Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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tiy Carrier In unjrpartof UicClty.
11. W. T1I.TON , - MANAOKIt
nitnlncis Odlcc , No. 4.1
t Editor , No. 83.
3lI\Olt MKX'HOX ,
N. Y. P. Co.
Council muffs Lumber Co , coal.
Unity RiilM sociable tonight ftt Uiorcsl-
dencoot Mrs. Hnrrls , rorncr of South tirst
anil 1'lcrco streets. .All invited.
Tlicro wns n hwo tittcnilaiico attho repub
lican moutliitf nt Miisonlc tcmplo lust even-
Inp , mid it great ilciil oC enthusiasm was
Mnrrlod , fit tlio residence of the bride's
parents , KSJI In prison street , Mr. William A ,
Binltliurd Miss OcrtleUliuko , Uev. JMVitt
( J. KniiiklliionitliiUng ,
The work of tearing nway the old Baldwin
building wit begun yesterday to ( 'lvo place to
tlio splt'iulld ncwstructiiro thiit Is to bo built
cm tliu corner of I'eurl nnil llrotulway.
Tlio city council wns booked for 11 meeting
last night , Imt the fnlluro to ct n quorum
prevented tlio eiitortalnnicnt that occurs
regularly once n week In the city building.
Tlio republican county convention meets
today nt Avoca for the purjioso of placing In
iioinlmitioii tlio candidates \\lio are to oppo&o
the men selected by the Into democratic con
Gospel meeting by Evangelists Llttlo and
llootli will lie hi'ltl this ovcfiln , ? , October 1 ,
nt room ! J , Kverott block , up llrst stairway
south from Hroaihvayon wst sldo ofl'carl
Btrcet. All cordially Invited.
A very old blblo wns found on Main street
last night near No. : i I. It was tied u p with a
blue ribbon , and Is evidently an heirloom. It
wns found by n llttlo girl , Ulnudlo Coclirnn ,
who brought It to THE IJiioflco. )
Yesterday was the last day uiwn which tlio
last h.ilf of the year's taxes could bo paid
without incurring a penalty. The crush to
pay wns so great that neb near nil could bo
accommodated , and they will bare to pay a
month's interest ,
A hnpnv event occurred at the residence of
Auditor \Y. U llcdlson of the Wnbash. It
was tlio inarringo of his ilaiiKlitci1 Anne to
Mr , Westley LcFrunco. Hoth the young
people are well known and very popular in
the city , nnd thcro are hundreds to wish
them the happiness they deserve ,
The $ . " 0,000 damage suit occupied the atten
tion of the distilct court yesterday , The
most Important leuturo of tlio day was the
nppcarnnccon the stand ofJ. C.Abbott , who
is tlio plaintiff inunothor.suit for the same
amount , and the central lisuro in ttio cattle
deal out of which the trouble grew.
.Tnmes Kamcs , the fellow who wns nrrostcd
by OfllecrHowlliiK nttho Instance of Dotcc-
tlvo Cooper of the Uurnuin-Dalley circus
company , upon .the chnrgoof being n pickpocket -
pocket , is n general all around crook. Lnit
evening Wur.shnl Tcmploton received n tele
gram from the chief of police nt Sioux City
ashing him to hold the fellow until tin onicer
could comedown after him. Ho Is wanted
up there for a more serious offense , and it Is
likely thoofllceH will let him RO.
Ono of the largest funerals that has been
held for seine time was that of James Ilarrctt
yodtcrdny afternoon. The cortege composed
n great ninny carriages proceeded by the
Dodge lightKuardslio acted as the cscoit ,
nnd the unlfoim rank of the Knights of
I'ythlns. The procession wns very imposing ,
The ceremonies at the resilience and at the
grave wcro solemn and impressive. Thcro
\verc many willing to attest their regard for
poor Jim. and the floral tributes which they
laid upon Ids grave wcro many antl beauti
ful One of the handsomest designs was
nent by his former fellow employes In the
Northwestern railroad freight onices.
Dalbcy's band furnished the inualc. The
body was burled in Fnlrview cemetery.
The younir lady who was the victim to the
terrible assault in the Jameson hotel has
dropped out of sight without being able to
point out to the police the scoundrel who
wronged liar. Bho spent alnrgo part of Mon
day ufternoon In company with Deputy
Marshal White looking for the man , after
Laving sworn out a warrant for his nrrest
before Justice Sebum. Tho-young lady wns
certainly the victim of the most brutal nnd
bold crimes that has ever been perpetrated.
A BKE reporter gained a llttlo additional In
formation yesterday from the colored
porter nt the hotel who was in the ofllco
when the nun came in. Ho said
the fellow had been around during the foie-
noon , and when ho came back nt 1 o'clock m
company with the girl ho asked to be shown
to his room. The porter asked him what room
ho had and he said "room 13. " "I guess
not , " said the porter , "nooao-has room 13. "
The port/jr turned to got the register to have
tbo fellow show him his name , but before ho
could do so he had seized the girl by the arm
nnd taken her Imlf way up the
wldo sviirs. In n few moments
after they had disappeared a lady
puest came , running down the steps nnd told
him that a woman was screaming and calling
for help In ono of the upper rooms. The
porter dlJ not know what to do and In n few
moments after the fellow came down nnd
walked out rapidly , A moment later the
girl cnmo down the stairs in the condition
described in Tin : I3m : yesterday , and went
out on the street , crying and wringing her
If you wish to sell your property call on the
Judd & Wells Co. , 0. B. Judd , president , ClHJ
Mrs. A , F. Ilnttonhaucr loft over the "Wn-
bash lust evening for St. Louis , where she
will visit her 'daughter , Mrs , U. 0. Wells.
Miss Cora Wood bury accompanied Sirs.
Ilnttcnliauor. nnd after u few days' visit
with Mrs. Wells will visit her sister , Sirs.
Urn-lily , at Hlllsboro , 111.
The best auctioneer in
Intimii , Council IMulTa. Snselal attention to
blooded stock sales , and nil branches of
mercantile goods. Ofllca.Wo Droudw.iy.
ray tlio Teachers.
No arrangements have yet been made for
tlio payment of the salaries of the school
teachers. Tlio treasurer docs not feel .war
ranted in paying the salaries under the pres
ent circumstances , the payroll having been
approved by only three members of the board ,
and thrco not being a majority of six , If the
action of the board Justifies him In.
paying the salaries of the teachers ,
It would Justify him in pnying the
salary of the superintendent , and
xvltllo the opposing members of the board say
they do not object to the payment of the ,
teachers they ilo object to the paying of the
superintendent. Under these circumstances
tlio treasurer will not p.iy the teachers until
n majority of the members of the board ap
prove the roll nnd order it paid. Messrs.
