Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1890, Image 1

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    ILY BEE.
The Situation of Affairs as Scon in Kansas
' nnd Iowa.
Open Hnlooiifl , Jlo'os In tliu AVnll ,
Original Package Mouses anil
HellliiK Yilo
Without Itcatralni.
AIIII.KM : , Knn. , Oct. 30. [ Speclnl to Tun
HBI : . ] Thcro are twenty-five saloons run
ning wide open here , A few days niro n
number of the keepers wcro nrn-stod and
lined r > 0 cash. Ono linn sells it by the whole-
bale.Two of the best hanks Abilene over hud
liavo failed within the past year. There are
empty stores and residences on every hand.
The majority of the people hero have
soured on prohibition , hcnco the boldness of
tbo Jointers at tlio present time.
i'ltlCI ! Will fill V1' / ' .V.I I , MM.
Joint" , KI-II-J Stores mill Orl lnnl
Package UniiKcs Itiniipant.
SH.I.VA , Kan. , Oct. 30. fSpf-hil to
Tin : Uii.J- : : Senator Ingnlls and Congress
man Warner both spcke hero Monday. They
drew an immense crowd. Townid evening
I saw more drunken people on the streets of
Sallna than you would see in Onmlia in it
week. Out in the vicinity of the park where
tbo speeches were delivered the ground was
fairly carpeted with beer and whisky bet
In tbo evening I was shown by n business
man nnd prominent physician nine Joints
where liquor Is sold by the drink. A candi
date for 11 state olllco accompanied us , and
these gentlemen , who wcro bore , tell mo Unit
wo only saw one-third of the Joints. T-hoy
claim Unit there arc thirty in all. The most
of the Joints tire in llio luck room of lunch
ThodniR stores sell wlilsUy at IB cents a
drink , Tbo customer merely stops behind a
pcrscrlptloa caw nnd helps himself. There
is no such thint ; as prohibition hero.
There are two wholesale original pu-lago ;
houses running here. Some persons who ni'o
strangers and do not luiow how easy It Is to
buy tbelr liquor by the drink , go to these
package houses and buy n bottle of beer.
Tlioy nro told that they must not open tbo
bottle Insiilo the building. They no sooner
got out of the door with the bottle until thfy
nro tackled by little boys who nro supplied
with corkscrews. These boys say : "I'll pull
the cork for you , pnrd , If you'll give mo the
bottle , " and the proposition is accepted , The
boy sells tlio bottle for 5 cents to the Junk
man. In mnny instances there is a little beer
left In llio bottle , and In tbls way tbcso
youngsters nro given a frco opportunity to
bocon.o drunkards.
Thirty-eight government licenses wcro Is
sued tor this city alone. Two thousand people
ple hnvo loft Salinn since the prohibitory law
went Into effect. Taxes are two per cent
higher. Thoronro'fow transfers of realty
nnd mnny people nro out of employment. I
wns told by business men that ft great many
licop'o wcro leaving on account oftho pro
hibitory buv. Two original package lioiibcs
hnvo oponcu up within a week , but the Joints
whore liquor ts sold by the drink are doing a
laud olllco business , .
It.tlf ,11.MHHH. XK 1KH.1..1II.
V Prohibition Stumper Who SolN
liiiiunr at Kanoy I'rlucH.
nnooKVii.i.t : , ICan. , Oct. 30. [ .Special to
Tin1. HIM : . ] I got oft' the train in this villingo
nt (5 n , in. niiel went direct to the hotel. Tlio
landlord , who is n prohibition stump
speech maker mid bad returned from
the rural districts the night previous , wns
Bitting by the steve In conversation with n
minister. A traveling man ami your corre
spondent made up the party. I asked tbo
landlord if hokept any liquor In tbo house for
sale , not knowinirho was a temperance lec
turer or that the gray-haired man by Ids side
was u Methodist preachor. The hotel man
was Insulted at the suggestion nnd declared
his loyalty to the prohibition cause.
A half hour later the old preacher weat
out. The landlord then caino to mo nnd
snid : "For OotVssuko don't ' mention liquor
when tlmV , old guy is around , He's out
preacher hoic , I'll get you all you want to
drinic. "
Ho then went up atnlrsnnd returned with
n pint of whnt ho called ten-year-old whisky ,
Ills price was ? 1. The wet goods were sam
pled by tbo traveling man and pronounced
nothing but raw alcohol with a little syruj :
thrown In.
Thrco doors from the hotel Is n billiard hall
with n bar In It , where liquor can bo bought
openly by the drink. A half block away
from this Joint Is n hardware store where
they also sell beer nnd whisky on demniul
I was told that only one of those men liai'
oven a government license. The village get. '
This is how they enforce prohibition ii
llrookvlllo , u village of perhaps thrco or font
hundred Inhabitants.
Tlie l > p | il lloall/.o Tlmt Prohibition
Cannot Ho Kiiloronl.
lIUTcmxsov , Kan. , Oct. -Special ( to
Tin : HKK. ] "Milwaukee lleor" Is ono of tin
first and largest .signs a , person can see f ron
the front door of the Santa Fo hotel. Yoi
can buy it by the Khiss , bottle or case at pop
ular prices. There HIM llvo other Joints when
ull kinds of liquors are sold to any ono whc
applies. Iu fact the people who opposei
licensing saloons have virtually given up th <
light in this locality. They realize bow lui
possible U U to enforce prohibition.
rm : i.t ir .i.v itrrtut I
ICxporlcnrcs of Carroll anil
I o \ \ nvltli I'rohlliltlon.
MutMiAi.i.TOW.v , In. , Oct , ! ! 0. [ Special t
Tin : H in ; . ] Can-oil , on the Chicago ft North
western , ouo hundred miles cast of Omahti
is ono of the Iowa towns that 1m utterly Ig
norcd the prohibition law , and apparent ) ;
the authorities have ns utterly Ignored llui
fact. The snlooii ) of Carroll hnvo never beci
closed liy prthlbltlon. There nro now thli
teen open saloons there which pay In th
uhapo of a line or a license < lf > 0 u year to th
city. There are three wholesale liipiu
houses there , and as the prohibitory lltnio
law bus never been cnfoivetl It cannot b
bald that the situation has materially change
since they had a regular license luxv.
In thli city of Marshalltown , U'siilo sue
facts as I could gather from my own ubscrvn
tlon and conversation with several citizens ,
called upon the mayor of the city , Nclsoi
Amos , estj. , and found hlir. u very frank uni
courteous gcntlounin. I asked him If ho hai
nny hesitancy in tolling mo of Ids exporlene
with prohlbltiua , Hesaldi
"N'ouo whatever. The records of niy ofilc
nro public property nnd on"n for Inspection
at nil times , My own opinions on all public
questions are five to any who think they con
cern tbo public , nml I have no objection to 1m
quoted ns authority for any statement I tuny
make. "
I requested him then to tell mo about pro
hibit ion Iu bis city , and ho snM : '
"I am now serving my fifth year as mayor.
