THE OIHA1LA DAILY BJKE : STUNDAV , SEPTEM33EH SB , 18SO.-SIXTEEN' PjlG S. SPORTS OF EA1Y AlTUffl. 'Iho ' Latest and rrcuhest Brcozoa from the Ball Pield , AMJOST THE REEDS AND THE RUSHES. rhol'iirf , tlio "Wheel , JiliiB and Cln- dcrnil I'ntli Dnyn of Wild Kowl Hliootli K-Goi > < l Hutulny Head- IIIR for tlio StiorUmnn. The Jolt Bedford "Hit mo for tfO" coal l n at tlio ball park his qulto a history , and It might bo worthy of relating. A knot ol gcatlemcn , nmoiij ? whom -were several ball players , Including Jack Crooks , was standing In front of Me- Cormtck'i ' ottlco orioovcnltig during thocloso ot the season of 18SS , discussing tlio theory of 'Bclcntlflcbnttlnp. ' Croob , It-will bo remem bered , wai very hugely * turt on lilmself.iind ho declared that ho could hit with a Iwtusd ball a target ten feet Bounrc. placed ut the outer eJRQ of left ccuier Hold ono time out of ten ngnlnst any pitcher tlmt could ho pitted ngninst him. Of course Uils wai gasconade of. the purest kind. Jeff JJeclford , Iho coat mini , however , topic Crooks at his word , and told Win tliat ho would put u pastel' ' ° n tins spot ( lesigiMtod by Jack lint ! every tlino lie i would hit I ho would giro him $ r 0 , ami buy him a suit of clothes besides. "I'll do better than that. " said Mr. 11. , "I'll ' Klvo .V ) to any player who hlt-ilt , Ijcloiiglng to : inytciiuior tiny nssocia- ' ' 'Well. you got Hup , " replied Crooks , "and hlod upon the RroiiiidH they sign staring thoin In the face. it VM ° ? ! Invitation and every player in both teams that day at jncd Ills but nt the big circular sign. I3ut It was Notonc of them \vithinnftyyardsor it. Crooks claimed that ngriuthad llowii In his oyelnst before the game nndho couldiitseo thuBlgii.imd all the boys travohlm the laugh. Hut what lias been the history of this turn } In the tuo years nnd uhnlflth'M blazoned Its offer In the faces o tlio AVostcrn associa tion It has been hltbut four times and always by a player belonging to Iho homo lias It boon hit team. Not once by u visiting plnyer. In October 1883 It was hit by .Too Miller , and ho received his little check and a now Dunlop.besides. . . In 188'J ' , Too \Valsh \ captured the prize , and this yenrhoth ICcarns ami Ciuiavim placed tlio sphere ngaluat the raid bearing boards. This lObottotho vcnr.howovor.Wodfprclnddcda . . * T > O prize that noono would hit It. then Reams nnd Omavan tuincil rlpht round and hit It csuli in the sanio week. They both promptly received their checks. After this exploit .Mr. Bedford again changed his offer , nud now It reads : -'ICeiims ' and Canaynn , you did well : hot you f > ( > you can't do It ngnin. Hit mo on the lly for # 75 , " So thoncxtinnn who hits Mr. Bedford's sign will reap ahar- vestofS'JO. ' _ Wlint IJnve HUH to Sny. \Vlieniwked concerning the rumor that Denver , Lincoln and Sioux City woulil bed d ropped from tlio "Western association next season , UavoKowosnld ! "In the first place there is no Qcslro In the association to drop "Lincoln , Denver and Sioux City from the membership , none whot- over , and In the second place If tucro wasatiy such feeling Hcouhlnotbo done. The asso ciation U simply -partnership , caehcity holding an equal share , and when holders of n franchise comply with the laws , pay their dues andsalnilcs nnd appear tor games at the dates anil plticcs scheduled tliey Unvo done all thatls nci-ossary. "There never was a shade of foundation for this report about dropping these cities from the association. It was started by news paper men of Omaha ami Mlnneapol's.upoti ' . no authority whatever. I dcstro to say this because 1 was Instrumental In petting Liu- coin Into the association. Lincoln is agood ball city ; much bettor for it week-day town than larger ones in the west. . You have the nucleus hero for a , first cluss team , which was obtained without much oxpjnso , and m-xt scmon you will ho ready for business , with good prospects of petting through very much cheaper thnn wo have run tlio Denver club the present summer. "As for thoassochUloiiTioxt year , I believe that there will bo pructlca lly no chanpe. It is nonscnso to talk of Detroit , Toledo nud In dianapolis Betting a place. The first reason is that Detroit will not support a team. It has hud two of thobestevcr organized , nnd it never supported them. Indianapolis has had too much oE tlio National league to fall back. Not that the Western association would uot Biro them Rood ball , but they don't want the Western flavor. , , , . „ "In my opinion Kansas City and Milwau kee will not go cast , because there will bo HO plaeo for them. I look for a prosperous sea son next year In.tho west. With plenty of plnyors and greatly reduced salaries the Western association will ilourlslias It never lias before. " "Worthy of Consideration. I'ho guarantee plan should bo abolished , not only in the \Ycstcm nssoolntion , "but In all tlio leagues , It is a drawback and a hindrance , and mates U impossible for nny eight clut ) organization to pull successfully as a whole through the season , The -waiter cities , which count Justnsmuch In making ; up the circuit as the strougcrones , should have an eauttaulo whack out of the Rate In llenof a measloy plttanco provided solely for the payment of actual expenses. Tlio'"perccntaKO system la the only real sys tem that affords anything like equality In the distribution of emoluments , The stronger cith'-s ttlionld bo made to assist in tlio support of the vcaker , forlt is tlio latter which make the strong clubs famous. If they were all equally museulai- playinRSti-opnth itwould bodlfTorcnt , but this Is a condition that no amountof Ingenuity or expenditure of money can over brlnp about. There must bo strong clubs and weak clubs , there must bo ivlaticn and losers , lust tlio same as In the great Kamo of life , of which baseball is a rcflox. forty percontto the visiting elub , -ivitli an expense guarantee sucli as now o\- isti , would lie avast Improvement , or why wouldn't It bo a good Idea to make it CO and 40,00 , to the winning club no matter onwhoso Brounditho gnino is plnyod , uailJO to the loser. That would nvoraso up about tlio same , nnd always bo na additional incentive for the weaker teams to strive to overthrow tlio stronger. Today His 190 often the caio that tlio weiik clubs po Into the game simply to secure the guaiiinteo , without a ilosire , ambition or hope of winning. All they want la the assurance that they will get to eat and won't lave tocouat the tlea back home. A. I'cw llojewelcil ' 'Ilcnow one thing- , " remarked Joe \Valsu \ last night , "and that is that the Omaha's ' shabby showing this ecasoii cannot belaid to Manager JTranU Leonard's door. JIo lias done every thins possible to