Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1890, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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1518 AND 1520 HEYMAN & DE1CHES 1518-1520 Farnam
i&Doiokes M fr ,
"We have just receiv Children's Caps Our Importation of
ed notice of a shipment
Tl-IEX to us of fine Parisian Chinese , Japanese
In all the latest
ALL THIS WEEK styles at remarkably
NEW YORK Dress Patterns , having
We Will Have the passed the New York markably low prices. and French Silk
Pll (1T\ ( custom house. These NELLIE BLY
Follow ! nor llLul dress patterns \vill in
all be
probability on
CAPS 39c etc.
, ,
Made of black , smooth , wide exhibition Monday.
wale , bound in braid and
lined all through in stylish
Here few BARGAINS Have in
arc a come and
plaid ,
GAINS in dress goods :
we show an extra
ON SALE : * Fine Double \Vidth \ ordinary
All the Very Latest D Pine Line ,
FRENCH DIA G OiVAL These Goods at very
Styles in
bound in braid , with vest , etc. ,
54-inch Wide
With reefer Collars , double-breast ' '
which cost all the world Ladies' Misses'
ed , bound lu Velvet all through , over ,
for $13.50 , for
Black Beaver Jacket * tailor- and Children's
vest made and , triple reviers braid , bound with $7.75.
Regular $12.SO. At50c. UNDER
OUR OWN Wool , Merino and
Equal to any market. $9.00 Jacket in the Black Camel's Hair FINE Balbriggan.
Black Rough Diagonal Reefers
with vest , tailor-made , bound Silk Vests ,
in braid , all bound in silk with inside At Free Trade Prices.
vest , and fine silk ornaments.
Such a Jacket was never $150 $ He for JLOO. KID GLOVES
known to sell for less than Combination Suits
$17.50. Our price , Foster's Patent 7-
$1751 $ * for $125. $ Come in and
This is by far the most genteel . price
hook Gloves in black
and stylish jacket out this sea them , th ey are
son , and nt least 55.00 belo\v $1.25 Arinurc for and colored worth while inspec
regular price. I $ (00 Gros Grain SLOO- ting.
1518 AND 1520 ' f "I t J I
FARNAM ST 0- HEYMAN & DEICHES , 1518-1520 Farnam
Ecso Cloghlan nml Her Reminiscences of Old
Wallaok Days.
est to tlio Gicut Arm } ofUlicn.-
ter-Gocrs 'J.1iiougliout
tlio Country.
For n considerable number of 3 oars Miss
Hose Coghlnn lias occupied a foiomost pliico
intlicrinUs of the dramatic piofesslon , by
reason of her versatility , hop \aiicd taknU >
and her beauty. .As a member of the famous
"VViillnck stock company In tlio "good old
times , " hho played a round ofpaitsxhlch
noaotitss of her .XMIT has equaled , and nil
her itnicrsomtlons wore palnstaKing , con
scientious , deserving the most cat oful consid-
ei.ition fiom both critic and public ,
Ibo 3 curs ot hoi stay at Wallach's ' afforded ro gocisnot only n chuuco to gain a iioxv
and Kiicaful interpretation of the x'.iiicd
Heroines of the di imatists , but to appreciate
tlio orillhinrj , the changeful liiuuors anil tlio
siulghtlj qualities of vvomitihood Every
mood tint might elicit the nilinlrutlou of tlio
nnlo sex. 01 mont the condemnation of her
own , -VVHS portia > cd to an adinhing clientele.
lly tlio Ihicnoss of her aitibtU ; and the sj m-
uictiy of hoi personal excellencies , comedy
on the stauo of thcitor put on hot * most
pleasing shtno cjnotion expressed Its htioug-
est ImigunKo atul xxit assumed its gives t
When the tlnio ciimo for tlio dissolution of
the company , which hud famished New
lorkors \ \ 1th so inany charming evenings of
pleasure , mid Mlsa ( Joghlan decided to tiiko
itpou htibclf the liuidcns of a star , tlieio
xvcio those who looted -\\ith 111-favoi upon her
quitting New York Tor the ndinliatlou of the
mud trltlo and a instio. nudloiuo IMxns
Iricly mid tint nu tulentviis too great , her
contention too suutlo , hei motliou too Jlnlshod
for an ) iiudlenco thnt had nut known the
iiliHiur education of the metropolis
U'hllo it is true tint dining her life at
x\allucu'sMlss \ Coghlan's ' llueatstiokr-s of ait
Merogivetedwitluiquiilcieeognitlon , whtio
there xvas nstiong magnetism between ttie >
iilaj ors mill the spectators , and the aiubitio.i
tow art ! a i-iuer dramatic ai t - \ \ us f ostoi od ami
icwnrdcd t > j nn appreciation und lininedlato
icspomo from the house , the management
mm the press , still Mias Coghlaii has noiea-
fcon to lament her uctlou In joining the uuihs
of the stars.
