THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWENTIETH "YEAR , ' OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MOENKNO , OCTOBER 20 , 1890. If TREASURY SILVER PCRCHiSES fl Lengthy Statement Miilo by Director Leech of tbo Mint. THE CAUSE"OF THE RECENT DECLINE , Ho Deiile * tlic Aiscillon Thru Lon don 1'rlrjen Aie L'ned ni a Hasli i'or I'liicliases Under the > , ew liAVtt \Vi niNGTON , Oct. ' - ' ? . Director Leech of the miat makes a Icngtnv itatntneut In roir.ird to treasury jnuchases of silver bullion and thsciusosof the icccnt deelnio In the mar ket pricoot silver. Ho sajs : 'Tho ticasury incthot of purchasing silver has been criti cised in th so juiMculais ! "I. That tbo laizo nuiohascs b ) the dc- partinetitdo not Include all the silver bought " J. That the London price Is used as a basis of government puii'ha'O. " 3 That , the bids of Iho government are on the decimal svitun and tend to favorit ism. " In regard to the first ciitMsinho sa > s : "Tha government purchases silver as it docs bonds , nud , indeed , any aitlolo required In consldoiablet quantities , by nubile competi tion , tholovvestoffeis being always accepted , piovided tbcv do not exceed the highest maikct juices. I'oi tbo bere lit er small pioduoei'S how-aver , the fcujcrintcndents of mints are nuthovlrcel to | > uieln o small lots at a pike fljied tiom daj to tla ) by the dire-etui , corresponding to the miuket iulce. Thesa purchases av engo posjlbU half a million ouiie-es u month. " - ' It Is not true tint London puces aroused used ns the basis of silver purchases under tbo new liw. Dining the last admlnistia- tlon tint only wns the London pi Ira the only pilce ilxed. but the department did not pay tbo equivalent of the London price , but undo counter offers to bidders on the tbrory that silver vvis woith less In New York than Lon don by the cost of linnspoitaticn nnd insur- nnec neioss tbo water 'Iho present admin- istiatlon has been poveined in its tiuicha o by the Xevv Vork pili e. At no time sineo ttio p.isaapo of the new Mixer I iw Indeed for some months before-bus the tieasury felt itself limited in lib acceptance of London pi Ices. " . ) . In regard to the government quotations being on n decimal basis , 0110 of the ciltlcs snjs. The suspicious und slgniflcinl fact in icgaicl to the go\ciiiiiient's pwchuiO of late is thi-t houses ofTeiinglaigelots have been undfrbid by the hundredth part of a cent , riiogoicnmuut's quotations moon decimal l.uIs , which is a gieat mhantago to those who mnj liaxo ad vanced informUloii In icvarcl to thopiieotlio Koveiu incut is willing to pij on a civ en date' 'Hie povcrmucnt has no scale of Its own mul bidders use whatever suilo suits , them b-st. If one hou-io happens to bid a decimal lowei than the ether Is the govcia- incut to decline tbo lowci bid because of the decimal The idea of an ) seller bav mg 'ad vance infoiiimtlon us to the piico tlio gov- einmont ulllpaj Is ildkulous and impossible - blo Jftlioiocan bo any fuller method devised - vised for purchasing silver than by public competition it would bo dlfllcult to conceive of such method. It ts the method which 1ms been pursued by the tie.isiiry under all administrations sineo IbTb. In reg.ud to the iceent decline in the price of silver the causes which npoiated to produce it are nppiiient In the Hist ilaco the possible stock of silver ine w York has not .sensibly dee-leased , notwithstanding the pmchnso by the government of l'JUil,4rs ounces of Hilv or since August 13. This largo and tindlmtnlshcd stock Is u Standing mcnaco to the price of silver. Largo vvestein retbi- cries , iu hopes ot reali/ing a laigo profit , held silver for months piior to the pissago of the now law or deposited It In XevVork foi cer- tlllcatcs. and the icsull lias been the accumu lation of a vlsiulo stock ol Midi magnltudo tis to depicciato tlio piico. It Is very uufoitu- nalo that this stock should bo allow cd to ac cumulate aud especlallj that ceitlilc-itcs aio allowed to tie Issued on It and guaranteed by nnatipnnl bmk und listed on the stock ex- to be de-alt Jn on margins It has inado u football of silver , to bo Incited tround at the pleasure of the bulU mul bcais. In my Judgment there should bo a law enacted ngalust dealing in money nictula on niiu 'liis , The uual demand for sliver for o\p < irt has utmost entirely ceased. Not only is this the case , but InrRo qunntltles of foicien silver have been stdppcil to the United fatntcs. 'Iho Impoitsot silver fiorn May 1 to September ISO of the present year exceeded the expoits by fJ.W.Ul.'ihllo for tbo eoriepoiidiiiBiciiod List jeartho OK- jioits exceeded tlio imiioits b.v S"iUH'JJO This accounts foi the fact that \vhllo tlictjov- eminent pmehnscU an amount equal to the cutiont pioductloii of our mines , the stock his not diminished. Duiiiij ; tao same jciiod sliipuiciitb of sihcrto India linvo not sensibly di'croased , altlioiili ( latterly they h.ivo been below the usual mnount , hcnco the supply for India has bcon ob tained in Huropo or at least elso\\licro than the United States. In regard to the iiituinl nio\cment of silver to China and Julian from San 1'rancisco , not ono ounce of silver bullion has bcenshippid to the Orient from Ban rimicisco since .May 1 of this jeir , wlillo o\cr $ IIXX > ,000 vorth was shippc-d dliiiiiK the snmo ptllod last year. ThCbO faats of thein > ches aio siiniclent to nrooimt for the decline \\tilcb taken placo. Tlicn. nirain , all sous of romuacUs tiavo been tolojn iplicd iiom London to this countiy , the puipo-.e and effect of nhleli uas tociiken the pilc-o of silver. It ia well known that uo .no in the mUlstof a most active mlnlntj season. Undoubtedly the pi o- dui'lloa of silver lw ? Iwen stltnnlatcd hy the p.issapo of tbo new bil\er la\v , but it inust bo rcmomboinl that we aie jspioachiin ; tlio per iod oflnter months when milling is not .so aostUo , and , I.IOIVOUT. that the pics- cut activity In uoiklnp mines uatui- , nlly results in moro lapldly e\haustini ; their lodes So far ns my Infoinuition extends tliero bns been no new s > ll\er bonaii- ins itiscoveied , nud aside fiom UUeovnics of valin\blosll\ci-l ait properties in Austral ! i , I am not , nwaro of a > ij largo deposits of sil ver dlicovcrodlthlntlio past ycilr or two , coitulnly nouo icoently. So It Is fair to as- Binno that the sllcr p uiluct for any consid erable poilod , unless they are now dlscov- ei ies , ill not bo material ! ; ineix-ased by the present uetivo A\orUliip of the mines : N'o Eensiblo person