Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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cratlo povv wo.v of the ciunpalen was hclil
hero today with Kdgcrton unil TrevelycK ni
the holm. They bold forth for two hoursani
espoused ullliitico doctrltics to tv crowd 01
about two hundred.
MoKHglian Itnlly lit Vork.
Yoith , Neb , , Oct. 110. - [ Special Tclcgmn
to THE HFI : . ] The much advertised ' tint
talked of dcmocratlc-lndependenl wily cairn
off today. McICrlghnn arrived at 10 o'clocl
and was met nt tbo depot by a rltl/cn with i
carriage. The sinking wa.s fiom the cotir
liouso tnps and iwgan at " o'clock. H. ! '
1'arksof Prall opened Iho programme with i
twenty minute speech. McKolghni
Wu then introduced and occuplei
the slops for nn hour. He openei
his address with a bitter denunciation o
the republican partv and stated that if an ;
man would not voto'tlio Indepeiidontor demn
cratlc ticket the sheriff ought t * > cell him out
mid the sooner ho was driven from the s'nt '
the better Ilo took up tlio silver ( pieitloi
and openly declared lilm i'f ' | In favor of Ihi
money and no tariff , I In concluded his rt
marks by an appeal for tlio old soldiers' vote
and announced himself lo spnik in thocll ;
hall in the evening , but , failing to dr.iw
crowd at that iilaco went to the shilling rln
nnd renewed the attempt , linnlly contentlii
himself with a mixed audience of about on
hundred and llfty pciKons.
The streets \\ero Illled this evening by
noisy ami excited crowd and arrests wore nl
inero'is It Is conceded hv many members c :
tlio various alliances that McKululun Is fa *
losing ground. 'I' lie fact that , lie is too licnv
11 burden to cairy is rapidly being re.iii. "
nnd from now until Tuesday the entlro n
puldlcim ticket will add to its strength.
A Madly Hcaien Democrat.
Lvov * , Neb. , Oct. : H ) . ( Hpoclal to Tn
linn. 1 There was a Joint discussion hero In1
cvoiiinir botvvcea H. W Hears and A. .
Hheckels , republican ami democratic cam
lilt os for county attorney. Mr. Shecke
opened tbo dchiito , which was virtually
tariff discussion , and was followed by M
Scurs , vv bo milled the young democrat to II
cross of free trade and crucified hlsargi
incuts with straight republican doctrln
Mr SheeUels * then inado ono of 11
worst breaks of Ids llfti by conscaltii
lo a request , inado by ono of tl
audience , that a gentleman who was preset
Nlioiilil make a few remarks before Sbecke
made bis closing argument. Tbo stiangi
came forward and was Inlroducod by M
Soars ns Hon. S. 1C. ( Jrlggs of Hcatiic
Mr. llriggs then proceeded to discuss tl
subjects at issue. Ho had been consul I
Saxony anil gave many Illustrations and con
parisons between the condition of America
well paid laborers and mechanics and tl
free trade , starvation policy and vvagi
of his district In Europe. Up to the tin
Mr. ( Iriggs teen the lloor not n sound of ai
nhiiisu had been heard , but as ho progresm
ids hi-arcrs manifested their approbation 1
long and continued appl-we. As Shecke
arose to make Ids closing renmrks the crow
began to disperse , dropping olT one by on
Hbeikelssoon found himself pawing Ihonlr
four bare walls and an empty room. An c
furl is being inado to secure Mr. ( Jrlggs1 r
turn to Lj ons next Monday evening.
Kally at St I'niiisliiirg.
Srnnviam no. Neb , Oct : W.ypcclnl | I
Tin : BIT.Tlio | biggest rally of the cm
pafgn was bold at the oporn liouso Wcdne
day evening. The housowus completely flllc
many people fiom Osecola and tbo surroun
Ing country being in attendance. The met
ing wns called to order by Atlornov K. 1
King of Osceola. Hon. George S. Ifmting
candidate for attorney general , inado tl
principal speech of tliervciilngnudduringli
speech which lasled fully two hours , vvas 11
tctioil to with marked iitiontlon from first1
last. Ho was followed by llou. W. S. Sur
morn , who culogl/ed in glowing lornis M
Hastings , Iho distinguished guest of tl
evening , L. D. KiclinnlH and Ibo other cand
dates on the ticket. The meuting was coi
eluded with a song by the York gliM club.
A 1'ark for Divld City.
D.ivin Cirv , Noli. , Oct. DO. [ Special 1
Tin : Hni : . | The prplimluary steps to seen
Ing n public park for this city worn take
yesterday. Tlio city council inado the selcc
tion of a pint of ground containing aboii
cloven acres and situated in tlio southeaster
portion of the city. This beautiful pleco i
ground is donated to thocitvby .Mrs. I'hoel
Vf. Miles of Corydon , la. , owner of the orig
mil townslte of David City. The comlitioi
of tno donation are that Iho city aha
Judiciously expend fJ.OlX ) in Improvlinr Hi
grounds within the next live yours , then tl
title of the property will revert to the cil ;
The $ \ ! , < ) ( K ) to be expended on these ground
already beaullful by nature , is not to 1
levied us u tux , but is to bo I'albod by sul
Bcriptiou ,
Kcpuliliuan Uivi-r Irrifatiii. ;
CLiiir.urxov , Neb. , Oct. ! W. [ Special
Tiir Ili-r. | I'rof. Itobcrt liny of Washing
ton , D. C , has been In the city for n wee
jmst in the interest of the Investigation 01
ilercd by congress to determine tlio avail
hillly of the underflow and nrtoslan water fi
Irrigation. The protessor was surprised i
Iho volume of walcr now flowing In tl
French man river and pronounced our irrig
tion ditch Iho grandest cutcrprisuuudcrtaki
In the stale west of the Nlnoty-sevenl
meridian , The professor is of tlm opinli
that tha underllow can bo successfully s
cured for irrigation in the 1'opiibllean rtvi
vnllov , nnd that an etnorimeiital well may 1
put down by tbo government in this locn'lil ,
Prohibition Meeting nt PlattHinoiitl
Pl.vTTSMornr , Neb. , Oct. Si ) . [ Special Tc
egram to TUB Urn.Ilr. . B. L , . 1'iilno , tl
head of the state prohibition ticket , spoke
this city this evening. The nudienco vii
small and undeinonstratlvo and chlclly cor
posed of the fair sox. The meuting openi
with singing and prayers and the doctor wi
then introduced by Miss Ollvo Class , tl
president of tbo Womans Christian Tempo
niu-o union of Cass county Doctor Pnh
lii-ht emphatically declared that , although H
thhd parly li.ul placed a ticket in noniinatloi
yet they did not o.\peet nor were they trvir
to gut many votes , Tlirongbout his spoet
be apH.ilcd | to his hearers sympathies rathe
than to tticir reason.
Tom , MivJoi-H at Dniibar.
Hi viim , Neb. , Oct. 30. [ Special Tclcgra
toTnu llin. : ] The most enthusiasticmeo
lug ever held in Dunbarwas held tonigh
Tom Majors dealt , out ilulectublo truths to
large nnd appreciative and ion co. His uelh
oatlou of thu purposes of the Indepondoiii
was satisfying nnd his commendation of I
n. Hleliards , a. H , Van Wji-k. John Watsoi
'ed Overtoil , Hciinan Wondal nnd tlio who' '
republican ticket was loudly applauded II
upt-och was masterly and convincing.
I. urge Audience at Hum-oil.
Hinvvin.i. , Neb , , Oct. --Special [ Teh
gram toTnu Ilii.lHon. : . Norrls llrown an
lion V 1 1 Stone spoku to u largo nudlonc
la the opera house hero last night. Man
fanners were picM-nt and joined heartily I
npnlaudlng tlio speaheas. Many
who Joined the Independent movement I
good liillb .no beginning to reull/e that , the
liuvo been duped and are coniliiLbact : t
their old faith.
llou. , I. I , . Caldwell at Clay Critter.
