.THE CBOJETA. BBE.l&UfcSDAY , OCTOBER 14 , 1800 , THE MIA1TA JU3IB COUNCIL BLUFFS. Oi'FICi : , NO. 12 PI-URL ST by Currier In liny part , nf the City. 11 W. TI1.TON. - MANAOBi : . : TKI.El'lIOXttSi . CJHIcc. Jin. f.l. Nluhtl'dlttir , No. S3. .TII\II : .V , ' N. Y.P. Co. Council Bluffs "LimiborCo-.roal. 1'ornilt to marry wns pranted ye .tenln * * to 31 0. Klmbnll mid ninllo lu ) Hols , both of this city. A innirinijclIcu.TK ! lint been issued to J. D. Cook unit Miss Lucy Huff , both of lla/.ol Dell The fimomlof Mr. O.S. T-mvsoiiwIll occur jn WVilnusdny at SoVlnelc. The body will bo Intorrol In Malnul Hill cemetery. The throeearold ) son of .John Myers dlctl Imlovt-nliiKof ( Hiihthoria. The funoi-al will tn'io ' place lit 'I o'clock thlt afternoon from the Tcililc-nri > , 'jt'S : ' Avenue (1. ( " Dlcd-Tholiifantsoti of Mr. nnd Mrs.V11 \ - ll.wi HnMvvInnt IDo'clodc p. in. Sunday. Vho funeral will talto pliico today at U p. in. from Hi. ' family residence , ISUU Ninth street. Little was ikmo In thosupei'lor oourt owlnpr to thcillnosiof .liHltfoMiK.w. The Jury Is 1o bo In altenilunco NYednosday , by vhlch tlmo.lt Is cxpocleii , lie will bo able to bo A. new pint was fllca In tlio county record er's ofllrosestettoy. . It was by R M. Wil son. nnd ! known ns Wllsoti terrace , located on Madison street , being a part of tlio old 1'iilm or tract. Horace Kvcrett was failing very rapidly Inn nlulit , anil tit II o'clock there ivero grave Irars enter tallied Hint lie would not last until morning. Ill * friends have about given up ell hoiwof Ids recovery. There will be n mcetinp of tbo Mercliants1 iwoclntlon this ( Tuesday * cvenhiRUt S o'clock In the south court room of tlio county court lioufte. All inciii tiers are earnestly requested to lie ya-sent , as tlio Vottawittmnio county obstruct of unsettled accounts will be delivered nt the tncotltifr. Farmers and gardeners llvinpea t of the city , complain that them are systematic ilop- raJntiMis belli K made upon their henroosts , nnd tliey aic ( joint ? to londui > the old shot- puna mid tk > tno bulldogs loosu hereafter. The feathered Inhabitants of several farms liavo been taKen , and not aclileklcft on the I'lnco. A iioiv steel boiler lim hofii placed In the basement oflho Shufrnil-lJeno block and the entire buildinj. ' ivlll hereafter bo heated hy itenin. Some tinkirinnt ( alterations aw also I'oiiU-miilnted ami which will be commenced this full. .AmoiiK thoin is Ilio niiikinj ; of a new entrance on the southwest corner of the olocU , facing Ilnyllss park. Thoworkof romodolln tliOiIntnw huildinp ty puttliiK' In a new front on tbo I'oarl street tide V'M conitiicnccii U'storihiy. The build- InB will be modernized and transformed into one of the most convenient and handsome on that side of the street. .luilito .Juntos 11 tak ing personal supervision of tlio worlt and will pare no expense la rcn-odellng the building. JocGoss unqualifiedly dot-linos the uonilnn- tlon of township cleric on the republican ticket. 1'hi-nftlcc last vcar wauinusnallv proli table , the total Inooniohc-infjjl'i. With the prospect of it lining loss than that amount this year , under the general demand for re trenchment ntid economy , CSoss tloes riot feel warranted In entering Into costlv political contest to secure an election. Ilisdcclluation Is ilu.nl. Yesterday was sentence O.i.v In the dlitriel court nt Avoca , nml Jitdpo Decmcr had a couple of Yictiim to dispose of. William Qucpk . , who pleaded Riiilly to stealing n liorscfrom Its owner's stable in Avoca , wus sentenced to three years iti the penitentiary. Drown , wllo was found utility of seduction , was scntciucd one year and four months in the pen. Ills attorneys gave notice of an ap peal to the supreme court , and Urown sue- reeded in Rlvlnjrtho required bond to permit him to enjoy his freedom ivhilo llio easels pending in the higher court. , Senator Wlllinm 13. Allison will speak In the Alasonlclctnplo in this city next Wednes day evening. The political Usucsof ttiecntn- paljjn will be discussed , as n matter of course , but the chief part of the address will i , bo devoted to the tnritfle'islatloii ( of the re- 1 publican parly end ttin new McK'lnley hill. It is unnecessary to say that it will bo nnahlo and interesting address. Senator Allison is too well known a ? a financier and political economist to make any promises necessary. 1'eep'e who cannot or will not comprehend the nevr tariff legislation are especially in vited to coffie early and get a front seat. Mn. Liwie Lyons , wife of Uemanwho was assaulted by Simon CoJy on the I'inney Jsrno , east of the city , on Saturday , told the itory of ike assault , at it was recounted in toe papers on Sunday tnonina. It IVM she who tlcxllle information charging Cody with ft&savltxvith intent to commit jpurder. claim , inp that her bushand was tco baily nurt to ret out , and eacpresMnp her grave doubts of his ultimate recovery. It transpires that he was not so badly hurt , as his Afire Imagined him to be , and that the assault was not , made with intent to Ull , no other weapons bdtifr usea than the fists of Cody. It is claimed by Cody's friends that lie hudamph provocation for Ihe'hammerliiK lie pave Lyons , and did not make it any more Interesting thiin ho deserved. The case has not 301 been heard tn court. Dr. Jennings ( lied an information yester day-afternoon char ine Dr. nelliiiKcf with the failure to ix'iwt m-.iso of diphtheria that rame under his professional care. Awarrant was Issued and the pnysiuiau was arrested , The case was that or a little ehlld , the only ono In the household of Mr , and .Mrs. Jloycrs , living at at-'S nvonuo O. Dr , IJellluirer claims that the child was placed under his euro on Saturday , and that ho was not sure Uio disease WHS diilithcrla | until the last visit ho made late Saturday niuht , nnd after ho came to his olllco ho mailed a postal card to the city clerk reporting - porting tlweuHoof diphtheria. The curd did not show up until yesterday afternoon. In the inunntlnio Dr. Jennings , city physician , had his attention called to tho.case an'dlnvra- Untiled it and found it to boa very iiisiliRiiant attack , with hiitlittloprosiiectof tlio-patient's ' recovery. When ho returned at noon ho Hied the Information nnd tlio arrest was inado. It will bo fiirthor Invcstlijixteil in the police con it today. Tlio lurceny of n clock hy two brothers , named UIWKO and Paul Clarlc , has resulted in agoneral neighborhood row in tlio vicinity of Seventeenth street and Sixth nvcnuo. The clock was Ihopropnty ofNntoIiothcrs. H occupied a conspicuous place in his household nnd was required to do douhlo duty to servo ns im indicator of time and Ituthors' private bank , AVlioii the Clark boys ot Into the home on Saturday evening and Htolotlio ( line jileco. and