likes to make prophoclei , es pecially on a subject \\tilelibaspro\odao llhislv u as silver , hut cei talnh one \ \ bo 'bus madoa eloa study of tbo silver question1 ought to 11 nd in ttie fails mentioned sufllclent causes for the recent decline without seeklni ; for iiuaginary reasons ami casting sluu upou the treasuiy method of " 11IK 1\IH.IX Jill LEMUJI. The Present I'xeltemcnt Lintilo to Lead to Lotiil ( Juilnvakx , CIIICKIO , Oct. SS. [ Special Telegram to Tim lliif , ] Captain Hig lns , aido-de-canip to Geaerul lilies , was bcc-n by a iex | > rter this evening regarding the "IndLxn milUnluni" er.uoofhlch Agent McLnu liUn baa mudo a rcpoi t to the In teller doputment. "This 'inlllcnlum1 Is notn cra < o now phnso of the Indian question , " said the uiptain. "Tho Indlaiib feel their Inability to cope with the u lilto man without supernatural assist ance , and their desho to recoho buch has IOIIK sluco dc\oloiK d Into the belief that It MllliouH' . Sitting bull is quoted as saving aid will iMMCCfiicu'irbcu the eras grows,1 and that the uhttca will boipod from the fnco of the casth , l.u l - ing the red men once moro in possession if the country. I tin\o kno\vn \ of this docti ino belnir prcAchcO for nt least ton jears , mid the idem probibiy older than that. Auludi.m knnuii ua SmoholU has been prcnchlngiv nillliniuniforajcarui Indian Temtory , and holding secret mecthiKs and conferences \Nblili had their origin in this belief. In the Crow n 'cuey a local disturhaiuo \ % as cau ed nbout a jcar ngo by this mcjblnli exdtcmcnt uiiil two or three Indians cro klllod , " "Douu anticipate trouble iu tao smitiKl" "Well , it Is \ery hard to say what \\i\l \ occur. It U not ht all Improba ble that there will bo local disturbances , and some of them may bo soiious. Tholr chest dancM nnd secret conferences nro likely to bear fruit , especially when such n man as Sitting Hull is at the head of the aUtut banco. lint I do not think a general upiisini ; po lble nitccn } ears nijohen tlieroas plenty of came and the Indians had nil the ponies they needed , this excite ment would bavo been \ery d ingcrous. IJut now tboro Is btit Httlo game , nnd the war riors would Iw compelled to staitupon their campaign without provision ! unless they should stait Immediately after on Issue of rations , nnd then their supply would bo n sinil I one. Km thei tnoro , HIP v have not enough panics to make niir piactleablo , Then the dlstunco between the various ti lb. " ! is very prcat. There Is at least four hutulrotl miles bi'lw ecu Sitting llull's camp and tbo scat of the CiowilUturlunco Iho amount of opposi tion tlio Indians would have to ovcrcomo is .mother fcuturo. Formerly there was no 0110 to oppose their. , but the"soldleu are now thoio , nml t'leie ' a TO numerous towns and ranches \ \ liUli could succcssfullv withstand their attacks No. t do not antkiinto any ( 'enoril ti-ouble , nithoufh , as I said beforu , thei o may ho local outbreaks and consider able bloodshed ' "Will unj additional troops ho moved down Into that mtt of the countryl" "I hardly thl : , ' ! nn > such mo\o Mill bo made Troops can bo transferred very rap idly b > rail , nnd wo have men so sltuited th it they could bo sent to the seat of the dlfllcultyliiadaj. The coalitions nro very different now fjom what they woio at the tlmo of the Ouster mos-Mi-re , and uo such dls- tui bunce is llkolj to occur. " Horse i , Minn .Oet.Q' ' ' . AUlsimrclf , N.J \ , snj 3. Kicking Horse , the Sioux prophet , secnu to be vejponsiblo for most of the tiou bio at Striding Hock. Ho claims to have \Islted hea\c i and icturned to oaith to tell the Indlai s what good things nro iustoro for tlirm Major McLaughlln onlcicd him off the rosen utton and conilncd several other tronblesomospiuts In a lieu > o The Indians ha\c been making da\ and night hldooiis. If It % veio spilng instead of fall thcie would bo danger ot an upuHhig , but it is not believed ono vill now occ r blttinp Hull U doing all he can to fu > nuii a dlstui banco. lie Pax on tlic Abniidoiiiucnt of Sc\- oral 1'osts on tin * Krontloi1. Wi'iHNQTON , Oct.In hU annual report- upon the oper illoi.s of tbo army in the de partment of Aiuoni , Btigadler General Oricrion commanding , says : " 'ow that ns foitsMcOo\\cH tuul Vt'ida have been aban doned with a view to thcii early tiansfer to the Interior department for Indian school purposes , the authorities should consider the advisibilitj of reducing , with the le.ast possi hlo delay , ttie number of Indians in tbo vicin ity of the San Cnlos agency by the removal of tlio Yum i and Mojiva Indians , numbering about one thousand , to those icscnations The keeping of so many Indians at San Car los is ctetiimc'iital to their advancement and tends to ivaow ils of old feuds with white men , anil that tioable is likely to aiiso at am time" lie said the. proposition inado by Indian in- snectors to oigr.nLu a roglmetitof Indians would piovc.x vety danccrous e\peiiment. 'I'o place Iho worst elements to be found amongs.n.igo Indians in tegular nrmyorgi niration uiiiierhlU1 ofllcouould bo unsafe and would bo placing too much faith iu i.uch Indians. 1'oits at Foils LoAell , Grant and Bayard , suj s the ginot al , can bo ab nidoned withcut detumunt to the ber\ico , and the iK > - > t at Foil Union could bo abandoned at once. Gen- oial Giicrson rcne.vs his recoinmcnda- tionthat" * prcsent"mllltdry"-i'rcs.crratioii > ' at San 1'edro , C d , bo enlarged , as it is the moat available plate for haibor adjacent to Los Anpcles. 'J bo small fort situate I near the place of San Diego , Cal , should bo dis posed of and a moro , iniUblu place obtained without delay The general sa\s lallroads obviate the necessltv for keeping so many tioops In teriilorlcs where hardships and pu- vatlona have to ba enduied , and they should bo concentrated on the son coast where tlio > can bo made comfoitablo , instiuctcd and ills elpllned. Itvvlew of the recent nnwaii-antod attempt to grasp Lower California fiom Mexico , tbo present time is auspicious for the establishment of these permanent posts. Tw > Little ail-In Missing. HOVTOV , Mast. , Oct. 23 [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bir j-T\\o Httlo ghls JSIary , aged eleven , ind Annie , n ed six daughters of Dennis Fiiinorar , have been missing since October 10. On the aftcinoon of that da > they visited theii grandfather , Patrick Fln- uciw , who li\es some distance from their home. Thej remained thoi-o until 11 o'clock at night , \\hen they suited home alone. Since