THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY- , OCTOBER 2(5 , 1800-SLXTTDJBN PAGKES. i EHRGRIMS 5 PIECES BLA CK FRENCH FAILLE , Warranted to wear , At $1.15. "Wortli . . . . . .3I.4O 5 PIECES BLA CK CACI-IM1ER SUBLIME , Guaranteed toxvear , At $1.20. . WorLli 51.60 10 PIECES BLA CK ARMLTRESILK SILK , Guaranteed to wear , At $1.15. . Worth $1.40 5 PIECES ALMARO RO YAL YALSILK , Guaranteed to wear , At $1.55. Worth . . . .52.00 Kelley.Stiger&Co. Cor , Farnam and i5th Sts. WORK FOR YfllfPEOPLE , Churcl Societies Organized for tie Religions and of Young Mimbois , A PIONEER MINISTER DEPUTED , Uev. Clinrlcs VI. Savage Tendered n Knccption llov.J. V. Palm Wilt lioa-vo Omalia Religious Ne\\e ami NotOH. Fifty years ngothoro wna not much that fnterested children nnil younij people In church ( 'oitig. Until tlio Sunday school hcgan to nttrait the children generally they looked upon Sunday , or the "Snbbntli day , " as It was formerly called , ruasortoC pcnancadny , 'JCItero was but little for youiiR people to debut but sit and hold tholr h.tnifsnnd look solemn. The prcachiiic , for the most part , was far nlovo their hcadi , intellecttmlly coiialdcred , and the day was to them ono round of dry formalities and precepts. Hut along with the diaiiKOs In the business wcrlil have come many changes in church worship , and whereas the preaching of ser mons stud tlio observance of the ( hurch ritual used to bo considered about all that there \\as to 1)0 douo , tbltip are uo\v only a department of the work done Ity most oltho modern churches. The Sunday school bas beratno a woniterful power nnil a source of plonturo as well as profl.1 for the children. 3Nearly every clmrclt that pretends to keep abreast of the ngo has no\v a young people's society whldi taltca upbothrolislous ana lit erary worlcoutsido of the usual services. The Kplscopal church luvs two well known orgnn izntions , ono for young ladles nnd tno other for young men , /ormercallod "Tito King's Hamilton , " uud the other "St. .An- < - . ( row's llroucrbood. " Hot.liof thcso ' organlmtions awwollrepi'o- scntcdin the Kplscopal parUlics of Omalia , and particularly so in the Trinity cathedral parish. Thosociety of " 'J'ho King's Daugh ters" IMS a large membership of bright , con- olontloiis and tallmtod young ladies ivho have done nnil arodoinRii great icul ) of good In a missionary way among the poor by colleothig ami distributing glft of clothini : , lurnitiiro , food , etc. , uhuro they are tippio- clateiltiH a crentblesalng. St , Andrew's brotherliood Is a very strong society in the Episoopil clmrch of "Otimlu. J'o thuclToits of thoyouiiRincn latliatorgnn. < < liath n more than to any other source , prolia- lily , iaduo the largo momliorsliip of yoiinR men found In that church. Thoniostcarucst vorkets In Iho brotherhood nro ilolngn great nmouiitof missionary work throughout the city that must In duo tlmo bear ( rult for the cause of Christianity. Trinity church baa also on organization call ti "the club , " vhlch will devote some time to literary and political studios and dli- cusslons. The club will discuss tbo tariff question at its next mooting. In tlio Congregational church the Young People's Society of Christian llndeuvor lias Iwoino alirost the next Uuiiartmcut in point of intlutmconnd itowrr to the preachliifr of the \voixi. The 1'lrat ' Conpn'gatlunal church , Plymouth and St. Jtury's avenue nro n- reclally well represented In this particular line. Thcso organbatloiis hare for their jirlmc object u si > oclal rvllgioui bur\Ieo \ at least once every week , and the literary wort Ji arranged to suit the wishes of the ma jority. Doth OH rollKlous and literary uoolo- tlrs tiny are decidedly suci'cssfui , anil a viist mountof spiritual ami intollectuul protltls gained through them. In tbo Methodist church there is the Ivn- Ttortn league , oruiintzed uliout ten ye.irs . ngo , and nnnidl after tlio olJ Xpwoilh rectory at Lttuolnslilro , Bnplnnd , whcro John mid CharlejVsloyvero \ brought nphy ChrlKtliui luronu , their father. Snmwl Wesley - loy , being rector of llpworth fur over thlity jcurs. Thu Bocioty Is quite systoiuatloully orRiiiilietl. caeli bruiuh b lug rwiulrvil to ro- rort totlioponoral hoadnuiirtorsof the league icgularly iion | the work done , loth religious mi literary , Nearly all Methodist churches Ja Ouiihu , crcciitlug tuo Hwt church , U YO S1LICS FOR EVENING WEAR. We are no w sliow- iiitj a most exquisite as- sortmen t of rich , choice novelties in silks for eveningwear , viz : em broidered satin , de Lyon , embroidered surahs , cmbroide red serges in cream pol ka dot ground with delicate colored em- brioclery , also in black grounds with , colored embroidery broca ded satin.cle Lyon , brp- caded and plain crepe de cliene. These are the very latest novelties imported , VELVETS Velvets are the most popular trimming fab ric this season Good colors are very scarce and prices liave great ly advanced we have a splendid , stoclc at popular prices and show an excellent as sortment , of the new fall colors. 