got in Into win- ulug shape , and hnd ho been unhampoi-ed nnd unmolested la his conduct cl thqteam wo would now bo engaged In a hand-to-hand tusscl with the leaders for the coveted bunt ing. Hut that has not been the case , Ills Dlans and theories have bcea frequently in terfered with , ho has been dictated to and or dered from pillar to post until Its a wonder that holm'ta lit subject for the snnl arium. .Anybody tuat tells mo that Leonard Isn't it sodd , liard-worUlnff , painstaking .intelligent and competent manager , I'll toll thoin-well , you know what a follow Is apt tx > tell another < vheu ho knows lie's lying1 , doii'tyou Well , that's lust what I would tell any such parly us 1 have mentioBcd. The manager is oven- . tkliiK vlionho has -winning team , UkeSelw liad Trot year , forlnstanco.but let Ultn under- taljotohuiidloa lotof dubs and nmatevw.wllh nchunio nllaround nWut every three weeks. and see what ho Is , Leonard niadca bravo 11 ght tiwlnst the worst kind of Mils this year , am yet had ho been let alone AV wouldn't bo at the tall en dot the nice now , That's what I said. " _ _ TlioCluso oftboSonsoii. Next Tuesday and the AYeutern assoclatloa tasoball season for 16W will have reached Its end , and thorn will bo but precious llxtlo lamentation over the event. So fur as the possession of honors Is concerned the ecu- Octi.uilat u well , close wltU today's liattlos , as all the tcnmsnro now in the positions they will occupy two days hence , The ICaniiw Citys will take the pennant , with. Milwaukee nocond , Minneapolis third , Denver fourth , Sioux City Sljtli , Omalia seventh and the St. Pauls lost. The season has been the most disastrous onoln tliohlstory of the R.ime , not only Intho Western association , butlii all the leagues nnd lossoclations , thanks to tlio elevating cf- fortf of the brotherhood , Unsoball is now nt a lower ebh than at nnytlmoslncotho ilark days of ' ? " and 78 , and intlio opinion of many of the best Judges it will re < ium ? many years to brhiKlttipto thoold standard again. Tbollaltlu of the Tall Ktidcrx. The Bhett Kox and the Aiiostlcs , the tall ondcrs in the Western association Dennant chase , will run up against each other no less tnanthrco times lodny , once this morning- andtwlco thh nftornoon. The laltcr two ames can lie seen for a single admission. Don't let anybody forget it , but there is BolnR to ho ahotfihtand ( when the sun gnei down behind -westernsandhills this ovcnlntIts hut rnvs willllUolyfall upon nlno Saints deader'n nuckereU. Captain Walsli says they shant Inro n unoll. Tomorrow afternoon and the season closes. This ilnal strlfo will also bo with \Vatklnsfanilly , atidUanllonln , hoof thoinipratliorluin lungs niidcvclopian mouth , will play right Held for the homo team. Kverybody go , and don't forget totakoa Winchester rillo with youl Wliat tlic < JranVcnSay. Tomorrow the senioti closes , "Kid" Nichols to already signed with Boston for IS'JI , Canavan , "Wilts \VorkswllllJoOinahas outllcld next season , 11111 Hoover has boon doinc some tremendous deus slugging for Kansas City. St. I'aulhoasadlymlssed the asslstaneeof Catcher Dally and Pitcher Mains. Many of the men plnylnp on tlio Omaha team today will not bo seen hero another year. year.Thoy awfully sere up la Minneapolis because Manager Hurst has fulled totukotho " * . Every baseball player should Join a liand- bnlleluli. It Is the llnest winter practice in tlio wo rid , The Uoston National leagnc club has can celled Its post-season exhibition jjamos , that Is , In the west , Tom-KearnswltuO , naha tills scison , has signed -with the liochester Aincrican associa tion team for next season , Advance money will bo a scarce commo dity the corning winter. Ball players can makouptholrmimHto that. Omalia wasn't ' in It this year , that's quite certain. Will they bo out of sight next sea son I Mcfjorinlek s.iys yes. Dave Howe thinks that Sioux City is tlio only "Western association club that wJU not be m the organization next year. "Itowo's ' Rowdies" is what the Minneapo lis writcre call the Denver team. Theyuro good all-roundball-pUiycra at that. AYheiitho pennants arowon there ivill bo a Brunei hustle for players and rumors of ilealw \vlll bo as plcntlfulns autumn leaves , j\s \ the playing swsoii draws to a close pub- licattentlon iacentcringupoii the wholesale changes which may ho canceled in baselull soon. soon.Ed Hcngle says Alison wanted him to phy second for thob'aUiiico ot the season , but ho declined to go because ho has a lame arm. Stuff. There will bothreo Ramos with St , 1'aulnt the local park today , thollrst commencing at low and the othcrtwo games In. the after noon. The lust two games forono admission. . WniiyAndrews , the veteran , has gene to work In the UnloikPaciilcshops. Hcdocsnot consider his uall davs over though , by a long ways , and will again don the glove in the spring. Pitcher Dan'Clare of the Xlncoln club has prone to MountCleinens , Mich , , to recuperate. Hit health has been poor. Ho hnd an agreo- uu'iit not to bo reserved , and under it asked lor and received his release. Juc ! Ilolhclay , who was once the monkey of the Western association , has ceased his coaching for Cincinnati since the shallow- paled Lathainjoincd the team. The Hug , too , Isn't ttio ball player ho was erstwhile. Owing to the wholesale transfer of games and the many disputed contests the Western association papers scum to bo In n hopeless muddle over the championship record. How ever , while no two tables agree , it is nulto certain that Kimsm City has a clear load by twenty-five points or more. Kansas City is unquestionably strong enough to play any team in the country , na tional league , brotherhood or whatnot. In fad either of the three leading Western a o- clation teams are up to the standard of the best oC them. Thominorloaguo cry , in these chaotic days of baseball , la becoming nause ating. Nearly every otlicr licld game or sport in vogue makes special demands upon this , that ortho other muscle of the body to an uxtent which frequently leads to nn abnormal mus cular clcvcloumontat tbo cost of other un trained force. Thus in rowing , the arms and chest muscles are called upon for excessive duty ; In pedcstrianlsm those of the nether limbs are overtaxed ; but in baseball every portion of the muscular system Is evenly brought Into play. This it Is which makes baseball so desirable a field sport for schools and colleges. Will Denver ever bo In it again , is the question- being frequently propounded. Kverythlug- badly inked out thereand there's no telling what will happen. Howe and Van Horn are trying to got up a stock com pray , und Dame Kuniorhas it that a prominent business iiwin-\vlio Is an enthu siast and also