r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , \VEDJSESDAY , OOTOBEE 21) ) , 1800. m1 i Actlvo MncM at Adyatccd Prices h All Cereals Yesterday. W5IEA7 BROAD AND STRONG TOTHE CLOSE " * ' A. llonrlnu Hull "Mnrlcr ! lit Corn-Pro- x duip Unlipio for | | H lint ii CM - f/l o Klnulc nml IV itnnuttit. CHITA no , Oot.J9. I'tit'Chl Tnlcjrn-mto Tiit llrr.lAMiciit look nil 7iij f-oimo t < nhy luit nnlhulinlv wit ftrnuK and lilRlior. Tlicro wm Hoinn | irtlly t ? l bull nem tindiniiny cxpi-U'ut ( < > Koc'prKvSKiJ llyln up2 or.leotiti iMitllK-ydlil not. Tlicrovn not enough non es rail ) ililni. riierouan llttlo outside tr.-ulc rccit | nlnit mue from tlic tortliuut nml trim * NairS'ork Tliotruilolicrcratno down town lionlhb.ltlle-vhii ; Uiil UiuliUlicr prices onlhociirli l.utiilKlilwotiM not bo siutiintd Tlico\rlystrcnrlli Mirprlvd 'icry one. DC- ccinliof whoattturtdl 'iSiSo tipaiKl nfli'r lit- tlooiisliuof icor Ins tlioprleu mo\ed tip to IOOKM-hit uUht. This as In tlie fuoo ol by 1o fnn , llrossoni , Hildv/ln / drldj-p. Mltcliill vni tlio nio4 iuyt-r , tiil < tn < Purilrldue'i Miort HMM ! tiruniicl ( I < ) - . " ( . Mllcholl'n bujltiR MIM followed l > y qult a clinnno ol loiitlinonltn ilia hull ilo > liytlionld oltntllncvvs M\cr- pol winflrnuUth deiiiiitillini > rovltipaccotl- ( Injto jiuMltj and private cabin . AVie.ifc on ocim | ii saso ( loo-cased GIH.07) ) bu-lie ! ] ; , ac cording ID Ilirrljoliin. It was reported tint CliiNUmof Jllnm > ! ii | < > llsliid sold r , ( K suiki oflloiirut tlicprloo of a jrai moUe \ New "York cloned lilt cm husholsof wlavt mid 14 < U > pncliiigciof ( loir. Atluitlciiorlulcarid In wlicat and Hour c < iuil to IIJ.OCO Iju lnl' On lei | ( if llil t. clo > ln ; Ilurpool eilte ) vrcro 'id up on spot \ he > : it ami JiffJVl on ftiturt'S Another jiluo o ( HUH VM lli'i ititoiiiMit that Ilradsticct'H cliiins that olllio WOO.OW bushels surplus on the cropof u Ic it : ilOUO.O)0ImslitN ) amnli o-idy Gtportiiltrotnlho tnorot'ts. Hlllns In till * in irk ft was cislly Icil by I'.irelndKe. ' ho wai Kolii sloit on tlio innrkot. lieeolpls licro voro literal it If ) CIVM , with (514 ( cuts at , Jlliint'iwll | < 4 and Iliilntli , URiilnst HA ems a ycir api Thoaatlon of Ilio uurUatw is : llc- cuiilmr opuncd : it ! l.i 'i. sold nt Jl ( W. to l.'U'i ' lo $ l.(8i ( to M.O'i'i iijtaln atlo'clock ; IMiy HoMat1l07 * lo $ l. 7U > tl(9 ( to JIOT .to IlifiT. riio Iraylnxnf wheat -\\asKoodtlus l.wt lialf hour niiilftllll lilKli rirlcostterureaeliod | aruIlllil.t HeM until $10) and closed there : Ikcunikr inotcil "l > vry stroiiBlyto 410IU and closinl at tl.OI'i. or Pic up fortlioihys Way toiiclitMHI.OS'iclosing , ut It.OSU , or'io ' lilglusr ( . 'linrlorsicro \ icportcd for'iOOO liisli- cl , Uiijlnsnas K ncralantl tlioiuurKct was biond midstions tollio ulose. Tlio lovst \ for Mav oorn todiy was Uc over closing' ' ! lew yesterday , The eaily iail > ct was strong , Iml of ilicslintlugiliaracler. The Into nntlctwi4 of Iho rnirlmlmll kind , and nrt lusvhrtliivo 1 ta t rjlax todeprtss prices. tngolliu wltlithosciilitjlni ; tat a hruak. ot. In tlio hole. In irillliiK oat thev put \iilios fniin lo to 1 > ic o-vot last nl llt Maystaifod ntr fSc.sold it-ll'ifto si'ie ' toJP.elo.'il'iolo Ki'i ' < QJVIUc Mltli a rush Jiisfcbcfori ) to'C-loclc. HiuitHVciutlio 7iihiclpilbuyi.m. Novuinber HUH upto .VJ',0 ' aL the s.imo time , the stam- | icdo o'shortsln torn continued Id the close. hou May com sold at BlJe und closed seller at Hint figure Oitnbei lolcl nt r l\eto V , ® Wio ; Ntivtiiibt'r. M'to lo . * i."ie : Hieoinhe'r , M'le ' toU'af Alllnoi tliselovod lit toil uilei' " . llrvaiittiioh lOO.nOO bushels from Jlel'oi inlclr A Co. nt.Vx'iiiid Kitchen Milil for tlic hit It r. ill the way iipfruni VK ; . Miorts riiHliid In from nil ovirlliellnor lo eo\er \ Minn \\astoo lute. Sclli isji".loriliiviit fi4n wo rohuyorsat andovur , Mtiyrornpi Ivllizcs sold at i5o lorwi'ijfor lints and M to ! > 0/Jcfor ! o.ills. Tlio outs nniKetrospondecl to tlio advance Inollui eoicils Inloiu thc ln. Octotor\\nM \ yj'it' inulut- May or at UUo culv , And 4l'io ' at thu rlosc. lloceniUof sold at4i : { i'to. | < ito ! ole < > . May hold ntHi'iC to ( lV ! , < j Io.lv1at ( ( ( > 4Ti , closing utl'e hllcr. . TlioinniUctforlinK pioductswin the one flit unrUeton tin1 tlooi to < lay. Ihrro nero llitlobotteriirli'tifor poi Ic oulv , but , they Mxin dropprilbncUo clo liitlliiiiesof ! ycsfiT- day. Literhi tlioduy olU'rliws Herofreonnd mrlc wild olfto * l.0"for Jaiiiniry- $ ! 277Ji for May , CloslnKirIcoa | \ liofjud by Iliu luiliro In com and tlio close was f 12.2) ind il'J.bror2Vjc'iip for t lie day. Laid midribs Closed at yesterday's ntlccs. CMIC.4 Alt' 12 STOCK. CHiCAr.o.Oct.28-lSiioclil : Telo rvii toTilR llBK.I-OATriB Ihislinissfalrniut prices about HUe the raiiRe ot yesUrduy. I'rline andfoo * ! ( tooiswerotcarcciuiaaiitcd , hiich scHliis wit ( iiilok , hub othets were , us lias been the ca o all alon ? . slow tit > unsntUf actory julees from opoiilnj to close. Common block was left to the ha und sold for wluitoior sales- mo u rouUl get. " \utl\c butcher sloolc coii- tliiues to sell ut cxtiennly low prices , wldlo Toxnns and rangers are dpwii to low-water niarV. Tlic ton liilco for the day ' as W.WA'.10 for wrlmo to chnloo niitlAo slurs aicinslns 1W ( to l.oon Ibs. : fair lo Rood , * -4Ml.S- ! iiicdiiini , | l.s.Xil.OO ! : t inminoii.15 * > ® 42V TCMIIIS PJ.'OQ.MIO. The lion ribboHliramlof rinjtersfold ut tl.fiaiifl otbormiiKirs sohlnt Jl.'OIji'l W. Itiinso sleors are ljSi" o low o ' than jestordnj * . r > lions Uiiilnc-M falilj acllve wllh a down- tin 11 of , * > e lolOc cm loiiiih and uonniion , the lirstlintvyninl IWit sorts t > lm Ingllttleor no chaiur. ltoujli ind common sold at J1.70 ® 310 * ; filr to KOOtl nil\cd , 9IOOi l 10 , and best limt-iyaiul nrliiiu butohor wolulits Wl ! ' ! < i 4iVBf ) -.v l4.ai I'lluie silnuliMl llirht from SIO down. M)1 < 1 larcoly at , M.lOjIlght light , U. Tad too ; 14-s , Jiwitiw. Nrw YonK. OU , X'S.-Spochl [ TcleBram to TIIK. Ilr.K.l-STOCKS Trailers dlspotsod last night1 * foclhiK tint tliomaikot Iind turned n corner , that bonn bud done tbflr wont by fair meausand by foul and that liny In ; sjm- claltlc'i toMoC aihaiu'o oC suntlmcnt. Kvcn the raid hi UuillnKton was overlooked , be- ciiuso they sav the stock told out 10 points htiilicr nptaUoii hack by the sumo imtlus. The day boguii with pressure agalnut tiast tt4 > ck , which , asiln ilrovo Chluaxo Oas off to : i7V und PUKIIP to CS'ji In tlio mcan- tlnio tlio railroad Hut. made jirosrc-s . Ixiulitlllo moved up to ? H. North to : WV , Northern I'ju-lllo to 2K\i , couimou and prcfe'rrodtolilson lo MIVj , llur- llnjjlon toWla and rCorlhwcslorii to icwi St. 1'aulrecovrriMl Its vi lo toW'j and MNsourl I'avllliwis"l liUhor at t > 'i. ' Thorowis u Btoty n tloit Unit Ilio iion-d h liloiiiUtoe Ut n ore to iMiatludioil n iln. Thlsprovtdtruoabout Uulim 1'aellle , Alilehvna \ raided to the lowest poliityet.touelihu 4rn\th | H roeinrry Uforn At Ilio same tlmo all the curly wlptd out nntltchliou dropped , St. I'aul tor * and > urth Amurl- oanloUt. Chicago Gas rpciiu > ivdlo Ja'i.or > i over tlio opoiilnir price. Mniicjr w s fulrh ousy nil < 1 ij nml In l.iinilon I li Ti\M ) > ie | KHS of oeood buyliij In ninek-i , tfucir , hnnovi r , wasmr neurlv S points Union I'u'ltlu ' Jij , si , I'aill'a iindNortU-ivoMirii nud CliloiiKollas ' ( each HiirlliiKtou and AtvhSou closeduboul Bloady. Mies naelu'dlhU'/Blsliait ? . The follotvliu-weiotlio floMii iiiatatloim | : U. ! * I * regular ,1'JI Norlln'rn l' ailc . us I' . ! * ( i coupon VJ4 ilo prfMrretl . 