THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SATUBDATfc , NOVEMBER 1 , 1890 , TJSN PAGES. SPE01RL NOTICES. A OVrilTIBEMEHTS for tlieie cclums will /ilio taken until 12 K ) p. in. , for the orcnltif edition and until : m. , tot \h morulna rdltiun KiidBuKiur tine rntKMCa h In ttdTanco. ' ' , "OATE3 AdTcrtlscnicnliion thliptf * wlltba jLtcliarxcil for nl tlio r t i of 1H cent per word for the first Insertion nml 1 cent ft word for ach unlKcqurnt ln orllon. nnd IIM per lln * uer month. No iidvcrllsmnent tnkon ( or ItM tlinn 'ft cent * for the first Insertion. TNITIAI.8 , figures , aymboU eto. , count each J-n iino word , rpllKSB ndvprtlnfmonln must run con < ccu- JLtlvuiy and under no clrcnmstanci'S will Uicy bo taken ordUcontlnaod by telephone. In theie columns and PAKTIFISndvorllMnK linvlne thplr answers nddrosscd to ft "num- bcr d li-ttnr" In cnre of TUB URB will rrcolro numbered check to nnnblo them to gel tholr n ittt-rn. Answers will 1 > delivered only on prcMintatlon of this check. Knoloso answer * Jn onelopos properly addressed. * ndvcrtlnetiuMits under the liend of AM "Hpeclal Notlei-s" nro publlihcdln both the rnornlnit and ( iTcnlnc editions of THE IIKK. the circulation of which iiKKroitatcs moru thaf 20,000 paper * dully , nml lvcs the advertlsoj the bt-ncllt not only of tins Inrce circulation ot Tnr. IlKt : In Omnha , but also In Council Illuira. LltH'oln and otbvrcltluM nnd loHnilntlio we t BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will bo taken on the nbovu conditions , at the following mm ! * ness holmes who lire anth.irl/ed to take special tiotbicH. at the name rates as can had at the main ofllcn. , OMAHA UilANCH OKKlCK-No. SOUTH Street , Llstrr Illook. JOHN W. HEM. , rhurmaclsl,820 South Tenth street. OIIAHi : A EPDV , Htatloner * and Printer * , 113 Houth 10th mrcet. II. PAHNSWOUTH , 1'harraacUt , 2115 Cum- i Ing street. \T J. HUGHES , I'lmrmacUt , G2i North l th V street. . W. 1'AIIII , I'harmaelst , 1718 Leaven- worth street. VT roilES' PlIAliMACV.SIth and I'arnam. IV SITUATIONS WANTKI ) . I'or Miff i , ttc. , KCtonof f itt column on tlilt SITUATION wanted by a Oerman lady to assist In the household ; low wages. Ad- arcss I1C. . , lleo olllco , Council Illulfs. ; ice i WANTED lly a rollnblo young man. posl- tlnn In olllco as as lstant bookkeeper , or to do clerical work ; good reference given. Ad- Press HO I lleo. i n 2 * I ANTED Whlto dewing , plilldrpn's nml Infants' olothcH. QMS 31-t st. 2111 31 * WAViT.D-Sltuatlon by well educated young man In hardware store as clerk or general man. Address H 51 , llec. 2:1131 : * ANTED-Drcssmaklng In families , 1103 South fltlmt. S122S-1 * WANTP.I ) Position as coachman by col ored man , Rood Omalia refen-nces , i ) years o.xpcrlunco In Omaha. Address S 01 , UPO. M XW-2 * For talcs , itc. , tee top of flr < t roliimn on IM * ixtaf " \\TAVI'ED A piano playur ( man ) , Call 103 > North Dili. SI 372-3 * WANTED A man who understands run ning a bteam boiler , In u residence , 'Jail ft IOSN Dili. SI 373-3 * " \\t ANTED -A man who in" widl ac < | ualnled In tin' city In solicit orders on cnmmls- tdnn Address H M , Hen olllco. M 2.VI-1 * WANTED A Rood meat cutter and all round man In shop and out. Ono that Is Ktrlellv sober. CallatftU Main St. , Council HluIVs , la. Welker.tSliong. _ ; iai-3 " \\rANTr.D Talented amaleurs for special > lieifnrmanei ) , Now play , soclotv drama. Addi ess S M ) lleo. SI il70-2 . ' . ) jr > 3.M ( a month nan bo made work $7.'i.Hto liiRforus. Persons nrufurrdd who can fur nish u hnrso and Rlvo their whole tlmo to the business. Spare moments may bo piodlahly employed also. A few vacancies In towns and cities II. K. Johnson & t'o. , 2GOO Main ut. , Richmond mend V'a. ANTKD-A llrst cluss milker at Ames live/ north of duaf and dumb Institute. J , If. OY wanted to milk cow and attend olllco. P I nqu 1 1 o 121 lleo building. _ iui1. I * AV J ANTED I'lrst class t Inner for Hawllns , Win. : steady Job and Rood wages. Apply to Kcctor [ .V Wllhelmy Co. , ? lty. ix' ( 2 MEN or women wanting work , or persons needing help of any kind , city or country , can always bu supplied at Keith's olllce , IIIS'4 H. IJth st. Satisfaction guaranteed. M.IHS-Nsn A COLLECTOU wanted ; n serial hook do- llveiernnd collector ; must furnish se curity. Apply only from 10 to 12 o'clock Prl- day 12rolglitm ( ! block. i-TI-Ul * "VV ANTED-Ton first class bricklayers at Columuus , Nob. , tit once , wages 40 cents per hour. Inqiilioon the gi-ounds. 32.I-2J OOMPETENT , tempo rate tinner who under stands-shop anil molingwork thoiniighly. Steady employment for good man. Addiess with ti'feicncos. P. J. Hmrp & Hro. , Aurora , Nob. 3.M-3I _ \\rANTED A good wngonmukor at Mul- > iloon'H shop , llllt Coming st. 333-2 * \\J ANTED Immediately , young man to ro- > ' eelvo Instruction and keep bonks ; ono lady wanted. J. II. Htulth , 010 Nuw York Life. "VArANTED A gnod coat maker ; steady employment - ployment and good wages. Address E. Mui 1 1 liy. Atlantic. Iowa. _ ! itii-il : * \v WANTED Men with good roforciieo at .Metropolitan Mtg. Co. . 1GOO Ilowaid st. V\rANTED l''lrst ' class steam litters can llnd > emlovmont | ) In Chicago. Hteady work. Eight hours. Apply at once. SI. aid 4" BEST terms to agents on our nuw book , "Ileaiitlfnl Ciems. " Illg money In taking orders fnr holiday delivery. J. M. French & Co. . r.12 I'axton blook , Omaha. Neb. I2J 1 "VV" ANTED 20 salesmen to carry ( asasldo T < Hue ) our "Cash on Dellvpry" olgur with gold Illled watch. Illg pav. Distance no ob- Jeot. C. O. D. Cigar Co. . Winston , N. C. iKi-i AN VAPSP.IIS Wanted -Correspondence so licited with competent canvassers to sell paper clothing , llnnd wages can lie earned. Write Paper Clothing Co. , Port Huron. Mich. _ iKm-u-a \\rAN I'ED Men and women of ability In T every city , town and village lo nut as agents for thu Ladles' Homo Joiiiiial. Wn want Ihu best obtainable olasj of agents , and to such unusual terms will bu offered. The Journal Is the handsomest periodical for la dles and thn family over Issued , and has near ly half a million subscribers. It will bo ad vertised thu coming autumn and winter onu larger scale than over before , creating a de mand Hint agents should bo ready to till. Curtji Publishing Co. . Philadelphia. SUB5 ! ) * 'W ANTED COO laborers forstono and crado work. Apply to P. H. Johnson , Union passenger depot , Omaha. 873 "I \ ' ANTEDAl once , several good city can- > rnitsers , l.lio Douglas st. 7.1n21 anted thionghont Nn- briiska. Fend btamp for rely. | ) Jos. P. Megeath , Omaha. 772 \\TANTKD-A live , unergetlo partv In every T place to Introduce uttr goods. Wo have anew now line that will sell at every house and agciitsiau reap a harvest bet \ieeu now and the holidays. Will pay a salary of * 7.1 per month If preferred and furnish u team free. Address at once. Standard Silverware- . , Hostnn Muss. SlKH-DlIi * _ _ "VVTANTED Men tntra\el for our Canadian T f nurborlca. Mono.V Wellington , Madison.YU WAXTICI ) KIO.'MAljK IllJia' . Fornitrsctc teetopnfrut cultonn on thlt JMIM. \\rANTEl ) -A ginid sorMuit glrh Tlood > wagi"j paid. Slli ) Emmcttbt , SIIlso-3 , I WILL pay Indies a salary of 110 per week to work fomo In their looalltv tit home , light work , good pay fnr part time. Write with nlai'.fN Sirs. II. 1. I'lirilnglnn , box TUi Chicago \\7AM'ED Immediately , competent clrl T T for niifjo and second work at 710 N ! Su st. 304 ! A LADY wanted to solicit orders from the xxtrado for Williams' gummed letters and other upoclulllcs. Address , with luferences , toTnblol.V Ticket Co. , s7 nnd S-J Pranklln St. , Chicago. SIM2 * GlltL wanted ut 2.137 CiimliiR street.MS MS 31 * ' \\TANTEI > ( iernoin nurse girl , about U T > yeatsold , ut Mr * . U'upp , 010 S. 13th St. . up etulr * . U71-31 \\rANTED-\\omnni-mik \ , dining room and T T laundry girl , steady position to good girl. hotel , Milton , -Neb. y'J i Glitli for k'eneiul lioiikvvtork , ? J3 sTuHh. 