G THE OMAHA. DAJL"Y BEE , SUNDAY- SEPTEMBER 28 , ISWHBIXTEBN PAOES. THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFFICE , NO. 12 PEAOL ST , Pollvtrcd Ly Cnrrlcr In tinjr part of UioCltj. II.V , TIMON. - MANAOEIL TELElMION'Mi fliulncftflOnice , Nn. 4.i Nlglit Editor , No. S3. N. V. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. Storage reasonable. J. II. Snydcr , Pearl st Senator Ingalls of Knnsm will sncn1 < on tlio political issues of the day nt the Chnutauqua amphitheatre Bomo tlmu during the campaign. The date lias not boon doUnltcly fixed , The little daughter of II. W. Haxclton of the Council IJlufTs savings bank fell -while nt tilay yesterday nnd seriously Injured hnr eye , The extent of her Injuries Is not fully known , The republican county central committee has called a muss mrctltiK ' | l connection with the county convention nt Avoca October 1 , ami Colonel D. H. Dnlloyvlll deliver the nd- dress. Died At his homo In Council Bluffs on Friday evening , September ! M , 1WJ , Kdinoml Ourlleld Constable , son of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Kll Constable , aped ten yours nnd four months. Colfnx ] > uJors ! plcasu copy , The pupils of Mrs. II. II. Prary nro prc- Carlng to idvo tholr fourth musical ut Hughes all next Saturday evening. A varied pro- Krnmnio Is arranged , which will tloubtless piovo a pleasant entertainment. The Unity Guild sociable will bo held next Wednesday evening at thu residence of Mrs. Hnrrls , South First street , nnd will bo enter tained by Mrs. Harris , Mrs. Adolph Bono nnd Mrs. B. 1) ) . Gardiner. All friends cor dially invited. The ladles of the Woman's Christian Tcinponuico Union will hold tlicir regular monthly meeting Wednesday itfteitioon at ! o'clock nt their room In the Men-Inn block. A cordial Invitation Is extended to nil ladles Interested In the work. The sisters of Culantho assembly will jjlvo nn entertainment ntCalantho hall oti Thurs day evening next. Refreshments will bo nerved nnd it is expected that a grand even ing's ' entertainment will bu had with dancing as one of the principle features. Charles A. James , son of James C. nnd Allco M. James , died September 'J < 1 of typhoid malaria , aged nineteen "years. The funeral will tuuo pliiec from the family residence , 1005 South Ninth street , today nt ; i p. m. Her. Mckoy will ofllclato. Friends invited without further notice. Two new rases of diphtheria were reported nt the oftlco of the city clerk yesterday. The victims are- the son of 0. P. Wlcldinin , ( IltJ South Seventh street , nnd the daughter of Mr , Peterson living at 1U" ! Fourteenth nvo- mio. Tbcro nro fourteen cases now in the city and some of them huvo assumed a very malignant character. Alugh McDonald , who runs n small confec tionery and fruit stand on Broadway , has been using the rear of his promises for stor age purposos. Hccently homisscdn nnmbcruf ginger nla bottles nnd reported to the police. Ofllccr Howling yesterday morning arrested n small boy named Ynneoy on the charge of having committed the theft. A plovo contest with ton-ounce municrs took place in the second story of A. Wells' nulooii on North Main street last night. The contestants were several local amateurs. The police were notllled and several olllccrs vero present to see that the laws of the state -were not Infracted. The contest lasted from 0 until 10 : ISO and some hard work was done. A ilnocow was killed by n Milwaukee train yesterday , The animal was being driven to town from lr. ) Pinney's farm by "Jersey" Brown of Omaha , who bad purchased her at a fancy price. Ho was driving her over a crossing a few miles eastof the city when she was struck nnd killed l > y a flying passenger train that had approached without attracting attention. Mention was made yesterday of the arrest ofO. VV. Klssell and Willium Townscnd on a ctiarKo of disturbing the peace. The difll- culty occurred on Main street. Townscnd landing a terrific blow In ICissell's face and the latter replied in such an emphatic man ner as to break the bridge of Townsciul's nose , which was patched up by Cit Physician Jennings. Judge McGco investl gated the cuso yesterday morning , the result being the discharge of'J'ownsend , while Kis- scll was linedfiU. Oftlecr Bowling made a very important ar rest yesterday afternoon when ho pulled a fellow who gives the iiamo of Thomas E. Hall , and lodged him in Jail. H is said that there is a largo amount of evidence against Hill , suniclcnt to send him to the peniten tiary for the remainder of his" llfo. The police think he is the mnn who has been turn ing a largo number of deals among the farmers of Iowa , Nebraska and Missouri , nnd bus lleecod them out of thousands of dollars In patent right deals , bogus checks ami straight confidence games. Ho was arrested on suspicion. There has been some misinformation con cerning the arrests made by the olllccrs at rovclnnd. , A lady named Moarehous.0 llled a complaint against "Uncle" Oorgo Dralso for selling liquors at the butchers'picnic where there was so much fun several Sundays ago , nnd yesterday Mr. Drake , Mr. Meschoiidorf , Constable "Wesley nnd Judge Aylesworth visited Lovcliiml , nnd there being no evidence against Mr. Dralto ho was dis charged. The young men who participated In the racket on that occasion feared they were to bo hauled over tha coals , having licnril that nn ofllccr was hero armed with BtibpuMins for a number of them. Mo rcllcc- tlon on the butchers' organization was in tended , as It Is well known that the trouble -was occasioned entirely by outsiders. . Ji'EIttlH.VAJ , M'A tt.UlKAl'JIN. Gcorgo Kudlo , the great soap man of the west , returned to the city yesterday from a long pilgrimage heralding the cleansing qualities of Kirk's best. Ho will spend the Babbath with his family and leave for the west again tomorrow morning. The Federal Court Grist. The term of the federal court in this city closed } esterday evening and Judge Shlras left the city for Dubuque , where ho will hold court next week. The last day was n busy one , oven among the busy days that have marked the progress of the session from the start. The first oven of Importance iu the morning was the sen tenclng of tbo Vlllisca man , John Walker , Jr. , who was convicted of raising a $1 'silver certlllcato to a bill of iv higher denomination. Tho-work was very clumsily done and could not have been passed except In the darkness. Common advertising paper was used and was pasted over the larger figures on the bill The fellow had made ) several attempts nnd j number of the raised bills were found In his possession when arrested. The proof ngalns him was conclusive , and ho was urged by his friends nnd his attorneys to plead giillty'Ho refused and stood trial before a jury and was found guilty as charged in the Indictment When called .for up sentence yesterday mom- ing hoseoined to feel very badly. The court administered a brief but pointed lecture nud Bentsiicedhlmtohoconllncdln the pcnlton. tlnry at Ft. Madison at hard labor for a period of sU months and to pay a line of $100 and costs of the prosecution. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hawkins , the pension do. fraudcrs , were each sentenced to thirty day In the Pottnvvuttamio county Jail In addition to the line imposed. The case of Dr , C. n. Judd of this city who was charged by n rival electrlo bell manufacturer with having oixjucd n lettci that was not addressed to him , was called but not tried. A number of important wit neasca could not bo secured In tlmo nnd tbc case wont over to the next term of court , The coso of the United States ngnlns Jainos Campbell , charged with violation o the revenue laws , was tried and the defend ant found guilty as charged by the jury. ; ilno of $100 was Imposed and a sentence o thirty days in tbo county jail added. Mornlngsldo. ( Signs , "Losoy it Jensen's , 11 Pear st Window shades ut Losoy & Jemen , 1 : Pearl sU < If you wish to sell your jironcrty call on the Juad ft Wells Co. , G , U. Judd , president , COO 11 roadway , FIne Interior dccoratlng.Loscy ft Jcnsca Buy your lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , It' } JJroutlwujr. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Tto Bodj of Reuben Bcobco Discovered in Els Brother's ' Cornfield THE SCHOOL TREASURER NOT ENJOINED , Orcnt Dnnmco Cnso on Trial Clew of tlio federal Court Minor Mention anil Per- Hunal Iscws and Notes * The body of K , T. Boebcc , the missing Ijrothcrof II , C. Bcebco of this city , was found yesterday afternoon In a llttlo ravine n a cornfield within tivo miles from the homo of his brother , near lleebcctown , Harrison county. It will bo recollected that Mr. Bee- jeo vns tlio unfortunate man who vas af- llctcd with temporary aberration , and started from his home hi this city to vlsitbls brother in Harrison county , and ivas taken to tlio door of the brother's residence at 9 o'clock nt litbysomo neighbors -who brought him out from MissouriValley. It was supposed at the time that no had walked upto the door and not ilndlng it open obeyed a usual whim and started awny without making Uls pros- 'iieo ' known , unil wandered around until ho was lost. There wcro hundreds oC people searching 'or ' the missing mun , nnd Itvns supposed .hat every place in the fields nnd woods where the body couldcbojeonccalcd within nn nrca of ten or twenty miles liad been searched. Ilio seiirc'ilng ' parties had gone over the ilnco Inwhich the body was eventually 'oundaiul examined. It carefully.Vhen It was discovered yesterday afternoon It was lying In tlio llttlo ravine partially covered with water nnd. hidden by grass nnd weeds. The lioilywas In ft condition that un under- aker would call "good" and not in the nd- vnnccd stage of. decay thnt would naturally bo expected. This fact , coupled with the ad ditional otic that ho was tcr.ilbly cmnclated , gives color to the belief that the poor fellow ims been wandering nround the cou ntry tlio .arger . part of the six wcelcsttiat have closed ilnco ho lost Ills way. It is probable , too , , liut ho lived some tlmo after lie fell into tlio Htch and was too wcnlc to fjct out. The banks gave evidence that ho had made many ittenipts to raise himself up until ho finally full exhausted nnd died. Mr. II. O. Bcebeo left yesterday afternoon mmiidiatelv after the receipt of the iiiforma- ion and will superintend the arrangcmeiits for the removal of the body to tills eixy , HEXirV EISKMMN Jt CO. 5OH , niO , r.12 Ilrouihvay Special Bargain Halo for Thin Week , Best comfort calicoes ( fast colors ) , 4c. Standard brand calicoes , Cc. Indigo blue calicoes , Be. Good heavy Canton flannel , 4J c. Stylish dress ginghams , iu plaids and stripes , ( J c. Good apron ginghams in blue and. brown checks. ft c. Hooks and eyes , lea card. Hulrpiiis , assorted , two packages forCc. Safety pins , all sizes , ! t cards forSc. Cotton tape , . ' ) rolls for 5c. Dnrningcotton , 3 cards 3c , Ever-ready dress stays , assorted , 5c per doz. doz.God's God's ' best brnld , Cc , Waist llnliiKs , Sc. Criiiolinn , tic. ! Doublo-faccd sillcla , lOe. Pnddings , lie. Thimbles , ! ! c. Silk cord lacers , Oc. Ladies' hose supporters , 15c to 23c. EKESS GOODS. r 4 pieces dress lliiunels worth 30c , to go at 21c. (50 ( pieces fancy checked flannels , lOc. 53 pieces fancy striped and checked flan nels , 54 in. , worth G5c , go atfiOc. 54 pieces d ress lliiunels In plain colors , all wool , cheap at ; ric ; for tulssulc. Vic. 28 pieces 43-In. fancy eiiccks all wool serges worth 75c , Ht4t > c. 32 pieces 38-in. all wool serge , cheap at G3o ; for this sale , 48c , 25pieces striped dress goods , latest novel ties , worth -lle. ) at 2B& IB pieces American cashmere worth G3c , go at 4k. 2. ) pieces JlO-in. flannel dress goods worth > 0c : for this sale , 40c. 20 pieces striped checked mixed flannel worth 25c ; go In this sale ut l c. will bo given this week to buyers of blankets nnd comforters. Comparison of prices nnd qualities will re veal the fact that wo have no competition In this line : 10-4 white blanket , OOc. 104 wlilto blanket , M. 10-4 wlnto blanket , o.ctra heavy , $1.C9. 30-4 wlilto blanketSl.iW. 10-1 white California blanket , $2.03. 11-4 white tlccco , all wool , JJJ.T5. 1M white blanket , all wool , regular $10 blanket. f7. 10-t all wool red "olanket , worth § 4.50 , goat 10-1 all wool very flno red Wankct ( medi cated ) worth * r.r > U , go at W.30. 114 all wool sanitary blanket , superior quality , worth 5 .50 , nt 4MJ.-10. Gray bliinkets , 73c , 81 , $1.25 , § 1.50 , 10-1 gray blankets , natural wool , worth s .fiO , for this sale SJ.50. 