THE ) UMJVHA DA1JLY BEE : SUNDAY J OTOBER 19 , 1800-SIXTEEN PAGES. 11 A. PAUADL.IS OF 11113 OA1 J1S. "How hnll rmn surely * iiti > lil wmlV" 'Twa * sunset by the Jordan. Oali's OfllKhtYi'r jcloliijf , ninl the whole VnsL linM-nlmiixilarkoncil mlhn fnlM. "How nlndl tiiHli'iurdjrfiatolifo oulV" lioialil , Aifollllio kingly ( discrowned niiudoad 7licn Christ said. Ifoar tlilsl'nrntilo : 1 o turn set forth to Journey fut Anil ronili n plicn urounrknMS full Ami iln c < l Ihc Knlcii > rutlii > y Imil jinwd. T o worthy MCI. , oacli free alike from sin , Jlutoricilld sick tiiostsurolo untir In. Anil so when Intlielrpatlidld Iny Acrippln with a broken stiff , 7lih fiticiltfl tms itrnUtitnn hlsvmy. Wlillci . dldntonjiimclKluj tlinlii.l ( i. mid nil Ms brc id dldnotjly tlinro Till tiny at sunset ia\r \ thilr city f.tlr. Then lie who would maktj viro mi fast 1i > roiili tlioKoltluisiirmt irnto , Vlicruuiptiilimi nd proud dm riot * pnwd. Hut lul llilMpioiidniaii cniun tiioluti'l Tin1 Kntevns cloMdl , mid all nUlit IOIIR lie lie cried and cried , but timer wntcli replied. 1 tliciimnwhr ) rated to lava Anotlicr , usliu would Jni avil l , Cnin ' tlimly mi ; tfnU'brc'iil ' , nmltavn Hl'ool water * ; n rid liestopped utidltivid The woundAt 1ml , bint ( louMu with Ills lit tinilild , the I'ortor's private iuto. llmr then t1ililc4 niil hcnraml learnj \sliououM wi\ofils sou ) , I iy Must IIIMI lilisonl : must darn toturii And lift tlicfilliMiliy tlienuvi Must nuki ; lihsoiuuiirt Ii living hy somou > fd 'Diatoms anilKrows , us grows a fruitful soul. TlllllKIfllllH , CMKI , VMl , Clll. A MOElSniILES"STAXDISH. ] ) r. Cloni'v In the Ohlcago Trlb- tine : "A fi orV'iopc.itetl ' Hob Jtonnell , Iciiniiighackln lili pinoolllco chair , the limit * of which \\cro Ijecoinlnpf nltomm- tul from tlio persistent whittling of its tuecchsivc oecupantB , "u do/en if lean. " "J know jou would. , ' ' declared Harry Irol ) 'r , In si tone that it c-onllclent was also full of Mifriioioliuf. "In/act / I really vuoto Linnet you would go. " "You did , oh ? " lotuinod Deb , tlltinR linek anil toulurlng on the ic.u1 legs of hlb clwlf inn dexterously rccklem manna na- that would luivo tltirun a moio im- pio.isiomiblohiilhluual Lhrxu his partner ullcl with nenousnuis. "I1 hut was nwfullj kind of jou ! Hut vhoronm I to ( , ' 0 ? And who in the world in Linnet ? If you would only supplement your dis posal of mo with a little information I couldn't bosuHIucntlj grateful. " Droier Riliincd amiably , and shifted his position In the doorway of tlio small western tfr.ilu ollleo. LiUo nio t men fclow of sjwi'ch thcnr-oUef , iio \\na prompt to appreciate. the ruiuy raillery of titiothor. ' \Vliy why Linnet Is , " lather a.\vl > - wurdlj , " Linnet Josyhm , you know. " "Ohl" In Bwlden comprehension. "Thobi-iclo-clcct. Von iiuvoi * spoke of lir otherwho than us Jllsd Josylun. " ' Dltln'tiy By the \\iiy \ , I don't bo- llcvo I over tel < l you much si/bout licr nny\Miy , Ijojondtho fncut that who is a Kind of ( lislunt cousin of inlno , ; uil ( tliat woco \ to bo nisiri-iodiioxt Thui"-dtiv. , " "Is'o , " replied Hob , with a bluko of liin liaiitlhoino lienil. "You now did. " Ho was u tall , wull-Knlt , iithlelie look- iny fellow. ' 1'lioro was in hla whole bearing1 a certain easy gmco that ino- futablj bespoke peed brooding nnd gcn- tlo nssoelntioiH Ills dark-skinned , finolj-uhlheled face was bright with huiiioi and alcit with iiitclliffcnco. In ovorj soti o of the word was Henry Dreior inillko him. Hens of medium hoitrlit and lioa\ily built. Ills move ments were deliberate to clumsiness. His face -\\ns largo and round , and Ilorid , and fut. Ills stubby streak of a sandy inutituche reminded one of thut of Jlr. Joirerbou IlricU , which Mnrtlii C'huv./lo- wlt mistook for "a retont trace of gln- Korliea < i. " His milit blue ojesoio most kindly. Indeed his general appear ance was Graphically btupld. la reality Mr. Drolur was the Ic.iat stuiid of men. Ho waa most keenly and practically Bhrontl. Ills look of bland iniioeeiico , nlmost of helplessness , was u music with which nuturo liadeapiiclously presented him. Those \vlio frncied they could by btipcrlor menttil ability compiibsii bnai- ness or | wrsonal victory over Henry Drolcr wcio apt to find tlieinsehrs con- frontfd with a counter move on the nrolmbllily of uhich they had ultojothor { failed to leckon. IButhowas honolessly unromantlc. 1'horo was nodenjliifj faet. Ho had not in his composition a hiiiylo grain of sentiment. And in his lifo love would be , as Jilmo. do Staul avowed it was In the lifo of nil inon. > n 01 civ an epit-ode. Of this Bol > Honncll hiulalwnjs felt sure , but when now his partner vent onto speak : of his s\vcot- noailln his prosy , niattci-of-fnet vay , ho was tuoio than e er t'oniinccd ho was cnricut in his deductloiiH. "Slio'H an eastern girl. Itcr nconlo wore wealthy. She was educated vlth " the grculest "cure. &ho gioup think- liirr lifo was to bo for her just a loiifT pioccsslon of pleasures.Vull , one day her father went all to pieces on the boa til of tuulo. The shock killed him. nia wifu didn't ' last for many \\oeks after him , and then Linnet found bhemust either woik or stano. The former Hccniud , as you may sujnmso , tlio moioaeccptablo alternative , Mho wrote to ncoiulnof her father \\lio him a ranch out here , asking him if she could hccuro employment teaching in this pattof the r - * woilil. There was aehaneo of her ob- \tV \ the dUtrivt bchool , so ho bent wfvd to come. She did PO , She was too lato. The board of directors hud given the place to nn earlier appli cant , Linnet hud not onouph monov to tnkohorhomougain , so shu was obliged to lomainatniatohfoid's. Know