tt'ostern audiences nave been found. I
doubt not , by Cogldan , to ho Just us dls-
criminating , Just , as exacting as the people.
vlio inado up the Wullnclc iiuilloiiccs n dozen ,
3 cars ago , and ttnlr npnlmsQ has beou lust
us sweet. Justus into\iiatmg
But this by way of iiittoduilloii
? "lletl U'MI1 ' the most brlUhntofPcfj
woniiigtons , the most dashing of Lady titiv
biHUiUna , the most splrltid und beautiful
licrulnoof old-Uinoooimily and modem emo
tion , Jllss Coh'hltm , when Mho was lu Oiiuhu ,
lor no other reason thunthut ofauld ' laiiK
The con \ ersutlon vas , as you might cic-
jiect , largelj rcralulscent , for no Avamuunow
on the ttiiB-o possesses such nfuiul of Information
mation about the sta o colourltios of the past
quartci of n century us Uoso Uojihhn.
"Iaa lust tlduUlng when , \ou cainoln , "
said Mhs Coghlnn , "of tUo people who plaj od
in 'London Acsuianco' In the famous produc
tion of Ib7b nt A all.vek's ' Mr.
Wnllnco played Dazzle ; C'h.xiles Couit-
ley AMW takou by Huriy Montaituo ;
S\r \ itnrccmtCourtloy nus Kruudly plujtdby
John ( illbort ; Alax llarkunuyus \ In the
Imads of clover John Brouirlinm ; Ilniry
lleckot plui al M.ulc Meddle ; Uolly Spmkor
was iinpersonntod by ( ii > ergo Floyd , uhllo
Cool AMIS lu the hands of Mr. Ud\\Iu. -\mnnp
the women , Klllo ( iurmau plnvcci 1'orUhilo \
thoGiiico llarkauny uasUs ( Hoalfuco ; I
l > lay Hi Lady Oiiy Spanker , In it dozuu years
nil theiuou , with the exception of Mr. J dv\iu ,
\rlio still plnys Cool in my company , nradaad ;
the \voaieu are all living ,
"Hero Is a case u hero women show uioro
vlhilitv tlnn men. Lester \Vnllach was in
mindlo lifo when ho tllod Hairy Mon-
tapuo , 'Beautiful Hariv' as ho xvn ?
callud , ix as still n j cuing xvhcn
the messinKor came , .lolin Gilbert \\ii3
the eldest moinbor of the compinx * ,
Kind hearted , ncntlo John ( illbctt , UILIO is no
personage on thoat.iKc toiluy x\ho i-an tuko
Inn pi ice and fill It as ho did. The good old
times dietl with him.
" .loliu Brougham AMIS In the nilildioof lifo
when death eamo to him , \\nsllairy
Ucckot and Geoigo Floj d.
"Madaino Ponisliw also n member of the
compmy then , uluying old women , and today
> on are nhuij a sure of Undinf ? her name on
the hills of the Now York theaters xvbou big
attractions uro on. little Geimon has ID-
tiled fiom the footlights , but IVlUs Bonlfuce ,
I bellox'e , is still acting , but In xUmt company
I cannot icc.ill. "
Then E asked bar If she nntlclpatcil a 10-
x'lvul of stoelt corai > auies to any gonci.d ex
tent , and bur reply AN as chaiacteristio of the
"Jfot ns long as people xvlll flock to sco
fnrco comedies , xvhkli seemingly domlnato
the staco to the exclusion of ovcivthing
else When the public tiifs of the
"Ling .UiitHes , " tlio ' "lin SoliJlcis" the
Hi ass Monkeys , " the "Hustlcis , " tlio "City
Directories , " and u thousand and ono other
forms of variety cntu tninmeuts , then x.'o
m.ij expect ai ex ix'.U of the stock s > stera ,
but not before.
"AVhut nio my plnns for the futincl Well ,
If everything turns out as I anticipate I &h ill
bo my own innnaKcr next season , my con-
ti ict endliifi with Mi , PI ton oaily n"\t je.u
My hiothci , Mr Chniles Cohl.ui , \\utiiif \ , '
mo anewcouiodyliich I shall produce it
ono of the Noxv York thcntcis next May xvith
the stiongest east that cun ho obtained
" 1 have the outline of the piny and 1 think
Itxlll bo HKO. Tlio situations aio new and
the title is very c.iteby , but not Imxintr tlio
nnnio coprighted I am not at libeity to Ul-
vulgo It as jet. 'Iho Umiattors mo all
Aineilcan , the scenes beiug located in Now
Yoik ami the xvest. Should the play not bo a
fto , then I will engage a llrst class conip.iny
to do old Ungltsh comedies and ono 01 U\o
Shnkospeaioan ) > lax s , "As You Like It" and
"Much Ado About Nothing "
Then the talk drif.tcd to her poisonal life ,
and Boiuctluni ? boiup said about her unfortu-
n.itomnrilud life , I asked Miss CoRhlnn If she
thought inirria o was a falluio.