Ci.vv CKNTKU , Neb , , Oct. ! W. [ Sf ecli
Telegram to Tit u Hr.r.j A rousing ropuhl
can meotlugvvas hold la the court house tk
evening , which was addressed by Hon. J. I
Cnldwell , . The largo court room wr
crowded to its full capacity. Thn best r
feeling prevailed , Tlio audience was hirgel
composed of farmers.
Will Wfttob UioTlok.itH ,
HIIOKRX IJnvv , Neb. , Oct. ! )0. [ Special To !
Cgmm to Tin : HUK. ) Kepubllcan ullhmc
men hero nro arranging to watch closely fo
the lloyd tickets among tholr dcmocratl
brethix-n , A trick Is expected , Tiiero wl
lie a big row on election day if 'democrat
ulllnnco men rufuso to show up their ticket
Senator I'addouk at Home.
IlK \TIIICK , Nob. , Oct , ! W. [ Spcchl Toll
cram to TUB DEB.J Hon. S. A. Pnddoel
United States scnntor , returned homo froi
' \VashliiKton this afternoon ,
lliillv and Utibnlo at tiering.
( lUiiiM ) , Neb. , Oct. ! W. [ Special to Tn
nnn.Messrs ) \V. \ 1 > . Mllei and Ma
UiiUKherty addressed a largu ropubllcuu rail
Tuesday. .1 , M , King also spoke nn hou
UIKIII tno lmlct > ciulcnt inoveinent , nndvva
followed by Mr. Daughcrtv , who complctcl
annlbllalcd bis aignnicnt.
llev. Tatn at Crrto.
rnriTr , Neb. , Oct. 1)0. ) [ Special Teleirrai
to Tin : II K K.I Kev. J. D. Tnto upokolo n fui
audlenco Ihli evening. Ho mndo tlio MrlCIv
lev bill his main s abject , nnd predicted 111
election of tbo wbolo republican ticket.
Flro nn the AVhitni-y Itancli.
SIII.VM , Neb. , Oct. 'M. [ Special Telegrai
to THE tHi K. ] Sparks from n locomoliv
started a llro at about 5 o'clock this evcnln
on the Whitney lanch , six milts east of SU
ncy , burning a lirgo amount of pasluro nn
buy. 'Iho loss Is estimated at f,5oy.
Colby Jit Ktei-Ilng.
SrniMvn , N'eh. Oct.Speclul : [ to 1'ti
Iln : ] ( Colby spoke nt the opor
liouso lust evening to the largest andloiu
thai has yet assembled during the preset
campaign. Ho talked sound repnbllcaulsi
and his speech was listened to with nurkt
attention. He mndo no enemies for the r
publican cause nnd strengthened the ropuhl
wins who are iiroud of their country and i
government to u dulermlnalion to do the
duty. _
Hul'oly Keiinbllcnn.
M \Y\\OOII \ , Neb. . Oct. ! ! -Spoclnl [ Tel
gram to Tin : HIT.1'xSonator ) W. II. Coi
gcr of Omaha and Hon. John 1
Carr spoke to u largo and cnlhiuius
gathering here tonight A noticeable fc
tm1" of the mceling was Ibo larj
number of farmers present , and from tbo fr
mit-ntnnd hourly npplauso with which ll
sound arguments of tbo speaker * were r
ctlvcd It was clearly manifest that the rcpn
llcun ticket will reit-lvo substantial snnpo
in this vicinity. _
Democratic Kally at Columbus.
COM MIUS , Neb. , Oct. ! iO.-Rpcchil [ Tel
pram to Tin : llii.j : : A rally was held in tl
city this evening by tno democracy of Pint
county. A special train was run Irom Oconr
I'latto Center mid Humphrey , and a free rli
given to all who wished lo attend. The den ;
cratic campaign in this county so far has n
been very enthusiastic , ns Iho free rl
scheme resorted to dourly shows. The ope
house was well Jllled. StvrcotrpcU lar
speeclies wore niudo by lloyil , Gannon , AI
honey nnd Higgins Tbo deinocialle tick
will bo second in the race In I'latto coun
Ibis tail.
Tlinycr niul Dorsoy at At klnson.
' ATKIXSOV , Neb. , Oct. at-Special [ Tel
gram to TIIK HKI : . | Governor Thayer ai
Judge Wall anived ht-io on the ( JoVloi
train tolilght and were gieoted byuvn
crowd , headed by the band , who escort
them to the opera house Judge \Vall i !
llvered the most nblo speech of thu campuii
in this section , whUh was followed by a bri
but very Interesting adda-ss by the govorm
Knlly 1,00) ) people were In attendance. He
( ieorgo W. K , Horsey arrived on the 10-
train from O'Neill , wheio ho had deliver
nn address , and was accompanied by ube
two liundred people from O'Neill. On arri
ing at the ball hu vvas called on for u speee
and made a bilcf but very witty nddre.1
paying particular homage to the indies pri
cut , and retired amidst loud chcciing.
( ( * ) < -nns.
Et.noon , ISeb. , Oct. . ' 10. fSi > ccial Telcgra
to Tin : DIB. : ] One of the most enthusiust
meetings of the campaign was bold in t
court liouso in this city this evening. A lar ,
audience , consisting of farmeri , buslne
men and ladies , listened attentively for mo
than two hours to nblo republic
speeches by Hon. W. II. Cong
and Hon. John I. . . Canof Oman
The lecoid of the repablican party on tl
tnrilf nnd lliianclal questions wus shown I
the former in a logical and plain line
reasoning. Tlio cx-seim'.or Is held In hl |
esteem by thu U rand Army of the Kepnbl
boys throughout the state In recognition
his noble work in proposing and . '
curing Its passage In the leglslatu
of tlio bill establishing the state soldiei
homo. Jlr. Can- discussed the Indepcnde
movement , ilwclling at length upon the fi
lacy of attempting by a sudden politic
josolutlon to accomplish what rcijulros tin
and statesmanship , two elements iiolleeab
absent from the movement. The spciClcc
nmdo u good Impression with the pcojde ai
votes for the ticket.
Sluiidorson's .Speech at MuCook.
MiCooK , Nob. , Oct. : ) , [ Special Tel
gram to TUB Bun. ] Senator Mair'f-rson a
dressed this evening the largos nudien
over nsbembled in this city at a poliUc
incctintr The senator arrived on the llj
nnd was cscoitcd tothehulol , and in thenftt
noon the rooms of the MiCook club we
thrown open mid a reception tendered bit
Senator Mimdersoii piid a high tribute t
praise to Iho Colorado senator ) for their u
tiring work in behalf ot Iho republic.
measures Ills iidvlco to hN fanner frienc
to stand by tlio old party , which had r
deemed every pledge in the platform
1888 In Ibo laceof democratic obstructli
nnd oven desertion of the halls
congress , and tbo party which lu
given to his comrades of the late war the ill
ability pension bill , hud added six new state
to tbo galaxy of stites , bud given us ( ho no
silver bill , had provided for the expedition !
artesian wells in western Nebnuk
Dakola , Kansas nnd Colorado , togeth' '
with many labor bills ; Iho ant
trust bill , tlio bill to prevent gambling
farm products , and the McKinley tariff hi :
which tbo senator explained In detail ai
compared cadi clause with the Mills bill , nt
showed that In each and ovcry case who
the interests of the farm were uffecti
that Iho MeKinloy bill has reduced the dill
on products consumed by them , while it hi
raised tbu duty of corn , wheat and oilier pr
ducts , which are the main productions of. tl
farmers. It is a bill that has particular
given us frco and free lui
her. The speaker predicted that tin
will show this to have been tlio wisest in
best pioeo of legislation in the lust quarter i
tha century , and in closing implored the no
plolo elect that gallant soldier , U A. Hie
ards. and not a man whoso business
gumming In the products of the farmer i
the Chicago board of trade , and to pl.u
that honest man , N. V. Harlan , tosucici
(5. L. IMWS , instead of a man who oven b
democratic Mends udnilt has an odoriferoi
Ho In UnrcHer\oilly In Favor of Coir
pnlnory l diicnllon.
