1 HATUKJiAY , NOVEMBER 1 , 1890.-TEN PAGES. THE OMAHA 1VEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 11 ! PKAHL ST. liy Carrier In uny putt of tlief-lty. 11V Tl 1-TON. - MANAOKH TKI.Kt'HONiai Odlcc. No. 13. Killtor , No. sa. N Y P To. Itcglstpr todny. Counrll JlliifTs Lumber Co . po.il. Thin is tliu lint dny of the rnjfUtry. Hnvcyou ret'lstorctl I It not , ilo so todnj. Hill t'risi. u nc rovn lined * J1 In the po Her court lint evening fi > " u howling drunk. A eii"o of ( llil | > Uieili wn * reported liwt evening. Tim untlpiit U Walter DuVol , llv- lilt ? ut Jl.J North Klunth street. Am ono iviintini' to buy client ) n flno tcnn ; of Jni'Bo mules , together with hiinifn nmi wnKOii. should will nt I'reU D.ivlV stables on Kouitli Hlicot. Tin1 registry books xvlll bo open today from On in until s i ) in His your lust clwnco to rcpi'tor , and It you wutit to vote you should utti'inl to tills mvusbiiry preliminary. I'ottawattmmo County l-'rnlt Growers and ( iimlners1 nssoeiiitlon will hold thulr regular innntlily mooting this ( Sntitrdiiy ) nftonioon at 2 o'clock ut the county court house. The Infnnt child of Mr. mid Mrs. .1. U Hardy , No i1.,1 ; ! Avenmi A , died Ttiurtilnv ulfflit. The funeral will bo from the resi dence ( o.l.iv at | 0U : : ! u. m. Intermutit at Ciitliolii ci inetevy. Little Onic.n Clni'k , the brlRht llttlo ndopt < > d dniiKhti'f of Mr. and Mrs. .1. II 10. Clarlt , crlomatod her fourth birthday yester- ilny am ) irccived calls fiotn a host of llttlo frien Is at her happy homo at ! \ South Seventh street. Hho was also the icclpicnt of n i huh e lot of line luby piescnts. It wi > rcpnitcd last mtflit that John O'tiili n , who nsiiuiltud his wife a few even- Jut's NIIHO and throw his child out of doors with such fur o that it was rendered Insensi ble , lins skipped from the city and deserted his f.umh. It h.m b-cn reported that IIilRh floss has withdrawn from llie llelil as mi independent ( undid ito for constable. , but the report , Mr. GIMS HI\S , has li , ' n circulated by his en- miles lie Is still In the Hold and will tnuku haul llh'lit for thn election next Tuesday. Tiio fiiner.il of Mrs. Jane IHrcourt , who died on Thursday at the residence of her Kiumlsnn ll M I lilt-court , litIII)1. ) ' Avenue C , occurred fniin the teti'lenco ' at i o'i'locic j'oh- terd.iv afternoon. The old lady was ninety- four je.ns of 11150 , and ono of thooldott .set tlers in the city. The funeral was largely attended. Theio were nmnv mischievous pranks played lust ulpht nnifertho license supposed to Lo granted to the boys on llolloweo'ii , but no sci Ions iliiiniiKO done. There were several very ple.isnnt Ilnlkmeu'n parties gl\en. Ono of the most pleasant was that given by the young ladies of the Unitv guild at lloughes' hall. It was largely attended , and the crowds ' were entertained 'by ni.my new and amusing features. The ladles' class In diiini > ell drills nml In dian club swinging was organl/ed at Hone- diet's bl-r.ii ofllco last night with about a do/en members , who will meet no\t Thurs day e\cnlni ; at U o'clock hi the sumo nlaco for the Ilr.t class work. This hour was chosen as the only ono possible for the clerks , for uhom the class was organi/cd. The ex ercises will consist mainly of chest expul sion and ami development with some LTCH oral work. Dr. A II. ( Jlllcttof fiineiiinntt. O. , will lecture at Masonic temple Thursday even ing , November 0. Ills subject is "Palestine" ' nntl the lecture will bo splendidly illustrated bj Btoreoplicon views. Dr. ( illicit was super intendent ot instruction at the t'h.uiUuiquu assembly , and those who heard hl.s lectures there will gladly avail themselves of this op- poitunlty to hoar him again. The lectuio is under the nusiil'-csof the Methodist Mutual Aid society and Is for the benollt of the now Hro.idwny church. Today will bo the last opportunity to reg ister , and If there are any voters who have neglected to qualify themselves for the privi leges of election day they will Imvo to attend to the matter today or losn their vote. The registrars will remain In session until 8 o'clock this evening nt the various picclncts All voters who have not regis tered within last three years , or who have changed their place of residcnea since the election last spring and moved out of the precinct or the ward , will bo required to register nnew. Votes can bo sworn In on i-lcition day , provided the voter Is able to swear and prove that ho was out of the city on the regular days appointed for registra tion. tion.John John Wells , the negro who was taken from the witness stand after ho had testified In thn Sam Davis case and locked up In the city jail to serve out an unoxplred sentence for con tempt of court , which was imposed by Judge MiCIeo for using vulsrar and profane language , Is having a pretty hard time of it. Ho was sent In from the stiwt gang yesterday for the use of foul nnd Insulting language on the streuts anil put on bread and water in the Htc-el cell. During the night he became so abusive and used Buch vlUthiiiuimgu that ho was chained down to the soft nlde of a cold iron bunk and com pelled to keep a ivcumbeut position for twcl\ hours , Hcgiatrars Crosby and Duell , the two gen tlemen who represent the republican and democratic parties in pm-fectiiig the registry lists of thn Second pieclnct of the Second ward , Indlgnanllv deny the story circulated IV a morning paper that they had intention- nlly dropped a number of republican names from the lists and tint these gentlemen wore only ptxMcnted from losing their votes by the timely discovery of the "fraud" oy an CMiminatlon of the books. The two regis trars pronounce the nsseitlon of the piper utterly false. Theio Imvo been no names left oil the now lists Unit were on the docket except those of imrwas who desired to bo transferred. They say , fmthcrmore , that there has beonno examination ot the books of this precinct bv anybody since the lists wore completed , and It was necessarily Impossible for the gentlemen to discover the fact tlmt > their nan.es had been omitted even If It wore so. so.An An article was published a few d.us njro placing a Mr. Casey , residing on Main street. in a rather compromising position This ar ticleiis In reference to a young girl named Mary Keed , who was alleged to have left her homo for the purpose of leading a question able life. The facts of the case are those : Mary Heed , who resides with her parents In the southwoitern part of the city , loft her homo because she was chastised for some trU'ial matter