THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE , \TOD2sTSSDAY , OCTOBER , 15 , 1890. * WELL i ON THE SILVER BILL , His Position b the Howe on tha Recent Legislation. INTERESr OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY , Ho I'avorcd an Act which Should Neither Giro Control to tlio Gold I Jugs Nor the Ittillluimlrca. The following In the speech of Congress man Council on silver l sUlaUon as delivered In the house of representatives , Juno 8 , ISM : Sir.Speaker , I much regret that I am forced to occupy the position in which I now tlnd myself placed. It is by the courtesy of a democrat , who occupies a scat at the other end of this hall , that I am now permitted to be hwrd. I thank him for kindly yielding to me n portion of his time. On this most Important question of silver legislation I am denied recognition by the speaker and refused the privilege ol a hear ing by the gentleman on this sldo of the house In charge of the bill [ Mr. Conger ] , for the manifest reason that I am opposed to the bill In its present form. Mr. Sj cakcr. I have always been n republi can. My loyalty to the party has never been questioned. I stand ready to support the party la tbo future as in tbo past , I recog nize tbat my personal views and individual opinions , as a rule , should conform to the Judgment of those who are regarded as party leaders nnd counsellors. I can not , however , blindly follow even a majority of the re-pub- I do In this case , the needs anil demands of the people. I propose to povern my action nccordliiKlr. even ttiouph mv vote Is recorded with the minority. This I do under the firm conviction that ho who most nearly repre- Bcnt-s the people serves his party best , On nearly every question during the jrres- cnt session my vote bas been recorded on the side of the majority. I hope after disposing of the present bill it mny bo so recorded until the close of the present congress. But I vlsh to say riRht hero and now , speaking only for myself , but at the same time giving expres sion to oft-repeated utterances of members about me , that if the speaKcr and the so- called leaJers on this side of the house ex pect the rank and file to do their blddinR without reference to what is'rlght , or reason able , or fair , they will wake up some fine morning to find themselves very much mis taken. fApplause.T 1 most earnestly supported the speaker in his eminently correct ruling that members actually present and plainly to be seen in their scats should bj counted as present. It may buvo been apiinst former precedents to eo decMe , but such decision was in nccord with common sense and in harmony with the constitution. To have decided "otherwise would bo to make absurd and ridiculous the power given to the minority to compel the at tendance of absent members. There has bcjrn much bitter Invective , as I consider without cause or foundation , hurled against the speaker by reason of this and other deci sions \Vlieuitls manifest that ceutlemen on the other side of this house are eudeavor- inRto prevent legislation by the dlsreputable methods familiar to the filibuster. It is ncht and pro [ > cr that rules should be adopted and cnforcca which will prevent the carryinR Into effect of such methods. The people will sustain such rules as well as the speaker nho ha ? the nerve to en force them. But while this Is true , I wish right hero to ffivo utterance to another proposition which I am sure is u true echo of the voice of the "people , and that is , under no system of rules will a pa ; ; on free speech , fair discussion , or the riphtto propose honest amendments ever bo tolerated. [ Applause. ] f submit that the action of the speaker in refusing to permit tne considerations of amendments which would remonetlzo silver and eliminate from tne till now under consideration its bullion- redemption feature is an outrage on a major ity of the members of this house nnd on tbo p . > ople of this country who demand that this should bo done. [ Applause. ] If it is the wish of the majority of the menibcrs of this house to pass a bill In favor of the free and unlimited colnapo of silver it is as reprehensible on the part of a minority , even though entirely composed of republi cans , to prevent such action bv the enforcement of a gag rule as ft would bo for democrats , in pur suance of n filibustering conspiracy , to thwart legislation desired oy republicans. We should have an honest and fair expres sion of the will of the people as represented by a majority of the members of this house. 1 recoynize that it is Impossible for each member to eosraft on every bill his Indi vidual opinion ; I also recognize that it la fre quently necessary to make concessions In order to ecuro desired IcRlslation. For cue , I have boon disposed to meet the gentlemen on this side of the house In that spirit. 1 re gret as much as any republican can , that we were unable in caucus to ujrreo upon a bill that every member on this side of the house could support. While a considerable number like myself -were in favor of free and un limited coinage of silver , we stood ready to compromise on a measure that would elimin ate Iroin the present bill the bullion-redemp tion proviso , -which degrades and continues to demonetize silver and makes mere waro- bouso receipts out of the treasury notes authorized to bo Issued. It tookea atone time as though this might bo done. I do not propose to giro away any secrets ef the caucus ; I do jjot propose to tell any talcs out of school ; 1 only reneat what lias been a matter of pcneral publication in the public press , when I say that a number of amendments , ono of whlrti eliminated from , this bill Its objectionable bullion clause , were offered by tba gentleman from Ohio ( Mr. McKintcy ) , and probably would have been accepted as satisfactory to all the members f\n 1ht Rllln nf thn hnnuA liMt fntttin nK1r\n tiom and protests of the speaker. 