Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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11-4 All Wool
To-morrow sale
- -wo place on
1OO pairs extra largo size nil wool
White Homespun Blankets a
$ OOO quality at $ O.OO.
All Blankts Sold from Cedar Hins
1M Gray Blanket
1BO pairs extra siG and weight
-n gronttaargaln , worth $ B.OO
for to-morrow only $0.67 a pair.
D bales GoodSlzo Comforts ,
49c Each.
C bales Full Size Comforts ,
75c Each.
B bales Extra Size Comforts ,
98c Each.
To-morrow place on sole a
large shipment of now Eider
down Comforts , best French
Bntino covering and corded
edges , on display at our new
"Cednr BhVBlanket Deportment
on second floor.
1 case premium quality Car
riage Rolaes B4x72 inches , new
, designs , strictly nil wool nnd silk
l < bound edges. Price for this sale ,
IVlorse Dry Goods Co ,
TLo Sbainolcss Manipulation of tbo Alliance
by Powers and Burrows ,
A Southing Arraignment by Master
\Vorkinuii llolvoy ol'tlio Allliinco
HOHSCH WlllttioKtilKlitHHti-
< lorso Such Knnvory ?
Nr.musiu Cirr , Neb , Oct. 25. To the
Knights of Labor of Nebraska : for months
past you luu'o rccoUod tin unllniitod amount
of advice from nion , both wltliin and without
the order , us to the pionci disposition otyour
ballot on the coining -Hlulayof November ,
Knowing the facts , as I halo from the be
ginning , I liavo up to this date refrained from
publio expression , on what is known
as tlio people's independent movement
pimply bec'.uiso of the many honest mon ns
well ns personal friends who espoused its
cause , 1111 ti tlio fact that it would ill-becoino
tno to pose as the antagonist of any reform
movement , oven though I Itnow It to bo In
hands that , so [ ar as the principal issues at
ptako nro concerned , rendered It a parody on either of purpose or Intention. I
would bo bllont oven now , but nutters liino
gone fiom to worse , ana today ouo man
l > y sonwunnccountnblo cent rullzutlon of power
stands foith ns the absolute dictator of n
movement originally built by honest hands
nnd willing hearts ; to exalt whom ho may
pee lit , U > damn whom he may please , and to
oxoeuto on Ids polltlcul gallons and inter In
his private giwoynrd men who were In the
front of the buttlo for the great common
people when ho vas n babe In swaddling
clothes This state of nfluiw certainly indi
cates something radically wrong , not on tlio
part ot the honest farmers and uorkingincn
SUio in the beginning constituted the rank
nnd Hloof the inovoment , but on the part of ono
„ whosolntiraatokiio\\lcdioof ; all the arts of
political chicanery , intiiguo and manipula
tion enabled him to socnro almost absolute
control of a movement Inhich all others
Oiinio together ns honest men , and no innn
felt the nooossity of w.itehinir ills neighbor.
Ixit us sou If a tow straps will not botraj tlio
tllroctlon ot the wind.
Bonw tinio previous to the meeting of the
people's ' convention In Lituoln I was In a
certain cltin \ this slate on business anduliilo
there mot several gentlemen interested
In tliH iiKnoiiiont. In a piivuto convolution
\\lth one I was urged to lieeomn n candidate )
for miinliution on the suto ticket , with tlio
Inference attached that itrouKl bo nriaiigeil
I declined unqimlttlfdly , not recognizing that
the people weru speaking to 1110 , nud 01 these
brought prominently to my itttatitlcn at tlio
time , all hive since gone to their ruunitl
they have places on the state oren -
urosslonnl ticket of the independent
jiarty Thus hns Burrows created whom
JIB would yes , and d.auuuHl whom
ha would for the instant that tlio n line of
Dr. I'donum of 1'ollt eountv , an honest , able ,
upright man and a tmo Knight of Labor , \vaa
8xikon | or throughout the t-tuto us a possible
candld.itooii that tlekot , nnirows , Icnowing
bo could not own nud control utin , at omo
ran tlio black IIig o ( iwlltlcnl piracy to the
mSst liead , nnd with the battle cry of " 'o
Quarter" ilnglng in their cars , Coleman and
Ills kiilk-htof lubor friends walked the plunk
\\ldlethls Onptain KUlil stood bv iiiul smiled.
