TOHV'mH ' * . , * . , - . , TTTTH mrATTA FiATTV "Rffit ' STTN-'HAY" . Sfc T'TilATRTBT ? . 1 fln-R7X'nnnir/N PAftTT.S KELLBY STICKER &c CO CORNER FARNAM , , , AND FIFTEENTH STREETS. IN NEW FALL DRY This week Senl riu h Jackets , 23lnchcJ lorf , satin lined , fcrJIO.M. Specials in Cloak A bettor ono for moo. ' 'ii'itir still for jl'J.riO. ' 27 Incheslniifr.'eul fiistenlngHSutlnllneil.utidvcrystyllsh . LACE DEP'T. . A TUI ga riron t would hu clioaii for itS.OO. ' Anextra quality lor * 23i hulf Uttlng , seal ornaments , tjueen AnucCollar. PH'SII . SACQI1ES Only the test makes of seal pHuh iicd Intlicsrparnicnts. Just received the Intcststylcs for reception ' 1. 40lneliMlonR , siitln lining , seal fastening * , (19.71 ( ! regular price liVOO. ' ' nndovcnltigvrerxr , MOITSS/VLIN'H ular price $30. DE ClIIFI-'ON.iMOlJSSsA.LlN'K . DK SOIEIn , Irociuloastriped mill clotted ollccts. ) FOUR BARGAINS FOR MONDAY. SILK GAU/iE DKU'KKV AND I'LOUXCLVGS , in fig-uroil , dotted and striped eirocts. andfur trlniincdnn endless variety. 20 plcccsheavy oamol'shuir Twills " . -1S-TNCII SILK G-AtV.i : DIUPhVG XET.ln . clogant stripedodccts , In crem atflOcpcr yard , worth "So. ' All wool Flunnels. 62 Inches wide , at42ic. ' ' and delicate shades , only Too. HiiRllsh Sorgcs , all wool , iti nil the now Full shades , at Me. Misses' - and - Children's 13-INCII DLACK SILK GAUZE NKT , with velvet polka dots , only Ode. English Cheviots , very desirable , at 63c. CIIAKTILLV I'LOUNCINGS AND DUAl'INTiNETS , in all the latestolTocta. Latest Novellks in Veilings and R-nc/iln s. Imported Robes. o o . CLOAKS Heal Torchon and Medici Laces , the most complete stock in the city at popu lar prices , Ju at opened , ncholco line of the latest novelties In Imported Robes , In astra- chnn and velvet panmturo ollcots. They nro "trcscliic , " elegant styles , iu Bcoloh jtstrachans , pkiltlngs , roles , also bourotto mixtures. BLAN KETS. . BLACK GOODS. IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. SPECIAL VALUES IIMVIIITT BLANKETS ftt $2.75 $ , 53,25 , $4 $ , , $7,75 . $9.CO$11S12 $ , up to$20apalr. GREY BLANKETS nttl.Bo ; worth 31.75. Specially inailo for camping. Superior values in nil vrool llonnottasat 85c and 31. One Lot of Children's Plaid Cloaks , in sizes from 1IED COMFO1VTS IN" NBW1UCII COLOHIXGS from 75c to 15. Siltc warp Henriettas at $1.11) per yard , 11XTKA PINT ] BED COMFORTS in Pongee , Sateen , Chocso Cloth and French Serges , till wool , nt COu , 75c , SoC and Ooc. ' 4 to 12 years , urod Pa ttorns , from 812.50 to $20. Fiff- SIUKS. "Wu show a full nnd complete line of Whlto mid Llcrht-Colorod Flamiolsfor . Infnnts' wearnlsoall mulccs of New flmnpshtro ( unshrinkable ) Flannels , suit Wo are now showing fin elegant line of Bongalincs in all tlio now fall color $7.50 $8.00 $8.50 $9.00 able for nightgowns and all kinds of underwear. ings , which wo oITor nUpeclully attractive prices. Also exclusive stylus in nov . , . , . , . Ask toseoourlOc Unblcnclicd Cotton Flannel , usually sold at 15c , elty BengulinoB anil Faille. AVc $ how the only com clcto line of EmbroldercJ flannels to bo found in the Extraordinary value in colored Faille Frnncaiso ntl anil $1.15 uor yard. city ; white and all colors. UOViiLTJES IN OSTRICH AND RANGY FEATHERS. COLLARETTES AND BOAS. A Special Line of Misses' Cloaks in pretty Latest novelties in Dress Trimmings. HEMSTITCHED TOWELS Oetrlch Foatlior "Trimmings. stripes , sizes 12 to 18 years , . , Astrauhan Trimmings , CutStoel , Fancy .Motal , Hand Crochet Buckles and Slide * . FANS. RAISES $7.00 , $7.50 , $8.00 , $8.50 MONDAY'S Values m Hemstitched SALE. Towels Jo Elegant nssortment of flno imoortcd , hand painted and spangled gauze , also Ostrich and. Quill Feather Fans. In1 SJECOMD JTUt Larpro All Linen Homstltchea Iluck Towels at25c. Bmlroitlcrd Haiidteliicfs- TAKE ELEVATOR. Horn stltclicd Iluek Towels , extra size , 3cor 3 for $1. - Wecnrrytho largest assortment of Fur-Capos. Muffs , Boas. Nkses'andChlUlren'sSots and 1'ur Trimmings. We hive Tory Fin oHuck Towels , hemetitcheU and drawn workfor Monday only. 45o. crsln former years that wo sell Kurs for less inonoy than they can bo bouplit for olsovl.oie. This year we lia-vc u much shownourcnstom- larger At oOc WQofforan Extra Size Iluck Towel , with drawn work and hemstitched , IN KNDLESS VARIETY. . assortment , and of lower prices plenty room to show goods. Below -wcquote some special prices : worth 75c. Ladles' hand embroidered , scalloped lordor linen lawn handkerchiefs ( latest Ladies' Black Hare Muffs , from46cto $1. 