'JI.W Ilia I IT young Incly wanted lo get uL > scrjbers for tlic Omaha Excelsior ; M per cent colmnUslou. Apply 11-3 loth st , MlKJ AVANTKD KI3SIAII3 o , tic. , K top of fin t column an IhH for Kennrai hoiisewrki i'lr > . (1N. ( . Loomls , 1011 Jj.aoth ave. M.'i \\rANTED-Wotnurso. SllSSt. Mury'n avc. -310-3' _ .MlaCKhtjAX : oUS WANTS. Kor nifcw. ttc , , tte touof rolnnm nn thn EH nnd colts fed and cared for during . the winter. Corn , oats , cut feed and straw. Stock can nlso run nt largo and feed on IU ( acre * of corn stalks ; nlonly of wuter , stable and ulied room. 2 miles south of South Omaha. 2 mllns noith of Ollmorc. ( 'has. Chllds * farm , west side of U. P. tracks. 1'rloes II and ii per month. ( Jeo. n. Unntr. _ M377- ' . ! * ANTED-IIorses towfnTor 7 with g'rahi nnd fl without ; good euro wll1 betaken of them ntUnlTman Park farm. Leave horse wlthN 1) ) . Uillrance. stables 411 y. 17th st. Tel ephone Kll. M b'JO 3.TOIISI..S wintered at Omaha fair grounds. 1 I can wlnlpr2iV ) horses , each horse bus a large warm boxstall , feed nil the grain Ihn owner waul" , largo yards for exercise In line weather. A , Thomson. S1201 N ! roii HUNT Housns. For intrr , etc. , tcelnpnf ft < t column on thH TJ1OI I 1 lE NT-l raunl iTm eTairnmdr rn lin- -L1 provpinentx.W \ South'ilth avenue bel ween PuriuiM and Dodge Htrcets ; * 41.00 : best local ity I n city i eomunlentto business. Sl3iti-i * HENT-A r room house. 21st and Char les sts. Inquire af.iill Charles st. ifl.l-3 * iflOIl HENT-3000 Mason , 0 rooms , uvery con- venli'iicp , newly decorated , llrst-class neUhhoi hood , near CUM. Low luiit to desir able tenant. Inquire IM10 Mason. M-34.1-2 * VTKW house , i rooms Inqulro morning o i- > evening coiner2Sth and Lake. E.I ] , lileiiu IU7-1 * 1OIl HENT A good C-room house , city J- ' water , south front lot , near Lake and Sher man avo. : at expiration of 3 ycais will glxo you warranty deed.suolcetto mortgage. Look this up. C. P. Shaw , 3'.SHheolcy . blk. 32U J7011 IIENT8 mom hoii e , nil modern Im- - iirnvemenls. 33IS Chicago St. , * I7.07. wall llros. . llnrlter blnck. IUI 171OH HENT Elegant 2-lloor house , all mod- JL ern Impiovements'corncr-lrd anil Chicago. Apply at I.'W ) I'arntim bt. : c > 0 2 TIOU IIENT B-rooin cnttago with gas , water L' closet , bath , furnace , hot ami cold water , at ll-'H South ICth st. Enqulrd at 1C11 Dotiglifs street. 110-1' F HENT-Plx small brick dwelling - hrnisps ! near Iflth and Loavonvorth nt | M ! > ) er month. Thomas A : Hocho , 3 ! Now York jlfobldg. M.2'i2 ' * H lPI ! for rent ; ten rooms , modern con venience , ( HI So. llllh SU 2IS-JI * llT cottage , No. : ! iallfornln St. , for rent - and fuinltnre for sale. 240-1 ft 110O.M houso. 10th and llaneroft , city water Jaml clstein , near motor line. itlO per month. ' .IIS-IIIJ rpWO 8 and I ) room houses , modern Impiovo- JL monls. cheap , tJ ) nnd $ .Ti per month , well located. M. M. Marshall , Uooiii W7. N. V. I.lfo. : t * HOl'Hi : for rent , at Ml 1'iorco sticet. con venient to depot , Nlco coltauo. Inqulro ofT. .1. Lunry. > ) - "IIIOU HEN'T 7-ronm cottage , convenient to -LA wholesale district and business. A ( inly 1112 y. lUlh HI. io : 1J1OH HENT S-rnom modern house with nice JL barn , 1701 N 21st ; also it-room house and nice barn.220C > Miami , by ( Jrutn fc lllshop , II 54 , Hoard of Trade. 120 Foil UINT : 7 room house , I'm California st. } i" > per month. Itieniian & Co. , Chamber ot Commerce. . llll-l rpO JIBNT On 1'ark ave. , two il-rootn houses , J all Impiovements , newly papered and rn- paltcil thioiiRhout ; nlso ii-room : hiiusu on N. ' 'lib st.s rcuN , $4U. Also ono on iflth ami rar nam sis. . nint U. I'or further pnrtleirliirs call and see I ) . V. bholos Co. , ! ! lil I'lrst Nut'l Hank. 771011 KKM'-l'urnlshod hotihO.WttJSt. Mary's JL1 nvo. irG U' " 171OU IlKNT Low to Rood tenant , desirable -L'i-iooin ( cottage. No. Kill S , 24th st. Apply room 0 , r.\)5 ) rarnam st. D. > : i2 J7IOK IlKNT 28-rootn houses at 2i22 and 21 JL1 Oaldwell Kt , nicely papered , bavins mod ern cnnvcnIPIICDS and barns : to reliable- par ties until sprlnc J'i'i per mouth. J , U.Johnson , BIU I'axlon bloiik. l7l ! ) FOlt IlKNT S-ovmi-room cotticc , cor , S8th a\o. and Cap. avo.lmiulro ' . " . ' 18 Dodge. M-OT \ESIHAHLE dwellings nil parts of the city. 'iMiioutnn .V Allen , HXi ) Parnam st. fi28-nl3 "IJIOH KENT An 8 room house with all mod- J-'nin Impiovements , heated by hot water 1521 K With st. 4 blocks cast of llanscoin I'ark Eliiilro40n ( | llec building. 411 "I71OII HENT IIouse.8 rooms , goo < l laundry. -I ? Inquire llobt. I'urvls.'lth & St. Mary'M ave II''YOU wish lo rent a hnuso or storu sen II. E. Cole , Cnntlifental blook. RSJ rOH HENT To resjionslbln parlies only , those line new brlek and stone houses on Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms alcoves ; morn conveniences and better llnlshed than any IIOUMI for rent In the city , H. II. Hender son , 400 Paxton blook , city. 631 i7-HOtM house with barn : nominal rent. 0. i T. llairlson. Ull N. Y. Ilfo. S > 7 ! ) Poll Kl'.NT I ) room house , all modern con veniences , Including a good stable. Caplto ! avenue , near thu high school ; rent moderate. 1) . J. O'DonahoP , ItiJl rarnam Ht. ll SKVEN-room hnu e , IStli and VInton , UO. J H. Johnson , MU 1'avton block. ISO 1T1LATH. steam heated. WJ S. ICth. Tims. T C Hall , ill ! I'axton blk. 5SH T71011 HENT 7-1 oem pottages. Hath and al J.1 niodern cnnvenlonces , ready In few days C. S. Elgutter. 407 I'lrst Nal'l bank. MJ KOU For late * , etc. , ice top of tint coftmi'i on thtr TT1OH KENT I'leasantfurnlshod south loom J- modem conveniences , 2015 Douglus.ins ins 4 * FUHNISHED room , 1000 luirnam. at $0 per month. 3.1'J ' a T south front room , 2112 Dodgo. _ _ ED rooms ; 2 sleeping rooms ; lioat . * gas and bath. 2.112 Chicago st. 33U-3 * HANDSOMELY furnished room. " , W Dodgo. 12n-5 * ALAHOE youth front room cheap. 123 South 21st st. Sl,2iil2 * Oil KENT Three vorv pleasant furnlUied rooms to the right party In a private house , with or without board , no other roomers , lo cution bust In the city. 310 N. 20th street. 2J4 31 * "TIIOH HENT Kurnlshed rooms , gas , bath -L nnd furnace bent , opposite the Merrlam , UOS.3i1tli8t. . 241-2' CICELY furnished loonl , 1921 Douglas. -L > SI 220-4 * 9 HOOS'iS , furnished or unfurnished. OICIS 17th . .ive. , between Juukbon and Leuvenwnrth. ttil 31 * HKNT--'rwo nleoly furnished front 2vlO Davenport st. 207 roons for lent with all motion conveniences. 204-0 llarney. 212 ! 1 * I71OII HENT Largo south room , newly fur- I1 nlshcd.'IO'l ' Douglas. SI 1W-3 * KENT L'urnlshcd looms , U 8 Capitol J. n\o. SI191 1U rEWLY furnished rooms , fitenm beat , gas , i bath. 7111 % liitli St. , 2d lloor. 110 2 * 'TT't'IlNISHED rooms , steam bout , gas nut JL' bath , 3315 Douglas. IV ! Ill * DESIHA HLK rooms for three or four gentle iniiii , private sitting room Included. 