Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1890, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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A"Very Satisfactory Business fof the Woo'k
in Most Lines ,
Vlovtlio Situation Cheerfully
A llc'wlcw of tlio Vnrlons
llrauches or liidiiMtry
nnil Commerce.
Trade lor the week just closed has teen In
fi very satisfactory condition so far tu most
lines of business have been concerned , and
wholesale dealers Kcncndlytnhe n very cheer
ful view of the situation. As to values , there
liavonot been so many changes M during a
good many weeks , the tendency liclnf ? steady.
Lead anil tin pinto have been on the up
'grade ' , the latter especially , and a decided adVance -
( Vance will bo noticed In the quotations. On
the other hand steel mid iron are cnsit-r ,
) lthouh ( ? not quotable much lower. Dealers
/ Report n Rood country demand and very fair
XiUmher quotations have been practically
Unchanged hut firm , with the demand fair.
IlnnUvooil lumber has experienced a stifToiv
Jiifrln values and the feeling in that brunch
of the trade could hardly bo better. Dealers
In that liiieuH report nn excellent trade , in
, lact much better tlmnlust season ,
Jobbers In the proccry trade report a fnir
itivcrago business for the week. Commenting
'on ' the condition of the trade nt largo , the
NewVorkBulletin says : One feature ol
benefit to most bulk grocorlcs Is the general
Rood condition of stiiplie9. | Jlost o ( the
uniounts In sicht are moderate proportions ,
nnd the exceptions where that rule docs not
liold ceotn to liud the gootls under a control
quite strong enough totukocaroof them , so
i long as 110extraordinary conditions of depres
plon develop. No ono seems to clouht that an
jivcrapro demand will bo secured from all dependent -
pendent sections , us that has been.'proven ' by
deals already perfected vlth customs due ,
nnd scorns to bo fully indicated by informa
tion at hnml from huycrs whoso ' 'season" ' is
uotyet Tully opened.
.Tlio dry goods trade has not developed any
especially now features during the weefc
The houses all report having done a good
i Country produce has been soiling freely
nnd with fair receipts ttio trading has bow
Quito largo. Prices on most lines have re
_ . . . . _ . . . _ dresso
poultry and game has been damaged 8omo
rom the snino cause. Dealers coutluuo tc
fKiutloti shippers against tbo careless packing
of periHliablo goods nt tills season.
'i'ho shortage In the supply of good winter
Varieties of apples Is causing considerabk
oinnioiit among the dealers In fruits nnd pro
Hiice , 'Some ' firms anticlpatcing a scarcity
have gone Into the apple packing business
Suite extensively. It Is reported that one
mi hns packed 12OOO barrels.
Saturday. Scptemlicr27.
Kstlmnted receipts of cattle 1MK ) , ns con.
pared with 1,117yestcnluy and 1,101 Snturdur
of laitvcok. . llandyllttlo steers nnd the lies
cows tilono wore uotlvo and ttteady. llvo
thing else : wiis either slow : mil siiKtln u
.lower. I'ti'ilorsvoroilull and unchanged.
> .Ilog.s.
Estimated receipts of hojs 3IOO , as comp.irci
With It.VWO yesterday anil G,4Kt Satunliiy o
.last week The market opened from ? my to
r n Hliwlo lower On light hogs , with Hales" re
ported 5 cents lower. Kittchor wclRhtn woi
steady and lionvy hoRS opened atcadyandoi
f jv\stern orders hcltiK recolveil clo 'd slrori' , '
JriiciriinKoof prices was * I.S'J4.2.1i llulit , ? t.l
OJ.l'ii mixed. iN.lMW.a ) ! heavy , 81RXBM.W. Tin
average D ( tlio prlees piild wis ; (4,10 us com
hared -with 4.10 yesterday and 11.20 Saturday
_ br last week.
, Sliotp.
' iflilnmtcil ro'cqlpts of slieon 2,019. as com
pnri'd with 841 fcuturday and 1,401 Saturday
Of last \vceL- . The market Is unchanged.
The follow I tu la atublo of prices nalcl in
tills marketfortha Rrailo otstouk moutlonoil
1'rlmn Htours. UluOto JCOtt > i tl.Hj 0l.7.- >
GoodHtcori. 12oOto 14VJIhs 1.00 Bl.t ; : >
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
TPrtiriiOdjio'llSOBsi. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 3.50 fjl.OO
Oomnion,803 to 1200 tbs ! * liW.tVJ
Commoncannors l.Oi ) { { 1.00
Lprdlnuryto falrcovra 2.00
" tomwdcows 2.30
1 to choice cows , tf 2.75 iiM.JMJ
Choice to fniioycowa 2.i5 : '
VulrtoKocxl hulls. . . . , , 1.75 ( M.'ta
Choice to Unoybnlla 2.50 Bl.00
IvIitHtoekers and feeders 2.0. )
_ Meiers , UV ) to 1100 n > ) 2.'J. > B'J. 3
Fulr to uliolco Unlit liozs. . . . . 4.15 04.23
i Falrtoeliolco heavy hops . li.HO ( W.IO
ITulrto choice inlxoU DORS . 4.10 Q1.20
The following table gives the avoraso cos
3T IIORHon tlio dates moiitlnmid , Iiicluilinj tlio
Josttoclivyas b.neil npnii sale.reiiortod ;
, 4 niJ ! .Sopfcnibcrlrt. . . . 4 2O1
ODlemhcr- . . . 4 O7' | 8eitciiiherl7. ) . . , 4 : to !
. . , .1 . . . . .
Citeniber4. ) . . , 4 11 Soiiteinberl'J. .
' - - * , 4 03 4 21 !
. 4 31'i . . 4 2i :
BeptcnibcrR. . . 4 IIW f-'epU'iubcrlEJ. . 4 15 !
HopteniberO. . ,4S4 ! { . . 4 13
Bojitt'inbcrlO. ,4 27 Soiitenibor > . . 4 14
goiitemborll. 1 * , ? 7 ! < . . 4 10
September ST. . 10
Bet > toiiiberl3.4 ! ft ; ? , '
AvernRO JI'rlOR of irog < i. '
mtho overallprloo p.ild for loi'I ' > o
n OK jim the days Indicator lu 1 7 , a.ij ( , 1S4
, Illirlicst nnd uo'west Halosof
w Today. Yoitordar.
J ' M 23 Illzhost. ( I 25
, . 3 80 Lowest. 3 Sj
Sloolc Hocolpt.s.
Offlelal Yestcrilay. IMlinated Today.
Inttlo. . . BloaM. 1.117 Cuttlo. . . 71 ears , i.r 00
logs. . . . 47 eiirs , 3M : Hos. . . . . M can , : i. IW
Ihcep. . . 4 eiirs , tfll Shoei | . . l.eai % 2UW
i. . 2ears , a
t Coniti\rntlvo | Tubp. ]
The following table shown the rano la
. prlcenoiiliu ) { ' * during tills uml luuweoki
mill ShlpiiieiitH.
ElKiwingthoonioIiil rooelpts uiul shipments
fjf eiiUlo , lioiia aud shoot ) on the dates Indi
cated :
, IttCElTTS ,
IIAFKH. lloilii. Miuup.
j'vuir. i < . w. . . . . 1.K1 5.UIO
) lilnliinlny.Scpt. ! ? ) . , l.ldt 0,44.1 l.W !
Woiuliij. 8 | it. 23. , a.7W W
Tuo.liiy. . S't. | 2J. , I'M 7WT : }
> \ ' dui < 9 lnT , . l , < 0i : H.MM l.Wi , Kept , t } , , . . . . . . 1,471 '
1,117 'fll
Till it week of S | it..w , ( 3H.B34 4tU
Bocuuil wrvk uC tii'pt. . , , , 11.111 JT.S1U l.HJ !
) rr l w jokof Hepl , ll.MI 1.1J3
Kauri' ! ircrk nf Mt KIN ) l.JJ !
Iwet'knf Auj. . . . . . . 10,367 W.ISrt
ill -wtck of Auif s.ra 7I.WJ
| CAni.K | IIOUM I 8IIBE1'
'JiurKlaT.SepUia ' , , . . . , , ws C'JO
Itlday , Stit ll , 173 1.3A3
S. tunlny , ffpt. Jl , IW J.W77
Monday. Soot. 24 > ,447 ra
rr.euJny.Boi't. 2J. . . . . . I.2KI
ciuewp. , . J.712 1,150
wi-rkor pt. . B..DI K.1U1
Bcoand wwk ol bout. . , , , C.IIli ] (55 (
ITlnt weokot Bept . , | , H1 911
Kuurth W6ek of A u. . i.VM JI.UOO
Tlilrit weokbf uj" . . . 7.IW1 ,4IW 111
Hcoiul wcik of AUK . I.WT &J.S.14
Disposition ofStock.
Sliowlnj tlio number of head ol stock pur-
pliaiud Saturday oiithlti market , ns reported
bjtliu \nMghtmutoriof tlio Stockyard * com.
fwltti ; Uoinpioy. , too
TlioO. IT.llanininnd company. . . „ „ . . . , „ SO
TheArmour-Cudahypicltlnj company. , 2 < 0
Onialia . . „ , . . . . . , „ . . . . - W
T < o ttnthwhUu . 1,1 . in . M
Hamilton Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Hecker A Des n .
Other buyers . . . . . . . , . , . . , , , fi"C
Total . . . . lTJi :
\rniour-Cudahy pickln ? company. . 410
Oiniilia imcklnz company . -ID !
Hwlft& Ui'iipany . WS
TlioO. II Itfinimond company . 4J
J. Ml > end . 251
Klninn AOo . . . u.'l
Clcrclaml P. A I' , company . -4'fl
Jones < fc Stiles . , .
Siwrrt'A Harnes .
tecdorn .
Total . V-'M
S-wKt Sc Coiapnny . . . Ill
Olatk . . . . . . . . . . . 23) )
Total . . . . , , . 'M
Representative Bales.
No. Av I'r. No. Av. I'r. No , A.T. Pr.
1..I100 J.IOO 1. . IW ) $ . ' ! KM
i. raj 15. . 1I.VS 4 01 M..iai5 : 4 ; ir.
