THE OMAHA DAILT BEE SATURDAY , OOTOBEE 4 , 1890. 5 TIRED OF DICTATION , ' "iro " Insurances Agonti to Take Issn.9 with the Companies. PROSPECT OF AN INTERESTING FIGHT , /IVhy the Compact wa * Formed nnd JIow It Oporatctl A-altiit ( tlio t IniorcHt of the There Is a prosper. ! of an Insurance war , If war comes , however , it will bo between ( ho agents nnd the companies. As noted In TUP. Br.K there was a meeting Of local underwriters last Wednesday , the fcsult of which was the organization bf what is to bo known as the 1'Omaha ' UndorwritcM' exchange , " with ( ho following ofliccrs nnd corporators : Charles Kaufimtyi , president ; Tncodoro L. Klngwult , vice-president ; M. J. Burns , treasurer ; D , II. Wheeler , ] r. , secretary ; ffohn U. "Webster , John H. Hamilton , J. I' . Wlllams and M. C. Nichols , directors , Tlio object of the exchange is to secure liar- fnonycorrcct , practices , the prevention of care lessness and the improvement of the business Of flro insurance ; also to aid In the attain ment of a lira patrol , and tha Improvement of flro risks in Oinahn and vklnltv. The mem bership Too was fixed at S100 , When asked how this now organization Vrould effect the old compact ono of the prln- tlpnl men In the now orgmilztlon said : "It Is opposed to the old compact , which Is flow dissolved , and was composed of both companies and agents together. In effecting the now organization wo have taken the bull tight by the horns nnd wo prorwso to cling to those horns until wo become masters of the iltuntlon. Wo nro tired of being ruled by Iho companies and propose to do a little wl- Ing ourselves. "If the men composing the old compact I " r to the company oftlccrs nils not to Hko this new deal , . . . dislike It. " What will bo the result if the companies Decide to dUliko Itl" was asked. "In that event , " was the reply , "I snppoio they will try to got an entirely now set of # 1011 to represent them in this city. " "Can they do that ? " "That remains to bo seen. You can hot llint thirty of the leading and biggest agency men in Omnh Hvould not take BO bold [ a step fes this unless they could llguro down to a line point just where they were coming out , no batter which way the cat hopped. A com- Jnittco consisting of Captain U , E. Palmer nnd Captain John K.V ulutcr has gene to Chicago to sco what the companies are going to do , nnd no ono can \vhetcrwoaro going to have peace or war until this committee Is lieard from. " The diniculty between the agents and the dompanics Is of long standing. The latter fcavo formed a local underwriters' associa tion over whom thoj- have placed a manager. This manager's power is held by some of the agents to bo almost autocratic. Through bun the companies hope to maintain rates pad do away with rebating nnd butting in which agents sometimes Indulge for the accommodation of good patrons. In exercising this power some agents say the manager has put up rates so high as to Jdll their business. There are several cases on record In which agents offered to accept B certain hazard at a certain rate only to bo told by the manager Uiat the risk was too great and a higher rate hould bo charged. This , of coarse , acts to Iho best Interests of the companies but in juriously to the agent who sees his patron go to a rival who will prohably slosh his comnils- Ion In order to gain the patron. > The outcome of the controversy will bo pwaltcd with Interest. DEIVIOORA'rio'ooNVENTlON. Call Tor tlio County Delegates and the Primary 1'olls. A delegate convention of the democrats of Douglas county is hereby called to meet at Washington hull ( near the corner of Etglit- [ jeooutb. and Hnrnoy streets ) , In the city of "Vinana , on saturuay , ucioucr 11 , at a o'ciocK ft. m. , for the purpose of placing in nomina tion ono county attorney , ouo county commls- Jslouor for the third district , ono county com- Jtnlssioner for the Fifth district , three state fltsnntors , nine representatives to the logisla. also to elect a county central com- ffilttco for Douglas county and to transact finch other business as may como before the convention. The primaries to elect delegates to the Above convention will ho hold on October 9 , between the hours of 11 ! o'clock noon and 7 c'clock p. in. , in Omaha and South Omaha , end from C o'clock p. in to S o'clock p. in. in the country prcclnts. The different wards in the city of Omaha pro entitled to seven ( T ) delegates each ; the different wards in South Omaha to thrco (3) ( ) 0clcgatcs each , and the county products to thrco delegates each. The primaries will bo held at the following tlncos : First Ward No. SO" South Tenth street. Second AVard No. 1COJ Yinton street. Third Ward No. 1001 Davenport street. Fourth Ward- Fifth Ward Engine house Sixteenth and Jzard street , . Sixth Ward Corner Twenty-fourth and Jjako streets. Seventh Ward No. 1212 Parlc avenue. Klghth AVard No. 2003 Cutnlng. Ninth Ward Corner Twenty-ninth and JTarnani streets. BOOTH OMAIU. First Ward Corner Twenty-sixth and N Streets , Second \Vard-Judgo Lewis' ofllco Twenty-sixth street. Third Wnrd-Klltaro's hotel. Q street. Fourth Ward Exchange building. Mil lard Pioclnct Mlllnrd school house , Chicago Precinct llorbich's ) ; hall. Florence 1'reclnct Union Precinct School house , Dlstric