Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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A DVKKTISKMr.NTH for Uioto columi will
jniiotal < rn until IX .TJ j > . m. . for the even nf
edition and until 8w : : p tn , for h raornlna
nd fcUKDAr Hr.t
niK S Cn h In ftdtnnro.
TJATFS Adrert'spniPn'son ' tM pir Mill bo
lAcharired for nt ( ho rain of IM cent per word
for the first Insertion nnd 1 cent per word for
Bach fttihseijupnt Insertion , and tl.M per line
nnr month. No ndrrrtlwment Uken for
firm 21 centi for thu drat Insertion.
IMTIAI.H , figures , Brrulxils , eta. , count each
im ono word.
rtWKSB anvcrtlupmontfi must run oonwcit-
JL lively nnd under no circumstances will
thty bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
PARTIES advertising In thr s columns nnd
having their answers nddre iid to & "num-
fccr d lett'or" In care of Tun llin will receive
* m nilmterod check tn enable them to get their
letters. An wers will b i delivered only on
presentation of thlnehoeU. Fnoloso unswcn
In imvclojxu properly nddtcsscd.
LI * advertisements under thn lioart of
A "Special Notices" are published In both the
mnrnlnx nnd cvenlnrjcdltlons of Tur llrr , the
circulation of which aggregates more thai
20.CC ) ptjiert dnlly , nnd gives the advertise. ;
the benefit not only of thulnrgs circulation nf
Tim lift : In Omaha , but al < o In Council lllulTs ,
Lincoln uiul other cities mid towns In the we t
" " " "
Advertising for thrsp enlumrt will bn taken
en the above condition' , ntlhofoltowlrn busi
ness liot-ses who are authorised totakosp clal
notlccn. nt the same rates un can had at the
main olllee. _ _ _
SOUTH Plrcot , Mstcr lllock.
J OIIN wTllEMj , 1'h irmaclut,820 South Tenth
Rtrfct. _
iYXsh k iiIY : ) , Htatlonen and Prlnt r § ,
113 South 10th street. _
' "
s . PAllNSWOUTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Oura
, Ing slrcot.
J. IIUOHK9 , Pharmacist , CH4 North Uth
HO. W. I'AIIK , Pharmaclat , 1718 Leaven-
worth street.
TJ COIIES'IMlAKMAY Sltlinnd Kurinitn.
, etc. , rrt lo/i nf Kid f/itii lll oil thti 1x191 ! .
" \\7"ANTI2D-Position for connrnl toti : o-
T > work. O'nll or address Othntid r.fii'itst st. ,
Knst U'ualia. Mail ) III *
_ j In dressmaking es-
' labllsbniont by young ladv. to learn tin
trade. Oall at Truimmt house , 801 N' IBlli st.
" \\rA\TlI ! Whlto sewing , children's mil
Infants'clothes.nil Sill-tit. ' 'It HP
by vell cilur-ated
oittiK man In hardwire store as clnrko :
Rdinral mnn. Address S . il , llee. SKI ill *
.1 Diossmaklng la fainlllei. 110 :
n South fith st. MBS-1
\\TANTii : ) Position ns eoichman by col
' ' oied man , gond Omahii l efereiu-es , .
j'o.irs cMieilenee In Umalia. Add less HTil. Hot
- : !
"TVTAN'I'r.l ) liy n joum man a position In i
IT ii'lall store , lias MIIIIO n\pi rlenco am
good lefeti'iires , not afraid of work , tinges m
object. Addressing Her. ! ! " " " ' * _ _
A PIIACTICAli book-keeper wants pnsltloi
j with a wlioles.ilo . bouse as book-Keepv
orc.ishlor Ten venrs evpeilencc Oood rcf
. 'tenees. Addirss H. 47 , Ili-i * . .V.IRT-IiO *
for students \vlio ll
worU for their bo.ird Aildioss Standan
Ilnslness college , N \ ' . Life bulldini ; .
M rrw-tt
I'M < icitcs , etc. , FfAfon of fnl coliitnn OH JJltt ) Xifli
/ jnNI'KAO agent for eiery oitv to h.itiill
VI thollellorelulk holder for pool and bill In r
tables. Heller M'f'g. Co. . U4 .Montgomer
me. . I'lilladclphla. M ! ! ni-o : *
" 117 AXTI'D A man who Is well acipialnte
iv In thnolty to solicit orders : salary nn
comniNslon. Aildies * S . " . llee olllee. MJ.VNK
"l\7ANTi0 ; A good coil maker ; steady en
" ployinent and good wages. Address I
> himby , Atlantic , Iowa. 2l'-'ll ' ) *
* \ \ ANTID 1'lrst clnsn shoo Milosnnin j
' ' once ut The l'.lr. Kith aud llowaiil sis.
VTAN ni : ) Itov nttendiiKr school toO
Olimos for board. I'liquliv DUO Douglas.
17AXTill ) A No. 1 collector. Jlust be wo
v neiiualntod with city Add rest S M Itou.
\\f ANTI'.Ii Men with good lefcrenco
Metriipolltnn Mlg Uo. . 1000 Howard st.
WAXTKI ) .TOO mm $2 per d.iv.und Illifltoaii
MW ) per day , for work In South D.iUeti
\ AlbrlKlit. l.iilior ngency , 11-0 i-.irnain ' Ht. -
WAXTl'.D 1'lrst el.iss steam Utters can fin
eniployment In Chicago. Stonily \votl
Eight lioitf ! . Apnly ut once. JI.S08-1 *
" \\7ANTr.D -A smart boy 17 or IS years old i
' learn flitting at Kato \ Ins-Co. . lillS
llth st. JI | lr.- ;
\\7AN'IT.I ) Iinmrrtlately. yonnfr man ton
' col\o Instruetlnn and Keep books ; 01
ladi wanted. J. II. Smith , UIO NO\T \ York l.lf
vJALr.SMAN Wanted , man lo ell line ofe
IJ gars ; } IOO per month and expenses pal
Adniess with stamp Htim.itra Uluar Co. . C'h
( ago. 111. ! * : *
WANTri ) Man to sell llncof clzuri. } "
iiiontbiindo\pensenp.ild. Address wll
stamp , ( ilobe Uigur Co. . M. Louis. Mo. 107- : *
BI'.Sl' teruiH lo agents on our new boo'
"lleautlful Ocm . "
Illg money In takli
ordets forboHilay delivery. .1. M. Kroncli
Co. . .r > ! 3 I'axlon bloolf. Omaha , Nob. 1J 1
"l\7ANTiD ; 20 Haleimeii tocariy ( nsasb
' ' Urn * ) our " on Delliery" olaar wll
sold tilled watch. Illg pay. Distance no o !
Jtot. 0. O. I ) . Cigar Co . Winston , N. ( J. tKi-l
CANVAPSnilS Wimted Conespondonco s
Helled nlth compntent canvassers to gc
liipet I'lotblng. ( Jnod vagen can boi'iirne
AVrllu Paper Clothing to. , Port Huron. Alb ;
\\rANI'in ; Men and wonion of nbllltvl
Ti e\ery elty , town aud village to net i
nieiits ; for .thn ladles' Home .loitrnal. \ \
want llio bust obtainable clats of agentni
to such unusual toints will ho oirurcd. TI
.Ionmul 14 the handsomest periodical for 1 ;
dies nnd the family ever 1-Mted , and bus nea
Ivhalfa million subscribers , It wlllbeai
vorttsed the coming autumn audInlcron
l.irgorsi'nlo than over before , creating ad
maud that agcuts should bo reads to III
CuitU Publishing Co. . Plilludeluhla. MIS' .
WAXTIID SOrt laboiers fOr tonn and crai
work. Apply to P. H. Johnson , Util *
jiassenaerilcpot , Omaha. 87t ;
. _ -\V ANTIilAt once. M veral good city en
M vassers. IJUl St. h"inSl
\ VAXTIHAgents wimted throughout N
. J ' lii.isli. t-ad alanip for reply. Jos ,
Blegeath. Omaha. TTJ
"V\rAXTKI ) A live , cmrgetlo partv m e\ei
' lilaee to lnlrodiu' . our goods. We have
nnw line that will sell at every honso ai
inents i au reap a liai-Msi between now in
the holidays. Will nay a tsnliuy nf JT.I ) (
nioath If preferred and fiirnhh a team fre
Addtess nt onee. btandatd Sllvorw.uo t'i
lloslon Mass. M * > r.-l ) 15
" \\rANTIIH-JlPii totraxel for nnr f-inadh
_ _ _
" \\rANTr.O l.OCiO men for new r.illro.ul wo
' InUiogon and kVushlnitioti TIT.Vo
ulil last two years ! gond W.IKCS giiaiautee
Albright Labor Acrinrv list ) larnani hi. Ml
For tt ] tlt _ ' > J'tfl < > l' > _ of _ frtt f oliiiii 11 on tMi _ j ii
AliADY wanted to solicit orders fminT
trade for Williams' gummed Ictteisn
other speehiltles. Address , with leforeiict
to Tablet A. TlekctTo. , f'aiuUO 1'ranklln b
C'hlcaxo. M SM- ! . "
1X7" ANT r.D l'Irst class cooks for pilva
' families ; girls for general work In ai
out of city ; second girls , dining room t > li
KIHX ! liuinilreis for hole ) . The New I'm
Ageney. ll.iuk bldg.i loth and Podge. MiM- ! .
"I V ANTKD .NurM ) glrT lil8reb ten
> 161 '
\\rA.vFlTD-A Botid glrT"siiaiillfiimlly. 5 (
\ Iliirnuy isl-i. " . ) '
\ \ ) Comiielent girl for gencr
/\\rANTK1) . binall family. Ml ! S. VMh
\\7ANTr.--Ciiirinin | ) nur > o girl , nbout
' ' , M"irsold , ut Mr * . Kopp , CIO H. Uth st. , i
Halts. 7l-ai
_ _ _
G I III. wanted ut i'vJT Ciimtnt street.o
oca ai *
_ J'.D Woman cook , dinlnic room ai
' ' laiiiulry irlrl , steady pifltlon to good gl
Ooclduntul liolxl. biilton.XeU"ja 1' '
"l\rAN"ITD-nirl fur feneral housework
{ .imllyof four. Apulv at dia t-outh 35
. liiilf block bouth of West I.oaveiiuor
motor lliii- . a 17.ii *
\\T ANTI'.UA girl to ilo hoiuowork. Atip
i jas Mb. kt. sigyu *
For rat * , etc. , ft tp nf fnt column on Ihto p\oi
BKIOIIT you n K lady wanted to get sul-
scrlbers for thnOnmhn r.xccUlor ; M nnr
cent commission. Apply ins liitli nt. MIC3
Gl III. for Bonoral hoiuowork , 711 3. llth.
