Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Tliobfinkclonrlncrsyc'stcru'riy ' amounted
to UM,7CW.02.
Congressman Conncll nndV , P. Gur-
loy will npcalc l n republican rally at
NcbrnHknCity tonight.
A largo ronilRnmcnt ol musical In-
Btrumonts from Germany wna received
at the customs house lor .Max ! Moyar ,
John Grcon was fined $30 $ nml costs
nnd J.V. . Harper 82.5 and costsby Judyo
llolsloy for carrying concealed weapons.
Joe Chei'ctt was found guilty yester
day nfternoon in police court of fjratul
larceny nndv a bound over to the dis
trict court.
Tlio rcpular monthly rncotlnff of the
xnill { Ucalci'H association will lie hold to
night at Wolf's hull. Twenty-fourth
andCurnlng street.
The Stnndnrd opera company people
ohtiilneda conllnuanco of thirty days in
Jutlpo Anderson's court In the ntlneh-
mcnt proceedings of Manager Elinor
against thoin.
Hcsldonts in the vicinity of Fifteenth
nnd Hurt at reels complain that the dis
reputable women who \vqro compelled to
leave that quarter when the limits of the
burnt district were restricted , arc mov
ing back nraln and many of thorn are
plying their nofarlous vocations there
without even paying any tribute tolho
While Johnniethe llttlo four-year-
old son of William Lewis of Florence
\vnsplaj-lng with several other little fel
lows ono of them accidentally struck
him on the linnd with a spade , almost
Rovcrinfr the third finger of his right
hand. The injured member was ampu
tated find the little fellow was doing
well at last accounts ,
Some delay is being experienced
owing to the non-nnlvul of iron for the
Tenth street viaduct. Although it pre
vents thopushlng of the structure toward
the north end , the time Is beinir utilized
In completing the \vorlc already gone
over , and the elevated platform between
tlio viaduct proper and the now depot
will bo raised to its place.
Hoods Sarsaparilla is In fnvor with all
classes because it combines economy and
strength. 100 iloscs one dollar.
Finds ( lie SamlUoru "F'amil.y
Kcndy to Meet lliin.
Burglars visited tlio rcsldcnco of T. E.
Bandborn , 20-10 DodRO street , about 1 o'cloclt
yesterday morning' .
Entrance was effected by forcing abase
ment -window , Mrs. Snndborn heard the
burglar us lie. ascended the staiis and
awakened her husband.
A ll ht was burn ing In the room , and when
the burglar reached tlio hcaJ of the stairs ho
opened the door and looked in just a ? Mr ,
Samlboin lumped out oC bed to get his re
volver , which was on the dresncr.
The marauder liastily dammed tlio door
behind him nnd Jumped down the stairway
und made n tiurricd exit from the house just
in time to deprive Air , Snndborn of a shot.
A Rooil vlow of the burglar was obtained
by both Mr. and Mrs. Sandbjm. The burglar
Is described as quite till , with a black mustache -
tacho and wow a black hat , His face was
not covered. Ho can readily be Idcti tided 1 (
The opportune discovery prevented the
loss of imy property , ns n line gold watch
nnd seine cash was in the pockets of .Mr.
Samiborn's ' clothes at the head ol tbe bed.
Ilhoumatismis caused uya poisonOIH acid
In tlio blood und yields to Ayor's 1'ills. Many
cases which scorn chronic and kmelcss have
been completely cured by this medicine. It
will cost but llttlo to try what effect tlio Pills
may huvo in your caso. AVe predict success ,
Ilow an Omaha Man ICnoclced Out
Iho Country.
The bids for the erect ion of thouniondcpot
areas follows : JV. Johnson , Omaha$304 , " , .
000 , this was the lowest and has boon "ac
cepted ; Chapman & Dighton , Denver , $2SO , .
000 , withdrawn ; James MtGoniglo , Leaven-
worth , $307MJ : J. G. Salisbury. Omaha ,
$ .110 , KIM Johtl Wthncll , P. nmnVin
f3I5,000 ; Livers fc Pullman , Kansas
City , f3lOOM ; N. Jobst , PcorJa ,
S.11G.OOO ; Angus & Olndelo , Chicago , $ Ml , B33j
Hlchnrds & Co. , Omaha , aaiJ , j 0. 1) ) .
Clark , Boston nnd Kansas t Hy , VX)1SGO ) ;
Pull construction corapanyChicago , , SJol.OOO ;
"W. 13. Frost inunufacturlne company , Chicago
cage , SIOS.OOOj Norcross Brothers , .Boston ,
* itt,0X ! ( > .
For plunjblng : Hornbrook , Kansas Citj" ,
112,887 ; (51oss ( , ICansas City. 813,037 , : Hussoy ,
Onmhnia,127i , Douertj- , Kansas City , SM- ,
B07 ; Spclmaii,0maha , , $15,730 ; Howe , Oniaua ,
The bills did not Include foundation , ele-
vntors , stcatn heating , ventilation and elcc-
trio service.
