Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1890, Part Two, Page 13, Image 13

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    T H
JL Short gannon Upon "Hie Oleraenceau
Oaso'1 ' and Its Attendant Evili.
Where tlio Tlieatcr-Gners May ln
n DvllBlitrul livening ThljAVfok
iiKH at tlio CoUscum-
Tlicatrlcal I'o I lew.
The suppression of the ' 'Clerneaccan ' Caw ,
la Boston by Uio municipal authorities , tot
because of Miss Sibyl Jobnstono's "mold
ccnc , " but because of "her Impassioned
iovo jcenuln thelast net , " will cxcltoa storm
of Indignation among certain devotees ot the
Itnpe , mid create a still fjrcatcr ilrslro on the
pirt of the general public to witness this
latest realistic drama from the French.
Slljjl Jotmstono is not unknown toOmaha
tmdlcnces. Several seasons ago she toured
the -west in ono of Hartley Campbell's com-
faniwplajlnf ? In "Clio , " and her drwlngof
the part vlll too vividly recalled bythohab-
Uucs of the theater. Later she supported
Kobson nnJ Crauo in "Tho Henrietta. " ami
her last appearance In Omaha WM made
through tto medium of "Mankind , " a lurid
Englhh raolodramawhich proved a signal
failure , although the company was -unusually
So much for history.
Wbllo I deplore , as every devoted theater
goer must , the cause for the suppression of n
( ealhtlu dmrnaycb , the staR-ohas omission
to t nllill , Its morals must bo kept up , even to
the exclusion ol ftll play * that vould tend to
lower , In the slightest decree , the coiwcicnco
Of tto public.
TIioposo pliutlquo In the bisommt of a
dive Is n most pernicious Institution and a
paiiKerouscnorny to public morality. But the
} > ese | ) liv tlquo In an alleged reputable theater
w a km ( U and n onjoyiueat , or at least it was
Until the Boston authorities decided that the
'CU'ineiici'iiu Caso" K us too warm for the
residents of the Back Bav district.
It is qulto Impossibles for a dive
to attract my body , tut those ho 111 go In
pitoof the police , those ivlio If they cannot
prutlfy their loiv tastca ono \ \ nj will gratify
llioin another. The police arc called upon to
Hrrest tlicwonica intho dive ; but until now
the women in the theater could po on prostl-
tutiiif ( the art of the stie , Uealizeil by a
Cuslmmti , a Rachel , n Sldlons , an .Anderson'
n ICendalywithouthindrance.
One tiling is sure , the rising generation
have far less to fear from the dives than they
have from the printing press that scatters
lllthy books over the land under the pulse of
"litcmturo" and from tno alleged reputable
stajjowhcro vomonwhoiO tnlcatlus failed
to atlr.ut attention , outrage decency to
achieve public notice ,
Thccrvof llgh art and realism nnd other
meaningless things -\\hIeU over-zealous
raise docs no barin to real nrt
at nil. All tto success of the
Sibyl .folinstonc * docs not ono whit affect the
purer objieta ol the stage. 1C for the nonce a
manager , to niako money , mate the theater
an accessory , an adjunct of the bagnio , it
does not perhaps Inflict any very serious m-
Jurj ovonou public morality , ljut for the sake
of the rising generation safeguards should bo
thrown around then lest in a moment of
thoughtlessness , fired by what they have
Been , thc-ypo and do like wise.
Tlio ( juestlon of modesty does not Ho In
tuo exposure of the figure as
much as in the way It is exposed.
In n ball-room ono 9bes what ho may call
moileUly und Immodestly dressed women ,
pud yob the difference lu the dress may bo
very slight.
IVlodesty is taste. Fashion dictates dress ,
batlt leaves the proper application of itsde-
Bigiis to the individual.
lu some parts of the far Orient the female
flguru Is never altogether hidden , and fre
quently It ia lavishly exposed , but without
evident Intention. The Japanese maiden trots
along the street with her kimono Hying open ,
but } ou never dream of calling her Immodest.