a man of moans , is negotiating for the purchase o ! the franchise , and should hosuccecd will , next year , put a team in the field that need not tulco a back .sent for any in the Western association. The same gos sip has it that cither Prank Seleo , now of Boston , or IManager Leonard of Omaha , will belli charge und that Juc'.c Croaks , ono of the most popular ballplayers in the west , will belts captain. The Milwaukee club recently withheld Kansas City's ' guarantee for tbo last three games played in Milwaukee amounting to fcJlOi ) , because "Kansas City baa failed topny hcr association dues. " JOxactly how this conies to bo Milwaukee's ' special business is not clear. Sporting Lifo.liy you don't Itnow nngthlnifabout running base ball , you fellows down east , Out here , every club I * sv llttlo association within itself , and ifthoy dou't ' feel line paying the visiting dub their guarantee , they don't do It , that's all. They transfer scheduled games from one city to another whenever they feel like it. without as much as a word to anyone , If they want anew umpire they go und liunt npsbntoox- Vrlzo lighter and appoint him for the homo scries , then kicu him Into oblivion. The leaders always win nil the gnmes on the homo grounds , and they do many other things that w-ould make you people luush right out loud. They am funny , awfully funny , these West ern magnates. j\moiittie ; Aiiiutcurj. Draden Is an industrious amateur. The Muhonoy brothers arou groit pair , Toncrjs vlayinj llrst for the Konpnrells. A.rnola is showingup very finely In the lox. | Etylno is Just oatlnff up grounders at short. McvAullfro will hibernate this winter at Denver , The Diamonds' ' crack bnttory U Slnhold anilVciirno , Wnlly Andrews Is working in the Union 1'acllle shops. The \\'ost \ Lawns have strengthened up for i their closing ( fumes. Jollen uiid Laccy vlll bo the Nonpareils tatt cry today. , the pitcher , has vamoosed , gone cast for the winter. Qulnlon lia < been elected totho ofllco of ha carrier for the Sparklers. Arnold and Cnrmelleo , pitchers , will flalsli the soison in the field. ' Copelanclwlll ho given n trial in the tos bv Blair todny , He's ' all right. What has become ol the Eden AIusocs Stabled for tbo winter , Spudl Voung Coy , the Park Juniors' new pitcher u developing Into a good hitter. Monkey Itennlson Is 0110 of tlio coiiiln shortstops. Hu' a llttlo humtnor , The Dlamonda were offered SSOfortho rc- case of Shorts top Monk BonnUoit. Monaghan Is surprising every one ) 'by th style In which ho is lacing thorn out , . Slnhold will inaka a pitcher , mro' Jlo'a got tliocuncs , speed control and head. Both Davis and Cuiuihigluuu , of the Diamonds mends , have coca playing splendid ball , Pitcher Jimmy JIart will leave oao day th.1 veelt to Join Dick Dwycr's Ilalccr City , Ore. , cam , Wclll Well ! Veil ! Did you hear Of 111 lls.sourl "Valley wallopped , and by the Crane cam , Bcanlsonatul Draden oC the DLmionJs will nlshlho rest of the season with the Iliga chool club. Hnyos , the Dhmondt doughty old catcher , las slgnodwlththo Chicago Uardcn Oltyj or next scuon. ThoElBhteciith Street blars area hard lit- o crowd to down. Such Is the testimony of no Shamrocks , anyway. iSIanagorParrlsli msertithitlho Nonpar- tU aw afraid to meet hh Freaks. Doti't ilamo'cm ' , whowouldn't 1)01 ) There will bo an amateur team orgi-ilzed his winter that , according to its projectors , vlll bo able to Itnoclc 'cm all out. The r > ark Juniors and Tour Corners wilt lattlofor suprcmaoy this nfternoon. Young Coy will twirl for the Juniors. U'hoVcst Lawns nnd Eighteenth Street Stars will meet on the gory battle field t Inslictl's park this afternoon. The Diamonds were badly whipped la their asb collision with the West Lawns. Twenty- no to fifteen -vvasthoslze of it. Peterson of the .Shamrocks retired the Mglitconth Street Stars recently with but ue hit , and that was a misjudged fly. it seems that the Omaha management lini venltcnett on putting' Jcllen In the box , I-Io lay pitch , however , In the llrst ganio thU iftcrnooti. Tlio Gnto Citys play the Arniour-Cudaliy cnmat South Omuhiitlila mornlaR. Peter- on nnd Dolim vlll do the battery work for ho date Citys. JCcllers , third baseman for thoShainroclci , s offon hUwedillngpllgriiniigo. During his bscnco Morlax-ty Is guarding his position In flno style. Seaman , a proailaln ? twlrler from Den- nlson. In. , now- attending sclioolln thlscity , vould likoto nlay with any of thocrack cnrnson Saturiuys nnd Sundays. ThoiiighSclool team for nextseoson % vlll omprlso the following iilayorsj Bennisou , . ; Jlutlor , p. : 1'aylor , Ib. ; Harbor , 12b. ; lollmnti , ss. ; IJraden.ab. ; ICellcy , rf.j Hess , n f. ; and Thompson , If , Why wouldii'tlt boa good Idea to make up a team or the Omaha amateurs and tackle tlio irofesslouali as a wind-up of the season next 'ucsday. Thora would bo mono/ laid that he amateurs would lii. Blair needs iigood second baseman. Thcro are a number in this city , and the manage- noiit would do well to j ivo onoof them a rial hi their closing tramcs. Remember , hero's aiiolborsctisoa coming. "Williams li pitchinc great ball for tlio Sand lill.i , and oh my ! what a ga mo that .Tuck } nrrhjau is cntchln . Heard that the Omaha nniiagenirnt xvoulcl like to have .rack next oason , but ho wants the earth , fried on both ides. riio Diamonds nowcotislstof Slnhold pitch , Vearno catch , Webb llrst , Davis second. ) rnJen third , Cunningham sliort , Arnold oft , Hovell middle and Cavmollco ripjlit , ilanairoi-s desiring dates sliould address G. J , 'rank , 1517 .Tones street. Gatowood , who has been covering second or the ICebnislia City team , Is now guarding ho same bag for tlio Cranes. In a recent ga mo ho accepted eleven chances without nn rror. I-Io will muko a fine man. torsoino ninor league clud next season. JtsoUs an d Muslins. Thoprojpects for the fall duck sliooting ( jrovbottcrand better every day , iinl ttio [ unncrs iiro all 01 tha qul vivo for glor- nussport. Thogrosa niidbluo-wlugol teal lavocomo in in larger nuaiboH than for can , and they are In inostin.isalilcont fet- lo as fat , plump andsuccaloatas veritable utter balls. lirgo , big-j. of thoao delicate ; amo birds are made every windy day at VaubunccyaiidOnaw. ! , and m-iny arobsitig [ illcdovcueverynlghtaiid morning at Cut- Oft lake. But the taal shooting hn't a inrkcr to the fun thcro will 1)3 wlisn the nallards and the roJ-Ueadj and the blue- lillsarrlyc , JVdayinn blind \\rKitla \ \ ? Or Bnrtlctt'slVhat spjrt ! Wlnt oxhllara- ton I How it sets tlw blood totlnsHng la he veins of the sportsman I And \vuatcoulil > e moro cnjoyablo in this world to a man to ho manor born , than to time lifo easy is ho lies crouched ' iti