' *
t15-'J !
fPHE new emp. auey. , bank lilile , ror. ICtb
J nud Dodk-c. Itef. Women's Chrhttan as
sociation. Orders takenatonicn' - * exchange ,
1GIO I'nriiatn st , Ml S-io' :
For ntfcjt. tieret tmtnt ri/lmiiti / un l/iw /
nml f * > without ; good earo will bo taken
of them at C'ortnian Park farm. lonvo borsu
wltliN P. Dlllr.inco , stables414S. 17tlist. Tel-
cphono Ml M S3
I.IORSI.S wlnlernl at Omaha fair grounds.
I 1 I can winter S.W horses , each horse has a
largo wnrin boxsfill , feed all the grnlil thu
ouncr wauls , largo yards for exercise lit line
weather. A , 'I lionison. _ M-M1 IS.'J
ndopt a week-old babv bm1
In Irish Catholic family Infinite at 1170
S ICthht. , up-stalis. IMi i *
I'Oll lti\T : HOUSES.
/'or iatrictr.tccti ) > nf ( imttolumu mil/iln | v fft
housn near litli nnd I.oa etiwnrth at
or montb. Thomas & Roche , 3J New York
i1 :
1-1 ( ) L" * > i : for tent ) ten rnoms. modern con-
tonlence. ffil ± o. 101 h st VMS-.11 *
rniM'e ittnco No eanr'nllfornlu at , fcirront
' and f irn'ti ' icfurmle. . Slu-l
X HOOM home 10th nnd Ilinemft , elty ivntor
Jntid cistern , neur motor line. tlU pel month.
lll'.NT Iliiusneor. rarn.itn anil COth ,
nil einivenloiieestVi ! 7-inoin linu > i > 3' > tli and
Sow nrtl.l ) till'is"-mom house.will be ready
fur Her. l ( ) . cur. ! Mth and lllcUot.v. M : 5-rooin
liotiM' istli nr. Orico : , JIS. ,1. 11 , Kvans. M N.
Y. IJfe. . " 'OJU
"l7Ull Hi\T--C-rHiin ; house , Ohlcajro nnd Isth
-1 . "Otli and Cnllfor-
- sts. tx. four-loom house ,
nla.ll.-i. S. Lehman. " W
rp\VO 8 nnd 0 room houses , modern Improve-
JL nifiits. cheap , } J ) and M. > per inont h , well
located. JI. M. Muiilull , lluoinlCT , N. V. I.lfo.
MlOOi ! *
HOl'SK for rent , at fi'il 1'ioruo street , con
venient to depot. Nlco cottaso. Inqnlie
of T. J. I.owry. " ( IU-
Ill.NT To Rood parly , T-rooin Hat fur
$ J3 per mouth , nnn.ulioioom5 , 1MI Ihiwnnl ,
0H Jll'NT 7-mnm cottnco. convenient to
. \\liolosnla district and bushier. Apnly
iJS. Kith st , U'
IjlOU ItP.NT s-rr iin tnodern house with nice
JL1 b.iin , 1701 N ilst : also S ,00111 liouso and
nlcubaiu. S301) ) Miami , by C'riini A. ItUhop , U 51 ,
llonrd of Trade. I'JO
FOIt HUNT 7 mom homo , IW Callfornln
t. j'i per month. Ilicnnati A. Co. , Chiimbci
of t'oiiiincii-o , Jll-1
11011 HUNT r-ri > iincotliio | with as , wntei
1 clo'.ot. bath , fnrnnce. hot and eold water ,
at 1I'N N > utlr.Cth < > t. Kmiulro at 1B11 l > mi lis :
street. HO--l ) '
rpO HKNT-On l'arUave.twolroom houses ,
JI nil lnipro\ements , ne\\ly papered and ie-
paired tliioiighntit ; also ll-room house on N .
"Ithst ; irnlH. ? IU. Alto one on IfJth and I'ar
mini sts. , lent t-K ) . For further particulars eal
und see 1) . V. bholes Co. , 2IJ Kirst Niit'l Hank
liSoit Ui.NT-T'imiTIihed ; luMiToTiioSi S t. MnryT
JL1 nve. ICO S *
8-HOOJt hoiiHO for rent , Kas , water , cooi
liurn. H.n I'uric avoi Inqulro auporlntendcii
Ileo milldlng. ca--.i'
4.TlOU 11ENT Lo to
4. 0-KKiMi eottnze , No. UU S. ' 'Uh st , Appl' '
room n. rw.'J 1'armvyi > > , 0'p.l y
IilOU ltr.NT-28-room houses at aKJ andJ
Caldnellst , nicely p-ipereil , havlni ! > .iod
era conveniences anil barns ; to reliable par
ties until sptlng } li > permonth. J. II. Johnson
510 I'aMon block. 071) )
TPOK KI1NT Soven-iooin cottage , cor. SStl
- - uvc. and Itnji. avc.lmiulro IHS Dodge. M-CG
FOR IENT-5-rooni ! houso. 112 sTssTirik
1,0:1 : NI4 *
m divelllnus all parts of the cltj
eiton fc Allen , 1G07 Tanuini st. 5nlti
FOll ItKNT An 8 room house witn all mod
ern linpniveinnnts , hented by hot watet
l.tZiSUIth st. 4 hlooks past ui Iliuiscoin Park
i' 100 Ileo hulldlng. 441
"ITIOK HUM1 llouse.S iiintns. pooil laundry
J Iminho Itobt , ruivls.yith iSt. Mary's a\c
II' YOU wish to rent a honso or stoic sen II
1' . Cole , Cnnllmmtnl block. tv-vl
FOU UKNTTo responsible parties onlj
these linn new brick and stone houses ni
Georgia avenue ! fifteen rooms and alcoves
more convenlenees and butler Mulshed thai
any house for rent In the city. II. 11. I lender
son , 100 Pn\-ton block , oily , cdl
rr-KOOM house with barn : nominal rent. C
t I' . H.url-on.Oll N. V. Life. 87' ' )
I710K UiXT : ! ) room home , all modern con
1 vcnlcneet , Including a Rood stable. Capltc
nventie. near thohlgh sehuol ; rent moderate
I ) . J. O'Iimilioe ) , 1001 Tarn mi st. 0.11
SEVKN-room house , Ihth anil Vlnton , llti. , '
H. Johnson , & 19 1'axton block. CSO
"fTIIAT , steam heated. 709 S. Ifith , Thos. 1
JL1 Hall , : ill 1'avton blk. fxSH
FOR lir.Nl 7-rooin cottages. Hath and a !
moilcrn conM'iilonces , ready In few dayi
O. S , IIlKUttoi , 407 Plrst Nafl bank. Mi
J'orritfi , rtf , , ttelnp nf flttl rottmii nn thlr
ALAItnKsoiitb front room ilicap. 4 ISnut
ilstst. .M.-.VI ,
TI1OH IKNT-Three ! very pleasant furnllhc
JL : iiHims lethe rlghtparty In u private liousi
\\ltliorwltliont boanl , nu other roomers , U
cation best In the city. iilG N.U'Uth street.
" 171OU UP.NTI'lirnliliPil rooms , gas , bat
Jnnd furnace Iioat , opposlto the Merrlnn
110 y. iSithsl. S4VS *
il-OK KCNT-neslrablu fttmilbeTl riwil
JU iTJinDiivimpoit , JIS1.- ! . ' ! ! '
a ' 1I > OH nNT-In a private fainlly7Tworooii
-t ? newly furnished , to partlesemplovod dm
Ing tinday. One Iiirim room aiiltnhle'for t (
al-i ) onii siniill ftont rnom. Ueferenees K
ipihcd. Kil'J llarnoy St. . cor IGth. JI 4.'r.Y-iO' :
XfU'KI.Y furnUhcd room , lt l Uouglasl
- M ' . , " . ) -
) ItOOMS , furnished nrnnfiirnlsheil. fKClS 17t
iivo. ; , between Jadc-on aud l.ouvenwoi th.
iul ! III'
. . UnM'-Two nicely fuTuTshcd'Tim
looms. MilO Davenport st. 207
i > l'KMSllii : ) looms for lentwith nil moiier
coincidences. 2020 llarnoy , ! 'l" .1 *
FOR KHNT largo s-outh room , neulv fm
, nlshed. L'lO1) ) Douglas. M lVi-3 *
' } IT10K ItKNT-I'mnlshed looms. ] ' ) S C'.iidti
1 } Juvo. . Mini lo
T''W' * furnished rooms , steam boat ,
lmtli. 711 .S ICth st. , Sd lloor. ll'JS' '
If looms steam heat , R.IS an
' hath , 115 Don jlits , IHiiiai'
I.I AN DSOlTKLV furnished room. sSi-
t ) rUKXl&HKO front looms for geutlemri
Hill Lea\einsorth. ttjo 'JO"
DI' I KA1H.K rooms for tbreoor four coutii
men , ptUute sitting mom Includud. li
Unpltol live 4j |
1OH KKXT KiiriiUhfd rooms ; pasbalhun
JU steam. UIO llowanl. | > 7 |
d rp\VO \ nicely furnished rooms , single or e
1-suite , gns atid bath ; terms leason.ibl
1J1 l.euvenMoitli , MWW-i'
" 1710K HUNT rurnUhud rooms IOM Douirlu
-1- sTij
1'Vir rattr , eir. , r4 tt > i > iif flirt fuliiimi nn Mil * jxtu
J'liiHinu wltii sitlsfactnry boafii inid pie ; '
uut home ; terms reasonable. ' 'KW llarnoy.
"I710K Rood board , nice room < , modern eoi
\ouleiiL-e < , rate * nnd lou-itloii , the Pnllma
Uou e , nil ) Podge bt. . cannot bo o\u < | led.