170 Capitol a\e. 431 _ _ "IjlOll HENT Purnlshcd rooms ; gas , bath anc J-1 steam , 1,119 Howard. 871 rpWO nicely furnished rooms , alnglo or nn J. fiule , nn.d bath ; terms reasonable. ir.MJ.oavenwovth. SISM-l * IJIOIl KENT- Furnished looms HWJ Douglas IIOOS1S AND IIOAKI ) I'or rate * , ( it. , Me fuji ofjlitt colutiinoii thlt SOUTH room and hoard for ono or two gen tlumen , furnace , buth Mid gas ; homo com forts and privileges ; terms reasonable ; eloao to Parnam motor Hue , 2713 Half-Howard bt , U.182 * HANDSOMELY furnished large , warn room , with bittlsfaotory board and pltus ant hornet terms reasonuUIe , 2130 llarnur , J M2J1-1 _ _ II OIl good board , nlco rooms , modern con l venlenceu , rules and locution , thu Piillmiin house , HID Dodgu bt. , cannot bo excelled. . M 253 N SO * 'UIIN1SI1HD noOMS AMI I1OAIU ) . 'orratet , rten < e topafflrrrttalHinuaii thltxiat \ it'll i ; of front rooms mi third HoorMiltalilii Jfor four Ruiitlonion , wltlt uxcollont liourtl. 'crms ren omillc , ll'l 3 SOtli at. n-'J rr\IK8T \ oliisi board anil room W per week L1 JU13 llnrnuy. 810 3 _ NlSltKU roonin null boanl. 132J riilcugo Ill.iU * _ \TKWIiY fiirnlihcd room * . ln lo or on tiltc. - > with txmtil , lii'tit. BUS nnil bnth.'AM nlnl/1'i X. 1'tli , oilioilto | now postolllcoslto 1C5 NiJ mblTnnNiQTooms with boaril. 1 J DoilRO b8t. Uli ! _ 2T. OI/A lit KiirDpcnii hotel , with cllnliij : mom , Jutonni hunt In all riwtiis. l.'lthuuil 'UnilKu. pcclnl r.'ite bv week or month. _ bi. tiJx'F-.iitjoa LiVi'1u7tNTsnrl ; ) ro H i - is ' I'nrratcf , tt ( . , Mt top < > t flrtl column tin i/i ( ] MV < Ifioil ItHNT a" uiifiiriilslii'il loonn ! iiltillo for llcht hntiHokeeiiliij ? . .Modurn eonvon- cncea. 1IWN. isth. M.a'iOl * IHOIl vi ry comfurtiihlo winter IIOIIIIM i'o J.1 tliHoi-Hom : Huts. S.V. . Cor. 21st nnil Nich olas sis Nowty panored , city water nml MIW- ernpe. Tlist lloor , f3j scooiul Moor , IS. HntU ( fill ln Accuoy. ! iMg.l.- _ st. avi NS KP.NT Hulto of 4 unfiirnHlioil . for hoii nleiiln ! | ? , to family without children. 1TU2 Wcbstur st. UIJ roll lUCNT-STOIUCS AND OKF1CI2S. ' 'or mitt , etc. , ree fop of flirt column nil MiH V'W > PlOUNI'Hsloro nml biittMiiput of brliih liulIU- V liiK , cornurof N and 'J'th st. . South Omalin. HIW orminliMl by Dtuvur.s'Journal. Mr- < . , lll4 ! . IStli , Omaha. 1 LOOK lir.un Winter N coniltiK. tl.ero arc n few p < Md ) olllees for rrnt In thu Utinuo till K. with llrst cliis4 heating anil bosl of ole- MUor services. Innulru I'rank J. ItnniKC. iilil-ir.'S ItllNT Motropolllnn linll. mil and Doiltjo. for bulls , parties and weddings wither or without supper room. Terms rt''isnnablu , Ucortfo Iluyn , ilii : S 15th st. l"i'-UU STOHKS at 70 ! ) S ICth , WMrt cacli. larzn show wlinloni. stt'iun huat furnished. 'J'hm. R Hall.'Ill 1'aMon block. S' roll Itr.NT-Tlio 1-story brick bulldliif.wltli or without power , formerly nceiiilpdliy ] lie lleo PublNhlnK Co. . Dili I'arnam st. Tliu bulld- IIIK has n llro-iroof ) cement basenipnt.coiiMdolo Rleain hcatlni : lUtnres , waturon all the llnors , Kas. etc. Ajnily at the olllco of The HPO. 015 KOll 111 < ; NT WAIUOIIOUSKS. I'nr raltf , etc , , fee fi > ) i nf flivt column mi thti ] n\'jt I T(3V. ( ( HRNT llrlek waiohouso. two Hlorles nticl biisciiient , S7XH ( ) winaro feet , with 10) ) fi-otof iloublo track on t. I1 , railway , south SOth uml I'lorco btiects. Address I ) Oskamp. Omaha. Neb. HiX ) IpOIl HUNT Ilrlck warehouse , two-stories liinh ; basement ; liydr.iuUcoltivator ; track- ago ; lie t location In thu city. A. U. Powell. nai n" I'ortnttt , etc. , rrf top of first column on f/iti / JTOHAOi : ana Trackage-David Cole. S15- JS1 [ Howard st. 713 RTOKAliK 'Jpo us before storlnu Roods of uny desi-rlptlon. Oinalm Steve liepalr Works. l)7 DnngliH. Tel. WO. b'.l.l ' rilUACKACJI ) HOIM O at lowest rates. W. .M J. llushman , Hill l.i'UM'inVorlh. S'JI ' iTOUAGi ' : Hnuich .t Co. , 1211 Howard.trn \VANTKII TO HION'I. Forratrt , etc. , tre. topof ln l column on tldi wit MO UK bouses to supply demand ; brine In your list. Tlio Iteal K.statu Information bureau. 17 Hoard of Trade. ( iL'IU 2 " \A7ANTED 3rooms for a family of two , on Walnut or Clifton Hill , Address 0. N. 2.121 Cnsslus bt. 2ifi-3IJ \\7A NTEO lly Nov. 1st , fuinlshed oriin- T > fuinlshed rooms with 111 st class hoard In private family whuro there tire no other boarders , for two young married couple. Price no object for deslrablo quarters. Must bo above 22ud sf , near I'amain ' , Heferenees ex changed. Address 8 41 , Hee. 101-31 * AGMNOV. For mtrf , etc. , r\e ( op oflisl column on thti LIbT your houses with the Heal Estatu lu- foimutlon buruatt , 17 Hoard Tradn. JUl n 29 TTT H.Ilir.Y&Hro.rcntal asents.200 N.Y.LIfo HE. Cole , rental aRont.Coutlncntal blk. b > ) LIST your house" to sull or rent with C , R Harrison. Ull N. Y. Mfo. BJ J10AKDING. For mtrf , etc. , fee fop nf flial column on tilt * ATsrAaToN cr.s. The Hillside , n.w. cor. ISih and Dodge. MOTI-ft * For rati ? < c , tee top of ftrnt column on ( Ms JKW. JTOTICE to steam litters : Kcop awav frnn ChlcaRo ; strike , S. 11' . A. of Chicago LOST. Forratet , etc. , nee top of flit column on tlits imue. LOST Liver-colored polnterblteh , very thli and bony. Huturn to 131U Douglas street Suitable reward. M J7I STIIAYED Prom William s grading ramp youth Omalia , morning of Oct. ! N , 1SH ! ) . om light gray work horse with whlto mane and tall , weighs about 1.400 pounds. Had a dec ] Rear on Insldoof right hind foot , caused finn a cut. Any Information leading to the dis covery of Iho unovo described horse will bo liberally paid for. Address L. I. Vail. P. O box 1112 , South Omalia. M.aU-2 * _ T OsT-Oolug from 20th and Clark to 271 J J Dodge st. , a lady's gold watch and short chain , monogram M. back , on Inside cast th birthday , Pebruary 21st. 18SI , Hot ui n U 1100 Dodge or27U Dodgu and iutelvoioward. : _ LOST One promissory note In favor of Dr O.L.Nichols for Hl.ll. signed by Itnbt. In- clls , Pawnco Oily , Nob. Hnturn to IB and 10 Arlington blk and receive rewind. 1170 III * T OST Monday , Irish setter dog , "Dash , " U -LJ P. McClure ownev. ntimos on collar. Ito waul for letuiu to Kll Park a\ennc. J , A Grltlllh. _ in.V3I * IOriT Pionoli poodle dog ; $ .1 rowaid for 10 Jturn to TO ) Capitol avu. ' 'Ul ' : i * c , ffr. , tee top of flitt column on this rilAKEN UPOno gray horse. Cull at the JL extent of Lea veuworth st. Noilhuostori sand pit. Mi7.i-l : * FOK HAlTl' : KUUXITUIU3 KTC. For rates , tic , , lopof jlnt ruinmn on Hi t 1117. TI1O11 HALE I'lirnltnre of 0-room house Juheapf.V)0 , J2tK ) cash and monthly 'pay ments. Can lent house. Call 2100 Parnam st _ M JKl-1 * Foil SALE Pnrnlturo and business of II- room hotel In Lincoln , doing good paying business , llestof reasons for Bclllnz. Tcrns easy , SI , W , I'olsom , Lincoln. NeK SHI FOH HAIjK IIOMSKS A 3ONH IJTO. For rate * , etc. , tee top of fiist column on thti ptioj A COAL black 4 year old horse , sound , splr -Vlted. speodv. As a rider Is a single footu and tractable for u lady. Hiewstcr top. hum made buggy , and harness , both new , C. E McMonles , euro of \\Ift and Company , So Umabii. _ iIl- ! ! _ " 1/1011 HALE , very cheap One ( four passim- 1. ger ) rnukuway carrlago ( nuw ) ; ono light brougham , a two- sealed Russian sleigh , nnu ( single harness , onu pair elegant horse blank- etc , ono farm wagon , and twosets of doilbli harness. The above Is propeity of the Into P C. Hln.ohaiigh and will bo sold i cry cheap tieo. W , llolbiook. room 4. Hoe Illdg. tilt \\7OIUC horse $ ( .1two horse wagon )20doublo work , harness (15. Or will trade for ( RMM ! light side bur buggy. H , E. Cole , Contln- entallook. B'JQ H H K. Cole , F I OR SALE 3 good work teams. Inquire ut 018 I'axton blk. 4JJ _ l-'Olt SAlil . MISUKLihANl UH. I'vrmtet , etc. , tee top of flrti cnlinn on thlt imgt A PEW tinner's tools. In good condition , wll b oold cheap. Write to SIoNully llros. Dcshlcr , Neb , 2.10-31 * UTCHEIl tools for salo. Apply A. Grubo _ PprUJmiilia. 