0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ATUKDAY , OCTOBER 4 , .1890. THE OMAHA KBE | ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. , orpion , NO. 12 pi'Autj ST , Delivered liy Carr.cr luunjr partnf tlioClty. 11. W. TIT/TON. MANAOK1I. 1 TntElMIONOl ' , flnnlnm Ofller , No. 41 If NlgJitEtUtur , N'oZJ. I IT. X P. Co. Council UlutT.H Tiiimlcr Co , ronl , The United \Vorltinen 7idd tticlr ugulnr weekly social nt llitlihall last evening. Mr. and lira. 14. A. . Tuo'kcr nro roolriiiB ] over the advent of u litllo fjlrl ut their icsl- dtnco , on tlio corner ol I31jlith | DVCIIUO anil MnUi street. Tliu funoial of the infant son o ( Mr. nml Jlis. \VMlURcr\vtlltnkcplacofroiiitliolr residence , IN'O. lOiT'i'hlul nuunuc , Sumlay at 2 IL m. FrlcndH Invited. There ti.iM ) been bomu cbincca In the flro department , Ctiitnln | Covnlt UM reslKneJ Ills portion nt No I and will go on n farm , Charley AVntls his l cn iiiomotoil to the vwnncy. The roronn's Jury reached iv verdict Inst evening In the ca oof the little Doty boy wiio Avas killed bv u llroailvvny motor. The ver dict wus Hint tlio death was put uly accidental cml no bluinc nttiuhcs'to any person. Tlioro vvxis n roinlni ? republican meeting nt the West UroruUuy lieldo.tmrtcrs last nlplit nml a ( 'rout dcnlofi'iithusiiismwusiivvnUmod. Coiipixssinnii IJerdwn the princlpil speaker nud LUVO ttio uudlenco a clc.ir idea of the issues of the c.unpilgii , The work on tlio foundation ot the now Jlroadwav church has bcun coinuicnced Con tractor Weaver Inn a , foivo of twentv-llvo men nt work , The condition or the soil has lxcn ; found very favorable for tnplil work on the foiinilatlon , and lie expects to bo icady 1oe the brick work much sooner than vas an ticipated. The rctrnlar monthly meotliiff of the Potta- tuttuinle County r'rn'lt Growers1 nnd ( ! arcl- tiers' assotlatlon will bo held in their room nt the eountycouit house tlilt ( Saturday ) af ternoon nt 1 o'cloclc , A full nttcndaneo Is doslrcdns tnellniln.ny steps will bo taken fcr un annual display of friilti uncivcgctablcs to bo undo InDcicmbcr. Mrs. Iliinicll , n eoloiodvoman , socurca a warrant In the police court lastcvcnln ? Tor the arrest ott'hiulcs Ciiss , "a bid nisRisi' , " \vhoinsho clnlnicdhud nssnulted her ntMrs I'mloripliuo , JIo win oMptured and will IIIIVQ uliouiiiif , ' this inomiiig. 'Iho ' uoinnn riado n ijreat elToit to show thoclciU the "black and MHO" brtil cs on her/ace / which Imil resulted f i ointhu iissault of the nnughtv Crlss. The people who are contemplating taking the Cliataiifiiiiv course this season will Iliui text bceks ticoossiiy for the eourao nt tuo cfllco of.I. r. . llnrkncsSiln tlioMuiilum block , U'ho books have been on hand for some time , end those \\\\o \ \ di'slro tliom are lequcstc'd to call as early possible. The first meeting of the ciiclo will he held on Mondav nlpht nt AVoincn's Chiistian temperance union looms in the Merrl.im Week. N. J. Miller , the seven-foot country boy thowat arrested by Chief Carey's sneoi.il mil decidedly unique dctcotieilliani 3'lerce , was still nn Siuii.ite of the city prison last ni'lit. , lie Mas kept there because thcro was nobody to let him out nnd nobody to yrosccuto him. I'lerco and his tin ba igowero in the poliio coirt jcsteulny mornini ; at 7 o'clock nnd wanted to have the fellow sent to the pcnitcntiaiy for lifo , but us the case \vasstricUynnafralr of the chief of police nnd his fly detective , nnd not docketed lu Unit court , no cociil/nuco taken of It. it was rcfencdto iho countv nttornoy , who will in- tniiro Into it today. Miller Is a harmless country bov who has been vvoiidtiir p.irt of the time for Sheriff O'lN'oil. Yesterday inoinltifj nt 1 o'clock n p.ttrol call was sent In from the box located at the cornerof Broadway and Sixteenth street uy I'Atroluiini Holder , calling the nssistanco of the wagon sind a sijund to quell n disturbance that had occurred at a clnnco In the vicinity. Ji telephone message was also icocivtd say ing that a man had been be.itcu toad ingcTi- cus extent. Sergeant Safely responded with the -wagon , but an hour's dilllpciit search failed to olscovcr tlio scat of the tioublo. The dance hall -vvheio tbe ntTiay was said to have taken place wns closed nnd deserted , An hour later a messenger annkcncd JusticeSchurz and llled an Information mation tlmiglnjr Klchnrd Allen with assault \vlthintcntto kill and intoxication. At 3 o'clock he vas arrested and taken to the city Jail. The case came up before Schurz yes terday morning and Allen was found guilty en both charges nnu sentenced to pay u line cffSO. Ho had endeavored to break up the tlanco at l.W Avenue B , an d had made a ( jeji- cral assault upon the paity. He will lav out the finoln the county Jail. W. P. Kent , Into manaRer of the defunct Standard opera company , has illcd n com plaint and had a warrant Issued for the nrrcstof D.C , Huff , ono of the joutig men connected vlth the opera houso. When the cpora company and its manager got Into dilll- culty hero and loft the city under clnniin- stances that seemed to indicate a probability that iiono of them would over return , n lot of their ImgKaBO wns left In the opera houso. 'llio liellof that the owners would never call tor it nindo the custodians a llttlo slnck in taking cnro of It , nnd as a consequence quence some of the trunki and valises wcio broken opcnanu rillod. When Kent returned to straighten up his matters and get his bag pipe it was not all thero. 