Blllcs' Nerve antl Liver Pllh ,
An Important uiscovory , They acton the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves , A new principle. Thev speedily
cure biliousness , bad tusto , torpid liver , piles
nnd constipation. Splendid for men , women
and children. Smallest , mildest , surest. 30
doses for 25 cents. Samples Irco at KuUn &
Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
Bhall It liollciliioctl HctAvccn , Chicago
nml the Missouri Tllvcr.
The gcnoiid of tlio
managers Chicago-Mis
souri i Ivor roads ivlll hold a special meeting
in Chicago on Monday to talto action OH the
proposed reduction of time in the passenger
nnd freight schedules. A. committee- ap
pointed at a recent meeting of the managers
made a report recommending a slower sehcd-
ulo for both freight and passenger trains ,
This committee recommended that the
tlino between Chicago and Missouri river
points shall not Joxcccd fifteen hours. ' .The
standard time between Chicago and Denver
shall not bo less than thirty-seven hours.
The report further provides that any road
may run limited trains on faster schedule
than the ono proposed , but m suob. case an
extra fco must bo collected from passenpors ,
$3 from Chicago to Denver and Sl.W Iron
Chicago to Missouri river points ,
East bound fast fiolght trains haullnp live
Block shall not bo run on less than twenty ,
seven hours between Omaha nnd Chicago.
This report will tie acted upon at the Men-
day meeting. , .
Wnntcd-Tcn bricldiiyors for Chey-
oano , Apply between 11 nnd 12. 1316
Douglas st. _
This mornlnt ; scats for ? ho engagement
of Nelllo aicllonry , in her new play , "Chain
Lightning- , " which commences at the Boyi
on Sunday evening , will bo nut oa sale
U'hoso who remember Miss Almonry during
the years she was n member of the famous
Salisbury's "Toubadours" Itnow Vihat her
abilities are as an cntortalnor ; but her work
in "Chain Lightning" U widely dlfCercnt
from any tiling she has ever produced , belne
built on the lines of a melodrama. She will
lo supported by a very competent company.
"Tho Fakir" will be' presented at ( ho
Grand on Monday ovcnlnR , for ono night
only , nt popular prices , by tuostrongest com-
j > an v ( hst. haa over beroro been cast for this
very successful farce comedy. Kotlcolho
nuiucs of the company in the advertisement.
They present a strong nrrny oJ talent of a
high order , The reserved scat sale will open
this morning.
The sale of reserved sents for the comic
onoruof "Said Pasha , " to bo presented atlho
Uratul opera house oa Sunday evening for
ono wight add at popular prices , will open
this morning t 9 o'cloclr , Richard
Stahl wrote the rnuslo of the opcm.
nud It has become very popular. The com
pany presenting It hero will produce It very
pleasingly , and the cast will bo of considera
ble strength , coim > rlbin well known comto
opera singers , tlio pilma donna of the com
pany being Agnes Sherwood , who Is known
to lo thoroughly couipotcni for the position
iho holds lu tbo company ,
ItliAO OK 0-1113
Military .Toiirtml CoinpUtiients the
InrkHincti ol'ttio I'lntlc ,
njor Benhain'J offorta at Kcllovuolast
umnier were eiiilncntly successful judging
rom the following extract from the .Army
nd Jfavy Journal of September 13 , nnd the
llccrs and men of the department of the
latto are highly dated accordlnglyi
Tlio toum of the department ofthoTlatto
anilsNo.lainontttieariny toatni nhoolltiK
, t Oninp Uoiiflai , WIs. I'or several years Iho
'lilnllii.'itnlry ntood at the head of the nriny
ti rlllo llrlnj. Ocnernl Itrnoko vns lit the
tiiuculoncluf the Third Indmtry , anil ho Is
low coiiiinniultit tlio ilopartinunt < > C the
'latlo ' , rsllils acolncMoncoonly. orsucccss-
ul effortrc'titlthu ' from mcthoda whlcli routs -
( . uts tuts iTCdllon Gcncrul llrooko for tholr
Swgeant Caldivoll , Company T , and Ser-
cant Mnnnlnpr , Company A , Sixteenth lu-
a 11 try , IToit tJouttlas , Utah , have each becix
tranted a four mouths' ' furlough.
l ilvnte Pox , Company A , Bevcath Infiui-
ry. Camp 1'llot Buttc. has been granted a
urlough until November 1C , when hovlll bo
Ischarged from the service.
Lieutenant Colonel llachc , medical director
opartmeiit of Iho 1'latte , will vWt l-'orta
Niobr.ira and ItoMnsonon official business.
