Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1890, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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Vanity lair Has Been Doing the Paat
Sorca Daji
tTlic Period of Dancing Pnrtlc * , Card
JTartlca nnd Ttccoptlons ItcKiin
Mr. nncL Mrs. 1'opplcton'a ' Un-
tcrlitlxiinciit-DoliiBH In tlio
Fashionable World ,
Hut a short time ago the appearance of the
bachelor girl-upon our streets , In our homes ,
In society , would have excited a tornado of
discussion and condemnation , but the forces
wlilcH are at wk during tlio present time ,
Bliapliifj the destiny of our civilization , have
prepared us for this now evolution which
promises to unsettle all tbo old tenets of the
The bachelor girl ha productof thotimcs
Just as electrocution Is , just as the phonograph
graph Is. She may have existed in sorno
other age , but certainly not to the extent or
the complete fulfillment of the Ideal which
the terra Implies.
The fiwhlonaUo plrlof the day leads a fast
life , In so far as that phrase applies to a mul
tiplicity of late hours at operas , theatersand
iusociulllfo ; but slio offsets by equestrian
ism , pedestrinnlsm , plenty of sleep nnd ex
orcise , tlio effects of her social dissipations
The girl of fashion Is scldomslclr or un
healthy , In the metropolis In modern times.
She has every advantage and few danger * .
She can dissipate considerably , enough to
Icill , oiico a month , a country-bred girl , And
the reason for these accomplishment ? , for
tlicy nro accomplishment ! , lies In the care
taken of her person , She lias the Turkish
bath , thoinnnlouro.tho hnlrdreswtho horse ,
the Victoria , everything with vhloh to rally
all her physical energies by day as nn offset
tocitrcmo tension in social engagements at
night. Dancing add ) strength mid grace to
The bachelor Rlrl , this now typo of modern ,
cociety , ifcoRnlzos that tlio sway of thofush- !
lonablo woman ends witli the loss of asinglo
clianii. Her Idea , carefully matured. Is to uo
Jiiodorato In nlllndulitciicesin order that her :
every charm should on tlivo her , She don't '
cnro , pcrhnps , ho\v many girls nro driven pw-
niatnruiyto the drutr sloru so long as slio
never outers Its portals. 10r
TliJ 1 a picture of the modern bachelor
girl , \vliola new to our civilization. She lives
u club llfo , thoueli exclusively In lier owi :
i honie. 15ho plays LlllimMs expertly , though '
from a motive and motive governs every
inodornuct : as the cxerdso R-reatly benefits
btrnrjiis. lie-sides showing her person. . In the
parentnl.billiarJ hnlt , to the best advantage ,
Blie'Kod Into the llcia unil over her own dog ,
, ali6ots " a inajiy birds as her ncjt ? * neighbor
"ivlio wcatii tlio raiment of a num. She plays
ntlKHVlej the long summer days at Spirit ! ,
t > ako , KarraK-nnsott" Pier , Konno-
buukport Mlnnctonka. Colorado Sprlnns ,
Tj > ag Branch , or Saratoga , mid vith
0116 or two exceptions makes Wggor runs. In
tliOBiunoiiunbor of frames , than lermnlo
Around this rnra avis men swarm us nat
urally as migrating bird * around the lofty
beacon of a light liouso , nnd. no doubt , n.s
many full , crushed and llcedlnif , slnro it Is
. destiny and law that only one mail shall have
tlioprizo. The bachelor girl Is an evolved
quasi cj'nlc. ' It could scarcely bo otherwise.
IMarrlagoto lier is on ultimatum , and there
fore nil men look ullko to her , except m they
vary in attractions such as physique , loolis ,
wealth , accomplishments and manners.
.And if she docs not marry with the rapid-
ttyclub men would have hcr.let thorn Idre -
mcnibor that the reflection may be upon thdr
failures , their short-comings not upon licr
ojportiinltles ,
Omiilia has several bright , intercstinR' , In
telllffont bachelor plrls , iut their identities-
shall nt | bo disclosed today , nt least.
I -A Ilociutlfjal DiineiiiK.
| In 'lioaoc of--thclf anuglitcr'Miss , Mary
' Iopplotoiij _ v'ho leaves today for Bliss
Brown's school , Kciv York City , and her
guest Nlss Mad go iMn.rnlui.mof St , Louis ,
Hon. and Mrs. A. . J , Poppleton cavon most
delightful dnnclns'party Tuosaay ovenlnprat
their residence on Sherman avenue , The
invitations wro rcslrictcj , except in a few
Instances , to the younfr frlondaof Miss Mnry
Jo | > ploton , nnd iii all respects it was a
griUiCL-liig of tlio youth and beauty ofOmulm ,
The house , which Is oiioof the Inindsomcst
in tbo city , surrounded by spacious grounds
which show the constant caixs of the gardener ,
as particularly naoptcil to the fiivlnpr of enter-
taluiuutita , such as this , It is particularly
roomy , both upstairs nnddotvu ; tha parlors
nro particularly Inrgo and rich in appoint
ments which ' reflect the good taste of ttio oc-
cutmnts , 'IC'onoof the i-ooms Irapressonons
'bcltifr used only ouoccaslons , on the contrary
every room has thonppearancoof boinf lived
in which makes them all tlio more enjoyable
on. Ih at account. The liouso too abounds in
pleasant nooks , nnd hnlf lighted recesses
which , nro made
cosy by up-
liolstered scats , ottouiaiu , nnd divans , and
they xvcro never unoocu pled seemingly by the
guests of Tuesday evening ,
Dancing was confined to thothreo parlors
which were canvassed for the evening , the
Musical union orchestra furnishing
the miiilc. Floivcrs added their presence
nnd fragrance throughout tlio lover floor ,
vases iirettilvarmnged occupying places on
the mantels. In the embrasures of tbo rooms
xybllo the library \vasuscdfor pleasant tetc-
Sixteen numbers were danced , the printed
programmes belns especially pretty , the
brOnze Covers containing a medallion upon
which was embossed In lilgH relief nn Alex-
nndrinn'liend. After dnacinp refreslitnonU
\vero terved. overythiug being ; especially
charming and completo. Among tbo guests
present weroi Misses Hoagland , Laura Hong-
laud , I'ldllitis of OalesburK1 , 111. : Kennedy.
Donne , Krully Waleloy , Nash , \Vallaco of
Salt Lnko ; lioclcwcll. Council llluffsVcb ; -
ster , Vest , Brown , Thrall ; Mr , and Mrs. Will
I'opplcton. Jlr. and JVlrs. Clement Ohuso ;
Wessra. Will Doane , Will Crary , Chat and
'Clark ' " liedick , Bowman , Gouucil liluffs ;
\Vestbrook , < ! arnenu , Will Kennedy , Wripht.
Council BlulTs ; 1'crry Badollot , Council
Jlluffs ; Hiiinllton , IlonryVyraan , Ed. aic-
Canu , jVrtliur Brown.
