Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1890, Page 9, Image 9

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Voices Prom the Pulpit Against Enacting
a ProhlWtory Law ,
I Kansas Ministers Show That it Has Rc-
' suited in Moral Corruption ,
A Serioiu Imp ad iinent to the Material
Development of the Country.
NcbriiNkn I'nHtorH ToHtll'y to tlio I3M1-
oleiiey of IIlull IjluctiHo in 1)1-
iiilrilMtiln ; ; tm Vice ol' lrunU >
mid Attendant I3vll .
In order to nsccrtaln the practical opera-
'lons of prohibition In the states yt Iowa ,
Kansas and South Dakota , letlers wcro sent
to pastors of diuretics In those stales asking.
for their opinions on the effect of prohibition
In their communities , both In a moral and ma
terial way. They were also requested testate
state for publication their own sentiments In
regard to prohibition as compared with high
license and local option. Kellers wcro also
sent to a number of Nebraska clergymen
asking how they slood on the1 proposed pro
hibition amendment as opposed to the Slo-
ciimb law. The following replies have been
received :
Hov. U. .1. Ansorgo , Fort Dodge , la. ,
writes : "Tho morals of lids comnmnlly
have not been Improved by prohibition , nor
has Iho material development of tlio town or
county been assisted by tlio law.s , nnd thu
people generally would vote to repeal them.
1 think tlio liquor trafllc is best controlled by
high license. "
Hev. A. I3hler , Gray , In. , writes : "How
CB.1 a prohibition law elevnto or Improve if It
docs not prohibit } I do not know of any as
sistance llio law has given Iho town or county
In tlio way of development. People make
their homojioro not on account of prohibi
tion , but on account of tlio line country. Ac
cording to my acquaintance , the people hero
would nil vote for the repeal of the law ; some
wtio voted for It once would now , If possible ,
east a do/on votes to repeal it. I would llko
to see prohibition substituted by n ; .lgh li
cense law.
Hev. Li. Traub , Nownll , In. , writes : "You
nsk If tlic morals of this community have been
elevated or improved by ttio prohibitory laws
of the stnto. I can unhesitatingly say Unit
they have not , ami Iho material development
of tlio county and town 1ms been Impeded.
Many farina are for sale and very few buyers
put In an appearance. If a proposition to re
peal the law was .submitted to the people a
majority of the people1 , whoso views are
known to mo , would vote In favor of repeal. I
'nm opposed to prohibition and fiivor high li
Hev. P. Mcnlcke. State Center , In. , writes :
"No sir , the morals of this community have
not been improved , on the contrary morals
hnvo been lowered and secret drinking has
been taught by the prohibitory laws of the
state. The bottle In the pocket is more tie-
mornli/.lng than the glass on tlio liar of the
saloon. Kvcry ono knows and every ono will
admit that the laws have impeded the devel
opment of the county , nml n great majority
of the voters would vote to repeal them. I
favor high license nml local option ; I am op
posed to prohibition. "
Hov. H. Wetiklng , Alia , In. , writes : "Tho
morals of tbo community have not been Im
proved by prohibition. A majority of the
people whom I nm familiar with would vote
lo repeal tbo law. I am in favor of high
license and local option. "
Hev. Ph. Harmlsctiko , Simmer , la , , writes :
"Not In any respect have the morals of this
community been Improved by prohibition.
Tlio drinker now goes to his cellar or side
board ; formerly ho visited a aaloon. As to
tlio material development of tlio county I can
only sny Unit moro taxes nro collected now
than before the prohibition laws were passed.
.Our county was , before Iho law republican ;
now it is democratic. Such a change in
political sentiment answers quite fully if our
people would favor u repeal of ttio law or
not I nm In favor of high license , but not
local option. "
Hov. H. P. Burdoch of Washington
Heights , In. , until quite recently a resident
of huvcnc , In. , writes : "Tho morals of the
community lu and about Luvcno were not Im
proved liy prohibition laws. No , sir. they
wore not , nnd the people there would vote
to repeal them , I am favorable to high
license and against prohibition. "
Hev. .1. Horn , Kllinger , In. , writes : "Pro
hibition closed the open saloon , but for every
saloon closed two or llirco mysterious whisky
holes opened up , so anyone can s > co Unit pro
hiblllon did not improve morals. Our nolg h-
borintr county expended , last year , $ itlXX : ]
In prosecuting violators of the prohibition
law nnd collected from them between $ ! tij ( (
und ? 100 In lines , w > anyone can see that pro
hibition has not ndded lo the material devel
opment of the county. This township. Max-
Hold , Is peopled with good , moral inhuh-
Hants ; if an opportunity wns given thoni
they would cast a solid vote for the repeal ol
tlio prohibitory laws there would not bo twc
l voles against repeal. In my opinion high ! !
cense -not local option --is a thousand times
lI I preferable to prohlpllion. "
Hov. H. H. Jacobs. Wcstgnte , Iowa , saysi
"No , Iho morals of Iho community have nol
been Improved by the prohibitory laws of the
state ) on the contrary , the laws have degraded
graded the morals of tbo community ; thc >
compel men to make swine of themselves , in
that they cannot buy less than too much al
ono.lino : any truthful man cannot purchase
liquor without soiling his conscience. The
material development of tills county hni
been Impeded ; n majority of the people would
vote for n repeal of the law with heart am !
Houl. They hnvo learned that such a law l >
ruin to any Htato or nation , It is their down
'till ; no legislature can elevate morality bj
law ; high license Is wtial could and wouh
Improve the condition of our state and UK
people , "
Hov. Theodora Wolfram , Waterloo , lown
writes : "I wits not n resident of the
fore the prohibition laws wcut into effect , sc
I cannot say If Die morals of the community
have been improved or not , but I can saj
that I notice they are not better than Ii
elates whore the muirtifucluro and sail
of intoxicating liquors Is not prohibited bj
law. For thu same reason non-residoncV
previous to the passage of the law I am nol
, comiKitent to pass judgment upon the devel
opment of tlio town slne-o the law went Intc
effect. Tlio reduction of tlio prohibition voti
from 7 lln 1887 to 113 votes in ISS'J , woule
very naturally le-ad one to believe that If llu
people of tills county had an opportunity ti
vote for the ropoul of the law the majority ol
them would do so. My per onnl preferences
uro for high license nnd local option , anil
would vote to repeal the prohibitory laws o :
the stnto. "
Hov. Carl Schmidt of Elma , la. , "writes
'No , the morals of this community have no
been Improved by the prohibition laws ; 01
the contrary , they have gone lower. Undo
a license law this town had two saloons , to
day it has live or six , where boys from twolv
to llflcon years of ago can procure drinks
nnd such boys nro frequently seen drunk 01
the streets , us are men nnd women I Th
laws have Impeded the progress of the town
Ainny who were prohibitionists four or llv
yours ugo nro now enthusiastically in favor o
VoiH'nllug the prohibition laws : I think tin
* majority of our people would favor repeal
As to myself , I am In favor of repealing th
present laws , and would like to have loca
option and high license ; then the saloon
would bo controlled , and the Hluuu.oful sale
stopped , and the shameful nets nowwltnessoi
on the streets seen no moro. "
Hev. F , W. Heli.Uo of Ilnuor , In. , writes
"Tho morals of this community have no
been elevated nor Improved , but hypocrls.
has ( icon Increased. According to the vopor
of the late census the population of ou
* county has decroaseelj so thu material fleivo !
opment of tlio county has been Impeded nn
not assisted by thu prohibition laws of th
Mute. Many who voteel for the laws In lb *
now admit that fact , To the best of m ;
knowledge nud Information obtainable , n nui
jority of our people would vote for the rcpeu
of tlio laws , as they recognize it a failuro-
und so admit , even those who voted for It an
supported it for years , I favor the cuuctmcn
of n license law , with such regulations as
will not Interfere with personal riijhls , "
Hov. W. Fuulstlck of Whltmore , In.
writes : "As to the Improvement of the
community I cannot pass Judgment , slnco I
did not live hero when intoxicating liquors
were sold openly. I cannot give personal I
Judgment ns toUmdevelopmentof the county. I
Our people would vote against prohibition In
each and every case. As to my personal dis
position will say I nm opposed to prohibition
Bince it Is based on entirely wrong principles.