211 4 * N , price rci\soniiblc , K 05 , Hot olllco. 772 DON'T torget Jos. I' . MeOoath , | 8or Para an st. , when you want to buy , rout or sell u typewriter. 773 _ Ol7tiALi-AII ; kind , ot thoroughbred do- * . James Panzy , I41J a 20lb at. 37ti KO US. formtet , etc , , teetopdfjfiyfccitumn on thti AVE fuel by cover'/fg' ' / your otoiim pipes Jwlth TosslI Steal Ccyypjilttoni the host ion-conductor , absolutely ( lw proof , Wcs- crn agent. V. O. SlcEwtM , 1011 Howard st. < V.S-nl3 X 10 Shoo Dealers WhMi you p.itronlzo me you know that I wll\ \ not compete with you > y retailing rubber boots , shoes , irctlcs , sati- lals , etc. I am not running twelve or llfteen retail shoo stores under yilrlous names. 1 sell nt wholesale only and ha\c no Interest In any retail htoro I am western agent for HIP New Jersey rubber shoo rotpliany at Omaha , and every shoodealcrknownthero is no better line of goods mndu. Sly snle.s this year o far are nore than double any other season up to this line. Send for price IUI.H and discounts. , Ior- spyswlll be oxtoi'Jlvoly , advertised this sea- mi. / . T. Lludsey. ; i-n'J MASSAOEtroatment.plectnvthprmnl baths , FC.ilp nnd hair treatment , maiilcuro and chiropodist. Sirs. Post , 11 2021.lthnell blk. Sul " \VANT 101)-- . IIU V. Fnrnilrt.rtf , . tee tnjinf titl tnlumn nn thti ixicjt. \\MNTED -To buy young fresh milch cow t i Apply to TholM-Centslore.1310 Parnam st an 31 _ _ LIST your property. We have buyers. ilutehlnson & Woad.1521 Douglus. Tel. I.Y.U 83s. 1 _ _ \\rANTED-To Invest. Hoe to JV)0 In any ii gnod paying business in Omaha nrvlcln- ty. A dill ess S. IB. llcoolllee , 'C17-31 * \\MLLpay JI.MX ) lo f.l.000 cash for a house > > and bit wllhln'J miles. , f | > . o , this week If t's a bargain , or will buy equity and assume mortgage , ( llveslzoof lot and house. Address h On , Hoc olllce. II2M . household gnnds.etc. lllu-hest cash price. Wells , lilt Parnam. h77 SECOND hand hats , 1,112 Duds * MS27 SECOND hand typewriters. J. P. McUf.ilh , 1W7 I'arnam si. , Omaha. UEC'OND-IIAND bonks bought fnr spot cash Out the Antiquarian bookstore , 111 I I'arnam. 01.1 nil' \\rANTED-llorsu and buggy. W J. Paul , > > IBM Pariiam. 3H A10NKY TO LOAN. ' * ; fj.-ljy ? . " " 'l.-.1" f"1"1 ° " " ' ' \ \ 7ANTED Oper cent real estate loans. > > P. Harrison. HI' . ' N. Y. Life. 317 MONEY to loan. Correspondents nf Lom bard Investment company. Sbrlver ifc Hums. Pien/.er block. Kll Ioans--llcst rates and option In llio west. Inleiest annually , llorrowcrscaii pay part or alt of principle at end of any year , and stop Interest. It. K. Stowe , S10 N. Y. Life bldg. tfJOn'il * IMIJAI.U Champ .t Tlyan , l-.i ) I'nrnam St. , make loans on real estate , personal and collateral security. Notes and bonds bought , llulldlng loans at lowest rates. B NU FIHST mortgage loans on improved and un improved property. C. J. Caswoll. fill N. Y. Life. SI f 7 N U 1110Parnam. Hen. I' . Marti. loans made on diamonds , watches , Jewelry , etc. Ml N13 * - - - IfATTIl : < loans , low fate , l.'iIO rarnam st. 4.V.-nllt rpllll Commercial Hedu'rltv l.o in and Trust .1 Co. wauls Rood short llnifl p ipur ; also can handle a few secured mortgages , Itnom : f)7 ) , 1'iiMon block. M IsO-NII MONKV to loan by IJ. V. M.isturs on chattel and collateral securities for any tlmo from nnu to six months In any amount to suit bor rower. Loans madoon household roods , pianos , or- pans , horses , mules , houses , leases , waiohouso receipts , etc. , at the lowust possible rites , without publicity or removal nf property. My loans are soarrailitoil that you can make a payment of any amount at anytime and reduce both principle and Interest. If you own u balancu on yonr property or have a you wish changed , I will pay It olfund carry It for you. If yju Hud It inoro convenient , call up telephone No. Ifi'il and your business can be arranved nt homo. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub licity. Lowest rates , H. P. Masters , Kooiii I.WlthntU blk. , | 3th nnd Harncy sw , "T7IAHM Lo.uis btar Land & Loin Co.1I4N1 1I4N1 /111 ATTEL bank. 319 F. 15th st. , loans money V on cliattulsof collateral at reasonable ratus FIIttiTfcsocond mortgages on vacant & Im proved city prop , County warrants bought Slonoy on baud. P. 31. lllchardson.813 N.Y. Life. 1)0.1 ) MONKY-il ) , m or I ) ) < lays on furniture , pianos , horses , houscs.utu. J. J. WIIKInson' 018 Paxlon block. ( KXI II NTS ! AlJiV low rates of Inturest on ( Irst mortgaRCS of Imtirovod real pstato for the next'iO ' days by the fCnusas ritv Investment Co. Uoom.'M , Hoard of Trade , J. II. 1'caso , manugor. OW MONEY to loan on nnv security for short time al low rato.s. Lowest rates on porsmmllproperty The Henderson .llotli'age Inxcbtmcnt Com pany , room 400 , 1'aMon blk. 1)10 ) OUIMMNO loans made at lowest rates , W. U.M. Harris , room 20 , 1'runzer blk , , opp. I' . O. CHEAl'eastern money Philadelphia Molt .rage and Trust Co. , always ready to loan and pay promptly ; first mortgages wanted. George W. P. Coalus. rop- resentatlve. room 7. board of trade. 1)12 ) Loans Cash on hand , fllobo At Loan & Trust Co. . : )7 ) S. Iflth st. . No delay , no extra charges. Houses for rent , good list. E. k G. M. ANTHONY , IliS N.Y. Ilfo bnlH- . bit ; , lend money on farms In choice coun ties of Nebraska and Iowa ; also on good Onmlm residence property ; lowest rales ; best terms ; no delay ; money luady , Titles and values passed on here. Id I T7"EYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of { 10 to -TVii.ooOj gel our rates before borrowing and savomonev ; loans on hor-sos , furniture or any approved security without publicity ; notes nought , for now lo.i" enuwal of old and low est rates , call 11.203 eely blk.,15th it Howard. UP WANTED Plrst class Insldoloans. Lowest rates Call and see us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , l.VH Karnam. Dirt EASTEHN money to'nun ' on city property ; mortgage paper bought. II.H.IroyN.Y.Lfu ! CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. Hemoved to 1)24 ) , N. Y. Life , bldg. J. H. Emmlngor. 018 MONEY loaned at low rates on furniture , horses , Ac. , without publicity , llnwkoyu In vestment Co , 31 Douglas blk.lOth and Dodge. 