imur takiiif oiit the inoiicy thofowncr had carefulIr secreted In it , thov destroyed It. llothrrs AV.IS very niiKry , and ho nnd Cl.irlt. . sr. , fret into a row over the transaction , nnd Clarlc got a very Imdly blacked ovo. At tin'dock Kundav inoinliiK ho pulled Jmtlco Schuw out of bed and procured a warrant for the arrest of linthors , and tlio old man was lauen In by Oflla-r t'owler. Yesterday the war was renewed , nnd vbon it was over Oniccr rowler went to the neinhhorhood lurain anil Herved eight adilltlimlvamints , tirivjtliiK all of thul'lnrk family , the two boys for l , v < Miy ami the otbcra for assault , MIX 1'oriy ICulght , Ids \vlfo nnd nil of his children. ThulCniKht family uro neighbors , \verodniwi \ into thogiMioral fracas np- jiarrntly Hlmiily bivauso it was goncnil. ahcy all gave bomlH for tliolr uppoaranco thli nf ternoonnt ft o'clock ' , when thothrco fnmilles iiiidthelrfrlendsaiulsynnHithlzcrs will till the Ice court room. I'EIIHOX.l IM /f.t K It A 1'IIH. McOreis onthuslck list and unnulo to attend court , llooxpii-ts to bo out in day or t\\o. \ Frank ( 'hnnilnirH , deputy county clerk , lias to depend iioinewhut on ulhlrtl leu Mllh mil- , vor hi'uil , An unfortunate turn of tlio foot caused nepruln of the anlilo. TlioSoliuol Mtulillc. Tlio cn < o of llio school board , which was to hnvoconioup lief ore Su | > crlntciidont Coo | er ytvstcrday , waicontiiiucd until Wednesday , thoVMh , on account of tlu > ulninicodf Jum | N. lliildwlnlo \ Is looking after thu lutorost of HID nntl-McNiiiightuii iiHMiilion of the botinl. Mis lliilihvm haHgonoiMNt im a liuil * iiem trip , \ vlililivlll tnlcuneverul ilajs. Cull at ( he olllco uf I ) . J , IlittclitiiHon Sc Co. ivndUtUourl lot.Vllmm Tc rr.ioo ud tot da TUB SEWS IS THE BLUFFS , The Criminal flulonclcr Taken TJpin tto Dis trict ( Joint Yesterday , THE BOARTZ MURDER CASE CALLED. A .Veoln ? I n flini'Koil willi Krniul- Tli 5 Sulifiol llonrd Mtuldlc Xmv Ull > litli < > ila Clues-Must tMy Tor an Aculdunt , In the district court yesterday Hiram Fox was on tiliil for tin assault nude upon his steJpauRhtcr. null-lot twelve years of IIKO. At the time of the allowed iissnult MM. Fox wns vcr.v slclc , and three or four days later died , lint n day or two before her llttlo babe had boon buried. On the morning of the assault u neighbor woman , whoso hus band's house w.w located partly on Fox's lot , honrlng a noise , wont out to sco what , the mutter was with tholiorsw. She discovered that the nolso was from nn adjoining outhouse - house where slio louml Fox strutfKlini , ' wllh the llttlo Klrl. She resoucd the girl nnd took her homo with her. Mrs.Kox bcltitf In such a critical condition , nothing wns don o toward havln i ? him imvstettuni.il she TOW deau and burled. VheiiFox returned from the funeral of his wife nn ofllcertook him in charge. Tlio Klrlund the neighbor woman both told the Biiino story concern Intf the occurrence. Fox wont onto the stand and nmdoa Kcncral de nial of harinu coinnilttod any offense. Ho claimed that ho wmtcd the nirl to cct his lircakfast for him , ids wife holnj : tiuablo to do so , nnd slio refused , She disappeared from Llio house , and ho went out In the yard to Hud lur. lie discovered her Jubt coniliiR out of the building near the burn , and was try in } , ' to in.iko her ( jo baric in ihehousBaiuU'et the inenl , amlsho resisted. ! to attributed the testlinon.v of the neighbor woman to spite , because ho had advised hh wife not to associate with tier , at ho deemed IIUI 111 ! lllllllj pUJMUII. llll. ' Liiavj niliiuu at-Riicd , but \vas given to the jury without orntory. .liulgo.Mncyhnd not his instructions pro- imi-ed , and so adjourned court until 7 o'clock iu the evening to give hitntlmoto do so. The cnso was Kivcii to the jury at 7 o'clock and at 1) ) o'clock the bailiff announced tli.it they had reached a verdict. They marched into the court room am ! the clerk read the verdict. It was short and simple , butlthoro a terrible Import to the prisoner. "U'o , the Jury , liiid the defendant guilty us charged , " wm what thoclorU read. 1'ox was ) mdly broken up , nnd sccaicti to reall/o fully the enormity of his crime. The Runtcncocun bo twenty years in the peniten tiary. Ho is only thirty-two years old , just in the prlmo of life. As huwas led out of I lie court room back to the jail to await sen- toncu his liivnst heaved with the choldng sobs ho could not Sljns. ( Loscy & . Jensen's ' , 11 1'car st. Losey k .Tenseii paint houses. Money at roJuuolr.uui toanol on chatto and real estate souurity by B. II. Sluafd As Co It Diplit licrla Sp There Is some anxiety liclnc- felt in various parts of the city on account of the prevalence of diphtheria. It Is admitted that In a city the size of Council llhifTs the piescnco of the disease fill the time Is to bo expected , but re cently tlio increase In the number of cases re ported has been great enough to create a little apprehension and make the inquiry pcriuisa- hlc , Is the dibcaso spreading ? While medical authorities are somewhat In doubt about the disease being anything more than ot an infectious nature , and not highly contagious liltu smallpox , to bo trans mitted by the germs In the air , a panic would bo linproba le , even If Itshould spread to an nlarmliig extent. Jukplng from 'tho apathy of the board of health , a little jolt in the way of a panic would not coreo amiss. The physicians of the city held a meeting a few days ago and Indulged in considerable discussion concerning the disease. They all rccogniycd Its dangerous character and In fectious nature , and were of the opinion that prompt nnd energetic action was necessary to stamp it out and thus prevent its assuming a malignant form. "Various means for accom plishing this were discussed , and it was linally agreed that the best and safest method was to prevent the attendance In school of any child suffering from throat troubles and recommending that the board ofbealthcmjjloy ajihysldau to make fro- qucut examination of the school children. Tie recommendations fell like a wet blanket. The city council met and transacted Its regu lar husiuefts and had some time left that could liave txn employed tn its official char acter us a board of health , but au adjourn ment WM had without unythinir buiui ; done. Yesterday there were six new cases re ported. The patients In at least three of them are in n condition that gives their friends but little encouragement anil hope on ultimate recovery. Ono of tlio sufferers is .Egbert Ayleswoith , son of .lud'0 Aylesworth. The others are Mrs. 1'etcr G. Miller ; f-ora .lolmsori , six years old , HKJ7 South Tenth street ; Ucsslo ( Jorbaly , six years old , corner Harmony and Ecu ton streets : Harry llates , ton years old , Klir Sixth avenue , and a little child of