Jfo. 20. Valley Precinct Foul's hall. West Omaha Preclnet Shecly's schoo louse , WK . .McArdlo Precinct McArdlo school house Douglas Precinct Waterloo Precinct Mayhow's hall. ElUhoru Precinct City hall building. JetTersou Precinct Cook's blacksmith shop pt DcnnltiRton. Where place of meeting Is not designated the primaries are to bo held at the samoplaco they were held two years ago. By order ot central committee. Kucui ) M.IUTIK , Chaliman. P. W. BtUKHAWEii , Secretary. TO OMAHA. Jjocal Trnluninn AVnnt Their Next Con volition Hold in Omaha. J. P , Kynn ot South Omaha has been se lected i\s the Omaha delegate to ropreson the local lodge of the Brotherhood of railway trainmen ut the International convention tha will convene ut Los Angeles , Cat , on th 30th lust. t The convention will bo composed of 500 del- rgntcs , roiirwcutlnK 400 lodges which uro ( altered throughout the United States , Can- ndn and Mexico. The order was started at Onconta , N. # Y. , In 1S83 nnd then comprised only the brakc- tnon on passenger trains. Two years ago the charter was amended so that conductors , brukcmcn aud baggagemen ure eligible to membership. At the present tlmo the organization has a membership of 1R.OOO. Swcnsii lodge No. 155 of Omaha started two years ago with thirty members , which has now been increased to olguty-tivo. The ofllccrs nro as follows ; Master , George Clough ; delegate and lluanclcr. J 2 { . Hyan ; secretary , W. Ooodrlch. In going ns a delegate , Mr. Kyan bos two objects In view , ono of which is to further the Interests of the order , nnd the other is to secure the next , convention for Omaha. To accomplish the latter object Mr , Kyaa will CO armed with Instructions to work la this direction from llrst to last. Ho will nUo take letters of Invitation from the board of trade , the mayor aud n number of the promi nent citizens , all of which will not only in. vlte , but will urge the holding of the conven tion in Omaha. O Must Report Diphtheria. vigorous warfare has been Inaugurated ffalnst physicians who fall to report cases of Iphthcria or other conUircoua diseases to the ccrctnry of the board of health , In several cases of loto the attending phy- iclan has neglected to do this nnd the city ihysiclim has entered n vehement protest. Ho Is not nlono In thostnndho has taken , s citizens residing in the quarter * where hey hnvo boon exposed to this discaso will oln with him in prosecuting the cases. E. II. Hemming has filed an information gainst Dr. FlcRenbaum for neglecting to re- > ort a case of diphtheria at the Dusold resl- enco , comer of Twenty-fourth and Frank- In streets , alleging thnt thli neglect led to ho exposure of other persons In that nclgh- > orhood , because the board of health was not .otillod nnd no placards wen ) posted to in form the public that contagion existed there. It is stated that other Informations will ollow , nnd Chief Scavcy gives it out cold tlmthowllt nlonn Information against the offender in every case that is brought to his natico. _ SOVTHTOX < lltA , Duhcinlixn Turner * ' I > nticc. The Bohemian Turners will glvo a dance and exhibition in National hall , Twcnty- burth nnd L streets , this evening. The ) mah Turners will bo present and glvo an exhibition. Committees have been appointed o attend to every particular nnd a pleasant social Is assured to nil friends who attend. Democratlo Itolieinlnns. The Bohemian democratic club will hold an mportant meeting In National hall , Twenty- fourth nnd lj streets , at i ! o'clock Sunday afternoon. Interesting addresses will bo made and important business will bo trans acted , About People. Samuel B. Gibson has returned from Chi cago. Hon. Thomas H. Bcnton of Lincoln b in the city. Mrs. James A. Bellow nnd son have gene to Ottawa , 111. Superintendent Edward A. Cudahy has gene to Chicago . James II , Homo of the Armour-Cudahy force has returned from Chicago. Mrs. Olive Leofers nnd children of Tipton , n. , uro tha guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Urock. Her. C. N. Dawson has removed from Omaha and is living In the Methodist Eplsco- lal parsonage. Mrs. James Dauloy of Ashlnnd la visiting icr daughter and sou-ln-luw , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shrigloy. J. M. Uallager of Crete , the now Missouri Pacillc rail agent , has. arrived and assumed charge of the ofllcc. Miss Susie Ilowellsof Ottawa , 111. , who lias been visiting her sister and brother-in- law , Air. and Mrs. Frank J. Persons , has re turned homo. Superintendent James II. Halo of the Armour-Cadahy force and brldo have re turned from the Rocky mountains aud are at tiome in the Joslln block. N street. The Kov. David Marqtiotto , last pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church , who was appointed presiding elder of the Elkhorn Val ley district , has removed to Nellgh. C. P. Stoutenborough , the veteran and pop ular Missouri Paclflcagent.aftcr a four years' term in this city , during which tlmo the busi ness of his road has increased from almost nothing to JiW.OOO a month , has been trans ferred , at his request , to Cretewhoro ho went today , with the regrets and best wishes of all who know him hero. Notes About the City. C. A. Melcherhas removed from P street to Twenty-fourth and Q streota. Chirles