl
rp\VO nlesly furnlsheil looms , slmslc or en
L suite , ( -us and bath ; terms ivasomiblc.
K2 l.on veil wet Hi. RHij-4 *
_ _
| (1OR UKNT-rimilshrd rooi'ns Iti J
Tor mica , ere. , ere tup nfflivt ro'iiimioii t/ifs /
riU ) liniidsomely furnished rnotnriwlth e\-
1 ( client Ixiard. sultablu for four gentlemen ,
All modern coincidences ; private family ;
Hist class In eveiy respect ; Iciius icasonablc ,
Addiess Y4. Itcc. 4 l.S-2 *
HANDSOMIILV furnlshwl Inrge , warm
loom , with satisfactory boartliind pleas.-
ant homo ; moileiuc ( > ii\cnfciicc ! > . "I'M llninoy.
M 2M-1 *
00Mb and bouiil. 201 S. SHU ave.
ave.4SIS *
Fl'RNI3lirl ) moms and bin id ; modern
house ; best location la city. U20 ! ; o. UMIi st.
4 i I
SOl'Tll room and boai-d for oiioor two gun-
tlcmcn , fm mice , bulb and gas ; home com
forts nnd prl\Ileires ; terms ronsonablo ; clo o
to r'arnam motor line. 27U Halt-HowHrd st ,
FOR good board , nlco rooms , modern con
veniences , rates and loc-itlon , thn I'lillmun
house , lllll ) lotlgo t. . cannot Iw excelled.
J M 2oJ N ! > > *
_ _
SUITE of front rooms on thlid Hour sultablo
for four gentlemen , with excellent , boaid ,
Terms rca.sonable , lli : S 2Utli st. S22-2J
FIRST class board and room J3 per week
2ill ) llnrncy. 2I II
VTi\VLY : furulslied rooms , sluttln or en suite ,
-l- > with boiiiil , hent , KIIS mid biith,208 and 212
N. 17th , opposite now pObtollleoMto tti'i N22 *
oiTmNT : uooTiTs7\\itiiioaii. irjs nodgo
.st. 018
ST. OLA I HKinopoan hotelwith ( Ilnlnir room ,
steam heat In ull looms , tilth und Dodge.
Special rHtos bv week or month , 875
lVj rofrt , tic. , tee to ) > ot Jint codniiu IMI f/it page.
FOR \ery comfortable ) winter homes sco
those : i-i ooni Hats. b.V. . Cor. 21st and Nlch-
olussts. Newly pajioied , city water ami se -
ernKe. I' lloor , r.l ; second lloor , is. Butts
ItcntliiK AROiiuy , ' . .tl a. l.'it h st. 3 , ' : i Nh *
FOU HKNT Sitltn of 4 unfurnished rooms
for hotisokcuplnir , to family without
chlldien. 170J Webster Ht. J1IJ
11'- ( " : - - ' ! ? ' " ' ' "ff' cnliimn nn Hit * pay.
tmNnR store nml basement of brick build-
IIIK. corner of N und 27th St. , boulh Omiihn ,
nowoceuplcd by Diovei-s" Journal. Jlis. llreirn ,
ai4'J S. 11th , Omaha. ' ' 1SJ 2 *
LOOK tlKRH Winter Is coming , tl.ero aie a
few peed offices for rent In tlio Uiinigu
lildV , with tlrst class hetttln ) ; and best of olc-
vutor services. liuiulre 1'rauk J. lliimce.
STOlirSat70'1 S 10th , 20\i/l cnch , larcoRhow
wlndowH , steam huat fuvnlshed. Tlios. r.
Hull , illlI'axton block. i bC
FOU unNT-Tho 4-story brick bulldlmr.wlth
or without power , foimcrly occupied by the
IIco Publishing Co. . 010 Fiiriiam st. , The build-
IIIB has a flro-proof CPiiiontba3ementcoinpleto
strum heatlni ; fixtures , watot on all tlioilloors ,
KUS. eto. Apnly nt the onieoTof Tlio Hoc ; 915
For inter , etc. , see ( up offiivt coIiimrMM ( /
TTlbu RENT Hrlck wnrehoiiso. two stories
J-1 and basement , 27,000 square foot , with 10)
feet of double truck on U. 1' . rfillway , south
LMth nnd Pierce sticets. Address U Oskamp ,
Omaha , Neb , b'JO
RENT Hrlck waitihouse , tno-storles
- - nigh ; basement ; JiydraullQ.olovator ; traek-
ugo ; best location In the city. A. O. Powell.
t'orrate * , tie. , fee tup nj fret coltipnt oil tills i > rtae.
anM Tracne--ljvl
Otll7 llowarq bt. 713
STOHAOE Sen us before atorlm ; goods Of
any descrliitlon. Omaliu Steve Ropitlr
\Vorks. IJ3U7 Douglas. Tel. OOP. Sat
TIKAUXAOn sloraRO at lowest rules. W. M
Itushmun , 1311 Leuvoinrorth. > - 691
S TOltAG K-Ilranoli & Co. , 1211 ilowurd.
Formf/ji , ttr. , ffe top of flnl column OHid
" \\7ANTED linmedlutely. II rooms unfiir-
TI nlshcd , for llght-houhukceulni : . Address
V.S. lice. 417-II'
) -In Kountzo Place , furnished
room foru itontlomun. State street , num
ber and price per month. Address S ( Vs. llee.
411-2 *
_ _
MOHK houses to supply dcmanil ; hrlnirlu
your list. The Rcul l.tuio laformatloii
bureau. 17 Hoard of Trade. _ .C1Q3
Fi > ri-atrfttc.u.etop of flnl column on tMirtaQf.
LIST your liousori with tlio Heil I'.stato Ill-
format lou bureau , 17 lloaid Trade ,
. U.I1 n 20
TJ I1.IKEY & Ilirental iisonts.'JOO N.Y.LIfo
H E. Cole , rental uncut , Continental blk.
LIST your house to sell or rent with O.
llarrUon. Ull N. Y. Life.
Fiiritites , fir. , t refoji mf fiitt cultiinH nn tliti yfigg
' \Vlf\\Un \ Q KunrM\hMC
en , Thu Hillside , u. w. cor. Isth and lolje. ) ( ;
For ratcf , r t , cc top nf flnl column on f lilt
TSii ! ? SIM ! oiu
. Ili\o : discovered thnt which muKe-i
it Impossible tOHcnd to thnt pltifo. S.R.I' ,
THNOGRAI'liritS Read the. "I'hono-
Rrnphle World" ( Now YorkforNo\ombor ) |
out tixluy ; M piiRett ; 10 cents ; Invnluabtc ; all
news dealers. American News Co. 4tr-2 *
LADIES nnd gentlemen wIsliliiR eoirespmv
dents uihlress with stump for paillciiliir :
Natlonnl CoiiespomlliiR club , Kansas ( 'Ity
Wo , 401-2 *
NOTIOK to Kteam fitters : Keep aw.iv fron
ChlenKo ; stilkc , ti. . ' ' . I' . A. of Oiilongo
* J
t for ruff * . fff _ _ . . _ ttetHi ) nf fnl column tin tht * _ vage ,
L f OST Llvor-ixilored pnlnterUltcli.cry thh
LJ anil bony. Itctuiu to 1 lit ! Douglas Mroet
HnllaUlo reward. M 7174
STRAYED 1'roiu Williams grndlu ; camp
Houth Omulia , mornlnc of Out. 2f , 1.H ( ) , om
Il/ht sruy work hoi-so with whllu miino UIK
full , weighs. ulxnil 1.400 imunijs. Hud a deei
sear on Insldo of right hind foot , caused fron
a cut. Any information loading to the ( Us-
emery of tlio UDOVO descrlbu.1 horse- will In
lllwrully paid for. Address L. I. Vail. I1. O
11 box rsi , South Umulm. ai.al4.ii *
LOflT French ixxMlledog ; W reward for i-o
i turn totioa On pit ol ave. _ iiO.'i a *
turratn. ttr. . uetupvf fnl r luinnoH tMtpiat.