then then \ \ o not been seen. Tlio Count ol'l'arM In Qiiottcu. QLTIIIT , Oct 23. This morning the count of Paris , the duke of Oilcans and their suite visited the Ursulhio cement and the cardi nals palace. IhoUltors were coi'dially 10- eoived bj the caidlnal , Aichblstiop Taschc- roau , who was attended by dlsnitor- los of the chun h. This afternoon tbo vlsitois inado a llv Ing \ Ult to the shrine of La Benne S'e. Anne , taking a view of Montmoicncy falN on their way Citizens ( ja\'o a banquette to the \ibitoia this o\eiiiiif. Halfniif and 'Morloy Suli | ( inarl. Dun is , Oct a- [ Special Cablcgrim to TUB Bi p -Chief Scui-ctary Bnlfour and John Moileyhivo bcnn subpamacd as wit nesses nt the tiial of Mr. Haiiison , member of paillamont from the middle dhlslou of Tippor.uv , and others on tbo charge of ahsmlthiB pollconicn at the opening of the Tlpporaiy conspiracy tiial. it Is exported that the til il will bo held either at Maty- borough or Omasb A rranC'O-ltii'wtati Alliance. Oct. 2Tlio rcllrfloas marrlapo of Mile. Molucnheim , ilaunhter of IJnron Mohroiihclm , Kusslan ambassador to France , o Lieutenant Descze , took place today anil \\as attcnOed by Madame Carnet , wife of the president , and all tbo ambassadors In PaiU. A crowil Katlieicd outside the chui-cb , and as tbo bridal paity came out they were greeted \\lthcilo8 of "Long llvo Russia. Long live 1'nmeo. " Vork Importer * . Xuw Yoitu , Oct. 2S. A meeting of the Im- poi tors of this city was hsM this afternoon , \\hlch bad under consideration the MoICiiiloy bill. James M Constable said the opinion of numerous attorneys was that the omission of section ! W in the engrossed , copy of the bill very posslblj lavnlldatod the entire act , A committo wu appointed to tnake an invcitl- gatioii and i-cpoit ut a subsequent The i\liibltlon : Didn't Pay. LON-DOV , Oct. -Special Cablegram to TUB HIM : . ] -The financial report of the cxhl bltion nvontly held in Kdmburch shows u dcllclt of i'W,000. This moro than absorbs the guarantee fund , which amounts to KM- UOO. ' 1 ho affairs ot the exhibition Imo been placed hi liquidation. Collapse of a Strainer. PiTTsm uo , Ki. , Oct. 25. The steamship Alexander S-'lft collapsed near Qleawood , I'a.on the Monongahcla rhcr , early this moinlii ) , ' . All on boai-d escaped. Thostcamci- was heavily la Ion nnd broke In two. The \aoiul \ \ iisahicvl at f-WlKK ) . Slioit In HIM .Voconnts. Xiwi-oiiT , U I. , Oct 2-J.- Dennis B. Sulli van , ticasiuvr * of the Tatber Mathew total abstinence society , li believed to bo short in his accounts ntx > ut $ luw : and hijpropcity has Ixca attached to recover the u I'opulntlon. VSIIIMUOV , Oct. 'JS. Census announce ments Kansas City's population , 13'J , 110 ; in- crcu30,7t , > , 'Wl5 ' percent , UT.'Jf. OMAHA POSTOFFICE PLANS , They Will Not Bo Drawn Until the Cost of the Structure is Settled . A BILL ASKING AH INCREASE PENDING , tVii Interesting I'ctltion from a Min nesota Jiunld'sr llcl'ofa the Bu- l > rcino Court More Ilttra heisloii Gossip , Bur.Evu Tun Oviutt BEE , WjLsmsorov , D. C. , Oct. 23. At tbo treasury department this morning the supervising architect said that nothing w ill bo done towards picturing plans for tbo proposed now federal building in Omaha this season owing to the fact that there U n bill wending in each house to extend the limit of the cost of tbo now structure. The oftlco docs not feel warm ted In going ahead and In- c-uiring the expense of prep u ing n full set of plans fora building which may never bo built. Tno whole matter will bo delayed until the close of the present congress when , If no fuithcr expenditure Is autnori/eJ , plans will bo prepared with the idea of erecting a building to cost about fMW.OOO , which is the amount available for this purpose at the pies- cnt time. Before leaving for the west Messrs Council and Mandorson both expressed the belief thatbeforo Match I next a considerable ad dition will bo made to tlm sum available for this puiposo. A MINNESOTA MOIIDRIirtl'S mXITIOV. In the supreme court yesterday a motion to advance the case of Clifton Holdcn , petitioner and appellant , against the stntcof Minnesota , icsponucnt and appellee , was granted. Aigumants will bo heard on the tliiui Mon day in November. This case is to test the constitutionally of ttio so-called priv ate ex ecution law which was pissed by the le-glsia- turo of that state in Apiil last. The petitioner In this paiticulir In stance was convicted of murder , which alleged to hive been committed bofoio the law was signed by the governor , and ho thoieforo claims that the htvv , so far as It applies to this case is ov ; jwst facto and against the provisions of the llist uiticlo ot the fedeial constitution. But the principal point at Issue scorns to be the Icgalilv of that si'ctiou of tlio statute which gives the gov- einor the light to llx the day for execution after conviction. Inasmuch as there 19 a provision very similir to this in the How- York state law , under which iCemmler was executed , ilio decision iu this case will bo awaited with great interest because of its piobablo oltect ujiou the coining decisions touching the constitutionality of. the new Yoik j > tate clectiocution act. rxruv. "E sioN GOSSIP. Again It is assci t d with the utmost posl- tlvcness that the piesident intends to cill conuioss together in extra session hnmeul- atclv after tlio election. Innet , those who piofess to know all about tt nueit that the president lofraiued from taking his contcm- templatcd ducking trip bec.uiso of hU dcblro to pioparo a message having this object in % lew , but absolutely nothing eau bo lenincd fiom the white house or from any mcmbci of the cabinet which gives any reason to sup pose th it the statement Is true The piesi dent is busy with , his cabinet officers day after diy , and tho'mituial supposition Is that ho is pioparing hi * annual * vitssago to con gress. At eoui-bo tlieio is the possibility that an extra session may bo held , but the " irubabilltios forthls are by no meau ' 'apiiir- | ; ' cut on the suifaco , although the president Is exceedingly anxious to secure the prompt passage of tbo federal elections bill. T1IF KAN VS OIllaiXM , I'ACKIUR CISC. It is expected that the supiemo couit will on Monday next render a deeUion upon the motion to'advance the Kansas oiiglnal package - ago case so that It will bo beard this year In stead of taking its chances in the ordinary course of business In that comt , vvhicn would mean a delay of about three ears. AS'hile this Is known