Generil O , II. Ynti AVyok , ono of the tmoat
filonds the knights ever liad lu this or
any other state , has recently been conducted
over this saino plank bcvauso ho would not ,
at the dictation of JluriWtt , publicly falsify
tlm rtxiuil of nil honest man uho was a can-
cllJuto for congress on un opiwslnK tlekot.
Hut uou wus this stnto of ultiuw brought
about I Von' easily , U'lds Napoleon of poll-
tics recognized the fact that the control ef
tlm appointment ot dulegatca to tlio peiiditg
convention would place almost alcUtotial
powers In his hands and chnngo tlio old mlaijo
torcuil " > ox Dunows.oic popall. " Join
II. Powers , who wiu , in a incasuw , to bo onu
eftho bcia'Uoiirlo * of this movement , wa :
Btli Floor.
An invitation is extended to ladies to call and give our custom
dicssmaking department a trial.
Whether your materials me purchase I from us or not we arc
willing to make your dress , knowing : that we will have gained a
customer when you see the class of work we are doing ,
It is not by any means an experiment with us we have alieady
turned cut woik that for FINISH , FIT and ELEGANCE of style is
equal to any done in the world.
For the present we are making dresses at ONE HALF the price
charged for similar work in New Yoik , lioston , Philadelphia or
Our efforts to establish , with the aid of the best talent from
Paris and Berlin , a first class dressmaking ; establishment in Omaha ,
has been gicctcd with flattering success , and we hone that Omaha
ladies will see that it is to their interest to aid us in cairying on
such an establishment ,
Although we have a complete stock of dress patterns , trim
mings , etc. , brought fiom Paris by our representative especially for
this department , yet it by no means follows that you must puichasc
from us in order to have your goods made. Bring in your materials
we will show you what we can do.
We have a very rich line of neat cloth colors in genuine Scotch
Clieuots , equal to any shown in New York for $1,50 , , our price $1.25.
Velvets and silks to match.
40 and 42 inch Plain Colors All Wool French
Dress Goods , STfcc. worth $1,25
Another lot at 75c , fully worth $1 $ a yard.
undoubtedly acquainted w 1th and assisted In
the programme.
So the U\o men , Powers nnd Burrows ,
who wanted , In an unlnlr manner , to
control the state nlllnnec , were determined to
have contiol of the Independent convention.
Ulioy ordcicd that t\\o persons should
do all tlio wo ! < of calling , organizing nnd
llxliif , ' the apportionment of tlio conven
tion ; a , Kicat responsibility for two men
to assume. Hut they feared if moie
than two wore appointed they could not
control , ho they would not allow thteo to
bo designated , and then they soon planned tint
they should control tlio two moil , orr.ithcr
ono in in , for tint was all intended , bo Hoi >
: o\vs \ ordcicd Thompson , secretary of the
alliance , unit Ills own secretary , who obms
implicitly hia oulors , to name one
motubor ; of course thatviis Bur
rows , nnd Mr. Cnvldock , secretary of the
Knights , vas to name the other. Cnddock
declined to do that dutv , and Burrows ,
with the nld of Powers , did the woik with
only one object that they two should have
complete ( ontrol. No sane tiuiu , no man with
the least honesty in his nnturo , could lime
committed so Kieatan outr.igo upon polltUnl
associates , and In the becnming of arefoun
movement where the interests of so many
laborers nnd producers vero dependant.
