THE CXMAHA DAILY' BEE : ' THURSDAY" , OCTOBER 30 , 1800. for last evcnlnif wni n grand success. In splto of a Bcvero windstorm the hall \vas packed to Itautmostcnpncity. The meeting was mj. dressed bv Hon. M , I ) . Jackson , Hon.M1 ; llnm M. 'itobcrts , Ctenton P. Srhwonk and KonrcseiiUtlvoJosetih St'-rk. The meeting will provo productive of much good for tlio ticket , _ Hoinn I'lnln Talk from Ior ey. Nonroi.K , Neb. , Oct. ! > < ) . - [ Special Tclo- pram to Tun IJii-Inspito : : ] of a light but rllsngrennblo mln that sot In about 7 o'clock the oin'fj IIOURO was fllloil to Its utmost ca- picity th's ' evening by the Immense nudienro that came out to hear Judge ahurUou , Congressman Uorscy nnd Conernl Connor speak on the issues of the present campaign. Many ladles braved the threat- niiod storm , while tno remainder of the audl- unco was composed of the best men of this Hcctioii. .A considerable number of democrats were out , nnd Dr. Dear , thn dctnocratlocnri- didato for lieutenant governor , and wife xvcro among these Invited to seats upon the stage. Mr. Dorsoyvus the first spenhor , nnd after n complimentary reference to Norfolk plunired at once Into linsliii'ss by glvltiK tlio World-Herald fake a thorough dressing down. Ho snld no illdift olilcrt to any tiling thu democrats might call htm , so long ns they illd not c-nll him n fool , nnd whuii thuVorld - lli-ralil attached Ills mime to a telegram that would Htamp its si-mlcr us nn Idiot , ho Iliotidlit it was time to Idfk. Ilo would ad mit having * ent u number of telegrams tn 2VIr. ( Jmiy as chairman < if the ivpublican national committee , and to tlio rcptin- lican fimgresiloniil I'nmmlttee , of which lie win a men her. lint ho Tiocor npjicnlod to Quay -o have the mamifiio Hirers lo\\cr \ their prlw. . Ho was willing that I ho real telegramssent to Quay shoulil lie published after election , when It would not hurt to reveal the plant ar.d work of the pirty , mid whrti that tlmo came bn was willing to drnwhi.srliwlc fnrW.miO nnd place It In the liandsof J. II. Ml Hard. Hitchcock to cover It . -with a cheek for a Ilko amount , then nliow r.ludgo Savngo to a republican and M. deiiiorrat , mid If the tnrco found that ttio ti'lcgmm ho sent Quay could flic construed to contain nny such matter as 'the ' World-Herald published ho would donate the fVMHl to 'my ' ch.irity Hitchcock might Jiame. Mr. IJorsey's ml'lrcsa was devoted nl- jnost entirely to a review of the work of , , the Flfty-llrst congrcs' * , showing what had liooii nocoinpllshcd for the bcncllt of tbo far mer , thoworklngman , the old soldiers and tbo whole country. Judge Tburston followed Mr. Horsey , nnil for two hours ho hold his nmlicnru spellbound by hiseloqiicntpresoiua- tlon of Honml republican doctrine. His review nf the intent and benefit f tbo MrlClnloy bill was masterly , nnd his telling blows ngulnst its enemies \vero received with storms of applause , in which even democrats joined. The argu ments presented completely refuted tlio state- incuts of Independent nnd democratic orator * \vlio hnvo held fortli In Norfolk during this campaign , nnd Judge Tburston nnd Mr. Dor- soy linvi' both made friends nnd won votes for Ibo republican party by their efforts tonight. Owing to tbolatonessof the hour when Mr. 'J'bur-iton closed , General Conner did not Bpcult. _ n lOntliiiHlaNiii at Iloi.imror : , Neb. , Oct. W. [ Special Telo- pramtoTllB llm : . ) The most successful re publican rally of the campaign was held Sioro tonight. Fully l.fiOO people crowded tlio r .ra house to listen to Hnrlan and Nottleton. Nettloton confined Jdmself principally tn a review of tbo. state railroad legislation ns brought nhoiit by tbo republican p.lrty. Ho was fol- Jowcd by Mr. llarlan , who mmlo n short but impicsslvo speech upon tb > Importance of casting votes whcrn they would count and not bc > thrown away by sending a man to con gress who would bo a political nonentity , rocogtiizi'd by neither party , but standing atone ono side. bcnatorManderson. who unexpectedly ran lip from Hastings , followed with a powerful find Instructive review of the laws passed by tko nrosvnt congress , notably tbo silver and McMnlny bill , Ills speech van the finest rvur heard hero and every point was greeted with enthusiastic applause , I'.ov. .T. O. Tat" at Ucd Ctnitil. Hun CI.OOD , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele- pnitn to Tnu Br.K. ] Uev. .T. O , 'i'ato nd- ilressed the Inruest political gathering ( if the season nt the opera bouse here lids evening. Hli speech was full of actual facts concerning the record of tbo republican party nnd outlined Its work and Its principles from Its organ i/a- tlou up to the present time in a masterly way. His handling of thu tariff q.ucstion nnd the McKlnloy hill denoted that ho was Intl- ) imtey ! nniualnted with thcso issues , nnd the frciiuntoutbursts | of npplausn demoiihtratod how cleverly ho placed the subjects he- lore his audience , many of whom were farmers. Tbo latter nro rap idly siring through the democratic scheme to divide thn republican uirty mid lira daily abandoning tbo indcponil- i-nt party and ( letting bad into lino. Wi'h- ( .tor county , the homo of MeKelgban , will roll iip a good majority for Hurlan 01 Is'ovem- ber 4. Anotlier Dcmoornt lee o , Neb. , Oct. 2'.i.-Spccinl [ Telegram to Tin ; Uiil : Tlio democrats hold wtiat was to bo a grand rally hero today , The nvTair had been extensively advertised all over the county , a-ad tlicro were by ac tual count only eighty-seven persons Who listened to the speeches , which fell Hat. The democrats are on the run , and the rout will bo complete by November 4. The republican tidal wivois Increasing nnd will sweep this county with the grandest victory In years. At every ro- publicmi rally there are large nnd cnthusl- jistie iiudleiiccit. Tonight fifty persons la i-nrriiiRci went from hem to Mead to bear lion. M. It. Itees and J. 11. Doland. They Report a magnificent audience and u splendid putlook for the republican victory. Dorsoy nnd Connor nt. C'riMglitun. Ciir.imiTox , Neb , Oct. 20. [ Special to TiuUmJ : : lion. a.V. . E. 13orsey and C'.cn- crul Connor last evening addressed n large nudlenco In the opera house. The bouse was crowded from pit to dome. Mr. Dorsoy'a ppeech xvas delivered under a constant storm of nnplmiso. Ho discussed the tariff nnd sil ver bills and reviewed the Instsession of con gress , ( icncrnl Conner followed In an ait tiruvi which held the attention of the ini- liienso audience for an hour. The inootlnp was n perfect success , nnyil nnd Oniiiion nt M'oHl I'olnr. \VKST POINT. Neb. , Out. JD.