Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    1 V
IHllvcrril 1 > y Cnrflur In nnjr pr.rtnf'ltj.
e. No. 4IJ.
night Editot , y .gi.
N. Y. P. Co.
Council niulTs Lumlicr Co . coat ,
HoKulur conclave of Ivnnhoa cotnminiloryi
No. 17. KnlKlitaTcminar , this cen Ing. bo-
lotirnliigslr knights uio imlteil , Uy order
15. U.
Oospcl iiu/clln / hy 'Evangelists Llttlo nml
Booth will lie held this ovcnln * , October ' . ' ,
lit loom' ' , Kvurott block , up Hist stairway
fiouth from Ilrondwnvon wist sldo ofl'eatl
htrcot. All conlinlly invitcil.
The Unity Kulld sociiil wns entertained
lust uvcnliHrnt tlio residence of Mrs. llnrrli ,
on South First sticct. Mrs. K. . Ctordiiicr
mill Mrs Ailolpli IlonoiiiHisted In ciitertnln-
Ing thoftucsti.
At 7 o'clock Inst cvenlnircx-.Tustlcoof the
ljeaeoV. . Ij , Ultfgs and Mrs. 1'otott wcro
united In inmrl'iKo by Hov. O. W. Crofts.
After the ceremony they took the tinlii for
Hloux \vherothoy\vllHpeiiil u fcwdii ) *
visiting friends.
Captain Llewellyn of tlic Sioux City pollro
force curio down yesterday and not , tlio innti
J nines Kmnes , tlio iilrkpoclcot who \\-ns ar
rested on Tuesday afternoon , llo is wanted
in Sioux City for a scries of burfjlniius and
btieot lohhciles.
A rctcptlon win tcinlpivd last evening to
Mr. and Mn , Wesley do JVaiuo nt tlio rcsl-
ilciifu of the hrlde'.s inronts , .Mr. tinjl Mrs.
\V. L Ilcdison , ntK(5 ! ) roil tth ii vcnuu. Thuo
\VIIH u Inrtfo nuiiilicT of gur'it.s ' inosunt. 'J'ho
reception continued from S until 10 o'clock ,
Mlles Mullen , the nun who Is under arrest
on the charge of larceny , has been Uicntlllcd
) > y Alnnro Vnnier , nn Omaha llxcrynuin , us
tlio follow who stele from Ms stable ; u sot of
double hnrnes.s u few days nL.'o. The harness
ww hold to 'J'oni Deem ester by Mullen forlu
Yesterday thirteen petitions wore filed In
tlio district court by l.ottio Hcnsoti for tlio
foiecloturu of moitfrws on lots In I.illroail { ,
Hcusou'.s Hist and Benson's second iiddltlons ,
as well nH on pioncrh In other localities.
The defendants mitntier nhou twenty-live ,
paotiiinent ntnoiiR whom nro John U. Tol- )
utrom , Joseph S. Uhi-isthmson and Kale Dow.
Mnrriiijjo licenses have been issued by
Clerk Chambers to the following persons.
J.V U'lltl anil Luctta 'J liotnpson. both rif
this county , D. M Alartlsou and C. Husmus-
eu , both of this city ; U. 13 Hull of Omaha
and Sarah Schaufcr of Hoyd county , tnls
bt.ito ; Walter Iluiio of Denver and llattie
Rlcholsof Oiniihn.
Last winter tlio ladles of Calnntho as-
bcinbly , I'ythlau Sisterhood , pn\e a , scries of
jiarties , all of which were largely attended
unit the source ot tin immense amount of
iileasuio to those fortunate enough to secures
invitations. The assembly \\n\o \ decided to
jjivon series of parties the present senson ,
the first of which will takoplaco this evening
nt the Custlo hull ,
A strange coincidence appears upon the
probate records of the .August term of the
district court , IMl. Upon ono lingo appears
the domestic will of Joseph Sunkoy nnd upon
the very next , the two pages fnciiif * , appears
the foieimi will of Kdwurd H. Moody.
Neither of these names mentioned uro those
of the grant rnviuilisls , but the coiucUlcuco
is there Just the samo.
Members and friends of the Women's
Christian Temperance union cannotnlToiiUo
1)0 ubscnL from this afternoon's meeting ,
October U , at : t o'clock , 100111 H , Morrlam
Mock. Anurticlo fioni the pen of Mrs. D.
C Bloomer on "Woman's Suffrage" nnd a
paper lead by Mrs. L. W. Tulloys'on "Social
Purity" will bo bcnellclal to each listener.
Let Micro bo 11 full attendance.
A milk UMKOII belonging to the Northwest-
cm clnlry and drawn by u spirited team vent
down 1'eail anil llrondvvay last evening with
out u driver , and at n speed that niado it de
cidedly unsafe for iieoplo on the streets. The
treasure box , with 1U nichels and milk
tickets was thrown out on tlio corner of Pearl
nnd Broadway , mid taken inchiii go by Ofllcer
nrabain. The team was stopped near the
Northwestern depot.
The $50,000 damage case still occupies the
tlino of the district court. A man by the
immo of Hoover wns on the stand the greater
part of yertorday for the prosecution. In
the afternoon the evidence of A. T. Flickln-
ccr was taken for the defense. The plaintiff
had not rested his case , but Flieldnger's
testimony was taken for accommodation to
enable htm to leaves the city 011 business. The
case villl not bo concluded this week.
Burglars visited the residence of George
Clmiuborlnlu on , Pink avenue last night.
'Ihoydid not enter the building , but cut Iho
\\iro screening from the -window of his sleepIng -
Ing room , raised the sash quietly and with a
hoou fastened to n btlck llaheel for his panta
loons until they secured them and Dulled
thorn through the window. Ills pocketbook
TOiitnlmnK n fmr dollars vras taken nnd the
garment left by the window. Ho was
awakened Just us the thieves wore leaving ,
but did not succeed In getting acluo to their
Vcsterday afternoon AV. P. Kent , who was
noting ns the temporary nmniigor of the uu-
fprtunatu musical combination called the
Standard opera company , that went to pieces
hero , returned to the city to look after some
of tlio property loft behind by the company.
Ho was paitleularly anxious to discover \\liat
becnmo of sundry trunks and valises which
wore his wrsonal property. The tiunks tmcl
ether packages were round whcro they \\ovo
loft , but several of them had been broken
open nnd sonio of their contents abstracted.
Mr. Kent now proposes to turn prosecutor ,
nnd was closeted with nn attorney last even
ing propuratory to taking the neco-ssary stcns
towards making somebody some trouble.
Mnnter Louis Klbol.
The wonder child , only cloven years of age ,
who Is mnUing his Jlrst concert tour through
this country , appeared before n Chicago
nudienco and created a sensation. The most
critical were surprised at the woudcrful per
formance of this child. Tb6 Intcr-Ocoiui ,
Chicago , bays ( May 7 , IblX ) ) "Ills rendition
of ISIondeUsohn's Hondo Capridoso and
Chopin's Polonalso werocxqulslto. "
Tonight In St. Paul's church. Admission
W cents ; children of all ages Si cants.
