I C THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 28 , 1800. THE OMAHA KEB COUNCIL BLUFFS. OI'FICK , NO. 12 PEAUL ST. rtllvrrnl liy Carrier In any part oMho City. II. W. Tll.TON. - MANAOKlt fltifilness Office. No. 4X NlBhtEdltor , No.'A N. V. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coat. 'J'lio sui > crier court inmlo three new voters yesterdny. Avoi-n I * preparing to put In nn electric light plant at nn early date. A rapoof dlilhtberlaliM been reported Iti tliu J'ainily of John Dennett , liill Avenue 1\ A easeofsrarlct fovcr WIM reported yea- tcnlay in thu family ol sainucl ( Jally , l&O ( Jlcii arcniiu. .Intnrs West was fined $11.10 for refusing to pny for his supper at the St. Joohou o on Sunday afternoon. There was n largely attended mcetlnf'lield In the ConKrcwitlonal church last evening In tin1 Interest of the Sunday school work of thu city. Anyone wanting to buy cheap n line team of largo mules , together with harness and waifoii , shoulit call at Fred Davis' stables on Fourth street. The ladles of the Trinity M. B. church arc Ijoing to have u social mid supper next Fri day evening , from 0 to 10 o'clock. An enjoy able time Is expected. Thoini | on , the dishonest \Vngncr carpor- tor , was talteii from the central police station to the oouat.v Jail ycstonlay. whuio ho will ho vonllnoil until his CMO Is culled tomorrow. John I * Dodge , sou of N. P. Dodge , of this rity , has beonelectcj class day chairman of the senior dim In the Harvard university , where he will soon finish n collegiate course. Another turn was taken In the Pnhnci * divorce case in the district court yesterday morning. Tlio attoney.s for the dcleuso llleil n iiicitlon to resist the motion for temporary ullinony. Leave to wed was yesterday f-rnntcd to AYIIIIatnll. Mackland of Hoomer township iindAdaU. Wright of Hazel Doll ; also to I'hailos Akowof tituart , la. , and Hello Oib- bon of this city. 1'etcr Kwnnson died yesterday at ) : ! . ' > p.m. of poncral debility at the rcsltlcnco of his daughter , Mrs. Charles HarKhau&cn , on Den ton street. AIO ; efclity-scvcu years and six months. Xotlco of funeral Inter. J. 11. Jcnits , iho ropulillcan condhlato for county clerk , H making a lively rustic for l > is election. Ho has served acceptably us rlnlc lit the Avocn court , and hus many irieiids even In democratic ranlcs. During the month of October , up to yester day , then ) linvo been twenty-four cases of diphtheria reported at the board of health Hllla ; . In addition to these there have hccn four cases of diphtheria , croup , two of scarlet fever and two of typhoid fovcr reported. I'at. Jlan-ctt , who was arrested on Sunday evening nnd locked up without a char-echo- in placcd nfriilust him , wis Riven his liberty vi'Sti'rday. JIo wns iirrcilcd upon suspleiou that he wis wanted in another city for a crime committed sonio time nto ; , but tel- ( graphic Inquiry resulted in nu order for Uis di bell urge. The county clerk is not anxious to seoap- plicats for marriage licenses. Ho has run out of the printed blanks nnd Is obliged to wrlto out the lonir nnd complicated forms necessary to constitute the complete permit and return. It Is qnito a Job for even his fucilo pen. The desired blanks will ho supplied within a few flnys. flnys.A A meeting to organize a class a physical culture for lady clerks and others , whoso du ties require their entire time during the day , will be held In Benedict's sign oflleo. over the American express olllcc , nt ! ) o'clock next Friday ovenliur. The class will bo conducted by Mr. I * C. D.ilo ifasuftlclcnt number ex press a desire to tnko the coin-so of work. John Lewis , who was arrested on complaint of his futhcr-in-law , William Dorcn , upon the cliai'KO of highway robbery , was discharged from custody yesterday. When the case was erlled for hearing Dorcn did not appear to prosecute , nnd the court was obliged to take I.mvls' version of the affair , which was that Iorcn voluntarily gave him the money al leged to have been taken on Saturday night nt the point of a revolver. Somebody played a grim joke on Walter Young , the druggist , yesterday. Sonio thuo ago ho moved his drug store into an adjoining building. The vacant building Is being used for some sort of'an alleged anatomical show. A grinning1 skeleton occupies n prominent position In the center of the old store room , and yesterday soniehodv took ono of the druggist's ' old signs and hung it over the skeleton , nnd It was naturally taken for the label of the bones. It wus ghastly joke , but it st.iul thcro all day. The members of the ilro committee of the council worn out yesterday afternoon with thonow hose reel making another trial of the now team purchased for the use of Is'o. II hose company. Hi-sides the 800 foot of hose car ried on the reel there were live men wlioso weight \vouhl aggregate. 700 pounds , and they nnido the test by pulling ; the horses on n keen run for a distance of a dozen blocks , One of them grow very tired and had to bo urged by the driver before the test was Mulshed , hut the other maintained his speed without ap parent effort. Tlio committee is not satisfied with the team and will probably report against Its purchase , although the' animals are pronounced cheap by horsemen. "Detwceu the old lumber wagons that have been used to haul the IIOMJ around for several months past and the sewer gangs , who use the best ho.so In Iho city for Hushing- the Bowers , about all the hose in the lire depart ment bus been mined , " said Chief Levin yes terday after two leads had burstcd during the Sullivan lite"Tho bonding- and cramp ing of the hose in the lumber wagons causes It to crack , nnd thu way the sewer men use it In making short bends into the sewer man holes produces the sumo result. More hose has been destroyed by this means than has been legitimately worn out in thodcpartincnt In Ilvo years , Tlio Ilro committee bus ordered 1KH ) feet of new hosehntthls , isnotsuftleicnt. In case of a srrloas Ilro the department would bo crippled ut the start by a lot of rotten hoso. " Miss Maud Plercw and Mrs , C. P. Halls- back are prepared to take orders for portrait nnd decorative art work. Instruct Ion will bo given In all branches nt their studio , room No , UW ( Mcrritun block. rjKuso\.ir t'.t HA n it A wis. A. S , McFurlund of Charlton , la. , Is injtho city , AV. O. Mackintosh , general manager of the Fraternal Accident Association of Charles- Ion , In. , U In the city. This was formerly thi ) Knights of I'ylhlns Accident Indemnity association , but the coniiiany , In obedloaco to the orders of the supreme lodge , changed Its namo. Krans plves a nieo water-proof school hag with every pair of school shoes. 