Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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"A DVEliriSEMENTS for tbM colnmi will
Abe taken until 12. p. m , for the vdnln |
edition nnd until 8-3) ) p. m , for tlit aornlnfl
edition and BUWDAY Iir.c .
mERJlS-Cash In advance ' IIfj I / | , Vt ,
- thtf paice will b
RATES-AflTettUemcnUon IS cent per word
( or the Hntlnwrtlon nnd 1 cent per word for
V ch ul ) cqu nt Insertion , and flM per lln *
ir month. No advertisement taken for
than 21 c nU for the first Insertion.
' lAtS , figures , irmboli , etc. , count each
t ono word.
111ESE dTcrtls Tnent ) must run contccu-
Jtlrcly and under no circumstances will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
T > ARTIE3 advertising In thes columns nnd
flu baring their answers addrr > s ed to a "num.
bor > d lotlor" In euro of TUB H will recolre
p. numbered check to enable them to get their
letter * . Answers will be doltvcr only on
presentation of this check. Enclose answers
la envelopes properly addressed.
A\t\i advertl om > nU tinder tha heid of
"Special NotleeV are published In t th th
nomlnR and cvenlneedltlons of TIIK IIEE. tha
circulation of which nRgrpftatu more than
SO.OOO pipers dally , and Rives the advertiser
the benefit not only of the lario circulation ot
Tm llr.uln Omaha , but ali in Council Illuffj ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns In the west
* Ailvertlsinc for thwe columns will be taken
fcn the above condition ! ! , atthe following bust *
nest houies who are authorized to take special
notices , at the tame rates aa can had at tbe
main otHce. . .
iC23 ! N Street , Lister Hlock. _
JOHN W.BELL , Pharmacist , SMSouthTenth
itrcct. _
HASE k EPDV. Stationers and Printers.
113 South 1Mb street.
" * *
nKARNSVrOItTII. I'Larmaolst , 211J Curn
J. HUGIIE3.rharmacUtC North l th
GEO. VT. PAItR , Pharmacist , 1718 LeaTen-
worth street.
% rrUailEj"l'lIARMACV,2Uh and Farnam.
ferrate * , tic. , tu top of flntenlurr.n on Ihlt page.
BY n SUIRlo woman , housi-kfcpliig for a
Calhollo larally. Address IMD. HOJ.
M-lO-3 *
- -
STATIONARY engineer with liccn o nnd
good icferenccs , wanta a position. Address
I' . H Heo. liM ! *
WANTED Situation by lady stenographer
nnd typewriter rases no object. Address
P 47 , Itcc ofllce. anna 3 *
TV JANTEO Position as housekeeper for
widower. Address 1'2) Hee. D * > 0
A f" experienced travelling man wants a Job.
. /iGooil recommendations. Can adapt hlra-
o f to most lines. 1' . Cook , St. Clalr hotel.
\JI7ANTED lly young lady , a position asor-
> canlst In I'rotcstnntcliitrcu : have had
five years' experience In-Episcopal nnd other
churches ; also , would like more pupils In
jilnno rrorcnn inusfc ; good referenceAd -
tlrcss 1'1 Hoc. 319T5-7 *
" \Ti rANTED Position by seamstress In prlv-
> > ate family. 2123 llarncy. M bliO-S *
BV a younsraan ni co-ichman In a private
family. Addre or call on C. 1' . Hertcl-
pen , 1004 North24th st. M7B7-3 *
. , tet top of Jlnt column on Uit po/s. ;
- cth st-
M-141-4 *
7ANTED At once , a bushelman. Contin
ental Olothln ? Co. 113 2
TVA"rKD ) lcn tor company work In AVy-
i omlng. Albright's labor ugcncy , 1120I-ar-
nam. Ill
WANTED Men for work on B. & M. R. U. ,
good wages and good Job. Albrights la-
l > or agency , 1120rurn.ini. Ill
WANTED-PIrst class broom tier
away , I'ayacoall nrouiid. Steady om-
j-loymen 1 Address 4CUV. . 7th St.Grand Island ,
101 2
TX7ANTED Experienced retail dry poods
salesman , no other need apply. Enquire
nt SlriKer's , South Omahu , Neb. PU5
"VITAXTED Youncman to receive Instrue-
i tlons nnd take set of Ixxik to keepJ. . U.
Smith , ! l Now Yorli Mfo bulldln ; . frj 2 *
T r ANTED 'Torwarder" to work In blnd-
' erv : must be sober nnd Industrious Ad-
dre sTeleKraph. Atlantic , Iowa. M07C-3'
_ "VT7ANTED A rustllnc vouns ; man for offlco
work. Call today after 0. Room 407. fhecly
M 865-5 *
> Salesmen to sell nursery stock
on commission or salary ; outfits fur-
niftlicd to experienced men : reference * re-
nulrrd. Address Hrewcr i Stannanl. Ottawa ,
Kansas. 3IOT7-3 *
\VANTED Broom-makers. 1317 Chicago
V > street
\7\7ANTED Men to travel for our Canadian
T I nurserIes.btonc&WolllnBtonMadlMJn.Wls
"V\7ANTED M laborers forstono nnd crade
1 work. Apply to V. H. Johnsou , tlnlon
pi < scnscr depot , Omaha. 673
' * V\ ? ANTED BO teams to work on grade and
> t haul bridge timber. Apply at Smith. 011-
lott k Co.'s camp two miles oust of I'apllIIou. J
live ? : .
"V\7ANTEn Men and women of ability In
> every city , town and village , to act as
nKcnt * for the Ladles' Home Journal. We
want tlio best obtainable clasa of ngontti , nnd
to juch unusual terms will be offered. The
Journal Is the periodical for la-
Sllis and the family ever Issued and has near
ly half n million subscribers. It will bo ad-
vprtl'wd ( he coming autumn and winter on a
larger scale than ever before creating u de
mand that agents should bo ready to fill.
Curtis I'ubllsnlnc Co. . 1'hlladclpnla. 7P J > *
"VXTANTED Salesmen tocarry side line , le-
vt cltlmatebuslno- with drua trade : big
commissions. * Apply W Mercer Chemical Co. .
Qulncy. 111. j | 760-3 *
C ITV salesman. Omaha shirt factory. 13U
Karuain 316
/-10ATMAIC EllS Wanted. 2 eo'atmiikersEood
V-/pay and stead v Work to Mrst-class work
men. Andre & tiro. , Central City , Neb.
751 2 *
TV ANTED Good cornice worlrers and tln-
* nors. Steady work. Apply to O. Speoht ,
614-Cls S. th st. 7353
I7ANTED Actlvn men with reference.
> Metropolitan Mff. Co. , 1000 llowaril st ,
ft * 0 2l
t ANTED-AKonts-Uy the Equitable life
i Insurance company of Iowa. Oooa tcr-
Itory , fuvorabla contracts and absolute se
curity to policy holders ari Inducements
ottered. I. T Martin , superintendent of ncon-
clos , DCS Molne * . la. Jl 681 O 24 *
1\7A NTEI > M tonnn to work on prune and
T haul brldra timber. Apply at camp , two
znllci eust of 1'apllllon. 610 5
Tr\7ANTEU 1,000 men for now railroad work
i i In Oregon nnd Washington Ter. Work
111 lust twoye.-vrsj peed waccs E arant < x > d.
Albright Labor Agency. 113) ) Karnam t. SU10
For i-atci , < tc , tet top nf Jlnt column on inlt jtags
"TXTANTED tadlnand ccntlemen to taVo
I llRht , pleasant employment at their
own homes : tllttunce no objection : work sent
by mall ; f-tolia day can bo quletlr made ;
noonnviisslng. IMcaso address at once Uella-
Iilv Mfc Co. . box 012 rhUadelphiu , 1'a. : ca-
tubllsbcd ISsO. 107 *
T\7ANTED Girl as cook and laundress.
> Oool woscs paid to right person. Inquire
S 0 ! St. JIary' 1164
> 2IOV
V JANTED flirl foreeneral housework. CCJ
Park avenue. Mrs. 0. E. Ilurinestcr.
V $ &
"Vl/ANTEIT / iA peed plrlfor general hou e-
? I work. Mrs. J. 11. lilanchard , cor. Woolworth -
worth utid S IXlh. s9
G OOD cook wanted. 223 Dodge st. *
VTURriEOIrl-lO to 14 years of aize. First
JL > house north of Dodge and 31tt avenue.
girl for general house-
work. miut have reference. Call at ( )
South 24th st. l < a-S *
"T\7ANTED YounB lady to keep office for a
vl general stenographer. Fret Instruction
Inihorthand and typewriting. Add * s V 40 ,
/TOOD place for clrl for housework. 1921 St.
