Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1890, Image 1

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Speeches of Governor Thajer and L. D.
Bicbardj at Kearney.
Frciiiont Tltpii to AVIint ( Joncrnl
IVclJstcr Ktinv About Prohibition
i 1'nrndcn , Knlllm nnil Speech *
All Over thntitatc.
Neb , Oct , 22. ( Spccinl to TUB
Iln.J A line midlencovas prcM-nt at the
Model opera bouufi last night , Hon.i. \ . D.
Klchards Was introduced by General A. H.
Connor and s | kc as follows :
Mr. Chairman , T ullcs and ficntlemeii : I
am here toiiipht by ucfMont. I.t Is well un
derstood thnt the Issues of this campalirn
must l > odlicus eel by those more capable than
myself , Tblj rnmpalcn Is a very peculiar
one. In many respects tbe most important in
the history of the suite. With four tickets
In the field the voter w-rtalnly oupht to find
one to suit him. The republican party has
worked out all the irrcat reforms. Its policy
has made'his the grandest nation on the
earth. It is strong rnoufrh In the state to
Kettle all questions and all the jfrcat ques
tions of intfrett of the state lire mutual
questions before us , and must be settled on
the side of ripht and Justice to all , and unless
they arc so "icltlc-d they will continue to por-
plcx nil politics and occupy the country until
ripht prevails.
Notwithstanding there are four tickets In
the field tno fit-lit tKjfore us is with our old
antafconlst , the democratic party. It Is the
party opposed to pension Icirislatlon. It Ls
the party that looks with suspicion upon our
Cubllc school system which has bVjcn so
ircely Instrumental In promoting the In-
t liipence of our people It .Is a party that
has boon and i now opposing all the meas
ures adopted by the republican party , and
rlnully accpptlnR them In later years , claim-
in ? the credit , and showing themselves the
enemies of this state by magnifying uur
misfortunes in close times and creating
dissatisfaction Kf-ncrally. I oppose the party
that can find more eul and do less in sug
gesting remedies in political organizations
than any that ever esUted.Ve know that
then ? has been little money In farming. Very
few lines of trade will snoiv a pain daring
tbe laU few ycirs. This fact has been
* ! zeduponbv the democrats as their cam
paign cry against the republican party That
the people will b deceived for any preat
lenKtnof time is not to be believed.
In this district the independent party nomi
imed a man who was a former republican.-
therefore could not be endorsed , and the
democratic * party placed a candidate In the
field. It frocs without sayinp that the re
publican nominee will be elerted. Mr. Dor-
scy will be found In ttic future , as in the past ,
working for the ptxxl of the p x > ple. I came
toXobraska twentv-three years ace and have
* een itfrrow In population from about lOU.OOJ
to 1,000,000 todav. with an assessed valuation
of fujrj0,000,00l ( , while the true value will ap
proximate toIOW,000OCO.
The population In lj:70 was 3-.riOO.COO , today
it is & 4.00UJO ( ) , and the wealth of 1-57 was
$ .TO , WOfOJ , and today jt ls approximately
iroOOO,000 , 0. acvomplishcd under the wise
protective jiolicy of the republican party. I
ask you if you think the democratic party or
ony othf r party could have made a better
how in ? . '
The democrats havesouchttornake political
capital by cbarsring that our taxes ere hlzhcr
than In adjoining states , that money has not
botn well rii > ended. In the cimsidcration
the relation of assessed and true valuation Ls
never stutcj. The census reports plve Xe-
Iraska aad West Virginia as the only two
states out of debt. Our people have built up
a public school system which is the pride of
every true Xebraskan. To accomplish this
ia many cases they have taxed themselves
toluularily and cheerfully to the legal limit
ThTO It another Institution our taxes main
tain , I refer to the soldier's homo at Grand
Island vtherc are gathered so many loyal old
guards \sho5e patriotism and heroic
services won for themselves the
united cratitude of all the people in
time of peace. The republican party will as-
euinealt responsibility for providlnc a place
where the aged veteran with scar and empty
sleeve bear mute but eloquent witness of bat
tles bravely fought and duty cobly done , a
place wueie he may enter not as a receiver of
aim ; : , but as the honored guest of a grateful
people. The republican party baa always
teen the f riend of tbe soldier , while on the
other hand the attitude of the democratic
party has been one of hostility. Ha ? there
been auy doubt upon this question ! The
wnalcale vetocinp of pension bills by Presi
dent. Cleveland Is a fact showing the position
of the democratic party on the question.
Wepledps the Australian ballot system
where the voter may cast his ballot unseen
by individual or corporation. We favor
postal telegraph tnd a modification of the
statutes that will civcto the workinsman his
Just dues , a modification of tee tariff , which
ue have in tnc McICmley bill , more stringent
usury laws and tneir ritnd enforcement ,
To all these thlnprs the republican party Is
pledged. The national congress has carried
out tnc pledpes made to the people in Is-if ,
viz. , modification of the tariff with the recip-
procity idea , as advocated by our trreat com
moner , James G. lilainc ; prohibition of
trust' , the suppression of gambling In food
products ; the use of silver as money ; for the
protection of the voter in bis ballot and tbe
prohibition of contract labor. The Fifty-
11 rst con press Mill jrodown in History , under
the leadership of that courageous man.
Thomas 35 , He-ed , as the people's working
rongress. Ladies and gentlemen , I thank
you.t .
t o\crucr rnayer was introduced and
i poke as follows :
Mr. Chairman , Ladles and Gentlemen
You have bnd the pleasure and opportunity
of > cciD > r and lUu'nlnfr tc the republican
candidates for governor , lieutenant governor
' nml the pivseut member of congress and can *
didate forro-election. I am gUd you have
haJ this opportunity of looking into their
faces unJ tearing their voio . It
has bo : u a pleasure to m to bo
hero and to listen to them. You
have heard the plain , nnvaruisbed * tatt -
menU of vrivllepes and ulews of Mr , Itich-
nnls , your candidate for governor I vras
struck with the enunciation of the principles
which , nre at proeut the principles and the
polifv of the republican ixirty , aua 1 aaj plaj
( hat be Lsthe standard-bearer of our part v In
this cainpaiiru. I Know that ho is cujcini ; a
moat nxctUetvt ImprcNsiou upon the- people
and bolleve that when the 4th of ncxtXovtm-
ber comes the people will declare bv their
votes that he shall be your go > ernor for the
next two rears. Ho U worthy of your oonfl-
UctU'e auu support , au , honest man against
ivbwo fair name not a breath of suspicion
has ever entenxl itr all the relations of life.