1. 1ZW 3M 19..IIH 410 11. UM 4 40
36' ) 1..1101 4 10 75. . 1:171 4 43
1. . 020 12. . 1. . 830 17.1 4. . 070 203
11. . 075 2..Stt 175 1. . 8'.1) ) 2 00
115. . W7 4..10S 17i , 2..3 B0-i
2H. . 7 7 4..BY5 171 10. . Ufi 220
M. . 8si : I 45 25. 1)10 ) 175 13. . 801 SS3
24. . 8H5 100 10. . O87 22.1
1..1077 I 05 20. . 797 1 W 1..1110 2iO !
i .io n 1 75 81) . .IM1 200 27..1IW3 2IW
1..1070 175 3..1IB3 200 2..1110 250
10. , 001 500 ii..MO : 2.11 10. . 1017 S 03
74. . 721 > 2 10 1 ! ) . .KB 20) ) o. . on 2 ( > 5
1H. . 508 830 2. . 80) ) 203 3. . 87J 2 Go
74. . 851 240
1..UIO 100 S..1355 3 75 1..143) ) 200
1..I.VJO 175 14..Mt 175 1..1500 275
1..1I&0 175
2 , , 325 200 1. . 370 20)
Vo. ' Av. Pr.
50 Colorado fecdors . SI t3 UO
No. A.V. Pr.
> > steers , ,1087 12 SO
2 cows , , two a oo
a cows . , H1KI 1 50
4 cows WI2 2 00
t cuws . BS9 2 00
MI1. & Wyo. Im.C'o.-
27 cows 8SO 200
Ar , Sh , Pr. HOGS.Mo. . Av. Sh. Pr ,
. .aw } 1 75 CO. . , ,223 80 M 15
40 3 75 t" . . , ,210 2lO 4 15
II3 > 1 .MO 3 80 88. . , , IS ! ) 120 4 IS
300 3 80 21 , . , ,213 - 4 13
40 II 80 79 . , .189 120 4 13
I ! ij. j 120 3 80 57. . , . : " . ) 40 4 l.'i
i. . . 230 II 8 ! . ,252 13) ) 4 13
1:1. . . 3 85 , ; , m - 4i : .
in. . . . . -403 2SO 3 IK ) . .211 80 4 IS
o. . . . : uo UOO 3 DO 82. . , .N > 200 4 13
0. . . 80 3 IK ) 61 , . , .2ii : 320 4 IB
14. . . 3 OO HI. . .lit. W 413
4. . II 00 4.1. . . ,217 120 413
.KM 60 3 OO 13 . . 2.V ) W 4 13
80 3 in M. . . ,213 W 413
200 3 05 4'J. ' . . .803 W 4 15
81. . 40 4 OO 07. . . .2.V. 130 413
4(1. ( . 80 4 00 1) ) } . . . .200 N ) 4 15
4. . .as : ro 4 oo 45. . . , ; tM 40 4 13
.iw 4 00 " . .313 80 4 15
217 200 00 47" . 120 4 35
2:1. : . .aw 40 4 03 64. . . . .2.VJ - 4 15
50. . .2.VJ 200 4 OO 16 . ,1S7 - 415
G8. . .2C ! 240 I OO 39. . 80 413
0. . .271 80 4 03 . . .21 SUO 4 15
i. 101 4 03 . . ,190 40 4 15
57. 200 4 03 M , . . ,105 40 4 17J !
OH. . .257 80 4 10 40. . . . . .212 80 420
t l , . .251 120 4 10 37. . . . . ,11)3 ) 40 4 20
G-J. . .2CI 4 10 4 . 300420
Kl. . .IW 120 4 10 01. . . . . .218 243 420
' .2 7 J 10 77. . . . . ,220 - 420
m. . .27J 4 12 ! 24. . . .aw - 420
80 4 13 81. . . .845 ICO 4 20
72 217 40 4 15 71. . . . .21 ! )
17. . . CD.HI 72 , . . . . .H2 (0 ( 335
a. . . .HI 2 OO 0 . . . . .210 - a 2.- )
.115 2 70 S. . . . . .235 60 : t 25
a ! .213 80 ' . ' 75 . .897 - : 25
17. . .181 HO' 2 75 o ! : : : : . ,1.13 w a 23
21) ) . . . W 80 2 85 (10 ( . . . . .107 - 325
1:1. : . .1CI 240 2 00 37 104 100 a 50
.ao 80 ' 3 00 80 , . . . . .11)4 ICO 3 UJ
.201) ) 3 00 23 . .200 - 370
so. , .134 1GO 3 00
IMai-Jcct mention.
32,000 hogs -weroTccclvotl durlnzthe week an
compared with W.IKJlthe vrcolc prior.
Tlio rocolpti of cattle last week were 12,030
ascompnyed wltU13,833 tlieweck prior ,
The average ofthe prices paid forho son
Monday last was i4.23 , declining Mo tlurlug the
OcorjioW.loiiCB , nsant for the Street staWo
car line , ( iimlslios the rollowliiRlnforniatlcri ,
which Mlll lvo seine Idea of tlio niimborot
caN of rauRo cattle that " 111 reach hero in a
ft\rUajs. \ StanUardcarsto ilio iniiiilierof 257
% vero ordered for J.ariimloVyo. . ; 1'ark ( Jlty ,
Utah , uml poliiH on the \Vyonilnt ; division of
tlie Union L'aclllc , to bo loaded between Sep
tember 27 anil October 4. llloUa lias ordoreil
twenty-live Street's to Jo id atlh'u. Wyo. . on
t.lio'7tliand Stucklirklgo llftooncars ! ftoedcr
& Oo. , thirty cars ; Insloy , twcnty-.slx
oara ; tlie I/ 7 company , tnlrty-two
CIM. : and IT. A. Andrews , twenty-four ours
to bo loaded at Rawlliis , Wyo. , between Sen-
tembor 27 nnd Ootobur C. Uoslilos tlieso liO
StandnnU have been ordered for tlio Idaho
dlvlslonoii October4aim Ilio Ilkhorn puoplo
havu ordered .500 Mreetstor tholtlacl : Hills
country milking a. total of over l.OOO cars of
ranjo cattle that are oxpooted to reach -the
market between the llmtauU Uftccutliof Oc
CIIKESR I'remtumF , C. , twin flats , par Ib ,
lOlfu ; I'ronilum ' V. R , YOUDR American , lljfci
hrlck. incj domestic Swiss , U'aiic ; Edam , In
f ulll each M.OO : I.lniborKor , 12 } c.
DATES-lU-rslaii , 'J-lb box.UJJc.
TwirJE Cotton twlno. "llli > b"rory ( Inc. ' (
Hi balci 22o ! cotton twine. XX brand. > i
Ibbalus. 18u : hemp twine , yt Irt.bilus , Ita ; sail
twine , 20c : cuiullowIcK. . 22e40 | ft cotton clothes
lines. tt.V | GO ft cot ton clothes llnci , * ! , ; ( Uft
cotton lliiu-s. 41.40 ; 00t ( sisal lines , * 1.7J ; OOfC
Jute , $1.00 : wooltwlnw. 8ic ! ,
UAIHINS r-owloti luyors , California Illy ,
per hoii CJ.75 ; "horstslioo , " I2.KOJ IOOHO
inuscateli. Ouliroriiln Illy , $2.10 $ ; "horse *
sliou. ' * } , ' . : r > ; "stnr" lee < o museatols , S2.20 |
HcnllossUaliforiilii , W.OOs Oallfornia needless
HiiIUuisIn sacks , ptr 11) , HciUalltomtumusca-
lels. In saulvs,8'io ' ; new valciiclas.D . Soiondura ,
layer , new , lOHc.
[ 'Aiii.NACious ' GOODS Ilarloy , 3Uc ; farina ,
DCS peat , 2 % : nntincal , bbli , Rj.'Md'J.iJ ;
lialf Ibis , UO < V3a2o ; niacuroiil. lo < ailci
-vermicelli. lOSllle ! rice , oholco. SJi
fiinoy. C'4i3 ' 7c ! hcad,7c ; sago and tnplooii.
Tcilfnia l > eain , U iu.pllt ; puas,3o ;
lie ,
WKAITINO lUi'Eii-Straw , per Ib ,
rw , : ! ic ! Manilla U , ! ® Uo ! No. a , 60.
Mot.AS.'Ert Ublt ? . KU. fancy , per Bn.l.V > ® r > 7ci
choice. 4.yjfi47c ; Rood. . aoKc : ; Caba , Unking,2d
lilaolc strai > , 203 ie.
UtJS.W Ibsto bov,51 cliCKs. ! c.
U0fr. | N. \ ' . upplt > elder. lOc ; 1 > . S ,
cider. 12o ; wlillo , wine. 13 i fiiiicy- rutt , 18c.
OU.S 1.V ) iH'liuo white , lie ; iSiiwutor wlilto
13c ! 175 head 1 Uht , 14 > ( o : 74Kiisollnu. ifc. :
SALSODA llbls. iici granulated , 2o ; In bbli ,
1'ie ,
Vr-nKTAiiLKS-Toniatoes-J-lb extra , { 1.193
1.2Utllstuiidaril ; : , 10gallons ! ,
Archer' * standard. 1100. Corn Finest crown ,
S1.IM ; Oalo City sugar corn , very line , $ l.Wi
Gllniuii 2-lb susrar corn , 91.20 ; 2-lli n.vtra 8-lb standard western bnuiiU ,
$1.05. Mushrooms Mb 1'ruacli , oxtm line ,
aaar c : Mb Kroncli , line , l - . Je1lb
Frenchordinary. lii'ZlSc. I'eas ' Tros. line , per
can , 2.Vdonil-flno. ! per can. IGci 2-lb sifted ,
Sl.CO ; 2-lboiirly JntieJ1.50i3.lh unrrow.staiia-
aid brands. lUiO ; 2-lb souked , HJC. Strlni ;
beans 2-lb lilgli prude. Uufmeo , tl ; 2-lb
Golilun wax lieniis. fl | 2-lb trim Deans , icjo.
TJiiui beans Mb aiakext , 85c. HosUin baked
"lieaiis 3-lb Ivowls. * l.05 ; Uruwn braiiUi. 81.35.
