8 TIDE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TlTESiDA.'Y , OOTOBIUR 7 , 1890. THE CITY , The bank clcnrlngs yesterday amount ed to. $1,120,100.00. The following nro tlio tompornlurcs as observed at the signal service ofllcoat tlio hour mimed : 7 u. in. , 33 ° ; 10 u. ra.i C3 = > , 1 p. in. , 5S = > . Tlio docket for the October term of tbo county court will bo called at 0 o'clock this morning. There are 100 cases , most of which are ready for trial. The Western Union is replacing Its short poles on oust Farwnn street by which the com elxty-foot poles , place pany's wires out of reach of the tele phone and clectilo Hfr'ht linos. Thoropubllcansof the Fifth ward have called a ini'otln ' to bo liukl tomorrow nifrhtnl KHUn 's hull , Sherman avenue and Ohio hlreot , at which llmo and place n l-'ifth ward republican club will be or ganized. Tlio report published last evening to the olTei-t Hint Dr. C. G. Sprnftio hud notfleclcd to report aciwo of illphthcria unilor his care , was a typographical blunder. It should luivo read Dr. C. D. Bpraguo. All members of the western art asso ciation are urgently requested to moot this ovonliiir , tlio 7th , at 7'IO : o'clock filialat ] ) the Llningoigallery. . The fall exhibition is to bo discussed and business to bo transacted of importance to every member. A blu/.o at Fan-oil's syrup factory on Klk'hth street , between Farmim and Douijlas , occasioned an alarm yesterday moi-nlng. The lire- caught from tbo boiler , whli-h was too close to the floor above. The Humes wore quickly cxtin- puiHlicd , and the damage was very Blight. Daniel O'ICcolTo , organizer of tbo bricklayers' union , wont to Sioux City last Saturday anil returned Sunday night. Ho organized at that place ti now union of bricklayers , No. 5 of Iowa , consisting of seventy-live men. The organization promises well and tlio inembcra Imvo all the work they can do. Bert Fiuvlor , a World-TIoralil reporter , mourns the IOM of a suit of clothes. Sun day night while ho was at church a burglar catered his room and not only Btolo the clothes , but walked off with everything viblblo , including a , grip , a lot of underwear and several ornaments that were upon the walls. Sergeant Graves has found the family of James A. lioylan , who isscarchinu for them In this city. The wife and children are living in asmallhouso on the alloy between Twentieth and Twenty- first btrocts , between Martha and Cas- tellar. The woman is s > luk and did not know how to reach the address given by her husband , Seventeenth and Califor nia , In the Sunday UIK. : Dr. Mcreci1ms torn down his brick of- flco which formerly blood at the north west corner of Twelfth and Howard Btrocts. In its stcatl ho will erected a threo-story structure , which will form the most southerly end of the hotel which ho has already erected immedi ately north of his corner lot at that place. The present hotel which has just been completed , contains lifty-four rooms. Grand Concert ami At the Coliseum this evening. Admission - mission only -5 cents. Mrs. Mercer , manicure , 401 Bee bldg IIHW Kates Kust. The Ohio & Mississippi railway Is now Belling tickets from St. Louis to points east at the following low rates : New York , SIll.OO ; Doslon , $16.00 ; Philadcl- 810.00 ; Jamestown , N. Y. , 59.00 ; Pitts- burg , Pa. , $8.00 ; Cleveland , O. , $8.00 ; Columbus and Dayton , 0. , $1.15 ; Gallon , O. , $5.50. For further information call on or address A. J. Lytle , G. W. P. A. , 105 N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. Grand Concert and Imposition At the ColUcum this evening. Ad mission only 25 cents. Low IXctirNiuu Rates to the Kant. Commencing October 7 and until