He Is I" the highest sense of the tern ,
R good citizen , a Iravo soltller In
defense of the ilatr in the hour of
hjs rouutry's tvnl. and having pursued the
even tenor of bis way , has advanced step by
top until he has reached the high position of
nouiincoof the grand republican partv I
trust tnat every ouo of you will standby
_ jour governor ud sco that he Is clevted ,
1 am plal to movt hero my bouarable and
bravo fnend , Colonel Thomas Majors. He
rulhted In the regiment which 1 bad the
honor tokad to the rielJ from tbo then snail
CTjjtorj'of fubroska small In numbers , I
ini-HU ami lean boar testimony to his g l-
lantrj' nod heroic daringr as a soldier , ana I
tuVo unlimited pleasure in doing so , Hntrr-
IniMhrtscrviwwhcn out a boy , h proved
himself true and breve man. He was
with mv resinx-nt la the fruot rank on tbo
bloody ileld of Donnelson , where u > y bripade ,
lu tbe cvntor ol which was mv rvctmnt , the
Kint Nobniiki , met General liuckner where
ho made bis last ettcrts and defeated him. It
wai my rx inivut , which I had the honor to
lend turns and with the rir t NfbnwU 1
m < - > llenrral lluckiifr and drove him book
Intobii. works , Unas tbe list attempt ho
made to ncapA mnd U was then and there-
that llcnorwl ( iruut rvcvpnUeJ th valuable
nenuvs of that rvgiment cu that
Hold He v\as \ ith his ro rlweut through
the louy uua Moody Untie cf Shllo ,
cvtr prvscnt at the i < est of danger illustrat
ing bU bna try. bis daring a true and
Ciller. He has l\x& u hc&crvd citl *
zen of this state , tint in ? the conn-Unco of |
making for hltnvlf an honoro < l name which
rannot ucrMfully iu > L He \ \
rlftandl tru t jouvill give blmunlud [
diipport. I have nritonc word winy against
Dr. Hoar HP I n pl ( Mnnt Bo-ntlemnn. Halt
Ju tthlnkof It , rnjr frli-ndi. vw tire callM i
Upon to ctioo c iK-twt n one of two men who
shall hold the < von < l ofllrc In year fflft Can
It bo possible that a man who fnujfbt to destroy -
stroy thli nation can be fxtil ! to a
high officeNo , never I -siy
this mnanip no dlsivsprt to Dr.
Henr I ) wy rftnibllrann can ne\cr
submit to that , At least tbr > y will prevent It
from bocomlnsr a fact Of conne they 111
Jiubmltto the will ol the p oplc whatever it
Ls , but Thomni.f. Majors de jrvcn l tl < rnf
the people of Xcbnuka , for ho was a gallant
and brave defender when thounloti tipH ] I
dofraco , and Dr. Bear w ti htini : for the
overthrow of thnt union. Now which vlll
youtnkomv frlend.ii YOJ will elect Colonel
Majors n.i liirutonaiUrovernor of this state
for he deserved your support.
" \ou have alM here your candlJatc for n t
conirrcssrnan. Ho hvs given you a plain
statm Tit of hli stewardship ami has shown
you what he bus don for his constitu
ents I have btMn favorably Iroprutv.-d
with ht course in congress and I
say to that there na it-rn no mm
In my rrcollrvtloti * . % ho hasMjrvcd more faith-
fullv tbanOeoryc AV K Uirsey Hois onu
of the hard-working members of congres * .
No one hw ever been more art ivc or careful
than he has been - always at work In behalf
of thousands of his constituents It hutterly
ImpMsib'Q for a n .cmb r to satisfy all bus
r > eoplc. It is Impossible I say. but when they
labor to do the beat they can'for toelr people ,
they deserve the support of thf Ir consti
tuency. I bcllve / Mr. Dorsey will bo your
neit congressman , for ho deserves vour " sup
port. I believe ho will be re-elected" sent
back by the vote of the poople. This much I
take pleasure In sayingln behalf of these
This is 5 most remarkable campaign. I
have never known 011 like It. This ncvr cle
ment ha ? entered into it which bas txvn un
known heretofore. U has bc n thus far a
campaign of misrepresentation , ttttractlon
and falsthoods of tbe principles of the re
publican party , of tirades and misrepresenta
tions by lyine men. They traversed up and
clown the state of Nebraska trying to mis
represent the aim ? , purposes and policies of
the republican party. Slander and false
hood base been their weapons. Why. If
Ananias and Saphlra had lived in ttm age
of the world ha/i been In Nebraska for the
last two months and heard these speeches
Kern's Thompson's , McKelghan's and Pow
ers they xvould have gone out and kicied
themselves to death because they had failed
to learn the art of lying in their age. [ Ap
plause. I
This Is true In regard to the McKinley
tariff bill. I wish M add that the measures
of that bill have tx"cn most grossly misrepre
sented and mis-stated to the people , it seems
thcv would stop at nothingto accomplish
their purpose.
There are two parties , one called the demo
cratic the other called the alliance or inde
pendent It seems they have different name *
to adapt to themselves in different placers. It
has b * a very interesting and anmslae to
observe how kindly the democratic party has
bocn to the alliance party , how they have
fondled and coddled them and said kind
thin ITS to them for months past , ke pint ? this
party inline and using It to afcomp'.Uh ' this
Durposc , knowing that the existence of the
alliance party must result , If It has any ef
fect at all. lu tbe electing of the democratic
ticket , if that thing is possible. That is the
only u , av it cin be brought about. The alli
ance people arc used to accomplish that pur
pose and it is strange to ooserve the blindness -
ness of tbe alliance people and that they dco't
see it. They will find it out when the'demo-
cratic party passes into the promised land , if
they ever reach there. The door will
IM shut aiainst these alliance people
ple who bavo helped them. They will
bo on the outside looking over Into
tbe promised land , while the democrats reign.