Sweet potutoes-a-lb Now Jersey , } l.i0. ! I'imip.
kins : i-lb. J1.15. Okra anil tomutocd 91.tb |
okra. 3I.IU : succotmli. Jt.80 |
SlKATS-Comert bocf , 1 Ib , Jl.M :
cornotlboof. 8lli-i , JI..W ' : lunch tongues 1 Ib ,
82.00 ; lunch tonsuesJ Ills , . 4.75 : bruwn. t Ib ,
S2.W ; brawn. 3 lb.s , l.0 : > ! ox tongues , Hi Ibs ,
45.00 : oxtoiiRUCS. Ulbs. fUfOt olllpDud beof. 14
Ibs , round cam , * 2.11 ; roast beef , 2 Hi roiiiii ]
cans. $2.00 ; potted ham. 'til ) , round cunx , < Uoi
tutted Imin. Ii Ib , round ciins. I.2O | | dovllwi
iiani. X4lli. round cuu ; , ( V > c ; deviled ham , ' ? Hi ,
round cans , 11 ! ) ; ( lotted O.N louse , ; j lo ,
rouuil cans , $1.20 ; ( . oiupressfd lium , t | b ,
Siiuaro cans. $ l.-0 ; conipre&aod , 5 Iba ,
siiuarocans. Ii75 ; tripe.Ib , round cans , * l.W ]
iiiliieo . . < icaU . . . > A > stl IU , round cans. - ( . ' .20 ; boneless
p ,
Stan' ' _ . _ . . . . . . .
80 ! BranuiiiU'il , gtauiluiil.fri < < f > ! < o ; conffctlo
crs1 A , 6.\5J7oi white oxtm O. brilliant. UH
ultra 0 , royal , CjO ! central C , 5'ic , golduu 0 ,
OVo ; dark 0. 5e ,
MAPi.Et'UOiUt Per Ib. SocaVcu , r -lli boxe ? ,
Ifcl 10ocak-03,33-lbboxed , l-'ViCl-lb | bricks , uo
Italn l i , purt' , l e.
CoKfEj Itoasted AtMliu 25)ic ) ; Ilnnola ,
25c ! ( ; Ueriiiun.UVtCi Dllvorth'i , 25'ci tilon ,
51io ; Mallnoucli , - . " > ! ic : Corilovu.'AHu ) Moclia ,
300 ! O. lltlava,30o.
DIIIKD KituiTd U'urktrtli prunes , less than
libJs , 1KSJ. 7HCorlRlnal ! lihda. 5jc los | llosnla
prunes , 0-lb lxi\e . | W to 110 , 7fXe ; applt's , evip- rln ; uliolce. ICe ; oyauorntt'il , niw
rl it prime. IJHf. apricots , fancy , la waoka. 2Uo ;
bUcUlxrrlos , now. IOViciMhplcrrlesi' > Ibsto
box , 37c ; currants. u iv , O'itiljo ; orljrtual ousVt ,
Ho less ) VostUia currants , extra , lubiixcs ,
NUTS Almond * . IScl Hnulli. lTclllbcrt | . 13c |
pecans. Wcl wnlnutH.Mis ; iipainiteookst , W'-icj
rointeKi.U'ic ' ; Teiuics'ieo ' pcttniits,0o.
liliooii-A-tli'parltirf.t : > 0 ! l-tlc , f2.7.'t 3-tlc ,
J2.ii ! -lle. . plum. SI. M | wnreliotno 8J.W ) toy ,
> t25l w lil k. I .W4 1 .25 ,
Ut.tVKS-yuarK pcrdoz. 11.00 : pints , pcrtloi ,
easoi bulk. ix-fnai. av. . . . _ '
t'oiuwnr. Minllluropo All ! irt from 7-H
toilet. . IV : Hl l rope , nil slcs from 7-U t < 1
In.llI.i < ) ! "nowproce e , "all slreD from 7-H
tolln. . K' .
COTTO.T RoM-K hi. . ISc.
SIIAI- Castile , mottled , per Ib , tvaWc ! do ,
wlilto. perlb , lie.
1'ICKi.M-MeJliini. ' per bbl. M.OO : small ,
SIO.OO ; Klierklii < , lll.00lnipl ! > llt , 118.00 , ( s&\ \
cmk ) : : cial ! ! biil.iio.OJ. ,
ClliEii-l'er 1)1)1. ) ) rotlned , fi.M ; lialf blilt.t.r > ( ) t
hard older , pure , p rlbl , $ ) . ) ; nrnnvo cldct ,
halt OblH&0 , ; iiear elder , lialt b'
20 lln nvi. , 7 ?
HiiiM av | ! . , i4Ci imav5.B'4o | , : noiiiiier , iH'i
pork loliu , 7'ic ! polk t mlcrloln , lOiicl loaf
Inrd , tmtii'iicicred , 0lc ! ; spuro rlbi. 4c.
t SALT .Mi\T.- : -IIIls-.MesN ) porl < , bbls , Hl.OO ;
clear pork back * , heavy. ? ! & > : iiicdlutnM1.73i ,
sliort cut clear pork , JUl.GO ; pliorVll3.r ( | ) Oi
new extra in CM boul , to.oO ; now extra phi to
beef. SO.Mi now pluto beef , M.oOj now rolled
lionoU'ss bo ( f , J7.ROi new runijii , $5.M | now
Ijonulos'i mm JH , frt V ) ,
Ull.s llbls KUrtiltrtl. vlntor. < trilncd : , 47 !
extra No.l lard , ! { No. l lard , M ; rs"o,2hird
aid extranoul'.footitte : tiillowoll , 41c | piiro
ximlsfoolnll. 50c ; Altiillow , 5c : stearlne , Cc.
LAIIO Tierce1 * , pnroIeafO'ic.
SMoKF.nMKAH Stijar cured hams , 12 to II
Itiav-R. I2c ; nicilliiiii. 15 to H > Ib uv , lOVJci
liliiiic' < lsiloingIS toijlb nvg , 10c ! ( ; shonldon
O'iC ! boneless ham , 8Vic ! breakfast bncon.
clear. 5 to 7 Ibstrljw , 84cl breakfnst bncoii ,
rib , 7tic | dried beef hanisBets , , Olie ; regular ,
7 e.
. Ilitv SALT JlEATS-Loan bacl , 0 . ci extra
short clear , f Hc ! hollies , id to 20 Ib average ,
O'Sc ! short ribs , Get short clears , Cc | lonj
clears. Cc.
SAtisAim Bolostin , Joj bologna Inwons-
sands , ( lie ; fruiikfurut , Ctic : toiiKiie. Tl ci
lilood , 4Jc ! ! II ver , 4liclnii ! < lcheose,4Vioi , I'ollsh ' ,
7c ; pork sauwo ( links ) , Cc ; pork suusugo
( meat ) , hi tin ] iills ; , ft ,
Ot.EO.MAiiOAiiiNi : 20-lb tuha , solid 12ei50-lb
tubs , solid , 12ei 10-1 btnhs , 1-lb rolls , 12io. |
Htreot Produce.
Pourvrnr Cholco lions , per cloz , S-IOOTW. ! ' )
cliolco mixed , K.7.ViliOO : ; roosteri , $2.N 2.75 |
hrjc. ( ! . ' & $ : . " ' > ; medium ; SS.
tlri's-udchlckein ' , 11312o jjcrlb.
TuiiKtvs Xlve , pi rib. 8i0o ! ; circled ,
OEKSK-hlvc.per chv , $7.IWd.OO ; d reused 118
15e ,
DUCKS-Llvc.Dor < loz , Z2.5 & 2.7J , dressed , 11 ®
12c.PIOKOXS T-.lve , pordoz , 11.25.
llnnrrtii Clinlco urcamoty butter commands
Rood prices. Creajiiery , fancy , 2l ® c ; croain
ry , uliolco. iHK20c | dairy , fancy ,
dnlry , cliolco. 12SJitcicoiiniry. : choluo
country , fair to good , lOSllc ; country ,
ferlor , SMc.
Edos-Tho market could safely bo ijuotcd
at 1713c tor fresh sloulr.
OAMK-1'ralrlo chickens , ncr dozen , $2.753
per doen. S-.25a'i. JOj teal duels , pur dozen ,
y.OO ; mallard duoks , | 1.2y < JI,50 ; mixed due hi ,
l r ( liven , ? l. < WBU.Oj ! piovur , per dorcn , 50i5
( Ulc ; Krilpo , pordo/.en.lixacfc . ; quail , per dozen ,
i Pcrcli,7clniITjilo ! , drcwod , 7c ;
plckeral , Si-ici pike , Do ; troiit. Oc ; whltp , "Jci
crupplo.llo ; catllsh.llo ; codstuak , 12oillotiiid-
cri. : ici Oregon salmon , 12c ; bhck bass , I"
tobstors. ISO.
Salt and IMcklod-CodlMi , estra OcorK-i ! ,
new r > ! Brand bank , now , 4SC ! Silver , 2-lb
blocks , Olie ; snow wliltolb bricks , new , SlfCi
turkey cod , larjo nilddlo brlcki. DC ;
now whites , crates. 12-fi Ib boxes ,
? io ; medlnia scaled horrlnu , 2JCi No.
1 scaled Iierrlng , 20c ! domestic Hol
land hcrrliiK , 40o : llaiuburxor spiced herrliiz ,
COC ! ICimliiu sardines , slced | ) , llOc ; Itnssian
sanlltioj , plain , 50c ; Imported Holland herrlnK ,
Crown braa < l.80ctlo ; fancy milkers. * ! . 03 ; mack
erel. No. 1 slioro , lialt bbls , 812.rrj ; bloaton ,
lialf bbls S18.00 ; wlilto Ush , half bbl3 , S0.73 ;
trout , half bbls. 15.50 ; family white llsh.
S.'l.2j ; salmon , J8.r 0per ' , , ' bblj2-lb lirollcd
nackcielK.Oili-lbln ! ; : mustard , J-.OO ; 3-lb In
tomato sauce , Ji.W ) | 5-lb Mayo mess mack
erel , B.03 ; 1-lb brook trout ; Jl.ri'i !