Btowart , Hliushn and Walto have already
voted In favor of the allowance of the pay
roll and the thrco other members are said ,
to bo cquullv willing to have the teachers
paid If It can bo done without
their doing anything to acknowl
edge the right of the superintendent to draw
Ills salary.
The superintendent says ho is anxious to
tinve the teachers paid , and prefers to have
his salary considered by itself , and la no way
let it Interfere with the teachers' pay. It
neoms that In view of the situation the mat
ter might bo adjusted so that the teachers
would not bo kept out of their pay any
longer. They need their monoy. It Is rights
fully theirs. They have no concern In the
Bqunbblu and ought not to suffer on qccouut
of It.
J. O , Tlpton , real estate , 52r Broadway.
First-class dressmaking by Miss Wallace ,
over Cattlemen's bank , cor , Mula at. and
Cth avo.
_ _ _ _ _ _
A Rally nt jYvocn.
This aftcnioon after the close of tbo con
vention nt Avoca a grand rally will bo held.
It will bo the llrst political demonstration and
the opening of the campaign , add will bo an
event that will attract ( i largo crowd. The
/aro for the round trip has been tlxcd at f 1.00 ,
The trains will lenvo the Hock Island depot
nt 0 p. m. U la desired to have n largo at *
tenduuco from Council Uluffs and every re
publican who takes any Interest In the cuuv
jiiilun is urged to go.
Among the speakers will bo Colonel Dalloy
end Colonel Hupp and there will be plenty of
tluquecco uud cuttiusiajai.
A Toot Race Between Professionals for Big
Money at the Driving Park !
Ho Escape * ) ' > Compromising wllli
Onn or lilH Vlotlms I'ny the
Tcnehers Minor ? Icn-
tlon I'crsonnJi.
A great deal of interest was nwnkcncd In
the Hull cases for the reason that there \VM n
largo number of new victims coining In unu
reporting to thoofllccrs that they had been
beaten by Hall , nnd asking to have him held
until they could get a chance at him. Ono
\\M Mr. F. P. Knight of Hinerson , la , , from
whom Hull secured about 8500 In two accepted
drafts , slmilarto tbo onus that Ultchlson had
( riven. Knight came to tbo city when ho
heard of Hall's arrest , but had
neglected to lllo an information In
his own county , Mills , charging him with the
crime , before coining. Ilo went to the chief
of pohco and told him nil about the deal , and
put himself under the guidance of that
Individual. Ho was told by that ofileor that
his neglect to lllo the Information In Mills
county would prevent him holding Hull if ho
should bo released. Ktilght then nsked him
to direct him to some good attorney to whom
ho might applf for legal advice , The pollco
ofllccr recommended A.V. . Askwith , Hall's
attorney , but neglected to acquaint Knight of
tlio fuel. Yesterday morning ho took
Knight to the attorney's oftlec , but
.Askwith did not glvo him any
advice. Knipht wits not acquainted
with tbo fact that ho htul been steered in the
ofllco of the attorney forllnll until ho was tola
by Keporter Barrett. Ho went straight to
the chief and asked him for an explanation.
The chief asked him , Knight says.if nodldn't
want to got his paper baric rather than to
prosecute Hall , and ho naturally admitted
that ho did , nnd s.ilil that ho was a poor
farmer who could 111 afford to lose $ . " > 00.
"Well , Hall and Askwith hnvo your notes ,
nnd when you get them you will hnvo to got
them from that ofllce , " said trio
chief , according to Knight's state
ment. Knight says that when ho
went into Askwlth's ' ofllce yesterday morning
ho was detained there a longtime in an effort
to compromise ttiecaso with Hall. Finally
Hall offered to give up Ids drafts if Knight
would pay him $ ' . ' 00 , out ho refused. Ilo was
detained'there upon ono pretext or another
durliif ? the greater parlor the forenoon , but
with Attorney Askwlth's assistance failed to
effect a satisfactory compromise with
Hall and secure the notes. Askwith ,
ns the attorney for Hall , was under pro
fessional obligations to clear him if he could ,
and he did all that could bo done to effect a
satisfactory coin promise. Knight claims to
have had positive proof that Hall committed
forgery , and was anxious to have him ar
rested upon the charge but believed the btory
that had been told him. that ho could not ilo
so until ho llrst lilca nn information in 21111s
county , whcro the crime was committed.
While ho was being delayed In the
lawyer's oftlce. Hall and his attorney
hud effected a compromise with Ultch
lson , by which he agreed to
withdraw the charge. While he was In the
lawyer's ofllce Hitcliison appeared In Justice
Hendrlck's court and-withdrew the charge ,
nnd Hall was released , Kitchlson paid the
costs , which amounted to (11.15. Before
Knight knew of the transaction Hall was out
of the city. Ho naturally feels very Indignant
nt the treatment ho received at the hands of
the chief of police , nnd Is confident ho could
have sent Hall to the penitentiary If ho had
been given n llttlo assistance.
When Attorney Asiiwlth discovered that
Knight had como to hi in professionally , and
without being Informed that he was the at
torney retained by Hall , ho immediately ad
vised the victim to seek another law oflleo.
Ho was directed to D. M. "West , who took
hold of the case promptly. Au information
was illcd In Justice Schurz' oftlco charging ?
Hall with forgery and u warrant was issued
for his arrest , but before it could bo served
Hull was gone.
Early yesterday morning Sheriff Wlllian of
Otoe county , Nebraska , arrived in the city In
company with a farmer named Joseph
Lathrop , another of Hull's ' victims. He
had been beaten out of ? 1,000 by tbo
shrewd manipulator , and had laid his case
before the grand Jury and secured an Indict-
monr. The two gentlemen got Into Justice
Hendrick's ofllco an hour before Hall wns
was released. The sheriff was provided with
requisition papers from the governor of Ne
braska and was anxious to have Hall held
until ho could go to DCS Molncs and have
them honored. Justice Hcndricks bud ob
tained an inkling of the contemplated com
promise with Uitchison , and advised thorn
that Hull was being held only
by a plnhook nnd was liablq to
got away any iplnuto upon a motion
for dismissal , and urged them to tnko the
necessary steps through an attorney to have
him held upon some other charge. Tbo chief
of police was in the Justice's ofllco nt tbo time ,
and the Justice asked him to take the sheriff
and the Otoo man to the nearest attorney's
ofllce , and suggested Colonel Dailcy or Judfjo
Aylesworth , in the Merrlam blocK , across the
street. The ciiiet deillned for the reason
that ho was not on friendly terms with the
attorneys mentioned , nnd it wouldn't ho
pleasant. Hcndricks then left his ofllco with
thorn and took them to Dailoy's ofllco. Imme
diately after ho returned Kitchlson appeared
and dismissed the case and paid the costs.
After leaving the oftleo Hull got on nn
Omaha motor and went across the river , and
so fur as known at the prubcnt time is happy
on the way Into temporary obscurity.