1.000 decorated tea pott packed with ten , Just i-ccelved from Yokohoinii , Japan , at Lund Brothers , "D Main struct. Tlio TunlkuN .Tury Disagree. The Tiiulkus corn stealing cnsa was con- chuled in Justlco Schnrz1 court and given to tlio Jury at 4 oYlockyostcrday afternoon. The cose has been dragging through two Justice's courts nnd In the sniK-rlor court for the p.ist week. Taulkus and n companion were caught In the actof stealing corn from the farm of lien Marks south of the city , and were nr- rcsteil by Marks and ono of his hired men after a struggle. There was not much evidence to ho adduced on cither sldo hut the attorneys I found a Kocd ileal to tnllt about. All of yes- [ i tenlay afternoon wa < itevotcil to the case , and when tlionvldenco was all In Judge Houlton for.tho defense madonn elaborate plea for tils client. At 10 o'clock last night the jury men annoiinceil Unit they woru lu > i > clost.ly divided nnd could not agree. Flvo of the six favored acriultal and ono wanted Taulkus con victed. After the Justice hc\u satisfied him self that thcro was no hope of u vurdlct being ivnched ho ilischurgiM the Jury , and thu cusu will have to bo heard again. "Young men's suits , nobby , stylish and latea designs ut the Model Clothing Co. China dinner and tea hcts at Lund Dros. Get n fchool batf fi-eo with your school li nn * nt. l VJim' . The Oitj Council Taking Steps to Prevent Delay iu the luiliaa Greek Extension. A DESTRUCTIVE GROCERY STORE FIRE , Sioux City Wants the Nnthvoflcs Gambling Must Go-ItiMiuie Mini at IiawliiK Over a Come- to ry Minor Mention. .Atlliomocnlngottho city cocncllon FrU day evening , n corninltteo consisting of W. C. Stacy , W. A. Wood and .J" . L. Porcmcn , were appointed to cmidomn the right oC way for the extension of Indian creek frotu the point on the country r mil southwest of the city to the river. They WJro Instructed to coinnicnco the work at once , and It was supposed that they would begin on Saturday morningAs there was only about 1,200 , feet to condemn the Job was expected to boot short duration , and It w hoped the Jury would llnlsh It by Saturday night. The council was so anxious to have the work of excavation begin nt once so that It could be completed before the ground froze up that a resolution was passed Just before thu adjournment of Friday night requiring the contractor , Chniles Ilubor , to glvo n bond tlmt ho would commence excavating within three dnys after the report of the Jury had been made. Inspltoofnll the o precautions and all the anxiety ou the pattot the uldcr- tncn , some vexatiom delays have occurred. The gentlemen appointed to act as n com mittee have cither forgotten the matter or considered the notice of the appointment insufilccnt. Up to-I o'clock yesterday nfter- noon they had taken no action of any character. The mayor and several of the aldermen ordered iho eity cleric to send them additional notices iimlei- the great seal of the clt.v. The notices were nrompoly prepared anil werodcllvci'oii la-it evening by messen gers. gers.Cohtractor Huhcrlias also dropped out of sight temporarily , and the city clerk has been nimble to Ihid him for the purpose of serving nhtico that the council had decided to require n bond to commence the work with in three days. The city clerk or his deputies have made frequent visits to hi ? rci-ldcncooii Harrison street since Saturday but they have found the hotue locked up. It is supposed that Huber is In Kearney , J > "cb. , where ho has largo sewer contracts arranging his work thcro so ho can safely leave it to begin hero. The aldermen arc determined to have the work commenced nt once or compel some of the interested parties to show better reasons for delay th.m arc apparent now. The condemnation Jury will run over the line today anil make their report this utter- noon , anil It is very probable that .dirt will bccln to tly before the week ends. The principal part of the ditch will ' .follow the line of a county road , nnd there will bo no cost for right of way and nojcondemnatlon proceedings necessary , but from the point where it leaves the road to reach the river the line traverses private properly. The land is of little or no valno nnd has a heavy growth of willows upon It but It is thought best to condemn It in the usual way because It is owned by non-resident parties. Tlio cut ting of tho'dltch through Itwill improve itby affording better drainage , and It Is not proliablo that the jury will consider the thirty feet to bo taken for the right of way of very great value. Tlio land is owned by St. Joe people. It Is estimated by City Engineer Tostcvin anil all others competent to judge who have examined the proposed extension , that it will be the most important Improvement that has been undertaken since the sewer system was adopted. The entire cost of excavating- ditch and deepening and widening the creek from the Northwestern railway to the point where the extension commences will not amount to moro than $0,000. It will permit the lowering of the bed of the creek at the Northwestern depot at least three feet , plac ingit considerably below the out lets of nil the sewers and solv ing nt once and forever the important but vexatious sewerage problem for the city. The creek now after following a sinuous course with a very sluggish motion for several miles-empties into a pool In the willows west of hake Manawa that has no outlet at all unless It is a subterranean ono through the sand that intervenes between it anil the river. The opening of the direct out let Into the river will increase the current of the crcolc and change its sluggish character Into a rapidly flowing stream. At the pres ent time , alter the crcok reaches the level , bottoms there is only tlirco or lour feet fall until it discharges into the pool , n distance of several miles. The opening of the now channel will give n fall of nearly twenty-nine "cot and shorten the distance byamiloor two. two.Tho The city council nnd the citv will bo very well satisfied with Knginee'r ToUcvln's solu- , ion of the sewer problem if the results are oven half as good as predicted. Til 13 I'AIil , OP1SNI.VG. The Boston Store Preparing a IMpns- nnt mid 1'rolltnhlo Surprise 