; M1 > brook t rout , * ,25 ! 1-lb salmon. 81.25 ; 2-lb
white llsh. 82.25 ; l-llnvhltoflsh. Jl.Xi : 2-lb lob
sters. WiO ; ; 1-lb lobsters , 32.3Jlb ! oys
ters , 32 OA If 1.03 : 1-lb -stcr . S oz , * ! . : 2-lb
ovsters , 10-oz.ti.tOl-lb ; oysters,5-oz.l.l5 ; 2-lb
select. 12 oz. fills ; Mb Oaratarla. 10 oz , S2.0J ;
1-lb Haratarla,5o ? : , JI.05 ; Fairmont. 4 o$1.05 ;
Fairmont , 8 ozK.OOt-lb : clams , little nooks ,
8U1 ; 2-lbohiins , little necks. $1.73 : 3-lb clam
chowder , $2.JOi l-ll ) crstUs , 82.25i 2-lb orabs ,
I'KACHES California , per box. JI.75V32.00.
GliAi'ES-Gallfornlii , pur crate , $1.2o2.00
Hew York. : ijIOo jicr 10 1 b basket.
I'MJMS-riirplo TJiuine , Ooluiiibla. etc. , per
Ixii. Sl.OOSW.OOnvlld geese plums , } -4 bu box ,
swa * . " c.
LKMOXS "Per box , Ked 1 JIalorl , fancy , { 3.50 ®
O..V > t oliolco Mcsslaiisl7.5fK33.0l. , (
l'EAiis-CalloraIaper ' ( , box , 82.503JZ1
PKUKES Uerman. per tex , 42.00 ; I'ronch ' ,
31.73ffi2.flll : sro < 91.7.y .OO ,
TOMATOBS Per bu , 75c31I.OO.
Kancy citltifj , * 3.OO3.50i fancy
' '
IIANANAS 1'erbunch ' , $ lffla.T.OO. (
OuA nES TAiucy Jamaica , per box , 31.00 ; pc
lhl ) , $ r.M.
CitANiiEiiuiM Capo Cod , $9.00 ; bell ant
cherry , K.OO.
Vegct llcs.
POTATOES flood Iowa nnd Minnesota stock
lssullin'at. U0o&il.l0 purbu ; Colorado am
Suit l nke. $ .
SWKKT I'OTATOKS The quotations areKJ.003
4.0flperbbl accord Ins to quality.
UAiuune 1'ercrtiln , $2.75 1 00.
O.vioxs New , per bu , $ l.OXinl.21 ,
llBANS-llandplclicd iiuvy2.73.
Miscellaneous ,
BBESWAX 1'er Ih. Me.
JBM.IKJ 60 per 11) ) .
HiiBSkED VmiCliolco medium,5CcjUslit
i5c : licavy. : iffl4o.
I.IN8KKD Oiir-Haw , COc ; boiled , We.
llONTtf-Stralnucl. B-lb oiins , per Ib.Oc : now
comb honey , fanoy. 17 ® 18o ; choice , "
COCOANUTS-1'Or 100,15JW.
Ulilcs , Tallow , Etc.
liliies. No. 1. beav . _ ( l'4 ' ? A'No.l.ll : htH / {
calf hides , 7hj ! ; cdai'naced hides ino
Wicoi ) pelt , sreoii , each , ; i5c@l.H. Slieep pelt ,
dry , perlb , ICfflH.
TAII.OW A. No. l,4Lio ; Sa 2. 3yc ; Rroase
> vlute. an4cyellow,1./4 ; < 3'lc ; stcarltieO , e.
llONm-Quotatlonsnre for delivery lit Ohl
CaRi > Dry buffalo , per ton. JjlO.00@l8.OOj dry
coim"trylloaciccl. ! lO.O03ii.OO : ; dry country
damp and moaty. fr3.MQ > lo.OO.
l > ry GootlH.
IlKATV HllOffX COTTONS-A.tlantlC A ,
Atlantic II. 7ej Atlantic ? D , fl = yei Atlantic P
( iCiiVurora C. 4'io : lluek'slieail. 7e : C'abot IV
( Hie ; IJarllnnton , lijfci Farmers * Xo. 1. 4'i4Hc
llooserLI < . 51'c ; Indian Head. Tlici Lawrouc
1U fiifc ; Henrietta 1,1 , . DHc
1'lNK line > vx COTTONS .Ulaiitlo L.L/.IV ; An
rorn It.B'ie ' ; Auroral ! . I5l c : Atlas O Nll,7 ! o
cheese cloth. 4cs Ollntoii Vt,5H ( ! | I'epccroll It
CVo ; LaiiRdontl 11. 8c.
IIIKACIIII > OOTTO > 9-Borkoloycainhrlo No
rAOiu ? ; llcst Vet , ! ic ; Huttoreloth XX , 4V4o
Calx > t. 74i ! ; Vlrst Oall.OVSoi . Prultof tlio Loom
UcjlllltSmipcr Itlt'in , So ; Housckcoiicr " " "
KhiK L'lillllp cambric , lOc ; LuiiKdrtn Gil ,
Jxnsdalo , Oc ; Ixinsdalo cambric , 30lo ! : New
York Mill * . ' '
Sl't L'eptorcll,45-ln , 10'iCi I'eppcroll , 8-4.
IVpperell. S > - | , 2Oc : I'opperoll , 10-4 , 22
Utlcii. 4i-ln. l&j Utlca , 5S-ln. 171io : TJtlca ,
In. 240 ! Utlca , 84-ln , 2tfci Utloa , UO-ln,28Hc
llleiiehcd-Xet-Pepneroll , 4U-ln , lOHoi P p-
licroll. < Wn. IHjo ; Voppcrcll. (1-1 ( , ir > c ! I'op-
pcroll. f-L 2'kloppproll. ! ] 9-1 , 22ici ! I'cpporell
30-1 , 25c | Utlca , 8-4. Slcj Utlca , 0-1 , 20C | Utlca
10-1. 2tic.
GINQIUUS Ainoslioivr. imciQiTAnoskoai
< lic < s , 8'c ' ( ; Uates , Oiicj Warwick , d res * , ; 7J4c ,
J.iinuastcr , OJit'i Gleiuilre , ( jjoVlilttoiiton ; \
dres-i , 8)lc. )
I'lUNTA-Iiiillgo ' Wuo Net 'Martha Wash
Inftton.SlJo ; American , CMf ! Arnold. 0 0 : Ar
iiolil U. lou ? cloth. lOc : Mini A , 12c ; Morr | .
niaok , 7-8 , 10oiold : ( leaf , 8io ! : Ilaiulltfln. BVSo ;
Allen I'liiks , U'ie ' ; Allen Chambray , Do ; Qlou
ccster. Sijc : llartel.S'ic. '
I'lttXTS-Kuneles ' Eddyntouo. BUci Stoc
CViill ldh54o ! llorlln ,
WIOANS N'et.Thlstlo. O'io : KedOrosi.Tc.
Cor.oufi > CAMiiitics-Crown. 4ici Ked Stnr ,
4ic ! ; Kolled Clover , 5ci ri later , 6c ; hisheolon
Icoxtra ,
CiiArtii-Htovens' I ) , W In , fi' c ; Stevens *
ISIn. tkijBtovvnt' A.K In , 7o ; MovuiiV I
In , Tlioj Stevens' M. 13 In. SVJu : Stovoin' N.20
ln.6io ! ! Stevens' NJi.lS ltiti o ; Stuvcns , BUT
20 In. tills ; bleaohod , lo u.itra.
IIKNIJIS Nvt-AnuMKoufi , 0 oz , lOJ Ci Yorl
camlot.lic ; Kvorott , Htnndanl. 12V4C ! Hay
nmkcr'iTicUUl ) YorK , v.10Jc ! ; l > : iwroi > co ,
220 , llivjc : Ijawrence.Ooz.lil'io . ; faiiuybtrlpc
and checks , ll'ic. '
Xankln , 10o ! ; Evorel
802 , iscj Uiwbtnii. IOOZ.S.MO ; '
Hcj corkserowcassliaoro. Sc ,
13ft 14ft 10ft IS ft 20ft 22ft 24.
2U..9i : > 00 91500 } I50U1 00 tin 00 ? 17M JIS 01
JxO. 13 CO 15 00 15 00 1C 00 1O 00 18 00 18 H ,
L'xS. . um 1500 IflOO 1UOO lOOO 1800 Id W
MO. JAM 1500 1500 1G M 1C 00 1800 18 J
MS. IB 00 1UOO 10 00 1700 17 W 1000 1U 9
fx8 IflOO 1000 1000 1700 18 W 1900 2O
HoAiiDS N < ) . I.coiu.,9i8.0i ) | No.Scoin.ia.l
No. 3 , com. . l.voo ; No. 4. com. . * 12.M.
BIIIP LAP No , 1. plain. M ami 10 lnch , 8.
Uo , 2. iilaln. 8 > ntl lolnou. ilo.OQ : N'o. a , plain
6 and 10 Inch. 115.00:0. G. . 8 Inch , I&StOc ,
FENCINO AVhlte 1'lne ' No 1. 4 and 0 In. ,
and It It. , * 1'J.V ) ; No.2.4 and 0 inch. 13 and
ft , C14.CO | No.t,4 anne in. 10 ft. , 110.50 : No. : i ,
and 0 In. , all Icnzthi , IU1.OO.
MDt.NG-A. i. 00 ; ll.tflJ.Ml O , IU.OO ; D.tia.01
1'i.noHixH Wlilto Pine , V and B , UI.OO ; I
$ . ' 1.00 ; 0 , IW.OOiE. il'JM.
i rsol white , Jl-ln , 331.50 ; No.l har
pln , K-ln. tRM ! Nc. 1 liiH pine , ? i-ln. KO.OO :
No. I haril plnf , J.-lnWlJll |
STOCKlloAiiH Aimd-iU3-ln , e 2.00 | D , 1J-
StDCKllOATin * No. t common , 12 nnd lift.
820.00 ! 10ft. Sl'Ji No. 2 common , 12 and 14 ft.
S1J.OO ; ifift , il7.W : 1SD. S > qminon ! , 10. 13 nnd 20
Jt.U'J.50 , " '
Unoovcn ltor ri n 5iiy l coinnon wlilto
pine , U' , 14 anil 10 ft. 4IH.OO ; No. 1 common
V pliic , Ii 14 nnd UJ ft , * 1KW.
r. 1-ln , ullwlUtHiMJIOi clear.
. 11. in ) . -Ji.-l.on.