Llciitenant Colonal Stnnton Icftlvcstcrday
lornlng onofllclalbusiness forFortlioblnson.
Troop II , Nitilhcavalry , nnlved at Carter
Station , Union I'acillo railroad , yesterday
Cr. L. S.Tcsson , United States army , Tort
Sidney , Iw been granted leave of abseucofor
wcnty tlajs.
I lospltal Steward Hcrrman Brpenbaclf. sta-
ioncd at Fort Orimha. is ordered to Camp
JllotButtofor temporary duty.
The reference In Thursday's ' BFB to Llou-
etiant ClJrk of the Second Infantry nsregi-
nental quartermaster was an error. Lteu-
enant Snrsoti is now holding thnt position.
I otlco han been received at the adjutant's ofilcc , dopattmcnt of the 1'lattc ,
'romGeneral "Whoaton that the funeral of
ho late Oaptnla Egbert will talto place at
Tort Omaha ritlOjOn. : : in. today , the In-
ermcnt being nt Forest Lawn.
I.lcutenant llcttcns , Ninth cavalry , Port
loblnson , and Lieutenant Mercer , lilpclith iii-
'nntry ' , ITort Nlobrar.i , have been detuilod by
General Ilroolic , the former to Inspect beef
for the Pine Kidgo agency , South Daltotu ,
mil the latter for the Itosebuil ntjciicy.
He , IlartsufT , I'ort Omaha , is acting medi
cal director of the department of the 1'lattc
luilng the tomiwarv absence of Dr. llacho.
I3posttloti Collseniu Tills Afternoon ,
Over 5,000 people delighted last night-
Jlons. MuiisiilUv , the erent aerial
artist , the automatic city , beautiful aft
owns. Grand concert. Admission 2o
cents. _
It Is Kot JtecoKiilv.ed by I > o gln.s
Conntj-8 Jnllor.
sensation in the form ot a clash between
ho mayor and county jail authorities has
been sprung.
It seems tbat the friends of the notorious
DicliGrandon. who escaped from the county
ail guards sometime ajo while under quite a
eng sentence for vagrancy , and was caught
the other Uny , prevailed upon tno mayor to
write a pardon for him ,
When the iwrdoii ivns presented to Jailor
l > ynch lie declined to honor it , holding that
] > randon bclnK In f or vagrancy , and vagrancy
jclng n state offense , the mayor laaduo author-
ty to act In tbo matter ,
After refusing Grandon. his freedom on the
streiiRth of the mayor's order , Jailor Lynch
consulted County Attorney Muhonoy ,
J-'tio county attorney , after looli-
np the matter up gave tno
ailcr an opinion sustaining ms refusal
.0 honor the pardon , saying that ho , Lynch ,
iad certainly done the correct thing /or tlio
riRbt reason , namely , that the mayor has no
authority to pardon a prisoner incarcerated ,
Tor a state offense.
Notwithstanding the county attorney's
opinion , however , Grandon's ' friends are now
takinp steps to secure a mandamus compell
ing Jailer Lynch to honor the mayor'sorder ,
Exposition Coliseum This Afternoon ,
Grand concert nnd other entertain-
ment8. Ad mission 25 cents.
Buys 10OVcriS of
O mail a llcal Estate.
Transfer papers ol a particularly Interest
ing and significant character were filed with
therecorder of deeds yesterday morning. They
tell of thollrstblg deal In aero property tunt
lias taken1 place In Oonha for some tlrno ,
The deal liiclades 100 acres adjoining R.OSO
Hlllon the wostaudllcnson's addition 011 the
south. The prlco paid was ? 33 , 000.
The significance of th8 transaction con
sists in the fact that the purchaser is "William
E. W. Johnson , one of the most prominent
and widely known real estate men of
The -proparty passed from the Allison heirs
to Mr. Johnson.
Should prohibition be defeated Mi- . John
son says that ho is prepared to immediately
rnako other and far more important purchases
of Oaiaha propsrty. lie says that ho know *
at least u dozen of tlio shrewdest and
wealthiest men in Chicago who will also
make heavy investments hero.
.Exposition Coliseum Tills Afternoon.
The automatic city , magnificent com
mercial and mechanical exhibition.
Admission 5 cents.
A Woman Boarils n Train and "For
gets" TxvoOhllilrcnnt the Depot.
Quito a llttlo stir was occasioned nt tlio
union depot by what was either a woman's
strange forpfctfulnoss or a deliberate attempt
to abandon two llt tlo children.
Just as the 10 :20 11. it M. train was about
to pull out for the west a woman rushed out
ot the depot and climbed aboard ono of the
cars after the train bepran to move. Two llt
tlo children , aged res nectlvely about seven
and il vo years , were loiton the platform.