Mr. Ivlvers' atHis Avenue 0. Two cases of. typhoid lever were also re ported. Otic was Claude Johnsontwenty- Tour years old , redding on tlio corner of oS'inth street and Sixth avenue , and tbo other was the child of Charles Mai-sden , cor ner of Fourteenth avenue and fifteenth street. The Manhattan ( porting headquarters , 413 Dnmilway. _ Fiuo Interior dowiatluLuay it Jonsou The best auctioneer in the state Is II , H. limmii , Council Bluffs. Special attention to Oloodoii stock sules , and nil branches of incrcatitllo goods. Onico503 Uroadwny. \vlth Frniul , William A , I'rultt of Isreolawas before .lust Ice Ileiidricka yesterday ou a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. The pn-llmlnar.v examination occupied most of the afternoon and was completed with the exception of tlio decision , Justice Hcudrlcks desiring to consider the matter for a day or two , this not ewsliiB any special Inconven ience to tlio defendant , who Is out on iood ; bonds , The testimony showed that 1'rultt was rnlsliiK corn and grain ou a farm -\\lileh ho hiiilrented from the owners. Ho made a contract with Mr , Ulchards , a local agentjor nllrm of grain dealers , by which no sold his Kmla to them audsoi-tiivd various advances of money , promising to deliver the gruln in the future. It is claimed that he reprcM < ntoil that the grain was free from all Huns or lu- cumbranoes , whereas the fuel was that the rent \vas not p.kid. It was ahn claimed that 1'rulttirot ? " . " ) top.iv on the rent , ami nftor- Vi'iiniH stated that ho did so uiul secureinir > 0 limits touuttlo the rent claim In full , mi'l Unit Instead ol doing so Hiclurds had topayovor fRH ) tusnuai'o the rcntnud also win nut about an equal amount on account of all the ( rain not being delivered. On I'rultt'shldu of taocuso It wivs shown that ho hail lived for ytws ivs an honest , upright citizen , but that liy mlsmannseinmit or reverses , orboth ho hud become llnanciully involved , ilo had dclivciivl Krain from tlmu to tlmo , on the contract , and paid some money , but the rest of the trniin was Mjizodon a writ to secure llio rout , and ho was unabli ; to fully meet the obligations. It was urged indofenso that the coinplalnhiB witness was trylngto usi tlio criminal law to force 1'niitt , or his friends , to coma to a tinanciiil settlement. IHiy yourlumbi'r of The Judd iSc Wells Co. , 6UI UroiuUvny. J. (1 , Tlplon , real estate , S7 Hroidway , Inwu'Mnice Dnrllit- ; , \V. A. Markoo soniUTiiK HKF , with his compllinenU , u samblu box of the ' 'ICutu tihelly" clfir. ( With it conies a beautiful souvenir in colon , gold and iloh tints. On the llrstp.igo It a portrait of the I own heroine , wlthfno-Hlmllosof the mcdaU presented to her by the legislature and hy llttlo children of DublinDO , , PIctuYvs of her modest country hoiuoucurMoUit'uuu , la. , the fated trldgo nnd tlioncenoof her hrcithlr > as notice to llio station iRotil to ntop the oiicomtng ex press train , nre prcsenUvl. It Is n uniquennd at tractive advertisement for a jrooil cl | ! r. AVIth His the story of Kate Sholly's heroic deed which lias found n place In tlio history of Iowa , 1'erogoy ft INIooro , Council Jlluffs , are general western agents. 1IIK HUSTON H10IIK 'J'HIS U'KIIIC. llio Orriitrjt Ijlnt ) of nargalns CDIIII- ull Illiirrt Has l5vcrS n l ' llnjr lii lniiii , Whit'lawALCO.'H ' Itar nlti Ijlhl , Wo liavo completed the work of extending- and cnl.irgliiK . our stoiv , and wo now liavo one of the largest , best lighted , best venti lated and most plcasunt storu rooms in the west. U'o will Imuiqumto llio fall season with n special clearing sale of ono week. We carry the most complete line of dry goods In the city. Our prices speak for themselves. \fa uro determined to nuke the Uoston store n household word In every family , and will make a.speelal elTort this week , liead these bargains : 4Mnch pillow cnso Muallu Sc. IVIncb pillow case Muslin 1LJK" . tl-l KhwtliiK&'u. Unblciifhoil. 10-1 SheethiKliric. Unbleached. uivciir.o : SIIKKTIN'O. iMnchplllowcasoMuslIn iie. HIcnchod. IVlnch pillow isano Muslin lc. ( ) UkMchud , U-l ShccthiK'-'ic. ' IJlcachcd. 10-t ShcetliiK'Jl'c. ( Hlcached. Unbleached Muslins , two make * , at 5c , good Yard wlilo bleached MiUlin > n. SKi'ialbiirKalns | ( iciinil "c. \t.-3C wo have four ditterent maUcs , includ ing the Kruit oftho Loom and L-onsdalc , all regular le ( ) Muslins. Good qunlltv , yard vvidoCamtrlo Sc. U'o will place on sale tomorrow the follow ing lowprk-ejon Cinton Ihiiinrls : Our c llunnul will coiupaw with nny Co goods , .Atfic wo show an excellent quality , Vomct llutiticls at special prices. Cc , Tc. Sc , lOo nnd 1-J'ic. ' Kxtruwlde Shaker flannels in gray nnd scar let , price during the sale , U.'ic. Twilled scarlet flannels , whlih were bought nt auction by 6ur c.wtorn . agent andean never bo duplicated , ut the following ; prices : .All wool Ilannel nt I0c , will coinpnro with any Sio goJs. 27-inch all wool tricot. These goods formerly sold for " "ic : during sale Wan yard. Another lot of r > pieces oC our.siiecl.il nt-lncli In all wool ladles' cloth , same colors as before ; also a new line of Scflteh twocd of- fectst8-incli ! heavy weight , and very dc- sirnblo colors , -heap utf.0c : all goat Il'Je. 10styles soft ilnlsh full bleached iluinabk sold for 5Sc , ( We uiul ( i7c sale price 50c. Wl-inch loom dice tabling i.-ju. * Much half bleached damask Me and -loc. \Vo have Just received T5 bales of comforts , nnd have opened them up at 1 ; , per cent less than last season's prices. Mcely quilted and lined comforts at 75c , $1 , fl.lflatid. fl.t.- : . Itcvcnlble comforts with good batting , spe cial price tl.flO. We will place on sale Monday : 73 pairs gray and white 10-4 blankets at 8Sc , never before sold for less than 4U.U ) . Pull slw > 11-4 gray blankets , nil wool , price during sale t.'Jj ; same number Ias > t season sold for c4) ) . 10tvldto blanket , nil wool , $ .50. 111vhito blankets , 7 > per cent wool , ? t.25. 11-4 white blankets , 00 [ xr ; cent wool , SI.73. 