A. Puyunk , who has been so dan gerously ill at St. Joseph's hospital , Is better and expects to return to the city today or Monday. Francis , aged two years , son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gonzolanczik , residing at Thirty- flna nnd L street , died at 0 o'clock Thursday evening. John J. Woodward Is removing the house offof Henry Mies' lot , west side of Twenty- fourthandhorth of N street to Twenty-third and J streets. Little Mattico , aged ono nnd a half years , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Laur , last evening badly burned both her hands by putting them on the hot stove. Six candidates wore initiated in Enterprise lodge No. ? J , Knights of Pythias , at the last mcstlng , after which a banquet was served for the members and visiting f ncnds. Electors must not neglect to register if they wish to veto at the next election. A now registration Is required. The board will meet next Tuesday from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Postmaster Glasgow has received n tele gram from Acting First Assistant Postmas ter General E. C. Fowler , authorizing the ' chang'oof the locationof the postoOlco to the Josliii block on N street. Seth A. Whlpplo , aged seven years , the only child of E. G. Whipplo , a member of the Douglas county bar , died of diphtheria yesterday. Ho was a very bright and lovely child. The mother of the child died in December , 1S3S , leaving the little boy In care of his grand-parents , who were living at the residence of Mr. "Whlpplc , in this city. Father nnd grand-parents nro In great sorrow for their lost loved one. The body will betaken taken this evening by his father and laid bcsldo the mother in Friendship , N. Y. Among the little boy's papers yesterday was found the following letter , when written no ono knows : To Jly Blether : O mother , dour mother , the sweetest there was the wind blows. O mother , how sweet the birds ship , mid how iilco the f rulloKsonio lambs nro at pl.iy In the meadows wide. U nintlior , how pretty the sun shines today , and how pretty the flowers arc , and , your little lamb bus gene tn bed. SKTII A. Wiui'i'LE. George M. Rhott died yesterday at his late residence , 1014 Emmet street , of dyspep sia , at the ago of thirty-sis years. The funeral of George Winter took place yesterday afternoon from his late residence on West Fnruain street , at 8 o'clock. JAEGRU'3 WniNEU. Ho is Charged AVIth tlio Embezzle ment of $ : iOOO. Julius F. Ilcimer is in the quay , languish ing under a charge of embezzlement. About n year ago , Mr. Heimcr was operat ing a vinegar factory on South Thirteenth street , hut abandoned thnt enterprise to start an agency for Lomp's boor , In which ho asso ciated himself with Nlo Jaeger. Out of this association arises his present grief , as Mr , Jncger Is the prosecuting wit ness who accuses Helrner of mysteriously gettiiiK away with $2,000 of the firm's funds , which it is alleged ho appropriated to his own use. It Is reported that there are others besides Jaegor who will suffer n pecuniary loss through Hclmor's actions , although Jaegor Is the only one who appears In the role of prosecutor cuter up to the present tlinc. Water Lily Soap Flvo ; CcnU A Cake ducator. Prof. Rluso , head of the imperial College of Commerce , Tokio , Japan , with flvo professors of the college , has been making a tour of the chief cities of America making a special study of the American system of banking and the methods employed in commercial transactions generally. Prof , Naurso is a tall , uno-looklng gontlo- rnan , much larger thaa the average of his countrymen seen in America , and is flncly educated , conversing fluently in several lan guages. "Tho Japanese nro particularly quick to adopt anv improvements in business meth ods , " said the professor to a BEE reporter. "They are a business people ana are showing a wonderful advancement. Tito college of which I am at the head is a government Institution and has for its object the teaching of sound commercial principles to the Japanese youth. The trip ivo are taking Is tor the benefit of tbo col lege. " Prof. Naruso and party loft over the Bur- llngtou for Jap.ui. Tickets at lowest rates and superior accommodations via the great Rock Island route. Ticket olllco , 1C02 Six teenth and Farnam streets , Omaha National AT imOOKLYrt. Plttsburff . 1 001 09000 * Brooklyn. . 1 8030400 10 Hits Plttaburg 8 , Brooklyn 17. Errors- Plttsburg 0 , Brooklyn C. Batteries-Day nnd Berger ; Foutt and Clark. Umpire- Lynch. AT CI.VCl.NXATf. Cincinnati . 0 8 Boston . 2 00000000 3 Hits Cincinnati 13 , Boston 5 , Errors Cincinnati 1 , Boston 3. Uattcries Dur- yea and ICccnan ; Clarkson and Bennett. Umplro-Strclf. _ AT CLEVELAND. Cleveland . 0 11000000 4 Philadelphia. . . . 0 004 0100 6 Hits Cleveland 0 , Philadelphia 12. Errors Cleveland 1 , Philadelphia D. Batteries Bcatln and Zlinmcr , Esher and Schrlvor , Umpire McQuald. AT CHICAGO. Chicago . 0 111000 3 Now York . 0 01000 1 3 Hits Chicago 2 , Now York 7. Errors- Chicago 2. Now York C. Batteries Luby and Honan ; Husslo and Clark. Umpire Powers. Game called by darkness. .League. AT DUPPXLO. The Buffalo-Brooklyn garuo was postponed on account of rain. AT riTTsntmo. PitUburg . 0 30000200 4 Boston . 