Pocrs schemed at tbo concrc iona ! con
vention to nominate Item , nniliiidiicctU to se
cure his o\v n nomination for governor. Then
io schemed at the Ihhd congressional con
dition to noimnuta McKeiijlian , to sccuto
additional strength for his own nomination
for governor. Then , as Powers nnd liurrows
Vtoroopen nnd active prohibitionists , strong
piolnbltion counties which they could lontiol
were Riven a representation far beyond their
popuhition. But vhilo playing for labor
tcs , the greitost outiagouy tills pair of
worthies was whorothuy actually slmt out
the labor dement fiom its Just proportion of
icpre entation
Our labor fi lends at the state con ; ention
felt tills outnigo , nnd were determined to
foico lit least an appearance ) of justice even
then , but ether counsels piw ailed , and with
the hone Unit In the future fail tre itmcnt
might 'lun iuna3Uio atone for so glnting a
wrong , it waa passed by in silence but dis
But these two , Powers and Durrows ,
would notstop , they Insisted that men who
followed their lead must bo absolute slaves ;
they must not question their ciders ; mint
lead no pipers nuillicav no speakers except
such nscio commissioned by them. It has
become apparent , too , that only ono old po-
llcal pirtj rtiust bo bcnellttod by their action ,
ns was manifested when MrKulglnn was noni-
limted , n democrat , nnd ondoi-sed bj thodomoc-
racy , wiicrcastt hen ICoIn as nominated , a 10-
piibticuii , the democrats refused to eudoi > o
\VlieiiBuirowi \ issued a slander ngalnst N.
V. llailanand ex-Sonator Vim \VyeKiis was
his dilty ns n man nnd friend of Har
bin , repelled the charge , u chtrgowhlih men
of all parties know to be false , the bossis ,
Powers aiict Burrows , % \ouldnot toloiato the
oxcrclso of manhood on the part of ex Sen
ator Van W\fk , and theydoteunincd to drive
him out nnd destroy his infhionctt , Burrows
was a good man for this \\orlc. Ho Is
a Kond man to undeitake to banish cx-Senn-
tor Vim \Vyelc , n man who for years has
hboml lu pilvato and public , throw uv > ly
Ids own hope of pivfuriiiuiit and prospect of
lo.electlon as L'I Uud States senator In hjs do-
\otion to tlio hiU'ieaU of the people us
( rniiist oorpor.itlons syndicates and trusts.
But what concerns us U the complete
Ignoring of our claims , ( list la the apportion
ment of the convention , then in the coin-
position of the state ticket , and most im
portant of nil the fact thut any principle of
knighthood that stands la that platform to
day vas Incorporated In it only after the
most gallant tight onthopurtof the Imlghta
( ires out.
Powers ll\es up In the Republican
valley , ii Hitchcock county. A Blanco
will show how ho provided Tor n section
which for years voted as the B. .t M.
railroad wanted , and its most reliable
\assals lived In that county. U'hero was
Powers then , and what \\as ho dolngl But
look ut the tituvs ;
Dolo1'opuln -
Kittrs. tlon
Dimdr . 5 4 , W
Dl.aso . a 4U (
1'liyo ' * . 5 H/tfiO
llurlan . M B.IUS
I'liruns . , . 11 ! > , < vU
1'runUln . M TA't )
( losper . , 10 4Ml
KcMl Willow . H tf\a
1'rontlur . SI 8,171
UltcbcuuU . li 5.TUT
Now on what did Powers and Burrows
base their ivproseuUttioii In these counties
except population , for until recently tlioy
were controlled bj the U , & 21 , aud hero
about fl\o hundred population is given"onr > (
delegate , 111 delegates to lill,181 population.