75c.Superior novelty ) at ' 60ij , 7ocl , PI. 5 and . $1.60. . Ladies' American Oppossuin Muffs , at $1.8B. Superior Value in Hemstitched Damask To vcls. Ladies' flno embroidered II. S. and Ecollopod herder hnnulterchiefs , elegant ' ' Ladies' Black Astrnchan Muffs S4.OO. at , gant designs , on Iyi50c , well worth 45c. " ' Ladies' II. S. embroidered sieorla\vn ) handkerchiefs only lee , worth 2Dc. Ladles' "Natural Raccoon Muffs at $3.28. Hadles' II. S. purolinen cainbrio Landkorchiefs , neut priuted borders , only Ladies' Black Martin Muffs at $ B.BO , etc. , etc. ' Table Damask $1. 10c. rognlar 16o quality. "We sho-w an elegant assortment of Ladies' Cap s frornB.OOto $86.00. , . Ladles' II. S. white and printed border cambric handkerchiefs , only 5c , Misses' Sets , very pretty , from $ l.SOto $6.BO , inj Thibet , Angora , imitation Chinchilla. * Kow Importation worth 81c. Cone-y , &c. Lynx , Tiger , of Table Daraasl\ * , original doslynssuperiorjuallty , ( , worth from $1.25 to$1.3o , on Monday $1 per yard. Napkins to watcli , STIGER. & 0O. ; - - CORNER FARNAM FIFTTEENTH AND STREETS. THE HETREATINC COLONELS , Throwing Dirt to Cover Their rgnomimms Plight from the Battle Field. SA SET OF BRAZEN BLATHERSKITES. Old Tactics of Slander , VI- ami Ful > rlcntion Ilia Itcnl Trouble at Grand Island. The recent Grand Island debate , -which two of the chosen champions of prohibition turned tall , has given rlsotoagreat deal of nbuso , slander and downright falsification. - The , principal organ of the mercenary slan derers down nt Lincoln has ttls to say con cerning the debate : Itwaid ] IJosowntcr has shown himself tobo utterly Inclinable of acting thoKontlcmanand " .iiaKoiucnt ot the Urn nil Island Sugar liavo placed themselves rlulit along Mm. Tholr treatment ofGutu'riil llrad- lonlof Kansas at thu tlobato last Friday wns tlietncnnest , dirtiest and most piisllitnlmous trick nnilthupmsM'st ' Insult aver offered to u t runner In Nebraska. * * * The committee' , at the dictation of Itose- waler and \Vclsl ) > rcliinzcl Ihu programme IKICL'U upon and refused to allow the ( tlllnina- tlveto closo. They also chiiiiRMl Uicordcrfor Friday nlRht and substituted Ijtirrabvo for HanUm after an uKrcoiucut tolut tboni altor- iinto so anil so , Hut tills Is not all. Ed Rosewnter had the sncakliiii , snako-ln-tlie-ftrnss cinminp toseiul donn to Kansas anil get lultrtywliclp to make nuntlldavlt that ho saw liquor In Uonoral Uradfonl's cellar , and Itnsewator road thin from tliostJiKoln llmilford's absence. Upon learning of the Insult Oonoral llrailford re fused to speak I'rlduy nlirlit , Hut at the I'alnier house , after Iho dobuto wns ovor.Oon- cralHrndfnrdcollnrod liosoyand ilonisindod Ms proof , Koioyent down In his trio and cot out the affidavit , Xow what are the fuels 1 In the middle of August Mr , Scarflf , the ( jeacral man- ngcr of the Supar palace , called on Mr. Itosowator at TUB UEK ofllcc and aslteil ns a fnvot to the sugar pal- nco people , that ho would consent to take part in afour-lmiidcil prohibition debate. Mr. Kosowntcr expressed eroat douht vhethcr ho could lind tltne , nnd 11 n nil y left the matter open with the uudcrstiumiiiR that howould confer with Hon. John U Webster , A few 0 ays later ho received the followiiiR letters : OlIANP ISLUM ) Sl'QAU I'AI rB EXPOSITION1 , GiUNn I6t * > n , Nob. , Ausust , l&OO , Hon. B. Ifjikowater Kstccmed Sir : Slnco t.-ilkltmwltli you rt'Kjrdlina < U < hate on prohlblllon I have corn'spomled with t > uino of the prohibition proplo and amluviipy to say -wo can Kot BODIO ofthelrtiestiiien to speak liero during tlio Millar | iahicocxxviltloii. ) Mr. Bt. John mid Mr I arrabco willsponk and wo want to huvo the clebatoon Scploiulrr 36 and 17. I have this dny written Mr. Wubstcr iisklnff him If lie conltt como ut that dnte. 1 inlirlit ulsonsk wh t eoniK > iisatIonyoti ileslro. Trustliii ; that tiiodutoundiehcdulo vrlll meet your up pro bation and colivciilcnco , I remain truly yours 0V. . SCAittr , Qcncral Muutiger. . OIIANU Ifi.AMNob. ) , August y , IblW , lion. Kosevnter Dear J'lr ' : 1 nm In receipt of i It-tier today from ( lovernorVllllainLarrabco of lowu statins tli at ho will lioln Nebraska on t-cptcrnberu toll ) to assist In tlio campaign and if lie speaks ut our sugar pnhco on tin 17th nndlStlilliat the Mate coin lull too inns not bill him elsowliero on these tlaton. Uai you not arrange that vlth the committee , 01 will I liavo to sea about It , and to whoinsliul I write ? Vours , UW. ftvuttr , Oonoral Miitnifor. On tto nest day Mr. Scnrflvrs notUled by Mr , Hoscu-ntcr tbntho woplillolu lo tuo do bate only on the conditions which \vcro so forth by Mr.'obster \ \ In the following letter .OMAHA , August SO , IPU ) . .Mr. O.Y \ , Scarff Grand Ulunl : , Neb , My Dcnr Sir : Vour ro- qucst to Htm. K. Itosewatcrnudmyself to jucft ox-Governor f.arrnbeo and ox-Jovernor ( bt. John la a Joint debate upon thn proliJlltlon unienaiiicnt. at thosiixurpalace , fortwodays , bt'ntemberlTttnit I8rocclvod. \\o \ will accept the Invitation to dcbntowltn tlii ; eeuthiincn upon the fallowing conditions Ilrbt-Tlio question to bo debuted to bo , tX11'.0. ' . V.0510P | tP dlenoy of Adopting a Prohibition Amendment to the Constitution of tlio Mate. " They to hold tlio alllrniatlvo nod open thedulmto , undtlioordorof thedu- tonto tobo I'oulliuud us litrouftur Htatcd : F cond Tlieorder of the debate to bo as follow * ! Ontof these gcntlaueo to open the tcbatc , tobo followed byolthorMr. . Itosowator or inysolf.tlienoltlicrof them to next speak , iiidtho tlcbatoof that session to bo eloscd by ltlicr Mr. Koscwater or niysclf. Tlio Idea lolng tliatthert'Shall bo four speeches at each session , in routliui order , so that each of tlio four persons shall liavo ono tpcoch at each ssion. Third Tlio tlmo ottho speeches to bpllrnltod to not less than thirty minutes , and not ex ceeding forty-flvo inlnutea , your organization ia\lng the prlvllCKOof UxliiK tao limitation of : inio within tlio periods of tlmoubovo named. I'rovldeil.howovur , that the Bnaio amount of tlinoshallbo crantcd to each of the speakers tit the respective sessions. Fourth-Thodob to shall continue through two days , each day's debate being divided into two sessions. Fifth Wo will furnish the reporters and lia\o thetpoechos reported In fullasocllvered. youto par the fees and charges of the re- poiters. Yours truly , JNO. L. VEUSTEU. It was also verbally understood that neither Mr. Rosewutor not1 Air. AVebstcr vould charge anytUlus for their tlmo or transportu- tion. These conditions were tdontlcaUy the same as had been agreed upon for the Beatrice debate - bate , but there tlio prohibition champions wriggled and Juggled out of it by refusing to talk on the afternoon of the last day unless the order was reversed and they \vero given the privilege of closing as well as the open- in g. It was in order to prevent a repitltloti of such trickery that these conditions bad been imposed from the outset at Grand Is land. All this tlmo there was no talk of anj-- body but St. John and Larrabeo for the pro hibition side. But n few days before thode- bate was to take place tliu following letter was received. There was no advantage taken of either Kaiildu or Bradford , and there was no change in the prosr.unme , which had beau nprced upon two weeks previous : JINCOI.N , Neb. . St'pt. 11. ISDJ.-Iloti. E. Koso- vrater. Omaha , Neb. Dear Sir ! I tried to see you In Lincoln today , but failed to Itndyoii. 1 liavo seen the nrohllis and non-partUans anil they can furnish Attorney General llrad- foidnf Kansas and your choice of Itankla of IMttshurcor Chancellor Crolghtrm of Lincoln. St. John U entirely out of tlio market this month tinil J.arralico cannot get back from Iowa from an appointment till too late. I bavo talked with a great many men today that know llrattfordand CreUhton , and they spoke of them as being splendid men and good debaters. The prohlbs say they will pit these men against anybody that can bo produced andabldoby the result. 1'heso men nro conceded to bo the best men thn prohlbs have , and think yon and Mr. \Ycbiterought to bo satisfied with the men. I'lcaso wire luout Ornnd Island your pleasure at my expense us I leave for home tonight. Very truly yours. O.V \ SCUIPF , Q. Mjr. Jn answer to this letter Mr. ijcarlt was notincd that Ilrndford and Crclpliton vould bo accepted forthcflrst day , nnd Larrabco was to take the place of Creighton the second day. This was the arrangement , tmd so It was advertised by the maunders. lianlciii was not thonpht ot , nnd would not linve been accepted , for the reason that neither Uosowatcr nor Webster were dis posed , todebnto with a man who hires out by the month with a moving tent us atruvcliupr hippodrome. On the first day of the debate Crelghton failed to pub in nn appearance , and Hankln , who bail been hanging around Grand Island fora week , was ojTcredas a substitute until Larrabeo should arrive. IIo was only to spoalconco. The assertion that Lnrrabeo was to bo left out of the debate Is nn Impudent fabrication , The charge that General Ilrndford wns outrnRed nnd Insulted after ho had turned his back to the enemy is rather amusing. The story about the beer in bis cellar had already bcca given to tlio pub lic In the Beatrice douato. The plumber's aftldavitns matted from Topeha to Mr. Kosowater direct lo Grand Island by ono ol tbo Kansas resubtntjslonlsts , but Morrison's aftldavit is not half as damaging to Bradford as the charges inndo by tbo Topeka Capital , tbo leading prohibition organ of Kansas , ami his own loiters to St. John , which are mat ters of record. _ Dr. Elrnoy , nose nnd throat , Bco Wdg- . The Itonrd of Trade Excursion , Arrangements bavo been perfected with the Fremont , Hlkora & Missouri Valley rail road company for a special train to visit the Sroux City com palace , which will Icavo the Wcbsterstrect depot at 8o'clock a.m. Thurs day , October 'J , ana retumlnB will Icavo Sioux City at 7 o'clock p. in. , arriving In Omaha at 10 o'clock. M\ \ members of the board nnd their families are Invited to participate in this excursion Such as expect to go are requested to notify the secretary as early a * possible , ofvhoio I diets can bo secured , the price of which vlllboSlfor the round trip. Stephenson's caches will accompany the excursion and "urnlsb. an opportunity for a ride In Sioux 31ty to all who may desire It. lr , Birnoy , nose and throat , Bee TO JiOOK FOIt SCOXT. A Brother-in-Liaw of the JHsslnjj Man Thinks Ito lias Been Murdcrc' ] , tfr. F. B. Collins of DCS Molnes , a brother- in-law ofV. . H , Scott , -who mysteriously dis appeared a few days atro , called at TUB BCE Dfllco and expressed preat surprise that noth ing , apparently , had been done towards flnd- inK the mtsslng man , Ho was flrinly of the opinion that Mr. Scott had been foully dealt with and had como here to take steps to iind sorno , trace of him. Ho had inquired among the railroad men , to whom Air. Scott was well known through his connection with the Pullman'car company , but could llud no trace of him nor evidence that he had left to\vn oti any train. Mr. Collins said that Mr. Scott had on his person at the tlmo ho disappeared a diamond ring valued at SIM , a handsome gold witch and chain besides about flX ( ) in money. lie described him as being of slender build , with sloping shoulders , about five feet tenincbes iu bclKht , weight liiO pounds. aa thirty-two years , full heard , light brown hnir , parted in the middle , blue eyes , rather weaVc , necessitating the wearing of spectacles , llKht complexion , heavy gold filling In teeth , which was shown when tne mouth was opened , IIo also walked "pigeon-toed" with ono foot. Sir. Collins stated that Mrs. Scott had been so distressed and worried over her husband's disappearance that she had gone to the homo of his parents in Flushing- . Y , , about a week ORO , air. Milord , of tbo Commercial National bank , Avas seen , and stated that ho had written to Chief Seavcy requesting him to take stops to llnd a trace of the man aml.ulso , to notify the chiefs of police of the larger cities of his disappearance. A Light In Kvory Berth. To the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway belongs the creditor "being , the first in. the country to reduce the matter of electric lighting of trains to scientific perfection. Ono of the novel features introduced In tlio sleeping cara is a patent electric reading lamp in each section. With this luxurious provision reading at night before and after , retir ing becomea as comfortable as by Any , and when retiring the toilet muy bo in ml o in comfort and Occlusion. The berth reading1 lamp in the Pullman sleeping cars run on the Chicago , Mil- wnulcooik St. J'nul railway , 'between Omaha and Chicago , is patented , and cannot bo used liy uny ether railroad company. It Is the greatest Improve mcntoftho ago. Try it and he con vincod. Stooping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , atC:10p. : m. dally , arriv ing nt Chicago at 9:80 : a. in , Secure tickets nnd sleeping car berths at Union Ticket ofllco , 1501 Farnam street ( Barker Block ) , Omnlio. J. E. PIIESTO.V , P. A. NASH , Pass. Agent Gon'l Agent. Swedish Antl-PrntiiultlonlsCfl. The Swedish nntl-prohlbltlonists held a rousing meeting at Green's hall l&st nlpht which was attended by fully two hundred