1'EItH O A.t 1 ; I'.tlt.l < ! H.I Pits.
KdPo\\lloofthellankof Ansloy , Neb. , is
visiting ftlcnds in the city , and is the RUCSI
of Henry Stevenson of the Council llluffs
lumber company.
Money at reduced r.itos loino 1 on chatto
RndiealwlutosoourltybyU : . II. Shoafo & Co
Dissolution Notice.
The co-partnci-shlp herctoforo existing be
tween JiljfUuMandol has been illssolvcd
by mutual consent , K , Man del retiring , N.
Zigler will continue the business. All obli
gations of thoflrm will bo * assumed mm all
nccounUs collected by N.icier who hns
forinud now co partnership with S. Dalts.
N. ,
> > l"'U
Council fl luffs , Ta , Sept. 20 , lb\tO.U \
To the Ladles Jwss ISlary Oloason Is bettor
prepared than over to satisfy all who want
llrst class dressmaking. Itoonu in the old
library building , Pearl struct.
Only Two rcrniN.
The fatmors" allinneo of this county nt a
meeting at Neola on Tuesday passed several
resolutions , nmong which wns 0110 protesting
ngalnst any third tcrnilsin Inoitlicr nntlonnl ,
Btnto or county'lnattors. The only man on
the county ticket which this hits during this
campaign is Itccorcr Thomas. It scoms thai
the most of the opposition to Thomas -will bo
on this Issue , two terms bolng deemed sufll-
clent. There seems no intimation but that
ho has served well enough , but the light
opens against him on the ground that bo has
served long enough ,
Shorthand. Miss Uhodos , Drown building.
Signs. Losey So Jensen's , II Pear st.
J , O. nixiiy , steam nontlng , sanitary en
gineer , 013 Ufo building , Omaha ! -JO ) Mor
( lam block , Council Hluffs.
"Wall iui > or nt L.osoy & Jensen's , U Pearl st.
y k Jensen paint house * .
The Eepubllcan Convention at Avoca Names
tub County Candidates ,
lint No Change ) Occurs In the School
JJoiiMl SituationAntiThird Term
KcMolnl Ions I'nnscd by the
Fimncrh1 Alliance ,
For th < < ilr t tlino In many years the re
publicans held their county convention out-
ildo of Counc'll Hluffs , Avoc.i being the
honoiccl slto chosen. The morning trains
brought Into the little city n goodly croud ,
with n fair amount of enthusiasm. "Walnut's
delegation brought their band with them , nnd
n procession wnt formed nt the depot , pro
ceeding to the opera house whcro the conven
tion wns held.
It wus after 11 o'clock when Mr.
Hn/.lcton , us chairman of the county
cential committee called the con
tention to order , llo congratulated
tlio convention on the largo attendance , espe
cially in view of this fact of Its being an off The fnct wnt oncour.icing that so
inum earnest lepuhllcans should gather to
nominate candidates who , undorordinary cir-
cntnstiinccj , might fear to enter a contest
with the candidates nlready In the Held. Ho
was satlslied that they would enter the race
withn determination to inuko a magnificent
showing on November ) , The trouble last as shown by the llgures , was that the
icpubllc.uisdid not turn out to vote. The
democrats had nn incicaso but the rcimblican
vote fell oil. This convention was nn indica
tion that this year the republicans would bo
out nnd in lull force.
D. M. Putnam of Grove township was
iniulu tcinporaiv chairman , uiul Chailes
llardsley of Nc'olu temporary secretary.
In pix-paiiiig to orijmii/o an attempt vas
nuulo to follow the usage established two
jcaw ago , the county bc'lng divided Into dis
tricts , and the delegation from each clisti let
nanilntr ono man on each committee.
L. S. Axtell of lioomur mndu a red hot a [ > -
jx-al for the convention to vetuin to what ho
termed republican slmplicliiy nnd have the
chniiimm immo committees from the conven
tion nt luigo. denounced the districting
sehomo in ono arr.uigcd for the special
benefit of Council DliHTs. He said
Council Bluffs wanted to play big Indian and
Inivo everything Its own way. After scoring
the BluiTh and denouncing the new order of
things he took his .scat r.nd a vote uas had.
It was unanimous in favor of buying the
chairman name the committees , and the tcr-
rilic fusilado seemed to have been needless.
The follow ing committees were then ap
pointed :
Credentials C. II. Converse of Bclknnp ,
John Limit of ICtinc. S. B. Passinoro of
Wright , U. 1J. Wilson of Center , I ) . Ichen-
berger of York.
Porinaiient Orgnnbation Colonel D. B.
Daily of Kane , William Lvman of Uelknap ,
Joseph Bouldeii of lluzol Dell , A. F Clatter-
buelt of Garner , 1. , . S. Axtcll of Uoomcr.
Resolutions John M. Gulvin of Kane , .Tolm
Phillips of Center'N. Kwanson of Crescent ,
W S Williams of Valley , .r. 1C. Annis of
Washincton , John Limit of Kane. '
Adjournment wus then taken until after
On reconvening the committee on creden
tials leported. There were no contests and
all townships were represented
The committco on permanent orpnnl/ntion
repotted the names of John M. Oalvin of
Council Bluffs us chairman , T. H. Bardsloy
\Vulnut as reading clerk and Mr. Potter of
Oakland as permanent secretary.
Mr Oalvin , In taking his scat , made an
enthusiastic llfteen minutes speech. The
mention of the name of Dlnlno called forth
the most enthusiastic applause of the con
The committco on resolutions presented a
report , endorsing the icpubiican national
andsUto platforms ; the administration of
President Uariison nnd the reciprocity idea
of James 0. Blnitic , who was pionouiiccd
"Tho greatest statesman of the age1
The committco also reported a icsolution
doing away with the district plan of conduct
ing the county convention. It was prepared
by Air. Axtcll and received the approval of
the committee , with the recommendation that
it bo referred to the next county convention.
The report wns adopted.
The \vorlr of nominating candidates was
then taken up. Charles Uardsloy of Ncola
vws nominated by acclamation and unani
mously lor the position of county recorder.
For county clerk Colonel Limit presented
the name of Fit/ Henry Warren , whom ho
believed would beat any democrat who over
run.Mr. . Harloton explained to the convention
the reasons why Mr. Chambers , the present
cleik , would not uccopt n renomination , nnd
also reasons why Mr. Warren would not no-
copt. The reasons in botli eases were per
sonal , and both gentlemen had positively de
clined to accept , oven if nominated. Mr.
Chambers is at present ftt the bedside of his
father , -who is dangerously ill. Further than
that , the duties of his ofllcoarosuch as would
nrovcnt his making a personal canvass , and
lie ; would not accept u nomination under these
circumstances , Mr. Warren's reasons were
that his business relations were such that ho
could not accept v * ithout breaking a contract
with his employers ,
l\Ir. \ Hazleton nominated John Allies of
Council Blulls , explaining that ho did not
know as Mr. Abies would consent to have
his name used as ho was not n repub licau but
a mugwump , or independent.