I was first elected In ISSi ) , on a citizens'
ticket , Tlioro were tlionslxteen open saloons
in the city , payiug nothing Into the treasury.
I was cxpecteit to ch.inge the situation , hut ,
iillhotiKh I was then us pronounced a prold-
bltlonltt as there .was In the stute ,
I soon found that 1 was expected
to do the impossible. Finally 1 called
in the marshal and directed him to tell tbo
boys to come and see me. They all came and
I said to them : 'Boys , tbls Is wliat you must
do. You must rigidly close your places every
night at Id o'clock , hoop them absolutely
closed on Sundays , side doors , bark doors and
nil , sell to no minors or Iribltunl drunkards
and so far a * I uni concerned as mayor I will
let the state officers try to enforce tbo law ,
for I don't think I can. ' They all cheerfully
agreed to do us I asked , except ono who kept
a sporting house , Ho said he couldn't ' close
at that hour , ho had his best
business. 1 told him ho would have to do It ,
for there were officers under my orders to
compel him to do so nuda Jail to put him In
if lie refused , mid I would glvo him all tlio
law bo wanted. Ho wilted nnd like tbo
others Implicitly oo.nplloil with my orders. "
"This plan worked well until 1SS7 , when
a prosecuting attorney was elected by the
funnel's' voles through the Influence of the
Women's Christian Temperance union and
bo entered upon a crusade against the sa
loons. Wlien a state officer tbus took the
matter In liU hands I ifwpped It. The result
bus been that today there nro twenty to
thirty pliiiw where liquor 0,111 bo bought , In
cluding pretended club ixotm , nnd the city
collects nothing , while the prosecutions by
the county attorney , who has been re-elected ,
all fail and at llio same time largely Increases
tlio court cxpemes ,
For the lls-a ! year eloslnc1 In March , 1SS7 ,
there were S3 nrrosts for drunkenness in this
city. For tlio year ending in March , ISS' ' ' ,
0" ; for the year ending in March , 1SSS ) , 87 ;
for the year ending in March , 1V)0 ) , 131 , and
since Man li : " , ; . - . . u , to October 'iS , 110. Wo
have gone through the scale , from license tone
no license ; then to a system of lines rigidly
collected and orders fully enforced ; then to
'ho original package law , and now to indis
criminate selling without revenue or regula
tion. "
There Is n brewery here , but It does not
operate)1 now. The proprietor. ) , bowoviw ,
continue to deal op > nly In beer , ami receive
an average of three cars of beer weekly.
Mayor Amos sa .s bo is thoroughly cured of
Ills prohibition Ideas anil hopes soon to see
the state icturn to an effective high Hccnso
system. He says almost without exception
the business men and reputable citizens are
now In favor of that system , ana earnestly
hope Unit the amendment will be beaten in
Nebraska next week , for that will make It
nosier to get tlie Toiva law repealed nt the
next session of the legislature. I will add
that Mayor Ames is himself known to bo a.
thoroughly tumpcr-ato man , who bos no per
sonal use for liquor ut all.
Missouri Vnllny'N Open Saloons.
Missoria VIM.KV , In. , Oct. 30. [ Special to
TniHii : : : . | This is a nlco town ot y.fiuO to
il,00inhabitants. ( ) It has had until within a
few weeks seven open saloons. It has now
live. 1 find tlio people hero very anxious to
sec prohibition beaten In Nebraska , ns they
believe It will result in wiping out tlio pro
hibitory law here , while tlio success of pro
hibition with us will result in the con
tinuance of their prohibitory law.
lloals anil Locks Hbonlil be Matle to
Conl'ornHii Sl/.c.
W IIIVITOV : , Oct. "O. [ Special Telegram
to'i'm : Hr.i-.ieneral : ( Casey , the chief of
engineers , salil today that after the passage
of the river and harbor bill ho had informed
Captinn William Marshall , the engineer in
charge of the Hennepln canal , that there wns
nn appropriation of $000,030 for work on that
enterprise , and naked him to submit u plan
In what minuter it should be expended.
Captlan Marshall responded by submitting n
very elaborate and carefully considered
report , in which ho suggested that the money
bo expended for the dam ami lock on Hock
river , as recommended In his original report ,
upon which the appropriation was
based. It appears that after the
passage ot the bill by the huuse of represent
ative * it was sent to tbo senate , where an
amendment offcied by Senator Gorman wns
nddeil providing that the secretary of war
could In bis judgment change tbo sl ; s and
locations of the variant locks. Senator ( ! or-
man , In offering tbls amendment , explnlned
that ho bad many years ngo been engaged in
in the management of a canal , and knew from
personal ex pcrloncu that boats of a certain
sl/o were more economical and convenient
than those of other il/o. It was thought
necessary bv him , therefore , that the secre
tary of war should make an investigation to
determine upon the sl/e and designs of boats
to bo used , and that tbo locks should bo made
ttf conform. Upon the receipt of Captain
Mar-hull's plans tbo chief of engineers culled
his attention to the suggestion of Mr. ( ! or-
mnu nnd Instructed him to make a thorough
investigation of tlio character of the boats
uscit upon artitltial waterways in this conn-
try anil Kni-ope for the purjiose of determin
ing which sUe' and kind were most suitable
for transportation purposes on such channels
ns the proposed canal. Captain Marshall
will therefore devote ) tlio next few weeks to
the investigation , and upon his report the
secretary of war will determine whether to
adopt the speclllcatlons for locks nlrcudv
submitted or change them In accordance with
the discretion permitted him by the act ol
congress ,
MiUTiugo Dill Not Snvo Him.
WASHINGTON , Oct. ! ' ,0. Houghwnt Howe ,
yesterday married to Mary Buttorworth ,
daughter of Hen Huttorworth of Oldo , died
todaytof pneumonia.
Alter the marriage Howe appeared grentlj
relieved In mind and to sutler less pain. To
wards evening , however , ho grow raphilv
worse and throughout the night wns deliri
ous. A sad mglit it was for the young bride
All through llio weary watches she sat b >
the sici < botl , not retiring or resting for u mo
ment until li o\ lock tills morning. When slu
tooli nn hour's rest. Later on IIowo sanli
rapidly and shortly niter noon ho tiled.
A Nt lir.uika Land Oru-Ulon.
1 WASHINGTON. Oct. ; U ) . [ Special Telegran
to Tin : Ur.i : . ] Assistant Secretary Chnndlei
today unit-mod Commissioner CirotT's dccisloi
in cancclliiiK' the pre-emption declaratory
stntcmcnt of thohelruof Laura P. Hush fo :
tlio north half of the fcoutltwcsl quarter am
tlie soulhoait quarter of tbo southwest quur
tor of section ' 'I iinil tlio northeast quarter o
the northwcit qiurtt'r of section -JS. lownshi ]
1 , range--'il WOM , MrC'ook , Neb. The cnti-i
fur the tract In question was contested in
1-YaiicUM. Cox. .