-ISpecinl Tclo- pram to Tins llur ] James 13. Itoyd opokolti \Vest 1'olnt this evening. In his address hf etated lils position on prolilhitlnn , harranguci1 tbo andlenco on the tnrlff Issue , discussct : the miliwut question , nnd attempted to show Jiow the poor laboring man suffered from tin ) nrlT. ( M. V , Gannon nnd others then spoke iifttr which the meeting merged Into i mutual admiration society. . Htm. F , I. FOKH at lureln'st r. DjuciisTmi , Neb. , Oct. SO. [ Special Trio Brain to Tin : IJui : . ] The opera house wiu Illlod to overflowing to Uston to the olonucnt , ad dress from lion. T. I. Voss of Ci-oto upoi the Issue * of the day. Ilo convinced all bi Ids logic tlmt the welfare of the utato and tin prosperity of ourpooplo AVIIS MI rota the olec tlon of the republican stnta ticket. Main votes wem made for Harlan and the leglsla tlvo ljukct ( if thUcount. Anti-l'rolilbitlDii Mooting nt dhbim Otmiov , Neb. , Oct. -Hiwcial ' ) [ Tclogran JU > THE Jlin. : ] The high license party hit nuvdo pivixiratlons and engaged speakers fo u uieetliigtobo held on tlio evening of Octc tier ill. This is tbo anti-prohlbltloi noctlnghcldtn ( ilhbim , nnd tbo prospect I Uood fora large atteiulunro. Many pcopl jire oxpscted from surrounding towns , Mr , Tutoat Ashland , ( AsiitAsn , NcU , Out , li5. [ Special Tele gram tn TUB Itait. ] The final republlca ppoech of the campaign was mudo by Uov. J 'O. Tatoof Lincoln in thU city this evening IJIo'iwdt principally on the tariff hill on olhor it'publlcnn measures. A rousing mcol Ing was held notwithstanding the ruin Weather , To JJMIovd Dlsirosscd Ireland.' , Ovt. 20. [ Sin'clal Cablegram ! tTnx 3ti ! . ] Hilfo.u bu-j pushed forward hi arrangements for the construction of railways In the distressed districts In the west of Ire land. The work of building road will fur nish employment for hosts of laborers , bfi- sldes those living In dUtriets Ihrough which roads will bo built. Men coming from a ills- tancncnn , If tliov desire , have part of their wngcs remitted frco of charge to their fam ilies. ; XKtl'H. " \Vnn I'urmor F/nllsnii ? turdoredV I3.xr.TKn , Neb. , Oct. J. | Speclal Tele gram to Tun Hnu.l Over thrco hundred men mot nt the farm of Thomas IJolison this morning nnd spent the day In thoroughly searching the premises nnd the country for miles around without result. The prevailing opinion now seems to bo that Dolison was do- roycJ away and murdcrtd. A neighboring farmer heard n pistol shot In the direction of Ids housoupon thenlghtof his disappearance. The missing man has boon living hero two years , coming Irom Odoll la Gage county. Ho left nboiit $ . ) ( KI worth of property and tils in debtedness was small. Ilo lived nlono aud had no family. Hound Over In $ , - > ( > ( ) . iMi'K.imr. , Nob. , Oct. ' .19. [ Special to Tim Ur.i ; . | Charles Bogenrlef , living several miles southwest of this place , W.H urrcstul n few days ace and bad his preliminary ex amination before .fudge liurke yesterday. About two months ago Bogonriof executed n warranty deed toonoHi'ckman , but the deed was never recorded. Ho afterwards made nnd executed a deed on tbo same quarter Mo tion of land to U. C. Iturrof l lneoln , which was recorded. HccKinnnls the prosecuting witness. Judge Hnrko bound the prisoner over to tbo district court in ? r > 00 bonds , which he was unable to give , his own father even , who was on Ids bond before the preliminary , refusing to sign his bond for npnearanco at tlio district court. icl Suit for $ . " , ( ) ( ) [ ) . Nob. , Oct. 29. I Special Tele gram to TnI'.BIE. 1 11. S. Llttlolield , editor of the Nebraska State Laborer , has com menced suit against Hushcll & Cox , publish ers of the Uncoln Call , for $ . " > ,000 damas-es. Littlollold declares In bis petition that he was brought Into public scandal nnd disgrace and has suffered llnnncint loss by certain llbclous statements mndo In the Cull of August -Ii. Among these statements are thoallogutlons that Llttlellcld had been expelled from the Knights of Lnlor for violating the laws of tlio order and that ho was a tool of the railroads. Fire at Fremont. Fnr.MON'T , Nob. , Oct. 29. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Beu.j At 12 o'clock tonight the line barn belonging to Fred Meyer caught lira nnd was burned to tbo ground with its contents , including three horses , a cow , grain and hay. Loss about 1,00 ! ) ; insured. Will iMHiie tin ) loii < l . Lcxisnros , Neb. , Oct. 29. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BiiK.l An election w.n held lero today to determine whether or not the council should issue water bonds in the sum of $10,001) . The vote was utllruuulve by about two-thirds' ' majority. Snildoii Death ol * u Hanker. WEST I OIXT , Neb. , Oct. 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bun , ] John I'feiffcr , a banker Hod this evening. Ilo lived In Fremont and returned to this place only a few months ago. Us death was very sudden nnd Its cause islet lot yet known. _ Tlio Itnptist Statn Convention. FIIEMON-T , Neb. , Oct. -Special [ Tele gram to TUB live. I The attendance today , ho second day of the Baptist state conrcn- ion , reached 100and with the increase in the lumbers present thcro Is an apparent Increase n the Interest and enthusiasm of all discus- ions. Today's programme was opened with a devotional meeting conducted by IJev. S. filler of Chapman. This was followed by , ho election of officers for the Sunday school convention for tbo ensuing' year , wldch re sulted as follows : A. II. Weir , Lincoln , iresldontV. . C. Maclcod , Omana , vice trcsldent ; Wllmot Kodlkcr , Grand Island , recording secretary ; Kev. E. A. Itussell , cor- responfllng secretary. Kov. Thomas Stephcnson of Omaha fol- owcd in nn able address on temperance. Vmong other things he urged the necessity of training tbo children if wo were to see temperance millcnlnin. He declared that it was also the duty of the Sunday school su perintendent and pastor to abstain from the ise of the sweet-scented Havanna if they would have the boys kept from tlio vile cigarette. Dr. Tolman of Chicago and Cd- toryilllams of the Kansas City ( Kim. ) 'brouiclo also spoke on kindred topics. | { ov. M. M. Lewis of Nebraska City .lisciissod tlio subject of books , paper's nut lesson helps for Sabbath schools. The general discussion brought out many new ideas aud vnlunblo suggestions. Dr. Hul- lortof ) Morgan I'arlc ( III. > theological semi nary mndo answers to questions In tbo ques tion box , Among other