B Tim ( nin mnn 'ensjon i ARoicy
21 I'rcinor block. Informutlou freu. IW
ruitxiTUitn ICTO.
IV/mifc * . ttr , , tte lop nf flint column nil
I71OU SALKTf Two lint-top desks , or will ex-
J.1 clinnco folrylltop desk. Hootu 1WJ N. Y.
Life llcllnif'- I 4iS *
"I71OU .sALIlj-liiiiriilttiro and business of 3-
-L' rKin hotel Iu Liu coin , dohu Jood paying
Utilities * , llentof reiisons forsi'llluif. Terms
easy. M. \ \ ' , I'olsom. Lincoln , Nell 510
> 'crrnf ( . rtc. . ttt , Hop of flrtl coliinin on jjil P < ' 7 < .
i lIlYAT iiurtlitti Wiilp of : trottcrs-r. "ji Hufry
VIA , Co.'s uivul eotiibliiiitlon bleeders' mlo
November Ji ft. fl-7 and , t'nliiii itock-ynrds.
( ihleago , will | MIU drawing card from nil parts
ot thu union. Application * , for eat.ilni.Mies am
pmirlnit In fr6m'hll the states ftom Maine to
t'nllforuhi mid'trimi all the Cunaillnn prov-
InecM. We lia\L' 400 tttnlllon" . brood mares ,
trotters , pncors/ / carriage teams and roadsters
entered In our xalc nml vero sorry to have to
return to coiisltsiiors over 100 entries , as our
cut Jliuno contiilned all the Htix'lc wo could
sell In our Iho ( lav's Naln and do justice to
owners , but wo will promlso thosu left out the
first place In our breeder * ' sale thu llrst week
In fuUrunry. There never was iieoinblmitloii
sale thnt eomprnod choicer biccilhiK or
gieater tndlvldiiul merit , IH there u breeder
that wnntsugicattmnir lre , a ure prospect
for a producer ? Wecltohlin IUUOIIR the isieat
stallions In thu sale liny Wllkes. to bo Mild
Tuesday , thn llrst day of the sale , by Oeo
WHUos ; Ontop , by Onward ; t'harles itocUiii
by llatnbletoiilaii ( IU ) ; Julian , bjr MiMxI
\ \ lllis ' rlnco
-is ; I'rliicuUeruInt , by Kentucky ;
fnitntnlnc , by Mnmbrlno Dudley ; . hulo
Sprague. by Kound'sPptaiue ! Grenadier II. ,
dntii , MmnlRlit. the dam of Jay
Eye Pec. Sim : Noontide. 3:3)U. ) by
I'lluecss ; Olninour. : ' - ' ! , by btiothlanj Jou
Morcliiiid , ! ! : : ) . hv Woodbuin.nnd inunv others
wlthivcords nnd most fii hlonnble bn-edlng.
In biood iiiuies we offer the ctof I'llot Me
dium , Muitiia tlinrtii. JInsterlode , dnunlilurs
of thn Ktculest sons of Ueoriio Willies ,
lllui ; Hull , Sultan. Tlio Jloorand ntlier pioinl-
nent sires O\er UK ) horses consigned with
iccords fuim ' - ' ) ( ) ilovsn lo'Jtl'i'j. umonK uhk'li
are Luella , 2li)14 ) ; NVooilmont , 2"i : ; Duke's
llambletonhin.2-tt : ; Olnnmour. 2j.1i'i ' ! Ned M.
2:24't : ; UOMVII ( llil.M ! ! | Itlllv . ) T-:2 : < l'i ' : JacU
Shark. 2:110 : ; Hlllv P , 2:20 : : I'red Mills , 2 22 ;
Mlko Wllkes , 2i | ! i Mae. 2"J : ; Avers' O. 2:10 : ,
trial ( two yenis , INIO ) , on hnlf track , 2:24 : : fan
show 2:20 : on good mile track ; lllitl. 'Ji'.T'j ' , and
many others with low teeords , A IIIIRO mim-
ber of eaiilage teams , tlio llno-t In all the
land , some of tlieni noted prl/o winners en-
ered In the Aiuctlcan 11 orsosi'iow vlll be sold
In out sale.
Wo will ' .ell the grandest collection of road
lioises , w 1th trials from ,1:00 : to below 2.20 , ever
placed on the market. Woollcr tlin oppor
tunity of u lifetime to buy nt a public vuluii-
lon an Ideal load horhoorn promising pios-
liect for ucampalgtikr. us ninong the number
no I mi HOS thnt will no doubt bo Honsatlouul
Di'rformcis In next season. All our horses are
if the highest typo , as only the \cry choicest
'lave ' been admitted to our sale.
We recommend buyers to bo on tlio ground
nt the opening of thn sale , us every dny will
bo a icd-lettertlav , T/io / side will open on
Tuesday , Nov , 4th , at I ) o'clock n. m. , nnd
iiiiioiiKthe llrst sold will bo Hay Wllkes. that
'ins ' already slnnv n himself to bo a producer ,
ly ( teorge A\ likes ; Charles llockman. bv
llamlilotonlan (10) ( ) , nnd other great sires lu-
. IttdliiK speed. On Wedncsdny , Xov 5th , will
in sold breeding Mock und speed. On Thnis-
ihiy , Xov Gth. will bo an exciting iliiv. nnd
MIUo Wllhos. SilS'i , und other llunswlll ptiss
under the liummer , On I'ridny , Nov , 7t h , will
ho sold currliiKu teams , roadsteisnndhreedlug
stock. On Suttitduy. Nov. Stli.wlll bo sold
speed and brcdltitfhtock. Pend fora catn-
logtle , Kemomlioroiir great bieedeis sale ,
Nov. 4. r . 0. 7 and S. 1' . J. Hcny k Co. Union
Stock Yards. Clllenco. Col. Jack Stenurt ,
" 'rank M. Kvuim , Auctioneers. OJl-M
COAL bl.-ick 4 JIMP old hor-e , sound , spli-
lteil. peedv. As a rldor Is u > lnglo footci
nnd tractable tor a Indy. Ilrewster top. hand
inadobugiry. ad | ) harness , both new. C 1C ,
McMnnles , care of Swift and t'ompaoy , So.
Omahu. ! 172 *
FOR SALE , , vcry chenp One ( four nas'-eii-
ger ) iiiL'kawiijcarriage uiew ) ; one light
hrouKliuin , a t\\o-veiitcit Hiisshin slolgh , one
single harness , one pair elegant horsi >
'ts , oao farm Wagon , and two sets of double
iiarmss. Tliuuboiots pioperty of tlio Into 1' .
