0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , OCTOBER , 30 , 1800. THE OjUAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS. OPFtCK , NO. 12 I'KAKI , ST. rdtvMrd by t'nrrnr Iu uny part i < f tlie Cltr- u. w. TH.TO.N. - - - MANAOIH ; Riiknr ! Offlop. No. IJ. ' Nlplit Kdltor. No. 31 Misnit M I\TIOX. : N. Y. P. f'.o. Council Muffs Lumber Co. . roal. Dr. SoybPi-t. HIM. Ogilun liouso. Tol. 110. Contractor Hnborhni a largo foroo of iron it work on tlio Indian crook extension yostcr- Jay. Permits to wed M-US ynslnr.lny given to Charles Khlers nnd Ucrtlm Meyer , lioth of Missouri Valley. A rase of diphtheria was roiortoil | yeslcr- flav. 'I'lnutli'iit ' | Is.lohn Ostrain , living at IWu Si-vi'iilli avenue. Anyonr-wanting t" buy cheap a line team sf lai-K'e mules , togi'thi-r with harness iimi wagon. sboiii | call ut Fred Davli1 stables on Fourth stiTef. Thoglnsf for tlioiinw hotel wns received yesterday. It Illl'-d tluvo ears , niTd when tlio \vorlc of I'li'tivcrlng tlio phtto was In progivss yesti-rday afternoon it temporarily blockaded tlio street Thi1 Hints was furnished hy tlio Council Hlulfs paint antloll rompany. Nearly one-hid f i tlie plate was Imported. ThPneljriilior * of n fellow liy the name of O'll-ii'ii , wno lives with bin family on Kighth nvenuo. ii.-o waiting for his ivliirn to Itio cltv tn llluaii liifurination charging him with nssuult upon his \vlfi ; and assault with Intent to kill hh i-iiilil , a lll'lo ' girl baby. i'or Rcverid wwks p.ist lie bus been in tlio bablt of whipping his wife , and has committed tlio offense tivli-e this week. 'J'ho last tinin was last nit-'ht , anil nfler ho Inul satislled his anger by bi-ating Ills wife bo picked up Ibo baby mid threw il out , of dooiN. It struck u fence , ami when iilckcil tip was Insensible. The W'linun's screams brought tlio neighbor * to tlio rescue , oliut when they > ri > t there O'Hrii'ii hail Ili'd , and It was afterwards learned bail k-fl tlio city. It is said tinvifo It afraid to proicrnlo him but thu neighbors v.-ll ! ilo so. tienrgiuKusspll and Helen Ferguson , two fallen women of Oniaba , came over to tin JIlufTs 'i'uosday night in an Intoxicated con dition. About mi hour after tlioy got uft the motor the city jailor was cndeivoi-ln-.j to lind quarters for llioin in tliu city Jail. They got into n llaht between thom- M'l\i'9 in front uf the I'aHtichou'c , and tlio Ferguson woman pir.ln.'il the Itussoll woman throii'h ( tinu of tliii windows. Tlio broken ( 'lass Indicted Homo pretty severe cuts , and while the girl was wiping tlie blood from her lands anil face Onicor Mi-Donald came along and took tbrm both' to llio station. Tlio women's mini tor of the jail was already full , and the best accommodations that rmild bo given them was to lock thorn up In ono of the cells In the lower part of the jail where tlm men nro kept. Yesterday they were tlneil $10.10 each and the Kussell woman was taxed with $3 extra to pay for tlio broken glass. _ The grand full opening dlsplav at the Itos- ton More , Council HlulT.i , take ) plaeo tonight. Doors open at 7 ji. in. No goods sold tills evening. Young men's suits , nobby , stylish and latest deftlgns at tlio Model Clothing Co. China dinner and tea sets at Lund Bros. Buy ono of those tea not1 ; bafnro tney are all gone. Lund Hrothcrs , - . ! , ( Main street. l'KltN1l\ / / I'.i K.I < 1 It.I'IIS. . Paul O. Schneider , clei-K in Foster's re- reived a telegram announcing tlie death of Ids father Iu Juhiibun , Neb. , and left for there last evening. I lurry Curtis , formerly secretary of the Young Mi-ns Christ inn Association In Council lilulTs nnd no\v occupying a similar position In St. , ln i'uUjv.\iiive//i ; a few days , assisting money for the local "i-j11'J""r""jii " "CutTf _ i gjr3u | niiiio of Ids energy or liuitTntWTiIo Is warmly Krcoted by all , nnd friends nro especially hearty in con- pratulating lilm on belngthe father of u llttli' boy who arrived six weeks ago. The llnest dlj.iy : of fall und winter goods will bo unveil1 ! ! to tlio public ton light nt the lloston store , ( , 'ouir'H HlulTs. DOOM open at TIL m. It .onsists o" tlio llnest display of dry ( 'oodsever witnessed In the west. Monnvnt lolmwl iMto loinilon chitto and real estate sec irity by B. I f. SUe if o ft Co J. ( ' . Hlxiiy , steam lioatlni ; , sanitary en- plneer , Ulll Mfo bill'liii'- ' , O.niluj 'JJJ Mor riaiu block , Couneil Illufli. Oreat li.irij.iliis this week at the Model Clothing Co. Faintly Crimlii'il l > y tlie Car < . When freight tr.iln Xo. I ! ) on the ICansa ? City , St. .loo & Couneil Bluffs railroad rcaihrd the local depot at 8 o'clock last night tlio police patrol wagon was hnrridly Mininiimcd by a telephone from Major M. M. Marshall to convey u badly womnlcd man from tlio depot to the hospital. Tlio wagon with the stretcher appliance responded promptly and a few minutes later had taken u br.ikoinan lutncd William Painter from tlio waycar to the Wonians Christian Association hospital. Painter w.is fo.irfully injured. His right leg win crushed above the knee and his left foot and naklo were also broken and mangled , From bis fellow tr.ilnmoii tlio particulars of his accident were loai-ned. Ho was engaged in switching some cars after the train arrived In Dartlett , a small station tblrty-llvo miles south of this city , atI o'clock yesterday afternoon.Millo running along to make n coupling ho stepped Into a cattle guard , ami bis foot was caught between tlio narrow strips of wood. Iloforo ho could release him- EOlftho train was upon him. Ho made a de. poralo effort to MWO himself bv scl/.hiK tlio slowly approaching ear In the hope that bo could hold to it and bo dragged out , but bis foot bad been caught too ilrinly in the slots and held htm fast , His hands slipped from the car and ho fell beneath the wheels , Ho had pre.icncoof mind enough to throw his body oulMilo tlio rails and thus escape instant death. Tlio trucks passed over his legs , crushing them In the manner described. Ho was talion out anil placed In the way car ami word sent to I'aetllc.I unction to have n physician at tlio station when the train ar rived. Dr. Hunter responded , but when bo saw the wounded man ho decided that ampu tation of at least ono of the llmbi would bo necessary , nail thought best to bring hint to Council Hluffs , where the operation could bo performed to better advantage , ntul wlioro the sufferer could have better rare in ono of the hospitals. Dr. Hunter M- companled him and kept him under