Sr. Pit'i. , Minn , Oct. ! K ) . Archbishop Ir
land wns interviewed this evening rcgardiii
the widely circulated report that ho had uoi
called to Homo to account for his utteranci
on tbo public school at the educational co
vcntlon hist su minor.
"Why , that Is perfectly absurd
said the aivhbisbop. "It Is fal :
from beginning to end. Homo has n
condemned and never will condemn eonim
sory education. Compulsory education fs
matter of civil and social policy and not
matter of religion. It does not come with
the purview of occleslai'h'iil Jurisdiction.
appertains to citizens , not to ehurehmo :
to decide it. For my part , ns
cllUoii , 1 favor unreservedly comptilsoi
education. All laws restricting ifnotabc
ishlng child lubor and compelling univers
education hnvo my heartiest approval , and
occasion oilers in Minnesota they will obtn
my political support. "
Advises Dropping the I'roHecutlm
IiO.vnox , Oct. SIO. Courtney , member >
parliament , who has Just returned from
tour of Ireland , today said ho was nioro the
over convinced that home rule was not
panacea , but ho agreed with Harnell , Morlt
and others that the Iniul question ought to 1
settled by the Hrltlsh parliament. Hu strong
advises tbo government to drop the preset-
lion of Dillon und O'llrien ,
Women' * Homo Missionary Soolet
Ivmi.o ! , N. YOct. lia Tlio ninth nnmi
conventlon of the Women's Homo Mtsblonu
society of tha Methodist KpUcopal church
the United States bog.m hero this mornln
Mrs. U , S. Grant mid Miss Fun u In lliiyc
daughter of ex-President Hayes , and nut
other distinguished ladles nre present. Tl
session will continue a week ,
Snow lit
KNOXVILU : , Tcnn. , Oct. 30. Tiiero wa.s
heavy fall of snow this moi-uliif , the lint
thu season la thli city ,
Closing Sessions of the State Baptist Oor
veullou at Fremont.
lli-pHllloUi ) ; lilver li-rlsatlon Tli
Oorlnjr Canal A I'ark for David
Clljl'lro on I lie AVIiitney
llnnc.liState NL-WI.
PIIKVIOXT , > Teb. , Oct. nn. [ Special
TIIK llii : : . ] At last night's session of tl
Uaptist state convention , Uev. S. T. Luonai
preached a sermon on the necessity of tl
missionary spitlt to the life of the churc' '
The treasurer announced that he lacked $ i :
of enough funds to meet all expenses for tl
coming year , und the sum win quick'
pledged. Dr. Hulbert gave nti Intoiestii
account of the inception and growtli of 11
plan for tuo great U.iptlst university nt Cl
.igo , to which John D. Itockefollerhus give
* lXdW)0. ( ) The session closed with prayer I
Dr. Tolnmn.
Today's session was opened by a devotion
meeting conducted by Kev. .1. M. White
I'awnco City. This was followed by tl
election of oftlcors , which resulted as fc
lows : I. , . (1. ( M. Haldwin , presldenl ; Dr. ]
T. Allen , first vice president ; ( . ! . W. L > , Ue
nolds , second vice president ; Uev. J.
Keeler , corrosnonding secretary ; . ! . A. Hmil
recording ; secretary ; Wllllnin Snxton , trea
urer. Hoard of Managers Hovs. Ii. 1
Tyson , C' K. IJcntlcy , K. II. Curry , A \
CUirlt , T. S. Leonard , II. I. . House , U .fob
nson , A. Heinrich , i ; . A. Kussoll , T 10. Hrl
ten , O. A Williams , A. W. , W. i
liviins , 7 . C' . Hush , LV. . Terry , nnd Mussi
b. D. Holmes , . ! D. White. J A. Hall , A. '
Whiting. S. T- Davis , A C. Hastings , M. !
Men 111 , M. M Lewis , 1) . L. MclJride. G. (
Yciser , A. A. Hacker , U. H. Dean , J. V. Zc
iKcr , | j. II , Klinball. President-elect Hul
wiii declined to serve again , nnd tlioinattcr i
th-i vacancy was rcferi-ed to a commttte'e.
li ° v. lj. W. Terry reported on foreign ml
slons. Ilo showed' that the state has contrl
uted to this cause during thopasl four yea
as follows : lS7 * * , $002 ; 1SSS ? IOU1 ; 1SS
M,1S'.I ' ; 1V.K ) , { 1 " < w. Dr. Tolman followt
with nn interesting skcteh of the work of tl
society. Ho b.dd that during the past ye ,
itll missionaries of the society had been bu
tizing at the rate of two each minute and o
gaiiuiiiK one church u week. The conimitti
on piesidcnt then repotted the choice of D
10. T Allen for the position. lie was unuti
mously elected. .Miss Alma Benedict rc.i
for Mrs. 0. A. Williams tlio report on woi
en's foreign missions , and Airs. William Sa
ton read the icport on women's homo mi
sions , The latler report showed that th
brunch of the work has grown in thlrtei
years from live stations and * 1,1 , " > I in fiini
for the lirst year , to Hfty-ono stations nnd r
eeipts of $ .Ur-iT in the Ihirteenth year , Du
WK these years the total receipts have bei
k ! ( > 0r > ( H.
THs afternoon nnd ovculng's sessions *
the convention were devoted to home ml
sions , Kev. ,1. J. Keller reported for tl
board of manager * on the work done , sho\ \
liif ; a satisfactory progress in the work. Tl
treasurer's ' report showed that the
are to bo one general , two dl
trlct and tvventv-four local inissionarlc
with receipts of about $11,000 and disburs
incuts ot J10t)70 ) In the state during the pa
year. Kev. Joseph Smith of Coud spoke (
the subject , of the unexplored Is'ebrasl
Held , The waiting opportunities were ill
cussed by Kev. 0. W. Keed of Rusbvlll
Moro than $1,200 was pledged for homo nil
At tonight's session Missionary Stern r
ported on tlio northwest district eiuhnich
all the state north of the Platlo and west
Custor county. lie said it was n great lie
rino for tl.o harvest. Missionary McBrlt
also reported on the soulhvvest dlslnct , ci
bradnp nil of Ihe South Platte country wei
of llarlnn county Kev. O. A. Williams i
Lincoln repoiiwl for the homo mission cor
mittteo and was followed by a strong nddrc
by Uov. Woods of Lincoln , western superb
tondcnt. whoso appoils for funds added u fo
hundred dollars to the pledges. He also read
telegram from Dr. Mon-houso of ICansus Ci' '
who wired that the ironunil association won
probably add $ lMlitotho ( ) Nebraska fund.
The following chalrinen of committees we
appointed : Homo mission , 13 , K. Curr
1 remont ; foreign mission , A. W. Clnr
Omaha ; publication society , A. W. Lama
Omaha : obituaries , P. O. Hingham ; syst
nuUlo iK-iicilreiico , C. H. Detralf , Kd'gn
church cdillccs , A. O. Hastings , Lincoli
cdiinition , , F. C. II. Rend , Cirandlbhinil.
The session closes tomorrow lit noon.
will meet next year at Nebraska City. Tl
enrollment today leached 'J0. " > .
htrnc-k by it Train.
SfiTiiioit , Nob. , Oct. RO. [ Tel
pram to TUB Bn.l : This aftcinoon ahoi
JiOustho ! Fiemout , Elkhorn it Missou
Vullev train was coming into the city ,
bert Shields and Henry Smitbhiirt , who we
on a load of hay , attempted to cross 11
track ahead of the train. Their wagon w ;
strueic by the engine and they wore throu
out and very hoverel.v injured. Smithha
was badly cut a oont tlio face and skull ni
ono eye was coniidctelv knocked out. H
chances of recovery are very slim. Shicli
had his light foot crushed.