them ? " Jfo Hob didn't ' know thorn. "Well , they live over hv Concordia They ate the relatives of Linnets I mentioned. Mean I You may bank on that. They think inoro of a nickel than I doof udolhuand ; thoi'\o moio dol- lur than I have. Tlioj told "Linnet Hho could do the housework for her boiuil. And the hou-.owoik o ( itor bifj biuiMckota } ) liu'o Is no joke. She wits plucky. Shot ) led it. lint yon might as well liarnobsn buttorily to a plow as Linnet to drudgery , " Ho pnii'-eil ' to weigh a- load of corn foi a man vlio had drlvon upon the u'alo outride. Then ho scribbled a line upon thobattcied book that lay on the shelf likolcdgo jubl below the ding } window pane. I used to po to Ccncortlla pretty often an jou lomembori and 1 prot into the hublt of BtoppltiRr In lit Blntchfoid'n. And well , the long and the short of it is , Immloup my mind to get married , and to nuiruy UniiL't , Toslan } nt that , " Jlonuoll nodded intorcbtedly , Is'ovor before luul Henry k > on feoeotilldontlalU coininunlcntlvo. 'Sho's ' awfully piotty , " lie averred , "mid I llko hcrquitons well nsiinychr I OUT j aw indeed Iwtter , I'\o built i llnohoiihc , you know. She shull liavo oveiything ho wants. I'm sure wo'll bo voiy happy. " Hob biiillod primly. How pro i\ic Dreior was ! 3 low unemotlonall The girl who would bo content with the atToction he offered would hmo all bho deserved , lionui'll felt oomlnicd. "And now , " said Henry , looking at hisfrloiuV'hoio in the tlxl'mln I can't coovot * thoruto bo married next Thurn- Buy , The decision ubout tuat now elo- vnlor tlio railroad men talk of putting up may bo made ny day. It would not do for nioto rhk Iwlntj away. " "Man nlivel" cried I3obbriiglng , ) down .hoforolcps othls chair wlthnbang.anU iirlnging to hli foct. "Do you rcmcm * > cr you would go to bo married ? " "That Is the idcntlcnl ronson I can't pro ! " answered Henry with hia us\nl air of serenity. "The very fact of my as suming now obllfiratlons would make it : ulp.ibloof inoto jcopardlzo my business ntereslf. " There WJMB little ainusonient and a jood deal of contempt In the glances Bob tue him , "AndBO,1'decided Dreler , putting his short , thick hands in his pockets , "I wrote to Linnet that you would po over rorhorThursdaynnd bilnpher to liellc- villo.Vo cnn bo married hero. " No longer could Bonnull conceal his exasperation. "Cioodhemenslroier ) , " ho exclaimed , ' 'can't jou see that what you suggest is Itifcrnallybsid form ? " Henry did not HCO it. He turned de liberately to weigh the empty wagon that had rumbled back on the scale. Then ho calmly faced the Indignation of hlspaitner. "No girl"avowed that wrathful Indi vidual lieroely , "nt least no girl In her senses , would tolerate such dictation. You ought not to cxnecther to come and { , 'oiiH ou decidens if she were a trained ten lor. " IIuni > smiled placidly , "O , sno won't mind ! My absence from town might moan quite a lo = > s to mo in a mono ) sense. " "Defer your marrhiffo thon. " "Postponements are unbusinesslike. " It wimvlthpomcthingsusplciously like an oath that Mr. lionncll pulled his hat down o\or his brows and swung out of the ollleo. Hooved over and over to himself that ho wouldn't go to Concordln. It \\asattoclou4thntlio should bo sent to brlnfj anil deliver a bride as it she were so much inetfhandlsol And yet did not a poor poet bring Lalla Itookhto the arms of her royal lo\er ? Yes , but the jinot wnp the lo\or. Well , after nil , what business -\\iis \ it of his ? Ho had ( jneii his \undto Drier to do him the fa\or tequcsted. And the futurowifoot ills paitnor mnstbobuta nauow-inlndcd and spliltless creature and unworthy his ba\a < o chivalry in her defense. So lie went : but ngainst Ills will , as Hcatrice buid , when she imltod Bene dict into dinner. It vus still early , not IOo'clock , vlieii ho drew up hiH horses before the hupe , iifjly frame farm-house on the out-sklrta of Concordia. It was an A pi II day , and u delicious one. The skies wore most softly , sun nily , luminously blue ; overjwhoio were plows furroniiiK the dark sod ; ovorj- where was budding' greenery ; overj- where were budding boughs ; and from the pialrio grass eamotho persistently cheerful t-blrp of the meadow larks. Kansas was that morning , as she not In- frequfiilly K moio piodirjal of springtime - time piomlso than of midsumxnor frui lion. "Miss.Tosjlan ! " The weather-beaten woman vho had answeicd his biisk knueklo-knock on tbo panels of the seldom-used hall door ic arded him with stolid cuiiosity. "LinnotV Sho's ' out with tlio children sotnouhcrcs giiddiu' as usual. Won't jou come in ? " "No , thank jou , " replied Uonnoll , taking off his hat in a fashion that the poor tlchoinaiifor a moment imagined implied supiemo sarcasm , "I shall try to find her. " Find her ho did. She wns in the next field , with half iido7cnroyhtoriug young' Dlatchfords about lier. Thoywuroon their way to seek the whcicitbouts of n " noiniidlu" lion , or rather of tlio nest. The fear tint she would "lay out" hail caused the mistress of the farm anxiety unuttoi.iblp. Although Bonnoll had never seen Linnet thoio was no mistaking hor. A. girl city bom and bred is , in the city , one of a multitude. In the country , es pecially in the now western country , she isdlstlncthely nd delightfully conspic uous. She is the transferred product of n moio luxurious and intricate civilisa tion. tion."Miss "Miss Josylan , I bello\e , " said Bon noil. noil.Sho She bowed slightly. She stood re garding him with a glancoof quiet In quiry. She was a graceful girl of per- hap.s eighteen or twenty. Ilor gown of smoke colored coshmeio had no\er been fashioned ba \ Kansas