further notice , the Ohio & Mississippi railway will tell round trip tickets from St. Louis , Mo. , to Cincinnati and return at $ U. Columbus , O. , and return , $8. Pittslmrpr , Pa. , and return , $12. Harpers Ferry and return , $15. Philadelphia and return , $17. Uoston and return , $22. Dayton , O. , and return , $7. Gallon and return , $10. Mansfield , O. . and return , $10.50. Akron , O. , and return , 11. Cleveland , O. , and return , $11. Jamestown , N. Y. , and return , $12. UiiiTalo , N. Y. , alid return , $1 . Snlaimmca , N. Y. , and roturu , $13. Youngstown and return , $11. Albany and return , $20. Liberal return limits for tickets. For information call on or address A. J. Lyttlo , G. W. P. agent , olllco 105 North Lroadway or Union depot , St. Louis. Melville Tonight. The great and only Melville nt the Coliseum this evening,9 p.m. See him. Mr. Charles J. Karbach has boon elected vice president of the Gorman savings bank to 1111 the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. U , LJ. Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt having accepted the posi tion of general agent in Kuropo for tlio Lombard investment companv with headquarters at Berlin. Mr. iflirbach Is a valuable acquisition to the directory mid management of ibis popular and conservative institution. His successful business ' and wide oxpoi'Ieneo acquaint ance along with his conservative prac tical business ability will help to strengthen the foundation of this rapidly growing and prosperous institution. Melville Tuiilcht. The great and only Melville at tbo Coliseum this evening , 9 p. m. See him. AV. T. llrynu Tomorrow Mulit , Fran It It , Morrlssoy returned from Lincoln last night , whcro bo yesterday maJo arrange ments for nn address | lt this city tomoirow nl ht byV. . J. llrynn under the auspices of tlio Fourth ward democratic club Mr Hryan will speak at Washington hall. The meeting lb designed especially for thoyouni ! ( Icmoi-iikts of thouliy ami will also bo inf. dressed by J. 13. Boyd , M. y. ( ] nmiou and others. A \XO L'.l VKJIKXTS , Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Younp arrived from Chicago Saturday nnd Immediately began the rehearsals for their concert , which is to tnko place at Doyil's next Wednesday night , Hofcrenco to the programme will Khow that It Is oao of exceptional Interest ami merit. Not only will some of our most popular singers and Instrumental. Ists take part in It , but a number of new com. positions by Airs. Young will bo heard for tlio llrst time , and those who are familiar with the tuneful numbers of.Mr. . Sampson" will untldpiuo , anil no tioubt realize much pleas ure In heating those now compositions. Mrs. Calm and Mn , Nye , who are so rarely heard , with the other soloists announced , will no doubt draw u largo nuillenco. Mr. Young will oo heard In two numbers. Mrs. Young nnd Mr. Culm will art an accompanists. Prof. Hndous will direct the Htryk-cn-blass Lust club unil Mr. I'cnnc'll will direct tlio Apollo. Lily boap Ownw a cans , AT THIS WOHUD'H \YIK. . llowtlic Heal IMptc Kxelintige WnntM Otnnha to He Itcprciratril. A fair nttciulanco ol member * m.irkcJ the opening of the regular dally sessions of the real citato exchange. The mooting -.viw called to order by Presi dent Hartman promptly nt 11:30 : o'clock and the inornintf call road. A lojolutloii , rceentlyadopteil by the board of trade , urging the legislature to pass n wnrehoust ) bill , mid explaining the tenellts to bo derived therefrom , was presented and unanimously adopted. Mr. W. ll. Taylor , n member of tbn ex change , brought up the question of Nc- braslta's cxlilblt ot the world's fair , 1 lo said other states