Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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. . . . „ . ! Murphy yesterday commonrnd
the work ol fjrntlhii ? 1'nrlc ilri'ot fiom
Kant iivunuo to the \\uit city IlinIK
TlierowmOMOImlltllnj ; permit I1
yoiilordny. It wns lo Clinton t'ntnpton ,
who will Imild u olio-story fraini $100 $
cotliiKo at Thirty-ninth struoland IIowcu
WhlloF. H. iti : tinnna postal clerk ,
win coming into the city ( in llio f.wtmall
yostenliiy afternoon liu dropped his line
fclOO gold wutch otit ' < f the riir window.
Ho wutit bick to lima after tlio time
pleeo hut \\IIH uiiublo to llnd It.
The tt'oiimn'H Hcllcf Cor pi of Custor
post , Cinuiil Army of the Republic , liold
another of their pleasant micliils last
night ni ( Iranil Atniy of the Itupiiblio
hall , on Thirteenth street between IJwltfo
Hlreet mid Capitol uvunue. A ilelleloua
utipper wai a pronilnoiit fo.itut'o of the
cu'iiliiff'n cnli'ilaiiiiiiunt.
Khaknopearo ledge , N'o. 217 , of the
Older of SDIIH ( if St. ( ieorgo , tfiuo a , very
pleasant music il and lllornry cntoitaln-
Jiionl at XVoln'-t hull , Tffonty-seeond and
Ctimlnj , ' stnv'H , last night. Tlioatlond-
anco was largo an < l an interesting pro-
f'ramnmiis prcHnnluil , followed by n ,
huautiful fiiiiipur and udancu.
"Don't ( 11-0 ti > Hut. "
It 1 < with tlin Ricuti'it i-nnlliloiico that
Hood's SarHiipailllii It nroiniiti'iiili'il for lost
ol iippi'lliiliiilltffstlmi. ' . tick hcuil.ifhu nnil
Hlinllar liuulilt's. 'J'hn inuillcliio ponlly
loin's the Htinn icli , assists ili | > t"itl ( > n anil
iiiiilii'iono " hunsry " 1'i'isnns in ilell-
calo hi'iilth , altt'itiikin Monti's SirsiiiiillU |
n few tluys , ilnil ihctnstlvi'H lotiKhitf fin * mul
MtliiK the philnrst food with unexpected
icllsli , _
'I'M 10 I'KXUA.V.
An Atlorni-y Klron ti Kviulo Arrcit I'm-
Attorney ) . II. 1'lorco lini vanished , ami
n wai Tor his micst for fortfory nwalts
Ills ivtiiin. Tlio liiforiu.itlon . alk'gos that liu
forROtliii'liPrk for -"lO. " sknliitf the name of
.lolin II Burton , \\liicli \ lit ) luul cuslii-d at
HrlKK's hnt stou1. llo endorsed ihu check In
tlin piosiMiru of llrh'KH , and \uis
imil sumo inonc ) iiioxi'liiniffMllioitTor.
it ii rimt'iitly iviKirtiMl at uollro 1ioniliiinr- |
tcrs tliut tins not tlio only clicvlc that I'iuit'o
has fnrii'l ; ( , lut that on lliu rniilr.iiy tln'ro iiro of tlicm alloit , and tint a rvl.ttlvoot
I'lcnc'H , Itov. Mr. Hfiitloison. Is busily en-
piiiri'tl in Inking thoin up in order toslildil
lilin , If i > ossilli\ ) front surloiliit ; the consu-
( juiMiii's of his > I'inu's.
Tliu joiing nifia learned Jloiuhy
nlKlit that Iroublo AMIS in stoio
for liini , antl ho waited upon
JtitlKC lltl'ilnv , to whom ho told his story ,
asking T luiniilil ho luloasod on his o\ui \
iccujnl/niii'i' nfter Ids arrest HBi itolil
that tills i-oulil m > t lie tlouc , untl 1 > roimuhotl ,
"Then there li of three things for mete
to do commit suiiltlf , which \\ouhltlo 1 U 1
wasn't ' too inufli ofn i-owanl , luvoinoa fugl-
livofi DIII justice 01 KO lo thoponltoiitlnry. 1
nin guilty. anil notliuiK would sivo me tioai
the pen if Uioruso was to pt to tilal. I don't
know whether to ijlve mjM-lf njior Ixvomu n
fnnillvo. I \\lll sio : nyifo llt'st uml then J
'Ms lie lias not hoi'n scon since , find llio
oniivrlio unit to suive tlio warrant could
not Hail him , It Is lioliuved that the uiifoitu-
iiatoattonioy tlcL'Mod to tnko ills cli incut in
flight , and has loft ( lie wonoof Ills ci line
ratlior titan bcceiuo iinoccniiantof n folun'o
Cluis. Rhivork-lc&Ca , l Ot ) , 1 03 and
12 Id Larnuu st.
Itond Atl vt'rl isciiK'iil
AVe are oloslng tlio bus
iness wo lmvowjgg0 lu oinnha ; the
rinnvyl * oom. 110\\- location , opening an
' onllro now stool ; anil inuking a complete
rovolutlon In pilecs has resulted in an
Incrcahuof talus far exceeding oar antic
Wo shall open up our new SIIOK 1)13.
rARTMKJfT by Saturday morning ;
only LAOir.S1 , MISaKS' , uhililieirt
and a special line of
will bo sold no MnX'Sshoos vo intend
to Blunv the ladies of Omaha ho\v
CItlC.U' n DHY UOoDS llOUSIJcsui
ecll bhoos , anile proinUo j ou
In fui't overjthlnjj allow prices.Vt
liopo lo bo reaily by Suttird.iy , but if not
by Monday.