hl 'hido" among ; the swiyiugrceos and yellow ano , with a soft bed of dried buffalo grass ind lulled in to a semi-slumber during ; accssa- ion In thollitrlitby the softsoughlnjj winds lirougU the Hags ; then thoro's thu excite- nciitof casting the decoys and the feverish lastooC llxlng1 one's splf , listening , llsteniiif ; nil the tlino for. that musical quack tholmiitcr cnows so well , or that peculiar whistlomado > y speedy wtnps cutting tho. bracing ah' , always eager and alert for the birds. There hoycomo ! IVIarlc. Tbeysivervolti the air , lesltiite , then come swooping down over the lecoys. Hut they turn , then como again , leaded straight for your blind. "What a hrillmir raomentl Do not crook an elbow or viiilcan eye orthoy will bo gonoas if on the vlnd. Now they sotthoirwiiiKStheiryonow offsboRinto drop , they are over the wooden arcs , their eyes took like aloes , liaugl your Irst barrel crashes through the lioverinjf lock , und cracltl your second goes if tor them as tbeyvheel and frantically and confusedly dart away. Don't you call that sport ! AVIth the bright tluo sky overhead ; .ho cool autumn breezes flushing your bared irow , and the odorous smell of lake nnd wood and field filling nostrils ami lungs , and tlio waving rushes and bonding reed * all about you , _ . Tlio Coining Trap Shoot. The programme for the shootingtourna - iicnttoboglvcnby Parmeleo and Naum In Dctobor will baoat Monday. From the en- couratrement tin minairemont las thus far received , the mcotltiRcaiinot fall In provlnga moMKlorlous success , Ono jjo ) ! feature of ibo shoots at this tournament is that any shooter may draw hli proportion of the puna it any time , which gives arautcurs a chance to cam pete success Cully with tlio crack shots. Three hundred dollars , or morcwlll bo added which fact alone will bo MilUcicut to Insure ono of the largest attendances ever had it any tournament ever held In tno state. This makes the purses worth striving for nnd will attract shooters from much lonccr dis- Unices tlnui prizes made upslmply from entry moneys. The special novelties will bo another very Interesting feature , and all devotees of the trap are clanioria ? to see Par- inuleo and Potty , or Paruialoo nnd Elliott of ICunsas City come together. There will bo both live bird anil target shoo tin ? and shoot- orawlll Hnd iioaearth of entertainments. IIa.nilM on iTour Ioulcetbo > nkf ! There will boa sprinters' tour.ioy at Mis- sourlVnlloy October IJ , undertho nuaase- mentof the well known tralneraud sprinter , Prof , Ed Moulton. Aniouir the flyers who wllltakopart are Con Huntley of Itupld City , Do , ; Clam Hough , tlio iow.i champion ; C. U. Leo , J. Croft , Harry Bethuno , Fakir ROM , Matbews , Lozlcr , and others , It vlll bo a grand old skin game all round , and the man w lie gota away all vo will ba awarded a paw- tor medal , Comic ! I lllittfr October UUCCH. The races at the Council Bluffs driv-inff park October 7,8 , , U and lO.undcrthoauspicoi ot the Omaha and Council Bluffs Jooltoy club , promlso to bo very interesting. The jiro- the session Is an follows ; TtEMDAr , ocrroiiKiiT , , purse pursomirso mirso . . W)0 ) Thrco-year-old , stake. " . . . . . UK ) , ociouiii8. : 2 : fiO trotting ; , purse . . . $ 0 Ur'JOpnce , PIITSO . , . . m Two-year-old , stake . . . . 50 Tin-Harm , octKUEiiO. 2 : fl3 trotting , purse . . . . (100 ( F'reo-for-all ti-otting , puno . . . . . . 600 Oiie-y cur-old , stake . ; . . 50 rniOAV crroiiEii 10 , a:30trottlnpr , purse . . . . . | | 00 l-'rec-for-all pai-o , purse. . , , . . . , , . . . &M ) l ive-forall , stallions , purse . . wo VYIiiKierlnH | | ; ofllic Wliecl , Captain Kinerson has wturued from his va cation and Is agnlii m command oC tuo active \vhcelmen. "K. 13. Sniltli wears his modal with an CMV Knco that is qulto becoming to his style of bl- cyc\o. \ Portcrflold Is covered with glory and med als and thlnlo Poorli is the largest city In the worldliest to Omaha. Anunibor of O. W. 0. "boys will tour to Sioux City anJ visit the corn palace this wcolc. It was a aiottcaUo fact that the : ) i30 cliss raw was run In the best tlino ma 3o at the ro- ueut tournamcut U ; 03 a-S , ThU shows ho\v rapidly the j'OUijw rldors arc coming totho front. jJll The man who started the rumor that the "ono man club" nndtho "juveniles" are about toconsolldntc will Tie woJrlnp ftcofiln onoot tlicso days , accord Ian to oftlclnl roporo. Some of the ' ? hrltcs among- the older riders did notdontiweLlH % vasoxpectedand nota rcwsjicctatorsworodlsappolnted attho way a iminbcrof tlroi-aws were notwoii , but Holton did very.dovor work anil demon strated Iho fact IIM ho lJ a very r t ruler. HUexcellent ti-nbilng ami fiool judgment was thocausoof hUsucccss. Ous lipenctcr'tJ-siitoty bucked him off only tlirco times la t iwclt Ho Is lowering his averacro a llttlq , . but Is ereltlnir so used to allghtiugovertU'c Ifiindlo ban that ho thinks of adopting ; tbtaiatylo of dismount perma nently. PiUTenrathls back from Chicago , where ho \ventrceciitlytooaupvlho positioner hap piest man at the wedding of a very dcur friend. The club extends congratulations. The Omaha Wheel club liavo their century run today. Elk City mid return this morn- InganUOlciiwood and i-eturu In tbo after noon. K. C. Howe , Nov Haven , Conn. , and A. . W. Darr , tt'estboro , Musi , reached Omaha AVcdticsdiiy on their tour across the continent from Boston to San l'ranclsco , They vcro entertained cytho Omaha \Vhcol club Avhilo licre and rosumeil their journey Friday morn ing. ing.Now that the racoi are over and the - visitors ors have departed with tholr sliaro oC the spoils , the club will have ample tlino for re- Jlcctloiion tlio outcome of tlio tournament , and speculation 011 how much they uccoin- pllshedln their labor of love In bringing back blcycloiMuliigto good repute In the eyes o our sport loving public. lUppoJrommB has been theordcrof thliiRaso long that thopeo- ploareslow toroallzo that anytlilngolsocaii bo possible In Lloyc-la racing , but It U to bo lioped this % vlll bo the beginning odi now era nndwlicn thonoxtannual tournanient takes place it will receive a well deserved patron age. + ApolloU'Uoel Notcn. The two runs tendered the vlsitlnffvhcel - inen last Sunday mro toHomictt's vineyard and round the city respectively , the former in the morning ami the latter In the after noon. The vMtort expressed themselves ng delighted with Omaha iintt her surroundings. The Omalia wheel club tournament last wok was a brilliant success so tar as tbo racing went , A prettier or more IntcrostniR scries of contorts \vcro \ never witnessed In this section of the west. Aiidyot the attend ance \\-ns small. If it had been ono of tlio I'rinco-Morftan-lSi'k fulics