JMarjr'iiaTe. CM-2 *
GIRL for ttnonU housework. Befercnce *
required. 1703 Dodge it. _ ta-r
T\TANTED- < l dlnlnp room elrla tt
T Windsor hoteL _ M 75S-3
BniGUT younK lady wanted to ret sub
icrltxrs for the Uinaha RxceUlor ; da per
Apply 111 a 161U t.
Farrattt , tte vt trrf of fnt column on thtr j > ipt.
"TjWKMSII ED room * ; pa * and bath and lira !
JL1 I7an < ltl0. 1813 Douglas * t. M-142-G *
TTIOIt HENT-I > ouble parlor * , furnishoa with
L large clothes press ; terms reasonable. 1015
Webster U M-141-5 *
TTIOR HENT-Nlccly furnished front room
JL with alcove ; all convcnlencoa ; gentlemen
only : sou Can su JIiis-9
"IJ > OK IlENT Onfl furnWied front room In
-i-1 prlvato house , parlor Iloor , cither a lareo
or fmull ono at low price to right party. 1518
Howard street. iH32 5
17OU IlENT-FurnUhnl room wltli board.
J ? ISIOOracost. Suitable for two. All mod
ern conveniences. M133 0 *
lOlS llENT-Neatly furnished rooms , wither
or without board , 2022 St. Mary's avenue.
pOU ENT-noom with board,172Dodost. (
TTANDSOMEI.Vfurnished room. !
"fiion UnNT-Furnlahed rooms. 11)08 ) Capitol
JL1 avc. 130 a *
TffJKNISHEO rooms with board. C16 SoMTth
"I71UBMSIIED front room for ono or two
J- gents ; all modern conveniences ! strictly
private ! rent reasonable. 220 ) Douglas. M7
FOR ItENT-A furnished room with heat
nnd use of bath. MS S. Mth su , corner fet ,
Jiary'save. W73 4
IXJU ltENT-K irnl hed rooms ; gasbathand
steam , 1313 llovartl. 67 >
ST. CLAIREuropf-an hotel.with dlnlne room ,
steam heat In all rooms. 13th and Dodse.
Special rates bv week or month. 8T5
T OH IlENT Furnlshed rooms , 1000 Douglas.
LAHOB nlco rooms , conveniences ; board If
desired. CM S.ltthst. Tl'TL"
TTlUnNlSHED rooms with pas. batn and fur-
JL1 nace heat Ith or without board. S. E.
cor. 25th aro. anfi Harney. mft li' <
TjlOR KENT A nicely furnished front room.
-C suitable for two centlemcn , with board.
I'arnam aud itTth uvo S. K. cor. fe J-5 *
17IOU KENT Two fine front rooms ; steam
J-'heat. 403 N. Ifilh su , 3d tloor. 023 2
TTIOIi KENT Newly furnished rooms ; very
JU reasonable to gentlemen. 211 S. 2 ! > th are ,
ECO-5 *
_ _
ASDSOME rooms , also Ublo board. 1322
Chicago. gT7-01 *
NE\V and clesantly furnished rooms ; gas.
bath and steum heat. 70U S.lOth st , 3d tloor.
741 r
FOK KENT Furnished rooms. 1722 Oapltol
3 ROOMS , light housekeeping , 12S N 20th.
"VTICE room ; steam heat. 1719 Davenport
i > street. 522-01'
FRONT room suitable for gentleman. 1
Uodjre. 145
Forratct , etc. , < * e top or Jlrtt column nn Utlspagt.
T7IOIIIIENT-3 rooms , unf iirnlshed.210 N. 13th
JP st , price JI2..V ) ; will rent to colored people.
Apply to M. T. Martin , 704 N. 17th st. 521
0 VEK steve store , 1C21 Howard
FOR KENT Suite of 4 unfurnished rooms
for lieu ouccplns , to family without
children. 1702 Webster st 315
forrato , cte. , te top of frtt column on tht * page.
POK KENT Light basement suitable for
uarbcr shop..plumber otlice or paint shop ,
and many other kinds of business , (15. 701 S.
10th st. George Clouser. Sl-136-3 *
FOR RENT H of an office , ground floor , on
Farnam , ucar 18th , very low rent. Address
1'47 , lice. 115-4
QTOKE For Rent 1514 Dodco sU Chas. W
OHainey , 315 Omaha National bank bldg.
TTIOH RENT Brick warehouse , two stories
JL' anil basement , K.OOO square feet , with 100
feet of double track on U. P. railway , south
20th and 1'lcrce streets. Address U Oskamp ,
Oinaha , Neb , fcOO
STORES at 709 S IGth , SOxorteach , lanrofehow
windows , steam heat furnished. Thos. P.
Hall. 3111'axton block. 692
JlOB UENT-Store , 103U5 1'aruam.
TT1OH RENT The most desirable business lo-
Jcation In Omaha for dry goods store. clothIng -
Ing , hoots and shoes , groceries , hardware or
furniture. lients very reasonable. Povwalon
given nt once or Dcoember 1st , The Pair's fl vo
stores ; will rent separately or altogether. J.
L. BrandelsJc Sons , 13th and Howard.TsU
TsU O26
TT1OR RENT Metropolitan hall. 14th and
J. ' Dodge , for balls , parties n.nd weddings wither
or without supper room. Terms rc.T in.iblo ,
George Heyn , 313 S 15Ui st. 637-031
T71OR RENT-Thc 4-story brick bulldlnr.wlth
X ! or without power , formerly occupied by the
Heo Publishing Co. , 91Q Farnam st. The buildIng -
Ing has a fire-proof cement bnsementcompleto
steam heating fixtures water on all the floors ,
gas. etc. Apply at the office of The lec. ) 915
Fur rntft , tie. , ne fop of frti column nntJitx jaye.
"WrANTED-Good houses to rent ; 202Shec-
ley's block. 1204 *
Hll.IUEYi Bra.rental ugents.2ui ] N.Y.LIfe
. 101
H.E. . Cole , rental agentContinental blk.
. 6SJ
T. 1ST your house * to sell or rent with C. F.
UHarrlson,911 N , Y. Life.
E. 1' , Cook , rental agency ; loans , mortgages
bought , taxes paid and collections , Uoom
03 N. Y. L. bulldinj. MWO"OS
TST your houses with Shaw's rental agency ,
S. ICth st. Wl O. C.
For raltt , < tr , , tte tup of frtt column an tfifci yogc.
BUSINESS wanted : about SJOO ; hoar Investl-
tlon.strictly contidcntlal. Address I'.yj ,
Ucc. 127 3 *
T\TANTEI > Close to town , some cholco
IT pieces of garden land ; 2u2 Shecley bloclc
WAXTED-1,000,000 brick. If you want to
deal call at 41 ! ) lice building. Logan &
Mallctte. M1US-5'
WANTED 200 chairs for hall : must bo
cheap. Address statlqg price , J. T. Engel-
hardt , Itradshaw , Nob. 3tt4 *
TVRU03 I want a good stock'of drugs for Vi
J cashnnd ! J real estate. AVrltp full parti
culars. Lock box 124 , Superior , Neb. li 2 *
fttrratnetcHe _ top ofrrt cotumn , on
\j \ OOMS on Mxiond Boor for light honsekeep-
Jtfns ; have two small children. Address ,
stating nrlce , location , conveniences , etc. ,
I1 44 , Itce. M110-3 *
For ratt * . rtt. ett too of crfnmn on thu page
WANTEi-Atonce. 10-000 ladles to bo es-
corted by 10,000 gentlemen to the center
of the labyrinth , cor. 14th and Chicago sts.
120 3
_ _ _ _ _ _
\\TANTEIV-A tenant for Improved ranch ;
' niuat furnish his teams and farming out
fit ; great Inducements offered , Address 1110
Lowe avc , Omaha. _ Ki 6 *
WANTED-Gradlnc and eicavntlns done ,
call at room 6J2 , 1'axtou blk. J. It. Shaw.
_ b-JJC *
WANTED - Grading to do for private
parties. Address or call 1520 S. 2Cthsu
_ M tXl-7 *
TTTANTED-At once. 1W 0 gentlemen to as-
IV sht 10,000 ladles In Undine In to the cen
ter of the labyrinth , the ereat puzzleat corner
14th and Chicago sta. ; FtaO In valuable pre
miums given away. Admission lu cents to all.