10-1 gray blanket , all wool , superior quality , wortlifl , SMK. HCO , ( ) yards Imported , fall weight , Scotch shirting Iliuuicl , worth Cflc , go at 4oc , 1 case reel twill medicated flannel , best vnluo ever sold , worth Hoc , go at 2.r > c , Fine assortment 4-qrs. colored nnd whlto embroidered flannels , huudsomo design. Comforters , full size , regular 8T o quality , go at OOc. In fact wo have a full line from dOoto$15. Best values ever offered. Look before j-ou purchase , OUlt CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Till ! LAllOKST IK TUB \\'KST \ , Superior facilities cniiblo us to sell you a cloak , wrap or jucket at wholesale prices , thus saving you from 2.T to U3 per cent.Vo \ know that conservative buyers will not ob ject to tills , HEAD , HEAD , READ , 27-Inch plush Jacket , satin lined , made of good Walker plushes , warranted to wear nnd give perfect satisfaction , at tT.HO , fO.OOand $10.00 cadi. KMtieh coed plush clotUs , good "Walker plushes , best quilted satin linings at $ l,50 ! ! and upwards , Kxtrngood bargains In jackets nnd capos. Also splendid bargains lu Newmarkets und children's garments , See our line of cloaks , Wo know that wo can pleuso you and snvo you money on your purchases. Our Koods m'0 warranted and all alterations uiado frco of charge bv export litters. ' \Vorccelvodoposlts \ on ourcloalts and lay them aside for parties wish Ing to secure early selections. HUNIVY EISEMAN & CO. , Council Bluffs , In. Motor faro paiil both ways to Omaha and Nebraska customers KID OI.OVB SA.K IT EISEMAN'S. ' The old rcllablo Alexander In nil sizes Regular f2.50clovo at S1.5U. 4-buttou undressed kids ( all shades ) fl.25. 5-hook. Foster fastener , splcncllil glove ( all 4-buttou kid regular { I glove , this -week , 50o. 50o.6button 6-button kid , nil shades , regular ? l.S5 for this salo75c. Kull line clilldrcns' kid gloves 750 and fl. Also 20 dozen kid gloves , slightly torn and soiled , formerly sola from $1 to * l.M a pair , vvo offer now at IScts n pair ns they aro. Take advantage , of. these great bargains during this weeU at atEISEMAN&CO.'S , Council Blurts , Iowa. Tlioy I H ) ok oil Iloriin , In ttio district court nil of yesterday was taken tip with tlio trial of the case of Tlnloy llurkovstho Citizens' banV , In which the plaintiff claims damages on account of al- alleged malicious prosecution. Mr. llurko wns on the stand all of the afternoon , and his cross-MBinlnatloii was not completed when tha hour for adjournment camo. Ho went over UioUUtorygf Uiconnection with tUo cattle case , In which ho served as attorney for Abbott , It was In thus serving that be sought to got possession of tbo cattle in con troversy , behoving that Abbott was the owner and entitled to the same. The par ticulars of tbo transactions in Merion a county wore all gone over wltli a view ot convincing the Jury that air. Eurko had nctca honestly and squnrely In pcltlnpf pos session of the cat tie , nnd that his Indictment for larceny was unjust. Attorney McCabO conducted tno cross-ex amination , which was sharp , and ot times so aggravating that Mr. IJurko would give equally keen edged replies , thcso occasional passage ) being about tbo only hits of enliven.- mctit in the proceedings There was n largo attendance , nnd tbo bnttlo Is being fought strongly on both sides. No lots will ho sold after next Tuesday In Morntngside except ut un advance of ! 33j { per cent. _ The Itostnu'n Store's Xew I'alncc. The work of enforcing the quarters of tlio Boston store In tbls city , ono of the Institu tions that Council Dluffs Is particularly proud of , has been almost completed , nnd in a few days the customers will have the pleas ure of doing their shopping nnd securlngtbolr big bargains amid surroundings suitable to tliochnracterand extent of the enterprise that Messrs. Potbcrinnham , Whitclaw & Co. have established so thoroughly and main tained so well. And when the work Is Mu lshed look out for inducements In keeping with tbo growth of the business. It is n source of great gratification to the public , as veil as tbo proprietors , t" know that they have received such substantial en couragement from the people of Council Bluffs In tha effort lirst mndo byttieinto re duce high old fiuhioticd prices and promote moderTi low prices , that they are enabled to more than double their business so soon after its establishment * . As they have been the acknowledged lead ers and promoters of low prices In the past. so they will continue to bo in the future , and the double sized store will remove some of the dlsagrccablencss of the usual crush that customers bavo always found there. Jon't think there will bo nn , exception in your case. No lots will bo sol'd after next Tuesday in Moriiiiiffsido except utau advance of a > tJ per cent. The School Treasurer Xot I'nJoltuMl , There was a great deal of complaint among tlio school teachers yesterday bccauso they fulled to get tholr monthly salnrlcs , which should have been paid If the custom that has been followed fortho past decade had been adhered to. ThoteachcM vent to the treas urer , J.V. . 1'eregoy , nnrt wcro informed that ho had been enjoined by the board from payIng - Ing in the usual manner , iind In answer to their inquiries informed them that President Stewart had served a notice npt nhlmto that effect and showed the disappointed appli cants a formidable looking document written upon a typewriter on lesat cap paper , The vord "enjoined , "and the cursory glance at the legal looking document created the im- prossicn that the president of tbo board had procured an In ] unction and had It served In the usual manner. Iiia very short tiiuo tbo new * had spread nil over the city that such a proceeding had taken place , and thorowas in- tcnso indignation among thoteochcrs. It was said that the reason that the injunction had heeii procured was the omission of Superln- tPiulo.it McNnughton'snumo from the pay roll , and that hisfrieiids 9111110 hoard hail de termined to stop tno payment of all the sala ries until WcNnughton's was allowed. The people who read and recollected Tim BEE'S report of the proceedings of the Inst meeting of tlio board of education knew what the situation was , but the story came from so many ( sources that it was finally believed that the president of the board had been guilty of a llttlo pleco of spite work- , and ho was ' roasted" vigorously. The facts are that "at the last ineotlngof the board the matter of an erroneous payment of about f 20 tooneof thetcuchors was brought up by Mr. Hunter , who sucRested that tno old way .of paying the salaries should bo changed in some way that would prevent the possibility of such an error being repeated. Ho thought the payroll should bo under the direct charge of the board , nnd no salaries should bo paid except upon Its approval. The minutes wcro referred to and disclosed the fact that the board hud , at Its first meeting after the eleetioa last iprinjr , passed a resolu tion authorizing the president nnd secretary to issue