ScptcniuerVoilcl ings ,
wsrnn ASU VAOHOB ,
A very pretty wedding occurred Thursday
cvcniiiat | ? tlioroslilcnco of Mr.J.C. Wnchob ,
IKM Xorth Twenty-third street , the contract-
ins parties beltip Mr. Albert \V. \ Lister and
Jilss JennloA. AVaehob , botb of Coin , la ,
_ A nunibor of
fricmls and relatives of both
jiartles wtro present and the
ceremony was
followed by a delicious supper. Mr. and Mw ,
Xlster will reside in Coin , la.
nAsiiMOtf jk.jincr.Arr.
A number of friends of the contracting
tie * gathered at tbo residence of Mr. and Mrs ,
S , C. Clnpp , H20 Daveuiwt street , U'hui-sday
.orcnliiK at 6 o'clock , to witness the marriajo
of Mr. U'anvn L. . Hamilton nnd Miss Eva
Jlakor , daughter of Mr , nnd M'rs. Clapp , Key ,
Sir. McCluroof tUoLutlieran church olllciat-
iug. U'ho house was quite prettily decorated
for thooocaalon , a. very attractive jnarrlami
tfr chnmlelicr In. the dining-room , where ,
nltor the ceremony , ft mast teniptinp banquet
was temloivd the brldo undprtwin. Wr. Hum-
ilton isronufclod vlth tlio Fidelity oil com
pany anil is very lilgnly catcoiDcd by LIs om-
SMITH AND nonixsoM.
Mr. ( iCorKoH. Smith , of tUo auditor's of.
ilco of Ilia Union Puclllo railroad , -\vrus united
inmurrhffo at Montreal , Canada , on the tilth
lost. , to Alls ] Anna Kooitison , jouiiReit
daughter oC Thomas KoliliionKsq. , of that
cltj" , They will boat homo after October S ,
at H14 Boutlt Twonty-slata stivct.
A very pretty -\vcdiliuuoccurixlat the First
Jlcthodfst churcbVcdncadujr \ ovcalng-
tliSO , tlio parties in Interest belnp Mr , Joseph
O. Prlchard , and Wlss Mlnulo SUiolds , Kov ,
G W. BavIUfc'o oalrlatinff. A. largo number
otfriendi wcro present to witness the core-
uwuy , tha bride anil groom belnff tlio roclp-
ionia of
\vnrmcoiiRratulatlou8 \ npon the
lupny event. Later in the o venln pr thov left
on tnelr bridcl tout for tha west. Mr. Pricli-
am U the very popular mall cleric at the
TJnloo Paclfloboadijunrtcni , a jw.illca bo ta
Jlllod for yours. The briJo is the daueutor of
Engineer SMclda of tbo Union I'acltlo
Km. svs-
ittiTHBuronr > JiN'i ) ixjQiv.
A very pretty wodilltiR was tolomnlzod * t
1811 CumlnR : street "Wednesday evening , 7:30
o'clock , Iho contracting pnrtles klngr Mr.V ,
It. Uuthcrford nnd Miss Jean 1C. Lognn ,
15can GnrdneroftlciatlnB. The brldo looked
vcrr % vlnnln ? In n sheer robe of white em <
broidery , relieved i t the corsngo with pltik
roics. The presents \vcro numerous nnd
handsome , nmons tlicm bclnp anclcgnnt din *
iicrsct of linen bonutlfully tomstltclicd , from
J. \Vllltamiof Chicago , the former homo
of Iho brldo. Mr. and Mr * . Uixthcrfonl will
boat bomo a Ctcr October 1 at 1311 Cumlng
Kurly October Jlnrrlngcs.
The marrlnjfo of Miss Sarah " \Vharton
Henry , daughter of Colonel nnd Mrs. Ouy T.
Henry of l ort JMcKlnncy nnd Lleutonnnt
Jnmoa ( Vntson Benton , U. S. A.will tnko
place In Williams town , Mass. , next Thursday -
day , at the residence of ISlr , and Mrs. Court-
land Gale. Iho bride-elect Is well remem
bered by Omaha people. She Is an accom
plished musician , having been abroad for
some years under Instruction of the ablest
teachers , where she acquired nn exceedingly
broad ranlcitl education. If her aunt , Mrs ,
Joseph Drexel , returns In tlmo for Miss
Henry's wedding she Is to the Urcxcl
wedding veil. This veil belongs to the collec
tion of laces which , she denoted to the Metro
politan museum. This veil , however , she
withheld for her daughter's wedding , which
took place Just ono year ago. MissUcsslo
Drcxul was then married to tha sou of Ad
miral Eahlgrcn ,
Mr. "David A. Baum left last evening for
Newton , N. J. , whereon Thursday bo will bo
united In marringo to Miss van SIcUlo1
After three weeks passed among old associa
tions in the cast Mr. and Mrs. Ihtim will re
turn to Omaha and make their home at the
Teuton for the winter. Wr , Baum Is of the
Uaum liardwnrocoinpanyo , donoof Omaha's '
best known young businesis men ,
Mr. nnd Airs , William ! ' . Fitch of Mar-
nuctto , Mich. , announce the marriage of their
dnuKhtor " , Miss Mary Fitch , to Mrs. Peter
\Vliito 1'holps , on October 8 , nt S o'clock , in
St. Paul's church. A reception Is to follow
the wedding , which will bo n very fashion-
aWe one , ntIM East Itldgo street , from 3
until 5 nnd 8 until 10 p.m. After October 23
Mr , nndMrs. I'helpswillbo at home nt the
rcsldencooT tlio bride's parents. Miss Mary
Fitchwill bo recalled by Omaha people ns n
most charming cirl , and while her father and
tnother resided here , vas a great social
favorite ,
A Pleasant Surprise.
Master D wight Her , 4(1 South Twenty-
fourth street , was the recipient of achnrm-
Irgsurprlso from Ills school friends Friday
evening. Ho soon , however , got over his
embarrassment , so unexpected was the visit ,
and placed nil guests at e.aso by starting
tlicm in games and other amusements. lo-
freshinciits uerc served and the evening
made thoroughly onjoynbloby the tact of the
little host. Tliero were present Misses
Louisa Heller , Mary Higgons , Jennie Sicf-
Iccn , Emma I'ottor , Maud Her , Selma Hell-
man , Dlancbo Her , Theresa O'Tool , Uclla
Day , Alastora ( ieorgo Purvis , N'cd Kesslcr ,
l obcrt Potter. Fred Perry , George Potter.
Harry ( Jarrv , Khncr Day , Lester Lowe nnd
liobbio Stilling.
The Starlight social club has Issued Invita
ons fora dancing : party Thursday evening ,
ctobers , at Ooodrieli ball.
Monday evening Jlr. and Mrs. C. F. Wcller
will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of
their tnarringo at their residence , Twenty-
first and I5ut streets. Jlr. Weller Is vice
president of the Hldiardson drug company ,
The reception promises to bo one of the most
brilliant of the season.
Dr. and MB. George Zi. Miller have Issued
invitations fora lawn party at their beautiful ,
roomy " suburban residence at Seymour Park ,
"Wednesday evening , October 1 in honorof
the Misses Thrall who are guests at heal
residence of Judjro Doano. A special
train will leave the Webster- street station alnt
y50 ; o'clock and return about ll.tlius . Insuring
acharinlnir evening with a popular host nnd
gracious hostess.
the IJIulTa.