0 00000000 0 Hltts 1'lttsburg 8 , Boston G. Errors Pittsburg 0 , Boston 0. Hnttcrles Staley and Quinn ; Hadbourno and Swott. Umpires Ferguson and Holhert. AT C1IICAOO. Chicago 3 3001211 0 10 New York 0 00000000 0 Hits Chicago 10 , New York 0. Errors- Chicago 3. New York 2. Batteries King and Farrcll ; O'Day and Araughn. Umpires Knight and Joucs. AT CLEVELAND. Cleveland 0 330130 0 Philadelphia 0 303310 9 Hits Cleveland 11. Philadelphia 10. Er rors Cleveland B , Philadelphia C. Batteries McOill and Sutcllffe ; ICnell and Milligan. Umpires Sheridan and Gaffnoy. Called on account of darkness. American Association. AT LOUISVILLE. Columbus 0 00030000 2 Louisville 0 0400100 * 5 Hits Columbus 4 , Louisville 7. Errors- Columbus ! i , Louisville 5. Batteries Cham berlain and O'Connor ' ; Stratton and Kyan. Umpire Doeschcr. Today's Tips. AT MOItniS PAlllv. First race Eon , Mndstono. Second race Veronica. Bradford. Third race Reporter , Diablo. Fourth rnco--Mnshcr , Equity. Flftu race Tournament , Chesapeake. Sixth race Evangellnc , Hoodlum. AT LATONIA. First race Nova C , Uobln. Second race Jubilee , J. T. Third race Catalpa , Arundel. Fourth race Bobby Beach , Marlon C. Fifth race Phllonn , Birdclla M. TUE SPEKIt JU/A'G. Morris Park Knees. Monms PAHK , N.Y. , Oct. 8 , Summary of today's races : Three-quarters of a mile A walkover for Volunteer. Seven-eighths of a mile Objection won , Bcllo D'Or second , Joe Courtney third. Time 1 : SO. Mile and one-eighth Salvlnl won , Cast away II second , others drawn. Time 1:503 : . McGralhiana handicap for two-year-olds , five-eighths of a niilo Blltho won. Flavilla second , Forerunner third. Time 1:02. : Mattcrhorn handicap , milo heats First heat : Benedictine won , Eurus second. Los Angeles third. Time 1:42. : Second heat : Eurus won , Benedictine second. Los Angeles third. Time 1 :42 : # . Third heat : Eurus won , Benedictine second. Time 1:40. : Five and one-halt furlongs Kirk won , Woodcutter second , Early Blossom third. Time 1 :07K. : Half mile Annie won , Mr. Soss second , Ella T third. Time 48. Iiatonla Knees. CIXCIXKATI , 0. , Oct. 3. There was a largo attendance at the Lntoaia races today. The track was good. Summary. Two-year-olds , eleven-sixteenths of a milo Bob L won , Tom J second , Ivanhoo third. Timo-1 :11. : Three-year-olds and upwards , ono mile Pullman won , Dyer second , Tcnllko third. Time 1 :45. : Three-year-olds and upwards , milo and one- sixteenth Gymnast won , Nina Archer sec ond. Hydy third. Time 1 :5l. : Three-year-olds and upwards , milo anc seventy vards Bobby Beach won , Lottio second , Louisa Forrest third. Time 1 :49. : Two'y ear-olds , six furlongs Semper Fidolo won , Koscland second , Palestine third. Time Entries for Today's Races. AT LATONIA. First race , mile and twenty yards , selling Kingllkc , West Anna , Harry Weldon , Ex pense , Great Scott , Nova C , Robin. Second race , mile and one-sixteenth , sell ing Mccklo H , Ormlo , Pantaletto , J T , Bob Forsyth , Jubilee. Third race , ono mile , handicap Business , Royal Garter , Ban Chief , Martin Uussoll , Polcmus , Consignee , Laura Davidson , Eli , PennP , Major Tom , Mannnlo Fonso , Spectator tater , Dolllkens , Catalpa , Arundel. Fourth race , milo and three-sixteenths , Queen City handicap Bobby Beach , Silver Lake , Sportesman , W. G. Morris , Hamlet , Blarneystone , jr. , AInrlon C , Ja Jn. Fifth race , live-eighths of a milo Canto Louisiana. Minulo Kosko , Anne Elizabeth Birdclla M , Hesponso , Mclenlo , Carrlo A , Maud B , Miss Hawkins , Phllora , Lady Washington. AT Monitis r.inK. First race , ono milo Maustono , B. B. Mil lion , Monroe , Worth , Costa Hica , Insight Longshot , Eon. Second race , five-eighths of a milo , selling Veronica , liuth , Deception , Ballyhoo Punster , jr. , Houston. Glenmound , St. James Gunwad , Manola , Insight , Bradford. Third raco. mile nnd an eighth Hurst- hourno handicap Diablo , Reporter , Fitz James , Montague , My Fellow. Nevada. Fourth race , 1,400 yards , Titan stakes- bender , Masher , Koydel Hey , Equity , Mon tana , Stratagem , Kildcor , Mlml , Posarrd. Fifth race , milo nud au eighth , Mosholu stakes , Chesapeake , Elktou , Mastcrlodo Tournament. Sixth race , three-quarters of n mile , sell Ing Mr. Sass , Patrick , Best Boy , Evango- llne , Crutcher , Sir Kae , Servitor , Emma- Hoodlum , Tom Donohoo. ne. STOOD ins GJIOUXD. Sioux City's Mayor Swoodcd Down on l > y Female Prohibitionists. Sioux CITY , la. , Oct. 3. An incident tha brought vividly to mladtho great temperance crusade of several years ago took place In this city Thursday night. Miss Frances Wlllart had been billed for a temperance address and a good-sized audience had gathered to hear her. But the appointed hour came and wen and the apostles of sobriety came not. Fi nail v a message arrived saying that she was unable to reach the city in tlmo to address tha meeting. Some of the local enthusiasts were then invited to speak and were getting along swimmingly when some ono suggested that fa view of the fact that there nro over 100 places in the city whcro liquor is sold oponlj over the bar it would bo a good idea for the meeting to take action and ask Mayor Palmer to use the ( towerin his bands to close these places up and to see to it that the prohibiwr\ law Is enforced. The suggestion was n popular