During the remainder of the day the wires
were kept hot with messages asking the
ofllcers to hold Hall for similar offenses com-
in It ted in neighboring towns , lieforo night
enough cases wo reported to swell the
amount bo hud obtained from farmers within
the last few weeks to about $10,000 malting
him about as buuly a wanted man as thcro Is
lu the country.
"Ho Is the most remarkable man I ever
saw"said Justice Ilendricks. "Talk about
magnetism ! That man has got more mag
netism than n regiment of Uliuncs , and r.o
fellow need kick himself very hard for being
caught by him. He would come pretty near
malting a man do about as ho wanted him. "
Hall Is a tall , slim fellow , with plerclngbluck
eyes and hair that is rather long and straight ,
and black as an Indian's. He walks very
erect nnd throws his head back with a Icon-
inc. air that is suggestive of great power and
Fashionable wool suits made by Mrs. L.
Simmons , | 5 to (7 ; silks. $7 to $10.
F Ino Interior decorating , Lcsey & Jensen
Buy your lumber ot The Judd & Wells Co , .
818 Hroadwny. _
The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413
Broadway , _
A JjKJ.OOO Knkc Foot Ilncc.
The details of a great foot race are being
quietly discussed among- the sporting frater
nity of this city nnd are creating about as
much interest as any event that has trans
pired hero for a long timo. That the event
was carefully planned and prepared for was
evident from the presence la the city of some
of tlio most noted sprinters in the west. In
fact , all the famous sprinters were here ,
whoso headquarters are within 500 miles of
Council Illuffswith about the single exception
of Harry Bothuno. There wcro only about
twenty persons present , and they Included
the professionals alluded to and a few well
known young bloods In this city , among
them Bomo local foot racers , The event was
planned to catch a sucker nnd they got a
great big fat fellow from Crcston , who Is a
well known railroad nmn. They worked him
and squeezed him until ho gave up f.,000 In
cold cash. The ruco was run nt tbo driving
park without the knowledge or consent of
the management. It was run to win , and the
contestants wcro two brothers well known In
sporting circles. Doth have records below
ten seconds , and ono stands very
close to the head in the ranks
of professional sprinters. For the
purpose of distinguishing them they may bo
called Jack and U ill , but those are not their
names. Jack has a record that U bard to
boat , and Gill U a fiver that very fexv pro
fessionals care tomeetoti the track , The de
tails of the arrangement of the race and the
baiting of the sucker need not bo given. Ho
was there plethoric and ready to w plucked ,
The race \VM arranged for small stakes at the
tart. A professional sprinter was backing
0111 , but there was no ono ready to put
his plasters on .Tack. Although they
wcro brothers In llesli nnit blood
nnd professionally , yet they were entire
strangers on the track. That -wiw n part of
the scheme. GUI and his friends and tucker
wcro boastful , but Jack was friendless and
lonely , but jot thcroni something about his
magnificent physique and the way no handled
his pedal extrenicties that crentcd the Im
pressions that bo know how to take care of
himself on the trick nnd would not decline n
challenge from a cyclone. Yet of all the men
who wcro patting1 the brawn of Gill there
was norm that recognized the laits so pro
minent about Jack. Jack wis evidently mad
because ha had no friends to shout
for him , nnd there was something in his
rye that Indicated that ho mod-
Itatcd revenge. At an opportune time ho
whispered something to somebody , and that
somebody'sfuco blossomed Into nbroudsmilo ,
Directly ho announced that ho would back
Jack for $100 , which was about fi > l ) more than
the amount of the llrst stake offered , dill's
friend ) eagerly took it , and then there were
some more hots offered by Gill's clnvquers.
and .Jade and his lone backer wcro guff.iwcd
and buffooned , but they had to stand it ,
They hud no more money. Another oppor
tune moment arrived , and Jack obtained the
ear of the Oreston man , it was a good sized
car. capable of holding a good sized talc ,
and It was tilled to repletion. Jack told him
who ho was , thathe stood aivny up near the
head of the profession , mid tnat there was
not moivs than two or three men In the whole
world whocould bent him and that there was
not ono of thcsoinonlthin 1,000 miles of
Council Bluffs nttho time. This Information
wns In accord with something told him in
Creston thit wns the llrst Incentive to como
to tholJUilfs and witness the race. In fact , long story at Ures-
ton und hnd met Jack there , but was not alto
gether satisfied that ho wuswhutho claimed
to bo professionally. When Jack got lib cur
on the grounds ho put Into it Indubitable
proofs. The Crcston man Mas satislleJ , and
put Ids hand in his pocket and pulled out , n
great roll of. crisp new greenbacks , Ho
counted out n cool f 1.000 from the pile. He
had brought it with him for the purpose of
betting it on Jack and "a sure thing. " Ilo
shook the wad above his head and roared
like a Roman that ho would bet the'pile on
Jack , U ill's friends wore paralyzed for tbo
moment , but they hart money nnd plenty of
fulthlii GUI's legs. They covered the Cres
ton man's (1,000 and somebody's (100. ( Tbo
somebody , by the way , is u profes
sional apiinter himself , and vus in
on tlio deal. The race \vns arranged
ready for the start. Jack wns Jeered and
liowlcu at as ho walked down the truck , and
Gill got an ovation as hoprauicd up to the
starting ; point. Fifteen minutes wcro con
sumed in celling oil , and the agreement was
that If they got a\vay \ by mutual consent in
that time they were to bo sent olT at the
crack of n pistol. A well-known tlrctnan was
appointed referee. They got away by mu
tual consent Just before the pistol wns fired ,
It was a line race. lr. Somebody had taken
his stand near the niiish , und close by
his side was the Creston man , It
wns neck and neck for the fU'st
UK ) yards , then .lack showed his speed ,
Time appeared to bo something In the matter
with Gill. Ho was iivo lect oehlnd when ho
reached the point where the Creston man
and his friend were standing. Ono of GUI's
backers got excited , and whipped out a
pistol , and yelled as he opened flro on Gill ,
" x'ou can't throw no raeo for mo like thut ,
you blaiikety , blank , blank. " Five shots
were tired at Gill. They cut the dirt within
a few inches on his flying heels anil came
awfiri near Jack. Jack dodged to ono side to
escupo the leaden messengers , and the
started Gill shot ahead of him and won the
It wns evident to all that Jack could have
won the race easily if lie had not been com
pelled to dodge tlio bullets , but the referee
decided that ho had lost and the Creston's '
man's first $1,000 was lost , Ilo didn't ' know
whether he was In the deal or not , but finally
concluded that ho was not , and that ho had
been deceived , and that Gill was the runner
nnd Jack was not. Ilo was assisted In coinIng -
Ing to this conclusion by various artful de
vices and suggestions that seemed to como
to him from the air. Ho wanted
revenge and ho counted on Gill to
help him get it. It took two days to arrange
it nnd fret some more money from Creston.