1'or 1'eo- plnofC'ouiicH UliitTrj. The I3oston r.toro people have accomplished something that they may well feel proud of , and whloh will bo of great Interest to the people ple of Council Bluffs. With store rooms Illled with people from the opening until the close of business each day they have suc ceeded In very nearly perfecting their ar rangements for a formal autumn opening- without interrupting the steady How of trade. Special and skillful decorators have been at work during the p.wtveok arranging the goods for the opening , which will take place on Thursday night , October UO. Tlio decora tions already in place are handsome nnd elab orate , and when completed the display will bo the finest ever niado in Council Uluft's. The upper portions of the two large rooms have been completed and the decorators nro now nt work on the lower portions. The designs - signs are all new and original and are niado of the llnest goods , and when the veil U drawn aside on Thursday night there will bo some genuine surprises in storo. On Thursday livening the store will bo closed from 5 to 7 o'clock , and will bo ro- openeil at the latter hour for thu reception of the public , The reception will continue until 1U:10. : : During the evening no goods will bo sold , but the urmy of clocks will act ns ushers and show the people through the store. Cooketl Groceries. A fire alarm from box III called out the de partment at 11 o'clock yesterday nnd when the hose companies reached the ground they found a dangerous Ilro under way in the gro cery store of J. Sullivan at ! II3 Broadway. Tnewholo interior of the building was en veloped hi llames nnd It win necessary to throw an Immense quantity of water before the Ilro could bo subdued sufllcienlly to per mit the firemen to enter the door and dis cover the point from which thfl flames were emanating , It was discovered that the main part of the flro was located In the cellar , but the blaze , fed by light and dry woodwork , poured all over the store and sot all the shelving allro. A half hour's stubborn light wus necessary before the flro was gotten un der control , When this was accompli shed the entire stooi was ruined excepting a few kinds of bulk goods kept In casei and barrels under the counters , Every urttcloou the shelving was burned nnd blacltuned , and In some places the heat was sjiftlocnt to melt the soddcrlng of the canned goods. All the teas and coffees were ruined by smoke nnd wntor nnd n largo pile of Hour in muslin sacks that laid near the cellar door was almost entirely destroyed. Mr , Sullivan thinks his stock was worth about fl.UK ) , although ho bad not taken an In- volco for some time. It was covered bvl,700 Insurance , f 1,000 In lown State of rfcokuk la. , and 700 In the Council niutTs. The origin of the lire is somethliisr of a mystery-i and can only bo accounted for upon the theory ot the eareles * bundling of a lump. Several days ngo an oil man while delivering kuroscuo oil slipped uuU fell aud Allied a five gallon pall of thn fluid In the cellar-way * The oil spread out and saturated a lot of wnsto paper. Yesterday morning Mr. Snlllvnu purchased 100 bushels ot jwtntpc * , nnd ImdTom Hucknnr , a negro at work In the cellar storing them awny , He had alighted lamp with him. and Ills supposed that ho somehow brought It In con tact with the oily p.ipcw.Vhen ho com pleted his work no eiimo up st.ilrs with the lump and shortly after left the storo. Some tltno after ho had gone Sullivan detected s'molto nnd began to search for the cause , hut , did not succeed In llndmg It until the cellar door was mlu'd. Whoa this was done a innp.4 oft Humes shot up into thu store. The flro ciuno from the burning pa pers nnd Sullivan and hU son went to work /mother / ( It out. They partially succeeded , but were driven out by the heat and smoke. An alarm was then turned In. Although n solid brick wall Intervened , the ndjolnliig store room occupied by the C. O. I ) , grocery was llllcd with smoke , as wa < < also the millinery store ou the other side , but the smoke was not dense enough to cause any damage In either place. The work of the ilrcmcn wui interrupted by the bursting of two sections ot ho.so and by a great crowd of pcoplo who gathered nrotmii until Chief hey la ordered the hose to bo turned upon them. Unprecedented bargains In boy's nnd children's clothlnp at the Model Clothing Co. Visit the Model ciotiilng Co. , r.22 Broad way , Sapp's now building. School shoes , school bagj. ' Kvans , Gambling Must flo. Yesterday morning DanCarrlggrcplcvlned the tables nnd other furnlturo sle/.ed by Chief Cnry under a claim that they were gambling utensils , nnd thei-ofoi'j contraband. The goods had been placed In the possession of City Marshal Tcmplcton , ngninst whom the writ of roplovln wai dlrocto I. Uarrigg placed the value of the goods ntOUj. Ho ob tained possession of them , and hurried thcpi awuy , no ono seems to know where. The seizure of gambling utensils under the law of Iowa does not seem to amount to much. The goods are sol/.ed and hold until n court can pass upon the matter , nnd determine whether they should bo destroyed or not , nnd before such a hearing can ho hnd the owner can replevin , gain possession nnd carry them off. There can hardly bo any damages claimed of thn owner If the goods tire not re turned by him , for all that is wanted of them is to destroy them , a virtual concession that they are worthless , It scenn , therefore , a good deal of a farce and waste of tiino and money to seize them. Uarrigg is still breathing threatening. ? against the ofllcers , nnd promises several damage - ago suits against them and their bondsmen. Ho claims that they took the goods withoutimy warrant. Yesterday morning a search war rant was Issued for n look through his private rooms. IIu submitted to this without a protest , but noth ing was found there , A largo dcsli In one room was locked , as it contained pri vate papers of valno. The olliccrs were suspicious of this and made a second trip , Irst getting Carrigg to bring along the hoy. L'ho search her j was likewise in vain. No [ ambling utensils were discovered. Cnrrlgir pronounces the proceed ingsn bit of pito work , and says that If the authorities eally mean business and want to stop all rambling , they should shut up two or lireo places which uro running right under .heir noses , and of whoso existence they ihould bo aware , as oftlcers supposed to know vhatls polng