1 TEE OMAHA. DJfLY BEE ; \V3piVESJAr ) ? OCTOBER 15 , 1890. SPEG1RL NOTICES , tat thn cdam wlll ihotuken until 1J.30 ji.m tor tburetne edition mil until S3) ) p m , tot th morning edition tad bl5DA.Y Dee niEU3l3-Calh In " tkl pt | trill b for at ihe rauofl't cent per imrd rorthotrot Icwrtlon anillcent TKfwordor ! ( tch < < utMjqunt ln < crtlor. atdtl-ipcr ) line mcclb. No idvertUetzitnt tiken. ( or cent * for tli Erst Insertlan. . furei , i j-nilola , tUj. , count ( JCh .U onowortl. aillESB aclTtrtl tmcntj matt run consKti- ll el ; and under no clrcutn t nccs will tltf txi takes or dlvontlnucdbr telephone. H ndrertldnc In thoss columns and their aniter nddtTwetl tonum - er d Ictlr-r'Mncart of THE HIE will recelrw < Ml check to ennblu them to set. their rnuTiilcr Ani er wlH U ) dclhercil onlfon xrcborifttlonot tlilictieck. Enclose answer * In * n relopcm proift-tlf addressed. AI Ij ( lTertl eraent under the hprid of Jl'T peeln.1 hotleri" nropubllihed In tioththo irornirunndtTcnlnz cxlltlrin ot TUB Hui-the lrcutnllon cl which af/rwailPs moro than 3000 i pip -ra diit T , anO itlvel the ailvertHcr be beDeilt nut onlror tke larje circulation ot TIIR Hit In ( Jmaha , l > ut-ilso In Council IllufTa , Xlncolnittd otticrcltlcsinil tonn * lathe w jit OFFICES. taken ecthoabovecondltlona at tlnfollowlr busl- tesH hoLse the are authorized to take Hp ctxl loiters at the same rates at can had attb main offlc . _ _ _ _ _ _ S ( OMAHA HIUNTII OrFICE-No. N Ktrcot , Liner Block. TOn.1 W. BELL1harniiclat,620 ! South Tentli 0 street. OH ASK A EDDY. Ptltlontri a.nd Prloterm , 113 Sou thlCthitreel. & n. FA nXSWOaTIIPbarmaclstJ115 Cum in ; btrfet. ; .IICOIIE3PharmaclitC34 North 16th street. G EO W. PARK , Pharmaclit , 1718 Leiven- \Torth street. COIIBS'I'll ARM ACV. 2 < lh andFaroam. II Hr valtt , rte. , tfc tif of frtt ciumn on tliU ixjca "IVTANrKD-IIoraes for students malenncl IT fvm&li * < * bo will wurk for their lioard Call onnr uddress Standard lluslnfi * 3 ll ( > ge , h.V. LltcUldit- MMS i ; _ GOOD crx-ik nnd la. milrf wantt plicp tn pllvatolamllr,512S. 14th it. MMMG * _ QITUATTOX wanted asrook In prlvnttfnm- O llyVellrecomraendcd. . Apply 172lr , llth IVTANTKIV-SItuation by lady as hoiise- * T keener or ti Ut In educ.itfm ohlldron 0 xl reference . Apply IJ21 3 llth \\7 ANTED-l'oMtlonby KCiitletnin of abll- IT ityiuKlhnsIneis oxporlcnce. Would like atltuitloti In wholesale hou o as correspond ent orln some busliio j -ulrln botli oflice nnd oiidloorworX Can furnish tst t refer- fnceH and bond or deposit If required Ad- ' " . B2t-ll drvus'll. JEMCumlnqit. - IVTAXTKll-Uy a nice. ober. Industrious M culm < < ! man.n pla e In private fimllv TIO | Ijnu excollentliand to tike caroofMock , and tlneoonchmnni : il a > 'ri Killing and pleas ant , Adilrtss R 10nc fiJ5-K' - clderlr lady vltb refer- -nct"5. home /anilly for winter to do ' -tinklnjandBgwlii.rat Si per week Ad- are I ! amee. M4-14J 1V7"A.NTED-Bltiiation by a yonnz man as TV steaojrnpber'itid Ivpowriter'best of r tf- co AddrnssOV.lft l.alhropst. * 4 H' A X experienced lady Mciiognphrr and typewriter desirespn ltlou. Goodrtfor- es. Aitclress HIT. 1'ic. ' 4'J-U * . ttt , tef fop of fn > t cnlumn on ttiii fta/je. -\T' \ ANTED-Younsr tintito clerk In store. CO IT tears , old. rcsldlnc with pnrcnt.s : must have lest of references. Inquire 110. iiih st. MXO-16 , ' IxiokkocpcrKith A I it references. Addns * It 4' ) , Uec. M.TO-21' \T7'J\XTKD-A. lirlshtboy alxiutlO vears old IT toasslstln oflice : mtit be well recom- rue-mild. Tsebrusla Clothln ; Co. \7" ' \ "f Ell-Three coopers to hoop tuba. IT Creamery Package and M'f'j Co , Pre- mont.Neb. fiSS-IC AOI.NT to Introduce a ilrst class electric specialty. Ulc money to enoreettc man. Address Carl II. 1'ark. general dcllvoav , tS vanted cvtrywlicro to take ( harjrjof our business Advertise , dis tribute circulars and nnployhelp WJIJPS * 3) ) tofl-5per montb. Expcn-i > sadvance < i. State eiporkncoVajes expected. at o yourpref- rreiii'e for homoworl or ttavellnz. bloun A Co. * Manufacturers , 2fll Oeorce St. , Cincinnati , Ohio M 510-14 * AEWSPAPEU advertising solicitor may , /\-lt > irn ofnn opening , write Mclnto < di I'rln- ter. 1 Ini'oln. Nm > . & l-ltj E California Mutual Hene fit society , San ( rancisco. Oil. Incorporated , fajs S10 per wiclc Incnseof siclji * ( JS toli" p wi ; k Inca-oof nccldcnt : STHuncnl Iwncilts Duis II pormoiilh. } lemlershpfi > e $ .1 No other expert. Ioprucutatlve ! > . wanted In every town and city. Correspondence solid t l. .150-I5 * "WISH tomeetim electrician Tiho will cle- I votepartor allof liU time to Introcluelnpa first ilasriyinjcpeclalty. . Address Cirl II l'ark.icn ; .T3l delliery. 07U-1IJ M SI Hi * IVTAVTEn A flrst-chss nnlo stcnocraphcr I for nliout "months. > 'obeslnne > rs "P , " tlO N inlalt. M..IO-IC each , coihr and bar n < " * inal ers.ioo < l wacei jiald , at II. 11. llelinln ? &Co. , Jlllwaukoe. His. 516-10 A LOCAL apcnt wanted lor Omahn. : refer encu ixfiulreO , Etiqulro room IS. VVIilinell blockcor. 15th and Hartley tts. , Oto 12 a ni. KIIH * ' . . < i nu ft coat milkers at once , good price * E. 31uuibr , Athnttc , Iowa. KJ.V1SJ \\7"ANTEI > xV first rate man to handle t nients for the Slnelrm'ui' lliilldln ; and loan UnUn ; " ulvj iJtsollcltor > . Apply to 0. II. Mootly.8ExchangeHldxStockyards. 474-14 * TT7"AVTFI ) Sale-men on silary oroiainlj > l slon to handle the now patent Pliemlc.il Ink Fraslns 1'tncli. The preatp-t sellitij no > l. llyo erp odllc d Krsisesiiilitliorcuchly , in.t HOec < inas ; noubrnsloiint paper. 'JU ) to f , l iKtcuntprotlt. Oncaci-nt'sstiles amounted In Jo'.flln shdnys ; nnothor 1C In two hours Vi'e vsnt one energetic general a cent for each statvaiid territory. Mtnpleby null IWcents. 1'or tinn-4 and full particulars , addresj The Monroe Eraser 3Ifg Co , La Crosse , Vflt. 414 * fpl"iLlSG < agents vlsitlnK seneral n > er- J-cliandlv > and crockery stores can secure ( rood littloildo article. Sotiicthlti : new and no eni'timbriiif samples required. Apnlvllrttn' lioir.KliuilirA to. . Clilcaeulll. SK-21J R T. DE ITT TAIMAGE'S iito of . fntltledFroin .Mancerto Tlmino , " Includltic ado < crlittonn | ( Dr. Talmaco's tour- m \-'To. Throuzli , auilPronilho Chrl-t-lanU , " and a "I'anorami of Jcrwileni on Ihy of CruclBxIon. " 1O leet inlutiplli and prlnli- In IS colors. Wonderful sclllnir tuxjlc.Vrlte quick forttrrui nndpxpluslvo territory. D. Condi ti Co. , Pea .Moliie < , Io-m. \ \ 7ANTH ) > l tolrnvelfor cur Canadian Mn. VV7ASTKI > iXOlabcrers forstoneand ( trade T > viorVc , An ply to 1' . II. Johnson , I'nion -engeraepotunialii. . 873 OITV snlcstuan. Ounha ihlrt factory. 