- * -
Tlii'lr Ut'lallon-i Were Cord hi I.
W.v < iiiN'.TiiN ' , Oct. UO. Secretary Ulalne
de-Mred the st.ito.uont . made tint ho did no
request the recall of Senor Murimgn as lulu
Istcr of Spain totho Unite. ! Stitos , lie says
It is not true- that the relations botwiwn him
soif nnd the late minister became strained
On the contrary their iclations wen
frleiitily , Tliu minister's recall , Hlalno says
wm duo solely to a cluiin ) of aeliuiuhttrauoi
in the Spanish government.
Anxious Inquiries as to tbo Disposition of
the Oauipaign Tuud ,
11. Furrow Ko-KliMjIfil Prcslilcnt
on tbo Ssooiid Halliit Collision
on llio Iowa Central Supreme
premo Court Decisions.
DM MOIXIIS , la. , Oct. 30. [ Special Tele-
ram to Tun llii : . J Tlio stito convention of
ho farmers' alliance was largo and disorder-
f , more than seven hundred delegates being
resent. The business was transacted In so-
rot session. The first matter tills morning
vns nn investigation into the affairs of Sec-
vtury Post in regard totho charges preferred
iyV. . M. .vloyers. Tlmo was consumed by
ho secretary In answering questions from
: ncmbers of the alliance. The question was
. 'hat disposition had boon mndo of $10,000
ccummnlated from assessments. Mr. Post
iloailed that ho Imd acted under the Instruc-
lon of the executive board , and if any one
, -as censurable ho thought it was
ho executive board. Many questions
.veroasUcd . Mr. Post , taking a wide range nnd
loveringtho business of tho.state purchasing
igoney. Most of tlio questions worn private ,
ljut brought out that the state purchasing
iigency was so nrranced as only to pay ex-
ileuses. The explanation was accepted gen
erally by the mcinbers. and ono member nmdo
i motion that three cheers ho given for Post.
"Jrics of "No , no , " became so general that the
notion wns aliaudoucd. A motion was tben
: mula that the alliance proceed to business
mil thntull unruly members bo excluded from
lie room by the sergeant-nt-arms. This mo-
ion was yelled down Cries of "gag rule , "
le. , worn and the motion lost.
I'ho question of tlio election ofofllcers came
up and resulted in a long wrangle over the
notliod of nomination. U was finally concluded
.o nominate by acclamation. The nomina
tions resulted in tlio presentation of J. U.
furrows of Tamil , Captain William lliainoof
Marion , M. It. Uollttle of Howard , II. b. Al
exander of I'ottowatomie . 1) . Forbes of
Sac , J. H. Sanders of Hnrdin , Robert Baxter
of Ida , and .Tames Goodwin of Clay. Con
fusion rt'iirncd supreme during tlio propara-
'ion of the ballot , which resulted ; Furrow
Ot , ninino TO , Doollttlo 45 , Alexander'JO ,
Forbes'0 ' lotul 3K ! .
, Sanders ! IJ , Baxter 'J ;
On the second ballot all wcro dropped but
Furrow and Ulnlue , the result being the
election of Furrow by ir > S to 1 ! J. Blaine was
then elected vice president over quite u Held
of candidates.
During the noon adjournment there was
nuch wirepulling on the secretaryship in an
attempt to down August Post , but the first
ballot in the afternoon pivo him l"t ; out of
HIM votes east for a largo number of candi
dates. C. Powell of Anpanooso county was
elected treasurer on tbo second liallot.
The greenback faction , led by 05nfllth of
ass. iJrown of Pottawnttnnile. and Kennedy
of Union county , then made u desperate
effort to capture the convention , The latter
made a motion to gndorso J. M. Joseph for
railroad commissioner. This created wild
excitement. Loud cries of "N'o , put him
down , " etc. , were heard , and it was with
dllliculty that order was restored. The mo
tion was finally referred to the committee on
Hesolutlons wcro adopted tonight favoring
compulsory education and uniformity in text
books , with state-publication in tbo absence
of satisfactory terms with publishers ; de
manding a revision of the present system of
taxation , and advising n stat ) tax on the gross
Income of railroads and simll.u- corporations ,
nnd n general tax on all kinds of property , in
cluding moneys and credits ; that tlio accu
mulation of mammoth fortunes bo checked by
n graduated Income tax ; endorsing tlio pres
ent railroad commission law ami favoring its
extension to other semi-public corporations :
favoring government ownership of railroads ,
telegraphs and telephones ; that oxnrcss
companies bo brought under the interstate
commerce law ; for the prohibition of free
mileage books and passes , and favoring a U
cent per mile rate ; favoring free coinage of
silver and tbo issue of all money by tlio gov
ernment direct ; the reduction of contract
interest to I ! per cent ; favoring the Aus
tralian ballot and tbo election of
United States senators by a direct
vote of tbo people ; favoring a deep
water harbor on the Gulf of Mexico ; deriand-
ing a reduction of nil olUcial salaries to n
peace basis ; the pasango by coinrrcxs oftho
Conger lard bill and tbo enforcement of state
laws against food adulteration ; the passage of
the liuUenvorth option bill or u measure
still inoro drastic ; protesting against
alien ownership of lands , and oonmionding
the recent interstate commerce decision or
dering nn cqunlizationof the lioand packing
house product rate.
There was a warm fight over the resolution
disappro\ the efforts of different parts of
thastato to draw the alliance into politics ,
and It was 11 u ally stricken out.
The Supreme Court.
Dr.s .MOIST.S , la. , Oct. 3) . [ Special Tclo-
grnm to TUB HUB. | The supreme court
adjourned today after filing the following
decisions :
Pickcrell , appellant , vs Iliatt ; Mahasku
district ; dismissed.
I.akin vs McCormlck .t Bro. , appellants ;
Fayottodistrict ; afllrmeu.
State vs Pfloajor and State vs Caldwell ,
appellants ; 1'ollc district ; reversed.
Statovs Ilughluu , appellant ; Polk district ;
dismissed. " *
Statovs llressau , appellant ; Polk district ;
Statovs Foley , appellant ; Pollt district ;
aftl rmed.
Statovs lUvndlc , appellant ; Polk district ;
atllrmed ,
Collision on the Iowa Conlrnl.