ono and the other proceedings were at ouco lost sight of The conservative workers proposed tha resolutions bo adopted nnd presented to the mayor as soon as possible , a-sklng that some thing bo done. But this did not satisfy tlio inalorlty of the audience , which , it may bo said , was made up largely of women. Thoj proposed that the mooting resolve Itself into a committal to call on the mayor forthwith 1309 WHAT ARE They arc custom made clothing of merchnnt tailors , loft on their hands for ono reason or an other. \vobuylnlnrgoorsmall quantities , for ready cash. For oxcunplo : A.suitof clothes costing originally $4O , we can , according to style nnd quality , soil for $18 OP $2O. Just think of it , a saving of BO pop cent , one-rinir o ( the original cost. Many of thorn are fpom the leading tailoring establishments throughout the country. MERCHANT TAILORS' MISFITSand UNCALLED-FOR GARMENTS OUR. 3PR1GE ! LxlST A GUIDE. SUITS. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS , PANTS. 05 custom nmdo sntl for $30.00 $00 custom in ml e oiercoat for $ ! JOOft $10 custom nmdc pants for , , . $ S,00 ? 35 custom nmdc suit Tor $25.00 $55 custom made overcoat for $27.00 SM custom made pants for $0,50 ? 50 custom nmdo Knit Tor $22.00 $50 custom made oiercont for $2.,01) ) 2 ens loin nmdo pants for $ (1,00 ( $15 custom nmdo suit Tor $20.00 $15 custom made overcoat Tor $22,00 custom nmdo pants for S"i.50 < ? 10 custom nmdc snlt for $18.00 $10 custom made oicrcoat for $20,00 $ 0 custom made pants for $5,00 $85 custom nmdo snlt for. . . . . . . . . $10.50 $35 custom nmdo for $17,00 $ S custom nmdo pant * for $1.50 custom nmdo suit for $14.00 $30 custom imdo overcoat for. . . . $1'J,00 $ 7 custom niaJt' punts for $3.75 Latest styles and elegant gnrrnon ts In silk nnd satin lined Suits nnd Fall Overcoats. Also Full Dress Suits forsaloorront , nttho 1309 Famam'Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309 Remember numborand place , 13O9 Farnam Street , Omahn , Nob. Open evenings until O o'clock. Saturday un til 10 o'clock. All garments altered fi-co of charge to insure a. perfect fit. MOST APPETIZING-EASILY DIGESTED , The VAN HOUTENS process renders their cocoa easy of digestion and develops in the highest degree its delicious aroma It is an excellent flesh-former , f/typer ant. greater than the best of other cocoas. VAN HOUTEN'S "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " W VAN ItOUTEN'S COCOA ( "oncotriod , lnniused" ) latlitorfohat , pun. solnblo Coco * , Inicntod , mitdo nnd pntcntcd In Ilnlliinil , nnd I * lo-tlny Ucllor mid ruoro lolublo ( bun nny ofclio numtr < iu lniH tlom. ll jcncrall/ailralt- tedill OT rEuropo [ nJacomparatii8 toil willislly [ > rorolhat ] mmtlicr Cocoa cnunlathis Inrentor't In ulutillltr , acreo&lilt tante and nutritlto quilltlot. "I arcest > ilo in the world. " Aik for VIK IIotrrr.N'a AKDIAKE KO OTIIED. u FOR THE CHEAPEST AND BEST MEQISINE FOH FAMILY USE IN THE WORLD Instantly stops the tno5t oxoructatlni ; palm ! never falls to Rlvocaso to the sufferer ! a few aiipllcutloiiaaotllko muelo , causing the pain to ln tuitlv : Htup. A CURE FOR ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. Intcrnnlly taken In dososof from thirty to sixty drops In halt a tumbler of water vlll cue In a fovr minutes Or.imo , SpunisSourStomaoli , Colic. Flatulonen. Heartburn , I/anzour. Kalnt- Inj Spoils , CHOLERA MOHBUS , DIARRUCEA , DYSENTERY , Sick Ileadnche , Nausea , Vomiting , Nervousness , Sleeplessness , Mulurla , and nil Internal pains arising from ohaugo ot dlotor water or other causoa. 50ContaaBottlo. Bold by Druggists. NO CURE. ! NO PAY. Dr 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Boronlcen years' experience. A regular Kradunto In medicine , < u diplomat show. Is atllloattrln ? vrtlU Ilio Rrcntest nuccess nil XcrrouaChronic and I'rlvito illsca m. A poriunncnt ciiraRuntitnta l forCatirrU Si'iTinntorrtm-a. ' IjOstMimbood. Seminal Wcikncs ) , Nl ht I/osiox , Impotcncr , Sjphlll ) , Stricture , nnlal dlicnausof tbolllood , Skin anil Urinary Ortrans. X , 1) . leuur.iatoo fiJ ) forororj ca.olun > lartilcaanil ( il to cure. Consultation froo. Book ( Mji'.orlo of Llfo ) sent true. Oalca lieu 9 a. ni. to S p. in. 10a.m. tou m. and make their demands known. Then came a wrangle that occupied some time , nnd finally the interrogation was put : "WUatlf wo can't find tuo mayorl" That difficulty was easily surmounted , for a mes senger was sent out to scour tba city and locate Its municipal bead. The women cautioned him to be sure and search the saloons if nowhere else bo was successful. Whllfl the messenger was frono the tirno was spent In slngiuf ? and prayer. Soon tlio oinlscary returned with the statement that Mayor Palmer had been found and invited to attend the meeting nnd had refused. That settled it , nnd when the announcement was made that the mayor was at homo the meeting rose iia ono man and woman and started for lus residence. The crowd was nearly one hundred strong after the weak- Unccil ones dropped out. but It was soon dis covered that although the locations of scores of holcs-in-the-wall were positively known not ono In the assembly could tell where the mayor lived. A newspaper reporter kindly I helped them out of this dilemma and the municipal homestead