But alliance friends , If there are any here ,
1 hope there are. won't you feel a little mean
then when yea see the republican party de
feated , to which you cave oelonged aud under
whose banners you have marched to victor
ies in previous year ? when you were a cem-
bcr of that party that saved this catioa in
order that you may live-in it and enjoy the
high blessing of American citizenship , when
all that you have or hope to able to > nave
came to you by the republican organization.
"When you see that party down and defeated
throuch your instrumentalities won't you
feel a little mean I Well , you ou ht to feel
that way. Bat won't there be walling and
gnashing of teeth among you when you see
these old democrats enjoying the fat and ( rait
of the promised land and you are denied ad
mittance. * j'ow there are va
rious questions before you , but they
generally turn utxm national issues
in this canvass. There are persons
coin ? up and down the state claiming to be
reformers , neglecting state affairs , and dis
cuss , or try to discus ? , national issues-the
tariff , banks and currency. % Vhen I have read
some of the speeches made by these rcec
Ketn , Powers aad Tboaipson I have been
amazed to think that men in this enlightened
age should proclaim such delusive theories.
Here Mr. Powers proposes that the Cnlted
States government shall i sue f..yo
to the owner of ItX ) acres of land at
2 per cent interest. The sura of that
\\ouldamsnntup to thousands of billions A
great money policy it is to issue money "ust
as tbe money was issued in the confederate
states without a dollar of ? old or silver to
back it This is only a specimen of these
vagaries , xhe worst delusion that one can con
ceive ot , and yet th3arti doine so. I am
sorry to seemec who are supposed to be In-
tellievnt , drink in these delusions. The
l > ord help those \ > ho are blinded by prejudice
and by ignorance. A bid crop year makes
bad politics , Now. there aw people who are
ready to take up with any new theory , take
it in , applaud it. believe it. taut seonia to DC
the cise with these men. My friends you
have tried the republican party In the past ,
jou know its record , you know its measures
of public pclicy I put to yoj tali question
for an aavner Can one ef you in thti andi-
enco paint to one -ingle action of the demo
cratic policy during the lone forty years be
fore l il. one measure that lives and moves
In the hearts of men or women today for
good I [ Apptauso ; 1 chillenre aad defy anv
democrat to refer to any such measure that
exerts a beneficial infiii'-ace upon men and
women that tccds to maie them better
women aad better men.
I mean to be frank about it. 1 have studied
up the history of that party , I have r ul it
to rind soraotblnc for vthich future
generations would ris up and
&le * that l > arty , I cannot find
one txfore the law You know , rentlcmen ,
ana others here , that toe south controls the
southern democracv just is directly and
positively as the southern master controlled
his slaves. The northern members of con
gress wore controlled In the same way when
the fugitive slave law was pisscii.
Then it was that fr trade prevailed la
this country Free trade was the child of
southern slavery They did cot cure to sell
their produce to the pple > of the north , thev
preferred to soli It In. KnzUcd , Scotland , Ire
land aad other nations.uf Europe. They pre
ferred to buy over there because they did
not vriiit tf > encourage manufacturing in
northern states , nor ta help build them up.
Thnt was the democratic doctrine then and
that it U today.
Tnervpubllcan party nas tnansrcntoderery
measure of public policy which hat tk u dtted
bum-in kind today It Is true , not only of
thU prop ! * ' . , but of the people of all lands
without any exception , bw-ttu * * all the <
measures are in the Interest of hunaalty
They tend to rrscuti the poor and downtrodden -
trodden and elevate humankind and make
better nmi and oettcr wvitncn. to diminish
human suffering and Increase hum n hippi-
fit's * . Kvcry juo of theses ineuiure * which
cur friend l > or f } has enumerated are of that
character Yew can not point to pee which
dooa cot K'oetlt numxn kind. I challenge
any democrat to ooint cue ceasaw for which
' the pwple wUllbaak tied for the oilstones
1 of the dtMBOcruttc party. Hat no , it * record
I Is covered til over ana blotched with crime *
' fctraiosl humanity aad the ciirercccnt.
: Th * republican i rty will live In histcrr M
the gruudcftt | K > lltlcul oryatUatKia that ev
1 tired It has nrvloem vl lu plevlfo . It bar
1 done cver\ turn * which It pnwuiwd ami ts
j trying to fulrtll rcry plcdwtlch It bat
' made , but at every stage of prepress U bis
fjugnt bv the dcmccncy.
1 tare < vo d < cc vn the UUcitte Uliuiph
of rt > pubilr. i ) Instllotloni for the
of tn'-n , Sixlv-fuur mllllnnof tbroboin/ ,
bmtintf henrti dem.iti'I tbe rfilfmpU'WJ of
every ooilarof mon y that thcL'nitH r uU
hover i mjcd and thy know every dollar
will twrfKlwmrtl S'o rmlprnptlon to p-nno.
M ( 'lorlou in Its rmulu und M mighty niuc :
the great ( Jo ! of th h irw In thn form of
man \va < ftusp n < ) < * lnn Cllvary CTCAS for the
red < * mitlori [ of thewortil. No cb redemp
tion hm tx n known before or oincfl this rt -
clftiiptkm Il mein 'r you are a citizen of
thk ( freat , noble country , ono country , one
governor , otia ti oplp. one flni ! tmn national
sovereignty , Ind/ipTtiJent and suprnme over
all , tare In Mlcphnotoonc Klnir of Kntr ! * .
Thin grivernnerit will Ilv < 9 on in the agm ,
every nvnnioi ; ' * sun shall ttr l It and It *
glory shall jarnwnd the people fcrcverand
I'nrl * t
Xeb , Oct.3. . [ S | 4dM Toie-
Rrarn tnTas DCR. ) John \Vobster \ irrtke
tonight atralnst prohibition at the I/ive 0 [ ra
housf ! to an audience ol about six hundred
persons. Ha vras iatrtxlnrorl by Mayor
.Shorvln. vice president of the Banlcers' and
Ilxslnas Men' * assoolatl&n , who presided
over th ? metlng. The speaker went stralnt (
for the facta , is shown by the oftldal record *
of the various states , to prove that hiib
license better prorootoi the Interosl of tem
perance and sobriety than prohibition. Ho
first dltprovcd tbe staVmen'ts of prohibition
orators concerning the number of per
son * who die annually of drunken
ness. He showed by statistics that In
stead of then ) boiaff from ICW.OX )
to SOOX ( ) sa claimed by prohibition stmniwn
the number does not eicce * ! 3x at moat.