19-inch velvets , a splendid quality at $ > 1 , Avorth today , $1.2S. 19-inch velvets , ex tra quality , at $1.25 , worth today $1.68. 19-inch velvets in every new desirable shade , really "worth our price is $ > 1.6O. Plaids Plaids We are showing tlie most complete line of French , novelty plaids to be found in th.e city , at 4Sc , BOc , 7Sc , 8Sc KelleyStiger&Co. , . , Cor Farnam and i5th St. organized a branch of the Icapiio anil vork isbcini ! done. 'Jho young ] oploof the l-'lrst Methodist church prefer torotnln the naino ol the Youiis People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor. Tlio society is. very largo in the First , church , hii\IiiR considerable moio than ouo hundred members , The VOUIIK Peoplo's Society of Clirlstinn Ijiidonvor l'i ' tlio Presbj'tcriuii chunbcs of the city is nlso very ctior otlo anil successful in accomplishing peed woik , both , religious anil literary lu natures. In tlio First Baptist cliurch the Y. P. S. C. liai over ono hundred members and meets every Friday evening1. Dctli-Edcn Baptist cliurch also lias a pros perous society of youiiK people. A I'ioiLcer minister Gone. Last Monday afternoon the remains of Itov. J. M. Aclalr of Holyke , Colorado , nr- rived at the union tlcpot , accompanied by his Vvlfo and son. Rov. JVdair died at Ilolyolto nnd liis last request was that ho bo burled in the family lot in Prospect II ill comoiory in this city. The funeral toolt place on Tuosdny nt2 p.m. . from the residence of Uev. Hobort I.nhiK , IU'0 Mason street , and iras attoncled liy many of the olii-timo friends and acquaint ances of tlio family. The deceased AV.IS ono of the early Metho dist preauUcra in Omaha ami Nebraska. Ho was born in Madison county , Ohio , in 1S20 , iio was in business for a few jcnrs In Gin- rlnnntl , and iifterurnnls entered the Ohio AVcslevan imlvcrslty , wtiero ho prepared Jfor the ministry , the work of which ho Ijopfaii In 1S57 nnil caiuo to the Nohrailca conference in ISliS takincr clmrgo ol the UclK'uochuvcli. Ho wis nitownrd as- slirnod to work in Washington and Burt counties and then bccauio the Hrst pastor ol the South , Tenth street Methodist church ol Oinulia. The cliurch ( 'rew rapicllr uiiJer his guardianship. lid preuchcd aftcrw-imls at I'luttsnioutb , Tjiblo Ltock and oilier places. In ISbOho nskeclto bo supcrantnutcclarul re- raovo < lto ColoriiJo for the bonollt. of his health. Death was caused by heart failure at the ago of sixty-two. Just twenty-two jears , exactly to a dny. from the tlmo Uev , Adiitr and lite wife nognn housekeeping1 In the cottage opposite St. Joseph's hospital on Jliison utroct , the remains of the pioneer pns- tur wcro Uiken from the snrao place for huria in Prospect Hill. 1'ho deceased left a wlfo and live culUU-cmvuo reside at Holy eke , Cole , IfoU'lll Licaro Oiiinhn. Rov. T.V. . Palm , pastor of the Lowe avs- nuo Presbyterinn cliurch , hns decided to ro- slffii his place ns loader of that longrefration on tholh-stor.rnnuni7iioxt Kcv. Palm has Icon pastor of that church over since It was organized , three jcars ago , and has seen the congregation gro\v \ from ilficoti to seventy- ilvo members. Ho has bocn in poor health , tlioiiRli , for several months , nnd is of tbo oiilnioiittmt ho hnd better return u > Wit- conslnvhero , the climiito tecim to bo better suited to the requirements of his constitu tion. Ilo is also of the opinion that there are icvoral mcmbors of his coiiffro < ratlon who are not in harmony with lili way of thin Mug nnd do notftppreciatahls style of preaching. Ilo Mill , theivfore , quit tha work In Oinnlin and IK'riiiltsoiiiooiioaioroln harmony with these of hiscoiiKrogntlon VNho hnvo not been well pleased to aiiininlstor spiritual advlco In Ills stead , The majority of tlio congrecatlon spenlt VOL-V UliiJly of Itov. Palm , uud tuoy recoKnlzo In him n great many Christian virtues nnd elements of high moral nnd