mV V mI' JC/.L I'G THE OMAHA DAILY BElfeMONDAY , OCTOBER 0 , 1890. THE OINIAKA 31EE COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFi'ICi : , NO. 12 1'EAKL ST. by Carrier lu uny pirt of thc > f'lty. n , w , TII.TON. - - THLEI'HOXKSt IhiidntM Office , No 41. V. Y. P. Co. Courull Uluffa lumber Co. . real. Work on the foundation of tlio new nroad way Methodist church hat coiiimoiical. MrH. Mulllsntid Mr 1'rank Westcott pave enjoyable solos nt tlio First CoiigrcKatlomd cliurch jesturJiiy morning. 'Iho city counoll meets tonight. Tlio Kruu > r portion nf the session will bedovoted to the work of thohoardof health. t-cvurul parties of ladles niul gentlemen lin\o Uon tniulo up for Iho Saloux City corn palace , nnd tlitr will mate the visit today HPV. I'litlirrNtiKfiit , onoot the most elo quent pulpit oratort In the west , Kiivuiilcc- turu In St. Fnuicla Xuvler's churoll yester day. Ux-Clty Marshal ( Itmnclla is mnldiiK anx- loin Inquiries about a vnluublo pair of nones belonging to him which vvcie stolen fioin n pasture north of the city Dick Hoist , who has been absent from the city fem fuvvduy.s , loturncd from the uest vcsterd.iv moriiiiiK Hols now contemplat ing a southein trip for bis health. The fuuonil of 0 IX Allen , who died so nwldunlj juiti'itlay , will occur at "o'clock this afternoon from the residence on Glen avenue I'lio friends of tlio family nro ex- > pouted to bo [ ncsciit without further notice. f g The gloomy weather justcutay inudo do- I cldedlyslim attendance nX the various pic is- f me tesorts. The season is nboutover for t I ikn IVItiimvva , hut hunting and fish- * ' inK p.irUi'o found amusement and llhetal re- * ivnrd for their labor thuio j estcrduy of Mrs. H.V linymoiul was * iiold yostorciay afternoon , Kcv G.V \ Cmlts P nichitln ( , ' . 'I lie lonu Illness which the snlTer- , 'i i K ono mulct went so hr.ivclv , tlio toiuler ! f caio and solicitude of husband andchililicn , iitiil tlio present loneliness of the slrKKcn lierc , call foith thu tendcrest feeling of sjiu- iwtliy. The ofllccrs were witching tvo profi's- Bloiml iroolcs last evening who luul been inn out of Omaha during the c.irly part of the night and hail their turu kindly paid by ou s of the ofllroiN. Tlioy weio w.itchcdso clowly thoj diil not succeed in etthif , ' uu opportunity - tunity to do unv work , at least not before midnight. The police catch during the llrst part of the night lust night consisted of four vagrants , vvho wen ) pliked up in various p.uts of the city , mid an cnuul number of drunks 'rhero \votc twenty llvo men nnd bojs in the city sovver at 11 o'clockvlio \\cro obliged to npciid thoiomalndcr of the nlj'htiii a plaeo that was designed to hold eighteen at thu lurtherest. John Maher , \ vliovas shot hy Ofllcor Noies , 1ms ulmost ontiiciy iccovcicd fioin thocfltcts of Ids duiforouswound under the < wo of lr. Ilcllittgcr. Ho isoliiR ( uboul the ntrects apparently us rugged us o\or. His brother.Ilininy Is still tit the hospital , niul it vlll bo sevcial weeks hcfoio lie is lelloved from the painful effects of the aanio olllcer's bulldog rovohcr. There Is a peed deal of comnlntnt in.ido fluout the manner In which n recent funeral of a child was conducted The child died of malignant illphthciia. and the phjsicI.m'H ccrtlllcato niinouneed that death lesultcil Jroni spinal meningitis. The notices of the death mid tlio funerd published in the paper * stated the Mime cause of death The funeral VIM quite largely attemlul hy sympathising friends who \\cro kept in IguoVance of thu real cause of death , Hy nn unfortunate misunderstanding the papers announced yesterday morninK the Kdcalh of A. T. FlttUiiiger's son , who is sitffer- Inir from diphtheria 'llio report was ciiculu- tcd that the ihtld died at : t o'clock on Satur day afternoon , but it was happily n mistuko , mid dulrnjj thu cveniiiK ho rallied and great liopes were cntcrt.ilned nf bis ultimate re covery , Yoatcrday afternoon unfavorable sjstonis wcio developed niul hovvus consld- crcd to bo in a veiy dangerous condition , "I notice that bomobody is klellnu about high rents In Council lllulTs , nccoiiliii } , ' to a moniing paper jestcrday , " said u leal estate jimn lust night. ' "Kltbcr the reporter fakcil the interview , which Iscry piobable , orelso the Intcrvicnod lady was inexcusably jwoily infonnca abort rent latcs in the city. Tltoro nro few vacant houses in the city , anil none ol the new tenement houses nrohelil at a lilKher lontal thad the Investment Justllles. Council Ulults has cheaper rent nnd bettor tcnenifiit houses tUau any other tlty in the world. " Miss Miunlo Mcrkel entertained a number of her friends last Thursday afternoon at the homo of her sister , Mrs. W. W Sherman , 517 Boventh stiwt. The entertainment took tlio form of n high live party , anil only . , „ ladles wcro Invited , the young mon being excluded from pniticipntlon In the tenth Hies. J Tito hostess , whoso powers as an > i entertainer are well luiovvu , out- J did herself on this occasion , and A tlio pnity was a most cnjoynblo ono , The lirst y prii-o was taken by Miss "Mamo DoVol. nnd t < the booby pii/o-vNus uupturnd bv Miss Helen H Kboplieid. Tlioso present weio tlio follow Ing : * ! Misses Nelllo Uovvinan , Moi-pun , Ogdeti , " Mamo O IS m , Gleason , Lclllo Jcnnueliler , Ktevenson , 1'ortciliold , lliikness , UoVol , j Kheplmrd , Moore , Jlurpliv , Farnsvvorth , lluiulledt , Albright , llutts , Martin , Uciuer , VanOrdon , Morgcn , Mason , Bennett , At- j wood , Couch , iDoIInven , Otney , ICcatiug , 1 WicUliiun und Sherman. Fashlonnblowool suits inaiie hy Mrs. L. Bliiunons , $ j to $7 ; sllln , $7 to $11 * . J. C. Blxby , steam hcatln ? , sanitary en- elnvcr , UCi Ufc hiilkliii ! ? , O iuti'JJJ ; Mor rium block , Council Hlulls. The best auctioneer In the stnto Is II. IT. Inniun , Council Illufls. Special nttuntlon to blooded stoilt sales , and all branches of nicreantilu goods. Ofllco SOJ Uroadwny. Di-llllnntly Wcddetl. Charles H. lilchniond , Jr. , has loturned with his brldo fioni her homo nt Itoono , la , \vhei-o the ceremony was performed last Tliursday evening. They will mnko their homo nt Xo. HO'J UiKbth street. Mr. Klch- mend Is a civil engineer , a graduate of Ann Aibor , Mlih. , andn young man of excellent nbility and qualltk-atlous. Ho is nt incscnt connected with the KliiK Iron bridge and inamifactuilng company of Cleveland , O , , who have nn oflico In this city. Ho is a son of C , H. Richmond , a b.mlccr nt Ann Arbor , Mich. , and one of the voild's fair commissioners. Tlio woithy brldo Is a daughter of Mr. Trank Cluunpllii , probl- ilciitof lhailty band at Hoono. 