1 \ \ ould have been very glad to have seen a silver bill Introduced and put throuch this bouso purely as a republican measure. This might have been done had gentlemen on this side of tlio house heeded the timely sugges tions of the distinguished anil able gentleman from Ohio [ Mr. McKiuleyJ , and accepted the amendments which ho proposed in a spirit of compromise. While In favor of the free and unlimited colnageof silver , Iwith other mem bers of similar views would have been will ing to accept this bill with the amendments promised , bellevitij ? that time would justify our belief that with the brand of demonetiza tion removed the pnco of bullion would soon reuch f I for 371.25 grains of pure silver , and result practically in free and Unlimited coin age. age.Air. . Speaker , the state which I have the honor to represent does not produce a single ounce of silver. My constituents are neither miners , or mine owners. It is not from a BdfUh standpoint , therefore , that Nebraska or her representatives view the question of silver lOo'lslrttlon.Vhat \ is demanded by my self , my colleagues , and the people we repre sent is such legislation as will result in the greatest good to the ureatcst number and will be productive of the largest degree of prosperity to the cntiro country. Jills question is the u.ost'important and far-tvnchlng In Its consequences of any that has received the attention of congress for many years. It a0ects every Interest of this great country , and If properly determined will brluff to the people n desreo of prosper ity without a parallel in the history of this nation. At tbothesholil of its consideration we nro confrouttjd with a condition of affairs which , if not alarming , is serious and deplorable. A leeling cf unrest and discontent pervades the land. 'The poor are becQrnlnR poorer , while the rich are Brewing richer. The inassct are becoming more nnd more dissatisfied. Every trade and occupation exhibits symptoms of distrust nnd unrest The farmer is unable to realize from his crops the cost of production nnd tramportttion. The wace worker finds himself cither ithout employment or com pelled to work for InMiftlcient wages. Tbo merchant finds trade "dull" and times "hard. " Those who are under thoharrowof debt find it impossible to extricate themselves. While other causes may have contributed to this condition of affairs , I btliovo the chief cause U the lack of Insufficient money lu cir culation and the establishment of gold as tbo only htandanl of measuring values. The law of supply and demand must b recognized. It Is n luw thut applies to money as well as to nil other property. When you limit the sup ply of money you increase its value as com- panM with other property. AVben you incrvaw the supply you diminish Its value , therefore , depending , as It does , Upon the law of supply and demandtho ques tion of a sufficient supplv Is one of the ut most importance. It It undisputed that prices tenet-ally bav fallen from JiO to 50 p r cent throughout the entire country since the de monetization of diver. It cannot bo denied th , t tbo limited supply of the circulating me dium and tbo single standard has brought about tills result Silver , as well &a gold , from time Im memorial bas been regarded as a money metal It Is recognized as such by tha consti tution , which declares that congress shall have power "to coin money and regulate the value thereof , " and that "no state shall * D * make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of dobu. " The act of 1S73 demonetizing- silver was nothing short of a national crime. The oulv excuse for lt pasRsge was that Its purpoio and effect was not appreciated or understood. It has been stated by one who vras a mem ber of congress at the tlrao this act was passed that with scarcely on exception the men who bad voted for it bad since declared their utter Ignorance of its effect , and that president who approved the act had subse quently expressed his acsire to again see sil ver restored as a money metal , having been unconscious at the time he approved the act tbat ho was blgnlncr a decree for silver de monetization. Had it made manifest that the purpose of the act was to establish gold as the single standard of value , it U fair to pcr- sumo It never would have passed or been ap proved by the president. There was no sufll- dent reason for this act of demonetization. By its passages gnat wrong has been done the debtor class , not only those who were In debted as individuals but those who must contribute to national , state , and muni cipal Indebtedness. In tbo suppression of the rebellion tbo government contracted an enormous debt which was measured bv the silver unit of 412' grains of standard silver. The act of 1ST3 demonetizing silver added to this enormous burden of debt under which the people wore staggering by changing the unit under which it was to bo paid from a silver unit to ft gold unit , thereby making government bond payable according to the single standard of gold , which had been [ freatly enhanced by the striking down of silver as a money metal. what Is true of government Indebtedness Is also true , and in a more oppressive degree to state , county , municipal , and individual indebtedness. It does scm to tne wo have now reached the tlrao when the cry of the distressed debtor should bo heeded. It ought not to TKJ the solo punwe of congress to legislate iu the Interest of the creditor class. The capitalists nnd the "gold bugs" for once In the history of the legislation of this country should be required to take