Then look at the countius further east :
Dolu1'oiitili -
Kalcs. tlun
S-illno It I'Jti.'O
I'llliiioie 15 iniiiO
York 12 17.JH
Sottnrd ,12 NJO'i' ' ' )
Hutlrr II 13 PS
Adams li L'lJUl
Is IOST'19 '
Then look at the two counties \vith the
laigcst ] > opulatlon of organizud and unorgan
ized labor :
' Iielo1'optil i-
KHtes. lion
Douslas lii J.IT.'SJ
liincastoi ! t TO.IIJ
41 SM.5I4 .
In the Republican valley ono delegate to
500 population , In Douglas nnd Lancaster ,
the strongholds of the knlgnts , ono de.ccrato
to about 4,700 imputation. I ask In the name
of nil that Is honest , what caused this enor
mous dliTctctnol Is it barely possible tint
Mr. Burrows know the feeling of the knights
towmd ( jcni'ial Van Wyek , and vlitually
dufinnchiscd an clement lie could no't
control } Let tlio reader mtiko his
own answer. Now stop and cindidly con
sider what of rotomi , what of good dd\cni-
mont , what of political ad\nnceincnt to the
people can come fiom all this. I say nothing ,
and have the manhood not only to say It ,
knowing the opposition I will encounter in
some qunitcrs , but to defend my Judgment on
this matter ut anj t imo or place that it imy
bo necessary.
Now to the knights of the First congres
sional distilct I would say one \\ord. Kvtiv
indication points to tlio fact that your next
lenrescntativoin congicsslll boonoof two
men It n ill cither bo a man who bollu\es
the I ihnr problem to bo the gicutest question
befoui the AinoiicMii people todnv ; the man
whoc'hoso to servo on the committee on labor
In the last congress in piefurcnco to any
other of a half dorcn cornmlttios
that wore freelj ortcrcd ; tlio man whoso dl-
lectcllort gave you the national oicht hour
law that will prove tlio entorli.gcdgoto
nil future'success in thostru Klpforushoitur
work day ; the man whoso untiring efforts are
largely responsible for the convict labor nnd
cotuict itiiitciinl laws placed on the statute
hooks of the United States by the last con-
giess ; the \\hoso\\orihaiul \ deeds mo
iccoidcd for an increase of the circulating
medium and government ownership of nil
inilroads nnd telegraphs , tlio tniin vho lias
barkened to the olcoof labor ns did no\er
congressman from Nebraska before ; the
man whoso onicial acts have recelu-d the
public commendation of the oftlchl journal of
our order and of many labor oigunl/a'ioiis
scattered throughout the nation this iuin ,
William .1 Council , will represent you , 01 it
will bo the man who is "tired of hem mg
about lavs made Jor the hcnoiltof men who
work In shops. "
Think It over calmly ns knights , not paitl-
7ans , and tnko your choice My reason for
bringing these iiiittcre before you la this
way Is tnat I have neither siifllcient time nor
money to meet you face to face before No-
vonibcr t , and tbo things contained herein
nro such us I think you should know.
I'll INK li. IIU.U'.Y.
State Master Workman ICnights of Labor ,
Salvation Oil , the people's liniment Is
giiaianteed to bo the best. Only U5 cents a
A fat roan in Washington , who used to bean
an invalid , took to Dr. Hull's Cough Symp
and now ho walks right over the very
slenderest dudes , nnd don't caioat nil. ' 1'liis
remedy costs ' . ' 3 cents.
ConinilisloiHr Iteplln CicntC4 a HIIIIMI-
lion and StirH Up Hull lllooil.
A sonsatlon was Hpruiig in com I house cir
cles jesterday by County Commissioner Berlin
applying for nnd securing from Judge Wake-
ley an injunction against the rounty board
The title of the case us given in the petition
Is R. S. licrliii VB L. M , Anderson , chairman
of the board of county oouualssioncr ! > of
Douglas county.
Mr. Berlin chutvcs that the board Is ex
pending money contrary to law In oiMmtngup
Thirteenth street from the city limits south
through C'lontnrf precinct. Ho also charges
that the road has never beendulj established ,
surveyed and laid out , and thataprcat per
tion of It , as pioposedlll \ bo in South
The petitioner concludes by asserting that
the expenditures will bo contrary to law.