things lie said that no preparation could tit a woman for the ministry. The afternoon session began the state con vention nnd opened with a devotional meet ing conducted by Kev. J. M. Wood of Platts- movtn. At0 : : ; the annual SLMIIIOU was preached by Uov. J. D. 1'ulisof Red Cloud. Ills thcmo wilt missionary work and spirit , nmltbosormou a forceful and eloquent ono. Kev. E. U. Curry , pastor of the local church , mndo mi address of welcome. It was re sponded to by tbe president. I. . . O. M , Bald win. Committees on organization , resolu tions , etc. , were appointed and will report to morrow morning. Tnu committee on Chris tian benctleenco reported throdgli Uov. J. V. Whiting of iilair , who pleaded for vigorous work along tlmt line. The pastor's conference elected as oflicers for the ensuing year : President , Kev. .f. C. 11. Itead. l.D , , Grand Island ; secretary , Uov. L.V. . Terry , Lincoln. The oillcew chosen by the young people were : President , K. 13. Dennett ; vlco presi dent , M. G. Maclcod ; corresponding secre tary , Miss L. Zcdllcer ; recording secretary , Miss Alma lloncdlct ; treasurer , Mits Lettlo Losgo. Committee on Programmo-C. II. Ilottum , W. B. Xodtlcer , Mrs. .fames Carpenter. Com mittee to represent Nebraskayonng peoploon the national executive committee M. G. Mncleod nnd Uov. I.i.V. . Terry. The matter of co-ordlnato organization with the state convention was referred to tbo last named committee , nnd notice given of proposed amendment to the constitution. The report of the committee on resolutions was adopted as follows : ICesolvml , That wo rocn'jnlru In Tbe Loyalist tbo llrst HuptlMt young iiroplo's organ , which gives imilimlvu iitttMillun to tliolr needs.Vo CMiilorsotus motto anil alms , and hope Unit it may biifoiinil In tboliainNuf every member. Itcsoliod , That our wntebword shall bu or- Kiinl/itloii : fur thu llutlst ] ) youni.jeopln In eburob uud usiochitloii In stnte and nation , THK Si'Elilt.VK. . ImlopiMiilunoo Uncos. I.sncrRNiir.Ncc , la , Oct. 29. [ Special Tele- grain to TIIR BIX. ] The llrst race called to. day was the unfinished free-for-all pace. \Vilky Kussoll won in two straight heats , Summary : Wllkv Uussell . 3 Almont Hiuluuv . 1 1 3 3 ! l Tangent . , . 3 3332 Tlio next was the unfinished 'J:35 : trot , I' bentlno won , .Ashlnnd Prince second , Ucnlu third , Best tlmo-2:25. In the regular events HuvmonnVllkei won tlio two-year-old class , I'rlmroso second , Host time 'J : ' it { . Second race , 'J-IO : pueoSunset Patchcor won the third , fourth aud fifth honts , Mik ( Logan stiindlnuBeeond. tiino-2 : > l.j , ' 1'hlrd raw , 'JitO trot flrccnbash Star won , Jim Star second , Cllngstono II third. Hcsl time SiWij. The frt'C-for-nlt thnt wns declnrtMl off , thas ondingthn regular events. Tomorrow wil bo devoted oxeluslvoly to standard breeders stakes. DOSTEU-Octobor ! , Mabel , daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Milton J , Do.itor , aged foui yean nnd nlno monjbj. Funeral today ut 10 a. in. from tha fainllj residence , 1312 I'aul struct to J'rospcct Hll cemetery. Star , Fremont , Init. , copy REGISTER TOMORROW \ BOURBOJS TURN TO BURGLARY A Dissolute Young Man Hiwi to Pilfer Republican Hcatlijuartors ! THE FARMERS' ' ALLIANCE CONVENTION , An Independent Political Movement I'livnreil by HIP Hpi'iikcfN Iiitornn- tlnnnl Itro Keepers' Associa tion Tim .lolnt I tat o Cases. lis ) Mnivni , la. , Oct. Sft rSpcclul Tele gram to Tin : Bnn.l Ueorge llutchlns , son of ex-Labor Commissioner K. 11. Hutchins , confessed today to the burglary of the repub- Horn sttito central committee's heiiihiuarters and the abstraction of n largo number of let ters , some of which have been published by the democratic papow. The letters aw mostly the views of the local republican workers as to the political situation , some of them acknowledging tbo receipt of funds from tbo state central committee , nnd one purporting to bo from J. S. Clarkson nt Wnshington , promising funds for lown , which Cbnlrmnn M.ick pronounces n forgery. Forty-three of the letters were returned to day by the democratic state committee and the DCS Moiucs Uoatlor , and it is thought others are still in their lintuls. The young man lias been in the employ of the republican stnto committee as a sort of ns-slstiint cleric , but was not entrusted with any of the keys. Ho says ho was paid $ 'U by the democratic committee at ono-timo and $10 nt imothcr , and Intimates that ho had nn accomplice. Ho Is u dissolute clmr.ic.ter , and was only employed by the committee ut tbo earnest solicitation of his father. Tbo democrats - crats lave sought to make a great sensation out of the matter , but their criminal connec tion with the matter will be likely to over come any harm they may have done to the re publican patty. The Alliance Convent ion. DBS Mom : * , la. , Oct. 'JO. [ Special to THE Br.i.J The state convention of the farmers' alliance opened tills morning with about four hundred delegates present , and a largo num ber of others arrived during the day. Presi dent Furrow , in his annual address , said : " \Vo hailed the opening of last spring In the hope of a bountiful harvest. In that wo Inivo been disappointed , but wo know of no bettor plan than to hang to the willows. Sonic of the Industrial conditions must bo remedied by better farming , some by legisla tion , and if at present the public men do not ivo the relief they must stop down and out. Hut will anyone desert the alliance because of discouragement ) " lie exhorted tbo members of the alliance to > and together , vote together and present a inn nnd united front to the monopolies of tbo country. iVmong the llvo minute speakers following was Uov. Henry \Vallaco , editor of thu Iowa Homestead. Ilo saw no failure in the farm movement. The farmers' alliance had given tlie state of Iowa the best railroad law m the United States. No organization had as inurb. Influence \Vnshiimton as the Iowa alliance , because It had been moderate , firm and just In its demands. H. H , IlafT , editor of the Dehorner of Chlcairo , being present , enter tained the convention with un interesting account of the workings of tlio Fanners * Mutual Benefit association In Illinois , but advised the Iowa farmers not to join it , s.iying the alliance was good enough. He warned the alliance against nnv consolidation with the national farmers' all- ! mice or industrial union , saying Ihoro was fraud in that organization. Air. Rogers of Dallas county said that the alliance must or- ganUo for a political force , not as a partisan