Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 28, 1890, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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E 'A mEirriSEMEJJTsffor UIMO foluminlll
> Xbo taken nntll 12:30 p. in. , for the oroulni
edition and until 8tn : ; p. m. , tor tht morning
T EKHS Cash In advance.
J vchnrired for nt Iho rate of IH c nt per word
for the first Insertion and Icent per word for
l&ch subsequent Insertion , and I1IO per line
per month. No advertisement taken for
Ii > than 21 cent * for the tint Insertion.
TN1TIALSfigures , ajmbolJ , etc.count each
4. nsono word.
ad\rortl \ r > monlfl must run connect !
. tltoly tind tinder no clrciimitnnren will
they be talien or discontinued by telephone.
* r > AIlTtE8 advertising In these column * nnil
ft- lining tlmlr answers ndclrfsscd to n''nutn-
lor dlottur" In cure of Tut llKKwIll rec lv
It numbered check to enable HIM in to frctthnlr
lettcn.nswerjwlll bo delivered only on
presentation of this chock. Kncloso answer )
In envelopes properly mdrc-ued. (
A IJi nelrcrtlnemnntl under thn hoacl nl
it4.4'SpcoInlNotlfrs" are ptthllfthpilln Iwth tlio
tnornfnp nnilerenlnc editions of TllR HBK. tlio
circulation of which ngKre < nt more thnn
80,000 papm dnllr , aril ( tl s the nd'vcrtticr
the lipiiiilltiiot only of the lurgo circulation of
TmtUr.r. InOmnha , biitnlsnln Council lllufTi ! ,
Lincoln andothcrcltlemiiHltovf niln tbowest
AiUertlMni ; forlhosocoliimns vlll betaken
on tlienbovo conditions , uttliofollowlrf bunl *
nessliniiBiiwhoaro authorized totakoipeclal
notlcis. f\t tlio nine ratea at can had ut tlio
malnolllce ,
2CI N StroatMnt rlllock.
JOHN W.IELLl ) , > huriiiuclstB20SouthTonth
/ 1IIABE 4 Knnv , Otatloncra nnd Prlnteri ,
O 113 South lOtlutrcet.
S , FAUNSWOHTH , I'linrmuclst , 2113 Oura.
Ini ? ntrcot.
w. . nuniir3I'harmacUt , C2I North I0th
. Htrcot.
l TO , W. I'AUI ? , rhirrnaclH , 1718 Leaven-
f wortlutreot ,
H , , Sllli and Parnam.
dc. , of Jlrst c'lfiiiiniou thii
A tiOO I ) nurse for Invalid wishes situation
V country , homo more than wuges. Address
la , Hue. KM a *
WANTI1D t'oMtlonas liousol < ecor | ) In wld-
owor'ii family ; can Instruct cnlldrun In
Music , AVupi's noobjoet In Rood homo. None
hut lirst-class lued upply. AiklrcssH. 0. . cure
llnimom imrk incut inaiUot , Kll ! 2J *
WANTr.ll S-lliiatlon ( is engineer , cnpablo
nt dolm ; all my rupnhs , si cam Kttlnz
K- mid all lands of machinists
work , Address K. 1'Jorcc , Council IlItilK lu.
KM a ) *
W ANT nil Position us honsckocper for
widow. Address I' 20 Hue. tjJO-33 *
rAlt\ ' , cxpurienccd tc.icMur , ntlvanccd EUR-
* Ihh. jntislc , I'lcnch. Dcslms ptiplU ,
flthcr vIslthiR or resident , Highest rofor-
fiKSoKlvcti , A < Idrc.S3 I1. Dec. 709-2D *
BY ayniiiisinnu as eo'ichnian In a private
f.iiully , Adilrosaorcn.ilon C , I * , llorlol-
ton , I0i ) North S4\h \ .st. M 707- *
wauled hy nn experienced Indv
i goodiofeiencet ) . Address I1
WANT1 ; | ) 15y yoiins married lady , uosl-
lion Indlllueor asciishlor. Aildreii I'll
Roe Ollleo. Al 717-28 *
T UMIJKIIM AN wants situation ! olshtyears
J-oxpi'rleneo In rotsill biulness as nunaecr
and huokWeepor. Address room 8 , Ultyblocn ,
liliiooln , Kel ) . 7051 *
ANTED-A position bj'a lady of oxpurl-
enco us HtcnoKruphcr ana typewriter.
Address I'll.HOP. ( iVj-l
WAN'Tl'.p-'Posltlon as lionsekeopor , 2nd
hmisinvork , clinmhorniald or'iinnn for
liivullil. Cull atU03 North ICtli st , , up stairs.
. UJ gJ *
W'AN'TICD Ilxperlencod architectural
( IrauHlitsnuin to cote ht Ixiuls. 1'orina-
noiiteinpliivmviitto ilrst-clusstuun. AddreM ,
0 CO. this olllco. 501 IS
\VAK.Tlili HAU ! 1IKL1 * .
. tic , , ree lop of fwt column on thli page.
WA.NTED-Good rollablo hey ; must brhn
refi-rciicos and bo over 17 years old. Tile
Boston S torn. 837-38
WANg\KIl A uood watchmaker to go out
. of city oiis.tlury , An unmarried man ,
. copilnildrcsi and ( rood references. Address A
- * 6 , BcBoMlee.UounoU Uluir.s. 8J3-IM
WANTED Two Rood , oxporlcnocd dry
Koodsunlestnen ; Rood Hilary for tliorlfrht
men ! nonobiit experienced men need apply ;
jnqulro Monday between 10 ana 13 u. m. . 713
ft. Sllluer li Ht. . &ai-20
WANTKD-Colleotorfor lintallmoiit house.
S'lhiry ti,1 } per veolc. Must deposit * 2W
Cash security lu bank. Addrusa r.31 , lice.
Alsnsi'ONSIlH.R party totukotho Rcnoral
ajiiiicy for this ulty fora rapid selling
lioiifiehold dtllcle , Address with stump , liox
S3W. Molltie , 111. 00-M *
W'AN'TICIVr-Iinmedlately , a dress coodi
sjlchiiian to KO to llnstlnKS , Ncl ) , Must
imttdrsttiiiil the departmunt hi every detail.
One that can trim will bo K CII n. dculded
Vratvrenoo. Would uho liliini pnrty that can
fH oarpo Is or other stook occasionally. None
hut. lint clu men need apply to A. Tlcketis &
bun nt the Murrsiy hotel oillio up to noon Kun-
ACEN'TS wanted ; fortunes made selllnir
clilor without apple * . Man wanted In
every county. Address withstamp , OhloClcIer
Co. , 81.1 K. Sth Ht' , Day ton , O , SOu-a *
WANTKD-A Rraduato dentist for llo'nd
work. Onll at 410 , 1'axton bleck , Blonday ,
from 11 to 3 o'clock. _ 8212S
WAN"TKI-M ) n to sell II no of clears ; $10 per
month and ovpimsu-t. Address , with
Btiitnp , Olobo Cigar Company , St. Louli , Mo.
_ _ 8U7-1'
A-SAI.RSMAN Wanted for line of clears ;
ti3 pur month and oxponaos. Adilross ,
Ifltlitiuiui ) , Sumatra Cigar Oompiiny , Chlongo ,
- ' on s.ilaryor comtiiM-
MOII to handle the now patent cliemlcil
Ink cr.iHliixpimcll. ThoKreatesttellliu nov-
flty \nr produced. Eraseslnk tlioroiiKhly In
two secondi. Nn abrasion ntpappr. 2COto ! M
per fi'iit pioflt. Ono tiRent'a Htilei iiiiioiintcd
toWailn M\ | days ] unutlier toKUIn twohouri.
( IV'o Want ono encr ellu peiicrul agent for
, raohstnto and territory , bunpla by mail 3J
e en ti For Berlin and full 11,11 tfciil'irs add row
The Mon 100 Krasor Mfp. C'o. , JL.aCrosso.WK
feOj-TO *
1717ANTEI1 First olans oxporlcncud can-
TT MISOM for gouthwestern asoneyoftho
louuliii ; Horlnl Amnrlcim art publisher , Kv-
clushe turrltory , lllahost commissions paid.
Address , I-M' . Kalsor , Horiuod JacoiirdbldR ,
bt. touts , Jlo ,
A good eoacliuaa at 3.110 Fur-
f ANTKD Trivollnjr. salesmen ! can make
JM per week permanentIv : tradu special-
ties. TuTJorilKi.t Dearborn st. , Uhlcaso. HS-IM'
WANTED lji\o \ salesmen for a now , fast
selliiiK novelty. biimotliltiK now and a
ripnaiua forllvo mou. Address A. M. Lyon ,
Kearney , Xeb. 80123 *
WANTr.ll A I'hlladalpliu ininufacturer
iif cot ton und woolen iiln-o Koods , such as
flrosLt Roods , Iliimiols. cottonados. anil cussl-
iiiorei , wishes n. inloawuiiho Is offering in
Omaha and vicinity to'soll his Roods to tin )
m 4t retail dry Roods .tnd K neral istoro triido
' ' ' ! " * u' ° "
' ' '
) ' ! ( { ! \ . Isbi0a"ux
WANTTll-Man and wlfo not nfrald to
orkas partner In olfi'lro thermal bath
tmsiiicbs i n city. I'artles c-iuractor must lie
alK > vo repriiticli and tcmiK-ratn halilts : out
llttlvcapltil required. Address 1'22. The Roc ,
I tat Ins ex jiulenco If any. use and reference ? ,
W - first-eliss milker , J. V. Iloch ,
AiiiuMiive. > nortli cf liiitltuto. 77(20"
TXTANTI' ! ) Men and women of ability In
T oiory olty , town niul vlllnno toupt-ns
iROnts fur tlio Ladies' Iliinm Journal. NVo
TVivtitlho bi'stobtalnablooliiv ' , of iiKents , and
to och uuunua.1 toriui will bo offered , Tliu
Jounml Is the handsomest jierlodlcul for la-
flhM and tlio family ever Issued nnd hastioiir-
lyhalta million iubserlbors. It wtllbu ad
vertised tlio coining autumn and winter on n
rrBeiila than over before , crcatlneii do-
Unit ajronls should bu ready to UlL
' . , riilladolplila. 7UO
A IIAK11RH at thoEUohaiiKO hotol. SoutU
f - Oiuuha , Neb. M 771-20
\\7ANTEU Siilcsini'n to carry alilo line , le-
Kltlni.ito . biijiie | with druit trade : big
coiniaUslous. Apply to Jlorcor Chemical Co. ,
DljTEOUIVKa wanted la every county ,
cure wd mou to net under Instructions In
miriecrptiervlct. Kiporlonco not necessary ,
rartlculunfrve. Omuiian Dotoctlve Ilurunu
Co. . ) ! Arcidc. O.culnintl , 0. M TO-St ! >
WANTED A Boocl balcoTat once. Address
H , ITuulor. City bak.jry , Norfolk , Kob.