01 ! ) "I3UILDINO loans 0 to" per cent ; no addl- I ' tlonnl charge1) for commission or at tornoV'M fees. W. 1) ) , Melklu , Plrst National bank bldg. J1UHIMCSS Forratcf , etc. , me top of ' 'jiiat column on thh rio . " \\7ANTED-A comiietiint nuwspapor man T > wllli Iho or Hlx thousand dollars In easl orsecuiHy , to tnko ehurnu of the Democrat as 1 have bllMness that will requlro my time east and soutHtdr the coming year Wo will pay the right 'trlnd of a man a nlro salary , uccommenduriuns reqiilied , Ad- dicss \ \ ' . H. Yaiighan , S > iaiha. ( Nob. M 1112 N , ' \\7ANTED-A yniini ? man who Is a rustler T and has M X ) can buy a one-half Interes In good paying business. ' Address S r > s , lici Olllce. ; iiiii-B _ 1" I V E hotel man , w-yii. 1 1,500 to $ . ' ,000 casl7 l.Jcan puiehase half Interest In one nf thu best Ill-mom hotels In.'ljmnhii ; line location- established and paying business. J. L. Hlce UJJ I Now York Life. snlQgntr ; cril WANTED-AiilmliiHiilousyoung man wltl from J-.MO to $ ) , WD Hi , take htook In n payIng - Ing company and position on salary. Adilress S til , lieu. tfifl. ! _ _ I71OH HALE-Onoof thq most doslrabli- hotel -L properties lii thostuto.sltuatod III llaneroft , Cum Ing cou nty.Nob. The IIOUMI has a good payIng - Ing patronage and has an excellent il\ory t-tocl ; and feed stable lu connection. The "Town Is thu end nf a passenger division of tlio Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha rail way. It Is a centering point for hunters from all over thu btuto , us she H surrounded by lakes , marshes and vast pralrleswhuro ducks geese , pralro chickens and other game birds abound In gieut numbers during their season. Kor further reference apply to IJ Dohsoy. Hancroft. Nob. Mftfl-Ni ? _ STEAM laundry the only steam laundry It u city of ttri Q Inhabitants ; a good business already cttt'ihlUhed and can be Increased call on or address Robert Donnelly , Plutts- mouth. Nub. 104-ai * K ESTAUHANT for rent or salo. T. Murray U77 _ SHOE store fur Halo In u llvo town of 3,000 Inhabitants. .Splendid crops , loading busi ness , oulyono other shoo store , Cause , ponr health. H 19 , caru of Hoo. M nW-li 11USINKS9 Furrate'tie.stetop ' of finl roliimn on f/i ( < p.ig . ' " IjlOIt SAIiE IIO , )0 ) ciiolco'afocK"of general JL1 mcrclinndlsc in one of the bust towns In Nebraska , 7.1 miles from Omaha. Party doing in excellent business , but has other bushiest loniandlnt 'ill attention. Address P M.M M 133 IXCHANOI : . For rate * , e t < - . . tet top e > fr t rolijmii mi ithlt r io : X C 1 1 A N U EIW feet 0-foot fenelng nnd 1. a new building , l'\J < ) . Inquliernom 4il , leo building. Ml 0 * C LEAH city property and cash to exchange for stock nf bnnk , flat lonery or wall pa- UT. Address llO.Ul < ' t. . Lincoln. NeU M'fi * L goods , all klniK Wltl take two-thirds I clear reAl estatp , one-third cash. Adilrpss Iwit . O , JotTer-.on.Jow a _ MJIi7-2J $ fi,000 stock of dry goods and notions to ox- changK forctisb and good puiportyi also 'learSoill h Omaha lots for one nnd two year old catUc.JilS N aitlijti ; . Omaha. Neb. 2irJ Ml * rpO THADE-Prnm W,0X ( > to } Moni cash with .1 about 8.0M acres choice lamU at right irlces , for Omaha Inside oreubnrban properly lacnnt nrlmptnved. fiirms or farm hind wlth- ti 20 miles nf P.O. No high-livers enterl allied , will liiM'stlgate any deal offered at reiisona- lie price upwind Mil.rXM , hut pteferoni' or two largo trades. Address Wm. Nelson. II III Par- XX/1 ANTED A hotseor two lu trade for peed east front lot , Smeaton it Allen. 1007 Parnam st , WANTED A small tnck of groceries In I'M'hnnge for nnlncumben'd teal estate. Inquire at ront.i .0" , Pa Moil block. M-l l-n'J \W ANTED A sniiill stock nf cigars and to- ii liaccos lu exchange for clour mill estate. Inqulro at room 3 17 , I'aMou blo.'l ; . Mlsl-NI KOIl SA ! < i-llKAIj : HSTATI3. 7"orfnlf < . etc. ta top nf flirt tiilumn on l/in / ( ; xi/c. ( ' ' . ' . ' -foot business hit on I'arnam , CIIOU'E 0.1' . llui i Ison , U12 N. Y. Life. : > * ) 1 " \\riJlmvo a oiislii > ii toinur for a good btllld- Ing site ; 2 hits nn West Omnha hill. llutchinsoufc Wead , 1521 Douglas. Tel. l.V" ) . Ilf-l 141O11 SALEorient-infeet front with build- I'.lugof'.i ) looms. Apply at Mio piembcs ; iiss. isiliSt. Also 22 feet nn cor of Chicago and lEHlt. Apply - ply nl ills South l.'lh St. 21i-n27 ) LINCOLN place , lot 17.10. Neat r > - * > om cotUigu with W-foot lot , 10th and Ohio sts. , t..000. I'ull lot , IMIli and Davenpoit , $1,100. Poplilelnn park lots for sale at bottom fig ures. No cash rcqtilicd to panics who will build. Hutchliison& Wead , 1MI Dutigliis. : i2s-t R.OiO for home on Chicago st. near 2,1th. P.p. $ Harrison. 1)13 ) N. Y. Llf . ! 7 BAHOAINS Kountrv Place. Olnom house , full lot nn Wlrtsl. , W.NW , $ I.Wcash ) , bal ance Insult. Elegant homo nn Plnkney st. .1,001 ; J.100 cash ; balance SC > per monlh. Other beautiful homes , samp add. will take city propeity In exchange. 8100111 hoiisu'J'i ' I locks west of 211 h nn C.ildwellHt. , & .I..VW , worth Sl.filiO , JT.Vlcush. lialiinco II. ) per month. J. J Ulhson , ble agent , Kount/.o Place , loom 3 , Crclghton block. liO : _ 171OH SALE-On easy monthly payments , 0- 1- room house and south front lot. near Lake and Sherman live. ; just Hue paying rent ; no Inteiest. C. P. Sliiiw , iiOj Slieeley bil. . : tt ) IOfloO for very line Ill-mom limisp not far $ from high school. C. K. Han tana. UI2 N. Y. LHo. MM " IILES ( to thp front. I have six elegant bouses on 44th and l'irnam : , with every modem convenience. Including gas and gas fixtures , now nearly readv for occupancy , ree them and make your choice. Price. $ .1,7.101' " $1.2.10 , it.'luO t i J.VW cash , balance to suit at 7 pe- cent Interest. Every puichasor before Novembers gets a ticket to the drawlngof a $ .100 piano. Cart luge always ready to show customers , Parnam sticet motor within four blocks. liny a house quick , and take a bund In the grand shullle. This Is si might goods. I ) . Y. Sholcs. 2ii ; I'lrst National bank. M I'M. ' IflOH P A acies of land , 40 acies Droko JL1 1,000 trees and a good wullh'l ' feel deep , and good corn raised , 1 miles fiom the new town of ravage. Address poMoflleo box , ! H5 Nellgh , Neb. Object declining health , will sell cheap for cnsh , good clear title gl\en. : C4-1J , Only JO.IiOO Dr. Chambers' resldeneo $0,500 on Inth and Iliudcttn .St. , owner going to leave city. Host bargain In Omaha. D. Y , Sholes. solo agent , 2I.'I I'lrst Nut. bank , M WM \X7AUaH.tWcbtoriluld.ieulestuteS.Onmhn. FOR SALE or Trade 1.000 acres good farm lands In Kunv count v. Neb. 2.0UO acies good farm lands in Pierce county , Neb. I.oiio acies good farm lands In Stunton coun ty , iSeb. Most nf above land Is In large tracts , sult- ablu for largo stock farms. Will sell the above on easy terms or trade for Improved Omaha pi oporty Jno. SI. D.iugherty , 1102 I'tiriinm ' st. 021 1 WE have some nf the best houses In Omaha and homo small ones , at very low prices and terms to suit buyorIlavo peed lots , with truckage , one or two duo corners un 1'ar- nam st. , acreaito and vacant lots In all parts of city. lln\o a few lots that must bu Mild lo hlghc'st bidder. Come and buy something that will give. yon a big pi oil t onu month from now. Stringer it I'onny , loom -0 , Douglas block. Kith anil Dodge. M-X ! _ _ 'Tjioif SA ufToT : i > r block 5 , Kllliy I'laceT L1 The O. I' . Davis Co. MWl Ujtr/O0 ) buys th Dr. Chambers residence and P veterinary barn on liith and lluidctte Us , This Is M.ICHlli'sM than cost , D. V. Sholcs. solo agent.U 1'irst Nat. bank. .M U.W F OUSAIjE-At a barg.iln , lifi feet square Illth ami Jackson st. Thu O. V. laIs ) Co. Mtlff 0 _ 1J1OK SALE- Lot amis houses , 1.1th and Dor- Jeas , on jnonthly payments ; SO minutes' walk fiom postolltce. Thu O. F. Duvls Co. > I8)7 ! ) 0 171011 SAhK-Afnrni adjoining Illalr. Nob. , J. could bo platted and sold for gulden at once. II.V. . MoHrlde. Illalr. 