1311 I'arnam Hid r\7ANTFl > Actlvo men with reference. --f V > MetrcpolltJD ilfj. Co.,1009 JlowanUt- - ( IW OS1" T\7ANTn > Aents v the cultntilo ) life TV insurance company ctlo-wa. ( Jiwa tcr * Itory , fiMirul l con tracts and absolute se curity to ivolley liolders &r InducoinonU Offoteil. IT Martln.lupetlnteDdcat of aeon. cleat. loa3lolne ) _ , la. ai 01 O il' \A7ANTFl > 1AO ra n for now railroad work In Oregon \\ashlnstonTcr. \ \ . Work will last two years ; footl iteea A.lbrht ! liborAceiicr , HlaCI3U/A / > 'ioi'8 : "WANTS. FVv n\trjt. \ rlc _ ttt toe of cotnmn on ( Iiu W'ANTIot filled atnnce. Tal.8 1.000 yurdi * V ot tticn1.V , M. Harris , Room 20. t'roazer blot-k , op p. I' . O. _ M5t > j I'J * TiO I.EA'iB A ne-w , Ilrst class roller prlst- mill. CO-barrul e iucli.y. Aildru i A. 11. Btnith. Ura ur a , Llucolu. Xfb. 419 CTjAimoVANT. tit. , xn < topq > j r t fofumii on tAli AESA01X MidVm lYcltler , over 0108. MRS. NANNIE V. WABREN , clalttnyant I ran ( - ' , stvetklns , wrlllns and relfalilit Uuslnta icclluin , yciri luUiuuha. ll'JN. ItStli. WAXTEB FKM ItE 11EUP. I'or ntu , ( If , ttttop olfirtt ( offnnori t/ill / pn/ \Tf7ANTEI > AtoodtlrL for ptoerjil lionse- > r * ork Oorman. Dana tr Hobcmian tirc- ferrtd , TS Sooth Sid stN.V.cor. . Leuvcn- worth. w IANTFI > Ajoodcook , lu > W/rlS ACII.V5IIIFJni\riat ) once at Cltr Hold. cur lothandllarnoy s . & > MbJ WANTEI > lAdleund jcntlfmcn to lletit , pte.iwitt ttiiplcrmertat tbclr on onif j dl > lincono objections work tent , by mall ! fc ; toi nday c n Uoaulctly nule : no ftnras ! rj , I 'lease idilritiixt once llcltnWe MfRl'o. . I'lilladelpUli , Pa , boi 012. Estlb- slicd liw& S7S-I7J _ YVANTFD Omxl girl todo pAcral hoiue- V work at UW S < juth llth stll. V..0rceter. \AN7K ; A Elrl for KfnornlhotfCworV In family cl three , Itw SKtli avenue. GOOD slrlwin ted for genets ! Ml St Marj'i a c. "WAN7EI > Vglrl to do liou-cwork at 2119 > T Jack < on it. l-l-t < BKIGIII jrcimr lidy wanted to fet ab icribers for theOnmlia Rxrclstor ! M per cctitcoLiiml sIcn. pptj113 S ICtU at. M13 r ANTED Olrl utouct.St . ! XlOth MWI SklrtflnlnheMntonec. Madame . IMtf lloardsU --73 J'OH HEM' IIOTJSCS. For ratel.itc , , M tojiof Jtntcnlunn tmlAU JlF.NT-At ttes. M comer ot th and California its. 5 bcnutlful 3 tory btlck anilstono re-sldencc , nil ensfront' ! , etcrv modern conveniencerooms finished In bird wood. ros-es'lon tan 1 * given Nov. 1st. Tbee homes cin be had at icry modcrjte rents bvtlrst elass tmunU llrcnnan &Co. , U Oiam'bcr oC Comrii < rcc. Kf.t rpffO flat1- , nil modern convenience' , for rent JLcheap. Enqulreat ll'llsberman a\e. \ t-lCJ OsITIVKIA t > ie finest 8 rtxjin modern tolck hou elu Diuilin.fiir rent tflyenrly tenant , CSuiontb S4 = 7LukeiU , take Itlh t wntor Jl ilj C\OK \ HENT-Several of the finest and most J-Jconiplrte houses In tbl cltt * 4to ffllper month. UIekUr3tnoor.V. , Y.Ufobldsr. l 5i , 14 rilllKEK-roora cottasej , lth and Clartc. In- JL quireirntjUumlng. M-Ms-ai * -nF.Slll\nr.Edwclllncsall parts ofthnclty. dJginoatori A Allen , 10071'arnim st. Ka-nl2 -TJOR IIKNT-10-room house. No. 1HI Dodse. JC Inquire 131i Karnam st , Sum'l Bums. _ -TJOR 1IKST-2 liouses. a and 4 rooms , at $10 C eaoh Apply atffil > 19th st , or on prtial- sesTU.1 Centeriu tti-ll' house for rent , Mia St. Mary's TCiOII llf-N'T-Sevcral new homes onJGthand jLMUirtioy sts. lu pect tlietu and make mean oflcr Vm. J Paul , 1009 1'arnaui 43S-1I * . Uousc. 112 TLJIOII 1SEXT-A. S-room Inquire -t ? fro , gainst. 4C4-11" ' fOK llt'.XT--2 cotfices,0 and ? rooms , newly JUpainled and papered ; rent reduced Corner lath and Cblcaio. 4-Id TCfOR llF.N"T--An Sroornlinusc with all mod- JL. ern ImproicmenU. luatod by liot vater. 333 s VCIh st. ( blocks cast of Hanscora Park. EnqiiirclQO Biebulldltis -til THOU IIENT-S-room hoose. , WJ S 26th St. . -Encarlarmm. Inquire ne.xt door 43J-15 K llEXT-Cottaze. Ill S 21th aveauo. Entjulre 15HJa.ck > oii. H _ _ 3K IEN"T'-0-ronm ! lieu e. ill tuodcrn con- plpit Oeriiian avln s bank. 11. ' S-KOOMhouif. 331 and Cun > in.fU5 per month. C. I" . Harrl'Qii. O11X. Y Life 873 T70 R KEXT-Uousi-.S nntiio , peed laundry. - ! ; Iiitiulre I Itobt. rurvbjJlth ist. lary's.ne. VOU wish to rent a houscor store see II. IF E. Cole , Continental block. bS ) fen KEXT-To responsible parties only. JL the efinR new brick and stouo houses on Georgia avenue : fifteen rooms i\nd alcoves ; more conveniences and better finished than any IIOIKO for rent In the city. U. ll.llendor- son. 4001'axton block. Oltr , * ' ! rT-ItOOM house w Ith barn : nominal rent O. f. HarrisonOil r < V. life. 679 C10R lf.XT-0 ! room house , nil modern con- J'yenlencelncludlns.aioo ; < l stable. Capitol nrenne tiea.rtho liljh school ; rcut moderate. D J O'Honuhoo. 10)1 ) Tarnum st. 931 3FVEN'-room hoev ISIh and VInton. 811 7-roora house. 2Tith and Miami. Sli - rootnhoufcfV.tliand CaUIwell is. t-room hovise. IKrhandCarllih. til ) . 5-rooia hou-o. Lincoln place. flU. J. II. Johnson , 5101'axton block. C2 I.ATS stem heated 709 S. IGth Tbos. K. . IlalUll 1'axtonblk. Sd -poll IlEXn-T-t-oom cottages Bath and all JL' modern conveniences , ready Infew days. C.S. Kluttci,437 Urst > afl Sink. H- "ITIOII RK > f-Housc. OCIh and Caldvrell , flO. J-'Xlrdnnd lone * . 110. 'JJW IJavtnport , tax V L. telbjU lid Trad * . + T > TOU llliM HOO.MS I'lTlSMSIIUD. furratiietc.He tnpofrrt column onlltlr "TlOIt HEIsTSulteofery pleasant rooms in JL'prlMte hou > c. best location tn tlii > clty , S1Q r < Wthst. M fc' > 17 T\ITIlM \ IlFn roora untl 1 ar l In private J. family where3or 4 nice boirders are kept. Terms moderate. Call 81417 north Bth st. 15 * | 71f > K U EM Good rooms with board J. Everjthtnj new , first-elms nnd modern Good lout Ion. Ttrms reasonable. HO S e btneU 03 15' "T A.IIOF. fmnt rjom. suitable for two centle- -L/riien / , in moflern brick house. ale table Doard. CIO > 17thst PCC-15 OR HEXT-Rooms with board , IJ2r Podge st. , v.7-aij VO ted rooms nnd parlor , sulta.de for four eontlenien. THSo. Hth st.tlat "B. " JIMT-15' furnished rooms for rent at 712 So. -i > ISIh sU. Htt 1. .M-44-T _ "WL'UMSHFD rooms , hot and cold bath and -1'heat. Siailarney. 517-1D * : nURMSIlFI ) room torrent. ICUIkiuslas. Kil'f \ | 7KU ISENT-rurnlshed rooms. UI4 Daven- J-'port at. K.7 li' TT'OIt ' REN"T-Tc jent craplojcd durlus the JL dav an ( leza.nl furnished fnint room , lU i < r month. Inquire CtKi Howard. 505-14- "WNGAfiE lurnisned rooms with steam heat , JlJf < ; tolli , southern exposure SQ4 S. Itilti sU Hat i > . 4'w-lt' "TVESIRAItlE rooms forthresor four jrentle- -\J men. prlvateilttlnroom Included 17O1 Capitol axe. I'M " \TK\M\ " furnished roiius , with board and l\buth. SlWr'arnam it. M 420-17- .VI1 RKXT-Furnl-hed rooms Mlth Inard. Ilofervnccs , 2 11 Farnam. a370-10 pLKG\NTsouta rooms ; also table Ixnrd. i-cschicaso. asi-iy TTtOU IinXT-I'teasant rooms with orwlth- J-'outboard 115f.2OtK 302 IS' fA DsOHEUVfurulilioJ room. 3W Dodge. L l S-li' HIOOMS rurnl-hfJ or unfurnished , with Ji boiru. Ccntlcmen proforn-d. Kcferences 2I6N. Mnetunth it. M341-13 * "T ORllEXT-rurnlshed rooms ; S3ibatliand J-1 steam. 1519 Ilowanl. SI ST. CIAIIlFiiropean lioteU'lth dlnlnjr room , > teaniheatln all rooms. 