1'ioin some of the rilled vrips portions of his wearing apparel was taken , which ho found In the pq cssion of young Huft. Huft claimed that Kent owed Idin 515 of torro\vcd ) money and ho was hold ing the stuff until It was paid , nnd wns get- tlag some benelltfiom the clothing by wear ing some of It. U ho warrant was sworn out Uforo Schurz nnd the joung man was arrested. Yostcrd.iv ho took n chnngo of vciiuo and the case will bo heard by Justice IJamctt on next Tuesday. Mrs. Nophl Noith had the satisfaction yes terday of seoiiiR her husband get a dose of Judicial wrath , in thoshapoof af5 ! line , ad ministered by Police JiuUto McGco. North had made their homo on Twenty-third street \cry uncomfortable for his wife and family on the nlpht previous. Ho wns drunk and threatened to kill all of them. When the woman first came up to the polleo head quarters , about 0 o'clock , and sought to htxvo the chief send nn ofllcor down nnd take him away , the chief was thinking absently ot something else , and told her ho could do nothing for her "unless she wanted to get a divorce. " The woman pleaded earnestly to have the dangerous man taken away , but the chief of pollco could think of no other remedy than a divorce. Mrs , North was not after a divorce Just then but wanted nnofllcer. \\hciisholoft the pollco de partment in despair she was directed to the marshal's ofllc-o. She told her story to Mar shal Templeton , and about twenty minutes afterwards Deputy ITowlorlmd reached the humble homo , where ho found lialf a dozen women and several men Runnllns the drunken man to prevent him committing some act of \lolcnco to the members of his family , William Van Allen , the man \vho v.as ar rested In connection-with several men who were supposed to bo Implicated In the rob- bcry on the How on JtilvHO.ln which ncouplo of younp men from 1'lattsmouth wcro 10- llovcd of their money was run In last night by Olllcer Doyle and n chaiRo of vagrancy placed against Win. , Vt the tlmo of his lint nrrcsthowu suffering from several pun. yuot wounds , and the ofllccrs gathered the impression from Bovcr.il sundry things that ho was Implicated In a burglary In St. Paul. H was afterwards asceituincd by articles In the St. Paul papers that hoas the victim In n burglarious shooting scrape and nearly lost his llfo from the shots of u acs. iwrado whom he surprised In the act of com mitting the crime. There was not asbadow of evidence against Van Alien \\hen ho was ar rested heroin Julyand after hovastlU - charged ho plaeoct himself under the pro- fosslonal care of Dr. Dclllngcr , and has been n patient over since. Last night thoofllcer took him from Ids room In the Blunders block. Dr. Helllnger Immediately had him released by order of Judge McGco. Ilo proves to bo n.uito a well known news ngcut of Omaha , and lacks n good deal of beluga TJgrnnt. _ Money at ro.lucoJl rutoi to-melon chatto Md real estate sooarltyby IIII. ShoafoAs CoTe To the Ladlcs-MlsiMaryGlcason Is better prepared than over to satisfy nil who want llrat cUss drosanuking. liootus iu the old libraiy building , l'o.ul street. Fashionables vrool suits mtuloby JIra , L. blmmons , $ > to $7 ; slllu , 37 to f 10. The Manhattan tpoiiluif headquarters , 419 JJ roadway. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS. A Ninc-Tcar-Oia Boy Loses His Lifo Be neath a Motor's ' V/hccla / THE REGISTRATION BOOKS NOT STOLEN , AnotJier I'olltlcnl Srnsiillnn Xlpiictl Hull Snlii to He lu Town-Tile Dnuingo Bult .Mention. Yesterday afternoon shortly before 1 o'clock ti fatal accident occurred oil the Broadway olcetrlomotorllnoln allttto nine-ycaivold boy was the victim. 'iho cbild'n nnino wai Vlcasnnt Aiulicw Doty. He VIM the son of Isaic Doty , who lives with quite a fitmlly of children In a humble cotttico on the corner of Droudway mid Twenty-third street , near where the acci dent occurtcd. This boy x\ai otilho street In company with hli brother , a Init n jear or two older tlian lie. TKpyCVQ \ plaj-lng ami Jurai'ltu ' ? on piiHsliij , ' wigons. A fruit wnfion belong ing to ClinrlcJ Dunham and driven by him- sclf ciunc along. Ho 1ml u loid of f mil on route to Omnlm. Ho was Uilvlnj. nlonffon thonoith sldoof the motor trucks , only a few feet ilistnnt from the in'l ' Bcliltulhlni uas n r.ipldly approaching motor tiiilu ijoltijjtho Maine -Miiy. 'Jtio boy Jumped upon the side of the wyon next to the track. ' 1'ho driver tinned and undo a motion tislf lie Intended total'ohli whip to the boy , but clldnotmlso his arm. Tlio child jumped off bactovaiilaiiil fill when ho struck the pavcmbiit nnd lollud liaiullchvlth thotrai'K with his headiest- ing on tlio rail When ho lumped the motor , going at the r.ito of about lUtceii miles nn hour , wimvitliln four feet of him , and bcfora ho could recover himself or the motor mm rmlco an effort to save him ho was under the wheels. 'iho tr.ituas stopped within less than Its length , aad the boy was taken out from bo- ucath the platform of tliorear car. Hothcars had passed o\cr \ him , crushing his head nnd btutsinj'lits body about the shoulders. When Uie coiuiuetoi nuil motormtin got to him mid picked him up no AUS still tilUo and appar ently conscious. Ho gasped as the conductor raised him in his .irms , "O , my breast is hint. " 'Iho little fellow was taken to the ofllco of Dn. Bellinger , but ho dlcd ioforo ho reached theic. The patrol wagon Win called and eon- vojcd him toHstcp's uiulortiiklni ; looms. A. Kic.it ciowd pithcicd nnd looked at the little fucu tint was distorted by n , ghastly smile , but none of them knew him lie was not identlllcil forlulf un heir , when tihdy called and recognised him 'Iho father Is n vldovcr , nnd has < j.ulto a laiRe family of young thlldrrn Tor several da\s past ho has ten in the employ of Mar shal Templeton tlolng special work , and nt tliotiineof thoaccldcntnns atLalioMnniurti Riiardine a lot of goods ana farm products that hid been attached. Iloas nearly beartbiokctihenho was led into the presence - enco of his mangled littlonon. At 3JO an \vaslJOfjunniidcontinued duiiiiB the aftoL-noou. Conductor llurlburt and Motorman Durand , who had rhaigo of tlio train , vcio summoned. Mr. Dunham , tlio owicr of the wagon , and several oya witness told the slory of the accident. The cvldenco showed that the calamity was puioly accidental and no blame could IM nt- tiiChcd to ntiyonc. Ihis makes the third victim that the electric motor luis claimed , audit is a strange colncldenco that they hn\o all boon killed by tills motor train , although not by the sumo oicws. The motonncii mo licgluiilnp to fool n. little suneritltious and dread to takeout the luted motor. Wall paper at Losey & J onsen's , 11 Pearl st. Los oy & Jensen paint houses. Tor rent furnished room Mrs , J. Ly- nian , OJ3 Willow me. Fine Interior decorating , Lojoy & Jensen Is Hall In Tovn ? While the vollcc ara loolctnj ; for Halt , the slick manipulator , and expecting to hear of tilm a thousand miles ivway , the information has been quietly given to Tin : Ben that the much van ted man Is in the city , or was hero up to night before last. Hall has made Council Bluffs his headquaitcrs for sc\cml years past , nndhassornowarm and steadfast filcndshero. Houas hero two weeks leforo ho was arrested a few days ago , and it seems quite probable that ho has not loft since his tate unpleasantness with