Bu t u-fiou a woman , iu order to sacrifice lior-
eolf for art , as she says , poses oven for so
Binalla Twrttonof time as a minute , appear
ing In a skin-tight riK , without even ubit
of rlblKJii to hldo the cutitour of her nat
ural tlpuro , then It U high time for
the public censor to rise un and
take a hand in stamping out an evil , which If
permitted to Keen , would plunge bodctyinto
moral depravity as bathesonioas in the days
of Nero und undent Rome.
13ut tbeso eihlbitlous , In wlilch Ilss John-
Btone has created such a sensation , are hap-
'plly growing less. The stapo Is gradually
nssuuiliiK its proper spheres In the world.
Tallcnted men nnJ women , are seeking it ,
nnd their association cannot help but be ben-
U'tic bandsomo actor with nothing else to
recommend him , Is finding himself with other
"statues" hnatflnK around street corners.
3uo ? woman who has found an honest vlfo's
lot too tinno forhorand who puffs her tawdry
ecnndal , her vulgar amours , her shamcless-
ness before tto public only raises nn aggres-
elvo coutcmpt now.
Iho public want talent , they want brains ,
they want art , they want acting. They wont
a kind of phijthatU atleastup tothclrown
Intflllgcnco nnd a kind of actor or actress
whoso merit lies In what they do on the
Btnp. > , not wbat they do off of It.
They want artistic not Indecent display.
.And should this review prove ol benefit to
the management of the "Glemenecau Case , "
when pcrchanco It visits Omaha , us it un
doubtedly will , unless proper steps are taken
to suppress it entirely , tncu they are wel
come to It. TUB Lou.voiMt.
This ( Sunday ) ovcnlngtbosotwolnimitablo
Irish comedians. Harry and Fay , will close
their successful engagement flt thoBoydby
giving n perf ornmnco of the most amusing ol
nuvof iheir comedies , "MoKcnna's Flirta
tion. "
The opening attraction of NIlss nose
Cogiilan' * origairoiiient at the Boyd Monday ,
Tuesday anil Wednesday evenings will bo
"I'l'UVoQlington , " It seems almost
though the play ivns written for Miss
CoRliian , so completely docs she identify her
self with the ever varying characters of the
big-hearted , generous , voulo and withul rol
licking 1'eg. You almost forpct MJ Coghlan
undseo only the actress , nov butbllngover
with wit , merriment , sarcasm , then changing
-O the tciulorness of woman's devotion , and
finally glvlngnptho ono dream of truth and
love to secure the happiness of a mother , In
this character Miss Cogblnn runs through
the whole Ramutof emotions of the heart
nnd brain.A very pieatnnt innovation in
the first act is the stately King Gwrgo
minuet danced by Miss Cohlan and her
company .And. ot the end of the third nc1
wlo ilo not remember with pleasure ,
the Jig daneo by JIIss Coghlan acd thotwc
Uttlo olilldron of Triplot'3 ' , and later Triplet
himself joiulnp in the danco.
Mr. Thomas WhllUn , who plays the part of
Triplet , enters Into it with spirit onj Is r
comedian In the beat sense of the word.
Never slnco the late John Howsou has the
part ben playeJ bj- any ono that was a
master of the violin until the enjragoraent o
Mr. Whinin to play tha part. Mr. John T
Sullivan , who so ably supported Miss , Cofhlaii
lastseasou , iswithhcras leading man again
tbN year. Miss Cotrhlan has several poopl
\vltti her this year that are auro toshnroth' '
honors with her , nnd this is as should IN tno
case with all companies ,
On Wednesday evening Miss Coghlnnwll
appear In a grand double hill "Old I/ovo-
Letters. " written by Itronson Howard , au
thor ofTho Ilearietta , " "Sbcnandoah , "
etc. , and "Ix > ndon Asjuranco , " by tholato
r > ! on UoucicaulU
ItU-o's "Vorld's Pair"will t seen nt
33ojil'so | > era house Th'jrsilay ' night with its
wealth of attractions In the ibapo of clever
comedians , taleutixl vocalists , pretty rirls ,
giir i-oiu costumes , beautiful scenic effects
and unique surroundings. The following
will gnu an Idea of the production. Tbo au <
dlence at lint Is taken to the library of Time ,
and the first act concludes with the dlscov.
cry of America by Columbus. I'roin this
point the soencs nro placed IB various depart
ments of the coming Chicago exposition , the
statuary department , and the bazaar * of
of the Japanese , Italian , EngHatt , French ,
Irish , S | > mlsh anU American exhibitors.