spiritual manhood. Unccption to Uov. The congi-epatlon of Is'cwnan Methodist church tendered Hov , GhnrluaW. Havldgo. their pastor , and his wlfo a very plcmant re ception last Tuesday evening at ttiochurcli on St , Mary's ixvenuo , After some excellent chorus singing by the larpo choir , an address of vvclcoiui ) to the pastor was < lclvore ! < l by J , M. Glllati , which wm i-cspondwl to by Itov. Sividfjo In u very appropriate wrnnncr. Miss Alin' Knodo sang a very pleasing ; solo nnil then tlio audience In- dulled lu general sociability supplemented by an olepiutltinelieou of cnUo and coffee sorvoil by tnoliutiM of tuo fliurth. Itev. SavldRO was the recipient of aliiiudsoino piece of tax- Idorniy during the ovenini ; , the Rift ofWr. ( lllbert , the taxUormlst , vho helougs to the church. Tlio The tuuuil luootliix of the rt'prcioutativos Moifrnig Goods -N MoiiraiflQ Gools " \ Yevill sell on Monday ONE CASE Imported Royal Serge , worth (55c ( , at 50G , All eel Flannel , 04 Inches Wide , FRENCH IIENEIETrAKnp ( JUL ) WORTH 65C , AT FANCY CORDS , FORMER PRICE 85C , AT. . . CAMEL'S ' MIR , CAMEL'S HAIR NOW BROADCLOTH , 52 IN. WIDE , WORTH $ IAT- BRILLI/VNTINli / , REDUCED FROM 75C , HALF ItOIffl * Plaicls , Plaids , Plaids , Black and White , 75c. 75c. 75c , Plaids , PJaids , Plaids , 85c. 85c. 85c , BLACK AND WHITE FLUIDS and STRIPES , At 45c. KelleyStiger&Co. Cor. Farnam and itli Sts. of the Congregational church in Nebraska , liclcl at Norfolk duriiis the past wools , illus trated the strength and prosperity of the de nomination in this state. Tlicro wcro 200 delegates rcpresciiting 17ft churches , aDd re ports of thoprosiess of the worlt iu alldircc- ttons A\cro encouraging. Rev. Duryoo deliv ered tlio associntlonsil ser.non Tuesday even- In ? , and thh fact suggests hovr well he is following out tlio uipressoJ iiurposo with \\liichhecamo to the vest tousohis energy , influeiico nnd ability in n ilold whcro there is a broader opportunity for usefulness than in Now EnjlanO. lie lias bccomoa stronp foivo in tlio religious lifoof the \vost. licv. Q. John Askin of Kearney-\\lio presided ns moderator at the Norfolk session of the association , is ono of the promUinir Congregational leadersia this scetioii. Ho is a man of broad culture , a fuscinaliiipr preacher and notable .for the hroadth ot Ills outlook on religious questions , The CoiipreKiitioiiaUsts were never before so veil cquSpiied ns at present to do powerful work In the west , C 1mroll Nolcs. Oniccrs vcro elected for the Bancroft Mis sion Suiitluyschool ns follows : J. M. Bnin- ner , suporintondeiit ; II , D. Ilnoadcsassistant suxrintcndciit [ \ U. Ithoades , treasurer , The Nicholas Street Mission Sunday school elected the folloxvltie : Gcorgo Hen derson , superintendent ; S. J. Johnson , ass is- taut superintendent ; K. Johnson , treasurer , A new mission school -was organized to rnoct ntthol'Mrstchuroli and thooUlccrs nres L. D. llotmes. superintendent ; L. Sthillin- ger , assistant superintendent ; Tuoinas Con ner , tnasuicr. Uov , P. S. Jlerrill , pastor of Uio First Jlethodist church , has returned from a trip to tbo favorite resorts of Colorado. Miss Merrill , nis eldest daughter , who lias been sick with blllious fever , is now recovering- . At the regular quarterly business mooting of the first Uaptist church held lust week , the following Sunday school oDlcers wcro elected : Vred Davis , superintendent ; C. 11. Jacobs , nssisUiutsupcrlntendcnt ; C. J , Johu- son , tiKisuror. Uov , George T. Crlssraan of the First Presbyterian clmrch of IlastiiiRs , lias re signed. This is a surprise to many who tnow the Kcntleiaan. ills labors ia the church nt Aastingsliavo been crowned with nbun- success. He willeiiKUge iu college woik in Colorado. Dr. Uurjca , Etev.VillardScott , Dr.Thaln and others of the CoiiKrefjutlonnl churches of Omaha , attended the annual church confoi1- cnco of the stuto held ut Norfolk last \vc3k , beginning on WoJnosaiy and closiun today , Dr. Duryeadelncrecl an nd'lross ' boftno tbo conferencoonVednesday evening. The conKrogntion of N"cwman Methodist church will vote uext AVednesday evening upon the question of admitting women as delegates to the general conference of tbo church , Short addresses upon the subject will Iwmailo. Mrs. Mary Ciorald Andrews , the evangelistMrs. Frank Bryant and others \\lll speak upon the subject before the votois taken , Dr. Duryc.Vs address , delivered heforo the aniiunl meeting of the association of