the officers nnd some of his -victims. "I saw Hall yesterday evening , " said a cit- i/eu last evening , ' -and was talidngto him. 1 have scQn him hero frequently for the past thieo or four years and know him quite well. It would take the papers a week toiecount all tlio exploits of that fellow , even if they de voted all their space to him. He is one of tlio most remarkable men I ever saw or heard of. Fiom what 1 have gathered from his own lips I am confident that ho has succeeded in Betting from the farmeis and others money , mostlv In the shaixi of notes nnd ilrnflt. tn the amount of nt least ยง 1,000 A week for every \\cek in the jear. Spend money i Ho's the most prodigal fellow vlth his cash I o\ce heaid of. Ho actually beats 'Coal Oil Johnny. ' Ho has no conception of Its value ntnll. Two years ago ho was In council Bluffs for several months with n lawjer fioni Now York , whom ho employs by the year to assist In getting him out of Ms scrapes. Tholnwjcr was sliarper than chain lightning , nud I tell you tlio two made ateain that was hard to beat. For sev eral weeks they had their rooms at ft fwhlon. tiblo boarding house on first street , and the vay they made tlio money fly and the conviv ial times they enjoyed with a few of their choice frlcndj make their stay thcro an event worthy of history. Nothing went but the highest priced champagnes and choicest im ported 5 cent cigirs , and whenever they entertained tholr friends , and there vvaa somebody \\lth thorn every evening , vines that vcroworth their weight In gold Olsappeaiedby the case and the choicest cigars the voild afforded were served out by the box , The youiiR lawyer told mo that ho liacl spent over $10,000 of Hall's ' raonoy In the jear nnd that Hall had spent oven more in this way nudlu compromising the numerous sciapeaho got into. The lawyer Is still with lihn , hut ho docs not show up when Hall pets into court -until after the skill of the local at- totnojs has been tiled In vain. "Hull's ' methods of ' operating are strlo'ly original , and no ono plan Is followed until it becomes hackneyed. Ho has toudiod every thing , including even steamship lines arid railroads , ( mil lnxs made hundreds of thou sands of doll.irs in bogus mines in the west. Thcro Is jwt a mm on the continent that knows inoro than he. ana ho never forgets a faio or a name. Ilo Is abettor handler of Jiion than Napoleon was. Ho never rmkos a mistake in sizing up u man , and seldomly falls to got the man ho pees after. Ho Is no doubt a dangerous man , but ho is a jolly good Mlow among his friends. Ho is not likely to bo caught In Council Bluffs. Signs , Losoy & Jensen's , 11 Pear st. Buy your lumber ot The Judd AWollsCo. , 813 Broadway. J. O.Tipton , real estate , 527 Broadway. Death of Sirs. 1 ! W. Raymond , The angel of death came to the relief of that ono who hud so long nnd so patiently suffered , Mrs. E. W. Hayinond , yesterday forenoon ntll o'clock. Mrs , Uajmond's ' maiden name was Knto Bell. She was horn in Winchester , III No- vcmbor 25 , 15-10. Whllo on alslt to this city she became acquainted with Mr. U.V , llaymond , to whom * ho was married Sep tember 20 , bOO , sluco whUh tinio this city has been her homo , ilosides her uusbnnd and three children , William II. , Anna Bell and Mary May , she leaves a mother , two sisters and brothers to mourn her departure. Mrs. Hny- moml was a member of the Congregational church nnd a woman of splcndia gifts and flnoculture. Wherever she wenlsho car ried thorndinnco of her beautiful character. Like a lovely flour that Is the sumo where- over found , so she was simply true to her ex alted nature In her homo or In the social cir cle. Poryears she had been an intense suf ferer , but all her suffcrliigs she bore with B\\cct resignation. Even death had no ter rors for her , Upborno by her faith she passed away from earth as tranquilly as the morning star fades In the light of the rising sun , Great is the loss of her dear ones , hut great is her gain. Tlio f unural will bo held at the family resi dence , 211 Willow avenue , lit 3:30 : n in. Sun day , Hov. G. W. Crofts oftlcHtlnK. The friends nra Imltcd without further notice. J. 0. Hkfoy , stcitn heating , sanitary en gineer , 913 Llfo bulltlhw , Oiniha ; 2Ji Mur rium block , Council 1lurts. ! The UcclHtriitloiiHooks Found. In the afternoon mcothiK of the city coun cil \Yeilncsd.iy tlio depaty clerk made n statement that created a greatrdcnl of excite ment. It wus to the effect that the original registration hooks ot the Second ward had disappeared , together vlth the copy nindo last fall and the alphabetical list that had been prepared for use at the election last spring. The clerk was Instructed to tlnd the booltq at once or investigate the matter and pi-obo It to the core. City Cloik Stophcnson nnd his deputy , E. J. Abbott , wcio very willing and anxious to follow the orders of the council. ( They are Doth republicans and wcro the custodians of thoboolu. 1'hcro was Avlld tilk of a ooti- splr.ipy on the part of the republican leaders to steal the books and conceal the fact until the last moment until It was to Into for anew icglstrntlon to bo mido and thereby defeit a largo democratic majoilty In the wnrd by presenting them voting at all. It was hinted darkly that the republican clerk nnd his dep uty wcio Implicated in the conspiracy. Al together therons a great deal of angry etcltemeut about the city build ing ycsteiday. which increased as the ( Jaywoioon. Befoio commencing an inquis- itoilal piococdlngs and putting1 on the inclt and rending the limbs of a prominent Second want republican politician who wus the last ono to hindlotho books a fowweolvs npo , the cleric and his deputy made smother and more thoioughsearcti In their ofllco for the missing iccords , They wcio confident that the geti- tlcrnau alluded to had not stolen them , for UicJuw him Ic.ivo the building nfter ho had examined the books with nothing at nil in his big but geneious rod hands. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon the so well suddenly termi nated. The books wcro found vhero they had been phecu nnd overlooked. All the grc.it political scandal had petered out. The occurrence simply emphasises the fact tint the clerk should bopioUdedwlthsomo safer and less public pinto for keeping such important articles as the poll boohs than is afforded by the present crowded condition of his llttlo ofllco A llttloblazo In the building nt tlio light time could stop aa election , no matter how important , by destroying the poll books. If you wish to sell your property call on the .Turtd & Wells Co. , C. B. Judd , president , 000 Broadway. The Hig DnintiKo Suit. The c iso of Burlro vs the Citizen's banlc still occupies the tlmo of the district court. Testimony on the part of the defense is now being Introduced The details of the talcing of the cattle at Glcnoso by Abbott aad taking of thorn back Dy the other claimants is being gene over vlth tliosomo repetitions. Mr. Fllckingcr , ono of the attorneys for the de fense , VMS on the stand a good portion of yesterday. 'There was some occasional spat ting among the numerous lawyers concerned and a few personalities Indulged In uhlcli served as splco to tlio lookers on. Ono attorney , for instance , charged the other with bclup so unprofessional as to sit within two feet of the jury and comment upon the testimony as It was Introduced. The charge was hotly denied , nnd the Irritating cause was pronounced an npo. Then another hot reply was started , when the Judge cut it short. Iho attorney thus suppressed , thought ho ought to have n chaiico to reply to the charge of beingnn ape , but Judge Maoy re marked that he had heard from both gentle men , and should now proceed with the case. AVtth such slight passages at arms , the other wise tedious proceedings was somewhat en livened. Tho. best auctioneer in tlio state is H. II. liiman , Council Bluffs. Spsclal attention to blooilcti stock sales , and all branches of mtvcautllo goods. Oflico 503 13 road way , President of the Iowa Synod. Rov. 0. W. Snyder , pas tor of the Lutheran church In Davenport nnd president of the Iowa synod of the Lutheran church , is in this city in the interest of his church. Ho will conduct dlvmo service In tlio English lan guage In the rooms of the Young Men's Christian association in the McrrLun block on Sunday ut 10 : . ! J a. in. The public are invited to attend the scivico. Avcica Court. Judge Thornoll yesterday concluded the term of the district court nt Avocn. Ho waste to have sentenced this morning a young man iinmcd Williams who pleaded guilty to horse stealing , but Shorid O'Nell ' received a tele gram not to Inlng the prisoner out. The sen tence -\vlll piobably bo pronounced hero. ThcGrmhoy Huloldo'H Romance. CHEYENNE , " \Vjo. , Oct. 24. [ Special Telegram to Titu BIE. ) A few days ago a special dispatch from this city informed THE BiiU readers of the sulcido ofajoung man on the Trait & Fouls lanch. near Foil Liir.unio An inteicsting stoiy has since de veloped la relation to the matter. The name of the young suicide was James JdcKeo. Ilo cnmo to the west some tlmo ajo , but nothing is known of his eastern connections. Ilo became - came a cowboy in the employment of ouo of the big cattle outllts In the north ern part of this county. About a week ago a small paity of emigrants going overland to Orogan passed through that sec tion. The party consisted of a man , his wife , several children and his sister-lu-law. The latter is a very comely young woman , and McICcowas smitten with her charms. Ilo begun to pay hot- marked attention , but his advances were voiv coldly reclvod. Ho fol lowed the party on their march for sovcral dajs until they camped on the Pratt and Ferris ranch. That evening ho pressed his suit with ardor , and becoming satisfied that his case vas hopeless , ho loft his charmer with the threat that ho would put an end to his existence. Tlio follow Ing morn ing his lift-less body vas found hanging to the limb of n tree. In his pocket was a note addrassed to tbo young lady , in which lie begged her not tobhimo him for taking his own life. 'Without her life was neb worth living , and being satisfied ho could never win her hand , ho believed the best thing for all concerned vas that ho should end his exist ence aa speedily as possible. The bodv of " the young man was deposited in the old "mil- Italy cemetery nt FoitLuramio. The oml- giants hftvu gene forward on their Jouraoy. Stele nn Ancnew Palmer , formerly of Council Bluffs , but iccently In Jail at Sioux City , was nrrested last nltjht Dy Sergeant Iluo. Ho Is wanted for stealing nn organ from the Danish church of Council Illufls. T. O. Evans , of the Evans advertising agency , New York , Is in the city. J. A. Johnson of the firm of Johnson Bros , , has g-ouo to Chicago for u few days , John Hobson of Ulchmoml , Ohio , is In the city visiting friends on South Twenty-ninth stieot. 0. C. Madison of Bates A Co. will leave today for Wisconsin to buy potatoes for his houso. Jacob Biglcr , democratic cnndldr.to for commissioner of public lands and buildings , is In the city , Howard Hallonhauer leaves this morning for SSioux City , whcroho vill spend a few dajs ut the Corn palace , Mrs. J , 11. Campbell nnd daughter , Jennlo , returned yesterday from n two months' visit in Ohio and I'unnsylvanla. Lieutenant II. J , Gallagher of the Sixth oiMilry. stationed at Fort \Ylngato , N. M. , is ill the city , siting relatives and friends. THE BOY MURDERER flflOff A , Wesley Elkius , El&vcn Years 01Q , Who Was Sentenced for Life. KILLED HIS VICTIMS WHILE THEY SLEPT , Tlio Double Crlmo for \\hlolia Ilnml * BUIIIO Clilltl witlin JUby Face Must Oiow Up Holt lad 1'i'Ucm Itai'H. Prisoner No. 1,000 , was sweeping out tlio cell house ol Iho Iowa state prison ut AmuncNi today , writes ivn A.numosatla. | correspondent ol tlio Chicago Times , Pilsoncr N1 , 00 is u slim loy cloven ycnra old. Ilo h r.ithor a handsoino boy , vlth a Inoacl forclietxil and n thoughtful face , aa the photograph tnkcii bcforo hens sent to Anamos.v shows , Prisoner No. 1,5)00 la the youngest pilsoticr over received at Aniunobi or , it Is believed , at nny other state prison , Ilo wears a llttlo suit of the regulation pilsoii Btfipcs , mtulo especially to his order , for prisoner N'o. 1,000 Is only 4 fcot 74 Indies In height antlweighs but sovonty-slx pounds. Ilia shnvon head shows llio stiuniiot tlio folon. Prisoner No. 1,000 , occupies cell No. Clou tlio ground lloor , cast of the cell houso. Ilo is not kept np.xrtfi'om tlio men pilsoners. Ho joins lu tholoc1 < stop with them nnd marches out to mc.ils. Ho lives \vilh \ them the dully , monotonous llfo ol the convict. His duties are to do chores n round the prison , to sweep and to dust , and to run errands. Ho is not shoiig