Eiich sa no sots forth proverbially humoroas
nittonolcharactoristlcs , l-'orexaniplo , In the
the Italian lazaarthero is a travesty ot the
DoaUottl nnd nolltul school of opera. In the
Ameriwi bazaar are set forth the marvelous
biu'iitlonshlch may bo piren totho world
aitbo jear ol grace 1SSI , including an eloc'
ulcal cihibit. Tha sale of suts coian acia
Wednesday mornlnp. Hegular siihcdulo of
prices prevail Ing ,
ITiO coming w k will be aprandonoat the
Eden Museo. Manager trawler has spared
neither pain * , time or money to secure ono of
the b st vnnoty aUracllou.1 obtainable. Mo
has st'curcdan entirely new collection of war
Imnpcs of royal sovereigns , presidents , car
dinals and the pcno uhlch are indeed a beau
tiful feature. The Fnrcat City trio , Sher
man.Vard \ nnd Mann , \\lio are acknowl
edged by all to bo the best team of musical
( ketch artists traveling , will introduce
twenty of the most unique Instruments Im
aginable , sotno ol which have never before
bt-eii cihlbitcd in this country. Jessie nnd
Bessla Diijton , the banjo song ami dance
specialists , present a very pleasing entertain
ment In conjunction with the sketch pre
sented last week. Vest and Fowler , tha
comical German and Irish comedians , sup
ported by a&rst-classcompany will nUo ap
pear. Among the company Is Senator
Uohorty of Arkansas , who delivers the great-
cst tariff speech of the ace. confined to the
duties on toothpicks nnd Winchesters. Billy
Ktncnon , the champion oone soloist , Millo
MUburu.thoTyrollan warbler and others will
appear in the cast. The performance Is
strictly llrst-closs throughout.
Itcmhilsuciit ortrcDolll.
'When Jslme. Trobclll and her companies ,
writes her biographer , were traveling
through Scandinavia , they otton had difficulty
In obtaining such a meal as they wished.
They had , hovovcr , ono unfailing gastro
nomic resource eggs ; these were always to
be bad. They almost lived on them , and
used to say the visit to Scandinavia might bo
called the "Keg Tour. " This pave Mow ,
Trobclll the Idea of making a design fora
scarf-pin a tiny enamel egg In a gold epg-
cup and of sending itto n jeweler in Paris.
Shu received the pins and presented ono to
each member of her company. In Russia , the
Jeweled egg led to a ludicrous adventure.
.Mme. Trebelll's knowledge of Hussian was
limited. .At Toulawishing to order cirgs for
breakfast , and not ktio\ving the word for the
article , she first tried to explain In
what Itussian she knew , then
In several other Impinges , but
all to no purno o. Signer Eisaccia , who
was proient , happened to bo wearIng -
Ing one of tbe ctrg pins , so Iilmo. Trobclll
pointed to the miniature egg , and having
failed In .French , Italian nnd German , said la
English , "Look , lookl" to attract tlio wait
er's attention. Tlio waiter smiled , and
answering "All right , " in Russian , disap
peared. Ilreakfast was served , and ho
placed triumphantly before them a huge
dish of fried onions I They did not know
then , but they found out later , that "look" Is
the llussian word for ottion. Slenor Blsac-
cla thougnt be might succeed better. Going
up to the waiter , ho repeatedly pointed to his
scarf pin , and fearing to use words which
might again bo misunderstood , merely ejacu
lated : "Ah ! Huml Iluml" The man
madoslgns that ho understood at last ; but
ho vas pone a long time. Finally ho re
turned with a doctor , liiving come to the
conclusion-ana certainly his interpretation
did credit to his wits that Signer Ilbaccia
was suffering from a bad sort ) throat.