dressmaker. It was artistically plain. It ( itled her ibunded , young h'guio with crlove-llko btnootlme&s. "I havoi'onio"V.aIl . ( Rob , with an embarrassment foreign to him , "from Ileniy Dreior. " The face before him aory delicate , sensitive face it was , with dark-lashed hn/ol eyes and a beautiful mouth flamed boatleb from boft hair to white throat. "Ho did not icccho in3 letter , thenV You are Mr. BouneU'i" ' Hobabsonted. "I wrote him , " hurried on Linnet Josyhm , "that I would not go to Bello- \lllo as he ili3t > iied. " Hob felt lilnibclf placed In an unpleas ant position. AsMiiedly the girl was neither nauow-inlndcd nor spiiitloss as ho had supposed when ho agreed to ful fill the request of Dicier. For , though her wo ids were brief and Dim ple , thoie was a vist deal of lesontmont in both tone and ex pression. But how in the name of heaven had such a woman promised to marry ITcnry Dreiorl Suddenly and cnriouily ho wns answered , "That's light , Linnet. " piped up ono of the group who stood gaping at tlio stranger , "don't ye go. 1 hoard ma toll pa ylstiday that if 3011 wont to git mar- rloci eho'tl have to have help , an' that the lessn she'd have to pay 'ud bo $3 a week. Don't ' yogo ! " Linnet looked up from the freckled nnd perMii ivo countoniinco of Master Clivo Leonard Leroy Blatehfoid. All the color wont out of her face with a lush. Something1 bet and resolute caino Into It , "I shall go with you , " she said to Hon ncll. She turned and walked toward the "Poor little girl , " said Rob. He know no\\ why she was < : olng to mairy llonrj. She would bo her own mis tress. Simula would bo Independent. She would bo fteo fiom lopollant labor and pottj despotism. If the abbOibed and jubsloimto devotion of till young hearts cra\u \ it was not in the imtuiool Drolcr to give her , siio would at least receive hiiulncbs and affection. And , morbid sentimentaliots to the contrary , half a loaf Is pieforablo to no bread. Bonnoll wont back to the load. lie stood by the buggy , waiting. Ho could hear within the hou o the Bounds of an gry nnd aggrieved protestation. When , cnrrjlng- ssiehel , Johylan caino out , down the path , and to the buggy , her lips were in a mutinous rod line , nnd her ha/.c'l eyes wore black with rebellion. Silently ho helped her In. Silently they dro\o \ olT , Warmer the day luul grown. The ficih , half pungent s-cent of "hiolco"ground dtlftodto them. And faintly hoard they the murmuious whir and hum that pieludes thosununer. Ills about a three hours' drive fiom Concordia to liollovlllo. 'They had tra\eltHl more than half the dibtnnce , and almo-t in utter silence , whoa all at once Linnet broke down inn tit of child ish weeping. "Turnl" she panted. "Go back , can't marry Heury Ureior. Iio is good. Vcs , I know that. But lo bo with him always I O , no no. 1vos \ foolWi. I only wanted to fjot iiwny from Dliitoh * ford's. I E didn't think of the sin of mnrryliip for such a reason. Tuko mo buck please ! " A force mightier thnn his will , mightier thnn himself , mustered Rob Uonnoll. Tniltoroiw dishonorable ? Put Imps. But bo could at that moment no moro have held bnck the words that sprang from his heart to his lips than ho could hmo restrained tlio fierce fury of a mountain Hood. "Linnet , " ho cried lionrsely , "I love yotil iMarrymol" " 0"oho hlspciod , nnd phrnnk brvclc trembling. Ho had stopped the team , lie turned in his seat nnd laced her. Their ejcs met. There was that In his , imperious , steady , feneiit , that com pelled Burrendei' . Linnet's lushes diooped. Bob bent and kissed her , That broke the mad spell that via between them both. "Don't ' ! " she cried. "Go on. I could cine for you vc , Hut the disloyalty would lie moro wicked than than keep- iiiL'iny word. " llimncll snatched out the whip. Ho the horses a Insh. Ho tlrovo liton towmds Hcllovllle. Thcro lie left Linnet at tlio hotel. Ho then went Htiaiirlit to the ollleo. Ho found Dreior alone , tind In high , spirits. "Well , " ho cried , "that elevator bu l- vns Ihed today.Wo come out sinor.althoib.tnd ahead. "What Is the matter ? Von look like a prhostl" "Do I ? " with uwnn smile. "I ought to look Hkoa scoundrel. I've fallen In lo\o with jour sweetheart , Henry , I naked her to marry mo. I hissed her. " Dreior siild notn woul for bovcral inn- mcntd. When ho spoke it was in his oidinnry blimd nnd drawling voice. "If Linnet likes you bettor than ino , it's : ill rifjlit. Mistakes shouldn't bo made In inatihnony any mine thtm In business. Mistakes iiro poor policy. They don't pry. Anyhow , Hub S.iwynr's yldow would suit mo nearly asell. . tiho isn't pretty like Ll n not , but bho owns u half-bcetion o\or in Logan county that joins mine. " Sui'li tin unexpected reply ! Such n delightfully uniomiuitic lopljl lloh Imrst Into a boyish and ecstatic shout of laughter. lie felt he eould allord to 1 an ph. lie married Linnet. Rumor says the Sawyer and Droier hnlf-scctlon in Logan county will boon bo consolidated Intouno farm. A.nd thus , pros-aleally nnd pleasantly , culminated In Kansas a , modern Muy- llowo riomanco. JHO\JEl' F < nt TJIK JslltJK'i. Coin bracelets ha\e liocn followed by coin chatelnlnes for tlio fm or the scent bottlo. Some ot the now bonnets are a Innichof autumn leaves , red and jdlow being tlio hue. Therols a fadformonogramaiul crtst rings. .Any ono can Live the foiiuorbut much hum bug goes with the latter , Keports of the elepaiico nnd magnificence of now carpets nrorife. The design ana tel orlng are something entire new Skirts become fuller and -wider. It seems a question ot not very long time \\hon the hoops ol old thno111 bo revived. Chinese and Japmeso articles nnd nintcr- lils for