a back scat , and the powers of Wall street should be deHcd. My time now having expired I wish merely to declare my position with regard to the present bill. Jf a vote can bo had on amend ments offered in good faith for tbo purpose of eliminating from the bill its objectionable features I will support even thoueh such amendments be voted down. This I will do on the theory that silver legislation is needed and desired'and that if tbo amendments pro posed are not favored by a majority of the members of the house , the mlnoritj- should accept the bill In its present form , as being the best measure that can bo passed. If , however , the speaker arbitrarily refuses to allow the consideration of such amendments or motions to recommit , I will most emphati cally vote against the bilL [ Applause. ] STOHJl ( tl'F SKlf'FOfJXDZulXJt. An American Schooner Snves o Brit- inh Torpedo Ilont. HALIFAX , N. S. , Oct. U. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] One of the worst storms that has ever visited this region , especially on the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Cape Breton , has swept this coast during the last forty- eight hours. The sea ran mountains high , nnd news of disasters is hourly coming In. The wind blew with hurricane force from the southeast. A sharer in these misfortunes Is her majesty's steamship Pelican , ono of the rren-of-war which has been engaged in the fishery protection service on tbe coast of Newfoundland. Torpedo boat No. 63 has been attached to the tlcet assisting In this duty. The Pelican was on her way from Newfoundland nnd Halifax with the torpedo boat In tow when overtaken by the storm yes- terday. The fury of the gale made futile- all efforts to keep the Pelican and torpedo boat together , and the towing line pave way. The torpedo boat's crew had gtmo aboard the Pell- can for safety nnd the bant had been securely battened down before the storm became most violent. The man-of-war stood by the help less and drifting torpedo boat till dusk , but when morning had come she was not to be seen. The man-of-war cruised for some hours In an unavailing search for her convoy , but without result. Ere she "ceased the search the American schooner Samuel B. Crane , Captain McDon ald , was bearing the prize away to North Sydney. Tbo Cmno had found the torpedo boat off Low Point and towed her into Is orth Sydney harbor. The intelligence was wired to Admiral Watson at Halifax , who Immedi ately dispatched her majesty's ship Buzzard to > orth Sydney to look after the interests of the naval authorities. Meanwhile the Pelican had arrived at North Sydney nnd recovered the missing torpedo boat safely in tbat har bor. Pleasant to tbe taste , surprisingly quick in effect nnd economical in price no wonder that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is the leading preparation of its kind. "Oh I woman , in thy hours of oase. uncer tain , coy , and hard to please. " With chil dren hurt , long hours she's spent. Do try Salvation Oil , the liniment. " BRYAN VS. CONNEU& . Both Candidates for Congress Debate in Omaha Tonight. One of the biggest political rallies ever held In Omaha has been arranged for the oc casion of the joint debate between the con gressional candidates , Hon.f , J. Cornell and Hon. W. J. Bryan , in this city this oven- ing. rT * > ift ri * > > iitA irtll bouse. The various ward clubs of the two parties will attend the mcctlQc in a body. In the debate , Mr. Conncll will deliver the opening and closing addresses. The meeting will bo presided over by a representative of the republican congresslon- * al committee and one of the democratic con gressional committee. Mr. Fred Gray and Mr. Prank Morris er will perform this" func tion. In the succeeding debates the speakers will alternate in the opening and closing remarks , The debaters will be limited to ono and one- quarter hours speaking in each debate , tbo party opening each discussion to bavo fifty minutes , with twenty minutes for n close. The discussions which will follow the Omaha meeting will bo held as follows : Wahoo , Thursday , Octooer 10 ; Papllllon , October 17 ; Weeping "Water , October IS ; Tecumseh , October 20 ; Beatrice , October 21 ; Pawnee City. October ± 3 ; Salem. October 27 ; Auburn , October 231 Syracuse , October 29. Senator Pcttigrcw Coins Home. VTisnixcTOX , Oct , 14. [ Special Telegram to Tne BEK.I Senator Pcttlgrcw expects to leave for bis home at Sioux Falls , S. D. , Wednesday night and enter actively into the campaign now waging in that state. Ho said to TIIR BEE correspondent today that Governor Mclletto would be re-elected by almost the usual majority despite the efforts of the democrats to assist the extra tickets in the field. "We will get about ono hundred and seven members of the legislature , while the entire opposition tickets will got not more than sixty-two of the total 109. Yes , I think Senator Moody will bo re-elected. The efforts to organize agaiust him to secure con trol of the legislature in opposition to his re election , will fall utterly. George Gamble , who is our candidate for congress to succeed Judge Glfford , Is a fine young lawvcr of Yankton , a man who has been prominent In public and private affairs in South Dakota , nnd bis majority will bo large. Ho is thoroughly popular with nil classes. " Miles * Nerve anil Liver Pills. An Important discovery. They net on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A now principle. Thev speedily cure biliousness , bed taste , torpid liver , plies and constitution. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. 