were nhoady taklntf steps to secure favorable sites at tlio fair , nnd It was ncooMary for Xcbnulci to take some prompt action In order to secure a stiltnulo pltico in the exhibit. Ho Introduced the followltiR resolutlonvvhlch werounanlinously adopted : AVIiorruu , Tlin qnu itlnn of u slto for tlio world's Ciiliimhl.m full huvln IIOPII fully unil Ilimlly doclili'd upon liy the national vmld'n fulri'iiiiiiiils-tloncrs , ana thunignnl/'itlnii ( or n Miccissful exhibit hu : In , ; hi-i-n fully potu- plotrd. It roniiilnsfor tlio viuloustiitcn of the union to provide tlio licoi'SHtiry tnuuiis with wlilt'h lei npniuiirlntoly cairy out tlio plans piti | ) sol by Ilit ) national coiniiilsiloni'roaiul \\lieitjiis. Tlii Inleri'Ht of the statoof No- hrnsKii In nil Its various Indti'.tiloH rlomaiul that our ntntu shall luivo a HltliiKiind tip- iironrliilPH'plesrlitatlcm mill ilKpl.iy ; unil \\licroas , In ottli'itlmi tliUixlilbli.ofir as concerns tliw stnli'iif Xrliniiliii may InotMicli u f-lianieti-i < IH tiiU'lhvt crrilli iipun tlio "Into unil bo In keeping ltli lii-r va t rosonrpi'H , mid Unit Ni'hratlm In ) Jilucuil on nn equulltv with nil oihur cci'ut stutes of Hie union In tills display , llu'ii-fcito. bull JCf.olvcd . , Tli.it u coinnilttcoof ton bo ap pointed l > y tlio I'hnliinan of this which coininlttro wllli'onfi'r with in I tti ( M to bo liiM-eufli'f iippolnlcd by the viulous ( irL'anl/atlDiii tliiou hoiit the state , and wlilcli lui vo hi \ lew Ni.'lniisku's Intcic t In tliu world's falrc\hillt. Kctolvcd , That It It tlie "onsoot thh ox- clKinu'o tliuL u sum nf not less than I'.iO.OJl ' sliniild ho niipruprliik'il by the slat o in fur- tlirr.incoof tliliobjcut. Itpsolvcd , Tint wo earnestly and respectfully - fully uruo upon tlm Kdvcriinrof our state. : is \v < * liis ( tliu li' hhiluiL1 to iiiM'mblu the ciniilii whitt-r. iiL'cetilty for taking c.nly artliui looking loan uxlilbit Hint will Iran vicJIt to tlim-tiitoiind liyuf ourpi > i > iilo HrsolM'il. Tli.itM ) iPiriiid the selection of a Kltofor Nebraska Ijulldlii''s anil exli'.lilts at tlii'ciirlltst pi)9 ) lhlii ( Into as bclnx oi-entliil to the host Intoicst of oursl.ito , and that thh ( lotion should lie taken at nuei * . ItcsoUeil , That tlio uxohair o respoclfiilly roquostn that the ) jo\ernor Iininedliitely tip- of ten from dllli-rtMit - point a committee poi- tlonsof st.ito , nho will fairly repicsunt the people , nnd tlinlsiililcoininllti-e slitill IIIOCUIM ! ntoiu'O tol/lilLMKO tocnnCorwItlilho nallorial comiiiUsloiici'sIn tlio sisli-el Ion of ftf-ltofor tlio stute of Nebraska ut tlio world's f.nr. Keinlvcd , Tli.it a copy of tlit o lesohltlnns linfiiriilsliedtotho prtsa of the city and to the tcovurnor of thosliitc. President Hartman will announce the eom- inlttco , provided for by the resolutions , tit to- moi row's meeting. The following projwrty was IWcil for sale ) Kvans aiklitlon , lot 1:3 : , 1)0x100 ) , eight room house , $ : ) ,000. Capitol addition , subdivision II , lot 12 , STx 111) ) , sovcn room house , S'i.'O per front foot. West llnd addition , lot : ' , block 0 , anil lot 21 , block I ) , auniinit Place , iMxIN5 : , ' 1 , Dodge and Thirty-SL-cond avenue , * r5OJO. Capitol atldltlon. two lots , 10IM-I2 , rarnnm and Twenty-fourth streets , ono seven room and ono eight room bouse , H" 0 per front foot on Purnain. Southwest corner Thirty-first and rarnnm , lOn cl-IO , Jllir. per front foot , WustKud addition , lot II , block 10 , MX 1'iS. S12" > per front foot. City , ! ! fo--tlot IIS , Homey between Four teenth and fifteenth , frlO.OOJ. Citv , lots : i and -I , hlook ai'J , 140x13) ) , Nine teenth and Burt , S.'I.OOJ. Hedlck's ' subdivision , part lot 7 , Mode 'J ' , nlno room house , $ . " ) , .r)00. Summit Place , lot S , bloul < 3 , nine room house , J'J.OOO. ' Donbo addition , lot T , block 3 , 50x12. , SJ.r.OO. . Harrison county , Iowa , 20. acres Improved farm , $10,000. 