force , but to control political action. Ho said politicians must be kept out of the ranks. Ho thought the alliance must organize as a political party , There was no other way. K , P. Drown of , Pottawattaudo county , candidate for secretary of state on the union labor ticket , thought political action was necessary. Mr , Miller of Sue county warned the fanners against inde pendent political action. Farmer organiza tions were not strong enough to bo successful by an Independent party. They should rather go to the polls and castan Independent ballot , voting for the best man In wftatevor party. Cirlflllli of Cass spoke upon the folly of tbo staying out of politics. Ilo said it was fool ish to endeavor to control the party caucjs nnil the old parties. These old parties were opposed to each other , and brought alliance men into conflict. The farmers must orga nise a political party. Ho referred to the po litical action of the southern alliance mid the movement In Xebrushu , and enlogi/.ed their .u'liou , Committees on resolutions , dues and secret work were appointed in the afternoon amid much confusion. Tbo secretary's report shows that In the past year tbo membership increased 14,8:1(1. : ( The secretary recommends action looking tea a lessening of the burden of taxation on farm property and placing- more largely on rail way and personal property. Tlio Supreme Court. Dns MOI.NES , la. , Oct. 29. [ Special Tolo- raui to Tun IBI : . ] In the siipromo court today a decision was rendered in the case ol the state against M. E. Hillings , in which it was sought to tax the cost of printing the state's abstract to Uremcr county. Thoeourt holds that the state must pay its own bills In such cases. The matter was brought buforo the executive council some time ago , and the payment was resisted by Governor llolos ; hence the decision. Other- decisions filed were : ludgo vs ilonluti & O'Connor , appellants ; Clinton district ; affirmed. Smith , t Smith , appellants , vs Decock ; Marion district ; anirmed. Fullortoii lumber company , appellants , VH Spencer ; U'oodbury district ; reversed. IJroolce , administratrix , vs Chicago , Uocli Island & I'aelllc railway company , appellant ; wper district ; nfllrmcd. Cook .fc Wheeler v.s Chicago , Reek Island & 1'iicllh1 railroad company , uppclbint ; Jas per district : modified and anirmed , Furnamvs Chicago , Itoclc Island & Pacific railroad company , appellant ; Museatlno dls. trlct : reversed. Hoycr , appellant , vsThoeminp ; Scott dls. trict ; nlllrmcd. _ To Kn force the iToint Hatrjs. Dis : MOINT.H , la. , Oct. 20- [ Special to Tin BRI : . ] According to Instructions Issued yes terday , the nttornoy general will at enc ( begin suits against the Iowa Central , the Chicago cage & Tt'orthwcstoro , the Iloek Island , tin Milwaukee , IJurlington , Cedar Hnpiils < S Korthorn , Chicago , St * Paul , Minneapolii A Omaha , C'hic.igo , Durluigton , t Quincy Sioux City .t 1'dcitlo and Minneapolis Vi St. l ouls railways , to compel them toadop the Iowa commission's sclicdulo of Join rates , which took effect October 'J5. Tin commission Is Informed by tlio attorney general oral that these suits will bo brought i mined I ately In the Council Hunts court nnd prossoi to an early conclusion , providing the suprcm court in the case now pending dnemiotsoono decide that the law is unconstitutional , which of course , the attorney general thinks Is no likely to happen. Tlio llo ICeotcUK , la. , Oct. 20 , The twenty-first an mini convention of the International Dee as soclatlon met In this city today , delegate being present from all parts of the Onltoi States and Cannda. Tbo day ivas devoted t the annual report of the provident and th reading of various papers relating to aplcul turo. turo.At tonight's session a committee wns aj pointed to securean appropriation from th general government , to bo used lasocurin ; the best bees in Ibo Orient or elsewhere Jo the purpose of experiments looking to sill greater improvements in good bees , A Vt-rilidt. Tor thn 1'apor. Cnrun Ilu > ir > * , In. , Oct. M.-iSpeelal Toll gram to Tut : IJcK.l The jury In thaeas of Frank Millar ngalnst the Gazette compnn of this city for $10,000 damages forUbel.aftc being out over twenty-four hours , returned verdict this afternoon In favor of the dofeni ! nut. tlio Kufnty DKJ Miiixcf , In. , Oct M. ( Special t TUB HKE. ] The Illinois railway con piny has commenced the work of CM.ulppln nil freight anil cbal cars intended for Uo on the lowndlvisum.wlth alrbrak-\ * and safety couplers , as prouldcd br the Oiflln bill passed by the last assembly. All new cars lire lielng so oivleiod , while the old ones will JKI into the shop * to be equipped In this way ns fast ns they 'can bo spared. The Coftln bill elves nil tlie'ipads of the state two years in which lo miike.tliochunste . , A I'atJii Itciiinrrliiiifi' , DES'vnn , Cole , , Oct. 20. John \V. Duffy , who came here from Hurllugton , la. , In April , wai seized with u violent hemorrhages wi the street t6u.lvl and died before tbo flow of blood could bo Stopped. iioit.V or"MAMCI : . President Adam * llcfiilRs Iteports About ttio Ciinilltion of III * lluad. In regard to tbo physical condition of the Union Paclllc and tbo stories recently put In circulation about It , President Adams said last night : ' 'They are mainly malicious nnil originate , as we hero well know , with some of the ofllcluU recently discharged from ttio company's service. I have Just been over the innln line from Ogdcn to Oinabu and It U In better physical condition than I ever saw It before. The condition of the Oregon Short Ltu < jls not nearly so good , but this is wholly due to tlio fact that thoJTOOOJ ! ties contrai-tod for It last year wore largely swept nivay by tbo spring freshets and the deliveries which should have boon made In March , April and May were not muJo until August , Septem ber and October. These tle.s are now bf Ing put under thH tr.iek as rap- Illy ns possible , and if tha cold rcather holds off the road will bo In good condition by the llrst of Do- comber. "As to tlio tralllc of the road , tha only mis take the officials have made bus Iwi'n to try to do this year's buslnnss with last year's equipment. The hoard of direction , fully ap preciating the probable growth of tonnage , Hindu ample provision for it. Ono hundred nnd seventy locomotives are to bo udijed to our power and some thirty-six hundred freight cars , or a new locomotive every ether day of tlio year and half a full train of freight cars for every day of the year. The orders