10-4 heavy pray blankets in blue and red borders which we will sell at 11.45 ; our regular ยง 1.J ( quality , ll-l white blankets , warranted all wool , $5 in three different makes and seven distinct colored borders , CLOAKS. NEWIAHKETS MUSI GO. Special prices during the sale : Ourir.filgarment ) for5.0n Our HO. 00 garment for $ ! } .r)0. Our$10.r > 0garment for $7.00. Ourilii.Cflgarment for $ . a. OuvliJ.73garment for ? S.OO. OurJ17.00 garment vfor10.0J. Ourf25.00garment for $ in.OI ) . OurflW.OOcrarmont for $ 'i.00. ( ) BOSTON STOKE. FOTHBIUN'HIIAM. WHITKLAW & CO. , Council Bluffs , lowu. Tlie Improved Itctl 7 > Ien. Today will mark an epoch in the history of the Improved Order of lieu Men. The great council of Iowa and Nebraska convenes hero and -will continuo until Thursday. The council will commence at the wigivam of Pottawattainio tribe , No. 21 , at 10 o'clock this inornlnjr. INlayer Macrao will bo present end -wll deliver an address of welcome , which will probably bo responded to by lion , J. H. Campbell , mayor of DCS Molncs , or ( Jreat Sachem H. U. Funk of Audubon. After the meeting of the fjreat council n de gree of 1'ocaliontas will bo instituted which is the ladles' degree of the order , It Is expected that there will bosovcral hundred detonates nmiisitors In the city. Tomorrow , at Bomo hour to be fixed , thcro will bo 11 grand public parade that will make a very Imposing spectacle. A largo number of delegates nnd visitors came in last niftit. A special car via the Milwaukee boru the following ladles and gen tlemen from that city , and tuey are registered at the various hotels : Tes ) Molncs .Ur. E , D. Wiley nnd wife , W. 33 , Davis and wife , Thomus Ufford and wile , \V. I ! , Kcffer and wife , Ilon.J. II , Campbell nnd wife , S. Stiitsmonand wife. 0. P. Morgan and wife , Amos Wcllcr ami wlfolwinaii ) Klcli and Avifo , 11 , I. . . Moore and wife , Jllss iJora Hall , Jlrs. Cully , J. H. Wilson , Key Attair , A. K. Uafeo , W. .1. 1'ugli , W. 1) ) . Mct'arland , Hon. George W. Shopo , tlrahain , .i.S. Itliinohurt , AU. Crosby , T. W. KiiUlit , Jame-s Albert , * W. C. Elliott , Irwin Wilson , A , B. ilcCowan. The following gentlemen and their ladles from various parts ol the state also came in hist nlfrlit : W. II. Rcovillo andvvifo , dray , la. ; George Gilroy , Perry , la. ; B. A. ILnlo and wife , 1'orrv , la. ; J. C. Ilintz , Manning , la , R B , Iloifmnn , Manning ; ticorgo E. Bolt Atlantic ; Hon. H. IJ. 1'iiiik , Auduhon , la. S.V. . Blaine , Polk City , la. If you wish to soil your property calloa the Juad itVclls Co , , C.U. Judd , president , GUtl Broadway. "Wilson Terrace is now on record and the lots will bo offered for sale this morn. Ing al the oflice of D , J. Hutchinsou & Co. , 017 llroadway. Chnrgntl vitli Murder. Today the trial of William ISoartz for tlio killing of James Donahue will begin , The tragedy occurred about a year ago In a sa loon on Broadway. In an altercation which took place thcro UoarU shot Uotmiioo , killing him almost Instantly , Heart ? : claims thai Donahoc , Iu company with anotheryoung ; man , assaulted him tlio night bofoi-oon the street , their purpose being to rob him. On the night of the shooting ho recognized Dona- hoe as one of the assailants and shot him. The work of impanelling a Jury will besln with the opening of the district court this morning' . \Vall paper ntLosoyfc Jensen's , 11 Pearl st , J. 0. Dlxi > y , steam heating , sanitary en gineer , OCI Ufo building , Om ilu ; 20) ) Mor I'iiiin block , Council lllufts. _ 4 For rent Furnished room. Mrs. J , ! . . ) man , 0''D Willow uvo. I'tiv for nn Ai'ildout. ' ! J-Idinund Wilson yesterdiiy commenced a s\i it hi the illstrlct i-oiu-t against the Union Mutual Accident association of Chicngo. Hi ) claims that huhcld n cortlflcato In that asso elation entitling nlin to a weekly allowance hi HHO of accident , nnd W > in case of per manent Injury , In August , IS * ! ) , while fol lowing hli business an butcher , ho run a moat hook Into his hand , causing wounds from which ho has not yet recovered , Tim injury bi'lng permanent ho insists on the company paying the full amount , f4v ! ! . " > , "tt'Hunn Tmi"ico"lho llnost addition to Council lllu ITH mi NIO ; ! tliU inornliiK at til" llrondw.iy , Miller I'lciKlH Cullly. A somewhat muurkutilu compromise > vns patched up ycs'.erdny with the sncakt'iicf , Milter , MIO ) Htolo a lot of Jowclry from Vn ' Miller at 'J.t ' Ts'orth Hovuntodith street tone tlmo ago. Miller Is Iho follow who ban tint o viigcd ( In sncalc Ihlovlng iiimu a new inn orllnal plan. lie would go to a huiirdliih houu , CUBUKOU roomunil huvulh ) lanal.uy show It to him , and n a pretense for icr to k ave the niuiu would reinnrk thnt ho nntcd to wash hi * hinds , amlaftcrshawould eavu would go throtiih the i-aoin and the must ) , I In Is snld Uti vo iila.vetl thin gnmo n several plncos In 'Omaha. Ho Avan followed o Omnlmbv MnrsialTcmtHon ) ) and arrested ftcrhls robbery at Mrs. Miller's boarding lousoln this city , anil has since been In the ountyjall. Tliot-hargo phiccd ngiilnst liltn vnacrandhrceny , but mi exntnliiatloti of the rtlclcs stolen created the doubt In the minds f the officers that thci'ehargi ) could bo main- aineil , on ucfoun ) , of their value. They vere according submitted U > a Jeweler , who ironouncod their Vnllib to bo about $ 'J5. Miler - er ndinllted his willingness to plead ullty to the charge tof petit larceny If the travel- charge was withdrawn. This was greed to mid he entered tbo plea of guilty. toontoiici.'lms not been pronounced. It will rob.ibly lioabout thirty da.vsln tlio county Jail nd when ho serves that sontcncoout it is ex- cetcd that the Omaha ofllcers will take him ud run him through the mill and grind him g'ood deal harder. Itcwiinl. T will RlvoSlflfor the name of the coward vhoshotmy innstlfC pup "Chief "lust , night. > r I will give tlio shooter tbo same amount if 10 wlllcoino to mo in daylight nnd ncknowl- dgotho shooting. ( iudiioc G. I'UI < I.MIX. 'lieilui-y In tin ; Iliirlc : ( 'IIHO A18 o'clock lust evening , nftcr being out ixty hours , the Jury In Iho Hurko dunniKO asoriunoout nnd convinced the cotiit that Hero wus no posHiblllty of tbcin agreeing pena verdict \verodischiii-gcd. . llefoi-c hey ciunoout Judge Macy held nconfcrcnco vlthtlu : foreman , J. W. I Iorse , who assured tin ( hero had hec-n nochniigositico Saturdny OOH. ' The Judge was anxious to have verdict rcnchcd on ftccouut of the gfcat ixpcnco of the trial , huthowas satisfied thnt : ieio was no bopo of It , and while ho do- ilorcd the fact ho felt It WAS unneces- iry to punish the jurymen by reiiulrinj , ' : iom to remain out any longer. The ballot ilu'ii nt noon Saturd.iy stood six to six and lie last b.illot taken showed the sumo un- Iterahlo divinlon. Secnro a homo In "Wilson Terrace" at once. H everybody wants a lot In this beautiful crraco. For ttulo hy I ) . J. Hutchinsou & Co. , 17 llroadway. Kcoppllon to Seiuitor Allinon , Senator William 13 , Allison will bo ten- ercd a reception at Ihe residence of T' . .T. vans , on Onklutid nvonuc , on Wednesday veiling , October 15 , from "to S o'clock. The itizens generally , irrespective of party , are pcclally Invited to meet Council IHuffs' ' dis- i 13ert Simms , tenchcrof piano , orgnn and oice. Uoildenco'J-JOSo. ( iti ) st. Refers to tev.T. .1 , Mackav. lly Declines. " \Vhlle sensible of the honor coiiferredupon no at the Into republican township conven- ion. and thankful to my friends for their { indiie.is , I um compelled to decline tlionoml- latloa for township clerk. HUOH