SlMXHAr , I.O\V prlros In all depart.
nionts for the next two dti3.Vo waul
to swell our Ootobor salos.
A SplonilUI
The following Is ontluniantlcally oiv
ilot od by oao hundred and tlfly ] iuoplc
fiom the be L fuuiillos of St. .liboph
"Diuhitr Iho llrst wool ; all our doubts m
to 1'rof. Doil o's ahilitv to toacli usii
] irtK'tlcal Kudwlulgo of iioriiiun In tht
vt'oks were dispelled. Ills fortuity o :
lOMitiroo , hid ready wit and keen per
ccptkm uf humuti nuturo , together will
Ills vors.itlio potters lu uotorinlniii ; :
v hat Is not'os-wry to moot the oxi Diifle !
of tlui elaa ) room , mark him us out
\\hoiu iiaturo has oriluincd to till a pto
fot-sor's I'halr. 1'rol. Uiidjro fully no
complishod all ho iiromiM'd. " Free lee
lures lit V. M. C. A. , l-Vlilay tit 4:30 : am
8 p. in.
Vho only railroad train out of Oiunh :
run oxpruVslj for the neenmiiiodatloii o
.Oinaliu , Council 151 nils , Do.s Moines am
Chii'iij'obusliie.-vsls the Hook l&luinl vcs
tibulou limited , leaving Omaha nt 4:1 : >
p. ni , dally. TieKot ollleo , 100J SLxtoontl
nnd Ftmuuii bts. , Omaha.
Till : IIAIMIO.VI ) HUDOI-.1' .
in ConlVroiicn llat-r Goo1
to tlit > .Milwaukee ,
There wn < n caucus of 111 igiwtea nt th
Union Puoltlo tiendiiuiirtors yojtonhy , am
the lesser oMdnls inul oinplojes nro cout
dently oxiKiollng to hear s-oinethliiR drop.
1'ivsldcut .Uhuiis will roiuahi lu the clt
this evening uiut luis called a roi
10 of ull the gcniMMl inaiiii 'rs tin
high onidnl * of tlio ro.ul. Ho uncut the il
Twcsihiv with Viiw 1'ixMldciit ' llolfouib an
Mr. UrinkorliotT , ( roncml nuaiigor of thoKi
br.isku division. They worn ] uli.cil jcsterdti
by Cionenil Munntnin ltcs > > eiala ; of th
mountain dUlslon , Meolc nt t liu Colorado il
vNlon anil MeN'ell of tlio I'-u-ltlodlvislou ,
'I'bChO oniclalslll iiuko wixjits of thocoi
dltlan of their ilhUlous to the president 1111
consult with lilm ronccrnln uuillcrs of lute
Cbt tO till ! HUd 111 ( 'OllVllll.
Itiu-r Ooi-s t.i .Miixviinkoe ,
Mr. , James M. Ihrr , luteuiiwrlutcnilont <
thoNobr.vski illvlslonof the Union I'aclll
hns noecptiHl the position of tUvision suporln
toiuli'iit of the L'hliM O. MUwuulwo S
I'mil. hwiuijin his dhvvtion the divUloi t
the Milwaukee between CUIcago uud Murloi
la.Mr. . Han-left for Chicago Tuiwihv Jilst :
niul will ussunie tlio dutlO4 of tils now postth
on Novcnibor 1. lie wuuffoixil n ixx itlon (
the Ru-Kto illvlslon of ttio Union iWlnV , b
felt thut tie luul not L on uroiKrly ttviucd I
that eompauy unJ refused it ,
Mrs. T.V. . l.oa Injui-oil.
Wonl wa * roivlvcil hero of nn aevldo1
which hapix-nctl oa Mou lay to Mrs. Tom
\\lfoofthopMioral tu&seiiKor ti 'iit
tlia 1'acltlo illvUloaof tuo Uutou l'.vcltlo
lice old homo lu Olilo ,
.Mi : Loum nin I.SIONS. n
An Unusual Nuinhor ol'Cnici from
Omaha ,
7he following supreme court decisions
vcro hnnueil down jcstorilny nt Lincoln :
City of Omaha v , the Ilowell lumber com-
) iiny. I'.rror from Doughif county. Atllrmed.