Mr. Allies was called out and inado the
speech of the convention , Ills earnestness
and eccentricities called forth cheers and
laughter and laughter nnd cheers. Ho snld ho
didn't want a nomination at tlio bunds of the
convention. Ho didn't deserve it , as ho was
fresh from the green pastures of democracy.
The republicans luul done some good things
In congress , such as the anti-lottery bHl nnd
the election bill. The lullugs of Speaker
Heed beemed to suit Mr. Aides.
Mr. Abies , In declining to have his name
consideicd us n candidate In n republican
convention , spoke with freedom and force ,
und yet ho took euro not to abuse the cour
tesy extended him , being very judicious in
his stopping upon what wns naturally an
other man's Held. llo acquitted himself so
that ho was the recipient of many compli
mentary expressions , and certain It is that
the convention enjoyed , oven If they did not
endorse , all of his speech.
After Mr. Abies' speech the convention
went at the work of securing a nominee for
county clerk. There seemed quite u disposi
tion to force the nomination upon Mr. Warren
in the face of a telegram from him positively
The mimes ofV , H. Butler of Center , Am
brose Uurko and J , H. JenUs were presented.
Mr. Jenks declined. Mr. Burko's name wns
withdrawn. Some of Mr. Butler's friends
sulu ho wns in DCS Monies and that they
know ho would not accept.
8t'flion Mr. Ambrose Burko's name was rein-
ated and a motion made to nominate him by
W. J. Trotter nominated the present deputy
clerk nt Avoca , J. H. .IcnKs.
With this .suggestion the immo of Mr ,
BurkowasUthdruwn. .
Mr. Limit.said ho had not withdrawn the
name of Mr. Warren ntid did not propose to
do so.
The chairman explained that Mr. Warren
had positively declined , but if the conven
tion , In the face of this fact , wanted to force
the nomination on him they could vote him ,
of course.
The loll vras called on n formal ballot and
was so overwhelmingly for Jcnks that it wns
made unanimous on motion of Colonel Lindt.
Mr. Jenks accepted In a modest littln
speech , stating that ho realized tbo difficul
ties of the situation , but ho would nmko tbo
best light ho could.
Colonel Dally eave a tribute to John P.
Organ , the present incumbent of the oftico of
county attorney , and stated that the conven-
tlon might uswell face the situation. Mr.
Organ had Jillod the oflleo oven beyond the
expectation of ills friends , and he could not
ami ought not bo beaten. Colonel Daily
moved , therefore , that no nomination bo
made for that oflleo.
Colonel John Ltnut protested ngalust com
ing to a republican convention to applaud
democratic ofllclals. Mr. Organ was a per-
spnal friend , but ho would not admit but Unit
there were republicans who could do lust as
wll us Mr Organ.
Iho motion not to make a nomination was
laid on tlio table.
Colonel Llndt named J. H. Henry of Coun
cil Blurts , paying uitn a tribute In which ho
pictured him ni'a young man who was al
ways bom in Iowa. "
botuo cue named Frank Stmm of Carson ,
Ho declined , however , itntlng that ho would
nccent no nomination , not oven for
president. Ho had never accepted but
one , and that wns for the good of
the pnrty nnd not for liU own pood. It cost
him SiV ) , and ho wanted now to bo let oft
until ho could catch up.
The nomination of Mr. Henry forcounty at
torney wns made by acclamation.
The nomination for county supervisor fol
lowed. The name ofV. . B. Butler of Ccmtcr
wns presented.
Colonel Llndt I don't ' want to bo on my
feet nil the time , taking up the time of the
convention , but
A Voice Sit down , then.
A good Matured laugh went round , nnd the
colonel placed In nomination Hrasmus Camp
bell of Keg Creek.
Tlio roll call gn\o W. B. Bntlcr the nomi
nation , he receiving olghty-slv votes nnd Mr.
Campbell llfty-tvto. The nomination was
iimde unanimous ,
This completed the work proper of the con-
\entiou , but theio followed u Jubilee meeting ,
at which Colonel I ) , U , Daily was Invited to
sneak. The speech was ono of his best , nnd
the npplauso indicated it met the approval
and uroused the enthusiasm of his auditors.
Walter I. Smith , candidate for district
Judge , made a short , Idling speech.
Resolutions -\\pro then adopted thanking
the republicans of ICnox township for furnish
ing the convention the opera house , nnd for
courtesies shown In many ways ; thanking
the band for its enjoyable music , and tlinnlc-
Ing Colonel Daily for his eloquent speech.
On motion of Colonel Daily It was decided
that the convention recommend to the central
committee to hold the next convention nt
Walnut , nnd to thus goon making" the rounds
of thocouiuv.
Three cheers were given for the ticket and
the convention wns over.
The proceedings of the convention woio
marked by harmony nnd enthusiasm. Tlio
lesult will give general satisfaction to the
republicans. The farmers' alliance was In
directly but clemly recognized , Mr. Bordsley
being very prominent in that organization ,
nnd Mr. Butler ulso being connected with it ,
If you wish to soil your property call on the
Juild & Wells Co. , C. B. Judd , president , COO
The best auctioneer In the state is II. II ,
Inmnn , Council Bluirs. Special attention to
blooded stock sales , nnd nil branches of
mercantile goods. OfllcjoOJ Broadway.
J. 0. Tipton , estate , 527 Broitlw.iy.
Firsts class dressmaking by Miss AVallacc.
over Cattlemen's bank , cor. Main st. and
5th nvo.
Tlip Teachers ( let Tliolr Pay.
School Treasurer Pcregoy took the matter
of the payment of the teachers into his own
hands yesterday , nuu notllled them that the
bank woull bo open until 0 o'clock for the
purpose of paying their orders , nnd that ho
would endorse all the orders presented to
him and order their payment , that is , nil but
Superintendent MeNnughton's. Tlio same
notification was given the janitors , nnd there
was n busy scene around treasurer's oflleo for
an hour after the close of the schools yester
day afternoon. Nearly all of the teachers
and Janitors came forward and secured their
When they onmo to count it each discov
ered a slight deficiency. It illd not amount
to very much , but they cimo : back to the
treasurer for an Ciplanatlon , and were in
formed that lie was acting : In accordance with
the Instructions of the board and had de
ducted tlio amount of their salaries for the
llrst two days of the term upon which they
did not teach on account of the ruction In
the board , which made it necessary to post
pone the opening of the schools from Monday
to Wednesday. The teachers \ \ uro very In
dignant and protested vehemently against It ,
declaring that they were icady to enter upon
their duties nndcvo prevented through
no fnult ot their own. It did no
good , for however willing the genial
treasurer was to glvo them all of their
salaiies , ho was not permitted to do so unless
ho made up the deficiency from his own per-
sonnl funds. 'Iho teachers declare they villl
brim ? the matter before the board and insist
on pavmcnt for the lull time or bo permitted
to make up the lull time during the present
There is a good deal of satisfaction evinced
by the action of Treasurer Peregoy , nnd
there is no fear that ho will not bo sustained
by the members of the board regardless of
other differences.