_ 1282
\\7ANTED-Horses to winter , Wejhavo the
if boat accommodation In the Btuto for win
tering and pasturing horse ; can furnUhbox
or sluslo stall , ttablei nnd pastures only
seven mllt'-s from center of Omaha , Apply to
\Yiwlsor. Kemp & Cu. , a3New York Llfebfdg. ,
or to Chris Nerliu at the .stable * . Jrvlnpton ,
Neb. 644-11'
_ _
PHYSICIAN wanted In good location. Prac
tice worth (2,500 a rear. Address S. J
Hadlcy. Arlington. Neb. SI 764-3 *
HOUSES wanted We want thirty houses to
rent. Omaha Heal Estate and Truit Co. ,
4 Ueo building. MW
Fbr rota , rtfeetopof Jlnt rotunn on thl * cage.
LOST Yellow pony , iihlto feet , mane and
tall , brand on left hip and cheat. Suita
ble reward. Wio. Wultlag. East Omaha.
For rate * , rtc , , tee top of frfttolumnon U\ti \ paot.
T7H3H HENT 5 room cottage and barn , half
J ? bloclc of pavement , 113) ) also one for 112 as
above. Smeaton & Allen , 1877 Farurun st ,
JI132 5
FOR KENT Ono four-room cottaze. KI7
North 27th. 31-140-0 *
FOK KENT Four new one-story six-
room house * ; cast front ! beautiful loca
tion : good cellar ; city water : near car line
north part city ; very cheap. Innulro north-
past corner Twenty-eighth and Cake trtet .
E. U. Glenn. S11W-5 *
Foil IlEXT 5 room cottage with bath , flno
location , near motor. Itent 1-1. Smeaton
Allen. 1007 Fntnarn st. > 1132 5
FOIt KENT ( t-room brick house.ncarly new ,
latest Improvements , 0th a\c. near St.
Mary's ave. Apply au Sheeloy bloctr. 1204 *
"I7KU ) KENT 0-room bouse , all modern conC -
-C renlences. east front , 13W Georgia ave. , ap
ply at German Savings bank. 112
Foil UEXT 5-room house nnd barn. 3115
Hurt , nice shade , frontoyard. key 3114
Webster , ono block south. Wf 5 *
FOIl KENT C-room Hat , 2nd floor ; ranee
and allothcr conveniences , 131 ; 7D3S. IGtli
street. Gcorgo Clouser. 107-0 *
8-liOOM house. 33d and Cum Ing.KB per month.
C. V. HarrisonOil N. Y. Ufe , S79
FOU KENT Housc.S rooms , good laundry.
Inquire Robt. I'urvlSjSlth A St. Mary's nve.
T710B KENT A six-room house near business
J- } center , 120. Mead Investment < Co. . Iko
building. Ml
ROIl KEXT My residence , furnished or un
furnished , for winter or longer ; desirable
location. Mrs. M. Elguttcr , 1112 S 10th st.
TFYOO wish to rent a house or store see II.
JLE. Cole , Continental block. &S3
T710K IIE.VT To responsible parties only ,
J- those ilno ncvr brick and stone houses on
Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms and alcoves ;
moro conveniences and better finished than
any bou < m for rent in the city. II , H , Hender
son , 400 I'axton block , city. bit
rr-KOOM house with barn : nominal rent. 0.
I F. Harrl n. 911 N. \ ' . Lite. 870
TTTOUSES for Itent-SJOGCass st.,24W Ca-vj st. .
JQillSCassst. . 10 and 14 rooms ; all conven
iences Cha * . W , Ualooy. 315 Omaha National
bankbulldln ? . 6S5
'I710U REXT 0 room house , all modern con-
J-1 vcnlences. Including a good stable. Capitol
avenue , near the lilah chool ; rent moderate.
D. J. O'Donuhoe , 1C01 Farnam st. 931
I OR RENT Furnished seven-room house.
JJ3SO : St. Mary's avo. 037
FOR KENT Ten-room dwelling , 2011 Bar
ney street all modern Improvements ,
cooking range and double heater goes with
the house. See Dr. Neville , 1403 Douglas st.
T710R RENT 10 room house , modern con-
Jt ? venlences , only six blocks from post-
onice . 8.0.00
C rooms on 3T th and Tarnam . 20.00
7 rooms on Sherman ave . 1100
4 room sen Sherman ave . 12.50
2 roonib on Mnndnrsonst . liOO
5 rooms on Clark nnd 17th st . 1S.OO
Oinaha Heal Estate & Trust Co. , 4 , lien bid ? .
\\rANTED Tenants for those new nnd mod-
rl ern houses on IKtb and Hnniey sts. In
spect houses and then make me an offer. Vim.
J. Paul. 1CW f arnam st. 701
T710R RENT New 9 room house , all modern
-t ? Improvements , central location , only UU
A. P. Tukcy , New York Life. MMS
SEVEN-room house , ISth and Vlnton , 816.
T-room house. 2T > th and Miami. J12.
S-room house , 2Gth and Cald well , KJO.
7-rooui house. 3c rh nnd Garllch , 110.
S-roorn hou e. Lincoln place. ? 10.
J. II. Johnson , 519 I'axton block ,
FOR RENT Two 3-room houses and onolV-
room house , Apply at 3314 Francis st. . west
side ot Hanscom park. 631
FLATS. sto > ara heated. 700 S. 16th. Thos. P.
Hall , 311 Puxton blk. fc
FOR REXT 7-room cottages. Bath and all
modern conveniences , ready In few days.
C.S.EIgutter , 407 Flr = t Nat'l bank. 5U
FOR RENT House , 3Cth and Cald well , 110.
Brcl nnd Jones. 410. 25t3 DivenporU t-U
Vf. L. Selby. 13 , lid Trade. 435
FOR REXT Ono flat In the tlnton block on
tbe 2d iloor. C rooms , steam heat , newly
fapered , prate In parlor. AH In good order ,
nmilro of John Hnnilln , In the block , corner
of 13th and JIason sts. , room 817. M120-
/ IHEAPrent. Have several 3 and 4-room
V-'llats. central , with city water , sewerage ,
etc. , at from M to 115 per month. Butts' Rent
ing agency , 1 ) S 13th st. 200 o 11 *
" 1T10R REXT Neat4-rooracottaKe.clty water ,
-C 1'iju lies from I'.O. I ) . C. Patterson. 1319
Farnam. 151
OCT. 1st. , build Ing on N. E. cor. 10th and
Douglas. 2 iKisemenK 3 stores , and 7
rooms upstairs , 1150. Mrs. Kuhlmann , 11 and
Vlnton. KG1
"DIOR RENT A house of all conveniences ,
-C centrally located. Inquire 712 N 19th st
Ferrates , dc > , tte lop oj flni column on thfa page.
T\7OfK horseOO.two ( hoi -e waon S20doublo
T f work , harness < 15. Or will trade for a
good Hcht side bar buggy. H.E. Cole , Contin
ental block. 690
ORSES KO and up. U. E. Cole.
T710UH teams , light mules ; one heavy 1,500-
JL ? pound horse. Koom 13 , Hoard of Trade.
FOK SALE The best family horse In the
city. Also four-year-old horse , spirited
nnd good all round. Uavles Ilros. , l th and
Chicago sts. M 700-3
"M'lOE wood-top wagon. 1312 Dodge st.
10R SALE S good work teams. Inquire at
1 813 I'axton blk. 423
For rntra. tte , , ftelopof first column on Ihli pi7.
uitNITUKE. household goodsetc.irichest
Jt ? cash price. 1111 1'arnain. 877
fTMIKEE elegant hard coal stove * , have only
JL been used a very short tlmo I'll 11 Stlmmel.
Oil and OU Jones st. orsouthwest coriWth Cass.
FOR SALE Cheap The furniture m the No. MS Douglas Street , for sale ,
and house for rent. Enquire on tbe premises.
FOK SALE Fnrnlturo and business of 33-
room hotel In Lincoln , doing coed paying
buslnc.s& Best of reasons for soiling- Terms
easy. M. W. Kolsom. Lincoln. Neb. GIG
For rota , de , tee top of first column on 0 > U pagt
I'LL blood pus dog for sale. W S. . 702
Webster St. , fourth tloor. 131 3
T710II SALE-Oow giving milk CO , 2327 Bristol
Jt : 1135
FOR SALE Ixtof base burner stoves , fit.
Clair European hotel , 13th and Dodge.M
M 12) )
* tte ti > p of fnt column on thli pagt.