74 .liM'ir. ' A.N W li)7 ) J I * , f IS ruuiKm .1O4'J ' ito prcffrn-il . .1X8 I'milieu ; * op.i5 .111 \orkUntral .IUIV . wii-.ii \ K : is " . tlliin . . . . Ittxk Itlnnl ; t-\ Lhlimo. liurlliu'tun f . M A. t t , I'aiil . S7 ! ( iln iirt'firrfil ICn'j II. I. * W . . . . st. I'm I .t Oniulia . . * ? lIlliiulHiVntml. ICW tin ( irulerml . . , , K ) i * . ii jtv , ; . I Tallin I acl9 < > lAi , Ktinia * .V. litius 13U.W..8I. IA ! II O.ii do prvfi'rrcil . , , . vo i Mliiiltnii CentTnl , , . V\t \ i\Ve > leru Inlon 81 Mlnourl IVHo Mns-KY-Kisyi4rt per cent. bKUt.iMl KiillAMik Quiet and ktcadj ; er cent. Nrv YOUK. Dot . Liiolil | : Ti'legrain to urotlioinluliistojl > qiiolatloiHi Aiico , ll 'Atl ' nn Con 200 Mtxlle , z.'J , rule Ion lu. II 11. , , , l.U ) I olinili , Uni 110 Con I'nl A\u 40J ' " " ' " ' * " " Moun "I. 'fOJ I'lymoutli. , . . ! . . . 1UO U'lio AVool l Oet.tt. IJiicolul Tcligrum to Tin U E ] The demand tornol l fair , uiul con- liUrablo stock hns been pasting Inlu tlio hnmlao'iiiiuiutftctuicrM. Ilio niaiUutli linn lltl1.0l lt M obyiiRu in prlcu t quote. Lai litcu selling atiJo aoJXX u ma * X"o Mdilsnnl' not nrfuroil fl t under Itfc. nn'l ' most In iMcri n k 'Hi1 UoiuhliiR .wooli of nil KiniH anorvllfln ) : Nu. t. irn ln.llsMlilns ( it iWUi nml iiimaslu-il nt a ; ! ( ) < - . 01il illm ? lC' liilno l ill inly nfit/rtiTc nmlMlcliit in nt : il4 : iTx. ' . Tt'iiiiorwwlt ' arc dlliirf frocly tit , G'yn tnt Jlii" , fHitCiX ) for line me- ( Hum. nmt 5VTir > 7o for lunlluin. Tosai nml Cnllfoinlii v < xl urn In ileiuninl aiilM'llirlnclpall.vat ( | ITOJIe. 1'iilluil wool * fire'Ht 'jiiy [ hutim' . ' ! m : i yjUv ; for iiipor nntl iTstjljo forest n 1'nrcltjiin' jlsurr vry Him niul In H'Kid ' dciiiaiiil. The Collco 1ti rlpt. Vr.w llrr.1 CofKi.r-Optlonsoiidiocl h-iu'ly Htciuljr nml tiiirlilti nl -'ioliiliilo\vticl | : < > < cil Oclubornt l'50 | Deccnilicr , ITloaiTM : .I.m Pobnurv , ; \lity. | 5 , iill' | > ' > . klOt , Klo easier ; tilr cir uvi , KOJV Xo , 7 I'je HIH/CI : jiniKi : r.i. CIIIC ID. Oot. 2' , rin ft Wheat- Firm ! ca-li. 1IOI Qo | | B | Ductmbcr , Jl.Oll'd ' May. . ( orn-l'lriiii Pttsh , 52 * C | Noictnljcr , "i2'ici ' i.Viv' .V 't ( > . - CUMI | , 4U > .iei December. - 3'4c ! Mnv. Kf' IT. ' 'orK at 'ailj : onli , tiO'J5 ; January. ' . . > .K7'i c : h , f. > IJ ! Janiiurj , t5tK'i ' : Mnv. M'Si-i. Kv < ' tlun ly ftt mffi OTo. ll.irlt'f Hsuy ut 7ilisJc. Iluv-Knsyiil Ji.ll rinmtliy I'isv ntil.'J QI' ! ! . \\hlsky \ fill. Moiir-fiichitKriili winter wlioit. J2 Hulk MouH-MioiiliU'is f..iu'ilr.i ' ( ; ; short ch ir. I'l'jOTMO'i ' : sliott rlbi t3. IlliVl.tV ) . llnttcr liiilct ; creiiiiitiy , I'SJWic ; dairy , I MWJc . thefse-Wiilli f till ero.im eluddiirs , S < 3.iU < ! ; flit * * . Jj4lHIUill | | yiiiine Ami r lens , Oc. Jiws-Mfnil ) : fiHi. IHJJOc. llld M-l"mltr ; lu ivy and IIxlit croen sailed , lit ! Kicrn lilde-s , V ; - < alle < l liull lililes. 4'c ' ; Krion mllcU eulf. to : drv Hint. { ! < ! dry unitedTo ; dryrnlfi&fi. ! > oi deatons , mil. tiV. Tnlliiw Sli idy ; No. 1 ; solid , packed , 4V ; : No - ' , : i'4c ' ; cake. I'ic. I'ecttlpK Slilpiiirnln. Hniir.bbN l.lliO ) 2000 * Mlif-at , Im S-U.I)10 ) T.MH)0 Oil n. bil 27.IIOO 175000 Uats , liu , . . . 2jO.W ) 2211,1100 N'r.w VOIIK , Oet -Mhont-Ilucclpts. . 7 fflO lm < lii | 4 , oviinrt' * , ! MOO limliolsi sjiot Hi in mid lilithci ) No. 1 ! ! ! , Bl.dttai.lH' ' , Inele\ator ; } IO'l'a ulloali { I.OOQt.iuii , f. o I ) : options lid- t'liiet'd lart' ' Jlticl , eloped llrni : ind HaHISc cucr yiHtjMJiy ; No. a red , Outobc'r , closing nt I'orn-Kecdpts. fillOO bushels ; imports , < 0- WJ bmhi'ls ; pol , linn ; No 2 , .V'4' ' < tYi < | ie luele- * Vii 4'Vl"io uII"if ini' rmlid mixed , 5S1- oplloui strong , Uctobur closing at t''its Rocolpts. Vinoi Innhols p\iorts. none : pot iilnhoij No UnhltpMl > ciiil\olnustim. Viii.iO'tf viiltt * nostini. "ii ) > i'Coi options tlrongir , Oclobortlnslnsat tS\c. bii ir Kaw uimlci ; l'i > rtiinil > tirnl f-l tc t. 4'ioj u lliir.l IOUIT r , 'iVe ; wliUocYtiiO , M-l-/Vl.--Ilie ( ( : yillnw. 3.-l ! < riU7-lUj ! olt A , 5n-lil , uioiilil A , lili-10 , stninliird A , 07-ICo ; irnfvclluiiLls' A. lUcs ; cut Io.it 0 l.to. | . 1'ctroluuni-Uiilleil cloieU ( or NuMiuberat S'Sc. KKKH-l1' ! nil ! western. SJlt l'orkteiil } ; l-I'iisyj western i. . Hiitlor rfinij wc'itorndaii'ii ID'cUlTc ; crcuu- fr.v. ll/iii'.o ! Klirln. 'Uc. hle.ulyi ll li t skims , OlQii'iu. ' HT. I , i'rs,0ct. V Win it lilslior ; casliOSct Di'fOnlDor. JIOJ-B ; UnyjILirij. Corn I Uglier ; cjsb. Me : Itecciiihcr. Wiv ; May , iUo. ! Oiits-riim ; cash , 43c , October , 451io ; May , . 1'orli-Qulol ntill.10. I.iiul-htt illy nt XI. in WhlslxV Mi-.ul ) it ? lll. lltlllcr llrni t ind * , O I. ' -SootnliPiitsolU easier mid < li > 1 1 od u i > I'irlvhi tha day , uxocptliiK ucli nsorc iiiidi-lr.illoiras 'r < ) hclil ahovo ( iiirtnt pilec- * for slmllur uliiMt , IJ | < I < > | MK : No. I luirii , Dctuher. Vk" on tiauk , tl.iKlj No. Inorlhurn , Oi-toliii and November , Hi' Jo : De- CIMII tier , DTc'l Mi : > il. i.Hi on IricU , UTi" So. 2 noitlicrn , Uc'tobo ) , leJc , Ucicinbvr , We ! ou lrncll ( c. C'lrv ' , Oct. - -Wheat r.a < dori Xo. Sliard , ensli undue to lei , ST'iC blUi No. iiod , tush.ir.'o thl Corn-biflidy : No. 2 , casli , JOJio ; Ootoher. < 9Uu bid. Oin-StionseiiNo. S , cash , U ? e bid ; Octo ber. M'e. ' _ CIM-INX-.ATI. Ocl.Ss. ttliont-Stroncr ; No. 2 rod. t6 ® ' H' , , . . Coin In good dciuumli Ko. 2 ml\cd , 55 ® fu'tc ' , Outs Film ; Xo.U nilud , 17o. Jl.l-l. Oot. 28-Wbe.at rirm ; N'o 2 spring , cash. llJifl'j3c ! ; Ducumber , lJ'gc ) ; No. 1 nortbd 11. II ul. Coin Steady : N'o. S , cisli. M'Jc. ' Oi ts Steidy ; No , wlilt , c.isli. 47 < iU"lc. ! I'roilslous-tiulct ; ] orlc. .Inmiiiry.M-.llD. i Oct. ! ! B. m7ent-FI rm ; deniancl Impnn Inui lioldtisolTcr sparliiRlyi reel uesL- cru liiti'rs 4'ida7h.'Klpi'rPiuul. Corn I'Mrni : dcinuiid improving ; mlvutl western , 4s Td lurri'iital , M.n'K STOCK. . CIIICAQO Out. 5 . Oattlo-Hocelpf ! , 12,030 : market stdidy with fall business ; sti-ors , H.Sfl fj 3. 10 , Toaiis. . i..H fr-HOi rmik'ors , JI.'JOUI8. > . Ilns ? Jfccptpts , : tm ; falily active and stcuily : roiish and uiiiiiiion , ( .TlKi-.DO | ; fulr to Rootl mixed , fl.OOiH 10 ; bi-st he.ivy aii.1 pilino biitcliurs * witlKhti. lirJia'JI.'Jj ; lUlit , . .7.i74.10uljJJiCffJIrt. ; . bliup JUe-oljila 10.0JO , stonily ; demand uo- lvoiiiatlMH a : .40i westerns , J-l.