There was a meeting of the primary
teachers in the ofllco of the su
perintendent afterthe close of
school ycstcidnv afternoon. It was
in response toncnll issued by Prof. McNnugh-
ton , and the teachers who attended it did so
in direct violation of the orders of the teach
ers' committee , who had previously notified
them that any attempt made by them to rec
ognize the supeiintcndent or attend his teach
ers' meetings would bo considcied insubordi
nation , and all know that insubordination
means dismissal. Notwithstanding this there
was a largo number present to receive the
superintendent's instructions in their school
work. The attendance would have boon
larger , ills said , If the teachers had not been
so anxious to go to the bank and get their
lone past due salaries.
The situation bus not simplified itsclf-atall
within the past twenty-four hours.
The three members of the board
who are anxious to get McNimghton
out of the city schools nio ilepend-
ingupon doing so by the proceedings they
have instituted before County Suporintcnden't
Cooner , before whom they expect to try MeN -
N might on upon the charges they have pro-
foned against him. A prominent attorney in
talking to Tin : Bin : about the mntter ycs'ter-
daysaid : "Cooper has no sort of jurisdiction
over the case at nil and ho will find It out be
fore ho gets fnirlv started. It is a well estnb-
lighcd rule that the appellant of court cannot
entertain a case until it hns been brought
up to It by nppcal from the trial court.
Then it cannot try It , but only re
view it. Cooper is tlio npp'cllnnt
court , nnd has no power to try the case. Ho
can only review It after the board hns passed
upon it nnd review the board's action. The
board has not passed upon it , nnd consequently
quently theio Is nothing to review. The c.iso
will not reach nlm , mark my words. The
only way the accusers of McNaughton can
get tlio action they desire is to sue out n writ
of mandamus compelling the board to investi
gate the charges. This writ Is not like nn
Injunction , that can bo obtained in n few min
utes from n Judpo , but must come from n
court after the rcgulaV preliminary proceed
ings have been had. If tbo application Is
made to the district court It will bo nbout
thieo years before the court can gel around
to grant the wilt , If they nro
etitlcd to it. If thov take It to
the Riipeiior court they may get their hearing
about January ] , nnd then n month will bo
consumed in taking testimony , by deposition
nnd the arguments. At the very best they
can do the terms of nil the members of the
school board will have cxphcd before they
can bring their case to u successful termina
tion , if they have sufficient evidence to sus
tain their charges.
"Under the circumstances it is apparent
that some sort of a compromise should ho
effected , It certainly will not do to keep the
city schools in such a permanent condition of
disorganization as this light hns already
caused. "
I'ashionablo wool suits made by Mrs , L.
Simmons , ? 5 to $7 : silks , (7 to $10.
Tine interior dccoratlng.Losoy & J enson
Buy your lumber ot Thu Judd & Wells Co. ,
S13 Broadway.
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 415
Adopted Two liovnly Children ,
Articles of adoption wcro filed with the
county recorder yesterday in which Mr , and
Mrs. Jnmes II , E. Clark assume the responsi
bility of parents to two motherless little
children wuo have boon Inmates of the
Christian Homo In this city for the past year
or two. Ono of them , little Oracle , has been
making her homo w Ith Air. and Mrs. Clark
for more than u year nnd has endeared her
self to them to such an extent that they
could not give her up. She Is n
lovely little child , with long yel
low curls and an angelic face , nnd
has Just passed lior third birthday. The
lather of the children Is Charles Wesley Mer-
wlu , who lives in Sheldon , O'Brien county ,
Iowa. Ills wife died shortly after the birth
of lltUo Graclo and left a family of four little
onci on his hanas Ho was unable to keep
Lhcm together anil brought them to the homo
In this city wlicrtr they could bo cured for
until ho could irmWp other arrangements. Mr.
and MM. Clark lmfo anxiously desired to
idopt the little ftliYbut the father would not
consent to It , ( ijv Hnnlly ngrccd to It , but
little Oracle \vuuted her youngest brother
with her. To plenio her , nnd also to fill
the yearning In their hearts , the couple , who
arc childless , cohdudcd to adopt both chll-
dien. Yustcrduy\io | articles of ndojitlon
wcro signed uud recorded nnd tlio children
slven the names ofithcir foster parents. The
boy is nlno years old and is n bright , manly
.Ittlo fellow. niif' tfalav there is not n happier
family or hilgllfrV liomo in Council Bluffs
than this ono. Mr , Clarrf Is manager of the
Carbon Coal com p my nnd Is limply nblo nnd
Lhorouchly capabln of providing for every
want ot the children.
Tlio Plrst Nntlonnl Dniik.
Owlne to the largo Increase of business of
tlio FlMt National bank of Council Hlnffs its
capital hns been Increased from fciO.OOO to
f 1(10,000. ( Mr. Ocorgo 1' . Sanford of LaVullo ,
Wisconsin , having nssociated himself with
this bank ( by the purchase of J. R Kvnns'
interest , who hns icsigncd the oflleo of piesl-
dent , after long and faithful service of twenty
years ) , has been elected one of Its directors
ind its president , nnd will take nctlvo pait In
its management and Intends to make Council
131nlts his home In the future.
Mr. Sanford comes hero highly recom
mended uy banks nnd bankers of Wisconsin
vlioro ho lias resided for the past twenty-five
years. Also by Chicago , St. 1'nul , Kansas
City ami Oiniha bankers as n gentleman of
liimncial ability and responsibility. Ho Is a
largo stockholder In thoOmnhaN'atlomil bank
of Omuha. Ts'cb. , nnd In the First National
bank of Chicago to the amount of nearly
§ 150,000. llo la also a stockholder In the fol
lowing banks ;
In Chicago , 111. I'ho Commercial National
bank and the National Dank of Illinois.
In St. Paul , Minn. Merchants' Nntlonnl
In Kansas City , Mo National Bank of
Kansas City , Citl/ens' National bank nnd the
Kansas City Safe Deposit and Savings bank.
In Denver , Colo. The People's National
bank and the People's Savings bank.
In San Diego , Cal. Iho Consolidated Na
tional bank.
Besides , ho hns largo landed interests in
Sank county , Wisconsin , notes uud mort
gages , and other personal property.
Mr. b. Farnsworth who has been cashier
of this bank for the past twenty years , has
been elected vk'o president of tills bank to
take effect November 1 , next , and will con
tinue to act as said cashier until that date
and will continue to assist In its manage
Mr. A. AV. nickmnn , the present popular
and efllclent easliier of the Council Blulls
Savings bank of this city , has been appointed
cashier of the First National bank of this
city to take effect November 1 , next.
The First National bank of this city is
certainly to bo congratulated in having in
change of its management sucn a man us Mr.
l''arns\\orth ' who Is well known to this com
munity as one of the most successful and
conservative bankers of the west to continue
in its management , and for obtaining such nn
active and efficient man as Mr. A. W. Hick-
man as its cashier , also the experience and
wealth which Mr. Sanford bungs with him.