Thursday 'cvoni'ng Miis Elslo Butts of
Counciiniuffs , pavoan enchanting Wgh Hvo
pirty in honor of Msses Nasonand Squires ,
'ofChicago , at her beautiful homo on First
avenue. Twclvo games were played , the
winners of the prizes being- Miss Eunice
"VVells and Mr. B. B. Bowman who captured
the royal fnvora. Mss Gcoreio Sharp and
Mr. Perry Badollot the txwbioa. After tno
games were completed , rofresnmcnts were
served and tlieu duncinpr ensued.
The guests were : Misses Nason of Chicago
cage ; Miss Stiuires of ChicaRo ; Miss
tjhari > of Omiiha ; Misses Wells , Ben
nett , Jormucblen , Albrijfht of Ft. Mad
ison ; Misses Gleason , Amy nnd Sher
man. Messrs Bowman , Haddllet , ICcn-
nedy. " Sharp , Cnssnny , Keating , Xcrrauehlcn ,
\Vllllaiu3 , Him and Patterson.
FlnyiiieUifili Five.
Lost evening Miss Adams of 2014 Capitol
avenue entertained n. number of friends at
high ilvc.After a number of games'-\vero
played , refreshments were served and prizes
awarded. The players were Mr. and Mrs.
"W , W. McBrldo , Miss Maker , Miss Bertha
llaker of Toledo , O. , Miss Ilungerford , Miss
Grace " HunRerford , Miss Wilson , ( Messrs.
"Wilson ' , Lawrence , Krap , Barton , Clapp nnd
Crawoaiul Carter.
Tuesday at high noon , the marriage of Mr
JJurt C.Craivo and Miss Mattlo L , Carter
was solemnized iit the reslJcncoof IMr. C. , C.
Crawe , a brother of the groom , corner of
J'eivcy ' and CeorRO streets. The brldo is a
rnlotentof Troy , K Y. , the groom elect being
u clerK In the accounting department of the
TJnlon. Pacitlc ralUvay. Mr. and Mrs. Crawo
will bo at homo af terOctoher 1 , at 1U10 Dodge
CnletirntinRTIielr FIr t Anniversary.
Dr. nnd Mrs. C. It , Paul gave a delightful
party at their residence , liO 3 Burt street ,
Thursday evening , In honor of the first anni
versary of tlio marriage of Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Lyon Curds nnd dancing and an excel
lent menu were the principal features of the
evening. Ainonpr those present were Mr. nnd
airs. 1C. A. Miller , Misses Pratt. Pnnulo
Pratt , McClclland.Clarkoand Messrs. Bores-
ford , Smith , Phelpaand Allen.
* Movements anil Whereabouts.
Mrs. A. B. Hoodcrhas gone to Denver to
Mr. GeorgoB. Eddy is visltlnff friends at
ftlarshalltotvn , lu.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick are homo
frcm New York.
Miss Marv Durvca is engaged actlvol y at
her studies at Grliinell , la.
W. Planning Fenthorlyhns taken rooms for
the winter at the Mcrrinm tints.
Mrs. 0 , K. Coutnnt , who is visiting friends
In the cast , will return shortly.
Dr. nnd Mrs , E. W. JLcoand their baby re
turned from Randolph , H. V. , Friday.
Mrs. J , J. Jlonell goes away next weolc for
a month's visit with friends In Now YorJc.
Mr. nnd Mrs , F. W. Leo are at homo to
their friends ot 014 South Tiventy-oighth
Miss Morn. lUlcombe and Miss Mary Shears
The cnffagemont of Miss Theresa Lazarus
end IX. W. lioeslor is announced both ,
; of
Mrs. William Horton has returned from tbo
cast with horulcco , Miss Jlobsoii , to
the winter.
Mr. Guy Burton and Miss Maude Woolworth
worth returned Thursday from Cliftoa -
Springs , N" . Y.
Mrs.S. P. Morsoand Mrs. H. P. Jonscn
returned from a pleasant visit to Fort Madi
son lost week , *
Miss Kiln Schmidt \vhohnsbeon\Isltlng
friends in Denver fox1 a fortnight returned
lioina .Thursday.
Mrs. James Howard of Chicago Is spoml
ing a few weeks > in Omuha tvlth her friend
Sirs. Cora Cnristy.
The MbsosLoucrgan ofChicago nnd Miss
Jfash ofUookford , III.vW visit Mre.K.0.
ilcShuna next week.
Mrs. P. E. lUvts of Denver , Col. . Is visiting -
ing her daughter , Airs. W , F. Christy , at Stf
South. T veuty-fourlh street.
Miss Julia Bloom of Iowa City , n sister of
Mrs. Simon Flahor , will make her debut In
Gnmun society the present season.
Mrs. S , Q. Joycoaud dauRhtor' have re
turned from the cast , having spent the last
three months visiting the eastern resorts ,
Dr. Dcntse , whs haa been visiting old
friends and reviving old association * m tbo
cast , returned homo Thursday.
Mr. Charles Saunders , who baa boon enJoying -
Joying n visit to the west , ia expected back
cillior 3londnyor Tuesday of this week.
Mr. nnd Mn. M. L. Youngs of Milwaukee
nro In the city visiting their sea Fred , the
well known foreman ot Tin : DBB press room , .
Mr. and Mrs. F. Paffcnruth were tendered
n serenade on IVlondny evening by the
Sutorlus mandolin club at the Paxteu
Miss Popploton and Mrs. Mary Popplcton
leave for New York Sunday evening , the
latter to become a pupil nt Miss Brown's
Colonel and Mrs. .7. It. Hunter have re
turned from n year's sojourn abroad nnd hnvo
taken up their abode nt 2010 .North Twenty-
eighth street.
His expected that the West End club will
reprpanlzo for the winter some tlmo this
wcelt , the evening not having been dcllnitely
decided upon ,
Mrs. W. H , Hnnchett has a very delightful
Shakespearean clnss In Council Bluffs , which
iseomposcd of many of the literary people of
our sister city.
Mrs. Ouy Barton nnd Mrs. H. S. Kolltns ,
who hnvo been spending tbo summer mouths
nttbo sanitarium , Clifton Springs , K , Y. , re
turned homo yesterday.
Misser Dolllo nnd MattiePolnck left Thurs
day for Sioux City to attend the Corn palace.
They nro the guosU of the Misses Marks and
will remain several weclts ,
Miss Agnes Smith of Beaver Dam.VIs. . ,
is the guest of her father1 , Mr. K. P. timlth ,
nwlstant general nttomcy of the Union Pa
cific railway , at the MIrriam Hats.
Mr. John I. Ucdlck , Mrs. Will Hedlclr ,
Blisses May nnd T una Dundy , MI-A Swnrtz-
lanclor went to the Sioux City Corn palace
Wednesday , returning Friday noon.
Mrs. E. S. Dundy , Jr. , will socnd the win
ter ut Sutherland , along with a nnmbcrof
Omahn people who have bcon making that a
winter resort for several years past.