Jiilnlon by Mr. Justice Miixucll.
where land Isroiulciimwl for public use , M
'oropenhiK a street , the owner Is entitled to
.ho fair tnirUet value ol the land nttually
taken nnd RKK-Ial | Icnt'llt6 to the residue of
: \if \ tmtt cannotbtJ sot off ajjalnst sueh mine ,
: > nt mnv boii ainsl incidental damages to the
rcslduoof the trirt.
Ulles v. ( Jili'-s. Appeal from DouRlns
county AfUrtncd. Oiilnion by Mr. JustUo
A hushand ami wlfo UUnpIn Atirorn , III ,
hnvliih'a child which was a minor , were ill-
vori-od , tlii-io boliiK no provision in the de-
cieo for the custody of sucli elilld. Aftu"-
\vartlstlio parties agreed Unit the mother
should retnln ttio custody of stK'lilntimt , the
fiither to pay * ' > per week for its support.
This lie did for sonio time , whi'ii the mother
to Uniiihii , briiiKiiiK the Infant with
her. In a proteedlng oil habeas corpus by
the fnlhorto olitiilnllio eiftiuly of tlio elilld ,
held , Unit he but no absolute vested right In
tin1 custody of inch Infant , nnd thai the pir-
amount ennslili'r.itlon Is , whul Is really do-
inandul b } the child's licst interests , and tlio
court In awnrdlni ; the custody to the father ,
mother , or other person , will bo guided by
vhat may SOCHI best for tin1 child.
KlUlien Hiothen v llaininond. Error
fiom UouKlas county. AMIr.ned. Opinion
by Mr. Clilof .lustico Coliu.
The Uniting * of fuels , and the judgment
must eon form to , nntl Vie supported by the al
legations of tlio pleadings on which they are
li.isetl. l.lpp v llorb.ieli , 1'JKeb. ! 7I.
Mum vs IhMth , tiTer , from Douglas eoitn-
ty ; alUrinid. Opinion by Mr. Justice Max
1. Two persons jointly purchased the fix-
lures , fntniture , stock anil lea o of a feed
slofo In tlio ellv of Omaha for the sum of
&M > Os , anil paid thereon the sum of § IH ( ) cash
nnd tuve their notes , duo In three and six
months , for slOl each. The notes wore drawn
on jiiintetl form1 * nnd contained the words
"pn.Miblont thoMurch.mts' Nationalbimlt of
Omaha. Nebraska. " 'I hcjo words \\cre
erasid licforo the notes wuo signed but the
word "maturity , " Indicating tlio time \\hon
the Interest would commence , was not
erased. A short llmo iiftcrwauls the piyeo
inlloil the attention of one of the nml'ois to
the omission to OHI-.O tlio Mord , and it was
thereupon ermed , thoieby tbo notes nro\v in-
toroit Irum date. Hold Hint as tliero was tes
timony teiutiiic tosltow tint the mites Mere
lo diuw Interest f nun d.ito nnd thuV the mak
ers uoro partners the crasuio therefore bound
the linn.
Averlnl continct tocngajro In the business
of pureh.isinj ; live carloads of luled liny and
dueling the sumo with tbe defendants , the
value being in excess of rV ) , no part of the
liny bolni ? delivered mir any portion of tlio
consldeiatloiipnid , is willila the statute ot
fr.uiils nnd void.
KldridRO M llargravcs , error , from I.nn-
caster county , ro\orseil nnil rcuiandcd. Opin
ion by Jlr. .lustico Is'oivul.
I. While tbo facts constituting separate
mid distinct causes of action or defense are
required to lie sep.uately stnteil , hothnteneh ,
count iadistinct from every other and com
plete In Itself , yet , v hero a fact lias heon
stated ouco In n pleading in a cause , It may bo
referred to in any Miuscticnt ( | pleading or
subsequent count of the Mini o pi cm ) I UK , nnil
by proper ivfereneo k ) inulo a p.ut thereof
V ! . Thoanswer lonstrueil and lieltl to state
nil the issentlnl facts nect'ssuiv to constitute
a counter claim fur .1 lireach of warranty.
! l , In nil tutloii against a p iituenliip for ii
breach of wart.inly it Is com potent to prove
that onoinemborof the partnership iniulo tlio
repiesciitnllims nnd U'.maiiU for tbe llrm iniliicetl thu Mile , ulilmuih the pleading
illumes that the wiiniint } was miulo by the
llrm. A paitnershlp is liomul by the loprc-
mentations \virrimtioj miulo in the Mile uf
iLsnoodj bj a pn : tner thereof. " _ , -
I. Insnclinn iietinn iti \ notaiei'"lig- : v""i0
prove cachuMreseii5Ui > 17jot up ln tiio plead-
j * * Si"u i loiitf iL miy ono ot tlio mi"
itTTal iepivseatntums averred is eatabllslietl ,
which induced the purchase.
fi. The testimony nflered by the plaintiffs
to establish in-oyositions of compromise made
by thoilofc'idiuits ' rightly ex eluded.
ii. Jn a inlt for a bieaeh of wainmty
biouKht by A agiiinst H , It is not competent
to prove tlio ro\neseiitatlon3 \ made byUtoD
in the sale of the MI mo kind of ootla.