All of whom can not help but to add very
gieatly to the present largo business now
being done by this bank.
Proceed in ic1) of the Council.
The third attempt since Monday evening to
secure a quorum oftho council was success
ful last evening , nnd nil the uldonneii with
the exception of Caspar and Mlkesell were
present. In the absence ot the mayor , Presi
dent Everett occnplel the chair.
I'onr additional fire hydrants and the nec
essary extension of the water mains were or
dered on North Twentieth street between
Broadway nnd Avenue O.
A new departure was taken at the sugges
tion of the city 'attorney in regard to tlio
methods of ordering street nnd other public
improvements. The custom hns herctoforo
been to simply order the work done by the
passage of n resolution. Thi'j was not strictly
In accordance with' the municipal constitu
tion , and last everting when it wns desired to
order Twcnticthstrcet .filled to grade the
work was ordered .by the passage of an
The matter of payment for tbo supplies for
the sup'erior court considered. The un
paid bills for the various blanks used
amounted to about * oJO. Alderman Kicphcr
moved that the city attorney bo instructed
to bring suit against the county for that
amount. Alderman Bvcrett thought the
council should tuko some steps to abolish the
superior court. Ho considered it to bo a very
expensive and unnecessary luxury. This
brought t > ut the fnct that the enmity cher
ished by the chief of police toward Jndgo
McGco had caused the chief to file u great
many cases in the justice courts instead of
the superior nnd police courts , and that
this little personal spitowork on the
part of the head policeman had cost the tux-
payers of the county over SliOO within the last
month in Justice fees nlouo , nnd that Special
Constable Fox had secured $100 from tbo
county commissioner for a month's service in
these city cases. On motion of Knopher the
police unii marshal's forces were Instructed
to lile all city cases in tbc superior or police
courts hereafter.
Property owners oa High street were
granted an extension of time for completion
of work ordered on that street.
The city engineer was instructed to give
the grade stakes on Avenue D.
The work of the motor company on North
Sixteenth street leading from Avenue A to
the diiving park was called up fordiscussion.
The company hud filled the street whcro it
laid its double tracks and had practically
blocked it to nil other traffic. On motion of
Lacv the city attorney wns instructed to
draw up an impiovement ordinance ordering
the street nnd intersections brought to grade.
Council adjourned until U o'clock this after
noon ,
For cent Furnished room. Mrs. J. Ly-
raau , G , > 'J ' AVillow avc.
Strayed Young Newfoundland dog with
white breast nnd white tip on tail ; silver
collar. Koturn to 111N. Eighth st. and get
liberal reward. _ _
Happily Mated. '
A very pleasant surprise was given the
friends of Miss S. D. Hehsn and J. A. Gor-
ham , the well known artists , last evening.
At 0 o'clock in the presence of a few friends
they were united in marriage by Uov. George
W. Crofts In the Congregational church.
Only a few of the most intimate friends were
present. After the ceremony the bridal
party were driven to the residence of W. "W.
Chapman on First avenue , where supper was
served nt U o'clock , nnd they received the
hearty congratulations of their fnonds.
There nro not two bettor known or inoro
popular young people In the city and there
will bo multitudcs-to wish them nil the hap
piness they deserva Mr. Uorham has built
a cosy little on the corner of Tenth
street and ScconA avenue , whcro they will
bo iit home to thyjrj'/rlends ,
The AVenth r Forecast.
For Omaha audjA'lcinitv Fair , followed
by rain ; slightly coblcr.
For NobraskaF.alr ; stationary trmpera-
turoj southerly wlilds.
For Iowa Pujrf weather , preceded by
showers In castcrH portion ; southerly winds ;
For South Dakota Fair ; southerly winds ,
shifting to westerly ; cooler Friday morning.
Naval Construction Bills Opened.
"WASHINGTON , Oct. 1.Bids wcro opened at
the navy department today for the construc
tion for the navyluf thrco coast line battle
ships and ono protected triple screw cruiser
provided for by act of congress approved
J uno SO , IS'JO. Troro were two classes of bids
for the battle ships , ono for their construc
tion according to the depaitineut's plans and
the other according to bidder's plans ,
Nntlonnl Civil Service He Conn
BOSTON , Mass. , Oct. 1. A public meeting ,
preliminary to the annual meeting of the
National Civil Service Heform league wns
held In Trcmont tcunplo this evening. Presi
dent George William Curtis delivered the
annual address to n largo audience.
CongrcKsmnii Jjmlgo IlcnomliuitiMl.
LYNN , Moss. , Oct. 1. Hon. Henry Cabot
Lodge has been renomlnuttxl for congress by
the Sixth district republicans.
An Aliitnhuma K\-O ivrrnor III.
ButMi.NdiiVM , Aja. , Oct. 1. Kx-Oovornor
O'N'ell Is in a critical condition , lie was
striken with paralysis today.
CKIl TMt'lf.t T/.V ,
Henvy Trading on the Now York
Stock Ivxolinnge.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 1 Trading In silver cer
tificates wns very heavy todny , 1,1(10,000 (
ounces being sold on the Jfow York stock
cxrhango , nnd there was equally heavy bust *
ness between brokers outsldo. The sharp
chnngo In the situation since yesterday morn
ing was a decided surprise. At ono tlino
yesterday the prospect appeared decidedly
unfavorable. Ono of the most promi
nent Oerman houses sold nearly ono
million ounces ntul forced the
prlco down to SI.OU ? , It was snld
that lids selling wns for account or the pool ,
which htul been currying n largo block down
from nroitnd Sill' ' , nnd sliver dealers snv that
when this silver was known to have occn
sold they were willing to begin buying again ,
uiul bilging orders came In from many sources
todny , emrying the price up to $ lll' < .
IIrollers ascribe thn Improvement to the re
moval of thu pressure hanging over the mar
ket , to the higher market In London ntul
to the purchases by the govern incut for the
October quota. United States oftlelnls bs-
llovo the decline was the work of London
operators , who dcpiossed the market in order
to make better terms In the seinl-nmuml Indian
settlements which begin today.
In the CatiHe of Ireland.
lNiiHv\rou. , Ind. , Oct. 1. Tomllnson hall
was packed tonight by friends of the Irish
cause. Mnyor Sullivan , lion. William II.
English nnd other prominent speakers nuulo
nn appeal In bchnlf of Ireland. A long scries
of icsolutlonscro adopted , pledging the
meeting to sustain the hlsh people In the
great moral struggle until It culminates in
the glorious achievement of liomo rule for
The Cincinnati Cluli'.s Trans Cor.
Fiw : YOIIK , Oct. 1. The World tomorrow
will sny that a dcnl Ins been completed , by
which the Cincinnati club will bo transferred
from the National league to the Players' '
league next Monday , Cincinnati hns been
regnulea ns the key to a settlement of the ex
isting c-onlllc't , mm the purchase by n syn
dicate friendly to the brotherhood will be ono
of a scries of moves , which has for its pur
pose the ending of the war ,
Importers in 11 Dlloiiim i.