us the Kansas cose , it is virtually a decision upon tno effect of the bO- called original package law passed by the last congiess , and It will decide whether or not it will bo necessary or not for Kansas , Iowa and South Dakota to renew their mo- hibitory legislation , now tint the United States has given thorn the right to prohibit the importation of intoxicants into tbclrtcr- iltory. irnr.itE is 'ilio Present Loontlon of a Chicago Money Lender Anxiously Desired. Ciuctao , Out. 28. The wheieabouts of W. S. Whorton , who has been engaged In the mor.oy lending business In this city for sev eral 3 ears , ts troubling a number of citizens and paiticulaily tbo Chicago Trust and Sav ings bank and the United States Loan com pany. Per over a week Whorton has not been seen , and his wife and credltois have finally concluded that ho has loft the city , ft Is asseitcd that his indebtedness will amount to 50,000 , nearly 10,00) ) of w bleb is duo to the financial Institutions named above. It Is charged that Whaiton frequently pursued a plan of double dealing In hypothecating notes madotohim When a note beeamo duo it is asseitcd that ho was accustomed to notify the signer that ho cou'd ' not eat ry It unless a new ono was made. "When this was done ho promised to dostioy the old notes , but Instead of doing so would leave them with the tlnan- cial Institution whcro ho had placed theai and negotiate the now ono at another place. It is also believed that Ptiiladolphii people will bo Interested in Whoi ton's flight. It is asserted that he , w lib another man , bought seven ! veara ago tlio chaiter of a defunct insurance compiny in Philadelphia , the old Columbia company. Wboi ton'scleik said today that bo thought It was la this and similar concerns that much of his employer's gains had been lost. Pro-sIilontTolman of the Chicago trust and savimrs banksajs , however , that but little was paid for the charter. Ho thinks the Co lumbia was only ono of thrco or four insur ance camp udcj in which Whorton was Inter- oitcil and tout all of thcao wcro used only to catch premium payers , who never got any thing out of the companies but their policies , Patents to Western lnventois. Wt'insaTov , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Bi r ] Patents were Issued toilay as follows : Illmcr E. Blackmail , Raymond , Neb , cultivator ; Lewis BulgcrtTablo Hock , Neb , doorspiing ; James E. Hartman , College Springs , la , washing machine ; John M. Ire men , Atlantic , la , vvatchmakei's calipers ; Ernest G Kempur , Iluillngtnii , la. , stone saw. Hdvvard P. Lvnch , Davcnpert , la , metal vvticel aud inanufactuilng the same ; William Morrison , assignor to Hess elcctrlo storage battery company , Des Motnos , la , automatic regulator for electiio current ; William Moirisen and L. Schmidt , assignors to Hess electrlo storage battery company , les .Moines , la , miking storage batteiy plates ; Harry II Plalno , Broken llovv , Neb , tinner's mandrel , JohnSterett , Morning Sun , la , , breast collar ; Asa A Story , Twlnbroiiks , assignor of ouo-half to W. Shaw. Mllbauk , S. I ) . , thill coupling. Morn Trouble In Canton Ticino. BEHNT , Oct. 23. A report has been re ceived from Lugmiuo , one of the capitals , of the canton of Ticino , stating that a light oc curred totlay between the troops and dUaf- fectcd liberals and some blood was shed. The federal council has , hy unanimous vote , re jected the appeal miulo by the ultra montaiics of 'llclno agulnft the popular vote of October 5 hut , w hen a majority declaicd In favor of a rev lalou of the constitution of the canton , County CoininiNHloiicrs Condemned , Iliuov , S. O , Oct. S& [ bpeciul Tele gram to THE BuK.J.-In ceiliorari uroceed- lui-a brought by the otate thi-ough tbo attor ney Bonernl aiHitust the boanl of county com missioners of Hugh county , the supreme court this aftcinoon handed down an opinion declaring the proceedings of tbo board of county commissioners of Hugh i-01111 ty hreg- ular , erroneous and void of rffoet , and that the election products established by them In Xolln and Kteillng counties nro In violation of the election law of the state , and unwnr- rmted anil Illegal assumption of jwvver and jurisdiction , nud an unlawful and unaulhor- bed Interference with the election franehlso of tlio stnto of South Dakota , ami an Injurv to the lights of tbo cltlzcne of the state. The opinion was wilttcn bv Judge ICellam , all the Jmlircs concurring. This \vill prevent the frauds so much feared In the unorganised cmintloaiidoa thJ Slout reservation at the election next week. i UA s o > ' iiA r n i The I'lnttc HollonisSvcrpt lj n Dlmis * nnlroiis Kiie. TarMosT , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tin BIT. ] A disastrous piairio tire has swept over tbo Platte bottoms beginning jcstoidny afternoon and buiultig far into tbo night. It is said to have been bet by an eu- glno on the Jfrem lii.i . M . u-i A. Missouri Valley f",1' , , ! . , " ipMnT l'olllt four miles east & , „ , . iV UstocI on the farm of W II. Il rv > , | , .i It Js cottover six : or seven sections oj > /'iiiiag.ig / ' , prob ably ono thousand .tfoMY. I'o tlihf 1,000 , upon whlchthcrols jfti 71 lauct/ die losers are \V II. Harvey , Lv. _ < 7iniliard , I Davenport - port , S. ( J Wvuii , W. Uesyiolds , Concrcss- mm Dor-cy , , W. K Lee , H. J Knlsely , L M Kecno James Ilamnniu * , U. II. KanUall , L. AVilcox. . The latter had hind woik to save his faim buildings. Gcouro Oodfioy's big tlclds ol stacked hemp tad a imuovv es cape. _ Social nvontntlJiivlu City. DVVID Cur , Neb. , Oct. SS ISpechl to Tun Brn. ] A largo number of the represen tative society people of Butler countv cele brated the tin wedding of Mr nnd Mrs Trunk A Snow , hero last evening Tlio evening was spent in dancing- , cards and the euojmentof ] a dainty supper Many amus ing ns well as useful glfti wcro presented to .Mrs. Snow by her fiieudv Sevcial Omaha friends were present to acul their congiatula lions. Stolen llnifec-s In His I'osseaslnn. NriuivsMCm , Neb , Oct. 3. tSpccial Telegram to Tnr Bnn.j A man who gives his name as Goss and comes fiom Ogallala was aircstcd hero with four horses In his possession , sold to have been stolen The authorities at Ogallala have boon notltiod. IjcviiigUm ( ) ii\vari ! anil Upward. LiIOTOV , Xeb. , Oct , 2S [ Special to Tun BhF. ] Lexington's new hotel , built at an expense of f-'AOOO , will soon bo onened. Lexington votes on wateivvoiks bonds to the amount of $20,00. ) tonionow. Kleetiic lights will promptly follow. In Km or of the 15oinl . Brmirrr , Xeb , Oct. > $ [ Special Tele gram toTnr Bi r ] The uccal | ! election held heio ted ij to vote upon the issue of $15,000 bonds for the construction of a new sjstcm of stoimsevvcis icsultcdlu faver of the bonds by ufair ii.ajouty. Ucatii of n IMoiiecr. NIBUKI CITV , Neb. , Oot. 2 . | Spccial Telegram to TUB Bin.