persons. Judge Stenberg and others fur nished the oratory and urged the club to stand by their colors. The secretary re. ported that tbo membership of the club hac been Increased 1OOO and that 500 voters hai tutou out their tint papers of citizenship within the past thirty days. Dr. Elrnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldjj. "Wants a Guardian. Mrs. JIary Miller of. Chicago was before Judge Shields yesterday asking that guardian he appointed to look after her grandfather. Joseph Manning , who Is ninety years of aco. The old man is worth consld , erablo property , and Mrs , Miller , whoU an only heir , is afraid that It will bo squandered The court did not hand down a decision las AT THE COLiISEUM. A. Special Musical IVocrniinno for the Mutlnce Totlny. There was another brilliant and fash ionaole crowd at the Coliseum last evening , and at the matinee this afternoon the management is counting on the largest assemblage of the season. Manager M. U Rocder was pros trated yesterday from overwork , but Is mend ing rapidly , his many friends are pleased to know , and will he at his post as energetic fa ever today. The lusical Union military band will give a grand saerca concert this afternoon , of which the following is the programme : PAIITI. March at Cortege-La ItelnoDo Saba . . Gounod Overture Fra Dlavlo . . .Aubcr Characteristic I'lece Simplicity . Moses Cornet Solo Zulrode Ncllo . llesslni : \Ir. If. Lotn. Blons. Jlonsulla , Amarloaa prowler aerial artist. Selection Tl'Trovatoro . Verdi Saereil 1'otpourrl Iloralil A-iigols . Iluyer Tronibono Solo Dowa In tbo Deep Cellor , ( Uy request ) . 1'lshcr Jlr. If. if chun kc. Mons. Jlonsulhi , llyhiR trapcsc. iil.000 cha.1- lengofor my equal. ) PAHTIII. Idyll rorge In the Forest . Michael Is Description 1. At nluht. i. Mornliiir. a. ( Hy the brook. 4. riio steejilo boll strikes ilvo (5) ( ) . 5. .Morning urayer. 0. The forgo. Overture LaGuz7a Laflra . liosslnl to Coney Island ( by request ) . . The exhibit of anyflrm at an exposition is a criterion of thovoluraoof trade done by them at their place of business. The flno display of Hayward Bros , is not a mis nomer In this regard. This popular shoo house lias made several ovations in the Una of reform in footclotblng. Their foot-form slioos are gaining1 public favor and as popular opinion gets nearer to common sense , foot- form shoes will become more and mow popular. In this excellent array of shoes nnd slippers may bo seen foot- form shoes for Indies , for gentlemen , for children and oven tlio tiny square toed foot-form shoo for the babies. The line of funny shoes nnd slippers Is very line and elicits many compli ments from their visitors. Haywiird Bros. make a specialty of manufacturing- ladies line cloth topped shoes to order , which are raado to match the color of any dress or costume the lady may cliooso. This llrm came to Omaha over four years ago and started under veryamfavorablo condi tions ns to location , but no thing- daunted they kept movinK onward aiuj , .upward until today there is no single firm lathis city that stands higher in theestimitlonqf'tho public , or car ries a flner or more varlpd line of shoes than they. , . f Keep your shop and tour shop will keep you , wns the advice ol Uenjumin Franklin. The wisdom of his council baj been proven tea a demonstration by tbc- successful career of the metropolitan dry wdj > housoof N. E , Falconer , whoso magnilifent exhibit at the coliseum is the cynosurp < > f all oycs. Grand without being gaudy , substantial , yet ox- qulsltely arranged , it can bo said without disparagement to othw1 'beautiful exhibits , that this display easily , leads in this , the finest aggregation of ( .xliLblts in the west , The display occupies four , largo booths , each of which represents n different department of the great store. The several divisions of tbo exhibit are separated 1 > plush covered col umns , each of a dllftrdiit hue , and sur mounted by a bust form , each showing to ad vantage a different style of corset , Cl'ho entrance - trance to each booth Is handsomely draped with portierres , which have been carefully selected with a viewto the effect when the exhibit Is viewed a * n ttholo. Alwvo the en trance to each department nro the words , "X B. Falconer , " whilst beneath the brass rail that guards the portals are handsome fur rugs of grey wolf , squirrel , silver fox , etc. In the first room or booth , which is located next the stairway , maj" be