W. Uo.s. . i'jitio AND ioiaciCOMMISSION. . t Culls the Couiicll'H Attention to tlic I'Mcvcntli Street Vlnilnut. Special Watchman Bradley , who had been employed as block watchman oa Farnam street between Tenth and Eighteenth , and vhowns arrested a week ago for bcitip drunk and disorderly , was the first man called be fore the bo.ird of fire and police commissioners last night. Afteu hear- n B the evidence of several of ho ofilcers , who halci they had seen Brad- ey when under the- influence of liquor , ho vns told that ho would bo excused. The cnso of Patrolman J , I * . ICellcy , who was discharged from the service two weeks igo on account of beiindrunk at roll-call , was taltcn up again pn a reqTicst from him 'or a rehearing. Kelley produced three or 'our witnesses who claimed to have seen him lira on the evcnhiff in question , and -who said hey did not iiotlconny evidences of drinking upon him. Several ofllcow wow called , who said that Kelly was Intoxicated , or acted as though ho was , one evening at roll call. Fireman John McDrido of hose louse No. 2. v-as given a leave of absence of 'orty days with ten days'pay. ' The young munis in ill health and is goinga\Vay to re cuperate. Fireman John D. Ormsby was granted ten days leave of absence. Patrolman .f. F. Koylo was prantod a leave of absence of fifteen days with ten days' ' ? ay. John Dida.ni , who was burned out a few weeks ago. requested permission to remove lissaloon from ii'X'O to 2S11 "NVnlnut street. 3 ran ted. 'iho board then went Into exc-cutlve ses sion and referred the case of Patrolman ICclloy and Special Ofticcr Uradloyto the committee on men nnd discipline , The motion was passed instruct- ng the secretary to call the at tention of the mayor and the city council to the fact that in the opinion of the joard of lire and police commissioners the Gleventh street viaduct U in an unsafe con- litlon ns a thoroughfare for public travel , The resolution also called the attention ot the minorities to the fact that the city ordi nances bisection fi , chapter 03 , permit per sons to drive over that viaduct at the rate of eight miles per hour , but the board of lire and police commissioners believe tUut this Is decidedly unsafe. Tlio World's Fair Commission. Euclid Martin of this city , ex-Governor ITurnns of Brownsville. A G. Scott of Kear ney and L.V. . May oE Fremont , the 2s'o- liraska legislative committee of the world's fair hold a snort session in the directors' ' room of the chamber of commerce building lastnipht. The purpose of the mooting waste to decide upon the manner in which Ko- braska's exhibit shall bo made , but owing1 to tbo fact that the general board of manage ment hai not yet decided upon what Is wanted from this state , tlio committee ad journed without transacting any business. In Honor of Father JUatliow. Dun MX , Oct. 1J. ! A procession numbering f)0,00t , ) persons marched through tlio streets today in honor of tt.o memory of Father ISIathow , thoapostlo of temperance. The lord mayor , members of the corporation nnd various trade and temperance societies worn in the procession. Surprised u lliirglar. As Mr. Shea , who lives at ISllLoaven- worth street , returned homo from the theater last niBlit ho saw aburglar making his escape throuch the baolt oor. Ilo ha-.i evidently just effected an entrance , as nothing iu the house was disturbed. ! J'llKKWiAJ , > MKtC .l.l' S. H. ,7. Matitzof 'Chicago is nttho Darker. 0. 33. Hull of Puwnco City Is at the Casey. ( ! . H. nrigham pf jChlcago Is at the Mur- r"J'1 3. S. mgnllsof .Minneapolis Unt the Paxton - ton , P. E. Levcnwood of Chicago Is at the Jill- lard. lard.M. M. TJ. Harry of-Stulla Is in the city , at the Casoy. , . " I ) . II. Pnyno of Detroit Is registered nt the 1'axton , * iii B. Illnscllof Ijjiii'jolii was nt the Barker yesterday. M. II. Urisiy of .Sterling was at the Cnsoy last night. M. T.Colo of Beatrice was at the Murray last night. J. D. Hood of Lincoln was nttho Barker last night. M. A. Mahoney of Chicago Is registered at the Casey. \V. K. Do Witt of ICoarnoy Is In the city , at the Uiirkor. R Al , Woods of Lincoln is In the city , at the Murray. \ \ ' . S. Torroy of Chicago is In the city , at the Piixtou. H. Thompson of St. Louis Is roistered at thi ) Mlllurd. . howls Mayers o ( N"ow York Is In the city nt the.Mlllurd. \Villliuii M , Davidson of Hloomington , 111. , lint the Murray. Krank 11. llnbbcll of Now York \va at Iho P.ix Un hint iilsht. John t' . WiUou of 'ebi-aska City was at the Millurd last night. ? tcii ArrcHtcd In ChlcaK" oti That Clint-itc. Cities no , Oet , 13. Kl < ; ht men chorpcd with nttcnipteil niiturultzatloii f nuids were avrcsteil tonight by Ihe fedornl authorities They nrn Heriiard Miiniilng , TCdivnril McKeiiuu , John CofTec , , TaniD.i Sheen an , Thomas Harrington , iTobn Cnllahan nnd .Patrick nnd John Murray. Tile United SliHcs marshal.nald tonight that the authorities hud been aware that f.ilso natumll7.atlon was tjclni ; Indnlgcd in to a sweepingI'ttcnt , and tonlKht's ' iirrcsts wcro only a sturlor in llio tnattur , In what lute-r est llio sunpoacd frauds were undertaken was not stated. A very sharp local campaign la in progress , with Important Jtato and Icglsla- tivoofllecrs also at stake. Triiuliln Itr ? wlnjc ill llnsobiiil Neb. , OcU 111. ( Special toTuis B. ] Tlici-o Is great danger from the Sioux Indians nt Kohdnid ngciicy. . South Dakota. They have been discontented since the treaty inado last year In the purchase ot their lands by General Crook and the other commission ers , This uneasiness has been iiUKiiicntud aiidagi'T.ivatcd by u religious sect springing upninong them , headed by an Indian called "Sshort HulTiilo , " who claims to bo a forcmti- nor of the coming of Christ or the Saviour. They tire also much aggravated hy thosinnll rations issued to thorn and small beef cattle , congress not hnvjiiK made the annual appro priation until lately , and thclrsuppllcs end in .Inly of each fiscal year , They have also been Incensed by the u ent taking nbuiit one hundred and lifty ration tickets from the reUnions - Unions ones on account of their dancing , so the Indians sny. The lidlans have , moro than usually , been buying arms nnd aininuni- tiou from this point and Tin : Hiicorre- Hpomleiitlia.s been cautioned hy some of the most reliable Indians that thcrovlll bo trouble out thcro .soon. The HU.I.I : , Oct. 13. In the socialist , congress today ilcrr Bobcl reported that the solidn- ricty of tlio party had greatly increased since the socialist congress was held in Paris. The party now owned 101 trade organs , which had COO,000 subscribers. There was a stormy discussion over the rural socialist propa ganda. Ilorr liernd declared that the Berlin socialists wore opposed to the measures fa vored hy the extremists , CHllcnbcrger de nounced \Verncr as n ' business SHci.dlst . , " and said ho was prepared to prove that "Werner wus disloyal to the party. Liob- knecht mid liascl denounced anarchism ami violence. Singer Justlllcd the moderate course ndoptcdln the demonstrations on lust May day and defended his action in voting with the liberals. A majority of the speak ers supported the patty leaders against the Berlin opposition. The attendance at today's session was enormous. The general opinion is that the op [ > osition has been dually routed. thu Thieves. NXeb. . , Oct. 13. [ Special Tele- fjram to Tin ; Bii : . ] F'or some time past Sheriff Mawhoney of this city has been quietly securingcvidcnceof certain robberies from cars tu the yards of the Union 1'aclllc at Columbus. On the strength of the evi dence he bad secured he arrested Frank Say- dcrat JTullcrtou last Friday evening , who , \vhen arrested , admitted the theft and im plicated L. L. Gray of Columbus , August Chilling of Platte Center and two others , \vhosenamesaro unknown. On the arrival of tlio sheriff at Columbus with Snvdor , Sheriff Mawhony , in company with Sheriff. Cahlwell , arrested Gray , nml ujwii ( searching Gray's house found part of the stolen goods , consisting of n lot of smoking tobacco and some thirty paird of shoes. Chilling and the other parties have since been arrested. /V Ut > y ItotiM n URIAH , Gala. , Oct. lit. The overland stage \vas held up near hero lost night by a masked robber , who secured the express box and mall. While ho wai rilling tbo mail sacks the driver of the stage tried to shoot him , but the pistol wouldn't work. The robber HreJ two shots at the driv.cr , both missing. This afternoon the robber was found in the woods nnd proved to bo u boy about eighteen years old , a stranger In this vicinity. Census Olllcc Announcements. WASHINGTON' , Oct. 13. Census announce ments : Belleville , III. , Ifl.SOO . , increase 4,077 , per cent 43.78 ; East St. Louis , 111. , 15,150 , in crease fi.On . , per cent 05.01 ; State of Louis iana , 1,110.8'J , ? , increase 17(5Sb2 ( , per cent , 18.82 ; state of Illinois : { , MSr : H5 , Increasu 7-tO- , GC5 , percent ffi.Otj ; state of Mississippi l.liS-l- , SS7 , increase 153'jOo , , per cent 13.53. A. Coiicressinnn's Heavy TJOSS , SroKASi : FALLS , Wash. , Oct. ij. : Con gressman Wilson , ivho returned from Wash ington n few days ago , reports the loss of a pocketbook containing $10,000. , IX A. HLA.7J2 OK GLO11V , 'Jlio Grand CollsiMim I xliibit Comes to a Close1. Last night , after a most brilliant season , the grandest exposition Omaha has ever seen came toacloboin the Coliseum , The occasion was sisnalbed hy a largo and brilliant attendance in which wcro repre sentatives of ever class in the community. The Coliseum was brilliantly Illuminated , as If to allow the great enter tainment to expire , so to speak , in a blii7cof glory. The brilliant colors of the decorations , the varied richness of the metal- licsilvcr and golden exhibits seemed to look more brilliant than usual in the effulgence , while the spirits oftho visitors seemed also sensibly effected by tlio inspiring scene , Hundreds oJ people gazed upon the mapnitl- cent. . display for the llrst time , ivhilo hundreds also jjnzcd upon them with the same interest they have experienced half a dozen times duruiR 'ho ' exhibition. To some , the vailed attractions had become al most irresistible and to others so entertain ing had bceomo the brilliant things , the en trancing music the evidence on every * ldo of life and gaiety that many months must claiiso bcforo they shall bo permitted to bid the memory faie- well. well.Tho attendance continued to file Into the interior until long nftcr 10 o'clock , and to promenade the spacious avenues , the \vlnlo stopping to cxaminosome attractive display , to watch the wonderful aerial ( lights of Mel ville or to listen to the entrancing strains of the Second infantry band , Thcro have been llfl exhibitors with flno displays in tbo Coliseum , and one of the ummmcrs snld that ho did not bullovi ! that half a dozen of these could bo found who wcro not sntlslled with oho result of tliolr displays and the manner In which they had been treated. The undertaking was ono of mammoth pro portions. It was ono which required enter- prlso , patience , energy and popularity to carry out , and it is the verdict ot thousands that nil these requisites were found in the managers , Messrs , itoodcr it Hell. As an adjunct to the grand closing the Knights of Pvthias attended , nnd ainonir the fair ones were the lions of the evening. They haU met at the I'ythinn hull hi the Pnxton block at 7 o'clock and under command of Lieutenant Colonel Brown of the Second reg imentana , headed by tlio Union 1'aclllc baud , marched to the Collseii in. Tlio divisions inline wcro Council Bluffs division. Capthin Tcaulan , niiiotoi-n men ; Omaha No. li , witli nlniMrmi men ; Lily No. 8 , twelve men ; I.aunulol.Vo. 14 , eight mm ; Illack ICaglo No. U , fourteen men. Colonel Downs of tbo 1'MrM , regiment lm < l come from Lincoln with twenty-two men and also joined In the pitrado. In addition to the divlMoua tln-ro wore a nunfucr of stuff nnd roginu'iital ofilcm pruscnt , most of them bolng In uniform. Among \voronotlrcilLloulcnant \ Colonel Doubles of Lincoln , Major CJrrou of Kearney , Culoncl HU'ka of llio I- lint Inwa regiment , Llimtonuut Colonel Klllck of the Fourth Nnbrntkn , Lieutenant Colonel ( 'allalmii uf tlio Third , mid Colonels Jenkins , ( 'racer , Wollaand Kelson of the. major gi'iioml'sstall. ' . The gay mil/onus of thu Sir Knights and tbo oftlct'rs lent mi added brllllancv to the Hcrno and they attracted the of all observers 10 their gidlant wearer * , liy scclnl | rectC4i ] an exhibition drill \vai given hy Omaha division Xo. I'.1. ' A number of fart movements wurogono through with , hut the hpaco which wasckuiivd was soHtimll that the movements could not ho executed as Will I in could bavu bot'ii donln'd. ' Ncvertho- It'iH , n number of the ICnlghtH displayed true military bearing nnd a commcndablodovotioii to the tactics of the order , A' . I TM OX A t. fJ.AVKMW r , K. I t' ' * . ' . riioCotnlilno U'lilcli N thts llio I'lltHbnrg Al PiTTunruo. I'a. , Oct. 1 a- [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB ltEn--M'lia ] lU-st meeting oftho Mayers' nml National league ropresoatatlvos tore to form a combine resulted In a draw. \ f 'several propositions had been pre sented a halt In negotiations was called hero nnd nil h anils ilecldoil to udjoiirn until Sntur- hiy , hoping to hear from the Jsow York nectlnn In the meantime. President O'N'cit of the National says the only question tbn.1 sup.iratos the two clubs is Unit of price , and they will surely conic to that nt the next uniting. This has