90 doses for 'J5 cents. Samples freoatKuhn Sc Co.'s , 15th and Douglas. Kansas Tourlsti. Two coach loads of tourists from WichlU , Kan. , and the adjacent towns passed through the city lost evening en route to the Dakotos. The trip to Omaha was over the Missouri Pa cific , George K.'Doningtoa , traveling agent of tbo company , being la charge. The tour ists dejurted over tbe Chicago , St. Paul , < 5c Omaha lisa. T "V . , . " ilJS THE DISCIPLES OF PYTHIAS , _ B X Those of Hebrasii Assemble b Their Grand Lodge. WORDS OF WELCOME BY THE MAYOR , AVhoro Tlief Come From and the Dis tinguished Delegates Who Arc In Atten dance. The twenty-thirl annual session of the Nebraska braska grand lodge , Knights of Pythias , opened In the large hall In Masonic block at 10 a. in. yesterday. The hall and the stairway leading to It had been decorated with small flags bearing the emblem of the order , and streamers bearing the word , "Welcome. " The assembly vros called to order by Grand Chancellor Macfarland , who Introduced Mayor Gushing. The mayor welcomed the delegates to Omaha In a very brief speech , In which ho said he was n Knight of Pythias of many years standing , having been n mem ber of the order during Its darkest days. Ho extended a hearty welcome to all the dele gates and proffered to them the freedom of the city. Grand Chancellor McFnrland responded on behalf of the grand lodge , thanking the mayor for his courtesy and assuring htm of the appreciation of all the members. A short recess was taken , and all who were not entitled to scats In the grand ledge were luviuxi w rviirv. The doors were closed and the business of the grand lodge proceeded. The grand ledge degree was conferred upon about sixty can didates : Thefollowlnglj a list of the delegates by towns : Otnalia D. II.Yhe ler , H. II. Hoerncr , George W. Sablnc. W. II. Ka nor. Julius Trclt chke. John \V. Honza. J. 1' . Lund. 11. U.I.ucu'Ui. ' U.l'atton.J.C.Krnst , \ \ . It. Ln : ender. U. H. Itoblnson. Jolm ) Vltlon. or , W. L. tclsm. Harrr I * Mcrrlatn. J. O. Lalnp , W. S. Denny , Clmrles Keynolds. K. S-porv. ficorso K. Wllbon , Wendell 1' . Coe , A. E. 1'lko ' , II. U. llmvm. Lincoln J.V. . I'crolral. Charles Harvey , n. M. bhacirer.TotnCookc. W. b. Hamilton. Kd P. Kcefcr. W. II. Iterger. U.P. IIornellus.O. P. Iinci" ) < . SJ. . Dennis , J. E. lllgs , F. K. Koosc , T. II. Ileuton. I'apllllon-Gcorzc nerasteJt , Hlalr Dennis Allbery. NooraskaClty-J. E. Conley , J. H. TVlsch- meyer. k rlcnil G. Krvncr. Ashlana-T.IJ. , Wilson , James Danloy.A. B. Gould , II. n. Kin : . I'awneo City O. K. Hall. K1K Creek . J. Young. llennett JohnO. Ell. York Charles A. McCloud. Kearney E < 1 Ki Finch. Ktnll Olson. Clay Center Jolm 31. Jones. Tecumseh K. II. firl-t , J.V. \ . BatteraL Vails City-H.U. DavK 1'alrbury-Kobcrt Christian. Xorfolk-J. W. Koe. Columbus UaUcl Dowty , Carl Kramer. West I'olnt Gcorgo Korb , sr. . Dan O. Olffert. Humboldt-W. K. Tinker. ItlMne City T. W. Day. Ha tliigs-W , A , DlUortb , A. E. Allyn. S. Chlbold. , Hod UIo d-L. II. Wallace HeatricE Oeorre ScRelkc , Prank Barclay. Sterling O. It. hnclrcs. rreinont-F1. I. Elllch. J. E-Trlek , F. Dolezal. Superior II. 1. Ilcltiuun. LOUR rino-O. 1' . Ingalls. Johnsou--L. Uayne. Holdrese Nela Nelson. Aurora James A. Wilson. IMeree J. U. fcharot. McCook James W. Campbell , O'Neill E. J. JIacU. Table Rock W. II. Wilson. Da > ld Olty John Harper. Orand Island \V. H. Hooper. Plattsmouth U. N. Dovey. \Vyraore--T. M.Snl glier. Stella-J. W. Jamison. Wecplns Wat < r-J. E. Hall. Hebron J. J. Maloncy. Chadron--F. M. Vanhorn. Mohrara--J. li. Eklns. Crelghton J. 11 , Lucas. Hlue Ulll-W. A , Garrison. Hlokman W. 11. Morrison. llrokeii Uow F. K. Autcrson. ' Alnsirorth A.V , Scattorgood. RushvIlle-W. W. Wood. Orecnwood Gcorse E. Klnley. Oration Geono K. HrUney , Shadrack Doty. Elkhorn-A. W. Baldwin. Geneva E. M. Billing * . Sutton J. A. Davis. Heaver City Joseph S. Phebus. be ward L. F. Schultz. South Omaha T. C. Marsh. MadUoa-K. G.Glllcm. Alliance Joseph X. Dauskln. Hooper F. J. ucere. 1'onca I. H. Orr. Klrnwood W. Deles Denier. Shelton-F. E. Kills. Hloomlngton J. E. Montgomery , Du Uols-I ) . Darlington. Crawford R. II. McGrew. Sidney S. E. Oapen. WahooV. . A. IIawes. Culbertson W. H. Dlllor. BenklemanV. . Z. Taylor. Stanton V. B. Wells/ Easlo Sam S. English. Uralnerd-G. W. C. Wanser. Nelson F. S. Sftaw. Madrld-W. U. I'urdjr- Nellgh W. A. L. Wood. Schuyler A. n.Hughes. Loup CIty-C. L. Drake. ' Itarenna J. W. Dunkln. StPaul-H.L.Cook , Kullorton-J. Tanner. North IMutte Vf. W.Conklln. Crete F. D. Williams Ulysses E. B. Zimmerman. Lexington Joseph Ormond. Orccley Center A. 0. Thompson. Pliitte Center Georpe Thotuazln. Sprlnz View W. N. Hudson. Crab Orchard Frank Kothell. Armada W. L. Maddox. Pender J. SI. Seymour. Central City W. Lto. ElmCreek-H.H. Bowie. Clnrks E. A. Itlchnrd&on. Herman Dr. J. L. Conant. Genoa W. B. llnckus. The following past grand chancellors were also in attendance : George H. Crairer , Alt D. Jones , Dr. O. S. Wood , J. J. Monell , Joseph Roscnstein , George H. Leslie , Omaha ; John Q. Goss , Bellcvuo ; Dr. F. Kenner. Nebraska City ; H , F. Downs , Uichard O'Xoll , Lincoln : E. S. Oppcnhcimor , Grand Island ; J. C. McNaugh- ton. Hastings. Past Supreme Representative Shropshire of Bntte , Mont. , was present and took part In the proceedings. The sessions yesterday were consumed In listening to reports of the grand lodge officers and referring them to the proper committees. The afternoon session was concluded at S o'clock and an adjournment taken until 10 a , m. today. Tbo reports of the various officers were re ferred to the proper committees , with In structions to bo prepared to report at this morning's session. The two sessions today will be devoted strictly to business , and in the evening the delegates will proceed In a body to Goodrich boll , on North Twenty-fourth street , where the degree team of