7. Held , that tbo instructions correctly
embodied the law nppllc.iblo to the cnso.
City of Omaha vs I'ochmu ; city of Onmlia
vsUoll , citv of Omiiba Hnsimisscn. Krior
fiom Douglas county. AHlrmed. Opinion
by Mr .lustico Maxwell.
' \Ybeio land is taken by n municipality for
the opening ot u street tlio owner is entitled
tothovaluoof tbo land without deduction for
State ox ret Diuidcrinaa vs Caslln. Man-
dnmuH.Vilt denied. Opinion by Jlr. Jus-
tlto Is'orval.
In in'iiso tried h'foro n refciee. It is his
duty to sl ; ii any true ovontlous taken to any
oitler or decision undo by him In the eie > o.
Such bill of OMcptious is not to lie slfrncd tiy
the jutlKO. Ueisht vs Kenn.ird , 10 Xeb. , 'MO ;
Turner vs Turner. 1'J Neb. , 101.
Mrs. Addle M. Hillinns of Filluioro county
as admitted to practice.
The followini ; causes were nrgncd nnd sub
mitted : State vs lloycc ; .Tobnson vs Static ;
Yatcsvs Ivlnnov ; Heller vs Davis ; Stnteex
ivl 1 l.ipner v.s I'lllinoeo county ; McElhlnney
\s Citv of Superior , The iso of lluek v.i
lemp-.ter ) was continued. Uomt udjouincd
\Vediicbday ,
Oppenheiiner v.sInlono. . Hrror from Liin-
e.isti'11 county. Alllrmcd. Oiiiiion by Mr.
Justice Norval ,
1. A Judgment wns ivmlered nginnst the
plalntllV in error in the county courtof him
ui-ter county. Within ten days thereafter ni
appeal bond \sas tiled and n transcript of thu
proceedings ordered. The judge theiup
on premised tnninKooutn trnnscilptntul tltc
th" iuinia in tlio district court within tin
statutory time , but failed to do so. The tran
script win tiled more than thirty d.iys uftei
the u'lulitiou of judgment. Held , that tin
neglect of the Juduo to tile the traiiicript ii
time Is the neglect ol the appellants ,
i ! . lleltl that it wns not ciror to sustain <
appellee's motion to dismiss the appeal.
UaUloy vs 1'eglor. I'.rror from I.ancastoi
i-onnty Aninued. Opinion bj Mr , Justict
1. At common law , adocl.irntlon describing
a patty by the Initials of his Christian nam
Is not suftlt-iont on demurrer , l
should nvpotir , however , that the initial uset
Is not tlu < Christian mime.
J. Where a p.itty whoso Clirlstlnn nam
was Oscar K wus in the habit of sU-nln
cheeks and doing business at b inks and othe
places by the Initials of hU Clirlstlnn iiimu
tliesu initials will bo treated as his biihlues
name and a Judgment recovered against tilt
by that name Is not subject to collateral a
Ctlien > of Omafia til Home ninl i
l.'IMf/lltlfl Ultl ! Ul(3lflMlllllllJtlli ( ; < Itulitnltiu
( ji < K ( ilil/ , Motor Jl , ami Sutitnliiy. Auceni
lei l.\ \
The following nrtirla o lleetuei were
sued by Judge Slileldi yesterday :
rs'uiuo and address. A
I Henry Ileuaren , Hamilton Co. . Neb . . .
"l Ihiniuh AiHli > i > on , I'hlciiKo. Ill .
t Joliu \ l.iniini'iloli. Oiiuha .
1 Augusta I'lUibun , Oui.iliii
Mrs. L. 'Woodwortli ntul Miss E H. Mix i
Aiiivra , 111. , are visiting Mi-s , CuilosVoo
woith of S L.iUo street
n a In lUUloaaef Ilomw-
sicoxn IH.OOD ron TIIW inv.
A New Mnvuln the Itmit-d ofll Itiualloti
Anotlisrvery Important move was undo 503-
tcrdny morning la the high school mandamus
proceeding * , .lud o Doane made the follow
ing additional order In connc.'llon uUh his
decision of Monday , which wus adveno to tlio
city's having any light or power to Interfere
with the board of education's steps to erect a
small additional bulldini ; on the high school
grounds for sihool purposes :
"Ills further ordered that the writ lathis
cnso ( empowering the ichool bonrd to proceed
with the building ) shall not bo Issued fern
n period of thirty days from
the date of this judgim-nt. The
Jndgnirmtls so suspended In older that the
lesiwadent hi this cause may hive nn oppor
tunity to have the case reviewed In the supreme
premo court It that com twill advance at.d
near the case. "
The issuance of this order was stionuotisly
opposed by Mr. Estcllo In n general manner
lie said that ho himself had debited the
question of going to the supreme coin t some
tlmn prior to proceeding with the cose at all
L'inally he came to tlio eomlusioa that to do
such a thing under the peculiar
rlreinusl.uicot which surround the ease
would bo entirely without precedent in
no sense the tiling lo do nnd , Indeed , a slur-
ing Injustice , lie held that the order issued
by the court on Monday \\ouhl not prevent
Huildliii ; Inspector Whltlnck from enjoining
the erection of the liulldlni ! if ho so desired
Ilourged Hint the sthool botrd bo allowed
to enjoy ( he full seoiw of rights to proceed
with the bulldini ; as the board hail been lm-
illicitly told In the order that it might do 1 lo
luul little Idea that thosupieniocomt could bo
Induced to put aside e\en for u day the weighty
amount ot pre\ ton sly docketed business hi
order to tnko up Ibis m.itter. In line ho in
sisted thut the giving of this thirty dajs was
a downright Injustice.