house decorating nro to bo more ex tensively used next season than ever , I'nintcd , powdered , enameled , chalked , anil otherwise "madeup"women multiply , anil who shall deny they are asorry lot to scol Some of the newly Impelled sleeveless oriental jackets , embroidered la siher , are handsome enough for ugly- girls to wear. Belt buckles of silver now nssumo the form of crescents and \vlicio tlio points meet they nro linishod off -\\itli little silver knobs. "In the scheme ofcreatlon , " said the rellp- ious ciank , "woman wns un afteithotu-ht. " "Yeth , " romurkeil the lisping Imbecile , "and she's been thought after ever tliiutb. " A. novelty Just produced is a scarf- pin top formed of loose gold wires caio- Icssly arranged , in the center of which asts an oval pearl It is designed to represent u nest. nest.Mrs. Mrs. Pollard , wife of the historian of tlio Lost Cause , Is now n resident of jS'ew York , bho is a crcolo by blth , and Is a tine looking \\omnn \ of the middle age , with dark , ex pressive eyes and brown luur. A pretty "matinco" to boworn in place of a tea dress is made with a Spanish Jacket of oull red silk net woven in largo diamond squares nnd fastened at each crossing witU luby ciystuls and email silk balls. Breton vests uro n good deal taking the of shirts with open jackets. Xeedless , perhaps , to say , no tie must acconipaii ) a liretonvest , whether His plain 01 of full silk , gathered under the rows of buhl , a ? is a white one , worn with anavyseige , by the princess of Wales , MissCnldweU , the American liiily who has a Job lot of crested underwear on hand , is in Now York under the vigilant care of u nmld and clnperon She is about thirty yean of ago , imposing in appearance , rather sovcio In innnucr , und her fiot tno her vanity. Uhoy , ue not muih linger tluu u teu-yeai-oldghl's anrt faultlessly shod. Mrs Cornelius Vnnclerbilt Is preparing to bieaktbo hunts of all the soiloty women in Now York this winter. She has purchased nt P.uls for SU.OOO . n pair of demi sang 1'erchcrons which are inonouiiced the most beautifully inatcbed pair of horses ever seen , bho ins also secured Guillot , the favorite postilion of Napoleon III. , for hercouchmnn. 'iho entire outfit , it is said , will excel in beauty und style anvthlng over seen in Now York. The nails of the fashionable voman often-to put it strongly a positho abomi nation. They me vulgar , just as anything that isovciilono and pronounced Is vulgar. And they nro altogether "agin nntur" quite as much so as if they were stained with honnn like those of her East Indian sister. To i on form to nature the nail should he trimmed round , to follow the line of the linger tip , instead of being slanted up In n long , sharp point , which is supposed to add a tapering look to tlio linger , but which really suggests the claus of a bird. A lady Ihlnp In Henderson county , Ken tucky , whoso husband died n short time since , did something the ot tier day tbo like ol uhichis rarely witnessed It seems that her husband o\\ed \ some f 1,000 , most of vhleh had cither been barred by the statute of limi tations or bad been liquidated by his act in taking bcnelit of the bankmpt law. Ills widow lost no time in collecting these evi dences of Indebtedness and borrowed f 1,000 tt'ith which to pay them , mortgaging the farm ( which belonged to her ) , and on uhlch she Hied , to raise the money , Cheeks wore sent out to creditors in lull. TlioUnlcMilk ot Saratovleportsa charac teristic oeturremo 'Jho peasants of Kniu zevka , a village about Iho miles from thoeiu of Saratov , recently assembled lo elect in elder None of ttio nominees seemed to suit the wsembly , and after several sessions nut wnrm debates no results woio attained. A1 last ono of the assembly propo-ed the peas tint uomnn Alexandra lllovna us a candidate "ShoIs an uctiMi woman and manages her property with great nod it ; she will cense quenlly be the llttcst person In the village to represent us before the authorities. " The pronosil at Hrst evoked u sinilu on ever > louhtcnnni'O , but after bitting the matter , the assembly unanimously elected Alexandria lllovna as elder of the village of Knin/cvlui and sent lu her name for approval to the authorities , Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , BeoBKlg1. Not InteroHtril In Muniliiiio AfT.ilr ? . MlH Anmndn Andorbon of Georgia is is sixty you-h oiiigQ and luis never trav eled more than a nillo and n half from the spot where she was born , Tliougl : there is a mil mid within three miles o her houhosho has never soon It , She linn never heen a hilck house , n nil has seen a palntod lioiihoonlvonco , Thoiiffli her neiucbt neljjhlw l\Cf { * within . ' { U ( nnnls of bur she has never seen his house except once In her life , She has never been liibidu n. church or listened tea a sermon or a prayer , anil her ideas o religion aio extremely Miguo , She is novoithelchs , nn intollfcclit woman , will , no eccentricity except that IndluuUd ii the above dcacrlptiou of her. THE ART OF RXW\TBC \ HOW , It Mates All the Difference In the World Sometime ! . ' SOME OF THE TRICES OF TRADE , The Ticket Agent nil a Ills Tariff BticclH Hnmluiiltlilz'lTgly I'rlson- era Plotting Out ix Jurj A. Decorator's ' lime. "Wlnt can I peta tlcVetto Xew "Yoik forl" asked a stranger atoao ot the general ticket ofllecs. The genial num.behind the counter , got out n IIIVKO hook contiilaliiK numurous tariff sheets and began futnbllnit them o\er , look ing for the ilcsircJ informitlon. In the meantime the inquirer on the other side of the counter , kept Hiking nbout his proposed trip , nml expressing arlou3 opinions and preferences. At hit the Information \MIS given , anil after so no futthcrtalk the ticket uiis piocurol nnd tlio motley went Into thu lorponition till. It seemed curious to Tnu UFB nnu that n ticket seller uho hul such Inciulries dilly , could not toll the furc to N'ew Vork without consulting his rate book every time , and lion n aurally naked. "Don't you know the faro to N'ew Yotk , without looking it ujil" "Why , of Loursol do. " "What do jou look forthenl" "Well , that is ono of the tricks of the trnJe. It don't amount to a great deal , but I'll tell you. 1-Tttty near cvcrjboily has some rroforenro or sonio prejudice , and it is sometimes hard to pet at. J\o\v \ ill luul told thnt in in right otfhnt I could sell him ix ticket for lie illicit lm\o mudo ono or two moio Inquhics nnd then Kouooft to see \\lmt ho could do nt some other office. While 1 wns apparently busy looking up the rates ho entilcht on talking. Ho couldn't keep still. Hardly nuy ono does You see it g.ivo mo a chillico to sire the liiiux up. Ho let out for insUmco that the last time ho went he luul tioulilo making connections at a certain point. That gave mo a eluo thnt It would bo better to suggest another loutc. lie let out several ether thing * that I couldn't have lent tied without iisklncwliat would seem to him Impertinent questions. Its good policy to leta man alone , and nine times out of ton he will let out the \ei > thing * you want to know. Tbat's \\liy 1 always bole at the note book , until I can size the man lip and get at any whims or notions ho limy have. It's simply one of the little triclts ol the tiade and don't do liny harm ) ou know , If it don't do any good. ' "Do I hn\e any any tiuublo putting haud- cuffaon tin ugly "pilsonerJ I should say so , " lomnrked nn old ihcriff "Hut it's a good ilcal easier than tnoso folks think , if you only know how. There's a little trick in my own as in all trades. If I have any idea that a man is going to innko me trouble , I tiy to slip ono cuff on m quietly us possible , just giving it n simp as 1 his -svrlst. If I can get oiioon I'm all right. There's no fur ther trouble If he's induicd to be UKnnd ! Muk ubout my witting tlio irons him , ho is Just sine to try to push oT the one I liaejiist snapped on his \\ust. In tvjlug to do so ho hiitigs the other haatl Just -\\here you want it , and just where jou illicit ha\e a good deal of trouble In getting it If you bad to use main force. But In his indignation , nine tiinesout of ten ho uses bis free hiiul to tiy to get tlio other one dear , and so all you hiueto dols to snap the other handcuff around that ; antl jou nave him tight before ho realizes it If im ugly prisoner , after u catch ono hand , \\oukl keep tlio other at a dis tance , mid use it for stiiking , instead of trilng to get the other hand five , it would ho inoro lUflleult. As It is I almost always catch ono unawares , uirtl um prutty sure tlio other w ill como light i"to position for mo to snap that too. " * "It's amusing to see how much credulity there Is about picking out n , scythe o ? u razor , or ttiij thing of that sort. .AH soils of testa are applied , hiich as ringing it , bicathing on it , anil nil thut , " saiil a hardware Ucalcr. "Tlio tests don't , amount to anything , really , but thov satisfy the whim of a customer After nil , jou'vogot to depend on the relia bility of the inanufucturcis , and the WH.J their goods have stood tlio test of use. Now , I've been in the hardware business so ninny ye.irs that customers think I can almost toll good stool fiom hail steel by Just looking at it. Sometimes a farmer , some old customer , will comoto getuscjtho. Ho wants mo to nick him out n , good ono. I go to a case where I know ull the sejthes are first-class , till the same make , nntl I don't ' supple there Is any illffeieiico between them. Hut I pick outono , take it to the tight , give it a little wag , per haps , and then look at it very closely , all along tlio edge , shako my head doubtfully , nnd then put it Igotluough some sort of perform nice with thieo or four per haps , At last I strike ono which makes mo smile with satisfaotioii I'm suio tbat will suit. It's a splendid picco of steel. In my mind I've no uten that It is any hotter than tlio ones 1 hid back , but I'm suio thej'ro ' all good , so I Uou't hoitato to tell the customer that this puticuhironoib justwliat huuauts. Ho is satisfied nt once , for I have shown him my anxiety to select a superior piece of steel. Hogois oft happy ami my tlmeis ha\r > d , for if it wasn't for this bo might bo standing half u diy ; , bicathlni ; on the scythes , ringing them and talking auout them , * "Yes , I know lawjers have all sorts of tricks , " remarked ono ot tlio profession % 'A leccnt inunler tiiul , howo\er , which resulted in the acquittal of the incused , makes ma think of ono of tuosa , not geuei.illy known. The killing , you know , was the icsult largely of ahot blooil , Xow , oi.o of the Kivat leaturc * of winning success in that case \MIS the fact of getting joung mon on the jury , Old men outgrow their sympathy with joung blood , It is harder to work them up to a stnto or excited - cited sympathy which willi.iuso them to look with iiiduliieiieo on a deed of this sort. If you are in a little doubt about tbo strength of your testimony anil have to depend some what on stirring the emotions , bo careful to get joung men on tbo Jury , You stand some bbowof arousing them , but the gray haired men have forgotten what It is not to act de liberately. " "That terra cotta and gilt moulding Is about what I want , " remarked a customer to n decorator , "but it is too expensive and the sbudo is not exactly what I want. Heio'i tbo