1'assenccr Director Johnson and Depot Po
liceman Fleming nt once comprehended the
situation and the train wis stopped In obedi
ence to their signals. The children were
placed on board thocarvlth thowonian , who ,
it was learned , vas their mother , and Iho
train rolled away. The name of tlio parties
could not bo learned , and there wore no
other facts to throw any lifjUt en the situa
tion. The children wore fairly well dressed ,
and the mother yas of very prepossessing
Pits , spasms , St. Vitus1 ilnnco , n ervousnes
and liystorla are soou cured by Dr. Allies
Nervine. Free samples atICuhn& Co.'s. ' 15th
Edward Holraan of the firm of Ilohnan , t
Lin , the well known undertaker. * of Port
land , Ore. , is In the city , Hols the advance
guard of the army of funeral directors which
will meet hero on tha 1st of uett mouth , jj
Its uporloreicollencoprotpnlnmlllloDiof liorae *
( or roorothnnjqunrtsr of sconturr. Itli u cJ by-
Iho Unlloit Mates Uovornmont. Knitortnl lJ Iliu
bends of the trout unlronltloa ttio Btronncit.
1'uroitind uioit llcaltliful , Dr. 1'rlcu'M Croani llak-
ln L'uwJor Uoci uotcontulnamtuonta , llmtor dura.
Sold ODlr lit cans
' ,
Kew Yotk. Clilcajg , 8 a FrauvUco. St. Louis.
x lJ.\r > WD.
Tlio Oril Innnco Tlint in Viulcr Cornlil-
crntlotiby tlio Coiuioll ,
AncnllnAnco was IntroJuccil at the council
mooting Thursdayuljlitilellnlng | tlione-wflro
limits , Tib ordinance makes It unlawful to
erectfiumobuildings the Lcrtltory tlq-
scriM as lollou-JI
Comaioiiclnp at a point 132 loot csit and 132
foot north o ( the cornet of J3lghth and l lcrco
itrocls , thcnco north 133 feet parallel with
tlio cart , sldoof Eighth street to Its Intersec
tion with Divetiport sti-cot , thence west on
the center line ol Davenport street to a point
182 feet cost of the cast line olUlovcnth
street , thcnco north iJ : ) fcetthenco , west to
the fortv ncro line on the west side of lots U
mid 4 , sections 10,13 wd IC.tlienfO . north to
the center ot Ohio street , thcnco west to a
polntlS'J foot cast ottho cast line ofm-
toenth street , Uienco north to the center of
Locust struct , tncuce cast to point 1U2 feet
cust of tlio cast line ot I'ourtecnth
avenue , thence north to the
north llnu of Plntkiicy strcot ,
thence west to npolnt 1120 feet vest of tno
\vestllnoof Twenty-fourth street , thcnco
south to a point WJ feet f roni the nortli line
of Cumlngstrect , thonro west to Lowoavc-
nue , thence south to u point 132 feet south of
the south line of Oumlng street , Ihencocast
to n point 1U2 feet from the -\vcst line of
T\vcnty-Hfth nvcnuo , thouco south to a point
1S2 feet oltho north line of CnllfornU sticct ,
thence west to a point 182 fcotwest of tlio
west line OfTivcnty-slilh street , thence west
to u point 13J feet north of the north UnooC
Douglas strcot , thence west to A point ijjfeet
\vcstof thowcstlinoof 'J'wontj-slxth uve-
tuic , thence south to n point 182 feeb
north oC the north line of Fnrnam strcot ,
thence west to Lowe avenue , thence south tea
a point IM feet south oC the south line o
Farmmi street , thence cast to a point 1UJ feet
west of the -west line of Twenty-eighth
street , thcnco south to Half-Howard , thence
east to a. point 1JJ feet west of tlio west line
of T\vcnty-sovcnlli \ street , thcnco soutli to a
point 13-J feet north of tlio north line of
leavcnworth street , thcncowest to Lowe
nvcnuo. thcnco south to a point lai foot south
of the soutli line of Leaven worth , street ,
tlicnco east to n point 133 fcot wst of ttio
west line ol 1'wcnty-fourth street , thcneo
south to the center of the alley between
Picrco street nud Popplotonavenue , thenoo
cast to a point WJ feet west of tlio west line
oC Twentieth stwot , thencosouth to a | oiu-
iau feet south of tlio south line of "N'lntbn
street , tlicnco notthoastto n point 1U ! fectcast
oC the cast line of 'thirteenth street , thcnco
north to a point 132 feet south of tlio south
line of Williams street , thcnco east to the
alley west of Tenth street , thcnco noith to
the llrst alloy north of Hickory sticot , tlicrtco
east to Klghth street , thence nortli to the
noithlinoof loll , block 5 , of Park Forest ad
dition , tlicnco west to the alley north of
Worth ingtoii strcot , thence north to the alloy
between Plcrco ami i'acilic streets ,
thcnco east to the place of beginning , cx-
ceptliiK the following territory , commencing
at a point 133 feet east of Twentieth street in
thonlloy south of Center strcot , thence cast
io n point 133 feet west of the vest line of
Sixteenth street , thence soutli to the alley
south oC UastelUr street , tlicnco west to a
nolnt la ) feet cast of the east line of
Tvcntieth street , thcuco north to the place
ot" beginning.