He got it , and while Barnum's circus -was
showing another little crowd were at the
driving park -witnessing the fun. It was a
race for blood between Jack and GUI this
time , The Creston man's laSt $1,000 was on
Gill and Jack had plenty of backers.
Jack's record of less than ten seconds -was
maintained and broken according to some of
tbo stop watches. Gill did his best , but ho
came out five feet behind In as pretty a race
as was ever run In the west.
-And tbo Crcston man's last $1,000was , gone.
It was a fake race from beginning to end.
The man from Crcston thought ho had every
assunmcu that ho had u sure thing. Ho had
entered into nu elaborate scheme to win some
money ,
The only matter of interest about the races
nsido from the fact thiit they were pretty
trials of speed , is tbo prominence of the pro
fessionals engaged in the deal.
Shorthand. Miss Rhodes , Brown building.
Signs , Losey & ; Jensen's ' , It Pear st.
J.C. Dlxny , steam Heating , sanitary en
gineer , flt'l Uifo buililiiiKO.iiahi ; SJ ) Mer
rium block , Council Dlufts ,
Wall paper at Losey & Jensen's , 11 Pearl st.
Los oy & Jensen paint houses.
Money at reduced rates loano-.l on ehntto
and reulestate security by R. II , Shoafo & Co
Dissolution Notice.
The co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween Xlglor & Manilol has been dissolved
by mutual consent , 13. Mandcl rothltig. N.
Zlgler will continue the business. All obli
gations of the Jinn will bo assumed and all
accounts collected by N. Xlclor who has
formed a new co partnership with K. Daits ,
N. Xuu.Kii ,
Council Bluffs , la. , Sept. 20 , IbOO.
To the Ladies Miss Alary Gleasonls bettor
prepared than ever to satisfy all who want
tirst dim dressmaking. Rooms in the old
library building , T"earl street.
Clieap llatcN to Avocn.
Those desiring to n\tcnd the republican
county convention at Avoca today can secure
tickets nt the Chicago &Hock Island ofilcos
for ono and ono-thlru faro for the round trip.
A Florida. Traucdy.
ST. jUnrsTiNK , Fin. , Sept , 0. This city
is terribly excited over an awful tragedy
which occurred hero today. Alexander Camp
bell , a rejected suitor , called at the house of
Miss Tvlanilo Joshcph , member of n prominent
family , and \\hcii \ she a J van cod to meet him
drew n revolver. The girl , divining his pur
pose , ran out of the house .screaming , hilu
her mother and the servants tried to restrain
Campbell. Their efforts were ineffectual ,
however , nnd ho followed the girl across tbo
street , firing as ho ran , inflicting n slight
wound , Mnrale ran Into 13r , Shines' yiird
nnd Hell down. As she was trying to arlso
Campbell ilrcd again , sending a bullet
through her heart , while the glrl'i mother
nnd servants were screaming and trying to
restrain him. Campbell has been Jailed. Ho
says ho determined to kill the girl whcnshu
rejected him and expects to hang nnd is In
different. There may bo a lynching.
Fight Over u Child ,
ST. Loujf , Sbpt , SO. A special from Paris ,
Tex. , says that for several years thcro has
been litigation in the courts over the posses
sion of a child betwocnIU grandfather , S , MT.
Turner , and Its father , K. 0. Stlrman. the
latter's wife having left him and gene back
tohcr father's ' homo with liorchildren , cnoof
which died soon af-tcr , 'J'ha courtu have
finally decided In f vor ot the grandfather ,
the mother having also died. Today Stlrman
visited Turner's house and demanded the
child from hisbrothur-in-laxvat the point of a
revolver. Turner got It away and shot Htlr-
/Ydjiilniit General 0. A. U.
WAsiusorov , Sept , -Coinmander-ln- ) -
ChlefVeascy of the Grand .Army of the I to-
public has appointed Judge AVIlllamLochrcn ,
a well-known Minnesota Jurist , JudE advo
cate t'cuerul.
-rAlt.l - It * t'llN. .
jC. . Davis d ! ittl 3oo is at the Murray.
S.T. .Alton oCh"lcago ( Is at the Paxton.
I1. A. Stoxvo fl ? , Loulils nt the Oisey.
rrnnklguntf ! Bait Lnko U attheMillurJ.
Trunk llubbaiOfof TaylorHlitgo IsaHarkcr
guest. >
II , J. Sillier of'Curlctoii ' l hi the city , at the
Barker. , , ;
ll , D. SetMcy of Kansns City Is at the
Barker. ' "
C. W. Sherman' Tcf Plnttsmouth Is at the
Merchants. ' L
y. W. U'ells6f' ' Schuvler Is In the city , at
the I'ttxton. ' ' 1
.I , A. t ) . Keed'of 'Chicago is registered at
the Mlllard.
S. A. Stmirth ot ' St. Taulwas at Iho Paxton -
ton last night.
AV. It. Cochrimo of Bedford Is in tbo city ,
at the IVlurray.
C. A. Rentier of Mllvyaukeo Is in the city ,
at the Mlllard ,
U M. Tord of DesMolnes vas at the 3III-
Innl last night.
ll. T. Cook of Philadelphia is In tbo city , at
the Merchants ,
. T , J. Taylor ofVllber \ was at the Mer
chants last night.
I ) , C. HovynrJ of Kearney wis at the Mer
chants last night.
IMwnril Roberts of Denver was nt tlio
Casey last night.
George Pemlloton of Chicago was at tlio
Barker last night.
M. F1. llobinsoii of Elmlru , X. Y , , Is stop
ping at thu Casey.
John II , Bucou of New York wns at the
Murray last nluht.
C. A. Haiulalof Newman's Grove Is regis
tered at the Casey.
lYaulil' . Ireland of Nebraska City Is stop
ping at the Paxton ,
Thomas B , Mcl'licrson of Arnp.ihoo Is a
giicst ntthe .Millurd.
Thomas T. Koch e of Mobile , Ala. , Is rc-gls-
tcicd at the Murray ,
S , F. Pom raw of Edgar is in the city , reg
istered at the Darker.
J. G. Heeler , editor of the "Wallace Hcr.ild ,
is In the city on business.
GeorgoW. Amos nnd family navoretuvned
home from a four months' ' trip abroad ,
J. F. Mullulicu of Kearney A\as in the city
yesterday morning mid icturncd homo in the
Mrs. W. A. Kcllcy , who hns been visiting
Inthorcstcin part of tbestatetho two
weeks , icturned nemo Monday.