J. lllinubaiigh ami will bo sold very cheap.
Oi-o. W. HolCrook , room 4. Hen Illdg. 2H
WOKIChorso jffitWn horse wniron Wl.doublo
work , harnuss ilo. Or will tiadu for a
good light sldo bnnbuggy. II. E. Cole , Contin
ent ilblock. . , biiO
HORSED M mid-np. II. E. Cola
, 8S.1
FOH SALE 2 good work teams. Inquire at
OH 1'uxton blk. 4.-J
Ferrate , * , tte , , Vftffif "f frst , ruluinii onUitj ] Ki < je
I OK SALBiTwnferrets U months old
F wliltfci.AiWru > ' 8 < "i Deo. 404-5'
Arntinner's tools. In good condition , will
bo sold cheap. Write to MoNnlly llros.
Deshlcr , Nob. , 2V-m *
BUTOI1KR tools for sale. Apply A. Orubc ,
Tort Ouuih.i. 2J1 4 *
NI.\V \ callgraph , prloo reasonable. R Gr > , lleo
ollloe. 772
DON'T torget Jos. I' . MuGoulli , KW7 Kuril am
St. , whoii you want to buy , rent or sell u
typotultcr. 772
FORSAI.R All kinds of thoronghbied ( loss.
Jumes 1'anzy , 1U.I tf. LMtli st. 2S !
Forntft , dr. , tee top of first column nn IliU ) xi0 ,
SAVn fuel by corcrlnR your Htoum pipes
with I'ossll Meal Composition ; the best
non-eondiictor. nbsolntoly llro pi oofVcs -
toin nu'cnt. U. O. .MuKwuii , IGtl Howard st ,
303-nit :
POR KENT A ( tood.barn , at 2117 Davcnnoil
ht. Imiulre of 0. Li Erlckson , 200 N. ibth st.
> G. WHKELKUKeiioral btemxirapher nnd
> notary. Depositions nnd court work n
spuclulty. Tel. 1001 , room 1002. N , V. Mfo 111(1 ( *
'pOKhoc Donlcrs When you piitmnl/n mo
J- you know that I will not compote with you
by retailing rubber boots , shoes , iretlcs. san
dals , etc. I nin not riiniilne twelve or fifteen
letall shoe stores under vailou IIUIIIOH. I sell
nt wholesale only nnd liavo no Interest In nny
retail store. I , aii | western iment for the Now
Jersey rubber slim ) comiinny at Omaha , and
every Hhoodenlorknows tnero Is no buttei Una
of Roods mndo. My sides this year so fur ate.
more than double any other Houion up to t his
tlmo. Send forprlco INts and dlseoimts. Jer
seys will bo oxteiMlvoly advertised this son-
son. { . T. Mndsoy. 30.1-n'J
MAPSAGEtrcntTneiit.cIectro-thormal batlia.
Bcnlp and hair tieatinent , manicure and
chiropodist. Mrs. 1'ost , It awil , Wlthnoll blk.
For rntr * . tlf. . * rr ' "P nf _ ( Irrt fofutnit fm this vag * .
\\7ANTni-llorsos , wagons , etc . to sell at
Tf auction uvuiy Tuesday and 1'ildiiy , 10 : i ,
m. I'loueuristables , 13th , between Hartley anil
Unwind. ; ? -H )
Tj-UJHNITUUn. liottschold soodu.ote. lllirhitst
JJ cnsli price.Volls _ , 1111 I'arnam. 877
ECONl ) mind hats , 1513 Iodgo.
SIX'ON typuvtiitors. J.I' . McUeath ,
HA- ) "iiriiain St. , Omulia. 77-
SECOND-HANI ) Ixxiks IxiiiKht fnrsixit cnsli
at thu Antkiuarlan booUbtoiv , till l-'iiriiiini
HI'S nil *
WANTiiHono > and bungy. W J.Paul ,
ItWO Farnixm .
ONEY to lo.fil "oil city und tut m property ,
. M. IlnrrKiKgp.I.'ienzor Illk , opp. 1' . O
ANTED (1 ( pfr'rent real cstiito loans.
f. Harrison.pJ2iN. Y. Llfo. lit ;
MONEY to loau , ( 'orrespondonts of Ixitn-
baid Invenumuit company. MIIUT | A
lliirns. 1'ionzor life ( , h'll '
"plARM Lnans-ilieit rates and option In tin
JJ west , InteresfaniVoully. llorrowiTiunn puj
part or all of prlucJulc. at end of any uiu
btO | ) Intercut. ItlM btowc , 810 N. V. Llfo bid , '
? Sr BiiOn''l'
KIMHALL. Uhklip Jsltynn.
VO' 1 ariiam st. ,
inakelo.ins on
ronllMiU' . personal
nnd ciiA-ril | ) | ! seonrltv.
Notes unil bonds bought ,
llullilliu loans at
lowQstiates. TOi Mj
FIRST mortgaKo loans on improted nnd on
lmprotedpnjerty. C. J. Caswell. Kill N. Y
Life. 1I.V17 X U
-J 110 l-'ii main. Hen. K. 2lnrtl , IO.IIH in ado m
J-dlumomls , watches , Jtiwulry , etc. Nil NW
/"TilATTEL loans , lowTuto , HID Karnain > t
O tV.-nllt
rplli : Commercial Security l/iiu and Trtts
JLCo. wunu good short tlmu pipar ; ulsu c.u
.hainllo n few heciirod mortsixiu . Room : ) *
Puxton block , M I-N.I )
MONEY to loan on nny security
for short tlmo ut low
rates. Lowest rates
on ptrsonuliro | > f rty
The Ilenderxiii Murtgagu Intolniuiit Com
pany , rtKini too , Pa.vtou blk. SU'Li '
17EALE.stHt i laMiu-PunTi on hand. Ololx
JXLoan fc Trust Co. . W S , Kith St. , No dol.iy
no extra charges. Hoiuc * for rent , goo I Hit
/"in nifci , rtt.tetopafjlrtite < itiunn < Di fif * ) iie <
" "
\tONKY 'toounby l" > worouc"iato
iTlnndcollntcrnUL'curltM foriiny tlmo from
ono to lx mouths In nny amount to suit bor-
I/inns made on hotisohujd iriHxls , pianos , or
gans. horses , mull's , liou-os , lenses , warohonto
rocAlpts , cite. , at the lowest possible ; rntes.
without publicity or rnmoviil of property.
My loins nrn onrrnnged you can IIIIIKO
n | i.iyinr < nt of nm' amount nt any tlinu niul
reduce loth prlncliilo and Interest ,
Ifyouowon balnnco on your property or
lia\c a loan you wish clmnued , 1 will pay It
off niul I'll rrjr It forrou. If y j\\ \ find It mure
convenient , call up t leihonn | Nu , in-JI niul
your bmlucss can bo nrrunveil titlionie.
Monev always on baud. Nodoluy. No pub-
llclly. Loneal rates.
II. f. Masters.
Ioom4.Vltlincll ! blk. , 1Mb nnd llaincy n ,
k , .119 P. I.MIi t. . loans moiey
\ clialtclsoi'cullatoral \ atroasouublp ralus
FIRSTS secondinoilgiiijes on vacant ife lin-
proted clly prop County warrant * bouitht
Money on hand. 1' M , Rich inlsou.813 N.Y. Llfo.
"AIONKY 'li. CO or IX > days on "furnltmT.