Coliseum 1 his Afternoon.
Grand con cert. Admission 2o cents.
A. Case Wliieli Is Rapidly Uccomlng
.After being1 out all of Thursday afternoon
and all nlglit tlio Jury In Morse & Druncr vs.
Traynor-tho case that is fast becoming o
match for Iowa's ' celebrated calf lltitratlon
reported disagreement.
Oh , liow disgusted Judge IIopowoll looked I
Ho had hoard It for- the third time.
And the attorneys 1 Thoiv faces were
olaclc with disappointment.
"Can't ttRreo , eh ? " asked the court.
"No , sir , wo can'tl" ' exclaimed the foreman -
man , -who had evidently passed a very uncomfortable -
comfortable night.- . .
"llowdo youstandl"
"Ten to two. "
"Had your breakfast , haven't you , nnd feel
refreshed ! "
"Yes , your honor. "
"Well , then , I think you mny all go back
and wrcstlo with the case a while Ion gerl"
"Hue , your honor 1" groaned the 1'oioman ,
"tho txvosuy they -will stay out a week. "
"They do , chl"
"Vcs.sir. "
"Well. If that's ' the way they foci , nnd in
justice to the rest of you , I'll dismiss you , "
nnd straight-way a fourth trial of this pettv
case , which promises to bankrupt the liti
gants , uccarno a certainty ,
The case of Crane brothers' manufacturing
company against the Central Improvement
company , for materials used in making
amonia refrigerators , was the next called.
Judges Wakeley mid Doano spent tlio
morning In hearinge.parto matters.
Mrs. Mercer , manicure , 401 Bee bldg.
Ami Now Uo'll 3'iiul llo Una dot Into
There Is n man by tlio name of Stevenson
who lives out on Francis strcot , 4n tlio
Seventh ward , who Mayor Gushing thiulu
plunged himself into a largo kettle of grief.
Some time ago Stevenson called on tlio
mayor and said that the pavement in front of
Ills property was a damage overj tlmo It
rained , by acting as an eaves spout aud Hood
ing him.
rue mayor advised him to soothe hoard of
public works.
A little while later the man returned nnd
said houuesscditivasii't'olng-toclo | him uny
gootl to see the hoard ot public works.
"Then see you , ward councilman , " sug
gested the mayor.
" 1'vono usofor Chaffco and I don't ' give
nd for lUorearty,1' , replied Stoveuson , und
\ventliis\vay. .
Yestenlay the mayor received a com-
inuuiciitlon from n ( fcntlcinan , jnwhich ho
liad thonorvoto inform Ills honor that ho had
torn up the objectionable pavement.
"Talk ahont gall I" exclaimed the mayor ,
"that ueats the worst I over met , "
Then addressing Ms pilvato secretary , ho
said :
"Stcpto tlio telephone , call upAssistant
City Attorney Shoemaker and tell him to
liavo this man Stevenson aircsted Imme
diately and also to prosecute him ina ci\il
action. I'll let Mr , Stevenson know that ho
is not running the city , quite yet mvhilol"
and the private secretary did as uo was in
structed ,
Exposition This Atlccrnoon.
M ons. Munsulla , the grant flying
trapeze performer. Admisssiou 2o cents.
DA.LY-Rolcrt , son ol William nnd Julia
Daly , ngeU six years nnd twowcolu ,
Funeral Saturday , Septembers ? , at2 p. a ,
from the family residence 1015 Burt street.
Interment at St. Clary's cemetery.
Graduate Dentist ,
A Full Set"ol Teeth , on Mfber
For F"ive
A. pcrloot lit R inmntceil. Tectli extracted
wltlioutiialn or daiiKor.antl wit tout iiuaei-
thotlcs , Qold und silver tllllng-4 at lowest
ratort. llrltlgoaiiil Crown Work. TcctU wllh-
outplatos. All woilc warranted.
. . th street elevator , Open oven-
until a o'clock ,
J. HIED WHITTLE li CO , , Proprietors
J. REED WHirPLE It CO , , Proprietors.
CoollDK nndEorvleeoxcoll ; [ bj none. Complete
In ill I pi > oliitiuonta lioit locitlonlrtluclty. .