thelnllu. rncoof opiates to relieve tils pain until they readied the cltv. When the ambulance reached tlio hospital Dr. Lucv , thocompany's nureeon , bad been summoned , and with the assistance of Dr. Hunter amputated the right leg , but Painter died a short time afterwards , 1'alntor was u man thlrty-llvo years of age , nnd has been iu the employ of the company for some time. He was unmarried , but has n father and other relatives living ia St Joseph. Conductor Kinzel , who had chat-go of the train , accompanied the imfortunaU tmm to the hospital and did everything IK could to make him comfortable. AilinitN HlH r.ulll. J , F. F. Thompson , the colored porter ol the Wnifiier sleeping car company , who \va nrrested on Sunday for robbing u passenger , was arraigned in tlio police court last even ing , Ho admitted his guilt nnd was talccn back to MarstmlHown for trial , near when : the crime was committed. Superintcmlenl Chase of of I'lilcugo , western manager of tin Wagner company , eamo to tlio city for tin purpose of prosecutlint the case , and acconi' jinn ltd the oftlccr and his prisoner last oven IiiK , Ho announces that the company wll prosecute the durkoy and fiend him to tin penitentiary , You ran buy n tea Jiol worth from $1 to $ ; and a iwuiul o ( te.i worth NV , for Just 11 at LiUial mothers , ? 3 Main street. Visit the Model Clothing Co. , 5'i3 Broad , way , Sapp'a now building. J , O. Ttptou , real atato , 527 Uroadvrty. TUP XKWS 1TUP ttlHFFS llllj It I.nlv ) K > 1111 IJhLllJi The L'ast Omaha Lanil Oo.upany Enileavor" ing to Have Out-Off Given to Nebraska , EXTENSIVE LITIGATION PROBABLE. Tlinminnii AitniKs Ills Oiillt An I0n- g'.lsli Imii In 'I'roitblo The Timlkus ( . 'use . \ : iln on Trliil-Ollnoi' MOMtIon. Tlioro Is n probability tliut extensive and Importnnt litigation will grow out of the claim of Council Blurts and I'ottiiwiitUinlo county to jurisdiction over the Ishind , A movement wus btailcil sonic tlnio n.o by the luasl Omalia Land company , : i combination of Omaha capitalists \vlio own several thousand acres of the territory In question , to have it taken from Inw.i and ceiled to Nebraska. This movement has been In contemplation for along time , but tlio plan of proooo.laro waste to have the boundary line between the two states channel ! by a special net of congress so that the state line would In-lived east of the present eastern limits of the disputed lands , but recently tlio company planned n coup d'etat to accomplish tus same tiling by a .shorter ami ri'iiclier method. Attor ney .1. M. Woolwnrth of Otmua was engaged to go to Washington nnd lay tlio matter before the United Htatos supreme roirt. Tills ho did intho.shapo of a bill in equity in the iiiinio of the state of Nebraska , pr.iying the court to llx the boundary lines between the states In sueli a manner as to throw must of the Kast Omaha addition into the state of Nobraski. .Mr. Woolworth ac- C'linp'lshed ' ' tlio llrst part of his mission by Illinu' his liill and lias returned Homo. It b expected I hat a notice of the petition will bo served upon the state ofllcials ia Lies Moincs within a few days. To take tlio initiatory steps in this direc tion It has been decided to bund u committee to DCS Moincs and lay tlio matter before the governor , attorney general and secretary of state , it was expected that the committed would go yesterday , but It was ascertained by telegraphing Unit they would not bo able to meet the people whom they desired to see , and tlio probability is Unit they will not go to Ues Moincs until after the election. Whatever may bo done with tlio boundary line nothing will hn//ard the city's title to tlie portion of the Island comprised in ttio government grunt for park purposes. This was conveyed to llio city by warranty deed from the government , If the line is changed , and it is thrown Into Nebraska , it will probably not bo worth so much as n Council Bluffs park , but the land \\lll bo worth $1,000 an acre , and the park commissioners can sell it and Invest thc lOO.OOi . or J-il.iKK ) it will bring in de veloping the parks that lin nearer the city. City Attorney Stewart was in Qmalm yes terday for tlio purpose of looking into the matter and ascertaining just what had been done. Ho procured copies of all the paper ! ) that had been lili-d in tlio supreme court , and nil the other data at hand bearlnB' upon the case. _ TIIK V.lOIMSMN'G. \ . The lloston Stiiru I'rupnrhij ; n Pleas ant and I'riilldtblo Sni'iu'iso lot * 1'ou- plo ol''cumuli lllutl'-i. Tim llostoa store people have accomplished something that they may well feel proud of , and which will bo of grcatlntcrcH to the people ple of Council Hluffs. With store rooms lilled with people from the opening until tlio close of business each day they have suc ceeded iu very nearly perfecting their ar rangements for a formal autumn opening without Intorruplnij the steady How of trade , Sie | lal and skillful decorators liavo been at worlc during ttici2t } : woe * arranging ttio goods for tlio opening , which wllKftrc. ! ; . > ! ai' ° on Thuvsdny night , October :10. : Tlio decorations - " tions already in plaeo are handsome and elab orate , and when completed the display will be the llnest ever undo in Council Itluffs. The upper portions of the two largo rooms have been completed and tlio decorators are now at work on the lower portions , The de signs are nil new and original an. ! are made of tlio line.st goods , and when tlie veil is drawn aside on Thimday night there will bo some genuine surprises in store. On Thursday evening the store will bo closed from ! i to 7 o'clock , and will be re opened ut the latter hour for the reception of tfio public. The recaption will von tin no until IIKU ) . During the evening no goods will lw hold , but Ibi- army of clerks will act as ushers and show tlie people through the btoro. _ L. II. Mossier Is the manager of the Model Clothing Co. ( Jive him a call. Miss Maud Pierce nnd Mrs. C. P. { { ails- back are prepared to take orders for portrait and ilCcoratlvn art work. Instruction will bo given in all branches nt their studio , room No. 'Mi Merrium block. 