tliousandsvould have turned out , und then cried fakouud hlp- podronw till Iho close of the year. The Apollos won twenty-two prl/es out of the possible llilrtvslx offered. Of those ten were tlat pilzos , ten sccoml and two third prizes. The Omaha wheel club -vvon twelve out of a posslblo thii-ty-clKht-tcn first , ono second and ono third prino , The visiting wheelmen teolc nhoprir.cs , live llrst mid four second , These statistics show that the .Apollos , as ilders , are rislit up with their oldOL1 confreres , the OinaHas. at every stage of the game. They won both ordinary state championship races , -while Porterllelcl won the safety championship , Of the visiting riders who were hero were ( JcorgoMarkoy , UT. riskc , ItalphTemple and youns Krlur of Lexington ; l > i-aiii , Jvlockott and Wilson of J.lncoln ; Tom and Jim Patterson and inaleo of Plattsmoutk , and Elleclc and Klco- demusof ITreiuout. The annual century run will take place to day. His nointrun ] with thoO.V. \ . C. boys and the start \vill ho made at 4 a. in. The destination , is to Elk City and return in the jnoming und to .Ulgnwood intho afternoon. Unattached whodmeti are Invited to tike inrt. train and. 4\Vilsou \ of Lincoln % vill bo ouhandaudsovoral other Nebraska wheel men. , , j The boys have already begun to work pro- jiarlugfor their benefit to beheld In Novem ber. ber.Holton ' Holton lias dcnmiatrato'd that ho is the fastest man In 'thu ' club. He will muko a llyer , indeed , ono Of thcso days. Sport. There will bo four'daysoC good trotting nt the Conncll lilufTb 'drivincr park , wok after next , October" , S,0-undlU. , , JhonD. Crelghtou1 has bought the hlgli- lred ) 1'illy Crombiiiiu'by Director (217) ( ) dam Lookout , of B.v Ford , of Lexington , liy' Gunners are having high old times among ilio jacks. They came inwith the equinox last week nnd have teen affording tip-top sport ever since. Captain Jack Crooks of thoColumbusO. , association team has the spotting editor's uc- Ituow lodgements fora llfo-llko photograph of lilmself. The Soutli Omaha athletic club Is mnklug extensive arrangements for their dedicatory services. A rich and varied programme will slgnalUo the occasion. John Roller \va3 awarded the diamond modal for the best seasons average of the ( late City gun club , /.ol'cris ' a line shot nud his total average was 70J ( ' . There is aunivcrsul desire on the nart ot all local shooters to seoJohii Petty and lranlc I'lirmcleo como together at the touruumoat next month , iu a 10J live bird raeo. The Duiimlro & Cross shooting grounds across the river are to lie materially Improved this fall anil put la , first-class slmpo for a grand Interstate trap tournament in April. Bi'lyMagncr ' Is the owner of the hand somest and best bred King Charles spaniel in Nebraska. Ho Is n line duolt retrieval- , although ho has been Injudiciously handled. J. A , 1C. Ulllottof Kansas City Is now un questionably the champion llvo bird trap shootcrof .America , T-lowlllbo presentnttno 1'iirmclCU-lNason tournament next month , ready and anxious to aceonimodnto any or all the local cracks. nilly Thompson is organizing a grand coon liuntlng expedition , xvlileh will invade the big timber nciirCulliouri within the next Wo weeks. I'lio same party visited this sec tion some months since nnd killed five coons and u wild cat. So Hilly sayy , but every thing Illlly says don't most always some times go. Tha handsome and valuabloLavcrlclc setter belonging tnMr. Charles Johannes of 1114 South Twenty-eighth street has been missing slueo Sunday owning- , fie Is probably the finest , best bred and best broken bira dog in the vest , and Is a priceless pet of Mr. Jobannos. Anyone convoying any informa tion , ailo thodox' * wlicroaboats will bosuit- ably rewarded. Dr. Dohso writes the sporting editor that sliootlcff is first cliiss roundabout Bancroft this fall and will bo fur better as the season advances. A\lthna | mile oftho to\vn Istho beautiful Crystal like , beneath -unose silver surface disiiort countless myriads of pickerel , bass , croppies nnd other tlsh , and above them , In season , the canvas Lack , mallard , redhead , teal and wild geese wing tlieirway , or rode upon Iho gentle waves , while snipo. woo < l- coelc , curlew , rail and plover haunt the feed ing grounds about the water's ' ed pp , The ( mall season ' m. Nebraska will bo open October 1. The b'lmls are reported moro plentiful tlian they have boon known in this Bootion for ncarlyftu.ycars. , ( ( Tlio season baa boon especially an jv'ous ' for breeding and the birds seem to ? Ut > vo given their entire attention to this Ijiuilnblo pastime , rniinv ol them bringing forutjio ) ; second brooil , wnlch are now largo on au-ong enough to hustle for themselves. J'hn open season foriiuii | extends toJiiuuury- , any ono caught violating- these proiilMOUs should bupunishec to thollmitof thovla\x , If tills is done there will bo nil abuiidaifmiof birds Lett over for broodingpiirposc.yiupthor season , Thcro it no moro oxhllaratiufrprhoalthpromotliig licit sport that ( juullj | iciitiiitj and sportsmen sliould bo raisoimb/lg In their liidulgenco i they would see bo blrdi multiply nnt recupcrato. ' _ and Please state In Sunday's BIK whom Dae Clarke played in , jSi and what position J Hiirrj-Bpidmiui , South Omaha. AIM.Ylth. . OmaJiu. Pitcher. Todecldoa bet please state in Sunday's DBK whether P. T. Uirnuni the thowinau la deadl-K. 1B. . , Omaha. Ans , Hols not. Kindly state In noit Sunday's ' REE the number of draw lltjhti iiuflo by John L. Sullivan. Hilly Mctjulrlc , ilaRloClty. Ans , Three , with 1'atso.y Cardiff , Charlie Mitchell and Tug Wilson. Will you pleosa In form nnovlco with the gun what the dllTcroiu-o is In the Hbootint , quulltles ofa thirty or n thirty-two lucl barreled gun and it twontv-olifht Inclif- Chicken I luntor , Alllancoi Jfco. Ans , Thodtfferoncols hut slight. If the tlio cuas vcro bored exactly ullko It woult defy any ono to dlatingulsh the dlfTurcnuo although the thirty Inch barrel Is the preferable * - able length In cither a ten or Uvclvo Mcline , MilbUrn 1 Stoddarfl Co , t- WARRIAGES Special S&h During Next Thirty Days , REPOSITORIES , Plarmy and 13tk Streets * and Ninth and Pacific Streets I pun , anil many think better so faros Its ihoollni ? qualities are concerned. Please state In Sundays HER nad settle n dispute , -with whom and where did the Omaha team play on Decoration day 183'J ' } J. 1-1,0. , , Omahii. Am.Yith Sioux City , nt Sioux City , Omaha winning by a score of 12 to 1. Can you please In form me of the n atnre o f the superior qualities of a pure liver colored pointer , l-'or clilckcn nnd duck shooting , iu bavin ! a gun mnde , would you advise cylinder bore for ttio riclit : t > arrcl and inodillcd choke for ttoleftl-13.0. Woodruff , Vnlloy. Ans. A liver-colored pointer has no supe rior qualities over any otlicr colored pointer of good Wood nnd handling , Would advlso you to have both barrels modified choke un less much of your chicken shooting Is done in the standing corn. I1or wild fowl shooting both barrels should be cholted. "Wo have been havinK a dispute hero for ten days past over si question of a "Mil" or "lost bird" in a recent match on the Ues jNlolncs club grounds. Various local authorities liavo been approached , but dlsapreo to such an extent - tent that it has been ngreod to leave It to tuo sporting- editor of 1m : BKR for settlement. 