11th and J > oJje , Special mtosbv--week or month. > 75 J OB KENT-l'umlshed nxinis ItXO Douslas. LiOOMS U.M'U 11MSIIED tvrratu , ctt irf tcpof fnt c * rir on WOR IE ! > 'T , cheap Store room 1714 Hurt J. strict , biiltablofor any kind of ibop In qulr > altCu X th at'e. 5JU6" IjXKerjr coinforta-We winter liotnci fiee -L1 th .e3-r < nni Ihli. ? .U * . Cor.21standXich. olas sti. Nc ly panervd , city water andsv - . fniRe. First Door , w : seoond Boor , -v. llittn lltntlnAgncy.sa- ' st. 35J Tis * TTIOKllEXT-a roiru * . nfurnLhed,2IO N , 13th -L st. . price | 12V ) ; will rent to colored poopl v Apply to M F. 3l rtln.04 ! A.lTtbit. 621 0 VEItto ! > e tore , itn llovinl til TT1OR RENT Sult of 4 unfurnished roorai J. for housekeeping , to family without child rtn. irtHVeUtor it ill I'lJNSlOX AGCX Fcrrali. ( tA , m ) top tfnt columwcn tA ipi3 > . nSSIOSS-TheCllujtuan Pension Agency , 21 1'rrnwr bloct Lnforuiatloa free. 1XU 2XT STOHB8 Torrvltt , ett * rre lirp of frtt ( dumit en IM txigt DE- room for rent In a Onofrounfl flo < if otTlce on 1'nrnitn st neat 16th it. ddrcU It 42. Ike. t > a U _ I71O1I HEM Urlck store and natt ? : < tlicr or 1 separately , with ull modern convenience ) . irw > rortli Mli street. Apply , \VIndwjr. Kemp &Co.Mt , .V. life bld'c. -4a-U * _ tpOIl KENT Sloro room and b eta nt at i' No 115 iwuthi Eleventh street. Good lop a- tlon tat comini'wlon houso. F. J. Satellite , 311 Hrst.Nnttuiml Ihnk bulldlc ? , SWU * _ TTtOIl RKST TlKomtnt ttore room. cor. 13th -L1 and Jackson Its. Inquire Mrs , Lanse. 0133 13th st. 'J10 CTOK RENT llrlclc arcliouse. two iorn I- nd bKPtncnt , 2TWO ( square feet. lth V ) feet of double track on ISA' , railway , south Wth and I'lcrco ' itretts. Address O Unialia , Ncli , STORES at TOO S ICtb , MxOO each , lane show vlndois. tteim hint iurnlstcJ. Tlios. F , Hall.311 Patton block. TO IIENT Store , IHl'i tarnam. D30 FOURKNT The most de lrablebusiness Io- cation InOrmha rordrjr8ood tor.cloth- Inc. Ixotsind shoes , frxx-etles , bartlnare nr furniture. Itcnhver ; rea. onalile , I'fjvesslon Kleiiat once orDeocmbcrlit , The Fair's fire stortsi will rent sopnratclyor altocelher. J , U UraiidcUi : Sons , 13lh and Howard. 740 28 FOR RF.S'T Metropolitan hall. 31th and Uixlpe.for balls , parties.ind veddlnps wither or wltlioutsiipper room. Terms rer\mabl8 , Oeorne Ilcyn. < 113S IStlist. C57-OJL T7IOK RENT The 4torj - brick bitlldlnr.with JL : orvilthout power , formerly occuptodhy the Uee I'ubLMiltiKCo. ' . OH Farnam st. TliebulW- Inu has n. tre-proof cementbasetuent.coinpUto t amhenlln = fltturcv wntcr onall tliolloors , cas , etc. Aputyat tlioofllcoor The Bte. 91i FOIl EXCHANGE. Fornlr * . ite. , tfttiijj oflrst colurnion IM * WILr > traaeelesnnt Improved brick r sl- dcncepropcrtv and choice business pr p. rry In Omaha Tor clear Nebraska land , J. L. , V. Life. 67015J WILt. trade clear lot near tiundee riaco hors and carriage. J. It , Itlce , 1C.'N. V. Life , 67110- rpOEXCIIANOE for Omaha property , two JL. lioiisesand Ms. clear. In good tovn , C , J. Cus ell. * UN. V.LIfe. TO KXCHANOE House and lot on Hamil ton strict for vacant lot , C. J. Casweli. HG N. "i'.Lirc. - 4i10 rpo EXCIIA OE lo clear farm , new 7- J- room hou e In llakerTIace , full lot. In- qulreof EG. Jlerrtllf.'d and Cas sts. 4S3-2I * POH SALE On monthly payments , houses and lots of < to rooms each , on f-S tofO ] cash and balance ca \ - monthly payrnenls. Call for plats. ( jeorgeJ. 1'atil , VtO Farnnrn. 478-li $10t 0 stock of general merchandise In Oraa- hifur bilf cash and balmco Omiiha prop * crtji rent renonable Also antS.CXKlstocVof furnltureln city , * 3."iM cash and balance cltv property , Co-opcratlie l.oaa and .Lot Co.,205 N. 16th st. 176-U FOR K llANGE-Severalcleir " > ebrusU farm's lor equities In. coed Oraahn proper ty and wiiipnysntHCca-.nillfIcrence ifnecej- sary , Illnger AUraillcy. 13ia Farnrim / " lIEANstocJtof drysoodsandfcneral i V/\\lll \ \ take ; real estate aud balance cash. Boats. Krank-fort. Ind , 3M-15- OUSTS roi ! TR\DE-WU1 eichance ttcll brolcin roadottrs and saddle horses , suinble for lUcry stable and eweaswaions for htids undcfty property , or will ! ! oa tlmo to responsible parties. Address . llor W5. ' . ' 40-li T O EXCHANGE Buslcess loteloseto cor ner of "Uhand M street * . touthOnialia. clear and dravrlnc Ri , tent , for a itood re-Idcnco in Omaha Frank El IIartlan. iU N \ ' . JLIfe. 810 TVANTED A small stock of sroceries In e.Ncliinjiofor unlntrumbercd real estate. Inquire tit rooniutr7 , Paxton block. M-lbl-n3 V\TAI\7ED VsmallstokoC cljarsand to- ' bacon in cxchnnje forclear roil estate. Inquire atroomJ 7. Paxtonblok. ilhl-I\J TVTANIfcD Merchandtin exchange for i real estate , part cash. Jc se Bandy. Broken How , r > et > . Ul 13 * POR 'E.U'lfAXGti-ElE-ht mules for Omaha reil estate. K. 13 , Hoard of Trade. 435 FOK SALiK-IlOUSES WAGOSS E1O , yorratff > , ( tc. , ra top of jlrsleittumn anOiis fa/jf FOR SALE Cheap for cish. or will trade for lot and assume smill incumlirancc , 2 hand some younz horses. Inquire ot E. G Merrill , 4'Jdand Caveats. - ' - l * TPOR ? ALE Cheap , a good side bar buciy. J ? J013 Hurt stOmaha. as-15' " \ VORKhor > oGO.tvrD { how ; -waon SO.double T 1 work , harness Hi. Or will trade for a poolllrlitsldebar tujgy , II. E.ColeContla- ental blocn' . bSJS HOKSKMOandup. II. E. Cole 683 " 710UI1 teinis. light mule j otiq heaTyl.yo- Jt ? pound horse , lioom 13 , Itoard of Trade. IX3I FOR PALE ! coed work teams. 3n < iutreat 6IJ I'axton Ulc. 42 KOR SA-li : rUItMTUUE KTC. FcrratKx.tlc , , ttttaptfIntcolumn onlnCi and coiiiplcte bedroom suit for \\ebstersc. \ iJa- F OK SALE Handsome new furniture fur 8 rooms complete , at an Immense bar sain. Also forrvnt the liouse of 8 roomsall ron- vet'enec ' * . centrally located. H. U. Irey A : Bro.lX J.V.LIfe. . 4f A LOT of hcatlntr ami cooklns stores si iKhtly u-ed.all in excellent condition.wo cllur very cheap. Call andoxamlne and donot ml > .s theopportunio. Thev must go. Otualia Stove lEcpalr\Vurks. \ FUKXITURE. hotnehold oods.etc , HI = liMt cash price , llll Farnatii. bT7 "T710U SALE A West Point bass burner , me- J dlumsltc. 1/J ) Irt st. , fo 1C * "TTlOIl SVLE-Cheap The furniture in the JL : hoiue. No. Hl1 Uouchs Street , for 5\Ie , and house for reut. Enquire on tbe preml-es. 071 o& TCTIOIt SALE Fnrnlturo and business of K- Jt ; rooni hotel In Lincoln , doln ? oed payla ? business , nestof reisonsfor sellinj. Terms easy. M.W. Jolsom. Lincoln. .NcU. MS FOR BA.1K Ferrate * , ffc. , m top of Jfrt > column onlhli jage OQI'AIIK plnno Ingood condition , for silo tZJihoa p for cjsl. or will trade * for lors and carriage , J. LItlcc,9 ± ; X.Y. Life ; 5Tl-18J SU.E A first-class Is'o 2 Eenilnston typewriterlatest Improvements Address Ixjucks. 