was reached shortly before - I fore 11 o'clock. I Mayor Palmer received .them graciously and listened attentively to what they had to say. They quoted scriptures and laid down the law , hut when they made the demand that ho close the saloons at once ho told them that they had the remedy in their own hands ; that ho was ready to enforce the law if tho.v would swear out informations. They asked him if it wasn't lus duty to see that the law was en forced and lie said it was , but that ho must bo furnished with evidence that the law was being violated and that it was not his duty to search for crime. They asserted that tuo people wanted prouibltion and ho mentioned the fact of liU election over a prohibition candidate by a big ma jority.Why , " said ho , " 000 of the leading business men of the city tlio men who have built the Corn Palace imvo petitioned mo to let the saloons run , and I propose to do it without Interfering with the law , which I will enforce when Informations nro sworn out. No doubt there Li a law on the statute books of Iowa prohibiting the sale of liquors , nnd I stand ready to enforce it. hut 1 won't turn myself into" policeman to do It. You say If i see the law violated and don't take action I share in the violation. You also say thnt you see liquor sold every day , yet you refuse to swear out informations against what you choose to call criminals. " After some further phrloying a lady asked permission to pray for the mayor , that he might see the error of his way. Ho cheer fully assented and she knelt down nnd of fered up a supplication fer his enlighten ment. Una woman remarked that it was casting pearls before aiswine , but oven this did not rufllo the inayor'atorapcrt ' , , aud a few minutes later , sceinp that nothing could bo done , the crowd dispersed. On leaving Mayor Palmer bid them1 a cheerful cood- night , said ho was cladto Imvo mot them , aud would bo pleased to , see them agalu at anytime. ( Today the saloons ar6 open as usual. Tha proprietor of each ploco Is arrested once a month under an ordinance foroidding "loud nnd obscene talk" and cheerfully pays a tine of &V > , nnd that is the way the prohibition law works hero at present. Change of life , backache , monthly Irregu larltlos , hot flashes nro cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Free samples at ICuhu < &Co. , 15th nnd Douglas. TELLKU OS tULVJKlt. A Free Coinage- Dill to bo Pushed at the Next Session , CHICAGO , Oct. 8. ISpcclal Telegram to BBE.J Senator Teller of Colorado Is in the city , and says the west will make another concerted demand at the nort session ot con. gross for more silver legislation. Said hoVe ; " \Vo will ask for the passage of a free coin , ago bill next scsstou , nnd I think it will bo passed. Wo are pretty well satisfied with the legislation wo secured In the session Just ondod-moro , in truth , than wo at the outset expected. But wo shall not bo satisfied , or should the country bo satis fied until a free coin ago bill is passed. The people who oppose it under the belief that it would mean an laimcnso im portation of silver are Ignorant of the facts. There is no silver to import. India wants all she has and more too ; so do all the other countries , South America included. China nnd Germany will absorh the product of Mexico. YDS , it is true that the present hill Avlll consume about all our output ; still , it Is essential that wo should have a free coinage enactment in order that silver may bo placed on a parity with gold. Audit must bo so placed , and when it is done In this country nn international biometallc congress will doubtless - loss bo held , and a bimetalic standard adopted. Queen Victoria has aromarakbly flno head of hair , for a lady of her ago ; but her sonthe Prince of Wales , is quite bald. Hud ho used .Aver's Hair Vigor earlier in life , his head might , today , have been as well covered us that of his royal mother. It's not too latoyot i Commniitlcr Holler Recalled. t WASHINGTON , Oct. 8. Lieutenant Com mander Roller of the United States steam ship Ranger has been ordered home , ami will bo relieved by Commander Wingnto. The impression is general hero that Commander Reltcr Is recalled because the secretary of etato is dissatisfied at the coifrso pursued by him in regard to the pcaco negotiations be tween Guatemala and Salvador nna also In regard to the Barrundia affair. The Hanger was in the harbor of San Jose wheu Earrun- dla was killed on the Acapulco. No More Indians for Shows. WASUIXOTONOct. . 3. Acting Indian Com missioner Belt has issued n letter to Indian agents directing them to promptly refuse any applications for Indians for "Wild West" shows , as it b now against the policy of the interior department to grant permits for such purposes uiidor any circumstances whatever. If any should hercaf tor attempt to leave their reservations for exhibition purposes prompt measures will bo adopted to retain them. Prohibition u Dead Jjoltor. VASKTON- . D , , Oct. 0.