"Itceituinly in my case , " said she ,
xvitb u silvoiy laugh , "hut I can hiudly be-
lli'xolt iHin all cases , in fact , it xvould rob
llfo of mnnv chai ins If I thought It xva ? . Mr
Kdgtily nnd Iara uasulted for each oilier.
Ilehad llttlo incoininonlth the profusion ,
and \\hllolio acted as my iniinaRcr for two
seasons , still ho disliked mj' continuing to
act. Inlev of the fact that I had to Mip-
Pv thlm as well as injsolf , my mother ami
my adopted duughtci , I could sco no other
xy t ) do it thun by acting , and so 1 con
tinued hcfoio the footlights.
"luoiiulion uo found I would not leiuo
the stafro bo uommoncod to blacken inv char
acter bj sajln that I UDS addicted
to tlrink and had 11 foi-oclous temper Some
times ho would comu homo In a beastlv state
of Intoxication and atnusohiniHelf hy BtiiUIni-
mo aad nbuslng my mother. I'atlenco xvas at
last exhausted nnd I went to Us father to Kivo
him notice that I xvould apply for a divoico
on statutory grounds. But , Mr Elderly , sr ,
being n gentleman , of oxtollont family , and
hating to Imxo ills namesullioii , persuaded
mo to allow his son to RO to Sioux Tails , bo-
coiim a resident of that phico , nnd seuiro u
dUotco on the ground ot dt'soitlua.
"I rcudllv consented to this , as -wanted to
boclToftiially Udof the man , nnd anj xvay
seemed the best.
"Mr. IMgorly xvent to Sioux Tails , pro-
ctiied thodlx-oico on the Ki"ounds 1 have
stipulated , the proceedings beiiiff ex partc.
Thwi , In his diliKht , pi-olubly , that ho was
free , clrtul ited the daatai-dly roiiort that I
xx-as addicted to dniilc. "
All thodilmiioss , the Insourmnro of her
natui-o hid loft MissCoRhlan now , and she
upitarctlin tlio role of a xvroiiKod XMIIIKIU
suffering nt the hands of n person \xlrn could
so Ion or his manhood as to inuko the charges
attributed to him.
"I dhn'l cai-o for the qunvrelsomo dlsposl-
tlon ; that doesn't count for much , but I do
feel the chniKO that 1 am a tippler. N'o man
over 8.ixv mo , under any circumstances , under
UioliitUioncooniquor , and I do not Inttmd
to rest quietly under that Imputation. My
reputation U woith n Rood deal to mo. Itbas
ne\er Uea spotted and rather than It should
suffer now by \ \ bat ho charifes , I xx 111 throw
uptuy eaKagcmout , 10 open thucase , ovou If
I bax-o to becoino his xxife .ipain , in order to
pi ice imbolf light bcfoiu the public \\blch
has been Kind to me "
Oreitly agitated ovei the xvroiiK3 she had
suflcroJxvtti ! even tratos of teaiNon horfnco ,
I felt that If there ox or was -a v. longed xomaii
Uoso CogUlan was thatsume
Thonoxv Iiish comedy diamn "An Iriih-
imn'H Lox o , " xvlll bo presented by a highly
talented ojinpiiiy nt the Grand this evening ,
opening u four night's cngigcincnt , uml u *
this is tlio Hist nnpj ivanco hi thit > city ot the
pliy itis xvoithy ofinoiotlnn u pissing no
tice. Tiom an eastern exchaiiKO xvo loam
that the pi eco isn thorough Irish drama of
tbo old st.x lo , but w ith tlio exception that the
coined } eloinent isnovcrlostslghtof , ntul do-
splto the fact thnt the eviction and subse
quent icsults folia amain mil of the play ,
the happy result of justice at last , achlovcd
tbrougb the exoitioti of the clox er comedians ,
makesahappv denouement. Ibo company is a
sttonR one , possessing , as it does.somo btiong
speciultx' artists , whp do much toward cioit-
iiiB it the nig success that It is Mnnacer
Minor Is to bccongiatiilnted on being thofhst
topioiluco .in Iiisli plav this season , and our
leaders lioni , and related to the Emoiald ialo.
ought to provo by their presence that tho.y
appreciate the enterpilso dlsplajed bv the
Kcntlemau in thus cateinifr to thnlr espocinl
benellt. As there Is no attraction at the otli-
ei theater this ox'enhiff , Sunday oxcning
nmuscmont scolveis ) xxlll ilnd enUitaliinient
at the Guiud this evening at populir ptlces.