STOUAGE See us before storing goods of
any description. Omaha Stove Kepalr
Works , 12 Douglas. Tel. 000. bSl
rpn.VCKAGE storaso at lowest rates. W. II.
JL Husliman , 1311 Leavenworth. 801
" TORAGE Branch i Co. , 1211 Howard.8ft
_ _ _ _ >
For merchandise and furniture.
cold storuco nnd freezing ; truckage. David
Cole. 815-S17 Howard st , 600
Ferret , ttr. . rte top of Jlnt column on f/iu / page.
BO. 'WHEELEK. general stenographer and
notary. Depositions and court work a
bpoclalty. TeL , 0)1. ) Itoom 10J2 N. Y. Life bldg.
rpYl'E WRITERS , all raaVe , bousht , sold , ei-
JL changed , rented , J. P , Uegeath , 1637 Kar-
namstrc-ct. fcO
\TE\\niTEBS for rent or sale. Stenog-
rapUers supplies. J.I > .Jlegetitli,1607 Farnaui.
Vorntet , at tft lop otflnl colmn on thtt
TDEKOnE buying a piano examine the new
JL > icaJe Klmball piano. A.llospe , 1313 Douglas
G EO. F. GELLENI1EOK teacher of th bajo
with IIospeIM3 Douglas. 243
TUB Golden Monitor Hew and thorough
hand-book tor piano aud organ ; & most
valuable helper ana guide ; highly endorsed ;
coU but & dollar ; majr be found a '
PltOF. Cahrlrt Peterwjo Pianovlolm.rlther
tad 1 Initructloa , StudloMS Sheely blk
3IONCY T < >
fbr ratt * , ttt , tet lap o > ' ftKttJutnn an Utti
MONEY to loan by B-cjlMtorton ciattel
and collateralfCcurlllM fornny time from
one to itx tnoaths In any amount to suit bcr-
Ixansmadeon1iou ehohl coeds , pl.inos. or
gans , horse-s. mules houses , leases , warehouse
receipts , etc. . at the lowest po lblo rites ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My loans are oarrangedjtbit you can make
a payment of any amount at anytime and
reducebothprlnclplo and Interest ,
If you owe a balance oru your property or
Inve a loan you wish changed. I win pay It
off and carry It for you. If you flnd It tnoro
convenient , call up tclotfhono No. 1G21 ana
your buslneM can bo arranged at home.
Money always on handf aodelay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates.
n P M '
Room MYUhacll blk iMh and Ilarrfey'sts ,
PA KM Ix > ans Star Land i Loan Co.114X1
MONEY toloan on real estate If applied for
soon , by Midland Ouarucatco and Trust
Co. basement N. Y. Life. ixn 2 *
0 illATTEtjbanU.319 5.13thst. , lMn" money
on , chattclsor collateral at rcusooablrrates
1)04 )
TO LOAN-Kl.OOOprlv.ito money at 8 per cent.
O. r. Uarrlson , C12 N. Y" . Life. lo3
"ITUHST& second mortzaces on vacant & 1m-
-I ? proved City tirO * * . County & amnt 0 lion eh t
Money on ' . -.M.KIcUanlsou,8HN.Y.LIfc.
(05 (
MOSEV M. GO or W days on furniture ,
pianos , horses , houscs.ctc. J. J. Wilkinson1
CIS Pinion block. WO
THIRST mortsragf loan * at low _ _ .
JL1 delay. V. V. Sholes Co. . 210 1st Xat'l bank1
LOASS-Cltr and f arm loans , mortzago paper
bought. JIcCauo Investment Co. W3
TTNtlSCALIA' low rates
U of Interest on first mortsase * of Improved
real pstato ( or the next W dnys by the Kansas
City Investment Co. llooui 35 , Board of Trade ,
J. II. 1'ease , manager. OS
MONEY to loan on nnr security
for short time at low
ratci. Ixiwest rates
on personaljproperty
The Henderson MortRaRo Invebtraent Com
pany , room 400,1'axton blk. 910
BUILDING loans made at lowest rates. Vf.
M. Harris , room 20. Frenier blk , , opp. P. O.
f \ IIEAP eastern money
W Philadelphia SlortsaRO and Trust Co ,
alwavs ready to loan and pay promptly ; first
mortgages wanted. George W. V. Coates. rop-
rescntatlvc , room " , board ot trade. 912
TEAL Estate .Loans Cash on hand. Globe
XVLoan fc Trust Co. . 307 S. 30th st , . No del ay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent , goal list.
OE. k C. SL ANTHONY. 31S N. Y. Llfebulld-
. In * , lend money on farms In choice coun
ties ot Nebraska and Iowa : also on peed
Omaha residence property : lowest rates ! best
tcrmsj no delay : money ready. Titles and
rallies passed on hero. 914
TrEVSTONEMortsagoCo.-Loan ? of flO to
J-\-Jl,000 ; pet ourratc * before borrowlnz and
favo monevj Jeans on horses furniture or any
approved security without publicity ; notes
Douclit , fornow loa enewalof old and low
est rates , call K.-W cely blk..Uth& Howard.
"ITTAN'TED First cla s InMdeloans. Lowest
> T rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1504 t'arnam. < jlf >
'ASTERN money to loan on city pronortv ;
. . ! . ' . .
mortgage paper bought. ll.l.Irej'N.Vl-lto.
/CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. Removed
. N.Y. ilfe , bldg. J. B. EmnilnRtT.
ITIIRST mortsage loans Cm. Improved and nn-
V Improved property. Charles W. Kalney,315
Omaha Nutloual bank building. faoj
MONEY loaned at low rate ? on furniture ,
horses , Ac. , without publicity. Hawkeye
In vestment Co , 33 Douglas bllc,16th and Dodge.
T3UILDING loans. C to 7'per cent ; no addl-
JJtlonal charges for commission orattornev's
fees. Vf. B. Melule , FlrsrNational bunk bldg.
T71 ASTERN money to loan ; lowest rates ; no
-li'dclay ; targe loans a specialty ; short tlmo
paper bought. Omahn inbrtgago Co , ground
tloor.Cbamber of Commerce. Ml
WANTED Applications for loans of SIOO.
(200,13,000 and Intorinedlato amounts.
Ceo. J. Paul , ISM Karnam. TOO 2
MONEY to loan at all times on dcslrnblo
Improved property In Omaha , The , money
Is here and thcro are no delays , as we examine
the property and title ourselves. Bates , Smith
& Co. . ItiOS tarnam St. 3 oU
M. IONEY ' toloan.CorrcsponrlenMof Lombard
. Inves'tCo. ghrlver & 13urnsFrenzer blk.
flHEAP loans on city property & collections
V.x'promDt attention. N.V. Life
nn n 17
For ralt .ete tee.topof first column on tltlipage.
WANTED Merchandise ID cxchanie for
real estate , part cash. Jcse Candy ,
Broken Bow , NeD. 124 15 *
"VTOTIOE Anybody having lots on which
J-N payments are delinquent or under fore
closure communicate with me. Will trade
lots , lands and mortgages , with some cash.
Ulve full particulars. Remain a few dayi
only Address IMG , Bco M107
TO EXCHANGE 2 clear lots In MeCormlck's
2d , for Improved property , will assume
t2,500 mortgage C , F. Harrison , 012 N. Y.Ufc ,
FOE EXCHANGE 7CO acres Improved farm ,
excellent soil. Address K. A. Crum , Crelgh
ton , Neb. IK1 5
WANTED Stock of genfral mdso. , Involc-
1ns f2.QX ) to for cholco Omaha Im
proved property uud cash. Address M 2t ) . Bee.
A GOOD Improved Nebraska farm to ex-
chance for flrst-cla 3 upright piano. Ad
dress at once , Arthur C. Crossman , Atkinson ,
Nebraska. , 747 2
A TWO-story and basement brick store
XLbutldlng with ninety-nine year ground
lea'se.for a stock of hardware and stoves.
Address C. K. 49 , general delivery. 611
T71OR EXCHANGJi Elzht mules for Omaha
-C real estate. H. 13 , Iloird of Tradp. 4.'C
For raw , tte. , fte fop of fnt r Iumn on thlt r > aoc.
5T AiSAGE , Muaam Deliler , overuio S. 13tn.
. -
and takn a rnassaze treatment ;
Wsoiuethln ; new. I'arlorscm S. 13th st. next
Marker hotel. _ OE 4 *
For rale * , etc , tee top of frti column on Wi ( pagt.