A Thic-r Sliol.
OiKoiti ) , Neb. , Oct. 0. [ Special Tel
pram to THE HIK. ! While in Iho net
effecting an entrance into Hooper's dri
store an unknown burglar was shot by tl
night clerk of that establishment early th
morning' . The villain was cltased a short dl
tame , but , not being seriouslv woiinde
managed to m.ikohis escape in the darkiics
The sumo person , It is presumed , broke in
Knowllon's barber shop niulslolo nil the too
belonging thereto. An effort was made
Ibid the thief , but no trace of him could 1
Skipped the Country. *
I'liBMovr , Xob. , Oct. 110. [ Special toTi
lJii : , . | Oeorgo.T. Bau-ctt , proprietor of tl
Star livery barn , suspiciously loft the ci
thlsmoinlng , His creditors beliej-lng th
ho has gone for good , soon took charge of Ii
bnslncess nnd now have It In hand. Unrrc
bought tl.e barn a year ago of Ilela Hnldw
nnd his books .show that the business h
been prolltaUJo , hut ho had paid little on tl
Gropertv and bad allowed u largo number
ills to ai'cumulato.
The Orrlnjj Irrigation Canal.
OKIIINO , Neb. , Oct. no. A , conference w
bad Monday between the citl/cns hero m
Iho nioniboi-s of the Delmont & Frold can
company and R. H. Lawrcnco nnd A. Poliu
of Omaha , representing the Helmoatco
stiucllon company. There was n largo i
tendance and mutters are in a very satlsfn
tory condition. The canal , which will 1
nearly three hundred miles long and v\at
17,1,000 acres of land , will be the larjroat
the United States.
Hail Ills IicK Cut Off.
StniiMvo , Neb , Oct. I0. ! [ Special Tel
gram to THE Bir.f : K. 13. Farrell , a brnli
man on B. &M. freight Nc. 118 , hud his I
cut off below the knee today while cuttii
cars olT of the train nt the end of tha svvltc
Hols suffering great nain nnd cannot tell he
the accident happened. Ho will bo taken
Tecumseh , vvbero the company's physician
located , und the leg will bo amputated.
Sold Liquor \Vltbont n Ucons- (
OiiNr.VA , Neb , , Oct. ! W. [ Special Tel
gram to Tin ; HKK.Daniel | ICIunoy of 1 >
etcr vas arrested yesterday and brought
Geneva for selling llnuoi * without a llcens
Ills stock in trudo , consisting of three kc
of beer und a demijohn nnd jug of whisk
wove seized , This Is the third llino ho h
IHWI arrested. The trial was set for N
vcinber o. _ _ _ _ _ .
Patrons < > ! 'Husbandry ,
FiiKMON'T , Neb. , Oct. I50. fSpeclal to Ti
BEB. ] Tlio following ofilclal notlco has ] u
been issued by J. K. Cantlln , of ttiU count
\VriirtTEii. Neb. . Itct. a % KW. To thn 1'nlro
ol Nebraska ; You are lu-iuiiy notllii-d th
tbu nint itiinualmeelliu u ( our Ht.itti itiaii
1'atrunsof llasb.mdry b lirruby culled to co
vcnuat l'aivnc ( . ' . 'lty. Tuesdny. Heeemtier
1 ' , ' . tit I p. m.
UN dcliid ( tint \velia\e u full di-lcgatid
from ench l'oiimiii : and subordinate grange I
our t iite , imd , iniislel mill "ucrelarles vvi
Hcctolt tlmLh \ * matter Is broutbt befni
tlii'l1 * n--'i > ei1tl\c itrnnxet. We also dcMro
HI II to. . , . . iurlii/iiH ) | hiislnesx relations Int. . I b
eni'b crann fiirthe benefit of tbelr meinbei
and espcclidlVi tlio amount of binding twli
nied and wlictlier tlm name vrns jlmm : !
tliroiiKli the inniH'y of the grunge ol no
Have these rt-pwis u'iiily to Inind lo the t"
ecnttvit coiiiiultie | , ; nn the opening of en
IIK'l-tlllg. " . ,
Itallrnad ratsshavc not hei-u fuliy securei
1ml \ M'ipLetQBsaDiu rules n * were
usat fiirmer tncetlne . llehutes \\lll tad
reeelpls for llcl-tfts pureh ited Iln ? an
nil transfer point * that will entitle tbem \
the tudueed iftuMiomu.
Nnu , patroni. tja-ie linsbeen n , . lime In tli
Instoiy of our Male when the welfare of tl
lUrieiittnr.d init-re * . ! * ) ' tin1 stnlo v\ete-
nmeli In your hands n * : il tbc nreseul tlm
mill wu tinsl that we slinlt lie giceted wll
jiiiiriiresiMK'e nl this merlins :
In the nbort llriiu IntcrvciiliiK befori01
.slate meeting v\p \ in IP ; upon nil 0111 deputli
to miiKe a pcctn.l eiriirl In perfecting new n
gniil/utliinsat tlio reduced fees ns pnimu
gated /ruin our slate ina-.tei'mitUee. 1'iate
nully , .1. It. rvNTils ,
( . 'liiilrninn i\ecullveCoiiiinlt : tee. State ( Irani
I' , of II. _
Chnrgod with Horne .Stealing ,
LiviOTiisNeb. . , Oct. ! ! ( ) . - [ Special Tel
cram to Tin : HKU. j A young man giving h
naiuo as John McGnlckea stole a vnttinb !
horse belonging to Landlord Wales of U
( rand Central hotel last Monday. Ho w.
overtaken by olllcers in los ! ] > cr county m
today answered for his offoiiso in Hie pt > ll
court The prisoner pleaded not guilt
waived an examifatlon and was cotntnllti
to Jail in default of J.VW ball.
D.Viiiiinlii1 Cartridge lOv
UTICV , X. Y. , Oet. 30. Another cxpei
menlwilh .lustln's dynamite cmtridgcwi
made at 1'errjvillo today. A shell similar
the one used Iho last time , excepting that
was bored out of solid steel and had no bio
holes and wius thrcc-fourllia imteud of tlv
eighths of an inch in thickness. A twolv
ton Illiikcly rifio was used , similar to the tv
that burst in the previous experiments. Tt
shell weighed ar. > pounds and contained nh
pounds of sand instead of dynamite Tl
elmrgo was thirty DOUUUS of hoxugonul po\ \
dor , The shell was nred into u sand banki
distance of thirty ynnls and W.LS recovvuii
almost intact. Tlio shell was opened "n :
testlllcd to the correctness of Justin's theoi
of late explosions in the tain. Another tc
will bo made with the same shell and on tl
third test dynamite will again bo used.
Colorado Mliu-rH in
DBNVKK , Colo. , Oct. IW. [ Special TclogtM
to THE UKI : . | It is uot Improbable tin
there will bo more trouble at the Lnfayott
coal mines between the Union Pacific and tl
Hurllngton , or more properly speaking b
tvvcen the Union 1'acilicaud the coal miner
Two loaded cars liavo been placed on tl
crossing where the Burlington put in the
connecting switch , nnd the miners have a
su red the Burlington that they shall be i
moved whenever it became necessary to tv
the track. That they will do it no 01
doubts , for tlio entire coal mining district
aroused nnd the feeling against the Unlc
1'acillo is bitter in the extreme. Chovcni
aiifl other northern Colorado towns are e :
lyricnciiifj a coal famine , and Denver woul
be no better off Wcio it not for the supply (
the southern Colorado inlue.-t.
Hircball Wanted as n Witness.