'Iho vveclding was a brilliant society event nnd the Rifts wcro In keeping , among them a granil inano. The joungcouplosUrton their united lifo Journey under the lulf-htest nusniccs and with the lie.uilest well wishes. Money nt ro lueol ritoi to melon chatto luid luilcstuto sw.mtyby l"3. U. Slioafo.t Co Tho.Manhattan.spoitliiu headquarters , 413 Dix > udway , > Vall paper atLosoy & Jensen's , 11 Pearl st J-oiey & Jensen paint houses. Forrent rurnlshed room. Airs. J , Ly. man , ( UO Willow avo. Pine interior duooriting. osoy & Jonscn Ho Pl\cd Up the Sluirtacr , Albeit Johnson , the youiiR man \\howns nnxjstcd Satui-dny night on the charge of em bezzling STOO or fMXI from his employer , V. M. D. AVclUor , succeeded In mnkiug good the Bhortago and was released from the city Jull shortly before inhinlght Saturday nt ht. Mr. Welker claims that the restitution was complete , and was nmdo by u voluntary as- blgnment by Jolinsonof personal property of Buftlclentaluo to co\or the shortiiKO. On Saturday nftoinoou un nttaclinient was placed on all of his property by his employer , anil the settlement was oifected by the final Hurrendorof the pi-opei ty by Johnson. The criminal proctvilliiRt fnstltutwl will bo dropped ami Johnson will bo permitted to go nway and coimncnco 11 fo nncw , nlded by the knoulcdgoobtnlncil by a costly Icssou tbut It Uoca uot i > ay to dovroii ) ; . THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , An Unknown timl Mjstorious Burglar Oap- tnredWhlty Committing HisOrimei NO MORE SUNDAY HEAT TO BE SOLD , ThclJiitchorH Mmkliij ; It Hot for Cer tain Dcnlors Swlitcn Dentil of Odd Allen Ilrllllniilly Wcildcil NC\\D Notes. Them is a fellow behind the bar In the city jail this morning who steadfastly refuses to glvo his name , or nny nnme at all , and ho Is booked as another unknown. Opposite the entry Is the charge of burglary. "Whoever ho is ho will have a dinicultjob to keep out of the penitentiary , for ho was caught at 2 ' 'SO o'clock yesterday morning siiuuuly In the act of commuting n burglary. At that hour Kick O'llrlcu , Milt Scars , frank I tcmlrleks and Jack White wcro re turning home , ami .sheit they icnclied the corner of Ilro.tdvvay and Seventh street they obseivcd a man In tlio grocery store of V. Hadnlct. Ho appeared to 1)0 taking an Invoice ol the stock , nml O'Bilen , vho lias served many jears on the | > olke force , concluded to nnko an Investiga tion Part of the young men watched the front of the stoio while O'llrlert and the oth ers went to the rear Thov found two or Lhrcocarpenter's chisels Ijlng on the ground nnd discovered that the door bad been forced. O'Rilen , who was armed with a revolver in which bo hnd a good deal of confidence , en- tcied the store and surprised thofcllovv while lie v as at work on the money drawer. He was iirinol , but before ho could diaw bis weapon Kick's pistol was leveled at his head. Ho gracefully snrrcndcteil and the four young men matched him to the police station nml turned him over to the oftlocis. Ills not beli"ed that hols a professional , but there is a stiong suspicion that ho is a voting man who lives In either Council Hinds or OmnliaVhllo no one at the police station Is mile to re < 'or'iii/o him , this suspicion Is strengthened bj bis stubborn xefusnl to tell his nune Ho'declaies that he will stand tiial , go to the penitentiary and serve out bis sentence Incog. Ou seine ptpcis fouiul in bis possession the name of I law Icy appears. The manner in whlih tholniKltiry Avas com mitted throws it lltllo light upon the mjsterl- oiis lobbuy tnat occmred JL few hours pic- vlous in A A. Halt's Jewelry store two blocks further up tlio stioct Kiitriinco was otToctcd In tlio saino manner by tlio use of cnrpcntoi's chLicls bj which the doors wcro pried open. It h thought the chisels found athoth uliccs weio stolen from the same car penter sbou. Something oflntcroNt To every lady unking prcptratlons for the coming cold weather , u few pointers from the IJosrov Sroitr , Coivcu. Ill Lns. Wo have Just iccclved our laigo full line of furs , and fcelassuied ourassoitmeiit is complete , and piiccs nsiwiAiior > ( )0 ) black hiiir muffs , 111) ) , W ) und 7. > o. French coney muff , black , Sl.OO , ? l.r > , il.M ) . Woof seals , WOO. Monkey , * ' French seals , $ . ' , SI 50 nml4. Astrach in , fl 50. Heaven , { . ' . , $10 nml12 , Children's ungoiii white , In sets , for $3.50. Children's tiger in sots for $2 50. Children's ohiuehilU in sets for 52.10. Children's Thibet lamb lu sets for * . ! 50. Children's white coney in sets for 75c. rti'i.s. Black hair rapes , $ ) , * ! 50 , ? 3 and $ " > .7fi. 331ack Treiii'li concvl 10 , $5 , fO mid $0 10. Monkey , seal trimmed. tlS.OO. Woof" seal , $11.00. AVoof seal , shawl collar , M3.00. "Woof seal , roll collir , $12.00. ii'ieuch beaver , $11 00. Astrachan , * 700 , SI 1. 00 , ? l 1-75 nnd $12,00. $ Katural beaver roll collar , 8J10 00. I'lllNTS AND OIN011AM8. fic light and medium challles. fie dark fast colored prints. fie large llgurcd furnitiuo prints. Just the thing for comforters. Tiy our lOc , U c and 15c batting , free f lorn knots and open out in one sheet. Apron ginghams Se , a bargain. Diess ginghams at 8lOo , ami 12) < jC , Ucw fall styles. Something new in striped domcts In light , medium and dark ; also mixtures at lOc. Ask to see tbcm. Aimcnia serge , 30 Inches wide , at 12J < fc. Now styles In Ilepps , suitable for wraps , 8X , 1'J yards for $1.110. llmprcss plaids in now Hue of colors , 12' ' c. TOlltT foOU'S. Cuticura soap , 17c. Pears' unsccntcd , \ Cap May , JMo. Scented Gljccrine , lOc , three for 23e. Ambrosia soup , three for 25c , put up in fancy embossed boxes. Largo cake of Victoria soap , also rir'sBal- snm soap , at fic , six for Sic. Special Wo canj a full line of toilet mtl- clcs , such as combs of all kinds , huh brushes , nnll brwhos , hnli- curlers , etc. , etc. Doston Stoiolul , -101 and 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. la. 1'OTIIUUINGIIAM , AVIIITKLAW & CO. N'o Hunilay Meat Sclliiitr , An onllnnhco was adopted several years ago prohibiting butchers keeping their tnnruets open on Sunday bet-ween October I and May 