9frs. l'ottcr'n Australian Success.
Mrs. Jnmss Brown Potter , who has gained
flesh and gold oswellas n popular triumph In
Australia , is on the ocean now with a com
pany of her own , which slio hired as a specu
lation with part of the profits of her season
lu Sydney nndMellwrno. Just before sailIng -
Ing- for Calcutta , whcro slio opens Oct , 1 for
a long season. Mrs Potter woto that on
the Fourth of July the Americans gave her a
great send off at the Princess theater , which
was garlanded with the stars and stripes
and handsome floral pieces , and she was ia-
vitcdto read the Declaration of Independence
at the fete which on that day Connnt
Griflen , tin American ! resident in Sydney ,
always gives to his country men and women.
"There are really only two big cities in
Australia" Mrs. Potter writes. "Melbourne )
Is splendid and Sydney is divinely beautiful
All the other places arc , theatrically speak
ing , only two or three night stands. I am
putting some ol ray Australian gold Into spe
culation and takiupra company of fourteen
artists , nnd two scene painters up to India.
I have hadn big guarantee from a syndicate
of Bcntlornen in Calcutta. I play four niphts
In Ceylon , In Calcutta cipht weeks , nnd then
go overland to Bombay where I play a month.
Then I no to Madras , Dack to Ceylon and
back to Sydney. It will bo the first big the
atrical entcrorlso ever taken to India and
they call it American though lam'tho only
American la tbe company. "
Dlxey Unpopular -with Women. i
Henrj- . Dhey , who has probably seen
his best days as a popular comedian. Is an all-
night fellow , lend of men's society , but un
popular vlth the women of his company , for
ho is a martinet , and a rather brutal one , In
business. His associations arc seldom with
thomembors of his company , however ; ho
prefers bard drinkers and undoubtedly has
est prcstlgo in neglecting his business In
'aver of ull-nlght bouts.
Louis Harrison likes few people. Ho Is a
jralny nun and praters thu discussion of ab
struse subjects to the ordinary tittle-tattle of
.ho profession ; ho hates gatherings and says
.nut no club compares with his home.
Do Wolf Hopper Is tm aivfully popular
man In his set , and In fact a great portion of
lis state success Is duo to his ability in maki
ng personal f riendshlps. Ho Is whole-souled ,
always Jolly , but no ono has ever jet been
nbloto mike anlghtowl of him. Whoa the
clock strikes 1 ho is off , no matter how pleas
ant the society.
Munlcnl and Dramatic.
Fay Tcmplcton has gone back to Paris.
\ViUlam Gillette ts in hotter health than
Ills said thnt Joseph Jefferson proposes to
build a theater In Now York.
.A now play by Charles Coghlan , treating
of modern English life , called "Lady Barter , "
was produced In Denver last week by Hose
Blehard Stahl is at work on another operate
to bo called "Deshwl. " It will not ho as
ponderous as "Tho Sea King , " but after the
tyloof "Said Pasha. "
'Sho condition of huslnes ? generally on the
roads is bad ; managers generally are com
plaining ; that this Is ono of the worst seasons
that they over know only a few first-class
orgaalzntions are making money.
I'coplo who like what Is called rcalls in on
the stage are likely to bo pleased , and , In fact ,
have already been pleased , with the sawmill
and barbecue scenes in "Bluejoans , " at the
Fouiteonth. street theatre , New York.
.Emma Abbott has yielded totho ciicentlcs
of her enlarged repertoire nnd gone Into
tighti. Her aupcaranco in fleshings bus
provoked as much , enthusiasm in the rural
districts as , the succulent Abbott hiss did la
its day.
0"ho management of tbe Acadcmv of JVtusle ,
New York , is considering the advisability of
discarding its present nnmo nnd calling it
"Tho Old Horiestead , " In honor of the play
it bis sheltered for four years.