-iiil. tJ ( : _ ST , I.oci , Oil -Outtle-Ro'cliJt - , .TIIOO ; slilliiiieiitN.WU : niui kit steady ; Jilr to fancy nutliohtLui < < , MTOQ.I.UJ , stodur- . and fcoilurs , ' llo , ' Rre-olpU , SIOO : slilpinciits , 500 ; inuiket Hlcadyiliravi , 11.0031 , ! " > ; ml-ivdKI 7U . Ott'V , Oct. JS.-.Cattlo Roerlpts. 7 , * > UO , sbl inneiit 1,1) ) ftMJstioiixstois'RJ.'oa4.lH | ) ! coMs.tl.'Joii.'SO ; stocKus uud feeders. ( J.40 ® u. ir . llogt ItoeolpU ir.TOOjslilDiiiPnts , 750 ; mar- Icet steady ; all ii.iclcs,5.r > eriJI.Xi. ( r. In Oot. 2S. Nice 111 Tologr.irn to run HKK I-HDJJV , itpvplpii. ; iiii)3 ) : markut < iulu ; sulllns utR vrU'Ci ; billlf uijJ.tjj3J.IK- . / Iff.i JIA. KIIEIS. Cuttle. TiicsOiy. Oet , 2a Intimated receipts of cnttlo. .UW. in com- pand with S.r ti7jp teiilay , ind livj TucMliiy of last \v el . 'Ilia imrlcut oppiuil with tlic bostfraditof lne\e , iictl\u : iml stroiiKor , nltliu-sili-.Ir.illu guides ashatlolo llc ) lower , Mindier ttook wus : tellM > mid steudy. Fe < ul- 01 MIII u iiiiuluiiijed and absulutuly nolliliii ; doing. _ I sllinatcd KViilnts uf hogs. 11000. as com- p-ili'd vltli . ' > ! ) , ' . ) ye-lcrday and 0,7:1. : ' ) Tiiwluy of l.nt week Thu iiurUot opcn 'd steady on Rood hos- and u shade to So lower on poor lions. Iiittoi biolu and closed slow anil x.ilc with tlio best lious r > o and lioor ones lOo loner. Tlie raii e ol tl o pi lee- , was tlltkfiu 1 % tlie bulk soiling nt fl.Nii ( I.'C. ; ll bt , 1 1 .v > 3 , | iK ) ; liparf , t.l.UKM.1"mixed ; , S.li ve.u Tin UVUMKO b [ tlio prlcis paid wist.l.S4 .11 compared with J.1.8i't ' yejtc'Klay and U.'Jl'i Tilt-day of lust " Slicep. TMImaled ii > oelpts of * lipep. i.no as eotn- Iiariil with I.7J4 ve U'nlay Nat bcs,5-.J.Vi6 1.13 ; wtste-rns J..tW.1 ) . nn ol' Stock. Flinxvlni tliu number ot lit-ad of stock pnu'lin-iilon IliU mirUotns report -d liy tlio wfl.'liinmti'i-iot tlioMocUjnidscniniiany fur t liu euK c iitlliij &n tin ilny , October : & ! Sullt , t Co . . 1 liolleoriic ll.lliintinoiiil e'onipnny . 'IM ' 1 lioArtnuiir-t'iiiliili.viiu.'Idni : corapaiiy . UVi Otmilin. wiel.iin company . l J l.cc Uollisebild . . . . , , . . , „ IT ililp ui < iaiut feulcr- . 1,0(1 ( noes. Arraour-Cudnlij pacKniK toiupaiiy . 3a * Omaha pioWiiigvomniny . " J..YO Swift & . I'o . . . . . ' ' J IV ! ( Sioriro II. llumnuiiiilpaeUliis comn'uiVy . 877 ' ' J.I1. . MiiilrosiMo . ' : ) T. , . MoV . . . i7 | Nurlb iiaeMni loiuinny . fi , ; MiNkvnaiul feeili'M . 15 ; sucur , . lft.tO , > . 4il ! iiadlin ; company . VU Iciir'HPiitiiti > u Sales. STHktit3 * M > UHDKIK So. Av. IV. No.v. . 1'r N'n. Av. Pr. 75 IDUalJiU O. . fJM I .llt'MCW tows 2 , 000 1 00 IS. ftVJ 1 7 7 .102) ) 2 03 7 , , 757 123 21. ! WO 171 S.IUM 2H 1 1040 1 2.1 1. NX ) 17 * . 11 .11101 215 21 MVJ 123 13. klh IW II . l > .7 2 SO 140 2u. itti iu WTO a ai 10 074 I Ml d. TV1 IM ! ' , ' " .M 4 7H3 I .11) 1. 7V3 IU 240 a.bSl IflO 4 IO.W 1K5 l'j : a-W 10:17 1:0 10. 1173 iao .io-.li 2.v > 1 I ITU 100 G..UIS 'JW 1'J .1077 a 13 U 1110 170 4. NV5 iCi W..1M ! a 15 3 ,10M I 73 JIllKLUND l-liUXOr.llS. 4 \\Btnd u.ihc , oieli . 0 } 00 I bfl.t-S. 1.130O 1 GO J 1180 IW 1..15M 2 23 1..UOO 173 1 KW * . ' TESTIKS C.iTTl.E. * " ' Pr , I'ratt.t R- cc.i $1 " ) 3.1 ff 1057 2 & \vuie-ott- - ni8loor , trlllii-9 | 1107 2 10 jl : t < er . . . llOj V IHO en t tie company : nst COM , tui Mini IIM JJstfursttUlliiiM 1150 2 HI fetnndnrcl cattle com pany i : o Scilvoj 273 2 80 C. r.MIller- neowt B 1 t M 2 SI ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " " ' ' SJstc'ori . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ! ! ! ! . . . ! 1075 2W Uliirk- . II.- 41 rowi r ? < M I 7 20 t 'er5 107il 8 feeders G.J7 No. AV , Hh. Pr. N'o. Av. 1'r. . . .I'JI ' K"l 4' ' ) N'o.V. .271 103 . . . HI V. 545 ' ' ' HIn 13) ) 41 7H . . an M . . \n \ 13)H 41no fit 120 aw MCO CO . . . .17 * H ) none 71 KO none . Ul no " 117 " . J 400 tj 411 W . . 510 I (7) ) us ' 1st 100 WW ' ' 4ii no usM. . li ) 1 ! . . in i.1K ) 01 SI . .507 an . ( U 01 27U 210 01X M ' "I X ICO Mftl . . ' . ' 17 i U ) 57 SIM 71 2".S i. ' ) t 70 57M r.i 7 } M 1.1) M 5t I 7' 71) ) 27 ' 0 0w I 73 71)U . .249 w ( I ) I so ft * ' 210 21) ) t J 57 LlVl an t M ) 57Ki . ' so isfl t "iJ < 7XI ' fi'1 40 I S ) ( XI . ' 200 t SO CO 2 51 21)1 ) ? l ? ' : tn 240 IS1' COCl 400 I M Cl 400 .BD ClUl PO 400 Ulm Ulw 4 CO w 210 400 : t vi m | { 400 ( W , 2MI 4(10 ( 40 ll kl 11 410 : o 71) ) Saa so 410 I,1) 400 At : tti ice 40' . Atw w ; : ti7 4u } M , : crO 40 'I 71 MK : tr.-i 40 410 . : MJI IMIH ANDSKII'S 2 CO 140 : ioo 2 CO Ki , . 170 IW ) ; i o 2 fl ) 84 .15S 40 JSi j * MAIIICITS. ; ( iroenles. DAT ! ' LVisIanC-lb box. O'te. U \I ISH London layi rs ( 'allfnrtiln , porhox , t'.50 ; IIDIO iniisu itcls , Cillfonila , J.'txl ; vei d- less Oiillfoinlu I'll ' ) ; Cillfoni'n siod ! < > . < snl- 1in , ln H'lt'U. pur tb.Oei Californianiusc.itolx. In sneks te'ie ' ; new Vahnel.is fe'iCi oinlur.i. laverintn\ . - . UAXNH ) Viiir.Tiir.KS-Toni.iloos 3-ib oxlra. $1.10-3115 $ ; 'I II ) stjinl.iril western brinds.fl 10 : Kulloit'i Arilict'sslTiidird , fJCO. Corn I'lucst uroxMi { 1.00ntflUUy , ( Minnr corn , M'iy line. } | .riOtllliiiui.2-llisu areorii tl.20 ; 2-lb t < \lra. Ili-uiurr. ? 110 ; 2-lb standard wcsti tn brind . 11.05. Mu hiooiin-l-llirruiich , extra llii- ( O 2 > u ; Mli I'll noli , line , l V-Jo ! 1-lb 1'reneli.or- dlnnty , ItW/ISi" . 1'c.as 1 ro * . . One , Tier eaii,2.V ; tlunil-lltio. peri-nil , Itic ; 2-lb sirteil. tl.lKJi.-IU eitily him. 11.V ) ! 2-ll ) nnrrow , stuiiditnl briiiid'i * t.ii2-lbsoaUcd , 75o. btrlnit bonus 2-lb blxh Rride , Kofti ec. $101) ) , 2-11) Gulden avbeunsl.00-lt > slrlnct beans tOo ; Lima lii'iins 2-IliMiakid. 8."ic. Ilo lon bakuljbt ins S-lb Low Is. Jl ( ! . " > ; Orown branils. * l.l" > . Mi > t pntalous 3 II ) ? sc\v Jr > .cV , 4110. I'limpltliid ' .i-lb , tl.10. Okr.i and loin aloes iiV" | ; okru. tl. ( > OiMiucotisli.l20. ! ! Nun AlniotuH IHc ; Bralls. 17c ; flllicits. Uo ; picaiii Ilk.v limits 1" > 3 ! peanut coi-Us , 10' 'i roastid. l 'iu ' ; Tt'iinesMO * units , iv. WiHI'Pl.MI I' VIHl--htMW , ptr II ) . PaSJIUc ; ra r. Pi : ininlllull , 4'io ; No I , 8c. Moi.vs M-in > K X. 0 fuiior.iivriril.riVt'V7c , ! ' ; choice , 4.V3ic ; : Komi. : MlU'i ; ; Onb ihikln,25 > .Wo : lihekstrnp. JDiiao St JlH L'liR * . MllH 1obon cj kosi , 4'C. ViMOAii JO KT N" . V npplu i'll r 10 < i ; 1) ) . S. cUK-r , Uc : wlilto , nluo.ll1 : fancy , fmlt , Iv. Oils l. 0 | > rlmiWhltt,14e ! ; IX ) water vhlte , : 74 usollnn. H > , ; liibbls , ucrgross UAIH Am poi 1 0 , I7. " . " ; LcwNtim. per 100 , J17.7"i ! Union squiri' . 4 MILT edit olIIKt. SALT Uilry. 2 > 0lb j 111 bUbuU.J.MOi . best Ki-ailo , l0 ! .rn J.'snilic'stura'lo , 100 : ! s , W. I0i host Ri-ailo , 18 UK 32J.1 ; rock salt , crusliutl , Jl.bO ; eoiiimon. Mil , tl.J5. CN\KI M u Aib Cornell beef. Mb. JI.2J ; oorned b cf , 2-lbs , Jl.'iOi lunch tonjiius , I-lb , W i ! lunch toiisues. 2 Ibs , $175 ; bniwn 1-lb , i2 OOjbiavn , 2-llw , W.OO : ox Iniiwvs. rj-lljH , * 50JUtoiuucs ! : 2-lbsiOJihlppid ! bcif , 1'i- Ibi.ioiinilcun t'lCi ; least bt-ef , i-lb runnel cans , f-J.t/0 , potted hum , U-lb round u.ini , ( I5a ; iiottid Iitiin. ! i-lb rouiiil 0:1113 , JUJ ; < IcvIl < Ml haiii , > 4-lli round cans , ( > . ' > o ; clevllcil ham , Vtlb round caiistl-VO : pot ted ox toiiK uc , ( t-lb round cans tl.