This wi snbmittrtl a. * a sample of the un
supported claim.of prohlbitioatsts He then
showed that the asylums , p < : nitentlaripa and
jail * of prohibition states have a larger pro-
tortionate number of inmates than thwe of
blt'h Uc'Tisc states. " .Vebnwka , " he said ,
"has S3. > prisoners In its penitentiary , or one
to every 3,3fiO of its popuUtion , wnlle Kansaj
ha * srtl , or one to every lffO. As to the
matter of saving the rx ys It was shown
that the Kansas reform school L * overflowing ,
when only boys who have b'n convict'-d of
crime are admlttol , wnile In Nebraska the
numb r is much smaller an J both sexes are
admissible ( upon proof of incorrijribility.
It was also shown that in Omaha , a. % com
pared with Topeka , the proportionate num
ber cf arrests for drunkenness U mnch
smaller. Kansas , according to internal rev
enue reports , h s'V-41 government licenses ,
while. Nconuka has 1-irt , these licenses b -
lag Krantet ! only to sell nncomponnded
liquors In the year of l-'sO ' the
state of Maine antstcil one of every
I'-M of its population , while In Omaha for the
same year tne arrest * were one for upwards
of every 2i" ) . \Vebsterclosed by pictar-
ins ; a bright futore for Nebraska if only the
state Is not blighted by prohibition , and ap
pealed to the voters to bary the amendment
too deep for resurrection. He was Inter
rupted witb frequent applause.
Torn Ins : to Van Wjrcfc.
Tra-M En , 2s"eb. , Oct. 12. 'Special ' to
THE BEE. ] The faracrs are now taking
sides against Dictator Burrows and in favor
of Van \Vyck. They b-ilieve that Van Wye's
has been shamefully treated By the in
dependent committee. The leaders of the
alliance in this county art : doing1 secret work
for Bryan and wortine arainst " Root , the
Independent candidate for "coneress. The
ministers are waging war against C. W
Williams , the democratic-alliance nominee
for state senator , on account of his beicc aa
Infidel This alone will lose \ViUanu ! not
less that three hundred votes in this countv
His Infidelity in connection with hi * theory
of the government loaning money direct to
tne people , without lateral , Is rcceivin ?
much comment.
Stlrrlne Up-Pawnee.
PAWTTEE Crrr , N"eb. . Oct. 21 [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] The joint discussion
of Concell and Bryan brought out the largest
crowd politicalv that Pasvcee has hai for
years. On the Mills bill and all Usues Mr
Conoell pot Bryan on the defensive and as
usual Bryaa dodged all issues. Mr. Connell
made one of hlj bat eSorta aad Pawnee
county republicans are enthusiastic and will
roll up the usual majority- for him.
The alliance nad a grand parade and fine
speakinfT here t&lay. The orcanliitioo man
ifested a weakness that surprised both of the
old parties.
Spolce Past and Lone *
BATTU : CREEK , Neb. , Oct. 'ii. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] A large and enthuslasti-r repub
lican rally was held here this evening , lasting
until after 11 o'cloc'c Maxwell's hall was
filled to overflowing Short speeches were
made by J.V. . Stir , candidate for reprssesti-
live , and Mr. Schwenk , candidate for sena
tor. Hon. L.V Osbom \VAshlasrtOQ
county spoke rapidly aaa eio-iueatly for two
hours , and pretty effectually cleaned oat tbe
other parties. Tne alliance tc. th'u part of the
county is very weak , aad the beat of feetiaj
prevails among republicans.
A Rally at Holdrege.
HOLD R EC E , > "eb. . Oct. 22. 'Special Tele-
pram to THE BIE. ] A grand republican rally
was teld here Ust night , asd unbounded en-
thusiwtri manifested for the party candidate * .
The larce crowd was addressed by Hon. L.
D. Richards , Colonel Majors and Hon. J. E.
Allen. ThU county is oce of the strongholds
of the alliance , out last nicbt's meeting
demonstrated that the republicans are cala-
ing strength every day.
Instruction for Oatciiale.
, N'eb. , Oct.'ii.-'Special to THE
Bel. ) lien. Geo. H Histinir * ar.d Hoa. W.
E. Summers addressed the people of this
town and vicinity last nUrht oc the bsaes of
this campaign. Thelarps rinkivas nearly
fall , showing a dispoiltioa among oar people
to take a most serious Interest ia the present
situation. Their interpretation of the Mc
Kinley bill and of other matters , 0:1 : which foil
Instruction was txidly needed here , was clear
and conclusive.
Mobrara All Richt.
XIOBIUIU , > \ b. , Oct.ii. . Specta ! Tele
gram to TBE BtE-J An enthusiastic repub
lican rally wu betd here Ust nUht at which
R. Gamble and L. B , French of VaaktonY. .
H. McXntta of Sioux City , aad A. B. HoJtnes
of Norfolk spoke and kept a Uurc audience
eatertaicod until ufr oldni bt. Hoto : i
dwelt thonxichly upoa the reixibUcia ticket
and net with favorable
AVarruine to Their Wort.
> 'eb. . Oct. i > 'Special Tele-
pran to TUB. BEr.1 A roasinj repablicaa
rally was held it EWittle CreeUst eveainr ,
which was addre . * ed by Hon. L.V. . Osborce
of Blair , lad Dr Schireaic , republicaa caadl-
date for > : ate senator from this district. The
republicans of tat < county -vre warauai ? to
their \vork aad will fight to victory f ws cow
till November I.
l'o + * I * Heady.
CSETT , Xeb. , Oct. 2i [ Speclil Tlesrraa
to THE BtE.-iIon. T T. Fos aathoriiw
ywir corrwrA ndent to viy that he accept * the
challenge * of Me&sn. Furahjun and ArnoW ,
democratic arnl aUiince oaadtdites for A.uty
ivpreoecutives of ( ! a t > aa j Saline coo-jiiM ,
aad U ready to rceetthe tnatle = : < a At aay tlae
for Joint debute.