.M i.Vs X ' . ' *
"IjlIHjsT clns beard and room 13 per wee
.L SOU llnrney. -'lii .1
BOAIID wantc'Iliy t o voiinj men , I
private family ; ui tat bo cfoiu toclty. Ai
TmoiTllKXT NFcoly fiirnlshod rooms ,
-U modern convenience : ! with good board. 0
N. 17th M.
F KU rooms anil board , ISM uur
" \TK\VI.Y furnished riKiim , slnglu or en milt
-l- > will , Liourd , beat , KUS and bath , J08 and 2
N. 17th , opposite now poatotllce site OU N'.1
noons ANMI no.vun.
Tor raff * , fir. , ste fop a/JIrrrt citfiimii nil lt\la \ ) ! { /
t i board , 17J3 iVodgo
ST. UIiAIUnuropenti hotel.wlthdlnlne room ,
st am heat In all rooms. ] .1th and Dodge.
Spoclnl rules bv week or month. B73
lurratet , fr. ( , ttetapot fnt rniiinniori l/ilipioe.
"TpOIl very conifortiiblo winter homos wo
J. ' the o ; t-riHm Mats. S.V. . 1'or. L'lst and Nich
olas HK c ly patieii'd , city water and > cw-
orage. Tlr t Moor. } ) ; loponil Hour , * ! . Units
Ilentlng Aneney.VJOS. l.'ithst , a.M NB *
3 011 Hl'NT Suite of 4 unfurnUhcd rooms
for hoii < .eKeelng | , to family without
children. KW M'ebster t.
I'or ralrt , tie. , rte tup ofrtt rnfuinn nil thu julyc.
T OOlv lir.Hi : - \ \ Inter is coming , there nro u
J-Jfow good olllceH for rent In the Katngo
bld'g , with llrst elncs Ins and belt of olc-
Y4torsur\lcc ! < , niulro I'lank J. Itatnge.
SRiiM ) | !
AOOODntoro room and bainment with good
brlok oven , on K st , Honth Umalia. Ad
dress J. J. Mcliidn. ' . ' .TO hiioni'or st. 171 ! ai *
COllNl'Il Btorn and bn.iement of brick bulld-
Init , corner ef N nnd 27th t. , Ninth Oniiiha ,
now ( ecujilcd by Drovers' Journal. Jlrs. llri-ga ,
Slfltb , Onmlin. It3 ) *
rp\VO stores , 1G08 and 1(510 ( Cass st. , SiVOOeach ;
JaUo 8 rooms aho\o HIUIPS dcslrablo for
rooming. $ .10.00. W. V. Clatk , 408 N. Illth.
lil-SO *
iriOH KiNT-Mctropolltan : hall. 14th and
J J mlgefor bulls , parties nml weddings wither
or without supper room , Terms reasonable ,
Ueorxo lleyn. JW S 15th st R'i7-OJl
. S lGthSO\iilleiiclii largo show
STOIir.SatTOO furnished. Thos F.
llall.m I'.iMon block. iut
_ _
KKXTvfho4-story brick bulldlng.wlth
orwllliout power , formerly oeoupled by the
Ileo I'libllshln * Co. , UU ) I'limam st. The build
ing hits a llro-proof cctiiontb.isomentcomplcto
Bteam heating llxtures , water on all the lloor.s ,
gas , etc. Apnly at the olllco of The Ileo. 1U5
i'011 - \ VHliriOUsliHT.
/'or ruff > , tie. , tec top of fill column on thtf jxiae
I1O11 lir.NT llrlck warehouse , two storfes
1 and basement , L'7,000 square feet , with KM
feet of doilblo track on U. I' , ullway , south
Ulth and 1'lerco streets. Address O Oskamp ,
Omabii , Neb , fa'JO
171OK KI'.NT-Ilrlek warehouse , two-stories
J. hlith ; b.isementi hydraulicolovator ; track-
ago ; best location la the city , A. U. Powell.
3."J n7
forratrf , tte. . rce tup of first rultiinn on/ftftt /
' '
S TO RACK ' 'co ' us before storing goods of
any description. Omaha Htovo Kopalr
Worts. 1207 Douglas. Tol. OOP. ami
rpllACKAOK storage at lowest rales. W. M
JL llnshinnu , Kill I.eavonworth. 631
L , 1211 Howard.
WAN'JKIl TO linX'l.
For latest , etc. , fee top nf flint column on Mi fa
WANTED Brooms for n family of tvo , on
Walnut or Ullftun Illll. Address C. N. 2021
Casslusbl. 2ill-ilJ ! ;
\\7ANTKD--A ten-inom furnished lionise all
V > modem conveniences ; best of lefoienoes. .
Address s 18 lice olllco. HIM L'J
ANTHD-Ily Nov 1st , furnlaliod or nn
furnished rooms with Drat class board In
urlvatu family where there are no other
teftttlWSrtaC.tS'u-yCUTiZ married couple. Price
no nbjeit for dcslrablo , ttia"rtGrjM.nst be
above 22nd st- , near l < 'uinn"i. References e.v
ohatiKod. Address S 4Ho IDj-ai *
For mfrx , ttt. , ne fop of flrat comma on CtA iv
HU .1 ItliV k HID.rental ugeiits.'lM N.Y.Tjlfc
V > 1
. Cole , rental uiciitContinental ; blk.
1ST your lious to sell or rout with 0. V ,
Harrison , till N. Y. Mfo. 1S $
For mien , etc. , we f | > nt flit column nn tilt * ) xio <
ATlSrACTIONguaiairteed tiuilHo board
crs. The Hillside , n. w. cor. ISth and Dodge
Sl'JKI-fj *
For nttf.i , etc , ttc fop of frtt , column onthts jtaiie
PERSON A L " 79" nothlnu' fiom you to date
J."Jth. C7o to "Upper M"wth. : VvllIboln'V
A"lsttoBth. If jon wnnt to sco "K N" "A1
" " " ' ' - ' " " " " " "
"O M"curo"lIO'-'A A" 1" "O S O" "H.1
F. M''G7-il :
N'OTlCi ; to steam llttcrsi ICeoii awav < ron
Uhleago ; strike , a. lP. . A. of Chicago
Pr.UPON'AILaura Day. Your mothc
wants to know whore yon arc. Answe
or como homo Immediately , s ? . r. ICollov , S
\V. cor. : Cith nnd l.ilosts. Omaha. UH
For rates , ttc. , fee top of flint cr/lmim on f/if mat
LOST IVench poodle ( log ; $5 reward for re
turn toOOiU'apltol ave. ' 'ft'i a *
I'oriafg.1' , fc. , tcclop nt Jligt column on f/ij / puo
FOUND Watch chain vhlcb ovfnor ma ;
have by calling at room" Chamber of Com'
morie. 171)-2i *
For rates , ttc , , rtc ( op o/ flint roiumn nn ml < ji ti
FOR SAI K A good square- heater ; cost J'J7
will hell for is. MM S. loth , room U 174 ' "J
FORSAU : Kiirnltiirn and lease of a nn
boarding hntisi * , with all rooms occuplei
and good hoarders. Sli'i a month eloar. Uooi
reasons for selling. Address ti. 39 , lleo offlco.
iq ; i *
OR SALK Fnrnlturn and business of 'R
room hotel In Lincoln , iloln- , ' good p.tylti !
business. Itestof reasons for solllnj. Term
easy. M.V. . 1'olsnm. Mucoln. Kob. .110
Fortatr * , etc. , ttt ( op ncst rnfuinn on f/ito / jxiu !
FOR HAM- . , very cheap-Duo ( foilr nnsEon
ger ) rockaway carrlago ( now ) ; ono llgh
brougham , a two-sealed Kusslan slolgb , on
Hlnglo harness , ono pair elegant horse Manic
i-N. ono farm wagon , and tvo sets of doubl
harness. The above H nropuity of the Into 1
C. llin.oliaugb nnd will bo Bold very cheat :
Oeo. W. Holbrokroom4 ( , llco Illdg. ' . ' 41
I710R tAM : Cnsh nr time-2 good boav
A ! work teams ; 1 blacksmith shop and full sc
of tools ; l hoi-.e.bugiry and harness ; 1 nlc
riding pony and saddle ; 1 hnr&e , harness am
e\pu" > s\Migon ; i miw sowing machine , nni
Borne good household fnriilturo. Imiulro a
Ols PIIxton blk. 77H
WORK horsoWl.twohorto wngon f-lO.doubli
work , harnes-i tl.V Or will trade for i
good light side bar buggy. H. E. Cole , Contln
entul block. bW
"IJOUbllSIMandup. II. E. Cole ,
FOR SALR-S good work teams. Imiulro n
013 Paxton blk. \ -
- ' .T.'I'"jf ' ! _ . " | > " ' fir1 f/ ) ' ' " " " " " " ( i
Am\V tlnnor'stonli , In oed eondltlon. wll
bo sold cheap. Wlltu to McNallv llros
Dcshler , Nub. tap-Ill *
"ITIOU SAI.Iuta bargain If taken nt ouco-j
.U ( ii'rniun paper doing a good business. Ad
ilross P ( > . 'i Ileo olllce. 'Ji7-"lj ;
BirroilHR tools forsalc. Apply A. Orubi
1'urt Umalia. L'4l 4 *
bicycle , ri3nPh. b.ill bearlns
fnodeiindltluii , cheap. John T. Uampbel
I'lilrbury , Neh. ivi-su *
4- United states motors for Thorn
- sou-Houston power circuit. Most olllcluul
In alt.bles. . . Call or aclilrosf 11. 11. Ilnmiihtey
Kl.14 N. V. I.lfo hid. . MUil-aO
MIIA I' , Cheap for Uash-rrom date. 1 w II
sell meat nnd lard i-he.ipor than iiuy othu
market In the city. Prod Hoes , eornor l.1t !