Congre gational churches nt Norfolk \Voduesday fciiing 1ms been very highly si ken of by tbo west of Norfolk ami tlio ministers who beard It. Ho took fur Ills text the words ! " ( Jo Maud lu thoU-'inplo and preach to the people all the words of this life. " The followine Omaha ladles ntteiidedl the mooting of the woman's homo and foreign missionary society of Nebraska held last wiiclc at AVost Point : Mrs , J. Swartzlander , Mrs. J. G. llruner , Mrs. .T. 0. Grlllith , Mrs. Allen Koch , airs , S. S. KnlBlo , and Misses TlllioLelsciirtng , Gussio novvmnn , Huttio Swobe , Annlo Klllott , Katie Swartilaudcr , LlUtol'aris , K1U King and Clara ICiug. Episcopal clerpyrnm in Onialia ro very much pleased with the lesultof the recent census nnd the comments that upponr In leading papei-s with reunrd to the Krowthof the Kpiscopal church in Now York , It is gaining strenRth nnd membership rapidly , while some of tlio otliercliurchejarc searuw holding tuclr own. The reasons given lor this by leading- men Inthochurth are that of nil tbo forms of worship the Eiiiscoiu chuech presi'iits the most attractive and iwt- Ing. The Kplscopal church , it is clulmod h > these writers , U distinctively a pluco In which to worship God , while many of the other chunhc * are attractive only asltio ela- ( juouw of the pastor cuptlvates tbo ear or Cloal < Department. Special for this week , Just received , some very lahdsomc garments in Jackets and Ecdfcni KTu\vmarkets and Dolman shaped. The best line of Rocfor Jackets linwn , In cheviots , diagonals , broiul- clnths nnd beavers , trimmed with ns- rachun , iiiiiik , clo. , nt $8.50 , 310 , $11 , $17.50 , H9 , 52H.50 an d M7.50. Special line of Dcavor Jnckots , tn Uin nad blue with cmbroidorad sloavoa and collar. Price SIS , worth $15. A lotof ladles' Dolman Wrnpa neatly braided and vorv drossy. $17.50 $ , worth Special lot of Plush Sncquos , 42-ln and made ol good reliable plush. $19.75. worth This cut represents the latest sliapc in a long garment. I'riooSiS. KelleyStiger&Co. , . , Cor. Farnam and istli St. the chnractcrof tiiemuslo metis with popular favor. _ _ _ _ _ _ CHL'ItCIl AHT1CES. Unity church. Seventeenth , near Cass. Rev. K. W. Mamuvlll preach in tbo morning on "Tho Way Wo nro Slaved. " Kev. James A. Hey t preaches for IZov. Q. II. Shinu at Goodrich ball. Morning theme , "Tho Church of the Living God. " Uveiilng : "Inspiration. " Uov. , T. M. "Wilson's ' subjects ! "God's Speciall'ro\dence ! and the Golden Sccptroof Ahat5ucras"nnd "Who Shall A.bido iu Thy Tabernacle i" Church , corner Sixteenth and Castcllar streets. The choir of All Sum t * church will render at the lo'clorkc service on Sunday , November 2 , the oratorio of "St. Jthn the Evangelist , " by Dr. Armca. The service at that tlmo will bo the fourth annual parish festival of the church. Westminster Presbyterian churchTwe/ity- , / nlnth and Mason streets. Preaching by the Iiastor , Uov. John Gordon , D.D. , at , 10:30 : a. in , on the question , "What Is Man ) " and at 7:110 : p.m. , the sixth sermon in the scries : "Jesus as a Physician. " First M. D , church , corner Twentieth and Davenport streets. HOY. P. S. Merrill , will prencJi morcinp and night. His subiect for iO80 ; a. m. is "Paulino Obedience ; " 7:30 : p , in. , "A Searching Pnijer. " All scats free and everybody welcome. First Baptist churca. preachin pat 10:30 : n. ra. nnd7:30p. m. by the pastor , Itev. A , W. Lamnr , Morning theme , "Koutcd Before the Enemy"andeveningthemo , "ThoPower of a Christian Hope. " Sunday school at 12 DI. All cordially invited. Prof'Oliver of Center university , will jireachln the First Clirlstinn church , corner of Capitol avcnuonnd Twentieth strcctstoth , ) morning and evening. Morning service 11 a. in , evening service 7:30 : p.m. , Sunday school at980n. : ! in. ; V. 1' . S. C. K. atOiUOp. in , Southwestern Presbyterian church , Twen ty-sixth street , between Poppleton mid \Vool- ivorth avenues. Rev. Luther M. Kuhns , pas tor. Services at 11 n. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Morning services will bo appropriate to the festival of the Information. Evening ; sub ject ; 'ThoSceptro of Hlghtcousncss. " First M. K. church , Twentieth nnil Daven port. Kov. I' . S , Merrill , pastor. Morning ? service 10 : SO a , in. ; ovcnirfB service 7:30 : p. m. Preaching by pastor. A cordial invita tion to strangers. All scats free. Sabbath school 2:40 : p. in. V. P , S. C. Mondry 7:30 : p. m. Newman Methodist cliurch , Twenty- seventh nnd St. Mary's avenue. Preach ing by tlio pastor , Itev. tlharlesY. . Savldgo , ut Hi a. in. and 7:30 : , p. m. Subject in the morning : ' 'Our ' Two faturcs.1' Subject in the evening : "Co'nfession. " Splendid music by rrnnWIn iSidlth and his choir. Seats free. All are welcome , Welsh Prcsbytcriat ) diurch , Twenty-fourth nnd Cutnlngstreets. _ ScrvIce3 preaching at 10 n. in. and 7:30 p. in. 