TBE : CXMAHA DAILY KE& ? mm AY , OCTOBER 3 , isso. MQDITITHTU'I ' ! ? . UATlfC"TC ) . , retgth in Wheat Later Qirea to a Dull Trade , CORN UNDER THE INFIUENCE OF WHEAT. Small Ktuhicm In O.UVI tli n Very Narrow Itnuge I'lrin Opening in I rotlslon Ure StocV nnd Financial , CHICAGO. Oct. 2.-Sr [ > lil Teles ram to Trie HKK-1-Thcrowas a rayzed opcnlnIn wheat o win ? to n. mistake In striking the tell atO.CS n. ni. The firt price was quoted atll.OO'i.or Ueorcr the clos yesterday. May started at about ll.OI'i , about Sc up. There was very goodslrcogth for a short time and December told at ILOOU. and Jhy at 11.03 These were the top prices of the day. There bcluj no ipeclal bull news on kind the market did not hold. At the end of thirty minute * thomarltct wasoff lo&OUefor December and tl.MVi for.May. To the surprise of everyone there was ar.illyevera on a very flullmarU-UtoSlOOS nalr. for Deccmberand II.Oil for May. Iluylno { wheat around 11.00 was considerable. There -were no very big blocks taken by local jmtlos.but order * Irom the country centrally and the northwest In particular , held the market untnually Brai. Local buylnz was led by Charles Major , George Smith ana Losin. As Ion ? as there wajsno Rollins pressure prices held up well. About noon illtthell , Cotmtock and other wellVnownbulK and llutchln ontle sreat- r ttear Influence , sold qtilto a lot o ( wheat. Hutchlnvm'a transactions were Jn'the nature of pound In ? the market to "put" price , to Bet wheat putto him at tlicclosc. Theselllnj < Conistockatid others was Ions vhcat. On thJiselllnsthc price Trent ol to O)4c ) for De cember andM.04' ' < for May , with but V c rally before I o'clock. Th j Price Current re ported a very favorable outlook forfall wheatboth In condition and acreage. Liverpool cables were easier with futures lower. N'ewYork cleared no wheat and5,5Cfl packaccsof flour ; Baltlir.oreJ'.C'OO ' bushels of wheat andll.OtXJ barrels ot flour. Rccelota at Minneapolis were520 cars and DuluthlM. Chicago receipts were light at S3 cars , with but 9 cars contract KradeandSO cars estimated for tomorrow. Wheat trade had a little snap siller the de cline and the recovery was but'40 from the boltom. Last prices were : October. OOHc ; Deccniber.'JOJic' , Slay , ll.CUii. Charters were 3T.SJObushels. There was little frehnews , little outside trade and a quiet tm'kutat th close. The corn market was Induenccd by wheat and by Uutchluson. The decline ( ronuarly prices In wheat by the sellln ; out ol long stun and the hammering by bears carrle < l corn with It. Hutchlnson was a persist ent seller In cora from top to bottom prices. The early market bad considerable force nnd the best price were \c over the clo o yesterday. Octobe &oldat-ic $ andup toli c. wlthadecllne to 47'ic : May sold at SO c to 50\'e andolT toM . OOSe. The market was helocd a little early b } the receipts twin , ? 38 cars under the eatluiut a.tlJTcnrs , and shipments liberal at 3CJ.OO busbels. Liverpool cable- * were aslor and the estimate for tomorrow Is 53 cars. Ten load were reported takenfor etport atXewYork with German Inquiry for rye. The Price Cu r- rentillspatch Indicated u. probable reduction In the unerase condition -west of the Missis slppl , with a correspond In ? Increase east o thcrlver. A.t lo'clo k October corn was n 4SSc andMay atSO c. At the cloe corn f o ail months was exactly at yesterday's prices October , 47 ! Cj Xovcmber , IS'sC ! December 48cbld ; May. SUJc. November sold at4SH' ' a.ndlT'io and Itecembcr at Sc an < l t \t Com prlvllepcsfoc .May sold at Ju" l&-3)lie ) to puts and MSc for calls. It wnt a small market tn oatsall theses wlon. There -was but He rnnuo In the price o May andevenless for early months. Hutch lnon was a seller. Octobcrsold at 3S c an < 3f < Se , lJtcciiil > crat394c. und May at - ISc to JKcto ll'ic. closlnfjat41Sc. Stocksof provisions published to < lay wer nbout asestlraate < l. except for pork , which was n lew tnousajid barrels ir.ore than ex ptctcd at 12ii,000 barrels. Stocks had nc Hccclal cflect on prices. There wasa flrrn cnvnlngwlth pork 7 { chlclier atlll.SO and lar > SScup atf5 . > . The marVetweakened late In the day on dullness anil some pressure c Ion ; Htiilf. January pork sold oil to 111.G' lard to HI7 1 and ribs to 4J.67SThe declines Tor the day wcrc5c for lard and rlb and 7Ho lor pork. cirrcAG ULIVE STOCX. CntCABO , Oct.2. [ Soecial Telezram to Tnz UtE.l CArn.z-1'rlnie fully Snlslied native steers were again scarce and sold right up to best prices for the week so far In some In stances a shido hljherj others ruled slow , uhllo tlir. rather coarse , hut fat steen were hard tosell at anything- what the owner placed the same at. Native bo tellers" stock and lest Tcians underwent little or no chansje. TTIicrc was nothing In the stocker and feeder Hue. One carload of prime natives sold at US and twenty car loads at f9O ! to * 5.0j othersN.TO to il.sJ ; medium. II.5O to * t.fO ; commonKt Jto il.W ; sulcsof Texas steers .20 tO 23 ; Texas cows , 11.40 to J2.25. Top prices on Teians received by Bay State lire dock company , J3.W ; others , tioo to SJ J ; ranse cows , IliO'SS.B. ' / Hocs-Conimon and packing pocnls ruled low and DC tolOc easier within an averase of UM tofl.35. larcelynround Jt-lOto Jt.13. Ship pers paid t4. to il i for prime heavy and butcher weights. I.ar o nunilcrs of small IZM ) ! Hild txt jJ. " * > to 11.15 ; e < xxl second class Ilfht. < I50 to H.50 : llsht ( VOO-pound butcher weights ) M.W ; prime Uacoa i-urU , Including the binge variety. atil.Soto J-4.70 , -FX.V.I.VCM.C. - . . . . NE\T YORK , Oct. ? . [ Special Telegram to THE HEK-1 SiocKS-The better feeling which prevailed In stocksyesterday wascarried over totheearly market today. Nearly eyerytblnff In the list Industrial shares , Vlllards , Van- dcrbilts , Goulds. Grangers , Coalers and Spc- claltles-opcnded with slight rains and made further advancement. Chicago Gas led up to U and Sasar Refineries tofOS ; Louisville vas up the first hour to 52 ; Lake Short to ICS1 , ; Northern L'uclflc common to 30Vi preferred to TJ ? : Atchlsonto SS'j : Burlington to M ; Rock Island to SIMi St. Paul toCO i Missouri IV clflcxoTOli ; Union FaciSc to 53j ! , aud LacLa- * ana to 145V | . The market did not hold at best prices , ttefore noon Sugar broke X and Cos to\ with all other stocks named from li to K pcrcentott from early figures. Money on. call was easy at I to 5 per cent. The stock market was depressed lat In the day. Bur lington sold at MS anil closed at 05 on August earnings ; .Atchlson went nit to3S , Rock Island , to fO , St. Paul to 61 > i. Union 1'aclfic to Sunj Lackawanna to III. Them was Tcry j > oor support all around and IOM-UI for the day werth to IS , Sales Mere The following were tbe closing quotations- tu > ortnernl > acltlc. . . jo U. H. icoupon. , d preltrreo .765 , U. S , 4i rejCflUr , . ,101 Ci.N. W . . IlJ-J U. S. < > J coupon.10 * I il pr ( frrevl nj racltlc iot ' , . . . . . . ! > Y HiOnual.Uit , rentnllNtcin ; . Jl | P , . JtK , | jj IDIcariJtVlloa..lU ! Hoot laliOit. . . . . . . . M Cmcnto , Burlington ( U.M. AM-Panl tti. A ejulncr.