Tno llasUin Trnuicilpt urn : 'Mr. ' Mblp | > lolin
rrlncoot Iniullorils , mul I'llrotis ' of I'lrkurs * mif
nntlclnto n return to the good old times ol Its
luu miff , lluritr 1 > . 1'trkor ,
Mr. Wllll'n.t : will coutmuo tt9 mamsciucoto
litrctozcre ,
cqmls Ajtf's rilM for tllmtihtlnB ft torpM
liver , strcngtliojihR digestion , ami regu
lating the action ot tliebowcli. They con.
tain no calomcl.inor . any ctlicr Injiiriom
tlriifcbutarc couiposcdcf tin actl > princi
ples of the dost vgetnfcle cathartics ,
"I was asuircfcr lor jc.irs from tljspepsU
nnd liver troublii , and toundto permanent
relief u it til 1 c oinmenceJ Uikl ng A y cr's 1'i llj.
Tlicy lia\o \ orc etetl a complete curc.-
O ccrpc Slooncy/AV'al / la Wai I a , W. T.
' "Whciwcr I un troubled with consttrio.
ttonor , suiter inn loss of nrpotltoAyci'i , '
IMIls set mo rlKhtlBgaln. " X J. Klscr. Jr. ,
Kock House , Va.
" 1'or the cure of liondaclic , Ayct's ' O
thatllc PlllsarellioniostclTecllve medicine I
ovcriiset1-ii. ] { , Jnincs , I > oiclic.itcrMasj. ,
"Two loses cfAycts rills ctirctl mo (1 (
sewrehoiulachc.froin . \ Has longnsuf *
fercr , " Emma , Kcycs , HublxmlstoiiiCoiiu ,
Ayer's ' Pills ,
DB. J. C.A-STER & CO. , lowell.Masi. .
Sold by all Dealers In Medicines.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
The most widely antl favorably Vnimss spoc-
lalistiln the Unltud Suites , Their lomox-
porlcnuo. ronmrlmUlo skill niul uiilrersal suc
cess In the treatment and cure o ( Nervous ,
Ohninlonml Surgical Dlsoaws , entitle tlicso
ornlnciit iiliyslolana to the full contlcJcnco of
tlioallllctdloverywlicrp , Tlioy pruarantco :
tlioawfulciroctsof oatly vlcoanUtho numer
ous evil * that follow In its train.
spoodlly. coinj lctcly nnd prrinimcntly curod.
OUIIKKS yield reatllljto their sHlllful troat-
Kuniiiiitccd onrfd , without pain or detention
from business.
notiHy ami successfully cured In every case ,
SYl'Hllia. CONOllltHEA , O MET , Spor-
ni jitorrlioiii Boii.lnal AVcukiicss , l -Min.hoo < l ,
NiRht ErnlS3loiivlecajed Faculties , I'diiulo
\Yenkuossutul. ; ill delloato disorders peculiar
to cltlior sov ijosltlvcly cxil d. in well as nil
ftiiirtlotialdlsorders tiiat result from youtU-
fulfolllosor tlioex csfof inaturoycnri ,
"sTPirTH " PpUunrantecd permanantl y
O Iftlv l U l\.Uotircili , rcmovul coapleto ,
without cuttlns , caustic ordllatatlon. Ouroa
ulTccted at homo by patlcutwithout a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
A QITTJU TI o awful effects of
A.OUi\ll early vlco uhlclibrinxs
organic weakness , destroying both mind and
body , with ulllts drcadod ills , iicrmanouty
UPTTQ Addrcaq these who havelni-
aij 1 10 paired tliciuselvca by Im
proper IndulKonco und Bolltary habits , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for
bvnlticssstuclvor-jmrrlijft !
JIAHBIED JIBN or Uioso oiitcrlns on thnt
liappy llea\varoot.-i ( > hyslcaldobllity , qulokly
Is based upon facts. Klrst-Hraotloat eiporl-
once Second Every ci Especially stuUled ,
thus starting right. XUIrd Mtdicines are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus effecting cures \vlthout Injury ,
- Drs. Belts & Betts ,
. . . . . _ ii > n. . . . Tut OitrAT . . . . . _ . . . . . . . .
II1V. An UnfMl-
Insciirofor Sem-
Inn ! Woalcno s ,
8 p erroatorrlircn.
iMipotcncy , mill
ill illsciHoa tint
( nl low at o 10-
quonco of hclf-
I'nlnln tliaflnclt , Dimness of Vision , Premituro Old
Ate , Hiidmiriy otlicr ( INoancj Hint loiU tolnsnnltjr
orriiiiMimptlonanil n iireiniL'.nro ur.w.
IVKullliartltulira Ino-ir i > iun | > lilet , % vlilch wo de-
Blroto f cna Ireoby mnlllo over/ one CTVIIia Spc.
clfloMcdlcIno Uioia lit II per imcUaso. or ilx pnck-
nets for Jl , or will l > o cnt free br million reculptot
tLomoneyby nddres'ln ;
1110 PAllNjVM S'JKBBT , O.MAnjNKD. , .
Onnccount of counlcrfolts wo liavo ndoptoU tbo
yelloivviiiior | | , Ibo onlr ccnulno.