The piescnt icign of farro comedy in this
counti.N is u souico of much sci ions discuss
1011 among tbo thoughtful xvoikcis and xx riters
in the dt.unitic xlnoj.nd It has become a
topic of literal v conslduintioii by Messis W.
11. Fiost , William Winter , Nj m Ciinklo ,
Wilson IJiiuctt x\ho , ultbouKh not an Ainer-
Inn , t iltes a Irvely Intcicst in the uelf.uo of
the diama of evirv clime , nnd those AX ho
\\atch the history ot our stage aiti consblcr-
iiis ? how long the present craze for faico com
edy x\ill last. Coitain It Is that it has
hccured a most Impoitsnt position
In the aimissmcnts of tbo nitlon
Neailj oven New Yoik the iternt this pres
ent inoniontis given over to mirth , farce and
frix olty , 'i'bo same condition of affairs ol > -
tiint in nearlv every other city In America
Tbo tiuth of the matter is the Amcilc.m
publii , lias outgio\\n its tusto for the leplti-
mu'o piavs and the sonous dramas. Oui'
people ai o ijuiulc-ulltod and fun-loving , and
ihov xvant to laugh 'Ihov x\lll notpo to the
tlieatei to bo instructed , or to listen to
bhiiUespe.uo , or to xsltncss a play dealing
with the beiUms nklo of humanity But they
xvlll go to laugh The piobibllltj Is ,
Without entoiltig into tlio dlscibsion
nt any length , thnt wo xxill
ah\a\s hax'o the fircical pl.u-s
\vlthus. 'o may not have so mnnv In the
future aso haxo nox\ ' , and the sty lo of on-
tirtfilnniont may cnango sqinoxx hat , becoming
moro dlstlnctlvelv American tbun nt the
picscnt time , but It IH Kitfo to say wo111 al-
xx. , xs hax'o these xvldo-awuko fmccs in our
theaters Indeed , ono or two of tbo picsent
farce comedies tuo really xoltliy to live
I'mpk Daniels' "Llttlo I'uelc , " for instance ,
which comes to lioyd's on Tbuisdax * night ,
Is a gonuinc-ly , closely eonstriieted piece ,
rounded on Ansluj's fantastic tale ,
it tells a lauKhublo stoiy in the
most stiaightfonuird and ludicrous innnner.
Unlllio most nil the proudeut farce comedies ,
"Llttlo Puck" has a plot. And a very good
plot it Is To bo suio , its success must bo
most laigolj attributed to tbo fact thnt It bus
had the benellt of Mr Daniels' dioll andnrlg-
hud pcMsonilltx , hut asldo from all this ,
"Mttlo Puck" is a good skit.
Mr. Dnniclsxill loinuln at Uoyd's for four
nights , but there \\lll bo no Saturday mati
nee 'I bo company U but llttlo changed fiom
last season _
The Uoso Hill 1'iigllsh Polly company , n
highly successful burlunijuo oigani/atlon ,
\\m givotvo ontoitalninonts at tbo Grand on
Thursday nan 1'rldaj oveiilngs next , The
i ompaay includes buimtles frcm all parts of
Uow Jomson's ] minstrels xvill bo at tlio
Grand on Sutunl ty und Sunday ovcnhiRS
next ,
.NYnrliiR HlH Kiitl.
Mis Oeorgo S. Knlgbt hasxvilHou alottor
coiiconilug her unfortunate husband in
which occurs the-so sentences : "For some
tlmo ix > or ( leorKO huu boon a patient at the
Uuru Hruo liibtltuto , Clif tou Heights , Dolu-
XXMIo count } , Pn , , nud here ho his overx" at
tention and comfort. The physicians tell me ,
however , that bo can llxo but a shoit time.
His disc iso is general pualysis anil a com
plete bicak-do n of the sjstem This , \\c
think , Is tbo icsnlt of ovcnxork and an\tctv
lorbis fuvoiito plaj , 'Baiou Hudolpli , ' It
is not tiuo tint Cieoige is ins mo. Uo has
lost his iioxverof speech mid one side of his
body is nt times almost useless. His mental
iionors nioiiuiily gene at times he talks
like a child , but ho fully ir.dl/oj his sad con
dition and booms to bo 'xxaitmg with icsigiui-
tlon for the end. There is no hopo. Ills
professional fuciids Imxu made pioxision for
iiis lust few da\s on eaith , and I deeply fcol
our debt of piutitude , though Geoigo cnn
noxer i-calizo It himsolf. "
A UouUrisb King.