There Is a little history to tbo
effect ttnu the county paid Omahi f5QJO ,
100 dozen "White and Colored Embroidered II. S. Hand
kerchiefs , also corded and scalloped edges , all in one lot , at
1 50 each.
250 dozen Ladies' ' Embroidered Handkerchiefs , in white
and colors , scalloped and hemstitched , also with fancy drawn
work , all at 250 each. These are the same qualities and styles
that are being sold in New York to-day at 350 each.
\Ve have opened this department with a complete new
stock of Stamped Goods , Scarfs , Tidies , Splashers , Tray
Cloths , Head-rests , Cords , Embroidery Silk , Rope Linen , Tas
sels , in fact everything used in making fancy goods \vill he
found at our New Art Department on second floor , Farnam
street entrance.
Special Sale of Ribbons.
5000 pieces , all colors and black , standard quality and
width , and warranted pure silk :
NO , 5 , Colors and Black , BG ! a yard , BDc a piece
No , 7 , Colors and Black , Sic a ijarcl,80c a piece
No , 9 , Colors and Black , .10o a yard , 95c a piece
No , 12 , Colors and BlackUcauard$1,85 , , apiece
NoIB , Colors and Black , 18o a yard , $1,70 a piece
No , 22 , Colors and Black , 2Dc a yard , $190 a piece
Bilnp'8 ' Pilgrims' ' Progress ,
100 volumes of this popular work , strongly bound cloth
cover-6 , and profusely illustrated by the celebrated English art
ist , Frederick Barnard. Only $1.00 a volume.
two years ngo to'fjrndo tlilt street to the
limits of South Omiihu , and also jcvcral
thousand to tbo city for hilnginfr tbe street
to wiudo to the noith line of South Omaha
Cominlssiouur O'Kuotlo claims tlmt the in
junction li simply a hit of spite work ns-'ulnst
him personally , ho boinff the owner of much
propci ty to bo bcnclltcd by the proposed
The contract forjcoinpletinir the work vas
let hy n : t to U votoof the ho ml last Situnlay
to ono Willinm G.UT , O'Kcofo , Tinner and
Cornwall hoi tig thoufllnnntlvo votes.
The case is set for hcaiini ; nt 10 a. m. , No
vember 1 , _
Beauty Is said to bo only skin deep , hut to
possess nnd presono a heimtlful skin , puic ,
vigorous blood is essential. This is best so
curcil by Ultiiig Ajei's Sarsripmilla In siniill
but frequent doses It is the most icll.iblo of
blood-puiillers. _
TICK OL1 > nOVl > LRASRI ) .
lj. M. CriiwfortlVIII MnniiKe tlio
Oiiorti House.
Tuesday the contention over the lease of
the present ISoyd's opera house was llnnlly
settled in favor of Lester M. Cr.iuford of
Toprkn , ICun , , who ivlll iimnngo tlio house
for the no.xt flvo jcurs , piying as a jenny
rontil tlio i-ounil sum of$10W)0. ) Next to
Mr. Crawford came K. E Wliltmore.vlio
hail the strongest kind of endorsements fiom
the lepiespiitativo managers of tlio profes
sion , his bid bcinR ' .t , < iOO n jeur. Mr. Cr.w-
foul , however , was ublo to satisfy the
Aiiurleiiu lunn uml trust companj of his iv-
liability , and having in luklltiou n. chain ot
the.itor.s uxtuiuliiiR from the bontliorn bonier
ot ICunsn ? to Nebiislcaasniiloto , show the
owiu'is of the house tlmt c eu the best cmn-
pnniesonld play there , not\\ithstiindliii ;
the fact that Oiimlui will liavo the iinost tho-
utor in the country at the opening of next
seas i.
Mi Unwfoid is not unUnovm to Omaha
thculer-Kooi-s , huviiiK managed the ( if.ind
open house for U\o be.iaons provlom to the
piesent. Ho U a live , hustling niannKur , mid
will no don lit prove his eminent Illness as
the nunngerlnl head of the house \\hlch ne\t
iSuptpnibcr will bo known under u now iinmc.