on in the city. Ho claims that the ill-will is caused by his refusal to pool vith some others who are Interested In gnmb- iiifj places , ho being urged to go into a coin- jlnatlun by which all the gambling houses could open up as of old. Ho also says 'hat the ofllccrs are set against him bo- : auso ho has been bailing out some nnocent nnd persecuted fellows , instead of ettlng them lie in Jail. Altogether Carrlurg ms quite a story to tell , and promises to nako the details public in ductlmuand In such formal shape that it will make other oars tingle. To each and all these allegations these igalnst whom his anathemas uro being mrled plead not guilty. J. Q. Tipton , real estate , 527 Broadway. The JMcllmley Kill Has not affected the prices at the Peoples' nstnllmont house. Kvcrytliing goes nt the sumo old figures that havo' mnuo our patrons rlad all .summer , delled competition and made t possible to furnish a house from top to hot- : om at , little expense. Our specialties this week will tie Iho Peninsular heating stoves , iheapest , neatest , most economical steve In the world. Mandcl & IClelu , UM Broadway Liook at the fine display of overcoats at the Model Clothing Co. The CattIn Case Again. A telegram from Des Molnes says that the supreme court of Iowa has overruled the pe tition of .1. C. Abbott for a rcnearing in the case of the Citizens' bank vs. Abbott. This ruling confirms the opinion of the rourt heretofore rendered and scorns u vir tual ending of the ease. On the trial In the listrict court n Judgment was given Abbott for $11,000. On appeal to the supreme court the case was reversed nnd that court dccldect that Urcciinmcycr was the owner of the rattle , and hud thu right to mortgage them to the bank. Then Abbott asked for n rehearing in the supreme court. This waa argued on Monday otlast week by Judge (3. C. Xourse , of Des Mollies , and W. W. Morseman , of Omaha , In behalf of Abbott , and John Y. Stone and I. N. Kltclclngcr in behalf of the bank , yesterday the decision wus rendered denying a rehearing. This decision seems to ho nn ending of the case and a settled victory for the bank. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 418 n road way. % Oakland's Cemetery. The much-appealed cnso of Thomas Kear ney v.i The Town of Oakland , this county , has been definitely settled by the supreme court of the state , by thenfllrmanco of the de cree of the lower court , granting n perpetual Injunction , restraining the defendant from over bur.ylng Its dead on the ground In controversy a small piece of five or six acres adjoining Kearney's rcsl deuce. This case has been tried numerous limes , always resulting in the defeat of the town. Kearney has good reason to feel proud of his victory. L. B. Kobinson and Turner , Smith ifc ( iulllson represented the town.whllo C. II. Converse acted as Kearney's legal ad visor. Thojotal costs iif the case would buy several such pieces of ground. You cin buy n tea pot worth from $ 1 to S3 nnd a pound of tea worth 80c , for Just SI at hund Brothers , L'i ; Main street. Crazy nnd nt. h-nrgr. Some of the residents of Lewis townshli have been rather nervous for a week or so past overtho queer conduct of a strange man , who has been roaming about the town ship , Ho has refused to sleep In nny house or barn , but hangs about straw nnd bnj stacks , ami runs through the Hcldsuppcurini , in first out ) place nnd then another. Ho talked some to ono family and Imparted the Information that his name was Laughey , am that he had been in Clarlnda. Sheriff O'Ncll telegraphed to the hospital for the insane at that plueo ami has received an answer that a man of that nnmo escaped from the Instltu tlon about two weeks ago. He will now be taken into custody , as soon ns he can bo caught , mid returned to his ward. Li. II. Mossier Is the manager of the Mode Clothing Co. Clvo him a call. "Slippery" Sam , The arguments in the case of Sam Davis charged with slashing a man named Smith came to nn end last evening nnd the cnso wn : given to the Jury. It has been a prolonged trial and every step taken by the prosecutlot has been strongly contested. There were many witnesses and much contradiction. Sov cral witnesses who claimed to bo at the dance where the stabbing took place claimed thn It wai notDjvts , but another colored man named Jackson , who used thokulfe onSmlth The state brought in witnesses who testltlci that several of these wltossos had previously denied being at the dance at all , and denlci knowing anything about the affair. Out ) of the wltuoiscj fur thu defense , a col red man named ANVyis , was recognized by the Ity marshal a * ono who win vantcd to wWol cut nn unoxptred oriii ot rt week or moro. Lo having lipped out of cuslody before hi * tlmd vas out. The young fellow was taken In hargo. and will bo moro cloiely gunrdod ow , Tha offense on which ho wns being icld was that of contempt , he having used ulgnr language to Hie Judge whllo being icardona charge of Intoxication , Ho wns vorklng out hln line at the city Jail , nnd vhllo doing Janitor .work sneaitcd awny. 'his was lost .lulv , and till appcnranco M a vitncss to help toavTs out , put him again In ho hands of the ofllrers. At 11 o'clock last night the Jury had niado 10 report , and thq projpocts scorned good for in nu nlKht session and porhapi another hung urv , No gossip loaktJd out of the Jury room , nd It was Impossible to nscerlaln how the ury stood. Buy ono of the o ton uots before they nro all gone , huud Hi-others , 23 Main street. Money nt raJuceJ Mtoi toino I on ahntto and rcalojiutu seourlty by K. II. Sh > ifo & Co Arter thn Null ' A commlttco from Sioux City was hcio Sunday looking after the proposed \vlro nail works. Council Uluffs has Its coiniultteo at work soeiirtng the necdt'd sale of lots , to seetiro the establishment of the works , hut , ho reiUlsito number of saie.s has not been iiiido , Sioux Ultv scorns to ho anxious to Iguro for the wcriw , audit Council lllulT.s will lot go Its hold she will begin. The citizens hero nro not ready to give up yet , mil hy renewed energy It Is hoped that the deal will bo satisfactorily completed , .T. C. Blxby , suum ncatlng , sanitary en- [ Inecr , 013 Llfo milldlnir , Omahij 'M Mor lain block , Council Illuffs. Orcat bargains this week at the Model Clothing Co. Cliloiigo IMiiinbcr.s Strike. CinrA(30 , Oct. 27. The union steam litters of this city to the number of between three imulrod and four hundred went on