- . . 84M' ilo preferred . . .IIOij IX. 1i W .111 St.l"nuU Omaha , . : j IlllnolilVntnl. . . . . .ICm i da preferred. , . . . . W U - \ Vf . , | Union 1'wiac. . . . .MX Kanaai& Tciii. . . .IS iMT.SU I.k I' . . . . . . .I05H . .IKH do pr ftrrel . . . .KH tllcbl.'in Cwoiral. . , < \V st " - Mlsisoun I'acinc , MostY Easy at3J3 percent. PIIUC MrHCANTtLE 1'ipcii S'ttt ? per cent. ST UUNO ExctiAN JE-Ki Irly actlro and Brm ; lUty-diy bills , H.Sl- ! , : tleuiandM.S < ] 'i. ' linlntr Sliurea. Nzvr Vow , O\-t 2. [ Spcchl Telerarn to TltKllEE.1 The foliowluj ir thstulnlns atjok I' ' Quotations : U.1I US ColonJo Coo 18) I'ijmouUi. . . . JO ( iouliUCurrr a > > ! > race m Humtitike .lux ) SlermtraJa rs V HornSUTCr. SO rsa \ CoiMleinnc < l Stock. Inspector ClarVlio ward condemneiltvrenty- fourcattto durlm the month of September ( hatwere affected wltli lump Jaw. The car- ca.x'j on ; tumid over to tl - com pany it unaverage co-tto tb m of fl.10. llo- ! < ! - tlu > odbiisfU cattle several hogs that wureuuUt kr fool wuro al.so condemn Hl. It U ct'rUlnlynot prufltutle for iMppi'r * to send tuchltuff totnarkft. nJtUe price rtH-elv x | for the inlmalswlll hardj cover frelsol charjes la Mime casti. Jlonthly Statement. Show.us Ue official recelvU and iMpznenta cf ll- ( toe It ditrlnf.h month endlnsPepte m- Der-MHn , and thsnuintjer ctbcadconaunie-d it South Omaha : RKCT1PT ! " . Cattle Sheep. nd Males. C. M. iSt. I' . ajtsii. U4 Mls-ourl i'aeUe . . IM U. P I,1ST U3\ \ C AN. VT. 1,183 111 c. n. I.B ) , Hfir. . 101 I . fct.11. . M.1O . . K. til. V 2JJJ * a rtTenln. . . Grind tctil JX149 731 llorsei Cnttl . Htp. Sheep. i n < I Mnle < St. 1.OT ia MJ sso fl ) 716 I'sonrl Pacific J.O * nlonl'netHc liil * > f Vf A.III 1,9 = 3 A M l.t , U.iQ U.IO 1.77 a .11.1.4. V Hit 111 241 . Srt.1' . . M.iO. . . . Hitl l . K i M. V . . . . ta JMT Totlllhlpufnt * . . 1 < .WS IJ.T32 84)I ) onsgmed In 3 , O. . . SOWS 1,918 I Grind Total. . . . MIT3 XJ KKEIS. UniCiOO , Olt. 3. 1:1 ! p. n. close Wheat Esuy : cash , fC'i'SOi'ic : December. W ? W 1'XCi Jlay.lI.tHl&t.OW. Corn steady ; cvshITiici Notcrnber , 45'i ' OaH En r ; calh , S'Jicj DecemberKSci M'ess "lrorU Dull ; cash , K3.60 ; January , li. i : May , I12.M. Lara -Easy ; _ _ cosh. H.23 ; January. IG.-ST ! ! Rje-Qulet Harlcv Dull at Klax S * d St atly atjl.50 , Prime Tlmotbj Sue l-E.ujy at 11.25. - . . Whljkv--ll.il * Flour Ji'oUilmlly uncharred : wlntctwheat 2Ji-.a5.40 ; w j.73 rye , J3.4O _ ullcMcits _ shoulder * . | JC2SW.5 ; clear , iiutter Better ; creamery , l-KtOc : dairy , KStHc. Chee c Quiet ; fullcrcanichedilar ? . Inti. fc tttsU : youna AiHcrlcaSjSU ® ' Ens Firm : fresh. 1'SJlSc. 11 Ides t'nch aned ; hea vy nre n salted , f.5c : Isrhtirrecn salted , b'ie : ireen. 5'ic ; salttd > ulhldcs.5c : trcen salted calf , Sic Vic ; dry flintsitac ; drvcalf10cdeacons , each , ti3c. Tallow UacoattsedlNo. I , 4Hei Jfo. i , 4ci cake. 4He. Uecelnt' * . Shipments. Flour.bbls 17. < XM 18.00) ) Wlieat. Uu KUX CUW Corn , bu „ JS7.00) ) Oatsbu JJ3.00) ) VOBK. Oct. 2-Wh cat Receipts. 4.1.10 : export's , none ; spot moderately active ; > "o.s rod.ll.QlS In elevator ; Sl.OTn. float ; II.O-J B LOOS fft o. : No. 2 red. WiSaTc ; uwradeJ ret ) , M.Ol'i'il-OI ; options opened hlshcr and closed SttUo over yesterday ; Xo. 2 red , No vember. clo > lnt at llUPi. Corn Ilccelpts , 201,00) bu'hels ; PTports. 45- OOO busliels ; > p ° t active but Hft-ic lower , clo lnc slcadjf ! No. 2 , 55H3.5lic In eleva .c afloat ; ungraded mixed. 57c ; options closed stead v , No vemborclosln ; at Xi'ie. Oats Eecolpts St.OOO bwhelsj exports. MO bushels : spot moderately active at Mclower ; No. 2 while. 45' , < S4.Vie : mixed western , 43 4Cc ; white western. 4tawc ; options easier. Ko- mtK.T closlngat 44'C. ' Coffee Options closed firm at IVtiM point ! -D : sales , ' 5.71 btus ; Octoi > er , Jt7.9W4lS.CO ; Xorember. it'Ti ; December , il7.C0317,10 ; spot Rio "teady und fa-Irly actlrc ; faJr cirgoes , till 73. Satar-Ra'w. firm : refined , steady. Petroleum ; tead.yj united closed at 7"0'ic ' for November. FzsVeaker \ ; wc tern.l9li31c. I'ork Steacij ; mess , Ill.so3i2.25t extra. prime. 3 JaiLOO. Lard Weak ; wstcrn steam , M.471 ! ; Jfo- vomber , HKJ a < V'ed. lluttor-ririii ; re-'tcrn dairy. W < tUc ; cream- cry. Ui&llc : Ebln. 3'ic. ' Cheeso-FIrm ; light skins , &Sc. : ' Si. Lori ? . Oct. 2.-\Vbcat closed un etted ! ; CHh. 9s .c ; May. 51. MS. Corn Irresrular ; cash 4s'c ; Mar. 4".Sc. Oats Weak ; cash , 37c : M.ty , llic. I'ork Dull : 110.00. lard Dull ; W.OO. Butter-FIrmi creamery , ITSKc ; dairy. 53 ITc. Mi > s EPor i , Oct , 2. Wheat-Gool wheat sold well all day ; receipts yesterday were MO cars : shipments. & 0ca.rsC'losln quotatlnns : Xo. I hnrd , October , > < . : on tnick. S1.M ; > 'o. 1 northern. October. Sl'.c ; Norember. Wic ; DecentU-r , WSc ; Slay , il.Wic : on truck. 944c ; Xo.2 northern. October , & c ; on track. Me. . . Cnr , Oct. 2. Wheat-Steady ; Xo. 2 hard. cash. October , fc c bid ; Xo. 2 rcu , cash. O3c bid- Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , ( JUc ; October , . Oita Steady ; No. 2 cash , 37c bid ; October. 37'ic. ' _ LIVERPOOL , Oct. 2. Wheat-Quiet ; hold- en oJTer moderately : Callfonili No. 1. Ta 'ia percental : red western sprln"s 3ld ! < S 734(1 : red western sluter , ? s Id. Corn - Firm ; demand Improving ; nilicd western , 4a 3d per cental. CINCIWATI , Oct. 5.Vheat Firmer ; 'o. 2 red , P-Jc. Corn-ftrons ; N"o. ! mlicd. 5Ktj3iC. Oats Illpber : No. ! mixed. 4Jc. WhKky S1.1J. Oct. S. Wheat-Kasy ; ! No. 2 sprlns. cish. WQ fMNo. \ . 1 northern,0c. Corn-rirm ; No. 3 , 49ic. . Oat-s Slows No. J , white , 29l240c. { rrovl ! onsJuiet ; January pork , 111.7715. LTVK filOCJi. CniCAOO. Oct. J.-Cattlo--Hecetnt < . 1,000 ( ! ; market Irrejular : ste r > . 3-'l2.