Mvii'iiAi.i.Tnw.v , la. , Oct. 30. fSpecIa
Telegram to Tin : Bun. ] A serious collMoi
occurred on the Iowa Central just cast of tin
city this forenoon. A switch engine wai
bucking down to Timber creek quarry for n
train load of rook , when It collided with i
wild freight , both running nt high speed
Tbo shock wns so great that'tho freight engine
gino was lifted bodily in tbo air , ami nlightci
solidly on top ot the switch engine , botl
being ludlv wivcknd , as Mere several frclgh
cars. William Moselov and Uouben Ciiilll
her , engineers , and William Kalph nnd Wil
Ham Cook , firemen , were injured by jump
ing , Mosoley and Kalph seriously , and tin
others silently. The collision was the resul
of u mistake on the part of the train ills
The Heo Hoopers. ,
ICr.oKfK , la. , Oct. 110. At today's sossloi
of the International American Boo assoclu
tlon tlio name was changed to the Xortl
American Ueo Keepers' society. Dr. A. II
Mason of Auburndiile , O. , Thomas G. Xew
man of Chicago and U. Mi-ICnight of On
tarlo were unpointed as n world's lair uparlni
committee. Several lutereiti. ' papers re
Inllng to boo culture wcro r ring tb
day , followed ny discussions j vurlou
topics touched upon by tbo auth. . . j.
Thompson fins Ono Yoiir.
.MMISIUM.TOWN- . , Oct. 30. fSpecial'i'elc
gram to Tin : Hiij : : James Thompson ,
colored porter on the Chicago & Northwest
cm , who was arrested In t.onncil n luffs fo
robbing n pissongor In the Wagner slceiie :
Siturday night , was brought here last nghl | I
indicted liy the grand jury today , pleado
guilty , and bonteiuvd to ono year and Hire '
month : ) in tno Fort MndUon penitentiary.
Pell Tliriinuli n li'ltlir.
Font DODUU , In. , Oct. 30. [ .Special Tok
gram to Tin : Bii-Georgo : : ] Maitna , whil
aUcinjiUnj } to board a freight train , fe !
throuuh llio Dos Moincs river bridge at Knlo.
The fall rendered him unconscious , and ho
was not found till thlM tnorplng. Ills injuries
nre fatal.
.1 it i : i i.mox'iraKA rKit. .
i\-l'rosil : | ( > nt Itl.iiUM ) of Viiiic/.iiola
At mint ; Ills Follou-cr.4 for War.
NKW YOIIK , Oct. ft ) . [ Special Telegram to
TitiIiit.JFrom : : present Indications another
South American revolution Is { iromlscd. Pri
vate advices received in this city today state
Unit ( iiuiinin Illaneo , cx-preUdont of Vene
zuela , is in Antwerp buying nrtm with which
to equip bis follower * for an Invasion of his
nntlve country. Scnor nhinro has been living
in I'uropo for a number of years In fart ever
Bluco it was developed by his defeat for re
election to the presidency that his power in
Venezuela was at an end. .M open vjptura
between him and the preJeut Vene/uclan gov
ernment has never befovo occurred , but it
was tacitly understood that ho could not % ; Ith
safety return to the scene of his former tri
umphs now.
According to Scnor Don Carlos Perez , who
arrived from Venezuela late on Tuesday
night , this secret misunderstanding has been
made public through an open letter published
by President Palaoloi. This letter Is ad
dressed to "Guzman Blanzo , former president
of the republic , " and is a severe arraignment
of Illanco's course while chief executive of the
country. It states nmonc other things that
Blanco nlono is responsible for the humlllaU
ing position which Venezuela Minis herself iu
relative to the territorial dUnuto with Kng-
land , and condemns without stint of words
the rights granted by Ulnnco to the govern
ment of Great Britain. It is in response to
thijjjopen letter , the news of which reached
Honor Blanco some tltno upb , that ho is sup
posed to have made his visit to Antwerp for
the purpose of preparing to take active meas
ures against Ids adversaries- )
She Married n Titie.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 80. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Bir..J Miss Lily Wilton , daughter of
James Wilson , the banker , was married to
Count Lowenbaupt last evening at tbo homo
of her parents ,
Tlio dining room , where the collation was
served , was decorated with yellow roses nnd
blue violets , these being the national colors
of Swollen. They were selected as a compli
ment to the bridegroom , tybo is a first lieu
tenant iu the king of Sweden's bodyguard.
The bride's gown wns of the richest white
silk and nmdo with a full . . court train , em
broidered with pearls. She were six diamonds
mends nnd pearl bracelets and she carried n
bouquet of lilies of the yidlqy and roses.
The llev. A. Terry ofllcint'caVThe Swediii
minister to Washington was tlio best man ,
and Miss Grace Wilson , sister of the bride ,
was the maid of honor.
The count presented his bride with n cor
onet , such as should bo worn' by the Countess
Lowcnhaupt. It was composed Of live leaves
sot in dlain'onds , sapphires , rubies and pearls.
'I'ho count and countess will leave soon for
Kuropo and live in Sweden.
The Humored Prohibitory Duly.
KAXSIS CITV , Mo. , Oct. 30. Regarding the
rumored prohibitory duties placed on Ameri
can cattle mid hogs by tho'Moxlcan govern
ment , n dispatch received hero today from
The Two Republics , n nowf paper of the City
ot Mexico , states that thf'O U no additional
duty on live stock othetfthan has been In
force the past twelve mouths. The tariff is
being revised , and .should ri now duty bo Im
posed ample notice will bo jjivoii shippers.
Aspliyxlnted lij ? "Poai Gas. .
CIIICAOO , Oct. -WWs.2iV MittHcHrjinftJ
wife wcro found dead in bed this morning at
their boarding house on Ellis avenue. They
had been asph3'xiated by gas. A hole in the
elbow of tbo main" pipe lending from the
street lllled the room with poison while Mott
ling and wife slept. Before retiring the
couple had tightly closed every door and win
dow for fear of Inking Cold.
Tlio AVenth'r Forecast.
Tor Omaha aud Vicinity Fair ; slightly
For Nebraska Warmer- ; variable winds ;
For Iowa Fair ; slightly warmer ; vari
able winds.
For South Dakota Warmer ; variable
winds ; fair. _
Itltohln Steps to ( lie Front.
Ciuo.vno , Oct. 30. iSrweinl Telegram to
Tin : BBE. ] Conmiissionor''WillIani Hitcbio
of Ohio furnished a sinnll sensation at the
local world's fair headquarters this morning
by subscribing to several shares of stock. Ho
is the first national commissioner that bus in
vested money in the exposition.
Kxclmled from the .Halls.
LKAVCNWOICTII , Kan , , OcU 30. Postmaster
Hitehlo this morning excluded from the
mulls the entire mail edition of the Leaven-
worth Times because it contained a list of
articles won at n radio at u Catholic church
fair during the early part of the week.
A Youthful FfutrluidR.
Niw : YOIIK , Oct. 30. John A. Amdo , fif
teen years old , shot his brother William ,
aged eight , In the head this evening as the
result of a quarrel over the .division of some
candy. Tlio older boy had a revolver In his
pocKot. William will die.