n stilko this morning. Tlio strikers demand that eight hours bo considered a day's work and that for all ovcr-timo they bo paid douhlo rates ; that the minimum salary of steam flt- .ers shall bo & per day and that of their iclpcrs $2 per dav , and that their union ho recognized. Tlio bosses tire not so strenuous about any of the terms except recognition of Iho union , and this , they say , they will never jrant. The men assert that two of the bosses nivo already acceded to their demands nnd .hoy cxpcet others to do likewise. They say .hey are prepared for a long light and that hey will bo assisted hy the national associa tion. About DO per cent of the steam litters of the city are out. A. lUimlcrer Foiled. Cincir.o , Oct. 2 . A year ago Miss Alleo Dakcs , who resides with her parents on U'a- hash avenue , testified against James Prcn- icll on the charge of burglary , anil upon her estimony ho was given n year iu the pent- cntiary. Ho threatened to get oven with ; ho girl whoa ho not out. Bomy released a tow days ago ho started tonight to carry his Jircata iuto execution , Ho lay In wait near the girl's ' house and as she approached darted out , brandishing a long knife. Tlio girl ran lown the street , screaming , closely followed ) .v the would.-bo murderer , llo would un- loubtedly have succeeded in his revengeful design but for the timely appearance ol two ; > oltecmen , who captured I'rcuncll ami locked lilm up. Meeting AiiiimgrSiucrinti Coiivlots , ST. Pr.-iKiisiiuiio , Oct. 27. Advices from llakootsh , Siberia , report a mutiny among Siberian convicts on board a steamer on the river T ona. The inhabitants of a village which the steamer was passing came to the convicts' assistance and helped them disarm and bind the guards. The vessel was then set adrift. The governor of the province sent troops in pursuit , who killed two of the iugitlvcs and captured live. Thrown Down the Stairs. A lewd woman who ( visited the Ewalt lodg ing house last night on lower Knrnam street In company with som'o fast young men be came engaged in n dispute with the proprie tor nndvas finally ejected forcibly down the back steps of the liouso nud sustained some severe bruises. She will swear out warrants in the morning for the arrest of Ewalt aud his clerk , charging them with as sault. After Chierileiinossy'H Murderers , Nr.iv OIU.KAXS , La. , Oct. 27. A mass meet ing of citizens , called by the committee of fifty , was held tonight. The committee sub- mittco submitted a report to the effect tint iOKX ( ) was required to carry out the plans to secure the arrest and conviction of Hennes sey's assassins. A resolution was adopted approving the course of the committee and pledging it support. The Worm Will Turn. Fixiu.uv , O. , Oct. 27. The gradual but constant decrease iu the price of the Ohio product by the Standard oil company has at last forced the independent producers and rellncrs of northwestern Ohio to combine. To this end a movement began today looking toward the consolidation of a number of rollnrrics and producing confpanles for mutual protection. Humored FrancoHuswian Alliance. LONDON , Oct. 27. The Telegraph pub lishes a dispatch from a correspondent in St. Petersburg , saying it Is believed seriously in diplomatic circles hero that General Obrus- chelT , who is now In Paris , is authori/cd to formulate military conditions for a regular alliance between 1-Yunco mid Russia. Steamship Arrivals. At New York The Elder , from Bremen ; thoAnchoriu , from Glasgow ; the Helvetia , from London. At Southampton The Ems , from .MOW York for Hremen. At Oueenstown The British I'rincc , from Philadelphia for Liverpool. Drank Carbolic Aold. SALT LAKK , Utah , Oct. -Special [ Tele gram to Tim lir.i : . ] Bud Moffatt of Park City drank , by mistake , this afternoon tumblerful of carbolic acid preparation in- tondcd for use on one of his children sick with diphtheria. Moffatt died ere mcdica ! aid could bo summoned. Double Muriler In Oklahoma. OKUHOMA CITV , Oct. 27. John Webb ani Henry Switzer , living in the same cabin on the linn of their adjoining claims , were called to their doors last night by persons unkuowi and killed. It is supposed that the murdci was committed by contestants to the claims. Freighter Murdered by Indiana. SPOKANK PALM , Wash. , Oct. 27. Advices fnom Wilber , pig Ben county , report the murder of S. S. Cole , a freighter , by Colvlllo Indians. The citizens will demand the sur render of the criminals from the agency. A Crank's ' 13plfltlc. WOODSTOCK , Out. , Oct. 27. lUrchalt has received n letter > dated Jackson , Mich. , Oc tober 2-1 , nnd signed "Tho Colonel , " purportIng - Ing to show that the writer killed Bonwoll. Illrchall's solicitor will ask a reprieve on the strength of'thls. Cut OrT Her hovcr'H Head. ATLANTA , Ga. , Oct.-7. In Guinuttocounty yesterday Fannie Chambers , a negress , nftc quarrelling with I'ioroo Wright , her lover cut off his head with n razor. KusNlan HolluioiiH I'crnroutloiiR. LONDON' , Oct. 27. The Kusslan govern ment has closed tlia CVthollo churches In the governments of Volkynla and I'odolla nud the Dominican monastery Iu Ostrog. Quit the I'laco looser. WAYCOSS , On. , Oct. 27. All Is quiet n Yarns , Mr. Yarns has sold out his Interes there and left the couuty , saying ho h 5,000 out of Docket , Clothing MII.WAUKKK , AVls , , Oct. 27 , Baum , Kische & Co. , wholesale manufacturers , weru closed tonight on altachiuuuU ugvrcuaUutf 4 , r .v A Feast of Mnslo and Oratory In New York. Kr.w YORK , Oct. 27. The ninetieth anni versary of the birth of Count von Moltko > celebrated tonight by ono of the greatest estlvnls of muslo and oratory ever Iield at ho Motropolltnu opera house. All the Get'- nan societies and prominent clubs of the city ndded interest. The great hall was thronged vlth people. The festival opened with the falser inarch , rendered by the Metropolitan irehrstra , Ferdinand Mont/ , president of ho ( Jcrmaii society , delivered the opening nd- Iress In Herman. General Franz Slcgel nadunn address , In which ho spoke of Von Moltko's hick of dcslro for self-glorillcatlon. Channel1) ' M. Dopew wai the next siicakcr. Ho said : "No such spectacle ns Is presented icro tonight bus been seen In a century. One lundred million people uncover In the pres ence of one character , it is because that hurnctor In Its ninetieth ye.ir has stood only for the fatherland and Oermuny's advance ment. [ dicers. ] There are two old men now living that