TOUONTO , Ont. , Oct. 0. [ Kpeclnl Td
gram to Tun BIEI : An affidavit has bet
filed asking foinn cxainiuation of J. Kegli
aid nlrcdnll , now lying under sentence (
death in Wookstock Jail , as a material wl
ness in a libel suit brought by Urosvcni
Hood Graomo against the Globe , on accoui
of nu alleged intimation in the pupor th ;
Oracme might have had something to lei
with the murder of Benwell. The motion
to ho argued tomorrow , and it is to bo r
sisted on the ground that Blrchall is at pre. :
cut legally and civilly dead to the law , an
therefore his testimony is valueless. .
The JOoath llecord.
WcjrNirw HIUBIITOV , S. I. , Oct. , ' ! 0. EI
gar Ulmrles FernUnd Edouard , Count il'Aux ,
died yesterday , l * > j tlio apartments of h
brother , Uuko d'Auxy. ut tlio Pavilion hole
from gastritm. The JHichess d'Auxy is t
American , and when she married the did
several years ago wns the widow of a VM
known Now York merchant , KobertSoute
BAI.TIMOIIK , Md. , Oct. :10. : lev. Dr. 01
land ICinlock Nelson , ( Jean of thocomocntlc
ut Washington of the Protestant EpUcop
dlcceso of Mnrvland. < lied today.
Lei . , Oct. III-Willium.T. Sii
mon , prciiJent of the Hcksteln-Xortoa iudn
trial college for colored youths , died toduv.
OOi.i.Nvvooi ) , la. , Oct. ill ) . [ Special to Tl
lir.i : . ] Captain A. U. Wright died nthts ro
Idento in tJlenwood Tuesday night ago sht ,
ono yean , the immediate c.iuso being ruptu
of the intestines. Captain W right wasoi
of southwestern Iowa's wealthiest and mo
InlluL-ntinl citkens.
Senator Sliprtmui in Cinoiiiiintl.
CiscixvATr , Oct. liO. A great mnis niec
iiiR was held by the republicans tonight
music hall. Senator Sherman and ( Joverni
Foraker spoko. The senator in his specc
hold that the soldiers should receive pcusloi
according lo length of service nnd extent
disabilities. Ho said that silver and far
products would apprccialo In vilno as a r
suit of the silver bill , nnd that Iho Welvliih
hill would accomplish what It promised. 1
frco list , ho said , covers imports valued i
& | | 15,0 < > 0OIIO , yearly. Speaking of lha wor
ings of Iho nouse under the new rules 1
prophesied that never hereafter would tl
minority in any deliberative body bo pe
milted to hinder the majority Irom cnnctli
the will of thu people.
A Fatal Political AlTrny.
CoT.i-Miirs S. C. , Oct. ' 10. A special fro
Timmonsvillo says : While Edinond I
Deas , colored , who is running on the rcpu
lican ticket for congress , was address ing
crowd of negroes in the interest of the Hit
hell cause , exception was taken to his r
marks by certain Tillmunitcs. among who
was J. Gullv Jackson. Tlio latter cut Ien
face open with a knife nnd would have itilh
him but for Colonel .Morris , who pressed i
to make penco. Jackson turned upon Colon
Morris and gave him several pilnful slnshe
Deas will probably dlo.
Used Violent
KixnsTON , Out. , Oct. ! iO. This evenii
Archbishop Clary , addressing an assomblai
of school children and speaking of the ngit
tion for the aDcilltiou of noparnto school
used the most vitMttt nnd bi'ter language t
ward the Protustnilt clergy of tliopi-ovinc
whom ho declared , ' to bo the authors of tl
agitation. In cqticluslon bo said that , hell
constitutional , Jhe . schools would not 1
legnlly abolished , Canadians , and any r
tempt by thorn to' * lo so would result In t !
dismembcrmcnt'of'Uio ' Dominion.
HrxTivoTov , Pui. Ocl. W ) . A loaded cc
train of thirty-six * cars through a niisplac
switch , was thrown this morning through t'
Hotel HrunsvviclJ and landed in the j aitls
thoOirnid housoflnfltho Jackson house , tv
hundred feet cartvr.rrd. The guests in t
hotels were scKcd'vvitl' a fren/y of cxcil
nient nnd rushed pCIl mell Into the sticcts
Iheir night clolhodj i The loss to the ruilro
cnnipuiiv is f' > , uiji ) > No cstiinnlo can bo i
cured of Iho proport3lo3i | ,
WcHtcrn Vnit.irlan
Ciuru.o , Oct. ) M ) . Tlio nicotlns of t
Western Unitarian lonfcrcnce , convened
effect a reconciliation between ITnllarl
churches of Iho west , was resumed todn
The boparation g roviout of nn attempt .sc
oral years ago to put churches on a pun
ethical basU , It was decided to form a en
ferenco association , made up of tuo preside
nnd secretary of each state conference.
( irand Ululit and Left.
CvimiAor , 111 , , Oct. no. During the pi
gross of u country dance near hero hist nig
n bloody row was caused by a young m
named Moes Prlnty , who hud been order
out of Iho house. Fifty couples engaged
the affray. H ricks , sticks nnd chairs 1U
through the air , Jotcph Muiison was prol
hly fatally stabhoj , Moses I'duty win ul
seriously cut.
An Enthusiastic Meeting of Republicans ii
tie Second Wanl ,
Sonic tevcollpnt Siij-gOHlloiii to tin
Votpwcil Oinnlnt Ili'ltulve lo Kv-
pcdltlnt ; Work nt the Polls
Uthcr I'ollUeul A'ewo.
ICessler's hull on South Thlftoonth strcc
was illled to overflowing last night wll
voters who were interested In hearing th
leading enmlldntes on the republican liehc
speak upon the Ihlug Issues ol the eiini
CoiiCVDonovim was mulu chairman of tli
meeting , and the "peakors of the evutiiti
were Invited to take scats on tin ; stage ,
IIou. Output B.ost was the llrst spenkci
Ho spoke but n fuw moments , but inudc man ,
excellent points in favor of tins candidates o
Iho republican ticket. Mo said tli
republican candidates could mid wouli
do mow for Douglas county tha
the democrats could , because the ,
would receive better appointments on con
initU'CH ana have nioro advantagcouoppoi
Inn Hies to do effective work. On tlio im
hlbltlon question Mr. Yost said ho tiellovci
the bloeumb Imv of Nebraska to be tlio bes
that can bo found upon the statute books o
any state.
Hon.V. . .7. Council was called for whci
Mr. Yost ilnlshed speaking , and as Ii
walked forward the entlro uudlunco arcs
and guvo him three cheers. Mr. ( Joimel
spoke liriclly , owing to tlio fact that ho IIIK
another engagement and theie were nuiii
bcr of speakers incs ( > nt to folloi
him. Ho touched upon the larll
question and said tliut tlio tronbl
with the democratic method of doallnj
witiitho MuKinley bill they wish t
treat It like the southern people treat tertid' '
classes of criminals. . They hung them tlrs
and muhn cuio.fnl investigation as to the !
Riiill or Innoci-nce aftcrvvnid. The demo
crutswtsh to kill the MeKinloy bill before I
nas been given a tiiul. Mr. Council said tha
ho considered the grant labor problem one o
the leading questions before tlio nation today
nnd bo was in favor of shorter hours imd bet
tor pay for the laboring Hum ,
"I inn not tired of hearing about the mci
who woilc m show , " said Mr. Council , am
the hall losotmded with n burst ot nppluus
In response , lie said . lie ugreud exactl ;
with Mr. Yost on the prohibition imoatloii.
Able and effective spoeciics were also niatl
by lion.V. . ! ' Herhel , candidate for Iho sen
ate ; George OTJiien. Chris Speclit. .1. II
ICyncr , Mr Overall , Mr. Mount , Mr. Kauilci
Mr. ( Jrovve , . .futlgoLytloiindMr.Vnlcottu1
cnnilldutcs on the ticket. ill
Crovvo said that as a candidate for tlio olllr
of county uttoitiuy lie had the advantage o
ono term's service in thutofllu- Ivans , ! *
and he hail found vOiilo acting in that cnpic
ity that the prohibition law of Ivmiiiis ilk
not prohibit , and lie did not believe in Ne
The meeting was ono of the moH cntlui
stnstic ward leatherings of the present can ;
p.iign , and every ono went home determine
to do all in his lower to si-euro the eld
tion of the icpublican ticket from top to bol
totn ,
MtithV ril JteiMibllcniis.