-'O ; U > MI pnssod luirii , l-ll > squjirocins. tJ.T.Ij tripe , 2-Ib round cans 81 bO ; nilnio < l calnps , 2-ib round cani. $ ! .X ; boneless pigs' f 'ct , 2-lb squaru cans , } . ' .i\ . MAPt.K riuOAH-l'er Ib-Sc cakes , 30-lb boxes , 1 Jo ; We cukes. : tO-lb boxes , 12'ic ' : 1-lb bricks , : to His In box , pure , lie. T isis-'ottoii : ( twine , ' 'Blbh. " very fine. 5i- Ib lilies. 22c : coltou tvlne , XXbrani ) 'I-lli ' hales , isei lu'iiip twine , M-lb b.ilcIfici .sail twlni' , 'JOu ; canillo wide. 'c ' ; 40-foot lotton clothes line , $ 1.10 : I/I- font , cotton clothes lines , $1.1x1 ; fiiotslail lines , H.7rillJ-root ; Jute , Jl.OOi wool twines , bHc. FllitNAUOus Gooi ) ' nnrlcy , 3'io ' : fnrlna TMJ : peas. 2' { < % : oattncil. bbls. K5710.i'l ! half bl > t , M. 003.1.2 ; inacaroiila , 10llcHrinli ! > < < lll , 10ll : rlco. cliok-f > . S'iCiiOci f.incr , li'i7oi ' head , 7o : K.IKO mid tapla u , ( yif,7oi Iliusi beuis , isjilltjioiiK , lo : spiihuttl , lie. JHIII ) > rnuiTS Turkish pruni-s , l n than hhcis , Ib8n 7ae ! : original hlicls 'ioli-ss ; llosnla prunes , fi-lb bo\cs , 100 to 110 , 7I4C ; nppli's , e vapor. i till , now rlnRiholoe. l"Mscvapni ; Uod , inirliiffiirlinu , llu ; npilcnU , fancy , liisauks , 20oi blackU-irles , now , lOVic ; iMsplioi > los. 2.1 llislo box.Jlc ; iiiiitiuls , neu , .r > 14l3) ) > Hu ; orlK- In.iUasKs , Uo loss ; Vostlz a currants , extra , In boxo , d'lC. CoirKKUuastedrlosl.i , 2.Vjo : Tlimola , 2. > > iCiCiurimin. JI'iCj DllXMHth's , 'iu ; Mon , 50 oi Mallnciiifli , . ' . " > Uc , Cordova , 23'ju ' ; Moolia , U'J'iOiO. ll.lavi,50c. ' tiilit.sK-l'reiiiliim T.C. , twin flits , per Ib 10'ii'i I'ciMiiluinr. b\ , Young America , ll'toi brkk , Hie ; ( lonustlo Sniss , H'/il7c ! liOaiu , in foil , each , tl.OJs Mm licrnr. . U' Jc. llnoovsftle , pailor , JrlllH ) ; 4-tleW.7'S3-tIe ' ! , JL'.i'i ; It-tie , plain , fl.M ; wairhouse , ft.03 ; toj , $1.21 ; whisk , ? ! ( W2H.23 Oiivr.s-ljuarts. pcrao/.JIO'J ; jilnts. per do ? , SJ.riOi biilk.porcul. Ojo. CDIIIIAIIIManilla rope All sl/ci from 7-10 tolln. . IJu ; sis iliope , all sl/cs from 7-lfl to | In. , Iliao ; "now processes , " all s > I/cs from 7-W lo Ha. , ? c. PuiKii-l'nr Ib-Cutloaf , 7' c : cubes 7'icj standard pondered , 7 c : XKX.X , powdorud. 7TnM Kranulattil , Htandurd , O'.u : oonfottloii. ITS' A. G'a7. 'i white , uxtmU. brilliant , 7 ° BP | oxtri C , nival , li'tu ' ; icntiulO , S ? c ; golden 0 , .Vie , dark 0,4 ' , e. 'OTTONltoi''J Inch , 18e. hoAr t'nstllc ' , inottlud. per Ib , 0310o : Oo wlilto. peril ) , lie. I'lnu.u.Mt'dhuii ' , per 1 > 1 > 1 , ! ! 1.00 ; small. 1 10.00 ; licrUlns.eil.OO , liny 1)111 ) , 100 , (01-sal ( casks ) ! IK-Ud'huKHO-OO . UiiKit-l'nr libl , toflnoil. Wil ; Inlf bbl , $3 50i liunlnUlrr , pine , pur bbl. MIorniiKO ) older , half bbl.WMJ ; pc.ir elder , half bbl , 'j.50 ' , I'rovlsloiu. riiK ilMBATS-rioshhani3 , 2O Ibs avoiase , 8cfieshluinsir. llisftMsraut' , SUoifri'shli.itns , 12pniindsavi > iiic. ti'ic ' ; fresh shouldt'M , ftV c , pork loins , 7' ic | pork tenderloins , Jlei loaf hinl , not rnndired , 7Hn ; si > im rlbi , 5c. I'OIIK * M > Httf Jlessjiork. n > wtl2.COj cleat jiorU bnilH. liruty. fl.2i : clear pork hacks inedlutiill-7ri. ulicirt cut , cli < ar pork , fll.M ! ) ; family nork. SIDTiJ ; | > lit poiitl t.'u ; new uxtr.i bicf , f'JilO ; new lr.i iihto bief. 47/0 ; n w ! > lito ; beef , ( VVI ; niw icllect liuntilo.-s hurt , MXl , now boiitless iiinipa , M.Wi HUM shoulclir lllX4 | , JsVI , Diiv SU.T MFVTS f.oan bioU , O'tcj extra < ; li it eleais. tii ; l , lllt' < . HI to 20lt > aTV | ; short illn , ( shoitcluarj , U'ec ; lon clo.ird , Uc.khonldcrs. Vtc. bMOiciiiMK.\TS Hams , llol."ilb > ivc , | ioeljl biund. He ; 1)M lUfasttiaeim , llo ; hams , extM Uulit , OtnlO IliavB. W'ii" ' huu . ll.'ht , U to 14 Ili.u K. lO'io ' ; bums iiindliim , 15 m U' Ib iiv ? , IIX ; hams homy , .OlofJ Ib avx. D c ; hams o\lia lnu\y , 2li to 21 Ih H.YK. O'sc ' : hams t.klnii > tUlk'Inj , 18 tnft ) ibaVK , llie ( ; C-illfor- iihliaininlio , NowYorU s'louhli'rs. ' fl'ie ' ; Uos- toiihlinnldors.il to 8 Ib ut . Clto : linniilcss hum. ik ! | lireakfast bicon.iloar.lto 71b trlps , e ij bn'iikfnst bacon , rib , 7icj drhd boif Inins fel . clrli | dlie ( C hims , ri > uhr , 014C | tlritd bicf hims , eloda , < > ug fnncy lo.in buolis , ? 'ic ' ; bu.ikfast bacon , clour , 7 tab Ib strips , T'ic. T'ic.siOK n DIBITS Pry-salt ciirod-Uncon. short ilrur , ti'ic ; extra shoit ch-ars 0'iej bellli-s , cleatstrlps.'c ; short rlls , O4.tii shoul- UIH , C' e. 1'uui : I.KAK Liito-Kpttlo rendered Tlcrcej , Wit ; baiK'ls.il'.L' ; half banols , 70 , Tnifi-Uiiirelx , Sui Ihs , H.2. ] nuarlcr bar rels -10 llis.tl.lfl ! kits 15 Ibs.VH ) . I'IOKI.HI ' riil * ' K .IT Marrols,200 IK 17.301 clihtb baricH-'J U > sfl5o : kits. lllbs.SJi- . UIKV : TOXOUS iMixar-ciiretl-bbls , 200-lb , * I7VI ; half bbls , 100-lb , IJIXI ; beuf toiiKUes , bimiU < ( ! , | i < ir-ll ) , 10 ' )0 , UM US' ror > niis : Uncooked , mild euro half VihU , UW-li ) . ! toj ; ; < innrtor hills. M-lb , 4100. Sl'ICH ) I'HJV ToMllTKS-foukfll hllf bills , SO-lh. 41100 ; quarter bbls , 4U-1L , J3.75 ; kits , 15- ib. rV M-ICHI I.VVBS TovouiM-Cooled lialf bills , Sfl-llU 311 M ; ItIK 13-11) , 4) ) , To.Nflu.s I'orlc Innuius. uncooked , mild rurutl lluir bbl , log Ibs , } 7.50 | u bbl , M ibj , biustnn lloloisiin , per 11) , 4o : Imloxna. in weasancls , per lo , 4'c | KranUftirls. per Ib , CJic ; toiiKiie , | icr in , 7'i 'l blood. ner Ib , 4tc ; ll\frpir Ib , 4'5cjliuad elu > i c , rcr Hi , l'4c ' : 1'iilltli ' , per Ib , 7c : ixirktuiihaite. links , per Ib , oo ; | H > rk bauaiiKO meal , | u tin liull- , | Rr 11) . 60. Dii.H-l'iironciifsfaot oil , per Ka.l,5)c : A I tallow , 5'ic ' ; > tcarlm\tU o , 1'rodticp , Bu'TTtR Creimerj , choice , 2 < KliMc ; couiitrjr , choice. IfiMOi'i coimtrv , K'XMl.t4Trflot | conn- ' try. fair. t" llv ; cuiiinrv.lnr < nlor. " , Ml" * . * " - ' . . . ! - . . stook l Bfin.Mlly wlllnil nt . i'oi'ftuv The iiinrttcl on chlrkcnt Is trry Inw anil th y iirts eilremely slow silc , ovtlnjt to tlio hrn ) ruodpts. Abntit ii'l Hint cimil thlok ini'niilo oxpictotl to 1)tlu lil..ujcdjfi , with the sinilloi rtdesm hiwas } | ,30. tinlto , acood iiinnjrllxoturkcM iuontrl\liu. whleh cell larculyut lOo , Ducks arciiuoted at J.'W P-Tlic market 1 itbutit "Icady , t'rnlrlo pir it 7 , tJ 7T .UM > malliitd ducks 2V > Aint tetl UinksSli'ilCliJlt inlMil tlmks , | lVf ! iVj | iihM > r , 'idOVjOi'l Jack milpi- . l : M .ill. llloaKJ ; jackrabbits iJVO ; ' Kriilts , NiYoimli ( * rr Coni-OrdUOO linko tints , WBXi Concord , . * > -10 h.lnKit lots IWi'IHc ; catavrbii , IMbnsket lots 4i < c i-atnwhsis , .1-10 basket lot a. 4V ; Mlcnis ITO insUot lots. 40i- : ' iloni'.fi-lOh'mkit lots ( KMururn , MlislOO iHsUittots.lIc1 : MiKaiii"lls1 ll ) lu ket lots. ii-Vj ; Delaw.ire. . * Ibi , lJUluskillots,2Jo : liela- iiru.Ub , 1-10 Iniskct lots , , iv ; S-.ilems , 3lhs. Ilia ba kot lots , ir.Milnni | , 5 Ibs 5-IJ basket lots , : LV , ir < Urapi's ToKi > ' , ciMo- * , . V ) ; aripoi , immojH. I'rates , cratts SIH ; pnus.Vlutrr Nilllos. aiid _ others , PLf bo"JUiU ; iiilnccs | PCI IHI\ , "KKMOVS 1'iiiipy Malorl. rw s and W/Os per box. W.tX ) ; Multixi , pfrhox : SKxvrOiJ. ) HANNA . -rainy ItliiehVUI * ! iiM ) to M.00er | hiinebi IIiiiiliirnfl..Vtol.i ) ) > or Imiioh. OIUMII s-lniiialea oraiijics ; , s-liirflo lio\ - , per bo\ . jIO ( ) : 5 Iwc lots tJ.Ti AiMiKs laiii'j winter anpics inr bbli.S5 , ! I'anr-.x iliuKdipo CoiN , 1100 ; ( lurk CIIIIK t' ) d o baiu'l lots , f".V ) ; IlL'll.lCluriy.fsW ; fancy lltll . lliur- ry , 0 bat i ul Ifit" . t7. > J. SwriT 1'iiHToM .Tonny * . 