have boon talked of the world over , yet neither of those men could receive a celebration such in this of von Moltliu's. Tlicso two men nro Hismnrck and Gladstone. [ Applause. I * * In the ninetieth year ot Von Moltko the culmination of peace is assured , and it Is undisputed that tint Gorman race divided can bo conquered , but united It Is Irresistible. When the great Held marshal shall have passed away and been gathered among the men whom OoJ places in the highest seats in heaven there will ho numberless monuments to tils mem ory , but the monument that will stand for nil time and the greatest will be thu German empire. " [ Cheers. J Ilnnued Ilimseirto u Tree. SALT L \ Kr.CmUtah , Oct. 27. [ Special/ telegram to TIIK Hnn. ] John. II. Lnndrcth , aged forty , married , hanged himself at 3 n. m. to an npplo tree In his back yard. lie was well-to-do , but sickness weakened him until ho Imagined ho was poverty stricken nnd " made ovcrvbody about him"uncomfortable. . Ho leaped from his bed in a hurry to suicide , Ho was cut down later , but not until life wns extinct , Laudreth came hero from Spring- Held , III. _ Ijcf't'Ilnnd-Thuiulrr Assumes tlin Yoke CiUMiinnt.UN , S. U. , Oat. 27. ( Special Telegram to Tun Br.E. ] Chief Lcft-lland- Thunder of the Lower Bmlo Sioux , wns mar ried nt the agency today to one of the belles of the Sioux nation. The event was n proud ono for the Indians , nnd members were pres ent from nil portions of the bigreservation. . A white clergyman performed the ceremony. nnd Titles. PARIS , Oct. 27. [ Special Cablegram to TUB Biic.J Moreau introduced m the chamber of deputies today a bill imposing n heavy tax oa the crests nud titles of nobility. A number of members of the chamber of deputies have formed n committee to erect n monument to commemorate the intervention of Ounbaldl in 1870.J _ _ FllU ; AND l'OI.ICI3 , COMMISSION. Several Olllccrn Him the Gauntlet of Investigation. The board of flro and police commissioners began business promptly on tlmo last night , and the llrst man to run the gauntlet of In vestigation wns Oftlccr Davis , who has been charged with being drunk , Ho denied the charges nnd his case was postponed one week. Then a man named Julius Bonron , whoso wife keeps a lodging house on Mnth street , was called in to explain some charges ho has preferred against Otllcer Cognn. Ho claimed that the olllecr struck him on the head without cause or provocation whllo walking on Ninth street ou the evening of October li ! in company with his wife. Ho said that OIHcei Brady had arrested him as a suspicious character and they were going penccably along wtiea Ofllcor Cogun came across the street nnd struck him over the eyes with his club. Mrs. Uoiizon testified to about the same thing. Their testimony with reference to the strik ing was contradicted by ODicers Cogan nnd Urady. Several other witnesses were examined nnd sustained the ofllccrs in n po-tttivo contradic tion of the chargn that Cogau struck Uonzon. The following ofllcers were given loue . of absence : James O'llrion , driver of the pa trol wagon ; John F. Byrnes , mounted pa trolman ; Anton Vnnous , patrolman ; John Stiles , patrolman ; John I lath way , hostler ; P. L. Homier , Fireman , No. 0 engine house ; Kdwnnl O'Ncn' , pipeman , cngino house No. Charles Ellington , cnglnn house No. 3 ; Joseph Hongcn , Ilro and police operator. Jailors Bebout and Havoy petitioned the board for nn increase of salary. It was re ferred to the committee on tmance. C. J. Bradley , the discharged block watch man , presented a petition for reinstatement. Itofcrrcd to the committee on men and disci pline. Ofllcer Frnnlc Johnson , who had naked to bo relieved from duty nt night , on account of u disabled nrm , was granted the ren.uc.st. The board went into executive session and reinstated 1' . J. Kelley on sixty days trial. The charges against Oniccr Cognn were dismissed nnd the mayor was requested to appoint tlftecn special police ofilccrs for duty on November ! . _ WANTKD IN INDIANA. Two Oinnhn Men Arrested on n Snrl- OIIH Charge. A telegram was received yesterday from the chief of police of Fort \Vuyne , Indiana , stating that Henry Gardner and Ollio Smith , who are in Omaha , were wanted in Fort Wayne , and are charged with an assault with Intent to kill. Olllcers were at. once sent out to Hnd the men , and soon located them. Gardner was working in the Union 1'aclllc shops and Smith was a switchman in the Missouri Pacillc yards. They were both placed in jal1. Vltu Const Villn < ; cH Himiod , ZANZIIIAIE , Oct. 27. Admiral Fromnntlo has attacked and burned several villages on ontheVitu coast. The villages were speed ily evacuated. No casualties are reported. Ho proposed to attack Vltu Sunday night. Vctltlon in llolmlf ofthc Pope. MAimin , Oot. 27. Thirty-two bishops who assisted In thh recent Cathollo congress nt Snragossa have sent ,1 petition to the queen of Spain , nsklng her to interfere in the mat ter of unjus treatment of the pope. JEttSO\A li JM It Ad ll.i I'JIS. O. B. Berg of Chadron is at the Barker. J. G. Johnson of Kearney Is nt the Casey. D. J. Forsytho of St. Louis is at the Pax- ton. ton.J. J. C. French of Sioux City is at the Mill * nrd. nrd.H. H. C , Bogcrs of Bronsyllle , Pa. , is at the Murray. D. N , Wheeler of Pender is registered nt the Casoy. W. C. Phillip of Kansas City is n guest ut the Mlllard. A. A , Fiero of Minneapolis Is stopping nt the Barker. A. V. Woodworth of Maine Is n guest nt the Murray. Howard WIlcox of Stafford is In the city , at tno Casey. F. B , Woodruff of Chicago was at the Paxton - ton last night. Mas. J. Kllen Foster of Iowa Is In the city , at the 1'axton. D : W. Faulkner of Anita , la. , Is stopping nt the Ilarkcr. E. S. Miller of Dis Molnes was at the Mill- an ) last night. J. A , Monroe was at the Coatcs In Kansas City yesterday. J. II. Kasmusscn of Columbus was at the Barker hit nlgh . S. W. Warner of Now York was at the Murray lust night. Gcorgo , M. Baker of Grand Islnud was nt the Casey last night. Judge J. M. \Voolworth \ , wlfo nnd daugh * ter were among yesterday's guests at the Grand I'nclllo in Chicago. Mr. S. F. DoYoro of Now York , profoisor of phrenology and physiognomy , with his ac complished wife , nro visiting relatives la the nlty. nlty.Ralph Ralph Beaumont , who for six years has been the chairman of the national legislntlvo committee of the Knights of Labor , Is In thu city and will si . 