the teachers' orders In the usual way at the last of the month in accordance with the payroll , which was approved by the board after It WHS made .ipattho beginning of the year. Mr. Hunter thought this vasnota very wise plan , as it left the matter wholly In the hands of the president andDecretory. . Ho thought it should bo changed , but declined to tuko the responsibility of making a motion to that effect. The resident stated what the practice had been and called attention to the fact that the president and secre tary wcro acting only under the orders of the board , nnd If the board desired to change its orders some mombir should make a motion , to do so. Mr. Wells moved that no more salaries bo paid until ttio payroll was presented to the bbara each montli nnd approved. The president called attention to the fact thnt this would work a hardshipupontho teachers by keep ing them out of tlielrpny until after the rei- lar monthly meeting on the third Monday. The motion was put after It was seconded by Mr. Schocntgen , and was carried by the votes of Messrs. Hunter , Wells ana Schoent- gen , Illnxsiin nndVnito voting against It , President Stewart refraining from votinp.- This loft the mnttcrin such ncondltlon that the president and secretary had no other course to pursue than to refuse to Issue the orders to the teachers , for his own guidance the president sent the following- letter to Treasurer 1'orceoy , which the teachers sup posed to bo the Injunction referred to : CoCNCtrJti.utw. In. , Sept. 10-J. W. Pcro- voy. < w | . . Treasurer Imlopi'iulcnt School DIs- trl t , Council lllulTs.la. liuarSIr : Taku no- tlco that tlio board odllrcctorsor Raid district passed : ui order Ilia tno paymtmts bomiulcto teachers or Junltor.s until after tliu puy-rnll was submitted to thosulcl board and by 1C ap proved. This rule should bo Ktrlutly ndncrod to upon your part , us tbo board liusfiill con trol upon such matt cri. Any different action will bn utymir own rhlc. Triibtliii ; that von will take pleasure lu fol lowing tlilt Instruction of the board anil thereby protect yourself fioni llubllty of er rors , I remain. J. J. STKWAIIT , I'lcsldent board of directors of Independent district of Council Jllinm , In. 33X porcontadvancoln Morningsido lots October I , _ It Is n faction cnngot the finest site for n homo of any plaeo in tbo city In Morningsido for 'ess ' than ono small lot will cost in the center of town , and you nro within ono block of motor line nnd two blocks of Broadway , It is also a fact that the larger a city guts the more desirable becomes Its suburban prop erty and the less desirable its property lying contiguous to business. The nolso , dire and disturbance of the city pccli worse every year and In a year or twoMornlng-sldo will bo the very best residence property In Council Blurts. A. Coup d' Utitt In the School llonril. I'ho board of education made nnotherat- tempttohold a meetings last night , and sue cecded In accomplishing It to n very lurgo ex tent , When the roll was culled all the mom- bora wcro present and answered to their names. The important business toba trans acted was the approval of tbo pay-roll anil the election of the secretary and treasurer fortho ensuing year , 'Jho approval of the pay-roll waithoflr.it thing attempted. It was presented by the secretary with tnenatnoof Superintendent McNauRhton omitted , and Mr , Wells moved thnt It bo approved and ordered paid. Iho motion was amended by Mr , Bhuslm to Include the nnuio of I'rof , McNnuKhton On the veto on the amendment Unit followoc WrllB , IIuntcrandBchoeniiccn voted no , ant Walto , Hloxslm and President Stewart yes Tlio vote on the original motion nhowci Wells. Schoontgonand Hunter lu favor of It and Wnlte , Dlaxslm and the prosldoiit op posed. Iloth motions were declared lost , Wells then renewed his motion for th approval of the pay roll iw It stood and that i bo ordered puld. The same deadlocking vet defeated It. At this juncture Sohoontgen , Wells ntu Hunter took their coats and huts , and with out in forming the board what they con tomplatcd , left tlio room , It xvus ovldoii they wcro gene for ( food , ; imd the other mem hew of the board and several attorney sat around and disaiKsdl tlio situation for whllo. The nuc.Htlou was riilsoil that thu ub scnco of tbo tnreo fontlo.ncn after ansvcrln to roll call at the Hart did not destroy the uorutn. A copy ofiho rules was sent for nd read , ana Itvm finally njrce < l that until omo members ralsST tin question or n call vtxs demanded tho. board hnJ nomeawof tnowliiKtliat any 61 Its members ivero ab- icnt. After thfs . Islon XVM reached the nislncss of the board was continued and hlngs soiled along swimmingly. Ji'OBoatle- nan present hud any. occasion to demand n. roll call , EvorytMilj ? was carried unani mously , and the three gentlemen who llcilso precipitately wore not oven missed. On motion of Mr.Vnlta \ the teachers' pay roll was approved anil ordered paid. air. DlaxslminoVwthntthonamoof Supor- n Undent McNaugUon londdftttotho teach ers' ' pny-roll , so thathp can dr.tw Ills salary for the month of Sontoinbcr and that the president nn d secretary bo require ! to draw in order sufflclcnt In amount to pay the .caehora as shown by the pay-roll just al lowed , with , the superintendent's anlar.v ndiled. Tno motion was carried unani mously. Several bills were allowed that had been airRliiR along for several weeks. Jllss Millie White va made principal ot tlieold 1'lcroc ' street school. The president reported that the Twentieth avifluo school had been clo" cil by order of tlio board oC licaltu. nnd that the city phys i- claa hiidannounccilthnt the children ot the Innltor , who lives In the basement and had been attacked bv diphtheria , had hoca re moved nnd that the bulldliiR had teen futni- pnted. In his opinion there was noinorodaii- Ljer , nnd the board ordered tbo schoolto bo re-opened on Monday. After the allowance of some small hi'Is ' the Luard adjourned -until S.itui'day , October 4 , fortno purpose of electing a secretary and trcasiu-cr fortho enduing year , It was after 10 o'clock ' wlien the mcetlnR adjourned , nnd after it was over the members and their friends sat around awhile < J iscuss- Ing the situation. The belief was universal that they Imd accomplished n very brilliant coup d' etab upon the opposition nnd that they could liavo gone abend ana elected n secretary mid treasurer nnd the election would have withstood nil the assaults that could have been tnado upon it. The best entrance to IMorninssitlo for the