bhaue that ouglit to go with the piper on the wall , but juu haven't any moulding of that shade" < "I'll ' get some for jou in a doyor two , and just the shade jou want,11111 ! niako it J cents a foot cheaper than the moulding I showed you " i , The offci was accentedvand in a few daj9 tbo desired sliude , with Kilt , was put In posi tion The docoiator uot only pleased his customer , but nude a much larger profit than had ha sold the oxpuhhlva moulding Hist bliowii. How did ho dbj it I It was simply ono of the tricks of thq trade. Ho took homo gilt moulding , which wa embossed intlgurcs , as though caru'd , and mixing some water colors to get the tintdcsircd by the customer , ho painted the moulding with this water coloi The work was qlliikly done bj simpl ) running the brush our tbc moulding. Then , before the naint was dry ho rubbed n cloth hastily o\cr the moulding , thus icinoviug all thopaltit fiom the point * on the moulding most in icliof , leaving the original gilt to show us brightly ns evw In the spots thus wiped by tlio cloth. Th cloth , of course , did not touch the paint In the depressions of the moulding , so that when dn the moulding was n mingling of the de > lrcil tint with the spark ling of the gilt. The work was done with little tlo expense of m.itciiiil or time , it was ono of the tricks of the trade and unswcrcdull tbo desired purpose. i.r ) Dlinoynooo ; and throat , Bee bltlg. j'Kifriitjn.\ ins iv * , Labor and capital both aw ullko A match that's ' burnt tit every "ftrlko " "If corn is Idng , " salii the chiropodist , "I inuit bo a rogiddo. " The decline of literature The printed blank that accompanies rejected iiiunusuri | > t Ignoninco of the army regulations mid pv rndogrouna will not prc\ent a man from successfully drilling a will , "Shadbolt , I'm ' eoliiK to sue old Dillm. " "What has hu been doing , IDIngussI" "Ho told a friend of miuc tbo other day that 1 vas MAX MEYER &BRO. COMPANY , Successors lo Max Meyer & Bro. Established 1S66. LEADING WHOLESAI-E RETAIL AND iWELERS. SIXTEENTH AND FARN/U' ' STS. , OMAHA. We arc constantly receiving fresh novelties in PINE GOLD JEWELRY , including Lace Pins , Scarf Pins , Brooches , Eardrops , Brace lets , Necklaces , Pendants , Hair Pins , Queen Chains , Vest Chains , Lockets , Sleeve Buttons , Collar Buttons , Studs , Finger Rings , etc. , also novelties in Sterling Silver and Fine Plated qoods. ; Our stock is the LARGESTto be seen west of Chicago , and as our prices arc very low , we are simply doing the jewelry business of Omaha. Headquarters for Diamonds mends and Fine Gold Watches. 3r A specialty. Gold Howard Watches from Diamond Rings from $2,50 up $ ro upward. to $500 $ , Gold lilginorAYaltluim Watches Diamond Brooches from $5 up fiom $25 . $ to $1,000. $ up. Diamond Earrings from $10 up Gold Swiss Watches as lo\\r \ \ as to $5,000. $ $15. Diamonds mounted to order Nickel anil Silver Watcho at shoit notice. from $ ' 1 up. WEIDDING PRELSRNTS. We can show you hundreds of articles in silver and fine plated ware , art novelties in decorated china , bisque and terra cotta , mirrors , toilet sets , lamps , clocks and bronze ornaments , fine carving sots , pearl handled knives , etc. , at prices ranging from 2.SO up to $5O. SILK UMBRELLAS with silver , gold and natural wood handles , $3 , $4 and $6. - OPTICAL , QOODS OF A-LxL , KLINDS. SOLID GOLD SPECTACLES , $3 , $4 and $5. Finest Steel Spectacles , $1 , $1.5O and $2. These prices are for straight or hooked bows or nose glasses. CLOCKS AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. n dead beat , a chronic sponpre , nml a wiilldn ? conllilcnco pamo. Can't I in.iko blin piovo itl" ( SaJly ) . "You can , Diugim jou can. ' A shrewd old philosopher says : "Pooplo pet sovoll acquainted with their own fuults that they don't ' mind their existence. " Mother Didn't I hear Tom klsa you sev eral times in succession lust iiiRht , MnudoJ Maude -Xo , mamma , It was in the inrlor. "Sny , my lad , I'm told thut tlioy rnlse nil their o\\ vegetables on tluib liijhtlioubo. Is it truoJ" ' .Gospil tioof , I5os < ? . " "Bless rae I IIow " "In baskets , snh. " Amy I linvo such a headache ! "What would dolt peed ? Jack Try n cup of preen tea. Amy Oh , no , not for the \\oild ! Green doesn't suit , my complexion at nil. Tcddj What does your fnthor do when you are naughty ! Freddy Ho submits mete to a board of arbitration. "In what way I" "Ho takes n shingle and spnuks mo.1 The ink that is spent by our various benev olent boards and societies in appealing for money ought to bo needed in uckiiowlcd liig receipts lu the good causes represented by them. Colonel Blood A man In Virginia has n peculiarity about the eyes by which ho sees OVCPV object multiplied nineteen times. Col onel Tpdd How ho must appieeiuto a glass of u hi shy I Soincbodv could drive nn excellent barpain with the Brooklyn stoio thnt offers "a thin coil and vest fora song. " No tnittor how poor tlio Roods me , just offer "McUinty" or "Annio Koonoy" and -we'll hot the firm will "tuuvilbh. " \\ife-I wish you wouldn't make so much noise , I want to pet to sleep Husband I'm not making any moro than I cm help. Wife Just bo ns quiet as you were Into the other night when you took your boots off down stairs so you wouldnt disturb mo. DE-McGrREW THE SPECIALIST. Moretlmn ISyenrn cxpurlenioln Iho trontnientof PRIVATE DISEASES. A onrounnrnntecil In 3lo llvo dny ! without tlia/os * of an liour's time STRICTURE Permanently cured vllhuutialn or Inatrnmenli , no tullliiK no dlhtlni ; . 