Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1890, Part Three, Page 18, Image 18

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JnaqutnMllcr In Frank Isxllc'i
And linjinlil thdr cnmoaftrrnt win dfrom
She wllrternMi nnd sinototliu four corners o
tfmtlioiiso. " .lot ) .
The hurly Wind walked forth to find
Some pleasant play , some place to sing ,
To ripe , to play , tolnni hlnp bind
The corn In gold for harvesting ,
Jlo heard n mnldcn sing ! ho laughed and
U'liovhllc bo wrought till oil the corn-Holds
And then ho , iauglilnc : . ttimcil nbout
To RCP ! ( the woods whcro Iio hail plnycd
Forconn past. But lot n shout
nnrat fiom his lip ? . Ho , slirlcWntr , mid
Ills f two luitids forth , like Sntnson , when ho
died ,
, And constcrnntlon was ; nnd Death his brluo.
Thn liomolcss Wind I The "Wind unhoused I
This Wind that brought us com and wine ,
The Wluil was ns nllon rou cil !
'TwnHSnm ' on nnd thol'liilUtlncs. . . ,
flo hulld iiKnln. But when ye hullil , I prav
Jlulld yo n Louse whcrclu the Wind can play.
Olvo mo the Wind , the glorioui Wind ,
The \ vlduwlngcilvotidrou3 Winds of
Tlmt RO or stay , or loose or bind ,
Or wnlk the seas , or rend the sod :
Dut giro the Wind that gives us wine and
{ Someplace to bldo wherein his strength was
Mai It Miner inJMrolt I'rce 1'rtn.
The bravest nro the tenOcrcat ,
Tlie loving are the daring.
[ Buyard Taylor.
"If anybody thinks it's nn easy ] ob to
climb Uioeo 'airy hights' lut him try it , "
pid Ernest Kennn , the older of two
tired huntsmen who vrcro toiling up a
mountain In Western Carolina , that
Bwitzorhtml of America. The speaker
looked anxiously at his companion , a
tall , slender youth , whoso dilllcult
bi'oatliiii } , ' and unusual pallor Indicated
nioro tlmn incro futiguo.
"You should have lot mo carry that
rifle for you , as I wished Herbert , "
wild he.
Not a hit of it , " replied the youth as
Iio leaned against a forest trco nnd closed
his eyes a moment In evident exhaus
\Vhllo crossing a narrow rnvlno on a
fallen ti'co u few days hcfoi-o the loosened
bark had broken nnd slipped oft , causing
him to fall. The distance was not , great ,
perhaps twelve or ilflccn foot , but ho fell
dpon a broken , splintered bturap , from
which the trunk had been wrenched In
ti wind storm , and In some way bruised
hla lunys , from which a slight hom-
DiThiigu had followed. It was twilight ,
nnd they were Bomo miles from camp
nnd anxious tollnd shelter for the night.
"I wonder If that barefoot boy , 'with
lurncd-up pantaloons and merry whis
tled tunes'was fooling us when ho said
we'd find comfortable quarters up here ;
Booms to mo tlicsosoliludcshavcn't boon
Invaded since the nrk'strnndcd on Ara
rat. "
"I'll answer for him , " aid Herbert ;
"thoso clear eyes under that torn hat
brim's jaunty grace wore as honest as
punshino. The house is not fur olT , unless
wo have missed the way. "
Iiia few moments more they came
upon a man sitting upon u log- , his arms
crossed on the top of a gnarled walking
Btlck , his head bowed upon them. Bo-
eido him lay a beautiful grayhound , nn
unusual bight in that wild region. The
creature's bright eyes were fixed on the
huntsmen , but ho made no sound till
'they ' were within a few stops , then a
quick , short baric caused his roaster to
raise Ills head and respond to the greot-
infr of the strangers. When they asked
of ho could direct them ho replied in a
voice singularly sweet and musical , giv
ing eomo brief directions , and assuring
them of a welcome , then called to his
( log "Max , " and speaking gravely but
gently to him , sent him on ahead as a
"Did you observe that man specially ? ' "
naked Herbert when they had walked
eomo distance In sllcnco.
"I did , and a more remarkable face
I'votnovcr boon. lie presents an odd
mix lira of youth and ago , of gentleness
and dignity , of strength and decrepitude.
That , man lias lived through a soul-trag
edy nnd has n history , nn uncommon ono ,
or I am greatly mistaken. Ho must
have possessed oiico great personal
beauty , with unusual strength of
character and of muscle. A Ilercules
bhorn of his might. "
* 'I was surprised to see a dainty gray-
hound at homo in these wilds , where ono
finds , as a rule , only the ugliest of curs ,
but still more surprised when the man
looked up and spoke as ho did. 1 would
like to have known him In his youth ;
but , in fact ; ho must ba still young in
Bplto of that bowed figure. I feel that I
can never can forgot him , " said the son-
uitivo Herbert.
Their guide hnd suddenly disappeared
hut Httlo further on a turn brings them
out on n beautiful natural lawn where
Ktood a elmplo but roomy and tasteful
house. On the long , low porch were
two children bestowing delighted car
esses on Max , forgetful of the lapfuls of
yellow jasmine bells they were dropping
on the lloor.
A delicious supper nnd tempting bed
failed to restore Herbert Grey , and the
morning found him unultlo to proceed
without great risk , so It was ngreed that
ho should remain a day or two with
tholr kind hostess , Mrs. Kmrlek , while
Mr. Kenan returned to the camp to join
the rest of the party on a door hunt.