enougli to do anything olso. Prisoner No. 1,000 looks up at you with his big , blue ojes , and jou thhil ; it an outrage that a more child should bo locked hero vllh 00 hardened ciimi- mils. Hy constn.nl nssocirxtlon with tlioin ho will himself liccotno hnuloneil. Their conversation and their example will cor rupt him and mark his softandunformed baby face with ilcop lines of passion and criino. Anil so , when the fo\v years for which ho Is doubtless sentenced are ovoi1 , lie will go out into the vorldwibh his hand tvu nod iigainst every man , and a deep hatred of human kind in his heart. It is a sin agsiinst humanity , you say , that such n , baby should bokoptfor-jeurs in the midst of such associations and companions. lut ! no. Your sympathy isorso \ than wasted , Prisoner No. 1,900 , is himself a Napol- ocn of crime. Prisoner 1,900 Is sentenced to the Iowa state peniteliat'i for llfo. His criino was tlio brutal and premeditated murder of his father and stop-mother. Look into his thoughtful , childlike fuce again and ask yourself how ho could have tloiio it , In July , 1889 , John Bllcins and hiswifo wcro living on alittlofarm inlJlk town- slilp , near Edgowood , Clayton county , Iowa. Mrs. ELIdns wis a pretty young woman nnd the "iocondwifoof her elderly husband. By his first wife ho had two sons. Ono of tliom was twenty four years old , the other a briglit , tiuiclt- tempered hey of tea years. Mis. Elkins , tlio first had been a good Mot'nodist , and slio had named licr youngjest son "Wosloy , after the great apostle of Methodism. Dy Ills second \\ifo \ Mr. Klkins hud ono child , The two Elkinsboysdidnot get on well vltu their step-mother nnd the oldest son loft homo nnd wont to live with a neighbor's famllv. Tuesday niglit , July 10 , 1839 , there were four porbons In the llttlo farm house , Mr. and Mrs. ElkinsVcsloy arid the baby. Early "Wednesday morning "Wesley tliovo the old farm team furiously up tea a neighbor's houso. Ho had the baby in tlio wagon with him. Ho had an awful story to toll. "When ho aioso that morning - ing and went into his parents' room a terrible sight mot his eyes. Lying strotelied out on the bed -\\as \ the body of his father -with abullot-holo tliioufih his head. Half on. the led and half on the floor was the body of his stop-mother , Her head -was beaten to a jolly. On the floor lay a heavy club smeared with blood and. Ills fulhor'soldmuKzlc-loiding rillo , with which the ghastly work huu been dono. What an awful sight for the delicate boy tobcol How.it must have shocked hlstondor sensibilities ! The boy immediately picked up the baby , which was sleeping quietly in its ciib , and flow to give tbo alarm. The community was excited and many people weio thiown under suspicion' The oldest son proved an alibi. The coroner's inquest showed that the mo tive was not theft. The ElUlns family lived ina qulob , unsettled neighborhood , They had no enemies. Wesley , the ton-year old "boy , main tained his story. LEosho od no sign of grlof. No tear came to Ills eye , Coolly , and in a , matter of fact way , ho related again and again the details of his liorrid discovery. It vns always the same. It was strange to sco this more loy so umno\cd by thotorriblo looital , Could ho know anything' of tbo criinoV The thought seemed impossible. Ho vas finally arrested , houovor , and locked up in jail at Elkador , the county seat of Clayton county. Ono day this ten-year old elilld called the olllolal into his toll and confessed that the work was his. There was nobro'vkinprdownno toars. Coolly and calmly ugain ho detailed the story. Ills fathernndljis stop-mother whipped him and howould not stand it , Ilo watted until histyrother "Was gene away and ho was aloud Mn tbo homo with his S.ironts. Ai 3 o'clock Wednesday morn- ig , July 17 , ho got , up. stele down fctairtt , and loulcd bia father's old iniuzlo-loud- ing rillo , which hung on the will in the bedroom. Ho put tlio muzsjlo to his father's -forehead and flrod. The old man never moved. Ashohad. ex pected , hla stop daughter was awakened by the report ami leaped out of "bed to fatrikoa light , i' Wesley knocked her down with a club.which ho had icivdy. Tlion to make the , matter suio ho bout her head to a jelly. The boy was taken before the district court at KlkiiddK"wlioro ho again told the story of hialrlmo , lie expressed no sorrow for his aqt , hut said lie would do it again under the biuno circumstances , Ho was then sentenced to the peniten tiary at Anamosa for life. Students of social economy frame laws which they say go\orn tlio development of crliuo. They trace cilino through long lines of heredity. They pnlnt the dons of the gicat cities as the hot-beds undnuuerlcs of crime. But here Is a cdbo which sots all their rules at naught. An appar ently innocent country boy , but ten years old , born of ciulot , pious , farmer folk , brought up away fiom the excite ment and temptations of a gioat city this boy plans and coolly commits a crime which might stay the hand of the most hardened criminal. Tickets at lowest rates and superior accommodations via the giout Rock Island routo. Ticket oltlco , 1002-SLs- tccnth and Faruara strcoU , Omaha Slrtiuk by n Mntnr. A innn nnnieil Bonier , who drives n wagon for A. Duuinelstcr , thomarblo dealer , was crowing fourteenth street Ina buptfy about 8 o'clock last night nkd vns struck hv ft motor cur. The buppyM consIUcmuly siraalieJiuultlio manias Imoeldil out nnd received n hiilcuton the sldo of thohoad. IlUinJtnlcs nra nottlangei'oiis , TBXAMS A.1I13 OOOJ ) SIlOl'S , Lone Stixr CoiitrcKsincn Hnvcu Itcpti * tiidon In AV'inht HKton. Tlicrois nBhootlng gallorv on I'onn- sylvanla a\cnuo , sujs n Washington letter. It is located near the National and Metropolitan hotels , \\lioro the TVmim and other Boutliorn coiigressiuon stop.'Oi'ilinary inai'lcsmon shoot at bull's- ojes , oi1 at tin men and women -nhiuh diinuo , or atstatlonuiy clay pipes. But \vhou the kcoperof the i > lace sees Con- gressmcn Stewart iindLanliainof Texas coming in ho starts up an initomatio miehlno , which maUos plnis bills whirl at the cud ol long stilngsln a most con fusing' way , Stowtut is n xcry largo mm. Ho Is fiom southern 1'exas. Lanhiim is a llttlo man from western Te < easand uiitiltho now states wcro let in ho icnroscntcdmoro squ.iro miles and pialriologs tbaiuiny other man in con- g-icss. Both Stewart and Lunlmin can shoot. Stonurt