It should bo repealed. "
Hev. .1. H. Hrammer of I-owdcn , la. ,
writes : "Not In the slightest degree have
the mmids of the city been Improved or
elevated by the prohibitory laws. I do not
know If the material development of the city
has bjun assisted or Impeded by them. Our
people would surely vote for repealing prohi
bition if the question was .submitted
to them. I would vote for repealing prohibi
tion tnvself , because I am a temperate nmu
and believe that no law can make u man tem
perate. "
Uev. O. Lohriif Shut-ills Mounl , In. , writes :
"No , the morals of this community have not
been Improved by prohibition laws , nor has
tlio material development of the coiinly'been
assisted. Our people would vote for the re
peal of the laws if an opportunity was given
them. I nm In favor of a high license law.
In Dubuqito county , where I formerly lived ,
the law was Mover enforced. "
Hov. V. I * . Gosswcilor of Dexter. In. ,
writes : "I have not paid any attention to the
facts , hrnco I cannot say if the morals of the
community have been Improved or not ; the
> iitii" answer must lie itiven to the develop
ment of the county under prohibition laws.
I believe that u majority of the voters would
bo opposed to repealing the laws. I think
prohibition wrong , hence to repeal the laws
would bo right ; high license is the best pos
sible solution of the temperance question ;
local option Is tyranny on a small scale ; local
option is the less , prohibition the greater
evil. If nothing Is left but a choice between
the ( , wo , then 1 would favor local option. "
Hev. W. 15. , of What Cheer , la. , writes ;
I have not noticed any Improvement in
morals under prohibition laws ; on the con
trary , I often see some one reeling the streets
unable lo carry the load of liquor lie has im
bibed. To mo prohibition seems to bo an
attempt to make men pious by law ; It
teaches lying and false swearing. In my
opinion it 1ms impeded rather than assisted
the development of the country. The tax
payers in my neighborhood complain a good
deal of the burdens that prohibition loads
upon them , and I believe that a majority of
them would vole for n repeal of tlio laws.
Personally I think prohibition a religious
fraud and n political failure. I have always
advocated temperance and condemned
drunkenness. The repeal of the prohibition
law and the enact incut of a high license law
would benefit the state and the people.1
Hov.V. . V. Ktrobolof Wilton JunctionIn. ,
writes : "During my seven years' residence
in Crawford county , if my observations can
bo taken for grounds for an opinion , 1 must
say that the morals of the community 1iavo
not been improved , for all that time beer and
dancing parties increased in number from
Sunday to Sunday , and as a consequence the
attendance upon church services decreased.
People do not , nor will not , look upon the
transgression of the prohibition laws ns n
crime , and in that way learn to transgress
oilier laws moral as well its state. From tho.
working of the law I think the development
ol that county ( Crawford ) has been material
ly Impeded , and , without a doubt , an over
whelming majority of the people of thnt
county would votn for itn repeal. Personally ,
1 am for repealing the law , nnd favor the
enactment of a high license , local option
Hev. A. C. Doerlller of Amelia , la. , writes :
I do not believe that prohibitory laws will
improve or elevate tlio morals of nnv com.
innnity. Prohibition laws have a tendency
to make drunkards. Under them temperate
drinks are hard to get , while whisky by tlio
pint or quart is not. If a drinUiug man could
get what he wanted when ho wanted It. tlio
purchase of stimulants by the quantity and
the drinking of Intoxicants by tlio quantity
would not be so frequent. No. the law has
not aided in developing the county ; rather it
has Impeded development. I am against pro
hibition ami in favor ot a high license law. "
Hov. A. C. Steego of Council Illuffs , In. ,
writes : "I cannot see that prohibition has
brough * about any great improvement in tbo
the direction of true temperance.
As prohibition does not prevent
what it would prohibit It has
unnecessarily , to say the least , has made an
army of law-breakers. As wo haveno pro
hibition in fact I cannot say that it has im
peded or aided the development of the city or
county. The majority of the people whoso
predi.cctions politically are known to ino are
opposed to prohibition , and would vote to re
peat the law. I consider high license , pro
vided It bo conscientiously and Justly exer
cised nnd enforced , to be the most Justifiable ,
and at the sumo time the most efficient
damper on the evil of drunkenness. "
Hev. C , W. Hnumhoefeucrof Homestead ,
In. , writes : "No , the morals of this com
munity have not been improved by the pro
hibitory laws , imd the development ot Iowa
county has been Impeded by them. Our
people would vote for repealing the laws , ns
1 would myself. I nniln favor of the enact
ment of a high license law. "
Hev. Charles W.Ott of Atlantic , In.writes :
" 1 was not a resident of this state before the
passage of the prohibitory law , but If hypoc
risy , perjury , open secret violation of "tho
law , vile , adulterated liquors should bo con
sidered n moral improvement , the morals of
this state must have Improved wonderfully.
From what I hear 1 should judge that our
city property Is worth scarcely two-thirds its
former value. To what extent prohibition is
responsible for this I nm not prepared to say.
1 am In favor of tlio proposition to repeal the
present prohibitory law and would endorse a
high license system. "
Hev. h. A. Muller of Odobolt , In. , writes :
"Tho morals of the community have not been
elevated by prohibitory laws. Prohibition
has given cause to secret dram shops In our
town nt least. Odobolt would without doubt
bo more of a town it wo had ono or two ro-
speetnblo saloons. I believe n great major
ity of the people I know would vote for re
pealing the law. I am ngnlnst prohibition
because It leads to perjirry nnd other crimes. "
Hov. C. Hnfne'r , Lenvonworth , Kns.writes :
"Tlio morals of this community have not
boon elevated by prohibitory laws. The
town's growth 1ms been impeded to the ex
tent of reducing the population fully 10,000.
I nm In favor of repeal , provided high license
is substituted. "
Hev. V. Hrust , Dubuque , In. , writes : ' -'The
law was never for a moment enforced in Du-
buque. This very non-en forccment of n law ,
in 1113' opinion Is unwise and has had n bat !
influence upon the morals of both old and
nnd young men. I am certainly for repealing
and in favor of high license and every possl
bio ami practical control of the saloons , but
against local option , because the tyrany of 11
small majority of a county or township is the
same and unjust as the tyrany of a big ma
jority of a whole state. "
Hev. 13. itledel , Fort Dodge , la. , writes :
"If fulso swearing , and in consequence oi
this contempt of the laws Is elevation ol
morals In our country , then wo have a greal
deal of it. The prohibitory laws have novei
assisted us nnd In a great many cases have
injured. I nm in favor of repealing the pro
hlbltory law nnd adopting n nigh license sys >
tern , but not too high , ns the orderly people
have to bear the burden. "
Uev. F. V. Strope. Montecollo , In. , writes
"To the best of my Knowledge the morals 01
Monticello people have not been In the leasi
improved by prohibition , as It does not pro
hlbit. I think such prohibitory laws car
Hover and will never bo enforced in any state
The law luus given us no assistance but I can. .