1. The law was enacted In accord- aura with the dcuimd of the bate hers them selves , who desired to biexkuptho practice that hnd been in vogue for years of keeping open their nnrkets on Sunday forenoons. In their petition to the council when the orillnaiico was passed they argued that It was not a public necessity , and onlv operated as un unnecessary banUltlp upon nil butchers , v\no were obliged to keep their maikets open Iccauso iv few desired to do so. The ordi nance -was enforced for a while , but It gradu ally become to be ignored , although many of the butchers observed it and kept their mar kets closed on Sundays during the winter months , There wcro no arrests for its viola tion last winter and many of the butchers ap pear to have forgotten it altogether. Tills season It scums that an agreement was mido to observe It and enforce It stilctly. Yester day was the llrst Sunday lu October and It contained so-no Riiof for several of the butchers. They cither forgot the existence of the ordinance entirely or else wilfully violated lated It , niul they straightway got into trouble A number of the butchers who had agreed to close vvoro appointed a committee to see that all compiled with It. They found three or four pltues open while the I'tiurou bolls sere chiming , and ait hoar later the pioprlotors vm-o ni res ted. Three nrrcsts were inado bofoio dinner. The vic tims voroJ , W. Leake , Scott \VllUiusiuid Julius Lund , A complaint was also mndo ajjalnst lies' . Henry DoLong , but ho was not wrested for tlio reason that ho was at church when thu officers culled for him Ilo keeps a 1 ttlo butcher's st-ill in his grocery on upper Broad way , and jestonlay had seven or eight pounds of steak left over from Ida Saturday's business. IIo does not keep his grocery oHin | on Sundays , but when a couple of gen tlemen called and wanted about that amount o [ steak for their Sabbath dinners ho oblig ingly opened Ids shop und let thorn base all thnt remained to prevent them nolng hungry nml the steun from spoiling. Tlioy did not want the steak ns badly as they did the evi dence that Henry 1md violated the ordinance , and they straightway went and tiled u com plaint against him , Ha will bo aiicstod this looming. If you vs Ish to sell your property call on the Juud . \ Wells Co , C. 11. Judd , president , iwu Urondwny. Ucnth. Oda. Allen died very suddenly yesterday morning at the homo of his mother , No. ll'J Glen avenue. Ho had made all bis arrange- inents for going to Sioux City yesterday morning to sco tlio corn palace , and had oven purchased his UcUot. ' On rising caily ho re marked that he felt badly and , as ho fro- fluently did , ho took a lemon and svas just sucking Homo of its juice , whun bo suddenly guve a groan and fell backward onto the iloor. lib jouiif sister , vsbowas the only other ono In the house nt the than , hurried out for help , anil coon returned with Mr. .1. L. Forinun. A physician was also summoned , but the young man was dead , It being apparent th it henrl disease had made the struggle but momentary. Mr. Allen would has-o been tsscntv-clght jcars old on the i.lil of this month Ho wns nn unmarried man , and leaves a mother and three slstcw , His mother had been nt Dennlson visiting n daughter there , and had gone from them to visit other relatives ami friends at Logan , where she vesterduy received the sad news by wire. Mrs. John Oliver U another sister and the third Is the ono who was nt homo when the dentil oc curred , Mr. Allen Is n scteran llremin nml will bo burled under the auspices of that association. To the Ladles Miss \lnry Gleasoii is better liicpareil than ever to sitlsfy all who want llrst class drcsstn iking Rooms In the old library building , Pearl street. Ovs n Your Home. Why piy rent when you can build a homo for less mono } I The Iowa National Huildlng nnd Loan association commenced business In Coun cil 13hiffs Juno 1 , IS'.K ) , and have fur nished eleven families with homes svoith from ? 1,300 to $ . ' ( ,000 cacti at less cost than the rent would boon tlio same pioportv , with six moro homes In process of construction. Also have lifty niembeis cariylng stock for nn In vestment. The stock ns investment piys nbout ! i3 per cent annual interest , moro than five times tlio profit of nny savings bunk de posits , and It Is absolutely sufe. Agents \Mtntefl in all towns in western Io\va and eastern Nebraska. A. A. I'AIWSM , General Agent , Hoom 0 , Kverett block , Council Ulufis , la. Signs. L.osey & Jensen's , 11 Pear sU Buy vour lumber ot The J udd & Wells Co. , 1J Hroidway. J. cTTlpton , real esut , : l Broadway. Celebrate. ST. Loc'is , Mo. , Oct. 5. The great German day paiadc took place this afternoon and de spite the cold , dil/zling rnln which fell all afternoon thirty thousand men patttcfpatcil. Kich man carried nn Amcricm tlngand there wore nnny artistic floats representing the full of Donniocschcii , the "sleeping beauts' . " 1 Ivory ( ihaso of political allegiance , religious belief , social position and puisouul bcntlmont bad u ptrt in the parade nnd a voice In the exercises which followed It. Loiiavir.iiIvj. . , Oct fi. The 200th annl- vcrstiiy of the landing of the llrst German lininiginnts In America was celebrated hero today with a largo parade and speeches. The Jess'isli Sunday Suhool. The sunday school at tuo.Tcvvlsh temple on Harncy street was opened jcsterday for the first diy since the summer vacation. Al though the weather ssas vciy unfavorable , thcio were seventy-five pupils present mid the school vvnS organized. At n business meeting nf the congregation hold jcsterday afternoon Mr. ICut ? was ap pointed as a committee to look up the matter of buildiny a new temple. 