707 nlil * _ T7Uii SALE Housonml lot , 21st nnd Han- J ? erofl. at a barjalu on monthly payments. The O. ! ' . Davis Co. MMI7 U ONE of the best lots In Orchard Hill , only ii'm. btrlnger to 1'enny , Donglaa block. U.L'i FOUHAI.E Ata bargain , a deslrablo resi dence , $ .1,5.10 ; iVIJ down , balance nn easy ( pirns. Call at Nubraska steam laundry , Ifith and Howard Hts. 7IV1 TriiJlTfciA Ml-N. W. cor aTtli and Dodgu stH. JL1 The O. R Davis Co. Md'J ? 0 F OKKVT.E At a bargain , OlvIM on Daven- poit , near 17th , ono block from new post- olllce. very cheap. fc , UJO ; Mxl.a coiner Mth and Karnam , J.W.OOU. ( J. L. Ureen. room ay , llai Uer block tvs _ "ITIOKSAKE At a bargain , agood store hou J. lilted up with shelves and counters , base ment n rooms for dwelling , good cistern and well , will sell or trade for u No , I stock ot gro ceries , Addrcs ] Heel & Heul , 0 , O , D. grocers , N. lOtlist , W71 _ F OH SALE Splendid opportunity to got a beautiful now ID-room housu la one of thn finest lociulons In Omaha , " hlouKi uest of Lowe ave on Cassst. , high and sightly and nn grade , full lot , city water. cistern , lower , bay window , pntcnps. double floor , cel- liir , etc. . all finished In hard wood and hard oil and In llrst-class style ; 1'rlco J.1.400. Trms easy. Usual commlsblon to agents. Inquire of owner , E. O. Merrill , Ca4s and list sts , 1'Nl ' n : r > _ 17 HOOM cottage , full lot , llanscoin IM.ico , east front and a great bargain for a few days. .Small cash oayment and balance on long time , P. K. Darling , llarker block. Ml P OirSATTl.-TliieoIots Mth and California sis. Thu O. I' . Davis Co , MH')7 ' ) 0 _ FOU S A I/I. Six cottages , ranging from $1,10) to,5'X ) each ; * 100 to WOO cash , balance monthly or to suit. If you want a house wo can arrange terms to suit , bmuaton & Allen , 1007 Ka run in. KH-N4 " 171OU HAhE-l.onk at this ; Nuw7-room liousn -L. on lot I'J ' block 5. linker place , splendid view , south front , well , collar , buy window. etc. ; J-W or.moro cash , balancp of , $15 per month. Inqulro of owner , E. O. Merrill , Cass and 41st sts , 107 n : _ A SMAId/ payment down and t5 ! tier mnnth will buy u l-ronm house and lot on Kith. S blocks from motor ; llrst-class elianco to ao- qnlroahomoon easy torins , Apply to II. E. Cole. Continental block. fcsa T71O11 HAI E An elegant nuw residence , 0 .L rooms cherry and oik finish , largo stahlu and every convenience for comfort ; location , thu huu In the city , price low. Terms easy. 1) . J. O'Donahoe. 10)1 ) Kamiim bt. l ) "T I' YOi ; have nnythlntto soil or oxchangu J-call at 018 I'axton block. ojij _ "filOll HAIjE Cheap , on easy tnrms , n nlco J. cottagu In I.OWU'H Add. , and a7-room brick house , with all modern conveniences , on llUh and Jucksun Hts. Koom 11 , Chuiubcr Commerce ( HI IIAIU aoois-\vio.s. ma ri > rrattittcieeir > o/Jlr t columii nntiU ) "OEST linn hair goods In west ; Imlr drcsslgn , -Uwlgs , swltohus , banBS , lialrjsohttlns , oto. , u ipculalty , Davles Imlr goods and mllllnur opposite uonotllco , 111 H.IJtU t , OmahaMO AUT AXl ) tjAXOUAOB. M r niff , etc rtt fop of flint cutinn on thlt $100 will buy n clue bill on Max Sleyor .V Hro. ( or JI7.1i to apply on payment of any of tholr musical Instruments at retail prices. H. yrlcMlrntlon , Neb. LiLl"U ! * _ "OlfoPi Child , Peterson , pin no. ortfail. violin , JL zither , vocal instructions. fiO-lfheelyljIk. lu-ir.6 BEP buying a plnno examine thu new scale Klmb.ill piano. A.llospc , 1.11.1 Douglai KJ7 ro. l TiET7.ENIIP.Cl\rteichorof : the biijo with HoMie. 1.M3 Douglas. 24' ' . ) OIiAlllVOVANT. For nittt. etc. , i'f lo jssTI'.VKH ISKlvlnu best sucon of any fortune teller In llio oily. Shu ( Inert not deal in any fr.iud. Her terms nro thn lowest , 4voN. tot list. . ; u Hour. M : ni-i * J\1ASS/ \ K , Mtidamtoier over ms. flll \ \ IIP. NANNIi : \VAItltlIN. . elalrvoyant i'MiiiiH'c , Hin'-iUln . wrltliix and rellublo busliu'simedluiii,4years In Omaliu. HON. liith. bltUirtJIAM * AMI TY1 \VlUTiNar I'mratfu. . rtc. . trt tup nf lest ruliiinii on Ihu ixijf , rnvrWuiTlfiT-ralni 1 ehiumud , tvntoil. J. I1. Metfu.itli. 1GJ7 I'ur- nam stiiTt. Kfl rpYl'KWUlTiili : for ronfmsuln. . Slem > ! -I raphois supplies. J.l'.Me oath.HiJ ? I arn.iin. 3l.\SSA l-f liATHM /'or iiitff. rtf. . ret Inji nf fui ! i ilii iu on till * i ASsi bathomuMnii 1,07 S. l.llh st. , next HarUer hotel "j\ I ASSAUIX Sltiuaiu Dulzltr. overUID S. I Itn. MlsNa I'A'I MNT SUI.lClTUItS. I'or fiifr.i , itr , nr foe ofixl rnliiinn on f/i / ( i p7vi'li iwvi'rssociir up J. t'o. . lleo l hulhlliu Omalia. I years' evporl- oneo as oxninlni'i In I' S. iiati'UtoMh'C. llraiu'h otllcoat WashliiRtoh , I ) . ( J. Consultation fjvo l-'nr rn'ft. tic. , KIV fnj > of > r > t toltin. ' on f'ift ' r < ' ( # "ljlHiD : MOHlii : Inana money ondtamoimiid -L1 wutuhesJowclryetu. , S.K.cor. rrnamXIltli 7'or mfw.rfr , rce ( op oflint coin i mi lht jxii ; . lles solicited. Miss Sturdy , Mil ) llarue st. MlUlN i : . ' I'KNSION AllljNOV. t'vrnitf * . < tc. , fee fojioIn ft roliimn niilhli\ntie. \ 1"KNS 1 ON ? ThpTlTmTmmi IViislon ARc-ney , ill 1'ieimT block. Inforiiiatlon fico. 101) ) . . . / . t .i.v i iu > . . A ( iilnt resolution was ndoptod iy tin ) legislature of the sluto of NeDraska.iit .lie twt'iiu-llistfcossliiii theieof , nnd apprornd Miiich Mill. A. I ) . IvU. propiHlnK an amend- inent to ppi'tlnn two | 2 | foui'14) ) and llvit [ r > | of Artleli'sK 10) ) of the constitution of said state .mil lltiil mill ! section us atiiendud Hhall read .is follows , to-wlt : Sect Inn I Tlitit spcllon two(3 ( > of aitlole alx Hi of the constitution nf the Htuln of Nebraska : ; e amended so us to lead as follows : "Hcc'tloii'J : The suprdinii court shall con- 'lit , of ( he ( . " > ) Judges , u malorlty of whotiiRhall ! io necessary In forma iUimiiortoiioiiouncu | | , i decision. It shall have orlKlnal Jurliillctlon in cases relating to rovcmie , civil casc.s In which the state shall bo u pally , mandamus , qiiii warranto , haliuas corpus , and nnuh nppel- latu jurlsiiualon as tray IIP provided liy ln v. Section ! ! : That section four ( I ) of link-to six d'ii. of the eonstltutlonof the statnof Nubrask.i , be amended n ns to lead us follows : Section 4 : The JudRcs of tie ! supreme court shall bu elected by the electors of thti ntato at largn , mid tholr terms of olllco , oxcnptns hcrelnnflnr provided , bhall bo for a period of IIveM ( years. " Bcctlonll : Thnt section flvolM of nrllclnsU ifi ) of the constllnllon of tlio slate of Nebraska - ka , bo amended HO as to mad as follows : ijpctloit5 : " general election to bo hold In the year IMU , nnd nfter the adop- tlo.iof this amptulment to the constitution. there- shall bo elected tluco ( ill jndwes of the Kiiprtimo court , one of whom Hhall bo elected for tlio term of ono ill year , one for thuteim of three (3) ( ) years and one for thiitnrmof llvo < 5) ) years , nnd ut ouch Remsral olcetlon there- aftorthuroshall be elected ono JniU'o of tlio Ruprcmp court for tlio ti-rni of llvo ( " > ) years. Provided , that the Indues of the nuptumo court whosn terms liavo unt oxplrcd at the tlmo of holdltiK the nloctlon of Ib'JI ' , shall contlnno to bold their olllco for tlin ro- malndurof the term for which they were ro- peotl voly elected under thu prudent consti tution. " Suction 1 : That oaoh person voting In favor of this amendment hhall have wilttun or printed upon his ballot the following : "Kor Hi" proposed amondnient totlioconsll- tntloii rulalltiK to the number ot uuprumo JudKcs. " Thorcforo. I. John M. Tlmyor , Governorof the stat'i of Nebraska , do lieieby Rlvnnotlco In accoidiinco with section ono ( I ) aitlclo llf- toen'lT. ) of the constitution , thu nrovlslons of the act entitled : "An act to provide the mnn- nerof pr < ipo liii ( nil amendments to the con stitution and submitting the same to theelou- lors of the state. " Appinved I'pbiunry 13th , A. 1) . 