Miss Ncllio Burns sails for homo from Liv
erpool on October 1 via the steamship Teu
tonic. She will arrive In New York about
October nnd In Omaha probably the 15th.
Mr. nnd Mis. George W. Ames and Mr.
George C. Ames are expected to return from
the east wc-ck after
next , having passed a
charming month among the Xew England up
wilt leave this evening for Mount Auburn i
seminary , Cincinnati , the latter taking the
same course which her sister , Miss Ncllio
Uurns , completed a year or moi'o ago.
Friday evening All Saints' guild of Councl
llluffs gave a delightful social In the Koya
Arcanum parlors. Omaha was represented
by Misses Curtis , Wakelcy , Toiizalin , Sharp ,
Jlcssrs. Merrick , Moorcs , Driscoll , Colfax
nnd Dale.
Mrs. Prank Colpetzcr nnd her daughter
Jllss Susie left for Now York last Sunday ,
the latter to enter Miss Brown's school for
young-ladles , where she will take the com
plete course laid down by that famous insti
tution for girls.
Major J. XVI. Bacon , Seventh cavalry , who
relieves Major Vrooni as inspector general of
the department cf the 1'l.Ute , arrived in the
city Thursday. The major and hU family
make their homo for the present at the Pax-
Mrs. Winflcld S. Strawn leaves today for a
month's visit in St. Louis and Chicago. In
St. Louis she will bo the guest of Mrs. C. II.
Albcrs , and bo present at the marriage of
her daughter May to air. E. M. Flesh of the
Collins shot tower company.
Mr. nnd MH. T. .T. Ponncll arrived last
Sunday evening from South Norwulk , Conn. ,
nnd immediately repaired to the residence of
" " "
Mrs. "Penncll , "sr. , "where they w-fll remain
until their now house on South Fortieth
street is finished , ready for occupancy , which
ills expected will bo next week.
Captain Edward linger , who , in the vvar of
the rebellion , was on General Phil Sheridan's
staff , was in tno city lust week. Captain
Hugcr is cBiof engineer of the American
waterworks company. Ho planned and su- '
pcrvisod the great plant in Omaha and Is
of the company's works there.
Mrs. John Butloy , who made such a flatter
ing reputation as a teactierjof physical cul
ture in this city last season , is at present
tourinptho continent. She expects to return
about Novembar 1 and has taken a liouso at
1450 Independence avenue , Kansas City ,
where she will ninko her future homo. In a
letter to a friend she expresses the hope that
the women of Omaha have not forgotten her.
Hov. J. S. Wellerand wife of Macon , Mo. ,
are visiting their son , Charles F. "Wollor , or
2103Virt street. Mr. AVellcr is also enter-
taininghis daughter , Mrs. J.V. \ . Fisher , and
sea Earl of Quincy , 111.who are visiting
Omaha , to assist Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wcller
in celebrating their
twenty-fifth wedding an
niversary , which occurs Monday evening.
The zwoites stifungsfest. or second anni
versary of the formation of the ladies' section
of the Omaha turnvereln was celebrated
Thursday night by a ball and supper at Garfield -
field hall. Ono hundred couples participated
in the enjoyable affair. The ladies' section of
the turnvorcin now has a membership of
twenty-live , with bright prospects for the fu
Moonlight carriage ) drives are the latest.
With a bright moon in the sky and a nice
supper at the cud they are very romantic.
Two well known clubmen were observed
starting oft with two nttractivo.looking ladies
on ono of these delightful experiences on
Thursday about dusK , just before the moon
catno up. As n rule , however , only married
ladles take part m them , accompanied by
their husbands.
Mr. C. B. Schmidt , after mature delibera
tion , has decided to take -up his residence
cither in Berlin or Frankfort as the repre
sentative of the Lombard investment com
pany. Ills family will reside In Omaha for
the present at least , Mrs. Schmidt visiting
Germany next spring , it is expected that
Mr. Schmidt will sail in a fortnight for his
now Held of labor. And the German colony ,
through this decision , will lese ono of its
brightest representatives ,
The Autnora hour club , which had
a very pleasant season lust year , met for
the first titno this season Friday
vening at the homo of Mrs. Frank Bryant ,
KO South Twenty-fifth avenue. The per
sonnel of the club is as follows : Mr. and
Mrs. Bryant , Dr. I ) . A , Footo , Miss Mason ,
Miss Freeman , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Gillan ,
Mr. James Hazolton. Mr. J. C. McCann , Mr.
( J , U. Kelso , Mrs. Staloy. The work of the
season was generally talked over and the
conclusion reached that the plan of lost
year's campaign could not be Improved upon.
The author most likely to bo discussed at the
next mcetingwiU bo William 0. Bryant , who
was an undo of Mr. Frank Bryant , of the
Commercial National bank.
Ladles of fashion are at present much In
terested in the question of color in costume.
Tbo colors of the Immediate future are metal
and tea-greens and several tones of brown
( one the pretty brown of hair which Is al
most golden ) , noisette or nut-brown and the
useful seal color. Heliotrope Is not a thing
of the past as yet , but it appears in a now
form , with a touch of mulberry in it. The
old full pink is coming in for evening and the
ml tints of so mo of the brightest and
prettiest rhododendron blooms , combined
both \vlth whlto nnd black. I'lnin cloths
are always worn and well worn , too but
they nro not the newest nor the smartest
ideas for autumn. Woolen corduroy is the
particular novelty of the moment , but the
cord is line ; indeed , it is moro HUe the old-
fashioned nn. but softer.
Dr. Blrnoy , nose and throat , Boo bldg.
California Kxcursloiin.
Pullman tourist sleeping car excur
sions to California nnd Pncillo coast
mints leave Chlcupro every Thursday ,
Kansas City every Friday via the Santa
Fo routo. Tickut rate from Chicago
J47.50 , from Sioux City , Omaha , Lincoln
orKansns City $35 , sleeping- car rate
from Chicago $4 per double berth , from
Knnsiu City 83 per doubles berth. Every
thing furnished except meals. These
excursions nro porsormlly conducted by
experienced excursion ninnnjjerd who
accompany parties to destination. For
excursion folder containing full particu
lars nnd map folder and tlmo table of
Suntn Fo route nnd reserving of Bleeping ;
car berths , address S. M. Osgood , gon-
ornl ngont , E. L. Palmer , freight and
passenger ngont , A.T. & S. P. railroad ,
1303 Parnum street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Dr. Blrnoy , nose iind throat , Boo bldg1
Grant ! Snored Concert.
This af tornoon and evening- exposi
tion building.
Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Boo bldg ,
STWDAV 28. 1 fiOO -
The Waning Oloric 'of ' Old Occaa la tie
Earty Autumn Days.
Where Street Conlfiitincnt and Quiet
JPcaco ItetffnTlirjjtitycliout the Year
The Varlcd.r.Olinrnia of the
LAKB Wixxnrr.sAOKEn , THE " \Vr.ins \ , Sept.
23. [ Special Correspondence of Tnr. BKB.J
A lawyer who lind been to dinner with ft
neighbor in the country nnd had looked upon
the vine when It was red , was returning to
his homo ot n Into hour , a little tlm worse for
wear. Ho somehow got in nn anglo of u Vir
ginia mil fence , of the regularly hroken
variety , and It occurred to him vaguely that
hy climbing It ho might expcdlto matters.