ouo evening last week smashed the lining glass balls with a small illlo at the rate of six out ol ton liots. Liuihiim did n t do so veil. The sliootlng-giillciy men withdraws all premiums wlion tlio Texans enter , The only way they can slmot is n > iinht each other or on the principle of a IJutch treat. Steward on tlio e\cuing referred to , hadcluillongcd L.mliam , and tlio ono who foil short vas to bottle the score ] L'ltiham baw the count going kullv again ss him. "Gl-\o mo pistols"ho said to the at tendant. Stoviirt demurred , but Lniilinm mucio tlio point that having been cliiillcnged ho wits entitled to choice of weapons , Ho broke o\ory \ ball until ho hud over taken Stewart , AhoAS \ still plugging away " \\lth \ \ the rillo. Then the big man gave it up and paid the score. As the gallery 1110,11 took in the money ' ho said that ho hadn't seen such iiisto'l- shooting in his plnuofor three months , "O , that wasn't ' much"said Lanhiun. "You ought to fcco mo when I'm ' out on mj campaign next month , I ddo a wild mustang and I plug the ejcs out of jaeK rabbitsovciy time E shoot , " The gullciy man's eyes followed ad miringly tlio reheating forms of tlio big and little congressmen and bo said : "Them ToKuafullotts is great on the shoot. Dj' a\ci" hear bow Senator Reagan and Congressman Gustavo Sleiohcr played it onus -when they Hrst came hero to congress from Tcma about flltoenor sitteen yeais ago ? \Voufecd to have crowds out at the Suliuot/.eii Sark and the shooting gallery did agood usinoss. In those davso \ vised to give three shots free for e\erytlinotbe bull's- ejo was hit. "You see there wasn't &o niiny southerners in Washington then , Itwas duHng icconstructlon. Ono day t\\o \ eonutt-j-looklngtliapscaiiio to the gallery at the paik and began to trj their luck -with the rllles. Thcro was a gong -which rang out eiery time the bull's-eye was hit. After blazingawaj tvo or three times to got the huft of the flllos theao two strangers got down to business , and I'll be dingidif they didn't buig that gong o\ory clip for ilfteoii minutes. People beg.in to oomo around and there yas u crowd of 500 watching the shooting- . The man In charge kept count of the shoots ho owed the strang ers until ho found they were 300 ahead of him , Then ho went to tbo two men and he said : " 'Gentlemen , ! earn my living at this business , and I've ' got a largo family. "You're into me now enough to take out all of the profits of one day , "You'vo had jour fun. If jou'll gno mo the guns nnd Ictsoiuo of these people who can't lilt ' tlmo I'll bull's-cjes every try to got oven.1 "Somebody in the crowd iccognizcd Eeagan and Sicklier. Ever since that time "we've looked out for them Texans and made 'era pay for their fun. " SOUTH ArUICAM DEVELOPMENT. The Richest Gold Mines In tlio "World WillSoonOo Absorbed by Enfi imtl. Among tha passengers who arri\cd in New "York on tlio City of Romothoother day was Mr. L. Wiener , president of the Capo Town chamber of commerce and ono of the monitors of Capo Colony colonial nial parliament. Mr. Wiener , though not born in .America , spent most of bis boyhood days lioro , s.iya tbo Now Yoik Herald , PO loft this country to seek his foituno in South Africa tliirtj-fivoyonw ago and returns to it now to Isit his mother and make some investigations on behalf of the go\ernmont of Capo Colony. After lauding , Mr. Wlonorent immediately to bis mother's homo at No. 255 Wcbt Ono Hundred and Twenty-seventh street , vvhorol t-aw him later in the day. In speaLing of his picsont visit to Amoric.1 , IMr.Vioncr did not ilisguif > o the fact tliat ono feature of it vas to make'somo investigations on behalf of his govornmontiolatlvo to our railroad Si stern and the ir equipments. Ho said : "With us the question of railroads is of a political nature. The roads are "built ancl operated by the gov ernment , \\io } control owy feature of thok' management. The last ministry was defeated on thoraihoad question alono. It favored an enormous extension of the syfatcm , vhilo the oppohllion were in favor of ado\olopmontoi uconMt-va- the nature , "Wo have now In operation In tno capo 1COO , miles of lailroad , and are at \wk constructinpr siSOO mile extension northward fiom Kimherlcy in the direc tion of tbo Xambosi liver , \\hlch point \\o hope the road will eventually e.xtcnd , "A portion of the load is , of couito , to pass through a country over which wo have no jurisdiction , but in which certain individuals , having u royal chai tor , have obtained valmiulo concessions from the native kings. The absorption of the tcrritoiy eventually \ \ follow , "Tho country tliat ve contemplate opening possesses piobablv the rlchcfct clopobits of gold hi tlio woud. Thorom- piny that has obtained the concessions is the British South Afiicaii company. of which the duke of Fifo , son-in-luv of the prince of "Wales , Is a direUor. "Tho charter under which the com- piny acts gives them the light of torri- toriul government , not unlike the old grants to the East India und Hudson bay companies. "Tho configuration ot the country tin on gh wTiich the road is run Is not un- llko certain poitlons of Amcilca. Wo have already in operation a number of fiolght cais of American pattern and manufaetmo , and I am hero to inspoet the .American locomotive , \\hteh \ wo think mav bo of greater utility in our cmintiy than those of English make. "In addition to our own roads wo ni-o i ow billding one for the Onmgo Free tatos , which lll bo owned and run pro- cBoly as tliough In our own colony. I tl lulclt the llrs't time in the hlbtory of rMlroid construttion that ono country builds , owm and operates a railroad for uncther government , The road is proj ected doiutho Orange to the Viuil river and will boabout two hundred and llfty mllca long- , " The general lieutenant of tlio Zoor- ijsky regiment eonwivcd the idea of yingtho clllcicncy of the "Okhotnlks'1 ' ( nsortof athletic division ) in his com mand. Ilo ordciod n company of sixty- Boven mon to swim across Ilia Volpnin n nlaco Avhoro the river is over one and n half vcrstswtdo , with two oftlcors at the head nnd one in the iciiv , says the Xo-vv York Sun. Tliovholo company no- quitted themselves of the link ci edit- ably. The feat was norformcd toward the oven in gYhciitno swimmers had nrndo about a Iliircl of tlio dhttinco n steamer was noticed coming on them tit full Bjwod. The ofllcor at the