present Is l-'rank street. This is the street which runs In front of the sisters' hos- pltal mid the way to g tto Wornlngsidols to KO east on that street. Prices that will paralyze our competitor's , JurthcrdcmoiistiMtlner to the public that wo are the lowest priced hoxiso furnishers in Council Bluffs. Tomorrow , Monday morn- In if , September 29th , the greatest sale of fur niture , carpets , stoves , etc. , over attempted by any concern inComicll Bluffs will hopln ntMatulcl vtlClein's , 3-0 Broadway , to con- tlimo for one wuck only , The object of this sale is to show to tbo people that they can sell floods for less money than any other house In the city. They know that tbo fall season has just begun and the best advertise ment the hou o can have Is by offering bar- calns that cannot bo duplicated elsewhere. .A personal call is all that is desired and those calling the coming' wecltwillbo the money savers of the season. Some of the best houses in the city are building in Mornin side , nnd they willhavo the Htiest lawns and boat views of any houses in Council Bluffs , Wallpaper at Losoy & Jensen's , 11 Pearl st. Money afc roduul rjtaj loinolon chatto * nndrcalostato scjarityby E. II. SlusafOifc Co Tha Boston store , Council Bluffs , Is show- in ? the latest in caps known us the N'olliu lily cap. 'Jho prices run from HOcto $1,11) , la all tliolatest coloM , plaids nnd blacks. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. "WllITELlW &CO Aiiiiouneonicnt. Wo shall retire , from the retail grocery business October 1 to engage iti the wholesale handling of produce and fruits , nnd ivish to Kivo notice In this thiit nil accounts of retail sales will be tine and payable to us at that dato. Fuiiiox'i " , ras Broad way , Council Bluffs , lu. SeoMornlngslde. Tlio KoiiilIi/m ! The republican pri'laariea to select dele gates to the county convention tobo'lield at Avocaon October 1 , werohcld in the various wards last nlpht There was a great deal of interest talten in the work in all of tb.e wai-ds but there was no light by the friends of can didates to get packed delegations. The following are the delegates : First Ward E. S. Barnelt , Friend Covalt , C. G. Saunders , E. J. Abbott , R. N. Merriaia , P. Wahlffren. The dclo ratoi present in the convcntioiuvero Instructed to cast the full vote ot the ward , Second AVard-J. H.Pacc , P. Wind , W. S. Willtins , L. C. D.ile , 11. A. Bontiam , John Fox , J. B. HoftTheodore Oulttar. Third Ward JohnLlndtUeorno F.Smith , Dr. O. W. Gordcn , H1. Meyer , William Arnit , P. O , Glcason , W. E. HavcritocV , D. J. Smith. Fourth "Ward-L. "W. Ross , B. S. Bawson , E.V. . Koppel , F. II , Warren , Georco N. GulviaVilliain II. Campbell , .Tames Putter- son. Dr. F" . S. Thomas , T..oonnrdKverett. Fifth \Vard-D. B , Daily , W. A. smith , Orlto Vien , L , Burchain. Sixth Ward A. C. Ilurdlng , Tolin Barx , E. A. Yniieoy , S. S. Elliott , D. II. Cntler. All the delegates were instructed by reso lution to cast tbo f till vote in the convention. J. 0. Tipton , real estate , 527 Jlroadway. For Kent. - Furnished room , 020 Willow avenue , Rlrs. J. L.ynian : \Vantcd-Fl fly day boarders at Homo res taurant , tiiost popular place in the city , to get a meal or board by the wec.k. L.Ocy ! A Jensen paint houses. There nro 51) acres In Mormngsidoand ten minutes -walk from the center ot the addition will take you toUroaawayand the Council Bluffs ami Omaha motor llaobero cars run every few moments. J. C. Blxby , stcatn heatlnjr , sanitary cn- plneer , Oil ) Ulfo buiUlntr , OmaluJOJ ; aloe riutu block , Council lllafts. Firstrclass drcsstnakinj ? by Miss Wallace , over Cattlemen's baalr , cor. Jlaiii st. and 5th ave. RcmemDor there -vvlll bono stcop ( jradci in Mornliifsldo when ttio Kradin ls completed nnd It will bo completed on Frank street this fall. Dadly Iltiriicd. "What came near being a fearful calamity was averted last evening by the presence of mind and heroism of the mother , A llttlo girl * Minnie Smith , tbo jittlo daughter of Jlrs. Smith , vtioso liUlfli boy Wllllo died of diphtheria on Dontxin street a shorttlino ago , wasplaylnR In the yihl ot the place Avhero the family are no 'lliiifon | 3NIII1 atrcot. A number of other children wore with her , and a llttlo stove wus41io center of nttrnctlon. Thochildren had r flro in It. but it did not burn to suit them , an'd ' one of tliom ivcntlnto the collar and poi ijliif out an old caa full of pisollno. This IVL { | poured Into the llttlo stove , and nti cxpiosloii Instantly followed , The llttlo Smith ( /tuy win stnndliiR nearest with herbaclcto tUie.stove , The WJMth 'own over , Uud she was Instantly enveloped - velopod In llamcs . ' , ! ilex' mother saw her us she ran scrcamiiuj , around the house , nnd Kolng out oC audtvcr door intercepted her and oxtininilshcu tlio lirowith her own gnv- menU. Tlio little K'rl ' was badly burned about the neck and Hco , and her lon r curls wcro bnraod oil close to lier head. Tlio mother's clothes were set iillro , and bcforo they \vero eitingulshod she was severely burned. To the Ladles Miss Mary Oloasonis bettor prepared than ever to satisfy all who want Ili-bl class drcssimiklng. Koonn in the old library building , Piurl struot. The best auctioneer in the state Is II , II. Ininan , Council BlufTs. Sjuclil attention to blooded stouk sulcs , and nil branches of mercantlio goods. OIHoj.VJ.'l llroiuhvay. 'The Manhattan flportinir hcaaquartors , 413 Broadway. _ Vashioniibln wool suits made by Mrs , L. Simmons , (5 tOJ ( ; slIka.K toiO. ( Shorthand. MlmUholus , Jlrown building. Twenty-ninth Strrot Mission , corner of Avo- nne U fiabbatb school at U | > . n ) , 1'ixjch- Mr. Chapmau ut ? ; UO \ \ uu Injured Iy nu AtO:30 : last night fire broke out lu Hughes & Evans1 coal shed , near the corner ot Twenty- fourth and Sewrtrd streets. The flro of itself vas Insignificant , but nn explosion of BRa"which ! occurred In the old sled whllotho llrcinen were nt vorlc resulted rattier seriously to Assistant Chid Sailer , who was quite severely burned nbout the hands and faco. Captain Graves of No. Gimd Murphy of No. 1 wcro also singed consider bly , The loss on the building \vlll uotbo ivor(50. ( _ Cnrpcnter Shop Ilnrncd. At2 o'clock last night acnrpcntershopand pile oC loose boards nnd shavings iu the . ear of ICli DcdRO street caught lire. The irompt nrrlvalof the chemical engine prc- ented tlio Humes from spreading to adjacent ironertv. Thodaniapo will bo not more than ir.O. The bulldliiB belonged to Morroll , the Tlio slliiatlon HcnialiiH 1'i-notloally Dtxvr.n , Colo. , Sept. -Special [ Telo- _ , rnm to Tnu Bui : . ] The situation in the Union Pacific yards remains practically un changed. It IsnlnrmttiKOnly from the om- nous equlotude. Grand Master Sweeny has not yet arrived and Is : io\v expected tomor row , Jnmcs W. Mllvhie , general chairman of the grievance committee of the Union P illc system , Is here. Ho snys tlio switch men ni-o right mid nro bound to win. Ho thinks Sweeney will bi3 nblo to settle the rnnttcr. Both the directors and the chamber of commerce ami the Mining exchange today passed resolutions endorsing the position of Manager Mock und condemning the manner in which switch luff has been done fortho past few months in the yard. The company claims to have fifteen engines nnd sixty-eight men at work. The switch men say they have only iilno endues and .forty wen. Their claim that the yards 'nro bclnp cleared la doubtful. Last month thirty-live engines nnd their full complement of men moved some thirty- eight thousand curs , or about twelve hundred a day. Yesterday only four hundred cars were moved , and today , up tofi o'cloclc , only three hundred hud been moved. The complaint from the business coin munity Indicate * that t'jcy ' nro not nettin their freight as fast as they wish to. Kio Grande switchmen still rctuso to handle Union 1'nciticcars , They will deliver , but not receive. Tlio men still claim that ills n lock-out nnd not a strike. The yards still swarm with deputy sheriffs and guards , bul no riotous disposition lias been displayed by the men. The Haul outcome remains : ui enigma , _ _ Iho I'ost mauler of the House on tlio It nek. WASHINGTON , Sept. 27 , The house commit' coon , accounts today began an investigation into the charges prefer red agalnstl'ostmastcr " \Vheatof tbo house. Doothimm , a member of the committee , was excused from service , he being a tenant of Wheat's , \Vneat \ said a contract was entered into De cember lust with Culbcrtson at the r.ile of § 5,000 , per year , of which Culbertson was to plvo him SI 51 a month. Some time after ho learned that the matter was belli. ? talked of ns improper and charges subsequently ap peared In the papers , He then wanted to give back the S7IVJ ho had received from Cul- bertson , butwas advised that it did tot be long to him , but to the government. Ilothcn vent to the trcasui'y department nnd do- TOslted the money and received 11 receipt for it. Ho then received no more fro.n Cnl- lertson under the agreement. Kcplying , to Enloe , witness said hohud consulted tkoclork of the house , licpresentatlvo Caswcll , tbo speaker mid others about the matter. Sub sequently the contract was taken away from Culbcitson and given to a Air. DaUh utM.CKll ) per year. In answer to a question as to how lie came to llxjtho first contract ut 1,001) ) , witness said tint when ho Hi-st came to Washington the ofllcowus new to him and be simply had the contracts of the previous year copied , as ho supposed it was all right. Ho also found that the appropriation allowed for the purpose was $ ,00 < J a year. Contractor CulborUon swore tlmt he car ried tbo mails for Daltpii , the former post master , for six year * prior to December last. Ho received as compensation $3,1)00 , ) a year and had not made similar previous payments of SlfiO a month to the postmaster. Ho said that Wheat asked him nt ilrst forfciOt ) a month in returif for the contract. AVltness made n counter proposition to give him $ liiO , and this , he said , would require him to do work at a starvation price. "Witness snld that one day when it was apparent that an Investigation was probable Wheat's son came to him and sought to liavo the $ " > 0 returned over temporarily to a third person , but tills was not done. Wheat in his testimony hnJ declared ho know of no such conversation. In reply to a member of the committee Cul bertsou snld lie was fnther-iii-law of Dal- ton. the former postmaster. \ Uciys' TrninluK'.Moliool Dedicated. CHICAGOSept. 27.The Illinois school of agriculture and manual training for boys WMS formally dedicated today. A special train of six coaches bore 800 people to Glenwood , where the Institution Is located. There i seven buildings la all , situated In n semi-cir- do upcn arise oflandwhich rises fifty feet above the surroimdliiK level country. .Al ready 150 vaifs from the streets of Chicago have been provided for in the school , Tlio dedication exercises consisted chlylly of nd- dresses by well known ( Jhlcagoansvho huvo taken an interest in tlio institution. Fourth Attempt at Train ALLIANCE , O.Sept , 27 * . An attempt made this morning at Alnxlmo , near here , to wreck the limited going west. A rail -was placed partially across the track.V farm wagon was also placed on the track. A freight cnmo iilonp unoipcctedlv nnd sur prised them before they succeeded In their purpose and knocked the wagon Into kind ling wood and pushed the nil I off thotrnck , This Is the fourth attempt at this place. These Implicated in the tint three attempts urelu the penitentiary , . Cnrrylnj ; Out Oarnotfic's Idon. PiTrsnuitn , Pa. , Sept. 27. A special Broddoclr , Pa. , sayst Notices wcro posted today In the ofllcos ot the Eojjar Thompson steel worta that nil boys under sixteen years of nw will bo dlsehnrffad. This Is an Idea of Andrew Carnegie , \vho lias always Iweii op posed to young labor , M'ho order will affect many widows who depend on thelrsons for support. Homo two hundred and Hfty boys nt IMldoclc and over ono hundred nt Ilomo- stead will bo discharged la accordance with the order , OldcHtOriind Army Votcrnit Dcnd , Bri.viDoiu : , N , . ! . , Sept. < i . JohnSowdor died yesterday near Uidgovillo nt the ad vanced ago of ninety years. Ho Is said to have been the oldest Grand Army veteran h : the Unitedstatci , having Identified himsell with the organization when Itvas llrst formed. He was iv monitor of the Thiity- ilrst regiment of New Jor < oy vohniteoi-s and served attho front throuKh the war. InltiiiHlaU'H Olil IXntriel. Piiii.Ann.riin , Sept. 27. < Vtu mcctins of the Independent democratic voters of the Third congrcsslonnl district , formerly repre sented by Sam rcantiall , resolutions \\cro passed ondorsin ; Vnux mid nominating' him us nn independent doniocratlc candidate to run ngainst Mo A leer , nomiiinted Thursday last by the regular district convention. Tin ) TroHlilont Will Visit Topeka , Stnr.Tri , Kan. , Sept , 27. Department Commander Collins of the CJrand Army of tholtepubllc ot ICnnsas received a mossajjo today from Private Secretary 1 1 ul ford stat- InKthat. President Harrison had accepted the invitation to ho present at tlio stat < ) roanlon of the state department in Toneka , Oc tober 19. Tlie Kllfm-Hho-Miv I Uht OfT. St , P.vn.Mlnn. , Sopt. 37. The light whlcl was to have tnkon place tonight botweoii Pat Killen of thU city and .loo Hhcchy of Ash land. AVIs. . for the championship of the norllnvest , ia off , Sheeny refusing tollBhtho co.ui > o he couldn't place u man In the box cfllco to look alter his iutcrcsts , COAK : Now is the Time to Buy "Your Coal of Thatcher , 114 Main St/ The best product of tlie Lelugh. Valley , Penru Best Io\va Eastern Western , Summer Mining. - low Prices. H. A. COX , Western Sales Agent SOUTH ( ihlJl.t. M'.tf'H , HnptiNtCliuroh Dcil leaf ion , The BnptistconKi-cgatlon will dedicate Its now church on Twenty-seventh street , bo- twccn ivinnd U , at 11 o'clock todny , Uev. II. 0. Woods , 1) ) . 