'I lie iiiiiht remnrknblo romeily inowii lo modern nek nee. Write fur cliuilun. SYPHILIS CURED IN 8O TO BO DAYS llr MdircwB truiilment for thtitcrrlblo tilooil rtls- enio Inn licea pniiiounceil thu mom powerful and ucics ful remedy oter dlaeovcrcil fur Iho ntisuluto cuio < if lids dliennu HlH nuccuts will ) lliln < lliHinu never l > e < n equnlleil A cuniplcto ci'lib QUAU * EKli Write for circular' LOST MANHOOD ml till HonkneiH < if thu coxunl ortf'ina ' , nervousness , tluiUtity nnd ilo poiKlcucy absolutely cured 'llio re * lief IH Immttllato uml i tuniileto SKIN DISEASES , nnd oil dheni < * nof the blood Ilicr , klilnuyi and bliutiler lerraimntljr rurvd FEMALE DISEASES nil neiiralirla , iir > oimnens nnd illien-ci of the itoin- xh c'uutl. lliu l ) < itlor' Homo TriMincnt ' f ir IndlUB lipronniincoil IIJT nil who IIIIM ) uii'd H to ho lliuiuoitOiiiietu | and coiiT iilnt ri'incdy ever of. fired for lliu iriuiliiM'nt. of fiMiialw < il ei i' It U truly a womUrfiil riuiolr .No luntniiiKMiH , no I'BllI ' Illll'lll tint I. MIIK Hill M5TO 4 OM.V DR. IVIcGREW'S muryoloiis success him von fur him n reputation olilcli Ii trill ; national Incliurartcr , and hit k'ri'ul finny of putlniti nnilK-it ( rom Iho .Atluntlo In Iho I'adlto , Tlio HoiKirH a nmduatu < if 'iiKdllMU' medlclnu luiillia * bail lonifund rarofnloviicrlencetn linspltnl prnclko. unit It flashed ainunii tliu liuitlnir il'i'clallilri In iiioclurn nclfnui 'I ri'uluiunt by torro- Miomlciiiu Uillii for cliculars ubuiit inch of tin ) abovu illiensc'1 , 1 lift. Office , Kj-tli and Farnam Sts , tu trance uu cltticr itrtcU WHAT WILL DO Produces a Beautiful Completion. Whitens a Sallow Skin. Removes Moth and Liver Spots Prevents Sunburn nnd Tan. To Travjlnrs It Is Indlspemablo. Keeps the Skin perfect in any Climate. itnATiuci : , rru JAR . . . . $1.2:1 FLESH WORM PASTE. Skin Refiner anil Pimple Rsmovor. Will rcllnoa COAIthK , UOUiH , I'OIIOUS SKIN , n poslllro euro for I'lMl'l.KH , eruptions , iiml untlruly romoTci tint Ulxnurt'CMililo RKDS Ksi with wliltli so luuiijr are iillllcluil 1'or jnr , (1 CU Tlie > OKoud9ircnb3ululolyl'IJItKunilIIAIlMMSS ! find can baobtnliml nt the follonlug reiirc" ntallve lAiillo .V Uillf , Ifllli nml Dcidito Streets. Kiihn .V Co , Con or lilli and Douulan slreut" , nnit > 'orlli 2Uli nivl licit l.lno J A Pullir A 'oHUJIoiiKlaii ) street. Wliuln nlui.oiil9 lllili.iriliun DruK Co , 1007 nil 1011 Jonoa ulrct't Or of Solo Manufacturer" , London Toilet Bnzni' Co. , 38 and 40 West 23d St. , New YoUt. WholeviloOlllce , No SJ Hast iTth St. Treatlsoon tlioiompluxlon lU above address free , oracnt lo i > ny ncllrcsa on rciclpt of leu. I'KOOIjAMATIOV. s , A Joint resolution was adopted } y tholoxlslatiiriiof the Hlalo of NourasUn.ut Ihotwenty-lliht session thereof , anil approved March IlOlh. A. 1) ) . 18 1) ) , propnslnR un uinond- incnt to sictlon two [ 2 ] ftiirl41 nnd llvo [ .B ] of Artloloslx Hi ] cifthoeonstltutlonof laid stiuo unHtiat .ikl seetlon uu uiiiundcd shall read as follows. to-wlt : Section 1 Tlmtswtlon twofBof article six ( > ) ) of the constitution of thuitnto of Nobrusku Iio ninendcd sous to ruucl ns ( ollu H ! "BectlonS : The supreme court nhall con- slit of five (5) ( ) judges a ninjuiltyof whom shall ho necessary to form a quorum or to pronouncu u dtclslon. ItMitilllijvo orlKlruil Jurisdiction in cusos rulutlne to ruvouuo , olvll euses In whlih the htuto shull bo u paity. nmridamns quo iMirr.tnlo , habeas corpus , and sucli nppul- lute jiirlullutlini us may l ) provided Dy law. HectlonS : Tint section font (4) ( ) of nrtloloslx in ; , nt tlu'ootihtltiitlonof thd stuloof Nobrnsk.i , bi ) ninundeu fn ns to toad UH folluws : ppctlonl : Thp JIKIRPS nf tiu ! supreme court shall bo tlPcti-il by the olictora of the htato at lariri' , nnd tliclr ti rms uf ofllue , except us lii'rclnafter provided , shall bo for u period of flviMSl years " Section. I : Th it section flvo (1) ( ) of article six ( Oof thu constitution of tlio ot.itn of Nebraska - ka , bo amended so us to rend as follnwH : NIC t Ion B : "At thollist irpiiuinl tiluotton to bulielil In the year IfOI. and nftur Iho adop tion of this iimondini'iit to tlio conitltutlo : ' . tluroHliull biulected thrco ( J ) of thu iiiriiuo ] ) ! court , ono of whom ihnll bu olccti-il for Iho term of 0110 ill ji .ir , one for tlu > term of three ( Jiyi'lirs and ono foi tlintcriaof H\o < ! > ) years , anil nt eui'li K''ii ral olcctlon thcrii- nftertliuoslmll Iiu iilulc < l ono linlxo ot the supreme ton rt for the Urm ( if MVII'I ( ) ycnrn. 1'ruvldcd , thnt the Judiis ! of the mipruma court wlmsn terniH have nut expired ut tlio limn of holdliii ? the uoneril election of Ib'll ' , shull coiitliuio to bold their ollleo for tbo ro- ninliiderof thetorm fur nhlch they wore ro- puctlvoly elected under the present consti tution. " s-ectlon < i Thnt each person voting In favor of tills nmondmeiit shall bnro written or printed upon his hallot thn following : "For thu proposed amendment to the consti tution relatliic to thu number of suprciuu . " 'Ihon-forn. I , Jolin M Thiyer , Oo ornorof the state of Nebraska , do boruby KUo nntlco In acooidancu lth soctloti ono ( I ) artlulo llf- toen'in ) of the constitution , tlin provlsloim of tliu not cntitlid"An act to provide the inun- iifrof pnipiiHlns nil ainciiiliiiciilH tothocnn- M lint Ion mid mi binlttliiK the suno to I lie el oa- tnriof the Htntu" Approved I'uliriuiry Kith. A. I ) . lh"7. thathalil | iropi ( < .i > d anicndniuiit will be pn suilod to thu qualified votuis of thu l He for approval or rojfctlon at the Konorul diction to IHI la-Id UM tlio ith day of NOMIIU- ber , A. I ) . Ift'JO In witness whrrrof I liavo licrPiinto sot mv luirid nnd ciniM'd to bu adKiii the cnuit seiil of tlin state ( if Nalini'iki , Douu at Lincoln tills % thdiiynf July , A. U IS' * } , anil thu tivcu- ty-fourlh ynar of OKI Htuto , am ) of the hide. penrtonni of llu Unltod Htutes tbo ou'jliun dri'd llfleiuith. lly h Goernor , JOHN M. THAYEIi. IIE.4IAM1N 1C. OOrtlirilV , ( UKAI..I fcecrotary of fataU , I PHOOIjAMATION. Wm.nKAfl. A joint resolution vai adopted hy the leclslaturo of the Htato of Nebraska , nt tbo twenty-llrstsesslon thereof , nml approved February IJth , A. 1) . 