1'leaso reply by mall. CJrcen steps to the score and shoots his pigeon ; It falls within bounds , lie starts to recover tlio bird , lie reaches and picks the bird up , nud stnrts to return , when it flutters , escapes from his hnndsandllles out of bounds. Whatlslt , a lost bird or notl l-Tarry IX II. , les IMolnes , Ans , If the bird was challenged before Green started to retrieve it , It is a lost bird ; If not , it is a kill. 2 "o questions In this de partment are answered by mall. ltf > SKJL Wit TIKELA DIES , Cherry blosoinsonpis the latest 0 ovlce for tinting and scentlny the lips. ClirUtliioNilsson is supposed to ImVobeon Oabancl's model for the famous "Marguer ite. " There never vas avill made yctthatdidn't disappoint somcbodv-cspechdly a woman's will. will.The The girl with the black Suede shoes carries a wallet the sine of u prayer-book bound in the same leather. Mmo. Mshelet , the widow and colhbora- tour of the historian , Is preparing a volume of his travels for the press. Tlio traveling blouse , which Is not unlike the hunting jacket of afow years past. . Is to boworn on the street with u dark cap. Queen Victoria Is very tciiadous of the rale that eho shall hear at least mice n week from members of her family absent in other lands. She likes letters. The empress of Austria , a London correspondent pendent declares , buys some costumes with out bcliiK' measured for them , nnd Is to bs "seen iti the streets wearing ready made gowns. " D On board tlio royal yacut Osborno the princess of Wales went about In. white llanm.- ! costumes cmbrolderlcd with gold , white peaked caps and wliito shoes , playing ; the har monium. All kinds of Irish lace are coming into favor , and bridal dresses for youthful ladles are trimmed effectively in Limerick. CJul- und point lace do Ccno have by 110 means Ronoout , Chinchilla , the fur of the small South American rodcjit , is coining Into fashion iiKuln. Beaver is moro in demand than ever , bu t onlya very small proportiou of the goods so called"arc real beavers. They have a lady in Grand Rapids , Mich. , who is as great a crank on black as the wife of Senator Davis of Minnesota. All her un- clorgarmeiils , nsvvell as the sheets uud dra peries of her bed , are black. Her majesty bos sent a splendid cradle , richly ornamented , to her great grandson , tholnfantof the Duke Duchess of Sparta , audthcs whole outllt. for the child was bouKhl hi .England by the Empress l-'rederlclc. Through the Inllucnco of tlio Women's Franchise league a bill is to bo Introduced Into parliament next session to check the public exhibitions of hypnotism , which have become so common oflato in Great Britain. Khoda lirounhton , the English novelist , has written twenty-two bookosand published but ten. Shols lif ty years old , snovvyhalrodbut sweet-faced anJ sunny-hciirtod , S ho has a ju-ctty homo in Oxford that It has taken her a quarter of u century to procure , Vulgarity liea In iiuntion misulted totho condition of lifo to which you belong , says Froudo. A lady is vulgar when sbo has tlio niaiinnra of a l < ltcheii-maidand , the Ultchcn- maid ts vnlRar when she affects the manners of n lady. Neither is vulgar so loner as she Is contented to bo herself. Chief among the lady ci-icketers of London uthlcllu society Is Lady lidward Hoiucrset , whocaptaineU the team at C.loucestcrshire not long ago and inado seventy-three runs , ttio victory being brought about by thosplon- did batting of Lady E. Howard anil the Misses .Maud , Uciii-yMatluws a'id AVallliig- ton , To the woman of limited means It may bo a comfort to know that straw bonnets and round hats will bo vorn all winter. In the Uiiinmingvclvotls the popular xualnrialcom , bined withsillc tissue or cream , aster , blue , white , orange or any other color that will make a pleasing contrast with Iho darker velvet. Oulda has hcrnanio on twenty-seven nov els that has paid nor more money thnn anj history published ia tha last ( junrtor of u cen tury ; thoDuchosH is the authorof twenty- three pa km-tattorcd romances ; itosa N , Carey lull written clovoa Iwo stories , Mrs. forester ton , Mrs. II , Lovett Cumoron nitio and Laura Jean Mb by seven. Ills net generally known , perhaps , that Lady Randolph Churchill , formerly Miss Jennie JeromeIs a capital musician and , did any reverses como teller , she couU support herself and family with Iho proceeds that her paintings would command. Shohas nsludio in bur London houtoand paints diligently pictures that have real merit and beauty. .Through the aid Of Mrs. MackayLady , Archibald Campbell and thoUuchess ofAbur- corn. Mrs. Horne-Payuo , a London Journa list , has succeeded In placing her "Cottage Industries" In KliiKsbrtdROOii aself-aupport- ing basis. These "CottaKO Industries" ai-o line weaving , embroiders , lacotnaUlng , eto. , which iwr women cm t-arry on at tboir homes. Of the seven ladles in waiting of Queen Margaret of Italy , twouroNuw Vorlc girls thol'rinccss Vleovuro.wliowasNhs Kleaiior LorillardSpencer , and the princess 13ranca s- do , who was IMiss Ulckson fiolJ. The hus band of princess Vlcovarolitt Ccncl and still owns the magnificent oahico which WH the property of Lucre < cla 1'otronl , ntep-motier ! ot BeatriceCencl.tot'cther with , many memori als of that 111-mod beauty , Mncrva Parker , n I'lifladelfihla architect , less than twenty-four years of ao ( , has re ceived tlio commission from the woman's ' dc- Iiiirlinentof tbo world's fair to erect the pa- vllllon for tlio Isabella exhibition , Miss Har riet Ilotiincr , who IH to make the Queen Isa bella statute , vlll submit nwiix niodol of her work In December , nnd Kli/.ii Alton Kturr , wlia Is writing the lifo of tuoijuecn , has iiourly comjiloted the work , Dr. Ulrnoycuroacatun-h , Dee May. EMU PHISKIiHS' ' SIIIUCLES , "Wlicu They cro Haug Oat and the Suf ferers Tlioy Attracted , DR , GEORGE L , MILLER AND THE PAPOOSE , Old Kcrs'H Untie Tlirbugli the \VllloiV8 mill the IniHt Hvont in liltoon 1'aflh in whluli Uouvo The pliyslcinns of Omana's childhood days , and their first cases I