Virginias lodge will exemplify the secret work of the order. Tbo team has been in training for some time and peed work is expected. The election of officers will probably beheld held tomorrow. Candidates arc very numer ous , nearly every town in the state having a candidate for some office. The principal con test will bo over the ofllccs of grand chancel lor and grand keeper of records and seal. The aspirants for the office of grand chan cellor have dropped out of the race until the field has narrowed , apparently , to the pres ent incumbent , J. M. Macfarland , and W. L. Seism , both of this city. Lincoln had candidates , but they hnvo not shown any great strength , nnd the delegation has about united on the idea of allowing the ofllco of grand chancellor to go to Omaha and captur ing the oftlco of grand keeper of records and seal for the Capital City. Several candidates are in the field from Lincoln , among them belnp W. H. Love , Harry Downs , J. L. Douglas and H. M. Bushncll. The name of E. E. French of Omaha , vrho occupied that position over twenty years , will doubtless bo proposed for grand keeper of records and seal. SOVTU OJM17.4 Venomous Firc-Buga. For the fourth time within a week , an effort was made Monday night to set fire to the house be'.ontrlng to W. G. Albright , occu pied by M. M. Parish , at Albricht , Kindling and kerosene had been used. A timely dis covery fortunately frustrated tha designs of Pastoral Reception. The members of the congregation of the Mothodiit Episcopal church , will tender a re ception to the new pastor , Rey. C. N. pw- American Hand Sewed Shoe Co. OMAHA - : ' 5 ; .Are the Exclusive Western Agents for the t br The largest manufacturers of rubber footwear In tno world.Vo carry the only complete stock ol first-class rubber -goods in the city. Prices always the lowest. Correspondence solicited. TRY OUR LEHTHER SOLED RUBBER BOOTS , THE BEST MRDE , AMERICAN HAND SEWED SHOE CO. , OMAHA NRB. son , In the reception rooms of the church Thursday evening. Messrs. X. B. Mead and E. M. Klchnrd-on and Misses Gertrude Glas- ROW and Luvena Jones have been appointed a reception committee. The public is cordially invited to attend nnd meet Uev. Mr. Dawson and family. Hefreshments will be served. Stole Gus Klcliui-Us' Coat. Gus Richards reports that some thief stele Q chinchilla overcoat out of room. No. S , NebrasKa - brasKa savings bank building. Thus far , no trace of the thief has been discovered. About People. Thomas Skinner of Cheyenne Is visiting stock yard friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay ward are visiting friends in Lincoln. Michael looney is hero from Chicago visiting his brother Thomas Looney. Daniel Cress of DCS Moines , la. , is visiting his brother Captain Jacob \V. Cress , Superintendent Edward A. Cudahy Mon day returned from Denver and left Mon day afternoon for Chicago. Arthur N" . Shriver has returned from Cin cinnati , O. , and was accompanied by his mother , who will reside hens. Notes About the Olty. If you wish to vote at the November elec tion register today. A dnuBhtcr has been born unto Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wordeman. The American water works company Is re laying mains on Missouri avenue. Patrick Blitler wants the democratic nomi nation on the democratic ticket for constable. W. L. Holland has been transferred from manager of the Columbus telephone offlco to this city. Edward Ivaln is a candidate for the nom ination for Justice of , > the peace on the demo cratic ticket. South Omaha lodge , No. K , Independent Order of Oddfellows , initiated three now members Monday night. Bee Hive lodge. No. 24 , Ancient Free and Aieptcd Masons , will meet this even ing to work In the third degree. Enterprise ledge 70 , Knights of Pythias , will not hold a repular meeting Wednesday eveeninp so that members may go to Onuba to attend the exemplification of work iutho third degree by the grand lodge. Wednesday , October1 SO , will be the golden Jubilee of the Sisters of Providence. The order was founded in this country October , 1840 , by Mother Theodore , who came from France. Of the original organization two sisters are yet alive nnd residing at St. ' Ind. Mary's-in-the-Woods , Services at St. Saviour's church room , South Omaha , will be resumed next Sunday , October 19. at 11 a.m. Uev. Canon "Whit- marsh of Norfolk will conduct the bervlco and will have charge of the mission hence forth. Hev. Dr. Brown has taken charge of St. John's church , Omaha , and is no longer connected with the mission. Canon " \Vhit- raarch will soon move Into the church house , Twenty-third nnd G streets , and become ono of South Omaha's citizen's. Wo hope ho may bo cordially welcomed by the people. A prominent physician and old army sur geon in eastern Iowa , was called away from home for a few days ; during his absence one of the children contracted a severe cold and his wife bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough remedy for It. They were so much pleased with the remedy that they after wards used several bottles at various times. Ho said , from his experience with it , he re garded it as the most reliable preparation In use for colds and that it came the nearest being a specific of any medicine ho had ever seen. For sale by all druggists. , A Temporary Brliljje. - The contractorswho _ are grading Califor nia street have 'come to a standstill in the neighborhood of Forty-sixth street , at the crossing of Saddle crvek. As the creek is a running stream It will bo necessary to make some provision for a culvert or bridge , and ono of the contractors beseiged the ofllce of the city engineer for Instiuctlons. He was referred to Councilman Osthoff , chairman of the committee on sewers , who