und I liming bis. UUJ-VJ *
calltfraph , prlco reusonublo , U GJ , lie
ulllce , -
- 77-j
DON'T torgot Jos. P. MoOoath , 107 ( ! Furnnr
M. . whim you want to buy , renter toll
typowrlter. 772
OR aAI.i-AH : kinds of thoroughbred dn i
James l-'aniy , 1413 A aub st , KS
ForKitrtc7. . tee l i > o/frtttolimn oiu/iij pno
Bl-ai1 line Imlr coodnIn west ; Imlrdrossllgr
Klfrs. twitches , biin/s , liulrochalns , etc. ,
specially , Uavlcs hair goods and mllllnc
oppuiltu povtufllce , Ulri.lJtU nt , Oiuahi-
SAVK fuel * y coM 'lrtt ' your sloant pipes
with I'oiitl Monljtimposltlnni the best
lion-conductor , absolutely llro proof. Wcs-
tein uijoiit , I ) . U , JIcEwirt1G11 / Howard t.
f1O Sliou Ho.iK'N Wien you | ittronjo : | MO
J. you know Unit I vflU.noC ootnpulu wltli you
liy rutnllliiurtitihor lioiiu , slioo . iroUi'i. : in-
Inli , etc. I nmttot rtirinlMC Iwi-noorllftoon
retail slioo tor i < i undrr Varlou iintii ( ? , I Hell
nt whole-mlo only utulno \ \ no Intrrtst In nny
ri'lnll torn. t in wmtwn it cnt ( or tlw Now
JcMt-y rublior 5liou ttnnnntiy nt Oinnlia. nnil
( nory li oili'nlcrUno ) ( ' ' no better line
of cMiiN ( ntiiilo. My "itlt'4 tlilsycnr sodirnro
tnoro tliitti ilotiblo nny qtbcr M'HSOII up lo this
time. K'lid for iirlcoll tdnnil illsooiinK Jcr-
wys will Uo extensively advertised lliH oi- :
son. / . T. l.liulioy. SHI-nl )
"j\1 ASHAGntrcntnHmt.eloi'tro-thcrninlbathi ,
A'l sculp aucl hair truiitinotit , iniiiilcuro iinil
clilropoclist. Mrs. Post , li * 'U.-j | , \Vltlittvll blk.
AM'iai ) ' 10 UUY.
Formttt , etc. , ret top of tint rofiimu nn thli JHM * .
WANTKH To buy parts or whole stock of
general merchandise for eashi glvolowest
pilco. AddiessSM lice olllco , 'JOil 'M *
" \\7ANTKD-1.000yaidsof dirt. Omnhn Hot
v > factory. KmtUmalin. lock box 8.V . IbO-fti *
/1AST olT clothing I piiy tbo highest price.
VJToeon\liieo jou , send order. 1 will call on
you. Address U , Krcger , low Unpltol n\o. . city.
107-'tO *
" \\7AXTED-To buy slnulo young driving
horse not over 1.030 pouiuU , Room M4 Now
York Life building. US ! 'K )
T L'RXITURK. hoinohohl goods.ct lllcheat
-L1 cash price. Wells , 1111 Pariium.
WAXTKD To Invest | , VM ca b and { . 'OO
Gothrnliunr rent estate for Irdf Interest
n some kind of Omaha business ; ictallRfocery
luslncss preferred. Address look box SI ,
jothenburir. Nib OSI SO
ECOND mind lints , 151S Iod e
SncONDIinniltypowrltcrs. J.I' , McQonth ,
10U7 raniiim St. , Oinalm. 77
r.COND-II AND books tonight for snot cash
Jut the Authiiiarlan bookstore , HI. ) I'lirnnm.
ANTKD-llorso nnd buijgy. W J. 1'aul ,
1GUU Farnrim. UI3
For idle * , ( tc. , we fop of fnt column nn thli
MOM.Vtoloan. Oorrespondonts of Lom
bard Investment company. Shrlver &
lltirns. l-'rcuzerblock. 891
lAllM Ioans--Ilest rates nnd option In the
J.1 west. Interest nimunlly. pay
PI irt or nil of ptlnelplo at end of nny year , and
tou Interest , 11 , K , Stowo , HIO N. Y. I.lfo bltlg.
' ' >
KISIIJAI.L , ChnmpfcKynn ,
12J5 Knrnainst. ,
mnko loins on estate , personal
nnd cotl.itcrnl ccitrltT.
Notes nnd bonds bought.
llulldliiK loans at
lowest rates. G03 NU
"T71II5ST inortRaRO loans nn improved and un-
J- ' Improved property. 0. J. Oaswi'll. 81H N. Y.
Mfo. SI M7 N U
fliornrnam. Ben. P. Marti , loans inado on
J-dlainonds. watches , jewelry , etc. Ml N13 *
loans , low rate , 1510 Pnrnnin sZ
ri" > ItK Commercial Poeurltv Loan nnil Trust
i Co. wants twod short tlmopapor ; also ein
liandlo a few secured inortgagoa. Hooni : H)7 ) ,
I'.iMnn block. MISO-NJ
MONRV to Jonn by lr Masters on chnttol
and collateral KOeuHU for nny tlmo from
ono to six months in any amount to suit brr-
KHSBT ! - - - .1.
Loans tniKlu on lionibliqnt-Eja'l" . Phinoi or
Cans , horses , mules , hbtises , louses , Waujni'iln.
reooliits , lc. , nt the lowest poislblo r. tus ,
without publicity or ronloval of proporty.
My loans arc o nrrnneed that you can make
n payment of nny amount , at any tlmo and
reduce both principle anil Interest.
If you otto ( i bninn q on your property or
have a loan you wish Changed , I will pay It
off nnd carry It for ydlt. If yjtt find It. moru
convenient , cnll up tulophono No. Iftll and
yourbnslnoss bo arranged nt home.
Money nlwnya on haud , Nodolay. Ho pub
licity , Lowest rntci
KoonH.Wlthnell blk. Hth and llaufey ts ,
FAKM Loans-Star Land &Lonn Co.1UN1
rill ATTKL bank. .119 S. ISth St. , loam money
V/on chattels or collateral nt ronsonnblo rules
TTlMt.-iT Xsocond mortsanos on vacant k lin-
-L1 pioved city prop County warrftntsbniiKlit
Jlouey on hand , K. M. Ulchardson,813 N.V. Mfo.
MON'iY-30 , CO or 90 duys on furniture ,
phinos , horses , liotisc , etc. J. J , Wlllelusou' '
CIS Puxton block. 900
UNt'SllAijLY low rates
of Interest on llrst mnrta.igos of Improvcfl
real estate for the next * ) days by the Kansas
City InvestmentC'o , KuoiuUO , Hoard of Trade ,
J. II. 1'oase , manager. VM
MONEY to loan on any security
for short tlmo at low
rates , Lowest ratoi
on porsounlfrrnpcrty
"ho Ilonderson Alnit ngo Investment Com
pany , room 40J. Paxtou blk. 010
B loansinmle at lowest rales. W
.M. Harris , loom ! * ) , 1'rcnzur blk , , oup. I1. O
OHKAI'easterii money
riilladelphla MortcnRO nnd Trust Co.
always ro.uly to loan ana pay promptly ; llrsl
mortnages wanted. Ooorgo W. 1' . Coatos. rep-
icsonlathc , room 7 , board of trado. Ul'J
1KAI < Kstatc l/oans Cash on hand , Jjlobt
JVl.oan ATrust C0.307S. 10th Ht. . Nodelay
no e.xtra charges. Houses for rent , good list
Or. it O. M. ANTHONY. 3H N.Y. Mfo bulIJ
. Inglend money on farms Incholeo coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa ; also on good
Omab.i residence property ; lowest rates ; besl
terms ; no delay ; money roiidy. Titles ant
values passed ou hero. 1)14 )
KEYSTON R Mortgage Co.-Loans of illTTt
$ IOUJ ; Ket our rates before borrowing am
save money ; loins on horses , fnrnltiiio or anj
approved security without publicity ; note-
hoiight. for now loa" onowal of old nnd low.
cst rates , call lt.203 ecly blk..l5th&llowird
WANTED 1'lrst class Insliloloans. I.owosi
rates Call anil sou us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1501 rarnam. Did
EASTEHN money to ' on elty proper ! v
mortgagepaporbought. ll.Ii.Iruy/N.Y.Iilfe
CHATTI'f < loans at lowest rates. Ilemovci
toO-4 , N. Y. Ufe , bldg. J. 11 , Kmmlnsor
- , 1U8
MOXKYloaned at iow rates on furniture
horses , &o. , without publicity , llawKoyi
InvestmentCo , 1 Douglas blk.lOtli and Dodge
1)10 )
BU1MMNO loans , Uto7 per cent ; no nildl-
tlonalcharKoi for commission or attnrnov'i
fees. W. II. Melklo , I-'lrsf National bank bldg
KStj ' < jlHAN'Ois.
Forrattt , tic. , KC topof'Jlitt culuinn an thti
WITH a view to locating In Omaha , wouli
like to meet parties who desire to sell li
part or wliolo any good-paying busliu-ss. Ad
iltos-sS. M. Heoonico. MjaT-IW
171011 SAI.K Ono of thi ; inoit desirable hotel
piOottleslnthestiitv.Hltuateilln | ) Il.ineioft
( 'timing count y.Neb. Thu house has a good pay
Ing p.itronago and Jihi an ovcollent li\cn
stock nml feed htablW'ln ' connection. Tin
town Is the end of a pilfc-Vnger division of tin
Chicago , M. Paul , Mlulmapolls .t Omaha rail
way. It Is a wittering point for hunters fnm
nil over the state , M she Is surrounded hi
lakes , marshes and vaaLprnlrles.Hhero ducks
Kcese , iiralro chlokons.niul nthor game bird
abound In Kreat inViAbers dnriiu tbol
season. I or further rlmuunco uptily to f
Dohbuy , Hinciofl. Xuli .1 MlsN27
A UCTION iioiisc , l.lhboln. Neb. , cor. Htl
and M. , Masonic Te-inplo buildings Uood :
on consignment ; tvumty-'lUo years' of expert
nice , Call or address Jl R. k J , K. Clarke
Iilncoln , ob. 177-"J *
OTKAM laundry the only steam laundry li
( J a city of N.'IOO Inhabllants ; a eood liuslnos
already tstnbllslieil und can bo Increased
call mi or address Robert Donnelly , Plaits
mouth , Neh. 104-31 *
11 IlIaTAl RANT for rent orbule. T. Murray
S ion store for sale In a live town of 5,00
Inhabitants. Splendid crops , loading bnsl
ness , only one other snoo store. Cause , pun
health. Address d 19 , earu ot Iteo , .M b'.W-O
rpjli : HKST dairy and milk route In the city
J-Knrtulro of E. 8 , Jester. SJ05 Cumins St. , o
LV , Wrljiht , Florence , Nob. M wli-WJ'
FOIlBAI.l- > -llO,000 oholoo steen of genera
merchandise in one of thn bust towns li
.Nebraska,7.1 miles from Umnha. Party doln ;
im excellent buslnvu. but has otner buslnen
( lemaiidlnj hU utteulloa. Aildrcss P V > .
f'ornifr * . tte , , tee top nt ttrft roiumn on tht * IWTO' .