\3T .li ; Texas steer * . U OJ.i"i ; Texas cows , H.40CiJ.'J ) ; cows. . Hocs-Keoelpts. M.OOO ; market Irregular ; packers , KJ.la4-i"prime ; heavy tobutchers * vcishts , S4.40a4.boss ; , J3.'rv3l.l5. Sheep Hecelpts , D.OuO ; market tlo\r and lower : itocklarnVw. J3.C083.75 , ewsand - eth- trs , mlied. t S IO ; westerns. J4.OOGt.C5 ; fed Teians. H.lOj lauibs , Ij.oa2o.73. ST. Lonr , Oct. 2. Cattle-Receipts. 3,7UO ; shipments.MM ; market easier ; fair to ( ancy tecr-.ll.sMl4.fla ; stockers and native feeders. f..tXiW.10 ' ( ; Tcrani and Indlau steers , . Hoss-Recelpt * . 4,000 : shlpnieats .1500 ; mar- let n. shade hlsher ; heavy. JU" a4JO ; raised grades , M.OOttl. 0 : lig KJOCJIS CITY , Oct. 2. Cattlo-Rec < ! pti. { ,500 ; shipments , 2.COO ; market steady ; steers. UOO-S1ID : cows , li a2.Mj stockers and feed- CM. floa70 ; range steers , ( lOOSia ; range cows. II.U5.SI.75. Hosf-Uecelnts.S.000 ; shipment * . 1900 : mar ket hljher ; all grades. Siocx CITT , la. , Cct. 2. Her -Recelpt . tioa ; market active selling 1115. OJ1.12 A LAVE STOCK. Cattle. . Oct. 2. Receipts l.COO. as compared with 4t3S yesterday and 1,4thursdiy of last week. TliennrketopeneJ slow and lower uu almost everylhlns' . only the moc deslrible steers holdln.- their own. The best cows < hadetl low er , vrllh poorer crade- to 15o otl. Tbe best tfedenaro actiTe and about steady others and aagslng. _ II ojs. EiXlranted receipts ol hos5.1tO : ascom- parvo wltU 4.IU7 yesterday , and &TS Thurs day olla.tvre 'lc. The market opened , active and 5to lOv higher , ull belnjj sola early. The ranscof th prices paid was ftCM'i- ! . " ) ! the bulk sellln : at ! l.--\ > m'iV Usht. I4.10 2l r : heavy , J4.i,7S , < 4 ; mixed. M.1O34.2O. The averae of the prices was 2421 as compared wltl > fl07 yesterday and (4.14 Thursday of last * eok. Slicep. Estimated receipts of sheep. 1,783. The sheen market Is tccdlnlow r. licit native , LOwAl.00 ; filr n tir a , ti.S Sa.Sj ) western , Prevail 1 tie lrlcoi. The follovlnz- a tiMa u ( pc.cei paid In this marketlor thera4 oC static meatlone. ! : I'rluiosteeM l.fMto isajlu. . tjj-t Oo xi te nli- ta I4"i0 i. . . . 103 GoxlsteenlU > J to 13OX > s . 1 Fair , 1'XXJ ' toll * ) U . . . , . . is. ) Common. sOO to tl 3)3 . . . . li i Common cannon . . . . . , . , . l.OJ Ordinary tofnlrcojTS. . lee KalrtoBoodcowj. . . . . , . aa Good to choice oo\rs \ . . 73 Cholcoto tinoycowa . us KalrtoROolbulll . . . . 1.73 Cholci'to finer- Dulls . . . . . , . j > ) r.dfe ders. KalrtaoUolce lljht hoti. . . . 4 ia FalrtoeUclce Ueiry boss , . 4.07 I'al r to choice JiiUeU no- * . . , , . . . .110 DUj > o ltlon or Slock. Showing tbo number of head of itooV purcha euon this marLoe a ) reoorted by tbe welsbtuuatcni oftlioStuckyartls ctuupany , CA.HLE. Iiaren- Swtrtt Co . . . 5M TheO , II. llamnioaa compusy. . . . . . . i The Arruour-CucUUy pacUiDi company , , * < ti : . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Hamilton & Stephen . . . 12 Nelson Morris . t . , . J7 Shippers ind 1'teden. . . . . . . . . . 1HS noo- . TheA.rrnoar-Cailahy packlng'conpany. . 1,51 , ? Oinihn racklnj company . . . . . . . . . . ITO PwlftJtiiompanr. . . . . . . . . TO TlifG. tl Ilammondcorapaay. . . . . . . 573 J. ' I' , nilres StCo . . . . . . . . . (33 ( ? &t ro.m.pa.yr-.vr ? ; ; ; : ! S Stocicersiad feeed rs. . . . liSt S\t t A : Company . . . . . 323 nerresentatlre Sale * . ITCEIU. No.T. . Pr. Xo. Ar. I'r. Xo. AT. Pr 40 1140 UTO IS . ! 8400 ta..llSj43 81. lift ! 1 00 20. .I2fl 4 M COWS , t..KG 12T. 2 IPO 17S 6. . Kl 200 1 1140 150 2 WO i ; . > C . MJ 200 3. . 740 JM 17. Ui ITS 2..1M 200 4.D1 * ISO 7. .762 175 1. 1160 200 1 .140 ISO 10. . ' 47 173 4..W4 > 200 3.194O l.VJ 0. . ffiij IK ) 2..10i-i 200 i iot iv > o. vr.i iso 20. . tw 207 * ; 3 icwr i&a 20 , wr IK > K. . io 210 1..PGO 155 13. S { IK ) 5. . Ki 2 II. . ( * K 8..1DM 1O ! 13. .104 215 2.107O ICO 2U..9JO HO 1..1110 21" > 7 OS ! > 103 3. . > J 190 24 . ( Cl ) 213 10 03 * 170 l.jO ) | 1W 7 . I 2K aT W7 173 3. . SCO 110 4..LM ) 2W 1 1K 173 8. .025 ISO STOCKEHSAND FEEDERS. 7. CIS 510 L.fOO JIB M. . M 20) ) 22.-J7 540 4..W2 5M O..UVI 2C5 2.S-0 540 14 K * > 5 S3 ( tt .1077 2S ) 2.IOM 540 S. K7i ! SO..H2 285 1. . feTO 550 72. IU1 ! 24. KK7 300 j. . Oto 533 44. ll U SCO 17. .KW 311 } BCL.EJ. 1..13TO 1 00 1.11-0 IK 2 .1CK 175 1 .MM 125 1.1 1M 163 1 .1170 17J 2. . ! > 75iCi : 1.107U 170 1. .1C J 1M 4.1403130 3.1148 170 1..1770 1W I. 1200 1 63 1. . SOO 1 25 1. 9tO 123 CAL.VI1 5. . 201 35J 1..2SO 350 1. 1220 1 S3 3 , ICtO 2 50 1..1620 3 00 00MILKEI13 MILKEI13 IND j 1 cow and calf . S31CO > 'o. A.T , Pr. Benjimlni Weaver- , OB 1(0 ( Eail Hampton cattle com pany ISJfeedcM 1170 5 S3 Bay State cattle company - 1 cow 11S3 150 IJowllnsr A Hush 4 * teeM 10J7 530 Cumpbcll- II steers 3 533 Msteors 12 ; ! 500 II , Llttleficld (1 ( steers 12X ) 325 1 cow 1WO K3 W. U. beef company 54 cows ffO 100 GJ stcer US ! 300 Carlisle cattle company U cows 579 1 VI 2 covs 15 175 3 cons Krt ITS Scows fc7 165 Swan land and cat tie company 7 feeders 10.11 543 15 steers 12 ! ! H 8 127J 210 1 1100 210 Leaven worth cattle company U bulls 1211 2 to 9 steers tailings 1.M 2X ( > III cows 1021 212 2 feeders IKS 2 33 20 bulls 1J03 160 \Vjratt Brothers 13 sttcrs 10W 537H Rifle Crvek cuttle company M stiew 1100 21s 137 feeders. 11J2 253 tiocs. Xo. Ar. Sh. Pr. So. Av. Sh Pr. 7 SB M SJ C , CJ . . . . 241 240 f420 15 2 > 6 - 3 M S3 213 bO 420 IS 2i4 - 3W 6 278 420 5 W - 30) ) S2 201 120 420 b 153 M 3 SO 311 420 17 221 1.D 400 50 2T > 40 420 17 30 SO 4 W 73 Irt 12O 4 20 U 1(0 400 73 104 M ) 420 2 X 40 4 00 4s 273 420 ti a-i 4ii ) 4 o ; > i oa 23k 40120 X ) 272 300 413 72 U 40 42JS 1 KO - 4 10 C3 231 40 423 76 1 LI ) 410 S 4U 423 73 2M ! 30) ) 4 li M. .2:12 : SO 423 CJ 274 U ) 4 13 02 2Oi 32O 423 77 21-5 1M 415 C7 2JO 12O 423 M 3U l 41) 72 230 12O 4 23 CS . . . .243 W 4 15 Ct 2 > 4 12O 423 51 276 1M 415 S4 219 ICO 423 W 225 1 415 C < i 2M ! 12O 4 23 ! l'J7 2UO 415 7 : $ 217 1WJ 4 23 94 135 1M 415 74 1 ) 425 Cl Ml ta 4 15 1 * Isfl 423 M 243 1W 4 I7K 21 175 425 K..li4 2UO 4 17H S > 211IO 4 25 49 135 tO 420 7 * 2UO JO 4 2- > M r > 0 49 4 20 & * 237 24O 42. . (3 ( Mil ! 23 420 HT 23240425 41 2U7 100 420 55 5114 1GO 4 3O M K3 ) 420 30 . ' 404.10 57 'JWl 1 420 50 XS 430 242 - 42 ! ) 50 71 4O 4 3O ICO IlK 420 64 72 40 4 UO 71 SK > WO 420 63 271 SO 435 X > 1GS AJfD SKIPS. 1 4.TO 175 3 223 60300 1 20O 200 4. . . . 100 33O 1 2 - 200 120 110 240353 1 ,2bO 200 20 231 200 3 GO M 50 250 -41 Ill 360 M . . . . 