.Mr. Popploton simply urged Judge Doano
to five him a chance to get before the supreme
premo court , and that ho would use every
means in his power to get the opinion of the
higher tilbnmd lit an early a ilay as possible.
.Imlgo Doane , however , was of tlio impres
sion that so far in settling tlio matter perinn
iicntly was concerned It would bo better to
getthosupromu cotnt's opinion iinmoillatoly
if possible , and accordingly issued the sup
plementary order as given above.
Mr. U'hitloelc treated himself to nveiy
merry diucldo over this lust order In the case
When Ids clmcklo had subsided , however , a
13n. man found that the building inspector
could not bo prevailed upon to say much on
the subject. Hut dually ho did make these
remarks :
"Ofiouiso t'liioiily n llguro houl in this
tiling. The cltv council is the body doing
thu business , if the bannl of eduiatlon were
going to put ill ) a decent building- tlio high
school grounds 1 would bo in favor of grant
ing the permit. As It is , ho over , it seems
like splto worlt for them to ho tnlng to put
up n little four-room building. The spite work
fuituio seems to come in as u result of the
board having been sat down upon so hard
two 01 tliiYu times. "
Judge Clarkson has tinned Ids attention to
civil business and \\ill probably so continue
until after election , \esteriliiyinoiiiing he
took up the cnso of Kosii Levey ngiliiht M. A
Upton wherein a lot in South Ouuha is the
point of eoiilroiorsy.
Judge Hopewcll is healing Coster v
Walsh , n liuildlng contract Involving jo"iUJ ,
being the nemo of contention.
Judge Do mo has proceeded with tlio trial
of Cairio Shinn vs Shields & Conner , being a
-suit for neirly J'J.IHW foralleged neil perform
ance of a contract.
Ton nly Court.
\\illInmA.Tii\ton , jr. , yestoiday brought
suit In the county court to recover f.V.O.'iO
from S. A 1'ax ton allege * that Or
chard failed top.iytho lent on tb * tJro iiuTld-
JJ'JrrKtmT sout'lie stcofucr of Fifteenth and
I'aruain stieets for the month of August ,
h'.K ) . This amount win SJOJ. Theb.daneo
tlio plaintilt alleges is for repairs made on tlio
The Ansoniii clock company Ins sued Her
man Schoonst.ult to reco\er JT due on
goods sold and delivered.
A. I'cnbodv & Co. have sued 1"V. . Van
Cott. PlaintilTs seeks to recover u'J..30 ' for
goods sold nnd money loaned.
A tree talk to Indies will bo fflven
Thursday , Oct. 'lOth , IM0 ! p. in. , inM.
1C. cluifcli , cor. N anilod sis. , S. Onmlia.
Subjcet : "Diseases ofVomonj \ Cause
mill Cure. "
Ac.'ltl 1'liospliatc.
Bcwavo ot imitutions.
It 'XVaH an Krror.
TUB Hni's telegram from Chicago to tin
efTei.t tha' Cliairnun rinloy of the Western
passenger association had lined the Chicago
St. Paul & Kansas City ami the Unloi
i'acitle $100 each for selling illc-gr.
tickets was an error , according to tin
information posseted nt the Union Pacith
heutlouaiters , The roads that were llnet
weio tlio Chicago , f-t. i'aul A , ICnnsns Citj
and thu Illinois Cential. Tlio offense \ a ;
! > cllmg n round trip ticket liaiu Dabuque ,
In. , to St. l ouis and allowing a he.dper's re
bate. Mho Union Pacific hud uo hand in the
transaction. _
TheUvc Tlog Unto.
Uho AVcstcrn 1'rciglit association will nice
in Chicago today to tnko some net ion 01
the proposition to reduce the rate on llvohog1
between Missouil river points and Chicago
The Alton's action In reducing the rati
from Kansas City to Chicago from US to 1
cents is opposed by the Omaha Chicagollnoa
which favor an increase on the diessed hoj
products toi. > cents , rather than a reductloi
of the rate ou the live hogs.
Intelligent Headers will notice that
are not "iramtnfril < ori < rf" nil rlaisei
uf dliiviKiCM. lint only mieli an result
from a dlsunlcTC'U liter , \l I
Vertigo , Headache , Dyspepsia ,
Fevers , Costiveness , Bilious
Colic , Flatulence , etc.
Tor Ibeso they are not nnrrnntcil f > i-
fallUilr , lint uro u innrly o nt U Mpo >
liblo to miilio ii reiiii'ilj . 1'rleo , ' 'Sen.