1MX ( ) decorated tea pots picked with tea , just iveelvo.l from Yokohoina , Japan , nt Lund Brothers Main street. AVIio Stole Murk's Corn ? Mr. Boultoti , be careful now. I've ' warned you that you must not keep asking ttiat ques tion over nud over again. I've already ruled against it , and there is no use taking up any more time with it. You know bettor than to „ keep trying to aggravate the Jurymen in this way. " It was Squire Scliurz who was doing tlio talking. Attorney Iloulton was the thorn In the llesh. The attempt was being raado to Impanel a Jury for the purpose of trying the case of Tnulkus , charged with stealing corn from Hen Marks. "Jiulgo" Boulton's U'onino locks fluttered for n minute and then ho proceeded to ask the same question for the twentieth timo. "I'm not trying to aggravate the Juryman , but I've n right to know his mind. I am going to try this ease to this jury and I want to get on ttio right side of them. I don't want to nggravato them. "Now " and ho preceded to abk a question which had been answered over and over. "I'll line you , Mr. Boulton.V Tlio 'squire was in earnest. "But 1'vo not fet thefi with me. " "Well , go on with the case. " The case went err , but slowly. Among these called into tlio jury box wus Henry Faul , the ex-coroner. Ho was asked if lib know of any reason why ho could not servo us n juryman ami render a Just verdict in ac cordance with tlio law and tlio evidence. "No , I'm not u lit person to sit on a jury. So lontf as fellows nro turned loose who nro guilty of murder I'm in liivor of letting n fellow go , even if ho. did steal corn or anything else. 1'vo ' been watching this law business , and 1'vo made up my mind that if a man has soum money mid inlluenco ho can got free , no matter how guilty ho is , nnd L'vo made up my mind long ago that if I had to .sit on u Jury the way the law is a going , I'd vote to clear uny man , no matter if the witnesses were all on ono side , until they get through this sort of business. I'm O.own on the law and the lawyers the whole tiling. I think the lawyers ought to bo nuiilo to go into some other bualness , or else hang them. 1 don't - " Tlio further llowof opinion wn * checked by his being excused for cause. A Jury was vi last got , and the old story of tlio cornfield was again entered Into. Tlio only now feature was the introduction of several Omaha gentlemen. Including ono ill- derman , who testified to the goo.l reputation of Taalkm , nnd that ho was the ownerof sev eral houses nud lots In ( hat city , The case will hardly bo ended before this afternoon. At < 1 o'cloi'l ; last ovcnlnir the court adjourned until T)0 ; ! ) and a night session was held. The Boston store , Council Bluffs , have been making an elaborate display of dry and fancy goods tlm pa.st week. Their grand fall Uml winter opening dUpl'.iy Ukes jilaco tonight. Doors open nt T p. m. Don't miss the sight of the season. Unprecedented bargains In boy's and children's clothing at the Model Clothing Co. lit * Stole Sinio : 'louts. K. Cullls is an English lad who Mil away from home In sunny Kiigtand when ho was n very small boy , and has since seen about ai niucb o ( ttio world as uioit uicu of twiic : hli ngc. He lia been around thiMvorld onro nnd crossed the Atlantic two or three times nud IH itlll toist th in clifhtecn yean of age. Dur ing the Hiuniiipr ln > has been working for Stephun Hio\ , plumbers , on Hroadway. For the p.nt two months they have been loilng vnUiablo tools nnd have su.spi.-ctoil young Cullls of hav ing stolen them. New goods , llttiiiRs mid other things , b.id al o been missed from the stock , but there was no nieam of proving the suspicions Unit the young man was responsi ble for their disappearance. Saturday uU'lit tlioy ilisciiaived him , and ho wo ) prep.irlng toleavo the city with tlio Intention of going to Denver. Yesterday morning they discov ered Unit bo had attempted to sell some of the missing tools and by this means secured sulU- cli'iit evidence In warrant bis arrest. Ho was tiiUon Into custody yesterday afternoon nnd locked up In tbo central station. After the niro.stho broke down and confessed toliavlng .stolen the wrench and some other tilings. The.sowerJ recovered and bit employer.s con cluded that In ; hul : uecn punMicd enough nnd withdrew tlio charge against him. Ilo was liberated voitcrduy afternoon and took tlio urcnlti train for l.ijnver. IHtll. Now is the Urn to order your ledgers , journals , jte. , at Morehouso & Co. , Council Dlufl's , Ii. : Tin ; MeKniU'y Hill Has not affected the prices at the Peoples' Installment house. Everything goes at tlio same old figures that hnvo made our patrons irlad all summer , dciled compi'titioa inil made it po slblo to furnish a IMUSO from top to bottom tom at llttlo expense. Our specialties this week will lie the. Pcidnsiil.ir heating sto\os , cheapest , neatest , mo.st economical stove in the world. Mandel & Klein , ilv0 ! llroadway Look nt the line display of overcoats at the Model Clothing ( Jo. Owing to my loss by llro on October 27 , I am compelled to a k all parties Indebted tome mo to pay up at once. J. SUI.MVAK. Tlio Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413 llroadway. _ A fJi-eat > illc Sale. Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 'JO. [ Special Telegram to TIIR ] lii.J : Today tlio largest unction sale of silk dress goods in the history of tlio country wai begun at the auction rooms of field , Chapman & Fennor. The offerings wuro inndu by the Phiunh manufacturing company , for whom Ui'eof & Co. are the agents , nnd consisted of ! lf , > 7ii pieces of dress sllka , the products of the Pluonix , Adelaide and Tilt mills of the Pliumlx company. Kopro- sentatlvo.s of nearly all the largo dry goods concerns of the country wore present. Lot I consisted of u piece of all-silk surah in cardi nal , and the offerings from Unit on , for 5 : ) ' . ) lots were all of tills general class of goods in black nnd colors , plain and plaids. Prices ranged from ! ! : i to ( . " > and fit ) cents tiyiinl , according to the qunllty nnd popularity of the fabrics. After the surahs were disposed of a large line of illuminated brocades , regcncc and satin ground , were sold. Afterward came the rhadamcs in all the well known classes nud regular makes and then a number of lines of blade and col- oied faille francaise. A few black gros grain and satin striped Pckins were nlso included , together with a few figured Indlas hi black and colored. Joint Deb tie at Sutton. St'Trov , Nob. , Oct. 29. [ Sneeial Telegram to Tin : BII : : . | Tlio joint debate between Hon. 1. W. Lansing of Lincoln and Hon. C. J. Smith of Omaha , for the democrats , came off at the opera liouso which wis lilled to its utmost capacity. Tlio weather in the after noon being too unfavorable for a street meeting , it was abandoned and