00 275 1 3 3 SO OJM.lir.c4l II'J/ JLJtA.4f.t' JUJCJiETS. Groceries : . CHEESE Premium K. C. . twin flats , per Ib , 10'x.c ; I'retnluni r.F. , Younj American. H3.ic ; brlclt , Ufc : domestic S Ns. 14.17e ; Kdaui. In foil , each ll.Ob ; Llniberjer , iS c. 1 > IES Persian , C-lb box , tSc. TMiSES-Cotton twine , " lllbb. " very fine , ' Ib bale2Cc ; cotton tfflnc , XX brand , S Ib bale * , lo ; hemp twine , J Ib bales , lac ; sail twine. 20ccanUle ; rlck,22 < ' :40 ft cotton clothes lines , sSe ; SO ft eottonclothcs lines. gl.H ; CO It cotton lines 41. W ; GO ft sisal lines , J1.73 ; 60 ft Jute , fl.OO ; wool twines , 6lic. K. < txs - Loudoa layer * . California. Illy , per box , fc'.75 ; "horseshoe , f2.60j loos.0 inutcatuK California Illy. Ii40 ; "hor5hoe.2 ! t"star" : lo < v emuscatels.2l ! ; seedlt5S ; California , t2.U ) ; California s edics' * sultans , in sack * , per Ib , California nuixratelH , in sacks , c'ic ; nevr c ; ondura , layer , new , 10'sc. -s Ooou > Barley. 'I'tc : farina. Sc ; peai' c : oatmeal , Dbls , t5.7iiiti.23 ; half : macaroni. IXitlc ; vermicelli 10llc : rice , choice , SXtGCc ; fancy. 6Vft7c ; head , 7c ; lizo and tap'oc. ' O'i7c ; lima beans , yc ; ptpea , c : * paett. e. \Vmrpi\o L'.APEU straw , per Ib , rac , 3'ic ; man Ilia U. Vide : No. 1. Sc. MOL.V.-SES Bbls. X.o. fancy. perKalXVjJ37c : choice. 4o347c ; cood. 303i2c ; Cuba , baking , 5s a-Wc ; bl ark strip. 20 20. SODV 1'ljrs. ' Wlhs tobox,5fc ! : tes1 * . 4ljc. VI.NEOAH-JW sr. N. V. apple elder. Idc ; D. S. elder , 12c ; white , wine , 15o : fancy , fruit. Isc. OIL IS ) prime white , lie ; 130 water white , 13 < ? ; 175 headlight. 14'jc ; 74M ollne. 13 ? . -Ubls , 1'ic ; ( tranalutid , 2cln bbls , VIOET. L.E Tomatoes 3-lb extra , 11.132 1.20,3 Ib oUndard western brands , gl.10 ; gal lons. Archer s standard , 11.00. Corn-Finest cron. t ICO : Gate City susar corn , \ ry Hue. Sl i Oilman 2-11) sujar com , 8120 ; 2-lb extra Heerner. 11.10 ; 2-lb standard western Irands , 11.03. Mu < hroon 1-lb French , extra flne , - " - Mb French. fine , KjfcScj i-lb urd brands , ilJO ; 'Mb wiakeU , soc. Strlnz bean 2-lb hU'h srade. Kefuzee , 11 ; 2-lb Golden -wat boant , SI ; 3-lb strlm bean1. . OOc ; Lima bean * 2-lb so.iked. Nlc. Boston-baked bean * 2-lb Lewi * . ? IA' ; Crown Ilrands. tiai ; Sweet potatoes-3-lbNew Jer-ey , f 1.OO , 1'ump- kliis-3-lb , il.15. Ol ra ard tomatoes , * ! . okra , tl.fll ; succotasli , I1.2U , S-TOVE Ponsil-2.O > iV > .N5per cross. Hie * Am. period , 117.73 ; Lewlston , per 1M. J1T.75 ; Union square. 40 p < "rcent off INt. s LT Iairy.2Mlb4ln ) bbl , bullc. * 2.10 ; best Krade , COX eSJO : tx t grade. IWls. ! M ; btt Krade. IS IDs. Ji5 ; rock salt , crushed ! ! . } ; common , btil. ) ij > 3. C'tVNBO ME TS Corne < l beef , 1 Ib , S1.5J ; corned Ice f. 21bs. H.W ; lunch tonRues , 1 Ib. J2.60 ; lunch tonzues,2 lbsl.75 | ; bniwn , I Ib , ribnwn. : . 3 lb. > . t ! ( J ; ox tongues IS Ib-i , 5.00 ; ox tongues , 2 llis , KS.OO ; chlppeU iieef. I1 , Iba. round cans SJ-33 ; rojst Ixir , 2-lb round cans. fiOO ; potted ham. lb , round cans , G5c ; potted ham. H Ib. round cans , ll.ro ; devlltj bam. > 4 Ib , round cans. 65c ; deviled bam , Hlb , round can11,20 ; potted o.x tongue , i Ib , round cans , il.20 : coniprej > ed hum , l Ib , snuare can * . ll.20i coniore-ssed ham , 5 lb , Miuaro cans. 2.75 ; tripe. 2 Ib , round caus.tljO ; tnlnced calous.51b. rounclcantJ.20 ; boneless pljj1 feel , 21b , quirecans , C. 3 , si'OAK-I'er Ib. Cut loaf , 7ic : Cutci. T'je ; Standard , povfdered.i'jc : XX CX. powdered. te ; graQUlntvd , standard , 7c ; confection ers' \ . C'ta7c ; whlto otra. C , brilliant , 6liCi extra C , royal 6Vl central C , & \c ; Kolden CiUc ; darkl' , 5c. > ui't.Ei : < 3.\it-l > erlb 3ccaVc > , DO-lb boie * . i3c' ; lOc cakes , oo-lb boxes , D'jc ; 1-lb brlclcs , JO Ibs In boi , pun , 14e. COFPJE-l oaUe l Arosla , 2.Vic ; Bunola. 25'ic : German , 25' ; IJiUortu't , Zi c : Lion. OXiMallpouch , ise ; Cordova.S.Si JI ovha , 5MOO. O.Java.30c. DRIED I'mriM Turkish prunesi , less than htdi. ls0,7l c ; original bbas. ' , o less ; llo = nla prunes , -lb boxe. IU ) to no , 7Jc | apples , evaporated , new ring choice. Ific ; evaporated , new rlnstprlEQe.lSViCiaprlcots. fincyja sixcl.5. itXiblucLUerrlts , new. lie ) : ra > pb < rrlt > = , 23 Ibito boj.j7 ; curnnti , new. < J38Scorlslnal ; casks. * , r.l ; ! sj ; Voatlua. carranus. citru , In ooies , 6 c. Xi-rs-Almonds , 15c ; Brazllj. I7c ; Siberia , 13c ! pecans itei Tralnuts , U c : peanut etxLs , IflSc ; roaited , iic ; Ten nes ee pean ut , ue. Hiioox-4-tU- , parlor , taoo ; 4-tle. K7J ; 3-tel. - J HP r 1"1 * ! V" doiH.OOi plntj , per doz. C1M ; bulk , per jaL We. Cooajot ilintila rep -ill lUcs from Mfl to 1 In. . 15 < | UsnJ rep * ! Jl jUos from t.jfl to Inllict "M * procotteV all slus troru 7-19 ' Sp. p-Ca tll > . woglfi } , p r ib , OQlOc : do , whltc.pcrlb. IK. PtcxLEs-Motilimir-tpr fcbl. fa.00 ! umalU 110 CO ; Ulietklnl. ! . a Unp.Dtll , 119100 ( C5-gil ca k ) | J3-aalbbl.lHW' ' . , Ctxtrt-rer bbl , redo W , KMfcif ttl. , JAM ; harU cld > r. pure , per * bl. t'M ; era n so elder , halt bbl , S-J.V ) ; ptar elder , halt bbl. J-SJO. Profbloni. FRISK Ponic-Krc-sh hnras. 11 to M Ibs avjr. ( c ; U Its aV. p'ic ; shoulders , 5c : pork loin * . 7Hcp"tk ; tendcrtoln . l.V ; leaf lard. not rendered. ( > 5i spire rlb , 4lc. ( SAW MEITS Dbl - Mfi pork , bblj , 11100 ; cleat porkbackhc ty.JIl'ii5 ; medium , Jll.75 ; short cut cloaj- pork , . tio.o ; pig pork , liailj new extra mif" ! beef. K ; on ; new extri plate -ef.K.Oi > ; new Plate ! > > ; ( , M.M ; new rolled boneless btef. S7j ) ; nf * ' bonclesi runipi. laM , L.MII > Tierce * , pun ; leaf , 6'iC. MEA.is-i-'iwr-cured bam. , 12 to 14 rib. 'lie ; dried beef latus , sets , S'c ' : regular , 3lE.irs Lean back . 6Sc ; e.xtra short clear , Ccj bcllie , 14 to so Ib average , S.Uc ; short rll > , 5 ic ; lonH'lear * . 5 c. AfSAOE-Holoirna , 4o ; bologna In wcas- sand , 4'ic ; frankfurts , 7c : tonzuo. eo ; blood , 4 ' c ; liver , 4 } Jc ; hcndchecsc. 4lic ; Tol- Uh. 7ci t > orksau ise ( links' ' , flc ; pork sausage , ( tueatl , la tin pall ? . S'iQ _ Fish. FitESn Per ID-Perch , 7c ; buffalo , dressed , 7o ; pickerel , 9cplke.te. ; ! trout. He ; white. Ite ; cropple. lie ; cat6h. Ik ; roj steak. I2c ; Hotind- cr . lie ; Oregon salmon. Ijc ; black bass , l cj lobsters 1 : blue fl li. ICc. Salt and pickled Codfish , extra Ceorce . new,5licirand ; ! bank , now. 4 > jc : Silver. 2-lb blocks , Cici sue white , 'J-lb brlct , new , s'ic ; turUy cod. larp rnlddlo bricks , re ; now wliltcs , crates. i-5 Ib boxes. SVc : medium scaled herrinz. 