1I7M7.I01. I'OTWOI s In i'i d < limaiiil ut sVf'Dc ' * . Omni VrniTHiM-r : - ' : iiiliaK ' . MU-h , ) ) or orate , f. ' 7.11 , H-d. per bill , Wa.1 onions , per bbl. { t.50 ; nit 'ilnsas , per bill. Tl 7.1lillo turnls. | per libl , il "V earmts. pir Itlil ti.Vli iai ) < ! itis. | JM i libl , t-I.il , l.ouls pel hhl. 11 7.1 ; liorso rad- Nli lools , per lib ] , * 00 ; p , i Ib. Ilkuliry ; rent < | ( r ipi < r bid. fl.0 : in r doVi" ) rhuluo ICaltiina/oo , 'V5 'IJc : K ' ' < ' l i double Miltiu , 75C. Fish. drv , pi > r 11) , TUMIW A Xo I. 4c , Vo. . ' , : ilBTo , ; prenso , whileIl'iffllc ; jellow."if-l ( < , ste.uluo. ll'ic- ' . Hosts Oiiotulluni .in' fi > iiloll\irv In t'lil- caso-DiyliutTulc ) pi > r Ion. tlo.nj3lt > .00i diy I'ounliy. lilcielnd flonoiJI.HiO ! ilry country , ilmiipiiiulniuattH.uoiJIU.X ( ) . Ilry OooilH 1'lM Hiinws CnrTO > s-\thiit IiMOf Au- l-oi-all , U'lCj Aunna H.O'jc : Vtlus , ON II , T'.i'i ' ( hci.oi'lolli , -sClinton 1't' 3i4o : I'epiicicU'K , Oai < ; , daiiKdoii OII , o. r Hini'iimc'ciTTON.s.-lloil.riov Cmibt Ic No , fa , 0V : U'st Vct.U'jui IIiitKieloth X.N 4'it ? ; I'aliot , T'tCirii'strall.o'iC ' ; htiit oltho Loom , ' ) < ! ! Hill tinptor Idi'iit , bo ; lluusil.ipppr , 8'io ' ; Kliiltl'hlllpoainbih' , UV ; l.in ilon (5 ll.il' i ; ; Lonsd'ili'.W : Inn < sdilo I'ambilc , lO'.i'i N > \ \ \tHKs Net I'llislli1. li1 ii1 , Ki'dCiGs * 7\ Ciusii-Sloxoni' M. Win , .Vo > -ciens ( * I ) . IS In. flV : t-leii'iis' \ . 10 In. ; [ ! ! M\uiis' 1' . 18 in. h'l M < > II n" * M , IS III Do , > lct'lis' V. ! i Mil , Do ] htoMns NN.-J hi , 10ostu ; > 1113'Mil , 20 In , l'c ; bloadied. Ic i-Mri. I'IIISTH 1 nnoj lihlvstone. O'.e ' : stiicl HUir , Ik. , Kninipo. llii- ; > -t. I.idsei. 5 . e ShlrlliiK Mm tin Wn liliiylon. 4'e ' ; Mori i- iniiek , 43iO. Til r KIM KIMS | Poiinlaln , C' ei Uiiinei. 7i inienllold.S'iJ ' , Iti'Hln O'ie. lllA\V llllUMN C'OTTOhUllllltlo A , T'sO ! AUuntlc-II , 7e : Alluntle O , lV ; Vtlnnlle I' , , le : VuruiiC" , 4V ; luic'lt's lie-id , , i' , C.ibotV , fi'-oi laillii\toii ( p4i' ! P.irniorV S'o 1 , 4" . < 3 4'ie ) lloosh'p Llfi'iC ' ; Indian head , T'Jes MI lnii v ( ! V IMIS Hrovvn Net I'tMipnull n-lii in'.iu.l'cpuiicll.h-l 1K > ; I'ciipeM'll- ' ) ! , 2K : r . .ppprollIOSS'ic > 'IItlcu , 4h-ln , l.V-i L'tlcn : > S-ln , I7'\o , I'llea , 72-ln , ! Mo ; Utlia , ( ? 4-ln , Mil ! L HIM. W-ln , S > jtf. Itliat'hcd Kit I'eppercll , 4'J-ln , 10' , ' " . Peppcroll , 4ii-in , llMct I'eppiiioll. ) -4 , 15c ; IVppiitill , f-4. 'JOoi lo ppo re II , ' ) - 4 , W " ; I'liMicnll. KM , Un > ; l'llo < i , H-4.Jlo : IHh-a. i-l ) , .V ! i uilca , I0-4 , . ' < o. CilNdllAMs AhlllsUcJ , V'l AllKi'kOllgdlOSS , 8' Ji : Uiitrsn'icVar ; lcU ilifss. 7'ic ' ; LiiH-ns- ter.tiUc : ( lleiiiilic , 0'icVhlttondun ' ; dn - , . 80 , 1'insT.s Iniluo blue Ntt M.irlluLash \ - limlon.ri'ie ' : Ameilcnn , t > ! 4vi Arnold. G.c : Ar nold It. IOIIK flolh. 10.Mlffl ; A.II > euMeiil- : inac-1 * . We ; tiold l > ei ( . M.c ! Hamilton , filc ; A llui Pinks , rc ( ! Alltn Cluuibray Gcj Olou- ccvttr , r 'icj llnrlcl. lff. CULOIIIU C-\Mnuns-Cro n , 4'ie : T5nl Star , 4-Jc ! ; Holieil Clover , 5u ; tlatoi , b\c ; high coloH , lucvtri , DEMIIS NVtinoskeas. . 9 07 , in'Jc : Vork eainlct , 12c ; I'M-ri-lt , stiind-irtl , I'J'jc ' ; HUT- iuakern,7'jc ' ; Old Vork. X10 je , Laviiciiee , sro.ll'iUlUuMincc D o . IJ'ic : fancy uti Ipcs ainliheuks. 11 'ji1. ' C'orroMiiHs-Yorlf , nankin , Id'ic. T\erett ! 8 oz , Ibc ; Ltwlsloiii J0oz , 'ji5 ; VollcllllllIln's | [ 14c , _ I > nniber. l'F\rt > n-Whlto I'lno No 1. 4 unao In. I ) nml 14 ti , ilo.no , No. - , t nun in , I'- and 14 ft. JHOfl ; No . ' . 4 and C. In , 10 It , tio.50 , No.,4 ) , and U in , till luiKIlK , tlH. ( i. S-IDI.N.O-V , w.'oo ; ii IJ0.3CJC , 41000 ; 11. in.oo luoiii\r Mldto I'lno-.V and 11,9000 ; 1) ) , 921 W : Gf , J7.00r ; , * 17W. Mooit llomn Xo 1 oonitiioii , U and 14ft , JJIOO : 1 ( I ft , f P.i DO ; No. 'J common , U and 14 fl , 81800 ; 10 ft , 31700. < tu.lMl-No 1 while. H In , $11.10 ; No 1 haul pi in'j " , # : > . 'i0i No 1 haul pine , \j inKM.U : No I hail pint',7 , InJJIOfl , Sinric HOARDS A and 11 , 12 Iti , HS.OO ; D , li hi i.7.00 ' OKOOKD Rooi i > n-No t roiniDon while pine , U. Ham ! Ib ft , flO.tiO ; Xo I coiiiiiion \ pine , I. . H iiud lo ft , tNUO. IL'ft 14 ft 115ft IS ft Cd ft 22 ft 24 fl 2x4 11. 00 * 13 00 tl.100 fHJU ) * UHll 117 V ) JlbOJ 2x0 is o-i ir oo in w m co ID oo IH uo is M 'xS I" (0 ( l. > ( X ) 1.50) ) 1000 10 00 18 00 IH V ) 2.xio. is uo in o ) ir > oj 10 oo ic w i w is in 2x1. . 10 00 10 00 JO 03 17 00 IT W 10 00 IS ) 00 4.X4IO UlS 10 00 10 OJ IO 00 17 00 IS 00 IS ) 00 20 ft ) lloAitns-No I 10111 , tlU.UO , Xo 2 com , $17.00 : No .t coin , * ! . " > 00 : Xu 4 coin , il2. : > 0 SHIP fcu > No I pi tin. b ind 10 liiL'li.flT.OOS No J plain , S nml 10 Incn.JIVM ) : Vo. : iluln ) , | and Hi inch , FHIK ) ; O I ! . , b Inch. JI/&IDC. UATTI-NS , Win. Ti ntxo , I'u-KITS O ILbals. 2'Hli. 7V : 'i\slrf | , IV ; : i.u | Holltnblnif , 1 > .A M and llcv. . J.MOO ; picket" , 1) . All. llattJ200j U , \ , ll.sii.SJl 10. I'oi'r.Mi-UUar. 1-ln , aUwldthslU.riO ; clear , 5-i-ln. all wlrt tin. t-"Jy > . V. l"iM l''i. < niliij. < 1-'loar,4 ( audit In. tiJ.M ; star , 4 and ( i in.lil.O ) : I If tsiueil.fo ; lf\tra Pismillfo AIniTul'iNK-lst and 2(1 elo.lr 1 in tW.Ofll'i. li ; aniU'ln. 15)03 ) ; Jd clear , 1 In , WI'KI ' ; l' ' ( . 1'4 andt ! In. ? 4ilOO ; A selc-it , 1 In , tfl.UK ) ; 1't. ' Hi and 2 In.tU.nilj II sisleit , 1 in , WlflJ'tli ) ' aiida In , WJOO ; O select , 1 in , SJ)00. ) rosrs-VVhllecpdar < iIn , ; { > , 12'id 0 In , sqr , l'Jo5 : in'i , Hi ; ; h In. . M : 4 to ,1 In , round. ll'4c ' : oik. > , pllt. Oo : red udnr. IV1. Sush. ' 0 percent : doors. 43 PIT cent ; blinds 40iior < 'cnt ; mouldhus. 40 poi ii'nt : lime. SOc : lialr , S.iic ) ( > imnt , Anii'Hi'iti. Jl.V ) ; coiiient. Im ported , MM : pliihtcrfi"1 , stri hoard , ? leO ; tar board , fl W ; tarfelt. 1.MO. .Metals . , TlX \TK-l O , lOvSlu ! 7.50j I. X. , lOxll , S92.1 ; ooko. 14\.l ) . I li 1 1.7.- ) , i , \VuiE \ N.lM Haso Jii5 ! ; btul iialh , ba ' , ff'J.21. . . harcoil , IOM _ 14x5' , 112 , Jl.oOi r. ' iiKVrT'lnns-Xo 26. * U50 : Xo 27. * 1M. SOMIIII Mrlotly iiilfnml half , 17' Je. \ViitK-Iai \ ) liaib.l.2 : > ; ( til. , UC ( . llLOCKTiN-binall plUi lo ] icr lb | bar , IWo ui'r Ib. Cii > i > FH--i'lanlslii | > d holler sizes. 