and went to the Doty res idence on Hro.ul way Hoall/ing that her pa rents would seek her , she requested Murv Doty to accompany her to the homo of Mrs" . James Casey at 81ft Main stivoj. Mrs. L'asov rcsiwmled to the appeal of the Uced girl anil gave her shelter for the night , with the ox- iiicss uuderstandlnir that she would leave In the morning. Mrs. Casey Is a hard working , respectable lady , and while she was absent ami the homo was In charge of tier invalid daughter an olllcor cnniu In search of the Hcod gill , and hoping to evade detection , the latter hid under the stairway , where she was found by the olllcer. The presence of the olllcer proved a source of ovcltcment to the invalid daughter of Mrs Casey , and she Is now very 111 from those effects , This state ment Is made simply to sot the matter In its proper light and to show that Mrs. Casey was In no way Implicated nsldo from giving the girl shelter us an act of charity. Miss Grace Osborno will organize classes for study of the Gorman language nnd litera ture , Class work to begin November 5. For fuithorliilonimtlon enquire at O.'O Fit-stave. Improving tlm Water HyMein. Contractor Weaver , to whom has been awarded the contract of constructing the now subsldary reservoir at the pumping station of the water works , began the work yesterday morning , and now lias n largo force of men nt work. They were at work excavating yesterday and getting ready the brick laving The water works company also had a large force of men engaged In laying the new mains that will extend from the reservoirs to the 11 1-3 1 pumping station on the river bank above the city. It will require nearly all winter to finish the Job , mul a largo force of men will bo employed during the unit times. Got your books ready for the now year at Morohotiso & Co. , Council HlulTs , la. Visit the Model Clothing Co. , 623 Broad way , Suny's uow building. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Fox Gets Ton Years i" the Penitentiary nnd "SHppsry Sara Sir , AN ORIGINAL CONFIDENCE GAME , A .tinn ol' .tinny Alias Trapped at Last Improving the Water Sys- loin Minor Mctiiltrii and Personals. There was a surprise verdict given lu the district court yester lav , It was hithaciso of Arthur Harris , who was Indicted with Gramly for burglarizing the residence of C. M Harlo. The two were nrro-ttcd. together In St. Louis , nnd ha 1 on their pfrions some of llio stolen property. They demanded sepa rate trials and Harris was tried llrst. Orandy went upon the utnnd ns a witness , and testified that Harris was not connected with the burglary , and explained that ttio stolen property found on him hid been given him by Grandy to keep for htm a llttlo while. Ho- fore he got n chance to return It the ofllcers arrested both Grandy claimed that Mnrrls was a tola ! str.intrcr to him , nnd In other re- s | > eets his story was decidedly Improbable , and It Bcems would have received llttlo credence If coming from u citizen In good standing Instead of from a self- confessed burglar. Grnndy swore to about the same story in Ins own bchidf. The pre dictions weio numerous Unit the story would not bo of much avail in helping Harris out , anil when the twelve came In with their "not guilty" tlio countv attorney looked as if ho hail not understood It aright. A sister of Harris , who has beim by his side throughout tno trial , sat weeping quietlv while the Jury was ecmiliiff In , but when the verdict was an nounced her sobs broke forth Into exclama tions of wild delight , "My God ! my God ! " She rushed to cmbrico her brother and the scene was pathetic. Her Joy at his acquittal quickly hail a shadow. The sheriff started to taUo young Harris back to Jail and ho then learned that although ui'iultted | of this Lhaixo ho was resting under two other charges , ono of larceny of the goods taken from I little's residence , the other for burglari/mg Ilajes' house. Tim evidence in these cases is practically Ihe sumo as that which 1ms been introduced In tlio tiT.d Just ended and so Harris" attorney Interceded with the county attorney to hn\ > these cases dismissed on the ground that ho would stand no chance of conIcting Harris , even If lie should try him ngaln It seems now prob iblo that Mr. Organ will refuse to dismiss the other cases nnd that Harris will have to still remain In jail until those cases ale dhposed of. Grandy formally pleaded pulltv yesterdav morning and willTJJ senlencea this mor.iiog. A number of other criminal casej were dis posed of yesterday. Hi nun Ko\ , who was found gulltv of mak ing ah Indecent assault upon Ills llttlo stepdaughter - daughter , was nskcd tlio usual question as to whether he had any legal reason to pre sent wnv he should not bo sentenced. lie aid , ' [ know the Jury hafo'ind mo guilty , but so help mo God , I'm innocent" .Judge Maey explained to him , by cninpailson of the illflerent penalties lived for different crimes , that tlio lawmakers hud wisely considered n crime against thu virtue of a child as more serious than that ngainst the per-on , by assault with in tent to murder , or similar act inn. Ilo .sen tenced him to ten jears in the penitentiary. Sam Davis , the colored man found guilty of stabbini ; a white m in named Smith , was nexic.t'lcd ' up. His attorneys had moved for a new trial and a stay of sentence , but both were overrulea , nnd Pavis was sentenced to six yours In the penitentiary. Osi-ar Hopurand .loliu Murphy , two boys , ono sixteen mid the other eighteen vcars of age , had pleaded guilty of lire iking into the canning factory and stealing therefrom a quantity of copper. They nro hard boys , but .ludgoMnc ) let them olT lightly in the hope of getting them to change their course. They were sot to the county jail , ut hard labor , for x months. Al.Iouoi , who was tried for mayhem , but found guilty of assault and battery , was given thirty days In Jail. Ho has already been con Illicit t'lero ' six months , .fudge Macy remarked tlmt It was a carousul at a wedding and that while thu prosecuting witness seemed delei mined to have a row , ami struck .tones llrt with n pair of knuckles , yet It was a cowardij and dastardly act on Jones' pirt to dig out Ids eye. D H. Wilson , who raised money by passing bogus checks , pleaded guilty and was sen tenced to one .vear in the penitentiary. Kd Miller , who stole some goods from a boarding house on North Seventh street , pleaded guilty to petit larconj , the value of the propjfty being fixed by agreement ut $15. Ho Ind a short plea , for leniency , claiming to