A.dvice tofcli © Aged. .
, Much unliiK-
ba < voliw i U Itiduoys antl blad <
dcr and torpid ll\er.
Hi tin nla ting tlio liiiwcli , frU In KI < or
al < ilicliixru-os uitliout HtrnlulnK1 or
EBP jflfiinsra I/IGOR /
to tlio Kidneys , Ulnddor uitil liver.
Xliojuro uduiitcd to old oryoung.
Per iraprovcd& ceo
nomto cookery. "Use
itfcr Soups , Sauces ,
' Blailo Dishes , ( Game ,
Coipaoy's 1'lsh , etc. ) Aspics or
WeaL Jelly. ICccps
perfectly In all cll
mates lor any length
E XTRACT of time , nnd Is cheap
er and ol 11 tier iluvor
than any other slock.
Quo iiound equal to
OFBEEF forty- pounds of lean
TJCCI oJ tlio valuoof
about r,50.
Gen uliioonlyvlt
: Justus ion Llcblg's
siijnnturo aasho\vn
" 11 T Mhorousir knovlodvo of tbo nntitrnl liwa
uhlcli L'orurn tlmuiierttluiiautfllKoitlon oil nutri
tion , aiiillijr ivcarululnipUcatlaii | of tlio line proper
ties of tell nclecteil Cocoa. Mr. a ppa lint provHeil
our breikfnattabtukwltlin Uiilcatuirllnvorol liover-
JKO wlilth iuaiav niiiiiinjIicarydoutor'iblllH. It
liby tlioliuiicl'jus ' u.ioot Kiiilinrtlcles of diet tint n
conatltutlon mi l > o grutlimllr bullluii until strong
tnouKlitoroMlsi ovctr touilcncy to illio-no. llun-
Orodii ofsubLlemnludlci artiDontlnnnroiitulu1 * roidy-
tonttnik wherever tlifro l a wuak | iolntVo \ sat
cienpomany ndtitl nhaft bjkeoDlniioiirBtlvoi troll
tortltloilwltli nuro bloo > l , nml a properly nourliliol
'minu. " Clrllborvicoiaiolg ( | ,
llartailmiilyMlth Ulllni ; waiter ormllk , Sold onlr
Inlmlf iionnrt tins , bycrocmi , Inbclej tliui :
r a. Ciri ol CllatrUr 11tfck ii , tlvlnFf lj. HIM. H < lk.
l. . C.illiuom lirrmll of KlnUlell l > roujti ill XVIH
llIllT.Stt.lorl | lb ialllKAI.llll JtlMIUliiHltI.Mlll : !
lltftrll liirr l nit llilKllf. r follllt > 10U > In tutu
likLT uJHxpuurr Cu U ' ) "d "IWomtanHl'tl. .
n&a nllf tur 4 U inr i month * H * lc4ruBpl1' ' ' ! t'r * * <
s crowded witli new goods for the fall , antl notwithstanding the steadily advancing price of leather
\vcare \ iti a position to offer our fall goods , at same moderate prices which has made our Sho/
Department so popular in so short a time , Our stock for tlic fall \vas ordered very carlbcfrfro
the manufacturer's thought of advancing prices ; the material was selected -with care nnd thfe
Shoes were made and finished in the best workmanlike manner , and we are now offering not
only tbo largest assortment , but also the best made Shoes for INIcn and Boys , hojicst goods which
we arc not afraid fob a tk with our guarantee.
To signalize the opening of the Kail Season in this Department we place on sale to-day ,
2OOO l ir finc Calf Shoes , Congress and Lace , warranted Goodycar Welt at $2.50. $ Thig
is the same quality and make which we sold last season , as a great bargain at $2.75. Shoes
made -with Goodycar "Welt , arefully as goscl for wear and elasticity as Hand-sewed Shoes , " The
above are an extraordinary bargain. We know Shoe Stores would charge at least $3,50 or $4
for like goods.
\Vorkingman's" \ Shoes for $ i. 26 , of which we sell thousands of pairs every season , a > J
turning out'better than ever this fall.Vc have placed early orders for enormous quantities au N I
and the manufacturer has greatly improved upon the malfeof them. NTomore lioncst'shoe u'as ;
ever offered for sale at such a low price. It is solid leather throughout , and the make and finish
is perfect. Nothing short of $2.00 will buy such a shoe elsewhere.
In the finer grades we show an exceptionally large assortment , all styles of toes , and all
kinds of lasts , shoes to fit any foot.
All our otherdepart merits are loaded with new goods. In every line we have put in a big stocfy
anticipatng an increased trade.