Kir in in Ills Pact * .
Scorn , Keb. , CX-L Si-'SpovAu to TBE
. , Hoc. S. D. CuiKrca of Brui * Bow
iddre&seii a larfxi and ent osUstic republicis
audience t tbecourt hoci-s lathis pfiow tut
ni ht. HI * spxvh abounded in totid tad ua-
ficti froa a rpubticos
Rallr at Chapman. v
I Carniv , Neb. , Oct. ? ! - ' ( VHSA ! ta Tut
Bit , There wxsa blj rtpuhluun rally a n >
tcnlRht. Norrls Broxra indV il CVcfvr
both mojtt eioeilfnt > pv ch < , and did the
I state and ccccreijioavl tlcie'j such gvod.
i Ttcrtt wu grvat
Tim * . Terrible OoIIWciu in Which a Knm-
bcr of People Ar ? EtlM
Anollir-r Crxuhr * Into a I'rclght
IJnok Inn Into Illnnliujliani A
Union Pacific * Hook Inland Tolr-
copct Knnoa * Olty.
T , 0 , , Ort. frA cr/UUIon < * > -
currM thli nuirnin t ) 410 on th Cincinnati
Southern nliM-ajr In tannr-l aqaarter of i
ralle north of Slin * Valley s' atlon , b"t r n
freight and pajivsntfr trala * . The enfl es
Of the two train daib < J InV ) ' a-h other In
the tunnel , which U i * 4 h of a rrrfln loaf ,
and the cars follmrlnjCxt ; * . jirncwd into
csu-h other la a mo-vs.
Th < ! o rame th added bormof i conf.i ra-
tioii. No des rljtW > sof the ICCOM ba.i yet
Iw n ma/lc oolj1 the tar j rnt lU cave be * i
t'-I Taph'fl to the oOcith h * rc.
Kngine John PImloU dl"l this aft/rrx/oc.
makicir six victims of the linnet colll'lor. SL\
follows :
Kit LCD.
JOHN PIMI.OTT , < rln tr.
riUK.MAN WELSH , & -tn < rt , KT.
FIUK.MAX UOITLD , I.ndtow. KJ- .
Allaov. N. Y.
cinnati. O
NEK , Citdnnitl , O. '
PIT Xirt/ , Sois'rset , Ky ,
i. CLERK J. G. GATLE , Cincinnati , O ,
fliGGir.r.WAiUR Joity R. Loxo , Newport.
Ky , severe
\V \VHEMEK , New Orleans. La.
MisOIME OITTT ; I > iTU/a. Te .
AJUII > jr Rpnr , Madlvm cosnty. IndliKi.
The injuries sastin ! l by the three Ia.
name < l are slighL
Tbe burning of th train in tbe tonsel
renders it imrx sible to clear the track a.t
readily a.s it coold bo &OBA oc 0 [ m groocd ,
the arnoie and hettprTeiitinr nvs ; from
The initial cais4 of the
rertclc which occurred niaht a : K
station , tnro callo b.'l nr finnen't. The d -
lay to pa s acr tralcs \ > ] this rr < x'A canai
the mistake of the ! ? iaand cocdactor of
the f r > ignt trab br wrnidj tfce taccel colli-
sloa occarred. Fcrtonately the pa.s nircr
train had not eatireiy oce Icto
the tunnel wt < n tbe crash cinv ,
and so the thrc If cpirs which
did not leave the tricV s rred 11 a nreuxs of
escajxi for the paswnqen. These ileep n
were detached and drzvc awiy fro the
bnrning train , bat the ha jare and = iU can
and two coachM barn l.
Froa the stories lof nitrcad TZ C who
arrived here tonight it appears that tbe
wreck was due to tbe arei > neM of the
crew of freight trala No ii. This train was
Instructed ; o wait at HTsan'i Valley until
pauenpcr trains Nos. 9 nod 5 haul pa.vs < Ni.
The wait was a lonff jroe uxl all of the rre
of the fretjrht train , i nsit af J. "Engineer
Pirnlot ; awaViineil fast fftr J o. 9 had fossil.
and iianmin e that it wisXo. 5 icd that the
road wa.s dear , a > a te > l the crear
and the tralc w Kt ta. The aparcach
to both ends Of the , tunnd" Is saartif
curved and nithia .XjumdreiJ Ie of. ; he
moaih of it tbe trai&i ts& . One slater aid
one coach of the csm pwr train were saroi ,
tbe train hands * ad > UMEgcrs pssiitnf lbm
bicknp the track. '
Th < flanies started a few ideates aft r the
coUlsioa. and the wooiea lisiiv of tht tcscel
U still bsrnin ? tonight.
A Drave man , whose cane coold to5 "be
leaased , hearia ? the cn of George Locg In
the b2 zae " car , setiai aa ax , cat a hole In
the car and racuai Leo ? . Ic the
ejpress conipirtc nt of tZw car wis
E. P. Rafloer , United States express
rsesjenrer. The nnknotm t ro worked
hard to cot away for RaSser to escape , al-
thoagh the dames wem'dartiagall abcot him.
The "e'ort wn ansucceufal , tad Ilcffaer
finally shouted from his prison to p a-aray
hituself , to ijy roc4e to his faa2v- and
tell them that his weuld-be rescuer did all a
man md ! to save hia life. The uk&OTRt
hero susered ecu of , th ? tccaeJ vrith his
hair azd ctothic ? ba Sly scorched acd feU
down ia a .faint Noae. < rt the cec. in the ex-
citemecl thou at of kstraicg his caat , bet it
it believed th t he Ua rillnii-i : can.
Others of the crala tsea * * wrocderful tt-
oifrrs. It U nuraiutaa * thai dy of the ass -
s < ea ers ejcaped ,
Two Killed and Twenty-Seren Otbers
BsEnitOHiV , AU. , OA ii. .V piiierrtr
train , oc the Kama * City , Memphis Jt Bir-
minrham nflrojid , which left here li t nlrst
west-boond , went ml te naz the s ! * > per and
cocdactor at the -U'.Ien. Dtscoreriss thit
fact when , six d&es ctit of toira.
the engineer bscaa bo ki lito
Birmingham. At tfa Thoai * fama.-e.
thrte miles oc ; of th cttj- . ; b *
bac'iing train CMS aa. ot.l oiBf f reirht aid
there wi * i terribJ * ccliisioa-
The killed aa < i iEisreil ; ire aj
TTIASKLIN. a d-n-cai-r.