not say how much it has Impeded the growtl ;
of our county ami town. The majority of ui
hero are in favor of repealing the sooner tin
hotter. "
Hev. I. P. Guerlher , iloone , la. , writes
"The morals of our community have notbeei
elevated by prohlbitury laws' The develop
meat ol our town nnd county has been Impo
deel to u small extent. 1 am In favor of re
peulliiK the laws and am In favor of high 11
eonso and local option. "
Hov. ti. Hoar , lluhlmrd , In.wrltes : "Sinci
wo have had prohibitory laws the morals o
tlio communltv have not Improved. Dowi
with prohibition iind introduce the high H
cense system. "
Hev. P. Studt , Luzerno. In. , writes : "Tin
prohibitory law has had the opposite effect I
moralize this community. It has caused n
development and I am decidedly against lh <
law. 1 am In favor of a high license sys
tern. "
Uev. A. D. Orelf , Davenport , la. , writes
"Prohibitory laws have not improved th
morals of this community. Development o
our county has boon Impeded , but tovhn
extent Is unknown to me. I nm in favor o
repealing the prohibitory law and substltut
Ing hlih license. Don't know uoout local op
tlon. "
Uov. .T Aron , Athens , HentO'i county
Iowa , writes i "Hypocrisy has been flourish
Ing ; lying , crimes raised as if in n hotbed
inoro arrest * for drunkenness thim In corrc
spending years before. Prohibition baa dam
aged our town more than a civil war wouh
hnvo done. I would rather see prohlbltlo
hiiricd today than tomorrow. I would do'
liver the funeral sermon free. I have lived
hero for cloven yeirsand know whereof I
speak. "
Hev. J. Deckman , Cedar Haplds , la. ,
writes : "Tho morals of the community
have , according to my opinion , not Improved ,
but are rather diminishing. The material
development of our county and town lias not
been assisted by prohibition. If n proposi
tion to repeal the present prohibitory law In
our state should \ia \ submitted , the majority
of the people that I know wouU vote for re
pealing prohibition. I shall vote for high
license and local option every time. "
Uev. J. U. Schliopsiok.Pimeroy.In.writes :
" 1 have not lived in Iowa long cnotiuh to com
pare the morals of now with former times. I
know , however , they nix * no better than the
morals of communities where prolilbltlon U n
stranger , Or.r couutv has made wonderful
progress in the last few years , but not as a
consequence of the prohibition laws , but from
tin1 natural resources of the county. Liquor
has boon ionuined as before , but the money
was all sent out of the stat" I consider pro
hibition as it now is here. In direct opposition
to the word of CJod. I am In opposition to
prohibitory laws with heart and soul nud In
favor of repeal mid high license. "
Hev. A. DomtnannIreton.Sioux e-ounty.Ia. ,
writes : "There is plunty of bccrimd whisky
in loivn and I tell you It Is drank , too. Hut
every ono who sells It and drinks it Is , in the
eyes of the moral clement a law-breaker and
an immoral citizen. 1 am for rcpaaliug the
law because intoxicants are now sold free ,
that Is without moral or legal control.
High license would nt least bring the abuse
of selling nnd drinUiug intoxicants under
public control.1 *
Hov.W. . Million , Herndon , la. , writes :
'There has been no improvement of morals ,
but on the contraty people are forced to lie.
i'hoy li'ivo intoxicants shipped under false
denotation. They buy brandy by the gallon
and more , nnd drlnK it in much larger quanti
ties than though they could buy it. by the
drink. The law has Impeded tlio growth of
Diir county greatly. Wo have live families
less In every school district. We got n cents
loss on every bushel of corn. Houses in town
nro empty and taxes are very high. There
ire no now cornel's. Kvery good prohibition
ist In tills community confesses that there is
something wrong with our prohibitory law
and will vote against it a second time. Wo
are In favor of n reasonably high license and
local option. Not because I am in favor of
Jrunkenness , but because I am in favor of so
briety , honesty nnd prosperity of my beloved
Iowa. Now , my dear sirs , If you would llko
to see your state damaged as much as possi
ble , have our prohibition imported. Hut if
you would llko to see your state prosper , do
all you can to hnvo It prevented. This Is my
experience nfter living fifteen ycais in Iowa. "
Nebraska Ministers Wlio Stniul by tlic
Slocunil ) IJH\V.
Hev. O. .furg , Waco , Neb. , writes : "I
would not vote for a constitutional amend-
nt prohibiting tlic manufacture and sale of
liquor. I consider the enforcement of f" ° hl
bition an abridgement of the inalienable
rights of man. It is my opinion that there
would bo Just as much drinking , It would
make more hypocrites , ami tlilnirs would bo
altogether worse than they are now should a
prohibition amendment bo ndopted. 1 would
ndviso ray friends to vote ngainst prohibi
tion. "
Hev. H. W. Holm. Deshler , Neb. , writes :
"A constitutional amendment prohibiting the
manufacture nnd sale of liquor would not
meet with my approval. I do not believe that
any state has tlio right to dictate what wo
shall eat or drink. I think the adoption of
tlio prohibitory amendment will make
hypocrisy and diminish the trade of our
country. I would not ndviao my friends to
vote for prohibition. ' '
Uev. L. Poepertcrn , Iloatrico. Neb. , writes :
"I would advise the people of Nebraska to
vote against prohibition. "
Hov. P. Moelleiilng , Ha/Ho Mills , Neb. ,
writes : "I nm of tlio opinion that the Slo-
ciinib law tends to diminish drunkenness. I
would riot vole for n law prohibiting the
manufacture and sato of liquor. The enforce
ment of prohibition is an abridgement of
man's rights. A prohibitory law would in
crease drunkenness , lawlessness , hypocrisy
and other evils. I hope my friends will vote
against prohibition. "
Hov. N. Hremer , Pierce , Neb. , writes :
"Tho Slocumb law is a good one nnd would
diminish drunkenness if enforced. I i.n :
against a constitutional amendment prohibit
ing the manufacture nnd sale of liquor. The
prohibitory amendment , if nuoptcd , will
prove the greatest disaster our state has ever
mot. The personal rights league will vote
against prohibition at tlio coming election.
I'lio most of tlio inhabitants of the county are
against such a measure. "
Hov. M. II. Punkow. Norfolk , Neb. , writes :
"I believe that sobriety and temperance "an
best 1)0 promoted by the high license and lo
cal option laws , wherever they are enforced.
I will not vote for the proposed constitutional
innondmont. I believe that an attempted re
form enforced on nn unwilling people will
not reform , but will operate to the contrary
In many ways. I would advlso people to vote
against prohibition. "
Hov. W. Harder , Schuyler , Nob. , writes :
"I consider the Slocumb n good law. I would
not vote for n constitutional amendment pro
hibiting the sale of liquor. The adoption of
the prohibitory amendment will not b.-ing
any changes for the better , but for the worse ,
ns it creates disobedience to tlio laws , hy
pocrisy nnd other wrongs. 1 advlso ray
friends to vote ngainst prohibition for a
social , moral , and ubovo all , a religious
standpoint. "
Hov. O. A. Schnrfer , Ulunvlllo. Neb. ,
writes : "I do not believe thnt the high li
cense law tends to diminish drunkenness , be
cause it is not enforced. The adoption of
prohibition would rcliovo us of many evils
connected with the saloon , but would
foster lying , deception , perjury and fanatic
ism. "
Hov. A. Long , Fremont , Nob. , writes :
"Wo can better control the liquor busi
ness in nn open saloon than the
sale of liquor in the dens of prohi
bition states. In my opinion prohibition
would result In ruining the bright prospects
of our state , would make the people defrauders -
ers nnd hypocrites , ns ttio prohibition states
of Iowa and Kansas clearly show. I shall
continue to advlso my people to have the
Sloeumb law enforced. "
Hev. W. Ilrakhngo , Malcolm , Neb. , writes :
"I would not npprovo of n constitutional
amendment prohibiting tlio saloof liquor , and
would advise my friends to vote against pro
hibition. "
Uov. K. ICawltter , Mol-'en. ' Neb. , writes :
"In n general way I believe that tlio Sloeumh
law tends to diminish drunkenness. I think
that n prohibitory law would bo for the
worse , and I ndviso my friends to vote against
prohibition. "
Uov. A. Heilns. Fontanelle , Neb. , writes :
"I believe that a high license law tends to
diminish drunkenness. I would not vote for
the amendment , ns I feel thnt any change
from the present system would be for the
worse. I auvlse my friends to vote ngainst
prohibition. "
Uov. L. Mueller , Kile Creek. Neb. , writes :
"Neither my.self nor the people with whom 1
am associated will approve of a constltU'
tlonnl amendment prohibiting the sale of
liquor. In my opbilon the change would be
for the worse , and I shall vote and udvlsc
against prohibition. "
H. Wind , Mlllard , Neb. , writesr "I do nol
npprovo of n constitutional amendment pro
hlbltlni ! the sale of liquor. The enforcement
of prohibition would net in direct opposition
to the words of St. Paul , 'Lot no man Judge
you in meat or In drink , ' etc. Whenever
over God binds by his word wo saj
amen , but not so when mat
would bind where God has given liberty
Prohibition promotes hypocrisy ; it promotes
pertldlousness. 1 would ndviso my people U
vote ngainst prohibition because such n move
ment as this cannot promote the cause o
temperance , It docs not stand thu test o
( Joit's word. "
Hov. J. Desch , Imperial , Neb , , writes
"High license tends to diminish the vice ol
druiiKenness , for it brings the use of suet
beverage at the most under the control of al
sober , honorable men , I urn ommsed to i
constitutional amendment prohibiting tin
manufacture and sale of liquor , for n mlsusi
never abolishes the right use. I consider tin
enforcement of prohibition an abridgment o
the Inalienable rights of man , Tin
blblo tenches Christians a Chris
thin liberty In eating nnd 'drinking
Christ himself teaches that thcS right use o
drinking Is not making the man profane. Hi
himself made wino for drinking , The rcsul
of prohibition would bo for the worse. It as
sists hypocrisy ; makes every neighbor a spy
and Interrupts the social , peaceable neighbor
hood. I shall ndviso and vote against prohl
billon. "
Uov. O. Uultlnger , Clearwater , Neb.