The Trnlmnoii Adjourn ,
hos AXCIKI.I : ? , Cal. , OeX/30. The national
convention of the Brotherhood of railroad
trainmen , which has been In session here for
the past ten days , cloicd Its labors lust night.
All the old olllcers wora re-elected and the
federation ratified.
Four I'm nil y
AI.TOOMA , Pa. , Oct. 30. Ono of the boilers
in the Port ago Iron company's mills at Du-
canvllle exploded tonight * fatally injuring
lames Weaver , Samuel Fllnp , William Miller
and Theodora Orth , Several others were
slightly scalded. _ _ i
and Construction Collide.
SvASTOVIO , Tex. , Oct. SO. At Painted
Cave , on the Southern 'Pacific , 200 miles
woU , n freight train last-night collided with
u construction train. .Both trains were
badly wrecked and two people are reported
killed. _ _
Uctnll ClcrkH to Or JM n I/ : ; .
Dr.rnoiT Mich. , Oct. ! 50 , A call has been
9 Issued for n convention of the retail clerks of
America , to bo held at HHrolt , December 8 ,
for the purpose of orguuizin/ under the
American Federation of Iubo
AVoiuan'H Kontuiico Commuted.
W.vsiunoTONOct. . 30. | The prosldont has ,
in the case of Mis. Jennie Junes , convicted In
Wisconsin for violating tno po-ital laws , com
muted her sentence'to sii months' Imprison
ment. '
A Flnrliln Saving Hunk Fulls.
Sr. Arot-sriNB , Flu. , 'Oct. ! W. The St ,
Johns savings haul ; and real estate exchange
made an assignment today. Tlio liabilities
are about 6.0,000 and assets not over $ t,000. !
Mn ril creMlitf \ Hiirglar * .
PnsTii , Oct. ft ) , Tbo'house occupied by
a Ilerr Juhass , fix collector nt Brian , was en
tered by burglars last night. Juhass tiud his
housekeeper wcro murdered.
r Cork Dock Laborer * Strlkn.
, COI K , Oct. 30. [ Special Cablegram tc
0 Tun HKI.J : The ' laborers employed on the
quay of the Cork Packet company have gone
on a strike.
rover Kphlomlu In Klllurnry.
Dinux , Oct. 30.-An epidemic of fovci
prevails In ICillarnoy , The disease is attrib
uted to the use of bad potatoes ,
The Alton Stands Firm and Refuses to
Change Its Vote.
\\Vit urn I'juMMiijtM' Itutei to l > o Ho-
-oil nntl AliiintalniMl I'lio
Illinois Central mill Tlio
World's Fair.
Oct. 30. [ Telegram to
run Hnr.j The linportiiiit ninttor of rein-
Ivo rates on llvo hog * nnd undressed pro-
nets from tlio Missouri river to Chicago was
ilseussod totlny by nil divisions oftho West-
irn Freight association , Under the Inter-
tate commerce commission decision tlio
utos must bo cquall/o.l niul , except tlio
Alton , every line voted to lulviuico the pro-
net ruto to the present llvo hog rnto. 'I'ho
rVlton refused to change its vote and n com-
jilttco of llvo was appointed to wait , on tlio
Alton nnil try to roach a compromise. The
report will bo iiiiulo In tlio nioiniug. Nil-
norous Missouri i-Ivev packers tire In attend-
ineo on the meeting ami ull want the product
ate raised.
\YoHt cru 1'iisHtMiner Hates.
CIUCAOO , Oct. SO. | Special Telegram to
HK Br.n.J Every road In the Western
'nssoiiger association lias agreed to rcsloro
ud strictly maintain every passenger nito
in and after November 1. This result wns
rought about this morning In Chairman
'Mnloy's ofllco. The agreement applies to
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis , SIcux City.
Onmlia , Denver , Kansas City , St Louis and
very ititermeiUato poii.t. Kacli liuo has
.grcod . to redeem all its Issue of Ib-knls In
ho hands of scalpers and absolutely clear
iway nil demoralizing factors. All the Chl-
-ngo lines express themselves as In earnest
and most of them hnvo noUllcd their at'onls
: d ready that there must bo no crooked work
Uter Ootober ! ) ! . Tills airrccmcnt docs not
ottlo the question of rates from the north-
ivosttotho seaboard , tlio ( " still clmri-
UK from 1 to f 10 less then tlie lines via Clil-
ago. A meeting has been called for Novem
ber 5 to further discuss this matter.
Illinois Central and \Voi-Iil'H I'air.
CHICAGO , Oct. 30. [ Special Telegram" to
Tun DEC. ] R Is state. ! by world's fair ofll-
: ials that the Illinois Central will move its
racks out into the basin 1,001) ) feet , surrender
ts present right-of-way In consideration of
ho now acquisition afforded by the fair , anil
un into a now depot at Madison street by a
'V. " Fully one hundred injunctions and
.lorhaps a quo warranto suit will lie thereby
JX .71K3IO Itv'tUS IIKitOKit ,
\ Monument to tliu Dead Members < > < '
Ihi ) tJpiituu'tte Kvpfitition.
AVASHIVOTO.V , Oct. 30. [ Spcchii TYleirram
to Tin : HBK.I Nine years ago today Lieu
tenant Uelongvlio wa ? In command of tlio
unfortunate Jeunnetto expedition , died In tlio
frozen regions of the Lena , JDcltn. There are
very few survivors of thiifc-twfortunato expe-
ilitlon , but two of them-thjigincer Melville ,
now chief of the bureau of "steam engineers
of the navy department , and Seaman Llnder-
man. Hotli were at Annapolis this nfteriioon
wtum V10 iiionuinent was unveiled which
commemorates the heroic ; death of the men
pave * 'ipthelr.lves ! liiitha interest of
science and for tbo good of tlio navy. Tlio
monument is n duplication of tlio cairn mid
cross which Melville erected with bis own
bunds over the bones of Dcloatrund his gallant
comrndes out in the regions of the frozen
north before tlioso remnins wcro gathered
together and brought to tbls country for final
intcrnipnt six or eight-years ago. Two or
three officers of the navy , led by Lloutenant
John II. Moore , conceived the idea of gather
ing together n fund to ho used in erecting the
monument which wns unveiled todny. Lieu
tenant Moore was afterward ordered to sea ,
hut has been hack on shore duty for about
three years. When ho returned ho resinned
his efforts to gather together sufllcient funds
for the purpose of erecting this monument ,
and the success of his efforts wns demon
strated today when one of tlio most nppropri-
ute designs of the kind was uncovered in the
presence of a great concourse of people on the
banks of the Sovcin at Annapolis. The oration
tion delivered by Assistant Secretary holey
of the navy department win ono of the pret
tiest things over delivered upon sucli an occu-
An Arkansas Kc | > ullUnn Postmaster
AsHaulted liy Political Opponents ,
\VASIIIXIITON \ , Oct. .10. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Hr. ! : . ] The postmaster at Uonnldson
Ark. , nfter n pretty tougn experience , has
concluded to resign , Homo of the gentlemen
living in the vicinity of tbo postofiieo enter
tained personal objections to the postmaster ,
mainly on the ground that ho was a repub
lican. Their method of showing what they
thought of the postmaster isvell described
by the postmaster himself in a letter which
\Vnnatnakcr received this morning , The
letter would not bo regarded as an ortho
graphical model , but still It describes the
situation pretty well. It says : "Yesterday
I was knocked down and kicked and stumped.