FIXISIIINO. WIIITB I'isii-ist and ! d clear ,
1 In. , * VMO : 1'.1H ( ) . . J. .0)j ) ; i < | clear. 1
lti. , ir..OOlUll ! ! ami 2 InJ.Wi.00seleot ! , lln. ,
lliMj 1 UH ami 2 ! : ll sulocU lln. ,
3 ; I.OO : Di.lU and a In. , HUW ; U select , lln. ,
& > m ; 1H.1K nnd - In , . * 'WOJ.
rwisiiixo. Ytr.i.ovf 1'iMt Cltnr. 1 In. , $25.00 !
l' ( . 1V4 ami 2 In. , * S7. l | tar. 1 In. , J24.M ,
JlllNrit.M. liATit Extra XA.X , 2.7Ji sUn-
dnrd , XAX. 8481 ; 01" . , 88,50 , : 5 In. . j.W | No. 1.
* l.y > ; Cedar XAX. # ! " > . ,
l'osTS-\Vliltocedar- \ . , M s , , isijc : 9 In. .
qri. , 12oSW | In. , Ii . , lle : lln. , 1)01 ) 4 w ft inch
round , 1'llic : onk. upllt. Hcireil cellar , 15c.
Push. 5J percent ; doors , ID per i-etit ! blinds ,
40por cent ; moulding , 4Uper cent : llnic. Me ;
hair , 20c ! ronicnt. Aiimrlcan. 31,10 : cement. Im
ported , USD i plaster , )2.U3i > triw '
tar board , ti.U ) ; tariclt. < J. < 0.
HtocKriN--Sniallplff , Wo per lb | bar , 30c
t'oi'i-Eii Plnnlshcd boiler sizes , Skj
cold rolleil. aocper Ib ! sheeting , SSc per
unil lln.ts.31o per Ib.
) 50-lOper
cent : put. plan. Iron , Xos. 21 and 27 , A , lOiio :
TIN i'UTK-I , C. , 10x21 , $7. 35j I. X. , 10x14 ,
$9.0-1. -
$9.01.TIN rUTr.-Coko , 11x20 , 112 , ? ilW. ,
HiiOKtxci Charcoal , I.C. , 11x20 , 112Jj.73i I.
X , , JT.OO.
FiiK K .M ! iso,2T , , KIM. ytrlctly half nnd half , Idc ,
STKKL N'Atis-Haso , 82.53.
STKI-.I , tt'iiiK NAII.I Itme. S2.fl.
ffiUE-Jap.barb , | ) .2.'i : galv.W.S3.
Dr. Birney cures catarrh. . Boo bldg.
SLEEl'S J1I9 iiAST SLil5EI .
Cnptaln A. U. J hcrt I nlil to Hcst In
Forest Ijawii Cemetery ,
The rcmaiin of the ln.te Cnptaln A , l . Eg
bert of the Second Infantry , Fort Omaha ,
\vcro laid to rest in 1'orcst Lawn cemetery at
noon yesterday and were accorded the honors
of nu old and respected officer In the army of
tlio United States.
Shortly before 10:30 : o'cloclt ' , the hour sot
fortho funeral services at the residence of
the deceased In the southwest corner of the
fort , thooQlccrs of thu post began to assem
ble.They were followed ty the noncommissioned
sioned ofllcors and later by Dean Gardner of
"I'rlnlty cathedral , who ws to conduct the
funeral services.
The remains lay In n cloth-covoreJ casket
in the parlor of the residence. The lid of the
casket was * covered with Hewers wrought
into beautiful ana symbolic designs , the trib
utes ainoiif ? others of Kwnk
" \Vheatoa , Captain Clark and Llcutcnaat
Sarsoii ,
Lieutenant Jlallory acted asmasterof cere
monies , nnd at his suggestion the otllccra
jjathorcd around the bier , -while the dean
began the impressive funeral scrvico of the
Uplscopil church. IIiaflr.- readinsvta n
pait of the funeral anth em. This was followed
by the funeral lesson frorathellftecuth chap
ter of Paul to the Corinthians. .At thu con
clusion of this tlo dqiW , offered most fer
vently aud eloquently aVrayerfor the divine
consolation forthosorroiyllip family.
In the meantime the mcinbcrs or the regi
ment iti companies , undo , non-commissioaed
olUcers. hud assembled y ithout and formed
in line in front of the residence , voluntarily
testifying by their presitoco to the respect i'u
which they held the doccMed soldier ,
The only company detailed was that of E.
Captain A.mcs and Lieutenants Beaham and
liookmlller in command. TUlspreseutcd com
pany front immediately beforethe entrance to
the residence , wlillo thj\ ' baud occupied a
position a number of paiiis to the right , the
other soldiers being at thfr'leftof tlio E com
pany. i'i '
At tlioconclusionof Diirf Gardner's ' prayer ,
the national colors were ' Tapped about the
flower-strewn casket rftiid the remains
were- berne to ihd veranda by
Sergeants Fox of3) ) ' ' company , Wll-
tou of A , Thuer 'Of B. Ha erty of
M , Giblln of G and Elwfll bt' G. A.t the same
instanttho detailed or flrlu } ; company pres
ented arms nod thobandnhiycda few solemn
strains of ttiedlrpe.
The coflln was then berne to the hcarso
nnd the procession marched
order : The band moved on tlwriplitof
the line , followed by the escort company.
heti came the liearse.on either side bciiic
the coffin-bearers above mentioned and the
pall-bearers , all with two exceptions being of
the same rank as the deceased , as follows ;
Captains Mills. Ulio , Keller , Uempsoy.
Xleutenants Clark and Sarson. Following
came a hack bearingMr. . L. Robblns and
illss Robbins , the nephew and niece respec
tively of the deceased , the widow , belnp too
sreatly prostrated to leave the residence.
U'hea nurchcd the ofllccrs of the poit. Gen
eral Frank "Wicaton , Major EdmondButlor ,
Captain Henry Catlcv , Caatain William Mills ,
Captain James Jllller , nnd Liautcnants
AVebst r. "Waring , MallorjChrisman. , .
j\rnisniithf Kowell. Then followed
members of the several companies
on foot. Several ambulances and private -
vato vehicles brought up the rear of the line ,
amonpthe occupants being Colouol Hughes ,
quartermaster , dcpaitnicnt of too Platte ,
and Lieutenant Trultt , alde-do-cainp
on the staff of General Brooke
commanding the department.
The march through , the cirbor-sb-adcd
avenues of the fort , the band playing a most
plalativo dlrpe , the flrlnp company
with reversed arms , the meas
ured tread of the unarmed com
panies was Impressive in the extreme
ana brought tears to many eyes among the
onlookers , who had not. unfortunately , been
but too familiar with death.
When 'tlie procession had progressed
about a milo beyond 'the fort on Ilio
road to Poreat Lawn , the marching
companies returned to the fort , nnil the cor
tege passed on to the cemetery , the offlcers
tailing the ambulances wulch had been pre
pared for thorn.
When the cemetery was reached the at
mosphere hsid become less chilly.
The clouds cleared away , and nature bid a
cheering adieu to the honored dead. The
site of the grave commands a view through n
vista of beautiful trees , across a rolling
country and finally comprehend the tortuous
but majestic Missouri as it slowly rolls be-
sldo the distant city. It was a fitting place
in which for such a soldier , such a man as
the deceased to belaid to rest.
Everything was In readiness at the grave.
Iho escort committee formed a file north of
the oi > cnlng- . The coffln bearers placed the
casket above the grave an J , as they did ao ho
escort presented arms , The llajj was re
moved , and the casket was lowered into the
grave , the escort resting on their arms.
Lcun ) ( JarOncr read tbo funeral service ol
the Episcopal church , , ' while officers and
civilians , old and younf\9tood , ! with uncov
ered heads. As th , 'ln ( press ivo words ,
"Earth to earth , 'rtebcs to ashes ,
dust to dust , " were liUfcrcd , lieutenant
Uowcll , adjutant , dropped , barth thrice upon
the coflln. no.
The dean then wltlidrp-vv and Captain
-Ames moved behind his ' 'company ' and Issued
the command , "JTIro wiltf blank cartridge ,
lire by company ; load , nlnji 'lire 1"
The echoes around thosVlraii homes of the
dead awoke for a nloniTut , ai the volley ol
thirty shots rang throuj Hhem. A second
tlmo tliey were aroused and filially a third
anil last tiincthey wore tfinorbed.
"Tails'1 ' were then Boudited , the most effect
ive feature in the linprcsUvo burial of the
soldier , aud tbon all \vaswver.
The escort aud friewjui of tbo deccasot
then returned to
Dr. Dlnicy , nose uud h , roat , Boo Ijldg-
llai-niim'n 1'nrade Uoutc ,
The grand free street parodo of Barnura & .
Ualley's greatest show on earth will bo Riven.
at 9 o'clock next Tuesday morning over the
following route : From show grounds , cor
ner Twentieth and 1'aul itrccts , cast on I'au
street to ISIitlitoenth , fCuinlng , to Seven
teenth , to Capitol avenue , to Sixteenth a trout
to Dodge , to Fifteenth , to Douglas , to Tenth
toFarnam , to Fifteenth , to Dousrlas , to Six
tccutb , to CtimlnK , to show grounds ,
Dr. Blrncy , nose and throat , lee ! Wdgr
Property Owners on iJca'cmvortli
.Attfrequestedto meet tomorrow night at 7:30 :
nt the corner of Park avcnuo and Leaven
worth , to profost against the cxtonslou of the
tire limits to Lowe avenue.
Dr. Illrnoy cures catarrli , Bso bldj ,
Tight Bnsines ! In "Wheat Witt a'Limited
Range in Prices.
Ij-lit ll slnc In' Onta With No
lu PrlccM-Tlio Ire *
iluucnnd Mvc Stock
MnrltotH , .