2.VNo. . 1 scaled her ring , 20c : domestic Holland ht-rrlne , 40c ; Ham- burjer nlced herrlnc , COc ; KiiM'an ' jardlnes , spiced. > Jc ; Russian sard' ne , plain. Mo ; im- porteJ Holland herrlnj. frown brand. SOci do fancy mllkors. II. CO ; mackerel. No. 1 Miore , half bbls , 112.30 ; bloatpr . half bbU ils.OO ; white fili. . half bbts. M.71 ; trout , halt bbls , f.'i X ) ; famllv white nsh. SIS ; salruon , MJlOper li bbl ; 3-lb broiled mackerel , t..CO ; S-lb hi tnuitard.ffl ; j-lb in tomato auce , I2.GO ; 5-lb Mayo mes mackerel , SO.OO ; 1-lb brook trout , { 1.23 ; 3-lb brook trout. U23 : Mb salmon , il.23 ; 2-lb white IKh. S- T ! 1-lb white fish. 11.35 ; 2-lblob- sters , 4J.JO ; 1-lD lobston , J2.3) ) ; 2-lb oy- ters , 12 cz , 11.05 : l-lb oyters.loz , fl.15 : 2-lb oy-tors. oz. $ .10 : 1-lb oysters , Soc. J1.15 : 2-lb select. 12oz.tiV ; 2-lb Haritarla. 10 oz. i..Oi ; l-lbHaratarla,5o * . Jl.Oi ; Fatrtnont , 4oz. ! l.0. > ; FalrmontSo3uf..Oa ; I-lt > clam . little neck * . il ; 2-lbclani , little necks.JI.75 ; 3-lb clanj choader , U.OO ; l-lb crabs , ti.3J ; 2-lb crabs , 12.30. Fre h P I'ztcitT.5 California per bor , Jl.75 j.00. GnirBS-Callfornlaper crate , Il.2iii2.0a : Xew York , a' } 4iV ! per 10-lb basket. Pu'M > i Purple Duane. Columbia , etc. . per box , il.50&.OO ; vrlldgooaeplums , Vi-bu boi.M . Rodl Malorl , fancy , -IOi choice Mt'SsInas 7 xiiJ , ' .C1O. PEUis-CallfornIaper t x. tlMffiaa. Plil-'NES-Germaa. tier bor. tiCO ; French , Jl.7Xi2.00 ; prcwi , l.75a2.oa Tu < Tot < Per bu oo'Ali.oo. AFPi.ES-Fancv eating. I3.0033.j0 ; fancy cooking. K.CO ( i75. JlWANis I'er bunch. ? 1.J03-1M. On sn ts Fancy Jamaica , perbojc , H.OO ! per ciuxu'tRiuK-Cape Cod. HOO : bell and cherry , $3.00. _ Street I'roiltic'c. EGGS The receipt ha\e been moderate and the market steady tlSc. lllTTEii-Crtanipry , fancy , 2.2nci cream- prj , cholc-e , I a2t3o ; dairy , fancy , 17ffilsc : dairy , choice. HfcUic ; country , choice , 14-Bl.x ; : countrv. pee < l , 123 Bo ; country , fair , lOJllc ; country , inferior , r8c. OIME The weather which Is the main factor In thN line has bee ii very unfavorable of late and dealers are complaining of receiving some lots In bad condition. Prairie chickens , per dozen , LxX.U > Or n.aUrd ! ducks , e.SOSaoo ; tealduck . Jl.lvaiJO ; lulled < luck- , M.OOai-0 : plorer. jftJCOc ; Jack nlpe. ii.toai.2j ; nunll. Jl.fOSI.S ; Jack rabbits. U.OO ; = tuall rubblus , il.aei.21. ' Poui.TBr There las been a very fair de mand for Il > e cblr Lens and the sales have been quite Inrce. Only afew turlccrs. eeeso andclucks are arrlvlbp. Dressed poultry Is not bcln ; liandltd to any extent as the weather I * too warni. Choice hens , per doz , SS.W&ua ; choice mUed , i2.7iit-T.OC ; roosters , ! 2.i"ii'J.7) ; larje sprlnR chickens f2."wa2.7j ; me dium , S.KXail25 ( ; Uws ; > * ; d. choice1x3 lOc per Ib. TCKKIV * Live , jcrlb. ai0cdr . - ed. I2C130. ( jtESE-Llve , per doz , S7.00aAOi ! ) ; dressed , 11 © 12c. 12c.ICCKSLIve ) , oerdoz,4.'j033.00 ; dressefl. ! ! ® . PIGEO.V3 r.tve , per doz. 11.23. Vegetables. POTATOE ? The arrivals hare teen more literal and prices , are accordlnjlv easier. Car lots on tr.ieK are quoted ats iiUOc In bulk and and yCcail-KOIn si cks. Oxio > s Tlie supply Is not large and the demand Is mostly In a , small nay at $1.25 per bu-het. picked navy. f,73. ! Dry Goods. HEA-VV Bnowx COTTOXS Atlantic A.'ijc ; Atlantic II. 7c ; Atlantic D. ' , 'c ; Atlantic P , Go ; Anrora C , 4'4c : BueVs head , 7c ; Cabot W , Glic ; Darlington , i4'c ; : Farmers' No.l. 4 iS4Kc ; lloox-r LL. o'ie ' ; Indian Head , 7Hc ; Lawrence I.I 3 > ie ! Henrietta LL.5iC. ! FINE lluo-vrx ConONS-Atlantlc LL , fie ; Au rora H. 6Uc ; Aurora It. 6\'e ; Atlas 0 X U , 7-io ! ; cheese clotli,4c ; Clinton IF , 5tc ; 1'cppcrell B , G'.c ; LanzdonG U.Sc. BLEACHED COTTOVS Berkeley cambric Xo. CVJVac : Ho-.tY'et.Pi ; Huttercloth XX. 4Hc ; Cabou 7Vc ; First Call , C'tc ' ; Fruit of the Loom , Oc ; lHlK enicr | ) Tdem. tc ; Housekeeper , S c ; Kins I'hlllp cambric. lOc ; Lanjdon. G 1J , P io ; Ix > n.3 Jale. ! X' ! Lomdalccambric , lOUc ; Xr "i'ork Jlllls lie ; Oak Laffn < . 7c. SIIEKII.NOS xn I'ILLOW rtsiNGS Brown TS'et I'enperell. 43-ln. 10'ic : 1'cpperell. 8-4,4Sc ; rcppercll , O-4,20crcpperell ; , 10-4. SJi.c ; Utlca , 4-ln , IJe ; Utlca.ln , 17'ic ' ; Utlca. 72-ln , 24c : Utica. H-ln.a-o ; l'tlcu. i-ln-JM'ic. Bleached Set l'eppen-11. IMn.04 \ < * ; I'epperell. 4C-ln , ll'ic ; Pepp Kll.l. . 13c ; Pepperell.4 , 20cj 1'epoerell. O-4,22'je ; Pepoerell , 10-4,23c ; Utlca. f-4. 24ci Utlca. -4Stic l : L'tlca , 10-4.2N3. C Gitois-Aruotkeaf.GHc'AmcftkeaR dress , S' ' c : HatesISc : Warwick dress 7Sc ; Lan caster , CUc ; Gleualre , 6he : Whlttendondress I'BIJSTS Tndlsoblae Net Martha 'SV ton. eSc ; American. C'e ; Arnold. 6V e : Ar nold U.lonucloth.0c ] ; Stlfel A. 12c ; Mcrrl- ruack. 7lUc : Gold Leaf , i-Vic ; Hamilton.5Sc ; .Mien Pinks,6'c : Allen Chumbray , Cc ; Clou- ce ter,5jc ! ; Hartel , 5k c. PRIMS Fancies Kddystone. CSc ; Steel Elver. Cc ; Hamate. 4'ic ; tt ledger. 5je. . Shlrtlncs Slartha Washlncton , 4Sc : Merri < COC.OIIED Cviinutcs Crown , 4".Jc ; Kcd Star , 4lic ; liolledClovir , 5c : ilater , Cc ; high colors , Ic extra. CRASH Stevens' B. Mln. 5 > ic : Stevens' I ) , Hln , 6c ; SteienA. . 16 In. 7c ; Stevens' 1" . IS In , 7' o ; Stevens' JI. 1 In.mtc ; Stevens' > . 9) In. 8'ic ' : Stevens' XN.22 In.OVJcj Stevens * SRT. 'JO In. lllc $ ; bleached , Ic " "itra. DENISIS > et Amoskeag. Ooz , 104c ; Vork camlet , 12c ; Everett , standard. 124c ; Hay maker's , 7-ic ; Old Vorlc , XX , 10ic ! ; Lawrence , 2S ) , la'ic : lawreace , Ooz , loiic ; fancy stripes and checks , lll-c. COTIOSXEES York > 'ankln , IOHc ; Everett. 8 cz , l > c ; LevUton , 10oz'i.M jC ; Worklnjtuan's , lie ; corkicreiv casslmere , 22c. JI ! < lesTallo ( ; v , Etc. IIiDt . PELTS Jiso TLI.OW Oreen salted hides , Xo. I. heavy. US c ; N'o. 1. lljrht , 6 C" c : 0.2. lljhufeii'iiCjdry rllnt hides , . 7 fc ; calf hides. 7QUo ) ; di mazvd lildM l'c less. -beoppolt , creen , iiiiii.i" > C'iill. 3. Sheep pelt , drv. perlb.ltxauc.P TAI.LOW A No. ! T"4'ie : Xo. 2. 3Ve ; grease , O > ES Juot. .tlons are for delhery In Chicago cage Dry buffalo , pr ton. ilrt.OJl6Ls.oa ; dry country , nlceched. ? 10fl0 iLOO : ; dry country datupnad meaty , t--.uO61o.OO. C.L.I.IC. V ; per Ih- URK-JE VKtu-ChJco medium , iS.Cc ; ll ht , 43Ae : heavy , 3tt4c , " HOMV stralnedv.ea-lb cans , per Ih , 5o ; new comb 17 < slSo ' * ' honey , fancy , : choice , CocuiNUij Per .ICQ. (5.50. OtrixiNZ-Per oz , Jf. It U * . , 44c ; German , 31c lnulscoperlb. 