-Gauett : Thorg , aged eighty-six , one of Nebraska's ' ploncois , was found dead la bis bed this moiniug. His death was e.iusod by heart Jise.ue. "Sold Whisky Vl'Uhijiit Mocnie. Ooccon.Nob , Oct. 23. rSpc'cial [ to Tin : BCC.J United States Mfir > haU Bill came up " * - Osborae for selling vvhisirj without a license Xe\v ( icrmaii-Alriuan Coniinny. Brn iv , Oct. 2S.-Spechl [ Ciblegram to TIIC BF.I.J A now QerJian-Aftiean com pany has bcon organized. Its object Is to bo to plant colonies In south and southvvW Afiica , and in Morocco and Tripoli. The Kreuz Xeltung states that the Gernun gov eminent has granted ten jeaiV trading monopolies in the Cameron country , Africa , as follows : To the Wlermans , at Batanga ; to Sued lib merchants in. ttio region abo\e the Victoria settlement ; to Janscu nnd Thoinmcnlcu in the region northwest of the mountain nmgo , nnd to Xintgraff in the sec tion bouuiled by the left bank of the Beiino Assassinated in Ills Hod. Mi vii'ins , Temi. , Oct. OS. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bbp. | LovvIsThomas , a colored man , was killed this morning by an unknown assassin. He was asleep with ills vvifo while his assailant crushed bis' skull with nn n\ . The noise of the blow awakened tils wife , but In the darkness she was unable to identify the assassin. The sharp edge of the ax stiuck Thomas on the left side of the head , catting a gush w hicli exposed the brain. Sus * plclon points to Fraiik 'Shelton , who had a quniroi with Mrs. Thomas last week , and it is thought the killing gi.nv out of a bitter feeling engendered towaid Thomas for assist ing mi otllcer in attempting Sholtou's arrest for assault. _ Illinois Fanners In Micrct Session. SiuisoHKi.D , 111. , Oct. iH The grand ledge of Illinois of the secietbijiiich of the farmers' alliance convened today.iPiesldpnt Cm in of Virginia presiding. The organization has 200 lodges und fiom lO.OOOHo . I'IXK , ) members. Isothlng was done toduyjbcyond the appoint ment of committees and hearing nn addicts from Benjamin Tcrielh'of Secuin , Tex , grand twasuier of the United States. Tun Hiour , Oct. 23. U today's session of the Dutch pailiament Minister Mackay nu- nounccd tint the sciiotis condition of tlio king incapacitated him from performing the duties of government. Ho asked parliament to make tbo declaration the constitution prc- si-rlbes. Both chambers will dccido tomor row. - _ _ Gladstone I'xtoU l-reo Trade. Em MII no , Oct. -GIadstouo In an ad dress to workmen todny extolled five tiado. Ho said the results of the last Jlftyyeau In legislation had been that trade had multi plied Jlvu fold , the popul&tiou had doubled aud the material , social , moral und political condition of the country Ijad enormously im proved. „ t Will ItcMdn hi Home. lCojwi lulit IWbu Jiinv4 Oonlou IteuiuttA Hour , Oct. 28. [ Now X'ork Herald Cable Spcchl to Tin : Ben.l-Cardinal Mcrmillod will reside hero this winter and will bo presi dent of tbo commission ot tbo sacred colleges which the pope wisibcs to studytbo relations of the church to socialism. Uecclvod tlierfllultliiiore'8 Oflloei * . ICofui titt , , 1SOO by Jin * * aonlvu Hewlett. } LISHON , Oct. 23.-l.VevV Yoik Herald Cable Special to Tnr. ncu.t-Tlio king rccclvcil the oftlws of the Baltlnjoro this afternoon. Ills majeity will visit the cruiser later In the veek. . Marauding UJcs Will Ho Retiirnpd. \V\MIISGTOV , Oct. 23. The interior and wardeiuitnicuts bavo IssuoJ the necessary instructions to tholr representatives in Colo- iado tosoocmo thorolurn of the marauding Utcs to the rwerv atlon at onco. * Federated Itallway Tratnmeii , Los Aviiir * , Cal , Oct. 23 , The national convention of trainmen to < lay re-elcctc 1 th old ofllcer-J. Tbo plan of federation and supreme council , at u. rouged lust bummer , was unanimously approved. i Can TliU IV ) Posi.lbt.1 ? Dcnux , Oct. 23. Uaifour U now InVest Ilort. It Ls icporteil that ho la deeply Im pressed w Ith the scones of ucneral wretched ness of the peasants and the prospects of a famine. THE HOG AND PRODUCE RATES Omaha Lines Prefer to Equalise Them by sius the First. THE BUND POOL WILL BC CONTINUED. A'lco I'resiilent I.atio on the Hoyootl The Union i'.iultli : and ItsOlii- OIIRO Cuiiticoticiii 1 ho Cntr-voo. Oct. 2 IKpoclnl Tclesram to TUP 13 CK ] 'Iho meeting of the w ostem lines to consider the rate on UNO ho s under the recent decision of Iho Intcrstito lotntucico ccmmiss'on was attended under the call by onlj the Kansw City nnd Omaha linos. The Alton pave ltso\usctod notice of reduction in the llvo IIOK rite to IS cents , the present tate belnp 23 cents \lewof this no'Ico ' there was nothing loft for the other lines but to m ilio the same i nto is far as Kims is City w as concerned. The Omaha lines objected stiong- ly , hoc \ or , profoulnfj to cairy out the de cision of the commission by advancing the dnubcd product rate. It was consequently decided to c ill a meeting of the \Vestoi n ITiclght assoclitlon for i'hursday , whcu it \\ouldboctceldcd\vhcUiertolower the llvo bog rate or advance the product rate at points noith ot Kansas City. \MI1 roiitliino the Itliiul Pool. Cnicino , Oct. 2S [ Special Tolcrain to Tin : Bi r. ] Today's meeting of tbo picsl- dents of the lines in the south weUciu ill- x islon of tritllo agicament wai ilko the cooing of a Hock of tui tlo doves If any line hud a giievanco it kept It to itself Ail the t ilk \\ns tow aid strengthening mulpiolongingtho lifo of the agtocmcnt. After some discussion it \ \ as agreed to loutinuo the blind pool , id- low ing Chniimen talker , Midijeloy and Flu- ley to absolutely decide the amount of tiatlle each road should e.ury. Uu-h load haelnlso nindo a caicful examination ofitsiecoids \\itlitboiesiiltthite.ieh found It was mik ing uimo net cavnitiKb than at autlmo since the passapo of the iuteistate cnininerco act , the lignres being based on tbo same quantity of tiafile. 