CutCAno , Sopt. 57. tSueclnlTcleiirnm toTru
KC.1-Tlit < whoutiunrkct hnd a rniiRO of loss
mule' up to 1 o'clock today , nnil iionreat
trutigth or wealnusi. Huslness was llRht
Iso. Deconibor started at SMtio. sold atW io ,
| > toll.OJ'iand off toW'-Co. ' The day ouenud
Mfltljtho i > ronraiiime ot yesterday repeated
[ iitclilnsoiiseUinn throntli Karnutn , Parker
nil Itydcr.and . the sealpliiR cro-wd followlnj ;
ho lead. Suni > ortcaiiic from Slltcholl , Com-
tocfc , Lojran. It loom ami tlio bull crowd op-
oso'dto llutehlnson'stactlcs. A llttlu bvil c
o * 1,00 nhout it o'clock was hcl tied by mi an-
10 uncL'ui out about a srent Increase In butik
userrcs nt NcwVork , whleli realty had no
oarliiR on the market. Ijlvcrpootcablos were
weak , The receipts Intho northvest were the
arwcst of the weeU-445 oars at Minneapolis
and Duliilb. Tlio prediction was for very
a TK receipts at these mnrkots early nest
roek. There were rrocxport clonranccs. At-
antic ports , for the week , cleared only
90,000 bushola of wheat and 171,000
) urrcU and Backs of flour. Up to
10011 the mnrkot was lltto clumped ,
> oriigiip ami down from OO'.icto Sffor Deceiii-
bor. riitrtwas followed by pretty frcosellhiir.
> ub by a iiumberof local bulli Mitchell , Com-
itoek aii < l perliaps Itloom , throuch Itoson-
lauin , On this the mnrkot dropiied to OO'-Cc ,
ho lowest pnl 11 ttouclied on the decline , and
did iwfiiKalii touclj OOiiO bolero 1 o'clock. May
oldat1.0lJ ! to 11,03 totl.04 , Thcwhoat nu r-
cot was controlled by Hutchliisoiitlio last halt
lonr , Ho put Iho yrlco of December up to
Oi-icor olTt)9t ( > ! icas lie wished. Local trade.
uirorcd from lib operation * . Tno market
closed active at the lowest point oftlieday at
OS-Jcfor Uccemlier. September sales Avcro nt
n.'io to C7c to IMUc at the close. October
ransed at 0715c to MJsc. Jl"y closed nt
.he bottom price at 1.01.
Tlio corn market was the narrowest seen on
ho floor Inamonth. Tlior.inie fortliodayrai
mt Ko.This was laritL-ly duo to thcliiflu-
ncoof prlvlleKcisoldon tlioctirb , putsbolns
J'.o and calls M ie on JIay. Tlio market
opened at 50 } o and sold at r 0io ! to 'J'ie ' to
iOi clef > 0icto fiOUc. and this last prlco was
ho pivot on whleli it turned all day. Late In
; lie day , vhciiwheat was weak and lower ,
In tchlnson held corn by having I'arkcr buy
all that was offered nt 50'c. ' There was 110
outside news nor outldc trade. The move- '
iientwas on the boarslilo. Kocelpts vcro r SI
carrf , or 75 ever the estimate. Cir <
'or ' Monday are 5'JO. ' Shlpnionts were
L-S9 than the average at 29. * > .000
buslicls ; export clearances almost nothing ,
A.tlaiitlu ports , for the week , cleared onlv
JIO.OOU bushels ofeorn. Cluirtors today were
245.OWbunlieH. Tlio market closed steailv at
cfor Mav ; September was quoted : it 477 fi )
tol.Sc seller nt the clox > | October J8o to
SUoti > 4So ; at the close ; ncccnilicr closed nt
' 7,0. IMiHancl calls on May coin wore but
There was but light business In oats and
irieos closed tlio Mamo ns yesterday. Sei- |
ember \vnsquoted at i7T ! ' < ( WSc aiiIrrT ( ! cat the
close ! October. .H'4c ' toSS'aC lo ItSSo to : fl c to
clo-c ; Mar , 41ic ! to Uic to 41'i to 41o to
ctoso ,
Provision ? of all kinds for the loading
months closed at uticlmnsed prices from yes
terday. Jard and ribs wore narrow all
day , mid pirk was but f > o over
or under tlie closing prlco iitnny time. Janu
ary pork sold nt IH.B'J and $11.50 $ , closing at ; May. SU'.Iiii ' and SK.liW , oloslns at
'lli.lo ' ; October , < > no prlco. $ OJO. .Innuary lard
solclatM.- ! i. aiulS .4l for ono sale of J.5W
tierces. otosliiK atf > .4038.rJSi. January ribs ,
I5. < EJ ! ' , to * 1.liO , clotliiK on a | ) llt atJ5.CX3o.m/j ( ! !
other month * steady , wltb hois for the week
tiut iberinjia * . < XDftialnst ) 10lOO ! ) ) a year atto.
I'acldng has readied the croat aRpcrt-uato to
datoof 2CT,00'J hogs , against l,871OJOayear
OrocAao , Sept. 27.-9DCcial [ Telesrani to
THIS UKK. I-CATTI.F : 1'ully lialf of the receipts
woroTexans , andtberciiialniler largolycows
and con i man natives. The Rotieral market
ruledslovr. 1'rlccs were unsettled nnd rather
on the down-turn than otherwise , Shippers
\veropruotlcallyout \ of tlio market on account
of a. scarcity of cattle cars on eastern roath ,
and thts fact In turn liaa had a gfaA deal to do
tlitliefallliijTOlT In demand for blRsteors
for the past few days , and the down-turn on
the same , Tcxans underwent little or no
chaine ! In prices on Hflit thin stccri" , nnil
oowa are about as low as at any thus
thl.s year or last , and the same may
be said of common K rules ofnatlro butchers'
stock aiidHglib little stocUcrc. 7ho top prlco
today wasW.8. > ; such as would make $ . " > .COij5
were neb on sale today. Other classes of
natives. 3I.OCK&4.75 ; Texas steers , * ' ; . : iO2.43 ;
exnHCOVs.Jt.SDBi'.lSino rangers In sight.
Iloas As compared witli yesterday , there
was little or no chaiiKOln tlioRcncral market
I ii one of the divisions values ruled aslmdc
lilslicr atidln anotlicra shndo lower , but In a
Etmeral way there was no particular change.
1'artsof loads , speculators' culls utid other
oddxand ends sold an low m fcl.50ii.'l.75 ! : f.ilr to
KoodpacUcrs , $4.004.10 : bcstmlxeil , W.IVjJI.
iirltiio hoarv and butcher weights , & 4.3)4. )
light sorts , J .50@l.ij. (
NKVT YOUK. Sept. 27-SpecIal Tolosram to
TiTEllEE. l-ST.ocns ThebankHtn.teuiontmado
public diirlns tlwcloslns hours of the stock
market , had no effect In rallying prices or hit
proving the condition of the stock imtrUot
The statement showed $12,000,000 li.craso Ii
reserves , and makes money In New Vork
batiks $14,000,000 or niora In excess of Icxal ro-
qulrenienla. This sliouhl Iniu ro easy money
for some time In the street The stock trudo
had discounted the banlc oahlblt , kno-nlnjr. re
serves were there from bond purchases. Ir
stead of a rally , the announcement wasusoi
by many to soil stocks on ; consequently tlio
ilecllnu continued and the last prices
were at the liottoui of the list , with ono
notable exception Xiackawanna. This stock
rose from HIJ-S at 11 o'clock ; to I451iaiidclosei
at 1454 , oryt upfor tlio day , Union 1'aclflc
Missouri 1'aclHc and the Xorthern Pacific
weretlio licit supported stocks In tlio list , ant
all closed without a loss In the lacoofajreii
oral wenlness. SuKar was olTUi ; Chlcasi
Gas , II ; Pacific JIall. Iiito41 ! , A' ons western
iha.Ri Atchlsou again was lilt tlio bardtat um
dropped to37Vi. nlossof IJ/Jj Hock Island los
i to SO'a ! Northwestern nnd Burlington , ) .
bucli. St. I'aul was depressed to6li , but tiv
covered /i to O.1/ ! . oloilns ) i lower. Kussol
SIK | * ollt with atiothnr intervlow. saylir ,
Hlssmrl Tacltlo will look cheap at 85 ha foiv
iiioiilliH. lln Is .supposed to rclleotilr. ( lonUl' .
soutlmoiiK Total Bales of btookafor tlio lial
dav uro H.OOO shares ,
Tlifollowing ! ! ( ! wcrw the cslosln ? quotations !
U. S.nrouular.tzy Northern I'aciilc 2UJ
U. B. U coupon 1'ilJ- do preforrml T5) )
U. S.l s roiulnr 104 C. . .fc.VV 107) )
IT. H.I1 ! coupon 104 do pruforrrd.M2
I'llCltCOH ot'U 114 > fowVork Central.loM
Cuntrtl Pnciflc HO ! . . ! ) . * K | 'J
i M > n I2T. ItocUiluml M )
. Uurllnston 0. . M.A St. Paul C5) )
( Julncy IWTj do prHforrcJ 114
St. 1'uul A Uiimlia , .
. . rj )
iiiinou uonifiil. I ! ! ! ! iiw iloproferrej , . . . . . . . KH
I. , H.iW. . _ Union I'uciao. . . . . f ,
" ( W. . HI.IJ. AI' . IU )
; 1i ? ! ; ; ! ; t7j ! < loprofornxl . . . . . . 2:1 :
itlcbltan central \Vculcm \ Union b'Jij
ilUnuurl 1'nclno TOM
MOXBV Kasy.1 ; percent.
I'lMUK JlCKOAXTlI.E I'Al'KIl 37 97 per COIlt
HTtliMNO KXCIIANOI Quint anil nteudvi
' ' *
Tlio\Vcokly llaiilc .Statcniont.
VOIIK. Sept. T , fSpcelal Teloxraiu t
TiiJ5llEK.-Thoweolily ] Htatcmontof Iho ns
sochted banks gho tthu folio wing chaiiRos
Itosrrrc , Increaso. . . . . . 812,170/JX
Loans , Incruusu . . , . l.iQT.rv
Kpocle , Incruasu . . . . 19,0nn.ll
I.Djral tondorH , ilecroaio . . . . . . r > ' .ui >
l ) > l > nlts. Increase. . . . . , . . . . . . . ltf.V ) > , ( X
Circulation , ( lecreaho . , , , . . IM.W
The banks now hold tll.on.IOO la GICCSS o
the requlrcmouts of the 23 per cent rule.
'Ilio Dry Gooils Jlarket.
New VOIIK , Sept. 87 , [ SpeclnlToleRrain t
TiiKllKK.l-There waibut u light trudo In di
good * today. Orders by mall nnd ttilogrn. ] )
worn fulr. The market wan without an
change , the situation aud toco bo Ing of
stable character.