OoiillilPiico. There is no
nrtiolo vhleh so richly descries the cntiio
contidonco of the coniinunity as UKOUN'S
HHOM IIMI. 'i'liot iin. These siillerlni ; finm
Astlimatlo nnd Dronehial Dise.iscs Coughs
nnd Colds should try them. Price 'Jo cents.
IN ST11A > ' 01S COM PAN ] R
Tlio Oinalui I'ostoOleo IMnocil in n Xow
Irispcotor's Dislricl.
An onlor 1ms hceil issued by the post
master-general , placing Nebr.isln in the post-
otllco iiibpcctor'a district comprising the
states of Missouri , ICqnsns , Ailcansus , Ne
braska , Iiullnu tonltorjr and Oklahoma , \\lth
heiuliiuiirlcrs at St. Louis , This order is to
takooflcct November 1
The sumo order also Announced the forma
tion of t\\o now clU'lsionfelth headquarters
at Austin , Tex. , nnd HvUttiu , Mont , respect
Nohmska Is taken from the Dcavor district
anil Arizona Is transfcired from the Kt I ouls
district to the Denver MUtiict. Mississippi
is transfcriod from th Ht > . Louis district to
the now ono with Austin , Tex. , as head-
( jumtei-s ,
A government oDlclal stated tlmt tins move
scorned an lll-adriscil ono , as Omaha had
nothing la common with St , Louis and really
belonged to the Chicago division , unless a di
vision formed with Omaha , as the head
1'nsltlvcly cured
' ly
these I.iltlc I'llls ,
They also relieve D13- :
trcta from Djspopsla , la-
ITTLE dlgt'Stlou and Too Heart }
IVER Eutlug , A perfect rem- |
ejy for Dizziness. Nausea ,
PIUS , Drowslnofa , llacl ToaU
Ifl the Mouth , Ctatcd
Tonpue , rain in the Side ,
tbe Dowels. Iurely Vegetablo.
5000 boxes Papctciics , containing 21 sliced of paper y A
and 24 envelopes , only 15OK
A laigc nssoitmcnt of French wiitiim ; paper and envelopes , usit-
ing cards , etc , , AT LliSS THAN COS I
100 dozen Pears' unscentcdsoap lOc a cake-
100 do/en Ctiticura soap , 15c a cake.
25 cases Household Ammonia , Sc a pint ,
5 gross Oakley's Florida Water , 39c a bottle ,
2 gross West India Day Rum , 5Oc a pint bottle.
3 gross 1'oz/oni's Medicated Complexion I'owiler 35c a box ,
2 gross Howard's Sperm Machine Oil , 6c a bottle.
1000 AVhisk Hroomsgood , quality , lOc each.
150 Cliildicn's Fancy Leather Hand Hags 25c each.
20 gross Bicycle Playing Cards , 15c a pack , $1.5O a dozen
5 gross Adjustable Shawl Straps , lOceach.
10OO volumes children's Bible Storyin
series , beautifully illustrated , illu- 11 11 !
minated Tjoard covers 1UU
10OO volumes children's illustrated
Story Book series , illuminated
board covers
10OO volumes Little Folks Illustrat
ed Story Book Series , good paper ,
large typo
SOOO volumes Instructive Books for
boys and girls , profusely illustrat
ed and strongly bound , choice. . . .
If you need any sets of the popular authors
we have a large stock of them on hand and will
sell you notwithstanding the combination at
last year's prices.
I v 1 / \ . \ J
i. Because we do as we advertise.
2 Because we sell goods at less than the cost of material.
13 Because we guarantee a genuine tailor-made suit at ready-madeprices
4. Because we guarantee a parfect fit.
5. Because we alter goods to fit the purchaser free of charge.
. Because we give the purchaser more tnan he anticipates for liis money
. Because we have the confidence of the public.