, olu fellow , I'm ilisuppointcd In you.
To think tbut , after nil I'xo done for j oujou
should go and bo a play actor. "
With this parting shot the late owner of
Ilolen Dauvraj's big Irish setter turned dis
gustedly on his heel the other moining nnd
\ \ allied out of the btago door of the Standard
King bad been In ought theio by his master
In lesponto to Miss Dnuviaj's lequest , and
though the man xvas xvilllng to sell the ani
mal ho did not luu o any idea that tils old
friend xvould ho called upon to ae-t.
The sale xx is n conditional ono nnrl de
pended on the dog's ability as a delineator of
dog chancier The pait assigned u as ono
that required dignity , an oisj nmniici full of
loposo and peifect Knowledge of all social
Iloxvastobo the trusted fiiend and cvon
ho n dx iscr of the lo\ ely hoi oino in the most
impoitant ex cut of her life the selection of a
Could ho nil the bill ! Could ho doxx-hata
number of other i mines , ambitions for his
trionic honors , bad shown that they were ut-
teih incapabloof doing *
King , when ho had gotten his cue , follox\ed
Miss Dauviay down the bio id staircase lend
ing Into the hcioino's ooudolr , with the easy
gi.ico of n Cheslerlleld. All through the
scene xvblch ensued the loin-footed actor
plajed bis pnit xxith judgment and discio-
'Jhoio was no stinining for effect , no bn\v- \
ingof tlio air , no "plajlng to the gallon"
liero King xvas too line an artist to bo
pnilty of any such cheap , clap ti.ip methods
of gaining uppliuse
Ilo just laj ijuieth looking up into Miss
Dnuviaj's ' fnco fiom the uig at her teot , mid
xvhcn sliogavo him to uiuleistand that it xx-as
his- time to act ho did bo without unj fuss or
nonsense. When ( ho sccno x\as oxer the
iictu-ss closed the h usain with the o\vnoi \ of
the canine pioJigy , who became ileher by
Now that ho had crossed thobomuhrv line
between pilvato anilDublic lite , King , follow
ing in the footsteps of home of bis txso-lcgged
diamatie colleagues ) determined to celobiato
thoox-ent by getting himself talked about
and his name put , in the nowspapeis Ho
disnpitonrcd suddenly Irom his quaitcrs at
the Hotel Vondome.
King- finally trottort out from his hiding
place nnd allowed himself to bo led back to
his apartment , Ho IK. already the idol of
"Tho Wihlwlnd1' ' company , nnd Sidney
Hoscnfeld , the nnttior or the play , said that
King is ono of the fuxv actors who do uot
xvant to bo nlw ays iu tlw ceute ? of the stage.
A not her Ylc/iv'drnoiirloiudt.
A x lew of Don Boncicault , nnd ono of the
best , is plx en by the authoress who collabo
rated xx 1th him lately. Buo says : "I was
the last person xvlth xhoni ho did any liter
ary work.Vo xvcro chatting ono day on the
subjects nf plots for noxrels and playa , and ho
cxpiessed a doubt of the possibility of any
thing absolutely now In that line I dis
puted that.
" 'Well,1 said lie , 'If you xvill inx-cnt an cn-
ttiely orlgiual thoino , I x\lll go Into partner
ship xvlth you to xxilto it up. "
"Then hero It is , ' I responded 'In all your
own concoctions of plots , and. In all your uses
of ether folks' plots , liax'o you como across
ono in xUdch a husband deliberately placed
his xvlfo as the bride of another mnn In order
to get this second husnand'a money as soon
ai ho should die , which nn incurable mulady
dooms blin to do within a ycir or s.oj"
" 'No I luncn't , and it is u right down ( rood
one. Tbo title ought to bo "Two Men's
Urirte. " Slull x\o\vilto itr
"Boucicault an impulsive man , and be-
foie puling\\o nad settled it to xMlto niter-
n itc eii.ipUi < of the pioposedloinmcv. That
is how f. cjmo to bo his collaborator in a
novel Wo laboicd xcry plenBimtl.x , each
being uulnmpcied by the otlier in
his or her own chapters , but dis
cussing together the penoial plan
nnd Us c.xecutlon. Boucicault alxxajs did
bis xxutingin solitude , and xxith a pen. 1
Know of his having dictated to a stenogra
pher , as rapidlx as ordinmy talk , a toilet ,
thoughtful , und considerate aiticlo for the
Noith American lloviow , and was therefore
surpiiscd xx lion he saw
" 'I nevei unclcitako to make fiction hastllj' .