merged Into tlio evening meeting. Hon. Mr. Kllor mid Hon. James Failey spoke for thirty min utes , when the joint debate began , which was opened by Mr. Smith , who isan eloquent and able speaker. Ho was followed by Mr. Lansing , who dealt the opposition some sledge hummer blows and kept the nudienco iittbesaino time i raly/.eiTjvitr ! laTTK'ntGi' by ' his treatment Of tiio'ublu'rulties of the demo- iuc doctrine. The ladies ot tlio Harvard glee club deserve much pruiso for their ex cellent vocal music. llllnolH l-"nrmcrH' .VHinneo. ) , 111. , Oct. 29. At the statj meeting of the farmers' alliance tonight reso lutions were adopted favoring n uniform scries of text-books for public schools , to bo adopted and furnished by tlio btato at coit the Australian ballot system ; election of railroad and warehouse commissioners by a direct vote of the people : charging that tlie board of equalization is Influenced by the .state corporations ; that the legal rate of' interest should bo 4 per coHt and tlio contract ( I ; that no industry should bu taxed to its own detriment , and for the bone- lit of another ; that tlio government assume tlio ownership of railroad and telegraph sys tems and operate them at cost , and favoring tlm 1'addoclc pure food bill and denouncing tlio Conger iard bill. - Si : ven tti Day HaptlstH. Cmr.uio , Oct. 29. The national council of Seventh Day Baptists adjourned tonight. Tlio report of tlio committee on polity , as adopted , makes a cbaugo In tlio method of ordaining now ministers and receiving clergy men from other denominations , whereby In dividual churches us well us associations have a voice in the chosing and installation of ministers. The onleo of deacon was raised to a dlgintv approaching that of elders in tlio Presbyterian church. Hcsolutions were adopted expressing appre ciation of the efforts to secure a weekly rest day , but declaring that the only true way was by a return to tlio Sabbath of tlio bible the seventh , not the first day of the week. Indulges In Iniiondo. Loxiiox , Oct. 29' Iu an interview in the Telegraph Stanley still Indulges in inucndo and evades the charges that ho loft the scum of his men with Uarttelot. Ho declares that tlio bad state of the rear column was duo to occurrences too horrible to describe. Answer ing the charges made by Troups in America , Stnnloy accuses Troupe of Jealousy. Stanley and wife sail for Now York today. In an article in the Contemporary Huviow Dr. Pot res assorts that Stanley morj than once threatened to force Kmin to accompany him to the coast , nnd makes several serious charges against Stanley. > A. Onruless Switchman's Work. PnoviiiKsn : , It , L , Oct. 29. The careless work of n switchman tonight throw two cars loaded with steel bridge Klwlers together witn such force that two of tlio girders swung around sideways just ns a passenger train was coming along on the Now York , Provi dence & Hoston road. Ono struck the side of the smoker , killing Daniel McDcrmott and wounding Fred Dennett seriously. The beam then bounded nnd struck ttio next car , hilling N. O. Peabody. The train was stop ped with ono girder sticking through the car roof and another lying across it. llnliln il a dull-oil. ttM\O. , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hun. 1St. 1 . Joseph's Catholic church at Delphos was broken into about 4 o'clock this morning and tlio altar despoiled. The thieves Bccnrod two gold chalices and the eiborium vesscis made of solid gold , which arc quite valuable. Kcnonimonili tliat it Ito Dismissed. Nuw COIIK , Oct. 29. Kofereo Uaegenor has iiled a report In tlio case of Tnlmao ; ft Mar tin , printers and stationers , ng.ilnst Treas urer Lounsbury of thn National Ibpublienn league , in which ho recommends that the ac tion bo dlsmUscd with costs. Dnolui'i'd tlio Kliiy Unlit. Tnr. H.UIUE , Oct. 29. At today's session of the Dutch parliament by a vote of UK ) to. > It was declared that the king was uii.'it and in capable of governing. Tiio council of state has been temporarily Invested with rega ! power. _ The now ollicos of the CJrent Rocl < Island route , KiOJ .SixteuiHh and \nrnam Htceot.- " , Omaha , are the llnest in the city. Call nnil see them. Tiukots to all points east at lowest ratoj. REGISTER TOMORROW , IIIlOU'INtS ( > iT A I'llKOINUT. A Prohibition Kiilirmo to SKfli M'nt-il Tnvp : A bevy of lAIr prohibitionists have been assigned to "spot" the registrar * In the northern wards nnd , accordingly , scarcely u iliy passes' wliU-n does not witness s'onm of these tyros care fully scanning the ivfflstrutton lists in th > viirds In the section of the i ity mentioned. Tuesday , us usual , the lists in the First irerlnctot the Sixth ward were Inspected , ml , for tlio third tlnio m-opy of the mime * | hereoti was made , The copy was made by a ouplo of women and , while It was In pro cess , one of the fair ones remarked , with ovl- .cut delight ; "Well , they'll never vote these names , hat's ceratln. " "U'liyl" asked another female , who wns being initiated into the trickery of the party of free whisky und alleged purltv at elections. "Don't ' you see.1 exclaimed tlio initiated me , "that ills Illegal to Ivxva n place of rcjfls- ry In a building Iu which liquor has been old within ten days before an election. Icro , don't you see. thnv nro selling liquor le.xt door today und will continue to bell It Vea , but they are sclllnp liquor In a saloon ) Ut tliat isn't where the registration Is huins ; conducted. " "Oli , tliat don't mal < o any difference. You 00 they're scllini. llijnor in a linildlng a part if wliicli is used for registration.V 'll hrow out this precinct , now , you see If wo ion't. ' " Tills was snlrt with an nlr of nutliorlty and silenced the nther fair slstor who .si-eini'd to bo wonderfully Iinpi-essed witlittie profundity of lier coinp.inion's legal knowledge. The facts In the eaio nro these. On the lorthcast corner of Twenty-sixth nnd Lake streets Is a two-story friuno row of Hats nnd stores. In the orncr store-room Is a saloon. Adjoining on ho cast Is another store-room , which is used is tlio headquarters of tup Seventh ward ro- nibllean club. Next door east are the head- sof the Sixth ward democratic club , mil in tlio Init store-room of the flat s Torell's paint shop. Tlio place of renis- ration Is in the headquarters of the Seventh , vard republican club. This room is prnc- ically ns Independent of the store in which ! Jo\vyer\s snloon Is located as Is ths store of llcyninn & Delches