. Because we never allow a garment to be misrepresented.
$70 custom miido suit for i't'2r > 0 $ ( > . " > custom iniulo overcoat Tor. riislom mndo imiits for $8.25
$ (50 ( custom made Milt for $ ! ! ( ) . < ) ( ) $ (50 ( ciivlom made overcoat for. custom Hindu pant1) for $7.50
$5rt custom iiuulr suit for $27.50 $50 custom made for. uistom niuita punU for $ l .f > 0
$50 custom inutlosiilt for $2500 $15 custom made overcoat Tor. nistoiu miido pnnls for $0.00
made Mill for f'20.01) ) $10 ciisttuii Mimic ovrrcont for. custom nmtln pants fur $5,00
dc suit for 91S.50 $ : > 5 ciistnin ninilo overcoat for. uistom miido pants Tor $1.50
. .mlosuil for $15.01) $ 28 custom made for $12. custom made pants fur $15.75
Open evenings until 9 o'clock. ' Saturdiy cvniings until 10 o'clock.
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309
Cocoa is of supreme importance as an article of diet.
Van Houten's lias fifty per cent , more flesh-forming proper-
tics than exist in the best of other cocoas.
The tissue of the cocoa bean is so softened as to render
it easy of digestion , and , at the same time , the aroma is
highly developed.
nj-VASHOUTHNSCOCOA ( "oncatrlod , always nsod" ) la HIP oriel mil , piiro.inlu.
1 > Iu Ciicon , liMentcilmtciitetl unil imtiln In llnllmiit , anil { 9 ti-tjajr Uottcr nnd tuorj
i /uM < than any nf tlionnmetoio Imitations. In fact.a comparjti ? "tl will cnnly prove ,
tlmt no ollirr COCOA equals this Jnml/ir'i In tolaliility , ncrceallo ta > to anil imtnlira quail.
tlo "I.iuceit tlio In tlio world " Asl ( or ViN HoUTI'.Nfi and Inl.o nontlier C5
" WATERS * , :
Naturo't Tonic , Diuretic and Uric Solvant.
C B. MOORE d CO , , Agti. 1515 Dodge 81
I.-1 i TIJI i mi i i ji ii n 111-1
Inoltlicr oi , Involtmlir ; l.oani , ana Hirnnlorrliu
caiued lir cT r-ti rtlon or tl.u hriln , Mlr < ku > aur
oior liidulffearo Knch lK xcontalnnoniiiiiontL'itreaU
nifut. llatiox. or Blr ( or < ) , tunl liy null prepaid.
YVItn eicli order ttir in box.i , will rent punlianor
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cure , uuaranteea liiueU anil utnulnt lolU only bj
lUOranmiaHtreot , - - Otuuba Neb ,
llloliartlH. Iloolc , I cliport N V wrltoi thnl rtftcr
muoyjt'ira nutlvrlng from .Sirvoiu Dolllltjr Hloep-
lK inunii T lulling of Muscles lie WH rnlurod by
four lime * HIM B IIKAMI ' I nm Hi , ' lie ni-i , "bm
( rclllkon yoiins man " II pi > r liox.poitiiHlil 1'iiin-
I.lilcttne NMirilllKAKCO. IlLrfAIu , N Y
BuU b ) ( looamuii DruK Co , 1110 Kuriium rtt , Oumlu
r NESS CUMEDirrMi'ii-at
maA o. B ir > i. ri b. rl HI.IUHIJ. ( our.rubui.
. 1 wb.n HI Riro. < llf r.iu
--OM AI i A. : 3
Corner Oth and Haruoy Streot1) , Omalii.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. T. MCLAUGHLIN , Prosuiont.
Founded by Dr. J. W. MoMenamy.
w7" . ROB ! N so N
and Oils aSpoolalLij
AUrtio CORLISS BiluNi )
1,1mm Col lit rn i
Correct Stjlci.
[ Sett Quality. Perfect Flttlnj.