Ilcrt Davis , the genial and rustling Press
representative of Ilnrnum it llailey's great
show , came iiuviththo great attraction nnd
renewed acquaintances with old friends of the
Frank II. Hctts and A , II. llownrd , repre-
scntingtho Cincinnati coftln company , arc In
the city for the purpose of attending the In
ternational undertakers' ' convention of the
United States and Canada , which commences
today nnd concludes on the 3d. They have
a very complete line of tamplciof , dry goods
nnd nnrdwnrc In rooms 4 and fl , Murray
hotel , nnd have in fact everything conceivable
ableto render a deceased persen comfortable.
The UiirkoCuflO.
In tlio district court yesterday the case of
Tlnloy Hurke against the Citizens bank was
still on trial , and promises to 'last a number
of days more , Able attorneys on each side
are fighting tlie battle stoutly , and not a point
is missed. The taking of evidence Is ruthor
tedious to tlio listeners not directly con
cerned , but tliey-gnther daily In goodly num
bers apparently sufficiently rewarded by hav
ing comfortable , scats , and hearing1 an oc
casional bristllug-iblt of legal sparring.
Charles Ilibblm , K. B. Kennedy , AV. T.
Everson and Daii Goiscr were tried yester
day for keeping gambling devices in the room
over the Dlamptn } saloon. After hearing a
good deal of evidence in the case and listen
ing to tbo nrgumcilts of the attorneys , Judge
llelslcy discharged all four of the defendants.
Approved hy the President.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 30 ! ' The president has
approved the river and harbor bill , the Joint
resolution for the purchase of nickel ore for
the nnvy ; tbo net to divide 'Iowa into judicial
districts and the bill making Pcoria a port of
delivery. _ _
Ono Dead nnd tlio Other Dying.
WICHITA , Kan. , Sept. 30. John Kingston
and Thomas Evans fought on the street in
Henncssy , Oklahoma , tonight over woman.
They carved each other in a horrible manner
with knives , Kingston is dead and Evans is
Killed by n. 1'rciiinturo Kxplosiou
Asi'Etf , Colo. . Sept. 30.V , E. Langan nnd
. .Charles McUarr , miners , wcro Instantly
killed today by a premature explosion. They
were horribly mangled.
Over rive Thousand Unllot * .
Mr.Mi'iiisTenn , , , Sept. 30. The congres
sional deadlock-was broken , this evening by
the nomination of Colonel Josinh Patterson
on the 5051st ballot.
Tlio Ijilirnry nt Harvard.
The center of the intellectual life of
the university is to bo found in the
llbrmy , which , under the elwrgo of its
nrosont omlilcnl librarian , lUr. Justin
wlntior. iaiulniiiiistciecl with u liberality
mid ellhiienoy unparalleled in iinycol-
Icgiulo lilmiry In tlioworld , Tliocol-
logo library proper now contains about
two hundred aim seventy thousand vol
umes ami nboutUvo hundred und blxty
thousand pamphlets , and If tlio libraries
of tlio separate schools mid class rooms
bo added , the total number of volumes
fall H llttlo short of aoO.OOO , writes Charles
Kliot Norton in irurpor's Magazine. The
accessions to the library proper during
the ten ycurs from 1880 to 1881) ) inclusive
liiivo boon tit the ruloof something over
cloven thousand volumes annually. The
number of poi'BoiiH ' malting' iiio of the
library Btenclily increases from year to
year. Fourteen years ngo 57 per cent of
the students nuulouHO of it , , in 1687-8
the proportion for the whole eolloffo
had increased to 80 per cent , for the
three upper classes to 1)7 ) per cant ; in
1888-9 the respective numbers wore 97
87 per cent nnd 03 percent. A moro
strildiitf illustration of the general Intel
lectual iicllvity of the uinlorjraduiitca (
eould hardly lw found. Every Htudcnt in
allowed to tnlm out three volumes at u
time , and to ehiintfothom HH often us ho
innydesliu Tlio total iimnbor of vol
umes taheu out in 1887-8 was G" > ,0. ' ! ! ) , in
1888-0 It Ttys (18,8Uli. ( Tlio UbO
ot books . ' "Jvlthln the library
Itself is constant anil Increasing.
Every facility is provided to malto
its stores uceiiiwiblo and norvleenblo to
the utmost tlojn'oo , There i-un Imrdly
bo a greator"uclvantago to tlio young
student , nn 1&6 than to the old , than
this placing' ( , hln frcouiHposal of the
treasures of a treat library , nnd thcro is
nothing- \vlVuU | a greater contrast is
u Herded to the common practice
of most foreign universities.
The advanced ntudoiit who returns
to Harvard after ureHidenco abroad llnds
in its open library a compensation for ,
whatever other advantages u foreign
Bent of learning nwy olTor. In tills ad
ministration of its llbrnry Harvard hns
But n needed and IwnolMiil example to
all other institutions of learning. A
natural doubt may , however , nrlbuas to
whether a young btudont niiuocuutomed
to the use of bool < , is likely to make
jiulluIoiiHtibuof the opportunity thus put
within Ills reach ; hut it b to bo remem
bered thut his \ novlll genermly bo
guided in the llrst Instance by the direc
tions of his iiihtrudorn , and that ho will
thus gradually Iciira lunv to hull ) hi in-
Holt In the vast choice hot before him of
the books tilted for Ills needs or his
entertainment ,
The Stutloneri "Tboro rtiouM bo a boom
in tlio puiior inanufactiirliiir business during
UioroiiiliiK voar , " snld Do Simper. "Whyl"
"The American tobacco company , with a cap
ital of SiVXKJjOUO , intends to iiicivaso Its out
put of 'all tobacco1 cigarettes. "
In thought of history P. T. Unnmm will
stand out M tbo RrentMt showman of his
time. An Innovator , an origlnntor , n creator ,
ho has crowned his bxn't ) energetic ll fo by
giving to the people oC two rontlnenU n per
formance that for vnrleil featuroa excels any
other ( iBgrcgationov \ traveling. Not con
tent wth n strojigrliiB performance , ho hns
Inaupurated a new ltl i. - whichltl \ have
many Imitators In the future a series oC
magnificent tableaux illustrative of Emperor
Nero's Brenlness nnd full ,
Homo , In Iho early years o ( the Christian ,
cm , affords the driimutltt a uibllmo theme
for effective situations , and linn ) Kirulfy ,
who ISH mmtor of the spectacular , ha * taken
lulvantaKo of the opportunities thus afforded
and hai prepared n most notable cntoitaln-
mcnt Interc.ttltiR all koto the cdiit'iitoil ami
unlearned. It requires no extended knowl
edge ofthc dint-actor of Neio to appri.vl.ttc
the beauty and sublimity of the movluj ? pmo-
niuin , which unfoljls itself liltoa scroll before
the eyes of tlio multitudes. Ami the people
who crow led the big tent yesteiduy and
lust nlpht could oisll.v have Imndiiod that
they wcro n part , qf the frrent iimllltuilo that
.fathered in the Circus Max 1 in us on show
It needed no vivid inuiftlnntlon toplcturo to
ones-self tiieprcat amphitheatre founded by
Tnrquln , the older , and the i-hailot nice hi
which licit Hur .Inlshcda tiliiinphant victor ,
surrounded hy the great stretches of canvas
upon which was p.iintcd the outer \vulli of
the eternal city.