from that of Max iMoyer t Uro.'s company. Tin' saloon and registry ire in tlio sanio building , but In different Kirts of it , and each is independent of the other. The registry was located thcro because - cause It is tlio inbit ccntrul part of the llslriet nnd the place which is most visited by members of tlio dominant Kirtles. To nssuuia that the law has CPU violated would bo to admit th.it no ivg- stry could bo loi-.iteil , forox.unple , in Saxo's Imp .store , Hoyd's opera liouse , because Wood's saloon is In the snmo hnilii- ng. This would bo n ridiculous issamption and is so considered > y Ulty Attorney 1'opploton. Votu Kli-Ht , AVnrk Afterward. C. D. Wooilwortli & Co. will close their iieo of business ami personally endeavor to invo their men vote early , C. II. Forby will observe tlio occasion by closing all day. Heard Urothers' employes nro all registered tiul will have the entire day to devote to tlio mils. K. T. Dulro will close during the day. J. A. Fuller will scothat hU employes have tinple opportunity to c ist their ballots. Collins & Morrison willcloso their doora all day.Kverv Kverv employe In the establishment of S. A. Orchard will bo given time to visit the lulls. I'Yeehnd , Loomis & Co. will sea that all their employes have time to vote. llennison Brothers will close all day , if accessary , in order. Unit their men "may voto. voto.Xorris ft Wilcox are In line and will use their efforts to have their omplovo ) vote early with all ttio time they require. Hnywiird IJrothers will oncour.iffu the gca- cr.ll closing rule with their support. A. Hospo's omploye.3 are rejilstercd nnd the JStsl'lkiirm.'fit V(4 ! ! Jjfl. jiose'J ! ] tirin4ho fore- loon. The Omaha carpet company will sco that ts employes vote , if all day is required from justness. N. B. Falconer's employes have boon in structed to vote first and think of work iiftorward. I'Yetwell it Newell will close , If necessary , for their employes to visit the polls. Kvery employe of Browning , King & Co. is instructed to vote before reporting for duty. J. W. Schoelply will close his place of business. Omaha hardware company ( retail depart ment ) will bo closed during the oMy or a part of the timo. William Fleming will close nnd insist on his men voting early. The Nebraska clothing company will not open for business until its employes have had an opportunity to vote. Heard t Otis will suspend all business dur ing the entire day and sco thai tnclr employes voto. voto.Kill1)1 Brothers will keep up with tlio fore most nnd close all day. The Hotel Casey employes are nil regis tered and will have to vota if no meiils are served. The employes of the Two Orphans clothing company will bu given n holiday . U. K. Funning t Co. will Mispond work for tlie day. Their seventy-live inon will have a holiday with pay. The Omahu stove repair works will bo closed at noon. AH the employes uro regis tered. I. Hrown will close his plaeo of business all day nnd lend his presence ut the polls with his employes. Frank Dellono & Co. will close and work ut tlio polls. The Om.ilia Kop'iblban printing company will close if necessary , livery employe is registered. The Millard hotel management will sco that Its sixty odd male employes nro given ample time to vote. Wessol & Wcssel will remain closed during the entire day. Tlio Pacific telegraph company's employes will 1)0 given an opportunity to vote early. ( jlaJstono Ilros. , t Co. , will close and the employes will bo required to voto. A 1'ti- - a fraudulent Notary. Assistant City Attorney Shoamalter has issued the following suit explanatory cir cular : O.M.UH , Oct. 27 , ISOO.-Toall Notaries Pub lic in and for Douglas County , Nebraska : 1 Have been Informed that an attempt will bo made to impose upon some notary public , In this county , for the purpose of obtaining u fraudnlcnt deposition , Notice has boon given Unit n commission will bo issued by the clerk of tlio district court of Harrison county , Iowa , directed to ilny notary pnhlle In and for Douglas county , Nebraska , to take thu depoiltlon of .loronio South , upon the written Interrogatories there to annexed , to bo used on tlio trial of an ac tion pending In said court. It is claimed tliat .leromo South Is a ficti tious person ; and iHs buliovcd tliat some per son will assume to personate- him , In order to have the deposition taken before an Innocent ofllecr. I therefore respectfully request tliat , in case nny pureou shall present himself to you , fur sneii purpose , you notify mo forthwith if necessary , by snCKJnl messenger , at my ex pense , in order that lie mav bo identified while his deposition is boinc taken. - W. S. Snor.MiKr.il , Assistant City Attorney. < > et Tlieiu In Id IIP. City Treasurer Rush says that the 23,000 voters \vhoin ho expects will bo registered will not nil bo a bin to get in their votes on election day. If they do they will have to get them in faster than ono per minute , something which may bo counted upon as next to or quite an utter Impossi bility. By reason of this prospect ahead ho says ho | ire | > osos to do nil In his power to Inlluenca the getting out and keeping full thu lines of voters at tlie polls before ) they op-'n and until they closo. SnlriuiiH Clotio on ICIeulliiii DIXY , "Tlioro will not bo a saloon open In Omjhn on election day , " said ono of the leading dealers ycstt riinv. "Wo have had n caucus on tills subject nnd have agreed to flic Information against nny dealer win will open hU phio of business on that day. Wo liavti decided on tills for n number if reasons , \\o do not want to see n drunken man un election day'u \ do no want to see a liquor man do bus ! ness while every other merchant U cleswl up. Wo want every saloon Ucojier to act like any other merchant go to the iiolls. cast hli vote nud work to knockout prohibition. They can inlluenco hundivds nf votes nnd , Ilko every other per son , they tire expected to Inlluenco them in favor of luw nnd order nnd tlio prosperity of the city unit the state. Wo are still further opposed to the opening of the saloons on election day because- Is In violation of i the Slocutnb law. Wo I'loso up our saloons every election day and the day l.s Just as quiet I M Sunday. Next Tuesday must no llko SunI I iliy , nml the luttlo must be finntht o as to emphasize the fiict that the high license law ij not only in force In this city but Is , ilso re spected as well ns any law on the statutes. " - ! li-c In a ItoimlhiK House. At 2,10 : last night fire was discovered Iu ho rear ot an old frame hoarding house , kept i.v Sylvester lleasley , nt No. 1 10 South Tlilr- renth street , opposite tlio Mlllurd hotel. The oof of llio kitchen wni do- troycd. the llro having originated , vldentlv , In a defc''tlvo ' chimney. 