seen a line of tba latest , as well as the toost , Iu the way of blankets andcomforts. Thcro are the closely woven blizzard blankets , -which by the wuy are quite now in the west , and arc sure to DC- como very popular the coming ivlntcr , > Tto beautiful cider-down comforts in sateen and silK , are fit for a queen's couch , Interspersed amid the billowy seaof comforts and llecoy ti'.atmcts are handsoroo nofa and chair pillows , completing tbo luxuriant spectacle. The next , rection la devoted to fancy furniture covcrinn nnd silk Jtapestry in PompcIiD red , gold , steel blue , Ardioi , peach , and silver gray , Among the portierres are theLondon style , mnrlilo arch , continental style , grill top and many other elegant styles. There are satin pin cushions covered with hand mndo lace all in keeping \\itti the elegant appointments of the beauti ful apartment. The exquisitely fashioned trass bcdsted in the third , booth comes in for the lions share of praise , and It certainly merits It for -would be hard to conceive of a moro handsome piece of furniture. The trappings ol this booth are almost -regalia their splemlor. Brass stands , rich jewel cases and handsome Japanese goods abound in prolusion , The fourth nnd last apart- mcnt is the one which owing to the near ap preach ofwinter perhaps attracts an much attention f win tie ladles as any. It contains shawls , cloaks and wraps. Among the teautifiil outer garments for the ladies In this display are to bo seen the B. Priestly & Co.'s shawls oC pure silk warp henriettas for mourning purposes ; Persian and camel's hair sliiiwla costing from = S5 ? and upwards. -Among the cloaks and wrap ) area handsome miltesD jacket with military front , a new salt plush Jacket with adjustable vest , to ba worn cither full or winter , a new garment and very stylish. Such a collection would of course bo incomplete without the seal garments. They arc there the fjenuinearticlo in Palloto style of the regulation 42 inch length , and us handsome as the ladies \vtio later on will wear them. It Is a display to bo proud of and is appreciated by all who visit the Coliseum. The display of flue carriages by William Snyder tnny truly be said to boa feature of the exposition itself. It isarraiuredupona raked platform Innlt in the fashion of a stage , with a wealth of curtains ahovo whilst abroad carpeted stairway lea'ls aipto the ample platform. On the curtain in hold let ters are tbo words "William Snydcr , " just beneath is the word "Welcome. " Thocxhibit is arranged in tlio form of n circle and comprises flvc dllTcient styles of pljctons In live sizes , also four different styles ot top bURdies all Iu different sizes as well as two different sies of roadivafjou. The handsome drab lined phaeton in the foreground receives unstinted praise , a statement that can ho nude of every vehicle in the collection.Among the exhibit are also two very line extension top carriages , ono regular and the other a French platform carriage ; the latter Is the very latest nndls qulto elegant in appearance , This flno ex hibit is entirely oihoino manufacture and re flects great credit both on the maker anil upon the entire city of Omaha. An exhibit that Is particularly noticeable is that of the Omaha rubber company which Is well worthy the careful examination of every ono who visits the exposition. They a most complete line of goojj sold by druggists , stationers , &c. , also rub- hcr clothiiiR , mackintoshes , ladies' fine ROS- satncr and slllc garments of the very latest styles , as well ns oiled clothing for the use of teamsters , borders , ic. They curry thb largest stock of pure oak tanned leather hcltlng and the host nunlity of rub- her belting and hose carried in the west. Persons desiring any thing In their line for use about machinery ; to keep their feet or " "body dry , ornnythttiKui the line of drug gists' sundries , -will lind Ifc decidedly to their advantage before buy Ing to Inspect the goods and get the prices ot the Omahu rubber com pany , 1003 1'urnam slaws. for beauty of arrangement and charming effect the handsome exhibit of Sherman & IMcConnell bears on * the palm. Just InslJo the rail is a burnished show coso full of the daintiest perfumoand the choicest cosmet ics. Upon the walls are ecriod ranks of bet tles full of mineral waters and In the upper background are brushes and whisk brooms in artistic array , In the corners of the booth are festoons of sponges , while down in the central