liecn definitely decided iponnt u Joint mcctlngof tliot-onnnlttcofrotn each club , nnd the National Players' league Is scheduled hero for next year. Ni'jitKJM itiiit.iT r fir.tt lie Opc ; us llio'iinipa ( lyn In Ne\v Vofli Slnto. TJrirN. . V. , Oct. III. The campaign in New Vork state was opunuiHonlfjlit at a mass meeting here , when Spi'iiitcr Heed addressed 1,5(10 ( | ) c-oilc. | Two years ago , ho told them , they aaltl that after much thought they wcro in favor of protection. Ai never before , the McKinley bill gives American mra-kcts to American people. To have U * lull effect It must hnvothclrsancllon , mid ho iwkod them Lo do again -what they illd t\vn years ago. Their votes tills full will slmvlicthorthey nroronsistent orlneonslst''tit. lie alsospoUo of tlio election , bill nn < l the necessity for Its passiiL'i' , mfurring to the disrrjnch'iscinuiit of millions of people In thctouth. /V Ci'iiot ' ! rest oil , Harry Mansfield it a smooth young man who depends upon his wits for a livelihood , r astiiinht about 1 o'clock Ofticcr Marnell caught him attempting to get into a h.irbcr . shopon r'arnuinstreet , nearThiilcenth. Uo wassent to the polii-o station. Jailor liar- voy found three skeleton Itoys in Matisllold's pockets wneii he searched bun. L'aluicMHa.s No Imitators. Cinc\io , Oct. la.-Hon. T. W. 1'almor , president of the world's fair natlonnl coin- mission , was in conference today with As sistant Secretary of the Trcasuiy Nettloton , who is In the city , regarding world's ' fair mutters. President I'almer said ho would inform the department that ho ( Palmer ) would decline to receive the $ r.GUOaiiiiunl salary allowed him nnd would charge only his actual expenses during such time as he devoted In Chlc.igo . or olseivhere wholly to the business of the exposition. The presi dent , when asked wlmt he thought ol thu salaries of Director 'icnoi-alDavlsmidKoi-ro- ' tary Dickenson S15VIO , ( and$10,00 . respec tively said bethought them none too largo , and , as the work progressed , ought to be in creased. ClinrgoilVltlinScrloim ! Thomas Kane , who -worked for Ucorgo Thundino in a planing mill out near the casket factory- the north end of thc.city , indulged in a spree last Saturday night with his employer and Thundino became en grossed in a game of cards at a saloon. ICane left hlrn and wont to Thundino's home , near tlio planing mill , ? uid assaulted Mrs. Ttuin- dino. .A watchman at the plan ing mill heard the lady's erics and went to her rescue. Kane escaped by n back dour and succeeded in evading the police until yesterday , when IDctcctivoIIazecapturod him und lodged him in Jail. Mutinous Ilrltish Troops. LONDON , Oct. ll. ! There has been another mutinous outbroke among the English trooiis , this time In the ranks of the cast survey regi ment , stationed on the island of Guernsey. The trouble arose from a detaclimont of the regiment being ordered to India , The mon refused to prepare for their departure , totally disregarding the commands of the oNicors. As tbiiics were assuming a threatening as pect , the recalcitrants were disarmed. Pi- nnlly , however , all embarked , but In a very sulky and menacing mood. iYinerionni Victorious. Coxs-MXTixon.n , Oct. 10.--A party of Americans and Druses attacked the barracks inSllcusIa , Syria , nnd blew up a portion of the buildings. Forty Turkish soldiers were Killed. The Americans then invaded tlio government building , killing the governor and robbed the treasury. They carried the prison by storm , liberating nil the prisoner * . Sit.ilii Threatens Ilotallntion. M.vniiiP , Oct. 111. It is announced that the Spanish government will request the United States to admit t ho products of the Span ish possessions in the U'est Indies , especially tobacco mid sug.ir , without the recently im posed tariff restrictions. In the event of refusal Spain will exclude American pro- Uucts , especially breadstuff * . JMnssnorod 'JTIicm Itlglit Hack. MAI > IIIP , Oct. 1-1. An nftlclal dispatch nhout the expedition sent by the Spanish Roveriinient to Ponapo to punish tbo natives for the massacre of Spaniards says the Spaniards carried everything before them. Their loss WM seven killed and nineteen wounded. The native loss was 150. Memorial Services fur IMis. Iliinth. LONDON , Oct. 13. Memorial services for the late Mrs. Ilooth , wife of General IJooth oftlio Salvation army , wcro held today at the Olympl.1 . , in llanimorsinllh. Twenty-live tuouband persons cllo present. Dillon mill O'Brien. Loxno.v , Oct. KJ. The Paris correspondent of the Chronicle says a private telegram .states that Dillon and O'llrion landed on the coast of Brittany and nro journeying to 1'aris. A. Chicago Ynuuinntioii Vjirn. Tlio coramlssionor of lioiilth. . Dr. AVIckcrbhain , luiilaiiotlmr cup ofvorin \ - \voou jiussed to his lips the other day. If there isiinything tliat the doi-toi-hates it is the idea that wmiiMi should lie vuccinuted on any other portion of tholr jwrsoiH than llio ) ) ) of their iotl urin , tiiiys u Chit'iiKi ) disputoli to the Globo-Donioi-nit. Hi had hnrdly mu'hod liU priviito nllloo whoiui neatly dressed \vomun , closely veiled , walked in. Slu > sjiolco very low , so low Hint the doi-tor could warcoly luiuwlmt she had ID > : ij. "J want to "bo vaivinatoiV she tiiiiil , "uiul 1 know It is ngiiin-t the rules but I want lo Iw vaccinuloil nn the left Icj ; Iwlowllio Unco. " "Minium , " siiiil thu ilni'tor , "wo onn'l do that horo. This iilaooU too public for siii'li ' an oxhihltlon. ' "LJuL 1 don't like a sn'nr on my nrin. nml ] Know you will crunt my ivmio'-t. 1 inn t > tuil.Ylnt ; I'lDi'iitloii uiul inli'iid to oii tlio p'mlform. " Tlioilui'toi-\VIIHnltout to i\civ \ < lo to tlio reiiiie-ittWliuiiho wild : "llnUo your votl. inailiiin , nml lot rti > > M O vour fa % .M TluMlootor foil biu'li Iu lilnohnlr. Tlji1 fcatiuvH wcro nhony lilnrk. "No iiia'niiijionm'aiii/Viiiiltheilni'ioi-li'ht lly , "no more linllos will ho vacclnnti'd , > \ - copt on tholr uriiis , in this nlllcoliilol \ tun comiuissloniM'of health. " ( iiivntlio Cui'iifii a DrlnIt. Stephen Lewis nf Sylviinlii , On , , fiiino Inii'U tollfollio ollioi-ilrty. Ilo died , up- ii'irontly , iindliisMm came In attend thi ) iiinoriil. Uo dotcutoil a fjulvor In hl fiilhor's eyislld , nnd imkiii ) , ' him if lie wimlod a drink of water ( ho eorp-u niiildodliis hctid. I'liynli-laiiswi'i-ooaUi'd In and M > OII rubtorod the mini to con- H'lOUHIIO.SS. Hen Itohrhiu'h , thu mini who Dieted so Kiispli'ldiirilywith.Mrs. Shoilllco tlionlght lior hiiHlmiiililiutlut the pollco Million , WIIH trlo'l in police court yu lor l y iul line I Wl andcosU. Adam Mnrroll wait arrontcil lust nlglit fin-bolng ilruulc and thrcutciiiny to in- fcillllL Ills wlfO. "Mylon Aroon , " Vf. .1. Sranlnii's newest - Irish comedy drama , was inado