C. L. Krli'son , Local AR ! , 200 X. 10th 5
Dr. F. C. Werner's
Are highly roeonnnomlod nftor scvc
yetirsol successful o.\iiorionoo by tl
bolo manufacturers ,
Dreibus & Co.
Kopp , . ,
1106 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nel
Sold everywhere , oo per jiacktitf
So ml forsamtili)3. _ )
Eye and Ear Surgeon -
1310Dod2e Str et. b'pectacie * security
Boils and Pimples
Are nature's nnoiln to eliminate poison from
the blootl. 'I Idi result may l > e aceoinplishcti
mtiehniin-ecnectiinll ) ' , as well ns agrecatly ,
throiiRh the pivucr cxeicloiy channels , by
the me of Ayefa M.iM.ipnillln.
" Tor setcral j-cati I M.IS troubled ultli
boils and carbuncles , In canting about fur .1
remedy , lt eeiitrnl to mo that A > ei's Sars.v
pnillli had been used In my father's family ,
\\lth excellent MICCCJS , and 1 thought that
\\lmt\\as Rood lor the father would also bo
good for the son. Tlncoor fem lollies of
tills liiedltlneeiitlH-l)1 ) clued me , ami I h.ivo
not slnre-ln inure than two jears-hail a
boll , pimple , or any other einptlve tronMc.
1 can eomelenllousty speak hi the hlRhest
tcrim of Ajeis Hirnnivii 111.1 , and many
> ears' ovpeileneo hi thedini ; hmlneas en.
nbles mo to ip < ak liilellleeiitlC. . M.
Itntllchl , rainil.uitl , hid.
rnri-Aiivn nv
DR. J. C , AYEH & CO. , Lowell ,
l'rlccl | alx Uttlu.ii.Vutlli . $3a bttt'i.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
The most widely and favorably Imowi spec-
lallsts In thu Unltoil Sl.itos Their Ion if ox-
porlonuo , roninrknljlo skill uiul unlroriatl suo-
ccsi In the treatment nnd curwof Ntrroua ,
Ohronlo and Surgical Dlsoaies. entitle thcin
fiiiliiciit pliVHlctuni to thn full conditenccof
the nlllletetl iMerywhere. They Kuariinteo !
A UEHTAI.N AM ) 1'OSITIVK ' OlfllK for
the awful oil eels ovirly ( vlco and the numer
ous crllu that follow In HH tiatn ,
1'lllVATi ; , 111.001) AND H1C1N niSCASES
tpepiltlr , coinpliitolv- ml poiiiianentlr euri'il.
Niitv6u8 : ( iKUIMTy AM ) HEX UAL DIS-
OKDCUBrlultlruailliy to tliolr Hklllful treitt-
RuiiMiitecd cured without pain or detention
from buslnos *
uentlr anil uccuMCully oiiruil In every caso.
SYi'uiiiia. GOAOKHHEA. OLEEI' , sper-
matorrhcn , Bcn.lnul WeaUnrss , Ioit Minhood ,
Night Emissions. Ducayrd I'uoultloi , I'l-Miilo
"iVoiitcneaj anil tilt tlclicalo dlsordorm peculiar
to either ROX positively cun'tl , ni well 119 nil
ftUK'ttnnil dhimltTB lestilt from youth
ful foUlo or tlio oxoessof in.ktiuo yeara.
* sTI/tfPIIW K Ou.inntocil porinano ntl y
O 11V1V _ > 1 VJ1\L < curotl , renioal con jiloto.
without oilttlnR , rnustlf or dll.uitlon. Ourui
fTucted sit lioiiio.4)y.p'jj ) tciit i Jtinutauu | > .
went/H nol.nor ; fnTioynnen.
' Tlio awful otteota of
/V oUKU UUKrl Parly vice which brtnzi
orpanlo woaldiess , destroying botli mind nnd
boiljr. with ull 1U UrcaUoU ills , pormauonty
l k' ' RPTT Address those who hare 1m-
JJ I\O. lIi 1 1 O pulretl thuiuscUes by tin-
proper IndnlRonoo nnd bolltary Ii iblts , which
ruin both inlntl and bo < ly , nnuttluK them for
business , sunlv or marrliiKft . . .
NAlCltlKUMKN or thoio onlcrlni on that
hnppy life. Tarebf physical debility , quickly
In based npon f aoti. 1'lrtit 1'raotloil ezperl >
t'lice. tieeond Erory case Uspeclalljr tuilloa ,
tbus Bt rtlne right. Third ilBtllcluei are
prepared In our laboratory e aotlr to suit
oacn caie , thus eireetlugeuros without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
C7i lldrcti
Too Fast \
become listless , fretful , without ener
gy , thin and weak. But you can for
tify thorn and build them up , by the
use of
) Of Lime nnd Soda.
They will take It readily , for It Is al
most as palatable as milk. And it
should be remembered that AS A I'ltK-
VJ JiTiu : u cum : OFCOUUIIS ou coins ,
J UNEQUALLED. AvoMtut > itlliHtniUHffrrr < l.