'Sunday ' school nt It am. Morning themor "The Influence ol Children ; " evening thifine : "Tho Salvation of the Believer a Certainty. " The holy sacrament will bo administered in the oven- Ing" . Pastor , Hov. J. It Johns. Trinity M. 13. clmrah , ( corner Twenty-first and Blimey streets. J cr.V , 1C. Iloans , pas tor. Morning service. 10:80 ; evening , ( ! : ao Jlornlni ; subject ! " .Elements of a .Manly Character ; " eveningt''Good ' Tidings-Day Service. " Sunday .school , 1U m. ; J , T Itoblnsnn , superintoriflent ; young people's mooting , 0:30 : p. m. SCits free. 'Iho ixioplo m.ido welcome. Innnauucl Baptist church , North Twenty- fourth nnd Uinuoy streets , Hov. 1'rank 'Nv. Foster , pastor. Uoguhr services at 100 : : ! a m. and7Up. ! ai. Morning' theino : "Ixwk Inn for .fesus ; " evening theme : " \Vhois your modcll'1 ' Sunday school at 12 tn. "Vounf , people's meeting Monday evening. Thin church is a handy Sabbath homo and the public are always cordially welcomed. Seats free. free.Church Church of the flood Shepherd , corner.S'lne tccnth and Laho streets. Uov. J. I1. D I.hvyd , rector. Holy communion , 8 a , m. divine services , with eormons by the rector at 11 a. in , and 7iOp. : ! m. ; Sunday school n 10. a. m. ; short services and ton-minute ad dress every Priduy evening at 7S : < ) p , in You uro corJInlly Invltod and will bo heartily welcomed to all services at the Good Shep herd. Boats free , ICounUo Memorial English Lutheran church , Sliloonth and Harney , Hegulur rivn .ix Colored. Cheviots , 43 inches wldo , very deslrublo , At 871c. Worth $1.20. West of England Tweed Suitings , in Stripes and Checks , nuw nnd stylish i , 6-1 Inches wldo , At $1,10. $ Camel's Hair Serge , A great bargain. In tlio now Fall colors , COc , good value At 75c. French. Serges , All Wool , 33 Inches walc-a bargain At 50c per yard. Imported. Tricot In e , Beautiful goods , on Monday , At $1.25. $ Worth $2.OO. Trieotine , 51 itichos wide , a splendid cloth At 85c. Regular prlco , $1.10. Broadcloth , In no\v Fall colors , . At 85c.Worth Worth $1.OO. Imported Broadcloth- , Extra good value , peed colors , AtLOO. $ _ Dress Flannels , 51 inches \vido , At 42zC.Worth Worth B5c. Kelley.Stiger&Co. Cor. Farnani and r 5th Sts. church services 10,10.a. : m. and 7 : DO p. ra. , Sabbnth school at IS m. St. Matthias mis sion Sabbath school at 3:30 : p. m. , corner Fourteenth and Center streets. Young pco- pie's prayer meeting nt i:30 : p.m. The pas tor , the Kcv. A. J. Turkic , wlllprencli in the moniiiiK on ' "Tho Call to Sinners ntid Not to Saints , " and In the cveniiif ? on "Christ the Deliverer. " All nro welcome. All Saints church , Twenty-sixth nnd How ard streets , Itov. Louis Zahncr , S. D.T. , rec tor. Holy communion 7:30 : a. in. , Sunday school i ) : : w a. m. , mornlnc service 11 n. m , choral evensong 4 p. m. The music at the 11 o'clock services will bo "To Down and Jubi late" in I'1 ' , Gurrctt ; anthem , "Praised bo the Lord1 , Calkin , At the 1 o'clock service , "Miignillwt and Nuno Dimlttts" in A , Goss ; anthotn , ' 'The Lord Is my Shepherd , " Mac- farrcn. Free sittings reserved. All are -wel come. Biiildiiifr corner Sixteenth nnd Douglas streets. Free reading room open daily ex cept Sunday 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sundays fromUtoC p. m. A cordial invitation to the subject "The Three Parables. " ' Mr. K. L. Cobb of Cutmlen , J > T. .T.a , commercial trav eler , will also nddit'ss the meeting. Vocal solo by Wrs. Q. W. Wiekcrshnm. Selection by quartette. Siuginfj by male chorus commences at3:45. : In the now parliament of Japan there are twelve Christians. The New York Avenue Methodist Episco pal church in llrooklyn , costing S.'OO.OOO , was dedicated by Bishops Faust and Andrews. A Society of Christian Endeavor of over twenty active members Ins recently been or ganised in the Livingston chuich , .Montana. The revival during the past year nt Aiutab and the surrounding region in Turkey , has resulted in 1,000 conversions to Christianity. U.'he new Episcopal theological school , ETolt- mnn