The youth chafed at this enforced Inact
ion and found the llrst day iv lone ono.
In the evening ho sat on the porch talk-
in gin subdued tones with Mrs. Emriek ,
who was ) soothing to sloop an ailing
"Y.ou have chosen a wondrously beau
tiful spot for your homo , " said ho , "in
euch a place as this one could almost for
got the lower world and it's euros. "
"It was a fancy of Jim's , my husband's
lirothor ho who sent the dog with you
hero ; ho chose the place , and Insisted on
n large house , bearing nearly nil the ox-
jionso. Ho loved this wild scenery , nnd
these Hashing waterfalls , nnd used to say
Iio would bring his pretty wife buck up
here out of the dust of tnu town In sum
mer. "
' Ills wife ! Was ho married ? " asked
Herbert , roused from his listless attitude
nnd anxious to hear something of the
man who hnd so strangely and &o deeply
interested him.
"No , " .replied . sho. "I will toll you
the story , if you like , it is not long ; Just
lot mo put this baby down : porhnns she
will sloop a little while. "
"God never mndo n. finer man than
Jim Emriek , " said she , as she stood
loaning , her head back against a post
that upheld the roof of the porch ; the
long sprays of the fragrant yellow old-
fashioned jasmine falling against her
ftmootU hnfr. her eyes lixod upon the
ncciio before nor , valleys nnd mountains
ptrotohlng away into Illimitable dis
tance , a scene wiioso sublimity no words
4ould convoy.
Tlio man she dcscribod was cast In na
ture's fluent mold. 'Good nnd bravo ,
fitrong and pure ; to know him was to him. The faith which llttlo ohll-
dron.plnccd'in him was not more com-
iiloto than that felt hy men. Ho was a lo-
L'omotive onglieorand ) n better ono never
todd ( u u cub. Were than ouco that
clear head and fearless spirit had inter
vened between men nnd death. It has
boon truly called the silliest article
In our social creed that a man Is not u
gentleman who worka with hU hands.
"Do who would bo a hotter gentleman
tlmn the carpenter of Nmaroth is not
worthy of him. " Emrlolc well deserved
the trust ho had won and the love of the
beautiful woman ho adored.
Tcannlo Cnmoron vrns Jlrs. Kmrlck'a
hall sinter ; her mother , n Virginian of
mind and education , had done a noble
part by her stop-daughter , who , in re
turn , had taken to her heart the little
stop sisjor nnd cherished her tenderly ,
teaching her with care nnd throwing
around her motherless youth tlio shelter
of n perfect love , .lim had always said
tlmt somowbero a sweet young1 wife
awaited him , ami when ho cnino homo
after n long absence and 'found his
brother Will married and Jcnnnlo there ,
ho said : "This Is she , " but no woi'd 01
love spoke he for years.
"With the girl thu feeling was a
growth. For a long1 time hoas to her
only a tall , handsome man , whoso hazel
eyes , sometimes capable of Intense lire ,
like sudden lightning , smiled down upon
her , while the soft brown mustache
failed to hide the joy nnd mischief piny-
Ing about his mouth. The dnvs when
ho was oft duty and came up hero to
roam ever the mountains , the woo Nora
perched upon his shoulder , Jeannio and
the other children running Hko deer
over hills and valleys , were days brim
full of delight to them nil. For the
great hurrying world far below them
they llttlo cared.
The llttlo Donald and Lenetto were
wading ono day , In a stream , and leap
ing from stone tsstono across its llutcd
swirls while Jeannio stood on ablulTnl > eve
them singing a wild , joyous song and
watching the motions of the birds that
seemed beside themselves as they darted
hero nnd there among the brunches ,
pouring sudden bursts of rival melody
from , their quivering throats. It was 110
wonder that the songsters of the woods
were in u flutter of delight , fortho girl's '
voice in its brilliancy was such as Is
rarely heard. Emriek had studiously
cultivated his own rich volco in order to
teach .Icaniilo to develop her wonderful
gift. Today bright spots burned on her
cheeks ana heavy drops hung on her
InsheSf culled forth by some Inexplica
ble emotion. She started , but did not
pause , when she found Jim with little
Nora on his shoulder close beside her ,
Iio did not now join Ills rich , .ir.ollow
tones with her lighter treble , but stood
silent till she ceased , whoa ho said
soltlv :
"You or the birds , have Eimg away
my heart ; " then , after a moment , ho
added : "If this Is not my wife then the
world holds nothing for inc. "
She stood alone in thought , then
turned slowly and laid her check upon
the strong hand that clasped the child ,
and the bright drops fell irom the dark
Thus upon , the flower nnd "harvest
crown of happiness" ns upon the bridal
wreath there hangs a dow drop , or a
tear. There was no word till she called
the childrgn and turned homeward , aa
"The sunset glory iu the hills grow pale. "
The spirit of ; evil ever watches near
the happiest spots on earth , and it was
not long ere his black wing bwopt over
tills sun-loved place ; trailing Us shadow
across the blue heavens. Mrs. Emriek
saw with regret that Mr. Lacy scorned
to bo acquiring : a sort of influence with
Jeannio ; the girl was in the mist. With
intuitive perception the older sister read
this man , but she know Jeanhio's heart
better tlmn Jeanulo herself did , and for
bore to speak , trusting to love to bring
her back to a clearer atmosphere.