'iik ut imposition hall to- night. f.VOll'.t K.'AMA'tt 111' TJMJ.V , i'ho Huhonie Adopted by tlio CJciitlles of Utnli , SALT L\KI : , Utah , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele gram to Tun nii.J : : A congressional cam- l algn train left this city this morning over Iho Union I'nelilo to make a tour of iho prin cipal points In the tnrrltory. The entire week will bo occupied. Tlio special tinlu i made up of Pullman ours carrying fifty prominent Salt Lake ccntlles , most of whom are nblo speakers ; nlso a selected drum corps. Among the pil grims nro Judge Goodman , gentllo candidate for congr"si } Chairman Powers of the liberal territorial committee , cx-dtivornor West ; Major General Connor , retired , U S. A.s Mayor Scott , Governor Thomas , United States lllitrlct Attorney Vnrlan and others. The train Is heavily draped and mot with n rousing reception at Ogden , Lo- gun nnd other places en route ; h fact , the enthusiasm surprised the pilgrims , and Judge Powers chdnw Judge ( { ( tollman's election. ThI * campaigning bv train Is entirely new Iu Utah. The saints have been trying to se cure Pullmans for John Cnlne , but the cars were not to bo had nud they were forerd to give up their at tcimit nt Imitation , liouso Journal ( 'lerk Hmltii N hero from Washing ton nnd roasts , lohn L. ( 'nine , the Mormon congressional candldnto. It wns Calno's duty to write out the report of the committee on public InilUlhv also to write Iho report In the Fort Douglass park bill , but ho was so engrossed in lighting for tl'o Mormon church that ho neglected to at tend to any of his regular duties. Cholera. In I'mmnylvniila. PiTTsnuno , Pa. , Oct. S * . Word was re ceived hero tonight from Brownsville , Pa. , that'100 head of hogs being fattened nt the distillery had died nnd been buried In n trench. The state veterinary surgeon , after n careful investigation , pronounced the ills- case hog cholera of the worst kind. Menu- while the rest of the drove , some beveii hun dred , had been driven through tno streets of Itrownsvillo and shipped euit , mainly to Phil adelphia. Many of the hogs dropped dead on the streets , hut wore picked up and shipped with Iho living. Many animals owned by farmers in that vicinity has since died. 1'or s-'onlslcltiH Uaixnd. CHICAGO , Oct. 27. A prominent linn of fur riers received a cable from their London agent today that ata snlo of this year's catch of sealskins the prices brought were nearly double these realized last year. This increase is duo to the small catch of the pres ent year. Furriers say that the shins sold today will bo in the market next year , hut although the prices do not directly affect goods now on the retail marled , the owners of Mcins will raise tlio price at once to the point indicated from today. Seal goods will bo 100 per cent higher than heretofore. * Seventh Hay Itaprlsl Council. Cnicvoo , Oct. 27. The Seventh Day Bap tist council today took definite action on the reports of the standing committees. The most important conclusion reached had ref erence to denominational policy nnd educa tional work. The council voted to remove , a meucoto the hatmony of the denomination by unillcutioii and merging together of the church and mission , tract nnd educational societies. It was also rorolved to raise the standard of scholarship la the denomina tional colleges at Alfred , N. Y. . Milton , \Vis. , Albion , Wis. , ami Salem , W. Vn. The Utcs reeoiniiiK More ISold. Dr.MTir , Colo. , Oct. , U" . Telegrams and letters in great numbers have been ad dressed to Governor Cooper during the past month asking that steps batuken to protect settlers in Houtt county from the depreda tions of Ute Indians. The latest advices are that the Indians are becoming very bold and the governor has telegraphed the president , urging Immediate action. . . Notre Damn StudiMitu Minpcmlcd. NOTIM ; DAMI : , Ind. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele gram , to Tnr Bni : . ] A number of students of the preparatory departmentof the University of Notre Dame left the rollojjo ground Satur day nftcrnoon fern little Inrlc In South Hcnd without the authority of the faculty. That body met this morning and decided to sus pend iho entire patty. The majority left for their homes this .afternoon. Ho Wns Poor. SALT LAKI ; CITV , Utah , Oct. ! )7. .lolin II. Lamdreth , nged forty-two , lately from Springfield , III. , suicided iioro today by hang ing. Ho hn'j been slightly demented 'for some time , laboring under the idea that ho was in a poverty-stricken condition , when in fact ho was well-to-do. _ The Stnnlnr-rtartollot Trouble. LONDON , Oct. 27. Walter Dartellot , brother of' Major Barlellot , writes to the press that Stanley never before hinted at his present charges against the major , even in a lengthy private communication addressed to the dead man's father , which contained eight separate charges. Gazetted a Colunol , Ynsx.Oct. . 27. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : Bni : . | Count You Hnrtcnan , formerly known as Prince. Alexander of Bulgaria , has been gazetted a colonel in the Austrian army. lie Did DariiRd Well. AUSTINTex. . , Oct. 27. Bill Darnwell , an ex-policeman , tills afternoon shot and killed Maggie Null and then blow out his own brains. The cause was drink and Jealousy. A ltli/7.ni-d In I'oimsylviuiia. WIT.COX , 1'a. , Oct. 27. A. bllz/ard with considerable snow passed over this section of northern Pennsylvania yesterday nnd today. A Mght In lOvcry Bcrtli. To the Chicago , Milwuikoo A ; St. Paul railway belongs the credit of. liolnj ; the llrst In tlio country to reduce the matter of olectrio lighting- trains to Hcientlllo perfection. Ono of the novel features introduced in the Blue-plug cars Is n patent oloctrlc rending lump In each sec- lion. With tliia luxurious provision , reading at night before and nftor retir ing becomes as comfortable us by day , and when retiring the lollot may bo nmdo in comfort nnd hcclusion. Th berth reading lump iu the Pullman sleeping cam run on the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul railway , between Oiimlnv and Chicago , IB patented ami cannot bo used bv any other railway company. It is tfio greatest improve ment o'f the UKO. Try it mill bo cou- Sloojiingcars lonvo the Union Pndfio depot , Omaha , at 0:10 : p. in , dully , arriv ing at Chicago at U10 : ! n. in. Secure tickets and sleeping car berths ut Union Tickotolllco , IfiUl Fimmm street ( Barker bloclc ) , Omalin. j. 13. PKKSTOX , F. A. NASH , 1'osa. Agent , Gon'l Agent Marriage The following mirrlago license. ) were is sued by Judge Shields yesterday : Numonnd address , Age. J.lohn h. Pehi'lom , Omaha ! ( ' > I Martini ( J. Wilson , Omaha 'M I Kmll SnutT , Omaha ! B ! 