TheenUMUca of Nero , the chariot races ,
Olympian games nnd gladiatorial contests ,
the Interior of Xero's paluyo and the festal
dances were theatric to n degree ; nothing ,
like it has been seen in the west. While the
btn-nlnir of Homo was a superb climax to an
Intensely Interesting scries of pictures.
The costuming was excellent , the armor
anil trappings being exact reproductions of
those on exhibition in the museums of the
old world. Upwards of four hundred people
lake part In the performance , which will
give some faint idea of its vastness and its
HOAV ilo They Kind Tliclr "Way Hack :
Homo ?
How insects , especially bees and ants ,
find tholr way back homo is ono of the
marvels of milural history. My wife
keeps bees , and my llttlo boy has a , taste
for entomologyv- Is aUvays milking ex
periments of ono kind or another with
them and other Insect * , wiles a farmer
in tlio St , Louis Globe-Democrat. lie
hns been trying to Und out how far nwuy
n bee canbu taken and not g-ctlost , but
has not yet succeeded. I live in the
country , fourteen miles from the court
house , and ( luring the summer that boy
IHIH been in town with mo a do/en times ,
and on each occasion ho brought some
bees along in si llttlo tin box. Ilo colored
their winjrs with violet ink , so thut ho
would know tlio insects again , and let
them go In thoheait of the city. The
first time ho did it ho released six bees
at tlio IMdle street market , nnd I
believe they got homo before \vo
did , because they -were nil on hand at
tending to business next morning1 , just as
though they took a fourtcon-milojouv-
noy every day. Occasionally a hoc fails
to come buck , but In nearly every in
stance they return in a few hours. Once
ho let llvowho.-o wings had been colored
red , out-of their box at C o'clock in the
morning1 , on the corner of 1'ourth ami
Biddlo streets , while his little sister
watched the hive at home , Ono arrived
tired almost to death , and dropped at
the door of the hive a little before 2
o'clock , ami three more came before < >
o'clock in the evening , all much fa-
tig-iiccl. His experiments -with a nest
of largo black unts have been equally
satisfactory , for some marked ants have
found their -way homo after being1 re
leased moro than a , inilo distant from the
hollow trco in which they lived. How
they do It is n question , but they .gener .
ally do , nnd so it is likely the travels of
both tints and bees nro much wider than
is generally supposed.
Slircu'd .Vu.strinii Diamond Tlilcvon3
A carriage recently drew tip in front
of a jewelry store in'Vienna , Austria , a
lady dressed inblnclc alighted and asked
to be ahown nn assortment of diainon ,
ringsfrom which she selected ono worth
75 ilorins , says tlio Jeweler's "Weekly
An hour later a stylish looldng- gentle
man called at the same shop and asked
to sco tlio proprietorwhom hoaddressed
as follows :
"Sir , my name is Baron von S , and
I hnvo come on a delicate errand. An
hour ngo uyoung lady dressed in mourn
ing purchased a diamond ring from you ,
but at the sumo time she purloined an
other valuable ring. The jeweler started
in nimr/emcnt nnd the jounjj gentleman
produced the ring from his pocket , say
ing :
"Allow mo to return it to you with tlio
request that you will keep tlio matter to
yourself , The lady is my sister , and
since the death of her husband she has
been sulTering from niental aberration.
A.tovory shop she goes bho tries to
pocket unobserved any small article that
takes her fancy. I butler mortal agony
whenever she contrives to leuvo the
house. In conclusion I would entreat
you , in case she comes again nnd at
tempts to talio anything not to frighten
the poor crciiturc. I will muko good the
damug'c. "
The jeweler pi'omised secrecy. Two
days afterward the lady in black cnllrd
again , suid asked to sco a number of diamond
mend rlnprs , but did not make any pur
chase. . . Tlio jeweler kept a sharp watch
on his fair customer , but did not per
ceive anjthingunusual. IIowoverwhcn ,
shohadgono , n diamond cross of great
value -was missing. The jeweler waited
in vain for the baron to muko his np-
pcnrancotuul return the stolen property ,
No wonder ; a baron of that name novel1
mistakes otCorrespondents ,
The persons who make mistakes In di
recting letters or who send letters to lie-
titloim addresses are apparently legion ,
according to a recent report from the
dead letter olllco , sttys the Now Vork
Times. In the last year 0,000,000 pieces
of mail matter wore Font to the dead
letter olllco at Washington. Four hun
dred and fifty-ono thousand letters
wcro misdirected or only partially ad
dressed ; 2-1,000 envelopes wore en
tirely blank , containing no address at
all. One hundred and slxty-llvo letters
were nddrobscd to persons In care of
hotels , who had departed without leav
ing their address or forwarding orders.
Forty-two thousand were sent to ficti
tious nddrcshcs , and were prlnciij.illy let
ters containing gicon goods or sawdust
A largo proportion of tlio packages re
ceived at tlio ( load letter olllco WHS made
iijion tlioBO on which the required amount
of postage had not boon placed. Twenty-
eight thousand loltorsand puckagPH con
talncd money amounting to H8 , ll ! , and
37,000 contained drafts and chocks ,
notes and commercial paper worth In the
nggi-ogalo 81,473,871. , laovcn thousand
had lottery tickets within the envelopes.
The tlup.irtineiit recommends to corres
pondents to write the full name of the
Htnto to which a letter or package is to
bo HOP t , and In the caw of jiackagcs to
mid thu Hoiidor'a niuno. A'hllo care IB
talioii as to the proper postage.
At Durham , N.C. , glnco the city 1ms
hud oh'ctrlo Illumination , the ravages of
the tobacco worm have boon greatly ro-
duccd , the Insects having ton killed by
tlio lights. It in suggested that n power
ful oloctrie Ugh tin the center of ono of
the Mia lulumlti growing the famous long
Htaplo cotton mlght HUVO nil thaplaiita-
tlmiH uuironmlitiglt from thodcHtructlon
HO frequently wrought by thocottou army
\\orin. \
A. Collection of Kiuletl Pictures Tlmt
Will Ilo Out of Ditto Next. Year.
Do you keep your old-tinio photo
graphs ? If you do you know what a
wonderful collection you have of frlcndH
of lotiff ngo , says the Now York World.
"That IsVill Steadfast , " jou say.
"ITo used to bo nn old bonu of mine un
til Tivont back'011 him. "
"That Is Tack Fickle. How I loved
him until hu 'sliooU'ino1 ' !