for this equipment were given nt the usual time , but owing to the crowded condition of the shops at the east tbo contracts have not yet been tilled and the deliveries , which should have been inado October 1 , have not yet como along. "Accordingly our facilities have been overcrowded and wo have bad more than the usual number of wrecks and delays. This is rapidly being remedied and thcro is every reason to believe that the dinicultius under which we have labored will bo wholly removed by the mid dle of November. After a very careful ex amination I am satisfied that tbo only thing the Union Pacific is now suffering from is a plethora of riches. It is much in tlio position of n hundred horse power engine which is worked to move machinery requiring a hun dred mid 11 fly horse power. Thu engine U badly racked In tbe effort. Whatever rumors hiiiy bo circulated , these nro the facts , and in regard to the Union I'aeille it will inevitably so appear a llttlo later on. The necessary remedy for the trouble has already been ap plied ; that is , the service has been reduced within the limits of tbe facilities nt the com pany's command , nnd the elTort to do too much with insulllcleut means has boon checked , " TU'O GHASXLiY WOUNU9. They Will Undoubtedly Cost Otto \Viiiist < lne Ills Ijif'e. A farmhand named Otto AVeinstone , workIng - Ingon M , F1. Chapman's farmabout two miles west ot Florence , shot himself yesterday morning , about 'J o'clock , wltb suicidal in tent. tent.At At a late hour last night the unfortunate man was still alive , but no hopss were enter tained of his recovery. Yesterday morning "Welnstouo harnessed his team , as usual , for the purpose of hauling manure. At the bour mentioned it is sup posed lie went to the well to take a drink and while doing so his team took Irightand ran away , being stopped by a couple of trees which stood in their path. \Vbatcvcr the effect produced upon his mind t > y ttio unexpected accident , 'Welnstone rushed Immediately to the residence of Mr. Chapman and then again back to the field , stopping near tlio corn crib. I Us conduct was noticed and marvelled at. notwithstanding that it has been supposed bis mind , has been for some time deranged. He had left the bouse but a few moments when Mrs. Chapman and n lady friend who were ut home , heard two shots ilred in rapid succession. They looked in the direction \Yein- stone had gene , shouted to the men who wen ) working in the adjoining Holds nnd finally ran toward the corn crib , a short distance from which they found Vi'elnstono jylng on his back and groaning in agony. Mrs. Chapman approached him fearlessly and noticed that his shirt was burning and that two holes through his garments showed tlmt ho had shot himself. She nsVd him why he had done such n deed anil ho replied that it did not trouble ) him aud that ho was pleased with what he had done. Later , how- ver , his pain became excruciating and ho est Ids oquanimlty. The other farm hands were summoned nnd Woinstono was curried to Ills room in the house and medical assistance was culled. Ono of the wounds was found about half an inch above the navel and tlio other an Inch and a half below the apex of the heart , The wounds wore dressed , but no attempt was made to locate tha balls. Mr. Chapman was in Omaha at , the time , A messenger WIH dispatched for him but did not succeed in finding him until late in the afternoon , when Mr. Chapman returned homo immediately. WoinsU'noha.s lived on Mr. Chapman's farm for tbo past year. Ho had previously lived for livoyoars ns a hermit on tlio adjoin- liiRfarm of Peter O'ltourke. Ho was a hard working man and so far as known bad-hut one relative , a brother , alive , ana ho is sup posed to be in St. Paul. The weapon with which the deed was done was -J-callbro with pearl handle , nnd , for a Miiall weapon , made a pair of ghastly wounds , Nobody around the fnnu know that \Vcln- stone had n pistol and tbo wonder notv is that in his periods of insanity ha did not use It upon some of his associates. It'KS'fUMtX r.ll'HIXK MXTKKESTS. An Unprecedented Output I'rediiitetl for October. Cixcisxvri , 0. , Oct. -.Special [ Tele gram toTiiE BER. ] Tlio Price Current suv-s : An , especially largo number of bogs ha'c beca marketed in the west tbo past weeK , packing returns allowing 3 0,000 against WO- 000 last year. Tim , indications are that Oo tobcr will reach fullvil , ' . ' 0.aM ( ) ) , far exceeding nny previous record for October. Complete returns for the bight summer months wll probably show fnljy 000,0t ! ! ( ) ) hogs , agalns U.S'sli.OOJ ' last yoaiv.implvlnga . total of ap proximately Itl,000,0rt0 for twelve months icadlng places corn pare as below ainc < . uiul II < M'.J < 'WH. ST. PRTKn iiuito , Oct. 29. [ SixjcUl C'ablo Rram to THE BUR. ] Tbo government Is stll debuting on n scheme in refcronro tn th .lews , but It ia certain that it will bo long before fore It rotncs Into force , owlnif to red tajx ures. Inineas the meantime , subject to th nnu-semliio feeling of the goveninicnt am thopuhllo , the existing rcKulnttohs In regun to tlio Jews will bo applied with the utinos vigor. Tlio I'fitrliu-uli Hel'iiHCs tn Arbltnite OoxsTAMisoi'i.H , Oct. 'JO.Speclid [ Ciiblu Brain l& Tnc HUH. ] The tircck patriurcl bus refused notice of the c-nmmis til tmuauu to tukeuny I1U tltu Ut nv ; 11J III II la slon tipiHiinted to oiTcctuu understanding bo tween Ibo I Porto und th Gii-ek synnd or t < libido by its decision. Thirty Armenian : huvo been arrested In this city on th ehunri ef conspiring against the government. A R.EPESTAXT IOWA HAS , The Error of Prohibition's ' Ways Esporicnooil and Denounced. HIGH LICENSE VIEWS OF V , A , PARK , The rrohlliitory Imw .Admitted to Uo a Kail lire , IIarmful to the State and Mornlx of the People. Among tie ! names of tlio registered arrlv- nls at the I'dxton ycitonl.iy afternoon , a cpresentntlvo of Tun Dun noticed that of Ion. W. A. Park , a prominent eltl/i'n tiiul at- onu-.vof Lit ; 4 Mulnos. It b unJuMtood , hi : i urenoral way , Unit Iowa tieoplo tire he.irtily sielc of the prohibitory laws of thiit state , nnd in uiulctlncil and desultory cotivciv.ition with Mr. Park , Introductory of the subject , soon drlttcil to the point and resulted In a rcry satisfactory interview , in which ho ex pressed himself In no uncertain way ai igauist prohibition and ti pronounced lugl" 11- CPIISO man. Mr. Park wa chairman of the Polk county independent club In 1337 wk u tlio llrst revolt volt of tlio lending business men , profosi- ionnl moil uiul taxpayers was 11104)0 ) against tlio prohibitory laws , unit the revolt was suc cessful in the elei-lioii of lion. A. 11. Cum mins to the legislature. Ho Is an enthinliis- Lie lowtiu , and grudgingly irnvo away any ev idence that would prejudice tlio Interests of the state , but tlio cold facts as to the harmful i-osults of prohibitory laws were too potent to tin * people of other stutos , ho said , to war rant tin attempt tohldo them. When the question , "Did you not favor the prohibitory amendment In ISS'il" was asited liim , he loit his recurve , and unbosomed himself - self lib follows : 'Ves , ] voted for the prohibit ion amend ment. and believed then that 1 was doing so for the good of my family ami country. 