hail , has been opened in Nashville , Tonn. , for educating candidates for the priest hood among the colored people of the south , Sixty years ngo three-fourths of the mis sionary converts connected with the churches of the American board of commissioners for foreign Htlsblouaries were American Indians. By unanimous action , thoLnfaycttoA.veimo Presbyterian cliurch of Brooklyn resolved to call Hev. Dnviil Grepcr , D.D. , of the Park Congregational church , Iloston , to succeed Dr. Theodora L. Cuyler. at a salary of $10,000 a year , it is believed that Dr. Gregg will ac cept. cept.Tho The Float tap-Society of Christian Kndeavor is dolnp good work among the sailors , Many have signed the endeavor pledge slightly modified to meet the needs of the sailors , and the good effects of it nro already seen on several ot the revenue cutters and other ves sels. sels.Tlio Tlio const it utloa of thosociety hns already been translated Intomuny languages , ono of the last being that of the Dakota Indians. The name of tlio society In that language is .irsus mnKiniwucinsKanpi uicouaiticiye , " Tlio constitution of tha society is printed at the Siuitco Apeticy. Nebraska , Tuo roixirt comes of a society of young Dakota Indians who huvonlready Keno out and established a society for white youug people In a neglected district. The department of state nt Washington hns received n letter from the governor of the Sierra Lcono relative to tuocasoof nine American nilsslonniics at Freetown. Thcso missionmics , it seems , believe in the faith euro , and when they full sick with fever re fuse to have medical service. Two of Uio party died within six months , nnd others wcru found In the last stage of exhaustion. Ouo of these , though prevailed upon to BOO n physician , was too far gene for recovery nnd ilK'J within u tow days. It is stated that the misslonatlea do not Intend to remain ut Fmitowi , but to advance into tlio interior. The Church of England , as shown by m- conwleU ) returns of the revenue report bv order of parliament , is the wealthiest church lu Christendom. Thu income of the eccles iastic commissioners Is ntxmt > ,7f , > 0,000 , nearly otie-fomth of which is derived from tithes. The Welsh tithes yield about $20.000. The gross annual vnluo of bencllces for twenty-ono counties Is $10,000,000 , , which U distributed nmong (5 ( , ( W cloigymtti , giving them an avcrago of a little over f 1,0)0 ) a year. Theru ait ) parsonages , however , iiml oilier Items to bo added , which brings up the an nual average to about f.OJO , a year from en- LINENS large all linen buck to\vcls \ , a great bargain , 12 0 , worth 17 0. Fine bleached hack towels , extra quality , large size , at regular price 200. Special Special 200 dozen superfine satin damask towels , largo size , new patterns , fancy borders with handsome knotted fringe also fine hemstitched huck towels at 25cvelhvorth 35C. 100 dozen extra fine hem stitched huck towels , white , red and blue borders , 330 worth 500. Glass Toweling One bale fancy glass towel ing , pure linen , at ice , worth Table Damask Cream Damasks , new pat terns , extra heavy , at 650 , this is a great bargain and worth 75c. German Bleached Damasks Extra heavy , this damask is specially adapted for hotels and boarding houses , extra value at Soc ; worth $ i. Bleached Satin Damasks Original designs , very fine , on Monday $ r per yard ; worth $ i. 25 , Napkins to match. Kdlef.Stiger&Co. . . , Cor. Farnam and 15th St. downicnts aloiio. Of the 510,000,000 , thrce- fotirtbs are derived from titlies. llie American Christian convention , \vlilch has just hdil its quadrennial session in Marion , Ind. , adopted a report dividing its territory Into seven districts. Tito conven tion ulso tookiinpottiiiit action looking to tlio cstabllshiucntot a dlhtinutly Christian tail- el slty in sorao central location , iu honor of tbo centennial of the Chrihtiun movumcut in America. To this end tlio second Sunday ol January , IS'.H ' , was designated as n day of centennial celebration by exercises religious nnd historical. At the sanio ttino a collection is to bo taken for the proposed university. This body is that known as tuo ' 'Christum Connection" often confounded with the Disciples of Christ. Tbo trustee1) ) of the United Society of Chris tian Kndeavor offer prices amounting to $525 for the best essays on the following three subjects : 1. How can Younp People's Societies of Christian Endeavor in cacti local church best promote and stimulate tticsysteinntie boncvo- lenco of youtip people for the missions of their own denomination ! ii. How am Yonnp People's Societies of Christian Endeavor best promote tlio Intro duction of religious Journals and oilier whole some reading into the "families of the congre gations with which thov are connected ? ; . 