Bniu.iN , Oct. 1. [ Special Cablegram to
TmUin.J : : A. number of American import
ers who placed largo orders with business
houses In Chemnitz , Auspaeh , Plnucn and
otbo places in Saxony , with the hope of evad
ing the increased tariff duties imposed by the
McKlnloy bill , now ilnd thcnrclvcs in a
predicament , owing to the short notice given
of the oiK'iation of ttio law.
ConocHsloiiH 1'or Allcglnnu * .
Loxnov , Oct. 1. ( Special Cablegram to
Tun Bir. : ] The Chronicle's Paris corre
spondent says that Cardinal Invlgerlo bears
a message from PrcsldentCurnot to the nope ,
promising concessions to the Catholics on the
condition that they abandon their hostility to
the republic.
Sawyer , AYallnce& CO.'H Schedule.
NEW YOIIK , Oct. 1. The schedule of Saw
yer , Wnllaco & Co. , commission merchants ,
who assigned some days ago , was filed toda >
The firm's actual liabilities mo 31,440,000.
The personal assets nro nominally $3ChiOUi : ,
but nro actually estimated nt nbout $1)55,000 ) ,
A Suspected murderer Arrested.
LfiAVKNwoimr , Kan. , Oe't. 1. A dispatch
from Cnmden , N. J. , gives the particular : ) of
tele arrrcst of Charles A Benson , who is
suspected of being the murderer of Mrs.
John Mettman , whoso body , horribly
mutilated , was found In the river last spring.
Upper Herths Most. Itcmaln Closed.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. l.-In the case
brought by the railroad commissioners the
supreme court of Minnesota hns decided that
the upper berths ot sleeping cars unsold to
occupants must remain closed In this state.
Apologized for the Insult.
Br.m.i.v , Oct. i. The Icelchsan/.cigcr says
Sir Francis do Wlnton has censured Sir.
Thompson , agent of the British Hast Africa
company , for his recent Insult to the Gorman
government , which the latter has accepted.
Omaha Bunk Clerk Arrested.
.TKiisr.vCm.N. J. , Oct. 1 Edwin J. Hubbell -
bell , a clerk in a Omaha , Neb. , national bank ,
was arrested tonight in Hoboken on the
charge of larceny from the bank. llo will go
back and stand trial.
Mississippi AVunts Mo Ijntterlci.
JACKSOV , Miss. , Oct. 1. The constitutional
convention adopted a section which forbids
the legislatuio authorising any lottery , nor
shall the j ale of any lottery tickets be al
lowed in the state.
KosHiith Heard Kroni.
ii , Oct. 1. Louis Kossuth , the Hun
garian patriot , has written a letter In which
ho advises the Hungarian cxtremits to take
their stimcl on the dualistii : principles cniiun-
ciatcd iu 18411.
German War Intimates.
BKIU.IV , Oct. 1. The Hoerscn Zeitung.says
that in _ the next war estimates an additional
credit of 80,000,000 marks will bo demanded
for bai nicks , strategic railways uud de
Mexican Murderers Shot.
CITV or Mnxico , Oct. 1 , The sergeant and
corporal who muidered the commander of
the custom house guard wcro shot today
before the whole garrison.
Heavy Italnlhll in California.
SIN FiiAXcisco , Get. ! There has becnn
heavy rainfall for three days throughout the
state ami great dumugoto the raisin nud
grape crops is 1 eared ,
A Brussels Carpet Trust.
ST. Louis , Oct. ] . It was learned in St.
Louis todav that the brussels enroot trust is
now assured and the prlco of brussels will go
up 25 to UO cents.
A. Forgotten Naval Hero ,
Everybody hears ol the curious In
scriptions to bo found on tlio iinciout
burial slabs in old Trinity churchyard ,
but tlio most qunlnt and pathetic of tlio
still oxlnting memorials of departed dust
is to ho found in the churchyard of old
St. Patrick's cathedral nt Mutt nnd
Prince btrcots , sayw the Now York Sun.
"Upon n plain white mnrblo slab is grnvon
across , and beneath is the Inscription :
' A lamoinolro do Plorro do Laudats ,
Ancion Contro-Amiral nu service dos
Ulnno Uuls , Qui Dlspnrnt .Tuin , 1818 , ago
87 tins. " No one knows who it was tlmt
erected this monument to the memory of
u man who underwent forty years of
poverty and slmmo in this city before ho
' 'disappeared , " nnd whoso htory wus us
pathetic ns that of the fnbled "Mini
Without a Country. " A midshipman in
the French navy and of noble unuostrj ,
Pierre do Liiudals entered tlio torvico of
the American colonies when war brolcn
out with I'litfluiul , was nuulo roar ad
miral and had command of u ( rlijnlo.
In the battle botwceii the Sornplu and
lion UonunoRlulmrd doLaudais Inslhled
upon flghthifr his vesuol by the technical
rules of the French horvico and not with
American clash. llo wns summoned before -
fore the naval coiumittoo of congress ,
nnd thrown out of service bocmiHO they
could not understand his explanation.
The FUz-Joim Porter ot hia day , ho
hud no influential friends to puE > h his
cube , which ho presented before euoh
succeeding' eonifrouH. Passing rich on
an annuity of $101 a year received from
his prize inonoj , thrctidbura us to liin
llnon , but refusing all ofTors of help , ho
kept up to thu lust thn hahltH of a uun-
tlomnii , and when nn the Fourth of July
nud the festival day of St. T.ouih , ho
donned his old continental uniform , with
tlio Hldrts of Ills coat toiic-hln Ills hcule ,
ho was a sMit lo all boholdera IVoiid ,
solitary , chivalrous , the lite of Admiral
do Lauilais waa imswor to the accusation
of cowardice , yet the busy \\orld had
forgotten him when ho "disappeared. "
Seven Injured , One ITntnlly ,
llANoon , Mo. , Oct , 1. Uy the collision of n
freight nnd work train this nfteinoon seven
men wore seriously Injured , and ono fatally ,
llcpiililloiins Carry Idalio.
Hoi i : CITV , Idaho , Oct. I. The first stnto
election Is beliiR held In this stnto for con-
pressman nnd the entire atnto ticket , The
indications so far seem to favor the lemibll-
cuu ticket ,
Clmlrinaii noddnrd Accepts ,
CIIICAOO , Oct. 1. J. R Goddnrd , Into chairman -
man of the Western Passenger nssoelntlon ,
admitted todny that ho had necepted the
chairmanship of the Trunk Line association ,
with hc.idiruaitors at New Yorlt and nsalnry
of M5,000 u year.
I'rotootloii tlio Ilenl Issue.
H\CIUXS\CK , N. .T , , Oct. I. Minister to
Oeimnny Phclps made a speech to the Her-
gen county republican convention tonight In
which ho snld the issue of protection Is the
real Issue of the day nud the force bill could
not bo made tlio main issue bccnusu the parly
is not a unit In the belief uf the expediency
of the measure at this tlino.
ppI lllvcr ronimlnslmi.