The idyllic summer was passing , Mr.
Lacy came often and sat on the lawn
with Jeannio , who laughed at his witti
cisms and rend thu novels ho brought
her , but would never sing for him
though ho tried every art of porsimsion.
The smiles came rarely into Jim's eyes
now , and the soft moustache concealed
no mirth 011 the evening when ho
climbed up the mountain , not bounding
like a chamois , us of old , hid heart burn
ing at the thought of some boastful
words of Lucy's ; words for which ho
would have strangled him but for the
soil , restraining touch of the good angel
on his arm. To such souls as
Jim Emrick's the
angel mes
senger keeps close. Ho found
Jeannio under u trco , whoso low , spread
ing branches screened her bare hond
from the sun. Her soft , simple white
dress revealed the grace of her form ,
and throw In to relief the long , trailing
vine with its da 'k green loaves , which
the children , who worshipped her , had
wound around- her waist. She rose with
a Hush when Emrick took up the book
that lay on her lap , glanced ever its
pages nnd dropped it on the ground.
With an eloquence born of n deathless
love ho urged her to see Lacy no moro.
Iio know the man to bo unworthy of her
llghtcbt regard , yet ho did not dwell
upon this ; ho might have told her that
which would have shocked the delicate
libers of her nature , but ho simply ap
pealed to her without bringing charges
against the other.
"It Is not for myself I plead , " ho cried
at last , when she opnosod only a
hnughtj' silence to his burning words.
" 1 entreat you to believe it is of you I
think. I am your lover no more , if you
will have it so , but your protector , your
friend , your watchful guardian. I must
always bo While wo both do live. Noth
ing but sorrow nnd suffering could eomo
to you as the wife of that man. I would
rnthor sco you dead. " '
Tils face was white , his voice sharp
with pain , but without raising her eyes
from the ground aho turned to
leave him. Ho started forward to
detain her , but with a gesture ,
she turned suddenly , nnd , with averted
glance for she could not have looked
into his eyes and said It she cried : "I
hnto you.1
Ho stood like ono stunned , then stag-
pored forward nnd sank upon the ground
burying his fnco In the folds of her
dress. A moment she bent over him ,
her hands hovering nbovo his head , her
bosom panting , her red lips forming the
word "Jamie. " If ho had seen her face
with Its halo of lovot So near , fao near
nro two Infinities , joy and pain. 1'ho
glow faded , and with firm hands nho
draw her dress from his grasp and lied
up the mountain. Far out of sight and
hearing Bho throw herself down upon the
grass In a wild burst of weeping.
There in the dewy dark her grey
hound found her , and jumping upon hof
In his delight , tried to lick her tear-wot
face. Sitting up , she put her arms
around him. "Max never doubts his
friends. Max trusts mo always ! "
He kept close to her sldo on the way
homo. The great , silent , listening
mountains lifted their heads about her ,
the stars uhono out in the purpling dusk ,
with high meanings In their mystic
tracery , voiceless robuklngsof her pride.
Thoughts born of the "heaven nnd the
earth and the fountains of water"
sprung up in her soul ; before them the
mist that had onViipted her lifted and
rolled away. Standing 'alone on that
high-sloping mountain-side , her face
uplifted , her hand on the dog , there
came to < her a baptism of humility imd
Autumn hud eomo. The air was In
toxicating.Tho follngo , ripened by the
light nnd heaK was glowing with color
nnd splendor , VRlght royally had that
'old artist king\ho sun , ' done hla work.
The pleasure sofekors had departed ,
leaving the grand old mountains to the
Ftollludo they scorned to lovo. But n
Inugh , gleeful nml sweet , ripjilcd ever
the bottom of the sllcnco nml n bright ,
childish figure catno rolling ever nnd
over down tlio long- grassy slope that
swept Hko n smooth green rlvor down
the steep hillside.
Reaching the bottom , n tnnglo of blue
mid white skirts , yellow linlr nml leaves ,
elio picked herself up nndehaklntr herself -
self into order when ho was joined by
her more sober compani&nand together
they strolled on.
"It ha joy to bo nllva on such a day as
tlila , " said the Impulsive child , a lovely ,
falry-llko creature of thirteen years ;
"but I am tired of laughing ; sit here
nnd sing for me , Mies Cnmoron. If I
over , ever hnvo to Icavo this beautiful
world I want yon to slugto mo the very
last thing. Will you do It ? "
"I certainly- will If I can Amelia , "
said Jeannio. brushing the leaves
from the child's bright hair. "What
shall I sing ? "
' "Tho Lando' the Leal , ' " replied
she promptly. "It makes tno cry , but I
like to bo Bad sometimes. I
bellovo you used to sing that
for somebody you loved very , very
much. Did you over love anybody very ,
very much , Miss Cameron ? "
"ye ? , " said Jeannio , Boftly ; and she
sang , the brook at her foot and the distant
waterfall giving a tender undertone !
"I now must hid udicu
To all below and you ,
And visit worlds anew
In the Hand u'tho Leal.