writes ; "l am opposed to the amendment , fo
ox | > orlciico shows mo that prohibition doe ;
not prohibit. I regard the enforcement o
prohibition an abridgement of the rights o
tuau , Should prohibition be enforced i
would fill our country with hypocrlt.s. I
would most certainly ad vise ray people to vote
igalnst prohibition. "
Hev. M. Adams , West Point , Neb. , writes !
High license , If strictly enforced , will
diminish drunkenness. I am opposed to the
liroposcd amendment , ns I do not bollevo Its
jiiforeenient poult ! be for the better. Drunk
enness In the secret deprives the state of Its
lue taxes , makes hypocrites who pretend to
: m such in order to get a drink of liquor in
: ho drug store , and eiicounige.s fraud in
many ways. I would ndviso the people ! to
vote ngainst prohibition. "
Hov. O. (5. ( ( iumlcll , Hcrlln , Neb. , writes :
"In my opinion , n license ll/uor / law
lends 10 diminish drunkenness. 1 conslilcr
the enforcement of prohlbitloh nn abridgment
of the Inalienable rights of mnn. Its en
forcement would prove for the worse , nnd I
therefore ndviso my people to vote iiffiiinst
prohibition. "
Hev. J. C. F. HurmelMor. Sterling Nob. ,
writes : "I nm of the opinion that the
Slocumb law tends to dlm'.ntsh drunkenness.
The constitutional amendment prohibiting
the manufacture and snla of liquor does not
meet my approval , not single vote will bo
cast in favor of it by my peoplo. Prohibition
Is an abridgment of mnn's rights. It means
golden times for bootloifgers and will make
many perjurers ami hypocrites. I would
advise everybody to vote for high license
nnd ngainst prohibition ,
Hov. .1. H. Hoffman , Huttlo Crook , Neb. ,
writes : "Tho slocum law. If e-nfor . ' . Is a
good one , and tends to Ucailnlsh drniiAen-
iicsn. A constitutional amendment prohibit
ing ttio manufacture nnd sale of liquor would
not meet the approval of the people with
whom I am associated , nor myself. To ent
and drink that which , ! * wholesome for my
body is nn iunleimiblo right , a right founded
in nature. Prohibition promotes hypocrisy ,
perjury , etc. I would ndviso the people of
this stnto to vote ngainst it.1'
.Hev. 13. De'iinlnger , Madison , Neb. , writes :
"Tho h'locuinb law tends to dimmish drunk
enness as far ns enforced. The country people
plo buy beer by tlio keg nnd whisky bv the
gallon and drink ns much as they please. A
constitutional amendment prohibiting the
manufacture and sale of liquor would not
meet with the approval of the people with
whom 1 am associated. I consider the e-n-
forceinent of prohibition an abridgement on
the inalienable rights of man , ami its en
forcement would bo for the worse. It would
make both the sellers nnd consumers hypo
crites , nnd annoy those who need stimulating
beverages as medicine or wine for sacra
mental purposes. I would advlso th < ? people
of this state lo vote against prohibition. "
Uov. J. F , S. Her. Omaha. Nob. , writes :
' 1 am satisfied that thu Slocumb law tends to
diminish , drunkenness. A constitutional
amendment prohibiting tlio innnufgcturo nnd
sale of liquor would not meet with the ap
proval of tlio people with whom I am asso
ciated. I consider the enforcement of prohi
bition an Infringement on a man's personal
liberty nnd rights. Its enforcement would
result In hypocrisy , theft , secret drunken
ness , violation of the law by these selling
and purchasing liquors , nnd many other
evils nro Introduced by prohibition , as experi
ence shows. My appeal to the citi/.ens of
Nebraska is to vote against prohibition. He-
sorvc the rights which God has given them.
Let us remedy evils , but not increase thorn. "
Hev. L. F. Hubcr. Kramer , Nub. , writes :
1 think that high license tends to diminish
the vice of drunkenness. I am opposed to a
constitutional amendment prohibiting the
manufacture and sale of liquor. The en
forcement of prohibition would In my opinion
bo for tlio worse. The members of ray
church ns well as myself will vote ngulnst
prohibition. "
Hev. G. Mueller , Lincoln , Nob. , writes :
'Am ' of the opinion that tlio Slocomb law
tends to diminish drunkenness. 1 would not
npprovo of n constitutional amendment
prohibiting the manufacture nnd sale of
liquor , as I believe prohibition to bo an in
fringement on a man's Inalienable rights.
The enforcement of prohibition wouhi'result
for the wowohml I advise my people to vote
ngainst it. "
Hov. A. Caumhoefener , Grand Island ,
Neb. , wrote : "High license is the proper
law , and it should bo enforced vigorously. 1
can hardly believe that u person who will
vote for a constitutional amendment prohib
iting the manufacture nnd sale of liquor
to be > of sound mind. The next tiling
the prohibitionist will nsk will bo nn amend
ment to abolish tlio use of coffee. Should the
proposed ameudtnfnt ) bo adopted we would
have more drunkenness aud.more violation , of
the law than now. This T have experienced' '
in tlio prohibition state of JIo\va. - My advice
would be for everybody to vote against pro
hibition , because I do notWant | man to forbid
what God has not forbidden. "
Hev. H. Frlncho , Limjoln , Neb. , writes ;
"My observation is that ) the Siocumb law
tends to diminish the viqo of drunkenness.
A prohibitory amendment would not meet
with my approval , as 1 consider that prohi
bition means anything ib\it \ personal safety ,
nnd would result for the Vvorso. I therefore
would ndviso the people of Nebraska to vote
against prohibition "
Hev. C. Volz , ICil.stis , Neb. , writes : "I
nm opposed to nn amendment prohibiting the
manufacture nnd sale of > liquor , as I regard
such a measure an abridgment of the Inalien
able rights of man. Should prohibition bo
enforced worse results ' would follow. I
would advlso tlio people to vote against pro
hibition. " ,
Hev. J. Casenbusen , Monlny , Xcb , , writes :
"I think the slocumb law wiuld bo sunlclent
If enforced. The people with whom 1 am
associated are opposed to.'tho amendment , ns
they consider It an abridgment to their
rights , and believe that worse results would
como from nn effort to enforce prohibition.
I shall therefore , by all means , vote ugamst
prohibition. "
Hov. C. Sehubkeycl , JIJuo Springs , Nob. ,
writes : "I favor the Slocumb law and am
opposed to the amendment , as it interferes
with a man's personal rights. In my opinion
the adoption of the prohibitory amendment
would bo a curse , both socially nnd finan
cially , to ttio people of our stnto. I shall
therefore most emphatically advise ttio people
plo of this state to vote against prohibition at
the coming election. "
Hev. A. Larson , Blair , Neb. , writes : "I
do not npprovo of a constitutional amend
ment prohibiting the manufacture and sale
of liquor , as I consider it an abridgment of
the inalienable rights of i man. Should the
amendment bo ndopted the result would bo
for worse nnd I would ndviso tlio people of
this stnto to vote ngnlnst prohibition. "
Hov. C , H. Silt * , Arapahoe , Neb , , writes :
"To some extent tlio siooumb law tends to
diminish drunkenness. I do not approve of
tlio propofed amendment , as I consider it an
Infringement upon the rights given mo by
God. Its ndoptirn would only change honest
men to hypocrites , nnd cause ttio people to
transgress laws and thereby sin , which
would not bo If there were no prohibition.