> Ist'V. . f. Wieoxii a = d trro
E. P. Rot.
J. E. 0 t\- .
J. M. Ro.sxoai-
J E. Miti * .
R. E. Sk..NDt3. , -
/ . V. TTKSMi. .
J. A. TATUIR. ' .
\ V.V. . EXitxiSfX. \
W C. Bcatux. (
J. M. Bz-titv. I
Rrv.G.S. SMITH. (
Ho.v. B. it Losa.
M.S. ToirtixT
F , M LCDOX. . +
Mit * . F MII .
Of thii number threecr _ fear ar < Uieij : >
die. Tt < xh rj u xA very danferwcsly
_ _
The Knglneer Fatally Injured anI
Nine Pi * ate -4 HUM.
KA > I Cm , Ma , CWt. SJ. A Mrvoas tail-
o < t wreck cccamsj tjds sMrtdsf os tb *
Ucsoc Pacific nu.rol Vtw ; < e < " & Rcci Isliac
freight aad a Cn Mt Piriao pii T rer true ,
a mile lad a tuil msil of AmvxirxU : * . & sab-
uro of ttii city , ia whjcti uln < fervxn were
* ricn lT iajcrw * * a l th * < n t r f
! > > Keck liliaa tnda. fiiollr hurt.
The eafiattfr'iruK wnu PA ; CuiJ i. Aswajr
the injared were J. A. Lip&ehire of Luxvbu
Neb. , rtcht fcn tujjr cal , aid C J4ren cf.
SpcinfSetd. lit , if ctol a < r t of tt c < a a *
Thre * lVroas Kllletl.
, Oct. it
bs c r Ctk-tdaifi x cnls ru Uta
Mimtrtd Hl Svile ami Suicided.
stc , 'XMi Ort. eiA
\Vi * . . AJTI that Ab < r
a T
Kraun - nrwifity. riiarr ( l vdlfa lib wife
brf'Mof a ffyr rrrviu , in r < TTirl t IK-
tit ; of jx/l-iuoi 'h f hoiM frtit la
i L'j <
1 hit \Vlr ,
ran f rotri lb .
tb mtiz < lc of tttft nd t/j hit cnrn
ttU britut t-a * .
.1 J'H.I . > 71 J10 fltl'.ll.
Hhr Crr m Inrn ( l.irltr-rnrnt In a
Chunk Oitirt lloim.
< K. Pa. Ot J. - '
IlWelwUsr ; II
kxl ! MTM W.M omrV-tnil in en jr * . k * t vr * * ' * of
InrMnoUrr rnuislio ht f for tb IrUlini of
G rtl HLskef xra.t wait/lowed yiMbr4ajr l jr
JaJ1 ! Dflwr la impru oBWdt for srti
In the enrmt ? } all iA.1 ip ja 9o of
Tb n folk * * - d one of th nx > t
acd dramatie xnptfi erfr witnV"l in lite
CKWtt * of Carhrw eu t7 Th * a.rd jwXb ref
of th < * d-si-1 jrtrl Knwr fairly srilJ in bfr < l -
with the * * f > lfn < y ad b r Atlr-
f r/T fl iM to pdfy b r. Tbe
womtn rav < : rent t l * r
rx it up fwrttjizi a > wl k i entire
ciintrol of h netf. hbe ipraa ? tt tr f tt
a&rl with armt rahM hlrh fa a tknil
calkal ntfirxt Alsnlra (
e. I an not ialifle l lo * + * i mjr
laqbtrTd in cokl bUxd an J tiec
h tinsfr at the ( rJo * ri hAT *
only * ti mc tbf ia tilt Xo. aa. Goi. Al-
Dihty , cr cfl lnt tlits owrt IKP& > a-i
fair thlciOh ' co&e dcnrn , ob ' < J j
Ihli eav < '
a btMnpt wra.i rao/ieto
brr-iit isnt afresh
: G'rl h * * Wrtit > s h re tfl IHI the
troth. ' ' Sh < : * orfl th * } roie. att r * 7
forth defeavi and ei > rye * rbom in l r
frenzy ihe ihfA ht nwt'Jft.MMe fi r the fciiy
manner IB wblrto th r sUycr of b r rfiaf
wit oS. Sh finally vanat to st * a rr
eihac. t l and falnt ri iway A t
brtm kit a d the dwtrvtrti MAhet
O/rc it ana arrtai oot of tbe rrxirt nxra.
. \n Old Man Murdered In
lilt Hod ) n > hcald.
Catcioo. Oct. J. OVtiiCr % an otd n ts
front Trctktoa. III. , was "ilnivsd" aad nybfid
Uit nSzhi acd th-w U.W oc tbe S-inta Fe.
tracks tear Twelfth street , wtere i switch
engine rac over hiai , < Te a ha hfcwi from
ThEs cricvs adds actther r.jstcry to th
Jon ? list ia toss city. Wilkeri , who wa. *
aVAt * lity-five years old. caste icM th cisy
atoct T o'ck k last niirht. He VTM U'-CK * . ia
tow by a rcaner , whet < ft. bias to a r tet
in oce of the wont qsartArj of th * city.
He had s-epfir. aod pifci la
sreral cotUrs ia chaaze. Tt a b *
oat for a wallt.Vbea foaad thi ? were iimt
are cents oc hts b > iy The rulrcod i
arescrehewa-s narri r i inn
tie body tcca Laid where it wa.t s track.
Companlrs to Be Organized in All
Section * of the Country.