Carrying thought into execution , with diffi
culty ho scaled ono side of the triangle Duly
to Und himself , nttcrn stop or two , before
another obstruction. So on and on ho climbed
for sorno twenty rods , when' wind and
patlcnco being exhausted ho stood still and
exclaimed : "Well , either there Isnn unusual
number of fences in this locality or I am
traveling with oncommon rapidity. "
Liicowlso there must have boon an unusual
number of Ks In the local game of nnagnuns
when Now England towns were named or I
have traveled with "oncommon rapidity , "
for from Kcnncbunkport to "Wiimopcsaukeo
Is , to say the leastunu.sual. However , It
was exchanging chnrm for charm and what
moro could the human heart dcslral More
over , Dame F.ishion has decreed that the
mountains have their turn In September , and
In reality she bnlldcd Detter than she kucw.
For those who cannot hlo themselves to the
uplands In this month of months , know little
of the manifold glories of nature and how
supremely beautiful she is then lu the lofty
slirlno among the hills.
When ono lias spent two months by the
sea In n lovely spot , good-byo holds
Its measure of regret , anil It was
with n pinching of the heart nnd a choke In
my throat that 1 took a farewell look at the
Maine coast , with Its riotous waves nnd salt-
rovivlfyinff nir. A last visit to the beach
proved a diversion , for a laugh { 'Ot the better
of the choke nnd the horizon opened up with
the possibilities of revived transports an
other year.
A sanded beach on n fair day , with n flno
surf , Is Vanity Fair In microcosm , and to ai :
Iconoclast it is an unlimited lield for maimed
ntn HUMAN FOIIM nivisn.
Hero , as nowhere ehe , is the "human form
divine" queered forever nnd a day by the
amazing transformation scenes that go on , or
better , como off , behind the closed doors of
the bath houses , ftluch has been written ,
much 1ms been loft unwritten , and much has
been denied ; but thp unalterable fact re
mains thut the numlAr of women who make
a satisfactory showing in a bathing suit is
lamentably small. USro art ceases and na
ture begins , nnd W , $ the unexpected tiia
happens with discounting frequency.
Often -when one's hopes nro aroused by a
gny cavalcade of Ueanty that retires dis
creetly behind , closcdjtfopw. only to ro-appoar
garbed for a swim , oven when the standard
of Aphrodite had spc'fned too meagre , the
number that "are not m''it , " according to the
seaside slang , is appallitfg.
On this partlculni' 'morning variety lent a
snico that will last InP'Tccollectlon through
the winter. Uho ? su'Ifs I had teamed by
heart had grown beautifully less , not In pro
portions , than It heaven but In number. 'Aunt
swarmed on thosands'beforo trusting them
selves to the familiar old ocean , -were re-
ilaced by a ' nuinberqf new ones , most of
; hem gifted 'by nature with a festival of
curves , and feurroundNi by the .Incontesta
ble charm of novelty. * * Those afforded a
nornlng's field for remark ' , speculation and
.aughter on thopart'of the driftwood folk
.hatslt In groups , or form amovnlng kaleido
scope of color on the beach.
Ttiero was a last walk to the village , with
jyes turned rivcnvard the rocks , vltu the
sandbar , the white-caps in the sea beyond ,
nnd the shining sails ; these I left until the
last , and it was hero'that the regret crowded
a bit.
nioir KcsxcnuN'KroiiT TO TUB WKIKS.
The exigencies of travel appealed tomons
never before , in the short journey from ICen-
nobunkport to the Weirs , for I made two
changes of trains and two changes of boats.
At Dover I got into n car crowded with men
nnd women-folk , on worship inclined. Indued
there was scarcely room for reflection , but
with n persistency worthy of water seeking
Its level , it made n place for Itself' in the
empty corridors of my brain , and this was
what it deduced :
Kcllgioii undoubtedly "paints the lily" nnd
lends a charm to features otherwise without
comeliness , but the tamn-meetlng variety
would not have the advantage over gold in
"provoking thieves. "
The women were characterized by glasses ,
false teeth , little lines about the mouth nnd
eyes tolling of overwork and the flight of
time. The men looked tired nnd resigned
through their spectacles , and wore beards
growing proUictlQgly about the Adam's ' apple
or in little dark lines outlining the contour of
the chin , llko the border of black on a visit
ing card during the second season ol mourn
Looking nt them , the roaches in my own
life seemed illimitable , nnd the blessed com
fort of a religion that opened tho.only points
of light in an otherwise dull sky appealed to
mo as never boforo.
uvn ASD Monrnjf SUIIOKKT.
Appropos of tueso same points , liavo the
bold limitations of some of them over oc
curred to you ) I "Will repeat a bit of n ser
mon actually delivered by a God-fearing ,
earnest man in a village whore I chanced to
bo during the summer.
Ho was dilating on the Mosiac creation of
five and ho allowed that this point aroused
the animadversion of many doubters nnd
was the occasion of much controversy.
"However , " hosiiid , "J have no douot In my
mind that Eve was created from ono of
Adam's ribs. There are many wonderful
things in the bible that wo must accept on
faith , but in considering this subject , wo
have but to regard tlio miracles of modern
surgery to accept it without question. "
The friend to whom I was golnj ; had writ
ten mo that the Weirs was painfully quiet ,
imagliio then my surprise when on ncuring
the wharf. 1 saw it crowded with
hundreds of people' in bright array ,
men In blue cloth "nnd brass buttons
and women with nil manner of hedlzenmont.
Four bands -were playing four different
tunes in four different , keys , and if I recall
correctly , there was asajuto of twenty gun *
when I stepped from' too boat. It was the
occasion of the annuill 'reunion of the New
Hampshire veterans and the lost day. Con
sequently the "nlghtiTfivs filled with music ; "
cannon awoke tfyo , echoes ; jl reworks
illumined the lake , and groups of soldiers
llat > npl Tntln * Hnnl rmrti-f < ! nf l < jvlo * avn Inil
been spreading tncrr mental pabulum
out as thin as'l 'posslblo ' that it
might lust In speechestlurliij ; the week.
By morning , liowovcri 'thcro ' was nothing
loft of the moving Mss. but a few strag
glers , some uncertain1 smoke , with the blacken -
on oil remains of llreTOTJts anil scattered pop
corn to remind the 'yUltors of the Into In
vasion. 1H
AM EPISODE ) JJ [ PflK 0. Jl. n.
In this connection an oplsodo of the Grand
Array of the Hepubllo encampment in Bos
ton may not bo inopnortuno. During a few
moments of enforced waiting ia the crowd.on
ono of the preparatory days I heard the fol
lowing homily on the injustice of prejudiced
judgment in general.