have a wife dependent upon him for support , and that the goods were not worth , VJ cents. Ho was given eight month. ? in the county jail at hard labor. In the case of William Hoirtz , chirked With murder , the Jury having disagreed , the com I divided to admit him to ball , If he could furnish good bunds to the amount of Hontcnces nt linr.l labor In the county Jail do not amount to inncli , so f.uns the lu'bor is eoncerncd , undci1 the present arrangements , Thcie Is no work for the prisoners to ilo , un less It ilo piny seven up , or to .scheme ways to net out. Judge Maey directed the sheriff yesterday to call the nttcntlon ot the super visors to tlio fact that in giving jail sentences , tlio purpose w.is to Imvo the prisoner. * notu- nlly labor , and labor hard. They should pro vide soiiin iirrungoiiioiits so tlnCt the order of thu court could bo c.irrriod out , The AU ; Kin ley Hill IIiu not affected the prices ut the Peoples' installment house. Bverythlng goes at the same old figures that have made our patrons u'hul alt sninmer , dulled competition a-id made It passible to turnlsh n house from top to bottom tom at llttlo expense. Our specialties this week will ho the 1'cnliisuliu" heating atovos , cheapest , neatest , most economical stovu In the world. Muiulel ft Klein , Hit ) 11 roadway OwiiiR to my loss by lira on October 27,1 HIM compelled to ask alt parties indebted tome mo to pay upat ouco. J. SUI.MVAN. TJ. II. Mossier Is the inaimcror of the Model Clothing Co. dive blm u call. Young men's suits , nobby , stylish nnd latest designs at thu Model Clothing Co. 1,000 decorated leu pals packed with tea , list lecolved from Yokohama , Japan , at Lund Hrothcrs , 1 Main sticot. The Manhattan sporting headquarters Broadway. _ J. C. Hlxby , steam no-itln ? , sanitary en gineer , Hill Life bull Hiiv , O.iutuj ' 'Ji Mor riuni block , Council HluITs. Ollver'n Shotgun H. Several days 1130 a young man hurrlod'.y entered , the gunshqp of W. G. Oliver on Main street and asked If he could Inro a gun for an iftornoon s sport. Ho was told that guns were kept for that purpose , and ho wout out remarking that ho would bj back In ix few ulnutcs and get the gun and some nminuul- .Ion. He was In his shirt sleeves , and seemed to ha In a great hurrv. In a few moments ho came back In the same manner and asked if : io could get two guns , stating that a friend wanted to Join him In n few hours shooting at Munawa. Two Una breech loaders were Holcoted nnd the desired ammunition IKod up , when Oliver asked the follow whom ho should hold responsible for the guns nnd thu payment of the rentals. "Why , charge them to me , William Simnuris , Von certainly yught to know me , for you Imvo my nnino on your books about forty times whrn I have taken out gun.s. " Oliver says lie was a little bit ushiinod because lie : could not recollect the fellow and let him ' take the guns. They wore never returned and Oliver has never seen thn fellow since. It was n neat nnd original confidence trick , and Oliver had about made up tils mind that ho would never see Ids iiroiwrty again , Yesterday evening , lioivovor , CouJuctor Churley Hnuiuling of thu Northwestern railroad put him In pos session of some facts tlmt apparently make It certain that he will recover the guns and have the satisfaction of seeing the fellow sent to tlio penitentiary. A day or two be fore this occurrence a fellow answering the ! | game description , but giving the name of , Wills , worked I'm merchants of Hcone , la , I In a similar manner , find obtained a valuables lot of goods , He succeeded In getting out of town before the .swindle was detected , but It was subsequently learned Hint ho hud sent by express a lot of atufl to William Gray of ICa li sas City. Ho wiw thoroughly Identified by th o express agent at Hoone. and a telegram was sent to the chief of p'ulco at Kansas City ordering him to arrest and bold any person who c.dlod for the goods. The order was not executed until too late to catch the fellow , but It was loirned that the stuff had been reshipped - shipped to William Simmons at M uncle. Ind. The same order was telegraphed there , and dav before yesterday the follow called for the goods and was arrested. The stuff was opened and nil of the goo U obtained in Hoone were found. Among u lot of other stuff were two shotguns. The L'ratid jury w.u In session at Hoone , nnd Simmons was promp'ly Indicted , and an officer was ent there ycuorday to get him. There Is no doubt that the guns were those taken from Oliver. Oreat bargains this week at the Model Clothing Co. Unprecedented bargains In boy's ami children's clothing at the Mo.lcl Clothing Co. Look at the line display of overcoats at the Model Clothing Co. J. G. Tlpton , real estate , M" Hro.idway. / / ; .V A .11 , IVI K.I UII.I t'lltt. Charles S. Welch of Seattle , Wash. , is at the Gordon. Mr. and .Mrs , Alexander Hell of Atlantic , la. are the guests of their brother , J. T. Hell , iNJOHtoadwny. C. W. Tracker and II. C. Alvcrsnn , Insur. unco men from lies Molnes , nro In the city adjusting iccent losses Tney are the guesU of Hotel Gordon. George Kudlo Is in from the road nnd will 'pend Saturday and Hund ly with his family. Ho will leave tomorrow morning on an exten sive soap selling tour in the east. Judge Deemcr was In the city yesterday for a brief vnlt. He rcpjrts the political sit uation throughout the consivjsslonul and ju dicial dlstiicts very piomlslng for the usual republican majorities. Conductor Charley Hambllnj , ' , who runs the Caleigo limited between Ho'mo nnd Council HlulTs , has removed fro.n this city to Uoonc , whore ho lias lltlod up an elegant homo for liU family. Mr. llum'jllim ' Is ono of the most popular conductors on the North western rallniul , and there ans in lay frio'ids here to regret that lie and Ills accjinplished wife have loft the city normiiioiitly. Chum dinner nnd tea .sets at Lund Bros. Buy one of those tea pots before tnoy are all gone. Lund Urotliors , ll ! Mul'i street. Money at roduco.l rate ? lo union ehatto undrcnlesUtoscjuritybvE. II. Sh3lf < J.S ; Co AtliHillmi VftoranH. Members of Kncampment No. 8 , Veteran Legion , Council UluITt , will meet at their hall on Pearl street on Sundaj , at 7 p. m sharn , for purpose of attending divine' services at the I'lesbyterlan church. Hy order. W. II. Sriiiti. Lt. Col. Comd. " A. ASJOV , Adjt. Miss Maud Plorco and Mrs. C. P. Hails- back are prepared to take orders for portrait nnd decorative art work. Instruction will bo given in all branches nt their studio , room No. ; i'JJ Men him block. Dr. Scybcit. Hes. Ogden house. Tel. 110. You can buy a tea pot worth from ? 