L'l pianos , horses , housesuto. J , J , Wilkinson'
tiH I'u.xUm block , I ml
TTNt'l * ! AhLY low rates
ot Interest on first mortgages of Itnnrofcil
real estate for the next IK ) dajs by the Ktins'is
City IntestmeiitCo. Kooni M , Hoard ofTr.ulc ,
J. II. Pease , inuii'igei. W
eastern iniinov
CHEAP Morlgairn and Trust Co. ,
always ready nml pay promptly ; first
mortgages wanted. DeoritoV. . I1,1'oates. rep
resentative , room 7 hoard of trade. ! U2
"nTrc. MTANTliitNY. : lfs NTV7i7ifo"buiiiT ]
Ins , lend money nu firms In choice comi
ties of Nebraska und lovvui tilso on good
Omaha residence property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ; no delay ! money loudy. Titles and
values passed on how 014
KEYbTONE Mortmgo Co. Loans of JIO to
? 1.000 ; get our rates bofoio txirrowlug and
s.tro money ; loans on hoixes , furnltuiii or any
nppivm'd seuurltv without miles
'louglit , fornewloa" eiiewulof old and low-
si rate.- , , call K.2JS ccly bllirith ( k Howard ,
\\rAXTED I'ltst class Insideloini. Lowest
> tales rnllaudsuo us. Mutual Invost-
nentCi ) . , 1301 Knriiiiin. 1U(1 (
EAhTEKN money to ' 0111 on elty property ;
nioitKagupuiicrboiiKhU ll.H.IieyN.Life. .
lonns at lowest rates. Hemovecl
CHATTEL Y. Mfo , bids. J. H. ntmnlimer.
loaned ut low rates on fuinltuie.
MONKY , , lc. , without pulillcllv. llawl.evo
nvcstmcntCo , .n Douglus blkllitli and Iodie.
Bl'II.DINO loans * > to ? | > or cent ; no addl
tlonnl charge1 ! foreoiiimlssionorattornev's
eos. W. H Mclule. I'lrst Niitlonul bank lilcl
Foi iTttti , ett. , fretup nf Jinl rolii/nn / mi f/i/s / /
$ BO ; half cash , halance on time , foi half In-
tertst In a legitimate money-making busi
ness that vlll net OMM- Win per inontli. Have
exclu-lve ( ontiol of Nebraska nnd lown.
Splendid chance for a liustlir. Addiess V If ,
lleo. 4U
To Imosl pi ( )
payliu business In Omnlia orlcinity. .
Address wltli p.u tlciihun S ? ' , live olllce.
BRl'.W'ERb look at this. I. have tlio best
pa > lng hieweiv In the state fnt stile at u
xery low price 'I he product of this lunuery
Isknonn In o > ery town within 100 miles.
tr.ule established. c.Thls is nery
rate bargain , nnd will lie a r close laxestlgu
tlon. 1'aitles deshltig anv Information In ie-
aid to above propel ty will lileasu uddiess 1' .
oanenschelu. West 1'olnt , Neb. 402-11
171OH SAIiHor Kent Large hotel , well lo-
JL cuted In OIHI ( if tlio best tiiunslii NebiasUn.
AMU sell or nml to food hotel man aterv
lenson ible tlgures. Correspondence solicited ,
Addrcvs I' , bonnenselielii , Weil I'olnt.Neb.
Foil "AM * A rale chance for : i biilchir , a
line location and now oh loyln u silcndtl | (
tradeD Itik-k building with Ij.iheincnt , ull
tilted up with the l.itcst appliances for the
piepnmllon of meats foiy innrhel. tncluillng
power , mncliliicry , etc. This Is tin oppoituult v
of a life ! lino. 1'or jinitlculara midribs Leek-
box 4.- , Wet I'olnt , Neb. 40J-I1
" \\7ANTri ) A coiupetent iiowspapnr man
TT with Iho nr six thousand drtllais In casher
or security , to titko 'Charge of the Demociat ,
as 1 haVe In.portaul business that will iciUlic | <
my t Inn ! cast and south for thu coming year.
AVe will pay the right kind of a ninii u nlco
salary. Hftcoininomlntlons reiiulied. Ad-
dress\V. \ | { . Yaiiglinn. Umnha. Neb. ai.H'J N : ) *
" \\TANTiP : A young man wlio Isu
T und has $ .VX ) eali buy a one-half inferesi
In K0xl pHj-Ing business. Address S n > , lien
FOR SALE One of the mo-t tlcsirahlc hotel
propcitlcs Intliestate.sltnatcil In llaiicioft ,
Cum Ing conn ty.Neb. The house has u good pay
ing pitromigit und hus an excellent ihery
stock and feed stable In connection. The
tnwii Is : the curt nf a passenger division of the
< lileuio , HI. I'aul. Mlnne.ipolls & Omulia lull-
way. It Is a centering point for hunters from
all o > cr tlio Mate , : m she Is surioimded by
lakes , mulshes nnd vast prairie- . , where dnckn ,
gee-e , prnlrc chickens nnd other game lilida
abound In xroilt numlTers during their
SOINOII. I'm fTiithei rofeioneo nimlv to I'
DQhsey , llaiicriift. Neb. _ MisO-NJT
IlKbTAUKANT for rent in ulo. T , Mutiny
Lv mr
Slior.'stoio forfinlu In u live town of r > ,0 ( > 0
Inhabitants. Splendid ciops , leading husl-
nesniilyunu other shoo store. Cause , poor
health. Addicts S 18 , o.ue of Hue. M Wt >
TjlOKSALE 110.003 ulmlco RtoeK of gonoiul
-L merchandise in one of tlio best towns In
Nebraska , 7 > mllns fiom Omaha. Party doing
nn oxicl lent business , but has other business
deinuiiitlnx lilsiitteallon. Addreas l'.V > .
For ( . tip , , ttefn ) > of Jlrxt. column nn Wifjixiar. .
A jongroiorystook' ( , onc-hnlf gixid tnule ,
one-half spot cash. Addicss , glvlnp sl/e
of stock ind location , V2 , lleo. 41. > 4
POIt EXrilANGE-Stringor A IVuny , iciil
estate agents , have icmoxcd to Hins 4J
and 4. ! ! ' , ILfrkcr block. 431-4
W'ANTIIH To exchange u nice western
fin m fortho furniture of : i 10-ioom Hat ,
Addiess Y 1 , IIco. 422-3 *
moEXCllANHK-Tlinlier and coal land in
Tennessee for Tuxnti laud or what , haxo
jou. Hex I'M , Villlseti , IOWM , Ifi'K' *
rilO KXCIIAMin'-lOt ) fcotO-fool fencliisaiid
L : i now hullOlug'i'M. \ . Iiuiulio nxini 4'i : ,
lleojiiiilldliig. : il u *
CLI'.Mt city piopcity unil cnsli to oxelnngo
fnrstduk of booksunitlonery 01 wall pa
per. Address II , , Lincoln. Neb. MJV.-.V
rPO nXgllANCl- ( ladles' furnMiInx
1. goods , all kinds. Will taUo two-tlilids
clear real estate , one-third cash. Addiess box
U'sll , .lotTerson , Iowa. M 227-2 *
WANTKD A horse or two In trade for good
cast f i out lot. .Sniuutou A. Allen , lli-i ?
I'-iniiini t. MIU7-X3
WANTI'.I smalt block of pi-Decries" In
Qxch.ingn for iinliicunibcreil real e-lalc
Inquire nl room : ' ( ) ? , I'axton block. M-lSt-n !
\\7ANTnn-A small stock of elgar * and to-
TT Imceos In oxeliingo roil eslnte
Inquire ut room :1J7 : , I'axton bloolc. M Ibl-N I
Funaten , etc. tec tni > of fuel tiihtinn tn\ \ Hilt imjf.
171OR t > ALl' * or IXehuugo An iilmosi now
Jtenloom house , with two acreof land on
electric motoi ; orchard , vineyard , bmnll fruit.
peed hum und oulbiillnliiKs ; limd gutxl klmpe
lor platting ; will trade foi eli'"ipci jiropni I )
In Omaha on oil hell llhillMdl.fJreiite on Ion , '
lime , Wheeler A : llciald , Coumll Illutls , la.