1OOOO t'coplo Visit the Coliseum daily , Grand con cert. Beautiful displays. The great Mclvlllo tonight at the Coli&euiu. i5 ! cents admission to all. Only half faro to St. Louis via the Wabash , commencing October ! to 11 inclusive. Good returning until the 14th. Tickets on sale at 1502 Farnam street ; also at Union Pacific depots , Omaha and Council Lruffs. Ice for sale cheap. Three thousand tons nt "Wall Lake , la. , delivered on cars in quantities to suit. Address , Union Ice & Coal Co , , Kansas City , Mo. 1OOO ( ) I'eojilo Visit the Coliseum daily. Grand con cert. Beautiful displays. The great Melville tonlfjht at the Coliseum. 20 coats admission to all. The now ofllcos of the great Hock Island route , 1GO. ' , Sixteenth and Fuvnaui fitreqts , Omaha , are the finest In the city. Call and see them. Tickets to all points cast at lowest rates. Only half faro to St. Louis via tlio Wabash , commencing October ! to 11 inclusive. Good returning until the 1 ith. Tickets on sale nt 1502 Farmim street ; also ut Union I'acillc depots Omaha and Council Bluffs. Tlio "Western 1'rliitliiR Co. Case. A very Important order of JucUoVako - Icy's was nut on file lu the distilct court yesterday. It was In the matter of the Omaha Na tional bank against the "Western Printing company. Albion M. and Ella M. Dvcv , the Omaha Typo foundry , the Campbell Printing Press and Machine company ; Bradnor Smith it Co. , tbo Carpenter paper company , and John P. lioyd bhcrlff. The JUUKO says that It appears that the de fendants , Albion M. and lilla M. Dyer , arc wrongfully disposing of tbo property or tbo Western printing company and reinovinpnntl secreting It , and that Kiln M. Uyer claimed the propecty by viVtuo of an alleged fraudulent mortgage , and that tbo business of the nrlutlne company bus boon stopped and the property is thereby Ho- predating In value to the detriment of tbo creditors , and that the delay occasioned bv Riving notice ) for appointment of a receiver is hazardous to the plaintiff's rights nnd toother creditors of tbo western printing company. On motion of plaintiff ho orders Sheriff Boyti to tnlt9 temporary possession of the property , and sets Saturday , Septem ber 11 us the day for bearing tbo application for an appointment of n receiver , ' Save who can ! " was the frantic cry of Napoleon to his army nt Waterloo. Snvo health and strength while yon can , by the usoof Ayer's Sarsnparllla. Is advice that ap plies to nl ) , both young nnil old. Don't wait until disease fastens on you ; begin ut once. Owing to delay on the railroad Colonel Sheridan will not reach tbo city before tbl afternoon , Ho will rolicvo .Clcmten- nut Hoc , A. D. C , us adjutant general ot tlio department tomorrow. ItifaptMarticellPnceproTrnlnaminDioftiomci formurcthanaqiinrtcroCurentur ; . It li uied by tbe L nltol HtttJa Govcrnuitnt. KaAor > r4 by Ins heidi of the neat unUur.lilei m tUo btrou t , ruti' tnil moitllfBllhtul. Dr. I'rloo'n Cream . lug Tuwdor iloui not conlnln unmonlt , line or alum. Bold only In cum. IMUnSMAKINBrOWDKRCO. , Isik. ItliGISTIOIl TODAY , jV flatter or Importance tolio Conslil- crcil by Hi cry Voter. The supervisors of registration appointed by tha council and county commissioners will sit for the purpose of registering the names of voters in the various voting districts on tlio followliiBiUtesfi-omSn. m.toO p.m. each day i Tod.iv , October 7 , Wednesday , October 15 , Thursday October 13 , 1'ridny , October 31 and Saturday , Xovcmbcr 1. The foliowinit pliicoi have bccu aecurcJ for tlio tneotlugs of tlio registrars : KIIISTVIIII. . First Dlslrlct-N. C. Kelson , TO3 Leaven- worth street. Secona District J. II. Davis , SOT South Tenth street. Third listrlctG. . Zimmerman , Eleventh and Clorco streets. Fourth District II. O. ll.mmcrtnnn , Sixth nonrl'nollk * . 