1 thlnlc now , after mm of actual cxucricnco with prohibition , that I made a mistake. "I urn convinced that prohibition IN a moral cnusuls hypocrisy Itself , and that in a busi ness wav U U vitally wrong and has seriously retarded legitimate bnsincju. "Vou ask inu why I think it Ii a moral fail- Lire. I answer , bneauseit does not prohibit. Of my own knowledge I noiv speak , and having Riven It some thought , I believe I spoalc with uocuracy. When wo had well [ emulated , licensed saloons in the city of Dei Molnes WB had no titwllnp places except t'jo.e- 1 censed.Vonov have , ana ever since the Iniv has been in force wo luvc hud , bun- ( in-ds of places where liquor is Imtulled. "Wo liave In hen of saloons , club rooms supported by respectable men nnd hoys , 'I'lieso club rooms are found la many plncan of course Uimwii to but those interested. Then wo hive places where boys tfingreguto , and pnrchiiso liquors , carry them to their rooms and drink them out of sight of their parents. In short , to have frco whisky. Let aayone stiuul at thu counter of u druggist who holds a 'permit' and sou the ooya pur- c me beer by tlio liottlo mid carrv it nwny , and conviction will surely follow that tlio rwlit place to sell liquor la la u liquor housa co it i oiled by license. "It Is not a ( rood law at far as the protect - t ten of morals is concerned , because it Is bad to teach morals by law , and tn the second place , in communities whore tliov look with disfavor upon the law , it is not enforced. U is well known that in all the river cities in Iowa , as well as many others , no attempt is iimdu to enforce the law , thereby rendering the law a nullity. "But you ask me how it has affected Dos Mollies in a business way. The attempted enforcement has coit Polk county enormously. It has thrust upon us a sot of fcc-oatini ! , foe- creating officeholders , and to bo a justice of the peace is ureatcr than governor of lotva. a " 'rates this year in Dea Molnes nro higher than ever , nnd they have been Increasing at a very much higher ratio slnco tlio prohibitory law went Into effect than before. Heal estate has not materiall.vliicre.ised since prohibition took away our greatest industry the distil lery. And while tlio city has not gone b.ick , yet it has not grown wltb that rapidity which her location , ber people and advantages war rant. General business has been injured by the fear capital has had that the lucroiiso in county expenses would not warrant invest ments. "TbB principle underlying our law is bad , nnd so is any law that requires ofllcers to enforce its provisions nnd not to punish its violators. Tlio law of prohibition Is against the fundamental prindnlcs of free povoniinent , and we llnd in Des Moincs that since the distillery property was confiscated that men of means will not Invest in any business that is liable to be influenced by such pronounced legislation ns a prohibitory ln\v must bring about. All legislation of this character Hurts business. "Tho fact that men can prowl into business houses under the giiiwi of searching for liquor i.s serious to largo business interests. One of our largest starch works was threatened -by ono of the .searchers , because the works were oper ated on Sunday , and cattle wro fed from the slop. We are cursed with spies , search ers and blackmailers ; free men will not sub mit long to a l.iw that can only bo enfoicud by such measures. "I believe that , but for prohibition DCS Molucs would today have 73,00) ) people , in- ste.ul of 50,01)0. , ) "If tlio good people of Omalia wish their boys to learn tlio use of liquors , then vote for prohibition and they will find that tlio secret club will taku the place of thu oneii saloon. Give mo a high license huv In preference to a society club. I believe that the you nt ; men will not so readily step into an open public place as a secret dive. Miles * Nerve and Ijlver Pills. An Important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. Thev speedily cure biliousness , bad taste , torpid liver , pile's and constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mllduit , surest. : M doses for ffi cents. Samples frco at ICuhn & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas. Iowa ami Dakota Pensions. WASIIIMITOX , Oct. 29. [ Special Telegram to THE BEI- : ] Pensions were granted today to the following NebiMskans Original Peter Anderson , Junlata ; liyron II. Saw yer , Grand Island ; . I usou ( J. .Sawyer , Xortn 1'latto ; Henry II. Hunt , nradsUaw. In crease l.uuls Alvc.-t , JCunlatu ; "William 0. Carrier , Grand Island ; Cbarloi Uunlap , Arapahoe ; .lobn II. kdmonds , Stauton ; D.ivid Dings , Grand Island. Ituisuio Uoger W , 'I'honias , Ilromon. Iowa : Original Robert .1. Ill ploy , Shcn- aiuluali ; Miles Price , /ere ; VVItllnm Brown , Host Des Moincs : Thomiis Ij. Tunhs , Bur lington ; John K. Hull ( doeciwcd ) , Preaeott : Charles ! ' . CJoldlng , Newton ; John ( J , Ali- tliuny , Plattevillo ; .lolm Madilcn , Fanners- ImrK , Increase Ceorge K , Reed , Vow Vir ginia ; Heinham Sickle , I.camlo ; ( icorge It. 1'ainton. Oskaloosa ; William Fislier , Olin : Thomas Denny , Cnntrell. Uelssue-.Iolm W. llamlio , Mlnjjo. Kelsauo nnd lueivasu Thomas J. Kohinson , : Ik-njumin Fern , Dubuquo. Original wldoivs , eti- . IJosina , widow of John 1' . Hull , 1'ivscott ; Mandana , widow of Francis Champion , IJj- bllQUO. South Dakota : Restoration and Increase - John H. .MablHitt , Mount Vernon , incroaio Joseph Cuii'hlutley , Hrldgewator ; Alexan der Kerr , Turton ; Ulianes V. Kiln , 1'iw Ik- ton. A Dcnioefallo .Murder. SAN Fnvxfisro , Oct. 