Nitr VOHC , Sept. 27-l8pe Iul Tolesram t
TJic Coffee "Inrlcct.
VOIIK. Sept. 27 , fSpecIul Telegram to
? nr. llEE.1 CoHeo Options opeuocj ttoady ,
points down to t points up ! closed flrm ,
ciiloniljer , 10 down , other ) r > ® 1.1 up. < ,
T7.750 bag . ! nvliu1liiRSi < ntoiulu r at 918.9K&IA.M )
> ctobor , ) : Uoceiuher , * 10.WiCl ! .IVI |
nnuary , m.nv&ituS ! M y , * i8..ioiWi ! spt
tliiinil.'tiuul sleudyi fair earKoes , t 0.5i t\a.
, IU.7&319.00.
the ? Ioveinont of Specie ,
SHWonic. ) , Telegram to
THE HKB.I The experts of specie from the
tottof New Vorlcdiirlnir the woi-k aiiioiiutrd
4 > III.UJOAll Kold. Tlie Imports of nioclonr | ( the
veek nnioiititrdlQ fW.SJis.ol which JIM.1 , * * ) vus
ugold and ( t.vr > hi silver ,
i'ie tin van jf.
CIIICA.OO , Sept , 2r.-I'.lS p. m. clo o-\Vhoat \
lliwy : cuHli. ifciiStWUc ; ( Vtobrr ,
. .
Corn firm ; cash , 4Sct October , 4SjCj !
May , OO'ic.
Oats Stoadyjcasli,3Sc ; Ootobcr , 3SUei Mny ,
4lW.4l e ,
MUHS I'ork ' Stp.ifiyi cnsli , $ 'J,50 ! October ,
JO.M ! .liiiiuarvi 111.5'J'iOll.W. '
Lanl Qiilutl cash , fcl.oj ! October , W.02J10
6m ; January. H4iX2A < 2H ; May , O.SO
Kyo liny atOOo.
llnrlcy-Kaiy at 7.V.
Hax Seed Vulet ntSLRO ,
rrhno Timothy Seed Easy at 11.20.
I'lour-Steadyt vjnter wJ.ioat _ K.5.V33.W ;
ilutter-Uuciiansjeil ! ereMiuryi
1'Jill'Jo. '
Clioesc-UiicliaiiKedt full cream cheddats
8 < p.S > io : Hats , H'V ' S { | VO\uijAiiicrIcas ; , DttUMc.
KUBH UneliaiiKoclifresli , ITaife.
llldos-UncluiiKuiliheavy Krocn salted , O'-ici
xht Kri'en Halted. Ulic : croon , 5HC ) salted
bulllilileii.Sc ; roi n salted eall , H-jusije ; dry
Hint , fjjte ! : drvi-alf.Rli'X'ideacons , oaeli. UV.
Tallow-lTiH'haiigi'ili No. 1 , 4'ie | No. 2 , 4jj
cake. 4 Sic ,
. Shipment.
Klour.bMi . 14.WO r > .W )
Wheat , bu . . ft 1,0ft ) 77.IW )
Corn , bu . .114JMJ SKi.W
Oats , bu . . , , 205.00J JOS.OOO
NEW YOUK , Sept. . 27. Wheat Itocolpts. 12.-
200 ; e.\ ports , 110110 ; spotensy rs'o , 2 roil , St.Ol'S '
(31.01 ( J4 In elevator ! Jl.OS'i afloat ; * l.USttl.OIS
f. o. l > . : options lower , very dull : Ko. 2 red ,
September closing at $1.01 ,
Corn Itecelpts , lil.TUD bushels ; exports ,
20XI , ( hu.sbcls ; siot | firm , vury dull ! N'o. 2 , iW iJ
Viljc In elevator : r > O allout ; ururailud. iVl'jft
& 7c ; options , firm ; September closlni ? at 'v.l'jc.
Oats itecelpts G > . M biiiholsj e-iports l.OJO
bushels ! spot ( inner ; Xn. - white , 45 4c :
mixed \veitcrii , 4l < a4Cic ! ; IS'o. 1 whltu m-Htoin ,
4935IIC : options firmer ; Septeiiibor
C'olTeo-Optlons closed nrm : September ID
point a down , othi-rn V.I5 ijolnlsjiip. tiules , IIT.'JO
uaS't. ' fe'rptfinhcr , $ ll'.WGoHM ; October , JI7.5
© IT.'JOj snot Illo. stoaily ; fair cnrpies , j.U7. > .
Suii > r-Hnv ; , ituadvj rollned , dull.
Vclrolcuin United .closed for Octoljcr at
Kiflis I'lrm ; western. S l22e.
I'ork Stoutly ; iiies ? , tllJOfa\2M.
hard Loweroii ptcssureof ICiiropomi loin *
on Uctobvr ; western btcam , W.HU ; October
elO'.liiff atiN.24bld. !
Hutter-Uliolco firm ! western dairy ,
creiunery , 124i2c : ) : Klgln. 2-2.'J1ie.
Cbceso-Kasy ; llKlitsklnn , 57'ie. '
, Scut. 27.-rTlu rcwns an unu
sually larso supply otspot wliuat offered till *
mornliiK. lluvers Morkt-tl for lo cr prices. It
r MiUo < l 111 a sin. ill percent ; mo of 11.
being wild in tlio early part of the
day. Wheat rucclptR. 440 ears ; ship
ments , 71 cars. Closing : A'o. 1 hurd. geiiteiu-
bi'r , Ortojon t r.iekl l lu ; > 'o. 1 northern , Sop-
tomher and OclerW ! ) c : December , Dl'J.ltLHc ' ;
on track , Diu : No. - iiortliern , S-ept niber. Hki ;
on track , BiHfiSOc ; 31ay wheat , dluscd at $1.0fli. !
Si , I-.OU18. Sept. IK. ns Wheat lower ;
cash 00-Jte May , * 1.0.Vi.
Corn l''irincash ' J7J ! May. 4SUC.
0as I'lrm : cnsli. 37 May. i&\iio. \ \ .
Lard Dull : (5.UO. (
llutter-Stuudy ; Drm : ererxmery ,
dairy , U0l7c.
KANSAS Oircr. Sup'T - Wheat Quiet ; No.
Shard , cash. ' September , b'o lld ) ; Mo. 2 red ,
cash. uio bid.
_ t'orn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 45 ? c ; September
Oats Steady ; No. 2 cash , Mlio bid ; Sep
tember , isny c uw.
, Sent.27. Wheat-Quiet ; No , 2
spring , cnih. iiYt ! C > c : No. 1 norlherii ,
Oorn I'lrtii ; No.
Oats Stuady ; No. S , wlilto.
Provisions Quiet iporlf , January , $11.50.
CisctS.XA.ri , Sopc. 27. Wheat-firm ; No , 5
Oorn Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 53j.
Oats I'lrm ; No. mixed. lOc.
biv-Kiiruui * . Sopt. 71. fflietvt-Dull ; hold-
craolVerinodcratelyi roa western winter , 7s
LMdli's I'd per cental.
Corn Steadydemand ; Improved.
itrji STOCK.
CniCAno. Bent. 27 , C/n.ttlo--llccolDt3. 5,000 ;
market lower ; ulcers , 8M.IW .S.J."i ! ; Tex as steers ,
$2mSl2.4Ji ; To.xas cows , ft.WlW.JS , no rangers
Hogs llocclpts , 1:5,000 : ; market Btendy ; fairly
actlvo ; prime Jiil.xsil. tl.OOSJl.25 ; selected
lifcav-y mid butchers' weights , 8l.Uxa4.50 ; llKht , ) .
Sbeop-Uecclpts , 5,000 , ; market stront ; ; na-
tlvea , SI.OO4.IW ; westeriis , l&4iii,4.4) ; ) ; Tcx-
ST , Louis. Sept. ! 7. Guttle llccolpn , l.rxJj )
shipments. l.Out ) ; atody : fair to fancy na-
tlvostocrs , $4.2 , ' ® 3.00i Btxwkcrd aiid , feedow.
f2. ! a > 2.73.
HORS HocolpLs , 1.000 ; slilprnontt. 2,3X1 ; tnar-
ketstoady ; lieavy. ti.X > QI.45 ; mixed , < 4.Kii
i.WillKht , $ : i.804.40 ,
KANSAS Cnv , Sept. IB. Cattio Hccolpti ,
fj.fti ) ; HlilptiiunU , 2. : * > ( KI ; ninrkot Htendy ; stoi'ji ,
? : ) .HI4.CiOico\vsit.50S2.W ( ; stocker-s and futd-
lloas Hocolpts. 7.K3 ; shipments , 2,700 ; lower ;
nil grades , W. .UA
Sioux CITV. la. . Sept , 2-Spcclal [ Telegram
to tiiu llBR.l-llo ii-Ucceliitt. l.fiOO ; market
dull ; faclllas att.'l.VOSI.lO ; bulk : . l.07M.
Dr. Ilh-noj , nebo nnd throat , "Bco bldg ,
Pint Ice.
After September 80 no orders for the
Americanized KncyclopGudia Ilritamileavvill
bo taken. AJliiersonsvho desire to avail
themselves of oui- liberal offer must have
tlielr orders in by that day.
Dr. Ulrnoy cures csturrh , Beu bldjj.
INSTRUMENTS plaood on rucura tfuptom-
bor 28.
ti A Jorjcnscn and vlfotoLaw N'olnon ,
part IntBlllokory placi- i ) c d. . . . . . , , . $
IjSUwlitml wlfo to I K , lots II ,
linndii : , 1 > 1H. A.lnnia I'lu/.a. ivd . i : : ,
tn WllllauiK and linihaiid ttt OnHtnvu
lliluiBllO : , lot 11. bile ' . , OroluirJ Mill ,
wd . . . . . 3,200 ,
HA Trumnn to N Ijl.owls.lot 1 , iJlk IB ,
Highland Place , nod . 7M
Anton Ilcrnkcrn.til wlfo to Idii 1 ! Wclli ,
w : U. lots 7 , 8 uml 0 , hlk 1 , Oburno.V ;
Hoslck's add , w ( I . , . 2,000 ,
Ol Hollander to J K Keltic , lot 17 , blk8 ,
Kllby Place , q c U . . 1,003 ,
Samu l Kutx and wlfo to .1 1' Hinli. lotO ,
bllcli. Ki > nnuo'ft4tliiiddw d . 5,000 ,
liVCVuiiiHiKlwIfo toM KAekurloc K ,
bile 15.1st add to Smtli Omaha , w d. . , . MO
I.esllo Htavort to Arthur Butt , lots il
and 23 , bll < : i , Junction View TorrncB ,
wd. . . .