1'ifth District ICrug's grocery , Thirteenth and Vlnton. Sixth District M. Charon , 70 ! Urmeroft. gnt'OXI ) AVAIID. Tlrst District 7UI South Thirteenth street , Second District aw.t Pieivc strcut. 'I'hlnl District J.I' . Mnllcndcr , IWlOSouth Twentieth street. Fourth District John Lctnloy , 1' GO South Sixteenth at feet. Fifth District-John T. Ilnst , 2l'J3 South Sixteenth street. Histh District Kucoht & Co. , IG23 Yinton street. Tiiiiin w\itn. first Dlitrict J. J. Uonovati's , 303 Xorth Tenth street. Sceoad District Derby hotel , 1U ) North Tlilrtoontli sticet. Third District 13. Blerbaugh , - 10 South Foiirteontli street. 1'ourtb District No. 319 South Eleventh street. rofiiTit WAiin. Tirst District Sni'sount's store , 323 Xorth Sixteenth street. Secoiul Dlblrict-Losllo & Leslie's Six teenth unil Dodijo streets. Ihlrd District Cigiir store , 1503 F.u-tiam street. . Fourth District Drugstore , ISJ-JSt.Mary's avenue. Fifth Dibti-ict-Frank Cross , 1WT St. Mary's ti\caue. rinti wiiio. First District Frank Hrown & Co. , 301 North Khtconth street. Second District Miller's b.ikery , 1810 Shcrinnti nvoiiue. Third District J. Ivane , llUSShcrin.m ave nue. Fourth District G. "Wcelscnberg , .MOXortli Sixteenth street. SIXTH wutn. First Dist rlct Lyceum hall. Hecond IJbtrlet Grocery , Thirtieth nnd -Ainea nrcnuc. Third Distiict-J. J. Heal , lSLO.MUlt.iry avenue. Fourth Dlstrtet-J. P. Fouehc , o. Twenty-fourth street. Fifth District Twenty-sixth and Lalco streets. Sixth District- . E. Ilurlbiit , 1-111 North Tivciity-fourtli street. ivrvm.HAKi : ) , First District lii'J Park nvciiuo. Second District 120 I'.u'k avenue. Third District Drug stoic , Duiwit and Twenty-ninth. nioiiTii wvui > . First DIstrlct-AlcClclliind's oftlco , 915 North Twenty-fourth. Scooiul [ District Drug store , ' 2104 Cumin ) ? . Third District 0. L. Hung , iWOlUunilmj. Fourth District-N. Johnson , SJ OlCurning. NINTH WAHU. First District-J. T. Hope , Sll. Cumhig. Seconil District Barber shop , Lowe aad Mercer avenues. Third DistrictNinthvmvl club , " 90S Farnnni. Till ! I'llffSt 1111(1 llCRt Articles known to medical science are used In preparing Hood's S.lrsaparilln. livery In gredient is carefully .selected , personally ex amined , and only the best retained. The incdicinu is prepared under the supervision of thoroughly bompctcnt pharmncUts , and evcrj step in the process of inniiuf.ieturo is c.irofullvvatehcd with a view to securing in Hood's ' Sarsaparilhi Ilio best possible result Il.VlIjHOAl ) NOr 13 4. JIectln ; ) of 1'itHsoiiKcr nnd I toad Kv .T. H , LiUthrop , general freight anil passen ger nsrciit of the Kcansoy it Hlaek Hills road , is In the city. Ho reports that his line will bo completed today us far as Galloway , sixty-live miles from Kearney , which -will DO the terminus of the ro.vJ for thu coining winter. Tlio entrance Into C.Ulawav will be celebrated shortly by a grand batbecuoanU rally. General Passenger Apents Lomax of the Unton I'ncilic and Francis ot tLollurlliiRton wont to ChicnKoyesterday afternoon to attend the llrst meeting of the reorganized western passencer association. A call lias been issued for a meeting of the passoniror department of the transcontinental association at St. Uouls , October' " . Assibtunt General Passenger Agent .Aithur Smith of the Builint'ton , has youe ea