1 to $3 and a pound of tea worth VJc , for Just $1 at Lund mothers , aa Main street. OMAHA'S NKW 1'OST.nSTKH. . Major T. S. ClarkHon Formally EntriM UOI1 | HiH DlltlOH. Yesterday It was I'ostmasterGallaghcr ; to day it Is Postmaster Clarkson. At S o'clock last evening the federal wheel of the postofllco department made another turn , and Mr. C. G. Gallagher , who had been at the head of the Omaha poUodlco for thrco years and six months , relinquished the place In favor of Major T. S. Clarkson The affairs of the oflico had been carefully arranged by Mr. Gallagher and his able assistant , Mr. Woodard , so that when the tlmo came to make the elmngo It required but i few hours to place the business in the hands of the incoming post master in a very satisfactory and comprehensive man ner. ner.The employes of the ofllco , desiring to ox- preas their icirards for Mr. Gallagher , had arranged to present him with a very hand some bouuemr of the occasion. The presen tation took place upon the platform at the roar door of the postofllco" building , The employes grthered about In the open space and on the platform , while the A. O. II. baud played several appropriate selections. Mr Gallagher was invited to step out upon the platform and was addressed in behalf of the emplo\es , by Mr. ! ' . II. Monroe , president of the carriers' associa tion. Ilo expressed in a few well worded sentences , the esteem in which Mr. Galla gher had been held by the employes , ami tnen probC'ttod a m.igniflcent cabinet of table jilver , being a comnloto set of spoons , forty tlueo pieces in all , inn solid oik cabinet , hearing upon its solid silver Inscription plato the following words : . "Piescntcd to Hon. Con. V. Gallagher by the employes of the Omaha postoftlco. " Mr. Gallagher was perceptibly ollectcd by the presentation of this splendid token of esteem , and his remarks in re sponse were evidently spoken from the depths of his heart , lie said that he had but one regret la leaving the ofllco of postmaster , nnd that was parting with his faithful em ployes nnd associates in the service of this jront and good government. Ho had tried to treat the employes of the ofllco with kindness ind consideration , nnd had permitted no po- Ulc.il or icllglous discrimination to cuter nto his dealings with any of them. In con clusion , ho spoke u few words of commcnda- Lion for his successor , Major Clurkson , and thanked the employes for the beautiful pres ent. Major Claruson was then called for , and In a brief talk ho as sured the employes that ho did not Intend to enter upon a crusndo of re movals. no I me no friends to reward and no onomlus to punish , therefore the postoflleo would not become a means of paying off old debts or eriulges while under his manage- incut Mr Clarkson said he could only hopes nnd wish that when ho came to relinquish the place of postmaster that ho might carry with him as sincere nn expression of regard as that which Mr. Gallagher had the honor nnd pleasure of tatting with him. The employes nil formed In line and shook liands with Mr. Gallagher and bid him good bye , The clciKint present cost $ ! * . " > . Major Ularkson took possession at 10 o'clock and Mr. ( ! illagher went out from under the cares and lesponsibllltlu's of the oftlcc , taking with him the irood will of every ono of the clghUlive employes. Speaking of his letlremcnt , ho said : "Three ye.irand six months ago today I took charge of the tiostoftlco. At that time the gross receipts oi the ofilco amounted to $ I75UOJ per annum ; now they have incioised to ? jn.Wk ) . At the beginning of my term I found 101 ty-nlni * employes In the ofllco , but on account of the growth of the business of the cltv , the number has boon increased to eight-four 1 have discharged three employes , not for political reasons , but for cause , ami now whde I am upon the subject of politics. I want to suv that of those who are now on tlio force , forty-eight are republicans andthlity- six democrats. The democrats have boon ap pointed , not because they nro democrats , but because they passed the beat civil service examination. "Tho Increase of business is something of which I feel proud , as it ihowt ) a clear gain of 10 per cent , which Is tuo best showing made by any ofllco In the United Statoj. " To Nervous DcntiiKitcil Men , If you will send us vour mldrejs we will send you Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltato Holt nnd Appliances on trial They will quickly restore you to viger , manhood and health. Pamphlet free , VOI.TAIO UKLI Co. , Mai-shall , Mich. _ Locomotive KiiglnoerH Adjourn. I'rrrsiujm , t'a , , Oct. 81. The englnoJM held u Haul hCaalon today and adjourned. Leading Druc Mn mul Sell KxccislorSpilngH , Mo. , wfttori ; always sold In bottles never in bulk. C. U. Moore & Co.Uoloaulo agents , nti.i ; TlfcCltyniled OHuiiml 1'iU'kn o lolnt'f ,11)1(1 , ) t lulls. TOI-KKA , Knujjt / -Special [ to Tut : BBC. ) The resubmisslonlsts claim that n democratic governor , live congressmen and n majority of the lower house will bo elected by the democrats am * alliance mon purelv on nn nntl prohibition light. The Joints here are conducted very cautiously , but there are n number of original pickaxe houses that nro doing a thrifty business. The ejsto.usr trojs Into ono of these placet nnd ask * for either beer or whisky. In either cao a full bottle Is handed him. The seller Informs the buyoi that he will find a cor' , crew and glasses In the roar room , nnd thus the wet goods me consumed. The city gets nothing. The most popular way of oonsumlt.g liquor In Topeka is In club rooms. Ten. fifteen. twenty-live or more men club together and organize. Thej are mscssed according to what they drink. Keg beer , whisky and cigars are served. There are several of these club clubs here , Although It Is claimed that the entire re publican ticket Is one of the strongest ever nominated In Kansas , the most iittlvo woi le ers on the republican ticket fear defeat on account of the anti-prohibition nrguments that are being made by the opposition. livou J. It. Hudson , proprietor of the Capi tal , the largest daily paper In Kansas , hail to go to the republican central committee to secure funds with which to continue his publloatton. Hiislncss Is at a standstill. It is true that during the boom many valuable Improvements were made , but now there is a lull -a decided lull In fact , the people hero are simply walling for the result