I beirnn to think I was used up. Wo hnvo
compromised , and I hnvo agreed to resign. 1
nin told that will settle the whulo matter. I
nin truly glaJ to get away from hero. Tiieso
people know not whnt they do. They think
it a diwneo to ho a republican. " Colonel
Whitlicld , the lirst assistant , will send an Inspector
specter to Donaldson and If ho tlnd * that the
postmaster hns been run out of the town by u
gang bo will direct the postolllco to remain
closed and the people will bo allowed to do
without ono until they are willing to protect
the postmaster In the faithful discharge of
his duties.
A Civil Sen-loo Contribution.
WASHINGTONOct. . 30. A well known re
publican leader connected with the congres
sional campaign committee has received from
Civil Service Commissioner Roosevelt a con
tribution ofT > 0 to bo used for legitimate
campaign expenses in nny congressional dis
trict where need , Commissioner Thompson
nUo has sent a contribution In aid of the dem
ocratic cause. In conversation today liooso-
veltsald : "Clerks are as much at liberty to
contribute to ono party as to another and
they are perfectly safeand frco to make no
contributions If they so prefer. Within the
classified service employes are under obliga
tions to no party , ( joverrior Thompson is n
democrat serving under this admin
istration. Ho makes n contribution
to aid his party , lam n republican ; I nld
mine. If wo did not want to contribute wo
would not. No ono can force n government
employe to contribute , nor If ho duslroi to
contribute to compel him to contribute to this
party rather than that. In regard to political
clubs of which government emidoyes are
members , tliero is no reason why they bhoiiH
not bo democratic as well us republican , lint
nny of them will bo prosecuted If wo have
ovldoneo of their trying to force contributions
by intimidation. "
' [ lie I'ooplo .Not. Hut Mloil ,
Hi'.itxr , Oct. ! ! 0. The grand council ol
Tlclnomi't ut Jlalllnzona today. 1'roalilcnt
FngiiGtti endeavored to myio that the rocenl
votes showed that the in.ijutity of tlio puopk
wuro MitiKilcil with the goxprnment , but he
was interrupted by angry shouts of dissent
from tlio galleries.
Murrn Fined for Duelling.
[ Cnpi/rfflM / tfiMtill Jama ( lor l-m llwiittt. }
Hitfssui.iOct. , . 30.-Now | York Morale !
Cable-Special to Tin : Ilir.-Tho.Murqui- : ]
dc Mores was this morning tried by tlio cor
reetlonnl tribunal of Ypre-.s for i "Jj < t fought
u duel In Hclglum with C'limllb'us. . imd
was si-ntonceil to n llnu of UK ) . . Ills
MVonds , M , 1-VnlUniit ami I'oint Dion ,
were each sentenced to u line uf 10 tos.
A I'otltlon from ( Lilian ToliaocoiO -
t-r anil 'MMiinl'aft nrers.
\ \ ' \SIIIM , TON , Oct. : w.Tin' di'n.U'tment of
state lias ivceivcd a copy of a petition forwarded -
warded by the tobacco giv.vors and cigar
manufacturers union of ( _ ' to tin1 Span
ish government , urging tlio negotiation of u
reciprocity treaty between Cuba and the
United State * . Tlio potltlonors assert tlmt.
they arc con fronted with u simple problem -
on one side ruin , stagnation , misery mid
vnguo hnpo * . on tin- other alunilmu-c , wealth
and a pniinl-lng fiitiav. The petition stu.Vs :
"The I lilted Stales liny from us toliaccoimd
sugar to the extent ofSM.XlllHHi ( , and It Is not
strange I lint the Amui'lcim government sluinlil
make itwelf strong on tin- absolute necessity
wo Inivo of that market to ili-ni.uid n -
ciprocal i-omv.iHloim , or , which is llio s.imo
tiling , oxomptlon for their Hour , lard , ma
chinery , hardware and other nilifli's nnmr
tnrllT so as to increase i-xpurU to this Island.
In one word , they want to pay n for the to
bacco and sugnrllu-y cotisuino with the goods
they pi-educe. Today tl.oy only sell us ? 10.-
000,000 or I'J.iXiii.iNNI and they dotlrn to in-
I'roaso Ibis amount to . ? . " > ! , 0KIKH ( ) , ) . This Is
what the Mclviiiloy bill amouiiH to. "
mi.iitts :
All Important Decision IIntnlt > d DI\VII ;
l y iliulgi * Tiilt'y.
Ciiirioo , Oct. .TO.-In the cliviiit court
.oday .ludgo Tuley rendered a tlci-lslon that
ho stale law anil city uriiiuanco nniler it
rorbldding the sale of pools outside llio rn-
race tracks are unconstitutional
y tend to grant special prlvilegtM
mil t'rcato a monopoly. Tbo caio on which
the division was rcndeivd was ono growing
out of last siiinmcr's light between Kd Corri-
ian , proprietor of the West Side race track ,
nnd the city pool sellers.
The city will tnko nn appeal from tlio de
cision. In tbo tm-antimo thorols nothing to
[ ircvLMit pool-selling nt will in the rily unless
ilio generalstnto law against gambling can bo
made to apply. _
IIHnoiN 1'ariui-rs' Alliance. , ill. , Oct. 30.Tho .stnto ses
sion of the farmers' alliance adjourned today.
The following ortlcors wcro clectctl : M. L.
Criini , Virginia , president ; II. M. Gilbert ,
( icneseo , vice president ; F. G. Hlood , Mount
Vcrnoii , secretary ; Gcorgo II. Ucc , Mount
Sterling , treasurer ; C.V. . Stovns , Hanover ,
lecturer. An executive coni.nlttco was also
elected. M. L , . Criini of Virginia and II. M.
Gilbert of ( icnosco were elertcil lU-leijatos to
the national convention atOcma , Fla. , on the
third Friday in December. They will go in
structed to work and vote for national co
operation with n view to ultimate consolida
tion. A memorial was largely signed ap
proving the 1'nddoek pure f'ojd hill nnd de
nouncing the Conger lard bill and .sent to the
United Stales scnnto and a greeting sent to
the lo\vu nlllnnce , now in session , to the ef
fect. The adjournment wns takun to the
thlrel Tuesday in November , 1.VJ1.
Thn Sugar Trust.