1) ) . , will preacli Iho dedi catory pcrnioii , The society Is out of debt aiidlnvitoall to Join with them in opening1 , honow house ot worship. Notes A-buut. the City. Patrick Bresnan's Infant child is danger ously ill. "W. H. Sapo has had another back.-ct and Is .n , a dangerous condition. .7.J. .Todin of Troy , N" . V. , n heavy prop erty holder iu this city , died on the 'M ' inst. Some ImtiKry thief raised n window In .lohn N. Durkc's hotel Friday night and carried oft a vholo ham. Frlomls of the Mnx'Ic clly cornet hand are emulating subscription papers to buy the boys a set of new instruments , llcv. C , N. Uawson. the newly appointed minister , will preach in , the "MethodUt 12 | > ls- copal church tills forenoon nml evening. The Youiic People's .Societyof Christian Endeavor will hold a meeting this event UK In the Presbyterian church just buforotlio reg ular service. The infant daughter of Mr. and Ito. Pat rick J. Ilassett died Friday inorniint ana wits burled in St. Mary's ' cemetery at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Kev. David Marquatto , late pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church , on'Tuesday will tjiko charge ni presiding elder of tlio Mis souri Valley district. John Hickey and .Tolm Uobinson of the Third ward had a runaway Friday evening. Mr. Illcliey vas injured by being thrown out of the buggy and the vehicle was wrecked be fore thu horse was stopped. H. C. Bullard of the packing houses of Swift A Co. has taken his do ublo calf out for exhibition. This llttlo animal , double in every part from the foreshoiildors back , and perfect , Is said to bo the only ono ever seen iu this section. Philip Kern , whllo shuKhterliiR a beef , was kicked by thonninul and his butcher Itnlfo was knocked through his left heel. The blade went entirely through just above the largo heel bone and Inside of the largo cord , almost severing It. A surgeon dressed the painful wound. A houseful of friends gathered at the coy homo of Mr. and Sirs. .Jacob Heilstcln , West Albripht , last night and testified to their friendship forMiss AnnaM. Ileilstelii oiiher thirteenth birthdav. Apleii.sant social even ing was made move Interesting by a pal- ntiblo luncb , good music and social uinusc- iiwiits. _ ItJlKl'ITfKI. The hank clearings yesterday amounted to 87WWW.l)3. ) In the county court yesterday \V , E. Find- Icysuedil. H. Van Clostor to recover J. 50 duo on a promissory note. A frame turn at Twenty-eighth and lAirnuin , owned by Mrs. P. F. Murphy , was destroyed by lire atO o'clock last iiirfit. The loss waiWOO. Yesterday afternoon Dsputy Sheriff Grebe served notice upon all criminals out on bonds to appear before .Judge Chirksor. at 9 : 0 o'clock tOInorro v morning. Tlia Jloi-so dry goods company received ycstoi'dav through tlio cuytoin house Iniirartn- tlous of Parisian fashions from Pinget , Mo- range and other celobr.ited inanufacturcH. The executive coiiiinittco of the democratic state central committee holil a private session at Charles O'dln'softlc9 ( yesterday , the pur pose being to perfect plans foir thu coming campaign. e Tlio case ofthostato against D , C. O. Wo was called injustice. Holmes' court yester day and was begun but not finished. The case isboiiig tried before a jury and was continued until Tuoulny , Seven incmhcra of the Fourth ward dcino- cratio club held n meeting at , "Washington tall histnlKlit , and afteriHscussIng the pend ing issues for half an hour , adjourned until tomorrow night , when an effort will be made to drum u p n larger crowd. It. L. .Johnson , the man who broke jail and escaped from County Juilcr I ynch on Au gust HI , has been raptured nt ICnnws City , anil will be brought to Omaha , next week. .lohiison was bound over to the district court Juno 17 to answer to tlio charge of forgery. Tim ICnl li HO ! ' Honor , Hon. A. 11. Savage , supreme dictator of the Knights or Honor , addressed all open meet ing of members ofthe order mid their friends at Clark's h.ill on Fourteenth street last iilght. About soventy-flvo persons wcro present. The speaker recited the purposes nnd origin of the order , IIo deprecated the mushroom growth of the numerous now or ders which were spilngini ; into life every day only to die out. again in a very short time. The fraternal advantages of member ship In tlio ICiiiglit s of Honor were dwelt upon , and the speaker closed by endeavoring to instill new life Into the local loilgo nnd In ducing its mom bom to take a lively interest In tlioordernnd Increase the membership. Tlio supreme dictator was followed by several of the members of the local lodge , who spoke brieJly , _ The Goiinci linen Itulinkecl. The republicans of the Sixth ward nro slow lounger , but they are now up inarms , For years it has been the custom for the ward clubs to suggest the iinmcs of the Judges and clerks of election and then hand them In to the ward councilman for presenta tion. This was done this year , but thoroun- cilincn took the matter In their own hands and appointed men who lisa rule were ob- cctionabloto the clubs , Tliorcpubllcunclub hold lu roinilar meotingliuU Highland uasscd htrong resolutions censuring the notion of the couiiclhnen nnd denouncing Urn jnrt of the outlined plun of Uiocomblno todofeit an honest election. A number of warm speeches woroniiuloby local iioliticlans , alter wliioh It wm decided to have a grand rally and polo mis ing two weeks from last night , Murdered Uy a UcHj > : riIo. ; I3n xroiin , ITla , , Sept. 27. Two wen J , T. Iwasloy , anotiiry public , and II , D. Sapp were shot and killed hero last night , The kllhngof lasley was the result of an altercation - cation between lilm and