1'oHt master Gcncral'H CoiiHltiBuicldoH. ST. Lot-is , Oct. 5 A. Wnnaniakcr , n cousin of the postmaster general , suicided this morning -with morphine In n hotel on Market street. Ho left a note saj Ing simply "My life is nothing to mo any more. " Ho bau been drinking freely. Three Hundred niul J-ovcntv Droivncil. Bnnttv , Oct. 5. The Vosslseho Zcilung has received a confirmation of the teport that ficnoral Bardosiski and 370 soldiers weio drowned during the recent manoeuvres in liussiu by the collitp- of a bridge. "Will Simpen-1 tlio Culmii Tariff. M\mui > , Oct. 5 The cabinet has decided to suspend the application of the now Cuban tariff pending a icplv to representations to bo until o to the United States government by the Spanish minister. Mnther-of-I'enrl Workers Destitute. VIENNA , Oct. 5 Thousands of mother-of- pearl workers nro camping in a forest near hero In a destitute condition. Funds have been started for their relief. Catholics Will Not Vote in Italy. UOMB. Oct. G. It is understood that the Vatican Imsdccidctl to advise all Catholics to abstain from voting at the coming elections iu Italy. Killed by a nitrating Reservoir. PAIUS , Oct. 5. By the bursting of n teser- volr at Ijalondo today live persons were killed and thirty injured. Tnc King ol'Holland "Worse. LONDON , Oct. 5 A dispatch to the Times from Brussels says the king of Holland is worse , HIIKMTXES. Louis Goldsmith was arrested yesterday for indulging in a light. The members of the Telegraphers' society held its regular Sunday afternoon meeting lit Goodilch jestoiday. Tlio meeting was purely a business ono and only lodge" matters weio discussed. Ji'.l It.lVll.ll'IIS. . . . . J. C. Lorgan of Ohio Is at the Millaul. John A. Golden of O'Neil Is at the Casey. J. T. Hcnsbaw of New York is at the Mur ray. .1. H. Mott of Denver was at the Casey last night. James M Woods of Rapid City is at the Puxton. M , L. Cook of Keatnoy is registered at the Puxton. , T. W. Ilayner of Chicago Is stopping at the Pax ton. , O. W. Scott of Wyoming Is at the Mot- chants. .r. K. Rogers of Chicago was nt the Mlllard last night , M. M. Uassctt of Pcoria is registered at the Casey. .1.13. Bussey of Cblcapo was at the Paxton last night. K T. Ulchards of Nelighis stopping at tbo Merchant1 ; . .1 M. Ilutcblns of Washington , D. C. , Is at the Mlllard. Vf. K Ciano of St. Joseph Is in the city , at the Millard. K. M. Stock of Pueblo , Cole , Is in the city , at the Millard. A B. Anderson of Chicago was at tlio Mur ray list night. F \V Puller of tSalesburg , 111. , Is In the city , nt tbo Casey. Lou "Wossol of Lincoln Is in the city , a eiicst nt the Murray. C V Goildaul of Now York was at the Merchants last night , Miss Annie 1) ) Guild of 2V35 Half Howmd street has gene on u prolonged visit cast. I'ombortoit'H I'octiunl I'len. James I'omberton of West Lolgli wns clmrged In the local police courttlio other day with has Ing been ilrunk on lleeiibod promises , bays the Chicago News. Although u lawvor svnsappointed to lopresont him Pomborton { nutated mien defending himself nnd he did HO with a { , 'ood humor anil an Ingenuity that oKcltod the marvel of the couit. Ho contended that ho wits not drunk at the time ho wns taken Into custody , where upon tbo court lusUcd him If ho know svhnt constituted ilrunlcen- ness. lie replied that no man svus drunk bo long as ho was not Incapable or disorderly ; lie represented that nt the time of his nirebt no wns quietly hut no- tormlnedly demanding more liquor. ' Your Honor , " continued Pomhoiton. "I hnvo foimulntcd my theory In this wise , which I hofjyour honor to hoar and to consider well : He Is not drunk who from the floor Can rlso nnd drink and ask for more ; ' Hut ho Is drunlc who prostrate lies \Vlttiout the strength to drink or rise ! This poetical prc-ontatlon imprest-oil thecouit to favorably that the cnbo wan dismissed , ami it is belle el thnt Pom- boitcm'h iiuiw has established botno- w hut of n precedent. A SPEGTEMIAS THIS BEAT , . * * Queer Talc of theiEJupernntural from ttoOity FOLLOWED BV lA GHOSTLY DOG , A hunt 1 O'ulcidk In tlio MorntiiK He Mjaturioimly .Fnilvn Away Into a Mari : 'Near a Hie 1 1 in Tree. "Dead Man's Heat" was tlio gruesome title that for ninny months citing to that portion of I'ust Ninth street lying be tween "Woodland and Prospect avenues in tills city , -writes n Kansas City corre spondent ot the Denver News. It U tlio most aristocratic portion of town , too , but nevertheless no pollcomim would voluntarily ilo duty there. A somber his tory of fatality rlinijs to tlio that lu the past few mouths has boon IntciisUlud with the gluniour of superstition. The bunt is linuntcu. Formerly not a man was ever assigned there but de.ith or dis aster overtook him. Since- January last , however , a scrle& of nightly manifesta tions bus glvc'ii the locality a now name , and "Dead Man's Beat" is now known as the plnoo where the ghobt walks. Every night , now , beginning at 8 o'clock and continuing until 1 in the morning , the phantom figure of a polii-o- man clad In the heuvy uniform of a win try night , the high collar of his over coat turned up about his ears , whether it bo waim or chilly , may bo been regu larly patioling up nnntl down that street ; and trotting along close at his heels is the spectral figure of a small dog. Up and down , up nnd down , with a hlood- curdling legul.uity and a frco/ing still ness the two phantoms p.ico thu lonely and deserted street. At cither end of the beat the pair turn with methodic ; preci sion and pace the beat over tignin. Stead ily the spirit natrol is kcut uu from 8 until 1. STOPS AT THi : COIIXKK. At stated intor\als , each half square , the spectral policeman pauses , stoops over and then his , arm raibcs with up lifted club and descends upon the cdgo of the curbstone ; but like the phantom footsteps of the policeman himself , no hounds issue. Each half square Is this motion of tapping gone through , but onlj an opjios > bi\e silence follows in stead of the welcome sound of tlio lo cust against the curb. The car is strained inain ( o u bound from either of the ghostly pair. All is si lence dead , chilling , unnatural , though such is the tension upon the nerves by the strange sight that one seems to hear the sound of their footsteps , the tap of the club , oven the sound of their icspir- .ation. llach hour , at ono or other of certain corners , the lonely topper anil the ghost of the dog stops , while the former giwos univy in the darkness as if expect ing to meet some one. They are "bchc- dulo points" where , in days gone by , the sergeant met the patrolman and re- cchcd the report fpr tlio hour. But no sergeant now appears , and after a few moments of hesitating expectancy , tlio noiselcSs llguie.s of the pair turji and re sume their \veary patrol , stepping oft the squares with a. measured and mili tary tread. Thus the long hours of the night p.iss , and 1 o'clock draws near. There is a church tower not far distant , and the bell m it strikes the hour with a , distinctness that falls harshly on the car. When tlio bell's sonorous sound has