There's nno borrow there ,
There's neither caul nor care ,
The days aye fall-
In the Land o' the Leal ,
* * #
\Vo'll meet to part nae malr
In the Land o' ' the Leal. "
The child dropped her hand , sobbing
on Jcannlo's shoulder , bub presently ,
with quick change of mood , sprang up
and cried : "Let shave a run across the
long trestle and back and then we'll go
homo to mamma , " and she danced away
like a puff of down. The whole earth
was to her an open , unlimited festival of
love , nnd Hfo thomuslu'of nn aiollan
harp through which the breath of love
was breathed ; a creature rather for the
spring and bloom of the Ideal than the
melancholy autumn of the real. Into hot'
bright homo Jeannio had eomo as her
teacher soon after that lonely watch on
the mountain. They had reached the
further end of the trestloand were stand
ing there watching ; the sun at the head
of the govgo as ho sank rapidly into his
grave between hcnped-upsodaof crimson
and gold ; and wild and swcot was the
darkening wind blowing-down the gorge.
But the nir vibrated with another sound ,
the ominous rumble of a train close upon
them. Jeannio would have jumped off
down the embankment , and called to
Amelia to do so , but the terrified child
had turned and was llcolng back across
the long stretch of trestle above the
ravine. Jeannio followed her , and so
lleot were they that they would have got
ten ever but that the child turned her
head to look back , tripped and foil.
.Toannio had passed hor. but came back
and with heroic efforts tried tosavolior ,
In valnl The hot breath of the fiery
monster was on her chock ! She rose and
stood uprightlooked into the pallid face
of the engineer , then Hung out her arms
with the joyful cry : " .Toanniel" as If ho
could not hurt her. Ono instant , looking
into each other's ' eyes , they stood soul to
boul ; then the love-lit face wont down be
neath the cruel wheels , whilonwail that
soomo'd to spend his lifo went up from
that man's heart. Watchful always , ho
had scon the Hying1 figures us ho made u
sharp turnaround a bond neartha trestle
and had done all that could bo done , but
In vain.
Tbo child's attempt to rccros's the trcs-
tlo was a fatal mistake. She was thrown
to the rocks below -md expired n few
hours nfter in lier mother's arms , having
told her the story of her last walk with
her sweet friend and of their last song.
With a face Hko death , but a
hand strong and steady , Emriek ,
when all was over , took the train
on to the end of his run ; but who
shall toll of the agony of these terrible
mlles , when each revolution of the
giant wheels seemed to Ills quivering
nerves to crush again through that form
that was the ilo\vor \ of the earth to him.
His journey ended nud his duty done , ho
turned to stop down from his place , but
reeled and fell upon the ground like ono
dead. O , thatawakoningl Strongmen
wept ; they coula have wished ho had
died In tlmt hour of > unconsciousness.
Ho was a wreck in body the shock had
shattered his nerves. The doctors said
little , but muttering something about
railroad spine , ordered him to bo taken
up to his mountain homo , far from sight
andnoisoof the engines , whoso sounds
were now torrlblo to him. The seasons
passed. Broken and bowed and aged ,
Iio wandered alone amid the places
where memory lent Its hue to every leaf
and lineament. Long nights ho lay In
the dow-ivot grass bcsldo that lonely
grave far up the mountain.
When , a few weeks after tholr first
visit , Herbert nnd Mr. Kenan , about to
return homo , wont to say good-by to
their kind friend , Mrs. Emriek , there
were two graves beneath the whispering
trees , watched ever by the solemn ,
listening mountains.
They had mot
To part nao mair
In the Land o' the Leal.
Dr. Birnoy , nose and throat , Bee bldg
Apprentices In tlio Klizaliethnn
If the young man's talent lay In the direct
ion of comedy , Kemp might address him after
this manner : "Motulalcs you should bolonjj
to my tuition , and your face , methtulw , would
bo good fora foolish Mayor or a foolUU Jus-
tlco of Peace , " says the National Jteviow.
Not seldom the efforts of novicoj to copy na
ture excited the derision of exports. Kemp ,
n character in n play , ' -Tho Hoturno from
Permissus , " published in 1001 , says to I3ur-
b.xgo ; "It Is a L'oocl snort In a part to sco
thuin novcr spoilt but ut the end of the staso
Justin thnn fill in walking with a fellow , wo
should f never apeak but at a style , a pate , or a
ditch , whcro a innn can go no further. " He-
sides possessing a good memory , on actor
needed to have "a quick study. " . It is not
generally known that the expression "to sleep
on a part , " still in use among ac
tors , was current in Bhakcs-
pearo's day ; but wo mid la on
old play of an uclor whoso memory has failed
him wiillo acting his part , quickly transfer
ring the responsibility to the slugo keeper.