J3mma Juch and DeAVoIf Hopper will join
forces in March and plav "The Mascott" for
six weetaln New York , Boston , Philadelphia ,
Chicago and St. Louis. Miss Juch will bo
"Bettlna" and Mr. Hopper "Lorenzo , '
llchoarsals of Augustus Thomas' new play ,
"KocUlessTempUVIn which .Maurice Bany-
moro Is to maho his first appearance as n star
at the Standard theater October 7 , are well
under wav. Manager J. M. Hill says that
the play fa written on entirely now lines , ana
that lu the part of Edgar Temiilo , the bcro ,
will "simply liavo to act himself to meet all
requirements. "
Chicago , having now the biggest and pret
tiest theater lathe worldIs soon also to have
the biggest cztravnganza ever produced. An
English theatrical speculator has nought all
tbescouery ana costumes of "Cinderella , "
which , with Mnnlol'nlmer , Avas soon at her
majesty's ' theater in Londan , and to It ho has
added the costumes of "Babes in tbe Wood1'
nnd "Little lied Hiding Hood , " all to l > o
rolled Into ono gigantic show and put unon
the mammoth stage of the Auditorium. Tbo
costumes alone are said to bavo cost tno
carls nnd dukes inveigled into tbe London
scheme 120,000.
Dr. Ulrnov cures cntnrrh , Boo bldg ,
ItiHnno People In tlio United State * .
Accordin K to the Ititcst statistics there
nro 100,000 , persons la tlio United ,
States a ratio ol ono to every 550 inhnb-
Dr. Blrnoy , nose and throat , Ueo bids'
} \\K \ \ Halrulen of .Tookoji.
Mnuy of the best English jockojs earn
over $000 a week.
Their Manifold Duties aa Provided by the
Board of Education ,
How the \Vngcs of Janitors nro Graded
anUtlio Manner of Their Election
to the 1'osltlon wlilcli
Thcjr Occupy ,
Although they do not teach , the janitors of
the public schools of the city are so closely
associated with the course of education that
they nro looked upon by the tnemoers of the
school board as a part of the machinery ot
the schools. There are forty-two of these
people , one for every school house vlthtntho
corporate limits , nnd last month the total
amount of their pajroll amounted to ( J,7o9.50.
The general pubilo has but little idea of
the duties to bo peforraed by the Janitors.
That no mistakes may bo made , the board
furnishes each Janitor with a cede of laws.
pertaining to the requirements of tho'
position. In this code there are
numerous rules , waning from " .A" to ' 'M"
nnd according to the exact language of the
rules , each janitor shall bo required :
a. Tothoroiiphlrsvreep thobutlillnc In his
cinrgo each afternoon afu > r tlio close of
school , and to carefully dust dosls. scats ,
doors , windows , balusters etc , on each niorn-
Inzntsuch nn hour ns to allow tlio dust to
Fcttlo before the openlnK "t school. Out-
ousfMnre to bo swept onoachcvenlntc.
( / . To wash the lloorsof oauli bulldlnsc once
nrnouth , and the Boors and soils ol the out-
liouseinsofien asmaybo noeessary to lusuro
abiolnlc oloinllnuH.
c. To builJ ( Ires In tlio morning according
to directions front the principal , uut always
early enouch to Insure a proper temperature
MS : 1.1 a. in. , and supply thu necessary me I
for the day's USD.
( ( . To rlnx the bolls at such hours as the
principal may direct. ,
f. To keep all walks frco from snow and
/ . To attend to the cleaning of stoves ,
stove-nlnos and furnace' .
(7. ( To look the doors of nil out-liousos , and
the outsldo doors of school houses , and to
fasten the windows before ho leaves the
building each owning. , . .
h. To wind the clou ks anil regulate thoin.
and to see that they aruon uniform time caoli
morn Int. . . ,
t To thoroughly clem. In every part , the
entire building and promise * during Ci
vacation. . , , .
j. AVhcn required by the nrlnclpil to re
move desks and benches or fasten thorn
down , and make such slight repairs as may bo
to the prltjclpal nny repairs
necessary ubout the building not Included
I. Toroport totho secretary the receipt of
any fuel ttiatd < xs not couio up to standard
required by the board.
m. And toperform such otber duties asmay
be required by tuo principal.