'JO. f awrence Honeh , u republican , was shot nnd killed by .1 nines ,1. Allen , a democrat , last evening. Allen bad caused a number of voters to be cued to appear before the elec tion cammhsloiiers , and when Koacli mot him ho was accused by Itoaoh of being an informer. .Allen says Koach attached him with a knife and no ( Allen ) thendroiv his pistol and fired two .shots. The only weapon found on Uoach was , i small iioKcl - Itnlfo. _ _ About tn llnltim. P. ni , Oct , -iSpoclal CablegiMtn to Tin : Bii.J : M. Itoustim , French minister to the United States , who has been visiting Franco on leave of alisoiuM , Isiibont to return I to his post at Washington , Ilo was reci'lveJ by President Carnet today. , REGISTER "TOMORROW. OAT/IK 1'IKLI > / ' Illoods Meet Vltli Itiit- toned K < ill < 4. N'r.w VonK. Oct. St. [ Spivlnl Telegram to TIIK llm : , ) The llernld pnbllshe.s a story of u duel between two flubmen who Iwd quarreled over a wni'mnlu nUro.idw.iy bll- llardroom. Only the Initials of the men's names are given. The name of n prominent political candi date was menttoncd liyonoof thocliibtuon 0. Ii , Inrotincctlon wltb a woman , ami the other O. V. resou tcil it hotly , boingii tur- tlsiin , nnd characterized tlio assertion as a "fal enood. " A blow followeil ami they cllncheilYhllo they were belns separated C. 1' . said , "I could lilll you. " And Ids whilom friend dared him to meet 111 in el < o- whcre. N'otliln.i ? inoro was said. 'J'he two men did not care to inakna public exlilbltlon of tliemselvoj and each went his way with anger In hi * heart. Doth moil arc good bo < - CM , ( 'ooil hots nnil jrood swordsmen , In fact , aU-nrouiii ! athletes. A cliallengo passed be- Ivveen them. A mntuil friend , wlw isonoof tile lines ! swordsmen In the dty. sugBestod that the duel should lie fougtit after the C ? or- inatt university fashion with swords. C. K. anil ( I. Y. hud beou in I leldeliMjfgaiiil knew the fashion and nmscntpd. Tlio very tlrst thltii ? wn : to swear nil bunds to sonvcy. De- sides the principles then ) were present the seconds uinl tno umpin1 , vho Is the swordsman roferreil to. Tbtvsa live niMi met shortly after dnvbroak acrtKS the llnrli'iii river and procoivli'd to u secluded spot not far from a boat club house on the Sauiul , 'I ho second * had arranged that , lint blood , should end the matter. The weapons useul wow foils , with loadrti buttons lixeda short illstanco from the keen points. The two men saluted e.u-h . other courteously as tins foils wore placed In their li.nuls , At the \voril tln\v advanced and erossml svonli. 0 , 13 , win a trillo tlio taller , and with a rather longer reach , but ( I. wir.v and alert. At llrst they merely played with eai-h other mid were very cautious in nttnclc. The taller man's swift lunges \\erosUIIIfully \ jurrli'd ' , but ho hail constantly to shift hU ground , heltiR closed | nv.sscd by his opponent. Tlioy fought fully U f teen miimtCH without either felting nn aclvaiitige , but as thi\v foui ht tlmy bccanio mow e.iser , anil at last a thrust lii tierce drew blood I row C. K. Hevasstrnrk \ in the right shoulder. I to went on with the combat , however , bulumnre | nnil seronds In terfered , aiul It was well they did , for t'm ' button on the foil of U. II. h.ul slipjvd and tlicrovi9 daiifrerofa fatal terniituitloii of the light , if the. terms of tlio duel hud been disregarded. The -won nil was bound up and bath men re- sunicd their clothing juntas It nothing lad happened. Before they went their several ways tlwy tainted each other. Oa Monday night G. K. was all rifrht. They met at a theater sboolt liamls , and they are new ui fast friends as over , but refrain from discussing politics or women. \VIio Ii "ihe Colonel ? " LoNMifix , Oct. 29. [ .Special Cablegram to Tun HIT. . ) Incnilrid were made at Mar- ley's hotel inl'rsifalgnr squarrtodiy to ascer tain what truth there is in tlio story from Montreal that Itegiiiakl Birchall , now under scntonco of death at \\rooilstcck , Can n la , for the umrdrr ol V. ( . ' . rienwoll , Mrs Hlreluill ami "tho colonel , " the alleged author of the letter receive , ! by Birchall In whioh lie ai'knowledgei . ho shot and killed Ijcnwcllvcre at the hotel last January , Samosot association will meet tills evening , over IIWl Dougl.B ; street , at 8 o'clock , All members nro rciuiottjd to bo present. The personal rights league will luld amais meeting at South Om ilia on Friday , October 1 , nt Itustby hull. The Clon. John I. , . \\rul- sterwlll aildrws tlio ine. tlng on tha < itiestwn of prohi nitioii , is Invited to at tend and partioularly employes of Hwift's paeltlng company. I'rtJintiiciit Ivaunat City .H\n Killcil. ICvNHs CJirr , O t , i ) . rjufc evcnins Drury CTndonvooJ , president of thu exposi tion driving park nssoi'latioa and ICiin- sas Missouri Intcr-st.uo fair nssoeia- tiou , and u promini'iit liricl ; maim fai turn- , ami ountracLor , was Itllled by a freight train while returning from Hunt. Flo leaves a wife and ten children. A Diplomatic I'roiniil inii. MAIIUIII , Oct. S1. ) . ( Special CaWeKram to TiiKlJfei ! . ] The Oltldal Gayctto today nn- nonnces the appointment ol" Honor Guanos , now Spanish eonsnl general at N'o\v Vorlt , Spanish minister to the United States , la pliu-o of Senor Murnajca , who recently m- slgned. Lenpr > hl : > l t-'i' ; ! ! n loinb. BIIII.IV : , Oct. ii. ! ! [ Spjcial Cubk'ffram to Tin-Hii : : : . ! King Kcnpold. of 13elghnn , lo- day vlsiti1 ! ! the minsolfiim In which were re cently priced tlm rviiulns of tlio ICnipernr Frederick. His majesty plaeeil a wreath up on tlie tomb. Quiet HeMorril Ml l ricljiiin-y. Bin\n : , Oct. -iSiiedal tn Tun BUB. I Quli't Is restored at Froiboiiri ? , the cai > itol of thocnnlim of tlio smio : nami > , the scene of conflicts ix'tween iMlicals nnd conservatives growing out of elections , Mni'tlcrcdty \ 3 Di' , Oct. 50. [ Special CuMoRr.iin . to Tin : HiIV. : | A li.uul of "mormliplitors" In County Clare have murdered n girl named Fhinagun and her mother. A .Snow Kill in Dnlcot.i. . Siiit-x KAI.I.S S. I ) . , Out , ii'.i.