9lh andJones , 500'IS * V\rANTEIJ luy ! ? r for ahandsome baby car- * 1 rlaae , u Incut , brind. new ; will sell ats c- rlfleo ; this Is a bnrj.iln. Call at 7D7 b. ICtb. Urd floor , 1U 15 "ClI'Lt , blood pup dos for sale. AT , S. ITOJ - \\ebslerst ? \ \ , fourth floor , 131-10' CVnt SALE All kinds of thoroushlrvd dozs , JD Jamnl'anij , 14IJ& . tMh st. - " : * "Tj\IlS\LE ) Lot of basa burner stores. St. JClatr Europexu hotel. Utu and DoJje JITTSIO ART .VXD tiANGTJACEl , etc * > e top of xfnt ottnn onfiU JltOF.Charles IV terson-l'lann.viollncither aud tocal Instruction.Studlo ! > 13 heolyblk t70l 5l BEFORR btiirlnjr t piano exauilnt tbonr-w scalolilulbill piano. A llospe , iaiLoulas GFO. V GEUENnECKteacberoftbe hajo wlthllospt',1513 THE Golden Monitor > cw and thorough piano ami or ani a most valu.iblelielperunu guide ; hljlil endorsed ; tj but a dollar ; may be. foun d ' iJAIIC. GOODS WICS , ETC. Fcrrateitle. . M tnjiof ant roiurm otilMj ; ngf. TDET line hilr poods In west ; halrdres'lfn. --Jwlpsivrltche-s , b4nirshalrjxh&lns , etcM a. erwlaltf. I > a\los hair zoodi and milliner opwwltoposMIBce.llI j-.ISthst . Onaba. UOd f"crrateirte M toyvf HtttcdumnrmU.it STOI1AOE ? ee in before storing joodi oC . any description. Omaha Sum Impair \ crVa. 1207 Dougltts. TeLDuO. rflHACKAGI ! storage at lowest rates.V.M , JLliusbmau. 1311 icavenwortt 804 OTOIUOE Dranchi Co , 1211 Howard.t t > 05 STOI1AQE For Eierchandls and furniture , cold itoraCDandfreezlnc ; UicWajc. Uarld Cole , 815-1)1 ) ? Howard it 63v . jOU Tor rattnetc , it < top of dyjt criumn on t/il4 pupi "Won M.L.F/-IO.M , 12 < . TO ere piece * Juit JL'ioulhoC the cltyllnllinof Chlcacu. TbcM properties ) are themcwtdc lriDlo for Invest ment of anything now Iprcdln Cook county , l ) lnc clp to railway er Icn nnd directly In the II no of Improreiueits. f-outli. Some own * crs will take Rood Omiua irooetty as a part cflr ( tca9h payment , JL * . O , Barnard.Ihn w l r of Commerce bldg.Chlcizo. 111. A CHE rroporty-Aaje'l ptooertywell lo- Jicated , offers the Bnwt opportunity for an Intestment now rn theraartet. I'all md see the banralni I oOer. fiti 1 Irp ncrus. dose toBcltLInerallTiy . . 2. : * ) Thlrtyaerotractjust Wilsidolimits. . ai.w ) Ten acre tract , close toKtflt Lino- station 4.100 Ten acres , with bous , ibum , splendid Brovo . , 7..YO lire acre . jplendld caMenlpoL . . . 2.30 lorty acres , nice fruit aniletetabl garden . . . . 10,000 Splendid Investment. 20 acres , clo o to Holt ttntlon.nlll make 100 nice lots worth KCVencli ) 10.WO Hlcls , N. V. LifebulldltiK 877 14 TJlORSAtiE Splendid oppirtunlty to eota -L beautiful newlO-roou house Inoncof the finest , location * In Omaha , 2 tilocks west of Lowe ire onCasstU. tilth and slihtlynnd nn fnuio , full lot , city wat r , cistern , towor.oay window. i > otcho .douUo floor , ctl- lar. etc. ull fluishea In hard wiiod and hnrd Ul and hi flrst-eljis stjlo ; H'rlcelUOO. ' T'-rras easy. Usual commission to uonu Inquire of owner , E , 0. MeirllU Cass and Ust sk-s , _ 100 n 3 * f11HIlate taddltlon toOniaha-Ixtsoalj- J-each. Abstract of tltm wamntif deed snd pht Rlten ifltli each lot. Hvorylota bulldlnit lot.dryand level Nearer toUmalit than lots tliat sell for fta , are on ma In lineof Mllrotd nnd will bcurlhiclose't Intestlsa- tlon. . ' ale now In profre- at 310 S lith it. Chaa. I' . Uenjainln , sole agent , 3108 151h st. 57314 * _ _ _ _ nriOICE barsnln ISti'eot front on Farnam v/st. , graded ; eleiantrealdeaco property. J , i. Kicftccax. r.iifc. 57J1Q- Tl acres In Hurt county , Neb. , JunBer cultivation. clo e to s-nedlsh Meth odist. church nt O.ilhncl Neb Apply to Joharn Xelaon. Til X. Hat , KHJ4" _ Sl'ECIAIj I5ariln'-3 hou es , 8 , B and I ) rooms each , price J.'iiX ) to I JOO , In Koimtie Plac"all modern ; S.v > j cash KB per month for2 yeirs , MO per month foryears. . H5pcr month for 2 years Balance "years' time. 6 percent Interest onall deferred pay- men U. Alftflsotnfsplondld lionies In suno ad dition to eicbaao Cor farmlands and city property. 0-rooui house and full lot on Wlrt st , JC.jJO , ll.soocash. bal. tosult. ' XVholias a vacant lot worth from 11,500 to ri-VX ) , clear , to ctchatito foran elegant home In Kountco place , worth H.VXI ? J. J. Gibson , solo asectilvountze. Place , room 3Crclhton block- , Kid _ ( JJ3.C-0) ) , onlyonc-thlrdcrii ! wlll'nurcha e \ 'P fl ve-acre tract today that will make twenty- fix nice lotsandsell for ii phurjdr d dollars each within the next three } eara lileks. Urst floor. X. Y. Life bldg. i 1 * _ FORSAXE Abarscaln. line south ( rontlot ) il.4 in Union square , J. 1) . Zlttle. Hi N. V.LIfe. M417 JpOIl SA1F For 81'W cash : Lot on Lowe i a\enue , between California and Hurt street' , Uftr feet east front I * . J.SutclliTc. 311 FIrst.Natlonal Hank bulldin ? 3-14- TVTTLIjselectedacroproporty nroundOninhi i' If bo ; ht roir vlllpayflve hundred per cent profltwlthlntbonext three year < Hicks , first floor. > V. Life bldp. 57714 7 ROOM cottase. f all lot , Hanscom Place , cost front anda fjrtot bargain fet a tew days , bniall cash Dujmeiil and baltncc oa longtime. I' . K Ihiritar. llirkerblock UCI FIVE , ten or twentyneros on the outskirts of Omalia If houtht today , can liesuhdl- vlded Into lot.s and sold for Inur and flic times the purchaseprlcewitbln thoneatthree years. HlchsIlr-tUoorN' . V Ulobldsr. 5T7 14 Ati bnrsain , WvlM onDuven- J- port , near lith. ono block from new pot- ofneo. erj ! heap. SJJ.O'O . : M\le corner ath ) and Farnam , SajOUO ; ponv and phaeton , must he sold at once , StOft G.L. Green. roorndU , UarKer block - BARGAIN Klesanthou'C and lot In Hnns- com Place , llous-enew and substantially built.witliall modern lniprxnfm nt . Aspeclal h-vrsaln If sold this tok. Ulcks , > V. life Building. 5B 17 For. SA.LK <cotticsrinslns from ? 1,400 tof--SOJcach ; SICW-to fJOO ( isb , balance monthly or to suit. Ifjrini want a lousewo can nrra 11 so terms tosult. tfmtatonA Allen. 1007 > arnum. ' BARGAIN A aplendfd lioasoaiidlot near llanseom Park. Tils bouce Isnewand iiil > - Ftantlallybutlt.wlth allmodcrti Improvements. The lot is In elecant slmpewith beautiful lawn , etc. Can otTerthl pntperty for a. few dnvsal a figure that tn a ! . & > liar-pecl.il tnr- C.iln. rorprlco , terms , et , call and see Ceo. X. Ulcks. ? > W Vork Life bid.- . & 7T lt ASO-footeast front , lot onlowe avenue , only II.JOJbtringcr APeuD ) , DouglaJ block. Lowe a en e , south and ea t front , only filOO. On motor line , stringer 4. Penny , Douglas block. Sg _ PARN'AM st. A fine correr clo-o to court hou-e , tiOO per front foot. Strlatrer & Penny , Douglas bloc li. _ 2 3 rpHE finest corner for residence on Farnam J st. For location , price and terms apply to Strlncr Ji. I'enriy , Doujlaa block.J3 , IXSIDE property toco- H' > .0&\ will rent for & . ' . ' ) u mouth StrlagerJc Penny , Douglas block. ar. _ O TsE of the bc t lots InOrcliard lllll. only I.OCO. btrlnjer Al'enny , IJougluj block. T7K3R SALE Ik atthN , NewT-room liouse JLJ on lot 19 bloik 2 , HaLer place , splendid Tia\t couth front , veil , cellar , bay window. etc.KOO ; or more cash , balance of tl.SOO , 115 per month Inquire of owucr , E. O Merrill. Casaandlist sts. IK ti a * POR SALE Dr. ChitnlxTs' residence and barn. cor. ICihandP.urdctt : W-rtxim house , furnace. ! a , sewer , ninge and all conie- nleiircs. Him K\W. bricK.6 box stalls aiidll slnslc stalls , with water , sewer , cas. 2 rooms for help. ftc. Ilest e > inlppd ( barn In Oriiiha for Mterinarv or prhate use. I ) . "V Dholes Co < ole afent.s,2ia First > 'afl bank. MOle ASMAXL pajmentdown and IIS per month will buy a 4-room house and lot on ICth , - blocks from motor : flr-t-class chance to ac- qulrenhomeon ea'.y terms. Apply to II E. Cole. Continental bloclc. fasl _ TXCOtN Place lots il.SM to 11.500. I > o3ter J. Thomas. _ 024 _ POR SALE A farm udjolnlng Blair. > 'eb. , fatoeked , cheap. II W Jlellrlde , Hlalr. 