1S77 , thatsald piopo ed amimdmunt will tie prosentPd to the qualified votms of the st ale for approval or rnjectlon at thu izoncrnl ideotion to IIP held on tlio 4th day o ! Novem ber , A. I ) . 1COO. In witness wherpof I have hereunto qpt my hand and canard to bo atll\ed the Rroat seal of the state of Nebraska. Uono at Iilncoln thlsilh ( day of July , A. I ) . 1MK ) , and tlio twen ty-fourth yonr of the Htato , and of the Inde pendence of tliL United Status tlio ODQ bun dred llftcpnth. Ily thiiOo\prnor. JOHN M. THAYEB. IlKrt.lAMIN U. OOWHRItV. fcecruti'ry of Stato. I'l.Ol U. . . . . , Hy.v . A Joint resolution wns adopted by thu IcKlslaturu of thu state of Nubraska. at the twenty-Ill st hChilon theieof , and approved Kubrnary Kith , A. 1) ) , liW ) , pronoslni ; an amend ment to the constitution of said atiite. and thatnald iimeudmunt shall read as follows , to-wlt : Section It That at the Ronnral ulootlon to bo held on thu Tuesdav HiiecpcdinR the first Monday of November , A , D.lS'jO.tlioiu ' Hhall by iiimlttcd to the uleetor.s of this atato for ap proval or rejection an amendment to the con stitution of this .statu In words us follows : "Thu manufacture , sale and keopliiK fornulu of IntoxIcatlnR liquors an a bovtmiKu aru forever - over prohibited In this state , and the luirlsln * tutu Hhall provide by law for the unforcemuiit of thl.i provision. " And there xhall also at Bald election ho ( .eparatuly MUbmlttud to the eleutors of this stae , for tholr approval or ro- jiictlon an amendment lo thu coosllliitlon of UioHtnto In words as follows : "Thu mauufaa- luiu , salu and keeplnR fur Halo of Intoxicating Iliiuors as a bovora o shall bo llounsed and n-Kulateil by law. " _ ; fcec.A : anch election , on the ballot of ouch oluctor voting for llui prnjiosuil amend ments to the constitution hhull bo written or printed thu words : "I'or proposed amend ment to the constitution , piohlbltlnR thu manufacture , Gain nnd kucplni ; for sale of Intoxicating liquors as a liuveraxc , " or "ARalnst the proposed amcndmmit lo tha constitution prohibiting thu manufaPtiire , sain and keepliiK for Halo of Intoxicating liquors an a hovoiauc. " There Hhall alsobu written or printed on the ballot of each elector \otlng for the pioposed amendment to the constitution , the words : 'Kor proposed animidment to the constitution that the manufai'tuip. H.ilo and keiipinft for nlu of Intoxicating liquors as a buiuraRelii his Btnte Bhall bo licensed and ruRiilated bylaw , " or "Against tulil proposed uniend- mont to the constllutloii that thu manufao- tnru , sale and keeping fors'ileof Intoxleal Ins liquors as a beverage shall bu lloonsud and regulatliiR by law. " Heo , a : If cither of thn S'lld pronosed amendments shall bo approved by n nm.iorlty of the ( deeloii voting ut the said nluctlnn , then It Hhall consltiito section twenty-seven l'7 ] of arllulo one [ Hot thu constitution of this state. Therefore , I , John M , Thayer , Governor of the slate of Nebraska , do hereby RIYO niitlou In accordiincu with f > cctlnn ono [ 11 iirtlclo [ 15 ] of the constitution and thu provisions of the nut entitled "an act to provide the manner ot proposing all amendments to thn constitution and submitting the same to thu ( ili > ctoii of thu ctalo. " Approved 1'ubruary lllth , A. 1) . ltT7 , that Bald proposed amondnient will bo sub mitted to tlioqnallllcd votorn of this slate for appuival or rejection at thu uenutiil election to Uo hold on thu 4th day of November , A. I ) . 1W > , In witness whureof I hereunto sot my hand , and oauio to bo atllxed tint Rrmit seal of thn btalu of Nebraska. DOIIU ut Mncoln thls'JUth day of July , A. I ) . 181W , nuU tlioSUh y oar of the Btate , and of thu Indonendunco of the Unltad States tlm ono hundred ( Iftuentn. lly thu Governor. JOHN M. THAYEB. UKMJAMIN U.Cowni'.uv. [ HcAi , , ] liturutary of State , _ Augugt Id3ni Sltnvart TlionuiH Koeil IIIHIIIIO , Thu old man calling himself StoivurtTliom- nn Uccd who Is possessed with the hullucliiii. tlon thnt ho has fnbuloub wctdtli tuid has been an htibltuo nf tho. county court house corrl dors utid ofllccs for months pui > tVIIH t BUIII to tlio Insauu UHylum yo.itonUiy. nonttty l'i snld to bo only skin iloen , but to posbwa nnd prcscrvo n boatitlfnl Hltln , pure , vigorous blood Is oasontlal. Till. U host secured - cured by toUlnff Ayor'fl SarsapiiHIlii In kinsill but frequent dosoa. It U the most reliable of blood purifier * . RfflLWHYTIMBOHRD 7x" T i CIIU'AIK ) , lll'llLIMl I'ON A v ? . Arn o _ Onmli . D.'pul loth mi.I Mnv'n ' . * lrepti. Ornatiit. I : U p m . .t'lilen/o K prmi . . MU n m y ( in in . . . . ( 'Mcwo Rii > n < i * . . . . , . < t..x ) p m U 10 p m . . . .Clilroiro Ktpr ii . . , . DM a tu 6Op tu .riili'.ieo Uio l sort n m * lnvM , lllHl.lXl'rON ; ( A MO. IIIVCU. Arrttoi' UtaMi.1. I nopoUOlh nait Mi-nn itrcutt ( Jntilix 10 IS n ni , .iHrntpr 4 M p m ID IS ni IH'tiirr KiitrvM Ml p in 0.40 p in . .Denror Mulit N < pr > .i n in Slin in' ' . . . . Lincoln loonl IMXI p in. 1.0.1V I ! I k.r. , t r. .1 AC ii Oiimhit. lopol lOJh nmllniiin Ounlii. " 0 M n ni . .Knnm t'ltjr IMJ Ktpri > < IIJO p m I ) li t ) III K C Might Etrt. tin I' ' . I * Train HUnm U-Mi-j | " PMON PACII-'ll' . Umnlm li ppt lUlh ntiil Miucr * lro t Oitmh.i. * " " ! l. . ' * ) p in OvrrTiinil Klror. . . . 1)0.1 p m 7.30 p m I'.iclllfi l.iprt'K U4S p m lO'.ll n in ; I ion tcr K < | int < 4. . . M p m l.t" . ) n ill1 . . .KnntiuCltr Kiproit. mil n m 10.13 n in ! . .KnlrlluM Kkn. ( oirqil .Siin. ) . I 2.1 p 114 Unvo. . I'lllt-AOO. It. I. A I'Al'll-'lt' . Arrlvm" Umnh. * . II 1' . iK'lH't , lOlli nnd Mnrcr 8"tt Oinnln (1.10 ( | i in . . . . T Nlitlit Kxpti'M 1005 n in 1)111 ) n ni , Atl.intln K > | tro < t n..W p in 4 p HI Vo < litiilo l.liiillo.l , . ID 4.1 n m U-nviii ! NlOUX Ul'V.V I'At'lKli. \rrlvot Onmli * , ' H. 1ihiput , lOtli nn > l Xlnrcr SH Om ill 7 It n m . . . Slimi Cltr * ( | r . . 4.11 p m . . . .St. I'nnl Ktiiri't * . . . . 10 10 n n\ U-ikTii * I SIOl X ( Tu A I'A ( it'll. AtrHri't" Onmlm ! IVpot I.MIinn.l Welulttr SH. Oumlii 11 im p m si i'ain l.lniltpil. . n 11 uui _ l.t'Ari" . fill ! AtlO A N'OlU'llvt KsTClt.N \rnvn " Onmlm I' ( ' . itopnt , loth nnil xt.irev u Olllltlt 0 IS n in . . . . Chlcnuii Kiitrp" * fl.2u p m 4 .Dp in Vtttilbutn I.hnlle.l i n M n m 6.11 p n liurn AcciiiiiiiiiMlnlloii ( Kxc Hun' ' : w p m P.Ill puil iMcrn : K'lror ' 3 tS j > m I 1,1 n m , . . .Knl i : lorn Kx | r . . . . ' K.O1 n m Ijmrni ii 1IICAIIU. Mlu , A H'l' . I'Al u Arrirui Onmhn. III. I' , ilppnt , lUlh nnil Mnrrr SH Omnhn. tf..lX ) p in . . . . ( 'htcntin Kipron V II n m IJ IA p in Chlrfiirn Ktiirr * * . . . , d.l ) p in LunTwi | UMAllA , \ al. I.Ol.ih Arrivut Oinnli.i. III. I' . il.'iHit , lOlli nml Mnrrr SU Oiunh.v i , ' > | | i . M IA > IIH Cnininn Hull . 15 : j p lu i-eSfoTTi T . KTlo V\lfKV i ArrlToT imi\lin I ( input Uth nnl WnMlor ML * . ' ) m\lii I > ( i0nm . . 'iliic'K unit K > | ire * < . . . A'Mpm IMU n m .HnithiKi K\\ \ > . | K > . Siiiulnr ) ' 6 A ) p m [ > ID p uiiWnliiioAt'liicolii I'ni < K\ I r ) ID 'JO m MO | i in York A Norfolk I Kt Htitiiliyl" lU'M n m t „ Ml' . I1. . M All. Cninlin j' IKipot 15th unit Wotitlur ? ti. I ( loulio. 