A porky young tnis stood on the edge of
the street with a retired ofllccr , and she was
holding forth carelessly In her youthful treble
about having small mtloiico with the Grand
Army of the Republic , " .All a political or
ganization anyway , and I don't ' sec why
everybody makes so much fuss nnd feathers
over them ! " The ofllccr protested a little ,
but to no effect , when just then the strains of
martial musla made a hundred hearts leap
ami two hundred eyes glisten with sympa
thy. Around the comer catno a rank and 11 lo
of old soldiers , and such a pitiful showing ,
ono could have exclaimed with Ilculy ; "Alas
Jor God's Imago I"
Some with ono log , some with neither ,
empty sleeves , empty soul-windows , misery
and suffering seaming the faces and staying
.hasten * . But every man of them looked
.rlumphant and personally responsible for
the ' remembered vfotory and proud bearing of
.bo torn Hag. The sun scoined tooonccntrnto
tut where tnoy catno , aud their heads were
llttruincd with sudden glory. I looked
toward the girl nnd saw her grown silent and
tearful while the ofllccr unable to ludura It
longer oxclaltned bmskllyi "Como nway
child , I shnll blubber If I stay another luln-
uto. " She wont with a backward look and ft
quick In-drawing of the breath , but woman-
llko , longing for the hut word and feeling ro-
bukodsuo exclaimed : "NVcllnnywoyl'vo ' no
patience with the sons of veterans.1'
\VInncpcsaukcc. . nestled down ntnonc
the graded environment of hills and fur oil
mountains , with its overhanging nrcli of
azure , full of syinpnthy aud feeling , Is llko A
globule of perfected beauty held In the hol
low of God's hand. There b actually noth
ing to break the spell of bewildering1 charm
in the picture of pouoo and rest spread out bo
fore the delighted eyes of the visitor.
It Is n largo lake , with n curious natural
formation in the b.isin , which is broken by
caves nnd rocky elevations , rendering the
guidance of steamboats by compass.qtilto 1m-
jwsslble. 'There are : Wj islands dotting the
bosom of the Inko in patches of brilliant
Krcon and on these are summer homes of
varied attractiveness.
The Weirs where I had "tho good fortune
to stop , ooimiiatuls one ol the most beautiful
vlows of the lake's many sided loveliness.
At the S.wborn's hotel every window
facing the east frames nn enchanting water
scape , from those looking : north and south
ono sees aud smells the depths of pltio woods
while the western outlook coaxes the sight
up the gcntln slope , of a Lilliputian mountain ,
Kuch turn Is a picture and the total absence
of hurry and bustle steeps the senses In quiet
The country about the "Weirs Is most
slrablofor driving ; the roads are good nnd
the scenery of unusual beauty. Tliero is a
peculiar melancholy , howevcr.ln the fact that
so little of the farm land is improved. Vast
stretches of the country being rendered dlfll-
cultof cultivation owing to the quantity of
rocks which mar Its face.
TUB Guminsor n.uiw AUTCMN.
At the Weirs thcro Is really no town prop
erly so-called , but there are several interest
ing Now England villages within driving
Ono novor-to-be-forgotton
Sunday w > drove
to Meredith , a tllstanco of eight miles , and
beyond to 'Oilman Hill , ' where wo nad been
cordially bidden by the family to dine in a
quaint old farm house , On the way , New
Hampshlro roads unfolded themselves in
long , .undulating lines through a delightful
country. Hock-dotted hills covered with grass
that nt a distance appeared lllto velvet , nro
linked to valleys thickly wooded nnd showing
M early ns September thut Jack Frost hat
held revelry by night.
Now and then n tree that looked ns though
it had been steeped in red wine would lend n
gorgeous rose color to the various shadet
greens of the leaves glistening in the sun
Arrived nt the farm , ivo found ourselves
almost in toucti with the clouds and the rem
iniscent quality of the place , where the fain
ilyinot only once a year , gnvo a delicate
Jluvorof sentiment to the enjoyment of the
Thcro is something particularly charming
about a summer homo that is only opened
during the generous season when the earth
gives ' forth Its sap and It3 life , and ono feels
the 'becoiningncss of
good-nnturo nnd a
rhyming sunshine of the heart. Winter ,
with its discontent nnddislllusionlzinqfrosts' ,
seems further removed than Paradise.
If my pen were n reed through which I could
breathe I would draw all lovers of beauty to
this charming spot during September "nnd
October to see nature assuming her autumn
glory of red and gold.1
The following lines said themselves the
day I had the misfortune to leave and \vhea
the skies , mourning with me , for a time ,
washed all the color from the face of tbo land
scape :
The nko at morning filuss-llko , mirrored all ,
Tide scene
The fur btiiuslcy and nearer hints of preen.
f > ii ( clilll.t : rni'MftMlIn n iitul Invltitflv with
Oak , inutile , plcnminglilrcli and vines.
That trailed to kl.-itbo water llnditig thcro
An limiKurjr past all bellpvinir fair ,
4\YhUo \ straying ' eyes saw sunlit mists with fln-
jersKllm' .
Tcacu tlio fiuHrbiion the mountain rlni.
Sound hud been drowned In bllcncu nnd n lotus
Ot mystic feolliu which no pen could toll ,
llud as a manor God In hroldurcd stole ,
Thrown ' wldo tlicdonrof each linprtannvd soul.
Vt'lion suddenly the waking wind , with bois
terous grace.
liroljo tht ) light veil of silver o'er the chaiiR-
ins face ,
Into atlioiiMind ripples ns bo hurried liy.
To sweep a licet ut uloudt across the sky.
And all unheralded the Sunns jealous of the
Hid bin glad face- with rain nnd washed'nway.
In sudden airier , nil the liouuty und the
brightness , with a saddening
Touch of gray.
Dr. Birnoy euros catarrh , Gee bldg- .
A. New Carriage Jtcposltory.
ThcMollne , Rlllburn & Stoddard company
have decided upon the erection in this city of
a largo carriage repository , which promises
to bo an ornament to Omaha's commercial
greatness nnd n credit to Its projectors.
Tha repository will bo Jirst class in all ap
pointments and is designed to ho the head
quarters for every thing in the carriage line.
It will , indeed , bo second to nouo west
of the Mississippi river , both as to facilities
for display as well as to the variety and qual
ity of the stock.
This therefore will necessitate the aban
doning of the Ilarnoy street repository of the
Moline , Mitburn & Stoddnrd company , which
will be done on November 1 next. In the
meantime vehicles of every description may
lie found thcro which can bo purchased at
bed rock prices.
Dr. Birnoy , nose and throat , Beebldg :
Grand Snurod Concert.
This afternoon and ovonin ? ut exposi
tion building .
Tickets at lowest rates and superior
accommodations via the grout Rook
Island routo. Ticket ollleo , 1G02 Six
teenth und Farnnm streets , Omaha
Sunday , Sept. 28 ,
Tbo Queen of
"Tho Wild Rose. " known as Chiiln
1'nuik'lii ' Orotehcn. a Tyrolean. . . NELLIE
I'liiu-loy Kccfur
, of the Ittcxlcmi
' ' ' '
Tlio Heiress of the "Goleonda
Mtno , " I
RDVTVCJ First Grand Opera
Thursday , Friday & Saturday , Get , 2,3,4. , ,
Numbering SLvly Artists.
With Augment ol Orchestra nnd ChoriiB. will
present the following brilliant repertoire !