ceased the pair of spooks reach the southwest corner of Park ( uenuo and Ninth street , and leaning against n huge elm the police man shl\ era and diaws his collar moro closely about his neck while the little dog cowoes at his heels. Time thorn by the watch ! The figures of the spectral tr.iln appear to fade away. Little by little they go , andthonjflnalljlmorgo into an indistict maze , and just as the minute - ute hand points to theeo minutes past 1 o'clock in the tall tower , they disappear altogether and are not seen again until 8 o'clock on the following evening when the nightly \itrll of the two phantoms begins anew , as it has done since Janu ary last , and will continue to do the policemen say , until the cowardly assas sin of brave Olllcer Moigan is brought to justice. A TATKD 1IKAT. For many a long month prior to that tragic night of January 1 , that fated beat was under the ban of the police as n "Jonah. " Every man who had over been assigned to duty upon it met with a signal mibfoitunc , thus was It that it be came known as ' 'dead man's beat. " Denny Thomas was the first victim of the strange fatalities that clustered nbout. the neighborhood. It was about the time that the police department of Kansas City was ro-organi/cd on the metropolitan plan Unit Denny was put on duty theio in the usual course of events. Three nights afterward ho became - came ill , and a week later a sorrowful procession of his mates followed him to a grave in Elmwood cemetery. Bravo John O'Neil succeeded poor Thomas on the beat. One , night , fol lowing a period of forty-eight hours of continued wakcfulness , duo to an elect ion , John fell asleep on duty and was caught snoring by the sergeant. Ho was summarily dismissed from thr foico Jack De\innoy took the boat , and ono dark night , while making his loundB , stumbled into a coal hole that some man's stupidity had left open. An hour later the sergeant , after a diligent search , came upon the. llQath trap , into which Ho nearly foil himself. Flashing his lantern into tho'dcpths the sergeant saw the form of Do\lriiiev } stretched on the lieap of coal bolows Some tlmo elapsed before the owner of the collar could bo awakened and } h'o ambulance called , and whoa poor Do\innoy was finally reached ho was told and btlfl in death , Ills neck having { ieon broUon by the fall. THU CHAIN Of rATAUTIKS. For the first ttfu'o the singular chain of fatalities attending the Easth Ninth street patrol duty 'ivas notjccd. Through six successive vJlungos in loss than a jenr did disaster relontle-jhlv pursue every policemanyt-ht to that fateful spot. Ono man who had no\or boon known to drink before was discharged for drunk enness , although ho pleaded in self-do- fotibO that the trying associations of the beat wore enough to drive ono to drink. Another man lost his position through incomtmtoncy. while still another mot poor Uonny Thomas' fate sickness and swiftly following death. Simon Harris was the seventh man to take the beut , and two weeks after go ing on duty there ho was nhot and wounded ono night in an effort to arrest neouplo of police disturbers. Though lie survived nls wounds ho wns former incapacitated for nctho duty , and hois now a station house keeper. After that thoio worn no'moro assign ments to the beat. The chief humanely lefased to pass vlmt i-ccmed equivalent to u death suntunco on his men and tlio bent thereafter wont by lot John , Knowles got the first black bean nnd ho at once 10- from thu force. Pat Connors followed , ami for a time the dreadful hoodoo of tlie bent seemed to hmo rim its course , or rather to have trniififorrcil it elf to little "Tug , " nskjo tprrlorof whom detail will bo given. ljat Con nors covered the beat for six months wlthojt disaster , anil tlio men fondly hoped that East Ninth street's mis fortunes wore Vlegond of the past. THI : fcpr.cTiti ; uoo. But now to the dog Tug. Ho suddenly appeared at the central Ptatlon ono day soon after John Knowles resigned. Whore ho came from no one knew , but as ho wis aory clover dog and speedily developed some amusing tricks , ho be came for a lime a favorite. The men , especially those on night duly , liked to have Tug accompany them on their lonely vigils. 15ul his popularity was short lived. lie soon began to be fookcd upon ds a hoodoo. George Whitney , a colored policeman to whom Tug took a fancy , was soon removed "for causes. " Teddy Lyon was Tug s next master , and Teddy lost his place not long after , for falllivg to paw the annual examination. Tug then transferred Ills allegiance to Sergeant Jones and followed him dny after day on his tholess rounds of duty. Ono day Jones took a drop took much and the result was ho was reduced to the ranks. The day that Jones' chevron * \\oro removed , Tug forsook him and at tached ills unwelcome self to .llmniy Fit/gibbons , who was proverbialv ! un luckybut too big-hearted to i eject 1'ug's overtures of frlundshin. "Jimmy's name is Dennis,1' remarked some of his brother olllcors when thov saw how faithfully the liltlo dog fol lowed him about. Their jesting proph ecy was only too true. Ono morning Jimmy sprang into the Missouri river olt u sand-boat to save a dtowning boy. Tlio moment tlio olllcor dived Tug so't up u dismal howling. Both man and boy wcro drowned , and their bodies wore not re covered for weeks. After that Tug was kicked and cull'cil oil by every man ho tiled to follow , as the embodiment of ill- luck , and the poor creature in sheer despair ono night foi&ook the police headquartois and went to station No. ! ! ; but oven there his fate followed him , for a few days afterward an over-turned lamp set lire to the house nnd it wns do- stioyed. Tug escaped and lied back to No. 1 , where for weeks ho lenmincd un noticed and disconsolate , fed only at In tervals by Finnic Morgan , the olllcor in charge of the station. This was the sit uation at the time that Morgan suc ceeded Connors on "Dead man > i beat , " whoso terrors wore now somewhat dimmed by the long period of immunity Connors had cnjoved. COXNORS' KATU It was just before the holidays Unit Prank went on duty , patrollng the beat at night. Ho was legulaiiy followed by Tug , and when his brother olllcers saw Morgan , thus weighed down , as It were , by tlio double handicap of two Jonahs , they shook their heads oneo moro and again predicted ill. But Morgan gave no heed to the eioaking. The