of Tuesday. If Governor Humphrey Is defeated it will be caused by the urgent elTorts of the resubmls- slou republicans and alliance men , who are tired and disgusted with piohlbltlon. Kven money Is being placed on the defeat of the oopubllcan ticket , the light being made solely oil the proposition of resubmlssloii. IlKLI ) FOK MUKDKIl. L'OII Adniim ThuiiKht to He the .Man Wnnlc'l at CuvliiKtou. A young man whoso name appeared upon 'he ' Jail register as Lou Adams was tried In the police court yesterday for stealing two watches from a jeweler on South Thirteenth street. Ho was given twenty days in the county Jail , but IM ho was about to bo re moved to tne jail Ofilcer Howden noticed that Adams auswoivd to the de scription of the man who murdered a woman at Covington last Monday night , and he was returned to jail , while a telegram was sent to the sheriff of Soutli Sioux cityas'thu ' : him to como or send a man to identify the prisoner , which will piolnbly take place today. The young mm emphat ically denies that he kiiows anything what ever u'jotit the murder , and claims that ho was never in Covington , but his actions tally exactly with those described In the message from Sheriff Hyan. NISTKL-Albert Xlstel of lllfi Williams street , aged sixteen years , of typhoid pneu monia. Funeral Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Aetna in Oni ilia. Mr.V. . H. Wynnn of Cincinnati was in the city some days last week , the guest of his sister , Mrs. Hoigland. Mr.V.man . has been for some thirty years connected with the Aetna lire Insurance com pany of Hartford , Conn. , as assistant general western iiirent at Cincinnati. Upon his su- gestion , and In view1 of the advantages of Omaha for such a location , the directors of the company tuivo decided to establish hero a general ofllco for the states and ten ( lories west of the Mississippi , in the northwest , under the direction of which' agency all busi ness of the Aetna for that legion will bo transacted. Mr. Wyman has selected ofllco rooms ou the llrst floor of the New York Life building , which he will occupy about December I , with a capable assistant general manager and a force of ten or twelv o trained clerks. To this agency will repot I all special agents and adjusters of the com- pauv for this district. Mr. Wyman lias also selected n residence for his family , which will make Omaha his home , nnd has leased from Mr. Henderson ono of his block of houses on Georgia avenue. Ho is a brother of Hon. A. U. Wyman. Italf'our In Ireland. Di'iu.tv , Oct. ai. [ Special Cablegram to TUB Hn : ] Hnlfour drove today from the residence of Police Commissioner Uyrno at Carrave to Galwuy. Upon his ; arrival at the alter place ho received n largo number of representatives of local trades , who made suggestions to him for remedying the dis tress in ttio western counties of Ireland. In reply Unltour said ho was glad the present k'overnmunt had been iustrumenlal in bring ing into effect projects which had hovered before their ores as n dream for many jcars past From Gnlway Ualfoiir took tlio train Tor Dublin. A largo crowd assembled at the depot and gave hoirty cheers for Mr. William O'Hrien and John Morlov as the train depai ted. _ _ Inspecting Oinaliii'H Waterworks. A party of Sioux City ofllelals spent yes terday in Omaha investigating the American waterworks plant and getting points upon .ho construction of waterworks. Henry Wlngland , civil engineer , and Henry Drumm , W. K. Powell , J. F. Sullivan , 1C. Simdo and JF. . Kii.'gs , councllmcn , composed the party. lioorrio H. and C. S. Godfrey of the Fremont .vaterworks company were with the p irty on .he tour ot inspection , Lout HH | HorHK and A. B. Lovlno lost a howe and buggy last light. They were taken from the Swedish Mission church at Twenty-second and Davon- iort streets. Ho Iris an idea that it will u-ovo to bo only a hallowo'cn trick. Applied lorn. ICeuclvor. DRTIIOIT , Mich. , Oct. 81. Several bond lolders of the Anchor Manufacturing com- lany have applied for the appointment of a ceolver owing to n default of Interest. The labilities are over S10J.UJJ. ISIovrn Ijifo-Snvern Drowned. HKIIMV , Oct. Ul. Kloven Gorman life- joalmcn wore drowned today while trying to cllovo the crew of a British vessel wrecked oil Slesvig. _ _ Not at All Creditable. ST. PrTKiisiifito , Oct. 'U. It Is stated that slneo the accession of Czar Alexander ( Ihbl ) . . ' 70,000 Jews have been expelled from Russia. Two llrolli srs Killed. DKHNO , Cain. , Oct. 31. Wallace and Hd ay while riding a truck velocipede this oven- ng wore overtaken by a train and killed. All members of the Omaha Underwriters' [ \2haiigo will close , their ofllees on election lay and work against prohibition , and any- , < > dy desiring insurance on that day will have .o see the agent nt the polls. II. A. Harding of the state department , Washington , D. C. , was in the city yestcr- \ Ll 'it in l' > cry Hi-rill , To tlio Chicago. Milwiukoo < fcSt. Paul railway bolotiKH tlio uroilll of baiuj , ' the Hrrit in the countVy to reduce the matter of oloctrlu lightine ; of trains to scientific perfection. Ono of the novel foiituros introduced in the nluopln earn IH a patent ok'Otrio readliif , ' lamp in oacli sec tion. With tlilo luxurious provision , reading ut night before and after retir ing bocomott as comfortable aH by day , ami when retiring tlio tollot may bo made in comfort and riocliision. Tlio berth reading lamp in tlio i'lillman flk'onlng cai-H run oa the C'iiioago , Mil waukee it St. Paul railway , between Omiilm and Chicago , Is patented and cannot ho Used by any other railway company. Jt is tfio greatest improve ment of the age. Try it and ho con vinced. Sleeping earn Icavo the Union Paclllo depot , Omaha , at ( i:10 : p. m. dally , arriv ing at Chicago at I ) ; ! ! ! ) a. m. Soouro tti'kutH ami hleoping car berths at Union Ticket olllco , 1501 r'arnatn street ( Uurkor Jilook ) , Omaha. J. K. PHISTO.V : , P. A. NASH , 1'ubs. AgeiH. Gcn'l Agent * " " * " J Thp Alliance Convention. DM Mnivm , la , Oct. 81. fSncetal Telo- pram to Tin : Ilic.l : In the fanners' alll- nnco convention todny n donation of $ . ' 00 from tlio state fund was nmdo to alliance tirethren In Oklahoma An appeal will also be made to local iilll.inces for aid for the des- tuto in Nebraska , the Uakotns and other stites. Tlio majority of a committee on the establishment of a state organ reported ad- \ei-sely to such nctinn , tint In the afternoon the executive committee was empowered to receive proposition ! ! for the adoption of