That clear , delightful llttlo bunch of
loveliness seated In a wash-bowl and
clothed in notlilntr nt all Is yourself , HO
far out grown tlittt Infantile statonsto
inaKoit eom pust'tliu cmlullty of man
to bcllovoyou Hero ever thus.
That fvnrful-\lsncil } ; , attkwsml , lanky ,
woeful youth httmdlng by a pedestal "is
now the man of millions , who has grown
so important that ho scats himself and
bulges out wlthpridu when ho "gits hit )
pu-turo took. "
The sentimental , faded { , 'lrl by the
vase of tlowei-Hwan votir most Intl'mato
friend years ago till you quarrelled ,
Ga/.o on Iho whole collection with a
hudder and vendor how you over ad-
mi red this or that ( jh'l und asked her for
her picture.
The bnblos of twenty years ago arc
now quite old fo'ks ' , aiul should Kitor
N'otninu give tlieso Infants such dreadful
HinlltM oriioselhoniwithsuehllttlochill
its tholr old picture ! ) bdlray , homebody
would bo justified in breaking thu cum-
era. The photographic art has jumped
along stnco those tunes , but will tlio
grace tit I portraits tiikon today he as far
behind the ago u score of years from now
us these poor faded presentments ?
Pci'lmjw experience , that greatest ot
all teachers , hud honietliing to do with
making the photograph album unfush-
.For which lot us bo thankful.
dcncral IManiiKCi * I'oiUl ' Doiilci.
DBXVUII Cole , , Sept. 80.- [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Urn. ] ( icncral Manager Docld
of the lilo Grande Vi'cstern denies emphat
ically Unit the Atcblson lias nit option on his
road , middays no such propositions would Do
onU'ititlticd. The Denver &Klo ( Irando people
ple nrc not alarmed over the current tumor
about the lllo ( Ir.indo "Western nml sny If
tbcroshould bo n clfanpo in the management
of thut io.ul Inimical to their interests they
would parallel it from ( J rand Junction to Salt
TlioVlnnett Iniuost | ,
The verdict of the coroner's Jury In the
case of Cljdo AVInsett was that the lad eamo
to his death by being rim over by n train of
cars , no blame being attached to the train
men ,
The coroner's ' jurvln the case or "Irish
Annie" returned a verdict to the effect that
ho came to her death by the rupture of tbo
ardiac membrane.
Don't f.ill to send for our book on
Mood diseases , flailed free.
SAHFT SPECIFIC Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Primary , Secondary or Icitinir ifimtmuiitljriurt-4
InSHo to d..yn. Wo cllmluMu all t > cUn Hum tin
B > ctcm , 40 that tbcio cnniio LT t a return ot Ilo cllv *
ca oln oiiyform. 1'artliscun liotrcatcilat her c , ( for
ml uri'.cr tlw
t mai j
/ * *
nnno iTuunn C ° V Dill III OJIcc , Omttvlth
thosowhapio f 1Uft 1)1 ) 'cr to conn
hcie , o ll ! BJ I | f | D ilgjcontrnct to
cu.o them or * I BIB vr ro f unJ nil
money nnJfay entire expense otconilrj.rftllroni fan
nvl hotel blllit. Vto clinlltntro tfcoworlilfor ncttowt
cnnltot cure. Mention IhU liaiier , iddnps.
COOK BEM-K1H' CO , , Omaha , JfclrasJta ,
Ofllco'St. Clnlr Hotel Cor.l'ltU anil Dodso Sis
Hip < llstJi < > nrlcnoi\iP < ! flTP < ]
Icucilnnrpintily for all llin
unnntimil Olscharnos anil
privflteiUnea en cif men. A
certalncnrofor tlKiichlll-
tiulTij weukncsa peculiar
to wcrarn.
- . I presorlbcltnnd Ictliafs
1 i THtEV N3 CHSMITMCo In recomnifuilliig It to
Mold Ity
1'KIC'i : 81.OU.
All k liuls of D/luK n 'l ' Clean In ? donolii tlio
IJIsfiiestMyloofUioArt , r.uluil iind btiiliicil
rabi-lcH iii.uli ) to look as food in now , \Voik
Iiruiniitlyiloriouiul ilellvcioil In till pai-ts ot
tliocounlry. Sciul for prtco list.
O , A. MAO HAN , Prop. ,
Oil Broadway , Near North weitum Uunot ,
COITXCU. Iti.urra. IA ,
_ _
Strletly tobuslnesi" l ipl 'nillil motto. TholilgV
Btiiicc < i < s III ovcry llnoor liumnn eniTify liroaclioJ
byliltn who lii > M < u > Roma u.iloi > toil nmjlulty ,
reoplo mepronroslve , full of enaTii , and mouer
. innklne ( clmiijc ! Tlicr ncoa | iecl > l training ( or
Tx > aJs In popular oilucitlort , liar public irho l >
nrodoliiiiemiiil work , ( or her ncruatliu mlllloni ,
Commence ) full torin Supt. lit. blio nole'li tli8
really practlcnl lor lier "tnlcnU. Nonnil llml-
no , HliorlliiiniUnil I'tnninnililii POUMUL * ell or-
Kanlie.t anil fiirefiilly eiinUuctoil Stiulunli timr
unlor ntany time , \Vrlto for ( iirtlicr particulars m
V. a. 1'uiiHon.
Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Electric Trusses ,
Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc.
OOO Brondway , Council Bluffs , la
( ioblifntnllrlionfl forMlo. or
( or iiM'aniilKooilpoiilM. Iinialrvnt tlia
Slitjcr oiiioi1 , : | iiroailvay.
\\rANTKI ) Two good coat inn Vow nt
* * Holler's , 31 llrouhMiy , Comic-U Ilium.
irMOIlTfiHMit house foe Kiir.3 Oi1luiul' A1
* - iiivpmip. . lp < lrublol ( .Milluii. f
"IT OIt KKNT lloit . ' 4 nnd rootiHI onf ivvjf
Jioronour niurt liouti * . nml ono ftitulsifvil
f > < ) iiiiit J.It. Ditlclsoii'm tcariftlittvo.
" 17MIKN lt > IIKInioiii4twu ) Mi > i Us friim inrttor ,
-A- lour from inistotllco : ( iiltiaoo li : it , brxtlt
room , lint ana roll I itatur. 'I'o pent UIIIPII Ot
inaiiiinclwlfo vlthoiiti'lillilton. il.Vu liIiij-
tonuvo. ,
tonuvo.'J ,
- -'J > O acres , Motitinn'ry
IIt UN 11 , Wl'll tlllIMVOll. |
Cliuitainiia | Co , ICiin , , Mi'll
Wiiffi'4 , Ttt'j'ii Co , ICniiw well ItatrovpO ,
yiDiiorc , Cornaticltot'o. . Kim. , neil lni | > ror.
M , Morris O < ilvaiiiH. ivcll ItupiovoJ.
t < 4 , \f \ 11 :111 : 1'o. ICan.wolltniiirutuil.