OM'Allelty property iiiulrasli to oxclianjo
for lock of book' , stnllonfty or wnll pa-
pcr.Address _ ll , Wi If * t. , Mucoln , Neb. MMJ-5 *
\VANTKl-To truden good Hmberelnlm la
' Nebraska fora team of hones and huguy ,
Address P.V. . lllliic , ln Plat to , Nub. 'J.M-TM *
rno r.\cTtTxTlr W.OXl'TridTiV furnMiInt
1. goods , nil UltiiK Will take l o-thlr < ls
clear ronl estate , one-third cash. Adilre s Ixn
I.N' ! ' . .lellcr-un. loHii. _ MJW-2 *
$0,00i ) stock of dry Rood and notions lo ex
change for vii'h und good proiiertyi al n
clear oilthi ) niahaht forone nnd tvo vear old
cattle. Ill ; * N'.MtlKt ; . Umah.i. Neb. WJ III *
rilO TKAni-rrom : J'pO.nOOlo * ; VOOJensh with
J- about S.OOi ) acres oholco lands at right
prices , for Omahu Inside orsubtirbati pniperly
vaeaut or improved , farms or farm land with
in l0 ! miles of P. C ) . No high-livers enlertilned ,
will Investigate any ilt'al ottured nt roasona-
bio prlco upward MoXW , but prefer ono or tvo
Iiirtto trades. Addres * Win. Nelson. Ill ) Par-
nainst. IHVI-ll
\\7ANTKO A borscor tvolntrndo for gond
T east front lot. Sineaton .t Allen. 10J7
Parnain st. MIU7-KJ :
_ _ _
W ANTI'O A small stook of isnicorles In
oxehnimo for tinlncutitbered estate ,
room : w7. Paxton bkiclf. M-hU-ni :
\VANTni-A ) stuulMtock ot cUnrs and to-
' haceos In oxeliatiKo forcloir icil estate.
Iniiuli oat room UJ7 , Puxton blo 'k. M 1SI-N.I
POlt SAMi-K13Atj
Famile * . etc , tec ( < > p of first column nil f/i ( < pai /
"I710R HA1 < E inOniTolmptoved farm. $ ( VH ) ; fM
J3 cash , bill. lotiR tlmo at ? per ecnt Int. Ij.
Vt'ulei man. 1'a.Muii. _ M gll-iO : *
BARGAINS In aciopiopeity
Ononcto . . . J fiOO
Threoaeios . l.'OO
'Ho acres . . . i.MW )
.M\o neics . : . < 00
renncres . f'.WO
Ten acres . . < Wfi
Tonneies . T.W
Twenty acres .
I'orty acres . 2J.OOO
1'orty acres . 'J4oop
1'or location , terms , etc. , see Hicks , N.\ .
Mfo bldf. _ i.'uil .10
TjlOH SAhKor rent-.ti : feet front wlthlmlld-
. .1Ing of 'Ji ) rooms. Apply at the premises
Also''J feet on eor of Chicago and Kltli. Ap
ply ut .1b South I'Jth St. 1MO-I127
OARGAINS Koitntzo Place , fl room lions * * ,
J full lot onVlrt t , , * ( ! , 'iOO , tl.ndOcush , bnl-
nneotosult. Klegant lioinu ou PlnUni'V st.
WHOOjOOcah ; ; b.ilanco Wi per moiith. Other
beautiful homes , same add , will tuko cltv
properly In exchange. S room bouseU' I1 locks
westof24thon Caldwellst , , t-l/flJ , worth M.fiDO.
fTMcnsli , biiliinco J r > IHT Month. .1 , ,1 ( llhsen ,
solo agent , KounUo I'lncc ' , room 3 , Urulghtou
block. KM
O HOOM house must ho sold at caco. John
OClarroll. latli and I.aU\ _ LLt- ! ? * _ _ _
S1IOLKS to the front. I have slv clogant
hout-es on 44th nnd Tarnim , with ovcry
modern convenience. Including R.IS und pas
llxtutos. now nearly teadv foroi'eupniiey. Sco
them and make ) our choice. Pilou , Jl.7. > 0 to
fl.-i'iO , i.tM to$000 cash , bnUnuo to stilt at 7 ror
cent interest.
J'.vmy puiehnser before. November 5 gets a
ticket to thodrawlngof a } > " > 00 iilano ,
Carriage nlways leiuly to sliow customers ,
rarrium-stieot motor within four liloehs ,
liny a house qnlclc , and tuko n band In thn
crand shulllo. This Is HtmlKht goods. O. V.
bholes. i'lll I'lr.-t National haul ; . M IKM.
$0,500 Only $0.riOO Dr. Chambers1 residence
on Ifith and llurdcttn st. , owner Kolnt ; to
lenveeltv. Host bargain In Omaha. I ) . Y.
iilioles. solo agent , i13 ! Klrst Nut. bank. M too
A.UU11 4 : Woslerfleldieal cstutc.S. Omaha.
TTIORSAM : or Trade 1,000 acres good farm
.L lands In Kiioi coimtv , Nob.
2.000 acres good farm lands In PIcrcu county ,
1,000 norcs good farm lands In Stnnton coun
ty. Nob.
Most of above land la In largo tracts , sult-
able for largo stock farms. Will sell the
u"uo7oT > n > C"8Jr terms or trade for IniproMxl
" "
" " " " " " * " *
atiropor r" - _
Jno. SI. DaiiKnorty. llOaFarnam st. CCl f
WK have some of the best IKHIHOU In Omnhn
and sonu ) small ones , at very low prices
nnd torins to suit buyers Ilavo good lots ,
with trackage , ono or two line corners on
nani st. , JiercaKOand vacant lots In all pints
of city. Hare a few lots'that must bo soul to
highest bidder. Como and buy Honielhlug
that will ( 'lvoyou n big protltono month from
now. S-lrlnuor fc ' 'enny , room U ) , Douiclas
block. 10th and IoUe. ) M-002
"filOU SALH-Lot il\ block 5 , Kllby Plaeo.
1 The O. P. IJavIs Co. M807 0
$9,500 buys the Dr. ( Ihanihers residence ) nnd
veterinary burn on lUth and Iliirdctto sts.
This lsSi ! ! ) J less than cost. U , V. bholes. fiolo
agent , ? U li'irst Nat. bank. SI tKIO
OH SALi : At n bargain , 132 feet square
aith and Jackson st. 'llio 0. I \ DavU Co.
Jltl)7 ) ( i
EOR BALK Lot and 2 houses , 15th and Dor
cas , on monthly payments ; 'M minutes'
walk from poatolllco. ThoO. 1' . Davis Co.
M8'J ? 0
SALE Afnnn adjoining lllnlr , Neb. ,
could bo til.itted and hold for trnrdonat
once. II. VI. Slellrlde. IHalr. 707 nl.'l *
I7\OR \ SAMI Ilousoat.d lot , Hist and Han-
J-1 crofl , ata bargain on monthly payments.
Thu O. T. Davis Uo. Mfrt)7 0
NK of tbo best hits In Orehard Hill , only
1800. Stringer A. Penny , Douglas Hook.
"I71OR SALT. At a bingaln , a desirable red-
Jt ? dence , Si.'i'Xl ' ; $ V)0 down. b.ihiiKO on easy
terms. ( Jail ut Nebraska steam laundif , ICtli
und llowaid bts. 7Cfi
. . BAM'N , W. eor yitli and Dodge its.
Tbo 0.1' . Davis Co. Ms97 0
Tjiolt S A iTll-Atabirgaln , OklSO on Daven-
JL port , near 17th. ono block from now post-
olllue , Aery cheap , M.OOOj r > o.\I.U eorncr 511th
and Famuli ) , $10,000. O. L. ( Jrcen , room W ,
Darker block G81
TTlORSATjfi At a bargain , a good store house
J-titled up with shelves nrid eountors , base
ment 0 rooms for dvrollbu. good cistern nnd
well , will sell or trudo for a No. 1 Htnokof Kro-
eerlos. Addrosj Ucol& Ueol , 0. O. I ) , grocers ,
622 N. 10th si. 937
T7 ° R SAM ! Splendid opportunity to cot a
-L bountiful new ID-room house Inonoof tbn
lliicst locatlmiH In Omaha , 2 blocks west ot
Lowe ave on Ousi st. , high and sightly nnd on
grade , full lot , city water , cistern ,
tower , bav window , norclies. double floor , cel
lar , etc. . all llnlshcil In bard wood and hard
oil and In first-class Uylo : i Prlco $ .1400. Terms
easy. Usual commission to agents. Inquire of
owner , E. O. Merrill , Oas-i and 41st sts ,
11)0 ) n n *
ff ROOM coltii'0 , full lot , llanscoin Plaee ,
cast front anda Krcat bargain for a few
days. Small cash uiytnent and hulnnco on
longtime , r. K. Daillng , llarkor block. Ml
T71OR SAM- , Throe lots 3.1 th and California
J-'sls. TheO. I' . Dinlst'o. HMI7 0
T71OR SAM > SU collages , raim'ltu from * l , < 00
X ; toJ,5'JJ ' ( oaohl tlOO to $ .VW cash , balatn-o
monthly orto suit. If you want a house we
, ean arr.ingo torins to suit. Binoaton A Allen ,
1G07 Kiirnuin. lJ3-Nl !
"IjlOR SAI E Look nt this ; Now7-rooia honso
-1 on lot 111 block ! i. Maker pluco , hiilendld
view , south front. Mall , , Iny window ,
etc. ; f'.IK ) or more cash , balance of JI.200 , HS
per month. Inquire of owner , E. (3. Merrill.