7j rlns < ct powder , 2Ic : opium , 14.15 ; morohlne. per ' 01.13.10 ; hops , per 16 , av Slycerlne , IX1 ; dextrine. We ; cuttlelxine , 3Vj cream tartar , pure , iCc ; comiuenjlal. ISc ; cam flior. We ; am. carb. 14 ; ; blue vllrol , 7Me. ACID Carbolic , 31 "Oic ; citric , 4.va4sc ; tar t.irlc , Ur Do : HiilDlmrlc , per Ib , 2c Oiui Sperm oil. M.IO ; turpentine , 47ci Ton ka ovaii * , t\ \ . < t to LOO ; balsam toulo , 41&43o calorciU 9Vd97c ; cantliarlcloi fl.'iriil.as cas labuds,2u ® ' c > : chloroform. t > 8-VJc ; ervot 47&32c ; sum arable. iKiOic ; lycupodlum , 40 I3c : mercury , ICc. Lumber , 15ft lift Trtft IS It M ft 22ft = 1 ! il lit to its co 113 uo lia oo ia oo M7 M Us oo 2l4 . 15 OO 15 PO 13 OO 16 ( fl 16 W Is 00 13.V ) 15 00 15 00 13 00 10 00 18 (0 ( 16 UO li M ! UO. 15 UJ li 1.0 15 U ) 16(0 100) ln(0 ' , \\'i. 00 15 W 10 00 17 ( W 17 0) ) U ) 00 19 W 4x4 TO MS I * CO 18 00 10 CO 17 00 13 M 10 00 20 00 UouiDS-No. l.conMlS.OO ; Xn.2 , cow. , lldfo ; Xo. 3coni.lS.tlO | ; . ( , com. , ili.Vl. SHIP L.\p-Xo.l. pltln. Sand 10 Inch , SIS CO ; No. 2. plain , band 10 Inch. tlltO ; N'o. S , plain , b ml 10 Inch , t:5.00 ; O. U. . & Inch. 15 11K' . KKXCf > o-\Vblte Pine Xo. 1. 4 and Jin.12 ind 11 ft , m Ui .So. I a.od 0 ta U acd U ft. , 114.00 : Xo. 2,4 nndBIn.lSfUtliXMj Xo.3 , 4 anJ 8 In. , all Icntthv. 113.CO , stDi.10 A , t. = ioo ! B.rwjoi c. n .oo : n. moo. I-ixxtHixn Whlto I'lnc AandU , RtOOi D , Kl.OOtC. K7.W ; F 117 . CElLi.xa-No. 1 while. c-ln , 31JO ; o. 1 liird plnc..S-lnHS.SO ! Xo.l hard pine , S-ln. O.W ; So. 1 hard pine. V-ln. r-'I.OO. STOCK BoARDS-A and U,12-lnM2.00 | D , II- In , * 27.CO. STOCK Ba moj-Xo.l common. 12 nnd 14 f. % IW-OO ; 16ft , 110.00 ; Xo.2eommon , 12 nnd 14 U IIS.cO ; lGftM7.0) ) ; Xo.2 common , 19 , 13 and 20 so Xo. 1 common -white pine " ' No > lcommon Yplnf-r- KtMSlu > ( l.rtLt.ovr I'xsB-ncar. 1 In. , 25.00. J * . 1'i and2 In. . tJ7.ro ; star , 1 In , I.M.W. tfiiitni.E ! . LAtii-Eitra. XA.V , $2.73 : tand- ird.AXiiCO ; Cln.fc..20 ; 5 ! n. 12. Wj No. 1 1 3 * led ar A. A A. J2.i5. I'o5T--\\hlte cedar In. . { 3i' 15'io ; Oln. . . . ic5'ln.'i ' { . . lie ; 9ln.Oc ; 4 to 3 men uund , iijc : ; oak. split , Oc ; red cedar. ISo. Saih , 50 per cent : doon , 4) per ctnt : blinds 0 percent ; mouldings. 40 per ccutllmeWc ; lalr.iWc ; cement , American , tl JO ; cement , ttu- xjrted , tajlO ; planter , I.Vll ; straw board. 11.30 : ar toardll.tOtar ; fclt , 2.40. Tix Small pis , 30c pcrlb ; bar , 30c "coppp-Planlslie. ] boiler ; lze < , fflcperlh : old rolled. 30e per ib ; sheeting. . 2sc per Ib ; pit nd Mat * . 3lc per Ib. GALVANIZED SiiEtrr Inos-Dlscount 50-10 per int ; pat. Dlan. Iron , Xoi 21 and 27 , A , 10'ic ' : yTi.v i'l UE I. C. , 10x21 , $7.23 ; LX. . JOiU , ' T t'x PLATE Coke. 11x20,112. StVX .UoortNG-Charcoal , I. 0. , 14x20,112 , Ji.73 ; I. 'SHEET iROx-N'o. 26. J.T.30 ; XoI7 , 160 POLDlEH-Strlctly hilf nnd half , ls < . STEEL NuLs-Ua e , J--2j. WIRE Jap. barb , a23"gaivITl.iS5. ; CAN GOLD DK MADE ? The Alchemist TlioiiRht So antl So Do Sonic Modern Chemists. ' \Viththegodsand the chemists all hings are possible , " said the illustrious hemist , Hotoan. Nor docs the state ment seem much overdrawn when ono onsiders the stupendous results obtained during the last quarter of a century by nvest ! gators , writes P. T. Austen in he North American Review. The ex- raordlnary researehesa ot Rowlands , lengelejeir and Meyer hare shown that ho atomic weights of the chemical ele ments of which all matter is composed occupy definite and unchangeable posi- ions m a geometric figure , and that the properties of matter may be considered is mathematical functions of numbers. These discoveries throw open for investi gation a territory that contains treas ures beyond tne power of imagination to describe. "Weis-bach , following these investigat ors , split up the metal didymium into . \vo.other elements , proving what had ong- been suspected by chemists that some of the heavy metals could be re solved into simpler elements had we the requisite forces wherewith to break them up ; and , as the conclusive demon stration of his discovery , he then Taun ted the new elements phnesodvmium and nemodymium and gave us back the compound substance ditlymiurn. Crookes published a series of b'rilliant experiments on the metal yttrium.simil- arly breaking up this element into a lumber of substances , which he reun ited again to produce the original yttrium. Last comes Greemvald , who .nfers from spectroscopic investigations ; hat all our elements can be reduced to out two primal forms of matter. Now that this field has beenopened to investigation there can be no limit as signed to the discoveries that may fol low. The forces at our control are grow ing daily rnore _ powerful and more man ageable. "Victor Meyer has been able to heat iodine until it exists in its atomic condition. What the next condition will be no one can tell , "Does your mother know you arc out ! " said a boy to his little brother. Yes , she does. " was the answer , "for one bottle of Dr Bull's Cough Syrup has knocked my cold into a cocked hat. vou bet. " A few applications of Salvation Oil will Instantly relieve stillness in the neck or joints. 2o cents. Plenty of Apples in the West. "Therewill be shipped out of the Mis souri river towns this fall fully 50,000 barrels of apples , " said a freight man tea a reporter for the Kansas City Journal , k'In eastern Kansas and western Mis souri the territory tribuatary to Kansas City , there is a big crop , while in the rest of the country it is very short. The result is that apples are bVinginga bfg price and there is a great big call for those which we can furnish to the rest of the country. So far these shipments have all gone north , to Chicago , Mil waukee and cities in their vicinity. Some have gone east , however.anrt there is a call from that section which will send still more of our crop in that direc tion. The man who has a good apple orchard this year is fortunate. I know of men who haves gone out into Kansas and Missouri and bought whole orchards of apples , paying- more for th m than the farms cost , and leaving- the ground ami trees to the owners. They go out and buy the crop of the orchard , agreeing- gather it and to take all the trouble off the hands of the owner. " Never neglect a constipated condition of the bowels , or serious results