7M ! N
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'rtlTV salwciaii , OiuuJia falrC fuctoiy. lull
Vluriuiw aid
F rmttitlc-m t'tpofIrit column on tht * page ,
/"lOATMAKr.HS Wanted , 2 runtmakomitood
V/pnjr and nleidv : work to first-clans worlo
mcn. indraft tiro. , Central I'lly , Neb.
\ lANTKtJood ( cornleo worker * nntl lln-
TT ner . Steady ork. Apply to 0 , Hpocht ,
C1I-6IH H. 11 tint , 7M 8
" \irAKTKIl-A blacksmith vho understands
vi liorso Minclm and carriage work. II. t ) .
y/itllcr / , Norfolk , cli. 740 58
\V A nn-T-'Ifty men for track laylns , O. .
IT R. I , & V.Uy , App'yl-oulsvlllo , Neb ,
\\rAJiTEIVActlvn men with reference.
T ) Metropolitan Mfff. C'o. ' , IfWJ Howard t ,
Kin O 31'
\\rAMEU-AKonls--lly the Equitable life
ii InMirancocompany of Iowa. Ooott ti-r-
Itory. fuvorablo contracts and iihwluto se
curity to policy holders urn Inducements
olfcrpcl , I. T Mnrllu , superintendent of nueu-
cles , liMolnos. . la , MMIU84"
"I1OYH und itlrlx wanted at Murphy. M'asoy
JL > & Uo'n ' chair factory. MC'JO 1 *
"VVAKTRU-Mcn nnrt loams for railroad
IT vnrk en I'llt-Oir Mnncl near white load
worlts. Wnjzei. II.TJiincl KJ. j pur day. I'ay
mery twowtukH. J , U. 1'lkc. Ml ? 1)0 ) *
" \\TANTEn-roal miners and shovelrr at
'V -erCreek cod mine , ( Hi-nrooU. Wyo. ,
on I * . E.k SI. V. It , 11. , Allen , MuUoimld fc Co.
M ft21-'JO
-oO t cams to work on ftrano and
haul bridge tlmhor , Apply at cam p , two
inllca eiist otl'apllllou. _ 010 6
\\f ANTED-Aii experienced flower Hardener
IT wlionmlcrsluiiuH Ucrinan , Apply ut It.
1 laas.3tli anil Vlnton. -Ha-3
_ _
.rANTKD-Monto . tr.ivel for our Canadian
nursoHc'S.Htonc Wclllnston.aiaillson.WIg
r > io
laborers forMono anil erado
work. Apply to 1' . II. Johnson , Unlou
Oin ah.i. . fx > l
> 'rEU-lOOOmen. for new rtillroud work
WA oii nnd VVaihlnKton 'J'er.ork
vlll lint twuyuiiMi peed wanes iftitirantcud ,
y\lbrlBht Labor A ( tency , 112(1 rarnumat. M490
" \A7"ANTRD-Snl'snnn ! to sell Koods toiuor-
VV cliants by smnnloi salary jjnlil to peed
men ; s.nnplcsfurnlihooipurinanoiit situation.
llodol Manufacturing Co. , South llt'iiil , Ind.
Icrrata , etc. , tec top of Jlnl column an c/ita | o
"V\rAN'rKD-VoiniK Indy residing with par-
II cuts for hotel now s stnnd. Must huvo
bcstofrcfurenucs. Inquire ut 210 S. 1st list.
_ _
"V17"ANTBI-A ) ulrl for Bcneral lionsoworlv.
VV MTJN.ftHU H. Mra. G. I' . Ololz. 70C-28 *
COOK Wanted , an ojiperlcncod female cook
In nsniull fninlly. lllghost wnges paid to
n competent lrl , Apply between 0 nnd 2
o'clockataaOJUouglas at. _ B.II a *
\y ANTRD-Girl for poiicral honsoHork
It Must bo good cook. Apply 1037 I'ark avu.
8X1 oO *
\\7 ANTED-llpsppotttblo middle sipod woman
H tociro nnd sew for yoimji children hi
Ijo.irdlnj ; Kolionl. | 'cr > iiancntii ] > sltlon torlHlit
) ) , irty. The new cinn. iigcnuyi Union Nntlonal
hank lildg. IMIi mid IJoclge. 7 : t a *
i2 room Rlrl atiJl
Bl 29 *
peed dining teem clrli ut
-\Yludsor hotel , M 753-3
T WriJj pay Indies a s.ilaiyof * lupercek
J-lo work fo' mo In their locality lit lioiui * ,
light vorkKO < ) d iiay for pait time. Wrltowltb
Htump , Mrs. II. K. \irrln < ton , box TOJ UhlcaRO
. sirl ; Rood vraccs
lnniilroatt 07N. V.LIfo bldg. Mrs. U C
I'attorion. MJKJ (
" 13UIOIIT younn lady wanted to set sub
JL scrlbors for the Omaha I'Acelslorj n ) per
cent oonnnlssloii. Apply 113 S liith st. Wll3
\X7"ANTED-airl f ° r cencrul hoimowork ,
TT small family,523 N.20th cor. California.
ANTED-A compotcnt Rlrl for general
houscrxvoik , 2W roppleten uvo. ( ill
A GOOD Rlrl for lldusework. Good vvaccs.
Mrs. Uuinont , 8UI2 Lafayctto avenue , for
merly Paul > t. . ffil
J'oi' rates , etc. , tec tap of Jlnt column on thlr page.
tts loaKustrt'bf
porlor boards table boarders aeconimo-
.dated. . SKi-Ol
T51OR ItENT-Nowly furulslicd rooms ; very
JL' reasonable to gentlemen. 211 S. 89th ave.
TTIOI1 KENT-To man and wlfo or two Rentlo-
J.1 men , a iiloo parlor with Ras , bath , etc. In
private family vlth orwltnout board. 2117
I'urnaiiiHt. 854-28 *
HANDSOME rooms , also table board , 1822
Chicago. . 277-01 *
"DIOR 11ENT Hundsomo furnlHhod rooms.
-L South ath fit. , near boarding ; lionsos and
near farnam st. Address 1' SI , lloo olllco ,
808-30 *
T71OU KENT-Twd front rooms on suite fur-
Jnlshed or unfurnished. All conveniences ,
On motor line ono block from Frun7or houso.
M,25bhst. SU-'Jii *
T71URKISII liD front room. 1M17 Oasa st.
J" 817-S3 *
TJIOlt UENT-Nowly furnished looms , with
JL1 board , 1017 Dodso- Suitable for 2 or 4
Bcntloiuen. Modern conveniences. 811-30 *
niWO rooms furnished for honsol > eoplriK , or
-L four unfurnished rooms. 17S Lcuvenwurth.
H07-W *
-IJIUKMSIIEl ) rooms to rent. 1711 Loavcn-
-1 : worth st. 8ia-30 *
' AROE nice rooms , conveniences : l > oard If
Jdcslrcd. CMS.Kthst. 7U720 *
n WO or four sontlomcn can secure nlecly
4.furn'Hhudrooms ' ; boat ; brick residence ; a
inlii. wiillr f loin L' . 0. Clietiu to desirable nar-
llcs.'WO Ouinlns st 81G- & *
nOOM3 for rent ; board If desired. 1820 Leav-
JAonvrortU. 783 2U
A IjAHGlO south front room , suitable for :
aior aRentleinen. 1UIO Capitol ave. 775 29 *
"TOOK llEM'-iln private family , 2 larso
il pleasant rooms , with gas , bath and steam SMI ITuriiani it. 77 ! ) S8 *
* ) ROOMS forhouiokeeplne for man and wlfo
Orunt takonln board , ail ) N. 1'tli st , 78. )
TTIORIlRNT-FuniUhed front room , 021VJ S.