t for a month. The Burlington Is arranging to inntcrially Increase Us facilities for coal mining at its mines at Newcastle , Wyo. The mines nro now turning out llfty cars n day , ntul the amount will bo increased to sevcnty-llvo cars a clay. Tlio trouble in the Union Pacillo yants nt Denver has icon settled. Yardinustcr Hums is In authority with n full force of now men. and the striking switchmen are not troubling them. General Freight Agent Ctoslyof the Bur- HiiKtoit is in Chicago , Melville The grcnt anil only Melville at the Collsoum thib evening , 9 p. in , See him. Najor Clarkson , Omaha's now postmaster , was also a visitor at departineiitlieadqunrturs yesterday morning. With His Thumb , A boy Is saul lo Ir.iMisavcil tlic Notliorlniuls fioin Inuiid.illon. Multitudes liiuo been s.ncil duiii the Imasion of disease by : i kottloot Ayoi's Kais.ipaiilh. 11m nmllcino Imparts tuuo to thu sjhU'iu and stienglhcns cicry orgaii ami llbiu of idc body , " 1 luvo taken a great deal ot medlolno , but nolliliig lias tluno 1110 so much f oed as Ayer's Sarsapailll.i. 1 cxi < crlciiccil UsR-im- ftclal cfteets befuic I hatlquiteIlnlslicd ono bottle , and lean ficcly testify that it U tlio best blood mcdiclno f Know of. " L. W. Ward.sr. . , AVoodland , Texas. "Condneil to an onim1 , us f am , from ono year's end to another , \\ltli little or no out door exercise , I tel great help in Ayer's SarsapaiIlia , which I have used for scveial ) carsaml am at present nshiith ; excel lent icsiilts. It enables mo to l > ili > ] > always at my post , enjoying the best of health. " 11. C. Humes , Maiden , Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla rmi'Aur.n nv DR. . J. C. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mass. GRATEFUL-COMFORT1N EPPS'S COCOA BREA.KFAST. "Hr ( horiiiuli knonlo.l.-o of Ilia nnlunil IIITI ulilch KOvurn lliuoiH'ratliiiniif illfoitlon nnj niilrl- tlun. nmlby a cnri'tulniillcalloa | | of thu line proper- tlnof well nelccteil L'aivn. Mr. KIMI * Ims provUdl our liruakfnst tables wtillTiilollc.itolr tinvorcd liovcr- mo whlili mnyiavo iiiinuny IIPIVWdoctor ibllH. It litijr tlioluillclouB u.souf hiicliiirtloloi of illct tint coiiitltullon limy bo I'rnilinilly lnilUup tinlll itroiu cnoiiKli lo niHln ovurr tondcnay to ilUoi o. Him- ilreiU of iiihtlomnlatllci iirotlcmtlnKntcniinlii * rcmly toultock nlierovur tlioro H a o k inilnt.Vo mir t'urnpo many n ( atnl ihnft b ; kcuilnonrsclvu < well lortltlcilnlth imro Ulooil , nnd proicrly | uourlilieJ Jrnm . " "C'tvlhcrvlooliiiieltO. ( ' Jlnilo limply n Illi bolllna wattcr or milk. Sola onlr In liulf poiiiul tlnii 1 > J uroecri , lubvlnl thur JAHESEPl'S& CO. . DR. KENSINGTON. Eye and Ear Surgeon 131O Douglas Stteet. Spectacles accurately fitted , HO\V 18' YOUR CHILD ? Swift's ' Specific is the great developer , of delicate child ren. It regulates the secre tions ; it stimulates the skin to healthy action , and assists nature in development. There is no tonic for child ren equal to vD' O5 * Scml for our ticatisoon lllood and Skin lIsi-a ) oH. Mr.ciric Co. , .Atlanta , GE > if yon 1m ro ci } acute or IcnilliiPT In CONSUfftPTBON , < > < ' PZJItS : COUP D.E 'KHC. AND KYPOr'HOSr'HITES or r.iati ) siyo SODA Tills prrp/iriil / l < in contains the Htlnutla- tliiR | iroici'li | ' a of tlio llf/fi < i > tifmi > liltfn ntul flno Atirieerjlnti f'vd.lirr Oil. Usi-il by I'liyHichna ' nilMio wrM our. HH ii imliilnblo in mill : , Thwo t.mcs ns cfllra- clotn ns jilnltl Owl LlriT Oil , A perfect ni > iulslr > iil | 'ttortliAii nllotlicriinailo. l"or all ( onus ( ' [ ll'd.sdiijJli ixc. * , HrotitMtla , 'Hi.isa Flesh Producer tiicro Is nothing llko SCOTT'S EMULSION , It Ii8nl l by all DrtiKRliln. I.tt nocno by I > rolii3o njilniiitlon | or lmt > udcnt onlroaty Ultimo you to accept a substitute. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , Th most widely and favorably l < n < m spoc- lullstsln the United .Suites. Tlulr lonox- pcrli'Qoo , lomarlinlilo skill junl unlToraalsuc- eeaa In tlio treatment nncl cur ot Nervous , Chronic ami Stir linl Ilsoisci ) , entltlo these eminent iihyslclaiiii to the full confidence ot tlio aflllctwlovcrywliorp. They Kuiimntdo : A. UKUTA1N AND 1'OSITIVB OUM tot the awful clfuotsot early vicoimcl the numor- ous evils that follow In Us train. IMtlVATK. BLOOD AN U SKIN DISEASES speedily , cniiii ) ! ! nnil Dornititicntly turi > d , NCKVOUS ' OUIIER3 ylold readily to tholr bklllf ul truat- tllOllti PILES. FISTULA. AND IICOTAL UT-CnUS Rtinrantucu cured without pin or dotcnllon fiotn business. llVIHOCLiE : ANT ) VAIHCOCELE perma- notitly nnd auccessf tilly cnrod In every case. SYl'HLMS. ( JONOItliUKA , OLEET , bper- nuitorrhca , Soir.liml Vcakncs * , Lost Aliinhooil , NlKht Knilsilom , Decayed I'lioiiltlcs. I'etualo Weakness nnd all dolliMto disorders peculiar to oltlior sex jjosltlvt'ly c'urod. in well us all functional disorders that result from youth ful follies or thoexoossof nutnroyouri. "sTPIP'ril " 1K Un irantccd prrmanontl y O llUV-yl U ixlj cured , rpmnval conplcto , without cutting , canstlo ordllutatlon. Ouroj an'ectcil ut homo by patient without a mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MLN. A Q1TPK fill ? 1 ? Tlio awful oTocH ( off fOUlli L > Ui\l oirIy vluo which brlnw organic wealtnesi , dostroyliu bolh mind anil body , with ull lw dre.uloU ills , periuanonty cured. t 1 1 ? HUTT ? AtMross tlioso lie liavo Im- Ul\0. lllj 1 10 palicd thciuschcs by Improper - proper indulRonco mid solitary hiblts , which ruin both mind and tody , unllttlns them for business , stud v or mairltiKe. IIAKHIKD Jll'.N or tho-,0 ftnterlns on that happy llfeawaroof , physical debility , quickly n8SlStC OUR SUCOQ38 Is based upon fasts , rirbt-l'raotlo.tl eiporl. ence. tJecond Kvory c.iso Hspoclally studied , thus atartluK rljtlit. Third Medicines are prepared In our lulioratory oxaotly to suit oucu case , thus pffcctlngc n res without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , - OMAHA. NEB , ON SALE TO PRINCIPAL POUTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1EC2 Farnnm Sbroot. HARRY P. DEUEL , Olty Passen or and Ticket Agent i'-L loflllEW © pooicilist , In , ini\irimM5l In the treat ment ol nil forin < of I'lll- lioun hTKICTPIIH , or tnin In rcli'lvini ; tlio bliiiMnr. SVI'llll.Ii cure I In MHoW ilnys Skin ll'soasoi ' , ( "nunli nnil nil lilitviin of Ilio Illiiixl Heart imil l.lvpr lu- iiinleDlsc'niCHcurol without InMriiiiiiTUxir 'luc.il troat- inont" Lnjiet fruin 2 to i only \\rltu for clrcu- oaihuf ttid itbovo ilisonin , nii > l tilionlnu iiiAiiy of tlio moil roDiarkublocuro of- tea , N. II. Cor , 1 Itti Bnd 1'ornuw Sts. , cnlranco aa dlheriuoat. UaiaU Neb E2.EGTC1G BELT Ife toiB ( trutl < .iur llii k" " . lTlilr l ; , ll < l. hitf. ( aitlnuoul ( urrfftll of Flrflrlellr Ihrnuin ll MK4IC VAU ! tc.Ton.l . ' * . . .I til ( HUM m II KUTIl Ki > riil turr i ftlt liiiiitilii r welalcit ll jo m tun. UVUTiil H.tt.iiori C pl'ltl ) . dik W > nt . .lll r- llf I urtil ID ihTM rooalbl W mlli raoipbUI Kru. AKDIM fillOTRICCO. . iejLa ll ll. ! , tHICAOO.Ili. . HTTP QHfYF TYtfP'T . Is crowded with new goods for the fall , and notwithstanding the steadily advancing price of Icalhcx' fi we are in a position to offer our fall goods at same mode rate prices that have made our Shoo * , Department so popular in so short a time. Our stock for the fall was ordered very early , bcfor / the