The Ninth ward republican club held a
enthusiastic meeting last cvuniiitr nt tliel
headquarters. President W. I Klerstca
was In tlio chair. Telling speeches \vcre delivered
livered by O. A. Wnlcott , 1) . T. Mount , .1
\V. Lytlo , Chirle-sJohnson \ . I. Kiersteat
and Frank Irvin.
Mr. Waleott , candidate for county comml
sioticr , emphatically denied the lies circulate
reg.irdinif him by hfs opponent , Gcnrg
Tiuiinc , to the effect that ho is n prohlbitloi
1st , and squarely declared his opposition t
the amendment , bccnuso of his belief that I
would result disastrously to the business h
tere ls of the stale , Ho' said that ho wn
perfectly satisfied with the operations of th
tiloctim law.
U. T. Mount , candidate for the legislature
declared that the only trouble exi > ericiicc
wixs with prohibition , and that the
were trying to make out that the republican
were responsible for its submission. Ho s.iii
that it was of tun utmost importance Ilia
the amendment should Do defeated , and thn
aftcrthat tlio club should vork to secure tli
eleitlon of the republican ticket Ho prou
ised , ii elected , to stanu bv Omaha an
Douglas county to the last.
.1. \ " . Lj tie , also n legislative candidate
said that the main thing that Douglas count
should try to dovus to icnd a rcpubllea
delegation to the legislature , as it woul' '
stiind a much mom fiuorublo chancoof seciii
ing favorable legislation than If ropresente
bv democrats , who would lie lu the ininorit.v
They would also have something to say in th
rearranging of the congressional district *
The llr-st tiling , however , must be nn ovoi
whelming vote to smother prohibition.
John llutler mndo a short speech , ndvisin
that the members of the alliance bo eloie.1
looked after.
Charles Johnson urged upon the inombct
of tlio club the necessity of voting early. II
stated that fi'lll voters are already registcre
in the precinct , and tills number will bo it
crowed to 701) ) by Saturday niplit. Unhss
Krcatinmy votes nro polled during tlie carlie
hours of the day , ono or t\vo hundred will b
crowded ontln the rush of the afternoon ,
President Kierstead omplnuibod thosu ; :
Bcstion of tlm previous speaker. Ho toolcoi
caslon to speak insupportof Mr. Council , d <
cltuliifTlhatit wns of morn importance wh
was bent to WasldiiKton th.m to Lincoln , I
view pi desired Incrcaso in the postoniccnj
pronriatlon. ho was sure that Mr. Conne
could do more Rood than a democrat , orbcl
tor than anyoaoolso even If there wns n
ifferonco in parties nnd ] iiutfonns.
A democrat drifted in and wanted to limit
n speech in ( lornuti , but wns promptly sa
flown upon.
I'ruiiic Irvm made a vigorous speech d <
nounciiifT the amendment us inimical to th
business interests and moral well arc of th
state , closing with the assertion that if an
prohibition hireling challenged his vote o
election day "ho would soldo with him bin
bOlf. "
( Srcat enthusiasm was manifested , and th
menibcis of the flub decided to get out nn
work tit tlio pulls all day Tuesday.
All ICllOllt ) Surest KMI ,
A very excellent suggestion has been mad
by a leading citizen with regard to the icgi1
trillion work. .All who register touay and t <
morrow should ink for their numbera upo
the registration books , so that \\hon liio
come to vote their names may he found ii
htantlyby calling for their numbera upo
the book and givlntc tholr names ut the
time. This will oxpedlto the business f
viitiinnd ) ( save Jho registration hoard nvas
amount of unnecessary work in lookingovc
the list for the names of the voters as the
present themselves at the polls.
Kixlli AVnril Kiil | > llc im ,
The Sixth ward republican club mot lu1
night and after transacting a small ninoni :
of minor business , ndjourned and proccode
in In a body to the Second ward i.dlj
Among these iiresent was 0. It ICcNoy , th
former secrotai'i of the club , ho has boo
a'tUock Springs , W-o. , and who has com
(500 ( miles for the sole purpose of lending hi
voice , luliuenco and \oto to the defeat of nr <
hlbltion and the election of the lepublica
Smith SUI < >
The South Sldo domocnitlo club liold
mooting last nU'ht at the corner of Tenth an
Jlancroft streets. The sniiill loom wi
crowded with residents of that locality , wl. .
cntc'italneii vith dt'inocrntlc tliundt
by tieurgi ! C'hristotTerson , 1'at Ford , Thorn ;
( Jiipok , ueorgo J. HU'riisdortf and George I
Uertraiid. The speakcis referred to tl
issues of the eampaiifi- , including prohibltk
and the tariff question.
Mr. Ilainnir in Ireland.
Drni.iv , Oct. ! W. [ Special Cablegram <
Tin ; Uii.J : : Toduy .Mr. Balfour traveled fro
Kyleinorc , a distanconf llfty inllos , to ( 'n
raroe , ono of thu poorest villages In a t\plc
congested district. Ho dro\o tlirangli it
wildest part of Uonnomnra , aboumllm. ' in lal
and rock scenery. During the latter part <
the Joumey Mr , Halfour rode on the ouUld
ofMiecars. The jonrnoy wns without incl
uont. The few people mvn were apathetic
lljforo the party arrived at L'ostello I.oogc
Avherothoy were tlio guests of Police Com
inlssionor Hynie , nil were drenched will
niln. They will visit ( lalwnj tomorrow am
a.111 thcncu Proceed to Oublln'
At n league convention in Limerick .loin
O'Connor warned Mr. Halfonr not to mlsln
terprtt lrl h n > spect uiultry to innlto jxilltica
nipllnl oittof his visit or he would be trcatci
as the I'rlnco of Wales was.
.1 ItcnitiNltfH' f-V.'KlM .V.
Concluding In Clik-n < ji > ol * Ills Mlvc
Cuic ice , Oct. 'M.Tlio second day o
Archbishop lA-elmn's silver Jubilee openei
with a tribute from the little folks of th
ihurch. About ciKht thousand children froi
the parochial schools of the city gatheivd n
the auditorium In holiday attire \\llli baiuN
banners nnd emblems. The archbishop air
visiting bishops were seated on the stage be
hind a body of clergy. The children lllle
the great auditorium to overllo\\liiR , whll
the member * of the conventional orders 01
cupled boxo-i. The little people under the ill
rcctioii of tlio touchers , presented a lltentr.
mid musical progrnminc , hicluillnj ; the shii (
Ing of a number of national anthems.
At the Auditorium tonight nn enormou
throng wltne.ssi-d tlio concluding exercises o
Archbishop I'eehan's silver Jnbilco. Th
chief fcaturo was a remarkable scries of nil
dresses iuOaellc. llohcinlan , 1'ollsh , Italian
( lerni.ui , Trench and Knellsli and bj a col
orcdinnnla bchall of catholic A ft leans. A !
the addresses wcit ) chiniu-terizod bj an in
dent spirit of devotn.n to American ' Instltti
tions , These that touched tlio scbool (
tlonalllrinedlth substantial un.nilinity th
dcteiminatlon of the Catholics to inaiiitaii
their parochial schools and thenudlone
iippliuuk-il with tremendous vlgorthodcclnni
tion that UIOM > silioots nro the nurseries o
American patriotism.
Replying to the addresses Archbisho ]
Feetian closed nn eloquent speech by n fcrven
tribute to fren American institn'tioiis inn
Impressed upon his peopic the duty of lovalt' ' '
to the commonwealth and devotion to th'
constitution and institutions of the. Unitei
States. The musical jirogrammo wa
magnificent. _
rut : Ni'tii > it / . * < ; .