"It Is nil alons of you , I could not get my
part a nlgut or two before to sleep \ipon it.1
The prompter , or "booltholder1 as he was
more often called , was not an unnecessary
person on a "now any , ' * the llrst performance
of a new play. Ho would have received
many a warning , "to hold tlio hook well , that
wo be not nonplus In the latter oml of the
play. " And Ben Johnson has given nn amus
ing description of an additional description
on tno part of the author that was not of the
actor's seeking , "to have hU presence in the
tiring house , to prompt us aloud , stamp at
the Oooltlioldor , swear for our properties ,
curse the poor tireumn , roll the muslo out
of tune , and sweat for every venal
trespass wo commit. " The members of a
theatrical company being limited In number ,
It was often necessary for the Iniporsoiuitow
of Wiijs ( and heroes to represent very In
ferior characters in the sumo play , a clrcuui-
stunro to the advantage of the UrainutUt , who
could thus obtain capable exponent * ) for tba
parts of messengers uud attendants , and was
able , therefore , to "write up" tbu'aa parts
without fear of the author's lines being man
gled by incompetence , or made ridiculous by
false pretension. Actors who doubled their
parts were the double clouk , a cloalc that
might bo worn on cither side. A tuniod
cloak , with a fatso board nnd a black or yel
low peruke , supplied a ready and effectual
Dr Birnoy cures catarrh , Doe bldg ,
Tottering RclloofWrotcho < kes8 and Tilth
Bought by Undo Sam ,
Tlio Disgraceful Practices niut tlio
Lines of Business of TlioHo Who
Occupy the Future
"Itow long will tlio government suffer
these to rcmnlnl"
C/flio question is asked by nearly every ono
who views the uuslUhtly shells on tbe ROV-
crnmont block , whichwas [ purchased about a
year ago as nslto for tlio newpostofllce , and
tboBiimo qucsttoiij with scnilet-tlntcc nnd
sulphui-ous variations , is dolly propounded
by the occupants ot , the surrouudhiR iiroi-
orty when tbo wind huppcns to blow In their
It is not surprising that this is so. The
varlegntcd nnd cxagporatcd odors that cma-
nntc from the tnniblo-down rookeries oil
block 80 batllo description , and it Is no won
der Hint sensitive olfactories tire constantly
offended by the noxious fumes and gases tlmt
re to bocncouataroJ at alinoit anytlimln
that neighborhood.
Numerous dcmnnds have been made upon
tlio board of health , sanitary conunlislonoi.-
nnd the health oIllcoM , but no relief 1ms
been forthcoming , for the reason that tlio
site is government property , and the local
authorities liavo no jurisdiction over it.
Collector Alexander , as the government
custodian of the propcily , cniiKlvobutllttlo
information about tlio situation other than
that it Is proposed to ultimately remove the
pn.sent buildings and erect n federal struc
ture in their place. Even if matters are ex
pedited ns much as nmy reasonably bo hoped
f or it Avlll boa year before tlio work oC tear
ing down will bejjln.
"And is this stench to continue for
another twelve-month 1" is the despairing
public wnil.
It certainly loolis so , unless the authorities
nt Washington will take pity on lonp-suiror-
inR humanity in the vicinity of Sixteenth
and Dodge streets and order tbo nuisance
abated. Tliey evidently tulto llttlo pride in
the appeal-mice of the x > lace as long ns it con
tinues to bring in Its monthly rental as at
present of about S.IOO , nnd the only relief ap
pears to bo in tbo ( .banco of convoying a little
of that condensed malaria into the teriltory
contiguous to the oflleial organs of smell.
An external survey of the property gives
a very Incomplete and inadequate conception
of what is to bo found within.
The Planters' bouse , located on the corner
of Sixteenth nnd Dodge , is a sad relic of for
mer years. It might have been quite a
structure in its prime , and its third story
might have been regarded as something of. a
sky-scraper thirty yeais ago , In what was
then n frontier town , but "things hov changed
since Hanm-r died , " and the olil Planters is
now monumental only ns an eyesore to the
present generation.
If its apparanco was the -worst thing
against it , It would probably bo tolerated
without exciting more than an occasional
murmur of remonstrance. Its painfully ill-
proportioned outlines could bo forgiven ; its
staring windows , lenity roof , creaking stairways -
ways , little tucked-up rooms mid narrow ,
dark and tortuous corridors might perhaps
bo forgotten ; those aisllgurliiK pock-marks ,
which hear silent testimony to the power of
the tempest over paint , niiplit be noted with
out a groan. AllIlicso would bo 113 nothing ;
but when It comes to that vociferous and
multitudinous stench 0 !
That particular smell is possessed of an up
ward and omvurd tendency , its onward char
acteristic being especially apparent , and that
is what causes trouble. It Is penetrating ,
and persistent , and like the industrious
gets tliero every time. Its origin and right
there is something scarcely lojs than ronmric-
able ita orlgiti Is In a BxlU brick addition to
the hotel proper. It goos'without sayingthat
this little room generates more offensive ef
fluvia tn the square inch than any other nasal
irritator in Onmha' , allowing the distlllei los ,
smelting works and Oones nnd Davenport
street dumps to bo'tlrrown ' in n bunch.
Despite lul this , thjo wife of the lessee wus
highly indignant wlvcn the rcpoiter asked
whether none of the boarders objected to it.
She llrst disabused his mind ot the
jdeu that there were any boarders
there. They wore" "roomers , " and they
were nil "nice , respectable people. " They
wouldn't hnvo anybody hut respectable people
ple there , nml "there are a couple of disrep
utable women serving out their fines In jail
now because they .rented rooms hero nnd
tiled to carry 011 their business right under
our noses. SecJ They caino Saturday nud I
had 'cm arrested Monday aftornoou. ScoJ"
The woman was certain that the reporter
wanted to got a lease of the property nnd
took pains to tell him that there wasn't a
man on earth that could get her lease away
from her. Mr. .Alexander had told her that
she could have the propeity just as long ns
she wanted it , so far as he wan concerned ,
and that nobody clso stood any chance at all.
She vouchsafed the information that she
was paving Si" a month for the property , but
confidentially Informed the reporter that ho
couldn't rent it for leus than f > 5 a month , and
she knew it , because Mr. Alexander told her
that there couldn't anybody else have it at
the figure she wus paying.