L'ass rind 41st sts , IDTnU *
A SMAMj payment down and fl'i pur month
J"\ will buy u l-rootn house and lot on 10th , 2
block * from motor ; llrst-clas-i cbinco to nc-
qulro a homo on easy terms. Apply to II. I ! .
Colo. Continental block. 883
" 1710R SALE An elegant now residence , fl
-L. rooms , cherry anil oak finish , largo stable
and every convenience for comfoi t ; location ,
the best In the city , prlco low. Torins o.isy.
D.J. O'Domhoo. ITOirarium st. t D
IP YOU have nnytliliuto soil or exchange
call nt 6181'aMoii block , tja )
T71OR PALH Cheap , on easy terms , a nice
- * - cottage In f.owo'n Add. , and a 7-room brlok
house , with all modern conveniences , on UHli
und Jackson tits , RoomllUhambert'oinmorco
J'urtnJw , cte , , ice top nf flnl coliuari on thu paj ,
BOVIIiiHjU ; | : , stunorrapl > or anil
notary. Dcnosltlons and court work n
Hpeclully. Tol. , 1091. Itooin IOJ3iN. Y. Llfo bldg.
r1PIIWRITKHS. . all inuko-.bought , sold , ex ,
.1-changed , routed , J , I1 , Mugoath , 10J7 Par-
luini htlcet. SIX )
rin'PlUlTKUis liir'rrnt or salo" . " Ptciio ?
J-ruphdrs supjillcs. J.P.Slogeuth,1007 l-'ainaiu ,
/ 'nr rnltf. etc , , fti ( op of Jirtt cofunin on IMi page ,
UKI ) Atoll Li : loans lunnoy ondliunonniK
watcheijewelry.etc. , S.K.cor. I'rnum.Mlth
Mir rata.ctt , , tettnixif jtiit colu t ou t/iU
BN O A OKjs tododrssmaklnit Iti farn
lies solicited , Miss Sturdy SJ10 llarnoy u ,
for Mitrn , ffr , , ut tuf cjlrjif rndirnn on/ifiiiux ( |
jlsoN'S-rioClniunti vii'lon AKeipy
JL 'JlPrenrerbloeK , liiforninllen freo. HXX )
PA'inXT SOI.lCll'Oltis ,
for ratft , rte , ttt ton nf fi l folnnii ) on l/ifi \
ICo. . . llro build In ; Omaha 4 ycnrV
encons examiners In I'S. jiatentotllce. llrinch
olllec nt WnshliiKtoli. D. C' . L'otmiltallunfreo
for nttr. tie. , uf tvp t > f lift colionii
MAPS , '
f 7 S Kitbsl . no\tllurki < r hotel I7WJ *
M' 1 % Madam DoUltr. oMr lOS. ntn.
. ' ''J'
For inttt , ttt. . Me ti > p t Hixt Mfiiinu nti'/iN ikti/e ,
A t ASSAUK , Minliiin llot/.tcr , OUT ( III ) * J. lltlT
\IltS. NANN1H V. VAHKKN , olalrvoynnt
i' trnni'i' , siii" UliiK. wrltlitfj niul rolliMo
business iiiucliini. ( < jcit : > In UniulKi. ll' > : s. Ilittt ,
MUSIC AUT AM ) liAM5UA.i ; .
t'or tattf , ttc * ' < < " ! ' 'A111' ' ' f"111 mil'if ' * VB' .
L > lllllCluix I'otersi-n. II'MIIO. iirRitn. vlnlln ,
/ .ItliorOLMl inslriKllotu bO'iMirrly lilk.
' ' '
_ _ _ _ IM-ii''li'
H iijlnu- iihiiin o11111110 thcmnv
sialo Ivlinliill [ ilsttio , A.llosuo , 1511 Dnii liia
IX ) . V tir.U.KNUKCK tc.u > licruf the Imjo
with UtHpo.iai3l > tuiRlus. ' 'I'J '
> tL > , .1 II. t llO > .
A Joint n' ol ill Ion wni uiloptod
tinleptslHtii roof tlii-stulc ot Ncnrutkti.ut
.ho twunly-lliHt HUSU.II tlioHMif , uiul aiiprovt-il
Miiri'liJWlli. A. n. l" > sa. imipoHlnt nn unuMUl-
iniMit to M-i'tlou tvru lUfoiirH | ] and flvo n ] of
Artlrloklx llnf ( ) I'oiistltiitlon of milil stutn
, ui 1 1 tlmtSiiulioi.'tlijti IU amended ihull rend
us follows , to-wlt :
Soctlonl 'Unit ootliin two(3iof nit tele Mt
< ft ) nf thoron lltutli > n ( if thostulo of Ntibr.iikn
uo ninunili'd en im to rent tn follous'
"Soi'tloirJ : Tliotupruinii iiourt shall onn-
< lstof llMMJiJiHlffuniiilnrUyof \\ioiii ] liiill
bo necessary to form iiqiioiiini orto iironounoo
a ( U'L'NIon. lt lmll lia\o origin tl jurisdiction
in Cft .o < i rolntlnil to ruM'iiitc ' , civil CIISPH In
which tlio state sli.ill lie . purty , iiinii < liiiiiii ,
iliiowurrtntd , haboiis ci > rpn < t , and ruii'U iipii'l- |
liitoJurUillotloii IIH ii-ny bopru\ldrlbv law.
tioi'tlonS : 'Unit lueiuni four (4)of ( ) arllcinsli
lO.of t lii'constl ' tu llci n of the state of N'ob risk. i ,
bo nnipiiilpct nn IIH to in follows :
H 'cUon4 : The JuilKci of the ouprimn Onurt
ihull boolootrd by th olootor- iltestnto nt
lirci' : , nnd Iliolr tormn o [ olllco , o\oi < ptt\9
h rclnnfl r provided , shn.ll bo for n period of
llvt > (5) ( ) years. " Thnt nrctlon five ( Sof ) nrtlclnslj
18) ) of tliooomtltittloiiof tliDHtntn of NoUrns-
kn. lie ninondod nous to ruail us follows :
Scot Ion 5 ; "At tlio that giMieml olix-tloii to
bo liold In theyt'nr 1601 , and nftor llio uilop-
tlnnof this miuMnlmunt to the uonilltiillnr.
there Hli'tll bi'dloctod ' throe ( . ! ) judvus of tlid
siipri'ineoomt. one of whom sliull tu olocttvl
for the term of otio ( li yi-nr , one for tholot in
of thtcoiatycars nnd ono for the tnnuof live
( " > venrs , nndat caeli KPiioial flection tlu'ro-
after theroslnll bn olocttvl one vhnlx'o of the
Rtiprcino court , for the term of live 0) yeurs
I'rovldoil , tint , the tuilKoj of the Bitproine
court whoi.o torini h.ivo nut expired nt tlio
time of holding tlio teiii'ril : elot'tlnn of I bill ,
shall oontltino to hold their oDIco for tliu re-
mnhulnrnf th ( term for which they were ro-
peed vuly elected uiulcr llio present consti
tution. "
Scotlon4 : Thntoachpcrvm votlnit In fixvor
of tlili nmcniliitcnt hliull liun : vrlttcii or
printed upon his Imllo ! tlirfcillowlnc :
" 1'or the propontd : inioiiluii < nt tu lliocnnstl-
tutlon rolatlnf ; to tliu number of stiiiruinu
Therofnro. I , .Tolm SI Thnyer , Governor o (
thnittitnof > elriiikn , do hereby glvo notice
In accordiinco with section ono ( li nttlclo flf-
teen MM of tlie const Itut Ion , the prorlstons of
the oot entitled : "An art to provldothomnii-
norof iiriiposlng nil amendments tothocoii-
stltutlnn nnd sit bm 11 tlnK tliu sumo to tliouloo-
tom of the state. " Aiiptoved Icbrimrv Illth
A 1) ) . 1ST" , that said pioposed amendment will
Ue presented to the iiiillfle | < l voters of the
state for approval or lujocllon at the ironoral
; Jootlon tube held ou tlio lib d y of Notuiu-
* * * iiorpunto iflt my
in wltncHs wliofPt/-
hand and caused lo bo i4iVuGSji" ° ! ; ? ' ! *
uf thn state of Kobrmka , Done til BiHC-01"
tlilsViilhdayof July , A. l > . 1800 , and the twen
ty-fourth year of IhnitHte , and of the hide *
pendoncii of tin. United States tbo onMhun
dred fifteenth.
By th Qmi'rnor , _ JOHN M. TIIA.YKS.
Secretary of State ,
WHKJIEAB. A Joint resolution wai adopted
by tbo leglslnturenf tlio wtato of Nebraska , at
the twenty-first Heislon thereof , and approved
Kobruary llllli , A. I ) . lIMt , proposing im amend-
inont to the constitution of mid tatc , and
that said amendment shall read as follows ,
to-Ttlt :
Section It That at the Konoral election to
ho held on the Tuosdiy suoooi'itin , ) the first
Monday of November , A. llSKthore ) { ) nlnll by
suinllted to tlm electors of this at ate for ap
proval or rojeotlon aii'irncndnient to thn con
stitution of thli state In word n in follows !