Niw : YOIIK , Oct. ! W. Judge Pratt in tbo
Kings county .supremo court todny heard ar
guments in the sugar trust case and reserved
decision. Ho modified the injunction to allow
the publication of tbo plnn of reorganization
and a linanclnl statement. The plan pro
vides for the issue of f i,0.)0,00t , ) ) 7 per cent
preforrea stock , $ i,0X ( ) , ( ) < X ) common htoi-kund
jU > ,000l)00 ) bonds to bo secured by a mortgage
on Uio property , The financial statement of
tliu'trust shown. Total assets , $ iOr > : i7S.'W ;
liabilities , JW.TlU.lSl. The trust originally
hud mi working cnpltnl and borrowed 10,000-
000. Tlio dividends paid stockholders so fur
amount to $1IHNIKIJ. and the amount ex
pended iu improving the plant is J > ' . ' . " . "il.iVll.
Tbo now company will bo called tlir Ameri
can sugar refining company and will be in-
corpoiated in Now Jei-sey.
\Vmtn ; llio Liiw
WASIIINHUOX , Oct. : iFirst i ( ) Comptroller
Matthexvs lias reported to the secretary of
tlio trcivsury that during the past liscal year
his olllco examined 'J7 , ! ! lit accounts , Involving
f.VJJ'yi'.JiVJS" . The comptroller wants the
net of March II , I < b7 , giving district and cir
cuit counts concurrent jurisdiction with tlio
count of claims in suits against the United
Stntos , amended. Prior to that act his ofllco
had little trouble keeping in line with the
law as Interpreted by the supreme court and
court of claims , but with all the circuit ami
district Judges added n sharp conflict of
opinion now lie found upon loading
s'atuU's which como before the ofllco under
which money is disbursed In almost every
case ,
Tim Frnncli Tariff Hill.
PAIII , Oct. 30. The minister of commerce
explained the new tariff bill to the tariff com
mittee todny. The object of the maximum
nnd minimum system , ho said , was to avoid
Inconveiileneles connected with the favored
nation clause In any treaty with a foreign
In the discussion on the budget In the
chamber today 1'ollotnn reproached the gov
ernment for creating fresh taxes and do-
mandfd economic reforms. Premier Do
Frcyrinet replied that every possible reduc
tion had already been effected. A motion by
( jalllnrd , radical , requesting the government
to intro'luco a bill reforming the assessment
of taxes in a democratic scnso was adopted.
Vou Moltko Ill-fuses a Diikoilom.
[ t'o/rl/it | ) ( / llflJ l > u Jitm'j ( liir.lmi It'.iinttl. ]
nimix , Oct. : ifl.-No\v [ York Herald
Cable Special to Tin : Um.l : It Is now a
world's secret that Von Mollko has refusei
the dukedom which the emperor not onlj
offered him , but pressed upon him. As it Is
Von Moltkelsnt present In the herrcnbaus as
n member for life , so the stern and silent
soldier refused honors which would merely
have boon titular , without enlarging his
sphere for doing good to tbo vntcrland , Ills
health remains perfect nnd scorns to hnvo
been not the least undermined by the exact
ing ceremonies of the week.
Destroyed liy LinllrNNliin Fly.
1C ixssCirv , Mo. , Oct. 30. An evening
paper says tbnt tlio farmers and grain growers
of Missouri and Kansas report tlmt the lies
sian fly has made an nttaclc upon early sowi
winter wheat and that tlio wheat sown dur
Ing September Is rubied. Heports of severe
dainago como from Ottawa , Kim. , am
Lafayette , Cats and Jack-on counties. Mis
souri. It is believed that the dainago is gen
uriti nnd nil fields sown in September wil
have to bo plowed up nnd the grain put li
again. _
Tliron Now York I'nlliiroH ,
NKW Yonii , Oct. SO. Springer & Co.
wholesale dealers In silk and worsted yarn
have failed. I ' 'ibilltio.s ' , 550,000 ; assets abou
tbo tamo.
tamo.L. . Talk it Co. , dotliliiK , have ben
by tin * sheriff on judgments. Llabill
tlw , 4 0,1X10 ; assets not yut known.
Isidoro Itosoutal , a cloak manufacturer , ha
fulled , with liabilities reported ut upwards o
$150,0110. Tnc largest amount of a confcssct
judgment was to his wlfo.
( 'iilinn Sugar I'rospciitM.
Hvr.\Ni , Oi-t. : > . -fSpn.-lal 'IVlogram t
TIIK Ilcu. ] - It has liiintlniii'd to rain In mott
of the sugar producing districts , nnd tlio H\I- \
ponnmcQ of the cane is dally becoming more
and innroproniKlng , Imparting Hlrongur hopes
for a largo yield of sugar next year.
Aiiii-Soni tliiH
1'r.vni , Oct , SO. The imtUcinltlc party In
the Hungarian diet hn.'i been dissolved after
au existence of ten yturj ,
Mr. Hosewftter Fnya llis Respects to ilt
Imported "Oolouch" nt Hastings.
5 % v. Mr. ( "iiroy'N Siccuh nt NYlirno
City An Oration Kn It.niU'
The Itoiini ol'tlio Cam
paign ( inns.
Neh. , Oct no.-fSpiviit Te'tv to TIIK Hn : . 1IMttor 1 lmr\\liters !
first up pea rut i co before Hustings iimltoiu-a
as a public siviiker was greeted Mih : a'argo '
audience at the opera house tonight tn'istcn '
to sound doctrine and incoiitrovcrtililc facts
and figures expounded on tlio pmliiiiltion
question , Ho was introduced by lion 1'rrd
O'msteuil. ' Mr. liosownten * proocedt-d to pny
his respects to the "colonels" from abroad
who are now traversing the state in
the Interest ot prohibition , and nt
the iiiiino ilnio referred to ( tit- treat
ment bo received nt Hoithvgo lust night ,
"lis remarks on criminal facts wennmndly
ipplnudcd. Ho furnished slallstlc-i showing
lint tbt' asylums and penitentiaries of I own.
Cnnsas nnd otliorpridilliltliin.stat < > si-i < rtainril
rum Wt to toil per rent giv.ittT nuinbiM- in-
nates than tint same Institutions in Ni-hrasltii.
Kffortt by certain prohtblHouisli to tlitiiib
ho meeting mid confuse Mr. Ktisi-wivV nt
i-oque-nt Intrrvals wore promptly stt tlu\\n
ipcn bj the better element present.
An Ovation KM Itouic.
, N'eD. , Oct. : w. [ Spi'-inl 'IVr'-ram
o Tin : HII : : . | When the Klkliorn Valley
rain arrived this evening Clovenior Tbajcr ,
Congressman Doi-spy , .liulgo Wall of Slier-
nan nml A. 10. Towlo of tbo O'Ni-ill land
Illcowcre on the train , llcpublicnns hml
ccelvcttnn intimation from Norfolk that the
; entleincn were on board and a Inrinngnth -
rinir of our pwplo , hnadcd by the band , wt-ui
in hand at the depot and gave them an eii-
Inisinstii ! reception. Judge Wall gave a ten-
niniito addivss , wliit-h nii'l with -peated
beers. Ciovcrnoi-Tliayor only bad time to
noiint n box and thank tbo bojs for tbelr
n.lookpd-for reception , which was answered
vith three rousing cheers.