The duties required under the last para
graph are numerous , ns the the janitor maybe
bo required to walk to the ofllco of the super
intendent to report a refractory pupil , or ho
may bo compelled to bunt the tow a over to
find a member of the committee on heating
and ventilation , to repair a furnace , or stop a
leak In some of the pipes alwut the building ;
but notwithstanding ull of this , janitors are 11
well paid class of people. They receive their
pay monthly , nnd according to the rules of
tno board are paid Irom { 15 to $150 per
The highest paid janitor Is Thomas Fal
coner ot the high school , This gentlomau re
ceives a salary of $150 per month
during tbo months the schools aio in
session nud fc. " > per month during
vacation , besides being furnished room , rent ,
fuel and lights. There are others who re
ceive salaries that are somewhat princely iu
proportion-as follows : William Oreselman ,
of thollartman school receives JU0.50 per
month ; Charles Kolo of the Lake school
USTi ; Henry Busth oC the Long school , tl ± i
MlkoFord of thoPaciflo school , SIM.
Of the the forty-two janitor on the payroll
eight are paid SUW or more per mouth each ,
while live manage to oio out an existence by
drawing upon the school board treasury for
(15 ( each month. These people who are paid
the low salaries are : Charles ManstleU , at
Hckermun : Mary McCausland , Fort Omaha
\Voeincr , at Gibson ; A. M. Johnson , a
\ VestSideandV.T. . Johnson , at the Sher
man school.
People frequently wonder why the salaries
at these schools nre so low. It is simply be
cause tbe janitors care for but ono room each ,
and for this work the board has fixed the
salury at 815 per month.
That the public may fully understand the
question of janitors salaries , the following
pay-roll is given. This applies to buildings
boated by stoves or furnaces !
Vacation School
Mouths. Months.
1-room building * 10 00 115 M
H-room buildings 18 00 20 00
-rooru buildings K 00 } j 00
4-roora bulldliiKS 00 40 00
5-room buildings AS 00 JT 50
5-room buildings W 00 ! 00
7-room buildings 00 K2 50
8-roura buildings M 00 JO 00
U-room buildings. . . . . .5)00 n 50
ID-room buildings M 00 & > 00
11-room buildings.- J5 00 W 50
l.-rooia buildings 70 00 ICO 00
If the buildings nra heated by steam K > ex
tra is allowed for cucli room used during the
ichool year and such compensation during
the vacation months as the board may decide
Janitors obtain their positions In the same
manner aa the teachers. They file their ap-
) llcations with the secretary of the boird
jf education and at the proper time
the applications are considered by a commit
tee that reports to the board. If the applica
tions nro considered favorably the applicants
are elected by the votes of the members ana
assigned totho respective school houses.
Of the forty-two Janitors employed this
year twelve are ladies , who are stationed at
tha following named scoools : Mrs. E.
Woorner at the Davenport school , where
she earns a salary or 0 per month ;
Mrs. Louisa Thompson , Dodeo school , foi.50
per month ; Mrs. Elenry Hunger , Uupont
ichool , $ U3 per month ; Mrs. E. T. Lewis ,
Forest school , $53 $ per month ; Mrs. Mary
McCauseland , Fort Omaha school , § 15 per
month ; Mrs. George tEUer , Franklin school ,
$50 per month ; Mrs. B. Coleman , Jackson
school , $30 per month ; Mrs. Mary Lartis ,
' .athrop school , * 67 per month ; Mrs. ICato
uettinff , Paul school , f. > 0 per month ; Mrs.
Mary Brady , Pleasant school , $30 per month ;
Mrs. J. C. Farrcll , Ylnton school , $11 per
month , ana Mrs. Mary E. Cllmore , annex to
the Long schoolHI per month.