Thursday Evcnlnp""liisitletti > . "
Friiluy Evcnlii"Wiltain { ! Tell. "
Saturday Matinee'Lucia ill Lnmniennoor'
Snturday E\cnIii'Ln \ ( ' Travlata. "
Scale of Pricos-l'arqiiotnnd parquet Circle
11.50 and tl | balcony , tl nnd T.HJ : gallery Sic.
Th6 Grand.
Special Encasement anil Orawl Procluctlonof
Ihu l.nte'.tC'oiiilo Oucra Sensation ,
Elegant Staging.
Rieli Costumes.
Complete Chorus
Popular prices. Iloacrvnd scats 25o 3.V , Mo.
no\ seats ? . ) ! ! nndJl. Bov slicut opoii Satur
day TllB Grand ONE NIGHT ONLY.
Monday , September 2Obli.
Presenting 1'oul Jl. I'ottor nn'l ' Hnrrr I' . Hatnlln's
Succoifiil IdiiRh I'roclmcr ,
Tins Season : Bigger ! Better ! Brighter
The ITiAYKKS : .Allno IlarrlaoiUlpU'nUplmcr.Annlo
Sutlierhind.MoIllo tiliorwood , Mimlo : Cllroy.Kin -
lua Pollock , Kvclrn I'olluck , Adillo Hono. ( iorllo
J.vlimanVIIllum ( Jllbcrl , fioo. II. ( Illmii , Ulitrlci
HalDlon , John T. Cr.ivcn. Goo. Mitchell. John 011-
ruy , Jolin Uiinny , Clirli Itursvr , John Lrons.
rupulnr prlco.s ; rcaorvoil seals 23o , 3ic , Wo. llox
ncnls Jlo nnd 11. Uox sheet opou Saturday morn Hut.
The Brainiest constellation of tlio most bril
liant IStura of tlioburlcsiiuostni e , A ( la//.lln
roiulilnatlim < i ( uliiiiiuliik' wonion , clovur
co i n oil I.'i 11 H. novel and nets , nnd
the most successful Iwrlusiiuo ot tlio present
WILL LA.WLER , Manager , Cor. llth end Farnam Sts. , Omaha.
Amid a den of hissing seething
writhing Serpents. Fatlma is every
recognized as the
greatest female Snake
world , Erma is her Charmer in the
four year old daughter who lias inherited
her mother n love for .
serpents. The Child handles the
without the least fear. huge reptiles
The world famed juvenllle gymnasts.
THE3 DELMABT CHILDREN In Club Swinging , ,
Athletics. Juggling and
HOQA.N AND JONE33 BROS Melody and sonlimental Songs.
SA.M BENTON Negro character delineator and sketch artist.
The greatest , funniest , queerest , and laugh
provoking farce
presented in Omaha , bya company of trained artists. ever
fcEEOH BROS. Banjo Specialists.
JOE CLIFTON Comedian , and a host of stellar attractions.
After September 30
no orders for the
Americanised Eucyclo *
Acedia Britannica- will
be taken. All parties
who desire to take ad
vantage of our liberal of
fer should do so before
October 1st.
Tlie Dec P
j , A Joint resolution was niloptcil
by tha loRlsliUurt ) nf the Htato of fuibnuku. nt
I fro twenty-llr t. Kesilon thereof , nnil nvprovud
February 13th , A. H. 18Mt. proposing niiiim nil-
ment to the constitution of saw stnto , unil
that said uiiioiiilniuut shall road us follows
Hnotl'onlt Thut nt the general election to
Im hold on the Tmndnjr MteewmiiR tlio ( IrsI
Mondnr of November , A. IM.W.tlirro Hlmll l > y
summed to the electors of tills * tntn for ap
proval or rejection un nmciiiliiioiit to tin' ton *
ntltutloii ot thl-i Htato In words IIH follows !
"Tlio iiiiinuf net utv , snlo nnd lieepliiK for Halo
ot intoxicating liquors no n bovoi.ipo are forever -
ever prohibited In this state , nnd the leelilii-
turo slmll provide hy law foi'tlm enforcrnioiit
ul thlJ provision. " And tlioru xliiill nls i t
siiUl olootlon lo ) K0 ] > ; \ritoly ; Hillitnlltoil to tlio
electors af this stntu for their approval or re
jection an ntiimt < liiimt to the constitution of
the state In words us follows ) "Tlio ninmifna-
turo , sale und kccpliiBfiirsiiloof Intoxlontlnj
Iliiuors Hi u liover.iKo slnill bo llouiiseil-und
rokiiliitod bylaw. "
Soc.S : At an oil olcctlon. nn the ballot of
ouch elector voting f r the proposed amend-
montsto thocoiutltutloii rtlmll lie written or
prliitoil tbo words : 'Tor propound niiioiid-
mi'iit to the cnimtttiitluci , prohlbltln ? the
manufacture , siilo and kdi'iiiiie for nulo
of IntoxleatliiK llqiiori as u litm-raso. " or
"AKnlnst tlio iiroiioscd iitiipndiilont t tha
constitution iimlillitlliiK tlio nmntifneturf ,
sale und kenpliiK for sulo ot lnloxlciitlnK
liquors as 11 bi'vernRo. "
Tlirn ) xliall a \vrlltonor prlntou ou the
ballotuf uucli ulector votlnxfor tin ) proposed
amoiidinont to thn nomtltutloii , tlio words !
' 1'or jiroposod ninc'iidini'iit to the ooiistltiitlon
that tlm tn.mufncltirti. Halo niid Kuoiuir | ( for
ale of IntoxIciitliiiJ llijuoi-iiit ) u liovuraKK It ;
his stuto slnill IM > llupusuil und reinilatcil
bylaw , " or "AKahist nil : < l proposed ninciid-
merit to tlio constitution tlial tlio riiunufac-
tnru , s.ilo and hooping f' ' > r sale of intnxlciitlne
lliliiorsas n lnvi > ripe : shill bo licensed und
Sue. 3 : It olt'm'r of tbo said proposed
nmimdmoiiti shall lie nppnivcd by n majority
of the olootors vntlns at tlio 8'ild olt'ctlon ' ,
then It shall oonsltuto Ri > utlon twoniy-suvcii
[ 'T ] of artlelu ono [ llof the coustltutlon of thin
Tliureforn , I , John W. Tlinycr. Governor of
the stuto of Nebraska , do lii'roby KTO ! not ten
In uucordancu with suction ono [ I ] artlolo [ 131
of the constitution and the provl.ilousof tnu
not cntltlod "an aet to provldo tlm in.-inucr of
propi'slnj ; all iiniPiiiIinentH to the coastltiitloa
linn siibiiilttlriK tliosaino to tlioolcctnnpt I lie
stato. " Approved Ifcbruary J.ltli , A. D. 1H77 ,
Unit said proposed amoiiUinorit will bo sub-
nilltea to tliu mi ul 111 IM ! votois of this stuto for
upimiviilorrcjoctloii at tlioccncral clootlon
, .
Jn witness whereof I hereunto sot my hand ,
and cnusii tobu a 111.ted the Rroat Real of tin )
Btatoof NohrasUu. Done at Lincoln thUSUtli
aay of July , A. 1) . 13 JOaiul tluiSlthyonrof the
state , and of the liulepondpnco of the united
States thuono hundred llfteuiitn.