head ol the comnany oulorcd "Unit with fac-o upvnrdl" ami was obeyed as promptly n-i if on the parade grounds. The company waited until Iho steamer had passed , mid then proceeded until they readied the opposite shore. Their swim backward was pcifornied Alib. \ out interruption. VatcrntRlnns C'linrBC * ! ivltliVltls1cy , A deputy inuisluil who was huntiii } , ' Bonio vltnu cs lii Winston county , Alii- bnina , oncolmi > pouodto "bo present nt a county voting plaeo olectlon iliiy , snys the Pittsbnry Dhpatcli.'bcn \ count i-y people go toun election they t.tity all day and enjoy thomsolvo . Ucfrc-sli'incnts 6l various kinds were for sulo on the gioumKand several wagons wcro loaded \ \ \Viitoi-incloiH. . One old faimor with a big two-horse wagon Illlcd with melons , seemed to bo pelting the bulk of the tiado. His melons v\oi'o \ unall and ho charged 25 rents each for tin-in , but he was soiling more than other dealerswho \\ITO olToi-ing much larger melons for 1(1 ( and ] o cents. The olllcor thought thot-e \MIS some mystery about this and decided - cided toimcstlmitc. IIu bou ht ono ol the 2-Vcoiit muloiis and when ho uit it open found a small \lal liwide contain- in" enough corn whisky foi- ono dilnk , A little ob-sfli-vtillon convinced the olllcer that the Innocent-looking old fiuincv hud plugged ov uy melon , and placed : i smiill vial of liquor inside , It was ovi- clentlyati old trlclc vllh him , asliiscus- toiuors seemed to vindoi-stuud It. Tlio old man wsis arrested for folliiiji liquor \\lthout a liconsoaud when the cas-o was ) tiled one of tbo plugged melons was oltoreilln ovldonco. The old mini was convicted ami had to pay a line of $10O. $ Doth tlio method and results -when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it iaplcnsanl and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidiieye Liver and Bowels , cleanses the syp lein effectually , ditpela colds , licad- ichea and fevers and curca habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro iluced , pleasing to the tnsto and ac ceptable to tlie stomach , piompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in iu ? effects , prepared only from the most healthy anil agreeable substances , HE many excellent qualities coiumcnd it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sala in 50c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. .Any reliable druggist who may not have it on land will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to tiy it. Do not accept ouy Eubstitute. CAUFORNIt FIG SYRUP CO , SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. IQUISVIW. KV , AEW YORK , fJ.i. _ ! Mist r'd Snlo. In tlio Circuit Court of the United States for the JMstilct of Ncbuskii ! KiiibimVllon coin 1)1 ) il mint , vs l.nrimm I1 , I'riiytiu ct a ) , , defendant1 ! In Cliunccry. > C > IIICI.nsllti ) : Of MORTGAGE. rubllonotku Is lioriiljj'Klvon , tint In pursii- nnco unit hvlrtncof niloerco ciucrocl In the above cause , on tliu 27th ilay of Xovcmbui , It * ) , I , I' . C. shafii , spnlul niustor lu clian- oiry Iiisalcl lonrt , will , un tliu 4 1 lid ay of Oc tober , 1KM. at tlio hour of 2o'ul ( > ( . ! > In tliu af- tirnoonof tin ) s , i Id iluy , at. tliu north cloorol tliu United Mateeoui I house uiul poslolllce bulUlliiKln tlmcltyof Unuilii , DouKlasdiiui. t } , state and dlstik't ofol > iiislcii. soil atiuiu- turn tliofollowliiRdoscrllu'Cl pioiictty , to-wit I-ot t\\o ( L1) , uil t.i.-t lulf of lot throoCI ) In blook two liuiiflrcd and SCM II and rai'ij ) . In the city of o > inilialii Kliiscuuiity , \ \ . , SpocialMasttr In Clmmery. IIoi.-Mrs ! , \VitAHioN iV ItAtiiu , Solicitors for Coiniil.ilii.Lril. _ bt-ll-18-iiVi ) t'rN fcnlc. InllioClriMiltCntutoC Iho llnlu-d Stutos for Iho niitrlotof Nobraj.lillllam \ \ r.uds \ \ - \\oitli \ voiiiplntiiiiit. . Otllllr .Allol/.ct , al , ( lufend nits , In chancery. FOlllCrUSUIIK 01 MOHTOAfiK. 1'cibllciiotliu ' Is Imioliy Rlvin. tliat lniir- | simnoo.iml by vlrtuu of ; i diurcoontcrcd In tliatibovo cause , on tlio l.st diy of July.IS'iO ' , 1. P. C.thaftr , special nni > .t .pii thuiiuiry In Biilil court , will , on tlio 4th ilav of Ootolici , IS W , atlho liour ol.1 o'clock In tlio aft triioon of tlio suld day , at the not tli iloorof tlic Uni ted Stales court liouso .iml pustotllco building In tin * clly of Omnlm , DoiiKlns county , Hat o uiul dlstrlotot NobrasUn , suli ut auutlun tli Following dtscillxd jiropi'i-ty , to-wlt : f.ots ono (1) ( ) and twiJ ( ) , blouU "II , " 1'ioiiii'ot 1'laco ' , nn addition to city of ( Jimlm , IIonxl is county , IScbrxska. r. C. MIAPHI , . uster In Chancery. D. II.ErTii.N , bollultorfor t'oiiipUlnatit , In tlio Circuit Court of the llnltod States for Iho District of rsbnibka : MlllljuuJ ) Mcuil , Jr. , coniplulniiiit , vs , Ueorxo J. I'aul it nl. , duf end uit f , lu ihamciy. toiiici.osuitK or MouroAnn. Public notlco Is lic'toby i lu'n. tint Inpnr- Kimncoand by vlittio of u clocrcu ciiturnl In t lie above cause , ontlioEth day of JulYlh81) , 1,1' . ' . Shafer qpakiul inistur In ch.uioiry In mild court , vlll , on tliu 4th day of Uctobor , JM ) . at tlio liour of " o'clock In tlioiiftcrnoon ofiiio siUl (1 ly , itt the nort lidcxii- the Uni ted htnli'S court house nnd postolllio building ; In Ilio illy of Uninha , I'oiiKliis ' county , ktatu unil district , of NibiasA.1 , scllat iiiiution tliu folloxvlu doncrlbuil pronorry , t-i > lt : lotsl' , lUnnd II , block : u Kndlck'H L'nrk. nn luldllloti toclty of Oiiulia. llaiiKl"3 county , .Nrlmika , I' . OiiAi-tii , PliouIal.Mastir In ( haiiciry , W. A.KKDICK , tJullcltorforL'oiiuihliit. Intho Circuit Court of the llnltod Stutci , for the Dlstilotof Nibrasl-a : Nit Ion il Mf In- Mtiaiuo t'oiiipaiiy , coiiiplalnnnt , vs.IH.MI , l.iitoyot iil.cloftndatits. Inchiineury , I'OIIICI.UbDIlK -MOIlTd VK | I'nlillo not lie l lioiuuyglvui. tlntln imrsu- iinoo und by virtue of adouno fiilvuul In tli above canst * , on tlio KJid day of July. IMJ , 1 , KO. hhifor , spi-tlul iiusti-rln cluiiio ry In null ! court , Mill , on tlm Uli day of Ottohor , IK1 * , attlio hour of 2 o'clool : in tliunf t rno < in of tlm uld day , ut the north dn'ir i > f tliu Unltrtl htalos iiiurt house nud nostollli-o bulldliin In tliu city of Oinaln , DiiiiK'lasiiiiiii- tihtiitiaiililstrtt ) | [ of Null i iiUu , mill alum * . tlmi tliofollimliiKdnscillicid pro | > i.'rly. to-wlti North hiilfof lot. trulMiIV ( ) , l.ll/abotli I'liirc , un