Kir * Yost. Oct. 22. TTs biannual cco-
ren.kio of the Tecus broth erhflctl wa.i
broa ? ht to a dose it Pit rs < , N. J , lA5
ilrht. Defecates were pren st r prea 5l ij
all aectjoc * of the UnlJcii Sutes. TEA = x t
Inporuni actioo of the conTeciicc
wavi the onaaisocs ecdoren : < nt of the
ef th g a cal * crrtiry
e secret cuth of th * crjiilia-
. U _ racuctrx.s ef the
bfothwhrcd will be oy n. A ptriil cosccui-
t rrai appwsteii ots the Intore oi the orcmi-
uUffQ aid la their report reiijo
iaend > d that miiitAjazid uval coapartict
te detofd to th * pcrpsie- The
are. to te kaown ii the P'eclir :
and will be held 1 = rei.ii eu to Uiiit the
UnUed States in cue of a foreign
Colored Children Kill Each Other.
FatDE2KX BC / , Va. , Oct. 52. Inforza-
tioc frosa Spotuyt-asja , says thai ti the
teihb3rho > i ol PeaSa a few < uyj a o a rn-
tlersan , while hnntis la the biciwtMij ,
caae nwtt a hct la vrhieh the todies of twt >
colocsil b 3TS is Ja a d ocp > * i state were
foa = l I a < eaks ttas thy had foah : sereral
days a o a&d oce of t'c-en h.i/1 / tilt * ! sfee
other. whH * free the wocn. li the ethhod
rsoiived d ih r * > itlte < i. The cilki ia tise
hat h > i its bxie b7i > ki > n and wi.4 fc a
cruid ! coc.litioc. Anether nii child w&o
wa.s H was o enefly boadjeii by a wotcac.
xho had bpea i = cbsnre t&it thh'tle fitton-
waj KSerm- horribly wb n discoTened.
The nearoii ia dskrre of thdaBdrc. . hare
trtn arrwtfti and will t s tried i $ tetzz pir-
ties to the crisi-i.
IlllnoU K. of P. Grand Officer * .
Bt/vixnrorox , IIL , Ocs , 2i Tt-s- mad
led ? * , Rnijitts of Pytha-s , of lifiKts toiij-
electeii oficers a.j fotlo in Grii ehxa-
oellor , Charles Scheewr , Gaeaa ! ; ri M rrand.
chancellor , F5t A Ccoi. Pwrii ; ieefr cf
the necocd a = d seals Henry P.
Chiciio. priad &iiter of the
Joha Gabriel , Ctickra rriad
Chiriw Bones , Ji ss-xiTill * . tmid
Ic-iiraiA , dories Borjoyc * . Coicira ; rnad
Inner jraari , Jour P. > UUrr. Cairo ; jrimi
cater ftiird , J. J. 3r"5ws. Varxf i i
The Xew French T-nff.
PXJHOct. . 21 Tte new torii bin vril fee
lis d : o tie cepsties SatnrliT. FUi oad
hemp are free fnxs Jcty.
ire ptL i oo two Wecti , tbe
irst cucaistia ? of csreaU. UTS 4'c oa l
tseat and nxac rad r i aBOxiauni toni.
laptyicj- that tt < y caanoc te uulsd-fd fe aay
treaty , all o h r prcdocSs ro mz wai r a
foe i
treaty pcrp .
d the s-apprestioa ef ii * rrfilrnnr ;
a HeaTy Loan.
Oct. 2.
THE But. ' Tk < Bask of Spua his con
tracted wi A th * RaVf cJ Paris foe a thr < e
dccths' Icoa of ICO O'i.XC''O friccs. Th * i cnr-
iivzirec for lh Ecoa by : h ; B-iaJc f Scai
cvcsbt. * of riniMciaoie Spusai 4 pr cect
beads. The > tvstill refases to tire db-
count ficiiitiea. It er z sl fte s to dii..tcat
th * wper orth-s best hca * i = Midrvd.
The Affith r Foreoau.
3d Vkialty Fair , a-arzwr.
r , ec it warser ia
extrea * cos : pirtioc , itidj ihiJUa r u
mMrshary terty , fair wvather , f & * wyii by
jhowtrs is eatnai-i westers rortiee.
F r to\ari Wirs > w , scctlwriy wt > 4s . fi.r
F jr South tkiiwtACo d < r ,
.Note * f Small Oenotnlnitioru
\VisaTS t > x , Oce. ii Treasurer
* aW today that be- esp ctei t * hare rva > ! y f c
b > w bp 1st pca larce sapeir of a ; , 5 ! *
Trfil te CMd is tV ? rcrcha-w f ir r ba
m fder to sueiet a > s far u
iad f r
of Honor.
ii Tt <
tbe treiLssry has mnriM pU. s > Hi < a > s M tl *
3t-eat rr4 of the Erti-sscc. III.
rw f c t-frvissi i
Uss y u.
Fund * fV r Ejt AJViCJi * *
BiJttrs. Ocfii T6 > s Tvffciite * ay tkit
tk f adif rth ccassrsttfcxx f A roairiy
fnMR Pac aai. Eaj ? Afrsd. 10 M W. Kiiaiz-
> ro at Niblo' * ,
Youc. CX-t bur ii - < f a..v
tu TBLS Bxx , Co > o..i X < cv. w
tc hare V-MC. ti.ce u. > .xc i
IV 11.4
itSl \ .
11 * fV"if irttttlUs pt/tmrw J
AtU * FMbr aw tlmpr *
4 VmUt t.
M if thi * rffiftl pnxlinAtnwxrUl Mv a r ry
Tr .ilrn nt of W l/rn l.'nlon
Tue flu * ;
U l cttjr *
r rii f
Uat tine *
t/aewfef tb 7 r < r V/o i
hxwn lormia ? f r towe Urn * pi * .