-Special [ Tele- pram to Tun Dnn. ] The first annual meeting ot the enforcement league of Soulh Dakota sends greeting that the prohibition taw is generally enforced. Never was there a bigger mi stake , beer and liquors being sold all over the state. Over a dozen places ave sellluK la this city and all the tlmo. Practi cally the law is n dead letter. OO - A woman with a cancerous ulcer of years' standing and five Inches in di ameter lias been entirely relieved by six bottles o Swift's Specific. I con sider its effects wonderful , almost mi raculous. RKT. J. 31. CAHPUKI.L , Columbus , Ga. Will Cure A young man near this town had an eating cancer on his fnco , which had destroyed his nose and was eating to wards his eyes. As n last resort I nut him on Swift's Specific , aud it has cured him entirely sound and well , Dn. M. F , Ciiuui.Ky , Oglothorpo , Go. SkinCancer Ticatiso on Cancer mailed free. Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Qa. AMUSEMENTS. BOYD'S Saturday , October 4. Last T ro Performances of THEC. D. HESS Grand Opera Go This Afternoon at 2:80 : , Sncclol Matinee rorfornuxnco ol Doni zetti's Great Masterpiece , "LUCIA DI L/VMMERIV1OOR.1 This Evening at 8:15 : , Closing the Engagement "With Vordl'a Sublime Oporn "JLA TRAY/ATA" OPKRJMI OUSTS , OnO Ktcilit Onlij. SUNDAY EVENING , OCTOBER 5. ThoChnrmlns Soubrette , MISS RTATTIE VICRERS , IN IIEII NEW C011BD7 HOMANCZ , EDELWEISS = Introducing nHcnlhtic Avalanche of Snow Kow Songs and Dances. Grand Quirtotte. Spoclal Bceuory. nor Shoot opem SaturUnj morning at rosuhr prices. a ° rcl L n a r tj Two N 10 Ills Ostv. Monday and Tuesday Oct. 6-f Succlal ODsaRcmcntof the you 115. ROMANTIC ACTOK , SALVINI Under the direction of Woaloy Slsson. KEPEKTOIKE : Monday Evening , Oct. < ! , I Tno dnrEvonlnfrOct.7 , A Child of Naples I DonCacscrdeBazan Box sheet open Saturday mornlug at regular prices. j d en : WILL LAWJ.ER. MANAGER. CORNER 1ITH AND FARNAM STS. , OMAHA WEEK OF SEPT. 23. FATIMA. AND ERMA , Mother nnil child In nllon otSnakoi. "Fun in a Wedical College , " A Farce Comcclj by a Special Trotipo. Joe Clifton , comcillan ; Mnrcttn Ilroi. , prmnniti ; Jones Uros. nnd IIozin. : melodr Hlntorit ; Sam lion. ton , uotro delineator ; L > olni art Children , club svrlnz- ONE DIME ADMITS TO Best Quality , Correct Stylo. Perfeot Fitting. Best Linen. ASK FOR THEM , PARKER HOUSE , BOSTON. J , REED WHIFFLE < 5 = CO. , Proprietors YOUNG'S HOTEL , BOSTON : . J. REED WHIPPLTS&CO. , Proprietors. EUIiOPISAN Cooklnu nnd Servlco excelled bJiono. . Complete in nil oppolntraunts lion location In tlio clly. Ttio lloston Transcript Bays : "Mr. Wlilp ; > lo ISA prlnco of landlord ! , anil imtronj ot I'nrkers * rnnr iiiUloti'ato it return to the L'OOJ old t'.mos of IU lounilcr , llatvcr n. 1'arkcr , Mr. WIIIITI.K will continue the management o YouniTii" licretoiorc. C. B , MOORE & CO. , ACEHIS. tinpwroi.fc ceo LIEBIG nowle cookery. Use It for Soups , Sauces , ' Made DUhos , ( Game , Company's Fish , etc. ) .Aspic or Meat Jolly. Keeps perfectly in nil ell- mates for any lougth EXTRACT of tlmo , and Is cheap er nnd of finer flavor than any other stock. Ono pound equal to OFBEEF forty pounds of lean bcei of the value of ubotit $7.50. Genuine only wit Justus von Licblg's aiirimturoiis shown Koruhlno IIiilill Ti p fuiic r aTBE.'j7siEpuiJKji.ibV'i0no | ! . .En111 ] 8i > aUSSigi a f'fi\fo' \ W8Ter PilLHtO KAKnoOOl 10 er l awl NEBVOU8 DEBIlrry JWiiknenicr Body andKlnd , EffecU ' " " * ' ° " "Clffollr I'3 " * H to 2fl HiKLurtDciKUkSjinuTsc/ionr. - jtoiiiidT ooriin.r IIUBK itetTnKT iintci * ij diV . . . . . . " Ktttl ll'/rran&OfilAUlafldhrct ' al - ' - " / u--1" tfriU Iknnl . . D.Ffrlplh.Jlo , yUiill n lid pTOr i REHCI SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE nd perm nnt CUR Efor all rilie i.ioTthbRNA | RY ORGANS. Cures Mheroolhtrtrcalmcnttalls.f ulldircctltiniwllheach hoitle. Prlc * , ono dollar , Sea ilgniture oi E. U STAIIL. ForOalo \ DIAMONDS. l > lflttinml < ) Olycu Auny \vitli Tea mill ColToo A. Novel Wnjr of Introducing Goods. 'Tlio nnmc sottilt persons receiving illiv- nomltf , wtitolies. etc. , nvo uililoil to thta istiltvily. Tlio Ororlnml ton , company of San Francisco Imvo routed the Btoro , 30J Farmim , next to Ilollmim't * clothing lou.oe , nnd In order to Introduce tliolr Roods this company \vlll i > reoutfor sixty lays souvenirs with every win of ten. ami colleo sold , such us solid { iold , silver mid liekel watches , nlso genuine dlnmonild n solid ( joltl settings , silver tablownrc , nlso money nnd many other articles of ess valuo. 13vory purchaser will rocolru a souvenir. The coffee , can niul contents \volgh : ibout tliroo pounilH , the tea , can and contents weigh about uno and a half > ounds. This ox jionsivo niul novel way of ndvorllslnc will bo discontinued nftoV sixty days turn those really choice goodit vlll bo sold strictly cm their morlts , but rlthouttho souvenir. Of course every mrchtujer must not expect to get a dlu- nowl orwnteli. This company claim that they have lust as good n right to give nwny watches ) , dlntnonda or jewelry md money as UiolrTjotnpotitors have to * ivo nwny { jlasswnro , ohroinos , etc. Getup up a club. Those who ot up a club order moat always pot a , namlsomo prOH- ont. Orders by mall promptly forwarded : o all parts ol the United States on receipt - coipt of cash or postolllco order. Terms : Single can , SI ; six for $ " > ; thtrteon ( or 510 , and hvonty-sovon for $20. Address Overland Tea company , Omaha , Is'eh. Store open from 8 ocloclc n. m. loft o'clock p. in. nnd Saturdays till 10 o'clock ; ) . in. Ko\v open. Mrs. F. IBrainord , 33d nnd Loaveti- worth streets , silver suijar bowl ; Gcorpo N' . Bishop , South Omaha , cluster dla- nond ring1 in lea ; John Hubbins , North J7th nvenuo , money in can ; M , Wood- bridge , North 10th st. , silver butter dish ; Sarah II. Dewey , Douglas st. , $20 in gold coin in tea ; i'homns McGuIre , South 13th st , silver jjold lined cup ; Al bert Gotrow , California st. , olojjant soll- lalro diamond shirt Html : Mrs. M. Uodowsky , South 20th st. , silver cake Bland1 , Mrs. M , Pnltorson , South Mth , silver sugar bowl ; Matilda "White , Coun cil lilulTs , $20 In gold coin ; Frank Carter , mailorder , Plattsmouth , gent's hunting cuso gold watch ; T. H. Dalloy , Sher man avo. , silver cake stand ; William Litts , Milliard , Nob. , elegant silver water pitcher ; Charles E. Uliifr , S. 2oth avo. , silver cake stand ; A. G. Yjitoa , Farnam st. , coin silver chatolnlno watch hi tea ; Mrs. W. F. Helm , USth nnd Cass , silver pickle stand ; Mrs. Otto Lang , S. 20th , silver butter dish ; llonry A. Carver , South Omaha ; So In gold coin ; Prank Dogan , S. 28th , sliver pickle stand ; G. Erlchson , N. 2 th avo. , silver Biigar bowl ; . Mrs. C. C. Dunlap , Cincinnati , O. , silver calcostmid ; Frank Oswald , Dunlap , la. , coin silver chatelaine watch in tea ; Mrs. O. C. Houph , St. Mary's uvo. , oil- vor supar bowl ; R. Kane , South Omaha , silver Jlvc-bottlo castor ; J. S. Roberts , South 2-lth st , 810 in gold coin ; J. C. Painter , Clifton tllll , silver butter dish : Dnulol Croftly , Paciliu Junction , ladles' huntluer-caso pold 7atch In tea ; Mrs. Fred Dahlborg , Cass st. , silver sugar bowl ; Joseph Gleis- ner , Kyim st. , silver sugar bowl ; Mrs. P. D. Goldlng , Popplutonavenue , diamond rlnpr ; Mrs. S. E. Starling , Bedford - ford , la. , silver five bottle castor ; George Lawrence , S. 13th , $ liO in gold coin in tea ; Mrs. Ilonnun LHumothal , S. Kith , money in can ; Otto Boil , 21 t and Oak sts. , silver cake stand ; Hurry Granger , Lcnvonworth st. , gents' hunting CJIBO gold watch ; Ella Garner , Farnuni st. , diamond , ruby and sapphire ring In tea ; Mrs. A. Dnhin , S. Wth , silver five bottle caster and money in can , AndrowMedin , N. 2-5th , silver butter dish ; C. C. Luce , C. , M. &St. P. R. ! { . , Eilvor.stigai'jjovvlj. Mrs.IIonrictta Pratt , St.Mary's" silver chatolains watch in tea ; Mrs. M. J. Civor , Pnppillton , silver sugar bowl ; B. J. El zoa , Darker , black silver butter dish ; Sarah Rodney , South Omaha , elegant gold lace pin cluster , diamond setting ; Mrs. 31.Vardion , Council Blurts , silver pickle stand ; Mrs , Joisio Fuller , N. 18th st , silver sugar bowl ; Ada Godfrey , Sherman avo. , cluster dla inonil ring in tea ; Mrs. T. Lynch , S. ICth st. , silver livo-bottlo caster ; Mrs. L. Starr , S. 9th , silver pickle stand ; Mrs. J. Jacobus , N. 17th , silver sugar bowl ; Mrs. M. Condon , Nicholas st. , silver butter dish ; Mrs. E. A. Crane , Goorgln avo. , diamond ring ; Mrs. "VVoozig , 2Sth and Farnam , silver cake stand ; D. P. Beard , ] N. 19th , silver pickle stand ; J. A. Dang-o , S. 14th , money in can ; Mrs. Antono Sroff , Lenronvrorth st. , silver iilcklo stand ; Mrs. Li. Kirchbrou , St. Mary's avo. , silver pickle stand ; G. L. Green , Davenport st. , silver cake stand ; MissTesslo Ledoroi1 , 7th and Bancroft sts. , silvjr pleklo stand ; Mrs. B. A. Byrne , N. 18th , solid gold band ring ; Aloj Bicklund , S. 25th avo. , money ia can ; Mrs. R. Davidson , S.Dth , silver five- bottle custor ; Mrs. J. L. Colvillo , 12th st. , silver butter dish ; Mrs. James Hod- loy , N. 17th , silver cake stand. Cornar Oth andHatnoy Streets , Omaha. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic Diseases and Deformities. DR. A. T. MoLAUGHLTN , President Founded by Dr. J , W , McWonamy. gallfornla's fireat DC. BIOIIIJ'S LITTLE VEGETABLE FILLS CURE EnillftcUlOU , , ili Kti > BILIOUSNESS. T all thi li UL nbov * nn l o t lj o r dlsur. 'ilen. They .11 , Ufnri'oole'O.ilj mil llrlpc , ry nnil purrlr tcarta. bio. IjrlnK cumpuunl- uf vrgctnUIr * In * OMI to iMIitnrnU. , rj them. ! & ( IIU In cacli vial. Sick Headache 1 * ftttulutetjr cured by 'OfJobVillllIeftEelallePllli , . ' B& otnt. a > lal i U fur V5 rrnU , 'or Ct fur 4 > I . K r ttlo tjr di u { < i > u , - 'or by null. .VMrru WEB'S MtDlCINI BO. , HCFS. ! AH fUHCIUO CJUi KOHSALi : IN OMAHA , NUM. . I1Y Kuhn It Co. , Cor. lith A Douclo htrctl" . J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor. llth & lijiiuln Streets. A. O. Funtcr ft Co. , Council llluli , lu u. Alio PHIHCIPAI. onusa'OTi IVCHYWHIRI. Absolutely relUble , perfpctlVBafo , most powerful fr nxulitorKnownt HUTIT rolnMu Ifn , i * liald | tone bet luftlclcot. Ail'lnxi ' MON liltifo cu ( uitnio , N. r , BoU \ > I (100UMAS ( lUl)6 ) ) C . COl\V\K. \ ( \ SWAllTJIMOIIK , PA. Olicns 'Jill inontli. Uln. 11M. Tlilrtr mlnutot from llrnnii ft Htnllon. 1'lillH. V inter o > tr of ( rlumli. Cull onllovo euursui forlxitli s > o luvllnt luclaxil. < nl , Un.-lnoorln , bflmitlllo. iui'1 l.ltirury duiiroat Jlunlt * ! ) ! ! ! lurjtlon , mti.'nrlvo nroun1 < . buHilIng * . luaclilnimh'ipi. liibimt'irlei , auJllbrurlu . for full iiartl'l l r nMrom Wll II. Al'l'I.KTON.I'h.D.Actlnu I'roilrtont. . ! ' . . Mllllnrr Atudtmr , bo/i. I Urcul r tt