Prohibition does not close , but creates
saloons , which every person can learn by
passing through Iowa. I would advlso tbo
people of this state to vote against prohibi
tion. "
Hev. P. A. Hondrichson , Omaha. Nob. ,
writes : "I um of the opinion that the Slo-
cuinb law tends to diminish the vice of
drunkenness. I am opposed to nn'nmomlment
prohibiting the manufacture and sale of li
quor , as I consider it an nhsidgmont of mnn's
personal rights. Should prohibition ho adop
ted It would increase thejvlco of drunkenness ,
creatso hypocrites , and tempts oven law-abi
ding citi/.ens to become trosspassers. I
would ndviso tlio people to vote ngainst pro
hibition. "
Uov , P. Schultz , Mnrtlnsburg , Nob. , writes :
"I nm convinced that ttm Slocomb law tends
to decrease drunkenness. Yet In country
towns it should bo more rigidly.enforced. I
believe ns n community wo are th most sober
people in the union. . 1'ho people with whom
1 am associated nreonjiosed to ttio constitu
tional amendment and will continue to op-
po a It as long ns wo are able to contend
against it , with heart , mouth , pen and bunds ,
Christians are admonished , 'Let no man
Judge you in meat 'or In drink. ' I
most certainly ' regard ttio enforce
ment of prohibition ifnn abridgment
of the Inalienable rlgHjrt of man. Prohibi
tion Incnonscs drinklnn drunkenness , hypo ,
crisy and nil vices. What is worse , It condemns -
demns Christ , our Lord's , conduct and sots
human opinion on a tmr > with the bfblo. Yen ,
ubovo it , and thus undermines tlio authority
of holy writ. To Christians I rfould say :
Vote by all means against U if you love yom
Lord nnd do not want to 'have ' His word sot
aside. To others I would 'say ' : If you love
the union nnd Us glorious Ubcrty-froughl
constitution : if you love your own stuto line !
its welfare ; if you love personal rights , vote
against prohibition. "
Hov. J. C. Mueller , Norfolk , Neb. , writes
"I know it to bo n factfrdm personal obsorvu
lion that the Slocumb law tends to diminish
the evils of drinking , I would not approve
cf a constitutional amendment prohibiting
the sale of liquor , as I certainly think a mar
has u right to eat and drink moderately wtial
ho plea oft nnd hi ? circumstances permit
The result of the nJoutlon of prohlbltlot
would be bad , The nioelorato or nannies ;
I use will bo restrained. Thu drunkard wll
. drink by the pint Instead of the glass. Trans
r KTCSiluu of and contempt for our law * , auuuk
Ing spyl.i 111 nnd hypacrlsy will provntl , nnd
the prosiwrltv of our stnto will be Impaired ,
I would advise the people of Nebraska to
vote against prolilbltlon , as 1 consider our
present laws far better. "
Hov. (3. Wellor , Mnrvsvllle , Neb. , writes :
"I would not vote for the prohibitory amend ,
mont. as I bellovo it to bo an infrliigmont on
tlio rights of u man. Should the amendment
carry the saloon would go and the drug store
would take Its place , Just as lias been done In
lou'.inml Kansas. I would advise the people
of Nebraska to vote against prohibition every
time. "
Hev. F. H. Donnenfeldt , Lawrence , Neb. ,
writes : "I bellovo Hint the Slocumb law
tends to diminish drunkenness Just us much
us any law can dolt. I do not npprovo of a
constitutional amendment prohibiting ttio
manufacture of liquor and I know Unit my
whole congregation will vote ngainst It. 1 elb
not Intend or protein ! to bo any better limn
.le.sus Christ , tlio son of Uod , was , nud there
fore irgnrd tlie enforcement of prohibition as
mi abridgment of the Innllciinblo rights of
man. I think Hint If prohibition becomes u
Inw thcro will bo Just ns miub drunkenness
as now and that wo then would h ivo more
perjury , onth-bre-aking and hyi > ocrlsy than
anybody could look at without shudder or
horror. God ave us ! 1 would advlso every
body to vote against prohibition tit ttio com
ing election and at every election If It should
bo necessary. "
Hov. C. 13. Wlfdovamleis , Gothenburg.
Nob. , writes : " 1 think high license works
all right The people with whom 1 am asso
ciated nre opposed to a constitutional muemU
ment prohibiting the sale of liquor , and so am
I. Such a measure , In my opinion , infringes
upon a man's personal liberty. I never had a
chance to observe prohibition , therefore I do
not know in what it would result. I would
never say that anybody should vote for pro
hibition. "
Hev. C. Hock. Dosbler , Neb. , writes : "My
opinion of tlio Slocumb law Is that It tends to
diminish the vice of drunkenness. I do not
approve of a constitutional amendment de
manding prohibition , us It infringes upon tlio
the God-given rights of man. Should It
carry , It would create lying , false' swtwlng ,
hypocrisy , disobedience of the law and
drunkenness worse than before. I would
advlso the people of the state to vote against
prohibition. "
Hov. O. Holmrrlch , Lodge Polo , writes :
" 1 am satisfied that the Slocumb law Is a
good ono and tends to diminish drinking. All
of us hero are against prohibition , as wo feel
that it is a measure which Infringes upon tlio
rights of man. Should the amendment be
adopted tlio result would bo worse that at
present. 1 would ndviso the people to vote
ngainst prohibition. "
Hov. C. Iluiihler , Grand Islam ! , write.s :
"If the Siooumb law Is enforced it Is a good
enough one for any ono. Neither mvself' nor
tlic people with whom I am associated ap
prove ! of a constitutional amendment prohib
iting the manufacture or sale of liquor , as we
consider such n proposition an abridgement
of man's rights. Shuiild prohibition bo en
forced it would not prevent the slaves of alco
hol to get drunk ; but many others might Im-
tiginesickness nudbocomo liars and perjurers
as well as hypocrites. I would advise the
people of Nebraska to vote ngninst ttiei
measure. "
Hov. .1. Klppcll , O.sccoln , NOD. , writes : "I
am in favor of high license nnd against n
constitutional amendment prohibiting the
manufacture and .sale of liquor. I consider
the enforcement of prohibition an inlringe-
iiicnt of man's debts , and believe the result
would bo far worse than It now is. My ml-
vice to the people of the state is to'vote
against it. "
Uov. If. John , Wayne , Neb. , writes : "Hy
no means would I vote for an amendment
prohibiting the manufacture ami sale of li
quor , as I feel that such n mc.isuro would bean
an infringement on my God-given rights. 1
firmly bellovo that ttio adoption of the pro
hibitory nmoiidmont would make ttio evils
worso. I advise everybody to vote against
prohibition. "
Uov. O. L. Lincher , Ohlowa , Neb. , writes :
"I am of the opinion that high license diminishes
ishes drunkenness or tho" evils associated
therewith more than a prohibition law would
do. As I have lived in Knusns I can say thnt
a prohibition law Is a great eivil too. I would
never vote fora prohibitory amendment , us
I consider the enforcement of prohibition nn
abridgment of the rights of man. Should the
amendment carry 1 can see no chance for tlio
better , but for worso. A great ninny men
would drink morn on account of being com
pelled to purchase liquor in large quantities.