M .re . Unti 13 rears' experience In tlio irotitiui'nt o
A ruroBunrantcoJlu 3 to Uvo tlafs without tholos
ot un hour tluiu
rorranncBily curoj without pain or ln > trimn > iiti. n
ruiiuu i.u tliUiuy. The reraarVati.o ciuca
knumt turaoitcrn wlrnctt Wrlle forclitulars.
Ir Mcrevt i troiiH-nt for IliU terrible liU o.l tiu
cn e hm been iironuunct'tl the uiuit | Hiprnlnii
sunf tul n < ii.eilr iTor ttULuvcri-il for the iibioltil
euro of IhH itliciife llu success with ihl ille
Imi n v r l > cen oauJlli'tl A comiJlcto ci'UB OIAI
AMKEIrlin /or rlrcular" . _
nn > IMl wpnkne HOf the '
tttiililuy anil ile i > nleru'r ab.olutolj cunil. Then
llt'f Is InmiiHliitto nQd ooniptoto
Talarth rheuaiitt.tu nn.t . all tll oai < M ot thatiloj
Uvor. klJno ) < inl L > ) u < IUtr pvrmintntlT turo.l
nnil nf maUia , norvnu nvii nnJ < Uo 'i. uf the ton
nch vun-il. llio IKHtur' * llciue Troilmi-nl ' t >
laillc * iipronaunciHl br all "ho have uifit It t > <
tlirtiu'it ii > Ti ! | > of ) ati'l C nvfnn-nl n-uiuly oier
fi'reU J r lh Irralmool of lemjlo dlieiu'i U
truljr n vmnlerful renicily No'iiu t
juiu. llui iu luni.tbirs HW I 'ito 4 o\i v
mtrroloui iicv ! i hm won f"r lilrn repulilK
which U truly national In cliiruotur unJ liu urt
ariuy o [ pitlonti ro.tchi' fnnn tlw Atlantic t.i tl
1'ai-lno Trt mwlor U ft Briuluat. ) . 'f luul-m
uwliclii * ami tint Untl limjrunil mrrful e i -rln '
ho i > ilalir.utuv | aiKl It iln e < l uuioni tu li'a 1 i
liUllft lttniii < ) rn ilfn Troitruont by i' r
ponilfnte lrlto for itrcuUrs atH < ut i < - a u l tl
. .
Oilice , 1 4th and Far nam St
Kuuiocoon i liter itreeu
In tlie country , carry the stock and variety of Men's Shirt1 ; and Drawers \vo do , Oir storC'X
rooms for surplus stock , are crowded with winter underwear and other furnishings , piirclmscti
in large quantities in anticipation of the increased duti'es\vhich \ must now be paid on imported
woolen goods. Having saved this increased duty , we arc enabled to mark all our iminoiisq
stock at exceptionally low prices , This low scale willcontinue as long as our present stock lastd
The following lot0 which we place on salcforthis week , will be found c tnordU
nary bargains.
Men's fancy striped Camel's I lair shirts and drawers , silk bound at 350 each.
Plain Camel's ' Hair , silk bound and silk stitched , with ribbed ends at 5oc each.
Fancy heavy Cashmere shirts anil drawers , finished shoulders , neat stripes at 650.
Superior natuial wool shirts and drawers , of excellent finish with ribbed ends at 75c.
All the * above arc grand values. ,
Our hosiery is sold at about one half the prices other stores charge. Our assortment 19
immense. In this department we offer.this week the following two big bargains.
Fine wool seamless socks at ifjc a pair. Others arc selling these at 300.
Very fine merino , full rc ular made , of handsome shades at 2oc.
In gloves we carry a full assortment ; all the desirable st3'lcs for driving and street wear ,
Xothing but what is of reliable stock and of good make is sold at our glove euoiilcr , as \ vevai ?
rant every pair. Our prices are positively below everybody else.
Within the past few days we have received an entire new stock of hats. We venture to say
that during last week we opened more hats than a good size hat store would get in in a ycai\
\Vc had an immense run in this department , and \vcrc obliged to stock up again , and now \vfl
arc ready for another run. Latest shapes and prices , lower tnanevcr.
Open until S p. m. Saturday , 1O p. m.
Corner 14th and Douglas Streets.
Are llie Exclusive "Western Agents for the
The largest manufacturers of rubber footwear In the worll. We carry the only co uploU stoalc of first-eln
goods In the city. Prices aluays the lowest. Corrcsponilonoo bolicited
"MEinifestth ings
require no proof. "
for coming cold
weather will soon
become a necessity.
j "We have prepared
ourselves for the in-
evitabl e cl e ni a n d
and beg to call at
tention to the excel-
'lence ' and finish of
'the ' garments in this
'line ' of goods wliich
'we ' are no\v offering.
iTak e "Ti me by
jthe forelock" and be
ready for the cold
- " " " ' ' 1 lri'llln ' i ii
> TT"Tr"T"TV/T' < >
O-r . JL , IJ XwJLcurtlla luio'U4iT. DUi
i- i
" !