I miist see it go out from the point of rm pen
in blnclt Ink i Icrht on to xvhlto paper. Opin
ions can bo plnascd glibly enough , but to
originate a storj , with elaborate scones and
chnractPii4itlon , Is slow xvoik if well done. "
"Wo dllfeied only on ono point , and that
was xUiothei , In the estimation of the nox'el-
rcndhiK public , xx omen or money is the moro
inteiciting Ho insisted that the duplex
bi ido of our story ias the piinie objoctwhilo
I argued that the million in money at wliich
tbo Hihcmeis aimed xvas of moro popular eon-
sccUPiiuo | But lipconxlncod mo that ho xvas
light , and ho x\'o agreed on 'TwoMen's Ilrido'
as the- title , Jiibt ns he hid at llrst pioposud ,
Had bo lived a llttlo longer the storv would
bax o boon put Into dramatic form for theatri
cal use. "
.Support the * Apollu Cliil ) .
The Apollo chili has sent out this x\ock \ a
number of clrculiis announcing the bof-hming
of the season's xvoik , and soliciting subseiip-
tlous for cirrj ing on tno xvoik outlined foi
the xinter. . The effoits of the Apollo club to
establish a permanent musical society in
Om.ibn , ought to bo lecognired and their 10-
( most for subsciiptious should ba liberally 10-
sponUcd to.
Omaha is cntiicly behind the times in mit-
teis musical. Tlieto ought to bo a puimancut
cliorus in this city , xvhleh cojld gl\o nn an
nual oratoiio festival , and dining each sea
son icgulureonceits. Onuihu ought nUo to
bp.xoa ilrst class ortlicbtra , but Ibis xvill
novcrbo netoiiipllshed unless out muniiallj
inclined pcoplo aio moro libeial in helping
our musical sot ieties
Tlio Apollo club has manfully struggled
along for sc\ oral j ears , has plxcn good con
certs and its meinbcis hn\o xxoiked hard
without any ro waul , and expect to keep on
working , in the hope that the cause of music
max' bo given a stiomrhold In tin1 ? rity
'Ibis excellent oifMiilntiou ought to ho gen-
erouslv supported this 3 car. Itxxould ho
most cicditiblo to this cit3 % If Omiha might
have u good reputaIon as a city of both
music and art , and the moro of both which it
cnn have here the moio desirable as a place
of lesidoncu our beautiful western citj xvill
An Historic Ten Cnddr.
The tea caddy which held tlio flagrant
leaves , the infusion of which Small Siddons
drank in hei dress-ioora in tlio intcivuls of
Lady Macbeth , has been brought to
Noxv York fiom over the ocoin ,
and xvill probibiy bo presented by Its owner ,
Mr W .1. rioronco , to the Playcis' club. It
Is it oubu about llvo inches each way. lined
x1th a veneering of lend nnd fitted x1th an
Insldo cover of sandal wood. Tbo material
seeimtobo sandal xvood of a very line soft
Ilnlsli and the monogram of the famous
oxvncrS. . S , " appeals on the lid , giaved
on u mildewed plato ol sllxcr , Itramoiuto
the po-rfsc'sslon of Henry Komblo , who gave It
ton Mr. Mowbrn ) , who In tuin presented it
to Mr Florence. ThoAmeilean coinedlun ro-
poits hax'ing left Mrs , Kloionco In excellent
houltli and spirit , They six'nt three xveeks
at Alx Ualns , ono In IJoulogno , two in
Paris and sox'eral In London Mi rMoienco
will Join his accomplished spouse on the other
side soouer than usual next jear Thnllsh-
Intr ground , a mlle in extent on ono sldo of
the Uostlgouohe river , which Florence leased
imO Jished for txvelve years ei moro , bin
been sold by Its owner for JIS.OOO to Mr.
Ogdcn Goclot of Now Yoilc ,
IMusionl and Dramatic.
Coilano Is having great success In "Car
men1 '
Manager Miner of the Giand Im ? secured
the famous "Clemenceau Caso" for early next
Jack Mason , It is said , xvill marry Marlon
Munolu , xv Inch accounts for his peculiar ac
tions recently.
Uoso Coghlan xvill manage herself nnxt
sn isoii xx 1th the a.sslstaneo of Mr. John T.