J-110th st. 7S7 20
T71O IlltENT-Eleifantly furnished p.irlorhed-
J-room , siilt.ihlo for wo Kcntlnmon , bath
etc. , 1709 Luaronworth St. . second lloor , 78128 *
.JK.NIHII1U ) room with heat and bath ,
private family,513 8 Uth live. M 77J-2 ! )
TJIORRENT-Furnlshcd rooms , 131 * D.ivon-
-L1 port , M7G2 2U'
orLV. furnished rooms with board , ifi-
Dodso. Kufercncesriqiilrcd. M703-30 *
furnlslicd rooni , .ill modern con-
vonleiipos , with or without board. 2017
IiC.ivon orth' 74U HA"
T AUOUfront room. pleasant location ; rant
JJreasonable , MWS. lath St. , cor. of Loaven-
vort b. m 2S'
ISNV.niul cloRimtly fnrnUhod looms ! gas
bu.tUundsluaiulioiit.7UU ii.ltlth St. , 'M lloor
TTIOIt KENT-rurnishcd rooms. ITSJ Caplto
J. ave. 7"JU 2 *
HOOMS. light housckaoplng. * 13. Address
I12S K 20th. lilt
T7IOU KENT Ncitly furii'.shod rooms will
JL' ' . *
Uonrd.2Ul'JUnlforniait. ! GQ5-W
) OOM and
"VflOI ! room1 , Bloaiu hcut. 1710 JUvcnport
-L > street. 522-O4'
L Ur.N'f-KuraUUjU room , -with board
101 1 DoualMBt. 474-SU *
TTOOXS uiid board IHlO.Cbleago street.
ll - JMft-11
TTtUUNISlIKDornnfunilshcd rooms with iras
Jbnth tindhoatr'Koferoncw. 2010 llurney
Btreot. M7IB-S *
KENT I'urnlshed room * ; gasbath nnc
JJ steam , 1BI9 Howard. SU (
ST. Ob A IH European hetul.wlth dining room
steam lu ull rooina , Wtl-lVilie )
Special rates byveqlc or ino. ra
"IJ1KONT room auttablo. for gontlemnn. 1SU
J-otlto. ( lltt
_ _
room to gentleman with ( foot
-L' references ! small private family ; nil mod
cm convenience ! * . 8715 Jickson ht. , half lilock
vest ofSU ilury'aavc. Congregational ohurou
TjlOU llENT-l'\irnlshcd rooms. ICO ) DouKlas.
JV ratti , etc. , tee fop of fnt column
For ratettc. , M tiipof flnlcohimn nnVit *
' OUUKtfT A iTve-reo'tni""iiou V"lK3I' ) pnlo
ton. Jladsen. 831-Si *
171011 KES'T Ten-room dwelllnit , 5011 liar-
JL1 ncy fltreotf all modern Improvements ,
cooking range nnd double honter KOOS with
the house. SccUr. Neville , 140J Douglas '
, cn rooms near liu lnc to respectable -
spoctablo colored pooiilo , Ituom H Oliam-
jorof Coiiiinorco , 8H-28 *
. tloublo cotttiirei four room- . three
HAI.Pof pitntry. bay window , cellar , veil ,
Istcrii. Rood imtliniises , lawn nil round ,
notor two blocks. Nlcn Immo for Rood ten
ant. KonfJia. Cor.ffltb & Jnoksoti. Hlli-ffl *
UKN'C 1'our , six-room
houses by Opt. J. KnqillwN. K.cor.iMtb
and Laku. K. ( ) . Ojynu. 818-a *
moil llENT-Corncr tint , " rooms. Snd floor.
LJ range utidotliercoinunlenees , Hd. 701 S
fitlistroct. auorgoCloiiHCr. W 2S *
[ TlOll lir.NT-ll-room hmwo. city und cistern
J ? water , $10 , to small family ) rofcrenco re-
lulled. Cor. litli und t'liclllc. It , E. t'opson.
7Si"J *
4IIOOMeottnBP. Inrifo linrn , largo .vard.trcos.
city wnlor. ltl ( ! Vlnton n. on motor Hue , J15
pnrmonth. Call on H. V. Wllllannl.'lth and
\ rbor. or at olHcu. gili X ICtli st. 70J a
I 5-rnorn liouso nonr 1 * . 0 , rt'iil rvn > otin1ile ,
1. pilco iif furnlttirii3D $ .V ) cinli and halanco
nnntlily. Coopeiatlvo land tmdlot Co. , aiBN ,
OtlKt , M 7M-g )
molt UEST Ulionn. a cmnfortalilon and 5-
JLA room house , 15UJ S. 21st , bet. Center and
) orcas. 7T8 *
FOU REST Six-room flat , 2119 Kurntitii St. ,
W ; Hlx-rooni IIOIISH sun nnd draco Flu. .
IT.Mi Hlx-room liouso Hanscom Place , Hi.
Potter & 0uorge Comptuiy.Uitliaud Vnrnutrat
57j t-
IlKNT 4 room. Btcam licatpd Hats ! all
cnnrunlpiicci. $ SW ! to SJoOO. Korth Hth
Rtrcot. Itoferenccsreciulred li roomcottaco
N. iJrd at.ti't.W. 1)loom ) dwclllna -KlrdHt. . .
UO.OO. Inquire of ftcthorton Hall , rwim l'J20
Houtli 15th Ht. , 2nd lloor. J1710-M
" | 7UU ) RliNT 10 room liouso , modern con-
JL ? icnloncus , only slv blocks from liost-
olllco V.nO )
1 rooms on It'tliiuul I'arnnm 31.01)
T fooiivs on Sherman avu W.OD
4 rooms on Slicrmanavo l.r ! > 0
2 rooms ou Jhinilurson st KOfl
5 rnniut on Ulnrk anil 17th it KOO
Omaha loairstixto& ( Trust Co. , 1. lice blilR.
rp\VO \ room hotiHo for rent , 85 per month. ! 212
* JL Mason st. Air.4- *
T710K lliNT-Uy : Oct. n , furnished house ,
JJ 'MS St. Mnry'H q-\c. 714 1 *
VSTANTBD Ton tints fortlu > sonowand inod-
T I orn houses on llith und Harnoy sts. In-
Rpcct liotisc-s nnd then iniikc ujean odor.Vni. \ .
T I'aiil , 1009 I'arnaju st. 70t
FOU Hr.NT Now 9 room house , nil modern
ImprovejnentM. cent rd location , only (30
A. Tukcy , New York Llfc.
SKVEN-rootnlionie , IStliand Vlnton , 81&
T-roont house , " > than < l Miami. 91" .
8-rooiiihoiiHcL'lithand Cild\\ell , if-'W.
7-room house. . ' ! rh and Claillch , $ [ U.
C-rooiu house , Lincoln place , tio.
J , II. Johiibon,51t , } I'a.xton block ,
AIiAItOK hmiso of 24 rooms , corner Uth nnd
,1'jnussts , suitable forhotolorllirno board-
iiK house , All modern Ininiorniucnts. 1'or
terms , otc. . call 011 MuniaiiKli 1 Fltcliett. real
estate axeuts , & W.eor.of 15th and llowardst.
W610-tt )
FOR RENT Two 3-room houses and ono il-
room house , Apply ntlUH I'rauclsbt. .
alcloof Hanscom park. CM
F OU Jir.NT 2 houses six aad si cn rooms ,
nnwly papered , s. u. cor. l&tu uuil Chicago
F IiATS. Rtenni heated. 700 S. 10th. Tbos. P.
Hall , 'Jll 1'axtou blk. 5 8
POIt IlENT 7-room cottages , Hutli and all
modem convQiilonc < 4 , ready lu few days
J. S , ElKiittor.407 First Nat'l banlc. . Mi
ROOM , now tiouse , I'opploton , 1'ark , $25 ;
furnace , bath , city water. n.Hconvcnlonees.
J , A. Sundurland , H. E. cor 101 hand Ioui1as.a
Ml :
TT10U RKNT-Houw , a tli and Caldwcll , 110.
JE ? icird mid Jones. HO. 2543 Davenport. 120.
W. L. Helby. Vt , lid Tiado. 435
TVVJU KENT-Ono flat In tlio Llnton block enL
-L ; tno2d floor. U rooms , steam heat , newly
papered , urato In parlor. All In feood order.
Inquire of John llaiiilln. In the block , corner
of JJth and Mason sts. , room 917 , M42II-
CIlEAl'ront. Huve several 3 and i-
Il.its. central , wltli city- water , -sowoiage ,
etc , , at Ironi S3 to WO per month. Units' Ilent-
ItiK agency , 220 S 15th st. _ 200 oil *
8-HOOJ1 liouso. : al and Cumin ; ; , I11 per
month , O. 1' , Harrison , ull N , V. .Life , w )
FOtt RENT Ncat4-room cottaRC.clty water.
Hi miles from 1 . 0. 1) ) . C. I'uttorion. 1511)
Furnum. _ Ifd ,
OCT. 1st. bulldlnxon K E. cor. 10th nnd
Douglas , 2 basoinciits , 2 stores , anil 7
rooms upstairs , 8150. Mrs. Kuhlmuiiii , Itand
Vliiton. 1)01
FOB BENT liouso S rooms , pond laundry.
Inquire Robt. I'urvls.Slth &St. Mary's avo.
J B41
_ _ _
13ENT A six room house near to business
XXccntcr , KO. Jlcad Invcstmeni Co. . llco
building , &
FOH KENT My residence furnished or un-
furnhhed for wlntor or lonor. desirable
location. Mrs. .M. Klguttcr , 11JJ 9. lOtti st.
_ _
' YOU wish to rent a house orstore see II. E
Cole , Contentful block. 5 > j
FOR KENT To responsible parties on y ,
those tine new brick and atone hotisos on
Georgia avenue ; fifteen rooms nnd uloovos ;
more conveniences and bettor flnlshod than.
any house forronfc lu the city. II. II. llondor-
son , 4(0 ( 1'axton block , city , 55S
7KOOM house with barn : noninal rent. C ,
llarrlson ' , OU N. V.LIfe. MO
HOUSES Tor llont-240fl C s St. . 24W ( Oas St. .