/LTENT Jawyers & solicitors. 0. W Sues i
Co. , Heo bulldln ? . Omaha. I years' experi
ence as examiners In U.Sipatcnt oflico. Ilranch
oflico it Washlnztoh. D. C. , Consultation free.
. 8T8
For ralet , ete tee top of fm& column en thlt vagt.
MASSAGE , Madam Defciler , orer 0108.13th
' M-137-.V-2 *
MRS. NANNIE V. WARREN , clairvoyant
trance , speaking , writing and reliable
business medium , ! years in-Omaha. 119M. 16th.
riLAlRVOYANT Madaiu.DeUuer. over CIO9
For ratu , ete tea tap of frit'columii on t/id jxi/x.
MOIILE loans money on diamonds ,
watche , Jewolryeto.,3.E.cor.KaniamUKh.
EN F. Marti. T years with Fred Mohle ,
loans made on diamonds , watches , jewelry
and articles ot value. HIS t'arnam st. ' 'loOll'
fbr raUi , tfa , ue top of fnt column on Uili pngt.
\ \ ASSAOF.treatmcntelectro-therm .l baths.
III. icalpund hair treatment , tnanlcuro and
chiropodUU Mrs. 1'oit , K : o-21 , Wlthnell blk.
TTPHOLSTERINO and m tresse ronovaUsd.
U 113 N. lath U E. I'eteraon. tO3 *
_ _
For ratet , ett , M topo/frtt column on' Mi i > aot
pOUNU Adoukey. Inijulre5238. l Ui it ,
For nttet , etc , tte top of fnt toiunm
TTIOH ? ALE-One acre , more or IMS to snlt
JL1 purchaieri finest residence site In city ,
frontlnj JUi avo. and acth sU Innulm Iloom
7J N. Y. Llfo Uldg. H140-1 *
1W feet , east front , on Lowe avc. . between
Fnrnam and Leavenworth , 13,000 , dirt
cheap. 0. IMIarrlson. 911 jr. Y. Llfo. MHT-4
SOLD at a barcaln It taken now a down
town hu tnes lot : call at once on the Star
Land rtnd Loan Co. , 1609 > i I'arnam. 1183
171011 ? ALE Two very cholco lot * In best
Jt residence part of the city , S. 11. Nlcld * . H
Sbcoley blook. ISO
TTKHl SALE-Dr. Chambers' resMcnec and
JLA burn. cor. 16th and llurdett ; 10-room hou.ic ,
furnace , paa , sewer , range and all conve
niences. JIarn IS.xOO , brick. 0 box stalls and II
Klnzle stalls , with water , fewer , Rat. " roomi
forholp.ctc. Hcst ( xulppc < l bam In Omaha
forvetorlnarvor private u p. I ) . V. Sholea
Co. , sole agents , ai.l 1'lrst Sufi bank. M''I5 '
* ,500 for cottage an cl 40 feet east front : lot
$ on 2Mb. nviJmt north of t'arnam school.
O. K. Harrison , Ula S. V. Life. 104-3
IGthst. . tout hot JelTorson sn. . 52x03.
Douglas stW foot , at per foot , ii > 3.
Howard < t , , ( aclug comuilsslon houses , Mi
132. at K ,000.
nesidcnce Property.
Hanscom Place , full lot on paved st. , $3,000.
Windsor Place. Jlno eait front. JUfO.
Snrln ? St. . next McKlbbon residence. 62,550.
Hou e built tn suit on nice east front Iq
near [ Ilanscom Park , monthly paynicntsllOO-
Hutchlnson i AVead. 152 * Uouglas st. Tel
per foot for cholco lot on Cap. ave , nea r
$100 chool. C. F. Harrison,012 N. V. Mfe
O EAST front lots on 3M ave. between Far-
> nam nnd Davenport st . $ 1.000 each , K cash.
C. K. Harrison. 012 N. Y. Ufo. 1043
\VANTED Good Improved farms to sell ,
' near Council IIIuits or Omaha. S. 1C.
Nlclds , S02 Sheclev block. 1M 4'
/COTTAGE homes In most any addition for
v-'saloat ' fromtl.fWOupon easy monthly pay-
nicnts. K. K. Uarllng. a llarkcr blk , CT
A SMALL payment down and tl.lpor month
will buy a4-room house and lot on IGtli , 2
blocks from motor ; first-class chance to ac
quire n homo on ca y terms. Apply to II. E.
Cole. Continental block. 6 < S
TTUNEcast front lot on32d st. near the park ,
-t very cheap. C. F. Harrison , 1)12 ) N. V. Life ,
INCOLN Place lots tl,2M to J1.5M. Dexter
L. Thomas. SU
TUAUOHAWestcrflcld.realcstatc.S.Ornaha. .
IT ga
IF YOU have nnvthlnzto seller exchange
call at CIS I'axton block. KM
TTUNEIot near 3Tth st. and West Lcaven-
JL1 worth IJ.COO. C. F. Harrison , 912 N. V. Life
SPECIAL narRaln * 3 homes , f , 0 nnd 10
rooms each , prlci ! $ o.'iOO to 13,503 , In Kountzo
I'lac ? , all modern ; f.VW cash.
MJ per month for 2 years.
$40 per month for 2 years.
! I5 per month for 2 years. Balance 7 years'
time. 0 percent Interest on all deferred pay
ments. Also some splendid homes In same ad
dition to exchange for farm lauds nnd city
.1. J. Cilbson , sole agent Kountzo Place , room
3t'rclghton bloclc. 3
.JEAUTlFULS-room house with full , cast
JJfrontlot , on : * 7th st.,3 blocks from Milton
lloffcr's place. Very line home. W.OOO. easy
terras. O. F. Harrison. 1)12 ) N. Y. Llfo. 1013
"T710U SAIiE An elegant new residence , 0
-K rooms , cherry and oak finish , largo stable
and every convenience for comfort : location ,
the best In the city , price low. Terms easy.
U. J. O'Donahoe. 1001 Farnam st , COO
TjlOU SA1/E A farm adjoining Blair. Neb. ,
-C stocked , cheap. H. W McBrlde , Blair.
707 n3 ! *
- Brings place , unln-
cumbered , S1.200. Market price tMXKX Need
money. Address Ed 1'rlco , 1KB California St. ,
Denver , Col. M7-Q21"
T71OH SALE-Cheap. on ea y terms , a nice
-U cottage in Lowe's Add. , and a 7-room brick
house , with all modern conveniences , on3oth
and Jackson sts. Iloom 11 , Chamber Commerce
HOMES Sweet Hornet Elesant Homes I
am offering the best bargains In Omaha erIn
In the world on West Karnam streot.SIx elegant
houses all different , 6 to 9 rooms , furnace , hot
and cold water , gas , Rns fixtures , hath , water
closet , mantel , elegant brick cellar * , pived
street and rnortirase , K > M to KM. or more cash ,
nnd balance at 7 per cent to suit. I ) . V. Sboles ,
213 First National bank. ! S
WE have three choice residence sites of 100
feet frontage each on Farnam st. Easy
terms and lour time. Oinaha Keal Estate &
Trust Co. . 4 Heo bldg. MT22
for rate * , ftc tee top of frst column on U\U page.
It SAI/E-Meat market. 513 S. 13th st.
WB ;
"TTIOH SAIE-Tho furniture and lease of thoU
-U Inman House , IVroorn and basement brick
hotel , dolns good business and good location ;
furniture all new. Jo. Huddart , liroken Bow ,
Neb. 003 5
"TjlOnSALE At n. bargain , a good store house
-t fitted up with shelves and counters , base
ment G rooms for dwelling , seed cistern and
well , will seller trade for a No. 1 stock of Rro-
ccrles. Address Keel & Keel , 0. O. I > . grocers ,
522 N. 16th st. g.7
"triOR SALE The finest meat market In
-t ? Omaha. Situation nnequalert ; HS fine a
trade as In the cltys best of reasons for sell
ing. Address or Inquire KI North ICth street.
MMQ-4 * -
TCTINE opening for dry poods store. Large
JL ! corner room In brick block In county seat
town within W miles of Omahawlll bo vacated
Nov. 1st. Present occupant havlnz made a
fortune In the dry good business. Building can
be rented or bought upon very favorable
terms. Address State Bank of Nebraska ,
Scward , Neb. 7JOol
" ? bOR SALE-A nrst class small milk dairy j
JD best routxs In the city. Address 1' 17. Ilee.
ti > O t >
"ITIOn SALE A dyeing establishment , evcry-
JD thin : complete In a lively western town ,
or would take as a partner a man that under
stands the business. Address. O 31 , Hee.