ground Is a hu o bottloof Im ported triple extract of cherry blossoms , a bottled andalusla. This Jirm carries the llnest line of perfumes In tlio city , a fact that needs no proof to these wnooujoycd the perfumes that exhaled from the rosettes which , ban g In front of their display. The nnnlvcrsary of tlio opening of ton utoro o - curred yesterday , and lluih the proprietors proud of their store nnd veil sat Is lied with their -venture. Joyce , the milliner , has the most petite dis play in the building , nod his exhibit' Is cosily the center of attraction for the ladies. Jlr. Joyce h an acknowledged authority in regard to what is bccomlng-iQfemlnJnoheadgear ; a fact that gives added Interest to an exhibit from bis store. Ills display this year Is fully up to the high standard of his reputation as a milliner. The Omaha Business College baa great rea son to feel proud of their fine exhibit at the Coliseum. It is tno most extensive of its kind ever shown in the west. It is diversi fied in character and exhibits taste in ar rangement , Every branch of penmanship is represented ha master piece of Its kind , and jives the visitor a comprehensive idea of the icopoot a business college. Many of the samples of pen drawing and flouriihiiiKiu-o very handsome. The figure pieces by Prof , liathbun. representing General Grant on horseback1 , a desert lion and other pieces , are very life like. The students of this school are required to master thonractleal branches ' ilrst a fact that accounts for the absence of their work in the exhibit. The Omaha Busi ness college took first premium ntthclata state fair on ornamental penmanship. Taken as a whole Duel In detail I'rof. Iluthbuubas great reason to bo proud of his exhibit. Dr , BLrnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldg. A Mission at the Holy Family. On Sunday , October 5 , there will bo a mis sion commenced at the church ot tbo Holy Family , corner Eighteenth an dlzard streets , by fathers of the Society ot Jesus. The mis sion will bo continued for two weeks , and the exercises will boas follows : Morning-5 o'clock mass and instruction ; Cand" o'clock mass8:30 ; o'clock mass and sermon. Afternoon 3 o'clock ' stations of the cross ; " : , ' M ) o'clock rosary , sermon , benediction. Confession will'ho heard from5 o'clock in the morning' until 1" and from J noon , : l0 ! p. in. until 10SO : p. m. Ttiosewho attend the mission are requested to abstain from nil vain nu-iuscmcuts , and eiirnestlv employ themselves in thegreutaf- falr of their salvation. Tbo conditions for earning the plenary In dulgence ottho mission urous follow : To assist at five exercises of the mission ; to make a good confession1 , to receive holy cominunlon In the church ; to pray for the in tentions of the church , KvfjiinK exorcises during the first wcelt for ladles only ; during the second week for men only. Dr. Birnoy cures cntarrh.Beo bid < j , a , District Court , Vesterday afternoon Judges Doano and \Vakcley listened to the arguments in the Spclanik case. Some years ago the Spcla- niks took into their homo the infant daughter of a sister. Tlio child , Josephine , crew to ivomanhcoJ , supposing thcpeoplo with whom she lived were her parents , Two years ago Martin Spclnnlk klllod his wife nnd then committed suicide. Shortly after this his relatives set up the claim that Josephine was not an adopted child , and sought to obtain possession of the property. The case has been In thocourU before and 1ms been de cided hi favor of the young woman. Tomorrow morning Judge Clurlcson will call thu criminal calendar In the larpo room In the court house. Tlio prisoner * -will all ho arraigned to plead , after which the case of the Ktato vs. William Batnsey and William r'ltcli , who arc churgcd with prand larceny , will be put on for trial. Tuesday. 