Mv-ndvlecMs to-voto nfiulnst prohibition. "
Hov. AV. Chalctior , Deshler , Nob. , writes :
"Yes , sir , in my opinion the Slocumb law
docs tend to diminish drunkenness and the
evils associated therewith. I do not think a
prohibitory amendment forbidding tlio manu
facture nud sale of liquor would meet the
approval of my people. I regard the euforco-
inentof prohinition an abridgement of ttio
personal rights of man. In case tlio prohibi
tory amendment is adopted by our people ttio
results would bo lying , false swearing hypoc
risy , elisobedicnco of laws , jnoro drunken
ness , and I would therefore advise the people
of the state to vote ngnlnst it. "
Hov. S. Hademacher , HennettNeb.writes :
"Mv personal observations loid : mo to con
clude thnt t no Slocumb law diminish. * , drunk
enness nud other vices ; that a prohibitory
amendment would not meet the approval of
the people with whom J am associated. 1
regard the enforcement of prohibition an
abridgomcno of the inalienable rights of man ,
nnd I would ndviso the people lo vote against
it , as I shull do. "
Hov. F. H. Dahl , Lincoln. Neb. , writes : " 1
nm of the opinion that the hlocumb law tends
to dimmish drunkenness nnd the attendant ,
evils. A constitutional amendment prohibit
ing the manufacture nnd sale of liquor would
not meet tlio approval of the people I nm as
sociated with. I do , indeed , regard the en
forcement of prohibition nn abridgement of
the rights of man , mid n change to prohibi
tion from tlio Slocumb law would result In
many places for the worso. 1 would advise n
vole against the amendment. "
Hev. II. Melsslcr , Columbus , Neb. , write * :
" 1 nm of the opinion , and I believe that the
so-called Slocumb law , if It bo enforced to
the very letter , sufficient regulation of the
saloon system. The proposed prohibitory
nmcmlmcnt would not , bv nny means , meet
the approval of the people I nm nssocintod
with. I regard tlio enforcement of prohibi
tion as much an abridgement of the Inalienable
ble- rights of man as it would be to force a
person to drink Intoxicants who , by personal
option , would abstain from drinking them. 1
know of ao change for llio better Unit could
result from the adoption of n prohibitory
amendment. Wherever It tins been adopted
nnd tried it has increased ttio vices it aimed
to destroy. From a political , social , ami
above all n religious standpoint , I could only ,
and do only , ndviso the people of tills state
to vote against prohibition at the coining
election. "
Uov. W. Zaliol , Orleans , Nob. , writes ;
"Tlio Slocumb law docs tend to diminish the
vice of drunkenness nnd other evils , ami r- -
constitutional amendment prohibiting tin
sale of liquor would not meet the approval ol
my people. I regard the enforcement of pro
hlbitlon nn abridgement of the Inalienable
rights of man , and I shall advise my people
to vote ngainst tlio proposed amendment. "
Hov. A. llergh , Hooper , Nub. , write.s : "A
constitutional amendment prohibiting Hit
manufacture and sale of liquor would nol
meet the approval of ttie people I am asso
plated with , nor my own approval. N (
changes for tlio hotter could come from It'
adoption. I will vote against it and I advisi
the people to do so. "
Hov , II. J. Hubert , McCook , Not ) . , writes
"I am against prohibition ; I .shall voti
ngninst It , and I ndviso all voters to do tin
name. "
Hov. C. H. Heckor , Falls City , Nob.
writes : "Ttio people with whom I nm asso
elated do not approve of n prohlbltor :
amendment.tlioy ; and I regard enforced pro
hloltion an abridgement of the inaliennbli
rights ol man ; the adoption ofjllio proposci
amendment would promote hypocrisy. I ad
vise peonlo to vote against it. "
Hov. T , Mcesko , Tobias , Nob. , writes : Ai
possible for any law , the Slncumb law doe :
diminish drunkenness ami the evils associa
ted with It. The proposed amendment doe
not meet the approval of my people for man :
reasons , ono of which Is the abridgement o
personal right , It would work ; another , tin
hypocrisy it would Instigate. I am ngainst I
and shall use all influence to defeat It. "
Hov. F. II. John , Grand Island , Nob.
writes : "So far as my personal observatioi
extends as to the Slocumb law , It loads mo t
bellovo that it doosj diminish drunkenness
and for thnt reason the proposed prohlbittoi
amendment does pot meet my approval , no
tlio approval of my pooplo. Its adopttoi
would Injure our glorious stale in many re
spools , 1 shall vole against It , nnd udvls
olhers to do likewise. "
Hov. F. Durver , Kearney , Neb. , writes
"It Is my candid opinion that the Slocum
law as enforced In this state does dlmlnls
drunkenness nnd other evils. A cflnstlti :
llonnl amendment prohibiting the sale of Ii
toxlcanUt or their manufactura does not met
ttio approval of the people with whom I ni
associated. It would abridge the inallennhl
rights of man , it would make worse thu mori
status of the people , and it should ( the pn
powl amendment ) bo defeated. I shall ad-
vlso against It "
Hov. 13. Moeckle , CcJnr Knplds. Neb. ,
writer : " 1 nm of the opinion that the Slo
cumb Inw tends lo diminish druiiiicimcas and
the evils iuMocl.itrtl with It. A eonstttultoiinl
amendment prohibiting the manufacture nnd
snlo of liquor would not meet thu approval of
the people with whom 1 nm associated. I
should regard the enforcement of prohibition
nn abridgement of llio Inalienable rigtils of
man. 1 hull ndviso ngninst the proposed
amendment. "
Hev. ,1. P. Kulhurst.Vost Point , Nell. ,
writes : "I do tlilnls our present llcouso law
has n tendency to diminish drunkenness , but
It should be > enforced with mure energy. A
constitutional prohibitory nmcndmont would
not ini'i't my approval , nor the approval of
the people with whom 1 nm nssocint-d. Its
ndoptlon would work n change for tlio worse
loading to hypoi-risy and tlio iMilliv bus of
personal and rcflirious liberty. Hy all means
1 ndviso people to vote against It.1'
Uev. A. Lonthacusot. IVdnr HlulTs , Neb. ,
write.s : "A constitutional prohibitory
nmoiidiuenl would not meet my approval , nor
the approval of my people' . I should nud do
re'gnrd tlic cnfoivomniit of prohibit Inn nn
abridgement of personal rights , Its ndoptlon
would work a clianao for tlio worse and I
shall lulvlsc against It with nil c.irnestness. "
Hov. 13.V. . .1. Uudolnlt , Lindsay , NVb. ,
writes : "I think tliu preicnt high' license
law the' best weapon passible to b.Utlo with
against the vleo of drunkenness. A e-onstttu-
tlomil prohiuitory would not , bv
nny means , meet my approval , nor Unit of my
parl.shoners. Tlio ndoptlon of tlio proprwil
amendment would make n great set of hypo
crites , Inaugurate tlio worst kind of a spy sys
tem and IIICIVMSO luxation. Hollovlng'so I
shall vote ngainst It and ndvl'O others to do
likewise. "
Hev. II. Hrandt. Stnnton , Nob. , writes :
"Yes ; wherever ami whenever enforced the
Slocumb law tends lo diminish drunkonnojs
and consequently nssocintod evils. A con-
stltutlonnl amendment prohibiting the siilo nud
manufacture of liquor If adopted would re
sult In changes for tlio WOMO. Uelng nn un
just law it would tint borespocleil iinrobe\\vd ;
it could not be enforced. It would therefore
increase crlmo and lawlessness. The pro
posed amendment does not meet my npproval
nor that of the people with whom I am asso
ciated. 1 shall ndviso against it. "
Uev. ,1. Wlttlg , South Auburn , Neb. ,
writes : "Yes ; I do think our Slocumb law
tends to diminish drunkenness. 1 am op
posed to prohibition for I think it would
work changes for the worse. It would lie an
abridgment of personal rights mid ttio law
would not ho re.ipected. 1 ouriKMlly advise'
againsl it. "
Hev. .F. M. Johannes , Carleton , Neb. ,
writes : "A constitutional amendment pro
hibiting the : uilo of liquors , or their manufac
ture , would not meet my npproval nor Unit of
u majority of my people , who would regard its
enforcement an' abridgment ol the personal
rights of man. I advise all people to vote
against it , "
Hov. 13. Flack , Scrllmcr , Nob. , writes :
"My observations lead me to bellouithnt
high license ns a weapon against intemper
ance Is tlio proper thing , ami n constitutional
amendment prohibiting the manufacture ami
sale of liquor would i.ot meet the approval of
n majority of the people of this county. I am
opposed to it ; 1 believe it to tie. when en
forced , an abridgement of personal rights. In
Iowa and Kansas they have plenty of free
whisky , plenty of hypocrisy , plenty of per
jury , so 1 cannot see how any good could
result from the adoption of the proposed
amendment , but 1 can see how harm and de
based morals could ensue.