J , T. Garner , who is a desperado , csieclally ] when 111 led with bad whisky. After ( iiirncr hud killed I asloy ho lied to his room , from which place ho ex changed shots \vitli frlcnU.sof Iasloy , during which tlmo Snnp oxjiosod himself and wai killed. t\ . Mr.Mi'iupTenn , , Sept. 21. The Unnlc of Madison , at Jackson , Tenn. , suspended this inornlng. It xvc a state bank with a capital of Snu.OOO. . President \VIilto \ has made an ns- slgnment of all his personal property for the benefit of creditors. Liabilities. JOO)0 ( ) < ) ; as- setH , tJ5JOO. ( Tlio .suspension is temporary. LiidHViiu : , Ky. , .Sept.Tbo bank of Ful ton , ICy. . siupoiided luymcr.t today. Assets and liabilities unknown. Woiit Down ultli All IIiiiKln , MiLWAfKEK , Vila. , Sept. 27 , Aapecialfrom Uuclno says an unknown tug -went down to- duv with all hands about three miles from that port. Ko further particulars. SPECIAL JSTOTLCJJUS. COUNCIL. BiUFFS. OO.MS forroiil , In iiilto ornlnjile , 4IJ So. _ HUNT I louios mid ronm i one over store uciir omul houso. undone fu rnl-lieU room nt J. li , Da\lilMtnX ( i'J.rirth avu. iriuiiXISIIKI ) roniiis , two ltooks Iriiin motors i1 four from postnlllvri fiirnaco lu-ut , bivtli room , hot unit culil walnr. To I'lillimicn or man and wlfo without children. 7UVa.hlnu \ - ton uvc. ' \H \ { > Hcxeliiingo-.W lien's. Jlontgomopy Co 1 A. Kansas , well hupnivod. \W acres , Chniluujiii ; ; : Co. , luiti , , well lui- prov-rd. 4 ( ncros. Trcyol'o. , ICaiisnswelllmprovod. 240 aeros. t'onmiicho Co. , Kim. , vdl luiiiruv- cil. cil.ISO ISO acres , MorrliRo. . KaimiH , well Im proved. ICO ncros. liiiitan Co. . Kan. , well unproved. HSOacroi. litriiM Co. . Noliraslca , IBM acres. Hull o. , N'oliranki. ! Ei ncros , Mulilt'iibori ( - ' - < . Kentnclcyt well improved ; elivir. KM acroi , well Improved : AlcouaCo. , Jllehl- Riin ; oloar. 4 * > ncru . HiMHCa. , Ohio ; clear. Will trade dthernr iillfnr iiiprL-liaiullsijor city property In ( 'ouiiull lllnlt'Miif Oinnhii. Uloarliinilln Stone siuil Mnrrr Co , Mo. ( 'ri'ittnurrln Oliapninn , IJloUiixonCo. . ICan. $1.H > J , iMtmorcyano iiolci. ( let to Iho front. X will trade. J. Ul'rloo ' , Klo _ B1OI1 cllllllKK 111 bllslllt'SHlll \ H'll fitWk Of ilriigsiuid flUiirciall new and llrst cl.ws , at a dhcotint , If vile ] vllhln next , iBdays , In- vok-u about ifJ.MJ. Address S. , Ileo onict- , Council FOR SA. IE li'lno standard bred loiun , bays. 7 and 8 yeais old , matcliuil. l.udy cnti drlvntlioiii ; elty In-old1 : will not. ihv. full ut : t ) S. Main fct , , Ooiiiiell llluir.f. ' J. 1 * I'rlce. POItKKNT llotol .laineson , all furnished. Possession irlu'ii Octohiir 1. 1'or informa tion add rots Win. Slodentopl.or Olirls Sluub. Council UltHTs. FOliSAJ.K Tlio Homo Restaurant for sale onctisjf t 'rni . Tliu most iionular uUcu Iu the elty. SV. . ijcott. ; or Hruad way , Pbl ! SMB or Hent-anrdoii land , with liimsos.by J.It. 14lco , 10 J Main st. . Couuoll Iliads. WHY p.ijr roiitvnanynii 0,111 bii/a homono tbusamo torius , nnil In case ofyouriliuah it any ti mo lui vo your ( .iiully tlio hutuo clour on tlu follow Ins ? lerm ? : A-liuiiio worth II.O'JJ ntJlJ pop montli. A.liano : wort U ! lI'D at ? IS per niuntli. A homo worth l,01) ! at fit jicr niunllu A.hcrnc mrlliUOJvl atl-ll jier niiinlli. A homo wort.U Jl)33 ! atJli f/cr montli. Other priced lioinu on tlie.siino toriiii. Tha abnve niontlilv D.iyineiits Inuliido prlnelpLl ; ancllntorest , Forfii'll iiai-tlcnliirs eiillnu or address thoJu'ld.t Wells Co , , uud H roadway. Council Hlair.4 , la. DR. BELLINGER'S ' Surgical Institute AND Private Hospital ; Cor. Brondv/ay and 2Gth Sta , t'orthotroat incutolall surgicalniul chrotUo dlscasos ami dlsc.isiMnf tbublouil. I'rlvatuillsoai''H ' of tlio urinary and rovii'il orsiius , ussyplilllt , iiHitrloluro , tyslltls , spur- nialorrolioii' . lost iniiilioulsoKiial liiiiiolfiieo uiiihvoaldiess ticatetlsuc C3tfiillv. 1'aitlcular atlciitloiipalilto < llieasos of tbo lungs as Astlinni. Coiisiiinptlun , llruncliltls , Catarrh. Klu. I'.irulyh's. . ' Klilnoy Dlsows an liibotos.llrlKlit'i IMsoaso. Illion malls in , Piles , Cancer , Vnrlocclo. llydiocrli1. Dropsy. Tumor , Dlscaso-4 of tlio Kyu and Hiir. I'lnli reel , ilnnl t3iirvatiirciiiiliill ( ( llsi'ii escif tlioliouoH , M'ohavcii depart niunt < lo it < iil nxeluslvclj to the trratinentof UlprliioDisows. RleilloInesuiitseQiirely packed ami f itefrow obsorvutlnn. Coirasimnilctico ooiiuaontlal. Aculrcis : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute antl Private Hospital , Cor. Hroadwiiynnd ailhSt.i , Counrll Illuli. In. DRIVING PARK. Fall Meeting Octo"bcr 7 to 10 , 1890 554,006 IN ! JUl-lSbIS. PROQRA MHE : MONDAY , OCTOIJEIl 7. Sa3Tr : > ltliiK I'urso ' a-ycar-oldTrotllnii SlaUo 10J I'UISDAV , OOTOHEK 8. 2 : TO Trotting I'urso ' SCO L'r'JOTrotlliiir I'ni-so ' WKU.NKS HAV. OOTOUEIl 0. : : TrotllnI'uiso . .41 I'ni'oi-All ( | Tnittliiij-l'iirto . ( m VoailliisTrotlhrj Itaco Stake . W Til tJKSDAII , OCTOilKIt 10. 2i1 Trotlluir I'ursu ' . 4M I 'iw-I''or-An ' ' . n - ' - 1'iioliiK-l'nrso . Ki-cc-I-'or-All , Siiilllnn-l'iirso . KalloiialTrotlliiK assoliitloii riil" to trciv orn. KnliloH cliHn OeloJitsrl. Ktako racn frvo. Mllotraolt. JV. . I'UUKiiDV. ' I'ruslilcnt. ' Co'inoll IllulVrinvfa. \ . coniiiiunlciitloiis to A. II. GIIIIJS. Hcorotary. SI5g ( > utli MtliSt. . Omiiliii , Ni'b J. 1UI > .MD.VI > K IV , 1'roi , 15. l SlIU < IAIir , Vlco-t'rtt L'llA HIES H. IIANNAX , Olllllor. CITIZEHS STATE BANK Of Council Dluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL. $150,000 $ SURPLUS AN 0 PROFITS 50.000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,000 UliiHrrnus I. A. Jllllor , 1' . O. flloason , K. I. Slm'iirt , II. E. Hurt , J , 1) . RiliniiuilHOii.Cliiirlci U. Iliiiitian. 'fraiii.u't oniril ; liuukliu himj ! / ness. liu : ht uiipltul mill surUis | ) uf uoy ' bank In tiJiitliwoHtorn fo a. y , INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , Council Bluffs& . Omaha TRA.NSFER LEJME. I-I , Bcccroft & Sons. , Props , BAGGAGE , FREIGHT \ \ , Makliiftlirt'OtrliH ovary day oxocut Sun * (1 ay , Ilinalunnioo at tin A. fitowan rC.vprc s and DcllvoryCr ) . . I'Wt llnwiircUt. Cuiiiicll UUHIs tillliT , Ktl Itroadtrny , Tolc > - pllllllH - ! ' . kavi'tCouncll IllnlTrtOiind IS n. in. and ] p.in , Oinaliutl u.m. , : i p.m. mill5 p.m. Orilorniiroiiiptly attmtclcil U > . * " ' F. M. ELLIS & CO , , AECHITEOTS And Dalldljij Burerlntemlonts. KnoiiiifM ) nml 4f3lloo : Hulldlnir.Oiiialni.Neb. , " " 'IJtooiiiH ' 24lana ! W MerrlariUllook.Uounoil . UluITa , lu Corrcaiionilonco sollcltuU.