manufacturer's ' thought of advancing prices ; the material was selected with care and the Shoes were made and 'finished in the best workmanlike manner , and we arc now offeiing 110 $ only the largest assortment , but also the best made Shoes for Men and 13oys , honest goods tuhicti flic arc not a/i'aictto back with our guarantee. To signalize the opening of the Fall Season in this Department we place on sale to-day , 2OOO Pair filc | Cdf Shoes , Congress and Lace , \varrantc \ Goodyear \Vclt at $2.50. Thf < j is the same quality and make which we sold last season as a great bargain at $2.75. . Shocif made with Goodyear Welt , arefully as good for wear and elasticity as Hand-se\vccl Shoes , TU ( ) .ibovc arc an extraordinary \Vclcno\vShoeStores\vouldchargcatlcast \ \ $3.50 $ or $4 for like goods. ' Our ' ' "Workingman's" ' shoes for $1.25 , of which \ve \ sell thousands of pairs every season , are , , turning out better tlian ever this fall. "We have placed early orders for enormous quantities am the manufacturer has greatly improved upon the make of them. No more honest shoe \va \ $ ever offered for sale at such a low price. It is solid leather throughout , and the make and finish is perfect , Nothing she-it of $2.00will buy such a shoe elsewhere. In the finer grades we show an exceptionally large assortment , all st3flcs of toes , and all kinds of lasts , shoes to fit any foot. All our other departments are loaded with new goods. In evcrylincwe havcputiii-abigslocty anticipating an increased trade. IPRIGEIS LOWELR 'THAN RVElR. Open until S p. in. Saturday , 1O p. m. Corner 14th and Douglas Streets - : - OMAHA Are tlie Exiclusive "Western Agents for UI.G The largest manufacturers of rubber footwear In tliovorld. . "Wo carry the only complete stoclc of first-clAsarublOV { jooilsintho city. Prices always the lowest. Correspondence solicited. TRY OUR LEATHER SOLED RUBBER BOOTS , THE BEST MUD ] AMERICAN HAND SEWED SHOE CO. , OMAHA NEJB. Good Advice. It was Covvpervlio salil'To bo well dressed , well bred and well equipped , IB ticket Rood enough to puss us readily through every door. " The llrst of the above qual ifications can bo obtained by pur chasing' from us ono of our Pine Cheviot Suits which nro equal in style , finish and material to tlio best uptirovcd cus tom \voilc. DR. B1OI , Graduate Dentist , /V / rulllefol Teeth , on Rubber For Five Dollars. A perfect fit Riiaraiitced. Teeth extracted without jialn or danacr. unil will out iinacs- thotlcs. Gold nnd silver Jill ns- ; lit , lowest rates. Hrldpo umU'ronn Work , liulh wltli- out iihtoi. All worlc warrmiti'd. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Enlraroo , lOili street olovator. Open o cu- _ _ "PRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE " < ! permanent CURE lot all Ullwo.oWo URIN ARY ORGANS , euros wheriothiilreatment fails , Fulldnectloniwltheacri boille. Pfle * . one dollif , See ilgnalure ol E , L. srAHL. For enlo By AH Drugglsti. OOLISKXJMI LAST WEEK OP THE GREAT ' EXPOSITION ! First and only Appearance of the MEXLVILLEl Direct from the Crystal Palace , London , in His Sensational dn < Ji , Original Act , Entitled LA CHUTE DU CIEL. l\lelville \ Accomplishes tlie Most Terrific > LE1ARS ROH. LAlFEX , Walks LhoCeillng A.rouncln Sphore. Tlio ApporaLus Used by ville inthis A.ctis "Valued nt$3ODO. Last Week of the Great Exposition. Grand Concert Evcr\f- Afternoon and Evening by the Second Infantry \ Military Band , v * 5 ONLY OPPORTUNITY OF SEEIN5 THE WJHDERFUL MELVILLE , Beautiful Art and Other Displays. VISIT THE GREAT EXPOSITION. ADMISSION TO A.LL ONL-V 2B CENTS. NO GTLJRKx ! NEC 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Mob.