- [ Special Tek'znim to Tin : llr.iThe : | llrst snn\v \ of tlio se.Hon bi-piii fulling this moriiiiij.'in llake < us liii'KO nn a ilime. Ttu Iherinoinctcr [ 'gistered 40 dJ.ri.Mji ubovo. Sleoploisncis , nervous pmstmtion , nervous dyspi'psii , < liillne- , llti'vs ) ' , cured hy Dr. Miles' JTorvine. S-iinploi ( roe ; it ICuhn , fc Co.'s , lath uinl Ilmirliis. Drop lit ( iold. Bins-OS Avi s Oct ' ; C'ablo- ffnmi to Tut : 111 I . I fJuld closed todaj at l.V.l'j ' premium Absolutelv Puro. Acreua oftartur bakJn ? pnirflcr. if leavmi'.nsitionxib'U.S. ' Govurnmcut oort Aui , 17. le'JJ. GHA-Tf'S SPECIFIC WEDICINE , n > rk , Illninn * oVI ( lon. f'ri-m llrr-0,1 ! AK * . and & itif oilier dlion * * ! that Iffltl to ln * * iilt/ or run > unial | < ) ii an In luimiii'.iirn ernvr. tWKull"irllculw | Inojr imnphlct. whlrh ir < do. ilr ln ft't fn l > rmiilllnriTerr on" , lr"rin' MI- linr Mcrtlrlni'li o4 ! nt II r > * r parkaitt.or > lt iiiuk' oifir II , rr will I8 om rri'tliy null vu x-u > S ( > t < ; ( tliomonrr hy iililrctitnj TJIK OOODMAN DltCG CO. , 1110 KAitMAsr STIIKUT , OMAKA , Nwi. On account < it eoant ifolu wo t r9 iliJla < * lu C111T1CLS11 1M EXCIASD. A Glatlitoulnu Opinion of tbo McKinley TaiifT Bill , WILL IT hARM OUR MANUFACTURERS' lie Snys Hn lnud WIH bo In jured in Only Otu- Market , \Vblle America AVI Mho Injured In Twonty. LONDON" , Oct. 30.Ciladslmip arrived at Dundee to.lay nnd was presented vitu ihu freedom of Ibo city. Honuvle nn address m wlilch lie referred to tlio I'onunerco of tbo city which. It was snld , was llire.iltnuM liytim adopt ion of Ilio newtarllTblllby the American congress. Ilo would not , however , lie snld , bring nillliiuiu'cusiitlim against the people of the United .States. 1'roU'i'tlon , nlthoiigh It nilgtit iuflii-t inri- dental collateral blows OH other twin trios dlu far greater mischief to lha 'oiilo of tbe country which adoptiM such a poliry. ( IliuUtom1 then prm-ivd-iii to contrast the di'i'ivaso In the tiri'tin l-.nvMmi I with tbo in the tariff In tbf I'mii-il Suites , anil .iid ho found imifi.rt fur l-.iiij land iu the f.u-t that It was not tinu- that , mv t arlll adopted hy any ifnvern'iuM.t . on earth could Interfere R < > i-loii ly \\itti tbcproipcrlty of Croat Hrltalu. The tlrst ntfivt of thn MelClnloy Mil would he tn tMisit ' ho standard of prii-rs'in the I'liluM Stit s | ' nuiint diminished inworuf exportation ' 1 M' . ug.iln tnwi'it tli.ii. . while wi > wow < iun n ed in ( ino of our twenty markets , we derived - ' rived boiiellt In tbo ntlier nmoti'i'ii from diminished power of ihu merchants of tbo United States to eomiK'te wilhllritlsh markets in any oii'i ' of them , this being luu to Jiuguientaiion of priios in thu United State * , mid iivroasod iv- stiMintsunili'rvlilclimerchiints of thu latter country have t , j work. lie advised uiiinii- fuctnrers to allow AuiPi-l a to find oat for hersi-ir the evil clToot.s tint will follow Ihu iidoptlonof a high tnrilT. ( lladslonodppri'i-nleil lhi > Idea of a will vereln of the whole llrit.lsh oinplre , lin > hidln > r colonies iinddop'iuti'ncioii , a , iinsl all fon-liiii con.ilrb's. Ho doubted much whether lti > \vbolooinpini wmild consent. Kurt boriiionv altliouuli it would to some exd'iit enlaivo tlui commeiro of tlmcoloiiicM , it woulil oontr.ii-r it with the rust of the world. The Imperial i-ommeivo was now t'l , OiNllKU , ) yearlv au.l the foreltrn rotuineriv t..Vi.H.'i l.iMD. . ( > mtrri t of tlio tMrlvlnh'ytarllT would be to direi-l Ih < attention of the British nun ufiietiin r toward theproiliii-tlon of liner d.i' of fronds. (10- ( raiise tliesu Intolerable protiv. tlvo duties. 'I'lm iv-uilt won M be to elevat auit improve the tradi' of Hie llriti-ii miinnfiii'tuivrs , spur Iheiii nn atul stuti- ulntu their Inironnity. Tbo jiiiilmbii } tenilency a iiinn K democrats ivould t > eto\vinl tbciiiiinnfarlureof iiiar.M.'ipiods , tints ile grading their productions. In spitoof piv > - tfi'tion the eonimoivo iK'tween America nn-l Uritjiin bad greatly lnr-rea.s < 'il. Tlui word piotectioii was a niisnnmiT. it ouiiht to lu > oppression , It Is a delusion and a fraud AinericM wns a country could best af ford to try tliis strange and nstonMiini ; ex periment. Her natiiiMl WL'.dth. soil , miner als and hnnienso turritorv made her a world in herself. The pnssosMou of these eiioi- mons ailvaiilages helped to disguise the trut'i ' from Ainericatis , but tlio Mi'lCiulcy law w mlil involve u fearful w.iatcof ivsmircesln which her jR'Oplo ought lo bo made strung A Ilnynl inn < | itet. liiu.ix ) : , Oct. ! ! ! > . iSp.vlal Cnblesrani to Tin : BIK. : | Ala b.mijuot given at l'ot-sdanv . tonight , in bonorof Iviiig UepoUl , tbo Icing .sat between KinwrorVilliani and I0inpre-s Augusta Victoria , and oppudtu I'bancollor Von Cnprlvl , Tlierc were l.Mlgue.its present , among whom wow the t'nreli n embassiulurs , the Duchess of Coniuuigbt nnd other no tables. Ij.iee .Milkers' Strike landed. CAI.AK , Oct. SO. | K | clal CaWegnini ! : tf Titr. Bi'.i : . | - Tbostrlku among tbo lacomaUi'is A clear skin lloils , pimples , blotclu's on Hie skin , ciuptlons , etc. , cihlenco the fact that the Wood is not in good condition. ' .Tlieae symptons lesiilt from the effort of nature to throw off the Impurilieti , in wlileh slioitlioiild aahislod hy Swift's ' Specific { This ill remedy tliodistuibaiiceind , : Liinj s | > 'eily and permanent lolU'f l > y foreiii ' out tlio poison , and will build tip tin ; system from tlie Hist dose. liookon Illood and Sliln Iliseascufrco .Swift nceinc Co. . Atlanta. Qa AMUSEMENTS. XoSjiiurdiy Matinee , 1 Yiirlire . ! > M\ir.Nt'INr. ; Hi'lriliiM- I Ilis UllOIK.1 \ iML Tiirit iiAV . J TIIK niJlL ! JIONMtt'lliif l-'iircu-fipiiii'dy Prank Daniels Ml-i III-HK | s\N-\ ( ) uinl HitUK. . ( ( ) \1- \ l-ii\ : ( it. , in Ai.'hiiniii . aiiunii-iM Th" liirai'il tnrollni ' .npvir. prr-nontln fnr > ' - - r. "u tlii-t ( i ll'rt ' oliuui | u.1 \\Viliioxlay imirnlnit ill M'uj lnr inli-ui. Grand Opera Hoilse , TUH ) NIC.IITS. Tluirsiktv & Fiiikiy : U--t. - . 11 & M A bn l of -uiui.'ii I ! Uiiini'ii ' , i'-- ! , ui Iri' L 'nirlrsinio ' . , ! „ ' , in 1/n ion lit \invil < .1 lira Hill Hi Nly a In tlie iVuiili'iil ' Muslfil | ( ' -liciilir ll > rl'-- ' < iinInl v > < PIM-I , PRRI8IRN REVELS i ) r , \\'iu-li il In Miiimhi iil. ; AKlrdbv tinliuiii'dlniit. . IIK'1 'V inin'UN iili'l a -li-i'l u ilhili"1 ! iif lii-sl class Hicrniiy | | SI.MIO. I'oiiiilar ' jirli'i. . ( Ji.clio . > li'ii. . ' " < . llnliu- n.V fi : ( ' . ' - ' Grand Operct Houe. Salnrdiy and Sumliiy.Xoi . , IstaBl 2nd. HI > OCIII | KiMiuoiiir'nt ut llio I'ntiin i * Ittnrlc Mti.'nt't < , JOHNSON'S Colored Minstrels. W.AIT FOH US. //ATCH OW ELtCTRIC l > Tfifcfr IM l lie : l'lilriiiliin : | llriiiu .Mnjur nl HIM U'u..l , CDl , H\M ' | ) ! fit AM'IU'T.-J ' Hot tli-'i'l ' mien I rlil./ot ; i a u. Dime clen Will I'IUT. MuniiKcr. INiriirr Illli .tint I'ar- iiltn rl ri'i-in.niiiliii. ( ; iVi.nic or our. sni ; , VIMorlnu * lf > ru Ji-rniiifj'i ur t"ri. ; " > A'fi'rt r.liiiiriliur'i > .lnii4iiiiHolliirli iiiiii < 'iimiiii- < . Mir If Allloti , Kt-rriur'i IMuv.itril lluli-nn , T.iuKx'O iu ( Jiilllicn , IM JIIII nti'l I lani-i-- . . A i-iniicl | ioln/lH-'l oj ( > IMIIII : | Imiflilor , A riniiiiriicl'.li" : ! vtunlailli * | icr'uiiiitnr < j. DSt i milAldll : 3 TU ALL. .