'llila piovcd that although the rates aio lower no\\ than for bomo tlmo past , they nro better milntalncd muior the pool sjstcm than befoie Xonc of tbo lines e < - niesbod satisfaction at the percentage al lowed them \ > \ the chaiimen , but as none of them knew the exact percentage allowed tboio was nothins tangible to which to mike objection. It decided Just before ud- jouriiinent to continue the blind pool to Jan uary I , withdi.iwaU by t'ebmiry 1 to bo sub ject to thuty da s' ' notice before .I inuaiy I Acuiious coincidcnco oicuiu-d in the mcet- iusbeio two of the piesidcnti guessed the peicentagc agreed upon anil It noun onlto the ch ill men The \viitmg , . Hgieod perfectly as followsAtvliUon Jifilvut.k Island Id , liuilltiRton P . Alton 12 , Srft'Jfaul 10 , Wabasli * . Missoiul 1'acillo T , Chlfe4'o. ht Paul As Kansas City 4. Iho Unidii I'aolli lloycntt. BOSTON , Oct. 2S Vice President Lane of the Union Pacific railway was seen today with icpird to the stones with which the "street" has of late teemed derogatory to the Union 1'aclllc , its management , etc. In re gard to the boycott and the elTect tbcicof , Lane said : ' 'Westbound tliiongb business Is really all that is nffcutuKand oven this can suffer but llttlo. " Ho also remarked tliat the Unlon'Paotflo-NortUwostorn alliance really conceius nobody out the two icacU in inter est. What they do is their own busii ess. The Union I'aeitlc people are not at all dis turbed by the so called boveott niict they find in the cuiscs leading to it and in the Ill-fooling of competitors an Inspii.uion for all the recent wild repoits concerning the road. The stories of accidents , Lane says , have boon greatly exaggerated. 'Iheir sjstem is getting nn enormous tialllo at the present time - moro , indeed , than it can comfoi'tably handle , and its equipment is neccssailly getting &o- \ereusago A few accidents have , natur ally , occnricd under thcto ciicumatnnces , but none of these bavo invohed any seiious damage. As regards the latest story from Chicxgo , published today , to the effect that the man agement was woiking tacitly to wieck the 10 id , with aiow to ultimately turning it over to the Vaudorbllts , Lane sajs the yam Is too absuiil to deny and its animus Is elcaily apparent to nn > ono who understands the pie > ent condition of affairs. Chloigo Coiinootion I'lglit. Cincvno , Oct. 23. As far as leauieet todaj nothing has been done toward settling the differences between the Union Paciilciail way and its Chicago connections , and the outlook Is still fora se\cr.incoof relations be tween them at the tlmo llxed , November 1 The Union Pacific , of course , will dtpotid upon the Ctilc.igo i\i Northwestern foi ( Jhi cage connection mid U Is understood th it the latter load and its dependency , the Omaha Ac St. I'nill , will Usuoacnculartonioirow providing for exchange of husiiiois on the basis demanded by the Union Pnullc. Gen eral Manager Melloi of the Union Pacillo and Picaldont Kgan of tha Cbicaco , Mil- wnukeo & Kansas Cit\ had a confeiouce this morning , with the lesult that the latter road will piobibly accept the Union Pacific's terms Kgm sala to a lepoitcr , after the conference , that it would be foolish for hU road to loin other wostPin roads in the light as it had dothlng to gain from thcMii , while lelatlons with the Union Pacillo would bo much to iU adantago. . The TrniiH-Mlssom I Asn ioiatloti. KINSSS CITV , Mo , Oct 2S.-ThoTians- Missourl tonimlttco today considered the charges anil counter charges of tbo Burling ton and Hock Island roads legarding the alleged cut In San Francisco rates , also the compl lints of the " \Vabash icgaidlng the sale of foibiddcnretuni haivcstCM-ursinii tickuts , but the meeting adjourned without llnal action. In an interview this evening Chah- man 1'lnloy nttilbutcs the proaent unoaslncss to calpors against whom no p > o pees to take n < tlon. The natuieof tils plans ha would not divulge , but ills believed that whenovcr largo blocks of tickets aio found in the bands of the scalpers they w ill iiiuhorbu the loads iu tbo association to sell below tha scalpers. Harmonizing the Intrrosti , VToiiK , Oct. 28. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKU I J" Plorpout Moigan , ox-Secre taryVlllhm C Whitney and other capital ists have started on a western tour They will * bo Joined at Cincinnati bv Prcsldont Ingylls of the "Big Four" nnd President Mnnvcl of the Atchlsou , and will continnu tholr Journey 3ontliuctcilr. It Is understood that at St Louis they will meet Joy Gould nndC. P. Hunthtaton , and that the Journey isundeitaken with n view to tbo baunonl/- Ing of tbo Vandcrbllt-Gould-Atihlson-Hunt- ineton interests in respei t to the moposod tiiiiisrontlncntal trunk line via thoSouthcin Pacillo from ocean to ocean. Chairman KlnU'y imil Ills HDlckorsncc. CIIICKIO , Oct. 23. [ Special Telojiiim to Tnr Bnc.Chairman Flnloy of the Western Passenger association shaipened up hUbnlck- crsneo today ana cut off some of the earnings of the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City anil Union Pat I nomads. Ho lined each ot thorn JIOQ for selling Illegal tickets. Tlio ' 1 runic Line Ilatow. TCnv YOIIK , Oct. 23. [ Snoelal Telegram to Tun BEE.J Arrangements ha\o Ixsen jw- f'-cted for holding a meeting of the trunk lines on November ii. Klirhty rnads will bo iiipivsciiti'il at this meotJng Its object is to advauco rules on east-bound i lassillcatlons , A Congo 'JarllV Proposed. But sii.Oct. . 43Si [ cial UjbUvmm to Tun UnrTho ) Dutch government has asked the IloliMan government to submit to tbo powois which signed the Congo treaties a proposal that thov Jointly contilbtito a llxed annual sum to maKe the amount which the Congo stnto would bo likely to sceuro through Impott duties , and tint iu the mean time , as u subsldlarv me.iMiiv , the Congo Hate bo authorize I to collect a duty of3 frillies , per bcetolltic on alcohol. A A-r.i r.sTif. . t * . / . t ; . A Ntttlonnl Con \ont ion idled tn Mci't t Alh-'liiMi ) City. CMVI-L MI , O OotA call bus boon I'sueM for u national . 