3-lc porlh ; cold rolled , : io per Hi ; bhcctlug. . jierlbjplt nml Hats , lilupiir II ) , -J n ( Ui.VAVi7.MiSili.LT 1 aO\f-l > Neon nt M-IO per rent : pit. plan , iron , "sos.il and27 , A , 10 to ; ll.Ulic. A. ll lit In IC > c'ry llertti , To Ilio Chicago , Milwaukee &St. Paul wllway bolohRs the credit of bohn ; tlio Unit inthu country to'roduco the m utter of olcctdc lljhtin of trains to ncleutlfie iiorfectlon. Ono ol . | Uo novel fentuios introilucod In the tleopiii cars is u jutont electric retidln'laiiipiu ) oauh sec tion. With this luxurious ptovision , rending nt night bofoio and after retlr- luff bccotnos as coinfortuhlo ns by day , and -Alien retiring the toilet may bo mndo In comfort ruid pecluhion. The berth rotdintlump : in tlio I'uUinnn sleoijlne : cars run on tlioC'nicago ' , Mll- nauUeo & St. Paul railway , between Omaha niul C'hiciii-ro , is patented and cannot bo used bv any other ru Unity company. It is tlio ( jreate&t Impro-o- mont of the age. Try It and bo con- Inced. Slccpingcars leiwo the Union Piiclfic depot , Omthii , ntO:10p. in. daily , nrrlv- Int : at Chlenfjo at U0 : ! a , in. Secure tickets anil bleeping car ixttht-at Union Tlckctotlleo. 15J1 ( Faimiiu btrcotBtukor ( bloolf ) , Oinnlui. J. ll. PJIKSTO.V , F. A. N.\Sr , Pass. Afent. jGcn'l 'NV.S KACITIIl ) . llo lliuii | > lit HoVns tlio Victim of AlvtOrcca circulated nVwut the city Jail nud pjllco court room jestcnUy ttnrnlni ? like o restless spirit , haiiiitlne the ofllco of chief of police , llo tliou ht Hint ho w.w n victim of misplaced coiilMetuw to the o-ctcitt ol f.'OO When NIllso Lee. tlio Italian Vilio raus ft bniimn stnnd tit Sixteenth nml UiirtvtJ arrested - rested for stabbtng CJcorKQ II. Wtlght ho out- ployed Oi-eeii to defoti'l ' him. The attorney \vnaso \ Impressed with the Integrity of his HcMitntuliho rlphtoouMicssof his o.msc that ic botanic hU boiulsnmu In the sum of S-'IW. Itw.is roMitd [ thntlio boiwhtn tlcl < et tor nvU and lott over the \Vulusli Sunday veiling 101Chlcaco. . With him , n ( Iroon's cxcltod Iniaitlnntloii. nl o fiuhhed n couple of h limited slniolcbns , to had Chief SiMvetcleKmph to St Louis ui.lCiilcvo tourresttho suin > osed fueltlvo , tulsoiiKlitsyiiipithy from uveiy uotmtiit- | neo who \Ulteuthu \ com t room , Now , to cup nil thl , OHlivr Vl nrd. whoio icntliifluili-4 tlio union dewt | , nnjs thnt I w Id not KO out Sund.iy ctoniiitf. A stnnll tall in did , ho\\over , lenvo on tlto mcnltiR rain , niKikovet.il of hU eountrmctt \\tro on iniid toM lit m furencll. The ofllcer thinks tint out of this Incltlont grew the story ol ' . .ec't illcircd' departure llo futthcr holiU but t.oe U still In the city , nml that tlio in riled ttlofjraphintfaiul OiootiN intense ev- Itoincnt wore nil for nmiKht. If suoli provw o lie tlio ( , iso , nn iiinocciit nntl justly Ind IK- unit traveler is uiidoubtedlv uxinosslnir bis > ) ) liilon ul tbo Oliicnsa potlco in l co ou3 tull.ui just about tbls time. \ Dim * nip Uiinecomitnbly rj'ho nic\nle ( o of ailments nltrlhuttbleto nlnMiuitio poison in tbo nilthnt people jrtMthe , mid the -water they drlnlc , Is well liRliuiiuci'ountuble. Xot alone In jicstllcnttil swamps , h idly drat neil subdrbnn district , and mirshes exposed to the sun's rnys by the coding tide , Is the scouixo of huttiutilty oxind. Kvcn ln.cre.it cities healthfully ocatcil , skillfully scvcred.oll loolsid after n o\ory ip-sjiett in u sanitary way , we llml nabiin. Its presence is ottenlnoxpHciiblc , jut Its attacks itre nlrt.iys piovcutuble The iroteotor Is llostettci's Stomach llittcri I'hecradlc.itorliearstho same natiio-a name ctioun to thcusiuidi tli ran ti out our broul itiidnncl elsthoro us a ijiionym of relief , ife\cntion \ and cute of the insidious dlsoi- ten in Us uboinlinblo phusis t-hllls ami 'ever , bilious reuuttcnt , dumb nfuo ( ami ague caUe , asell \ iisothois. jfor is the bitten oss oltutlvo for iiullKCstloii. kidney com- ilnlnl , biliousness and rheuin.itlsm. A'tiTATO UltlH * I'\11LV11K. York Crop Seriously Injured l Hot. KUUTOIH , N. V , Oct. 21 fSpet-hl Telc- KiMin to Tin : Ul B.I The c\tont of the potato otln all this section is almost appalling , con- "Ulcrlng the dependence wlilch was bcliiK ilaced upon tlds erop to e\cn up the fnnncM' lalince sheet of n thus fnrunfiuorablo year. ) thcr ciops ha\o yielded poorly , and , except 11 Isolated Instances , the fruit , ciop his been lj-ht Jjjrly jiotatoes vero mined by thu drought and yielded poor returns. Tlio Into crop , ho never , hud promised fulrly well , and .hoiopoits beiiiBcllfoundedot' tlionhnoit .otnl fiiiluio of the crop In Michigan and other ffrc.it potato seLtton , farmers looked lor a fair jiem mid icmunemtUe prices. 'Iho yield pro\es to Imvo hocn lirpclj in excess of expectations , hut those due early and housed tvera attached by rot , and in rniny inst.intes , tpou re-sortliiL' , onc-lmlf wore found \voitli- .ess. 'L'lio later diKKiiiK In ninny cases has uceii abniidoiied. tbero not behiK a < iiilllcleiit lumber of sound ones to pay for thu lahor. Sonic farmerwlio o-dmurilv would li.ui1 liujhuiidieds of bushels to cll , will liaidly II.HO enough for their own use , and Imjers areliuvimj carlo.ids of potatoes returned to Hitni as not Ix'liiK lit for the m.irltet. The failure of this crop completes the tocordof another dlsasttous jear.m . ntptitlicria. Fiom yllif / " ) ii Glut * , Oct.n. J8.T ) . Hli-'tr A Co.'s preftt dlseovci-y and manufac ture of their dlphthciia euro in this city has Vxcii ono of tlio greatest , blessings c\er known. This remedy bus proicd to be a suio cuio and prauntlvolu thousands of insUun.es. This city for jcarsbaolc has been suboct ] to diphlhciia. Slacothls discovery ( two years ngo ) there has never been a case developed. K\cry familj1 with children In this city lias a bottle in the house , and wherever anv symp toins appear this reniodj is used , ifot ono single case has e\or Ijien lost under this tieatment. IliRB &Co. have thousands of tes- timoninU fi om all o\er the United States tell- iiiK of the wonderful ernes it lias made. Any cltUcnof tills cltj , Alma , Hickinan , Wilbcr , ! * N'ch. , Deeatur , III. , Atkin , Minn. , Teiuernnd ) Georgetown , Col. , and Silver City , New Jlex- iio , will testify us to iUs merits , This remedy is for sale by BlaKe' , Bruce & ; Co , . Omaha Tim Kiiglewood Clitiruh Cincico , Oct. A [ Special Telegram to TUB Brt. ] ThoHgUt in the First Presby terian dmruhot ISnglouood , hlchhiis kept the goal people of that snbuib in.istatoof excitement for months , IMS at last ijot Into the courts. Tlio case eamo n p before Judge Hortonlhis morainRoii a motion to dissolve the in junction j-r.intej by Judge Grlnnell rc- stialning Pastor AVilhams and the ttustecsof the chuieh fiom interfeihiB viih the KO\cru- meut qt the elders , " 'because of the trouble is familiar fiom oft rchcjir lnjf. It Is tlio elder : * ot the church against Her Mr Will iams , Mho Is backed up by the trustees ami a minor portion irt the congregation , 1'ijo cl- tleis claim tliat tbo p.istor lias broken up the humlay school and the jouiij ; people's Chris tian endeavor society and wants to run things to suit himself. The hearing of tbo motion Mill occupy several dajs. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for dill dien tuthing suftens the gums and ullajs nl pain. 25 ccnU a bottle. 11BTTY John Chester Hetty tit family icsi- dcace , 151 north Twenty-sixth sticot , 2Sth lust. , at 8 a. in. , ago 17 jeais. ; Tuucral services nt 1,30 "Wednesday. Rc- nniiisnlll be taken to Cincinnati , O. , for Interment. Ask for Vim Houtcn's Cocoa. Talto no other. THIS IlHUl/rY MAHKl'T. TNbTltaMESTS placed on reoord Octo- 1 bof.'B. urrns. ( iiorccClirlstofTersou tol'utcrStock , lot fi. IIk IS , llrnson . . . . f00 0 H 'aln iindwlfo to JIM ) ] ) ) ) sChrMun- BPII. lotsy and I ) , Itcmlnston's sun . fl,000 0 H Cain and ulIYlo Jn npb .SChrlsicn- .i'iilot 1. hllc ' . Itc'iainiitoii'ssub . n.OOO Mil KMIIIS lo.I Ui\nnslot : ISKvan'sad L'.ri'JO U 1) Jdiu'S , nil nlfu loL'liurlcs A.V.ir \ - mr. w Il14eet ( lot i > . Ink I. rnstor'i .i < l. nudeU ) fed of wliO feet lot' ' : ) , Mllluid .1,1''sad. . . . 10,200 ! -iiiili.M.iyli\v : aiidliushiiid tuO Illlluh- lilff. IJJ fiot hquuo In mi MI l--n-H ) , ( bolnikiionn us tho"Un o lintel" prowrty ) . . n.-'iOfl MM IVok iind bnsbiiidlo I li Itiibh , lot * , blk'- . l'otti > r' al . . . . 1,559 Fd ard Ut'inos unil \ \ Ie ( in Adolph lun- soii und \\lfo , > M , < 4 ucrts in ho pan of HW nw 17-lG-ia . . . . . . 841 A I'lnKi-yct ul luO Kfitton ! , lot.I , bltt in tnrtoiiiiiii . 2e.-w A I' T , U. vet ul toll Kllnmlllun , lots SKI iiiid.'l. l > . I1. , Cllflonlllll . . . . . 1,700 Walnut Mill sii\l , . j . , i..l ! 'i" " tuicnt coiun my lo 'I'lioinuB Nolan , lot 1U , UIH SI. Wjlniit Hill . f > Ofl J \V AUlllamsnn mil wlo ( toll \V Miilth , lot 1 , blk f > , Lake View a < l 2.V ) gciTCLAIM nuns. M M llnek and wlfoto l'ct < r Stocklot20 , , Oak Hill . . . . . . 1 Wri llnn'ii and-ulfn toC K linirii , lots 4 andJ. tilkd" , jimth Omiilia ' . ' .500 Id 'irc | > ntor and wife to 0 H llnu'ii , Irttslandl , blUW , South Onmhn . , 2.r 00 II ( J < _ lark and wUont : iltn\liix llocstcb , H in lus Insw corni'r ' MI no : . . | ( V-n 10 \Vllllihi \ llutton iiiui nlfo ln.lol'ii Me * Ior , u / lot 2 , Ml ; ntlre ( < llt Poneler ad ' . ' i > ruS. F I , lllerliowor ( muni * ) to Mjtl Intpst incut company , lot 17 , blk 7 , Kllby 1'liup clO 0 W LounilH , ndinlnUtrutor , to M il Uart , lutiw , Oak Hill . . aOO 0 U * I'ayittim , wpiclul ailinliilitralnr. to NallDiiulllunUof ComnuTte , lot I. ' , blk is. ratrickV.'U ud . ayn Total aniountof transfers 147.W1 Tlio now olllees of the Orcnt itock Islnnd route , Ili02 Slxtoontli and Fmimni streets , Onmhn , urothu Ducat In thuelty , Call anil SLO them. Tielcots to till eaatat lowest luted , Till' Sl'KKH lll.Mt. Iiulrpeiulotier Uncos. Itnrrtsnrvr , In , Oet 'J * . [ Hixvlul U'do- Krant to Tun Itr.i : . ] Itiwn cold ilay , niul n sninll crowd , iwldo from the sports , \\lttaMseil peed iiidnp today. I'li-sti-ninotho 2-0 tin- lliilsheil p.u-0 , Sintmc , who had \ > oit t\\o heats , sold favorite for " "cW iwilnst * ll , and ho lott the notl two heit * , k-luj ; distanced lu tlioseeond undih-oppliiff n heap of money. Seven heats \\erc trotted In nil , 7s'orth\\cst taliliijr the fomtli.'sKth and seventh , llest Umo-a ! ' ; . Iho iio\.tt\\onicMworotiuflnlHhed lutho 2 i'l'i ti-ot two heats .ipleco were taken by Of aln , h"Klcrtlno ) und Ashland J'rlnce , Host tltne- 1 ! ' .V , f , by Ashland Prime' . Mho fiee for all puovaseasll ) taken in the tint two heats by Alti.ont UiMluuv , who ioll fnvoilto. The thlid lie it UMS tnUen by Wllldo Uussell Host tlinoJ ir > * , by Almout , llMlilllits \VV IIIN-OTON , Oct. 'JS. Summary of to- ilnj's r.u-es : Six fiulongi Bollwood won , Tanner sec- oiul , Uellovne third Tlmnlilil. . Thi-ce-yi-iirolils , inilo and one-sl'ttcoiiili I-'oxiucdo won , Hunced second , KliiR Ha/en third. Tltne-1 : . - . ! > , . I'lllli" * , two-yoiu ohN , < K furlonps Helen lioso-vvou , Vliglo second , Ulddy Dojlo third. 'Jlims M7 < . Mile anil ono furlonp Icebern won , tlliio Jeans second , Hradforcl thlul Time -1 , . ' )7. Threeearolds , one mile- Cornelia won , 1'crii'li'i second , bllloclc third Tline-t W. Steepleehnso , thieo-jear-olds - Nntelipz won , Mogul second , Punch third. Tune 4 30. \n-4li\ll I < IssiiMi.t.i , Tcnii. , Oct. lis. Opening du. v of the \Vest Slilo Joe-key Club fall siiuothig1. Sunmiaiy : Ono milo-nobbv ncuhon , Marion O second , A rscn ta third. Timelil . Two j ear-olds , five fin longs Kosehnul von , IMnipet second , Whitney tlilrd. lime -1 :0 1 , Three-year olds nnel upward , lx furl ones AmoA won , ToinlCailsLcond , Ada U thlid. Tlme-l ! ! ( } ! ( , 4 Thivc-year olds and upward , live nud one- Inlf fin longs Hopeful \\oii , Hobiu second , i\-i-ut : third Tiino 1 11. Two-je.irold nmiden" , four unit one hilt huloiiiTH Ini D won , Corontt sevoiid , Uilgo- nle thlid. aiiue-5s. 1'ostpniird I'll til S print ; . Nn-tt YOIIK , Oct. J2S.-Tho woild's cham pionship series bttwcen Hrooltlyn and L.iuis- \lllo came to an abrupt close this nftetnoon. Seven g.uncs have been plnj o 1 , each team wlnnlne thivc , and ono being a tie Thocold we.itliervas too mucli for tlio spectators 'ind the si lies will bo pl.iyod oft" next splint ; . Toda- , scoio : Louis\lllo 0 , Urool.lj n i. Today's Tlpx. AT I.1MS | \ First race Mndstone , Cousin Jeeins. Second race K\aiiieliiie | , Kihoi.tdo. Thlnt raceHivlge , Ituyinond O - Pouith raioFrontcn.ie - , St. .lames. Fifth race Kt I'aris , Ouawnteo. Sixth r.ico-Kolo , I'.nlt Hldge. Al ISIIVll.I.E , First rnoo lUnncho's Last , Leo H. Serond race -CouslRiiee , llirnu * . Third raee llaiembouro , Jim Itocd. I'ouith I.ILOArnnilc'l , Sunnybioolf. rifth r.ico-1-.utli.i Lee , Solbhaip. To Nervoii < i'I > i'hlllt.it Ml JlonJ If > ouvlll send usour address wo will send jou Dr. Uye's ( Meurated. Voltaic Holt and Appliances on trial. They will quickly rcstoio joj to vigor , manhood and health , I'amphlet free. VOI.T.UO Bctr Co , Marshall , Mich. A ttpainilit-1'4 strike. Cinc\no , Oet. 28. Kvciy stcum-flttlng estuUishmcnt In Chicago Is idle today , All of tlio union men and tl" ) percent of tbe non union men < b lii | * out on strike , Which com mented ycsterdaj. John MmiKniiipioslddit of the stoam-flt- tors' nsboc'iition , said everjtliinpconeeivablo had been clone tobrhur about a meeting with the masters' association , by which the ques tion cotud bo in bitratod , but their ellorts w ere disreg.n ded. Do not take any clianco of being poisonoel or burned to death with liquid stove polish , paints or enamels in bottles. The "Hislug Sun Stove Polish1' is safe , odorless , biilliant. the cheapest atul best stove polish made and the consumer pays for no expensive tin or glabs package \vllh every purchase. lllrulinll's Hoiitonoo Coinnintcd. ' OTTV * , Ont. , Oct. lib. A rablo dispatch has been leeoivcd from Sir Charles Tapper announcing that ho ha ? foiwardcd a p.irtlon for connnutiitionof death scntenceof Dncnall , convicted for the niuulcr of Henwoll. jriiij or I''iK * * , Produce < i fiom the lasatlvo and mitiltious juice of California ll s , coiibinedNlth the niPdielnaliitues of phmts liiio\n to bo most beneficial to the human system , acts gently on the kidneys , liver anel bowels , effeetunlly cleansiiiK the system , tiispolllng colds and headaches , and curing habitual constipation , In Kiiiimclal SlrnllH. Aunt UN , N Y Oet. 28-Tho sheriff has taken possession of the woiks of the Auburn wii on compniiy , on executions amounting to FiO.iXK ) . TWOIMl'HRIAL ' DOCTORS. , ElrMotcll Mnckcn7le and Professor Koch , tlio highest , anthoiltles In Kuiopo or the Aorld. unhONltatlngly toeoinniend Hodcn 5Iln- crair.istllli > sTioelirs ( ) foi nil Tlno.it , linns and C.itarrliul dlsua e" . Ii Koch said : "A eolith foi which 1 tried many ntlici uu-dlelms which had not tlio slightest otreet. soon lie- cunio better and has now entirely dKiupoar- cd. " If jou ate sulTcilns fiom a Cough , , i Cold , Asthma , llionchlal OaUurli , 01 any TUro.vv trouble , tlio s'oden Mineral Troehcs \villpchitl\uiy roMe o where all else falls. 