24,18 Cass st. . 10 and 14 rooms ; ull conven
iences. Clias. W. Halnoyal5 Otuahn National
bank build Ins. & 45
FOH 11ENT A liouso of all conveniences ,
centrally located. Inquire71' ' N 10th st
' 411
For rcifra , ffc. . Ht fop of flnt column im tilts fttge.
11. NIELDS-iciTostato broto
aptont : special attention ulvpu tosaleand
rontluj ; of farmland ; 20Shocly bloek , Omaha ,
Neb. fcOU-30 *
T 1ST your house * to sell orruntwltb 0 ,
J-JllarrUon , 1)11 N. V. Life. 188
E , F. Cook , rental nsency ; loans , mortgages
bought , taxes paid and collections , itoom
023 N. Y. I ; , building. M W ) O S'
I 1ST your housoswlth Shaw's rental apteiiay ,
JMH s. loth bt. iwi o. a
HE. Cole , rental agent , Continental blk.KU
E. . iltEY. rental agent.'JOl N , Y. Life.
% I'
For rnst , etc. , tee fop of frit column on thispag
PEKSOXAO-H. | Loo.SKC. Jr. , your undress
417 So , 10th , In answer tn iny address for an
orxanUer fllvo bolter address ; do not Ibid you
there. O. , 60. lloo olllco. KU-20 *
PEIlSONALl'rol Uauvlnd Let folks know
whom you mi ) . If anyone knows win-ro
il bouts pleaao notify his parents. Worked
liistln Denver chop house. Address , 1007 N.
Kiilrtiold avu. , niduago. 6.Us'
TOSEl'HE. Pray ( formerly county clerk oC
J SurpyCo. , Nob. ) , or friends , ploiiMQ Honthls
nn ont address to S , 2305 lou Bias st , Omaha.
rinanclal interest to you. TM1
For ixif es , ttc. , ste top nt Jtnt rnltininiiii l/ifa IMOA
FOU IIDNT 2 orn rooms for houhckponlajr ,
L-rouiid lloor , unfumbheU or jiirtly fnr-
nlbCed. 3017 Callfornlit at. 77U Si *
3 IIOOMS for small families , Uaiidill. ntGOS
Wklist. UJ 1 *
VKUstovoslore. 1021 Howard
O Gil
HF.NT-Sulto of 4 unfnrnlshod rooms
FOll homckoepliiK. to family without
chlldrun. 17W Webster st. U1J
151011 UENT-3 rooms , unfurnished.310 X.Utli
Jj Bt. , prlco 310 ; will rent to colored people.
Apply to M. ! ' , Martin , 701X. 17th st. Ul
G-ltOO318 un furnished and rtiomii furnished
for rent In luggun block , cor , lath and I'u-
cltlo. H
forrata. fc. . ut titpofjlnlcolumn o ( ftf i ' ( y.
I7IIIEO MOIIM2 loins money on dhimonds ,
JU yutuliesJowolryete.S.lI. ( cor.l''ariiimAHth _
EN F. Marti , 7 yean with Krcd Mohle ,
loans niaduon diamonds , wutchi'i , Jewelry
uud articles of value. 1110 rarnam st , 210011 *
rortatettc. , , rttti t tf frii column onllittoe. .
FOll KENT The . , ,0t desirable U
tntlon In Onmlrnifor dry Rood ? store , cloth-
Inp , liiMmatul stx > f , Rroccrle * . hnrdwure or
furniture , llentsvflry rca'oimblo. I'ossesjlon
Riven at. once or fipVotnbcrlHl. The 1'alr's flvo
stores ! vrlll rent > urtirntcly or altogether. J.
L. llrundcls JcSoba uth uud Llowiinl.
. , r t iol O 20 _ _
OH ItKNT-MMfopolltan hall. Hth and
Podgefor lialls. nirUonnndwoddlnRs wither
or Mltho < it supper nwin. Terms reasonable ,
George lleyn. 313 H iWi st. Cj'-om
TOIIK KerTlvitt 1514 Kodso st. Uhns. W
lliiliioy.illSOmainiyutlountbanUbldR. & 15
FOll llENT Ilrlfk wnrehome , two storlo
nnd basement , 27ooo scjuaro foot , with 100
footof doiihlu track on U. 1 * . railway , south
20tliand Tierce streets. Addrcsa'O , O.skntnp
Omaha , Nob. 60J
FOH alKNT llasemiMit , cheap , corner 5lth
nnd r cavenworthsls. 403 ilO'
1/IOII UI'NT The - tory hrlcltliulldlnjr. with
JL : or without power , forniorly occupied by the
lloo l'ul lNHInKL ! . Knriiatiut. Iho bulld-
* * \j\j l < > * > t nJir , oitl 1' ill utktil P * > < * f
hiK has a.Oro-pnxif ccnioiitbascmen teomiileto ,
stunm heatlnK fixtures , witer ou all the floors ,
gus , etc. Apply at the ofllcoof The lice. 815
FOR 11KNT IlullillnR-fillttSl ft. . 4 stories and
Ijaseruent , en Jones street , between luth nnd
llth , with It. It.trnekln alley ; best location In
the i-lty for viholesalo. Inijulro U10S. 15th st.
U A.Miidnulst , &J >
a. 18 , 20xM ( onch. larso show
. -Mvlndows , steam heat furnished. Thot. l <
lull : ill 1'axton block. 5C5
Forrnte , ttc. . tcttoituf firtl column lfif <
STOHAOE Sco us before storhiK gtxidi of
any description. Oimilm Stove Itupalr
Works. 3207 Dotiglag , Tol.DJJ. B71
at lowest rates. Vi'.Jtl.
lliishinaii .Ull Le.tveiiworth. . r,72
70IIAOE llranch& Co , 1211 Howard.r
r 73
1'or merchandise and furniture ,
cold BtornpoaiKl freezing ; tracKage. Uavld
Colobir nnwnrd t. 574
youyi ) .
1'crrater , tie , ttc t < > i < of flrtl column o lit/if / it
. cow ;
JL both horns brolcuolr eloso to < head. W. II.
IMttner , S. 20th and Vlnton sts.
FOIIIfl ) Ludlos * pocketbool ( . A , , T. Salleo.
l.V.'O Klco st. , U blocks south of Hanscom
park. M720-S8 *
rpAICENUP-Sopt. 11. ' ! , ut Grlffln farm.
JL southwest of llanaeom park , ono bay
horse , with halter and chain on , whlto hind
foot. M ry IMlrltlln. SlTil--W
For rates , ttc. , tec top of first column on l/ifa wge.
T OST I'oclcethook , containing aliout W In
JUJmoiioy and railroad passes from MoiixClty
to Dulmque. Under will please len\o passes
and purse ut Uco olllco und kocp iiionoy.
LOST 1'ockct book containing drafts and
\aluublo papers , Kinder will bo rownrdedi
Win. Iylo Dlokey , 110 ! Uouglnsst. 8US-23
LOST fcatly'sBoM watoli and clinln. Ho
ward If roturnud to Oco. Ostroni , llootn 300 ,
lirovm block. ai-28fc
Fnrraten , tie set fop otjtirtl colmn on this
1OK. ( Charles roier.s'on-l'ljino.vlolln.s'.Itlior
and vocal Instruction. StudloMJ fclieoly blk
, , 47(1 ( olS *
> K1'OHK buying a piano examine the now
> scale Klmballpiano. A.llospcJUDouslas
GF.O. K.ORDLEN'llKOIC.toaclioroftho lianj
with llospc , 1513 lloiiKlas.
HIE Omaha Kindergarten will r 'opon Jion
day , Sept.B.l.'Oufl Diivonport. Miss II.Grlllllhs
' *
WKMKH pianos tqr sale only hy Oinalio.
JIuslcCo..lolJilodKO. ( ) C ( s2O
MU.SIO GO perciuitidlscnnnt , and piaiioi on
easy tortus , Ounliu Music Co. , 1510 Uodco
Forrat'Jitte. , ttt topi''frtt ' / column on this jaae.
JT.PATOU xotuslxP ( islon and claim at-
torney : ovcrl.Vy6ara > _ \1icrlonoo ; all the
latest lavs & decisions : ullicu removed from
Vrcnzorblkto Chamber Commerce , IW.Omaha.
851 O 4 *
NEW law ; pensions for almost all soldiers :
fathers , mothers , widows and minor chil
dren of soldiers. Claims pushed by II. N.
( ' , 10 ami 21 Frciircr blk. , Omaha. Also
WashlnsUm und Cincinnati. Circulars free
15 years' experience , _ 57Q
ForratM , ttc . . fa top af flrtl rofuran on ( his pave.
- chanced , rented. J. I' . Jloseath , 1607 l''ar- '
n am 6 trout. 21IU
for rent or sale. HtcnoR-
JL rapbcra supplies , J.I' . Mcseutblti07Kariiaiu
For tatex.etc , tee topofjlrtl column on Mfs f ge.
PATENT lavyoi-s and solicitors. 0. W. Sues
& Co. , Dee bulldlns , Omaha. Four years'
experience as examiners In U. S. patent ofllce.
llranch ofllco at Washington , U. U. Consnlta-
tlonfroo. M
For ratea , etc. , tte top of jlrft column onthta
" '
' US. iSTEvtt'ow'o'nlLnifortiin
Is dolns the mostiueriitlvubuslne'-s In tlio
city ; hertorms are within tlio roncli of the
poorest nnd 1100110 consults her without belnir
satlslled tlioroiiRhly and ronsequuntly they
all send her their f rltnds. She has moved her
family heie and has come to stuy. She does
note.iy free , but ladles SO cunts , gents $1. She
Insures perfect satisfaction on all alTuIn of
life. U23 N. IBth st. mu-iill *
IIS. KA.NHIE \V'AUUEN , clalrvovnnt
trance , .spoakln ; , writing ud reliable
business medium , 4 years la Omaha , HUN.lUtb
_ _
/ ILAIKVOVANT Madam llclzier. over 610 S
WJIth KtiOO *
For rates , etc . . tlttujinf frA column onlltts j i/ ; ,
T 1ST your property with us. U'o hav
J-J tomcrs. Hutclifiisoiiit Wcad , 15'jt
las ; tol. 15J9. 70S- I !