Jly the dorornor. JO UN M.TIIAYBU.
K.v.r MiN It. Uowor.HY ,
[ SEM ] Hccrotary of Stato.
August Jil3in
, A joint resolution was adopted
by tbnloeltlaturoof tlioKtnto of Niitirnikii.iit
the tvrenty-lltst , setHlon thereof , nnd npprovuil
March.'lOtn. A. 1) . 1SSO , pruposliiK an nmoml-
inoiitto suetlon two [ 3four41 ] [ and live [ 5 ] ot
Article six [ D ] of the constitution of said Htmo
and that Bald soctlon as amended shall rouil
at follows , to-wlli .
Section 1 Thntseftlon two (2) ( ) of artlcln nl <
il ) of the constitution of tlio stnto of Nebraska
bo ainnnUedsousto read us follows :
"Heellon : . ' : Tliostipromu eoiirt shall con
sist of flvo (5) ( ) Judges , a niniorlty of whom shall
lie necessary to form aquoruniortopi-oiioiiiico
adccUlon. It Hlmll have original hirlaillction
In eases rclnllnR to rovoiiue- . civil casot la
which the htato shnll lie a party , nmmlnmui ,
( | \varninto. . habeas corpus , anusiiuhappol-
hito jurisdiction us n < : iy hn provided by law.
Section" : ThatKOclinu four(4) ( ) of article KX |
( Co ) f the constitution of the htn to of Nobraslu ,
boniiiondudHO a to reuil as follows :
Hootlon-1 : Thojudeeiof the Hiipreinocourt
shall be elected by thooloctors of the fltato ut
larRe , and thnlr terms of ollleo , OACoptnt
horeluafter provided , tliall bo for a period of
Uvp(5)yeara. ( ) "
Section ; ! : That section flVB(5)of ( ) article sk
( Oof the constitution of thostatuof NoLras-
ka , boamiMidcd so as to read as followti :
Soctlon. > : "Attho llrst KCimral oli-otlon to
bo hold In tlio year It-Ill , and after the adop
tion of this amendment to the constitution
tlioro shall ho elected throe ( U ) Judges of the !
fttiprmno court , ono of whom shall ho elected
for tlio term of oni ) ( II ycnr.ono for thotorm
of tlmo ( UyoarHaud ) ono Tor tliotoriuof flvo
(5) ( ) years , nnd at ouch Koncral oleetlon the re-
aftertlinroBhnll lie elected ( > no ludjro of the
fiiipreine ' court for the term of two ( . ' > ) years ,
1'rovlded , that the judgon of the miproino
court wliosn tonnH have not oxplrod at tlio
tlmo of holding the olocllon of 18'JI ,
shall eontliiuo to hold their ollleo for the re
mainder nf the term for which they were ro-
pootlvoly elected uriuer the present consti
tution. "
Hnutlon 4 ! That onch person voting In favor
of thin ninciidineiit shall have \rrlttoa or
printed upon his ballot the following :
"For the proposed nniondment to tlioconstl-
tiitlou routine to tlio nunibor of btipronm
JllllBUl , .
Tlieroforo. I. .Tolin M. Tlnyor , OovrrnOrnf
tlio.stiito of Nobrnskii , do hereby plviuiotlco
In nccordancurlth Hoetlon ono ( I ) article llf-
tonn 05) ) . of the constitution , the provision * ot
the net entitled : "An aet to provldo tlio man
ner of proposing nil nmondiiiuiitH totliotioii-
stltutlun and Hiibiulttlnt ; thuBaniiito thoolos-
tOM of the state. " Approved Kebruary I.'HIi ,
A. U. 1577 , thatKiilil proposed iinioniliuent will
bo presented to the quallflod voters of the
stnlo for approval or rejootlon at the irorionit
election to bo hold on tlio 4th day of Novem
ber. A. I ) . 1800 ,
In wltnc * ! whereof I hnvo hereunto sot my
hninl and caused to l > o nfllxnd the Kreat soul
of the stnto of Nebraska. Done nt Uneolti
this Milny \ \ of July. A. I ) . IbUO , nnd the twou-
ty-fourth year of tlio state , anil of the Indo-
jiendenoo of tin. United States the ono linn-
dnul flfteonlh.
Uy the Governor. JOHN M. TUAyEB.
lK-f.iAniN ) U. Oowminv ,
[ SEAI..I Hocrclury of Stuto.
t Id3m
A Joint resnlutloii was ailoptd
by the lOKUIuturnof the state of .Nounnka , at
( ho tiventy-llrrtt soMblon thereof , and approved
tlarch ; > itliA. 1) ) . IRSO , proji'Mlnt ? an iimoiul-
inent to Seotlon Thirteen ( l.i ) of Artlnlit fclx (01 (
of the
conatltutlon of said state ; that : ild
nnctloa wlt : as uiuendud Mliall road as follow * , to-
Section ! : Thatsootlon tlilrtoon ( IS ) of aril-
cloHlxH ( ) of the oonstllu tlonof thnHtatoof. No
bratka l > u ainomlud HO as to read a < < followti :
Koetlon 13 ; The Judcos of tlio Hiipri 1110 court
Minlleaeli rorolvo unalnry of thlrty-flvo
- hull-
dred dollars ( $ . ( .500) ) per annum anil the ludKe.1
of tliedlatrlot court Hhall recolvo n nalaryof
three thousand dollaislfJ.OOOi ] > ar annum , nnd
the salary of each Hlmll ho puyablo ( iniirterly.
' '
Soctlon' : Knoh porn in votlnu In favor of
thin winiindineiitHhall have written or prlnted
upon his Inllol tlio following :
"Knr the proposed nnioiuliucnt to tlioeonstl-
tutlon , relating to the salary o. " judge ) of the
Biipruino and illstrlut court. "
Tlieroforo , i , John M. Thnyor , eovernornt
the Htate of hereby glvo notlcu.
In aeonrdnnco with section one [ 1 ] nrtlolo ( If-
toi'ii [ 15) ) of the eoiiktltutlon , and the provl-
Ionsof iinaotcntltlod : "An act to provldo
the in a n a or nf propogliii ; nil aniuiidiiiuntH to
the constitution and HiihinlttliiB the same to
thooloctonof tlio state. " Approved February
13th. A. 1 > . 1SS77 , tliat laid propojod amend
ment will bo submitted to tlm ( | iialltlid voteri
of this stuto for approval or rejection , at the
ponoral election to ho hold on tlio 4th day o (
Norvmbiir.A. D.1HOU.
In vrjioruof I have liorcuntonet my
hand and enusod to bo alllxod tlio Brent weal
of tli Htato of Nebraska. Done nt Lincoln ,
this tlith clay of July. A. I ) . 1KW , nnd thn twon-
ty-fourth ynnr of tlio italo , and of tlio Inde
pendence of the United Htato * the one hun
dred fifleentli.
Hy the Qovernor. JOHN M.TIIAVKIl.
[ BxAUl Hocrtlury of State.
Ausu t IJJui