7K ullt * _ BARGAIN" ThoIcelotlnllrlKts place , unln- curabered , SI'JOO. Market price i.OOO. r < ecd money. .Address Ed I'rtce , IsJS Call fern last. , r. Col. POR SALE Cheap on evsy terms , a nice cottazeln Lowe'r , Add. , and a"-rooia lirlek house , with all modern conveniences on JJth and J&pkson sts. Rooull , Chamber Commerce HOSIES-Sweet Homes-EIesant Homes-I am otTerlnstbe boa bargains in Omaluor In UieworMone.t \ \ Farnniastrect.Slielejrint houses alldltTt'rent , ( tonnximi fu mice , hot android watcr.pas. gas flttures , bath , water closet , mantel , elegant brick cellars , paved street and morlca esl.lW WiVX ) , or more cash , and balance at'percent to suit. D. V hholes. iiai'irbtNational bank. 'M W AUGIIiMwterllMd.realestate.SOinaha. - IK VOT7 have anvthlhs-to sell or eichnne eall at tls t'ajton bfock. iEJii FOR SAI/E An elfgiuit new residence. 0 room cherryand pahBnlsh , laro stable andcverjconienleni Torcomlort ; location. the best In the elty , prjcelo-vr , Terras easy. U. J. O'Dtinahoe , 1001 p.irnim st OUI Farntt * , dr. , * fup rslralunn onlAU SAVE fuel by covej-'bj your steitu pipes with lossll Meal L'ornposltlon : the best non-conductor , absoldtelr flr proof. cs > - ternagent , I > . 0 , McLtraaIC11 Howard st. WS-nU Uoaltrs V ft > n you patronize me Jt you know that I wffl nytcornpetowitb you by retaillui rubber booMshoes , arctics , sin- daisetc. I am not nn lns twelvoor nfleen retail bhoostores unilrs rarlouiiiamcs. lieli at wholenalo only and tuie no Interest In any retail store. I ara itestem asent forthe .Now Jersey rubber shoe commiiy at OTiiaha.uiiO every shoedealerknows tlicro line betterllne of Ri < xl nude. SlytaK-sthla year sofatare more than double any other neason up totals time , i nd forprlcellstsind discounts. Jcr- aeyswlll be eitenshely advertised this sea son. Z. T. Undsey. TC.rF.RE li a chance to beeotno a , property JTJLowner. Iwill sell you a lot close to Oma ha fortio.frvo and clear of mortgage. Give youan alstriKtof title and plat all for ten ( JlOjdollars. This la a chance of & . life time aletiowiiprore&aat | : < IOS IStlitt. Chat.1' , ont.310 815thit. KG 14' SI. MOIIRISON has moved hU , . . . . . . . . -ihop to13 .N. 3Mh , esposltlon liulltlln ? . Estimates on plutubln ? and RAJ flttlnjr slten and Jobuln ; promptly itt nde-d lo. 330 li * TllOI.STEIUXG and rmttreue. * MASS AGE trtatnicnt.elfctro-tbcrmal baths. * ca.lpand hair ttcatnifntmanlcuro and ebliopodla Mrs. 1'oit , U a-21 , U It-lanel ! blk. TO XO/V7 / , Fer Mtt. ctt * ree lop of tnt rolurnn on fAl p-v * Tj1IltST mortRase loans nn Improrcnl And tn- -L' I niprorod property , U. J.Oastrtl. * U N V. life. MftMX 14 Hen. F. Marti , loins made pn -1-dlaniOnd.s Jewelry , tto. SCI ' TKN F. JlirtU y ara with Fred Mohls , JJionn * made ondl tnon < 3 , watebes. Jcwojry ind articles of value. I11C Farnam ! .U 21COU * "WIliST and econd Kilt cdjo tnorteace paper - L'forvle.tJi ' and 6 percent. J , L , . Klce. Id y.V. Life. M-16J ) CHATTKL loans , lowrntc , 1519 rarnam ! U 4M-nll * rpt1 Commercial Security 1/onn ami Trint J-Co.nants pool hort tlmcpajior ; also in Inndlcn few socurecl mortjaei II mm W , I'attonblcKlt. "A O F.Y to loan by n. P. Misters onchatlvt -iiLnndeollitorati'ociirlttesforan ) * time from ono to ! ii month ! lu auy umount to suit bor rower. Loatuniadeonhotil hold rood * , plnno . or- Sins. her o , tiiulo . ltou so 4.lea if . warehouse iccelpH , etc , nt the low t possible ritCN yltliout pitlllcltjror removal of property. > Iy loins ire oarrnnzo < l that jou oan rualo apnyment.of atir nrnouot at ony tlmo and TtMucebotliprlnelploand Interejjt. If you ewe a bilnnrc on your propcrtjror li.ive a loan youwlib cbaneed.I vrlll pay It off and carry It for jou. If y ju fln < l It more convenient , rail up telupliono No. 1G1 ana jour luslncss can bo arrurzrxl at home. Money always on bund. > o delay. No pub * llcltj- . Lowest Tiles. R. T Master * . P.oom \Vltlincll blk , LSth aud llarncy sti , FA.I1M Loans Star LindiLoin Co . lltXt _ nHATTELbank. niB S. IStli St. , loan money \yonchattclsorcullateral at ruasonablc rales MM FIRSr.t'eeondmoTljasrcion meant fc Ira- uroTp < l elty prop I'ountjrwarr.-intilKmzht Money on band. 1' . M. IllchardsonSls rs.V. 1.1 fa. UM _ _ _ _ irO.NEV-3) . ' 60 or O diys on furniture , l'JLpliino , lior 5e4 , bousesetc. J J. Wilkinson' W lvntonllocU ! OOP _ NV5C ALLY low rate * of Interest on first mortizei of Improved reul ostntofor the neltOO diyi by the Kan < n , : ity ] iive-.tinctitCo. IJoomJJ. Board of Trade , MI. Pease , intBigcr. ftW \"O.\'EV to loan on any security ill. for short tlmcat lot rates. lwe > < t rn tcs on po rsonillproperty fho Ilonder.on Jlortgasiu Investment Com pany. room 4OO , 1'qxloa bllt. _ 010 BIJ1IDI > ' 0 loans mad a at lovte't rates , . il. Harris , room 20 , Frenn-r Ilk , , opp. T O. Oil OIIE.VreiUcrntnoncr 1'hlladelphla Morttrase and Trust Co. , always ready toloan and par promptly ! 6nt mortjaccs wanted. GeorsreW. T Coates , rep- rc-ontatl ve. room" , board ot trade. 012 REAL E-tite Loans-Cash on hand Glebe .Loan .t TruM Co. . 3)7 ) S = . Hth st. o dohy. no extra cliarges. Houses for rent , good list. 013 OT-.t C.M. AXTnoyV.SlSNV. Llfebulia- . In ? , lf > nd money on firms In choice coun- , les of Xt'brasVa and lo i ; al o on peed Om.ilia residence property ; lowest rates ; bent terms , no dflay ! money rcadj. Titles and valuespasicd on here _ OH "EYTOXK3lortcac Ca Loans of J10 to S1.000 ; pet ourratoi before borronltis and save mc ! Vj loans on horses furnlturoor any Pwurltyultbout publicity ; notes forit"wloa" ] encffal of old and lonr- , call R.M8 cely blk.jtb &Howard. Oli _ _ _ _ \\T AXTPD First chts Insldeloin I oviest IT rates. Cnllandsco us. Mutual In vest- mcntCo. , CTi I'lmaui , 'JH _ EATEHS money to loan nn city pronony ; mortgage paper bousht. ll.B.Iroy.A.'i . Life loins at lowest rales. Removed i. Y. Life. bldg. J. U. EmmlnBr. ! 'li _ MONEYIoancdat low rates on furniture. liorses , ic. . wltliout publicity. HawVeyo InvestuicntCo. 33 Doajlasblk.lCth and Dolge. BUILDINO loans. CtoT per cent : no addi tional charscjforcommUsionor attorney's . W. Jl Melnle. I'lrst > atloual bank Mile. 30) ) " \rOXEV to loan t all times on desirable 1'JL improved property In Otnalia Tie money Is here and the re are no dhys.as wo examine the property and title ourselves. Bute * , Smith 4. Co..lM2Karnam st. JTO oil /"tUE.Vl" loansoti city property A : collections WpruriUJt attention. A..O.Larson.KJ3 N. V. Lllo 4Wo 17' BUSIXKSS C1I.VXCES. for rate * , rtc. . ttttop nf frl ( olumn nnUiU Poll SALE . \flnes eon fee tip nary store , well located Goxl reason for ellln : Small capital required. Address It * G , Uee. JI 510 GRA D Opportunity Stock and business Jors-ale , fetoro to rent ; tdt reasons for lli , ; . Call at 31OS'orthICtb ; , bet ween " .md 9 p. tn. MMl-lT * POIi SALE A good rcsta'ura nt. PCS No 10t Q st. S1JW-1J' T > AIITXEH Wanted- will bujhalf In- itcre > t In lljlit miuufaoturlns liisne- ; ! 