"Tho mnnuf ncture. Biilo and keeping for sale
of Intoxlea ting liquors IIH a boieiapo nro forever -
over prohibited tu this stnlc. and tlio legisla
ture shall provide by law for the unforcenient
nf tbl-i provision" And thorn Minll also nt
ealdeleetlonhn siparntelv submitted to the
electors of till * Htnto fur their apprnval or re
jection an amendment to the eoiistltutlon of
tbo state In voids ns follows"Tho manufac
ture , snio and keeplngfor silo of IntDxlcntlnc
Iliiuurs as a hoverago shall be Hocused and
regulated bylaw. "
bee. U : At ititili election , on the ballot of
each elector lOtlni for tlix proposed amend'
incuts tolhoinnolltutlon ( hall bourlttenor
printed the woidi ! "Por proposed amendment -
ment to tbo constitution , prohibiting the
manufacture , xil ; < > and koenbiR for sale
of IntoilcatbiK liquors ns a beverage , " or
'Against tlio proposed iinienilmoiiL to tin
constitution prohibiting the manufacture ,
sale aud keeping for ualo of lnto > Ic.itlng .
liquors as a lieverngo. "
There shall ulsobe written nrprtnted on the
ballot otuacholeotor vottiiit foi tbopioposed
amendniont to tlm constitution , the words :
'For proposed amendment to tbo ooast llutlon
that the manufacture. Halo and keopinn foi
alu of Intoxicating liquors ns a lievornKO In
his htite shall ho licensed and roiiilutoil
bylaw , " or "Agnlnst auld proposed amend
ment tn the constitution that thomannfao-
tnrc , sale and keeping for silo ot Intoxicating
HqunrH as a huver.iKa shall bo llcouaud and
regulating by luw , "
Sec. a : If olt'ncr of the nld proposed
aniendinentsshall b appiovodhy amajorlty
of thu el eel old Mil Inn at the said election !
then It shall consltuto section tWDnty-suven
I'.TJof article one llof ] the const ! tutlon of thi )
stat .
Therefore , I , John JI. Tlriyor , Govnraor ol
thOHtatoof olirabkndo , hereby giro notice
In accordance with seellonono [ ll article L'5 ' ]
of the constitution and the provisions of tlm
uotontltled 'an act to provide the manner ol
prounBlngallaiiiiindiiicntsto tlie constitution
anil submitting thy MIIUO tn the doctors of t h <
Btuto. " Approved February 11th , A. I ) . 1877 ,
Dial said proposed amendment will bo suli-
milled tollioiiiialtllcd votois of thli Mate foi
approval or rejection at the Kcnorul elcutlot
to liu held on tliu lib day of November , A. I )
IblHl ,
III witness whereof I hereunto set my hand
andcniiin to bo nlllvril dm great seal of tin
btatoofNobribka , Done at J.lueoln thi 2Utl
any of July , A. D. Ib'W.anU the Jlth voarof tin
Btato , and of the Indcpeiidnnooof the United
Btates thu one hundred flfli'entn ' ,
liy tboiournor. ( JOHN M. TIIA.YEO.
. .
IBKAL , ) l-ccretaryof Htuto ,
Aueust 1(13m
, A Joint res'lutlnii wa ? adoptet
by the leKlslnturoof HID Btato nf Nebraska , u
the twenty-first session thucof , nnUapprovei
Mnrchinilii , A. I ) . IbK'J , proposliiK an nnmml
inont tot-oetlon Tlilrleini ( U ) of Artlolo Hx (
of the constitution < it said HIUU : thai suli
section us ainuiulcd Hhall road as follows , to
wit :
Hiotlon I : Thatsootlon thlrtcon (11 ( * of art I
cloKlx ( II ) of tlio conitllii tlnnof Iliestiitoof N
branka bo iiinonilcil so ns to road ns follovrs :
Siettim Kl : Thojudiios of tbesnpri'iniicuiir
nhnlleaeh rrrulvou Hilary of thlrtj-llvo hrn
drril dollarsiW. ? CO > perniinuru nnil the JudRC
of the dlitrlct oourt shall reeeU'o a saury u
three tliiiusnnd dollars.1,000) ( ) fir nnnum , am
theaiilary oloach Bluill bupayabltiiiuarlerly
Section. : Kiioli porionotliiK In fa\nr v
this aiiH'mlinoiit kliallh'i-.o wiluenur prlntei
upon hh Ij'tlldt tlm riilowiiK ] :
" 1'or llin propose' ! amendment to thocnnstl
tutlon , rehillnu tj the salary o ; jndn'Crf of tin
biiiiremo andulslrlet com I. "
Tlioreforo , I , John M. 'lhaycr , povornorn
t ho state of .SebrmkiMh. hereby glvo nollei' '
In aceorrtflncB with sictlon one [ 1 ] trtlcle 111
torn I IS ] of thn eon&tltiitloii , ind the pro'I
hlonsof an act onlliled : "An nut to pmvld
the manner of | ) ripoilnp all lunoniliiiiiitH ti
thncons'i'itllon and ftiilnntulnu tlio niinio t
thiieloeV of thostato. " Approvoil Kobruar1
Mill. A. I ) . HIT , that mild proposed amend
inent will bosubinltteil to the qualified uitor
of thin statH for upprdral nr rejootlon. lit thi
Boiivral election V < ) ba held on tbo Uh day o
Nnvoinbcr. A , U. IS90.
In wltiKnb wherfof I have ) hereunto net in
hant mirl caused to bo afllxed the ( jrcmt son
of tlm Mute of Nnbratka. Done nt I.lncoli
this tf.fh day of July , A. U1SDO , und the twon
ty-foi.rlh yir of thn statu , uoilol thnlndo
penilonceof tly > Unlleit btatoi tbo onohun
tired flflecntli.
Hy thuGovernnr. JOHN M. TIIAYKIt.
IlKVIAlllN Ht'O lKlir.
[ HK < ul Eucretary of State.
Aiieiut Id.lni
Tlokots nt lowest rules and mi jiorlo
nccomniodatlonH via the grfitt Hoi'l
iHltuid roulo. Ticket oHIiM , 1002-Si.x
toonth utid t'urnum utrcuts , Oiiiabu ,
t-illl-.Mlll , MI'IU.INU ION Ay. i ArrlrcT
IVpol IOIII stlil MMOII ilrueU. I Oman v
rhlcniro . . . HID A ra
' nun p m
. VlilcMO . . . . . . . . . . P.VJ m
U > c l 80S m.
ihl'ltUYUMW ' A MO UIVKIU ArrUnf
_ Ouii ' h . _ [ _ _ P i > otlUth iril .Mnon MrecH. " Umnliik
ib'nTu m . . . .DtiiTpr likj Kfn * I0.\im |
1015 n ni . . .Denrrr F. i > r ' i . Ma p m .
.W | im { . -
81 % a m ! Yin. ) \ > ui
X P. . r .1 A * MI. Arrln <
mul _ .Mn'oiintroiMi UlllilllA.
( I vl n in KniiRM Oty Ihr iftprfM * llin p 11 %
Sli ti m K C XUIU Kill Tli U I' Ttan * n.l. % t l *
len.T i I I'MOS'IMl-U-'K' . , Arrlu't
Uninhn JNjpol tuth mul Miury itri ( il < _ Omnliit-
" ' "
"iMpni.'T . . . . . Ovwlmul KFyer * . . . . . Jtli p m
7.80pm1 1'nolli * KiprtMi IJ IS p m
IDA ) nnii . . . .Di'incr Ktnrou. . . . V > p m
UK ) n ni . . . .Knn'niCltjrKtpre" . ISM in
101. ' ' n nr . tnlrtli'M Kin. ( m-oil Sun > I 'Ji p ill
U-nvui i miCAliO.ll I l. IMCIh'll' Vr.rlio
Umnha IT p. ilopot. Will mul JlnrcjfSU Oiimltn. _
IO pm . . . . . Nliilit Kipreii . . . . Ill US ni
' .MC , n m . . Atlnnllo iipn : < . . IKO p m
I U ) p m . . .Vp UI < lil < J l.linlleil II ) l.'i n n\
l < -n i i MolU OlI'V * * I'.M'tl-li . \rrlv n"
Oiniln t * P if | > t. Ulli iirt Slirej its onnlit
llSnm . sMmx City rnsivnitor .
I ) p in . . > > t r al Mire | . . tl ) 10 in
leivii | slIOliX it'll ' A I'A(1H ( Arrlnu"
llinntn I Di'pol I.MIimillVclnlorSli \ ( ) innlir\ . _
tiUU p tn . . . HI 1'itiii llnilli" ) . . . . i P.7N ma
Irnvii Cllil. AUH A N'l'Hl ll\\i.s t'KU.S i Arrirot
Uinnlin 'f ' I1 dci'ot. lOlli miI Mnrcf Sis Onnli
Clilemtn KipruH . . . . OVUp m
K ) p III Vixtltiulo lilmllKit . . I'M i m
615 pni.t in AcniminiHlnlliiii ( Kte - < iin' Ttti p m
DID p m . . . .Ku'lorii I'lrer . . . . J Ji p m
115 tint , .1'ii't ii toni i\ir : | s H.u : > i > ni
Iwnvm l IlK-Allli , Jllu , V Ml1. I'M l Arnti'j"
( ii.mln f I' depot. 10th niul JUror St < Oninlin.
[ fin pm . . . . I'lilriKO I ipr > < . . . U J % lu
I74i p III . . . riilcnco Ktmr . . r , f , p in
II"U " "
"OMAHA , \ Si IjOl l Arrivoi"
Uninln. II" I * . < lfi > ot. lOlli mil Murcv sit Onifllia.
I 41 11 m hi 1 * 1114nnnon Hull 12"l p m
T , R f\Jl fAl'.T.BV. Arrlnu"
I'lnnlM ' I | )0p < lt I.'tt * ! flllll'el \ \ ) llT * < l (
tilt ) n m . . .Illnek imti Kxiirttit. i.'JU 111
IUU n in llnstliiiss i : l > . iHt. Sir ' 5 M | i in
fill ) pmnlioo.U.lnMln I'n ( l' < Sumt v IJ * > A in
MO pm I'ork.V NorfolKIKi IU 'AI K .u
If uvei I I , , s-l1 I' . M , VU Arrltm"
Omnhn I poprt I.Hh nnit K'titMtnr SH Dm I'll.
TIU 11 in HIIIIII Clly Aciiiiiimiiiliitlon 0 U > p m
I UU p m Sliiiurity | ] * ; iiri' ( Ki Sun ' I. p m
1l l p m . . "I I'liiil l.lmltol . . 'J .s a m
6 l.'i n in Ilinciilt rn nnm > r l lit Sun' S.T. a m
. . . . Arriroi"
IrnTt'l I .iur > i.vii * i jir.v.