'ho department snou extinguished tlio Humes vlthoiit damaging the furniture to anv treat extent. The damage will not amount o more than $ . ' 00. Trlnl In Clfiiu Out a Saloon. Fr.ink l.nydeu Is a laboring man who got ilmsclf into trouble nnd Jail last night. Ho vent to Schiller's salouii at lO.'l South T'lilr- eenth street and ordeivd some beer. Hero- used to pay for the beer mid began to create idlsturhiinco In the saloon by breaking thu iirnlture. Ho was ejected , but tills only tirrcd up his wrath nil the more nnd his next novo was to hurl u brick bat through tlie sn- 0011 window. Luydeu was arrested and aken to the city Jail. Slahltl tlm About 10 : ! IO last night , as H. F. Drawn of South Omnhn-wiuon his way home , ho was ittnckcd by two men , who evidently meant to ob him. Mr. Brown drew his pocket knife mil defended himself vigorously , stabbing mo of ills assailants four times. 'Both of tlie illains finally gave up the attack and lied nlo the darkness. Mr , Brown was not .seri- nisly injured , and he succeeded In previ'nt- ng the hlghwavmeii from getting his watch and pocket book. NiislivilliHares. . : , Tonn. , Oct. U'J. Summary of oday's races : Two-year-olds , four furlongs Carmen won , Ulunclio's I-.ust second , Sum third. Time 51 , Shree-ycar-olds nnd upward , six nnd a half 'iirlongs ' Downy won , Kugonia second , i'o- eiuus third. Time 1 :2 : 1. Three-year-olds mid upward , live furlongs Longbrook won , Laura lialtou second , larumbouro third. Time 1 : ( ) ! ' ; . Three-year-olds nud upivar , ! , one tnilo - Vrgcnta won , I'cnn I' second , Dolhkens bird. Time -1:11' : ; . Three-year-olds and upward , six furlongs - Nipper won , Sundial sacond , Malacca third. L'imo-1 : IS. licit n in us Haio . WISIIIST.TOX , Oct. --Summary of to day's ' races : Two-year-olds , six furlongs Benjamin von , Hertlm , II ( Illly ) se.-oud , Adair third. rimo-l:17. : Six furlong" T/nvlandei1 won , Alarm TSell iccond , Urudford third. TIme-l : ! ' . Three-year-olds and upivard , one mile Samaritan won , Leontmo second , L.uvhmont .bird. Time -I I45. : . Al.lo and ono-slxtoiMith Dclwoadvo : \ Wattorson second. Uclle d'Or third. Time : "il. Steeiileclnisc , two miles Stonewall won , xillarncy se-ond , ICliihln third. Time -1:1 : : ! . Killoil His Wife's Ptiriiiiiiiur. OT.oiArk. ( . , Oct. 'JO.W. . D.Jones , a ) li.vsli'ian of this plaeo , re'urneil liomo unex- icctcdly at T o'clock Sunday morning from u irofessional call. Upon entering his bed chamber ho dlscovoro.1 another man occupy- ng his placeby ids wife's side. Mndilunc-il it the sicht ho drew n pistol nnd 11 red nt th ; uilty couple. His wife's paramour , Dwig'.it MciCinney , a prosperous planter and near icighbor , was instantly killed. Mrs. Jones was shot thrro times. She is s > till alive , but n n critical condition. Drove Out tin : Iji > l > liylulu. GuTiimi : , O. T. , Oct. lifl.In the house today KeprescntatlvoTerrell c.illed the atten tion of tlio speaker to tlio fact that lobbyists were on the lloor working for the Kingfisher capitol bill. The speaker refused to have .hem ejected , whereupon Terrell , drawing a argo revolver , declared tliat if tlio liouso could not bo protected by its oivn rules ho ivould protect it himself from tlio insults of obuylsts. The sight of the wi-apon caused ; v stampede and the house soon adjourned. ArrfhlfMl for I'Yntiil. BM.TIMOHK , Md. , Oct. 'JO. John B. C ritten- den and William Sto.teu , doing business as individuals and ns u Arm under the name of Urittendcn &Co. , were arrested today. It is alleged that they have been flooliiig agri cultural points in tlio west with circulars offering big prices tor produce , for which , upon being shipped lioro by fanners , it is alleged tlioy failed to pay. The specllln com- plnlnt wus from Charles Kenber , tjerenn , III. 9 Wonian'H HKIII Misiliiniiry SocIiMy. BOSTON" , Muss. , Oct. i0.Tho ! eleventh nn- nual meeting of the Woman's Home Mission ary association was opened today with about two hundred ladies present from all parts of the country. Tlio report , of tlio board of di rectors &poko of the work In South Dakota ns most encouraging. The reports from nuxilli- arics showed them to bo In" a healthy condi tion , OlUcers were then elected. Citizens nf Omaha at home anil alueiul remcmbtr that Ilic rem < tlntna < lny < / icutftntttun are Friday , October 31 , nml Saturday , XUVCM let-1. Kcncbcd n Satisfactory CIIIOAOO , Oct. 'J9. The rominitteo of Hoc ! : Island employes tliat has been In conference with General Manager St. John for soms time today reached a satisfactory agreement. The company defines and restricts tlio power of foiomun and grants an increase in wages. _ \Vrpck In Georgia. ATLANTA , ( in. , Oct. U9. The breaking of the flange of n wheel derailed two cars on the Richmond ft Danville train near Hcnoc.i today. A dozen passenger. ) were injuivd scrlouslv , J. M. Jones of Now York prob ably fatally. Keinulo troubles , Arising from chlorosis or anfrmla nro Prompt ) vcu rod by nsoof the tonic Kxoelslor Springs , ilo. , waters. A Imimtio Hlmt. Sr. .Tmixfi , Quo. , Oct. 4."J. A lunatie who was locked up yesterday , this morning secured - cured an nv , and after fatally wounding Cwo constables ascapod. A posse of cltl/cns was finally compelled to stioot him before liu cuulil bo secured. DoiilitH 'Is Cnr. WASIIIXOTOSOct. . : > ' . ) . Ysslstnnt Secre tary of the Treasury Sn.ildlng said tonight that ho had no information about tlio re ported heavy duty laid hy Mexico on Ameri can cattle and doubts the correctness ( if llio report. _ Damaging FlondN In Mr.\io. CITY OP Mexico , Oct. ! i'J. Hcporta con tinue to come In of serious damngo by Hoods in the state of Jallska. At one village a number of people were drowned. Captured and IturiiRil. LONDON' , Oct. 3D. Liter advieoi from 7\\\- \ \ zibar say that Admiral Fromantlo cupturut "N'itu und burned the town to tlie ground. Strike of Loxnox , Oct. . ' 19. An extensive strike lias been begun by docmnen nt Plymouth against the employment of non-unionists , The Death I tnl I. HOMR , Oct. .i' ' ) . Slgnor Bertl , director gen orul of police , died suddenly today o apoplexy. 