Xr.w YOIIK , Oct. l. The Mississippi river
commission held a meeting hero today. Hon.
T. O. Catching * ot Mississippi and Patrick
Henry of Aikan as addressed the com
mission relative to the Improvements
needed and the step * noccssay to bo Inkc-n
\VllllnmStarllng , chief engineer of the lower
Mississippi levee district , nnd T. O. Dabncr ,
chief engineer of the upper Mississippi levee
district , guvo a geneial outline of the work
required , extending from Cnlro to the head
of the passes. The commission will bo In
session several days ,
Pim-rll Clayton on Hr
Litn.i Hoci > , Ark. , Oct. I.- The republican
convention of the Second coi'gios.siciial dis
trict today endorsed the union labor candi
date , Isom P. Lnngley. Powell Clayton mndo
a .speech , in which ho snld that the state of
Arkansas would never bo cleared fioin the
stnln of John M Claj ton's murder as long us
IJreekimldgc lemuins in congress. In con
clusion he said "Life was once dour to me ,
but the tlino has not como when I win tal < o
my life In my hands with perfect resisnatio-i ,
and if I can only stuccoed In defeating I ) reck-
Inridgo 1 will willingly cllo In the cause. "
A Film Klaiinucr Aricstcd.
George Howard was airestcd at the Coil-
scum Inst night for practicing the ancient but
still cllectivo Ilim-llam scheme. Ho
had n & ! bill and ho bought n
small boiKiuct and got the bill changed
at Mrs. Stewart's flower stand. A few
moments later ho en-no back and said : "I
found 10 cents In my pocket after you gnvo
change for the $ ' . ' . If you want j our chungo
1 will take the ? J and n.iy you. "
Mrs. Stewart ! > ald she would take
the change and handed him the $ J.
Howard threw down tbo handful of change
and walked away. "When Mrs. Stow.nt
counted the change she found that Howard
had given her Just SI. CM instead of $ , ' , but ho
was out of sight by that time. Ho tiled the
saniu scheme on several others nnd wns
llnally taken In by O nicer .loo Miller.
Both the method ntul results wlier
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to tlio taste , nnd act
gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tern effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers and CIIICB habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and nc-
ccptablo to the stomach , prompt in
its action nnd truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all nnd have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for snlo in OOc
and $1 bottlec by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to tiy it. Do not accept any
To Welcome the Count.
Und Wnlking Delegates Kxpellod.
Council Bluffs & Oamha
H. Bcecroft & Sons. , Props.
M.iltlns thrco trips o\ciy day c.\ccpt. Sun-
Umalia n fllon at the A , SLnwarc K\pit' ; > s ntul
Delivery Co , KIKl llowaiilsl.
Council IJIunTooHlro , fill Hioidwuy , Tele-
. .
Leaves Council ItlnlVsOtiml 13 u. in. nnd J
p in. Oniiilia , 12 a in. , : i p. in. and 5 p. in.
Order * promptly .Utotidi'U tn
F. M. ELLIS & CO. ,
And nulldins Superintendents.
Rooms HO and IIJHeo Ilullilliiir. Uin.ilm.Nch. ,
and KooinsSII nnd "in .Men lam Itloek , Council
Illiiirs , Iiv Cm respondenco solleltod ,
Corner Main nnd Itioidwny ,
Ponlors In fnruUn nnd domoUlo axuhiuiKO
Collouilons inudu nud Interest , puld on tlino
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital ,
Cor. Broadway and JJGth Bta. ,
For thu tri'.it incut of all Hiir and chroiilo
( ll'-uasos anil dlso.isuH o ( the lilooil.
l'rlv.ito dliuiiHi'sof the urlimiy mid . .oxin 1
ornmis , ii < < syphilis , as strlcUiro , oytUI * . hpur-
iimtorroho.i1. lost-manhood , Mixnal liupotuneu
ami wc'iikiu-sfl tiiMled Hiic'ee sfnllr.
I'artlunlai nttuntliin p.ilil todUtmHOs ol thu
IIIIIKH , us AsUiniii , Consumption. llronuliltlH.
daturrli. Hto. 1'ar.ilysh , Kidney DIsuiiMisiia
Dlnhotoi. Height'sDtMmo. Kliimiiintlsm , I'llus ,
Ouneer , Vurlocole , llydroeolcIhopiy.Tnmnr ,
Dlsoawi o ( the Kyo and Kur. clul ) 1 not.
siilniilOurviitiiruaiidnllillscuieHof tlio ixwus.
WuhuvQadupnrtmnnt do voted oxeluslvoly
to thotrimtimmtnf I'trrlno DUnnst" ) .
Mcdlelntihi'iit securely puuk d and fioo from
Corrtsiionclunco oonfldontlnl. Adclrosst
Surgical Institute and Private Hospital ,
Cor , Uronilwnjr and KlUSU. Council lllufla , la.
V Cottngo Ilnriiotl.
A flro nt diSO this morning destroyed
small cottage In the mvlno at Twcnty-llf
and Dodgo. Loss about ? .MO. '
A Now Form ol' Contract ,'ooT , OcK 1. [ Special Cnbleprain to
Tin : BnnA ] revised form of contract for
use In the Llvorpe > ol provision tr.ulo went lilto
effect today. The most Impoitailt change !
deal with allowances for drafts nnd dl count
'The sections covering these arc as follows , '
1. The customary allowances for draft on
lard shnll bo four roands per tierce. Them
Is no draft In the cnso ot iheost > , butter , boxed
meats or meats In plcklo.
! . ' , All boxed moats , oheeso and butter shall
\)0 cash In ono monte ( or before delivery If ie- .
quired ) . If paid vtlthln seven day * , less full
two months' discount , after that data oiual |
to two months' discount fiom d.ito of Invoice1.
Discount to bo nt'tho rate of o per rent per
nurnim. The old rule touching discounts was
on the basis of four months
( mi-nil ICIcc'tinn lvotiii-ii ,
Mmiv , On. , Oct. I. Absolute quiet
uctorizvd the election heie today. The veto
wns ll ht , theiij being1 no opposition to the
democratic nominees.
ATI. INTIn. . , Oct. 1 Lnto returns show
that the full deinociatlc tloltut Is elected hy
the usual heavy majority , there belni ; prat1-
tlc.dly no opposition , lloth constitutional
nmi'iidmcnts luivo probably been iiirrii'd.
The tfoncnil assembly la thrce-fouiuhs ulli-
SINVVII , fn ! , Oct. l.-Tlie elc'i timi
passed oft" quietly nnd was n complete walk
over for the democrats.
The SoclnlUt
Hnui.iv , Oct. 1. - [ Speviul Cablegram to
Tin : Hn : . ] Hcrr Kobcl declares that the
lapse of the socialist huv means InuMcTorlc
for himself and hia collo.iKims without u ic *
dtic'tion of the risks they rim , because the
common law \\111 \ bo strained to catch them.