100 month guaranteed. Address R 41 , lice. KJ 14' FOR SALE Half Interest In ItRht manu facturing business paylns coed profit. Will tearlnveatlsatlon. Address Itll , DcoofHee , 504 3) ) POP. SALE Lease ana fnrnlturo of a 25- room Lotel. Address J a. Jordan , Council BlulN la , SOO-1S POliSALE Sibarrel full roller sttam flour- In ; mill , IIOIT runtiln : and In eotnplcte order In iiortlieaoteru Nebraska , will lar l closest Inrc tlgatlon. Blngcr i 11 radiov , f > iy Kartiatn. 443 K * T.\/ANTED Partner from n.0000 to S3.000 In TT business In Onntia p.iylng 6O per cent , profit. Address 11 Kt , Keo oflice. W4 2J FORS.VLE Cheap , an established itity IraM- ne > s. centrally located : stock clean and neivjirlll Invoice about SJ.VM ; coed reisonfor seltln ; . J D. 7lltlc.9U > V. Me. iltlT POItSALE SIO.OOO choice SIOCK of general mirchandlse in one of tlio best town ) In. Xcbriika.Ti . iulls from Omaha. Iparty < lolni ; an eicollcnt business , but has other business demandinghl > attention. Address P55.M153 M153 POH5A.LE M a barsafn.a peed store liousc fitted up with shelves and coutitirs , base ments rooms for drellln ; , Rood cMern and well , will sell ortradofor aNo. 1 sto-k of sro- eorlus. AildrussUeolA. Keel , C. U. J.grocers. ) K ± i > .10thst. OS TTTINEopcnlnsfor dry poods store , Large corncrrrioniln ? brlclc block In county scat townwlttlneO miles of Omaha. * IIl be vacatea N'ov. Isu Present occupant liavlnJ miid9 u. forttmo in the dry K"ol business. IiuIUUnscnn bo rente < l or boutiht ui nery favorable terms. j ddrcu State Binlc of Nebraska , iov-ard. I\eb- \ POR SALE \dyolns e tibllshinent. eTcry- thln complete In lltely western town , or would take as a partner a tiisn tlut uiidcr- itund > tbebusiness. Address. 031. Hue. 1C 1IUV. Forrafot.rtf. . rtetnpofln ( ttHumn on ( hit pnyt. WANTED To buy an elsht or twe liorxeuprlfht cnjlnonnd boiler , Addr V NoSM , iouthlltU st , Oraihii. Sa3-J0 WANTED To buy thoconiplote furniture of sc\en room liouso. Write with descrip tion and prlco to U SN lice. X-15 WANTED Ilorso and bn = : ; y. \ \ J. Paul. 1000 I'arttam. 31 * 1UTLVO. formtt-ttie. , * tttnf > of Jtntcolumn on BO.IIKF.LEi : . ceneral stenographer and notary. Depositions and court work a specialty , TcL , lOUl.Kooui 1 B > , Y. Life bid ? . W ) o ' V . " . all inilD.lxu3Ut. sold , ex- -L cLanpoil , rtnted. J. r , Mcgcatli , loDT 1'ar- namttrett. 8.H for rent or sale S raphensupplles.J.l'.Jlegeath.lOu ? Karaain. B/J 1'KUSONtVLi. Ftormsifea , tic. , uc tnyof yr t rolumn on ( Till jw0 rRsXAIx1W dat > , 13th ln"S. K , V. " since saw you. Will bo liero until -J. el t ' O" three mesjaKo , Thelast In "T.M. I1.Miy don't you rlte Unit 1 may know how to arrange my bubl- nc o ! Will UE1N. > * Helen boon ? llopoyou are not wick. j" " 0 ' "i 0. " F. ceils AUADV falllns to procure ornploymcnt throuthhtitownefTorts , desires aMManee of lioaoraUo middle ac J gentleriian in ob- alclnx same.ddic a A,211SUuialns st. MKOICAI/ . For rate * ctt. ft lo ; > / Jtntcvtunn mi ( A ti t > IlVAlK | bospltalfor women tbrougti con- tiuomtnl. Uutt of care. Dr. Hannah O. McC UaoW7 Ji.--l MASSAGZ : n/\Tiis ETC. J'or ntft. itt fft top of flnltfilnmn cmthl * pie * . M A'ME SMITH , moM succoMif ul tnn Inly In the city. Call and ire bcr. Hour * from a ni toldp a I'arlorsCOT S.lltli. next Darker hotel. 815- ! > Madani Dcliler. overr.DS. 13ta. LOST. For nttx. rte. , * tetnr > f flntmtiimn on ffttt r v . $10 rewnnl formy JHIB do : tm last cu on T iedBjrM-pt. w.nearthp Mu pf. llthautt Farnini ! lind on collar wild i all lexk Ilinry lon ! nlret-.MbrljlifaUbor agojicy > l Ul I'urnaui street. M iT-i ; LOJT A ba.tij Jumper between FortOraha and Chlcncoit. . return 1S12 t'hicairo to Or. llradley for suitable rownrU. < > 1 .v * < M5 T O3T Situnhy , IvlleVpoldcharm. slnpcd. J-JsomowInt like n b.-ucVct. Kith diamond , rmcrald unilrnby. Hail pattofcliatnattnched. llnclrr plvi < , o lea > c at Hoc counting rootntiiid recolvc reward ten U' LOST sonu little time aeo. bundi of keys on round rltijt. nl o Elks' pin. 1'lndcrwhl leave at tny office and rvcelvurcvranl. M. A. Upton. 5lt > 17 FWnif * * , At. , fit lop of Jtnt column o Hll.IKEV & Uro.rcntal agfnts.CiM N.Y.Llf a . ffl E.Cole , rental ascntContinental Wlc. LIST your houieto s"ll or rent with 0. K , Ihrrlvni. 01IN. T Life. 1 " \VANTEll-TO UKV Tor ratf , ttr. , rtt fop of ( f ( orfunut on Wit * VV7ANTED FurnMied room wltli boanl In > private family i suburbs preferro < l | fo ladTand sentloman Hefcreneea cu-hanzod. Address 1UT. lleeofHoo. M &v > -l' * VV7K want a ) houses for customers. Iiit I ! ' V liO to M" per tnouth. Mneaton , t 1COT Farniui st , MO-JO TVTANTED to rent Furnished cottnce for Hie winter or longer , not too faroutaud well located. E. If. llradley , 1319 Tathatr - FOJJM ) . For rate * , ( tc , ttt tojvttjlnl cntumn on' t > ( * \ > age POUND-A vhlte cow. Owner please call on II BaluierJi ixillo north Lecfs f\rk. J1W4-1C- S UP Ilrown co with ulitte i t on forehead : Del I cord rope aronndlicn.il. B. 0 Ut'RIn.JQUJ Masou st , sJOo7-U-21- > * 1'OU KIAT-XV/tllEIIOUSKS. Forrattfetc. . ttctnpof Jintcnlumn on FOR 11E.XT Ilrlck warehouse two slorfes lilh ; basenicnthydraullcclerator ; track' age ; best location in the city. A. Cl rowell. I > A\VMUtOKEHS. F-'nr ra't . tf. ( , tt't ' t > of Jrt column _ cnthtinje } , FliED MOHLE loans money on. diamonds , watcbes.Jewelry.etc. , ! E.cor FarnainAllth r Nvi : .SX SOMCITOUS. For rate * , rte , ft top of firtt column an t/i PATE > T latrvers A. solicitors GV \ Sues A Co. , Bee building Omalia. i years' experi ence as examiners In U S.patontotllcp. Ur.meli oOlceat asblugtoh. D. C. Consultation free iTH A Joint resolution was adopted iy thalojtfolntuni of th state of enravkn.ttt inetTTenly-tiist selon ' thereof , andapproved March 3CIIi. A 1) . IvO , proposing an amend ment to section two2 [ ] four f4 ] and 11 vo [ 5 ] of Article ill [ < VJ of the constitution of saUUtato and that stld section a-M amended shall ix'id as follows , to-vlt : S ctlonl That seetlon twoSl of aitlele six ( ill of thefontltutIonoC the state of Nebraska be .imended so as to read as follow * ' "section ! ! : The supreme court shall con- sUtof l e(5 ( > ju < lesa inijorlty of whoinshail be necessary to forma quorumortopronounco a decision Itshallhaveorl lnal Jurisdiction in ca _ es relntlue to revenue , civil cubes in which tlie tate shall be a party , mundamas quowarrantn , habtas corpus , and snuU nppol- latcjurbdlctlon asiray be prorldtd by law. fccctlon2 : That section four (4) ( ) of art Iciosti ( C.fll ) thccot 5tltutlonortbc-.tateoXobraaka ( , be > amoiiilcd < ons to read's follows : Section ! : The judze-iof Oe supremocaurt shall bo elected by the electors of the state at larjre , and their terms of