The nrospoet was not good for securing a
favorable lease , and the reporter was ponder
ing ever the situation , when the woman
offered to sell her loose , for $75. She said the
lease held good until the building was pulled
"It's only a verbal lease , " she declared ,
"jut then that's as good a ono as I coula got ,
because you can't get written leases of the
government , but I baa witnesses , and the
lease will hold till doomsday , If the house
stands that long.
"That water closet has given mo some
trouble , because I cuu't ' stand it to carry up
water , nnd the house don't ' pay enough to
hire n man to do It. Thcro nro only ilfty-six
In the house counting everybody , nnd the
place pays about ? ! H ) n month. I carried up
water for n while and Kept It them in a bar
rel , but the roomers got to stealing it to wash
with , so that I had to give It up. I couldn't '
begin to keep enough thero. Wo used to
dump some of it into the bowls when they
got stuffed up , and bomotimoa folks weren't '
very careful and would run them ovor. That
would mulio the floor wet and It would run
down In to the room below. They needn't kick
about the smell. It all conies from that little
pllo of garbage that n man is paid to cart away
everyday. Them ain't any big smell hero. "
Just at that moment a llttlo rcpliyr hap
pened to zcph from the direction of tno llttlo
brick excrescence. 0 , no , there are no big
smells there , and It is well there nro none , for
if they were as strong in proportion ni the
llttlo on they woul.1 pall all the neighbor
ing tel o nODloi out of the ground.
All this happens because somebody ian't '
paid ? 18 a year nnd have the water turned on.
The government refuses to do It , because
when thu property -was vacated some enter
prising thief stole a lotof the pips and nearly
all the fixtures , The tenants refuse to do It
because they cnn't afford it.
Tno Hat has gone forth that the closet must
bo abandoned. Tno door is to bo nulled up ,
aid a lotof outhouses in the rear of the
building utllzed licredftor. As tlio lessor of
the two evils , the closet is entitled to careful
A llttlo cesspool in the yard tries hard to
keen Its end up , so to speak , and has proven
Itself a worthy rival of the aforesaid closet.
It will undoubtedly uttruutattontloa , itself In
the near future.
The other buildings on the Sixteenth street
sldo of tbo block are , fore tuo mast part , still
furnishing shelter of nmougra character to a
few occupants who sonn to expect to ba or
dered out on Khort notice. Next to the Plant'
or's liouso Is a story and u half frame tvuc
turo , the lower floor of which Is occupied on
ouuttldobya barber shop , and a rhoumatlo
tlgii on the other Hldfi proclaims to tbu pass.
lag throng that Sinjrl.i'a preside * over the
Now York laundrytvcllhln. The dilapidated
outer atulnvuy Imufallen [ prostrate from
sheer exhaustion , jmjl on ono sklo of the
building , twn loose- from Its rotten studding ,
leans comfortably .ajalnst tlio side of the
neighboring structure , wilting until the
friendly order KhalT omio for It to bo taken
In out of the wet , ' '
Neil door is a blacksmith shop , where
Donnls CunnluKhatn , , the Industrious smith ,
has to nut In somU9hpf bis time nulling his
suunty together that ho oun spare very llttlo
of It for any other work.
Adjoining la a livery stable annex , and be
yond it a fish market. Kcit comes a fruit
Rtnnd and after that n barber shop , All of
them ore llttlo 2x4 nptutmcnU , In which
the proprietor stand ) with his hnnd on the
door knob ready to make n jump for safety if
the shaking roof gives a louder creak tnau
usual ,
A news itand and laundry ofllco intervene
between tbo barber shop and shootluggiillcry ,
whcro every discharge of the llttlo -callbor
target rifle sots the quivering walls to shak
ing ominously.
Acnrocntor shop U the last evidence of
civilization on that tide of the block , as the
room on the corner is vacant , nnd its charred
andblaohcned walls toll gtlruly of the fire
that Was doubtless tntcnuod to swoop the
whole string ofllru traps from the face of the
earth , but failed so lamentably.
Such is the tout ensemble of ono side of
the government block , for einbcllshing which
congress has appropriated $ SOO,000 , nnd work
on which has licon delayed nnd whun it will
bo commenced no one may toll.
Dr. Blrnoy curca cutarrli , Boo blilg ,
Amlfmito I'lonso.
Street it Smith's Good News : House
keeper Hnvo you any red raspberries *
New Clerk N-o , mum , but wo have some
rather red blackberries.
Dr. Birnoy , nose nnd throat , Ceo bldp.
The flcurcO In our dates wlllmnkon lonj etny ,
No man or woinnn now living \vlll over dnto i
document without using the tHjuro 0. It utaruli
In the third place In 1800 , wh'ro It will remain tn
yean and then more up to kcooiid placa In 1COO ,
whcro it will rot for ono lumJrod years.
Thcro isnaotltcr"0" ldolihus alto conn to stay.
It Isunlikuthe AgiircOln otirdntcsln tlio reaped
that It hmalroady moved up to first plaoo , when
It will permanently remain. It U culled the "Ho.
0" High Am Wheeler A Wlkon Scwlnjj Machine.