8TKINtiiu : > x , IT.NNY. iiial estate lueiil- ,
IIILM : remotcd to rooms 4. and 4J' ' II irl > ei
block. 4 f.-4
ITlblt SALi : orient -infect final with linlld-
-1 IngofVO rooms. Apply ut thu pit'inlses
, l.sf. I2lhtit.
AUo 22 feet mi oor of I'll Ica go a ml 1Kb. Ap
ply nt ; ilHOiith 12lh bt , -'lO-n. ' T
( i.OO for homo onChleugost. . c.l'
$ Harrison. HUN. Y. Life. ; ir,7
IlDIt SALE-On easy monthlv | ) : ivmi-iils. d-
loom lioiisnaud Mitith fronl int. near Lake
niidMieiman uxe.i Jiixt like ti.iyliu lent ; no
hl eu'st . C.J' Sliaw , -heeley blk ; . "
K llul , Ks toilii , fiont. f ha\u sl\ elegant
linilses on 41th nii'l I'.irnain , with eveiy
inrMldii cniivenleneo , liicliidlng gat , und gas
IlKtiin-h. now neurlv reudv foi occupancy. be
them nnd make your eholeo. I'rke , ffTV : ) to
f I. ' . ' * . to JVii ) cuhh , hul.-mco to suit til 7 per
cent Interest.
K\ery purcliaser before Nou'm1ier5 sets a
tlckit to tlio ilranlngiif u JVil
liiKu iilwaysicmiy to slmw cnsloiners
I n rim m strec't motor within four blocks
liny a IIOIIM ) ( | iilck , and lake a lund In tlu <
cr.iml ( .liiiflle. This Uhtralght gouds. 1) . \ .
Miolu .jill I'lrst National bulk _ Mini" .
$ Hi > iu Only > . -Dr. Cliamliors' rusldcnen
on KHIi unil HiirdettH .st. , owner goln ; lo
hmvccll ) . llct Irinmln In ( 'mnli.i. I ) . Y
Mioln. sole u ent,2ia , I'll t Nut bank Ml > , I' )
I'm intrf , ttr. , tte Input ftrttritliimn en f/ifo
YV Al'UIl A WcTlei IlcliL"
AVI' I1IV" | " "moof tlio biMl lioust.s In Onuilii
> und ( iiiio Hinall onnt. HI M'ry low prices
and terms to suit buyer * lliivo Rood lot" ,
with triickiiKe. ono or two line corners on 1 '
mini M..ncrelgi > nnd Muvint lots In nil li.nH
of < lt v. Unto u few lots that must ho solii to
highest bidder. Coino inn ! buy somi'thliiK
Hint will give von a hi * iimllt iinii inontlifrom
now , Mrlnger A 1'cnny , room IV , Pouglns
block Idtli nnil IMdgc. M- ' .
17iW ( s\lr.-r.oi u-i. l > tock J , Kiib.v"iTiuc. . .
L1 Timu. r. Davis ivi. Mrwro
> .VW buys tlio Hr. Chambers residence. nnil
$1 H'tcrlnurv barn on Ifilh nmllliirdotlo M .
This I < mi K ) less tlitin eo t. 1) Y. Millies. t-olu
agent. I'll I-'irU Nat. lunk. _ M trw
Mil ! SV1.VAt u li-ira.iln. 1C fret ( | unro
attli anil .Ini-kMin it. 'Ilio O. 1' Il.tvNCo ,
MH > 7
noiViV T.iil und a IHHISIH , ISth anil Dor-
i cm on monthly l > lyiiioiits : .D inliuius'
\\u\K \ fiuiu iKistollli-u. ThuO. 1' . DioNCo ,
Mh'J7 ' 0
_ _
| j10U sM < r-A fiirtn adjoining lllalrT Noui
.L ci u hi tin pl.itlt'd nnil sold
OIKC. II. W.Mullrlhlllulr. . 7a7 nil *
croft , nt u bargain on monthly mvvmciits.
le O. 1' . Davis Co. WO" 0
) N'K of i ho best lots In Oti'hard Illll , only
WOO , btrliijor A I'onuy , Dotiglus block.
T-iMa isaln , a iluslr.ililo
duiii'c. J. , 'iX ) ; J'HU down , baluiuo on
( onus. Cull ut ? < obrMikii stuiim luiuulry , Ifith
mil How : u < lMs. 70tl
7\OK \ 9A l7i : N.V. . cnr" iiiitU ainl Dodso sK
J * Tliu O. I' . Diivlsl'o. Mw > 7 II
'IWU SA Ln-Afa harsu'ltii ni\lia on ITon ) -
JU port , Ktli. mm block from nt > vr imtt-
ollli'i- . very ehcnii. JJJ.OOOi W\\K \ uirncr LMtli
mil rninuni , $ ia.OXI. ( O. Itlrfon , roiim W ,
liirl : < cr bloolc ( .si
1J10KSA 1,11-A t u hnritiiln , u imod store hoiiiu
. fllU'd up with shelves nnd counters , tuise-
ini'iit. 0 rooms for d ellliu' , iuod clHturn anil
woll. will si'll ortruiln fur.i No. I Mto"Uot ri-
rcrlos. Adilrest KunlX llcol , U O. 1) , groocrti ,
TON. Ifilh st 9.7
"Ij U SAU : SluiiclUl | ) opportunity to Kol a
JU bountiful IIUA lU-rooin IIOINI ) In onoof tin'
HniHt loctlli : > iis In Oiiiiilin , 2 lilooks wet I of
IIMI on L'uii st. . liluli und Mljjlitly nnil on
, full lot , city wntor , ilsturn.
tonor. liny window , pore-lip * . UiHililo lloor. ccl-
Inr , eto. all HiiMioo In Ininl wooil niul linnl
oil and In IliMclusstyle ! I'llcti * IIX ( ) . Ti'rins
i'iisI'suiU commission U ) aynits. Iniiilro ] ot
owner , H. U. Mciritl , Osiss anil llslxts.
HKi n : i
r UOfiM cot tiiiu. full lot , llnnsconi Place.
t fronl nnda tjrvtit b.irjaln for a few
diy < . ' mull t'mii piyincnt nnd biilimeo on
loirj time. I' . K. Diirllntf , lluikur Ulocl. . 'tfil
Olfi-Al , ! . Tlireolots ICitli inul rlarifornl.i
sis. TlioO. V D.ivls Co. Mb ! ) ? ( i
"TJ10U SA1.I. Sk cottauca , raiiitinR from J1.IM
-l tof.'iOO oiipli ! SHU ) to Vvn i-iuli , li.ilaii o
monthly 01 to suit. If you \v.uit n linntti wo
1'iin nri.iiiKC tcrini Insult. hinuaton A Alltn ,
lliOT I'uilKiin. V1I-N4
TjlOH SALE l.ooU ut thN ; Now7-rooin homo
-iJon lot ID blwlc : > . liikor plan' . Hilondld ]
vlpvintli front , well , coll'ir. b.iv window.
etc ! J-W or iiioiti i-iisli , li.'ilimuont f 1'JOi ) . 115
pi r inonlli. Itniulio of owner , I ! , n. Mturlll.