addition to tlio oily of Oinalni. DonxlaH county , NoUMskn as buru d , iil.it L l and rciorclid , I' . O MIAHII , Hnonla.1 Master In < Iniiiccry. JAMBS II , SlBiici i.Holloltor . forCouiplahiunt. < ; Attorneys nt haw , I'riPtlco &Cjrri Olllli m tliu Mluln nml feilurul courtH. Known 7 nnd 8 bhufurt lluno block , Cuunutl lIluTs , Iowa. TKUUMIOXIW. OlFICr ; 07. liKSIIIKNCE , IBO W. C. ESTEP , Council ISIiiCTrt , Iowa. It North Main Struct , mineral Director and SPBO1A FJ NOTICES , , COUNCIL. UMJFFS. * - A > 1TD-A n t-elim drcusninkor mid nn aiipi-otillco ulrl at DIIOU , Apply to Mi si Mnry ulc.isoiiill IVarl st. . - ' lo elifnii : full liliKMloil STAI.UON-1'or ( 2,107. J. J. luc i. near and dumb Institution , Council UhllK I1DU S\T.I- > TlToUocj | ( nntl ( KturOK of well J I'ltalillHliril Kiocory More , crvlll I sollyrj Ktook nml ivnl toN > innlllMiiros : ftlso tlirrt/ : . J-jenr-nhl cells for stile. lnittiin | of T. ! v- * sinith A sou.i8 ; loih a > o.OoinicU ! iiimrn. OOP" TUTTAWATTA.Mli : countj'fiirins forsaloi - - nlsoloti mid LveiitylrnotMirnuiKl Cnunc'll HliHTi. Johmton i , Vnnl'ltiMi , K\ci 'tt lilt > ek , AUAM'l'.Il-iry two jomiR num. Altiiiitlon , Tl llnnhvnio lnnliu'M prifonod. but will accept Any other. Mioloulu oriutnll. KiirnlHli all roftrcnon tvmilrod. AdilroiiP. II,8. , VJ Muln st.L'ounull . lIUHT-t. TpOKlihNT-HouTes n"nT hHiin i over J-1 stoioiH'tirc'outt home , und nun . . . i iitJ. U. Dtirlilsoii'stlJi I Iftli iv < > . " | j1tH cli.itijtii fu htmlnoss will sfll Miick of -I.1 druiH ! ami llxtnrc .iill now uiulllrttclitH-i , utft dlsionut , If nolil irlihln iio\t , : Wluyn ( , In. volco iibnttt. } J , ' > OO Addrosi S. , lloo ollluo. C'diinclllllil IK EOH SAMC-Tlio Homo Ku-t.iurint for s on c'lsy tirni" . TliuiiKistpoiMiUi' uhc In Uioulty. S , VV ScolU THOH SU-iT or liont-Oardon land , with . * . hcuueo , by J. II Illeo , 10J Miln St. . Uoiiuoll UlulTs. MriMliay rent vmon vou can bnyn lioniooii tlics.vniotornn , atiilln unio of yonrduuUi atnny tlnio leave iour ( unity the hoinoclo * ! ontlio following terms : Mm tno wart 1 1 } IOI ) at II ? per iiiontli. Mionio woilh ? 1.M ) rvtlH per niontli. Ahoino worth f J.ill ) atfJI ] x < r nunnlu Ahoino worth * .lM ) atilJ i ir month. Ahoino worth JI.OJJ nt ( M i.or nionlli. Uthurprleol honio onlho sunn tprniM. Th.c aliovo imintlily piynioiils Inoludo iirlnclnv. ntidlntcnjst. For lull iiivtlculars cull on or addrcssllio.Tuld vl WolU Oo. tOJ llrotidwar , Coiinclllllnm , Iiu Ij iiii. ni.nHi DRIVING PARK. Fall Meeting , October7 to 10 , 1890 S .OOtD IN PLTRS1HS. PROaUAJIMEi MON'DAV. OOtO linil 7. StllPaco 1'urM' . . JWO " ' ' ' ' a-jL'ai-uld Tiotllrn Liiko" . . . ! ! ! . . . . 1UO TUIDAouTonnu : s , - - .SOO " " ' ' ' 3-car-old Trnttlii ) ! StaKo" . . . ! ! . . . . & 0 400 Kico-l'\i-.Vtrrrotlhu ) I'uvso ' 500 60 Tiiuu mu , ooToiiint 10. 2:11 Trnttln-i-l'iirso . 400 Kieo-Koi-Alll'aoliu I'nrso . M)3 Krci'-Kor-All , Htiillliin I'liio ' . . . . ( X > J X it loiul TmttlnK asscul.itlon rule ? to BOV- era ICiilrlesclcHnOi'toliurJ. stultor.icu freo. Mile tiMdf. J. W. I'Clll'OOV , 1'iisldciil , Council Illuil-i , lov.u Ail ill ess alU'otiiiiiuiilciliniiUi ) A II. ( II 11 IH , Po'iot.iry. 215 South nth St. Omaha. Nib. J. I ) KtiML'Nr > ov. t'res. K i * . Stita \ IIT Vlco l'io . CnvMilhs 11 HAN\AV , faihlor CITIZENSS141E BANK Of Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150.000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350.000 DIIIKCTOIW-I. A. Jllllor , Ii1. 0 , Gloisoii , H. U SliiuurtE. i : Hurl , . ! . I ) Cdiimndsnn , Clurli-a CMIuniun. Tr.iiisiet Kcnornl hiinkln busl- iis . largest oaplt il nud surjiluj of any biinl : Inbuilt lines tern Conn. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , OPFICER & PUSEY , ANKERS. Corner Slain and Uroirtvrny , COUNCIL , BL.UFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign unl doniostlo oxclnnso Colloc-t Ions nindo und Interest puld on tlma deposit * , Surgical Institute Private Hospital. Cor , Broad-way nnd 2Gta S a , Cou > cii. ItMira. IOWA. rortliotrcjatmontof ullHiir lcal nnd clironlo diseases uiul ( llso.isci of tliu lilouil. 1'rlvnto dl-i'iiiesnf the tirlniry and soxn-vl orinsussyihlU-us ( ! ( strlctun1 , uy-tltNspur- iniitorrolio.u.lost ininhoud. M > xu.tl linpolcneu and wcikncMtioated suoccasfiiUv. 1'irtlculiir attention pild ttidUeiscs of the 1 lines , us Asllniia , Coii itiiilliii , llronchltla , C.it.iri-h , Htc. 1'arilisis , Kulnoy UNoan's sia ninhotc's , Hi Iglit'h. nisoiso. Itliiiiniutisni. 1'llon , C.iiicur , Viiploculc , llyclmcolo Dioi y'I'liinur , IJNenscs of the Kyo nnd ln. ! ( lul > 1 not. Splnul ( Jni vnturo and all it Nouses of the lump * . \\o \ \ h.no a deiartnictit | ( loMilod cxuliijlruly totho treatment of Uturlno llsoas ) > M Modlclnoscnt'iccurolypauk.il and fruofrom olnerratlon. CoriviMnlcnco | conflilentlal Address ! DP ? . BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute and Private Hospital , Cor. UroailwnjandZiUU M . Council lilnirsIn. DR , BELLINGER'S v , - Min7 liiitlcoof tlio Peace. Oflleuovpr iH.OtllUU Ainoilc.in Kx press. No. 421 HiG.id\vay , Council Hhillj , Io\\a. \ F , W , ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS And Dnlldtnf ; Sxiporlntsnclent'J. KnonisIM nml I filloo llullilln ; . Oinilin. Sol ) . , nml Uoonis2lluncU > lt ( Mcrrlmn llliwk , CuiincU lu t'orruspnndeiieo Holloltcd. Council Blufls&Oamha TRA.NSFER LINE. H , Dcecroft & Sons. , Props. BAGGAGE , liXPUiissTlllUVY FREIGHT , ' Miiklnj tlncu trln | o\ny diy except Biiu- iluv. iluv.fiuuliannU'o ( ut the A , Hto.irt Impress und OillMry'n.lli.i ) llinviirdHt. Cdiuull IHuIN olUce , ! M Hinidwijr. Tulo- . ctCouncil lllitir.sOuiKl I ? a. in. anil 3 > . in. Oniulin , U 11.in. , : ip. 111. nnd 5 | ) . ia. Urdoupromptly uttuiuluil tn ATTEND Strictly tobimlnoii" Un miloiiilltlinottn , cHliucccti In ovorr line of liiiiiuinciiorwU rcaclio bylilia vliu liollt to omo nloi > tel WESTERN I'onplo nroprocrei lve fiillnf onwtj , > n < l inounT iiiukliiir iclioiui'i Tlior "to I l' ' lul train In ; lo builnusa. IOWA x In popular oducntloi. Jlcr public nfhool nniflrln 8niinl work ( or lur ncrormln ; lulllluaa. VVoitoni lu COLLEGE , fall tuna Ho pi , Ut , Him inlocti thd rmellcul fur lior hlnldnli Noruul IhiaU no i Hlxirlliiiiilanil I'oiiiuaiililiiraurioi well or * KJiiliol MII | urufullr Odiidiictel Htmlvnti may vnltrutiny time. Wrlto for further pouicularn to \V , rnoUun. Council Bluffs , IOAa. . '