The "No.O" vn endorsed for Drtt plncoby tta
ospcrts of Europe at tlio PatliEjcjiosltloaof im ,
where , aflcrn severe contest vlth the leiultnc mar
chinos of the world , It wa ] awarded the onlj
Grand Vrlze given to family sawing machines , all
others on exhibit having received lower awards
Of gold mcduis , oto. The French Go\crnrncnt
al o recognized superiority by thoducoratlonol
Mr. Nathaniel AVheclcr.Prps.Mcutof Ihu company ,
with the Cross of the Legion of Honor.
'fbo "No. 0" U not an old maclilno Improved
upon , but is an entirely new mnclilno , and the
Grand Prize at Paris was rmardcd Itas tlio grand *
cstodvaneoln MWIIIR machine mechanism of the
URO , Tboso wlio buy It can rest assured , th
Core , of Laving the very latest and beet.
\raEELT3R & WILSON Jl'P'Q ' CO. ,
185 nnd 187 V/abiwh Avo. , Chicago
R P.
220 North Sixteenth Street.
A. bull in a china-shop could
not create more stir than the
prices on Job-Printing now
being quoted by Chase &
Eddy , 113 S. 16th.
TIIK WOMAN'S DflUCIIKwII ! ol ) olutoly rc-raovo
nil Impurities ui wnll m nil forolKn Uopoilla Ljr tliu
flniplo moor Mnnii Tintor. Tlio lnrlt ! rnllnv notion
produced upon fie raucous mcmhrnno prevents
and cures nil these lunisalng ilisoue * to common
TO IMIKSKUVK pcrfoct healtli nn.l nlco com
plexion , nivili every nVlit Ijcfurj lotlrliijlo Hlccp.
ijiillc'.tT.'hi ) vnliiu licultli cannot alTonl to lie lti-
oiituni ) . flniiilo. iluralilo mid ooiirenlcnt inuler nil
clrcuiiMtnnct'H. Sent In any mMroM on rroulit | nf
price.i.W.V : rriuitoil us mlvnrtL-i'il. or money 10-
tiimlo.l. Dr. lbii lia llt. 1W.1 DoiiKlajSt. , Onnlia ,
Nell. Bold by all loiidlux tlrusntsts.
KitrL flno birds , slncrs
giiurantoed , J-l.Muuch.
Extra flno elii crs , $3 each
GootUtncurs , guaranteed ,
* 5.M ouoli.
'Younganil tame , II2.5O each.
417 S. 10th St.Omaha.
Arcs Lights and Motors.
fmall Kloolrlc 7l ht iilants for stores , fac
tories , liiitole. uto. , u sCBlulty. | ) Oorrcbiioiiil-
< MIO < > Hullclto.11.11. ! . HUMlMIRF.Y.Ooiitmct-
Ini ; ii'id Coiifciiltlns niifliiuor , ID1IX. . V , l.lfc
i' , Oniiiliti.Noli.
Bpeetfle for ? lTitHiDl3zInMSFti ! , I " * urOrlaWjLk v
Ma as , Mtnttl l > prMiionboMenlnif of thv lir&la , ro *
„ _ . . . . . . fcif ilx Ioxu ) . wiik nl pui. . - ,
uaraLt a Io ufunj moniy If tb tr lui > nt filla to
tain. Uua.raut 4ii > u < aaiu | | ; niunavM ( > ulTbr
1110 Farnuu Street , - Omaha. Neb ,
The Popular Jewelers ,
Are rooolvlntt dally from the loadlnw miumfnoturors of tlila
country and Europe , till the LATEST NOVELTIES In FIND
DIAMONDS ana all other proaloin stonoa , mounted nnd
looso. GOLD , SILVER and UIOKEtj nil gradns ,
for ladles nnd gontlomon. HOWARD "WATOHE3 A 3PUO-
lAI/nr , but wo carry all other Ural-class mtilcoa Elsiu , Wnl-
thnm , Sprhisflold , Eo.
&OOD3nro WARRANTED. Space will not nllow uato QUOTE
PRICE ? , a our stock la too LARGE nud VA.HIED , but oomo
and BOO for yourso'vos. It will cost you nothing to LOOK.
Visitors nro nlwnya WELCOME , and should you WISH to buy ,
wo will nrnkolt im objoot for you to DEAL WITH U3. W
are Buowlncr HUNDREDS of nrtlolos oultnblo : for WEDDING-
and ether GIFTS , at prices ranging from 81 up to $1OOO , ,
All our cuBtom r3 O.TO TREATED ALIKE , whether tholr
purchases ba SMALL or GR EA.T.
SlxUeoiiLh and Faraam SLrooLa , Omaha. ! Nob.
Dr. Bailey is fast taking the lead. No injurious after effects follow
the use of this method. IX IS NOT COCA.INE , as hns been repre
sented by some people , but acts much better without the danger at
tending It. Hundreds have nlready been convinced of the truth ol
the above , and It only requires atrinl to convince all.
Gold and Silver Fillings at lowest prices. Crown and Bridge
Work of the most recent invention. AJ1 work guaranteed ns repre
sented. Remember the location ,
Dr. Dentist Paxfou Block
. Bailey , , - - - ,
Take Elevator at 16th Street Entrance.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
ScTontccn roars' oxprrlcncc , A rcirnlartrncliinto Inmcdlclnp , nidlplomai slum
Uio iircntoatBUccen nil | [ Nervous.Clironlonni _ | I'rlulp Ulicnnu A lu'rmruicnt , euro cumin ta .l ! far ( J.iUrrli
SlM'rmatorrliiT''t , Lost Mnnlmod , ScmlnnlVoiknoas , Nluhl LIOISO , Imimtoncjr , Hrulillls. Strlcluro , nnliil
( ll ca < 09 of the Bl0 ( ) < l , atln iml Urlnnrf Organ * . N. U. UiinYaiUua S.WJ for every cnu luailurtikj nnl f tl
to euro. Comul'jtlon froo. Jloolc ( Jlju'.orljs ofl.IIo ) aoat fron. OJIco lioura V.a. m. to 8 p. m.