surely follow , such as piles , impure blood and many chronic complaints. Burdock Blood Bitters is the remedy. United After Twenty Years. Milroy Myers and Forest E. Myers when quite young1 were left orphans in the city of Washington , says a Provi dence dispatch to the XewYork Herald. They were placed in the custody of an orphan asylum and each left to earn a livelihood , having no knowledge where the other had crone. Since that time the two brothers have lived in total ig norance of each other. In the meantime Milroy had been in charge of the coat room on the -steamer Xarragansett of the Stonington line , and Forest had been livingin Boston. During the past summer Milroy became posseted of In formation that led him to believe that his long loat brother was to bo found In a Forest E. Myers of Boston. Ho there fore wrote a letter to him , and received the information that such was the fact. The other day the brothers met In Ston ington after a separation of over twenty years. A result of the reunion is the ascertaining that by the death of a rela tive they are left heirs to a , considerable fortune. .Miles' Nerve and Liver An Important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach , and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They ipeedlly cure biliousness , Uu3 taste , torpid liver , piled and constipation. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. 90 doses for 23 cents. Samples frco at ICuhn & Co.'s , llth and Douglas. Tlie Trick Proved I'utile. A teacher's standing frequently depends - ponds more on his ability to deal with human nature than with the intricate problems of the text books , and this ap plies to colleges as well as to primary schools , says the Lewiston Journal. A well-known professor of one of our Maine colleges has always been dreaded moro by the Incoming freshmen cla > s than any other man on the faculty. This feeling wears away during the fast part of the course , but there is always an awe-in spiring attnosphore as thick as a down ar bank In this man's class room , it filled -with quaking freshmen or self-satisfied seniors. Jokes have , however - over , frequently been tried on him , since ( ollego boys are very brnvo when they 'hink their tracks nro well covered , but he jokes ha-vo usually been found to mvo n doublc-baok-nctloa-klck , like nn old { lint-lock musket. With the expectation of getting1 nn 'adjourn" from his recitation the next day fomotcamp ono night broke Into the irofessor's class room and painted every < eatln the room with fresh paint. When ho class assembled the next day the irofcssor said very blandly : "You can sit down , gentlemen , or stand up. just as vou please. Mr. A. , you will please demonstrate , "etc. The class stood for the full hour. Its members finding relief by standing first on one foot and then on the other. Ono another occasion ; when the mer cury had dropped below zero , another attempt was made to get an "adjourn. " The steve nnd every window were re moved from the recitation room , but the irofes. or was found there nt the usual lour , seated comfortably In his chair , with overcoat , winter cap and gloves on , nnd without apparent discomfort to him- elf conducted a recitation of an hour's ength ; with heaven's breezes wandering uninterruptedly through the room. Disease lies In ambush for the weak ; a feeble constitution U 111 adapted to encoun ter a malarious atmo'sphcra and sudden changes of tomporaturc , and the least robust are usually the earliest victims. Dr. J. H. McLean's S-inaparilla will plve tone , vitality and strength to the entire body. He AUvajr-j liotUth lllinsilf. There are some queer people In Cin cinnati nnd one of them is described by the Times-Star. He was a gambler , yet never lost or won a dollar. Ho would wager with himself , and was correspond ingly ecstatic or downcast and gloomy , win or lose. In sporting parlance , no was constantly "at horse and horse" with himself.and he found in that double- tieaded condition the highest delights of anticipation. Although he lacked the determination to actually bet , still he liaunted the pool and c rd room * , u'ith his hands in his pockets jingling his sil ver coin and transferring his money from one pocket to another , according us his right or his left side won. He kept a regular account mentally with his right and left hands , and thus realized all the excitement of betting- without being sub jected to the liability of dropping- his wealth , but at the same tijno hova con stantly on the veree of actually participating patingin the game , but never could muster up courage to deposit his money on the table His great si'hemo was to select a number in the Loui.-iana ttate lottery , which ho would carry In his head , and he waited the report of the drawings with feverish anxiety , which for several days previous to the event almost prostrated him , so nervous and worked up would he become. One time he actually won the capital prize in this way. The gain of so much wealth , in his mind , proved to be a. shock he could not with-tand and superinduced an at- tack-of brain fever which proved fatal. Water Lily Sonn Will Float. "Vomlooisiu in New Ortcnns. N'onobut the natives appreciate how intensely the power of voudoo magic is feared and detested in and about New Orleans , even to this day , says the Illus trated America. ! . People of consideration , whose educa tional advantages would naturally b > supposed to lift them superior to such gross superstition , ridicule the black art. And yet brought into direct con tact , many of them entertain a vague uneasiness regarding the occult inllu- ence it is supposed to exert. Christian science and spiritualism , with the manifold forms superstition has assumed in the north and west , hae failed utterly to aopeal to the southern tempcrment. They all lack a certain picture'-oueness ; they seem foolishlv vague , with none of the warmth and virility that Lotiisianians demand even in the supernatural. Of course , as a whole , whlto popula tion condemn it , but it is pretty gener ally acknowledged that an element can be found extending from one end of the state to the other that has a secret yet abidin ? " faith in this ancient negro fetich. Ticket's at lowest rau-s and superior accommodations via the great Rock Island route. Ticket otlice. 