'onvontlon of thoXou- Partis iu National \Vomc Ts Christian Tom- poramo union to bo hold In AlUvhiny City. Pa , November Hi , 20 and 21. The basis of icprosoutatkm Is one delegate for ovoij ono hundred pa\luginoiubiu-i of iiu\illarj state unions , ami la unnrgiinl/ed stites or territor ies one delcvato for uno huudied mcmbcis or fr.n tlon over tlftv Tin1 call is n stione ononiul liivltos "all women in eaincst sjmpithy with us If they cannot constitution illy bo members of the cnnv cation occau'-e Inckimr Iho requited con tltneiic\ ' ' 1 ho call further says "Tho leasous which led to this separate orginlratloii still exist , although this movement bus led the pn out society and niiinj of its nn\lllniies to lopudl- ate pntisinship by official uttciance" , but otlionviso the f-icts remain the same and the necessity of a now rolling coi.lor for non- putl-.m tempsMiu'o women of the nation lus been farther ciaph islze I In the e\p"iienciM of the je-u' ' Uaroienco Is undo "to the triumphant vindication of the movement in Iowa bv the stito union serving its nuvlluiiship to tbo inttlsm national , to tbo rcnmikihlo giowth of the movement in other states , " and the documents adds "Tho principh-s-no pirtl- snnoliip In tcmpeianco work , but the fullest libei ty ( HitsiTlo of the oiganl/ntion for the e\- 01 cite oT Indiv Iilual political piefi'runcc1and lights comiiie'iuls itself to full * minded men nud women In the country at law " Oelcpates aiiil visitors should send thoh names as soon as posslblo to All's II ( J I'.impbc'll , No. 1 7 Saudusky street , Alle gheny Citj , Pa. Tlic Demlwooil Kaloaii Ii VDWOOD , S D , Oct. 2 > [ Special I'olo- gium to Tin : IJri : ] Iiulgo Thomas todaj ovciiulod the dcmuriei of the defendants in the injunction cases against liquor dealers Kveij snloou In Dcadvvooil was closed by in juni lion pioceedlugs Instituted by the en forcemeat league on September 3since > t which date the matter has been pending in rouit The case was ably aigued by Colonel W it Stcole , attoinov for the dealois , nnit us ably defended by States Attorney \V O Kice , ami his attraetcd universal attention ruither action of the dealcn is pioblcmut- atle-al U ich of the thirtj-cight cases thus disposed of collectively nnv bo taken up scpaiatelj and trleil on its merits , but public opinion inclines to tbo bcll'if that the llciuoi tratllc is done Jor , foi a tune at leist. H .tin tu Tat Iff Mill It Illcgnl. Xi\v VOIIK , Get 2s Upon tbo application ot Mcsbrs Ballin , Joseph & , Co , importers , Judge Lncoj todaj giantedati older requiiing the customs appraiser to produce nil rocoids regnidiug tlio appraise nentot a certain con vsignmeut of cloths on which the firm claims that too high duties wrio assessed. Tlic firm alleges that the itoods la question vveio manufactured ofvoiated An Intciesting point of the suit Is that the thin contends that the net of aiay ! > , piovidlng for the chisslllcatlon ot worsted , cloths asoolens , doci not np | > ly bccmno the act was not passed accoiding to liw. They assert that tliero was no quorum Iu the housu wticii the bill was ccrtlrlod to have beoii pao > ed. aud ( that it was not legally enacted , though de clared passed by the speaker. The t'orto anil the Greek Olititcli. CONST iNTixoi'LC , Oct. 23- [ Special Cable gram to Tin : 131 r ] A commission , composed of the grand vizier , Kiamol Pasha , the min ister of the intcilor , the minister of Justice , two prelates of the Gicek synod , three laymen - men of the Greek chinch nnd thico Ottoman oflicials , has been appointed to effect an nn deistanding between the poito and tbo Uicck synod. In the meantime the Porte has withdrawn the offer to conlirm thopatil- arehluto in nil Its privileges , except the right to tiy priests befoio ecclesiastical tribunals Tlio Weath' r rorooisc. Tor Oiraha aud Vicinity Pair ; sllghtl ) cooler. Per "Nebraska fair ; vvcs'eily winds , colder b.v ThuMday morning. Tor Iowa Fair , prcco led liyntn in east ern portion ; noitlivvoiteily winds ; colder by Thuisday moraine. Per South Dakota Fair ; westerly winds , colder b > Thursday morning. \VantH u J ew I'rca'v- ' LI IION , Oct. 23. [ Speelil Cablegiam to Till Br.r.J Loid Sallsbmy , in an interview with IhoPoitugeso charge tl'affalrs In Lon don , showed a disposition to ncgollato a fioob tieaty with with rcfeienco to southeast Afiicii. 'Iho modus vivenell during tbo negotiations lh under dUeusslou. A Itl iludgnient , JX'r.vv Youic , Uet 22. Judgment was en- teicd today nn'idnst Vandcrhoof , Moriison & . Co , ban'teis ' and broken , In favor of ttio Na tional Paik batik tor jMi , " > H ) , ivprose iting .in overdraft made on their account In iss" > nnd which they ha\o since refused to maao good Tlio Anti-ljotlcrv Ijivv. W'siirvaTov , Oct 2s Attorney Gcnoial Miller has scut a uhtular letter to all United Stiles attorneys , calling attention to the nntl-lottciy bill , with a suggestion that they carefully examiiio the tame and spare no ' elTort in' Its cuforccmnnt. MaltHiniso lluriielnt .Vovvpirf. CINCINN in , O , Oct. 2s. A llro in Georr'o Woldcnian Inewlug company's cstibllshment at NowpoU , Ky . last utglil. destroyed a laigo waichouso containing 101,01 > bushels of bu- li > V and malt. The loss U estimated at ilW- OOJ. Fully insured. Conductor and engineer Injured. Kv AN.STOYVyo. . , Oct. is. [ Special Tele- grim to Tin : Hi r.J A Union Pacillo switch onglno ran Into a ti.viti of empty cars near hero last evening injuring the engineer and conductor and damaging thocnglno to a gieat extent. Struck by a Train nnd Killed. Niw : Hvvrv , Conn , Oct. 2s An express train over the Now Vork & Mow Haven lall roul todiy stuickn party of men at work on abiidgoiiearLvmo niultvvoof several cn- giueois la thcemploj of the ic.ul wcro killed. n , Cole , Oct. 2S. Tlio sheriff toJay took possession of tbo store of Samuel Pelton A. Bro , furnishing goods , etc , on atti.1i- ments amounting to $ T5UX ) . It Is believcil that the assets laigcly cxctcd the liabilities. Sponker Itced at St. Paul. ST. Pxfi. , Minn. , Oct. 28. Speaker Heed addressed a largo aud'cnco at ttio Uranc opera bouse and Ncwmashot theater tonight mid then left foi Lau Claiic , whoru he speaks tomoriow. Salt ) I'atHtiKO of Ililllsli Gunlioats , Liniios , Oct. 2' . AdUceh from Mozain- blquo state that tin Biltlsh guntxiaU safclj nse-endml the Shlra and entciod the liuo il\er. fur Jlrs. Hogu'H ; Murder , LOMIOV , Oct. 2i The coroner's Jury In thc , case of Mrs. Hogg rcnd'-rfld a vurdl , ' ot niurdei ut'alnst Mrs. Poicoy Viillnii.niH of tlio West. Cui' ' Jk'.o , Oct. SS--TUO R-.nunl comcntlei of tbo l.'nitaihui'iof tbo vest tommentci Ucic this III Pi 11 ( m'f 41IPiniil Tsfi IIL CA. , , 1'ACIS ' AND rIURIiS ( Mr. Rosewater Proves Ojnclusively TLn * Prohlbitiou is n Parco. NEBRASKA'S ' INTERESTS ARE AT STAKE , SotiatorMiindcrsdii A liUv * OH an fin * mciisn AndttMice at Ke-ainej on tin- Issues ol'tlic ; CniuiialKii Otlier Pi IUteiiI NOWH. M. COOK , Neb , 0t. < . 