Wl ItTj buy n moderate amount of furiiltiiro
from well houkc. Add rnss 1' 28 , Hue
office. W.VIW
G OOD gentle pony to drive , must b cheap.
Call atoiicularKOhoitso 50th und KniiiUlu
CASH for two Rood lots north of Walnut
Hill. llutchlnson&Vcad. .
WANTCI ) Moleir lots in suburbs of city ;
glvo location mid nrlco. AJdrobs , ! ' 7llee.
TpUIlNITUUE. houfeboldBOOds , ute.
JC ush price. 1111 ) ' .triiiini. _ SOD
\\rANTnn A $ s,009fu- . ' > , OOJ stock of nid-,0.
Tl for cash nnd uood.ijiopurty. Address O
57 cootllco. . U07-1
f. _
WANTKll Ifoiiholiqalscoocls of all kinds.
Uasli uala tor HOcoitd hand coods. Uatti
City Auction Co. . 2111 und ! ! I5 S.17th Ht. 7-iOUt *
Fariateatta , , t uijj' ffpii column nnlhl wue.
BEST line hair Boiflsjin west1 1 „ .
wlKs , switches , biiiM , hair chains , otc , , u
spechilty , Davlos Imlr pood- ) und mlllinor ,
opposite postoflleo. Ill H.l.'tli at. Oiiiuha. 9lt
FOll HrtljK-liOi:8KS W AGON'S IJTO.
FurraUtt , ttc. , rttoinf' tint column on thla jaae ,
FOU SAIjE Ono iOtj.lx'St ineilliini weight
family horsis lt > Ouiiklia , with barno-s nnd
bug ! } ) ' ! $ ! * ) , no trado. ' Address 1' . O , box 7.V. ' .
Kvj-ai *
| YO bay ponies , buggy and harness , eheup.
JL or wJut hu\u you trot to ollur In trndo ?
Douhlu uottase , cor.Uth and Jackson. B20-.t ) *
OK SAKE The best family hnrso In the
city. Also four-year-old Iiorso , sulrltud
nml gM > d all round , Davlos Bros. , iHthnnd
UhlcaKQ 8H. M 700-a
VVOIlKlioreolfiO.twohorso wagon fJO.doublo
TT work hnmess 11V Or will trade for u
good llcbt side bur Iwagy , II. I' , Cole , Contlu-
ental block. . B'.O
NlUr ; vood-top wajou. 15U Dodge at.
IrtU M
FOll SALE Scocxl work teams. Inquire at
l < ! I'nuon blk. a
TTOIlSlIs J30aud up. II. U. Colo.
FOUR teams llplit mule ) : ono heavy 1,830-
pound borso , Koom H Hoard of Trade ,
for rate * , rte. , rte top of flrtlcolumn on ( Jito
WANTKlV AppllenUonT for loan * of VlOO.
JJOO , f.1,000 mid Intcriiicdlalo amounts.
ico. J. 1'niil , HUO Kiinmni. _ 7UO 2
MONKY to loan nt all tlmo on desirable
Improved property In Omaha , The money
R hero niul tlioru arc no delays , as
lie property ami title ourselves. Hates , Unilth
v Co. , lurj r nriiMn st. as ) o4
MONEY to loan by II. I' , Masters on chnttol
and collateral securities for any time from
0110 to six mouths In uny amount to stilt bor
I oans in ml o on household Roods , ttlnnos ,
rKium , horso.s , mulct , house1 * , leaser , wnro-
lotuo receipts , etc. , at the lowest possible
rutcswltliout publicity or removal of properly
Mylonnsaroso arranged that you cnii iuak
a pnyment oC any amount at any tlmo and
reduce boll ) principal and Interest ,
If youowo a balance on your property or
mvaaloan you wish climbed , I will pay It
oil nnd carry It for yon , If you flud It more
convenient , call up telephone No. 1021 und
fourbnsinoss can bo arriinzod nt homo.
Money always on hand. No dolny. No pub-
ilo ty. Lowest rates.
. n. F. Master1) .
Doom UVltlmcll lilk. , 15tli and Harnoy nti.
" ] V | ONEY to loan , Correspondents of Lombard
.IM. Inves't Co. Bhrlvor , S Hiiriul'rcti7or blk.
y 08
f 1OMMEUCI Ab and general short tlmo paper
v/liounht ! ulsori'RUlar5 year loanson Improv
ed property. Oco-lMllustAOo. , aUUaiiiRoliU
/"tllATTEIj Hank. niJS. r.lh St. , loam money
V/on chattels or collateral ut reasonable rates.
FlllST A second mortgages on vacant & Itn-
lituvodclty prop. County \rnrrnutiboiiRlit
Money on hand. V. M. UlcliardsonS18 N.Y.Ltfo.
MONEY 'JO , CO or 00 days on furniture ,
jil a not , liorscs , liousus.otc. J , J. Wilkinson ,
CIS I'a ton block. 5M (
PII1ST mortgiiso loins at low rate ? and no
delay. U. V.&iolcs Co. , ! 101st Nut'l batik.
T OANS-Oltvnnd farm lo.iusinortago pnpor
JLJlioiiKlit. McCuRito Investment Co. R > ( !
o ( Interest on llr tinortsacpsof Improved
realostato for the uoxtOJ d.vys by the Kunsii
OILy Invostinont Co , Uoom'JO , Hoard of Trailo.
J. 11 , t'oupe. iiiunascr. 533
" \/l"ONEY / to loan on any security
J-U. for short time at low
rates , howoit rules
on personal property.
Tlio Hondorson Mortgage liivostnicnt Com-
oany , room 4 < a , I'uxtun blk. 5U1
UILDING loans made ut lowest rates. W.
B 31 , Harris , loom 20 , 1'rcnzur blk. , opp. P. O.
CHEAP eastern money
I'lillndi'lplila aiortRano rxnd Trust Co. .
always re.idy to loan and pay promptly ; tint
moilKUKiviwuntcd , Ooorao w. I1. Coatus. iei-
reseniatl\o , room 7 , boaruof trado. f > J5
RKAL I tate Loans Gasn on hand , nioho
Uiin & Trust. Co. , 1107 H Ifith st. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent : good list.
OE. & 0. M. ANTIIONYil8 , : N.Y.klfo bulld-
Ine , lend money on fiirms In choice coun
ties of Nebraska and Jowa ; also on coed
Omaha residence property , lowest rates ; best
terms ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and
values passed on here. 0
loans on city property & collections
v/'promut attention. A.C.Ltirson.lKElN.V. Idfo
KEYSTONE Mortiao Co. Loans of ? 10 to
JI.OOO ; Rot our rates before borrowing and
save money rioans on horses , furnlturo.op any
approved security without publlolty ; uotos
bought , for now loan , rotiewal of old nnd low
est rates , call It.203Shooly blk. , 15th & Howard.
[ 837
WANTED I'lrst-class Insldo loans. Lowest
rates. Oall and sue us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . 1594 1'nrimm. 003
EASTEHN money to loan on city property ;
mortgage paper bought. II.U.Iroy.N.Y.Llfo.
/CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. Removed
V to 1C4 , N. Y.Llfo Uldg.QJ. U. Eramlngor.
7 ?
ijiIHST inortR.iKo loans on Improved and un-
J- ! Improved prupoity. Charles . Galnoy , 315
Omaha National hn.nk building f > * " >
MONiUY loaned aj low rates on furniture ,
horsps , &c. , without publicity. Hawkeye
Investment Co. , 33 Douglas blk.lGtb and Dodgo.
BUILDING loans , fl to 7porccnt ; no addi
tional eh arses for commission or attorney's
fees. Vf. ll.Mofkld. First National bank hldg.
EASTEHN money to Joan ; lonoqt rato.s ; no
delay ; large loans a Hpcclalty ; short tune
paper bought. Omaha Mortgage Co , ground
floor Ohtimhcr of Commorco. 415
For rates , tic. . / top of f.itt column < m Hit * wac.
i\LioEXlAXOE-M : scetlonVnf
select railroad land ; whnt have you In
Kllt-cdgo property to offer ? Win. J. I'.iul. 1(1 ( 0
Fanmm bt , W5-2S
WANTED llorsa and biiRKy In ovchango
for clear lots and equities. P 12 Bco.
_ _ _
WANTED Clear lots , for furniture , pi
ano , liorsu und bilKKi'i Whips , robu.s , etc. .
otu. , or Improved property. Address , 1' 4. llee.
H AVE you a good liouso to exclianRO for a
Rood farm ? Will iibsunio ono ordinary
. 1331 launders ht. TSU
. .
imi i i * fc4iui.4 v utiiit \ \ * tijiiiiJ AUI v. v-j | jiuiivt
XX ty , vacant or Improved. Co-Opera live
Land and Lob Co. , 20T > N. JMh st. 7'Jl ' i2 ! )
STOCK of millinery Bonds , about $ l , 00. for
city propoity , improved or iinlinprou'd.
Co-Oporatlve Land & Lot Co. , 'J03 N.lCth st.
' _
OK EX011ANCISovcral ! choice farms.