Independence Kaces.
IMIIIITMIKMI : , In. , Oct. , ) . - [ Special Tel
egram to TIIL lti. : ] Summary of today'
races :
'J : IW class
KpitnetVilllams ( \ ) . 1 1
Uox ) l ce ( McIIcnry ) . ! j
-2Ua:3.15J'ii : : : , ! : ! .
To beat a : ? ) Uthel , y. bm. , , T. Moore
Mason Clly. Tlmo-ii:1.1.1 : , ' .
To beat ! i : ' , ' (1 ( llrown Cedar , hr. s , Hald
win Time i-/ : ! ! / .
The following enteivd the ' 2'M : list In mate !
races : Itob Iov ! , b. s , , by Aubrey , Chad
wick , a : ' .l , ' ; Aytoun , b. s. , tj > IC'ing Hun
Mc.Manuj : . " ) \Vapsie j lice , bile m.h
WapsloAlexander , yji'.Urt ' ; ISdwiti T , b. s !
by Jion Duke , .Mnmilng , 'Ji'i. :
\VVMI iNorov , Oct. -Summary of tc
day's races :
Five furlongs -Syracuse won Painktlle
second , Prliiro Howard third. Time 1:51 IV
jMlle and one-sixtociith Mandolin ( colt
won , Coiticolli second , U-ippahannocj : third
fimoi.VJ. : .
Sk furloncs ncllevim won , St. John sec
oud , Billed : third. Time lit.- ) .
Six furlongs , hoits Firs * heat ; Salviii
won , Ulno .leans second , Samaritnii tblril
'J'iiiio l:1f : > > . Second : Illuo Jeans \\oii
Salvlni second , Samaritan third. Tiine-
1 :1J4. ( ! Hlno. leans won the third heat tun
race. Time 1BO. :
MI\it ! * MIK.lltY Tit HTltlKK.
Ten TliouMiintl Slen Give "Noticeof j
Walkout ,
SioriDiLB , Pa. , Oct.Tho ! ! ( ) workmen o
ajl the plants operated liy tlio II. C. Fiici
coke company yesterday served notice 01
General Manager Lynch that miles
Andy Verostie , a discharged local com
ndtteonmti of the Tiptop works , i
restored , they will quit work a
thooxphaUon of six. days , The uotico wil
expire Monday , and unless adjusted then
will be : i stillce of 10,00(1 ( nion. The unitei
minors Issued a secret circular yesterday t <
all employes In the region mx'ing iinmod'iat <
i'ctlon. The circular also orders the irriel
employes to he in loullnoss to strike at u mo
nicnt's niitlce. The national ollleur have en
doricd the action of Iho district olllcers.
Ncln-iihkn , Iowa and Dakota I'oiisimm
WvsiuvnTov , Oct. ill ) . ( Special Telesiau
to Tin : Hii : . | Pensions were granted todnj
us follows to Nehraskans : Original inv.ilii
Job Uabbitt , Clretni. Increase Henry T
Lewis , Ord. Heissuu Saiiiucl Conner , Han
nor , Ahlm 7 . Jones , Indlauolu , ( ! ottfrie <
Neuman , 1'r.iiriu Center ; Clark Sleutirt
Omaha. lissuo and increase 'J'liomas 11
Ilarribon , Hlackhlrd.
Iowa' Oiigiunl- James A. H.irninn C'olnm
bus Junction. Kcsthralion Jcrumiuh A
Haiuroft , Hed Oak. Iiiurcaiu.lames 1C
Potterolf , I'loris ; Francis h. Slit-ldon , Ti |
ton ; John IC.TacUer . , Cliarihin. Special act-
Ohio IS. lluekell , ( Irmul Klvcr ; John Klllott
Centerxillo ; Smith .1. Schaefler , Chirltula
Hait well Fll/gonild , I'orydon ; John Sheffoi
Red Koik ; I'bilip ( Jerry , ( Jlenowod , hovi A
Moss , farmlnKton ; John J\T. I iudynck , Con :
iiiK , .lo'iepli ' iirorkmaiiii , Lawler. .losoph V
Vauilct.SpriiiKTally ; Henry C Ilaislibaigei
Woodbine ; Henjamin T. K'imler , la Villa
John C. Montgomery , AVaulun ; Anderso
I cc , Stuart Keissuoiinil increase Williai
Kcule. Newton ; Simucl CSlasgow , N'ewmai
kct ; V. Honki-rt , ( Jolfnx. Original widow
ete--Snrah , widow of Asa Hiowors , Cation
minor of Sunnier H. Wurien , Dccoiah ; Mar
13. , widow of Charles Wilktns , lluilliiHton
Caroline Poitman , I'oimer widow of Suinnc
IIVniren. . Decoruh
South Dakota : Incivase-JacobScluvaru
LONDONOct. . : > . Hlr Miehael-llickH
Heach la a specth at Kilmornoi-k , Scotluffc :
today , said the government would contlnu
its Iilsh policy and uphold the Scottisl
churr-h Iloobjectou to any meddling will
the woiking hours of adult labor Uoferi-lni
to the MelClnloy bill , ho said slnillnraUempt ,
hud expanded English trade. The heav ,
duties on tin pinto , fur instaiia- , would bo
detriment to the American Iru , tirade.
Moulded a C Diiplo of
AI.TOONA , Pa. , Oct. ! ! -Last night at Cal
litziu two HiiiiK.iii.iii men bccamo involvci
In a light. They vero .struggling on th
Kmund when n woman who was boillni
clothiM near by took 'ip a bucket , of hot wati-
ami diisiied It over them. Ono escaped , bu
Iho other was fatally scalded.
Sltmmsiilp Arrivals.
At ( Jiicciiitown TinHilttiinlc , fiom N'ev
York for IMvorpool.
At .Vow Yoilc-Tho Tower Hill , froi
At Hamburg-Tho ( Jellert , Inim Xev
Kiirnoil by AIillen M < ; lnl.
BKTriiMiEvi , Mo. , Oct. : . In the convor
ing department of the Hcthclhem Iron con
pjiiy'smill toduya largo vessel ennlalnlii'
twenty tons oi molten metal tipped nvui
Michael Diivnn wa- fatally and live otbc
men seriously burned.
\\lll lleoogni/o liio AHsot.-litl'on.
HKII-IIAVI , Oct. : i- ( Special -Cablegram I
TIIK Hr.i : . I Thn ship owners have agreed t
thu nurinuuflltiKs' assoclitlon. 1
consequence of tins rocognlticin thn assort ,
tion will forego Us intention to nfllllato wit
thu tradas council.
Unfilled the I'lirohasi- .
Toi'KKV , Ivan. , Oct. : vTlio stni-khnlder
meeting of the Atchlson , Tdpi'ka & , Santa 1'
toad today ralilled the iiuroliasi * ( if the Coir
raijo Midland. No other lmt ! imi n was n-an
( ttlteiii nf OiiHtlm nt litimr nivl n'ji"'I flmttl
ttinendirr lli'it the rfmnlntu-j tliiiiml irijWiatln
tiie l-'iltlau , Oitnliet' 'tl. wnl . .vidii'lii.lorrn /
Lti t.
TIIH "HOS'lM 01' Hl.N. ' *
They 3li'i l In Ktricklor'n Olllro t , , ; l
DIsciiNM the Situation.
The prohibition strikers nnd ward workers
were out to the number of llfty last night
Tney held forth In room IHJli In the New York
I.I rebuilding.