1li7./.lo Kelly , llnstlnjw IH ( HenryU , llcckniiin. Omaha 'M I Juannuttii llluliiinl. Omaha ' . " - ! ' Positively ciiri-il liy tllllM ! Iittl ( ! Pill * . CARTER'S Tiioy also rello\o Ills trend from Dyspepsia , In ITTLE diifcstloii and Too Hearty IVF.R Rating. A perfect rein . cdy for DUzluehs , Nausea , PILLS. Drowhlnun , Had Tnstf In thu Mouth , Coated Tongue , I'aln In tlio KMe , TOltl'ID UVKII. They regulate tlio liowcls. 1'urcly Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , It t Kit. .TACOnS-Ilcsste , little daughter of W , ti * Jacobs of Tin : HKK , tigcd II yours , 0 months nnd ( I day. * , from diphtheria , at lln. nu Monday. Interment nt OiHOp. in , of the same day la Holy Sepulehcr cemetery. Au llltnolH Untuultor Captured , ST. Lorn , Mo. , Oct. 27 Sheriff Uaglnnd of St. flair county , Illinois , today received dispatch from the chief of police of Now Or leans slnlItm that John T. Pnnnlor , the ah- , Hcoiidlnc defaulter of llcllovlllo , was under arrest , there. DANGtROUS USE OFSTRONQ PURGATIVES. Most pills and purgatives which net quickly upon tlm boweN. Irritate and often destroy the mucous coats of thu stomach and liotvcls. Indeed their eathartlo action Is directly caused hy the Irritation of thu boxvoli. which they produce. Their action should In1 soothing and HtliiiulntliiK Inttradof IriltallnK. A con tinued 1110 of Mich rcturd'o-i produce rlii-oiilu Ilillammatloiiof thu stomach uiicl bcnvt U. Tlil.i often ends In a damci-oiii dlsotiso. Tininoof the Kt'iiulno imported t'ailsbad SpriuU 1 Salt , Ishlghly recommended a < < nnaiiorlcnt. la\a- the ami diuretic , bccauo Its action Is dun At solely tn Ita solvent and stimulating proper ties. It soothes and allnya Inlhtiinmtlon , and is thoiofuro much pieferablu to all -slrunn llowuroof Imitation * . tr Tohoh'i Ircturo ouUarlshad Sprndel Still and paniphlot nuill- Bl fri-o. KlHiirr & Monih'Ison Co. . iulo agents 0 lltirelay Street , New York. ART " TN THE"HOME. . The American homo U the nuclt'im of Ihn hlphest lutulllKiMiei1 on thn face nftliiturtli. . It Is tlic most Mirrrd u'.tar beneath lln' viars , It Is tlio duty of the bend of every faintly to inako thu liiuno the mini rouifnitalilo and bu.-iutlful nlui'o possible. Tlio way to do this Is to inal.o urlloliM uf ntvosllv ulso articles of luxury. A MOMS Is an aitlcle of necessity , and when It ean nlsiibu a lieautlful work uf art why not choose It In iitciVrenc * losniiicthlni : dull nnd unattractive ? THE GAHLAND STOVES Are as hanilsDino as a ploco ofstatiniry aiut at thi ) Kami ) llnio tlio nin-i ivnuomlnil ami satisfactory heaters ninili > . t'uiiio and nx- nmlno them nnd seehiindieiN uf toillimnil.ils from jieopiu you know , tolling of thi-lr ivo. inimical character nnd ureut lioatliiK capacity , llnvo you seen thu now llraml Oil lloatrrs ? They urn clean nnd hand-nine. uml.u- | 1 Urn thlii' ; for huatlii ! ; small moms aiul bril . liam- lu'is where you only want a Hie oiMMslonully and In cold weather. I liuve IHMMI In liuilnr'si ! ! 0 years In ComiMl IllnlTi , and when I cu rii-aiit i-e m v c > iiiiisfou can depend upon It. t 'UUP and si i nn < P. C. DKVOL. , 60-1 n-o.Jwav , Council Hln Is" la. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dylni nnd t'lemilnjc done In the IIlL'hi'wt style of the Art , 1'aded anil S ! nurd Kahrles made to luoU as KIKII ! as ninv.YnrK promptly done anil delivered Iu all parla ut thocuunlry. Send for iii-U'o list. { . \ A. MAI-MAN , prop. . OU lirua d\vay , Near Northwestern Depot , I OI'Nl'll. Hl.fl'KS. U. Electric Trasses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WANTED , DR.UUUDD , QOO Droadwiy , Council BlulTa , la 27 MAIN STRI2KT. Over O. 11. Jaeauoinln & Co Je tvolrv Store GlTIZEHS STATE BAM OrCoutiCil Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL . $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 50,000 , LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS . 350,000 DniKi-Tfius I. A. Mllliir. I' . O. Climsmi , 111 * , Shu'irtK. K. llnrt.J. I > . IMiiiiiiiilson , llliarlot ( Mliiniinn. Truni.iet Kvniiral hiinkliu hiisl- ncss. lar o.st. capital nnd wnrplus of any bunk In Soiilhnesturn Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. OFFICER & PUS E V , BANKERS. Corner Main nnd llroidwav. : COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Tloalors In fornlsn and iloiuostlo iifhniu * Collu'-llons ' inudu ami Inluiust paid on tlm * deposits. _ _ _ _ _ F.ln. ELLIS & CO , , ARCHITECTS And Building SuporlntendenH. - KnoiusCIO mill It : lien IliiMilln ? , Oniuli.i.Nab. , anil KoomsUII and -I1) ) Mcrrliun Illook , Council In Cii-resOiidnnuiMllvltud. | ! D. II. McDanclcl & Co. , Butchers' ' aid Packers1 Supplies , Market Fixtures , Casings , Sploes anil SaililiKi' MukciV Much lurry 8.1K SiiMaln St. , Coniic-ll Illillfs , la. Also In Illdca mill Fiii'H. B , or. -R , .11 W. C. ESTKP , Coinioll ItlufT'H , lown. Itiirlli Main S KiuiKral DirDcMor nail SPJSOIAIj NOTICE COUNCIL BLUFFS. TTtOI ! Itr.XT ( liHid llvt-rooiu luiiisc ; | IO.iO ( | J iillii'r houses illuVrent prices ; on HlnglA room iivei'htoie MI-HI i-imiI lieu e ; IIIC.IM-H unit lots for Halo on niiinthly paymi'iils HUM IIIIIIMI anil lot * 'AH ) ; ileslnililn biismi'-s lots mi MIIIU- ili'i's Ml ret. Ninth ( liiialin , fur lease nr Halo uliuap , J. K. Davidson. 1123 I'lf Hi iiM-niio. OU SAM- Compii-tn M"l f UIUMIlonUf , nml hinall't.tiH'1 % nt Ilium re al u b.HKaln. lniiilio | at looiii.'llh MiM-rliini blouk. ftO htOVl'HIlt CO-,1 I'I OIOSO Illlt. lll'llllllU i fnrlllilil nililill ) linllso moving lotfol Jacki , It. D. Amy A : Co. KM MalnsiiiM't. ' " \in.lCS Tor KIO : | cluinp. a fipnii of t-'ooil Ail. working iiiiilev , tilth Imiuev , ninl wiiKon , Applv to I'ifil llavlx' slalili-H on 1'imrlli slic-el , tn.'iir I'lflh avrnue. rp\VN-iicro ( ) farms fnr halo near ilic city at J. a ImiKuln.V. \ . A.Vooil \ It Co , , fi'W Main ut. "IflOlt SAliKTho Hiook and fixtures of a wciT J. I'stnlillshed unx'ery Htorc , or will neil Ntoc-k and rentHloru and IHturev. nl n llui-u 4-year-old coin for Halt * . liiiiiln- | ( if T. L inllluV J-'nii. 7IH lOlb iivi' . . ( 'oiiiiel ! Illiitfi , FOU HAI.B nr Kent- ( Union land. wltiT hniuui , by J. U. Kiev , Ml iluln l. , UuunniT Illuffi.