n state piper , u two-thirds veto of the local alliances being necessary to close a contract , said paper to bo nonpartisan san , and to be furnished frco to families of members of the alliance In peed standing. The work of revising the constitution occu pied the remainder of tlio day. A business agent win added to the list of oniccrs , and the secretary dropped from the executive com- inltlee. The date of the annual meeting was chanced to ttio second Tuesday In Octooer , and the place of meeting left to n vote of Ihe convention , lnsto.ul of being permanently lived nt Des Molnes The mutter of represen tation and dues were discussed at considerable length but left unchanged. A heated discus sion was had upon the tnm-p.uttsnn clause of tlio constitution , an elToit being made to adopt a clause providing that while the ot- giinl/atlon remain strictly non-partisan each member use his utmost inllucnco in the polit ical party of his choice to secure tlio nomina tion of candidates lor congresslnniil or legis lative honors committed to alliance princi ples. After wnstinrrnn hour It was found that the convention had been endeavoring to adopt a part of what Is already tlio consti tution. Hleux City was ll.\ea upon as the place of the next meeting , and the convention adjourned until next year. * At the in"ntlng Wo Inesdiy evening It II Hafl'of Chicago advanced a novel idea to solve thn railway pioblem , ills plan was that the farmers should or ganize to build railroads , lie showed how a road could bo built by the farmers contribut ing not mom than $150 apiece. Ho explained how it could be built nnd how much it would cost. He said ilTt-pouiul Iron will cost $ lr , > ( K ) to the mile , the tits , bolts , etc , will cost ( lVxi moro. ( ! oed railroad men will build the steel bridges and the culverts and charge you It per cent on the capital. Good railroad men will then come fonvntd to operate it nnd charge not moro than 1 cent per mile per pas enioiand not moro than ono thlid of the mcbcnt freight rates and pay ( ! per cent , on the Investment too. This road was to avoid all towns and bo Independent of all middle men It was to ho run for the bcnellt of the farmers onlv. Ho believed that this was the true solution ol the ratlioad problem Tlio.tter would drop out of the stock of the present roads while the farmers" load was doing the business. Ho said he was right. Ho know ho was. Dark I Vic Anderson. CursTMV , la , , Oct. : il. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; Ur.i : I Two republican rallies vero held here today , the most enthusiastic of the campaign. Congressman Flick , who ad dressed both meetings , wis received with cheers by the largest audiences that have over gathered nt political meetings here , farmers coming In from all directions. The political sky looks dark for Anderson , the democratic nnd farmers' ulllniico candidate. Many of his stnunchest supporters are Hock ing to the support of Flick. A Mvltchman Killed. Sior.v CmIn. . , Oct. 31. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hi r.j'-Georgo M. Letvli , a switchman , was killed at the Thlid street crossing of the unloirtracks about fi 130 o'clock last evening by the Union Pncitlc passenger Iruln as it was being backed down into ihe yards. 'Ilinrston SpoakH at IjcaviMiwortli. Lim\\vonru : : , Kan. , Oct. at. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BII : : . J Lcavonworth ropub llc.ms were treated to a grand sp-cch tonluht by Hon. John M. Thurston of Omaha. Mr. Thui'ston's visit was purely incidental , and the uncertainty us to his probable presence prevented an appropriate advertisement. As n consequence , tlio distinguished centlem.in was not greeted by as laigo a crowd as would otherwise have been the case , as not a single public announcement had been made. Mr. Thurston was ut his best , though fatigued with the arduous labors of a heated campaign. Ho confined himself In the main to the McKinley tariff bill , na tional issues and the anti-lotlcrv bill , which ho characterised as aimed asainst the democratic corruption. Ho sllr- ringly reviewed llio work of llio republican party in the present congress , warmly eulogizing Speaker Heed and his businesslike methods. Mr. Thur tou closed with a giaud cllinu < c on the fcdet.il election bill , and was Interrupted at the end of almost of every sentence by enthusiastic applause. It is safe to say that Leavonworth repub licans never listened to n liner speech than that delivered by Mr. Thurston. lie made many votes for the republicans In thli hole of democracy , and his presence on any future occasion will bo greet > d with pleasure. - - Now Method ui'TcnolihiK Oerin.in. Prof. Leslie Dodge , the German teacher , ? ave a frco lesson to a good si/ed audience last night at the Young Men's Christian as sociation , His method of teaching Is by con versation , nnd he rclutes simple stories and anecdotes in German , letting the class repeat iho words after him. Ho gesticulates a great deal nnd in a very ap propriate and effective nviniior , Illustrating ivtmt the words mean by action nnd facial expression. The professor will give a course of live weeks , one lesson every day , and guar- intces that those who attend and enter Into the work earnestly will be able to speak Gor- nau at the close of the course. Ho will gtvo a free lesson at I o'clock Oils afternoon and at 8 this evening , The regular course will jL'giii on Monday. o Governor Mill AHCH ! a ICecoiint. Aunxv , N. Y. , Oct. -Governor Hill has written Secretary Noble asking a new enum eration of New York city. He says the al- .eged difference of two hundred thousand names will make a difference to the state of at least ono member of congress In the next ipportlonincnt and vote in Iho electoral col lego. Ho further says lhat the secictary's confidence in the thoroughness of the federal census is not shared by the people of New York city. Ho siivs that all the enumerators wore republican partisans , appointed for past lolttical service , and that it was lo their po- itlcal interest that their party should bo the Dciioliolary of their labor. CenHiiH Steel Ntat | H | | < ; I. W\ niNiToOct. ( . ill. The preliminary ie port of the census bureau shows that Iho to I Lnl production of steel in the United States during the last fiscal year was | ,1GO,1) ) > 0 tons , I compared , with 1,1 ! "i,711 tons during Iho year ' ended May ill , IKjO , an incieaso of .J.UI : JIB : ons or'JIK ) perout. . Tliere has been a like ic.ivy Increase in all varieties of steel pro liicllon and the United Stales now leads all other countries in the manufacture of Hesse- iner steel rails , the output for the past fiscal ' ' . ) ! Increase of 1 , , " ) . vear being . ( HI.IM tons , an > , - IT'J tons over Iho year ended Maj ill , 1S > 0 Leavcmvortli Postmaster LinVBSWO' Til , Kas , Oct. ill. The post- naslera.'aln throw out the mall edition of .ho Lcavenworlh Times this morning bj. cause It reprinted a list of Catholic fair raf les. His action has been sustained lij the xtstmastcr general and the Times has llled a suit against Postmaster Hltchlo for $ IOuOO lamagcs , making tlio claim that no law i in forbid an American newspaper" printing lews. 