1'ho Christian Endeavor Society. Its adaptation to all denominations in promoting ( a ) the fellowship of young Christian- ! , ( ) their allegiance to their own church , ( c ) their activity in nil branches of Christian eiToit. For the hcit e&say on each of these topics n \irlf.o \ of $100 is to bo pnid. For the second best , (50 ( und for the third , SB. Dr. BIrnoy euros catarrh , Bco bldg L'jt vc.t An Intor-colioRlato press association has been formed In Ohio. The Central Intcr-collcRato press associa tion -will meet In I'liiladclphlu November U9. MichlRuii university has in allot itsde- pirtinents about ; rwo thousand live hundred students. There are 41(5 ( students registered in the Slbloy collcKO courses ut Cornell this year. out of a total registration In the university ol 1.U74. . The first order for the Carnoglo frco li brary is for 0,000 volmiics , and it will require - quire nearly six months to fulfill It , as books go out of print so rapidly. At the mecthiKof tlio trustees of Columbia unlvcrsltv I'rosiUcnt Lowe a-nortod that re cent Rifts had l > cen received by the collcjjo amounting to the sum of UJ.UIO. The history department isnboutto open n reading room of Its own lu Harvard hall. This Is one of the sljjtis of tlio great need of anew now reading room attached to the library , anil it is hoped that before very loiif ? this much covetel addition will become it reality. Williams has 78 freshmen ; Uowdoln , fi'J ; Swiirthmore , fiO ; Smith female oolloKO , S'J.'i ; Drown university , 100 1 Ynlo nbout 4UO : Wel- Icsloy.SSO ; Trinity , a-i ; Leblgh , 110 ; Lafay ette. US , | At Colby university this year marks the bcfriiinlng ot the co-onlliiutOByHtem and tlio abolition of the co-oducation Hystoni. Tills Is considered to bo a wise move. AlarffO annex for the ladles has boon uddcd to the collcgo buildings. Wilson cnlU'KO , Chninborsburp , Pa. , hn.1 hcx'n openodwitlift roll of oior two liundrot \oungwoincii , A fowuro el ill ilutainod at homo , but expect soon to bo present. All the hulls nro tilled , and tha college hns been re fusing applicants for u mon lit , The faculty of Yale la to l j increased by aa importation from Illinois. Kdwunl Ii . CiappvhoU now professor of Groolc In Illi nois college , has been called to the assistant professorship of Greek In Vale. Ho has ac cepted and will report for duty November 1 . Some mouths nro tlio Russian government appointed n cum mission of thirty mon , ehit'lly from the Kjinnualutn nnd uiilvei-sily touchers , to prcp.iru apian for the thorouKU feform of tlio evmnn iuiii roimo of study. On the basis of the report inndo th < j government lias ordered a number of liupoiUnt changed In the curriculum. Chailos MaoDonald , president of the Union liridKocoriiiuuy , has endowed the ItoiiHscluur polytechnio in.stltuUi. Troy , N. Y. , Avlth a trust fund of $ ,000 , the interest of which will bo Riven to tbo member of tlio gradual. class proscntliiK the most arccntnbln nn original ciiKincoring duslgn erA A pixittBOfflcul Sloyd instltuto I * to bo A Special Bargain ONE CASH Ladies' Fine Wool Vests and 1'ants ' Worth 81.61) ) , wo will soil thorn Monday At $ LOO Each. Children s Cashmere Hose , I'luln nnd mbbocl , Sizes , A to C , 01 to O , 25c. 3Oc. llogtiliir nrico on tlieso j > ool9SCciVCOo. SPECIAL nA-HGAIN IN Ladies' Cotton Hose , Fast llluclr , 35c a pair , or 3 pairs lor $1.OO. i i .tno K/VOI- i. Ladies' Black Combination Suits , IJibhod , nt < CR , ipb , 18-in. Striped Gauze Draping Xet , In Croino nnrt Delicate Shades , Worth $1. ! ! .i. NO V E LT1 ES N E mm 11. mil I'.ilntcfl ( "Inure ( Mrleh and Q I'o.ilhor.