CUM A'y'.V' ( rilto C3U3 ia b It ,
in i BUT AH
iunovia T\K vntciitic
Mii * . T BOIKT , I tit ' IM. M I t '
f r lt niH C.r. M ) .1 I. . . . .HI. . M..I. . , . . c > 101 mlj. r 1IM , VMIk.
10 , t.ill.o.i l.rr. ll r ll 'i > t-
. . , , ' f II I .3 < u
Klotrll till l.l llj or I
LIU 4 Jlip . . .rl ( . < | > | > UI li. > < p. V of .1 ! > lif
nunllt .IM llt . i.anl > . fi. J lluvBI.I > ' * .
* . \JIDia ILZOTRIflCO. . IM U U kt ,
Solo Agent In Omaha IcrOorhutn Man-
ufactui'int , ' Co's
8il\/erwarB \ /
Our Sloclx of Pine Goods is the
Largest and Our Prices the
Conic ami see it * .
Cor. Douglas & 15th St
1303 Farima 3V-j > ; .
Olty Pasaamjor anl Tlolcot Agent
A 1'ull "of of Teutli
on Kubt or. for
1 lB U H.MH-4.
A pprfpct tit ciiarnntiril T. t-th i'Xlriftc.1
nltliuut in n ur ddii : > r un 1 uitlout iinai-
tliotlcs. U , ltl nn.l sil cr tilling utlowi'it
ratei. IlrMptMiod n > n rl . luothttlth-
01. . plait s. Ail 'iU vrjrrtiiluu.
Rntrariv. lOtli strcvt r e valor. Open o\cn-
n i until s n olu u
You n > n liniiuniIIJ | ' ' unil ft yoiiUon j
net \\iuntuii4l liy 1'f > Werlli ttlll
njiir cane
\OURNEWBOnKh- \ \ ' , * f,1,4 V ' } * &
' 1.1' i > Ur
" " . "
Till" FIGUKU "O.
Tlio flpire Oln ourdiitcs T. Ill Make n Icng ilart
No man or omnn now Ihing will ever date tf
document \\llhout unluij the ( \KuroO. \ H tt&nd
la the third plica In 1KW , whwlt Mill rvmulutta
yonrs and then tnoru up to fpfnnd flaca In lOOa
where it will test for one hundred j'-nrs , lt
There U another' ' 9" \ \ liiuh Itisulsjcorac to st f.
Ills unlike th Hyirf 0 In ourilutnln tljcrcftc4 [
tint U lias altcad.s tnoj up to firs' place , wbct *
It will pcrmnncntly remain. It Is t tiled ttio "Xoj
9" Hluti Arm Wheeler A Wilson ScniugMucLin * ;
The "No. 0' was endorsed for finl piece by th
Ftncrtsof Kuropoat the Paris Kxiwsltiuu of It&V ,
ulicrc , utter n terete contest uilh the Icnlingmv
chines of lira notld , It nni nwnnlcd the cnlj
Grand I'rizc Riven to family tewing inochlDci , al )
others on exhibit liavioK rcc'lvrt ] IOVUT Kuarivi
of gold medils , etc. Tbu Frcncli Claverumcnl
also recognized Itiiupctiorttyb ) tliutlecorutlon 9 !
Mr. Nathanunvhcpler. President of the companyi
with the Cros > of the Ltgiouof Honor.
Tbo "No. 9" la not an oltl mncliln Improved
con. but 11 an entirely nt-w mndilne , und tb
Ctand Pil ter.t Pans wai awardnd It B.K Ibo grand'
estad anc lmunmt ; michlne tiu-cliaiusin of tBf
Dgo. Those who buy It can rcM ashuted , thcrfc
( ore , ot having the verj Inteit and tv2U
165 nnd 1ST V/abaah Avo. , Chicagft
C. P. Ff.OODMAN' ,
'J20 North Sixtooatli Street.
Gaiilornla Bervfi
mil Itlnntl Ullll I'lO
fM 1 It > ll
l titB AIIII-IIIII. siroluli. II l ( irriilailo
JmJall linouritiea of tlio Blood
\ * * mz Nerv D > sensc . V lrlillll > . \ l li
m.itiini . In-nil.iiiiK. lli . .
nun irln > . I.IIK ofl t > n I 'V'1"1 ec'l
.N..rtiiii4n..s lii , iii ) luriii I > Il.inii * * .
I ; ! . i'.iln In 111" Hark ' 'l ul r lon l
' "lirU'lil.'l. ! % NITIP Tonlr villi tirlnst the
rosy tint of lie.Hth to ti | hf ' " " ' ' hee-
II V i > " F A i u i u inl l II "S
AHO pninciPAi. riuca trt
A POSITIVE ind permanent CUpEI ' ll
dlstitiTiilih U R IN A R Y pn G AN a. Cui
her otHrtmtmortlalij Fullilifeclionmltlicicli
bottle. Pfle .cno dollar , 8ei tlgMlureol C , U
STAHU ForBalo By All Druyulat * ,