( ininlm I DoiiiitlMlinuit \ > lnl r St (
10.1) ) n in M l/'iili ' , V K C. Kiprusl. 1 .Vj p in
VIS pun HI UmH .V K C. l.ipruai ll , HJ in
li'iirea ' IIIHMIIO. ll. I A I'AtltiU
Tinnsft'r I nUin Doimt. Oniii-ii llluH Trnmfttr
" 6HI pin NlKbt Kiprn-1 . . . I 9. * ui
9,10 nm' ' Atlnnll3 Kiprri fi V , p na
COOpml . . . .VrMIMiln l.lmllcit . IU no a m
'lriin- > r t nlon l > i ituiiicll lllulTt. Trnniter
( MU HIII . . . . riilenico Ftprti , . .
MU pm' ' VoMllmlo l.linllBil
10KI | l ,11 Kmliirnl'ljror Z 00 p in
1'U p 111 , . . . .AtlantlcMnll 7 , W in
i ; io p m I I , 40 p III
- " Milit nl' . I'Al'i Arrh"i"
l -\Vf ! I M-AliO. - it
* Jrnn f'r nlon DeiRit. ( 'diuirll IIUIU Trniiifiir p m . . . CliHiik'o ttpron. . . < i IS a m
1M p m , . . ChlrnKO > i | > r ' . i ! ID p ui
K I' , ST. JOB X ( ' II. I Arrive
'rrMiHfer ! Union Ho put , Council llluiTt 'Trnmfor '
M01 nml .KIIIKIM lit } Hay r.jproii 511 p m
Kniinn * Clly NUIil ICvpriMi , li : W a m
OMAIIA.V Si' . 1.01 I" . Arrtroi"
Union Depot , Ci > unrll llluTi Trninfor
H l p in . 1 l otil ( niioti Itnll IJ I.S | i m
laavn 'C ' IIH'AliO , IllJItl.S A Qt'lVCY Arrlnu"
Irtin-ttor 1'nlon Ilopot , < nincll lllulTTnir'Tor
8411 mil , ( 'lil < nuo Kxpri'U ti M p m
10 Wp ni ClilniBO KipreM. ' . < 4 < ) l m
7JO | im' ' . . . . t'n tonUicnl II JO 11 ui
JoiiTii * 1 SIOUX fll'V I I'Atll-lli ArrUoi"
Tmnni'ril ( _ nlon Depet , Council Illiili. ri n r r
7i5 B m ISlour Cltr Aooniiiiuoitntlon ' 1 ID in
p in . 1'unl ID 00 | i m
jtnttorm I'At-iKic t- N THAINS
'Tipj ; i 'i'n S'f c
I n in I n in i ti in p m p m n m i > in.
UobsterRt . . .Is. io , ' ! I'llH ) . . \ Oil J 4.- . It ,0 li 4-1
( liik Chiillnmi. . .1.1 W ll K 8 IK11 0,1 S ( IT H ti I ! .17
lirulil Illll . ft "A. 7.111 H ( U 4.O.I H UO H 41 I 0)
l.iko 9lr et . . 5.W1 T.III'H ' I.IWli.K ! ! f 4H 1 0,1
ttnlniit Illll . . T ll.'iR.iri | I.Ill 0 ( W 8..V ) I II" '
liiiiiiU'n I'luco. ! uJo.i ( T ( M B.I I 4.1'in.lH. H.M 1 0-1
\ \ it tllile . imti i 15 H IK I lAH IU i & 5 1 II )
l.nwn H 18 l.lBi . 8 Ml I 1 *
ilHRCUt , . ,8.- , J l.'JOl . 'J.OJ '
toK2.n"r l'lrk- 214..ill . a.on 111 1
rorinr.- . 8 SO 4 l . I 1) ) 15 I U )
. . > v ; ;
nip | tnp.iuia | til. ( p m.
hiifmour I'ark
illlHCut .
, '
Ijiwn , 'B 4J4.f . 'Ill AH
Weit Hlilo li i > > n H.M .i.ui a K > u 4u i : > . "
IniiKleu I'lncn. . ( J.I7 7 1SI8 AiiA.n7lil.l7 4i | 1.57
\Vnlnut Illll . ll',2l ) 7.21 0 ( ! ! > .101 , M ' .I I' . \ ! W
lAkn Stri-nt. . . 'I'-'fi ' 1fi ll.OI A. 1.1 li 2'l D.H i DI
Druid 1(111 ( . . ( ISI'T.SH ' tl.OIA 1AH ' 'A . . " t 0 >
ll.ik Clmthiini . . W 7..11 > .I.USA.18lt | W ! ) At t M
Uchslurhlrool. | ( ! .IU 7.lill.V.-)5.WG , | ) : ID 110.0. , 2 21)
U. S. hull in { ervke , Itosebnd Ageiny.
Nintli Uikoti , Oetolior Kl , IH'M , > eiled
liropos.iln Indmsed ' I'niiiusah for Oats
: nul Corn" , and add IIHSCII to thti iinilei.
signed at Kosfhud Aginej , South Daliiit.i
nil ) lie rci-elved nt Ilils ollhn until ono
o'eloeU p. in. of No\pinlier Illth , HM. for fur
nishing anil delivering at this Agency. 7U.ODi )
lionndsof u.tts , nnd 1'fl.ilOU pounds of cum
Oils mii-,1 be bright und rlenn , nnd n < > | |
s.iekid , nnd weigh nut less than .Li pounds to
the biiiliel , Coin must lie sounil ami eleaii , lo
ut igh not lossthaiiMi pininiN to tlie bushel ,
niul to bo ilcllM'ieil In s icknf iihoif lui > , ini |
a-lialf hiiMielsciip.ii'lty , made of 8 o nice hnr-
1 ip , \\ell \ Mm oil lllilili'H will bo i 'qiilrml In
sliituspcrlllt'iilly In thilr lilds llio propiKiMl
pileeot ( > .ieh aitli-le to he oflViodf'ir delUery
iindoi a i-ont r-icl. The tight Is i Mori'd tn re
ject iinv or all bids or nny part of any bid if
ih'onied for the lie < t Inlen-sl of llio MM-\ii-i %
Cert Died ( hocks , r.icli bill m nit lioaeioin-
liinled l\ ) a eeilllied check or dr.ift uinii |
.vimo I'nlk'd Matis Depository , mnile pny-
nlile In tlie otilrr of thi' tinilerslviioil , for , it-
least lit i < | icr cent of the a in mint of tliu propn-
Mil , MlilchcheiU oidinft will be forfolled to
the I'nlleil Mules la ease any lilildei or hld-
Jri.s ii'ri' . n aid shall fa II to | irninpllv
evecnlo aeontiaet with good und Millldent
MU lilt's , othiTVlsc lo beietiirned to tin ) lilil-
di-r. i : . II. KF.YNOljD.x.fprelal U. S. Indian
Agent , in chaiKo. o-'Jl-d-UI-t-m
Chaplain N.ivc , fofinoi'ly of Tort Omiha ,
now stationed at L-'ort 'lobrura , has started a
four-page newspaper c.illod the Heliograph.
The Sword and bhlchl , pulillshed by tlh up-
lain N'livo in this city , tlid not pay ami was
subDOiulodsonio time bufoio Chnpl.iln liiivu
clmnifcil stnllons.
IJoimiti .lohn Cobtirn , Willlim Howanl.
Charles Jlorris uiul .lohn ScliiUeriiiiin will
Icano DaUil'ti Island , Jtovv York , tills \\fli-le
for tlio Slvlccnlh Infantry , htatloncil at 1'oft
I'nvato Pcnnersy , Coitipany II , Keren-
teentli infinti'stationed , \ nt Foil 13 A Itus-
sell , hits been ( j'1ntcu u furlough for tlireo
months vith a vlow to his dibi'lini'Kti from the
annyoit robnitu-y' . ' , 1M1.
Asa family modlolno Aver's pills excel all
others. Tlioy are suited to ( j\ir > ugu 'ind ,
being HUKiir-coated , urocasj to tnk . Though
sen rr liln K"I ' UionniBli In oflect , thej nni
mild and In ai-tlon , mul IliohUSD H
altcnitcdvithno \ In ] u nous results.
( i. A. K.
U. S. ( ir.uitpostls'o. llOiunakuiniffiiii o-
mcnts to wove its licaJnuurton into ona of
the lluust lodijo lonim in this city 'I'ho
chuniro vlll ) io doubt Uiko plaoo ubotitDu-
u-mlior 1.
( Jtistcr post Ko. 7 vliltcd Grant post In , i
body lust evening and was rwoivcil in tliii
usiiul old soldiers' ' stjlu. Castor post will
hold Its annual bull on November 11.
"Onoe Jlorc Into the
ICvcn coed hi Mils world cannot be done
without n htruKKlo , for \vc urge ouisrlvus
often into doing ulmt Is best for health nnil
comfort , whi'iivn could ila tlio bwt even
without effort. To convince other * uiul to
Dersimdo thorn , wotdiould use. tlio arguments
which Influence our own luilffincilt. Kor ut-
uinplu : The Ills ofsiifTerfnKhuin.iiiitv should
lie iclioicd promptly nnil permanently.
There Is but one wiy of lining HO , and 1-1
by piocuilttK llio Hiiri'sl remedy , Some rein.
eilles are ( food , otlivrs are Iwltci1 , but IOIIKCX
[ ic'riciico und tindoiibled proof point to only
one an the best. 'Jliorols no qinHtioiiin Uiii
fuel In the treatment of puliiu und uihes , and
when thoadvurtisniDiits oKt. ( .Itu-gb's Oil ,
wlilfli liuvo coinincnccd lor thu Boason their
uppe.iratitt ) in the L-oluniiH of thU II.HIT ,
catoh thu eye , the best coitalnly Hlaml * ru-
vculol. The ( treut ti-uiedy for jialu bolds tl.n
conllilcnri ; of the public , aiulhusdoiniso thiwn
many , many juars.unUlt . h truly \vartli > of
Mrs. O O. Stlnda or8t. [ , ouli nml Mls % 13.
A. liettyof Cincinnati arc In tlm city , vi > > tt >
inu ; Mr K.I'Voodvvoithot \ l.'HJNoitli
Twenty-hlxth street.
Thi'otijfh coai'lii's I'lillinan ittlun )
tluopor.s , dining cars , froorocllning olutlt
tui'Htu Chicago mid liiturvcnlntf polnti
vlu the ( , 'roiit Rnuk Islaml i-otitn , 'I
olllco 10W , Slxtccnlhunu L'nautiu.