Tbo republican ranks nro being clo-od up
n-thofliinl tray and all democratic tirades ,
uiisstntcments nt.d falsehoods will bo
mimptly mot by the old-time workers of the
tarty , including many Van Wyck alliance re-
Hon. W. M. Hobertson and N. I ) , .lai-kson
pokontHnrtli'tt on Monday. Tildfi on Tucs-
Iny , and Stuart on Wednesday evening , and
oport all entliushiitie for the ticket.
NVhrnNkn rlty Antl-I'rolilhlt i
Ninn.\sKv : Crrv , Neb. , Oct.30. _ _ -.Spci-lal
o TIM : HiiK.l The business men's null-
irohibition meeting at llio opera house Inst
light was addressed by Kov. ! ' . ( ! nro > uf tbo church , and Hon. John C.Vai.on. .
{ cv Carey made ono of the best anli-irahibl- |
tion speeches ever heard In Ni'hraik.i City
Tinl declared that prohibition is ant agonistic
: o true temperance , christlanly nnd good
morals. Mr. Cnry , who Is tiono-iirmcd man ,
closed Ids remarks by declaring Unit lit )
would rather lose lit * remaining arm than
rote for prohibition. . ' iVntsim followed
ivilh a stirring array of facts proving firohibl-
: ion a fraud , demoralizing to bustnrs' nnd u
brcedorof crlmo. Ho delicti any prohibitionist
[ ircsontto refute the charges and deny that
iirohlbitloti is not a fraud. Although thcrej
were a number of prominent prohlbillonists
[ irescnt. , none \vrro willing to contradict tbo
speaker. A number of others also spold1 , and
thcnn conimittco was appointed to inivr , lion ,
lolin lj. Webster next nlondav. The opera
liouso will not bold the crowd on that night.
ilolnl Drlmtrat U'rslorn.
Wisnuv : : , N'eb. , Oct.'M ) . [ Spoclnl to Tim
iin.lTho largest political mcctiiii , ' of the
.season was held hero hut night. It was n
Joint discussion between lion. W. ( . Hust
ings for the democrats and lion. l-\ I. Koss
for the republicans. Hastings had the open-
ingand the closing and talked nothing but
the tariff ns a tax. Ho was iinablo to uifot
stjunroly the issues ns presented by .Mr. Foss.
Tlic republican ticket will got a good major
ity hero.
At the close of the meeting S.V. . MaynnrU
arose and said ho was a strong republican ;
ho had hoard so many charges nmdo agninst
Mclfolghun that bo would like to know if
they wcro true , and moved that n coinniitleo
of three -ono republican , ono democrat nnd
ono of tbo alliance , each to select tholr man
go Jointly to lictl Cloud , the expense to bo
paid by those present , this commlttei ! to re
port us to the truth of said obnrg s. The
democrats nnd alliance knowing tlii'ia to bo
true refused to appoint a man. Tills will
make lots of votes for Ilnrlan In Western.
Only Appreclntpd III" Humor.
0'Nr.ii.i , , NOD. , Oct. ! ( ( ) . [ Special to Tun
Ur.n. ] 'I'ho statement in nn Omaha paper
that.Iinlgo Kiiihmd of this city wuscn rap
port with tbo Hoyd-nnnon-Mnlioni'y ( ! meet
ing hold hero on the listh Inst , Is a hoax.
During Mr , Gannon's address the Judge ,
with two overloading republicans , all sittlnR
tot-other In nn olncuro place In llio Inclc part
of tbo hull , one" laiighol nt and applauded
Air. < iimiion , ns did oilier republliiaim present ,
for one of Ids cxtrnvngunt and eloquent
flights not nn un approval of his views , but
ns duo acknowledgement of his humor and
oratory , .fuilgo Kinkald is supporting Itlch-
arils and the entire ropublicnn ticket.
A It illy at Odtill ,
Onr.i.i. , Nob. , Oct. 80. ( Special Telegram
toTin : HKI : . ] ! ' . I. Ko-ts , candidate for float
representative for .Saline ai.d ( ! agc counties ,
and lion , ( leorgo A. Murphy spoke to about
three hundred people on the issues of the
campaign. Mr. r'oss mot with n perfect ova
tion , and it is conceded by Arnold's friends
that Fuss will carry lids county by a good
mnjoritv. Hoth speakers handled tln > tariff
iiucstlon ami the ntllnnco nnd iu i > rlii < iples la
u masterly manner. Many vott-rs. shook hnntla
with Mr. Foss and assured him of their in *
tcntlons to vote for him.
Democrat Iu N oinlnntlnn * .
, Noli. , Oct. : :0. : [ .Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hun. ] The city domocrncyc.ot
into secret conclave Imt ovenlngand inadoui )
n ticket , drawn Inrg'-ly froin tlie independent
tlcKot nominated Mondtty with an occasional
pick-up from tbo republican ticket. Tlio
onlv straight ib'inorrat nominated was John
1' . bow'is ' for assi'ssor. The Indepenileiitn
have withdrawn tbt-ir cundldato for lusesbor
and endorsed Downs.
\\\K \ \ Mri'llni ; al Slooklrtm.
STOCKIIAM , Neb. , Oct. : ; o , [ Hpwiul to TUB
Ilin. : | - The republicans buhl a hugely atr
tended mootlnt' hero last night , addiossed by
Messrs. Nugent and Suorlll , enndiilate.s for
rcprescnlntlvo and senator ivspec-tlvt-ly , and
Hon. i ; . ,1. Ilninorof Autoni. Thu addru'ibCH
wcro well recohud uml all present siak [ of
the spe"chos In tontit of prawo. Tno n-
llcun tlckul hi.'ro iji dally galnlni ; ground.
.Mr. UVlHli-r ni Dakota < 'liy.
DAKOTI CITY , Nob. , ( Jet. ; iO.-Kp | . 'lal Tel-
egratn to TIIK Hrr. ! .lohn L. Wehstcr of
Omaha spoke to a 1'irgo and eniliuslnsllo
crowd nt Smith Sioux I 'Uv last nlijlit. Mr.
U'obiler made a vr/ line spocoli and was
loudly appl'iui't'd. ' Ilii tulk was very plain
nnd 0)1011 ) mid liu : nU'i > * .11. my votou for the ic
publican puily. _ _ _
A DCIIIOlliaiif ! " < U'ow.
UiMvAXcb. : : , Oi . ' . 'i ' .Special T
to Tnu UKt.J-TUo li > l uUiauco and