Thu Kiinctmoiit of Prohibition a
Drawback to the Cliurcli.
Hev. 13. Muller , Llnconvillc , Kas. , writes :
"Tho morals of the community in which I re
side have neither been elevated nor Improved
by the prohibitory 1'iiv.s. ' They have im
peded the development of the county lo n
considerable extent , and our people would
vote for repealing thorn. As to myself , I am
In favor ot repealing the laws and submitting
tiich license1 , but not in favor of local op
tion. "
Hey. C. Votter , Alchison , Kas. , writes :
In this community morals have not been elo-
"vated nor improved by tlio prohibitory law.s ;
Instead , they hnvo materially Impeded the de
velopment of this city and county. A largo
majority of my friends and acquaintances
would vote for the repeal ot tlio laws. I am
for substltutlng-trrgh-iircn o laws. "
Hov. G Polack , Dromon , Knn. , writes , :
"Tlio morals of my community have not been
elevated , on tlio contrary , the liquors ttiat
are now kept in homes has rather lowered the
morals of our poiplu. develop
ment of tills ( Marshall ) county is consider
ably less than the adjoining e-ouuty ( ( .ago ) in
Nebraska , and It has improved butlllllutdnco
18 5 , the year when nil attempt was first made
to enforce the prohibition law. A proposition
to repeal it would ho voted for by almost
every ono with whom I am ncqunintod. 1
would favor high license and a strict super
vision of saloons , interdicting the sale of adul
terated liquors. "
Hev. August Hering , Klmwood , Kan. ,
writes : "Hy no means hnvo tlio prohibitory
, aws of Kansas improved tin morals of this
community. Drunkards of old are drunkards
still in spite of prohibition. while
countless immoral , unlawful things are
the fruits of prohibition. Prohi
bition i.s and has been an Impediment to the
material development of town nnd county ,
nnd the majority of tlio people would , with
out n doubt , vote to repeal it. I hnvo always
been and always will bo opposed lo prohibi
tory law.s , because they are unjust , ubuird
and tyrannical. Wherever established , pro
hibltfon should bo repealed. High license ,
with strict but Just penalties , will do more
to cncck drunkenness Ihaii prohibition ever
did. Prohibition Is u failure in every
respect. "
Hov. H. Ludwiir , Horn , Knn. , writes :
Tlio morals of this community hnvo not
be'on elevated nor Improved by the prohibi
tory laws of this state , and tlmy have im
peded the development of the town and
county. Our people , a majority of them ,
would lie in favor of repealing thorn. "
Hov. 13. Meyer , Oakley , Kan. , writes :
' During my stay In this town , am ) from my
frequent visits to all the surrounding
counties , 1 am forced to say thnt the
morals of thu people have not been
Improved nor elevated by tlo ( prohibition
laws. On tlio contrary , I nm convinced by
stubborn facts Unit prohibition has caused
bad morals , viz : perjury , hypocrisy , etc. , ami
by no means lias it abolished drunkenness.
1'ho. material development of this county lias
certainly been Impeded by prohibition , Do-
c.iuso other stales reap llio harvest which is
duo to us. If ttio money which is used tr
import liquor Into thesa western towns nnd
counties irom other states remained hero , II
would bo a great aid to tlio people , who are in
debt and are burdened with high taxation ,
Numbers of people have left the stnto nml
more nro going. 1 nm Inclined to ttio opinion
thnt a majority of my psoplo wouH vote for
resuhniisslon and repeal. I am 1'or repealing
prohinition , because 1 think its repeal would
benefit inv county and my pooplo. "
Hov. 13. Khrhardt , Strong City , Kan. ,
writes : "No , not bv the prohibitory law. '
have the morals of this community beei
elevated or improved. There nro ns many
crimes committed hero ns in towns of othei
states where llcouso laws oxint , and tlio pro
hibitory law.s have been provocativoof hypoo
rlsy and falsehood. Prohibition bin linpedoi' '
rather than assisted llio material dovelopmen
of ttio town and ooanty , consequently oin
people would vote for n repeal of the laws , hi
far as my acquaintance goos. I favor a higl
license law nml nm opposed to prohibition.1
Hov. J. M. Helm of Lincoln , Kan. , write. *
"From prohibition the morals of this o.ommu
nity have not been Improved to any great , extent
tent ! The prohibitory laws have impedci
Um material development of tin ) county
which has been assisted somewhat by gooi
crops. I know that a majority of the peoph
whoso views I am acquainted with wouh
vole lo repeal prohibition. I am for high II
ceuso ana Us enforcement. "
Hov. J. KItngnian , Argentine , Knn..writes
"In my opinion prohibition has never ulovutct
nny one's morals. I cannot say that tlio dove )
opment of this town lias been irre.itlylmpedei
by prohibition , since prohibition doe * not pro
tilbit ; ttio whisky joints' are numerous. /
majority ot the paoplo whoso views I am fa
nilllur witti would vote for a repeal of th
law. I am In favor of high license and thin !
Unit the only way the liquor trade can be con
trolled. "
.Hov. H. Hodo , Wumnyo , ICis. , writes : "
am n now-comcr here , therefore I cannot Ha ;
ns to tlio effect of prohibition on tlio morals c
the community. The people I have becom
acquainted with would all vote ugalnit pr <
hlhltlon , ns I would myself. 1 favor high II
cense , but not local option. "
Uov. C. II. Graubuer.Topok.i . , Kas. , writes
"You nsk if tlio morals of t us communll ;
have been Improved or elevated by prohib
tlon , and I answer , decidedly not , An to It
elToct in other directions , I cm unhenltalliu
ly say thai It bus not only impeded the m :
development of county and town , bu
the state generally. It lias certainly cause
the tldo of Iminlyrutlon , uhtu the tide c
manufacturing Indus'rlos , teiturn nwnv fro
tills stato. That ttio prohibitory law.s do n.
assist In tlio development of the country i
self-evident , mid my people would tiiel ,
votes for the report ! of prohibition. I fnvotf
high license , nnd nm opposed to prohibition,1) )
Hev. C. U. Knlscr , Junction City. Knn. ,
writes "Not * to
: ncoorllni my observations
have tlio prohibitory law.s Improved ele
vated the morals of this iMinmunU ) The
jails nnd lunatic asylums are * as full as bcforrl
md other vlcos opium eating ami pro-it It u-
Ionhnvo tnlcou , In many Instaue'cs. the
ilace of e'.xccssive drinking. 1 nm fully COIN
linvd that our material development wouul
) j UK ) per ce'iit larger If It had not beet )
hooked by prohibition. Most of the peopl6
vlioso views on Iho question have been ox
nvsse'd to mo would vote to ropoul the law.s.
1'ho resubmlssUmlsts are gaining ground
jvery day. My personal opinion Is. sulwtU
ute hUti lloonso wttli or without local op *
Inn for prohibition. It Is the only oourso
hat will save our state from ruin , liiinnehiy
md morally. Prohibition nourishes hvpoo *
Isy mid inculcate * a dlsivgnrd fur laws.1'
Hev. H. Voss , Harnon , Kas. , writes- The
irohlbitory law.s of this stale have u > < ( nn *
irovod or olevate'.l thu morals of the com-
nunlty ; on the e-ontrary , sliuv Um ui'inufiio
uro and sale ot Intoxicating liquors nro for-
lidden , the people In my communitv scom
lie more determined to have them and to bo The uml'Tlul development ot
if this town and county have boon imp.nlej
i.v thohiw.-t. M my ro p'ctol farmers an 1
voalthy business men have t mo
heir determination to leave the .state It the
nws nro not soon ivpjalo.l. All the member
f tlirce chuivhos in Ui'iio , Sodgwlelt ami
Clugman c unities would vote for ropriiinn
irotilultlou without nn oiooplliin , I am
gainstdrunkeiinoss ; It Is a terrible sin. wo
olerato no drinltew In our churches , but t
im absolutely against prohibition because it
s against tlio word of ( iodCol. . 11-10. "
Hev. H. C Keniio , Htock , Km. , wrltnsi
'The ' morals of ( tils community have by no
le'ans bjjn e'1-jvated by tlio [ iroliltiltory laws ,
n fact the mitorial development of the
ounty has \tfen \ ImuoJod to the extent of
unny thousands. Should n proposition to
cp-al the pixMout law bo submitted to ttio
K-oplo the > y would nc-arlv all vote against )
iroldbltlon. My personal disposition In the )
natter Is to repeal prohibition and tnko uv >
dgh license. "
Hev. 13. A. Froso. Palmer , Kail. , writon
The morals of this community have not
eon improved or elevated by Iho prohibitory
I'vs of the state , nor do I think thu
levclopmeut of the county hni been us-dst 'd
> y them. A givat majority of my pcopla
vould vote to repeal the" law if they could .so.
am against a prohibitory law and for high.