Some of these women employ boys to help
sweep and carry coal , but most of them do
all of the work above , thus having the cntlro
salary for the support of themselves and their
Mrs. Mercer , manicure , 404 Bee. bldg.
The Yale Literary Magazine and the Dart
mouth nre the oldest college publications in
the country ,
ThoRov , IsuacC. KettorPh. , D. , president
of the Giwo City college In Michigan , has
been elected president of Jlacalcstor college
In Mnnesota.
P. A. . Hosmer , formerly principal of the
higlischool In Great Harrington , Mass , ho4
gone to Honolulu to ill ! the president's chair
ia the American college there.
It Is said that there has been no habitual
smoker among the honor men at Harvard for
twenty years past. OnoNewHaven flrmseUs
over 1AJ.OOO cigarettes to "Yale students each
Tuo now fraternity halls nro being erected
at Pennsylvania collcRO , Gettysburg. They
are the Phi Gamma Delta nnd Sigma Chi.
The Phi Kappa Psl fraternity already has a
handjotno lodge tbcro.
A new dally paper has been started at the
University of Michigan , making the fourth
college dally In the United States. The oth
ers are the Yale News , the Harvard Crimson
and the Cornell Sun.
In Hawaii schools ire established all over
the Island , the aura allotted to nubliu instruc
tion In 1SX'63 being RJtKJ.Ot.'O . annually. In
1SSS there were 18V 8chools\vith j,77O pupils ;
of these , there were 5SMIhwojians , and \ , ' H
hall castes.
Bellerue college , at Bellevuf , Neb. , Is
growing at such a pace that It now bos forty-
eight students , double the number ot last
year , and out of the twenty rooms in Kdwim
nail , the youni ; ladies' dormitory , only 11 vo
ore unoccupied.
Recent statistics published by the Prussian
s C. O. D.
Corner 23rd and Cuming Streets. Tel , 1530 ,
I C °
, Qc-to"ber
ISlbs Graunlated Suear-$1.00 : Warranted Salmon , per can. . . $ ,1 O
161bs Extra C Sugar 1,00 Full Cream Cheese 15
I71bs CSugar. . l.OO California Hams ( warranted ) . . . , 7
Arbuckles Coffee , per package. . ,25 Good BonelessHarns Table Butter. . . . . . . . . . . ,18 9i
Paska Coffee , per package. . , , . . ,23i- Very Select Butter 2O
No. 1 Rio Coffee .25 ' 10 Bars Good Laundry Soap . . l.OO
No. 1 Ground Coffee .19 King's Buckwheat 5J
Minneapolis Superlative Tlcmr 1.35 Aunt Jamima Pancake Plour. , 5
Splendid Flour 75 Catsup , per bottle ,1 O
Snow Flake Flour l.OO Two Loaves Bread for 5
Full line Curtis Bro.s' Goods. "Every article FIRST CLASS
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Elegantly of personages living and dead ,
brought down to date. It is the
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It should too remembered that use of Americans. The latestedi-
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printed from new type , made to was compiled nearly fifteen
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with rected to the present year. This
tion a cheap one of the orig
inal "Britannlctiwhich ' is a wortc Is a library of the most
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taining the same matter which on an almost Infinite variety of
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"j Heilf Morocco Binding , S3S ,
povcrninent show that./contrary to current
ideas , the number of truly teachers in the
public school ! of that country U rapidly Increasing -
creasing , especially In the western province * ,
which have always been the lenders lu this
The "Russian Rovernment refuses to accept
the millions offered by Baron Ilirsch to be
appropriated to education lu which Jewish
children have a share ; the barou now pro
poses to send $ l30iOi ( ) annually to this coun
try to be expended In educating Jews who
bare been driven from Russia.