Theirs Is In which fact a life-story sur passes ticlloii , realism , romance , and the end is Illumined with lionor and wcll-deaervcd homage. "Our old family physician ! " The ring of alionioseiitlniontncxt almost to that of a lather und mother , Is contained in the pliraso. Iu the of this ' the primer city's youth ques tion , \ \ first physician of Onuihal is answered. Dr. CJcoi'KO Ij , Miller. Ho came hero in 1854 , befoi-o thovo was n permanent settlement , anil when only a few huts and shanties represented all there xvas of Omaha. U'lio place -was surrounded by Indians , It swarmed with , Indians they out numbered the whites as tlic sands of the sea shore outnumber the shlin of the sea. A.nJ Dr. Miller's first patient vas nn Indian child , As given to a representative of THIS BCK by the doctor himself a few days ago the partic ulars run as follows : "I was guided to the child's sido" said lie , "by Its lather who wasaiijthingbutjipropos- sosblug rcdslcin. I-Io led mo a long chase through ti-cachcrous brush anil clumps of scrubby trees down around where the silver smelting works and Union Pacific shops now stand. It was n chinos ugh as 1 shall never foixet , for my hair stood on end most of the way , as I expected , at every stop , to bo pounced upon by Indians who 1 knew would not Hesitate , Intho least , at scalping or murdering mo if they happened to bo in the hu mir. "Finally my guido reached his tcpco and motioned mo to enter. I obeyed nnd , within , found tlio grandfather and uraiuhnother as well as tlio mother of the child. Bo/oro min- isteriiiB-to tlio llttlo patient , I "vvas compelled tosmolcetho vlpc of peace witlieacli member of the tyro generations oC relatives that were represented. This done , I was permitted to seethe llttlo sufferer. I found my patient liaailouble pneumonia , and that the case was wajuttcrly hopeless. Satisfied that I could beef nouso , I explained , by rnaklnpf use of thosiunttoritijtof Inilhui language thatl had picked up , that the child vould dlo , and tfcen 1 returned homo after successfully running another halr-ralsliii ; gauntlet. "Tho next inoraliiRthe father unpaired at tTio shanty where I was sleeping1Io was plastered from head to foot with mud. IVly kiiowlcdgo of Indian customs told mo , at llrst KlaiiL-e of him , that the child was dead-a fact which ho communicated in a still moro strik ing muiincr by a weird posturing of hlshimds and head , and by lying prone upon 7iU back. "The next doctor to como hero was B. Y. Sliclloy , who arrived hi 1S35 , but remained only u snort time. In the same year came Dr. Harvey Link , who Is now a fanner and TC- sides at MillarU. The next year , la i , brought Dr. J. P. Peck among us. H6 was a jrraduatoof the Ohio medical college , and for many years occupied a pluro in the tlrst rank o f phys ichins In th is con n try. "In ISttcarioDr. A. Cliapel , a graduate of tlioNbwYorUcollogOof physicians nud sur geons u man thoroughly well equipped for his work Ho left us in the fii-oat crash of 183" . "The next -was Dr , Seymour , whoso Initials I cannot recall , Ilocnmoin Ittai or lluf ! , and occupied u leading place In the community forsoniotlmo. lie died inn distant stato. " Heine ; asked how miieh ofu feoho iwelvcd in that Indian-child case. Dr. Mllor replied : "Xot a cent I N"ot even u stone pipe or a bow 11 n < ( arrow , " Afow rooms from where Dr , Miller now pusses his ofllco hours Is found the by no means used Dr. Uichnrd C , Mocyu " 1 arrived inOinnhaon September 5. 1805 , comliiK up frail St , Jooby boat. " said Dr. Moore. 1 landcil ut wlmt was called the old 1'orter A Deud warehouse , wh u-h was owned by Harry IDcuel , now city ticket agent for tlio Union 1'aciiic , and his brother-in-law , Judge 1'ortcr. The wind was blowiag a perfect hurricane and tbo air was blindlngly full of dust. An old darkey charged mo a dollar for bringing mo four HO.uar0"awny uptown" to the Ilcnidcn house. A week after KCttltiK hero I went to ofllco with Kr. I'cck.andslK . months later into partnership - ship with him , "My first 'customer' was a sandy-corn- plcxlonod follow named Fcrcuson , whocanio after moon a sandy-coniploxlonod mule , to got mo to bo present at an anticipated in crease in his family. 1'rocurlng ono of Hoimin'sokl omnibus hones , Isetoutto fol low Kurt'usoii to thoscoiioof aufforinR. Our destination wmnspoton 1'om Murray's ' farm , where the corner of Ninth and Uancroft streets Is now , \Yo followed nothing but a blind trail which Jed through thick brush ana scrubby trees , Old Kerirusoii was used to dodging the limbs that slapped back late the f ace of o person on horseback , but I wasn't. Old Porg tore aloiif ? tlirougli tlio brush and scrubby trues at a break-neck spaed and every iiotvund then would yell , 'whoop ' 0111 up faster , "Doc , or you'll bo too late for business , " "If I didn't look ; as Ittwugh I had Indeed \vhoo jx-'d ' 0111 up' by the tlmu I put to his cab in then my 11:11110 is Dcimli , Both hands and facowci-q fairly raw and I was almost blind , Tlio consummate aggravation of the whole thin ? was that Iho ro was no increase In the family for moro than twenty-four hours , although - ' ' ' woman1 assured It though I-'crg's'old mo was mighty comfortln * fur to have mo on hand mighty jrood and early. ' If , howeverl-'org's , wife had known th sit unit was my lirstoxno. ru-nce at an accouchment I wasonly twenty. tlireo years old slie might not have found quite HO much coin fort In my presence , But the little darliiiK finally came. "llowmuchdld I charge formy services ! .Fifteen dollars ; and it took old ifereuson just four yuan to pay the bill. "In ISWor IWT I had astlllmoro cxcltlnic case , j\nold Englishman cumo to mjrshunty ono day holding his lint onwith one haiul and carrying n pail f water In the otlicr. Ucmoving his hut and putting down the pall utono und the sanio tlmu" , ho exclaimed : ' "Them darned Indians have do no it this time , doc" , , Thu ilith t of his head was horrible ! "Ho liad Just been sculped ! "fully four-fifths of Ills oiitlro scalp was gone , leaving the skull bnro , " 1 wa used to seeing tough nights , but tint sunt a islilvor clear through mo , " , Vs 1 looked upon the fearful Hi ht fora niomuiit , the old mini added : " 'But ' tarmto their denied red Bpt my scalp away from 'on after all nnd I'vfl brought it to you to havu vousov 'or on-you'll ' Jlndlt there In Unit pat lot water , fcrvousoo I nut it In water tfllceoii 'or ' fresh and lively 'till I could get to you. ' "Ami sure enough , there was his scalpjust as Iho ren devils ban lorn it from his head. J'oor fellow , how ho cried when Hold him that the severed covering wlilch lie hud so successfully regained could never bo ro ll aced ; that It was already deiii ) , as wo physicians term it , and that engrafting was. undertho circumstances , wholly Impossible. Uutlsavi'd hh life , andlio isnlivoand well , llv ng ngalii In merry IJnglainl , but the top of his head is ono great scar , like that from a burn. And , I will mid , that this is the oldest case on record In this country whcro tholiroof a. manwhoxvls scalcd | ) has bam saved. "Wr. 1'eckmcd totcllnRoodf toryon D.