Kurn IH Co. , Mi'lirsustci ,
MulilunU'rg ' Co , well
IMiu'roivullltaprooil ; Alcoiu * V > , Ml liN
4liufrojosiCo. | { , OMoi rlt'iir. Will trtvlo
plthor oiiill fnrniorcliintllwor city
In I'diinvll ItlnlT'i 01Diualiii ,
i'li'iir liinil liiMoaoiiiid Ilirrv Co . "Ma
( 'n'aniprv ' ItiCliapinin , Dlrklnoiii < ' .i. K .
3l , lO. lltlllOltlfllK.niDtCM , ( ll't tOtllofli lt. I
wllltratlc. .1.1,1'rlw , Kiel's linli-l.
In linlnr ) < will < > H im-u
- - < lr njs ami ll\t HIM. all ni < uuml llrvi.-i , , .
ntaillsi'iiiint. II sold ullliln IIC.M , ) il ni In.
voli-u liliotit J.'iOO.iUlli"ts ' S. , Uw ollii ( > ,
Coiinell HlutlX .
ji.v . - , , ! . -mio Mlttilnnl lirnl t4 > ain l >
JLllll ? < | 8 yiMM olll , lllllli'lll * I , l < lilv
drltn tlioiii ; oily timkc : Mill imliliy. t'u
tS , Mulnst. . Oiiiinc'llHIuiK .1 I. . I'riri-
UlINT-llotH Jiiiiii'ion , nil fnniiHl
Tosscssloii ilvon ( Iftolipr 1. 1'or lulu ,
tlnnuilflrcsi . SlcJontoiif , ort'lifis tr tub ,
Coimulllllnir- ) .
fjTOK HAIiK Tlio llonu Itctttiiirant lor v0 , |
-2 on torm-J. Thu -
- citty mint piiiiilariila--t | < m
tltcclty , S. M1. St'otl. X1T llruaci , iy. _
TjlOR SALE or Hcut flirilon land , wl'i- ' ,
JC houses , uyj , H. Kloo. llUMalu St. , Coil tial
y rout wncn you pan liny Jilioinooi
tliosiiuo terms , mul Incnsoof your tlr ath
atnny tlnio lo-no your family tlio lioiuo oliu
oiitUo follow In ; tirnn :
Aliotnoworili JIOOit ) ; Jlipor inoutU
Alioiito worth M..VU at FlJimr inontH
Ahoinoworthli.ODlat iJIpor inoutU
AhO'118 worth M.O.M at Sllpor inontli
Ahotna worth M.OO ) at SH per inmuli .
Oilier priced lininc ) on tlio til tin tor tm Thf
almro monthly payments liu-liulo prinolpu
amllntpri'st. For full iiaillcuIaN < * .ill on or
adilrosslho .ruM Jc ffells Co. . litf Itroadwjy ,
( JotiiiclIlllalTH , In.
F , M. ELLIS & CO. ,
.And Bulldln ? Superln-tcmlonts.
KoonislW mul 4t2 : lli > < > Hinlillii ) . ' . ( > iiuilii Nvli.
nnd UounisII IIIK ! iM Morrliuu Illoel. Luuiml
HlulTs , Ii , Correspomluiu'CsollclUMl .
aln and llroailivn v ,
In lorclRii und ilomoitli * o\'liiuiS ' ( !
Collci't Ions niadu und Inlorost | iiUl on tlu:4 :
deposits , ,
Vail Meeting October 7to lO.lS fl
: j-H'iir-olil T WJ
SiVITroltliifr-l'itPhO 500
i--iiil ! Trottlnhtal.o . W
2:1WTrottliitt-l'ur-.c : . (00 (
Vrou-1'or-A.ri Trottln ? I'ursu . 500
" Uaco Staled . M
I'lcu-Vor-All , btalllnii I'lir-io . v 7
N'atlfiniil TrottliiRassoclilloiiriili-s tr >
orn. lintrlesclosnOi'lobcrt. Muke MOO f rc <
Jlllo track. J. W. I'KUKUO ' V , I'ruxlili-at. '
Uoiliioll lllillTtlowi
Aclclicbs allcotainunlcntlnas teA
A , H. OmilSS < HTPlary.
! I5 South 1 llh St. . Oaiilli.1 , Neb ,
Jl ) . Kii v. I'm. HMiBllUflAlir. Vice 1'rou
11.1IANSAV , Caililor.
Or Council Bluffs. ,
PAID UP CAPITAL . $150,00t $
l > liticTOiis I. A.MIIIor , R O , Oluasun. 10 I. , 1C. IMIurt.J. . D , riliniimlsnn.Cliarlii Trausict Kcnoral bun lilnx lnM-
iies . Lir cst uupllnl ami biirplus of any
hank Inboutlincslcm lou.i ,
Over C , It. Jacuiio nlu & Oo'i : Jewelry -etr ea
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital.
Cor , Broadway and.
I or thotrr.ilinuntof alUiir 'Icul und chroulo
ilKuii si's anil illsoascs ofllin liliuiil.
I'rlvntn ( llM'.im'Hof t-liu urinary ami soxilil
orKii' " , nn Htrlclnri1 , o.VftllN , spcr-
iiiiiturrilioi ) < , lost , in utlioiiil , MIIXII ul Impotence
ami vrakiicsHtriiali'il sniTosslullv.
I'artloularattuntloii p.ilil Kiillsunws ol
, Astlinia , UoiiMinipllun.
Cuturrli. Hti' , l'arily l , Kldiioy UKuiihi'i us
Dliibt'lfH. llrlitlifMlilMunw. IcliiMiiniilisiii , I'lles ,
Oiiiu'i'r , \rirliii'il . llyiltocoh' , llroiW Tumor ,
Illsvnti'H ol tlio lyu ] nml Kir. < 'Iul > Feet.
hpl n nllUi u roauil allillHon-i'softlin bones ,
\Vi > li.ivo niliiparlinuiit iluvolcil i\clilHlreIy :
til t llOlriMllllH'llt. ( l ( Dtorllll ) ItlllHM. ) !
Moillcl nn sen andlrcutroui
Uoire4onilnc | cnnllilcnt.lal , A < lilressi
Institute anil Private Hosplt ,
Cur Hruiidntr an i. Counc
nyilruullo niitl Sanitary I'.iiKiiicor. PltiiiB. J-lstlinMca
H . SiicolHatloiisanilSuiwrvlslon ol Public 'AVorlc , Brown
" , - . ollhol' Olllco uvor Aiiioricnn impress , No. 121
MQ U Broadway , Council UluUj , iowti.
Attorneys nt r.uw , J'ractleo ' in the Stuto and Federal . .
Stone C'ourtd , Llooins 7 unj B Shu arl-lioiio JilooU , Council/
UlulT8Iowa , ,