happened into the oftice , and that gentleman said there was no money to build a culvert. The chairman of tbo board of public works was called into consultation and it was de cided that the only thing to bo done was to erect a temporary bridge over the creek. The contractor was directed to grade the street accordingly. Omaha Red Men. The Omaha tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men will bo represented at the session of the great council of Iowa nnd Nebraska , now being held in Council Bluffs , by Dr. Li. A. Merriam , past secncm of the Yah-nun- dah-sls tribe. There are only three trioes of the order in Nebraska , ono being at Lincoln , one at Grand Island , and the third in this city. _ Mrs. J. O. Phillip ! , Mrs. P. S. Merrill , Mrs. T. C. Clendennlng , and Mrs. II. Stevens have returned from Kansas City , where they have been attending the Topeka branch of the W. P. 31. S. of thq 31. E. church. Transfers Tor Hlsh School Ptiplli. The street car company will inaugurate its system of transfers for high school children this morning. All pupils attending the high school will bo entitled to transfers from cither horse car or motor lines intersecting the coble , on going to chooL and returning IS YOUR WIFE WELL ? THE WOMEN OF AMERICA ARETHE LARGEST CONSUMERS OF S. 3. S. IT NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE BROKEN DOWN HEALTH WHEN CAUSED BY IMPOVERISHED BLOOD ORTHE CARES OF THE HOUSEHOLD. OVER TEN THOUSAND OF THE BEST WOMEN OF THE COUNTRY TESTIFY TO THIS. Don't fail to send for our book on Mood dlseisea. Mailed irea. fiwo-r SPECIFIC Co. , Atlanta , Ga. RELIEF FOR PAfTlfcf ! AS I ) I'KEVENTB Colds , Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Inflammation of the I.uns ! . KI4nc7S and Uo Pl , Sciatica , Chilblains , Froit Dltci , Toothache , Hoadicbe , 1'alni tn tUo Hack , Chest anil Limbs , an J all the usual CONSEQUENCES OF TAKING GOLD. Th application of n.VinVA\3 IIKADV nP.MKF , to the parts 3octe.l. will Instantly rcllere and teen euro the JuSoror Internallr In do * ? * ot from thlttr t SUIT drop * , In hnlf n tumbler of wntcr It will cure 111 few momcnu , Crampi.i-pn'tm , Sour fctoinsch Cello , Flttulcnco. Heirtburn. Diarrhoea. J-lck Ilon.lache , Naniev VomltlDc. Cold Ctlll , NerroasrHMs Sle < ? nleJ ne i , and all Internal inlni. M centi a bottle. Fertile tile at IJruttljts. HADWAY k Co. , Warruu SU , N. V. will bo given transfer checks to motor and horse car Hues on the Une of the Dodpestreot cable. cable.When When tha hair shows slens of falling. b - gin at once to use Ayer's Hair Vigor. This preparation strengthens the scalpr promotes the Rroxvth of new hair , restores the natural color to pray and faded hair , and renders it soft , pliant and glossy. ALiLiU.V HOOT'S C Ho Wants to Discuss Campaign Issues with W. J. Conncll. The following has been issued from the headquarters of the First district congres sional committee of the people's independent party i OMAHA , Oct. ] ( . Captain W. A. Woodward , Chairman ot the Republican Committee of the 1'lrstCongressional District , Lincoln , N > b. Dear SirVo hereby challenge Hon. W. J. Conncll. candidate on the republican ticket , to a Joint discussion of the financial and polit ical Issues now before the people with Hon. Alien Hoot , candidate on the people's Indepen dent ticket for congress. The time and place to bo mutually agreed upon. J. M. KISSEY , Chairman. Through coaches Pullman palace sleepersdining cars , free recliningehalr cars to Chicago and Intervening point via the grent Rock Island route. Ticko ofllco 1G02 , Sixteenth and Farnam. They Want Their-Hoy. Mr. and Mrs , John Brinkman appeared Ixjforo Judge Clarkson yesterday and applied for a writ of habeas corpus for their three- year-old boy , who was in the custody of Mrs. Rube , his grandmother. The couple explained that tbeir child had been living with the wife's mother for soire time , but was rapidly acquiring bad language and learning evil ways , and the 'parents desired to take care of their o'ffspring In a better manner. The grandmother , however , had refused to give up the child , hence tha appll- cation for a writ.- Judge Clarkson Issued the writ and Sheriff Boyd , having had more experience in the handling ot children than any of his deputies , started out for the child. He returned late in the afternoon and reported that the old lady had skipped out and left tbo house locked. The sheriff turned the writ over to Deputy George Tierney and direct him to'go out to the house , which is near tne fort , about day break this .morning and get the child. Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licenses were is sued by Judge Shields yesterday ; Name and address. Age. ( "William Bohan , Omana 23 ) Rose Donahoe , Omaha 23 1 James Brabets , Omaha 22 ( Clara Bcnisek , Omaha 20 Seventh Ward ItopuMlcnns. A meeting of the Seventh ward republican club will bo held at No. 1212 Park avenue , oa Thursday evening , October 10 , at S o'clock , to arrange to attend the republican rallv oa October 20 , at the Coliseum building. In Holland , Mich. , Q. J. Docsbnry pub lishes the News , and in its columns strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for couchs , colds , sore throat , catarrh and asth ma. Jotiann Hoff's ' Malt Extract The best Nutrltlfe Tonic In all rni < p4 of DrtWEiMA , MALM- . JIITIOV In C I.N > ALtju rr.vci. rrJLiio.VAliY i < l Throat trouble. _ ImHrjfd by all l'hj t- clnn tli roof liout the cttllliedirorlil There Is notb- lnjr"lu t aiiro < Ml"whenTOii can abuln the cmulnc article hlcb ha the denature of "JUUA > > Uorr" on tbe nock ot crery bottle. Eisner A : Jlemlc'.son Co. , Pole Agents , 0 Barclay Street , New Yorli. GOLD MEDAL. PARIS , 1878. Tf. BAKER , & CO. > S Pnnno UUbud