night of January 1 cmno. It was a cold night , -when all the elements seemed at war , while a biting , froe/.ing cold movailed , and under the Hoico gale the flying particles of sleet and snow cut a man as if with a knife. Limbs were blown from trees and came crash ing down upon the iKivemcnt , while the air was filled with the rustling of the dried leaves that wore blown hither and thither. Morgan buttoned his great coat closely about him and drovy his head well down Into thomulller ; but in bpito of his warm clothes the keen wind penetiated to his skin and chilled his very blood. With bent head , Tug close at his heels , tlio olllcor pursued his way , hour after hour , rapping the pavo- uient at intervals , the sound ot the club's contact being carried away by the winds. Several times Morgan miulo his regular report to the sergeant. Ills next report was to be made at 1 o'clock at the corner of Park avenue and Ninth street. On that corner stands a huge elm tree , nnd Morgan leaned against it , seeking pi election from the storm. Tug was mobably standing at Frank's heels. As lioforo stated , it was a wild night. The Hying dead leaves woiorushing through the air , and the creaking of the swaying trees and the soughing of the gale through the telephone wiics overhead , all around the rattle of shutters these combined to create a perfect wintry pan demonium. THI : ASSASSIN'S IJLOW. In all the noise neither Mo rerun nor Tug noticed the assassin -\vlio was stealthily creeping up from out the black shadows behind. Closer and closer crept the midnight foe , until ho stood directly behind Morgan , and still the doir could not have observed him or ho would have given a warning growl. The assassin's arm was uplifted and in the hand was hold n long knife that descended witli HW'ift nnd rnqistlRss foii'n into Mni > irin'a back , and slightly turning to the left iiiorccd the heait. So powerful was the blow that the sharp stool cut through the heavy garments and into the flesh and bone , severing the spinal cord , so that death must have been instantaneous. The murdoicd olll- cer foil suddenly a limp and inert maw , and in falling ho crushed and killed Tug , for when found a few moments later the dog lav under his master , his white , woolly hair dyed crimson with Morgan's lifo blood. Both wore dead and rapidly stilToning in the intense cold. Thus wore they found by the sergeant. At the undertaker's it wBs'shnvvn that Mor gan's vrntuh had stopped just tlnee min utes past 1 o'clock , marking exactly the moment of hib assassination. It was never learned who struck the cowardly blow. Morgan was not known to have liQd enemies , and the supposw tion was that ho was taken for another policeman , Jim Ryan , whom ho resem bled , and who had incurred the deadly hatred of a gang of young toughs by shooting ono of their number. For several days a keen and active search was prosecuted for the inurdoier , but as no success attended it the otTovts wore finally abandoned. It was on the night following this decision that the ghosts of the murdoied policeman and the dog Tug woio first seen , and there they may still bo scon , every iiiirht , pacing backward and forward through the lonely hours , until 1 o'clock , when they fade and disappear nt the fatal corner. Kvcryono who has once used Ir Hull's CoiiKli Syrup Invariably resoit-s to It ngiun for colds , etc. "When vieo prevails ami Impious men bear svv.iv , " When cuts , sprains , biulsea torment all the day ; Then rase from pain fioin caio and hurt are sent By great Salvation Oil , the standard lini ment. succKssi-'im aiux or \\ITII. . Siil'Jcut ol' Ucv.V. . J. IlarHlm'H Kci- 111111 ImiU N'lulll. The subject ol Ilev.f J. Il'irsha's ' sermon at the rir-itl'resujtorlan dim eh last night was "Abraham nnd CJoorgo Mtillcr , Success ful Men of ruith. " The pastor spolto as fol lows : The world owes moio to emigrants than to any oilier class of pcoply St ly-at-lioinesmay Bather moss , but they never sc.U ' > ! benefits. It is of un emigrant that I vvUh to tulk toou toiilKht , Indeed , this Abraluun , who forms the subject of the tlratlwlfof our study to- nlKht , hud an ancestor whoso name , "Kuor , " simply means "Tho Immigrant. " Ho It Is vvno went down Into Chaldou nbout tdx ( , 'c ° i'- ntlona before Abraham and did a KK'at of 1'ood to the orlKlmd bottlers of that local ity. Ho taugbt tbcm useful nits anil In- dustrlc , nml nftcr him the aborigines called all his ilcscendftnts "IJbciV 'vvlileh word was afterwards corrupted Into He-brows , n title with \vhleh-vv curd not entirely unfamiliar nt tlio present ihy. So the Hebrews wcro orig inally only "The Iniinlur.uits , " ntid In the his tory of Hint remarkable people wo vo what went blessings n roving nation may confer upon tlio woud. Now IH the whole prndlrnl value of my Icrluro will reside In the thought thnt wo mo all , In nn Important sense , emigrant I would bolter announce my text at oneo. Yon will llml It In tlio cplstlo to tuullobicws ( tlio cuilirrnnt < 0 , the eleventh chanter and the fouiteenth VCHO : "Por they that say such tlilnga dMiui ) pliunlv that they seek u coun- tr ) ' On the luce of It this refers to rovers , but nt tlio occasion of the apostle's remark Mils that ho had Just been speaking of Abra ham wo will see Its hearing more clc.irly as \\o KO nloii in our study of bis i tint-net or. The llrst tiling thatstilkcs us In the life of Abraham Is that lie chose to leave his homo when ho was comparatively a young inim nnd no to the new westein woild. In this ho Is to boioinp.uvil to many of you who bear mo tonlcht. Ills home had luen In Ur nf the dilutees , the most sou them citj of the Mesopotamia ! ! district , and in many roMxvls the most important. The 1'erslmi gulf at tint time extended 1110 miles farther inland tlinn it docs now , and Ur was a seaport cltj , with all the nil vantages of such a posi tion. It was the Liverpool of tint carlv IIRO , nnd to Its wharves United the tidiest fnlnlcs and largest stoios of statilo good1 * thnt ancient t'hiddei could boast of Modern teseaieh 1ms shown to the woild many liitcrosllni ; de tails as to the life of the cltl/cns of Ur. They dwelt in brick bouses , many of them richly oumiuentedwlth nitlstlo designs. The ladles hail abundant .stoics ot linen , the old men sunned themselves In nim-cbiilrs. tlio young men woio felt huts , the JOUIIK Indies prided themselves on their