Cuss anil llitsts , 107 n ; t *
A SMAi iiaymeiit down anil ir > per inonlli
wlllbuj ii4-nioni IHIIISO und Int on Pith , "
blocks from inntor : lli-st-cltm chincu to ur-
( liilro a lionin on easy touiis. Apply to II. I .
Tolo. c'oiittiieiitnl block. SJ
T71OK SAM'u oh'Kiint now resl < lenco , 0
J- rooms , cherry nnd oak tliilsh , lurtro stable
nnd t-Miry loiivenloneo for comfort ! looatlnn ,
tlio beil In the elt ) , prleo low. 1'ornn easy.
l.r. O'Dnnihoe. I tin I Kiiinainst. tU )
"T I' VU1T Irivn iinylhliii U ) soli or oxehanjp
-lutll ut nth ralon block. tUO
"TjlOU HAM ; t'lioap. on etisv terms , a nice
- - eottujic In I-owe's Add. , unit a 7-room brloK
house , with ull modern dm vt'ntciu'e- UUh
and Jackson sis , Konni llC'liuml > < : rC.'on\moico \
I ! 15
For iilr , cte re fuji nf tilriit rfilmn on tltlt iwv.
" \\rAN'TrD A femoie implls to eoniplott'
ii Pii'iii'li olats for fMituidii I'vcnliifts nt
Hotel Met rliini.i'itluind Dodvi * . 50e n lossiui.
Addri'ss Mine. Unuilull at hotel. 4V-- : "
SA lill I'lio.ip. mad si'eond-li.ind or-
_ _ _ _
1)IA > O.-fot lent , J ) poi moil $1.50 per
mo.Mll 'dlow iecd on : i now piano.
MuMeyii i tiro. < 'r > . 4I. > 4
$100 will buy n uno hill on Mnx IMuyor * llro"
for } 17. > , to upply on pn > invnlof luiyof
tlioir muslciil li lriiinouts at lotall price * H.
C. Price. Oi.if ton. Neb. Si ; i71-'J *
T7 HIlinST jii.iilt' pianos. I'naiinio.iclialilv
I 1 low pilces , sultalili1 lorinSUMI iifitir
rc iets bv eallhi ! ; on MnMejer A. Itiu. Co.
4i : > 4
1)Kur. I' I'etDrscn. piano , oigau , violin.
/111.'I , \ \ocnluistiiictlon- . " > Miui-ly bll , .
"IjnroKP.Iiuyhis n phno nxainlnn the mnv
JJticalo Ivlmball iilmo. A.IIospc. 1511 ! Douglus
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"I.I Hjlll'X' iadi iilannsat most reasonable
* I pili'us und teiins Mono.snxml . and Hiills-
f.ictlon rrnlUcd. M.IN McvorX Ilio. < 'o.
'o.4tr. .
ncr.iElliKNIllX'h' toiieherorhono
G with llHpe.r > ia Doiijtlas. ' . ' 49
for rnfj ! , tie. , ffc j"l" flat 'ifnnn mi ( fife
ATtATil Tn\'A . j iaTi7iVf7 rhi
Icr. elalrvojant and tnnico incdlum. may
bo.eonsulti'd ui lOUMDuM'tiport st 4 til- ' . "
A -Cliiinoyiint--imlui.iliy > clfled ,
- < V. 1 1 Us past nnd fiituic , lint lioiililes. ulj-
scnt friends , fh , inurs , tiaveK. linslnf-s. ti'lls
by loiter : also sal Isfaetloij Rlvon. Mrs \\nl- \
Ince , a Nnrt li Kit list. 4 3-S
KH. STKVF.K Is Riving Ixst success of liny
fiMtuiH- teller In thoull > . She ( lees not
den I In any f i and. lle.rlerim am tlni lo\M > st.
40D N. Hit n st. . : id floor. M Iltt-i , "
MASi-ACK , AUiluii ) Ui'l/.lui , over ( HOS. lltli"
TVIKNANNIi ! : \VAllliN ! : , clulivoymit
-l'1-tranee , siie'iklnsirltlnj ; ; ind rellnhlo
liuslni'ssiiiediiini.l eariilii Omalu. ll'J.N. loth ,
AM ) TYlM'JWltlTl.NG.
I'orratt * , < lc. . tec Input" ftitt column on l/na / | tje.
iTniull ! "iiAo4 , .
1 chnntied , rented , J. 1' . Mi' uiitli. li)7 ! ) I'ni-
niini htieol. 8'M
VI'KWIHTrilh ' for uMa or nlo
raph < trjsupilles | .l.l'.Me u.ith.HJjr I'm mm.
h'JU '
ISATIIS irc. ;
I'nr rule * , dr. . nt luytit fn > t inlniiin nn lh ( 7117 .
MA SAIIH Iwth ut MnJaiiiSinllliN j.irlors ,
_ fflir ! Illli st , next H.irkiMjwte ] 17.VJ'
AbbAUlC. iluc.mii Ocl/lir. ovenilO.s. Kltti.
. ' '
M-r .X-'J'
( ; otis-\vijs ) , I.JTO.
J or i at i " , fte , fit IOIMI/ Hut column on thu jinui
BI > l'lln lialrKoodslii west ; h ilr ilrussl n.
\\\p \ * . HKlU'lit'i. h.iu.'s , liiliaulnilin : ; , eH' , . a
specially. Da\les hall uools und milliner
opposltu pii-'tolllec , 111 "Til lint. Omaliii' i l
| 3ATKNT liwyt-rs .N , sollelius. tV\\ies ;
J t'o , lieu biilldloi Omaliii , I .irs1 experl-
eneo as u\ imini'iIn I' S patent olllce llruneh
olllcout ' ii toli. I ) . L1. Consaltatlon ficu
for niff.flf , nt lni > nfrul tulit i on Hit * 71 ( ' / ' .
elteii. Jlss-j htunlMil"iliiiney st.
l'AMtllOHI.KS. .
luf r\'e \ ( > , dr. , Ki tup nf Jut iiilninn nil Hil * iitijr.
771ICKI ) MOIILE loansmoney oiKllnnioiiinil
wutchesjuneliyctc , b.Dcor. | ' ( ii.ini.vlltli
SV ,
Notice Co
on in : oi'Ovnu \ COKHS Mm Co. <
IMI.MIV J\eb t
Sealed bids will bo iiti'elved ut No. IV.'I
Douglas hi iinlll noon of I'lldny , Nov 7lh for
tlu < erect Inn nnd ciiiiipli'tlou f a iwo-slory
und Insoinent brleU n.irohniiHU und u twn-
ktory hi Ick di jlu lioiiM' . to be orecltd imjuli
t. near belt line inllro'id. I'liinsniid spwlll-
I'Hlloiis nny lii'sufii ut Nil. ITC'I Dongliih ht
und at theolllip of I'r.'d K. Hmllli , architect.
.No iilO N. V. Life Imtlillus. fi-oiovhoin unj In-
fiiiniatloii lo jidliuthu bnllillius can bo ob
tained. All bids must be neeonipnnled liy a
ceil Hied diecl > fortnolinmlrcd dullais ( i.MO ) ,
inyalile in HieOiiiiilia Ciillln M.inofaolurliut
Co . lit evMenin of uooil faith. 'IIn. ' loinpiny
resorn" lli rljlit In lejccl any < u ullDlds
.Vox , MHl
, .
Omnhn I l > oin > t tutlinnit S i\ < in lr M.