The German universities had in ISS3-SO
liS.WOl3tudents , The tUrec largest universi
ties uro Berlin , -with 5TW , ) ; Munich , with
3GJi ; Lelpsic , with 8.430 studects. Of the
entire number of students lu Germany 5tfil
studied theoloi.'y , 0,577 , law , S.fifeJ medicine ,
and 7,600 philosophy. The entire number of
universities In Austria Is only 13b01. ,
The proposed school tot church nmslci&ns
at Hartford seminary , under the direction of
Prof.Yaldo S. I > rattls arousing much inter
est oven as far awuy as England. The course
is to occupy three jears , and the students are
to bo In residence thlrtv weeks In eaeli year ,
lioth men nnJ women will bo admitted , and
they will betmiucidas directors of music m
churches and Sunday schools.
The Northwestern university , Henry
AYado Rogers , L.L. . D. , president , has entered
upon its new year wltli generous increase of
students over Its larjjo uttendamcof Ust
year. A freshman class of ItiJ , with a total
ofilM In the college of li&eralarts ; academlu
department. 405 ; medicine , 310 ; theolojry ,
? M ; law , 173 ; pharmacy , OKI ; dontl try , : ;
music. l'J7 ' ; oratory , Kl ; line art , 31 : total ,
1UH ! , , naincivase ot Dili over last year.
The Clmutauqua Literary and Scientific
Circle will Itfgin its fourteenth year of read
ing this autumn. The course will Include
Kiipllsh language , history and literature , BO-
olopy anil readings from French lltcraturo.
-AmoiiRtno writers whowlll contrlbuto the
rwiuirvd rcadlnpsoro : I'rof. Edward Freo-
raan , 1'rof. OeorROl' . FHher.l'rof. A.S.1I111 ,
Harriett' . .Snofford. Prof , II. A. Bccrs.Prof.
Alexander Vliichcl ! , BUhop John 1Hirst. .
Dr. Ulrncy , nose anil throat , Uco
Save tlio 1'oullry
A Vermont woman Avho has made
poultry pay. says : "I have feathorn not
only from nucks nnd jjccso , but from
chlckeriH and turkeys , 1 have two bis :
bnfjH , ono for the froi'so und tluckn and
onu for chicken anu turkey feathers.
When enough foiithera luivo Iwon col-
Iccted to nuke a pillow or cushion I cut
the shape out of bed ticking and Btitch
closely all around tlio oil cri , tvlth the )
exception ol u binall opening left at the
top in which to put the foathora. Before
filling I turn the bag or cam libido out
und rub what innou- the rl 'ht oroutbldo
of tlio bux well with common bar BOH : > ,
thonput in the fen there , tlo up the hole
In the hag and. plucalt with ltn contents
In n clothes holler und hell for a fou-
minutes , niovinjf it about with a fetick
and lifting it up und down. 1'limlly I
take It out , drain und MJ uoe/.o out the
waVoras well its I can und hung up lu u
light , uirj pluco to dry. In u. foiv claya
Eye and Ear Surgeon
1310 DO.IKO Struot Spectacle ) accurately
Warranto K vl singers SIM
? InliiK MOO onoh.
3 for 11.00.
nee tdlir..oo.
417 S. JOtli St.Ornnhn.
the feathers will he light and Huffy and
true from any unpleasant odor. "
Dr. Birnor cures catarrh , Boo hld | { .
_ _ _
A New On. * Kulirmo.
Tlio KIM department of the lllruilng-
liura ( Ktifjland ) coriwration luivo under
connldoratlon the " "
[ KJiiny-in-tlio-alot"
Bchomo for the supply o [ paHln binnll
tonumonta Tlio idea has been tested
nnd iirovedfoaslhlo. ThosysU'in would
Involve the fixing of a nmciuno in ( ho
houboof cacii omiHiiinur anil doling nut
giis by ponnj'vrorthK. The i > rleo now
chargpd to small consumers isQ cents
per 11K ) feet. Under ( ho now priiiclplo
the proposal IsBupply 25 feet for oiiu-
third of that.
Dr. lUrncy , nosu tinil throat , lk o bldff
Cornell uuivonlty oiicnotl with ubout the
jamunutiiljcr of stuilcnti it * lut year. Ovu *
loveu hundred vveru