{ tfe * f
tbi * ir-e
CVnrr ? i5 :
TVs mkwl id * I ttM the
eami aotitar atnv t thie
Nut xaows9rb anm are < UHafal la lu
lat rtf- * awl TO tt > .kf
" V-
tyvUwx : t tafJ T * uritfc 07 r
Is f.v. vj rue it
are rnsnln ? tbe b > > M& M of Ube
tad w * < io 't
? c'r wilt the
tin\'Kii\on \ irti.r. .IT
lit ; .Speaks on th TarifT aid Klectlun
t * . O . O C SI Or r * c UiU Ml
JOT Wr/titr tbt * srtr 5s ? . irnriar ts
tiwr rws * Ur r * crwwli yittrnrl aad
titll * . ! & * tnia
J ! > * c M rKia ! r. wfco
way w ScH'.iTiU * . cl tte trihc ti i
J TrttB G-jriscaor HU1 aalC fc * r uA d
tttltittoc. O * arrirti ? is Vi'ov Vir ii
dSysra.iiagTyh.itsiJiya.Miri. Ofyrtrsafr HsH
UE tue
Hill * p/ie as iHLfS ! : cc tb * i r.
al oc th r -U rti-c-i titL B -
* ta'.wr U * ihlTh r tu a.-o'.h-
aay pirt
fii.ffy she cr > i < * el a
* uti-tlioca. He i -
r u a. diaxernrei eitr-
antiivir. a ati n.i.-i M
Ms.t ii < i as
Lave ilxnkTj rec-Ui t } th rin coi-
fir3u'.Sj-d to cuatuic * iv . Tb * rn-f
of < t a pr.Tii ? e u a p > U of f
j irtiwiii4h.p. A er * reciSAl cf tiut
of tc *
. Th * tend < a 7 of siieh
Vi prorojcsi con".rf.
Tal * force tiQ i * Tirfaci attiei
trc ; B a rspcbScia fcra. cJ zTT < rsc ii.
TtoaeTCtoaJrt wtJiiiiittA yts tA ii te
dKUTsLi l tili EMM ; ar.d ore i-
A- cl th
aa < I t < = i ? sr
of th * Aceritia f pifcTa cocTn.itia =
M wa. * Jh * liW-c.Si.3o &f th *
hiijt. pirsy snirt sic-
the cotaii ? ftfr teceu. I ! Starr i
acS c-Arry toi was ttectno ysu cin r an at-
Jtrrreil ttat sh j Trt ! E > 5 ptti th * tC.
The orra r aAtrsa. rtii aaiXifsr astiViiist
ihb CTsaia ? i' . the oc > wa hucse aad User left
LCJS , Wjou O.t. i [ Sfwai ! i > Tar
EM. S. C O7Tic4 i Cx * i i. tiu ? . CCfc-
n.J E T * driTec. fciro Wyaeiti ? sSifa ,
Oi tiii
so FreoicS , X
J J Haas J Cupw VTyau
J shetjp 3UVO.I ) M his
itr > si rtV : , cac-.fc of Dtst.
itas riirfriTe iij ritam i fro . O xac.
with Wi.O sSj epv Ttej wiii r
> trSaish of
h Lmsl ! as ;
e- fed tins
= r Jc
froa * as : < jra COCTSTS * etniitjearfy ia.
Xareater. Tter mill te < al to Xeocuia
So iefiSWo l fac SKUrtoHL
This fill -a tWi U Afp BriU te sfcif end cT ir
she Freciici Eiiiocs i Missouri Via * ?
fram CUCT. VVyoi , : Kebcuti ii < i ? t-ir
The tatnbrids Siire Staler.
Otftu 2i
.a i G Ga.sUraiUJi'1 Jirw-
yeurlii buy < o > ts r aiQ tktw. Tire wwr *
A Veteran > oldier Killed.
I IxTlv OlU2r. rvtff OIM. 1. Afl. cy * . - >
of tt * i < ) fcij < ; ri" bee : * ea2d : Fcuwr wia hia i
d iil en tae r-y irrciia tioa Bttcsic. ? K.der
CM naiii sri s : ; trte-sU > t. I ; u pei > iei ! ii u
7 > ; rtaE- . by a. liaauKT trori a = ji
' oc wu crta < i < r bjti * scoia.
The Fir * Retrord.
See rn.i-vct--Os CoL O : c. ii. Sirty lisa
socn ir t& < MJISSKC iu ? and coc4ut
Mr * .
u UKC.
Xsv Veuc , O x ± iAS a auutuir f
as tiis ; y. i *
: i * urti no. fr
at Galebars. .
; t
& . 13
fcodiy ca4Kd
Aaaihver ? yracn e Htx l Victim.
tTJOX--3 , X Y . O . iLL -\V c'CBijtt
s < : dy * < i wmais. w. the refect f sb *
.liy. . s ffr l ii i
a Joawasu.Tia * so ta sex
Grant ! Date Nie > la. * Critically III.
Sr PcTCruMmift. Oit. ± 1 - -Tib- iii mn < f
Graad t > ii NkcJhtb . sotfit / ill * our ,
Commoner CATW Xric lj III
L k5 * xy. Ocs. it i"
Tux. Bit. ! J law.
Natural Ga * IB
. - vUOwt
us * Ht TrmrtwJ irt : / > Hit M/ul i
TSwi t
tit an OM .SVs |
| .SVar I'm/lint - IUtfng
Want * * ! ! * * hagr P < : u rj
* l H
, Ort. W "Hfw vw Tt <
T t Kit.-Ofoi
t . ' !
wit * 1 ante * : XX * IMt l.'tftrKJ'nv. hwa * 1..XL.4
it Mnxents , .i tatw * uul * ? < >
WntatJ it ta/wriMe Vurt
U. . j la t : Ul i > 24 burviwwuw tAf iim1 1
Ih * " . - . - 7
J " 4 :
ke U
M ri 1
> * - ; J * Cr
i k.
tin * ? 10131
TV a
CffifDnui. . CtrtMU uw * Af
: f. r s
fr s ; V > Tar 3zt . At
i < ' &ii ersy k ( , " -.j a
it i.u trt a rin iii i * aui D Mr Ox-
i i i f cnfoittfua. ii iUW.i.l ! i i.s .t i ijrtT
. "VWT ti : iii easy < si & * .i fti jiu-i jLI
' . r in * 17 -aii--a r auuvxr ii.4
Old F-oi
jr6 , O : - 1 " Sfosu T.i
rrus V > Tai Bit . " O 7'J7 SiW.r : r r = iM
? ut < tii * emvi :
w s sir-
i s.
. ia
eisy cccz < a V.cif ti c 3atr B. A. Ki-fi-ui-
fcr 1 1M ft
Try . ; fct EWir is J tfertferoJU in.
wist iji jyr.ta
ca iiutn.n ? ciiy oi ti'isrsii. .
JijCoaid it B.i-Mor-
T , 7 * i , O : . tt S ; aa.
rns 5 T23. Bra. . J tr trjr > l. O i :
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