7 IU n in Hlcnu Cllr ArwiniiiimlnUmi. 9lw p m 1 00 p til .Sknu Cur r.M > ro < - ( H * Sun I [ 1.30 p m 9 U ) p ni . St. l-niil l.liulliMl . 1' n m ft I& u ni It.inciilt I'lmPiiia-r iKr Hum. I 8 45 im \'ACl \ > Tll. ArrlTui Onmlm I IkipoUAtli nmlSVInttir Sl Oinilis. fo. : n ill I t l.nul A K. I' . Kprt 4 r > 'J p m V.I5 p m1 1 l.ouH A K. C. Kxprni (1 .t ) n m I/-IIVM i OlllcAtlO , U. I. A I'AflhiU Arrl o Tniiufor i t'liloa Depot. Cniniiii Illiittj. ITrntufur 'fl.80 p 1ii.r.7..M | l.t Kiprco i'JW im lUWnin Atlnnlia Kiiirti AM p m MX ) p nn Vti'tlliulii l.lnillpil . . . . 'lIl.'UAin ' Lcnrct | OIII ( Al ( ( > A NOIlTIUVKti iilt.N Arrltot Tiniiift'r t'nlon Depot , 1'uiindl lllulT * Trnnster * l.4i ) ) n in Clilcrum Kzpro i i ( ! ( M p ni Ml ) p ui VvMlliiiItt l.tniltinl 1 > .1I " . m 10.IU p ,11 Knili'rn Kljri-r 2110 p m l.a ; ) p in Atlnnllo Mnll 7. : n in i ! 0 jt in lown Arrotunioiliitloii ilo. ! . Sun ) li.lO p ni lmii ! lUIICAdO , Mll A HT. I'Al'it1 ArrlTiM TrimnfiT I'nlim Depot. Coiincll lllnlT * , Trnn f r f , . ' l p in ( lilcntoi Kxprust { i 11.15 n m lJpni. Clitmim K | irni 0(10 | p 111 Lcmcs I K. ( ' . . ST. JOB A ( ' . II. I Arrlvt'1 Trnmfor ! I'nlon Di'iiot , Council Hindi ( Trnnafor lOO ? it in. .Knniiu Cllr D T Kjpnxs ft.41 p m 1020 p in . KnniM City Nlvlit Kttrots ( ' C'M n in Murut I O.MAIIA A ST. LOUIS. i Trnmfor _ Union liopot , fiinnoll lllufH Triunfor T > U ) | t in .St. l tul i ininn llnll 12 15 p in Ix-nvoi IfHICAdO. HIIUL'.V A Ol'INO ArrWi * * Trnnifcr 1'iiKin Depot , CoiuiPlI llliilTj Trnnifor li 411 n ri ClilrnKo i\ . . . | O'.1l v m lOOUpm , Chlonuo I'xprcsi , 941)11111 ) 7.110 i p in' ' I'rcnton Uit-nl . II W n m Biouxrrrv , v I-ACIKII' . I Arrlfot TrnmfiT _ Union Di'pct , Oonnoll Illntti. iTrniisfor 7,45 i , m . . .hloux Cltr Acrnininoilntlon 1 TI 4if n m OHp m' ' dt. l-aiil lixproo. i. . . I'AOinC HUHUUIIAM TIIAINS , Woitwarfl. n til p.m. WolntorHt . ' 1.40,1 , ; . 7..V ) Chatluiui. . . 1.1)1 ft.17 ! 8 43 Drill. ) Hill . , . . . . a.ui H 45 I till Luke htrci't Ifi.M 7.IU H.II7 ( ! in noi ! 8 H l.UI Wnlnut HIM . II.O ) 7.11.1 H.irj 4. ID 8.W I.O.-I lluncU'i ) 1'lncu . li.UI 7.IW . . IDMl li.lH ! 8.M I 01 West Me . 7.IU S.1.1II l.1 < li 10. 8 51 1.10 Imwn . " ' . . . . K.18 I 8 M 1 II Mnicut . . . . 8. .iii. 1I.IU 1 17 . . . H.3I ) . ( * 1 21 1'orlnl . I i ) IS I VII Kilttnnrd. a.m. Purtnl 8.IH 1.11 II.W fcyinour I'ark 8.41 4.ri I 41 Mmoot H.CI 4 M ll.M 1.47 Inwa H. I'.l ' 4.W B. Ift ) West Hliln 7.II 8.M . . .uili.l.- , | B.U.40 l.ft'i Diniilpu I'lnru 7.1H 8.S7 S.Wiil 17 ' .I 43 I.S7 Walnut Hill ( 7 ' 'lili. ! * ) ft. ID li - " ) 11.15 S.IM Jjiko SlrivH . ' . ' - ? V.1 I" IMifi.riiil 'il 11.1.1 2.01 Drulil Hill 'e.'f ' * 7 ' . ' u.ui.i | 1.1,0 , si tl.50 ' . ' .111 Onk Clmtlinin ' U.5.1 2.0i IVeUstorStrcfl. . . . IUD 7o ! iVw'Viu.ii ! ? ! ) 10.m WIIRIIBAS , A joint rcsnlutlnn wax adnpten by the legislature of the Htate of Nobraslca , nt llio twciny-llrst sesBlnn tbereof , and approved March : mtli , A. D. ItMO , proposing nn amonil- menl lo Section Thirteen ( ot Article blx ( W of Hie coiiHtltullon of iiahl stale ; that H.ili | Ruction as amended Hhall read UH follows , to- wit : Section 1 : Tlial section thirteen (13) ( ) of artl < ole six ( R ) of the ci nst.tntlonof I he state of Nei braskn ho amended HO as to road as follows : Section 1,1 : The jud osuf tliesupremocoitrl Rhtill nuirli recelvo a hiilnry of thlriy-llvo ln-ih drpil ddllais ( il.rxO ) ) per annum and the Jud ei if the illalilct cotirl Hhall receive a hiilnry ol three thunsaml dollarsit.'l.iwoi psr iimmm. and tboa.ilary of each Hhall be payabloiinarlcrly , Hcctlon 2 : Kaoh iietmin voting In favor ol this amendment Hhall have written or printed upon his Irilhit the following ; "I'or tint iirapoted amondnient to theconsti , tutlon , relatln to the salary o. * Judges of tint supreme and district court. " Therefore. I , John M , Tliuyer , governor ol the Htato of Nebraska , do hereby KVO | notleo. In accordance with Hoctlon ono ( .1) ) r..tlcln llf- teen [ ir > | of the constitution , and the pro' I- Hlnnsof an actenllllod : "An not to prnvhbi tint manner of proposing all ainendmeiitH to thocnns'l'iillon and HiibmlttliiK thosamotii IheelocU rsnf tlieNtate. " Approved Pebrunry iith. : A. D , 1H77 , that H'lld proposed amend ment will be submitted to tliuqnalllleilolori of this Htato for approval or rejection , at the u'cncral election to be hVld on the 4th day ol November. A. D. IKK ) . In wltnms whereof I havn hereunto net my lianC umli-auseil to bo nlllxed tlio gruntHI > II | of th.i Mime of Nebraska. Done at I/lneoln. this ; AMi day of July , A D. IKK ) , and thu tvren- ty-fn.rtb yearot thn stale , and of thol'idn- pendenconf the United States the ono hun dred fifteenth. lly thuOnvurnor. JOHN M. TIIAYICU. llCNJAMIN H. COWIIK11Y , [ SKAI..1 Heoretary of State. August Id.'lni I JfiflPOSA I.S POIl OATS AND COHN.- I U. i > . Indian Service , Hosohiid AKcnc-y. South Dakota , October ' . " . ) , ISHO.-SiinUMl proposals Indorsed "Proposals f p Oats and Corn" , and ndilicssoil to the under : sinned ul Hosebud Agency , Houtli DaKol.i. will bo received at this olllce until onti o'clock ] i. m. of Novombcr IPtli. MM , for fur- nlshlns and dellveilnx at this A enoy. 70.01)0 ) iioumNof Oats , and I.Vi.OOO pounds of coin Oats must be bright and clean , and well hiicl > eil. ami welsh not less than , ' O pounds to the bushel. Corn must be sound and clean , In ttulgh not less limn W pounds In llio bushel , and to bo dutlveied In saeUs of about twoand a-lialf bushels oapaolly , made of 8 ounce bnr- liip. wullhuwoil. Hldders will be rcniiliod In Hliilo siieellleally In their bids the pmpnicd price of each aiilclo lo bonircrcd f < ir dellveiy uiiiler a eoulr.iel. 'Ihu light Is reserved to ie- Jeet any or all bids or any pint of any bid if deemed for the best Inteinst of the M'rytoe Cpitllled Checks. Each bid must bo accom hauled by a ceitilled check or draft upon some United Stales Depository , made pay able to the older of the undersigned , for at lonst llvo perconl of Dm amount of thnpinpn- sal , wb eli check 01 drafl will bo forfeited In Iliu I nlted Slates In case any bidder or but- loisroeclvlngnn award shall fall lo piompily execute a contract lth io < ) il nnd hiilllolent surlllns , ntliiirwlsii to bo leluined lo the bid der. E. H. ltEVNOID.Stpe < ! lal U H. Indian ' ' . o-2l-d-"l-l-m KivoillNli Thei-o will bo u lliuil Jitipntliif ? this OVPII liiB ( Saturday ) ni Orocn'.s hull , 111.1 l-'ar- num street , of the Swedish aiitl-prohlbltiou clulj for orniinUatlon for olocttoii day ( ioml snoaltors will bo present. All Swedes uro In- vltcil. hot us Imvo n rauslni ; MK mooting to liru tlio lust cannon , liy order of the com- inltluo. Vlio only rallroud train out of Oinuhn run o.xprnsHly for the iiccoiuiinxlatloii ol Omitlia , Council iiltilTH , Dor ) Molnns ami UlilniL'O bUHitioss IH the Koulc Island ve ' tlhuluii llmltod , loiiviii ; , ' Onutliu ut 'I ' 19 ] ) . in. daily. Ticket olllco , InOU SK-looiilh tu id L'arnutii Bin. , Oinalm. llollanil'H Kill ) ; n Imiinttc. LONDON' , Oct. ill. A dlsp.itch from Tin Ilncuu ny the health of the king of IlolliuX Is Koocl , but ho Is HUlTurlng from n inmita inulady which rondora him unlit to govern In other words ho Is u lunutlo. 1001 ! . Slxtoonth nml Fanwm htrouU is the now Hot-It Island tlclcot olllco. Tl < It- old to nil points east at lowe t nilm. REGISTER TO-DAY