Sulliv.ui , her lending muii ,
.lako Hosonthal , who is responsible for
inueli of the suicessof "Tho Hustloi"is now
with "All the Comfoits of a Homo "
Uosina Yokes has in ido a , decided hit in
Siiinoy ( Jrumly's di.uni , 'Tho Silver
Shlelii , " in xxhich she plays an "emotional'
Ilerr Hdunrd Stiauss , in speiklng of the
acoustic propeitics of tbo Uolisonm , stated
that they vxcrons flno as any building bo bad
plujcd In In Ameiita
Mr. Kolbon Wlioatcioft xvlll probably
lotiro fiom Daniel rrohman's Lyceum thea
tre company nttho end of the present season.
lie may he louling man in tlio tuvelbig
block company that Mr. Gus Pitou is
Kato Custleton , instead of starling , us ox-
pecte'd , this xcir , his an engagement xxith
Taust Up to < > , " xv huh is doing the
cities quite su'coss > fullj with an American
llesidesn hbnry for the bonoilt of cm-
lln\es ) \ , the attaches of the Aiilem ) ,
New Yoilt. boast of a thoroughly equipped
Kjinnasiiim which Messrs. ( Jilinoic and
Tompkins genuiously fuinlshed and placed
nt their disposal
Mnieiisll Max or and Pen Stern will this
season manage and diiect the touis of Fannv
D ivLiipoit , in 'Cleopitia , " Agnes llimtinc-
tou , m ' 'I'liul .lones , " Pauline Hall , In "Ki-
minio" and "Amoritn. " the London Gaictv
JJinlCitnie tn'iipnny ' and an Amcilcau
'Tniibt Up to Date" compmy.
Tom Kcone has been biv ing a success la
Ciillfoinln in "Uiclurd 111. , " "Louis XI"
and IliiholliMi" Kicno used to lMi mem-
bci ot the old MeCullougb stock company in
Callfoinia and was n gloat fuvoiito thoio
Mis , lici tlin TrasK , Joxxa sch inning iccita-
tlonist nnd leader , xvlnso abilitv liusiieated
'inch u fivoiablo inipiession among cloeil-
tronnry ciicles hoio nnd clfOWheTC , lias re
sumed her tour of cities in wostem lown
aftorn short -visit nttholiomoof Dr UichauU
of this city.
Messrs Locke and Dnxls deny the Inten
tion of uniting the Do AYolt lloppei imii the
Jjiiuna .lueh oiganl/atlons for aslioit tout In
' The Mau-ot " Thcio are to believe
that the-,0 denials , however , are not nlto
gutliciT'imlno , and Unit if J inmii .liu-h ( on
splits , something of tbo kind will take place
about the month of Apiil.
The New Yoik Casino opera , Mlllockcr's
"Poor Jonathan , " has undo a decided HUC
cess Ionian liasscll , as apiimadonna , Kd-
xvln Stevens , nsa nmniger , Hauy
McDoiiough , nsa mlllionalioxx'botoniiior.uily
rlinnges stations xvitli Ills rook ; .IclTerbOii
IJoAngolis , as the cook , "Jonathan , " and
Kami v Hiio aio the chief members of the'o ' Modoin clothes are worn by the
players , and tbo cnoius Is without tights.
Tlio management of Gillette's latest big
comedy success , "All tbo Comforts of
Homo , " aic In the same position as they
xvoio xxith "Shcnandoali" Ihonbon How
ard's ' plaj xvas booked for six weeks at the
Star theater , Noxv York , ami \\ondurful
success icndend its return to New York
neeessarj And now "All the Comforts of
Homo" that by u strange coincidence won
pioscntudln How Yoik on exactly the &amo
dm of the month as "Snenandoali"Ia siml-
lailj situated. After sex eral out of town on-
Ragomcnts , an etTort xvlll ho nndo to renew
the run in Now York Manager Chailes
I"1oilman Is now aninging to secure a thea
ter Its success la the metropolis xvas
It lacked not many minutes of 8 n in. ono
night lust Match xvhen Nat Goodwin mean
dered leisurely fiom tbo bar of the HofTmaa
house , New \oilc , to tlio lohbj loading to his
cab vv liich to tuku him to the Amphloa
academy , lii-ooklyn , elgh ( miles distant ,
xvhcro ho xv as to apjmir that evening.
"Adonis" Ulxm , xvhoxas smoking in the
lobby , c uight bight of Nntand tbo big Hoff
man house clock at thu same moment
"Hello. " exclaimed Olxey , "I thoughtjnu
xvno plajlng at the Aiiipblon nc'adcmy this
xxcek , "
"Mif am , " ic'plied Nat without chuiiKliiu
his gait ,
"Hut , " Hiked Dlxny anilously , "won't they
l > e waiting for you I"
" \Vcll , " nonchalantly itiponaod the como-
dlan of "The Gold Mine , " xvith a liumoro'is
twinkle as bo tucked up his co it collar and
stinted for his cab , "aui I notxvoilli waiting
foi ? "
Nat took big cbuncos , but Dixej leainoil
that ho answuiod his cue at the Amphloii on
tlmo thnt night as usual Had the cub en
countered a bloUndo or the ferrv been do-
laj od , Nat iionch ilnnco vould hax o cost him
about a thousand dolhus
The "T K " Qiinitotteiondeied a carefully
selected piogrammo to Glenwood , In , imtsio
loveis at compnnv C aimory ThuiMlax oi"ii-
ing. Dosoiving of especial mi ntion xx-as Mr
liollman's biss solo , "My Little \Vomin , '
which was hoirtlh oncorod. Possessing un
usual natuial and individuil sticngth. tbo
blending of the four vohes in "Mmguoiitc , '
"rorsakon" and other selections loflcctod
gieut ciedlt upon the directorial abilitj of
Mr. Krat7.