TT1OR a safe 10 per cent In vestment subscribe
-C for shares In the Mutual Loan and llulld-
Inc association series No. 20. Waje-workers
should take shares to secure low rates of In
terest In buying their homes. Koom 11 cham
ber of commerce , ( i. M. Natttnger. secretary.
For ros'o. ' etc. , tee lop of fnt column on Pitt pug
iSVSTE VER wishes to" 1 nf orm t ho uubl lo
she will be absent from Saturday noon
until Tuesday morning. Cooio ono nnd all
and get your fortune. 2 N. ICtu st. MI35 a *
PEKSONAli Wanted the address of lady
who answered M 7 , Bee , Aug. 21 , as Lulu
Hradloy ; 2 letters rcturnad , Hankablo ref
erences furnished. Correspondence strictly
confidential. Address I1. O. box 20 , Central
City. Neb. 121 2 *
Forratft , etc. , teetopi'f frti column on ttilir/Mt.
PEN5IO TheCllngman Pension Agency ,
21 1 Krcnzerblock. Information free. IDW
JT. PATCHexclusive pension and claim at-
itorney : over 15years' experience ; all the
latest laws & decisions. Otrlce. removed from
Krenier blk to Chamber Commerce , ll > 4.Oraaha.
&M O 4
Farratetetf.t tte tojj o//nt column etnlhU page ,
BEST line hair goods In woit ; hair dresslgn ,
wlps. switches , bunzs , hair chains , etc. , a
specialty. IXtvlcs hair goods and milliner
opposite postoDlce , 111 ti.lSthsU , Omaha.fclKMJ
For rata , tte. , ttt top of Jlnt column on tMi page.
A LL kinds of diseases successfully treated
-tx by the safest and most thoroughly scien
tific svMem known. We abort ( cot short ) all
kinds of feven. Vie successfully treat Inllatn-
rnatory rheumatism In less than half the tlrno
taken by other systems. We extract either
animal , vegetable or mineral poisons from the
system without the usa of poisonous drug
medicines. We remove the ofTecta from the
displacements , , and cure dUoasen peculiar to
women. We make radical cures whore the
best of other systems fall. Via can alagtio o
all kinds of diseases without asking the pa
tient a ilnglo question. These assertions may
seem radical , The truth la always radical.
We mean exactly what wo say. We have the
necessary credential * to kbow that we are not
frauds or humbugs. Office hours 8 to 12 a. m. ,
1 to & und 8 tea p. m. Dra. Keurt k 1'agoler ,
S.W | cor , California and ICth tti. , Omaha , Neb ,
For Sale Ilonds ,
r.OOO Water bonds , city of Aurora , Hamil
ton county. Neb , twenty yean , a TO years op
tion , G per ovot Eoml-uunuallr , January and
uldistoi. Mayor , Auroral
. A joint resolution win adopted
by the IffUlaturo of thottatoof Nobraaka. at
tha twpnty-Qrst a ilon thvr ofnnd approved
February 13th , A. 1 > . 1Sprottotlng an nnicnd-
ment to the conatltutton of laid itato. and
thits.tid amcndmeut sliitU read ai follow * .
Uvwlt :
Section It That at the general election to
tahold on tha Tuesday ueoedmr the first
Monday ot Noreinbtr , A.U.lK , there shall by
umltteU to the electors of thlf itato for ap
proval crrojectlonin nmendment tothocon-
stltutlon of this itato In worda M follows :
"Tlio manufacture , sale and keeping for sale
of Intoxicating liquor * as a bevcraie r tor-
over prohibited In this staff , and the legisla
ture ihall provide by law for the enforcumtmt
of thU provision. " And there shall also at
gnld election bo sopirntolf Kubmltted to Uio
electors ot this state for their ipproral or re
jection ( in amendment to'the constitution of
the state In trord at follows : "The manufac
ture , said and kccplnc forsaloof IntoxIcMlnc
liquors as a beverage shall bo Hocused aud
rciwlatcdby law. "
ec. 2 : At luoh election , on the ballot of
each elector voting for the proposed amend
ments to the constitution slui 11 bo written or
printed the words ! " 1'or proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting tha
manufacture , sain and keeping for inlu
of IntoilcatlnK liquors at a uoverapp , " or
"Against the proiwsed amendment to the
constitution prohibiting the manufacture ,
aale and keeping for taiu ot Intoxicating
liquors as a beverage. "
Thcro shall also be written or printed on the
ballot of each elector voting for the proposed
amend men t to the constitution , the words :
For proposed amendment to the constitution
tint the manufacture , sale anil keeping for
nio of Intoxicating liquors as a ncrvraec In
his state shall bo licensed and regulated ,
bylaw. " or "Against said proposed amend
ment to the constitution that thomanutac-
tnrc , sale and keeping for sale of Intoxicating
liquors as a bovora ; * shall I * licensed and
rteulatlnpbylaw. "
Sec. 3 : If either of the laid proposed
amendments shall bo approved by n majority
of the electors votlns at tlio said eloctlou.
then it shall consltuto section twenty-seven
1 7 ] of article ono [ llot the constitution of this
Tho'refore , l.John M. Thaycr , Governor ot
thestateof Nebraska , do hereby glvo notice
in accordance with section one [ 11 article CIS ]
of the constitution and the provisions ot the
act entitled -an act to provide the manner ot
proposing all amondmcuts to the constitution
ana submitting the amo to tbo electors of the
state. " Approved February 13th , A. I ) . 1377 ,
tnat said proposed amendment will bo sub
mitted to the qualified voters of thli state for
approval or rejection at the ccnoral election
to bo held on the 4th day of hovembor , A. D.
in witness whereof I hereunto set my hand ,
ana causa to bo affixed the sreat seal of the
state of Nebraska. Donc at Lincoln this Mth
day of July. A.I ) . lWand tho24th year of the
itate , and of the Independence of tbe United
States the one hundred fifteentn.
lly the Governor. JOHN M. TBAYEa.
( SEAL. ] Secretary of State.
Ancuit Id3m
s. A joint resolution was adopted ,
by the legislature ofthoftato of
he twomy-flrst session thereof , and approved
larch 30th. A. D. IsoO , proposing an amend
ment to sect Ion two [ 2 ] four [ 41 and five [ 51 ot
Article sir [ 01 of the constitution of said state
and tnat said section as amended shall read
as follows , to-wlt :
Section 1 That section two C > of article six
( r ) of the constitution of the state of Nebraska
bo amended so as to read as follows :
"Scction2 : The supreme court shall con
sist of five (5) ( ) judges , a majority of whom shall
bonoce-uary to formaquorumortopronounce
a decision. ItshallhaveorlRlnal jurisdiction
In cases relntlnc to revenue , civil cases In
which the state shall bo a party , niandamas
quo warranto , habeas corpus , and suchappel-
"atoJurisdiction astray be provided by law.
Section ? : That seciion four(4) ( ) of Article six
(0)of ) the constitution of the stale of Nebraska ,
bo amended 90 as to read as follows :
Section ! : The judges of the supreme court
shall bo elected by the electors of the state at
large , nud their terms of office. e.\copt as
hereinafter provided , shall be fora period of
five (5) ( years. "
Sections : That section flvo (5) ( ) of article six
. ' 0) ) of the constitution of the state of Nebras
ka , bo amended so as to read as follows :
Sections : "At the first Reneral election to
be held In the year 1&31. nnd after the adop
tion of this amendment to the constitution ,
there shall be elected three fJ ) judges of the
supreme court , ono of whom lhall be elected
for the term of one (1) ( ) year , one for the term
of three O ) years and one for the term of five
(5) ( years , and at each general election there
after there shall be elected one judge of the
supreme court for the term of flvo (5) ( ) years.
Provided , that the judges of the supreme
court whose terms have not expired nt the
tlmo of holding the gcnoral election of ISO ! ,
shall continue to hold their oflico. for the ro-
malnderof the term for which they weroro-
pectlvely elected under the present consti
tution. "
Section * : That each person voting In favor
of this amendment fib all have written or
printed upon his ballot the following :
"For the proposed amendment to theconitt-
tutlon relating to the number of supreme
judges , * '
Therefore. l.John M. Thayer. Governor of
the state of Nebraska , do hereby give notice
In accordance with section ono (1) ( article fif
teen ' 15) ) , of the constitution , the provisions of
the act entitled : "An act to provide the man
ner of proposing all amendment ! ! to the con
stitution and submitting the same to the elec
tors of the state. " Approved February 13th.