einlnoldcrcd garments , nnd out on the lawtm there woiv sun dials which lovo.ilcd the ti'noof dny Ur had all the then modem improvements. Moreover , It was a roj al city. King Uruldi was on the tluone , and as he was a powerful and prince the work of public im- piovement went merrily onward In tbo o d.i.vs it was not neiessary to levy ta\cs when n itiiifi wanted to lay sewers or pave streets or build public buildings The lint thing was to go to war and capture a lot of slaves , the nc\t to appoint task-masters ovci them , nnd tbon they win call ready for operations. As Xiilni ) > lmune/7cr built the h.iiiKlnggnrdoiis iiiUiibvlmi , ntid Scpl built tlio pyramids out upon the sands , so did Uruldi creel many palaces and temples by means of the grinding toll , and heart's blood of tlio poor captive * taken in war. Ur was also a litcinry city. If it was the Liverpool and the London of nnclvnl limes , it was also the Violence. Tbero weiv public libraries , nnu galleries of ait , and schools of science. Astronomers g.i7ed at the still's , poets wrote epics i.iul h ) tints , orutorsextollcd the exploits of the IdiiR nnd the liberality of their pilrons , jewelers studied the taste of their fair customers amiviougbt designs which still astonish the woild , and nobles feasted on fat things mid made themselves drunk on palm wine The city was full of ' life niul It was fust life , too. It' was Just the place to strike the fancy of a joiing man. It was Just such a city as that Into which the joung prodigal plunged to waste his substance - stance lit riotous living. The wonderful thing is that Abraham should over desire to leave tills brilliant , fas cinating lifo. Ho seems to have been of a thoughtful , devout disposition ; nnd there aie indications that ho loved to loiiiinuno with his God. Whether ho MIVV visions , or ilieatnci ] dreams , or tieaiit voices , is of little consequence , 1 piofcr not to iiii.iKhie super natural things when they arc not clearly tic- scribed in.puiptuio Kiiough tor us that ho Icird the divine summons to leave the gay lifo of the city , to go out from the tomfoits of his f.itbei's bouse , to turn Ills hick upon ( ompanlons nnd fricmts , and betake himself to the solitudes where only God would bo his friend niul noition. Ho obeyed at onto Hard as it was todcsottn citv life , and you young men know bow haul tha > would be. vv lien on echo had tasted of Its lomfoiU and delights , ho delayed not n moment. And ho went to sta.v . Ho iliit not icscrvo the light to return when the llrst spasms of home-sioUnoss came upon him. And in addition to nil this I would have \o\i notice that bis choice wns ; i volun tary one. ( jed did not ioorc-0 him. Ho sim ply called ami Abraham wrapped his mantle about him , gathered together u little coin- pauj logo with him ititd went out "not know- in } ? whither. " He was the world's most princely emigrant , ho was the woild's high est example of a life of faith. There have been man j' followers of Abraham In his trusting walk with God , but none whoso career is moio inspiring than Gcoigo Mtillcr , the great German philosopher. A poor man himself bo determined to take care of God's poor. Ho builtorphanapes , asylums , refuges , hospitals , and ho never asked "a mini or woman for a cent ot money ! It all came SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL Bi-UFFS. W ANTED A tinner , at once , bhiignrt & Co , 11 Main st. WANTI3D A flrst-class drc34iiutkir and un aliiuntlcu gltl lit oneo. Apply to Miss Miuy ulea on , 14 ' .irl st. < JTAUlO\-roi s.ilo c'lH-ap : full blooded Noimuii ; II > K 2.107. ,1. .1. Kli > s. ileaf and iluiul ) Iiiitltutlou , Coiinull Itlu Us , FOH SATjR-Tlio stock and flxtnii'sof uvvi-ll t stalllsii'd | Kii > ci-ry stoic , 01 will soli stock and n. nt stora unil IlMines ; also tluro 4-jri'iir-old cells for sale Iinulr ] of T. L. fcinltlii.bon.71H iOiliii\e , Council Itluirs. POTTAWATTAMIH county fat ins for snlc : also tun and tucnly acio luu'ts urnuiul Council Hinds. Johnston X I'atlen , Kver- ctl Dloelc. WANTED Hy t o yoiuiK inun , situation. 11 IK.uo business pi ufi rri > d. lut ) will accept any other , wliolt silo 01 itdull Kurntsli nil * icfuiencrs rimilioil. Address 1' . 11. 8 , , W Muliist , Council lllutls. FOK Ul'NT-Ilnu-os and looms ; ono over store niMireiiurl lioiisc , nnd onu tniiilslicd luoinut J. U. Davidson's , Ui 1'lftb avi1. TJlOIt clituigu In hiislnoss will neil stock of 1. ' driiKS and llxtuios.all nuw und llrst cliss , at a discount , If sold vuthln ne\t liOduys. In- voleo about * . ' , .va Aildtoas S. , lieu olllee , Council Illuirs. FOHSALK Tlio Homo Kustaurant for sale on easy terms. Tlin must iiopuhir plnco hi the city. S.W. Scott. Off llio.ulw.iy. FOU S.VI.n or Ilunt-Oanlcn Innd. with houses , by J. K. Ktco , 10J M tin st , Oounoil Hinds. WllYjmy runt wnon you rin buy a honiuoii thusumo turnis , und In LMSO of your deatli family tlio homo clear on tbo following terms : A lioniu woith IIOJ ) : it } | 2 per inontli. A homo worth il/il ) nttls IICT inontli. Ahoinu worth ? ; , < ) ) ) uttil jicr inontli. A honiu worth f.1,011 uUW pur inontli. A homo worth { 1,01) ) utflS | , or month. Other prli'od homos on tlio s into turutn. Tim above monthlv piymunts Innlndo prliiclpil an < llntorost. Tor dill tut t Icnliirs c ill on or addrcsstho litdil AVolK C'o , OJ3 Ilro.idway. UouiiclllUiiirs , I t V Ciiiir/-.TustIioof | the 1'i'aco. Ollli-ooviir a , OllllllAincrleun i\im-ss , No. 4'1 Ilioiiiluiiy , Coiuu.ll Ulnlls , lonu. * Attoinoys at Kavv 1'i.utlco \fnilP H- mine 1lUllt tOllllb , „ tlio htaio .mil foduiul uiuils ItiMnts7 aiitlH bhbgait llono block , Council Hlulls , Iowa. 27 IAIN STIU5KT. OvorO II Jai'iiiiuui In A. < 'H'H Jnwolry Stroo CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Qluffs , PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,000 niiu.rTom A Miiin , r.o niiMson i : . L. Kliuuuri , I. , K. Hurt , .1 I ) Cdnmiidinii , Clinrlos I' , lliiiinun Tr.umifl luukliu linsl- nc'Hs. l.ur osl uipltil and nuiiilug ot uny 1)jnkIn huutlincftliirn lown. INTEREST ON TIMd DEPOSITS , to him through pt-ajcr. In the InU tlilrty v cars ho lias received miwardi of | 3WOW. ( You luiovv his history well , and when it few , vcni-s npo Imcainoto thli country , nnold mint vvltb llovvltiR balr as vvhlto as snow , all America did him honor. Ami whnt thc o men illil you may do. Mytcxtluvs iti "Tlioy that siiv sui-li thtinp , " or they that feel such things In their hearts , I. P. , tbo vvholo class Of caini'stbelievi'i-s. Hoes not this Imply that any A milt inny cnti r UiUelusi If lun-boosol Anil the rottof tliu text Is : "I'ltoy seek a coun- tiy. " Now. ihoro at-o thi-oo Mrw'k wonU uied In the lillilo to dcnoto "eouutiy " The one employed here li jiatrls , anil as joii Itnovv tills means "fatborland" or "hontolnnd. " mid so wo i-oino to tbo beautiful tl0iif'lit | that nil tlioso who nroiu'tuntoil liy Abiubiuu's siililt nro really cinlgranU finiitnit earthly fatlur- land toini hcMVculj AVunust give up nir and sin , and vvo must po out into the \vldo freedom or the life of faith , ami then heaven will truly bo onlv our leather's house , our bli'.ssi'il anil eternal Homeland And mm-Is the tlmo to bogiii The duke of Welliiiglon win ouoo spoaklnp to the voungmen nt I'aton , wlicro ho Ititil liltmclf been ustmltMit , ntullic snld tills "Watorloo was \vonnt Kiiton1" Ills meaninc Ister \ - fcetly clear.Vhnt lie was ns n stmli'iit hu wns as a limn I'lio biiblts of his young diis ' clung to him and followed him Into the om'n- eils c > f tlio tuition mid upon the buttliMldd , And oven \Vntorloo , bis ihlof nnd i-iownliig siii'oos , had hcon u'ally won while hn was tuilnltiKhe.iit and hraiunnd fiilth Intholinlls nf his Alma Muter Uct us not foigi't tlui lisson Lot us now it tlio dajsof mir \iiittt ) prepare for life's conlllcts ami lie.tveii's icpose. Hiileltlod on HIMVi < < ldiii ) ; Nlglil. Kr.iiMoon , Cain , Oct. fi Theio vuis a < on- sitlomil and inv.stcrious suletilo hoio this n.oriiiiip. Last iiltlit Loiilso I'.s-'liiij.'er , ajji'd twentj tvvo. mart led George \Veheilln at llio resilience of her uncle , C. Gioni'r. A IIIIKO putyof friends pusciit ami the biiiiu mid proem illil not retlio to tliwr house until nn early hour this inotn- liig. Airiveil there thu bildo icfused to allow her husbnnil to enter her room anil ho was eompclled tnrctutn to ( Ironui's room to ji.iss the remainder of the nielli. 1I went hi < 1 to his bouse about 0 o'cloek and was lion iiled to Ihul the bildoiload In bed She bud evl- dentlj taUon poison No letter wns left nnd the niattnr Is enveloped In wvMoiv It is ronjertiuvd bv * some , hovvovcr , thnt a fonnvr lover in I'oitlnnd , Ore , hnd inovul fiiNe , nnd that this was t'le renl cause. llio Southwestern DINVHI , Colo. , Oct. -fSpwutl Tcli'iJi.iiii to Tin : BM : 1 Andievv S I lushes , for in my jc.ii-s tranie manager of the Duttur . * c liio Gnuido road , has heon offered the i-oiimiis slonoisliip of the Sonthwestein Ualvaund ) Steatiisbip association , with n saluij of } U.- 000 a ) car. Vlio teleirram usltlng him to t.iko the position c.tnio jointly from Gould nnd Huntington and was tcielveil on Sttmili ) . of Mr. ' Intention Nothing is jet known Hughes' tion in the matter. Ho IMS been so long with the Klo Or.mde , is so liigblv regarded in Don ver and all Colorado nnd has null liiiftn Intercbts heio that even this tciuptiiir ( otter will eansu him to hesitate befoio aeceptlni ; It. A Cunning Cubby. [ Cni'lli ' tiilit IKW liu .Aiinr ( < fiimlan Ilnuirtt 1 LOMIOV , Oct. . " > . [ Now York Ilu.ild Cublo Special to Tin HIT ] London nib- hies aio so often vietiwUed tiiipilnripled fares that they come , by long expeiicnVo , to bo expert physicomioinists. The other dav one of these illsr-iimiiiating jelms soircd upon a passenger as a suspicious chnr.ii.ter , mid having nnido the gentleman a piisoner by shutting down the window , dinvohim olV to the police station , vvheio he turned out to bo avctei.m convict buiglar iiamud Willimi Jones. His hansom reived for the Hist lima ns a thlci : tiap. i llorcnvoinont. | Coi/i | ; la'il tMJ tin Jam'i ( lot Ann Ihiwtt 1 L.OMION" , Oct. 5. [ New York Herald Cnblo-Spedal to Tun Hii.l-EiiBtiio : : rield of Chicago has lost his oldest boy , n bid of great piomiso. Ho was tvvelvo years olel null had been nt sehool at Hanover moio thann , jcar. He died on Triclay of neuto peritonitis , the sciiuel to a eold cuuuht in London thrco vv eclM ago on u visit to Ids patents. Spain AVnntH Kcoiproeity. Mviitii > , Oct. fi. A rumor is eurient that the Spanish goveinmentintends to enter into negotiations with the United States for reciprocity concessions touching Cuban and Anicilcnn inoducts. DRIVING PARK. Fall Meeting , October 1 to 10 , 1890 S4.0OO IN PURBliS. PROGnAMME : MoxnAV , ouroiinit ? . 8:23Tluttllu : I'l'll'.o . . . . . ' BOO take 1W J-year-oUlTiottln < TUKsDAV , OOTOHIIll a B-SOTiiittlln-l'illsu .TO 'Ji''U Trnl tin , ' I'uiso 4tf * J-year-olil Tiot tliu talnUo . . . . 60 \ViiNI > lAY , UOTUIinil'l. 2 : : TmttliiK-I'nr-.o 4m.W .W ) Yuuillng Tinttliu It.ico-StuKo . . W .TIIcJHsDAK , 10. 2-n : Trottln. I'uiso . n rreo-l'oi-AII I'uclnu I'liiso . rrf ' ' ' . 101 l'ree-1'or-AII , Sliilllon-l'urso National TiottlnK assii-l.itlon rules tci fov- orn. I'atilcsolo-.iiOi'lOlii't 4. ht.iUoi.u'ti ( reu. Mlloti . J. W. rillir.HOY , I'liHld.-nt , Coiuic'll Itlull-i , lowu Address all commuiilcitliins to A. II ( JIIJIIs. Socmtary , 'Jl. i-outli Nth St. . Oni.iha. Nil ) . J. D KlViUMu > . 1'rcs. K Ik SIII'OAIIT V leu l'r fc It IlAS.NA.N , < 1nnlllCr. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGEXTS WANTED , 1)11. ) C. IU UDD. GOO Broadway , Oounoil niufTa , la 0 F FIC ttR & P U S 1 Y , BANKERS. C'oruoi Main nnd COUNCIU BLUFFS , IOWA. I > ( Mm sin fnroUn und iliiiuustln nxfliiin o CIH | | lions inudu uud lutarcsl imld on llnio ATTEND Strlcllr to liuillKMi' U u miloiulKI innlln Tholi'K'i- ' ' csc BUI ! In i-vcrr llnunlhiiiiiiinunc'rvy u ri'iidiml liylilm wliulKiliU lo mime u loiitt'l Hiorlalty WESTERN I'ooplo nro proKroiilvn , full ( if enerjj nnd nwii iniiklnit hchouioa They need | 'oclul ' Iritln u ; lor llUHllll'13 IOWA Lonili In ropnlnr ftdiKntlnn. llnr | ) ibllo rliuu nm ( lulnuKrnml work for hur ncre.i lcu nilllluo VVuilorn low i. COLLEGE , Coimiipiiroi full term Huiit lit "I" ' inlorti tlio nnlly pruclkiil fur liwr xtn Inili Nininil lluil- Iiinn hliurthiii I nil I I'oiiiui ithliiu inei "I'll ur- xmilrol iiinl uircfully cnnduutol Htmlonli ninr fiilornt iinjr tlinu VVrlto for Inrllior imrllu.ilurj 10 VV t * I'jiuUoii Council Bluffs , Iowa" _ F. M. ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS And Buildlns Riiporlutendonts. Itdomstmiiiid U ! llcii IliillilliaOinuli.i.Nul ) . , and Itooinj2il and 4(1 ( Murrliini IIUiulc , CouuuU Ululfb , lu Comaponduiiuukollullul.