( . ; t > ni K > pr
t 45 s in 0.30pm
V.I ( I p III Ktprcts \VM \ ) m
C.Wn lit 80j m
MO IHVKU. Arrlre
Ui.mlm I PeiMit loili nnd MUD
fo'f-1 it m . .Denver lnjT . ' 40p in
10 li n in . , IH'nrrr Kiprm. I ( i.lA p m
8 4J p III . IWiiTt-rNlKlil Kiprei , ' .Ml" , 9 m
11 ! . " > a ni | . . . .Lincoln Ixirnl .1 viMf m
K C. KT } \ C II Arrlirot
Uninlift. I ! > < il > iit Ullh mid Mumn lrc ti. _
li r Kinr > li.ll ) p in
p in K r"Nlulit Ktii. tin" IT KinrI'm I in ' r. . % in
U'lttOI UNION 1'Al'lMO ' ArrlfM
Unmlin I l > j > oUOtlii mt Mure ; iitrootx
"sso p in . . . .omUnTVlrorT 9 0" > | m
IM p ni Pncllle Kiproii I2.41 | > m
lOVUatiM Homer Kunrm. . . . : i M t m
IIIU i mi . . . .Koii'iuCltj Kxiiron. .
10 1.1 n ml ,1-iilrllulit K i > . ( ojcoi't Him. ) . I 4 2i | u >
I'lIlliAtlO. H. I A I'AOIKIC ArrluM "
Omnlia ti P. depot , lOlh ftiul MnrcrHU Omalin
6 10 r m Nlntit KMtruM . . . . . " . 10111 * ni
U05 n 111 . .Atlantic Kiprois . . O.w : p m
4..KJ p In . . . , Vo'llbilln LlinllfHl 10 4i in
Lontoi MlUlf.X. OIl'V.v i'.U'lMl ! . .ArrTTdT .
U P depot , lOtli nnd Mitrcf Pta.1 Omilut
"l T7i n ni .Sioux City l'ns i'iiK r . .
I ; ) p m . „ . . ,81.1'nnl Kxjireit jlO.tOnm
l.imtus l tfltTl/X'l'I'l ' l A IMUHC. ArrUos
Omnlm I _ le | > ot Kith nn < lWotwlor _ Ms. t Oinilin
8.00 ( > nil St. I'niil l.lmlleit
l.ltN , Arrlrin
tt 1' . itopol. 10th nnil Mnrcr Hli i Oninlii
. ClilciVHii Knireit. . . . (5.SU ( P m
4'iilpiu1 . Vostlbu'ifl Lttiiltoit. . . UMntu
8.15 p m.lQwaAccuiiiinodiilli > iiKto ( Suni TlUpiu
U.IUpinJ . . . .ICmtorn Klyor . . 'i U p m
I ! , " > ji in | . .hi-t Kix turn t" | ) H"H.Oio in
"jrtTOJ . . Mil. , A SP I'At/li. Arrnos
Onmhn | U I" , di-pot 10th Riiilnrcj \ ti Oniohn.
t .OOpiui . . . f'hlcnicn lUpri'd. . | i 13 it m
194'ipin' ' . Clilc-iiiro K i > r ( > . . . ft 15pm
I.WIXYIH i OSl.vllAASl lAJldS Arrives
Oinnlin. 'it ' P. depot , 1'Jlli anil Mnrcr Sts Oiuslin
llOjini .hi l.oun ( iiniioii Iliitl . . . I2..U | > 111
Teivipr I F 7K. TViJVAlilTK" "
Omnhn I Hc | it13t'i _ ' niul Wolnliir Hti Oinilii
VlMA m < . . . llTnck Illlli rtxpreis 'i'JUp m
OKI * tu ! .II itln Kxp ( Kr , Siiiuliir ) . ' 5. * ) p m
6IUp nihVnlioo.VMiicotnrns ( K.y.Silnil'r I ( U.VOa in
8 10 ji in ' Vork * Norfolk ( Kr. Hiunlny ) lO.'JU n ni
f nti'i I t , . Sr I" . M AO lArrlrui
Onmlinjl Hnpct ISUi mi I Wolnior "U * tlinrti
7.00 n in .HIoux CUT Acuitiiinmlntlim i 0 Ui p in
1.00 p ni .Sioux ntr Kxprois ( Kx. Sun ) . l.W : p m
lUOpm . . .St. 1'nul l.lniltoit. . . . 'Ja a in
6 ID n ni HnniMft l'n oiiror ( I'r. Sun ) i H. 5nni
UisMiL/lll ( ) / I'Allh'lo , i Arrlfut
Omnlm. I Iuput 1611 ; nnd Wulntnr SH ' Oimli i
luaOn : mi St Ixiulj A K C. Ktpri'M , 4 fiJ p in
.HI l.oiil A If. C. Kiin | ' ( I Wn in
l.onvtis 01IIL'AiU , t ( . 1. ft I'AOHU ArrltOJ i
Tr uwfnr Unlun l > lotnnin | UlatT * Trniufo"
" "
ll.SOlp m . . .Ninl't hxprcn . . 9-15 in
! > n um AllnntlJ Kiprpm . S U p m
( bupru
L'lllf Al.OA NOIlTIIWKsirit > Arrltoi
TrniKfer Union Doiuit. Council IHurN Trnmtnr
'i.W it TiT' ' . . .rjflinuo Ktprom. i inwp in
5X10 p nil . Vumlliiilo I.tniltctt n.'JIn in
] 0.iAp ) ,11 . I'mtorn I'tyer. 3tlp ) in
| . : Kp ) in . Atlantic Mall . T.U : n in
| ' .M ) p m [ own Acriniiiii ( iliiUonKxp ( Sun ) O.iO P in
Lonvut IL'lllt'AtiU , Ml U .V rl'l' . I'Allit. Arrlnn
Tminfurl 1'nlon Demit , ( \intu\l \ Trnmfor
n M p in .Dilonifo Kiirc | . .1 15 in
] . . { fll | 111 .Clilcnmi Kxpri1 * * . MWp in
1C f,3T 30K A 0. II lArrlvtM
Union Dtfpot. ( kinnrll HtiitTt
10 0 * ; u ml .liiini.-M Clly liny Kxpro * * A4lp m
10 2.1 p.m' . ' Knn ns ntjr Mulit Kxpross li'JJii m
I/onto * OMAItA AM' lUls. ( Arnvoi
'J'rnnifor' | ' Union Dcixit , t'linnrll Ulutl.i 'frnnsfor
1 Ulp in' ' i. Ixiuls ( nnnn linll IB \ \ \ > III
TA-dTus ICIIK'AtlO HlJUl/N .t QIIINC Airlfin
Trnnsfer JJnlnnJlPpoJ.JJoiindl Illults. 'I'laivifer
1) ) 40n in Chlcntto [ i -J ) p m
10.00p in . . . .Clilcnuo Kiprcsi Il40aiu
7.SO p m Oestim l.ocnj Main in
U > fiTe l SIOUACITVA I'AC'IIKJ. Arrlve-t
Triinfer' ' Union IK'pot , ( 'ojiincll lllnT ( . _ Tinnsfur
7,45 m "TlSloux Cltr Accoinmoilnllon 'i in u in
li 0.1 pin .7 . . dt. l uil Kxj > rea . . lo ( W P m
n m | nm | niin.m ! p m
.iterSt. . . . 5 III Si .4M H.M\\2 \ \ 4 <
U l Cliutlinm . .UI S.67 H.4S ti ft i
Jrnld Hill 5.t I7. ( VH .UI0J ( UKI H 41 1 OJ
1 , nko Htri'i-t. ' . . . . | 5 M T.ttt's ' , M li.OI H.4S 1 01
Wnlnut lllll . . 7.Win 10,11. 0' ) 8 M ) I Oi N
Ihindoo I'lauu. I I < UU 70srt , 13 li.OI1 R M I W
Won Slue . ( i.U'i 7 10 H 11 (1. ( 101 H.M 1.IU
. . | H IQ 8..1J I I tl
Mnirot .in 9.W
I'nrU . .