Dr. Uiniuy , mho und tlitont , Dee bldff
ini ; MAll / > / * ; * .
All the impoitod stieut diesscs ni-o nude
xvith n bias velxot vutllo running loiiiul the
In miking over n room taKe the pievniiiug
colon In the fiicvo for key and paint all Iho
vvoodvvoik and the mm bio panels to match
Tea lulls aio bidding for fin or Ono little
moss lllto mitiblo Is tossed into tbo teapot mid
Mot xxater pouicd iu. In a ] iTj ! thine is to i
for two
IXIt the log o' mutton nntt bishop's sleeves
Kntor the elephant , xvhieli is moastious iti
heightuuliiitli : n tlu'uppet aim md skin
ti0'ht fiom elbow to xvilst
Peacock feithuis mixed xvith ostilch tip *
mo used on some of tlio beautiful ux'iMiui f
wrap ; , that me onlv within the110 ich of id li
lidios , Ihco Mrs Vandcibllt , MineUuput
and Mile I.lbhy
If j'ou don't hnoxv xvhut to buv In jour
H uvli for a unifjno xveddlng present got llio
Inido brotrothod a marriage J ir Tlio form is
lovely and the bovxlutliiiigof bc.mtj , whether
jou pay % \ or SUM ) for it
* '
Miss'IionoIIojt Is said to hive the finest
collection of cornel lots of nrij person In the
( mint i j Koi .xeaissho has madoit a biisl
nois to liux acoincrlot In every town she
xisitcd , nnd In some toxvns she has several.
Open glass holdcis xvhich can bondJuslpT "
to any fiamoaio nmotig the nox'i'HUs of tbo
sinson 'i'liey aio made In sllvrr , platM
wain , niothei-ol pcail , onnmol almiiinliuii
jet and stained iviny and sell ut ? 7 and flu
em h
Lady Dunlo's beauty Is dosctibed bx a inr-
jan us consisting chlclly In hoi luxuilint
chestnnt-biovva hair , dailc liluo oyrs mid
giaceful llguio.xxbilo hei arms nro moilcns fui
a sculptor Luly Dunlo his doclirod tint
she xxill noxcr como to Amoilca.
Heal butteiHies nro tacked on the evening
fans It goes without sax ing that tlivsoiuu
not good flitting fans , although uhuwy mid
pretty , Tim must composed and accom
plished fashionable ) could baldly maintain
the ox'cn tenor of coquetry ixlth n mouthful
of xx Ing or u pair of nnU'iui.u la hei eyes ,
The empress of Russia , xvho has long been
n victim to nervous prostration , Is recovering
her licalth and her splilta , although ho is vet
intensely fiigbtcned xvhen inn railway train ,
By way of amusement she piints tbo omiw-
ior' letters for bun on a typovviltor , xvblch
mi enterprising Atnotican has placed in tbo
M mo Blavnt-sky consumes sixty cigarette *
ov cry dtijIn her smoking tray she has a Jar
of gum arable with xvhleb she p istea the teg
nlar abi ots of rleo paper together , thus mik
Ing the thqosophlcal cigirettotwleoas long us
the oidlnnryaiticlo .Sho uses the ( holiest
binnd of 'Jurklsh tobacex ) and lolls them all
ThQJapnneso ladles aio Inn xvorrj' . Some
years ago Kuiopean cho.ts began to como into
xoguo lu Japan , but n ru.ictlon has set In
The Jiipui03ij xvouicn arJtiot nntislled with
tlio ordiiiurj dress stjlos of ilylll/ntlon , but
thov nio uiiwllllngto retina tothoirold drnss.
nud hence thov an ) noxvconsldering "rational
dtcss" adxoeatod by the x-ailons fcmlnlno
dross loformeis.
Oulda In llvnif ? In an old niilncoin 1'lorcnco ,
U'lioioslui occupies tbo ni-st floor As aim
vviltus in her books , ' 'Uur lh'i > bllppors
catoAstho U'rtsdlaU-d nmrblo , lux.mloiiH nigs
und costly nidus lend waiinth anil beauty to
the hoiivy bahiHtiadua und galkili'H , unit
from gllilud urim buuilng luccuso IKJUI'-J
clouiu of purtumo that lutoxicntu the 0.1-
tkctiu i