PA Ilolln and wife to I < 'sllis Htaverl ,
lots 21 and 23 , lilk a. Junction View
Terrace , w d . . . , . TO
Martin Cannon nnd wlfo toU Hohwor , un
no 2U-I3-1U. w d . -MOO
Carrlo \Vyatt and liiiihand to T , I )
Fowler , lot 1.1 and o K lot. 12 , hi Ic II ,
Kouiitzo I'laco , wd . . 2.t,0i0 , !
Total amount ot trantkrs > l.l)3 )
Drf Blftioy euros catirrh ,
for HI its.
The following parmln were Imiocl by the
BUperlntendentof buildings ycUcrday :
Ellen ftlel ) u-llt , 1 story brick htoro , Tunth
and 1'acllic streets. . . . „ . , , , . $1000
aim. O. S , Ay CM , 2 story frame reilfluncc ,
Thtrty-llrst'inid DixlKo streets . iOOO
Frcxl Stroll/ story Iraiuo cottage ,
t-lxtocnth and Williams slreoU . COO
X , 1) ) . Hpauldln . lij story frinnodwoll-
Inc , "ISrioiitirnilrtlutbitroot . . . . . 150 ]
J , II. Call&ghan , 2 alory frame nddttlon ,
1'irtcHMitli and Martini streets . 1000
31 , T * . Clarko. 1J ! story frame bam , Ca s
and Twonty-Uf tli itrooti . 2000
K H. Studly , 1 Htory frame cottajo ,
Thirtieth aucutanil Aintu u venue. , , , . BOO
4 minor porinlti. . . . . . . . . . Kli
Dr. Ulrnoy , nose and throat , Dee bldj. (
The Local Seal Estate Market Exhibits UIK
usual Buoynuoji
Cliltnto anil Huston gC iilttil Coming
to Oxunlia In ] < itrK I'lockH--
Bniuc Very luterc.stliif ;
CoiniMiriitlvn Talilos.
Early tn the year n number of the londlnfl
members at the then netlro real wtnto < vx-
change made guesses as la the probable roU
time of real estate transactions for the year
IS'.X ' ) . tiomcof the 8iuiulno | ! brokers placed
the llgurontf.10lKKlt ( , > ( X ) nnd were laughed ntby
the more conservative ; If not less hopeful ,
members oC thu organization. The hesitancy
inspired in capitalists and prospective invest
ors hy the pendlnx Issue \irohlbltioti for n
tlmo pointed to u stow year's business. The
ransnctlons from wcolt to week , however ,
iavo shown n continuud Increase over
ho business of lust year anil now
ho Indications nro very strong for
ho fullllhneiit of the prophecy of the real es-
ate dealers who wre thought , nt tlio tltno
ncnlionCHl , to have been guessing wildly ,
Never In the history of tlio city , with its
nan'olous Rrowthliui there been such ado-
nantl for realty bargains nnU the mark et was
ievcr moro boughtout.
Omaha's jiositlonln the census returns 1ms
ittrncted the attention of eastern eiimtiillJta
nnd already the city Is Hooded with their
igents seeking suitable Investments ,
Ono of thobigpost projects under way Is
hut being pushed hy the Twin City railway
'oinpauy , which ia planning to smother Coun-
II Hluffs with railwuy lines anil to operate
hem in cotuicction with nn Oninha system ,
neross n bridge to bo built or secured by thn
Kiinpanv. Tlio corpor.itloii is hnekoii hr n
lit : laiul syndicate willed has plans for the
development of tlio western pirt of tlio llluft
city nnd the oust Oinnhii property.
The company la in oarncst and
steps will ho tnUen at an
early date for the active prosecution of ita
Another of the big deals of the week was
; hosjiloof li'rt acres adjoining Uoso 11111 on
ho west and Benson's addition oil the south ,
fho prlco puld was S itt.ftiO. The nlnllleaiii'o |
of thu tnuisnctioii consists in the fact that tlio
wrchasor Is Willl.ini i ) . W. Johnson , ono of
ho most prominent nnd widely known real
estate won of Chicago. The deal la announced
is the flrtt of a line of Invostincnts proposed
.11 Omaha by ChuM o capitalists.
The lot nt the southwest corner of Soven-
; centhiuul iVarnaiuhns chnngoil hands iigaln.
A Boston i t ires t men t company being the pur
chaser this tltno. Ths prlco paid w > s SSUM)0 , ( )
ind the agent of the purchaser states that a
mmlsomo eiBht-story olllco building will bo
erected on the sito.
The Nobraslca telephone company hns pnr-
'hascd ' the McCord property nttlio soilrhwistt
corner of Eighteenth nnd Doughvs. The
coaipanv paid xll ,000 for the lot and an BOOH
as the cltj-council establishes a ( trade wilt
comniento tbo eroctioii , of a Imihliiig 16 bo
used exclusively for telephone purposes. It
will bo lire proof , probably llvo stories lilgli ,
nnd will bo ( Jix'.Hi foot on the ground. "Just
what plans wo will adopt I cannot say , " said
Manager Yost , "ual wiint to visit Now York
and some of tlio otheroastcrn cities unit in
to the question more thoroughly. Jt
! i our Intention to make the Omaha system
the most conipleto in the country. Ono
lean say , and that Is that the expendi
ture \vill not amount to loss than 250,000 , ,
and probably more. "
There nro a number of ninnufacturinR pro
tects that are being pushed , particulars of
wlilohcan iiotyct bo 1'iveii to the public.
The right kind of peopleavo behind the eh-
lorprisod , however , and it is almost n ccr-
In'.nty ' that the list of ninnnfacturiiiir In
dustries will bo very materially increased.
Comparative Insures.
The following figures will prove of interest
as showing the volume ot , business hi' real
estate transfers , building permits and bank
clearings for the hrst seven months of 1690 ,
compared with the corresponding period , of
last year.
The Improvement Itccpnl.
nay. 1W1SOO. .
January Sl.aW.TlH $1.2SU52
I'obruary l.nTU.IK ) lni .4)7 (
Jliiroli , . . . . UHWIVWfi41 | (
April 1,1X11.417 1 71 , l ± i
- . f lri'4.Tlil
. . _ i.rao.2ai
July lIWti l1 1.4I2.72 ! >
] , IKn7l.Til.UW \ )
Totals 3li,005M7r. ' , 4l.llO
i-KitMira. '
MO laoo
January $ K.VJ01 J Tl.MO
Tubruary 41.WJOM.Vin
iliiruh 4flU.nTO 143.WB
April 4I5M)7 ) .IIO.O.Vl
June " . : wnr.
July 4pl , i
Totals . . . $ baiioGo w.4'tioi ' ) :
January . $ lll.-'l in.anM7 :
rubruiuy . . ii,4 : iii.40i.ira
Muruh . 15.4T7.1.VI . a.nM.rni ) :
April . 10.2 7aH
May . 17.HiltXB :
June . ls.HTfli : ;
July . . OT-XIUKI
, . 18Hr > < ! 8,7tO
Totals . WJISXSWm * ] 07.0(1,503 (
l'"or tlio week psi t the lotaln iiro aa follows :
Monday. . > . S11I.072
Tiiostlny . . 7V t
Wcilnrsduy . .
Thni-Mlay . . . ( WhUii
Friday . IWttJ
Katurday . ' 51,708
Total . ? 370ri05 I'Kitiiira.
Monday . $3nai
Tuesday.- . . UM )
Wednesday . .70U
Tlinrsday . M.fiOil
Friday . , . S0.h75
Saturday . . lMfi
Total . 81111,103
Monday. . . . . 0-i,72l.fi3 . (
, IIW..rt
1'rtd.iy. . .
Saturday . . . . . . 7KMMM15
An Increase of iS.I ! puretint over tbo corre-
wwk > flast year.
linprovoriienfr IS'otOH.
Contraota have been let for the erection of
two oU'Kiint brick residences forV , J. and
C.V. . Martin OIL l-'arnam and Thlrty-nlotU
streets , to cost S ' ,000 ,
\Vorkhiuiljuericouirncncod on Ilushtnan'n
new block , Leaven worth street , near
Klovcnth. TUo bnildUij- will bo six stories
In height.
Aaron Calm , csq. , has sold the lot on Dodge
streotwcst of Sixteenth to an eastern party
for $ .r > 0KX ( ) . The lot , faces Dodge street and
Is i lx3i | feet , It l to bo Improved imme
G. A. Beobo < fc Son have their furniture
factory at 'J'hlrtocnth and CJraeo streets well
underway. 1'ho factory will bo the largest
In the went and will turn out double the
amount of furniture of any factory now la
operation In Nebraska.
L. A. KlttredKO has sold hU Interest in the
Paxton hotel to 11 A. Eiwtnuu of Chicago.
The transfer will take place on October 1.
Tlio new inanngcmont will bo liralnnnl &
Eastman. Mr. Klttredgo itjturns to Chicago ,
where ho hns large property interests.
A t OKQ has l > een set at work ? the
portion of the new Tenth street viaduct al
ready la plow , and the work of flooring the
structure will bo commenced Monday. The
delay in erecting the Iron Is caused by the
mmarrival of a car load of columns , which
was bhlppod two weeks ago , aud which trac
ers uro now try UIR to locate , A letter from
the Uotrolt Iron works states that they are
working day and night KOltlaa out the mate
rial for the structure. Kverylhluftiiovv looks
favorable the coniplutiou of tbo viaduct
by Cbrlstmu , nltlioutth cold wwthor may
possibly interfere with the ilsgollthlc work ,
Invlilcli oven temporary wooden aldowidka
will bo laid and the o spcclllcd iu the con
tract will roplacxi thorn early in the spring.
It la lieliovcd , however , thut no trouble will
ba oxnorlonced in getting everything coiu-
plctod before winter.