\V. \ Hitchcock , -who , inthosednvswas passenger agent hero of Iho Hannibal Ai St. .loe rail road , which was the llrst road to strike the Mis soiirl river , and wbois now in San I-'runcisL-o filling a similar position with tha 1 Union Paclfle. Hitchcock iviw 'ono of tbo boys' and liked to roam around nt night. After stajlm * out pretty late lu < would go around to Ur.l'eck's ofllce , whcro lie was always welcome , nnd drop down on a lounge to snoo/o away the few hours of sleep- ingtimothiuinigntbu left of the night. "Well , early one evening \volind ahungiii. ? bcom town. A fdlow ny thennmoof 13ou\o van thcvictlm. J1U offcnso consisted in en tcrlng Iho homo of a man named Tavlorli.j . lived on the llig 1'applo river , intiinidiitlnc I\Irs. \ Taylor who happened to bo alone at thu time , and then robbing the house. The crlnn- was committed in the afternoon Jind a llttlo after sundown liouvo wis cnugbt and liunic lllldcud from 11 ] > lank stuck out of ono of the window ) of the olu court hoiuo. Later in tlio evening the body was cut down and bulled .Or. Peck thought this would bo a line i-hnniv for him to gcta body todlssect , So after thu burying party hnd returned andnourlyoverj body xvas abed the doctor gotn man to help him and went mill dug up Uouvo's body anil taking It to tils olllco storeil it under the sofu until morning , when ho intended to lind u better place for it. "Abouta o'clock the next morning , as luck would have It , Hitchcock entciod the doctor's office after a night with the boys , Intending to occupy the friendly sofa. Itw as u bright moonlight night. Scarcely liad ho entered the room when lie noticed the too of a. boot stickitigout from under the lounge. Curi osity , backed bv a very fearless state of tnlnd that happened to bo bis about that hour , prompted lilm to reach down and grfwb tlio boot. It was full. So wis he , and hogavoit a strong 'yank1' ' Out cumo another boot , nnd both boots had legs stuck In 'cm. ( ! rubbing "both of ' 0111 ho commenced to reason AvItU their owner before giving a second pull. ' "Pnril , old boy , you're a fool hear what Isny pai-d von'i-on fool tjiking the udder side of a bed when the top side's emptv 1 * "Receiving no answer Hitchcock contin ued : ' "Paralyzed. chj veil , the only dif. hetwixttis is that you fared better than I Old and probably had a little stouter urllclu of plzcn.Voiidorlf youaiii'lKotadrop or- two left In a bottle spmewhcre about your clothcsl1 "With this Hitchcock pave the fdecpcr a linaljeik that brought his face full Into thu. moonlight. II ' "MyUod-lfs Ilouvc's body ! ' jelled tbo explorer , dropping the dead rain' * legs and rushing toward the door. Before Hitchcock had got it unfastened , however , Dr. Peck - who had scon ami heard the whole thing liad coolly stepped to his side , und bursting out in laughter , remarked : * " I say , Hitcliold boy , Just loosen thu poor devil's nccktioandho may rest better' ' ' for ttio noose was still about the dead cul- prlt's neck. "Theappearance of the doctor , his alter nate calmness and luuchtur , put Hitchcock 'on' ' to the whole situation immediately , hut tbo doctor told mo he was unable to per suade 'Hitch' ' to spend the remainder of the night at the ofllce.1 Dr. Blrnoy , nose und throat , liee blJfj BlXtivLAr. 11 * B.V. Athens , G a , , has a cat that weighs sixteen pounds , Oysters live to the ago of. from twelve to fifteen years. Does stung four horses to death at Ula.v- llcld , Mich. , afowilays ago. Two crops of peaches from the snmo tree in ono season uro reported from Orlando , lfii. A negro at 1'orry , Oa. , Is said to weigh a ID pounds and to have gained 100 pounds within a year. A white rabbit ivith lone , -woolly hair wan caught reuontlr by J , S. Kleuldnger of iior- rcllvillo , Pa. A Kentucky widower has Just married bin seventh wil'o , lie Is tiglity-llirco and his new xvifo is over llfty years of age. A snake cucumber seven fort Ion K and re sembling a hideous grconsnalco coiled , Is ono of tbo curiosities of L.O.S Angeles , Cal. A colored man living in Worth counts , Gcorgi.i , Is t lie owner of a llttlo led steer that recently trotted twenty-two miles In tour hours hltchod to a cart. A Willlamston , Wloh. , man , whoso well ran dry , found that the roots of -willow hau Brown a distance of twenty-four feet , coiled up on thu bottomln a solid moss , and wirtu carrying nil the wilier into thefuliagc. In' Haborsham 1'arlc. Oa. , Is a curious prapevlne. AboutAvo Jeet from thORround , from a largo ollvo oak , thcro pi-otudc-s a Ki-apuvlue about one Inch hi diameter. The trco Is perfectly solid and no roots to thu grnpavlno can bo seen. Throe yuan ago n lake In tho'Moosonw ] dis trict , near Ottawa , Oaundn , vblch was morn than u mlln iiH'lroinnferonoo , dhappciirud cn- tiri'ly from womo oauso. A fiirmor pnrchiwed the Iniio txjttoin iiuil lus this year ruised u in.ignliln'iit , crop ot wheat upon It. A strimgo fivalc of nature is reported from liavon I.uke , Manitoba. A cow belonging to . ) nines Snyiter gavu birth ton legless i-nlf. 'I'lio body Is long , with n large tall , by which it propels itself. Its head nud nock are natural. It bawls and drinks milk , but hi other waya rosoiublus n largo fish , and Is called tbo "fish-calf , " It hai projections on each sldowhlcli reseinblollns , Tor four yours Mury Ryan of Ashland , "WIs. , aged twenty-four , and .formerly u bright , active girl , lia-i MilTorod from a atrangti malady.thai haflloil all the phyuiclaiiH and mlcroscopLstJ who had examined her caso. . The dlsoaso wiu pronounced tulnir- culosisor eoiiHumiitlitu , anil thocnso wasum- slderod hopeless , l ast night Alls * Ityitu cou huil up a ntiln lo nail , much curroiod \ that Hhols uupposeil to havu Hwullowcd about the tlmu uho was llrst iiDUutod , Dr. Illrnoy , nose and throat , 31eo bldjj- . There Is a young lady la njsanitarlum tit Clifton Springs , N , V. , who lias bccomu such mluvu to cliocolutocuiidy that all tlio shop keepers for miles around have been notlllod not to sell hit any , Shohas eaten so much of It that her Wn hai become thoeolorof chouo- lato. Keeoiitly , hy a pleco of decoptlon , nhu vas nbloto jjot two pounds of the caiulv from nronrcctloiicr's ' and ate It i\I ) at ono Hitting , hho wasorlou8lylll for u while , but la agalu ready for mere