known nt thi Hoyd last evening toaverylarKO nudlonec. The play Is cast upon very familiar lines , but the wit nnd humor , thcdoft touches of pathos , and the bright , bin of Irish homo Ufa are Just as fresh and Interesting a f this play was the pioneer pf a now line of dramatic work , nstcad of following the well bc-aton track of Irish coinciUofl thu nail nuarter of u ccnturv. In "Mylw Aruon , " Mr. Scuiilnii has n very congenial rolo. IIU urt Is of n ronnintlo ( ( iinllty nml cmliircs In iho memories of all who behold It. It may not perhaps hoof thu finality which p.ppeuli to the stern and presale - sale critic , but It corlalnly has \vhnt Is mucJi better , that touch of nature which mnkcs nil the world alive. Of Mr. Kcnnlan'ci sliiKtni ; much tun been written , hut last night hi volco soc'ined it trifle worn , or else the stnr was suffering f rom a cold. . iSllll ho pleased hh midli-nca with sovciv.l now love soii ( . ' , which proinlsn to nccotne iu < fnmous us "IVck-n-hoo , " a soiiy that 1ms IKH-OIIIOII cliw'lc in the nurserv. The company supporting llio star , with ono or two i-.wptfoiiR , Is very strong. I'luu-lvi Mn nn. nsSunlro 'riiurston , wiuisuftlcli'iitly coldbloodeil to plo.iso the most I'xartlng auditor , and In Allhu C'arnov , plnycd hv Tbadili-iis Shine , ho found an ally as bak-ful , ns villainous ushliiwlf. Kobcrt McXalr in the role of 1'at I'lichin was Inimitable. It Inn been n very long time sinie the local stage * has witnessed so ndniir- tibloan impersonation as Mr. McN'nlr givra of asm.ill iniul owner , In love with all tlin pivtty girls in the village hut particularly smitten with Maugia Kiincll , a role charin- ingly acted by Miss M ittlo Ferguson. Miss Helen Wonthi-rsby was the I.ady ( .lover , n sympathetic role plavcd with con siderable t.iet. Laura tt'obstor , .as Mother Hot , the old hag of Ulsbeg. was strung ; so strong. Indeed , that she completely dominated the sivncs m which she llguivd to Iho exclusion of every- onoclse , Mr. Scunlaii cxcopted. Hut thr character In which the audliMro foil the most interest was enacted hv Ton- stimcoVallnio , n pivtty , ciirly-hiiirei'l llttlo girl , who'C sweet volco gave a bcautiiul back ground to the star and the other personages In the ) > liy. ; So I in ; Coml Ioxci tin \NCII , N.J. , Oct. 1 ! ! . TIIP live pigeon match today between ICilwnrd ( Jihlw Murphy of Is'civ York nnd ,1 nines Kohoit Klllott of Kansas City , for $ . " ) , ( KW a sldu. UO birds each , nutom.itlc traps was \von by ICIllott. ho killing Oil to Mil rpliy's M birds. Tin1 tlmo was nno hour and forty-two min utes , the best tlmo ever made In a hundred bird shoot. _ The Aust rii-OiM'inan .Vogotliil IIIIIM. Loxnox , Oct. JO. - | Special Cnbloxntin to Tin ; Bir. : ] The 'J'lmcs correspondent nt Vienna says the Austrian government will only negotiate with ( icrmnnv for thi ? purpose of concluding a treaty which will cnnblo manufacturers to innko calculations on linn basis without fear of their being upset by new customs regulations. The. Klimiielal Situation 1n I'nrliigal. LIMION , Oct. IU. The new ministry held a lonif conference Saturday and concluded it could not accent the linaiiclal scheme which the lute minister of finance negotiated with Paris bunkers win-it ho resigned. It Is still doubtful whether tbo inliiKterinl crisis is ut an end. o Onplnlii and Nine Others l/n l. Qrciuc , Oct. 13. The bark Jlcllei-ry , from Quebec for Oreenock , has ( imo ashore at Lit tle Harbor , K. S. The riiptniu and nlno of the crew are reported lost. A Trias AsNljnmoiit. ) HmfTONTex. . , Oct. IS. Wallace , Wag goner & Co. , wholesale grecois , assigned today. Liabilities , fi)0,000 ; ( ) | no scbedulo of assets yet. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. i \\fANTJMl I'linimoil tu Katlu-r fruit , oto. ft Apply atltnyniiuids , near 1) . & II. lnt. . "fjlOlt HI'XT Pour rooms cheap. Unfur- JL iiNhuil. Abe tuinlaliud rooms. 7\u. 15 N Malllt. ! . . A\r\NTKO A yoiini ? Ktrlabout 14 to ICyoari il old for easy work. St. Louis llotul Utli Main st. ICKNT Pin-nMied lumii , with Initli , fol -i-1 lady , .m i-o. Uth st. IJliiU KI'.NT A lirlelc rpstdnnco In Council J. llliillsnf i-Iovoii rooms , nlth lur c .viuil anil orehard , llircu lilooki fiuni Uinnliii nml L'oun- oil ItlulTs nuilor railway. Will bo rrntril iiarlly furnished If di-slml. Apply to N. 1' . lo < lfo & Co. . ILM llroadway. "IJ10H SA1 < I3 Tlio htoek and llxtnrus nf n well X1 i-stnlilNhi-d Kt-oci'ry ' hliii-o. or will wll KlOL'k und rontstori ) and fixtures ! nlsu three 4-yi'ar-old oolit for salo. Inqiilro of T. U Sijilth iN-Hon. 7h lUthnvo. . Council HlulK H I'l'.NT llousi-s und rooms ; nnu over -jtmuiii'iircmii't lieu e , anil nnu finiiNhcil i-ooin atJ. 11. Davidson's , CJi Klftliavo. TT10K S.VLK or Kent 'Oariloii Innil. with JL1 houses , by J. It , Hlco. 1'JJ ' Slain St. , Council lllulTs. _ "VI1"V prxy rent , wneii you can liny a liomoon TT thuH.iino turins , nml lucasiior your ilitli ; Htiiny tlmo loivo yuir family the lioiiiu uloar ontlio folio-Yin ? tor-mi : A homo worth 31,00) ) at $1) ) per niontlt , Ahomo wurlli Jl.fi ) ) lit tli per inniith. Ahniiiu worth $ ! ,0) ) nt f-l jior iniintlL Aho'iio worth J.'l.O ) ' ) ut t li pur month. Ahomo worth JJ.OO ) nt illpumonth. . Otherprli-od lioinmnn tlio siino loi-nii Th nbnvo mnntlily | > : iyninnU luulinlu | irliiclp-il nnilInterest. Pur full Dtivlloulars cull on of ndilri > ssllio.rii.ilie | WulU Oo. . ( JM IIroadway , CoiinfllIUnTs. ( I.-u . COUNCIL KLITFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds i > f living ami Clcunlnx dnnn In tlm Hldio-tMyloof the Art. 1'ndiMl und . tiiliu'il I'lilii-U-smiulo In looUns iriMHt : is now. Worn | iMintlly | iloniMind dollvcrcil In all purls ot i he country , s-i'iul fur price list , r. A. MAC-HAN. vroi > . , OllHr.ndway , Ni'.ir Northwestern Ui'pot , I'OUNCII ' , Ui.irrs. IA. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL . < 150,000 SURPLUS ANO PROFITS . 50,000 LIABILITY TO DtPOSlTORS . 350,000 liWBi'TOiis A MllliM , 1' . O. llloason. K. L HIII u HI I. K. K. Hurl , . ! . IV riliiuimK'iilliiirlci ! ( Mlniinan. Trnnsaol Konrr.il liinUln : , ' l > uM- Lovcosl fitpltnl ami niirpliu uf " / INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS 0 1'F 1 C E K & PlJ Sli Y , BANKERS. Turner Mnln and Urondwny. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Hi-aim In fen > lKii nud doincitlu iixi-luiiwe < -nllofitoii ! > inailu unit hilorust liatil ou ttiuo F. M. ELLIS &CO. , ARCHITECTS And llnlldlnti SnperintMidnnts. lioonisf-O iiixl 4'r ! line lliiaillii .Onniliii.Ni'h. . - . ' .Mrnliuii Illiu-k , t'ouiicll nml UcumiHMl und -10 . la ( 'orri'iiioniliMicc | xollcllod , TICMUMIOXIOS. rrioK. or. HHSIDKNOI : , 3 3 W. C. ESTEP , Council Illulfx , IDIVII. M North niidn Hlreut. Kiincral Director and KmlHilmcr.