A. D. 1S77 , that said proposed amendment will
be presented to the qualified voters of Re
state for approval or rejection at thoconcral
election to be held oa the 4th day of Novem
ber. A. a 1530.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused to be affixed the grnat seal
of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln
thN 20th day of July , A. U. l&Oi , and the twen
ty-fourth year of the state , nnd of the Inde
pendence of thi. United States the one hun-
By the Governor , JOHN M. TUAYEB.
[ SEAL. ] Secretary of States
August ld,3m
'WnEniis , A joint resolution was ad op tea
by the legislature of the state of Nebraska , at
the twenty-tlrst session thereof , and approved
MarchUlth , A. I ) . 1S.S9 , proposing an amend
ment to Section Thirteen ( U ) of Article felx (6) ( )
of the constitution of said Mate : that said
section a * amended shall read as follows , to-
wlt :
Section 1 : That section thirteen (13) ) of arti
cle six ( C ) of the constitution of the state of Ne
braska be amended so as to read as follows :
Section 13 : The judges of thnsuprerae conrt
shall each receive a salary of thirty-five hun
dred dollars ( H.5CO ) per annum and the judges
of the district court shall receive a salary of
three thousand dollars < | 3OW ) ) par annum , and
theaalary ofoich shall be payable quarterly.
Scctlon2 : Kaon person voting In favor of
this amendment shall have written or printed
upon his ballot thefollowlng :
"For the proposed amendment to the consti
tution , relating to the salary of judge * of the
supreme and district court.
Therefore , 1 , John M. Tlmyer , governor of
the state of Nebraska , do hereby give notice.
In accordance with section one [ 1 ] article fif
teen [ IS ] of the constitution , and the provi
sions of an actcntltled : "An act to provldx
the manner ot proposing all amendments to
the constitution and submitting tbe same to
theelcctnrsofthe state. " Approved February
13th. A. D. 1ST ? , that said proposed amend
ment will bo submitted to the qualified voters
of this state for approval or rejection , at tha
general election to be held on thu 4th day of
November. A. I ) . ISM.
In wltnsss whereof I have hereunto set my
hanC and caused to bo aflxcd the great seal
of tlu state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln.
thlsMth day of July , A. I ) . 1K , nnd the twen-
ty-fourth yoarof the Htato , and of the Indo-
pendenreof tbe United States the ono hun
dred fifteenth.
lly the Governor. JOUN M. TllAl'EO.
[ SEAL. ] Secretary of State.
August Id3m
To Railroad Contractors.
We are prepared to sub-let scraper work for
two hundred teams on our Greet Northern
contract In Montana. The work will continue
through the winter on the rock work went of
the Itocky mountains and for two or more
yuan. Only parties owning their teams and
outfits and practical railroad men need apply.
Address bv letter or wlro N-itlonal German
American Bank Uulldlnc. St. 1'aiil. Minn.
Lieutenant Daniel A. Dorsoy of Kearney ,
Ncb.ipald a flying visit toOtnaha yesterday ou
his way to the corn palace at Sioux City , la.
A Ijlght In Every ilortli.
To the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway belongs the credit of being- the
first In the country to reduce tlio matter
of electric lightinp of trains to scientific
perfection. Ono of the novel features
introduced In the bleeping cars is a
patent olostrio rending lamp in each
section. With this luxurious provision
reading at night before and after retir
ing becomes as comfortnblo ns by day ,
and when retiring the toilet may bo
made in comfort and seclusion. The
berth reading lamp in the Pullman
sleeping card run on the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. , Paul railway , between
Omaha and Chicago , is patented , and
cannot bo used by any other railroad
company. It ia the greatest Improve
ment of the age. Try it and bo con
Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific
depot , Omaha , at 0:10 : p. in. daily , arriv
ing at Chicago at 0:30 : a. m. Secure
tickets and sloonln ? car berths at Union
Ticket oflico , 1501 fc'arnam ttroot ( Bnrkor
Block ) , Omaha ,
J. K. FUKSTON , f. A. NASH ,
Pass. Agent Qenl Agent.
Ulll'AllO. IH'lll.lNtJTOX ' A Q. , ArrlfM
IHJIHJI IDtb ami Maion itr * U. I Oimb * .
IJH p m . . . . . . . . .I'hlcntJ liiprwti .
9-lit ml.M.rtilcuo Eipr i. - p m
9.10p m < . .Oiletto Kipntft . 9X > m
* .Mp a Chmto loeal 844 > q
IlUnClStJTON A ill ) . llIVKItplTStcj"
Omh GjMa oi tt U. | Omaha.
10.15 m U nvrr RTITCSI . . 0.13pm
( .49pm Tcr. Night txr > r 9-tS m
. . - CIt - , Arrlf ei
_ Umth.v I IXpojIOth ndM > on tf ti. I O iih.\ . _
Bnj tp M.KnaiaiCllr IM ; Rxproi. . .i Mlf p u
Upm K.C. Nljht Kip. tlal' ' . l . Tram. , 0.45 a tu
" " 3
Unjtha. I IXpotlOth anJMnrcr tro t . I Oiuahl ,
"l-VJ p ml . . . . UTrrltmf llrcr 9.05 p m
j-aopm1 . I'acino 11.13pm
13ru tn | , . l > nv r Kiprent
U.TOIOI. . KiniiuCUr Xipreti 12.U5 m
10. ] } a ra.ralrn ld KID. ( oicrpt Sun i. . 4.23 p m
' ! * . -rnirtoo ; u. r. avArinr
Umitm. U. . depot , UXhai _ l .Mnrer su.'Om ' t % . _
6.10 p m .T..r..Nliilil Kxiire . . . .r. . . .10(11 a m
V.CU m' . Atlantic Kjrreii . U < J p m
. ) p m . Vntltmle Umllisl . ' 10.15 ta
. .
" Omiha. JU. 1' . ilfpou 10thBnd _ _ Marrf _ Om li
"t , 15 a m . .Slom Cllr IMneujitr . .
1X0 p m . . _ St. lanl Kxprt > . 110.10 a
C ; <
m . . . . . . > l. i' nl _ I Jmltod
T > ii T' CinCAi.
Otu h . U , P. dtpot. iqtli _ nJ
9.15 a m . . . . . . .fhlcncn Bxpru t , .
4.10pm . Ytntlbule Ilm\t \ < M .
6. IS p m Iowa AccommwliUcm ( Kxe. Sun )
9.10pm B jcrn Htcr
J.liji m Knilcrn
Umahiu , U. t' . OoiKit. loili mi'l ' Murc
6XW p m . . . .Chicago Kzpre .
_ _
"EeaTiiri i3it A ki A VsT"IAJI. . Is
Omaha. ; V. P. JtpoU 10th unJMi > rcy Sti.
Ou p
l.rnroi I FITK. A T.MO VAUUli f.
Otnubn. I IMpotlith ami Wobnor flti. _
m , . . .IllAck lllllt Kipren. . . . 4.3U p m
9W a m . Hasting Kip. ( Ki. sun.Ur ) . . . & 3J P in
5 10 p m WahooAUncoln I'm ( Kr Sund'rlllUJU a m
_ & .10E m _ Vprk4. Norfolk ( Ki. Mjnd j ) . W.aj lu
fntc7 j CTHn\rM i 0. ! ArrTraT"
UmMia. I DarKillilh and WebuarStt. _ I Onv li . _
"Wa m .Sloiu Cttj Accommodation. . . 9.Ui p m
1.00 p m i . .gloux Cltr BiprpjifKr. San. ) . . | 1JQ p m
S.OUP m . ? U I'atl J.lmlleJ . 5 a m
S .lliineoft ' . . . ' 9.45
D m I'miimgar IBr. Sun ) ) a m
: TeTT smSOURTTAClVIC i ArrTrol"
Oroalia. I ncpOtith i > ndVfhit f St < . Jmtliv
0 a m .St. Uuls A K" C K'xpiMi. ' 4. p
.Up m.BI. | IxiulJ > K-5 : tS i.- 6 ' " 0 a n
rSaTSTTcIUOATtO ; "HTTT jTfAUf iL. , A rrt roi"
'riuufoT ' I Union liopoL fonnini lllaJi. ITrauifor
C.SOp in : . Nl fcl Krprei . I 9..1S a tm
SA1 a m . Atlnnllo Kxprem . i-li p tm
) p m ' . MWO
eaTeT iTJUTCAliO. * KlSHTllWK-dnJlN. Arnrei"
nnsrefj Union lH-pot. Council Itlugi. 'Traniter '
m . Chlcnco Kiprou . . C. < J p m
5.00pm . Veitlbuln l.lmlt < Hl . 'W a m
O.OU p in , . Ka t < rn Kljcr . 100 p m
' . : p m . Atlsntlo Mall . ' "M a m
W ju loirs Aroora modntlon ( KTC.Hunl ! C.40g m
Loaves iCHICAffor-Mrnr A" T. TAU "
rnnifor , Union Depot. Council lllug .