1'osuretoobt.iln the goiuiine Imported ar- tlelo , which mustlia\t the sl iuituro und ro- coiiiincndiitlonof Hlr Moroll Miclon/lo ullh oaphbox Xonootliurnru i MONEY. Tlio Olifirmo\nnmn nt of funiU In citnl tiy Iho cllliunxidloli nn In iuliitnui'iiU < ? i > i1iu Iniluioillj/ tlio nbndruiiillr Inruo rnilltn urlilnf IhlTclrom IfUveH OIM n for Kimt4.rn iai > tul exceptional upper * tniiHIos In ri'iil I'Ktulu und Inlldlni , ' liivntiiiuntii. which , while ntiinltiUily wife , ) ti'l < llicomc'i rnnulni ; Irom Illtd n tolllly pirci'iit unnunlljr Hi ll Kutalu iKronntiiiitlronlliiiuilvniic-oln v 'u tlm rurii't ' of un otilijut of wvultli iuic < | UnllcU In tliu history ot Uin uorltf KnslernlRi'onioiti-i'od uiionannilfipcr oont. In- vc-lniiT.imnuy l litrvi ly uuvinuiittil nllhiiul risk , by ttitltli s Iho iirliieljiul to u luc-nlll ; udurlng wider orporuinlllcH. tUdeiru.nl u > U ruru-crt tlie i/ioat / toici luttiMi. for f ul 1 Information , ( uldrons L.G.PHELP3Sec'y Citizens Commlllce , Helena , Montana. lYImM ) , Set-omlary or T < rtlnrr itrmniu-ntly cuinl IntDto * d > j . \\u < llinli 'e nili | | n frunt Ihe i-jjtcm , iotliatlbci < cn nutir IMI unturiiot Iho dl - riiclunn/f rn. I'arllman UilliuUd rt l.onii ; , ( far tli rainorlro | < . . . . . D . _ - . - nnli-ni rlhe rairo K"iran fvls/MBBll 1 ft ' 'i Oml vrlth thoto-fcliopio \ f y&ill R\rrlo wire licic , wo IIl Bl B | H M | DlVconlroct to .u-o thim or 'W " I I I HIV ru | , ni a | | liionry anil I ay enlli.i tijxn ocf c mlnc , rillrcml J.r nnl hotel bill'o chltnc ! ll > vorlilfor aiatowe fin nnt euro. Upnilnnthl * rirrr. AMmt , CHOK UKairnV CO , IHnulm , Xtbra la , OSta [ St.0lalrllot l for Hthiiil Oil 5 1 ? i "JOSEPH BiLGftT STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1880 , THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS , Omaha Jobbers , Artlots' . -A. IIOSPK , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and t , Ounlm , Noli l , Coke , lto. ! OMAHA COAL , COICK AN13 UME CO. , Jobbers ut Haul and Soft Coal , S V Cor IftlitindbotmlM SltecH , Omnlui Vcb. NKUHASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Col-c , Sll youth l.llh Street. Oniilin , Vi'li -a Dry < ! olH nml Xutloav. " " ! . K. SMITH .V CO. , Dry Goods , Furnlslilnjl Goods and Notions CvrnorllllinnlllonnM 8trfot < _ " KILFATltlClMCOCU 1311Y QOODS po. , Importers and Joblicis in Dry Goods , Gc'iits I'lirnlfliliiLMiiiivl ) ( Vrnrr llth niul Iturnor flnot , Oiunliii S'uli. l-'n ml tu 10. Di\\'EY ; \ ie STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , _ lutimin < itri > t < l,0imlii Nnlrmkn. ' UHAHLES SIUVKRICIC , Furniture. Oninlin Ni'lini'Vn McCOIJD , HHAUY fc CO , Wholesale Grocers , ISHinncl IiMrnrt1i blrt-ety Oiiinhn. Nrhn kn. litiiiilicr , Kt- . ' (3. ( W UOUGLAa A : CO. , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , _ Ynnl 1310 X lijtli SI . Onmhn * JOHN A. WAKUFIKLD. ; , Wholesale lumber , Klc , , Ktc , Importoil niul Amcrlrin INirtlniul ( Viuml Stit iikTOllulmullo ( Vniunt , anil lllLU illU'l.lllHl CIIAS. H. LEU , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood csiri fit iiinliiarfiiirttloiirlne h n * < ticits Umnliii. .Vlmxki. " " * "FRKD"\V. GREY , lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , lite , C'uriior ttth nnil loiinl ) i trocls , Oimh i Milllnci'j und Not Ion H. I. OlIKHFELDKH A : CO. , Imporlcis and Jobbers in Millinery , SIM , 210nml 212South 1 Itlistrict. Notion * : J. T. hoi31NSO Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , llSllliirncr Mnct. tiniihn. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , AxleKtci'O , clc Onuilm AM HMiui | , MnnnKrr. CARPENTEH PAPEH CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Cnrryn nki < aturkor inlntlnj wraiiitnK nml "Tltl pni'cr b | > oclnl itttintluii U\LU ! tu inril | ' imr , Snl'i-s , IKo. A. L. DF.AJNi : & CO. , ( 'cMiprul AKdita for Halls' Safes , 33 ! rind Ml Houtli Will St , Omnln J-H , ric. II. IIAIiDY te CO. , Jolilii > nvf Toys , Dulls , Albums , Fancy Ms , lloiuu 1111 nlslilnx i ; < nil < < . C'lilldren Ciirrl.U'es. 1209 Kurnum utreH-l , Oin lin , Xi'li Water SnpplicH. U. S. WIND ENQI1E tc PUMP CO. , Slcain and Water Supplies , Hulllday wlml inllls ins niul V.M Jonui t , Uuinb ( i. ( lloai , Actinic Miinagcr. Iron AV PAXTON ic VIERLING IRON WORKS , 'roujilit and Cast Iron Building Work , J'KliH' | ] , lirnm work , la'imnil foiiii.liy , miclilncaud liliuViinllli work Olliiitiiiiilwiirka , U 1' . Ilr niul Kill Mreet , Unulin. Omaha Hoots and HhorM. " ' ' KIRKKNI3ALL , JONK3 "i'co. , Wholesale Mannfacturers of Boots & Shoes Au-ntifor ll ton Iliiblior Hhoo Co , HO1. , 1101 lilulllOa llnrnuy MrcL'liurilii.Nili ( Lager Beer Brews , Ncrtli 13th Street , OmilmNtb EAGLE Jlanufdcturcrs of Calraniztd Iron Cornice \\liicluwcnpnninl met illc HkrlkliU John I'lx-ncter. I roprlilur lUSuuil 110 South lOlli drool DEAN , ARMSTRONG } Ac CO. , Wholesale Cigars. t "Hfi : i" im. Safes. OMAHA. SAFE Ac IUON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , * i mills , Jnll work. Iron oliuttnra nmt IIro ( ! . \nilifin | pii | | > 'r Cor lull Snwli , DoorH , I'lo. M. A. DISBHOW k CO. . , \MioU" iilo niunutacturi'm uf Sash , Doors , lllinils and Mouldinjjs. llrniuh oRlrc , I2tlininl Irird iitrd'tt , Onmlin .Nel > . S eLI t/h O in. all i J UKlON STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South Omaha , Limited. NEBRASKA. National Bank U. B. DEFOSITOHY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - - - $4OOOO < ) Surplus Jan , 1st , 1890 - B7OOQ OUleeri mid DirectorsHenry W. Yatri. VreildenM " MwliS. ll eJ , Vtce-PrenMcnl ; Jtm s\V. H T | [ , \v" V. Moria. JobaB. Cuillni , 11. U. Cu lila < , J. N. A fttrlct , W. U. B. HuuUei , caiblir THlil 1HON BANK. Corner 12th * nil Tutmm Hti. A General Ilnuklnir Iluilncss Tramactcd. We Offer for Sale , ruurllioimnd louit oholcn II iluil lluv , I" . O II , c-.irn , hlr.uijn's Hiding. Iititoa or llornloU HiitloiH. on u. M , A riu I' . U 1C. , In lot * lo suit iiuriliiHori ( irlcm losulutel by I'M ' inirlcut Cull unil NCO u-t. STRANGE BROS , , SIOUX OITV , IOWA.