Improved , to tiado for ll\o stock. iui ;
fjaundersst. WO 3
C1OO1) ) Improved Nebraska farm to ov-
clintiRO for Ilrst-elnss upright plnno. Ad
dress at once , Arthur < _ / . Croisinaii , Atkinson ,
Noliraskii , 717 3
rpo EXCHANGE forj Omaha property or
-i-uioporty In home gimilcstorn Kinn.onu
of thn moititalahlc , profitable and useful In-
vontloiiH over dlseox-ri'd , nothing like U In
thu United StutiM ; sc'lln at sight ; vnormoiis
profits. A Hpli'iultd articles to trnvol with.
Address 1'IH. lice olllce. „ 710 S ! )
ANTED Tlio ml dross of n man who has
a Hinull stock of merchandisuto oxuhan e
for good Omabu property. 1331 Hannders st ,
7iiO SS
T71OU KXGllANGE-AS-room lieu ound full
JL ! lot for stock of crocorlcs or general indso. I1 SI , Ileoolllce. 777 L"9 *
FOU KXClIANUE-llorhCHandcusli forstook
of Krueerled. Addicss 1 * . 1(1 ( , llu olllc' . > .
MRO-S8 *
OLnAIt lots In outsldo towns or land In ov-
cliiuiKo for OiiKiluiCfiultlcs In houses and
lot.s. Add runs , 1'O.IIcc. cTOI
PEKSONAL property wanted for clear lots
nnd oqiiltlos. Address , I' r . Hue. 701
AT\VO-story \ nnrl hascinont brick ntoro
bulldlnic with nlncty-iilno year ground
lease , for n Ht < iok of hitrihvaro and &to\us.
Addiess C. 1C. 41) ) , Ri'iicral delivery. Gil
TO KX01IA7 < OB"Hor o anil iihaoton forlot
In Walnut Hill. Clifton Hill or llukur
I'lai'o : " will pay dllTcroncctf any. Innulreof
K. O , Merrill , Ca - > und 41nt , 4i.l-.iO * Q
FOK EXOlIANGK-KJuht mules for Omaha
real estate. K. Ill , Hoard of Tnulo. 4.13
\\7ANTKI ) Stock of poneral nutho. , Invole-
TT in-4 8 , > ,000 toJIO.CKK ) , foroliolro Ontalm Im
proved property uiKlcush Address , MIlieu ) ,
Kold AValthniii wutch and w nc liorsn
SOIjlfl for Rood Hide bur buggy , II. li
Colo.L'Diitln.-iituI block. HOI
For rate * , cfc. . ice tounf tulnmn on thin jngf
Horsi-s to winter.V : hive : tlio
WANTED In thuRtatu for wln-
tc.rlns und past in lii hnr&es ; uan furnish bov
or hlnsrle Htall , Malilr'i and pastun-s only
Mtvt-n mllei from ri-nter of Omahn. Apply lo
Windsor. KPIIIP& Co.,1 ! ! : ! > cw York Llfubld ? . ,
or toL'lirhNuvIns at thu btablca , IrvliiKtun ,
Neb. MI-I1 *
wanted toptirchaso hitslnoss for cabij
$ must hu cheat ) , hear In-ipuctlun nnd conll-
denllal. Aililrcss VSI. Ik-e , 7'JO-2i ' >
HVSIOIAN wanti-dln cnod locution , 1'rae-
Ucu worth rVWO a year. Addruvi S. J.
Iladley. Arlington , Net ) . M 7&4- : ?
wanted \Vo want thirty houses to
HOUSKa Omaha Itcal Estate and Trust Co. ,
4 UccliullilliiK. MV3
Fur rate * , ttc , , ettlopa ! Jlrat column un thlt jij.
OH SAIjE dhenp fhe furnlturo in Iho
home , No. 18IS loiiKlu < Ktreut , for nalo ,
und house for rent. Diciulro on the promises.
FOH SAliE I'lirnlturo and huslnim of JJ-
rooin hotel In Lincoln , doing peed puylnx
bimlness. Ilestof rcanonn for selling. Ternm
easy , M. W. L'oUom , Lincoln , N l > . 610
KOll HAI.K-lllOAIt iaTATE. ;
Forratr * . tie , $ tt fop ofIril roJiitnii
1I AhE 40 , 80. 120. ISO tioro piece. " Juit
funth of the limits of I'lilongo. These
liropcrtlo-tnre tlio most desirable for Invest
ment of anything now olTered lu Took county ,
being close to railway service and directly In
line of liiinrovomimts south. Homo owners wilt
tnko RoodOmulia properly as a part of first
cash payment. K. O. liiinmrd,41i riiiuabor of
ConiiiuToebldjt.Uhle.igo , Ul. 8.7 23 *
FOll SALE I.ol fi , block 8. Lincoln I'lace ,
fifty-foot front , price$700. Add row dco.
W. Allen. jMlo. 111. S.M-B *
A LOT "ftiliso , west of 2ltli street , South
XI\1J2. on Rrndc , fi-room house , rjoutli front
on Davenport street , M.UW.
A lot near Lowe nM'iuie , between Fatnutn
nnd 1/oin'on worth , tl , V ) ,
SO.xIlK ) , n corner 4-room homo , Rood street
car service , $1.2TiO. t/'olseth Johnson & Lov-
Kren.rooiuP , Chamber of Commerce. 8U1
'I71OKSAI.E An 8-room modern cottngo In
JL1 lliiuscom riacoi an 8-room house 2117
( Mark St. ; two ( i-rooin oottn rn 'MK > and line ?
1'riinkllu st. | a'J-room huuso'riilrtyHlxtli nnd
Dotlge ; block lu Wise & 1'armelee's addition )
will take por-HOiml or ouUslde iiropcrty for
first payment. Win , J. Paul , 1030 ruruiiinBt _ ,
N"j\V ; \ 8-rooiu house , furnace nnd all con
veniences. In llnnscom I'lace. M..WO. Will
takecood vacant property In iiart payment.
Illttchtnson fc Wend , l.VJlloiiRlas. ) 7IW-9
1'EOIAL HarKahH 'J houses. 8. 0 nnd 10
rooniH each , price J5.500 to JJ.OOO , lu Kountze
I'lac" , nil modern ; ? MO cash ,
JlWpor month for 2years.
? 40pcr month for 2 years.
$45 per month for 2 yean , nalanco 7 years'
tlmo , 0 percent Interest on nil deferred pay
ments. Alsosomosplondld honiea to exchange
for farm lands and city proporly.
,1.3. Gibson , sola agent Kountze I'lace , room
3OrelBhton block. 7S3
: t3\ir > o , 1 mile from I' . O. . S1.M3.
30 fret , eabt front corner , 1 mlle from
1 * . O. , 81'JDO.
Enst fronts In I'lnlnvlow. CnrthnKo , r lncoln
place , West C'liinlnKi nouth front on llainll-
ton , near Iowcnvp.- lots In htiYota nlaco ,
btantnn plnce , Thouihi'rjj , Hawthorne , llltoli-
cook's add , ; StKM to $1,500 on small cnsh nay-
HHMits , nml monthly payinunts , These lots arc
line and terms \ory easy.
LJIIO. 4J , 50 or CO feet on hurt , by IM dcopi flno
shnilo 11 res ; per foot , WO.
Dltcantlfill east flout , 110foot on IL'tli , 2 Mocks
north of rnrnam ; per foot , only $ ir > .
East fronts , bowo avo. , Davenport ,
{ 2.IKW.
Finn colttiRC , Ilan'scom place , cast front ,
h.itli , w , c. , nmntol , etc. ; ensy terms. JJ.OJO.
! f n per foot , Stith si. , north of St. Blnry's.
Oholco aero I'.irlC | dnoo , S20 feet front , JD.OOO.
Klni-st ncro AVost Omaha , * lfi,03J. ,
74 feet cor lot Trackage , a Riinp , * 1J,000 ,
l > "arnain st. and other business property.
A good new y room house a mile from 1' . O. ,
near schools , c.irs , etc. , to tr.ido for a Rood
farm. Also clear vacant lots for a fair trade.
J. H. Evans , 1)03 ) ? f. Y. Life.
. . . SAI/E A farm adjnlnlnjr Itlulr , Neb. ,
- - blocked , oheap. H.V Mullrlde , Illalr.
7U7 nU *
BAUOAIN Choice lot In IlrlgK.s plncc. tinln-
cumbetod. JI.200. Maikot. prlco i..oot ) . Need
moncv. Address Ed Price , li > ; a Uallfornlast. ,
Dciner. Col. 6i)7-o21 *
FOU SAIjK Glionp. on easy tut ins. n nice
cottaKO In Lowe's Add. , anil a 7-room brluk
house , with all modern cunvcnlonci" * , on : )5tli )
and Jackson sts. Hooni 1JChamber Oomniprco
rplin chane.o of a lifetime to buy a homo hi
JL. one of the best neighborhoods of the city
for 25per cent loss than Its value. I can sell
No. .US South LNth 4ltroom > house , Rood burn ,
lotsiby 140. inlotT.liIooka. Kedlek'rt sub. , for
.500. T ; . 1Seavor.N. . Y. Llfebldg. SIP
[ jlOIl SALE--'J S-room cottasos In "llakoi
11 I'lace , " 1 hlk west of Clifton Hill. 1'rlces ,
fl.ino and ? I,3X ) ; omall payinont. balance 5
yenri. Inqulrcat C'ass und 41sl sts. , of owner ,
E. O. Merril .
FOU SALi : , at a Great Sacrlllco-Kull lot
and new 10-rooin house In a beautiful loca
tion on L'ass St. , 1 blk vrost of Low o avo. 1'rloe
$ .1.000. Ul/IK ) cash , balances yours at 7 per cent.