'Iho ItldM -ecleil. . ( . ( nn ino , Oct. ill. All bids for filling nnd piling the hike front were rejected by the , v urld's fair board of directors today. New lids on modllle.i specillcatlons will bo asked. I'ho former specifications arj said to have In cluded a number of useless roqulrcmont.s , and is u result tlio bids were from $15uouo to $ . ' 00,000 higher than expected. Wanted to Hiont a I'ollroman. John Olomlorf loaded a largo revolver lust light and went out In search of a few police nen , declaring that ho must snoot a few of them before his hatred of the law and of thu officers could bo appease 1. The llrst ofllcors m met wore Brady and Monroe , and they disarmed him and took him to the city Jail , Pears' soap secures a beautiful complexion jniticr < nt i.KM'trs it ciint T. Coinage of Money the I'.mt Veinthp ImrgrM In History. W \sttt VOTOV , Oct. .11.Tho annual report of Dhector of the Mint Leech says the coin age the past llscal year was the largest in the history of the mint , lugregatlng. ll'tinsi)7l ) pieces. Gold and silver bars were manufac tured as follows : Gold , jsJiir\4tt : ; ; ; , i.ver , $ r,0ii. : " ; total , f tObrTUI. ! Gold bars were eu'hunged for gold coin , frco of charge , of the value of * K1I57 : , ' > 71. IXport.s of gold dur ing the year exceeded the. Imports by $ IVI- 017. Silver as port 4 wctv f V > | \ I" ) over tin ports , The total amount of silver purchased during the fiscal year for the coinage o f sil ver dollars was iUl.lll'J.lll standard ounces , cost $1. > ilv.K'.TM. From the clou of tne fiscal year to Aug ist 1:1. : the date new silver act went Into effect , the amount of silver purchased was it.ios.iui ) standard ounces , costliur f'loi'i , r.'ri. The amount of sllu-r bullion purchase. ! under the act of October ill has bren l'Y.'rlf ( > 7S ounces at i cost of v llotNir.s , an average of * in.i-u per Hue ounce. There was a murked Im provement In the price of Ml\cr dining the fiscal year. The director estimates thu Mock of metallic monev In Ihe United states Jnh 1 , 1MHI. as follows : ( Sold , { nili'ioilil,0."t ; silver , Mr * ' , ) , ' . ' ! 1,1)10. ) The total amount of mctallli mid paper money in circulation , exclusive of holdings of the ticasurv , June : IO , IS'.M ' , was ? ! , ! ir.illOiIJ ) , a per capitii of . . ' OH , against HNiso.il : | | at the lummi'iici'iiient ol the llsc.il jear , an increase ol jVillijfi.'l. Tin number of silver dullaiM In circulation Juiu Ml , IMK ) , was ol'JV4U ! ; , ngalntt M , l..7'lil ! at the commencement of the year The product of cold from the mines of the United States dining the calender j e.n l > v.l was > . ! . ' , suuODO , silver , $ ViKXhil ) ) ( ) ; line ounces , commercial value , > Hi.'ilOiHI ! ( ; coining value , fill.llKI , lilt , The product of the mines and smelters of the United States dating the sumo jear was : Gold , J'J.'i7s'U ' troy ounces ; silver. fiO.'J.lil , 111' ' , troy ounces. The total purchases of sluci for the coinage of silver dollars from March Is7s. | to Aueust I' . ' , 1MH ) , wiu.'iri.iUViiU standard ounces , costing &itttlivitl ! , an morale of Sl.O.'i.s per line ounce The net piofllof earnings over expeudltuies of the mint dm lug the fiscal year was rlVJi.H..l. : Can Vote as ThoI'lense. . Pun vnr.i.l'inv , Oct. illU having been rumored that an attempt had been made by subordinate oflleials of the Keadlng i.illioad to coerce em ( doves to vote for favorite candi dates next Tueiday , Genera ! Manager Me- Lcod today telegraphed notice to all em ployes that the management will under no cheumstanuH tolerate any Interfeience with the free osetviso of the right of employe ! to vole In accordance with Individual prefer ences. ( In * ICeiliiclliin. KvvsvsCm , Mo. , Oct. ill.The announce'- ment was made today that the rate on pack ing house products from the Missouri river to the seaboard had been reduced 1 1 cents under the regular rate , to meet a similar re duction alleged to have been made out of Chicago. _ _ Ci'i'ldtom Alarmed. DrvvFii , Colo. , Oct. ill. The cieditors of S. Pollen t Co , who failed Tuesday , nro alarmed over the fact just dise > verod that nil the books and papers of the llrm are mlssimr. Sensational developments me expected. ' OJSTE > J5JNTJOY © Both the nictliod and rcsullo vrlien Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is plcRsnnt anil refreshing to the taste , mid ncl gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Dowels , clcaiiFCB the eye torn effectually , diupcls colds , head .ichus nntl fevcis and cures iiabitiml ' onstipntion. Syinp of Figs ie the only remedy of its kind ever pro ( luced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its efll'cta , piepnred only from the most , healthy anil agreeable substances , ite many excellent qualitieii commend it to all nnd have made it the moet popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for enta in 50o and 81 bottles by ' 01 leading drug gists. Any reliable diuggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to liy it. Do not accept any eubstitnte. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FRAttCISCO. CAL. IOUISV1UE. KY , _ A IV YOKK.H.Y. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS. 1O7O. Tf . H CO.'S B It Hbfrlntcly imre anil It in fallible. No Chemicals * AFC uifd In ill r-r flrollon. II Itoi iort than thrtt tlntiAt ttitnalh ot Ox04 niurilrilli Slarrlirrowniol or hi'cur , and \ * tlurrfurri litr inure cronoinici ) . t tllttg tttt fAmi fiitl tint it tup II If drilcluiii , niuni ) > liln ) ; , ilrrnclhiianf ; , IU * tl1IIUI \ STll , unit ailtnliably ailaplid for Iiitaliditi liai ptr oni In lica'lh. ' Sold lij ( iroior * ctcr ) licrc. W. PAKER & CO. . Dorchester. C. L Kricson. Local Apt 200 N. Ifith St " GRA.Y'3 SPECIFIC MEDICINE , - Till ! ( iUEAT . .u - 1.1/tliK ItVOMHIl IlKM- llirn iinf.ill- InccuroforHi'm Hporma'orrli.in' liniMilcnii. a li it All dlneiHU * llllt follow m a to- quuiica of Hulf- Bhu ni m Loss rrr.nrT . , Hf , of Mdimirr I'nJ. ' ii. i . TPnml I.K" Hu(1o Pain In Iho Dark , Dlwncjn of Vlilon I'roinntureOld AK < * . nnd nmiir ullirr dl ou < e * Hint Icid to lnian.tr or cnniuiupllnn nnd a pruma'.uro uruvp IVKull pHrlliuliri In u'jr imniplilct wlilrh w ile- ilri > to pcn < 1 frfro I > T niall to HviTr nni1 l " 'llio Hpn- Ullii Slc.llcliiu . li | i | nt II | ior iiurkgiii * . ur nix niuk- ee fur 13 , ur will lie mint frcu br m.tll un rucvlpt of ttiu tnoni.x Ly nddn mini ; THIO GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 FAUNA si HTUKKT , OMAHA , Nun. Onuocotint of counturfoltH wo burl * nUoptuil tbfl Ttllow wrun.tr . , tbo unly vonulna. ' EXCELSIOR SPRINGS . Nilure'i Tonic , Diuretic ind Uric Solvent , FOI.l ) ONI.V IN IIOTTI.PB HT C D. MOORC & CO , , Agti. ISIS Dodgi SI SIOK HEADACHE ' I'oiltlvrly curi'd by these Mltlo IMIIn. CARTER'S They nlso relieve Pis- iff s from Dj.ipopslfl , In > ( liK'-stlon nnd Too Hinrtj BVER Kiting. A perfect renv edj for 1)1 ) flnrss tfnttscn , P SILLS. DrowsIncM , Unit Tusti In the Mouth , Coated Toiuui' , I'nin In the "Me , TOtlHIi IIVKH They regulate the llovnIs. 1'urelj Negctnble. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , ART IN THE HO Ml : * . The \iniMtiMiii homo Is the nm-liu of the Milliesl liilellnjenei' mi the fuel' of the cmlti , ll Is the iiuisl HII ; led a.tnr tieiu iMi llu Murs. It Is the diito ( H\i' \ linnl f rv "r\ family to niaki- the IIOIIIP I In * mo'l ei. iifnit.ilile nnd lieiullfiil pla e io < IMe I'lie vviiv to do this Is to iniikn altleles of iiere sllv a No artli-les oflii\un \ M.IM > Is an artlHc of nnccxsll ) , and v\hi < n II < 'iiti nNn h < > a beautiful \\orK of art vhv mil rhoose II In piefi ronc toMitnetlilni : dull and uniillt.icl l\e ? THE OAKLAND STOVES. Aie as handsome in a ple'P of itniimrv mul at the suine time llio tno t eeouoinli-nl anil sntltfiiettiiv healeis untie. I'onie anil MX- iiiiilne them and < cc liinidiiMN of liNtliinniiiils ( loin people you KIIOU. iclllni ; of Ihelr i ro- iiiiinleal eliariicler and great lie.itltn : < < iiiin | Ity , Mavo } ou seen the new ( Irani ) Oil ( lentils ? They are oUiiii and handsome , and in t iho thliufor heating Nina'l ' IOOIIIM and bul . h.-nn- lii'is heie you oiilj want a lire oct iM , milly and In cold \\e'itlier. I liavoliecn In business M .veaisln < < in. ll lllulK nnd client ifiiai nitre mv pxi ciiii di pi'inl upon It I 01,11 nod siimi V 0. DEVOL , 001 Ho nl\\ CIUIIK ll Ulutl- In COUNCIL BLUFFS S11UI IW ttOHKS \ll lihnls nf | i > In. .mil ( 'li'iiiiiii , ! limn i f o Highest < ! } lo ii { the \rl. I ; nli .1 an.I * ! , , , , ( j 1 nbtli M nuide to loiil. is L'.I.II ! us n. rt \ i it proinptU d'mc nnd dellveied In all p iris u ( tlio I'niiiiti \ . hoiid fni pik-i'llsl c. A. MACIIAN , i > i. p 101J llio.iduiiv. Ne.ir Noi I \\estiru ! ' . | . . ( Cot-NCtl , HI.UPM. U ATTEND PtlU'lly ( n ImiliiPM" 11 i | ilt'nilhl motto 1 li li c > * i'Ht NIK i IMI lii I'vory line of human tm"r n Nit i. nod by him who holili to MHIHJ u to.ilo I * po 11 t ; WESTERN I'o plonro proKrojilvo full of vnnrif in ' ' " > "f iniikliiK cli.'iut'i They nuuil > .pjji i ! Ir.uii , fut tlUllllt-'SH IOWA I.pniln In pnpul.tr ivlucitliin. Ilo pii i'i.nlt aic ilnlML'ur.ni.l work fur tier IU'i.'l < ! n ID . 'i. - Western lunn , COLLEGE , rominpiiro < full toi u M > , ) t lit. * i i'l > mill ) iir.iclluil for liar St 11 i i N > mil II i nu-s h irtli.in I .in I I'j i in n ll i HI i d > i Kiinl c.l nnil I'ircfiill ) ' nl.ti'-l * ! idn it > > r crncr nt , uiy II no. Wrllu f > r fur. lui ' , ill u \S S 1'niiliim. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WANTED , DIUMUUDD. GOO Broadway , G'ouno. ' ' BluH'a , In 27 M VIN HTHHIT OM'I ( II liieiiui'iiiin & ( i ) ' , li ne'ri - pa CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $ " SURPLUS AND PROFITS ' LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 'uO Dim i ron * I A Mlllei , P. U r.li'.isui I L Fin'uit ! P P. Hull..I I ) ndiiiiinilviii I ii i M C. II inn.in Trailn-t , Keiier.il I ) ml , u ' ms- ; , l.nr eil eaplt il and buiiuii | of uuy haul In bjinilli eslern l.iwa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. OFFICER & PUS12Y , BANKERS. f'ottipr Mnln and llroulnay COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ( Dealers In forel n mid iloino < tie i > \ u ii ' 0 \ Celled ions niitdu anil Interest | i.iul on < m deposits 01 I ICi : , 07. UI > III ) N I I W. C. ESTKP , Council Illiill'N , IOXMI. IIorlli laln Sired. Funeral Director anil Kmlmliiicr. SPECIAL NOTKMfiS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ijlllll lil'NT 'llm MeMiilnin Hun 1 Inn k lilnuK , No. X > S. Main ht. VMM. i J \ \ ' nn I ie. l/iIMHNT-r ( ) : < irty aciesof land I'l 1 fii.in ( > 4den hnnse , ritlllalile Tin U'IMII , , . ! duliv \\llllinjld IIOIIMI and li mi ' i o JIMIIH Apply toJNennaid K\iti'lt od l/'lll ' IM'N'I A cliiilfC lilecii of i ! IKK d J liein ( ' (11111(11 ( Illlllls , Ullll ui ml I at : linint'dliite jinssi'siloii 1C ( I. . -i. . . i V , It Itl.NT-ltnoti.i. . fiiinlhlieil mil ' i . .lull . , nllh heal , Illlit unit Imili I ' 0 d''O I'lisl a\e. \\7ANTii- : ) liy .i married man. i.- " nloin In Loiinliy IIIWMI U'jeii- ' I"1 ; fuel , A No I lefnii'iiies , ( TIMid fiunni ( i i i K W ) . Hi I olllee. I'linnell lll "Hj _ . ItDNT ( iiioil lltcMoiiiu li HIM fiD'i ' i I.llili ImiiHes illHi rent pik'es. . .i. . nn u liioin m ( i Htoni nein eoill I lumsn ; Imuni , n d lols fin sain nn monthly payment- " . . ' i in nn 1 | nt i .IK ) , deslralilii IMI IIIIISS 1 tin LU "uiiii deix Ntiiul. Nuilli Oinalili. fin lin-i ii oulo fhoiip. .1 It. Dm Id-on , l.-'i I'll ! 4 ixiin JJAOU SAM' - ' | lo Mil nf tliini IN innl * , andhinall NIIK'K of tlnu.iie ut a I.UIKU u. liujniio at looin . ! h Mciiiuin bloi'li to hi i neal cost ! ) etiHu out. lleadiMiunori ' > tin liaid niaiilii IIUIIMI nun In. KI.'OJS „ nil O ) . . ' 'U.Milli ti it _ _ _ " \irj-i | | Tor Kiln elii'ip. u hp.m .f i xl ill woilli3 iiiiliH , uith liiiriies mid > 14' iii Apiih to 1'ioit l.t\ii' ntalileH on I'd. . .111. -i-Lulj ii'iu I'lflli a\enuu. rn fiirnm for Kilo neji iin iy ut 1 u ImiKaln. W. A. Wood , \ . Co dl ) M > D * t * iiK ( HAM : -ThoMOO * anirii\tini < . < .r i t\uT V J estaldlslied KILMTX Htore , ol \ \ I fe il Htm li anil unit Kl/irn and llxturiM u MI > i i ) 4e.irold Kills for H.ile. Iiiuulii ot 'I I * fiiiiMiVj > oii. 7I luih ave , Conni'll 111If _ "TrKjiTfTAM ; or Kunt-dardon land , Ih JL1 hou u , Uy J. U , Ulca , 1W Mulu it. , OounoU liluffy.