1SS.O. . pronobliu nniuncnd- mout to thu constitution of said ntnti * , aui ] tbat said .uneudmunt sluill read n follows , Section ll That at the general election to ho held on the Tue da.y siiccoodinK the first Monday of November , A. I ) lHKthor ! ) slmll by Biimltted to tbo electors of this state for ap pro \ al or rujootlon un itineiKtiiiitiil to lh con stitution of this statu In words UH follows : Tbo miimif.ictnre , H.ilo nnd keepliiK for sale of Intoxicating liquors ,18 n uuveniKO are for ever prohllilted In this Btnte , and the lenlsla- turu shall provide by law for theiinforrpinonl of tliU pfiivlslon. " And thoio shall also at said election bo separately Hitbmlttod to the eleotora of this state fur their ttppiovul or ro- jootloii an amendment to the constitution of. the state In words as follous : "The uianufno- turu , sale and keeping for s-nlo of Intoxlontlnz liquors as n bouirago shall bo licensed nnd roRulatod hy law. " bee. 12 : At sucU election , on the ballot ol ojcli elector \otlnff for tlin proposed amend ments lo the constitution fih all ho written or printed tlio words : "Tor proposed amend ment to the constitution , prohibiting tlia mnnufnctiire , sal and keephiK for aalo of IntoxleitlnK liquors as a buvornno , " or "AKalnst tlio proposid aniendniont to tin constitution prohibiting the manufacture , B'llo mid keeping for suio of Intoxicating liquors as a he\cr.iKC. " . There shall ulsoho written or printed on tlio b.illotof oich eleutoiotliin foi the pioposcd nmcndmont to the constitution , tlio nurds : Tor pioposed nmcndmcnl to tlio constitution thattliK inaniifiiutuie , suio and Kuupmtl foi ale of Intoxicating lUpiors .is a bo\iraKO In his sin le shall bu Itemised and loxululi'd b > law , " or "Axalnst n.ild propnsuil ainund- meiit to the coistlliillon Unit the manufac ture , s iloand keopliiK furs iio of Intoxlcatlnc a Innciaifo shall bo licensed and by ln\v. " Sec. J : If oitner of the slid proposed amendments sh ill lie approved liy u maturity of the clccloisotbi ) ; nt the sild election , then II Hball uonsltiitii st'Llluu Iwenty-soven I''T ] of artlclo ono Uof ] llioioiislllutiun of this stale , Tin roforp , I , .lohn M. Tlmyor , Oo\ernorol tlio state of Nehr.islta , do hereby lvo notlca In accordance with sii'tlononu [ ll arttolo | lr > ] of thu constitution and the piinlslmis of Iho not cat It led "an act to pioidi ) the iiiiinncrol piopiisliin'iill amend nirnts to the constitution and submit tins the same to the tlcctoisof tli stite. " Appioved I'ubru.iry 1'Ith , A I ) . 1877 , that said proposed amenilment will bo sub- mi liul to tlio ( iiialltled voters of thl * Mate foi approvjilor rejection at the trcnural election to bo held on the 4th day of November , A , U , 18'Hl. In witness whereof I hereunto net my band , nun cause to bo utllxid the urcat seal of tha state of tSubnuikii. Ilunu at I lncii aay of J nly , A. I ) , 1ST ) , and the 2tth voarof tha state , anil of the Inihipnndonoeof tli9 Unlttil Btutis the ono hundred flftmmtn , Hy tlioUiivernor. JOHN SI. TIUYEB. IlKNJAMlN It. C'UWDHIT , ISKAI , ] Uccrotary of State. Autust Ul3ui 1 IlOCInVMATIO.V. AVurnKAS , A Joint resolution was adopted hy Iho Irglblaturuof the stute of Nobrnnka , u thot tiiiy-llrst session thireof , and approved March .Mill , A 1 > . 1WJ , propjslnir un niucnd- ment to Section Thirteen ( I I ) of Article blxG ( ) of the conslltutlon of s lid Htate ; that sild section as amended shall read us folluHH , to * wit : Scctlonl : ThatBoctlon thirteen ( IJof ) arti cle six iGlof theeonstltiitlonof tlii'suteof No brnska boainuiided MI as to m.iil us follows. hietlon 1.1. The Judges of thohiipn HID court hlinlle.nh recolxo a salary of tlilrtllvti hun dred dollars ( tl.V'U ' ) per amiiini an I the Judge * : if the dlilrlct court Hhull rooelv ( > n salury ol three tliousand dollars (0,000) ( ) pr anniiiu , nnd the lalary of nich sluill ha payable quarterly , : JLctlon1'ich pcisjn Mitbnc in favor ol thhuiiKiidiMcnt , Hh.ill liuu wrlilcn or jirlnted upon his h illot the following : "I or the proposed amendment to the consti tution , H'liitliu : to the salary ol JiulftiBof thq biiprurnn and district ooiut. ' Therefore , I , John M. Thujir , o\ornorol the Htato of Neluaaka , do horohy Klvo notice. In accordance with bectlon onolj [ article llf- tecn l\ * > ] of the coniitltiitlon , and the proi'l- Hlonsof an nctnntltlod : "An act to provldn Ilioinuiiner of proposing nil atniindments to ttiwi'ons'.Mitloii and Kuunilttlnx tliosatno to tlinoloot r > df the state. " Approved I'obruary l.itli. A I ) . 1H77 , Mill mild prnpoieil iiiiiind- mcnt will bo submitted to the qualllled voters of this slate for approval or rejection , at tha ( ! < 'iii > ral election Ui le bold on the uh ( lay ol November , A , I ) , IH'JO. In wltnsss whereof I have hereunto sot rnjr han ( uii'l caiivoil to bo alllxod the g re at si' H ! of Hi j untie of Nehraska Hone at Lincoln , this : C.fli day of July. A. I ) IW , and the twcn- ty.fiii.rth yonrof tlui Htato , and of the Indo- pcndciuo of the United Htiitui the onu hun dred flflti'iitli HytlKiaovernor. JOHN M. TllAVKIt. H. . 1 Bcorotary otState. Aut'iist Illlm tk'lltl. VOBc nkliptrt b.irJ dl.lln.llj. ( omo. t.rfiiifuKbtra ill Kimiilii iu m ! ' . ' ' " > . * I' J Plumbing , Steam & Gas FITTING. 11011T