oHce ! , except u hereinafter provided , shall be fora period ot Uv | S ) years. " Section. ! : That necttonfivep ) of article slj ( C ) of tbeeonstltution of thcstateof N bra2 > - ka.bo amended so as to read as follows : tcctloiiS : "Atthenrst Ri-ncral election to bu held In thcjrarlS'Jl. and after llio adop- tlonof this amendment to the constitution. there shall J > celectcd three fJi jtnlces of the suiireint'court.oneof ihallbo elected for tie ! term of one (1) year , ono Tor theterm of three P ) years and one for the term of five (51 years , and at each Keneral election there after thiresball bo elected or.a Judce of the suprfmecourtfor the term of UM"I ) > years. Provided , that the Judges of tin supreme court ho o terms haxe not expired at the tlnm oC holding the Kener.il election nt 19I , shall continue to liold tholr nfflcofor the re- malnderof the term for which they were re- pectl vely elected under the present consti tution. " Section ! : That each personrotlne In favor of this amendment sball bare written or prlnlf d unoti his ballot tho. following : -tor the proposed amend rnent to the consti tution rol&tiug to the uumter ot bupreiuo judzcs. " Therefore. I , Jobn M Thaycr. Governor of thestatoof Nebraska , do hereby five not Ice In accordanca with section one ( inirtlclo lit- teen'li ) of thpconstitut'on ' , the provisions of thvact entltlid : "An act to provlrle tliomun- nerof propo > lnz all aaiendiiientH to tbecon st ! tut Ion and submitting the s ima to tbeolcc- torsof the state. " Approved February 13Ui A. U. lf . thatsalilprojxj ed amendment will be presented to the qualified voters of the stale forapproval or rejection at thw cenonil 'leellon t < > IM > held on the 4tlj day of Novcru- bar A. P. IfOO In witness whereof I hive hereunto sot tny hand and caused to bo attlvrd lliosruat seal of thp state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln thisJCthdayof Jaly , A. II. is ) , and thetwen- ty-fourthy nrof the stnte. and of the Inde pendence of th United States tie onihun drftltifteenth , Byth Govrrnor. JOIIXM. T1IA.YEH. UK. tvii.v K. Oo ncnr. [ SKAL.1 faecratary of Stats. PKOCIjA.3IA.TIOX. \YnunrAS. A joint resolution x ai adopted by the l zlslatur < ? of the state of > iebrHl < a. at thotwenty-tirst session thereof , und approved February 13th , A. 1) ltv > Uproix > > lri3ina > mend * inent to the constitution of said atate. and that said amendment shall read as follows , to-wlt : Section It That , at the general election to bo held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November , A D.lcW.there shall by Buralttedto the electors of this state for up- prriral or rejection an amendment to th con stitution ot this state In word a as follows The mnnuf acturc.sale and kfeplnp forsulo of Intoxicating liquors ai a bovK e esire for- evr prohiulu-d In tUI * state , and the IcnUln * tuie shall provide by law for the enforcement of thU pfuv-lslon. " And tliem tthall also nt said election be separately xubnaittud U > the electors of tills state for thnlrupprovalnr re- Joctlon an amendment to the constitution of tbe state In words n follows. "Tbeuiauufac- tuie , sale undkceplQR for sn.loof Intoxt itlnj llquurs as a beverage shall bo llceuded and regulated by law. " sic. S : At luch election , on the ballot of Bach elector rotlnz for ttia projx ed amend * ments totha con tltution bhall bo written or prlutod the urdai "Tor proposed aniund- mt-nt to the constitution , prohibit I cj the manufacture , sain and kccplnit for s.ile of Intoileatlnc lliuors as a r > everue , " or "Atalnst the iiroix ed atncndment M tin constitution protilbitln ; the inanufncturc , tle and ke plnx for lulo of iDtoylcatln ; liquor * as 11 tHverase. " u here shal I UMJ be w rltten nr printed on t be bullet of each elector voting for tm ! proposed arcendtncnt to the constitution , the tiords : Fur propoxl amendment to the constitution that the manufacture , salu and keupin7 fur ale of Intoxlcatiot liquors ai a Iwvenco In nU htate shall ba licenced and resulatej " " uld amend. bylaw. or "Against propend ment in the rotwstltutlon that tliemaniif&c- tnre.snle and keeplns for sale of lntoxlcilln { liquors as a buvt-nge ( hall bo llcon ; ( d anj rezulatlns nyUw. " Sue. ill If either of th laid proposed amendincntKShalllK ) appro > ed byu majority of the elector ! voting &t the said ekctlou , then It shall consltutu lection twent j.sercn l = 7 | of article one [ Hot the constitution of tali stale. Therefore. I , John M. Thayer , Oorornor of tliestateol tb aslca. do hereby sl o nutlet Inaccordanfewlthwftlonone L'lart'sio ' [ 15) ) of the constitution and lha pravliluiisof ttia actontltled "an act to provide the manner of propoln < allamHndmvnla tot ho coiotliutlon utmsulimlttins theuarneto thuelectonof Ll > Htate. " Approved February 13th , A. IP. 1 < 7 , tntt fcald proposal araenoruent will be ul > > mltlea V ) tliedualiaexl voters of thli btite. fet approval or rejection at the reneral election KJ bob till on the 4th day of November , A. 1) . In witness whereof I hereunto < ( t my band , ana causa to be adied the great seauof ch atatuof Nebraska. Done at Lincoln thUSCth a nr of July. A. I > . 1 > 1 > J. and the 2lth ruarot tint itate. and of the Indetiendenee ot the Unit * . ! Btatea thaonohundrud lift entn. lly thoGomnor. JOUh M.TIIAYEEC. - ( ScxL.1 tttcretary oJStat * . Aujuit Id3m RrULWRY TIME CHRP IxTO I CUK ADO. Ill/ItI.INUTON . * < T Omiha | - . , . - . _ t'mah * . 4.3) p m i..Cliic cu KtpraM . . . ClU n ra ii m . .i.rtitcaEO Kipresl , . . . . . tfJ p a S.lOp m . . .Cbluco Mpreu . . . . > . ' 1 u .s n > .Chlfrvco Utcnl , W m it ! > * < < iBUftUXiiTUN' A MOV IUVKIC. Ouilin. I IVvotlOttunq 3fi on > lrw i .Hn hi . _ fa.ll * m . , .Dtnrct l * j Ktprm . 404 p a 10.1) a ai . , IK > nti > r Mpr H . . . . All p m . * ) p m , . .tnr 9A1 el Ulneoln I * 00 p n L e T J i li II. jJtnUut | p X ontroott CIO p rae .4J P m X I' . Msht Km TI | t' I1 Trnn o a "J WUM I'SlOJTmCJJMCt ( .trrtTej Orailin. t T > | K > t lutti tnd SI rcy _ ilroaU , om\hn. 'tMp m 1OT rlkn.IKlyer . 901 p ra * .3)p ) . lnfiac Kipnui , , . HU p m Kipreo ass r ra 6.10 n ai . _ . , k n CIV ; ipri'n. . . . . . UBS 10 11 a m . . t-alrflrM Kio. ( eirrISun ) IU p ra UtnlhiL. IU.IT.jlepot.ioUi ui < l Ommhn. 6.19 P Tn . . . , , . . > lfht Kipresi . 1016 ni S US m . . . . . . . .Atlantic riprou JO p n 4-1) ) p rn Vestibule UmitM. trtli a a JrrtVr ' ' ' ' ' ' JJnlhi. lUI * 'df'pot.'iath' _ . Omth < _ T 11 ra | . . Sioux ntr I'luncnser. . . _ lptn ) . . . . „ St. I'tal Ktprow . . . . IdIO n I .Atrlroi" iWpot ISlh m > a MTetnltr 8U ml , . . . AmTei" _ Onuhn. 'U ' l.JeiK > t. IQUi nl M\rey 9t < On 11 9 IS * tn . . . . . . .ruirxrn KtpruM tJU p m tJOpra . . . . .VMtlDulw LimllM CM n 6.15 p m lownAcconimottmllon ( Mo. Sun ! 70i p a K.lilp tn Kulcrn Hf r Ill p t 1 lip m . . . ( i t Ki'torn Krrrr . . .I KIJ m iff _ Nircr Onnha. t6.U ) p ml . . . . .Cnlriuto Kipreti. . Slis ra Mi p m "LrfjreiT , 0\lA.llX * Jrnvei" QjihxIP. . P ilfpot. 