100. . Sixteenth anil Puriinm Btroots IP tlio now Hoi'U Island ticket otlluo. Tick- els to all uolntu eust at lmv i a . \VKJI K.TS. . This evening that over wi'lcomo vMtor , "Llttlol'uclt , " will nnkohls iiunua' ' appear ance on the stage of the lloyd. This l < Mr. Prank Daniels , ono of tlio most droll and unc- tloiH come Huns of this generation , and who bin evinced a genius for quaint comedy worlc of a higher order tlmn is permissible Iu the comedies with which ho w.is formerly Identl- ded. This ye.ir "l.itlle Pack" will contain a giv.it many new thing * , nnd the nvislc is on- tlrely new , and the IMS ! noarlvso. l-'our porfonuiiuce. * of "Mtlle 1'uclt'1 will bo given ns follow ; : This uvouiti' ; , and Friday , Sat urday and Siindav evening- ) . 'I'hei'o will bo no Saturday matinee. The J. C. Huff open company , numbering moro than sixty people , npp .us at Hoyd's opcr.i liouso on tin1 IliNt throe evenings of next week In n grand revival of Gilbert A : Sullivan's operas , prusentlng tlie following repcrtnlic : Mondnv ownlmr , I'atieiu-o ; " Tuosdiiv ovcnlng , "Thu I'n'iitoi of Pen- iftinco1' ; ' Wednesday ev.-nlng , "loluntlio. ' ' The uttr.ictloa nt tlio ( Jr.uid this nnd Friday evo.ilngs will b the Uo ' Hill Hngltsli l-'olly roinpiiny In the comlo oiiMMtle linr- Ic.sque , "Parisian HeveN , or Wrec'ied In Mouiiliitid.1 The spi-cinlties , which are new and original , nn > done by some of thu clev erest artists in the variety Low Johnson' ! ) colored minstrels , a tronpo that gives a refined enti-riiiininent and keeps nnnudliMico In cuitinual laughter , wl',1 bu the nttractlon at UicUrand on Saturday and Sun day next. _ Tlio Arnold and ( iiiivlner .Injimoio bur- li\inue specialty company at tli" ! ; len Musee istiie host attructhiii ihat liouso bus pre sontcd this year. The songs , ilunceo , musical skotclu-s , magic pcrtormuncos and comic illu sions are without parallel. The other specially features are good und ran ho iippreeniti'il. The famous painting , "Victorious Love , " Is drawing great crowds , who love to gi/.e on beautiful works of art. Mr. Clmrlc.s Hick Is itiTTlie city making nr- angonieiits for the production of the Clem- 'iireuu ' c.iso at tlio ( ir.uul on next Tuesday , Vcdiiesday and Tlimsday nighta. Are you trou tiled with chronic dlarrlural \ glass of Cook's Kxtra Ui'v ( Ihanipiigno hrec or lour times a diy will euro it. Mrs. Wluslow's ' Soothing Syrup for chll- lien teething snfliMiH tlio gums and allays ail lain. M cents a bottle. A. O. II. Itnll. The members of t tie Fifth division of the \iiclent Order of Hibernians gave their first annual bull at Krfllng's hall , Sherman uvc- ine and N llio street , last night. Notwith- stauiling-.tho wrotclted I'miditUni of the weather the ball was a su cross , both socially mil financially Nearly three hundred tick- its had bpon sold and rw rouplos weiv Ir. at- .cndnnci * . An elegunt supper win served ut midnight. The roiiiinlttoes in charge were is follows : Committee of ArranireniPnts W. II. I'Vanldln. Jolin l.et-hy , .1. .1. Sherlock. .1. H. Ucagun , AVlllbm McKcnna , John Nestle- bush. Master of Ceremonies ICdwnrd J , Bren- nan. nan.Door Committee P. Connors , M. Murphy. Dennis Murphy , T. F. U'Brirn. Floor Committee \V. 11. I riimclin , John ostleliUhli , P. .1. Carrel , ,1. li. Heagan , J. J. Sherlock , John I.erliy. Hocoptjon Conimitli'oMlliam McICennu , lolm Swill , M. I.cehy , Tliomas Urown , James Brady , William Bollfti. A l.l lit in lOvcry Iti-rtli. To thu Chii-ayo , Milwaukee fc.St. Pnul riiilwny IwlcMi s the credit of liL-iiin1 tlio first In the I'Diintry to n-ilucu llio matter of olei'ti'io liyhtitig of trains to M'lentilic perfection. Ono of the novel features introdured in lliu t-lui'iiinj , ' cnrs is u patent olurti-ii ! ruailin liini ] ) in onch soo- tlon. With Ihis luxurious provision , iviullu nL nitfht. before and uftor retir ing becomes as voinfortnblo as by day , nnd when retiring tliu toilet may bo ' niiulo in ootnfort. and seclusion , 'Tho berth reading lain ] ) in the Pullman oiilng nil's run on the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul railway , between Omaha nnd Chicago , is patented and cannot bu used by any other railway company. U id the greatest improve ment of the age. Try il ami bo con vinced. Sleeping curs leave UIP Union Pacific depot , Omaha , ati:10 ( : p. in. daily , arriv ing ut Chicago ut ! ) : . ' ! ( ) a. in. Secure tickets and sloojiing car berths at Union Tickotofllce , loOl Fiii'iium street ( Burlier Work ) , Onmlm. J. K. l'iti' > TO.v , V. A. NASH , l'a > s. Agent. ( Jon'l Ai'rnt Small Comfort for I'r.ilillis. e is not much consolation or food for argument for prohibition agitators in the police court records of Omaha for tlio past few weeks. For the seven days ending last Tuesday morning there were just Hii arrest ) made of every description in the city of Omaha. Only thirty-live of these wcronr- nMeil for drunkenness , ur an average of live drunks a tlay. This is one drunken man per dav for every 'MHM ( in Omaha. Last Sunday there were live arrests , only two of which were for drunkenness , ono of wa > a Council Hind's man , and tlie other got drunk In South Omaha. nmilllil nt liHiiir nml alimiiil x/ioiiM / I ( I/if / rfrtmfiifni/il'iys nf rcuMrtttliin aiv. JVM'tiOt.iitbcr / SI , anil Saturday , Xuttm- lir 1. . _ _ AVnnted in Indiana. Deputy Sheriff C. W. Ltndsoy nf Fort U'ayne , hid. , arrived in Omaha yesterday afternoon to tnUo chare of Henry Ciiirdner and Oliio Smith , who were arrested several days ngo upon a telugiam from tlio chief of police of Fort Wuyno. The men nro sup posed to liavo Inul a part in an assault made upon an old laity who liveit alone and was known to liavo money in lior house. TlnM-0 were four men in th company wlicn the attack upon tlio olu lad.v took phu.