1'rnnk E. Munn , who is charged with adultery , will have a hearing. Dr. Birnoy cures catarrh , Bee bltlg. Alllc llii-liioH Condition , Alllo ICorlne , Iho younfi woman who was shot by Suicide Wiggand In the JJstabrook block lat.t week , Is slowly recovering , but is far from being- cut of danger. The question now Is as to what will become cf the woman. She Is without inonoy , and Mrs , Kclloy , the woman witn whom ana la now stopping , can Ill-afford toke pher. An application for aid was filed with the commissioners Yesterday and the committed oa charity will investi gate the caso. Alllo has relations in Missouri who are qulto veil-to-do people , but she rc- fuscsto disclose their whereabouts , as she does not want them to knctv of her condition. Dr , Birnoy , nose and throat , Dee Notice. After September 30 no orders for the Americanized EncyclopoaJia lirl'.unnlca will bo taken. All persons who desire to avail themselves of our liberal offer must liave their orders in by that day , Dr , Birnoy , nose and throat , 33co COUN'TY CO.U3IISSIONEKS. \nollicr Unsy session lleU Vefilcr- < lay Afternoon. All of the county commlnionors vcro reseat yesterday afternoon , but they wcro alf an hour late when Chairman. .Anderson appcd for order. The citizens of West Omaha nsltcd that a icw polling place ho established in Dundee 'lace. ' The petition was referred. H. L. Kussell put iu an application to act s watchman at the county hospital. NTo , ctlon was taken other than to refer , The people who live in the I'll In ! district f the Sixth wnrd asked to hnvo the polling ilnce established nt 1S1U Military avenue. . 'he board will look this up and reiwt. An advertisement for bids to furnish sup- dies for tliu vaults la the countv treasurer's anil regi.stsr's olllco biought out'only onobld and the clerk was instructed to readvertlso. For constructing ; the culvert at the inte'r- cctlon of I'ark nnd Prospect streets thoia vere seven bids , all ofwhich were referred o the committee on judiciary. Tlio city had a bill of W,0-C > a niust the county. " It was for paving Thirtieth street "roin Bristol toSpaldlng'.and was referred to he commltteo on roads and bridges. Tlio usual numherof bills were presented and referred to the respective committees , Thd ooml of McGavdck & Daily for con- tructlnf , ' the ohtermat the county hospital vas presented and approved. Mr. Meiav- oek appeared hcforo the board and said ho md miulo u mistake in his bid , thattho vork could not bo done for the price at ivhich hohad blil. IIo asked that bo bo ro- levcd from the contract. Mr. O'lioefToiuovcd that if the next high est bidder would take tlio contract that Mc- juvcck ' A Daily he released and their check 'or J100 returned. The motion prevailed , nnd If thisnarty will not accept the contract the clerUttlll re-advcrtlsotho bids. Mr. Berlin moved that no furthersteps bo taken In the matter of grading Twentieth street from N to Q streets , in South Omaha , until tlio county attorney can furnish his opinion as to the legality of thowoik. Thcro are 5,000 , yards of earth to bo removed nnd the question U us to whether the work hould bo paid for by South Omaha orb the county. The motion prcvnileil , Berlin. 1'u rncr inul the chairman voting nye , whllo C'orrlgniinnd O'ICccfe ' voted T.ay. Tno following appropriation sheets wcro. rcail and passed : No. S of the wad fund , , 7.78 ; .Vo. a ! of the general fundlllW.3'J. | A appropriation shoot of seventeen pages. known ns the coroner's jury nnd witnesses' ' appropriation sheet xvai presentee ! and passed. It provides for the paying out of f.-15'Jto men who have from time to tlmo served as juron and witnesses , Dr , Birnoy , nose and throat , Dee I The County Aroportof the condition of the counJy llnances , In cook form , has been published. So mo months ago Commissioner Dcrlin sug gested that it would bo the proper thing to publish such a statement , and acting upon. this suggestion the iinanco committee , nldc < l by Auditor Evans , commenced the work ; which was completed a few days ago , The book shows the taxation , levies , as sessments anil nuinoi of the county ofliclals from 185'Jto tbo present dnte. It also shou-s the bonded Indebtedness of the county to bo f510,000 , with a surplus of ( l ltiri in the treasury. The tax collections for 1W wera .S37,5 , < M and the disbursements f'03,577. , Two thousand copies of the book have been. printed and will bo ready for distribution ia u few days. Dr. Birnej , nose and throat , Dee l ldj. \ouleeteil "Wife. Mrs. 0 , P. Husscll arrived In the city Thursday evening looking for her husband , who deserted her eight years ajto , nndvvhotnv she has been following from place to placo. IIo was formerly a practicing physician in. Howard county , Illinois , but is now a South Omaha livestock dealer , and hoards at the corner ofSixtcenthand Lcnvcnworth In this city , Ho refuse to assist her , although slm says ho ha ) property ami la abundantly iible to provide for Ida family , fiho will ask tba court to compel him to aid her , unless ha forestall * her , as he has frequently done Uo * fore , by ( kipping to other Heidi.