Inquire at the house. 4uOt
FOU SALE S-room house , modern improve
ments , barn , etc. , r > 0-foot lot , on Wlrt st ,
the best residence HI. , In thu city , for $0,500 ,
tl,500cash , halanco t suit
C-rooin house and bath , Ore place with oak
mantel , city watergas , etc. . atlTith and Jack
son sts. , for f.00 , on terms to milt buyer.
Tliroo lots In Kllby I'laco , 81,103 oaeli.
Kust front lot on lowe ave. s..OOOj $500 cash ,
balance tOHUlt.
East front lot on lowe nvo. , } I,800 , 5t.)0 ; cash ,
balanuo tosult. - . .
Hplondld son front lot in Orchard Hill ,
fSM.Tun boaiittfnl east front lots on 41s tst , in
In Kllby 1'liice , eachJl.bOO.
W. It. Homan. rooms 8 and 10 1'roiizcr blk.
E homes In most any addition for
V sale nt from 81,000 uj ) on easy monthly payments -
monts I' . K. ll.irlln ? . it Il.irkurblk , Q' ) ' >
ASM ALIj payment down and Jl.l per month
will buy a 4-room house and lot on Mh. 2
blocks fronO motor ; first-class chance to ac
quire a homo on easy terms. Apply to II. K
Cole. Continental block. 004
TNCOIiN IMaco lots $ IS3J to 81,500. IJoxtor
L. Tbonms. CPU
VV7AUail &Wcstorfloldrcal cstato.S.Omaba.
IV YOU have nny thbiR to soli or exchange
call at CIS 1'axtun block. WJ
Homes I
HOMEri-Swcet Homos-EIejjant
am olferliiKthe best lurKalns In Omaha erIn
In thowoild on Wosll' ' < iiriiiimstroot.Slxoleiiint
liouscs , alldlirerent , 0 to ! ) rooms , furnace , hot
nnd cold water , gas , Kas flxtures , bath , water
closet , innntol , clesant brick cellars , paved
street and inorlmiKO , $ .103 to KJOJ. or nun e cash ,
and balance at7 per cent to suit. I ) . V. bhohis ,
iJM 1'lrst National bank. _ | ioa _
has a lot or desir.iblu ciiulty lo otr > r
WHO for six horses.V. . T , Soaiuan ,
Omaha's largest variety wagons and carrUse.s.
_ jiTH
WH ba\o three choice reslclcnco sites of 103
feet frontnRc onolt on Karnani Bt. KaHy
terms and louttime. . Omaha Heal Estate &
Trust Co. . 4 Uouhldg. _ M7JJ
FOU tJAI/K Koal estate liouso mid lot In
Knuntrn I'ltieo atUKX)1e-.s ) than cost. Cot-
tueuof 5 looms and full lot , California and
31th sts. , f 1,500. L. K. Hklnner. 1UI4 l'unim bt.
_ _ _
1'Olt HAia ; JIISCKLiIj.VNtiOUS.
Formic * . cc. , tee top of Jlnl column
osAIjE'iiinivEIut t uprKht , cost
il"-0 last J illy. ( jiiiiraiitL'cil for 11 vu yeurrf.
No reaKonublO olTor rcfiibod , Address I' . O.
lie < Kli. Oily. ii.V-2D
POU SALE A first class No. 2 Ilemlnetnn
tyjiowrller ; o.\cellu tcoiulltlon. Adun-ss
! : io , fieo. tea-Si *
FOll SALE A Block ( if clears , tobacco ,
jilpiiH , ciinob' , etc. , with llMut-rs , Moderate
rout , good trade , licst loc.itlon In elty. Address -
dress , I' 27. lleoolllco. lii'J-'IQ *
WANTED A cash buyer fur ti good Eng
lish idano , bondon inuko , fine tone , for
cusb only. U.imurlnn hotul , Ul ) Samidc rsst ,
ATEltHpaiiluls for sale , 1UII S. 11th t ;
OK SAJ/E Ixt of h.iso burner stoves. St.
Clair Kuiopciii hotel , nth anil Uoilso.
"tor rnlf , ( If. , ate top of f rl column imtltt *
\\TANTI.D Thri'c or four iinfiirnNhed
Yv rooms for Unlit liiinsekei'iilne for Kentlrj-
man and wife ; locution iniixt ho llrsL-class
and rent miMleiatu. Address romn ! ) M. N. Y.
blfo ; rofmences. b2.i i *
"l\7ANTii ; ) To icnlby iirautlcal farmer lfi < )
TV acit'swcll Inipiiivi-d ; mtiHt hi ) within 12
mllesof Uniaha. H. It , Nlelds , iHUBhooly block.
\\rANTIIl ) - lly anil wife , nlcnly
TT furnished room with hoard , l/ofutlou
iinmtl ) ! ! ; within III iiiliiutcs walk of
N. V. Mfo. Itofiudices reiiilr | > il , Ti'tnin must
bo reiiHoiitiblo. AddrcssOJUN. Y. lilfe. ti5-VH | *
LADY iMiiiiloyed during tlio day wiinl-i loom
und board. Address , I1 , , 25 , llou , H.-'Jj <
\\rANOKII-Torent. two unfurnished rmmm
TT for llzht lioiisokcuplng. Address < ill N
1Mb st , Ida V. Mason , 7UN 2) )
1'nr rnlef , ttt. , * ct tup < > } } lml column on thin jiaur.
A LI , klndiof dlsuuws succrssfully truntod
hy thos'lfcht and must thoroughly Holun-
tlliu system known.Yu \ abort ( out hhoil ) all
klndsof fnvurs.Yu Hiiccc < fully treat Inllani-
mntory iheiiinatlsm In less thuiihulf the tlmo
Uknn liy othur uysinms. Wo iixtrnci either
aiilinul , vcjutabUi or mineral polsorm from the
system without thu USD of imlsoiiiiUH driiK
inedlolncs. We ruiuuvu thu uifncts fnitn tliu
hyHlcm caused In ninny tluiiiHiiinli by tlmlonK
lire of dnii ? mcdlclnos. Weaiioeillly euro blood
ill owH. Wuquiekly and iiormnnnntly losloru
dlsplacuinent.s , and cure dlsoakes jiecnllar to
women. Wu maUt ) r.ullful uuru.s where thu
best of other Hybtenis full. We can ( llnKiiuxu
all kinds of dfsoiines without asklnif the pn-
tlent u Nliijtlo question , Thus assortlon.1 , iniiv
wuiiiradical. Tlio truth U alvniyii tudlcal.
Wo mean cxurtiy what we say. Wo have the
tirupMiiry credentials to shmr that wu are not
frauds or humhuKH , Oltlco hour * H to 12 n , in ,
1 to land OtoS | i. m , Drs. I'uurt & 1'agi'lur ,
H.\V cur , California and ICtli its , Omaha , Neb ,
ttt top of Jlnt coturnnnntM jtao
I7UK 9AI < K-Iionio and furiiHiiroof a S3 room
-L1 hotel , half a block from 5 bimkn , ticket , ex
press mid telegraph oHleesMloliiR nitood busl-
IU-HSJ HBO niul ImpairIng health roanons forooll-
Ing , Address , J. 3. Jordan , C'ouuull llliUK la ,
WANTED-C'olleelor for hivlnllinont house , _ / 5
salary | J."i per week. Must t ticixisii 23o y T > -
cnsh security la baak. Address I * . 31. Ilt'D. J
W31-2S * S
1ININ(1 hall nnd 13 nlco furnlshc'd
L/roKular boarders ; prlco 11,500 , half cash ,
Several iik-o rostaurant1) nntla chop house.
Co-Operatlvo Land St Lot Oo. , 205 r < . Ifltlist.
ivi a )
for dry eoixln store ,
corner room In brick block In county sent
town within ( to miles ofOmnha.wIll ho vacated
Nov. 1st. Prcsout occupant liavtmr nuiilo u
forlunoln the dry good business. IlulldhiKoan
bo rented or bouitht niton Miry favorable
terms. Address fitato llault ot Nebraska ,
Sowanl , Neb , 7.VMM
T710R HALK-A tlrst class small milk dairy !
JL1 best route In the city. Address 1' 17. lloo.
TM 5 *
TTlOIt SAI < K Steam laundry , well loontcd.
J-1 ilolne Kood business. Very chuni | for cnsh.
Wi A. Spencer , room 7 , lloard of Trndo.
M 7ai-.S
1J10U HAl.K-Tho finest meat iniirlTi'l lu
JL1 Omiiha. Situation uncqualcd ! as linn u
tradu asln thoultyi host of reasons for soil
ing. Address or Imiulro ! tl ! North 10th slrout.
TjlOIt SAIjK A Rood marble top hotel coun-
Jtor. . Innulro ut Mllbml hotel olllco. b"4-w ;
DHUO stock nnd fixtures , Invoice about
W.OOO ; not any old slock : will nell for part
cnsh , or excliniiKO for n farm. Address \V
Thorn , lock box 211 , l.ltclillold. Xub. KO SiSf
SAI.EOHKAl' Allrsti-lass restatirtuit
J. ' forensh. Doing a good bualncsj. liouil lo
cution. jMd NJBtli , ii0-1'1 *
T710U SALE-A dyobiKeslahllshment , e\ery
JL' thlni ; complete In u lively western tonn ,
of otilil take as iipiirtncr n man tlint uttdcr-
stands the business. Address. O : il , llci > .