The Volksblntt publishes the programme uf
tlio socialists , which Included proposals for
the utwlltion of jiivonllo female labor , thn
regulation of the \vnik day. the Institution of" " * *
tico compulsory state eilucuHon , and the
adoption of n single puijrcssi\o ( \ iucoino tax
to lepliico nil other taxc.s.
Tlio Doi'Kcii'H Congress.
Lovnov , Oct. 1. - At today's session of dm
docUiicn's ) comrrcss It was decided that dnelt *
men must innko u strenuous effort topiwuit
the orKanuntion of shipowners from crushing
the union , nnd with this end In view Hai
determined to raise u fund of i'iWll ( ( ) vutu
which to li lit the shipping federation It is
proposed to obtain this sum by hvyiiu. a t.iv
of I' I on each member of the iinloii and m.ilt.
inif nu appeal to the public for he'lp. Afti-i , i
IOIIK discussion the coiiKioss decided not ta
boycott Australian til-rivals.
\Vlth Nocru
Oviiii , Ala , Oct. 1. The band of nocn )
robbers who desnoilcd thu nillroid hands
here of their wn es yesterday was pnrsueil
ba sheriff's posse and a light ciisne'd. In
which three of the negroes woio fatally
wounded. Tlio others escaped and one hai
taken icfugo In n house nnd is besieged by
the posse.
A GOOD family hortfni saleor Hill tniln
foi a s | > , in of KIIDI ! punles. Inquire .it tlio
olllee' , , ll ! Hio id way ,
VT-ANTKI ) ' | 'HI good coil makers at
t IteltorX < Ili > llio.edH.iy , Cuiuicll lllniH
171OU HENT-IIoiiMs ! and room * ; one o\
JL stoie iiiMrooml hoii-c1 , and onu funiNlicd
loom al J. U Dm Idsoif M , ( , r > Fifth a vo
ITH'HN'lSIl ] ] ! ) loom- , , I \\n blocks from iiiolur ,
foui from postolliee ; ( IIIII.UT luul Imili
loom , hot and fold \vater. \ To iMitli'iin-ii or
man and \\ltlioiitolilldien 74.itslilni \ ; -
ton a\o
rhninto - JiDiicrpi , MDiil oniLiy t'o j
KaniiH , mdl ImproM'.l. .
I ft i acreC'himtuiiijiia Co. , Kan. , ucll 1m-
il'Jiiciui Tioyo Co , ICniH.'is we'll linninvoil.
210 acre's , C'liiiiiinulio Co. , Kan. , nc-ll Improv
ed.I.'O nun's , Morris Co , ICiim is. we'll linpiovcil.
i"0 iieru * , I.oui : ( Jo , ICuiivedliiiipiueil. .
lUlaeios. rnriins Co. . Nubr.iska ,
s , Unit < ; o , .
' "J7 neies , MuhlenhurK t'o. , Kvntuckr ; well
iniiiioM'ili oleir.
IbOnvics , well Improve. ! ; Alconn Co. ,
K.III ; clear.
4 Inures. I toss To. , Ohio ; elo ir. Will
citlioror all for iiieroliiuiilSo or city piojiorty
In Council Illults orUinalii.
( Mearlanil In Moiu1 and ll.ury To , Mo.
Cieaiiie-rA' liiChapnian. Plcklnvin Co \\-\n \
II.NJJ , Nt iiiormasjonoto. Cititlii tliu fiont I
lllttaelc .1. L. I'llco. Kiel's hotel.
_ _
FOU elmngo In luislnt > i.s will sell sloiMt ot
driitfs anil llvturos. all now and Iliit c-I.i s
at a discount , If sold within HUM ,11) ) d ij's In-
xuleo nliout } - ' , : > OJ. Aduross S. , lieu olllie ,
icll HlulTs.
TOOUSAIjKIInn standard tired toim. bays.
XT n ml 8 years old , miU'liei I. l < i < ly can
drlvo tlinin : city liniki'- will nolsliv ( . '
J't ' ! . M.iln st. , Council Bluirs. ,1 i , . 1'ilco '
TTtOK linNT-llotel . ( aim'Mii ) , lilt ( ninlsTii' '
X1 I'oisi'sslonislvon ( lotolior 1. r < ir Inform i >
tUni uddii'ss Win. r-lcilontiipf , nr Clirla Str.iul ) ,
FOHSALK Tlio llomu Kost.inrani for sain
on e.isv tornis. The must pnpului nlaeu m
the elty S. W. Seoll. . 17 Hronilnay.
SALH or Konu-O.irden liiniil wiiH
honsos , Uy J. H , Kloo. 10J Mula st. , Coiniull
DlulTs ,
AV llV pay r nt wnon you nan Imy a IIOIHOUB
W tliusamc turins , anil In ensa of vnnr ( It'itU
utiitiy tlino lo.ivo filially thu liuiuo uluar
outliofollowlni ; tunas :
A home ) worth 11,0)0 ) at II ! pur month. , ,
A lioinn woith $ ! , ' > ) ) nt < H per inoiitli.
Ahomei wuitli 3,03) atjil ior ) month.
A hO'iio worth i-Wl at HI pur inootli.
A homo worth JI.OJJ at tH j/or mouth ,
Other prlcu , ! homes on the sinm tornis , Th *
above monthly piyiuunls Incliido prlnoipil
nncllntorost. Vor full iintlcnl irs call n or lil.t Wulls Co. , ooii llro.ulwuy ,
CouncilBliilTj , lit
J. I ) . KiiMl'.Niisnv , 1'rc' . 11 11. Burn \HT , Vlco-I'rt ) .
Of Council Bluffs.
DiiiEurniiR-T. A. Sllllm , K. 0. Glmsrm. r l > .
FliiiL'iirt , C. K. Hail , J D Kdimnulson , Chuili'i
U llaiinaii. Trans tot banking Inhi-
IICSH. Iurgent eapltal uiul surplus of any
biiiil ; In Hontliu eilcrn Iowa.
Fall Meeting , October 7 to 10 , 1890
MONDAY , UOroilCIl 7.
KX )
a-yoar-oldTrottlnz Stuko 133
' I'M
Sj'JOTrottliu I'nrso. . . . KJW
3yuuroldTrottliuSt.iko W
WIIDNKSDAY , uc"roiinii ( ) .
S : : Tmttlng l 403
& 03
YuurlliiK TrnttliH Itucu-Slako . ,
TiuntsDvu , ouTomni 10 ,
Sn : : Troltlmc 1'nr.u . 400
I'mo-Tor-All I'ucln I'lirno , Ute
- - . . . . . .
rroii.l'or-AII , Stiillloii-l'ursu . WjJ
National TioltliiK nssndntlon rules to KOV-
i < rn. KntrlcHoloMitohtir4. Htuheraoo fruo.
Mllotrauk. J. W , I'DHKCOV , I'lunldrnt ,
L'ouiioll ItluIN , low.u
AddruHd all commiinlcatUiiis to
A. II.IMIIIIS. Hoorotiiry ,
m South lltli .St. , Omaha , K b.