CJO p m T1 TTTrTilcasu lcipre i . .1S a m
; ap m . . . . . . .Chlcjitg j : jpra > a . . . . 6 U ) p m _
LcalVTl - KTTT , STrJTTKlf'C. It fArrtTta"
rnnitcr1 Union Ucpot. Co-jccll llgg | | rra.mfor
,001 n m' . . .Kaoiu CHr I > ny Kipruu. . . | ! > ,43 p m
10.25 j > jn' ' . . %
Oififn JTS S j Armci'
'ransfer ' Union Depot , Council llliiITi lTr.\n ter
p m . . . t.linul _ _ J anon llnll IS.lhji m
LcaTM 7ClirCWGO. UlhIN ! A glllS'CY ArrTtoV
rnniferj Union Ijepot , Council UlutH. 'Transfer '
y. JJ a m . . . . . .Chlcato Kxprcsi . 6.2U p m
OOOp in1 Chlciuo Bipre . . ! > . < > a m
7 0 p m' Creitnn l < ocal. . . IIJU a m
Union Depot CquneU Uluqi. ITranafer
. m' . . .SlouxCtly Accommodation. . . i .4U am
S.O5 p m . itt' ° l Kxfteit. . . JIOOJ B m
Wettward. . ; i.inp.m | p.rnt . m.lpm.
Webster St . I .i.4o ; < ; . 7.50 J.0S.4i ] S. .30 . 1J.4S
Oalc Cbatham. . ( S.03 I.KI1S.S7 8.12 1J.47
Druid lllll . & siluo .3.04 1.0510.00 8. i l.OJ
Lake Street. . . . ,01 8.07il.W B.OJ 8.4 ? I.OI
, Valnut lllll. . . , lj.OS 8.0911.106.03 1.0.
mnUMJ iMace. . .OS'i.11 ' 6.0-i t.A 1.01
> Vest aide. . .10 ,8.15 ( .1 > G.10 8..Si' ' I.1U
. . I.IS . . . . 8.59 1.14
.1 . 04 COt. . . . ' 9.0JI 1.17
ejraour l"arlc. . sisiY.M '
> orul. , _ . . ( s.SJll.a 'isj lisa
IU a.mia.tnip.m p.min m.iptu.
'ortal ' . tj.M I D.2JI 1.35
Beymaur 1'ark. . 1.41
? .3J .47
9.35 I.W
.Vest . Side . 7.15 5.Ui.03 | 9.19 1.81
Dundee 1'lacre. . .tS S.M & .o ; B.17 1.57
.Vnlnut I1III- . . . )7.t'9.uj ) ' I.M A.-JO 9 , 5 Z.O )
. ' & .u 11.n
Uruld Hill . " .15I6.2S 9.M 2.03
OikChnthim. . . S.03
iVebiterSlreet. 10. Oi ! .3J
ernary , 8 coniary or Tcrtl nr prrmnnrnilj cured
In 39 lo 90 dajri. We cUminnio &U poison from Ihd
vrstem , eo that tbcro c&n ncrcrto a rvturn of tlj dis >
cajio In ujy fotTn. I'artlci can tjo trc&irtl at lu > ae , ( for
theuir.c jirlcn . < n.onduiulcrlls
p B n nn.
f.-uno ( niaranJlSll ! 19 g CB tr , ( hut im
tlioMwhopra f MM ) J 8 fl \ fcr to cona
lier , vo vllt Bj I B I i D | _ S HB contract to
cur ttieiri er * * " W re Jund all
tnonrjr nnd r T entire cirorne of comto ? , railroad t-jm
ana hotel bill * . We ch Ucnre Ibo word ! for n nt
c&nnotctire. Mrntlon this nartr. > ddm ,
COOK VEJrXlH' CUr Omalia , .VflraaJlo.
OfHco St. Clalr Hotel Cor. 13th.ind no
INSTRUMENTS plaoed on ruoord Octo
ber 1.
' N Allen and wlfo to M E Cameron , lot
12 , blk2l.Uartlmceadd ( 4,000
Peter Cockrell and wife to I ) F Slater ct
al , w50 rt lot.11 and 12 , blk 33 , outh
Omahn. 1,000
I T Coru.itock and husband to Ij O Syl
vester. lot 20 , blk 1,1'ortland PliiPo J.fiOO
J II OoiMlrlcli jr. , and wife to I * II Jer
ome , 7SU35 ft In tax lot SS. In 10-15-1 % . . 12,000
O WJolmson ajud wife to T J Williams
Jot4. blkll , Dlll'ontl'laee , . J.avj
A U Johnson ami wlfo to I' J I'lytn. lot
3 , blk t. Lcavenworth Trrnioiadd. . . . 2,000
\ G Johnson unit wife to 1'J 1'ljrn , com.
tie corner lot D7 , Hart man's add , w 1UO
ft.840 ft.o 1'JOft. rUO ft 0,000
II R McClellnndto A T Iludlons. lot 4 ,
blk 21. Carthage add ] ,1CKJ
3 U Patterson aud ulfe to Robert Nii'oll ,
lot a a nil n 10ft Iot4. Gamble's sul > . . . 400
. _ H Richards and wlfo to 0 W IloldroJi ? ,
lots. WindsorI'lace. P.POO
A I Vouns and wlfo to T T Wilson , lot 7 ,
.blkl , JJenlso's add 3,000
S NIM1 and wlfo to A n Hell ot al , lot
C , blk : i , K'irkwood add 1
Adnm Felchtrnayor and ! ( < to I' Iltint-
tlkt-r , und H lots U'und H , blk" , Thom-
nson .t Coos' add . 55
Huntzlkerand wlfuto John i-chroetlur ,
snino . , 1
F H Jerome nnd wlfo to 1' II Davis , 37ix !
inm intnx lotM. in IO.IMI : 203
V U I.nntry to II H luldrldgu. 107\itft ;
In lots 5 and C. hlk 4. Ilurbuch's
second add , and bx)07 ) ft on o and said
fractional loU M
Satne to same. C7xl2t ft In lots 5 and 0.
blk 4 , llorbnch's second add S
Total amount of transfers (40,513
My physician said I could not live , my liver
out of order , frequently vomited greenish
mucous , skin yellow , small dry humors ou
face , stomach would not retain food. Bur-
dockBlood Bitters cured me. Mrs. Adelaide
O'Brien , 3J Exchange St. , Buffalo , N , Y.
Bulldinc Permits.
The followngpirralM ! wore inuol by tha
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
E. II. Chapman , two story frame resi
dence. Twenty-fifth nnd Davenport
Btreotx t 1,500
E. 11. Clinpiniin , two 8tory fraino resi
dence. Twenty-fifth and Davenport
streets 1,500
John T. Shannon , twostory brick rvil-
dcnco. Fortieth and Farnarnstreets. . 5.000
Johan T. Shannon , two story brlok resi
dence. Fortieth nnd Farnam streets 5,000
Chorlotto Plielan , ono t > 1ury frame cot-
tagu , Newton and Kirn streets 709
Saiuuel Cotnnrono and ono-half Mory
frame residence. Tweutr-ulghth and
LcavenworthstrveU , 2,0 >
Samuel Cotnnr , ono and one-half story
frame residence. Twenty-eighth and
Nols A. Heinstrom , two story brick resi
dence. Twenty-seventh and Itees
One minor penult 'M
Total . 2,730 !
Change of life , backacne , raoathly
laritlea , hot ( liwties are curbd by Dr.
Ncn'iou. Froosamplcs at Kuhu & Co. , 10th
aud Douglas.
Ttio following marriage licenses were Is *
sued by Judjfo Shields yesterday ;
Kamo and address. Ago.
I Plumnicr HatoJIfTVashlnston
1 Ocralde Bhliiley , Wash lujfon county . ' . ' 1
j 1'rank Urqfn , Oinaha , . , , , . , , . 33
Ada Auilln , Ouiulia . , . .21
I.ydlck Knudsrn , Omaha . . , , . 27
ary tilirUtleufiun , Uwaha . t
" \V terLUy b3 p&cxjnu a caxa.