Keymonr '
t'ortal. . . . . . . . 'S.W ' l :3 : | ! l'l5 I V )
Tfi it iinl.
n in p.111 p.min m p.m
I'ortnt H.B 4.4'il . . ' .i.W
Seymour I'nrk. . , . , H.H 4 W 1 II
a. 111 4..M 1 47
' ' ' " 8,40 4.W 1 M
Wc t siti'n' . ! ! ! . ! 7,15 8.M 5.03 olis 0.40
liumleo I'lnco . . . H.H ft.o ; 11.17 i',41) ) l.'S
Wnlnut lllll . . . . (1 ( 'JO 7 21 U. ) 0.451 2 01
I ku btrt'ot 1 > Ul 9 4S 3 ( M
Drnlil lllll f.SVT.S * .Id. ' . II.M ' . II i
OikChailiani. , . . (1.2S ( 1 7 II 0 08 IHIO.ib U..1.II i 0-1
WclistcrStri'et. ll.4U'7 ' 45U > .11 . . ? ) ir 411 K ) ( in J 'JU
Vt'o be ? to announcjcto the Diiblle anil our
clloits , that the llrm of.Montfjoinoiy V lelbi )
Is this day ( llv-ol\ed by niutuulconsi.iit
itlrssrs. t' H. .MontKOIiiHI V 1111(1 " ? i "
Alont oiner.Y , Torin a pirtncrsliliiuiiilcouiln f
the practice of law In Hie 1'iili.iil Mi' IliinK llnlhlliii ; , iiiulorlhu Him m
of Montsoineiy J % Mnntiioineiy ,
Mr. .lelliej bus fiirmed u imilnerililp n i
Mi'ssis. A > .t'hiirchlll and lMi.oii HU-li nn
u 111 coiilliiiii'In tlin pr.iclld of liiwimdei ti
llrm inline of t'huiehlll. .It'llrev > V Itleli : " if-
olllces loeattil In the New \ irlc Llfo Iliiililln.
All iicuuinls niul fenj dm ( be' ' Hun < '
MonlKoiueiy > x > .lellriy , me to bo pull t
MoiitL-oiiiei-v , x. MnnlKomery , unil all ll.ilillltie
of s'lld lite llrm are a-sumed uinl .iro In ' "
paid by Montgomery A. Mont onicr ) ' ,
I nloss diiliei Mt-e iiiiu | ted bv client'- tin
biislne-s heietofoie I'liltiiNlud to M < mtK < > ini i'
ft. .lelTivy anil uinllspn-cil of will boiiiiidnileil
to acoiiiluslim by MonlKoiiiery , V Mont oini '
anil tbo'c ; pnitlesileslrlnj ; Mr. . .leltieIn ui
tiul to theli I usliiessiiiaveommuiiliiulMNi > li
him , 01 the him of wlil'-li fin Is n meinhci
MONTIJOMr.ltY , \ .II'I'I IJI\ .
urOItC'I' .IITI'UI'.Y.
Omuh.i . , isrelirasku. Oeloburlll , I8')3 ) ,
nld'l '
Guild' ( il'AKTHRMA.STKH'a OI'I'K I
Onuh.t. Nub , , tJotoLvr ' - < , IS'HI. ' i.ilm
nr-eposiils will boieeelied ill tills ollheniiil !
I'ost Oiinitt'iiiiiister I'nrt Unuulis. 1'lnli mil I
tuooeloek r. > t. . Notuiiilier 'MIK'io \ \ nil
then opined , for Iho eonsti uiUlon of mi I
House and Uaipriitci Mien ut I'oil Duns >
I'tnh. Tlio ilsht Is roMM vid to injuil .im "
nllbidK All Information fill nlslied on imp
cation hen1 , or to I'ost ( Jimi tt'i iinisu-i li
Ioiizlii ) . Kntclopos coiituliiuiK ptop < i- < i
should 1m niaikeil "I'inposils fm const nut i
ut Tort llooi'las. " and adiliessed iihiibot' ' i'
dle.ited. WM. II. II I'tlllF'X Lieiiteiiniil i "
nelaml Deputy < } iiarloriuislor : HOIK nil I -
A.Chief . } m lenniiHtui. Ol'ldlln4- I
'I'llUrn lip.
D.nK buy mare ; hind fictwlilto I i.ini '
HheU-.Mi'Anllo preelnet. < JI'-IIK'0 N '
The * sour man soon yets Into n
N'o , Aogclinu , nhor u Is not fouiuleruilti * *
found rj.
A cointncicinl drutnincr Is frequently f" '
of the uproom. .
A fruitless Hc.irch TrjhiK to lliul iliiMO
peaclios In Ihu inurkc ! .
' 'Vourapiicaranfo ! s iifjaltistyon , " bald tlio
KiMVo-ditrifc-r to the K'IJ- ' | .
"Will you love inotliuii as now ! " "Vc-s ,
J'lllovoyoii nowiiml then , "
A IS foikl.rn politician's friends u.ill him
"I'.iiut" bpc.iuscilio'.sontlio fcnco.
A i-andidnto may itch for onieo , hut If his
constituents scratch his iiaiuo lie does not t'i't
hotnctlnics u nun becomes .sticb a VH tun to
drink that even tuo hopcsof hU fill-mis ai'o
"Htitti'i * wus unknown to the uiu-lcnts , '
.sujs u 'MlttT. 1'os.sloly ; iut nnclciit liutt.-r
IH not unknown to boardci'i * .
'I'll ' follow Hfit , " Kiildthog.iinhk'r , IH lie
.started in pursuit of a sncak-iliiof who \\.is
scooting off with Ills ilotlied.
\Vc all want tlio olcntor to wnit for us. but
when w tire In It wo don't like to sec It koi't '
waiting HIIJ louder for an ) body flun
' 'J'liU is Ilio world of UPS mid downs " rt'-
inurUcil thotoni.ilo , in It went Into tlio CMII
"Wo mi' put up Hint no iiiny bo put doivn
"A Clcnnan clu'mlst , litu iinnly/iiil beci'iunl
found It to contain kiirdohumllctcnlciMUt '
"Yes ; tliuy Unit now Iwiiutlosi to beer over/
da\ . "
r.lhc'lI Kur urn , hinv inticli your suniincr
outing has linprn\cl uiu. MnudAnd you ,
too ,'Vliy , jou liioU | H > ittlrcly ton jean \
'Tls tuio llcroN no truth oncartli ,
That X iilii i-ti is l y lloa Uclulcd ,
1'or tlidiigli some wniiion huvo golden hair ,
Tliaiminy mnv must luvo ll ptnltoil
A V4 iy loitiiicliUM | ) Lilly. calllitK ono day tfl
coiittiilt licL'lihy-ilctuii. tiillicd mi und an with
sut h volubility that lint latuir coulil nutlet
in a woul Ulitu\Miyti. ( ( Jrowlnj ; ii/i jlluiit , lie
tit leu nth told her to hold her out her tonuo ( ,
which hhu dlil. lie then tulil ; "Now , | ilciisn V
keep It then ) until ) 'on Im vo heard \\liat I
huvo wet ' > * ny to you. "
iilllfjiny ) ; iliroit , lloo