Icense. "
He'v. J. F. Moffer , Miur.Uoa , In. , wit-si
Prohibitory ln\vs have not aitvuii'-oU t'io '
nor.ils of our community. In fact it is not
cachings of ( Iod. Tito majority of the pun *
ilo whom I know will vote for ivpe'uiing tuo
aw and in favor of high ll--onso. "
Hov. .1. H. Flsch-r , Hoplor , Kas. , wr'tos ' ,
You ask If the moralf of this community
ave boon e-lovnte'd or Improved under pi- > -
ibition ; not that. I know of , unless ovasi ni
f the law and hypocrisy multiplied can no
ailed improvement ore'leivntlem. Tin * major-
ty of the people whom 1 hiuiw would vote lo
opeal the law. It is an unwise and unjust
aw ami should bo ivpeuleet. It cannot ot * en
forced. "
Hev. .1. II. Hover , Hanover. Kan. , writes i
I have resided in Hanover but two years ,
hough I have resided in Kuusus nine years ,
nd I hnvo not , experienced that tbo moralof
lie people have be-on improved by tlio po -
libitory laws. A majority ot the pool lo
vliose political view I am acquainted with ,
vould vote lo repeal the law. Personally l
im in favor of high license and local uplli n ,
nd in ciisosof8ciiiutiile > uh'drunkciine.s pouls.i-
nent of the drunkard ami the .saloon keeper. "
Hov. .1. C. Kcllor , Palmer , Ktiu. , writ's :
'No , sir , the morals of this com.niuiity luiva
.el been elovntod or improved by prohibit-o i ,
md thodovelopinent of the county has he u
mpeduil by the laws. I n u in favor of rop-id *
ug prohibition nnd substituting hlgti lie-on 10 ,
is are a great majority of tlio people win-t
im acquainted with. "
Hov. O. Menckc , Hcrlngton , Kan. , writes ,
md tils viow.s are endorsed by Uov. F. Dmg-
miller , of the same city : "No , morals huvo
lot boon Improved ; on the contrary thn\ have
icon lowered instead of elevated by the pro *
libilory lawn , and the same laws have im-
ledea llio material development of the town
md county In which 1 live , if a proportion
, o repeal the laws was submitted to the pco-
ilo n mujorlly of thoio who I. know wauitL
ote 1,0 repeal. 1 am in favor of n high llcenuo
aw. "
Hov. F. Droogomullcr , llcrliigton , Kan. ,
vntes : "Tho morals of the community In
vlilch I reside have not boon Improved , Oil
ho contrary , they have boon b.idlj impaired
ly the prohibitory laws forbidding the mum * ,
'nc.tiiro and sale of Intoxicating liquors. Thtt
naterhil development of my county has boon
mpodod by prohibition. 'All people with ,
vhoso views I am acquainted would vote fop
i repeal of the law. 1 am against prohibition
and local option. 1 bellovo in high llconso ,
< aws will never euro drunkards. "
.Moral ami Material Warfare ; Impeded
liy I'r < > ? iillii ) < ) ti.
Hov. C. C Mctz of ( initnn , H. D. , writes i
No , ttio mo-ids of this cominunitv have not
iiocn improve'd Klnco tlio prohibitory laws
mvo locn ) enforced ; on the * contrary , they
iinvo bocotnu worse * . As to the liiatcrlal de
velopment of the * county , it Is going down
jr.vlo under prohibition. Most of the people
I nm ncqunlntenl witli nro in favor of repeal *
ing tlio law , as I nm myself. "
Hov. H. Arnstoln of Forney , S , D. , writes t
'Tho ' morals of tins community have not Im
proved under prohibition , and it Is question ?
ibloif the action of tlio law.s have Impeded
ir assisted in the development of the county.
As tlio pe-oplo would vote for Its repeal , they
probably think It has impeded progress nnd
tevolopinont. 1 nm in fnvor of a high llcenso
law. Prohlbltloji is a great humbug and
makes hypocrites. "
Hev. II. Hamcrnran of Pukwnnn , S. D. ,
writes : "Tho morals ot this community
luivo not be-on Improved In consequence of
ttio prohibitory laws , They have impeded
tlio development of ilie county and people
ire leaving tlio country. If given an oppor
tunity they would vote for the repeal of .tlio
law. I nm for n llcenso law with a pecuniary
penalty for drunkards. " t
Uev. A. Hr.iui.Tof Fro'nan , S. D. , writes i
'No , not at nil , have UK ; morals of tlio com
munity In which I live boon improved or elo-
vntod by tlio prohibitory laws , neither have
they assisted In the development of the coun
ty. The majority of tlio people whoso pjr-
sonal views I am ne-qunlnted with would vote
for tlie repeal of prohibition. I nm in favor
of a high llconso nnd local option law. "
Uov. ( icorgo Fisher , of Millar.l. S , I ) ,
writes : "Tho prohibitory laws of tills state
have not improved the morals of lids com
munity. While I cannot say they hnvo im
peded development , they certainly hnvo not
assisted In Una direction. Moit of tlio people
ple I know would vote for ropeallnir the law.
Personally I favor high license1. "
Uev. A. F. Mundt. Kllondnlo , Dak , writes !
"No , thorols no dlfloronco notlooaimi as to
moral improvement since prohibition , but It
Is notlcoahto that the * law has Impelled the
material development of the country , and
the majority of our pooplo. would vote to re
peal the law. An oath should lie a sacred
and solemn nfllrmatlon , but prohibition makes
perjurer * nnd hypocrlies. "
Uov. A. H. Kurt/ , Dakota , writes : "Drunk
ards nro still numerous , hypocrites have mul
tiplied and disrespect of law 1ms Increased ,
so Ills easy to note thnt tlio morals of tlto
community biivu not been elevated nor Im
proved umlor prohibition , while it bus un
doubtedly been tlio cause of checking ttio im
migration ot good farmers into tlio state , In
that respt-ct it has impeded the material de
velopment of llio country. Most of my
people would vote to ropuol the law. 1 do nou ;
lioliovu in abridging thu rights of all UK/ '
people because some of them urc drunkards ,
lam opposed to prohibition. "
Hov. ( } . Protratii : , Hllisboro , Dale. , writes ;
"Morals hnvo neither been elevated nor im
proved ; on tlio contrary , prohiblllon hasdono
much barm to tlio'p'-oplo , Drunkenness ban
boon increiisod ; bypocrlcv and contempt of
law have been added to tlio sins and short
comings of tlie people , ll Is nol noticeable
that the material development of the country
has been nffcctoJ in any way by ttio prohibi
tory laws , as prohibited drinks can bo pro
cured Just as readily ns ever , however the
volco of tlio people Is 'emigration' if the law
I.s over en forced. They would nil vote for Its
repeal. I am disposed favorably toward
high license and strongly opposed to prohi
bition and shall advlso against It. "
Hov. 13. (1. ( Stark , Sioux Falls , S. D. , writes i
"Havo the morals of this community boon im
proved ! No , they hnvo lie-on degraded slnca
tlio people could not got drinks openly they
got them secretly. Not to say anything of.
Increased taxation , tlio clMing of many uu l
ne-'is Mouses attest thnt prohibition lias Im-
pc lid the material developmon * of tbo county.
Slv people would vot" walnst prohibition If
nn opportunl'y was given them I ad\ls all
p jplo who prlxo Illn rty an-l goad morals \A \
sot'- against prohibition lu any form. "