-o , and the other two worn captured , but Smith and ( "inrdner got uwny. Siiiith's hat was found in the liouso whori ) tlie old lady lived , Unless moro care is given to tlm hair tlio coming man Is liable to bo a hairless anirnnl ; hence , to ill-event the hair from falling use Hall'- , Hair Kcnowcr. I > niii ] > eni'it Tlii'ir Tim democrats of the Second ward wcro billed for a rally at. Moeis- hall , Sixteenth und Williams streets , la-t night , but tlio rain damp-lied llii'licnihuil.is.ni and the meeting udjouriieil .subject lo tlio i-'ill ' of the president of tlirj Second w.ii'd flub. t'tlltfiit < > f 'iiii'i/M / 'if lininr nml utiriinil x/i'iitl / > ( rnncinlirrtliitt the itin'ilHlinjil'ii/iiif rryM rttll'in nrr rrldiiy , Uitubcr Jiiiui / hiitunl.'i , .Vorc/ii- ber I. DON'T.CHEAT YOURSELF. It. | iiys ; to ssi-uio llio lir-t. nnd tli rlully triii ) when life or lii'iillli l nl stnUi llnw nny man or nniiian who K hiilVrilng friini * | ' | - , . llvri triinlilr nr any hlinlliu ullll.'tloncan do > i < tlm .sliiinnrhltli I'lii'ii ) nostiiiliK pusses nil bi-lluf. Tliiiiisanilhof puo- lilii so tronlili'd KO to ( Juilhbad and npcni larao sums of money In doing ilU by not usi thuKi-nnlnii Carlxbail Siinili'l | S. ills , which I Imported f i ONI C'arlsliail , and i-an boobtulnri of nny ri'IlnliluiliiiKKlst. ' 1'ln-y iu- llii ) 1-011- i-i-ntrati-d powi-r of the waliiIlivlf. . Tlii-y IlllVi ) tluisuimOITi'it iipnn tinsjKlcni ! fur ill ilNnrilnnof thu stiunai-li. Hvi'iMind Mdiiiiy.lln Kcnnllio Cailsliad hpiuili'l Salt IIHlllioii uiiiul. | It Is i.pui-lally . biiiii'fli-lnl for i-hionlo conilliKillon.KoUty ami rlii-iiiiiiilii : iiffi-otlnim flu kiiro to obtain tlu > Kcmilnu urtli-Iu hlcl luiKlliu M-I ; ! uf the rlly i > l Canlia'l nnd ( In KlKiiutuyi ) of "Klinor A Ki-iiiifNnn t ' " . . nirunts ( ! I Ian- lay Strn-i. XI-H Vmi. " mi lliu nuck o oxi-ry b itt'.o.Vrlto fur panipliit't. _ _ _ OITICU or. KU'iDr.N'1.- ' . : , W. G. KSTLCP , Coiinoll III nil's , linvii , II Noi-lh > Ialn Slrci-t. i'lincral Director und liinbalnicr. Both tlio inctliod nml results vrlien Syrup of Figs \a \ taken ; it is plcusa t and refreshing to tlio taste , utid a < } t Rcnlly yet promptly on tlio Kidneys , Liver nnd Dowels , clonuses the sys tem ofl'uctually , dispels colds , head- 'iclies ' nnd fevers nnd euros habitual constipation. Syrup ° / K6 'la the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the tnete nnd n o- ceptablo to tlio stoinm-li , prompt in its action nnd truly licnefieinl in ita ellectd , prepared only from the moat healthy nnd ngrceahlo sulistunccs , ita many oxecllent. ( pialities cor.inicnd ft to nil nnd luive nutilo it the moot popular remedy known. oyrtip of Fitrs is for sulo in 50o and SI bottles by till leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist vho may not have it on hand \vill pro- cnro it promjiUy for nny ono Avho wishes to t\y it. Do not uecept any Bulistiliite. CALIFORNIA FIG SYSUP CO , SAN tr.ANCISCO , CAl. lOUISWtU. Kt , . KEW YORK. H.lf. " " " AH r "fN THE" MOM E. Tin * Atiiprl "in IHIIIIP Is tlm niii'li'Ms i f ilu iiiKiM'-'t Inlrllk'i'iii'i' mi llu < face oft lie faith. II Is tli : > mii t xiii'ivd uitir : lieiicalli tin' Murs. It Istluillily nf tin' lieiul nf rvi'i ' v fun ily to nllKf II 1C hi 111. ) lilt1 Innsl ruliifiM l.il : < uli'l lioiuitlfiil iihuv ] u Ihlc. 'I'lii- iv t" ill ) tills Is ti ) maUo : irlli'los of iii'ccil v u'wo ' lli'li's of luxury. A so\i > Is an , , i-le i > f iM'sslty. and uln-ii It enn l"i < lie a In . mtifiil work or nrt uhv nut I'lioov It In HU nnuo to.siiinotlilii'j dull mid nnaitiactUi' ' . THE GAHLAND STOVES. i\roa i bniiiKiinii * : is u piece nf sl'itii.iry and ; it I ! s.iiiin linn' tin1 most I'lMimin .1 .il nnd Mitlsfnolnry liriitrl'i in.idi' . ( 'nini' anil i'\- ' ainlnc tlii'in and sri' lumilicds ( it ir-iin i.niiiH from pi'opln you Kinnv , ii'llini ' : uf Hi. ir ifo- noinlcal rliar.ictiM' anil cicnl lii'iitln i apn' ' ily. lli\c : von si'i'ii tin' new ( Irani ) ( HI Hi liters. ? They aie clean und liiiiiiKoine. ai-.ilju- 1 tlio tliliufor lii'iil lie ; small rixiiiis iiiid lit'dliam - liers where yini only \\imt a II n1 in'cu-ii'iially and In cnlil ui'iil IHT. I IniM1 hccn In liiikiiii'ss : ifl yratk in n hin .1 HI i ill''i. nnd wlii'ii I Kiianinti'r IMp'nuyt'iu ' can ilcpt'iul upon It CIIMI- mid MT in'1 P. C. DEVOL , 6.U . 31 oulxv.iv , ci : iii' il Bin N. in. COt'XCIl IIUTFS STEAM WE WOKKS All 1.1 nils n ( Dvlnn mid I'lPiinhiR dmn n tlio II idlest stylpnf the Alt , I'lliliMl mill Miiincd Knlirlcs inadu li > looUas ciinil as mnvV > in < promptly dtim-aml ili'llvt-ivil In all | iU'U : or u,0lMftry. , , , ' ' ' " " ! 'Y."Al."iii-lAN.l-r" ! . . : ; - . - " . 101U llroadwar. Near Niiillnvi'sterei COL'MJll. Hl.lTI-TS. U. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WANTED , DK.UUUDD. 606 Broadway , Council BlufTs , In y CITIZENS STATE BANKer or Council Bluff-- . PAID UP CAPITAL fiOOOO SURPLUS AND PROFITS e-0 - 000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 330.000 Dmr.iTOits I A. Miller , ! ' . ( > , < ; asmi. ] ' . [ * Slui'-ari , I' . I'Hart.I. . t > IMiinin Is'in i liurluj C. Ilaniiun. Transaet Kcnorul Km I. .p. liusl- ni'Ss. l > ni'i > "t capital mill siirimi uf uny bank InSmilliwosloni I.MVII , INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , 27 MVIN STUKI'T. Over ( ' H , lii < - < iiii'iiln , \ : Ion Ji- etor " i & BANKERS. rornnr Main an'l Itro-idwuy. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In fonilsn und iloiiiiMIc Imn rollin-tloiiH iiiailo and lnluiu- paid < > n tima deposits. " Dril7"McIiiiclcl ; & Co. , Butchers' ' and Packers' ' Supplies , Market Fixtures , Casing , SIPI | | > S iind Hansiu'r : MiiknMinlilni : V ' 0 * Kf ! .Main hi. . Ciniili-ll lllilir.s , In. Alsi. iliullll III II iili'M ali'l ' I ill's. _ _ _ _ _ _ SPECIAL- NOT IC IfiS. COUNCIL DLUFFS. AlfAN'ITH Ily : i iiiarrleil inan. piislliuu la T > Kinri ) In country limn ; I'J yi'iin i'\icrl- | i-ni'i' ! A Nn.l ri'foirnri's : ( 'iiml iMiiik 1C .II , ! ! [ < i. 111. ! . i'iniii"ll Illuirs. KIO.NT ( iuoil llv-l IM110.001 otliiT hiiii-i'i illiri'i-ent i nr mnplit riioni IHIT stun1 ni-ar rout I In' i.i'saiit lnls fur nali ) mi niimtluv | iaynirnl ; n < Im'itft ' lili'l liitt K ) ; di'tii'iililu ' IIIHIIIUHS 1 ils i. n Haun- deiH Hlirol. North ( linalin. fur II-IIM- "I1 hiil chi'.ip. J. It. D.ivldMin , ( ; > I'lllli . * ma- "KSAIK- Ciiiniili'ti' ml nf limn it null sniiill' sloi'ii of lliiMiirr at it I'.i liuiuliu al loom ills Mrrrlam hlorU. iTO htllVUi lit ( 'lilt I'lelOiDOIII. lll'Hltlllllirtlir * ' 'i forliard inanlii liunsn iiiuviin. mlluih anu Jai'l.s. li. I ) . Amy Al'o. K.VI .M.ilii ln i-t M I'l.T.H Tor MID cli.'iip. a hjiui < ( Kcod -ill uiirkliu niiili't. willi Iniriii i uii'l ainm ! Aipllo | I'n'il ll.iv ix'niulili'H mi i'o.irtli fclrccti niar'l'lftli aviMiiiu. rp\S'ii Ji.itrm fiiiins fur htilc iii-ar tin' city .it 1 u InirKuln. W. A.Voinl .V Co. , Ti' Main * t < HA U : Tlio hloo' . < nnil llMiircHiif a well i".iiililUlii > il KiiiL-i-ry htnrc , w will soil hlor-k iiml unit Htorn and flxtnii's ; nlKii llirnu 4-yi'iii-old coltH for sain. Impilm of T. IA KmllM : Sun. 7IH Pith avc , . Conn' ' if HI u 111. HAI.K or Ikmt-flnnlon lunil. with - lioiiiui , Uy J , IL Kluo , IVi Main iU , Ouuo U Blutrn.