-i , At Popular Prices. Ostrich nncl Coquc Fcntl\er \ Col in i-ettcs and Boos , .Ml the rigi : < In tlio large eastern olllo-t. LATEST NOVELTIES IN DRESS JTR1MJVIINGS. HA.NDK.BRCH IEFS. I/ud IPS' Hand Knitirnldcioil Iiilllnl , t'nro lilnrn Cambric llinilki : > r MofX In fnncy tiorfiiinod boxc1 * , G IiaiidUuruhlcN In a Lor , for $1.76 flbox. Ladles' I ? inbrnldc red flircrliiiwrillimdlier- uliliTs , II , b. Iwrdc't , with ilruvm bluolc work. & .C. . OnlylBc ; nctutilly vvorLh 22io. JOO do/mi Hunistllclieil 1'rlntocl llonlor Handkerchiefs ( fnil eolurtO , just tliu thing ( or schout ! ir. Only Oc ; worth 7 0. KelleyStiger&Co. , Cor. Farnam and isth Sts. opened InChlcnfjo , conior of Madison street nncl Fifth iivoiiue , witU Alice 11. Stocklmm , M. 1) ) . , nsdiioctor and Mori Tuppclius. wlin assisted Tcri Iljolt forilvoK'nrs lu thoSloyd liistituto of Hclslngfors , inland , ns prlnclt pul. Dr. Rtockhiini IMS tlio energy mill tha henovolont financial liaclcinj ; to m.ilco his ex periment a grand success. Slo d la cduc.i- tionul wotlt in wood. The Uiilvco&lly of Ilclslngfors , Filmland. recently rulolirntoil its two hundred uul fiftictli nnnlvuwty. it was originally oi > tiiblislicil at Abe , mill when that city en tirely destroyed by lira in Ibii , tlio school was removed to I lolaingforsinilcr tlm naino of "Kmporor Alexander university" The original iinlvorsltyvaa opened in July , 1(510 ( , hy the Swedish governor of Ifiniiluiid. Tlio over-production of technically edu cated mon ami women , uiul tlio existence of "Icnrucd prolctarliit" is by no moans con * fined to Germany. The Journal dca Kcono- mistcs hns recently produced onicial statis tics for 1889 , showing a icmarkably over crowded conditions In tlio ranks of the ele mentary louchcis. In the Stiine prcfooturo the applications averaged forLy-soveii moles for ovcry vacancy , unit ouo hundred niul nineteen females. Tlio pressure is strongest for tlio positions in tlio drawing , shiglnt and Kyinnastlo dopaittnents. According to tlio latosfc stntHtics. Norway has 1 university ! professors and 880 slit- ( lunts. Vranco IIUH I university , IfcO profos- MOVK and ! lliOO students. Del ium hni1 mil- voriitie-s , 88 profeisoH ami 1,4)0 ! ( ) studoiita. Holland lias-l uidvci-sltios , 8U prafossors and ] , ( SCO students. 1'ortUKnl lias 1 university , II ) professors niul lt)0 , : ( ) students. Italy bus 17 unlvcTsitlcH nnil ( MX ) profi'ssorj and 11,1111 students. Sweden has 2 universities , 1711 professor ! ) , and 1 , 010 students. Switzerland lias U universities. ' ! * ) professors , nnd UK ( ) students. Husslii ha.i8 uiilvursltlos , , WJ pro- fcs.Hom and O/JW students , Deiimuik hat I university , 40 profossora nnd 1-tOU htudonts. Austria liai 10 unlversitios , l.blO profcHsori nud lj)0 ! ) ( ( ) students. Spain Ui 10 univeni- ties , ! ! M ) professor * and U > , ! ! UORtuilont8 , Ger- innny has iil uuivcnltlos , 1,0 0 in-ofosson 2.-.OSJ students. Tlio United States of America has ill'iOuniveritios , 4.UIO profcsson and ( ittOO ) stndontd. Great llrltainhusll universities , 831 profuhsora and ISjifO stu dents. Dr. Blnicv cui-cs cutm-rli. Ilco bldjf. The practice of wliullng dates from the time of Joiuih. Tlie Lord used hut one pattern for nil men , hut ho cut tlio majority of them smaller llnu the pattern. There's 0110 thlnn alwut solf-iniido men ; If they go to the bad they can't Tall buck on thu old pin abuut original sin. AVhcn 11 now minister comes to a town hols "called " When ho loaves it ho Is often called , too , but just what ho is called wo decline - cline to state. The c'liunh was empty and the donjinlo Ueinurkod unto thosuxton with a smile , "VN'o'ro like old Urnsoo and his man. for we , Are cast away upon this desert aisle. " "What do you think of thu 'dim ' , li'liKloii4 rays ) ' " asked I.ticilo , rorcrriiiKtii the stained Bluss windows , "Isn't It shameful 1" whis pered Jennie. "Tlio plato went bacic almost empty 1" St. Peter -Who nro yont Bhailo Tlio au thor of "Heautlful Snow. " StI'et r-\Vcll , 1 trust the thought of It will keep you cool In your fu turn stato. Will you n ° down by tlm toboggau or elevator ) The reverend ( gentleman Had just finished a scathing ilenuiiciaUon o'lottuncs. ' 'Huforu wosopamtc , brethren , " lionddcd , "let morn- mina you that thu melixlcon donated hv lirotlicr Dukor will l ) rnniod for the henellt of the church on Thursday ovcnliiff . " "lunilcrHtuml that our minister h to tura a VOUIIB assistant , vho must houniimmed , " "What is the objeet of the hist clause ! " "Well , that is to rnuko the younif ii m jouloun and Inducu them to corno to thurrhso as to lieep an eve , upon their lady loves. " If pn-acliora didn't ' in-each so Ions. I low sweet this life would seism ; If dnacoiiH didn't snore BO Htronn , 1 low sweet this lift ) would scorn , If IIOVHIU church would kcupiiultoitlll , If cholnt wuuld slnu in toiui loss hhrill , If soiiioono would the tdnor 1(111 ( , How swcot this 11 fo would scom , Ur , Elnioy , nosoand throat , lco ! bldf