AUUOI7 : *
TJlOll imafoio per emit Invosttnunl sulistirTho
-L1 for shares In the Mutual and Ilulld-
IIIRassociation series No. a ) . Wniro-workers
should take shares to neeuro low rules of lu-
teiost InbuyliiK their hoines. Koom 11 clnim-
borof commerce. 11. SI. Naulngor. pecroliiry.
17 < O 10
"IjlOIl SAIjI l/lipup Hoard of ehop
J- house , Kriirnoy , Doln a ( ipod hu lni-ss.
II. II.Achey , Ku.irney , Neu. MS , IU *
IjAOll SiVljU A.t ab.irKaln.ii Kood sluro linu > it
J-1 llttudup with hbelvoi and cniinturs , buso-
nientn rooms for ihvolllm ; . coed cltturn and
well , will Hell or t railu for a No. 1 stook of gro
ceries. Address Heel & .Ucol , 0. o. 1) ) , uroeors ,
522 N ICIlist. ( B |
LADIIISVo have opened
parlors In connoet Ion with our si-huol cif
cultliiKvo ! tc.icli thu Wortb'it tailor system
luiw to cut , bantu nml tlnlsn : uultliiKiind llttnit ;
done ; p.illerns to oidur. 1U15 I'arnani .st.
Mti-fo *
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
" ] \1 ASSAaKlroatnienti > loutro-thormal hitlisT
-LU sealpand hulr tro.itmont , innnlcuro nnd
chiropodist. Mrs. l'o > > t , U -'J-'l , Witlmull blU.
TTIMIOLSTEHINO and mntrrssus renovated.
Ult ; iX. 18th st. i : . I'uterson. f.S-OU'
rpo shoo iloalurs : The Now Jersey fubix-r
J hoots , shoes , nictlcn nnd specialties will bo
oxtonslvt'ly nilverlliud the eomlii ) : fall nnd
wlntor.rlteforeiitalozue.eto. . I am wo-t-
orn aRcut ul Omaha. My wales this hoauin
liiivo bratcu all previous muoids , / , T.
Llndsor. U ) . ) s3J
Nolk'C to Itritl'4cbnllilors.
Sealed proposals will bo loonlvod by the
lloard'of I'ark Commissioners , of Omaha , Noh-
raska , until 12 o'clock noon , of October lOlh.
1SX ! ) . In the office of the foerutnry. ( Koom No.
ft'll 1'axton HnlldlnK. ) for furnMiliiK all mnt-
orlnl , nnd const riictlii ( liri.'o ( .1) ) I run llrlilpo-i ,
In Elniwoo'l Park , llrldgo No 1 , 11 ! ( ) feet IIIIIK.
No , S , Ufifoot IOIIK ; No. 3,48 fo t lone. I'liins
mill spi'clllcatlons forsald brhlk'es. Hill h on
file In the olTlce of thu Secretary , on and lifter
Oetoberlst. All bids must bo accompuiilud
by it eortllli'd chock to tlio amount of &OilX ( ) .
puyablotn tlm"lloaid of Park Commissioners"
nsan ovlijt'iico of Kood faith , Thu board re-
servuH. the right to r ) i'ct any 01 all bids.
H37dttK : GUV It. DOANK , Secretary ,
Irtimn I CI1IUAUO. 1IUKMNUTO.V * g. ArHvai
Omalm. I llcpot luthond Alimi treet . OiualiA.
t.W p in ClilcnKO Kiprcss I BUU n in
U.I5 a ni Clilcaito Kipress B.W p m
OlOp ni Clilcnvo Ktprusa OSOam
e.Wp lu . . .Clilcutii Ujn l. . . . . . . . . . . | H05 m
Omaha. Depot leth .ind M.nun tra t . Omahn.
10.15 a ID Denver l > ujr
10.15 n in Uunvcr Kxprosi. 11.15 p m
0.40 p m Denve " . , ' " . V.X > n m
Uncnln Ixical M 0j > m
- . „ . . . _ - . K. O. , S'JJ. . * O. 1) .
Onmlm. I Depot luth unit Ma on utroots.
035 n nil..Knlisaa City 1)17 11xpro i. . . . | 11.10 p m
SM5 p in [ 1C. C. Nlglit Km. vl.i IJ. V. | 11.45 n m
T. Hvu3 ] Arrive *
Omnbn. Depot lUUi njitl Marcy etrneti. I Omnhn ,
B.fiO p in Overland Klyor U M f m
7.50 p ill . . . . .I'acinc Kxpros : * , , . * . . . 12.45 | > m
ID.'JU n in Denver ICiprois : i.55 p m
I ! U ) a m KimsoiClty Kxpreu. . . . It' 05 .1 m
10.15 a. m . . .KnlrlloUl Kxi . ( exri-pt.Siin. ) , 4. ' > p m
t svus i cnaT/urJiiriTTivvcii-'rij. i Armo'i
Omalnu | U. 1 * . ilupot , lOtlt and alaroy 8K1 Onialm. . . . _
- - - - - -
G.10 p ui NlKht Ktprcss [ 10 01 n in
UllJ a tn Atlantic Kxpraii ( I.W p m
. ! p 111 ostltmlo Umltoil 'I0.45u ' in
JjOsvosTT SIolTjCT/'ll'V ' * aT'Ai.u'TOI
Ouiiilin. I IT. I * , dopot. luth nnct .Mnrey _ _ Hti. Onrihii
7.15.1 ni . . .Sioux City I'nsseniter. . . .1
4. SO pin . . .Ht. I'niil Kiprcis. . . . . . ! ! ) a w
Dopot'l5tli unit WnbatcrHti. | Omnlm.
. m. 1
" wr5riChlCA JO'5"NOKlrIiW"K5l1lfnN" I
JUnmlia. | LJ. I * , doput , IQLIi anil Marcy Hti | Ora\'it
D.lfn nU . IIIilciKO Kipro i . TTTli.SU P ni
4. ; 1 p ml . Vostltjiilo 1 ,1m I toil . O.SO a m
e.15 p in [ ownAccoinnioilatlun ( Kxc. SiinM 7.01 p m
Olllp in ] . Kuitnrn r'lrur . 2.45 p m
I.15p | . . - . . . . < t Ka lorn Kri | i ; . .JJt.J.H.0ja m
Tstv rrmiuAiioTAiiTrr * HTn-Auui Armoi
Oinalm. | U. I' . lU-pnt. IDtli nml Marcy BU.I Oinitlin.
( fOO p iu | . ClilciiKO Kiprosj . I 11.41 ra
12 4i p | . . . . . . . . . " KinrB-n . , . . . [ MS p ra
TeaVelTj 0 VIA II A A T. IjOUls. j AiTivoi"
Onmlm. | 1T. I'.doput. lIHIi nml Marcy Hti I Omaha.
IS tiiiU.TrTfel.'l' Cnnnim Hftll..u.iajjup | i
pmnlm. | IKifnt l > th nml Wolntor Sti.
"SIOU o ill Illitck HUH KTirun |
U Ul n ill . . .HnitlnirHKzii. ( Kr. Hunilny ) . . , ft 'X p m
6 10 p in Wnlioo.tLlneoln 1'ai ( l-x.Simrt'y ) 10.30 a m
B. ] ( ) p la .YorkIk. Norfolk ( Kr. Miinilnj ; ' 10 aOj > m
'HcnfiTiT TCSrri' . . . It O. " ArVIvii i"
Omnlm J l'"P t lilh iiuitWot _ > Jtor li. OnnUt.
"f351i ni ] Tsioux City AcouiiiiiKirtntloii. . U Ui | i m
1.0 ] p in .Bluux Cltr Kiprt-si ( Ki Sun. ) . . 1 . 'M p ni
3JJO p in ] Ht. I'nul I.lnilto.i. . . 1 as a m
6.15 n mJ.HniiBirt l'imiiiiiirISr. ( Mini. fl _ jim
T.HVOJ I OllfUAHO. K. 1. A V.AUMU I ArrTtot"
Tr n fir | Uiiluii Do pot. CTnuiii-n IHulT . I'frgnafer
"Sivp nil NUlit Kxpruja.r , I DMnm
'J.'M n m Atlantic Ktpretn 6 M p m
6W p inj jit..j..V < nMI > ule _ . . . . ! , n m
l cavon TCIllCiAUlf a NJIfTlt\VHsuvTt.N. ( | Arritci
Trnniiferl tlnloa l ) iput , ( 'otincll lllud * . Trnnstur
V.V ) n m Ktprasi IDp ( m
[ . ( p m I.linltod unua m
IOJD p m KaMcrn Kljor ZOOp m
l.HI p m Atlinllo SI Hi I 7.HO n HI
II.'IUJ ) limn Aiciimiimil'itloii ( Kir. Him ) ( ! . 0j > in
avut | CltHTAl.O. AilS A ST7T'AIJul Arrive
Trnavut * | Unlull Doout. Council llloCTM. I'lTiimfur
Ci.aTp m I ruTeneo Hipron | ti.15 a m
J.30 p ml Clilcoiro K | irom. . , . . . . . , | liUD p ill
I TO > T - TfTTSrnT. JDK'S OTIl. - [ Arrlvm
Trnniforl Union Duput , Council JlliirTi [ ranifur
IfloTn m . .Kninfta Cltr I > "T Kxprujj. 7Tffi4n ! p m
lUZSp li.2J a iu
I.OOTOJ I OMAHA A BT. r.OfJI.i [ Arriroi
Triuntorl Villon Dupot. t'ouncU llluiT [ Trnnifur
" " . . " .j rTSl T/nTjfi ( nmm I Ull. . - -
.cmCAHo.iiuui. ' * A | IJnlmi l ) < > pnljiiiiiirll IthilN.
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