2S [ Spo. In ! Tele gram to Tun Hi r.J-Me'naul's opera house was packed tonight with people who came to beni Hou H IJcnewnter , editor of T'u'1 ' Urn- on tbo question of the constitutional pichlbl- tlonamoiidtuent which will bo suhpu't-d to the people on Ttieda.v . next Delega tions came from tbo adjoining e-oun- tics to hear Nebraska's ablest cspcnent of our present high license laws ns against constitutlomil puihlbltlon Mr Koso- water showed ( Oiicluslvelv that no prohlbl tlon btatecnn-diow ns small n rate of CK pen o for running the state as ICebi-asita ; thntstatistlcs from the vvaidens of tin penl- ttMitl.ulea in Kaunas and Iowa show a greater of erimo ; thnl.tlioh msai o asjlumshivo n greiter number of Inmates , and that the eouit expenses of Knn as and Iowa iirononil ) four times us liix' ' Mr. Kosowatei'.siuirshfiillv refuted ovi iv argu ment pi exlucc-d by tlio pild cinlssnilis tin- polled fiom other states to teach us what i best to etoou Tuesdav ue\t. Ills atgnnuaU were Unit our school svstem would bo dc- inoi ili/od and that wo would , \vlthoiit the money de-lived fiom llcviises , bo compelled to lot our bist tcachus go , thus low 01 ing our ediicatioiiul staud.ud nnd takimr fi om the coming generation tha advantages the present ins onjoved ; that iti cffei ts would bo felt by ovcr.v class of trade , and that Nebraska should ito and not tnkua bickvvaul steii , but , on the i mtiuiv , b.v mi o\ciwhelming mnjoilty on lue'sday next , place hciself squattlv on record us ea- doisfng our piesont tiigb llcoiiso law , ugidly enfoiicHl , and foicvei in this stnto gi\o tlm dcilhbkm to chimera of imliuictlcablo prohi bition. Itojd , natiiioi ) .Vi Co. at O'Ni'ill. 0 Xi'm , Neb. , Oct -Spjelal [ T. legi.un to I'm , ULP ) I'ho gieat deinocratK blow out , with llojd , Uannoa and Mtilio iej as spcakeis , did not mouse much enthusiasm. Dead ippublli.uis weie > oiillgt/idandlivoones abused. Ci.innun's , eulogj of Milluinaho 3ojd , whom ho designated us u fa mei and uboicr , In contrast with Hnnkei lit haids , vvhoio income Is not one-tenth a-.mvatas Uovd's. fell tiiinnon ile\-ot > l con- sldvrablc time to Thurstrn urtdVt' ' 'ir ' , .ind bolngoutuf icacli , m idcntlj fc'lt safe. Iho attendance was about ono hnmlii'd and llftv , many ot whom Kit befuro .Maho > y not hiough dcautiiig on the lobbei laiilT. Bojd said jf the prohibition IIIUPI dmciit Milled and the IcgMitmo passed a\\s v.hlch ho i onsulcrcd pio- 101 ami light hu v.ould upprovo them niul onfoi co the laws but If It passed laws which ho didn't consider light and just ha would not appiove mul ciifono them 'Iho whole thing was n farce fiom beginning to end H is s , ifn to s iv thoj made no duino * ciatic votes nnd Holt county will hoUJ her own as hi former jcars. Hon. 0.V. . lj. Donej spunks heioTlivrs- day , October .H ) . Speaks at Ln r. Cur , Nol ) , Oct. 2S fSpMal to Tun Btf.J The Pumas County Veterans1 association lately sent a committee of icpic- sentativo clti/ons and old soldiers to Hcd Cloud to investigate the t coord of W. A. McICeigbiin. The committee's ropoit veri- Icd nil the charges inde This enraged the demociats and TilcIvelKhan men , aud the iicople wcro inomlsedttiatMcICeighaii should M hoard from Last LMday ho spoke hero , and iu the ofllco of the Umrlch house. In als- ciisslngtho report inado to the Veterans' issocldtloii , McKclglmn sild tliat the nicm- brrs of the committee wcro lying ami that If Major Pcarman of Nebraska City , who bail addressed tlio nssw latlou on thu procodlna Monday , would sa > to his face what he bad sakt to others , ho ( Po.iim-m ) would die la ids boots ; that he would kill him on the spot. Tbeso utterances of McKelglum's weio heard by several clti/ens , who will nnko alll- dnvits to that effect The old soldiers are highly Incensed over the matter , as the niein bois of tlio c'Oinmittoo nro of tmimpeai-habla intc iit\ and their ropoit was baekod up by nflldnvlts nndcouit ix'cnnls , which iu iiutis- putablo evideaco of McICoighan's coriupt- ness. _ Great Meeting at Athlon. Ai.mos , Neb , Oct. 23 [ Special to THE BLI : . ] The largest political meeting of the season oecuiicd in the opera house last night. The bouso was filled to iU gieitest standing capacity , livery pioeinct of the county vv as icprcsentcd Many who eamo late fulled to get in to beat the spf'fchos and went .uvay disappointed The meeting was aldressed bv Hon. George \V II Uoisoy , tlenerilA. II Connor and lion 12 A Holiness of Nor folk. 'Iho spoocbi's woit ) well icccive'd and the best of oulor piovniled I'tio 1 uno audi ence nnd tlio iiitcrojt thitinuij mmlfeiUid bv coming from the moil distant preeluct show that the republican paity is still inter ested in Boone county politics The inde pendent republic- aio learning that the in dependent dcmoeiats are working for the In- tcieat of the democratic nominees Council and the Alliance. PUMIIIOV , Neb , Oct. [ to Tun BFP.A ] conversation with the mana ger of the alliance In this county cllcitol the fact that Conn ell will poll a uoiit vote fiom that oiganb-itlon. Uoaaid In reply to ques tions that theic Is not ono man in ton in thU count } who can vote for the alliance cmdl- date , Allen itoot It was thought by some that Iliyan would poll votes from the allianeo , butthltls Impossible , as bis stand on the ) mono ) question is Just tbo opposite from that of the alliance. While Council will not poll a huge vote from this party ho stands iu better favor than III van Ilundicds of alliance voters vv 111 leave their ticket blank for congressman in this > enker n Nelljjli. NLI ion , N'ob , Oct -rSp rial Tolo- pramtoTm BKP 1 Her II W Roymourof Nebraska City and Itov Hyron Beals of rhih spoke bcforo u lirge andle'ii'-o In the oporu house last night The eloso attention and hcirtv appl iuse oviueed the fiver of Iho audience for tlio speakers and thelrdoctilncs. Captain Watts , rmdld.ito fur state .sfniitop In thUdistilct , and the < Mlitorof Iho Oreely Tiibuiu ) vycro iiicncnt and ilso roado a few leimuks. Antelope cotnty lepubllcans aid alive to the situation. llally : U I'oinm. PONCV , cb , Oct 2S - Special Tclegiatn toTiiFllii ] A II I.oni of Omaha and L- . W oslot" of Bliir spoki > at tbo republican nilly In this city this oveniug Both gon- tlomc'n spoke at length on the tariff < iucstion and commented fitely on o republican can didates. Ibelr arguniiiituciu ( onvlnciiig and lilgtilv spoken ofi \ \ 'ti < > ludloiu-o. Dr. Pnyni ! at Neluaskn ( lij. NriiivuM CITV , Nub Oit 2s. jbpcclnl Telegram to Tun BK Or Pajne , prohl- I Itlon candidate for g . inir , Hpokc to an an. illniuo eomposed mo ill ) ( u ) incn mil cb.ll. dicnln th'siity toalgh' > puke I'm MI Olisi'i I atl'in. ' A-"Li Mo.KeO.Oi t % > p'tlal'JVram ! ; t TIIK Hir ' IIurv , < iNoill an 1 Will Chapman of Hiu , : u 11 j v J Uvctcd rcavUio