10th m1 Slurcr Ori hn. - p in 7 . t. I ul < ( 'innnnJ > All liw p a eTT FTKrTMO. VA L.US V XrrtT o" Oraihn. I.M1 nrl Weh.ler H BlUnnJi . . . .HUvcl Illlli Kipren. . J.JJ p a 9MB ml Hullnjfi p. ( Kr.onilAj ) .1 JW p ra & .IO p rnHValnMUnc ln I'M ( FiSunt ) 10M a m _ S.H p inl Votl A Norfolk ( Kr Jundarl 10.11 a a I > itei " [ u. Sf.lVM .to. Onuhn-J _ | v pot l. > ; ti and W t lcr Stl tnj "lour Ctir Accuttimolstlon 9to p ra 1.N p -blouxCttr Cxpmi ( Kt. Sun ) . 1A > p n SOWp ni | . < tISul Umltol . Sti a ni 5.1i o ni | HMitott I'liiptntr < Ki "nnl > Mi a m , " On\ht. lO.Da ra M. l/ouli A l0. . Kiprt-s ) ( i ! ) p a W li p ra 6.O OlllLAu 1C "L A TALiViU ArrtTci fnlon Utpot. nnnu i ItluJI 'Tranifur ' BMp ra | " . . . .NKtt ripr . . . . J 9J& & m 9.1) ) R nil Atl > ni : = KiprcM t V p m & DO p rai . . . , Vc llhuto l.lmlKHl. . _ , . ' 10 "O a ci Tr n fer Union ( mine , I Illugi Traniitr f U in . . C.iu p m R.T ) p | Veitlbule LlmllfJ 9 > J & m IDJll P a\ \ SOT p tn l.TO p Tn . . . - - - _ . S.D p uiJowaArPommmtillon ( K c. Sun * MO j > m "r * Tea"TCJIITAiOTilin A riT , iMUi * ArrtT i Union tMPoU Council Illuii 7r n f . CJilca o Kiprtiii. . . . 91S n. ra 1JO P rn . . _ CWcico Etpron . . ClU p > ni ' , " . . 1 irrtrei" Tm < tet' _ Unto I > pot. ( uncll.1llulti _ | Tnin ter lOtiTa in ! . . H n M fit T I > nr Kipr s . S.I3 p n p ui . K nsn * Cltf Mclit Kijiro 63) a m OMAlU i. ST I ll'IS. A rriTei" Colon I > pot. Cuunrll Illugi Tmn fef " I > e TC iCUI At.O lltnil.'N A Ql'i.SCY . rr Trnii < > r Union l > pi > t. tutincll Illiiti. 'Tr ' n fit * JH an . . . . .Cblcain > Kpr u . . . . . taj p m lOOS P nil - . . .Chicago F.tpre.'i. . . . 940 n u 7 0 p w' ' . . . . . < > e"ton IxxraL II JJ a m MOU-VCITV ' Council HluJi Innifer 7(5&ni .Slonz Cltr Acrommixlatloa n 10 a u tilfi P a dt. 1'aut hvprvit . . . 15 W p m MljSOUrtl I'VCIMC SUUUUUAN T11A1.V3. C , Weitward , 'sm tv.nin.ni'p | ' m'P.QI ' n.ni p m WebiterSt. . . , . s w iiiT.riO.i.w in 8 TO 12 II Oik Chatham 's.vj.s ' . ils.t i.nssT ( , Sli Urnld lllll . . . . i VS.7.ID B.04 I.Uj KM S It I (71 ( Ljike Street . S.SB 7.m s.tr i.u < c in s i < 1 01 Wnlnnt HSU . 'HIIOI7.W S.O ) I.10' ' . * > 8W l.Oi Uanaee t'Ltco . ierr7.H ( ( s.n i.u IH SM 1 01 VV t SUe. . . IUJ 7.1) ) 3.1511.15 IO SU 1 I ) Ijwn . ' . a isU.is . SW 1 II Mueot. . . . . . . . . . .2it.ai , . . . 9 IK 1 It f cjiuour Tar * , * 21 i.s ; . Portal . .ls.w'i. ' i . ar. i amii.ni p mjp.ni n.rn. i * ro , Portal . . . . . . - , - - ' * ' 'JJJM I 4 > Sejtnonr I'arfe. .JS.41 1.5V . . . ? M 1 II Mucot _ . " " " < IIt 11 ; Uairn , . . . . ! is u i&ii ! 9Xi I M XVctt sue. . . . 's.is ' T ill * svs.oilns 9U l.SS . . t > i : 7 b s oTiS.OT m ; 9 11 i s ; VVilnut I1IIL . . a ) tl : u)5 ) to 8 a ) 9 li 2I ) L to Street. . . , I6Z2 7 Jill > .aii I l6tl 9 IS 291 Uruld lllll. . . . . . ' [ f.il 7 V U.05 i 15 0 IS S 50 = 1)1 ) O k CliBlham ' ' 'e > - It 9 OA S 13 8 7S S M 30) . . ' u f I3''J. U S.il t ( U ia ic 21) IIIOCUAMA110N. \VtiEHEAS. \ A Joint.resolution was ailopte ! by theleKlshtureiif the state ot .Nebrnska. at the t\vtnti-0r- fctsslonllaTcof. anil approved March Juth. A. I ) . NO. propjiins nn amend- meat to Sec tlon Thirteen (1 n of Article Mr ( Gi cf the constitution of s.ild state ; that sull section as umetided shall read an follows. to > wit : bee t ion 1 : That ectlon thirteen ( I3i of arti cle six (5i ( atthoeon-a tutloiiof thestateof > 'e- braskule amended MI a ; to read M follows , retlCB U : Tliejudesof thoHiipruniocoiirt shjlleai'h refelx-o salary of thirty-live hun dred dollar aituaoui per annum nn I thoJudciM of the district court shall nx-clvc a salary ot tbreu thousand dolIarslCUKjO ) par .111 mini. HIH ! xheialary ofeichshallho payalile quarterly JeetloaS : Kach perun vollnc In favor ul this amendment shall hive written or printed upon tils b'tllot thcfollnwln ; : Korthe iiropoed atttinlment to thoconvtl- tutlon , relating tolho alary o. ' Judges of tliJ sunretue und district court. " Therefore , l. John .M. Tlmyer. eovernorof the stnte of Nebraska.do hereby tlvo nntlie. In accordance with section one 11) ) article Hf- tecn L15 | of the fiinstltjtloi , and the pro'I- t-lon-s ofan act entitled. "An act to pros-Ida the manner of proposing all uiucudnieuUt t < > the constitution and submitting the hatnetn theelpctor- thcstate" Approved February Utli. A D. ! < T7. thnt iild prop iS ( > d inifinl- incut will hcaubniltto I to tlio ( iiulllled voters of thLsstatofor upproMl or rtijcotlon.at tlm cencrul election to bo held on tbe Ithilayof > ovember. A , n. lsa5. In vltn&ssvrhoreuf I have hereunto ot tny InnC and caused tn IHI aimed tbo creit tual oftha state of > ehraska. Ikinu at Lincoln. thlslGlh day of July. A I ) HW. nii tbo twen ty-fourth year of the state.andof the lixlf pendpme of the United bntoi the onuhun * Jrod flllo.-nth. lly the Gmernor. JOI1K M.TUAVEIl fllVJA > ! l > 11 COMI'KHY ' , [ SK4U.1 Suoretary of State. Aucust Id3m FOR MEN ONLY 3IAGIC CURE VOUtf DEHII.ITV.Yeakiies < il ItoJj.mil Jllnd : ttfectsof Errors or evrt-sst-s In Old or Yuuns Hobust , Xoblo MAXIIOJU f ull r re stored Wo Riiiiratitci ) ev ! rr case or money refunded. Satnplo e < mrnvo duya' treit- ruent. II : full courM1. ji. > efurely sealed frnni olsiTAatlon C < k Itemity C < Oinulia , > 'oli Oflicf. St. ( UIrIIotPlC'or.Utli and Dodiost For Sale Itonil- . 17,000-Water bond- . , city of AuroraHamil ton county. Nib twenty yvirs. ln'eycars p- tlon , [ ior .tnt . .emlanntinllJinuary anil July. X V. i .V t'A & .Lr rfMUtiu Major. Aurroa I'eriuiti. Penults to build were Issued to the fol- lo\ring ( Kirtles by Superintendent \Vhltlock , yesterday : O 0. Sold , one-stnry franio kitchen and one and one-half-story frauiu barn i WJ 3lariA. . Murniy , one-story f nirao cot- t.iR . . r > ycnnioruncur lloulevurd. . . 1,000 Iltiitit ) A. liunyon furniture company. three-story aud basemen t frame ware house , Tnlrteenth north of Uraco. lli 0 Three minor permits . Sis permits , ajirojatliig . t 1JTI5 ( For alarr.obifk , a juio in tbesldo or chest , or for tooth ache or CM : ache prompt relief may lo bad Dy ualnc Ctiatnborlaiu's Palu Halm. It is reliable. For sale by all drug gists. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. C. It. S tt and dauchtcr KltUoleft jesterJay via the \\"nba h ralU-oi I for Southern Florid.k , where Mr * . Sott and daughter vill remain during the durin ? tko \\jntea NIr Scott Avlll tro to return la tlmo fcr tbe coming election. Adolf Lalloz. rarrlttsra manufacturer , 113 Carroll street , DatTnlo , > , * . Y. , stitei I vas troublullth iiauso.1 of thu itotnacb , Mclc licadacbo and general debility llutdxlc Illood lilt ton cured noV \V R. Dnimroond left Moudm evening for Chicaga to attend the cnrriaco iimkers' < wi- vouticn , which Mill belli session there today The only railroad trttmoutof Omaha run expre ly ( or tlto iiccommodatlon of Omaha , Council BlufTs , Du3 .Molnot nnd C'hiciigo buhiiio.- . ; ) U tlm Itook Isbincl T6-tilulod liniltod , luavlni ; Omaha at 46 \ p. in. daily , Tluku ( onica IW2 , Sit- teenth and Fa.rnam sla. Otaa'ia.