10 a. m. to U m.
Have Removed to 1207 Douglus St. , Opposite MtllardHotol.
toveS Repairs for 1,500 Different Stoves , Ranges and Furnaces
\Vatcr Attaclirociit I'lttcd imd Coancctcd , Oasolluo and Gas Btovcs Repaired. Tcleplionc 03) )
If so call and examine our fine line of art aoods , comprising
Locks. Knobs , Escutcheons and Hinges , in all finishes and designs
14O8 Douglas St. . Omalia.
A magnificent display of everything useful nnd ornamental in the furuitur <
iniil/nv' ni't fit.
Throntc , Ncrroui. ninoil nnd Snr lcil Olipn ci nil
UlncasDt of tlio Kjv , Knr , No > , Thruit nnl Clu > t
Hpcclul Attention tn li unMOi ofVa
mm and Children.
The doctfiri Imro Iind ronri of ctpjrlenco In the
hooltala | ) of Brooilirn nt No * Vurk.oiil arannmn
Ihomuot successful unil wiajlj kr.own H | > eclnlUti | 3
lliotountrr ,
'Io Voting nml Miildlc-Acotl MOD.
Ixiit MnnbooU , Ncrvgui DobllltrSpurniatorrli'm ,
Bemlnal JXIKOI , 1'Myilcal Ilocnr , nrlilliK from ln < ll < -
cretlon , prwHinln ; looplo micii. < loipoiiUrnrr , pl >
plei on tin face , nrerilim li > loclot j , enill ; dl > nonr >
nKt'd , Inrkof ronHJuficc , dull , unlit fur uluitrur hull-
ness , anil ( I nit * llfo u tiurden , > nfvlr , | > enmnoiHlr
aatli | > ci > illl7 cured.
Illuoil nntl ft kin DiscnHri.
Sfplillli , n dlicato most Unaclltil In Ul rosulK ,
coniplotolf cracllcatocl.
< iniltii-Urlnury Surirnry ,
Oonorrln ) , OlMt , HrfhllH. ll/ilrocsln , Varlrorelo.
and Btrlcturo , rmUcallr mi'l "tail ciirtM > vl om
[ minor detention from liualnon. All Htinal lij-
formltlKs ind lai ( illtuont > to marrhgo auvcaofullr
' "
"jkH lleclil dl wmi BJfolr n"1' ' pBtmsnonllr our l-
IIwir > . n. in. HU 8 p. 'U Mimltiji , It ) till IS.
M. II. I' r muunnlilol. > vlilt u miy batroKtaltt
tbelriinroei by lorreiiujnrtenco. .Mf'llctmi ' BQillQ-
striictliiiuiiiiit tjoxpre" . I'onsullilloii ' tno.
bend i nt ID ituui | > i to loiurotrjily
219 I < * | ( ircnil | 8t-i Oppnilto lloyd's
Opera llouir > Omalia , Nob.
BalTornu from ho oitnu nl luutbful iirnm , ciarhr
< fc r. wutluuwcotcnru. lnilniaiiiioivl. < ti > . , 1 win
iwml a ttlnaUi trcotlwj ( .alii l > cuntoliilnic mil
purtlntUra for lionui rum. Kill' I ! of oliircfl.
work ! thovid l > Moil ) > / < *
intn vhn U nrrvotii ml UrlilllUtril.ililreiL
Conor Olh and Ilarnoy Streets , Omhi.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. A. . T. MCLAUGHLIN , President
Found oil Ijy Dr. J. W , McWoimtny.
Ituniurpnniindln tlio trmt-
inviii ( if all luniK o ( tUI <
. .
honil , HritlCTUUK.or luili
In rulrlrlnM tliu Mn.lilcir ,
'lVI'llll.lrf curo.l . In JO to W
day * , bklri I > l > < M oi , ( : turrU
mul nil Dlficnoi of thti
llixiil.llcnrtnnil I.IHT. IV-
iunloll"Ou OJiir < l Kltliuul
lnilruniiint ur "luoil trout *
imml. " iJilln from 'J to I
mil/ . \Vrlt \ for rlroil-
rarhoftlm ubijvo ilivoaam ,
tint luirlliu nmny of Hit
inoit rraarkiMu curci. Of-
floe , N. 13. Oor. 1 ltd nnj r'uriuiu tti. ) , antrmica 04
Ubttrilraet , Omutii Woli
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
rr.iur. M | l ; irHI M , IMJe | n.t
lru jl l fur Illatnurd IlrMi' rtj uut&ll I
llk UMlfl.koi > . '
) f r ) . * nliuUri
wwr ff r ,
t Hkfallrr itoriJ Vkrltarilitirtd. rtrti iili.j.d ,
triiftbiBil. Ntwn > Di Tr < ktli < i tlr Mili > ftl 4.
Becrcir. I'mC UUTl'S , IT * Julian K W , Y ,