It abfolutely pure and it ( i tolutte. No Chemical * i * c 4 In iti prevention. It hu 14 + lkr u w ( * Mrc a ot tnlird with Surely Arrovroot or ind It IKcrtfjn fir inor * awrfof I * * * < * M tral a tp. It U dcIciuut ! , noiiriMiiiUcncthtuiitj ; , CILT biuuTKD , iml tdmlrmblr fttH f jt ImiUU M * t U a * rrM > ei to Sold by Crorrri rterjnhere. W. BAKER Sc CO * IJorchester , Mas * DBJ.C.WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. Bpcdlo for Hri ) rt * , D'.iilneii.r.U. K ar .Ir1i , Iiilu , ilMUl l pr loK. forming ot tbe Urmin.iv ultln to intuitItfltcir to mUtry d irj outk , frrm tun Old ire. Uarrennau. Lo ot I'o erin in timer MX. laroliintarjr lrf > , nrl Hpen& torrta CAOJM } by orer4irtloi of the brain. ir.bnt or OTtr-laJcIrence. txthbdi coculuioD , rnonU't irtiu m nt l ft box , i r tt lor ! > , tent by mai YriUl eth tbt tli k > oxr > , will na ruinctx * to rthind deary If th ( rt tmrn ! tun. u > uanUMIwa iui4Kiaiua ioJiuia7 GOODMAN DKUG CO. , 1110 Fatnaca Street , - Omaha , Neb. INVENTED AT LAST. A GODSEND TO THE FAMILY. ENDORSED BY ALL PHYSICIANS , TITB WOMAN'S DOUCHE will at > olulelr remove alllrepurltlcs i well as oil forvlen citpoilts br the elmplo use of warm water. The inrlsoratlnR action produced upon the mucoui membrane prerents and caret ail thoae baranlng tUseisum 10 common to women. TO I'UKSKRVK perfect health and nice com- pleiion , wnib every nUIit before retiring to Meep lAdleiwhoTaluo health cannot atlord to be with out ono. Simple , durable and convenient under all circumstances , bent to anr address on receipt ot prlce.$150. Warranted as adrertlsed. or money re- landed. Dr. llftUKtiawout \ Uonglu St. , Omaha , Kcb. Bold br all leading drunKliti. Linen Collar * and Cuffk. Correct St > lei. Beit Qualltj. - Perfect Fitting. TRY THEM. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 13O2 Fnrnam Straot. HARRY P. DEUEL , City Passencror and Ticket Ago at Corner Othandllarne/ Streets , Omaha. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic Diseases and Deformities. DR. A , T. MoTjAUaHLIN' , President. Founded by Dr. J. W. McMenamy. DR7 J E ; leGfilVF TMie Specialist , J nniurpns ei1ln tbe troM- meat of all forms of 1111- VATK IMSKAI-K-S.IxiilMjin J-ood , feTlllCTUUK. or pain In relelTlnic Ilio bU'lilor. HlTJIlUs careJ Inttto&J it.irs Skin Dl'enes , Cotnrrti and nil IH 5ear of tha lllood. Heart and Llrer Ve- nnloUUeaittcunM without ImtnimenU or "local trenl * nccnt. " ldle from 1 to i ojlr. Wrlto lor circu lar ) elrl.-.z particular ! about each of tba bboro < U * Mes , und abowln.c many of tba raoit remarkable curei Ol- tfe , S.K. Cor. Itlh ant ] r'arnim St . , entrance oa Mlber ureet. Oina i Neb , bctoxxZAlrjr or "Tertiary | * nu ntlj i _ cureJ In S to d v . I We tllmlnatt all polxm from lh jricm , so Ihat tifre can utter U a mum of Ibe illMie In any form. Tartlet can I * trrattd at bomoai well tt Iwrt , ( for the aime pric * and crxlrr ll > nine gtujaoitrt , ) but with n > o vho l.nlrrtn come litre , v-o will rtLtract to cur them or rrfu < l all money i l \ > tr entire execute of cum tar. rallread fare an ! hottl bill * . OURMA&IC REMEDY 3 toeuretlia tn& t obttlnat caAes. % Vo rhaleiiBo the world for a , e 9 we ran notrurp. ( Unco the butory ol mei cme a true rprdfle f or SypbilU hu b n tuuehl ( or Wet ne er found until our Mule tlemnly vu dla- eorrnd. Sane other genuine. rlt for lefereiwr * . COOK ItEMKUY CO. , Oinaliaebratku. . OfflceSt.CtaIr Hotcl.Cor I3thanrl PoJseSt "TO WEAK MENT Bufftnuc frota ttu enrcu of loathful error * , earlr tfecsr.wMtlJU weakneat. lort tqanhun ] , etc. . 1 will aced a Tnl'iibla urnUM ( w-aVoi conlalutnr full particular * for h/ime euro. FIIKK of charge. A. tplrnJM uollral work i thooM > > rrad br rtrrr inao who U Darroui an. ) aelJUUUfl. Xddreu. Prof. r. c. i'O\VLiu : uootiui.coim * DIAMONDS. Wntclici nnd Diamond * Glrcn A\vny vrlth Tea nnd Coffee A. Norcl Tlio nnmeaofnll persons rocolvln ? dia monds. ualcho * . etc. , arc added to Ihli llstdallv. The Ovorinnil ton company of S.m Francisco hnvo rented the store , 1303 Fnrnam. next to Ilcllmnn's clothing house , and la order to Introduce tholr poods this company willproscnt forBlxty duys souvenirs with every c n of ten nnil coilro sold , such rut solid pold , silver ami nickel \vntchcs , also penulno diamond ! in solid gold seltingi , silver tableware. also money mid many other articlea of less value. Every purchaser will receive a souvenir. The coffee , can nnd contonU weigh about three pounds the tea , can nnd contents weigh about ono and n half pounds. This oxtxHisivo nnd novel \vay of advertising will bo discontinued after sixty days nnil these really choice ( jooda will bo sold strictly on their merits , but without the souvenir. Of course every purchnsor must not expect to get a diamond mend or wutch. This company claim that they hnvo inst as good a right to give away watclies , diamonds or jewelry and money ns their competitors fmvo to pivo away glassware , chromes , etc. Getup up a club. Those w ho trot up a club order most always pot a Ymnd omo pros. cut. Orders by mail promptly forwarded o all parts of the United States on ro- reipt of casli or postofllco order. Torma : Single can , SI ; six for Jo ; thirteen for 10 , and twenty-seven for S20. Address Dverland Tea company , Omaha , Xeb. Store open from 8 o clock a. m. to ' ) o'clock D. m. and Saturdays till 10 o'clock ) . m. Is'ovv own. Klin MeCarthv , Capitol ave. , silver fivc-bottlo castor ; H. L. Catcs , S , 10th St. , diamond ring in tea ; T. H. "Winter. ? ouncil lllulls , diamond ring In tea ; lugh L. Donovan , mail order , Hosting * . Keb. , gout's hunting case gold watch In ea ; K. Jones , S. 15th st. , silver caitor ; OlHo Keynolds , S. EOth st , , silver water litchor in tea ; II. J. Waters , South Dinaha , $20 in gold coin in tea ; E. 0. Merrill , 42d nnd Cnss , silver plcklo stand ; Uiss Jennie L. Cottrcll , mail order , Javld City. Nob. , silver plclilo stand ; UissGraco Wnlther , mall orderSutton , Kob. . solid gold bound ring in tea ; "W. \V. Montgomor , mall order , Red Oak , Xeb. , silver gold lined cup ; Win. Myers , ? harlcs bt. , silver fivc-bottlo caster ; Miss Anna Larson , S. ISth , bllvor sugar jowl ; II. P. 1'ox , Savannah , III. , dia- nond ring In ten ; Mrs. Itobt Hunt , Morisoyst , silver caster ; Mrs. M. Lv znrus , Douglas St. , silver ptcklo stand ; ! ? rnco Coiling , mailorder , Xorth Flatte , Nob. , hunting case pold watch In tea ; E. W. Wright , David 'ity ! Neb. , silver plcklo fctand ; L. IIansnn , So. 16th st. , diamond ring n tea ; C Dilbcrn , So. 18th St. , silver live-bottle caster ; N. .T. Larson , loth nt , silver cake stand ; \ \ ' . II. Vannoy , Poti- iiletou A\j. , hunting case gold watch in lea ; Fanny Sherman , N. 20th bt , , silver cake stand , and Oscar Parsons , So. IGtli St. , combination diamond and snpphlro ring in tea ; "W. Mnrklcv. Fort Omaha , silver cake stand ; B. P. Flood 2Sth nx-e. , diamond ring in tea ; Jennie Wol- off , \Valnut Hill , ? 10.00 in gold coin in tea ; Fritz Fisher , Elm St. , silver five- bottle caMer ; W. 11 King. Chicago st. , silver cake stand ; Mrs. John Ejienoter , Walnut Hill , stand sugar bo\\l ; Ella Ilaydcn , Capitol ave , , diamond mend ring nnd silver sugar bowl ; Henry Barry , Clark St. . $20 in gold coin in tea ; Emma Tinloy , N. 12th st , silver caster : IlattieDriefuss , Cass sU , silver sugar bowl ; Mrs. W. Schwnrwlck , Ham ilton St. , diamond ring in tea ; C. 13. Walters , Council Bluffs , diamond sing in tea ; Mrs. J. Frank , Howard st , , silver sugar bowl ; Mrs. Cook , Council Blufls , diamond ring in tea ; Dr. J. W. Siovcrling , diamond ring in tea ; Kiln Robertson , coin silver chat- telalno watch in tea ; Clarence Potter - tor , Shcrmnn ave. , silver sugar bowl ; J. I. Elgin , S. 22d st. , diauiong ring in tea ; Mrs. Pike , S. 17th st. , silver sugar bowl ; J. II. Horst , S. Omaha , diamond ring in tea ; Lxfuisa Crowdls , Council Bluffs , $50 in gold coin in tea ; Edw. Mc- Xally , with Adams express , silver five- bottle caster ; W. Zang , S. 18th , silver five-bottle caster ; Mrs. L. D. Flodln , Izard fat. , silver cold-lined cup ; C. Fitz gerald , Council Bluffs , diamond ring in ton ; Trios. Holbrnn , Caliiornia St. , silver five-bottle caster ; S. J. Warren , S. 19th St. , penta' hunting case gold watch in tea ; TJ. B. Hooton , S. 4th st , , diamond ring in tea ; H , Miller , S. 12th st. , soltairo diamond shirt stud In ton ; R. Larson , South Omaha , silver caster ; Jolm Gordon , Davenport st , silver cake stand ; Hugh Avery , mall order , Lin coln , JSTcb. , J20 in gold coin in tea ; William H. Klrkondahl , Mayfield add , silver castor ; Mrs. M. A. Young , Soulh Omaha , silver sugar bowl ; Tena Ander son , Oak st. , silver cake faUind ; Mrs. J. Erus > l , South Omaha , silver sugar bowl ; Alex Grantloy , S. 21st , cluster diamond ring in tea ; Uuby Hawser , mail order , Missouri Valley , la. , $10 in gold coin ; Fred wagner. So. 10th st , , silver butterdish ; C. Bloomberg , N. .Tlst ave , silver butterdish ; Thomas Shea , Ban croft st. , silver butterdish ; Jacob Lutz , S. 20th , diamond ring in tea ; Henry Grillin , California St. , 850 in gold coin in tea ; J. Rondis , S. 18th , silver gold-lined cup ; Mrs. S. U. Madison , Tabor. la. , sil ver pickle stand ; W. II. Welch , .Missouri Valley , la. , silver livo-bottlo caster ; Joha MeC'lintock , Dodge Bt.silver sugar bowl ; Walter Stcinmctz , S. l. .th , diamond mend ring in tea ; Mrs , Brizzi , So. 20th , silver sugar bowl ; Alex Edhoff , S. I9th St. , gents' huntIng - Ing case gold- watch in .tea ; Ella Simpson , mail order , Nebraska City , hunting ease gold watch and diamond ring in mail club order ; Mrs. Antonia Houth , 10th , plain silver , fivc-bottlo caster ; George Gerard , Soutn Omaha , silver carter ; Mrs. B. > f , Sjwneer , Coun cil Bluffs , silver pickle bland ; T. C. Bell , Farnuro bt. , diamond ring in tea ; J. J. MinickS. 18th st. , gent's hunting case gold watch In tea ; James Peter son. S. 10th tt. silver gold lined cup ; Julia Mnnnert , S. 13th St. , $10 in gold coin in tea ; Mrs. General Dennis , Dodge st. , silver butter dish ; Henry Peters , Park Ferroat , silver , llvo-boltlo castor ; Peter I'ctoron. Burt bt. . butter dish ; Mrs. McKenzJo. Lake St. . silver pickle stand ; Mrs. Nolllo Bangs\Vymoro , Nob. , It. L. in tea ; silver sugar bowl ; G. W. Ketchnm , 33d and Walnut , sliver five-bottlo caster ; Chas. A. Summer , silver plcklo stand ; Mrs. T. P. Bmck , Pondor. N'ob. , silver gold-lined cup ; J. Schneider , mall or der , Millurd , Neb. , nolld gold chu-sed band ring ; J. W. Munn , 13th and Far nam , silver pickle stand ; A. A. Remlllard. Hurnoy st. ( diamond ring ; Mamie Rasnlck , S. 4th , silver cake stand ; Mifen C. Parker , St. Mary's avo. , solid gold band ring in tea ; S. B. Sanaon , S. Omaha , cluster diamond mend ring in tea ; A. Js' . Larson , Council Bluffs , gont's hunting case gold watch In tea ; Mrs. Julius Festnor , S. 17th St. . diamond ring and silver plcklo bland in tea ; Mr * . B. Durbnck. N. lUhst. , sil ver cake stand ; Perry Williams. Walnut Hill , silver five-bottlo. castor ; Mrs. An drew Jnkloy , Clark st. , sller five-bottlo caster ; Mrs. Hull , cumlng bt. , sliver pickle stand ; Emll Peterson , Jf , 18th , diamond ring in tea ; Annie Clarke , MM. Hugh Loganmull order. Smvurd , Nob. , silver gold-lined goblet In tea ; Mrs. D. L. Hoffman , mall order , Vail , la. , diamond ring in tea ; Krnost Evorrt , Council Ulufla , silver fivc-bottlo castor ,