1C02 Six- tee nth and Far nara streets. Omaha A Ftr.irifje Tribe of Indians. Ben \Vittick , for some time connected with the geological survey , has made a trip through the Gr nd e y i n o t ie Colorado , nnd takes direct Usue with Colonel Holabird , who has made explo rations in that section , says a special to the Chicago Herald. On reaching th ? canyon Mr. Wittick did not find a class of Indians in a starving condition , ai they have been described , nor did ho find that they were descendants of the Aztecs. On the other hand ho found them in the midst of a marvelously fer tile valley. lie- made Investigations Into their language , rites , ceremonies and legend , and Is convinced that they are in no way allied to the Aztecs. They are monogamists. The men are a little above the aveaajre in height , strong and active. The women arc smaller , and given to fan tastic decorations of their faces. To strengthen the hair , thicken thecrowth , stop its blanching and falling out. and where it is gray to restore the ycuthf ul color , use Hall's Hair Kcnewer. Made n Fortune , but Lost aVlfe. . James Grayton , left Ardmore , I T. , re cently , under distressing circumstance. Three years ago ho separated from his wife and children in Kansas to make a fortune further weat.aays a special dis patch to the Globe-Democrat , Not hear ing from htm for two years , his wife con cluded he had abandoned her , secured a divorce and moved here. Js'otlong ago she married a farmer named John Les ter , and was living with him when Grav- son made nis apoeurance. Ho had made ? oO,000 nnd returned to Kjuisas for hlb family. Not finding them ho came on to Ardmore. The surprise was a great shook to himhut , realizing thesituatlon , he generously made over his money to his children and returned to his western home. 1602. Sixteenth ana Farnam streets is the new Rock Island ticket oDiee. Tick ets to all points east at lowest ratei JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889. THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS. WANTED ISSUCD BY CITIES. COUNTIES. SCHOOL , . , , . . DI5TFIICT8 , WATCH COTTrspondenceloUcittd. COMPANIES ETC. H.W HARRIS COMPANY . , & , Bankers , I93-IC3 Dearborn atreot. CHICAGO. 7O Stita Stroou BOSTOH , Omaha Manufacturers , Boot * nud Shoes. K1RKENDA.LL , JONES A CO. , Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes CtnUtor Doiton nabberihoo Co , Itca , 1104 aedtlM lUrn r Street. Oman * . Hen. Brewers. STORZ & IUER , Lager Beet Brewers , 1U1 Ntrth ISih Street. Omivhn , Ntb. Cornice. EAGLE CORNICE WOHKS. innfacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice lndo e n nj tnfUlleikTlUhU , John Krn proprietor. I * and 110 South 10th itrovL ArtlstH1 Materials. A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1511 lX > ufh Strttt. Om&ha. Neb. Conl , Coke , Etc. OMAHA CO At , COKE iN'D LIME CO , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. B. Z. Cor. IHh anj Douslu 3 tree U , Omaha. Neb Cigar * . DEAN , ARMSTRONG Jc CO. , Wholesale Cigars. 1N KthSirwt "HelloI" lit ) . Dry Goods and .Votluns. M. E. SMITH i CO. , ry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions Corner llth and Howard t-treeU , K1LPATRICK-KOCH DRV GOODS CO. , mporters and Jobbers in Dry Goods , nti'lurnlib.lntrnood. Corner Illh ana Uune ? Streets , Omaha , Neb. Furniture. DE\VEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Ftrnnm St CHAELES SHIVERICK , Furniture. Omaha , Nebruka. Groceries. JIcCORD , BRADY As CO , Wholesale Grocers , Leiranvorth Street * , Omaha. Nebraska. Lumber , Ktc. 0. "W. DOUGLAS & CO. , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , TarJ 1310 N 15th St. , Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD. Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Eta jpcrted ind American Portland Cement Btati aftat for Milwaukee Hydraulic Ctmtat , ud Qalncr Vhlt Ume. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood caxptu and parquet flooring. Vth and Doutl&l Street ! , Omaha , Nobnuka. FRED W. GREY , Lumber Lime Etc. Etc. , , Cement , . , . Corner 5th and Uougliu StreeU , Omaha. Millinery ami Notions. I. OBERFF.LDER Ac CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , SB. 510 and 21 ] South llth meet. Notions : J. T. HOBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1121 llarnej itreet. Omaha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined aud Lubricating Oils , Ail * ( Teai , ate. , Omaha. A. II. Blihop , Manager. Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. nlc itock ol printing , wrapping and wrlttnj paxr. Special attention glTcn to card paper. Safes , Etc. General Aeenu rar Halls' Safes , BI and K3 South 10th St. . Omaha. Toys , Etc. H. HARDY 4 : CO. , Jobberiof Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , I3on Forulstilns Ooudj , Children' ! Carriages. 133 Fnrnain street. Omaha , Neb. Water Supplies. U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , windmills. 913 .n4 93 } Jones it , Omaha G. F Ilusi , Acting Manager. Iron Works. PAXTON A : VIERLINQ IRON "WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Bnilding Work , Koglnes , braai irork. central founJrr. tuichlno iai > blacksmith work. OOlco and works , U. 1 * . Kr. and 17th tuwt , Omaha. OMAHA SATE Ac IRON WORKS , Mani'rs ot Fire and Burglar Proof SafeSj Vaults. Jail work. Iron shutters and On e ipea , U. Andreenprop'r. Cor llth fnt Jackion Su. Basil , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROW Si CO. , Wholesale manutacturers of t Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. Branch oOct , 12th and Iiard streets , Omaha , Net * . UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South Omaha. Limited. NEBRASKA National Bank U. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - - - $ / OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 - B7,8OO OSlwri nd Director ! Ilenrr W T ti , "reildenti LfimltS. Heed. Vlce-rrealdent ; Jun > W 9 T jf , \ T T. Marie. Joha 9. Coillox , K. C. Caihlcv. J. S. A I'iUicl , W. li. S. Uuihot , caihler. THE. IRON BAJNK. Corner ith nd Farnam Su. A Of neral Uanltlng lloainesj Tran < actel. ( We Offer fo / Sale. Four thounnnd ton1 * choice Haled Hay , F O II. can , Str.in , ? ! * ' * Siding , linlan or Ifornlck stations , on 0. .M , it i t. I' . U. II. , In lots to su I * juirfliasir ; prices ru uliteU by the murke * Cull and see ui. STRANGE BROS , , SIOCX CITY. IOWA _ THIS PAPfcR IS PRINTED THOM ra.au TH Great Western Type Foundry > 1J14 Howard St. OMAHA. LADIES ONLY UARIP FEMALE REGULATOR&if ) IflWUI VJ ' 'I i < rt Iu t-j 0 ; r monorn ( tuudeU. li ] mall O. Steumlr XaeJ ! from ob > Mrntloa. COUK UKUKDCO.t