Ats o'clock Lawyer Strlcldcr , who , in cm-
Junction with laiwjcr Thomas , nets M coun
sel for the free wMskyites , threw open Ids
door , mid after I lint feral least nn hout the.
elevator wait kept busy
.lust before the meeting nrganl/cdii Itptt
reporter enteivd the room , and like one man
the fifty prohibitionists a HMO to tlit-lr feel
mid Invited him out. 'Iho Invitation was ae
ceptcd , but the giapo vine was applied As
soon us the Intruder lias been removed a
guard was stationed In the ball and lir\
Holt assumed the duties of chairman
I lo opened bis remarks by saying "That
man Uosewuter Inn an unknown quant It.v ot
gall to send one of his men here wit bout'uu
Invitation "
Mr. Stiicklcr got the lloor , and In carefully
selected . ' " ( !
language.said' entlcinenyouiirn
Invited to my oiilce tonight , but 1 want you ID
understand tint 1 did rot wilto the Invltn-
llnns. Mr. Holt wrote those. "
' -Yes , " it spoiled Mr. Holt , "bill jou told
me to sign your name. ' '
"True enough- * put m Mr. Strlckler , but
I want logo on it-cord eoivcctlv In this unit-
ler. "
' Tin : lli.i. has treated us In a rude nnd
discourteous manner , and 1 think it should ho
denounced. " said Itev. Shlmi.
"H sliull he , " piped Lnw.vei-Tliumas , " .md
lhat fling at ns tuiilgbl was the most das
tardly outrage I ever heard of. "
" \ \ bat one' ' " came fiom a In-whiskered ono
In tbo corner who vvas recorded as ,1 M.
'I bo article headed 'Stfielder's Hosts of
Kin.1" yelled a do/on voices
"Let us get down to business , " said tlio
chilli man ,
"Mot until I have told you inniPtbiinr '
snld Lawyer Thomas , who had been giad
milly edging to the table thatiis \ covered
high with piles of the prolntdt inn handbills
printed for live illstribiitlou , and known us
the "lliib.v Humble Her "
"These papers , " continued he , "an1 being
printed nl a Job ufih-e in the city They lost
us $10 a thmiMiid , nnd HNl.t ( Hi have been r-
dered. They be paid for , and wo aio
shoit of money. "
" ( icnllemen , what will von do about this' "
ashed Mr. Holt , the preacher
"Take up a collection , " inturned alimom-
dividual who wore u sign of nnnppioacldiig
" \Vo \ can't do it ; wo will need all of the
mot.uv on election daj , ami then there-aro
10D.WKI tickets coming from Lincoln tomorrow
anutlio'so will have to be paid for on the
spot , " spoke up a party who was evidently a
member of the finance committee.
"Let this drop for the present , us wo are
beie fur business , " said tlio chairman , as ho
lingered nl his nccUtie
" \Vo \ want to bear the reports from Hie
vniioiis wards. I understand that this Is u
mooting nt which the members of nil of tlu <
ward coimnlllros arc piosent. "
The reports w cio submitted and the regis
tration to date was carefully guno over , hut
ni-4-ordiiiir to the repot I not an illegal vote
could be found.
'There mint , behoiuething wrong , for those
neer giu/lers are not placing fair in this
deal , " said the chairman
" 1 thought so myself , " answered I.avvjcr
Slrickler , "but the lists are cnrrctt and I
object to challenging n name that uppeari up
to this date.
"Theio is more that I wnnt to say1 con
tinned the Imv.ver " 1 want to see'workers
at every polling place and 1 want lo see n fair
vote , for 1 do notbclii-vo that vvo cnu afford
to In row any obstructions In the way ol a
Irco ballot and an honest eoirit. "
"He's gone to the enemy "
"Put him out'
"Wo don't pay for tint Kind of adv ILO , "
and a score of siniilnr sentences were liiulcd '
at the lawyer in bis own ollice. lie bold his
ground nnd addressed UKcroud as follows
"Tho mayor , the Uty council , tbo school
board , the business men and the Omaha
papers are inminst us , ami we bine "got to
go slow hero In t hlr city. "
"Theie are many .scntiminLs , " said Lawyer
Thomas , as ho a-tsnined i standingpiMlifon.
"I have canvassed thf situation and I don t
think we can afford to attack the people of
Omaha If we want lo conliniiein bufiucs *
"lie's growing weak , ' ' yelled tbo irowii
"Not weak , geiillcmen , " ciinlinued the
> peaker. "but like Mr Stickler , I think we
huio interests t stake. Let the vv Idsk.v
men d their worst , and tbev not
cuiry the city b\ more than lfiliui ) majority
Say they get this mnjoril.v , we can then beat
them easy onoiigh , for ouUsido of Dougla
county , if ( Mir cammittccinen do not lie ,
will hmoiOiH : ( ) , ) votes to spaio , .so for tin
reason I say , go.low m Omiihn "
It wiii evident that the irowddld nut sun !
low tin-statement , hut us Mr. Mull nd\ise \ < l
quiet mid a ititr upper lip. no nhjc-ilu.n vvus
Cli.ulcs I'onoypr was then roasted to a
turn b.v Hoy. Holt , who said. "That man ha- >
proslitnted his ulllee and lent hlmsilf to the
rum sellers , and I hope lu > will leain vv li.d I
think of him. Ho has been trying to low
blackmail upon the tench'-ra ' ol Nebraska h >
sending out Ids Inlnmoiis [ "tiers asking them ,
how thev slum ! upon prohibition. " Mr Hol ,
iulciidul toexteml h is icmarks und include the ,
noisspiH'rs | , hut a wind loiiiinltti-omiin
called Him-and once more the Itudv got diivvn
to business
II was dciidi-ii to have men at the polls on
election day with , democratic and
independent tickets , hut It. VVILS understood
tbat every ticket peddler shnll IHJ for problbi
tion The ward workers were , idvseilto !
trade uvorjtblug for piohlbitlon and make
votes wherever tuny can.
This giving of advice toiitlniii'd fur an
hour , wlulo the delegate- , went out by twos
and fours until Mr Stut-ldi-r and Kev Holt
wi-io the solo occupants ol tbu ofllie. l-Vir
another hour thpy consoled themselvi-s and
hugged n delusion , after which they bid one
anolhcr n weary good nlghl mid slid out Into
the dmkness.
'llns ltioK < -i-Ml''ii'blil ) Ktriki-H.
Lovnov. Oct. -ISpei-inl Calilegi-am to
Tin : Ihi : : ] Tlw ilockers'union has issued a
manifesto forbidding any strike on ai count
of thu dock companies' proposed changes
The document expressed liie lonvldnm thai
the companies have no intention of ciifniclnu
a lockout ordepilvlng the men of tbo boncllts
secured to Ibem liv the iniinslnii bouse agree--
inent. It-says that if an.v mi- unjustly dismissed -
missed , iliev must loiniil.ilu to the union ,
which Is IKIW ciillod upon lo pruvo Its ntubij. _
ity liv lliuiougn dlM-ipilho. The iiiiiiilffst'i
coiu'l'udes bv I'xpiesslug ' the heliuf that tlie cii
ijii-iativts | system will soon be gc-ncndlj
I'icrri ; I.oiilliiul's I'liin.
Nrvv YOIIK , Ocl. : A Pierre Lorillurd gae
a liaininet iitlho Union club toulgbl to | iroiu-
incut turf men. The idea was to pruinuti-
goojfcllowship among the ( uvni'i1of - lacing
stables and put forward u plan of ni'L-.iiibiu '
u Now Yink Jockey club whi < h shall Indudo
all track pioprietors und heavy owneis of
running hordes , regulate und coned .dm- . .
of the tuif , litunso Jockejs and i-levulc tlm
turf ginnra'ly. '
'I'o DUcrl Aiiioilcaa
IJir.w.iN. Oct. ill ) . A new uimpany furmeil
to plant colonies la south and vmth\vi" < l >
Atrlca Mniocr-oaiid Tilpoli. hopes in iln oil
cimgratiun from Ani-'rh n.
Absolutely Pure.
A. cream of Urtii r baUlm powderlllghrat
it loavonlns atroiiKtb U , U. ( Jovcrnmcnt 11-
uort Auit. 17.1WV