Open until 8 p. m. Saturday , 1O p , m.
Corner * 14th and Douglas Streets ,
Our line of boys'
and children's eloth.-
ing for fall and win
ter is now ready for
the inspection of all.
To our many pat
rons we would say
we liave spared no
pains to maintain
and even to improve
upon the high stand
ard of excellence
which has always
characterized our
stock , and tnat our
exhibit for tnis sea
son is replete -with
most desirable nvo-
eltiesand staples.
ft California Herv §
Makes Hew Froitli Itlood nnd 1'ro.
cuCCrt I'lOKllt
Aiiirinlii , bcrofulu , llnil < lrrulallor
ind allltnnurltloi of the Blood aincltaiiha
luHOMlnir Merva Olieaaei , vui Nvrviiiiti utul
I'liyiildiil Iliilillli ) . Vliul jiliittitliui : , I'ru-
iii : i turn IJK.iy , Irorn MliiK. lljstdlii , frr- ;
TiiiiH llfinl.iilu ; , IJIBH < > rrin\rr lit rltlit-rii > x.
Ni'rvou u ' In liny form , tiilil lliinilt or
IVot , I'nlii In tlio llucli unU ollitT lunus of
" '
'l > r. "i'o l li' NVno Tonic 1'IIlH brlnRtho
rosy tint afhenlth to the ihnllow clicnU.
WtiaK , nervou ! iit'udo shoulil take tills troa I tlfo
Ronewar. frr them , and ( ou will Join the ttn.iuiiida
it lionny nidi anOvoincn who dallr hlt > si Dr.
llnDtMirfilH ttork in Ilielr bcball. 'llic/nro
lumrccitea. 10 cent ] a till. ! " Uleij \
Kuhn * Co , Cor. Jiili 4 | ) mi l fclrecli
J. A. Fuller A to , I'or lllh & HouwUi Etrccll.
A. U.l'oMwi Co. , Council lllufli , luM ,
m tolpraa and quality nf toil ar
Uilbi'HLliilliuiiurltl , W
niclimm. tWlliy oil load.
IDC detlarj. IlaautUully , tie-
crlptito uttlocm lth iicrtrtiu o (
iina , c JIUII.I'II '
Eray Iffcniiii and I
, MUNSLfLLEflrielBumnast
Afternoon and Evening. Every one should sec him. I
greatest living high wire walker , and trick trapeze
performer in the world ,
Magnificent Commercial and
- Mechanical Exhibition ,
Th.e Automatic City , Costing Over $2OOOG , >
Many New and Nowl Attractions !
ADMISSION , 28 Cents
The Omalia JMedical and Surgical Institute
Forthotreatraentof nllCIItlO.flO A IJ SUIICSICU. , 1)ISKV3K3. ) Ilracoi , Appllm oi for clcforrnltloi nnj
Trusts , Host Facllltlcj , Appiratus antl HenioOloi fursuooHfut trotruont oc ororr tonri of itbuiso ra *
qnlrlniincllcil ( : orsurKlnl treatment , O.VM UU.VOItKI ) AND TIVK.VT Y-KI V'U lldUMj KOB I'ATIKN 14
HonrilanclAttonihnco. Ilostaoeonimotlatlous Intlnwjit. Wrltu for olroahirs on Darorniltlai iin I llr ICCM
Tru < ie , Club Fed , UurrnturetoC tlnHplna , I'llei. Turars. Cinoor , Ctittrrh , Itroiicliltlj , Inliilntlon JCloo
trlcllr. I'nrnlyslii.Uiillfpsf . , Klilru y.lllul < loriyo , Bar. Hkln nnilllloodiin.l all operation ! IIJKAHI | < A
OKHOSIi.Vnnicclattj : | , Hock ot Dlionnoi ofVoinoii \ \ Unto latclr iicllj.l n. l.jrln -ln iloinrt
forwiiiinDdiirln ) < conlliiiriioiitiit.rlctly ! ( prltit3. ) Only ICJlli'ilv Millcal Initials miking n Miiucii
I'lllVATJSDiaiSASISrf. All Llooil Jllu-ascuiioccufiillilroitOil SylillltloiiHonroruo7oa
| | ) fiom tlio irs
wlthmit nicrcurj , N'ovrllijatorstlvo 1'rantincia ' forlonot vital poww. 1'artluj uimUlo In vl < lt uiint
tronlfit ntboino br corroiiiotiilenco. All oomniunlc.itkunt coniMuntlnl. Mollclni or Initriimjuti i"
nuill or express wciirelyiinckeit , no mirkto I nil Into contention son.ldr. Ono penonallnturilotr iiroforroi
Cullniul conxultiii or tcml history ofyourrnio , nnil wo will ion I In plnln wrapper oar UouK TO M
KItlilJuponrrlvatobjJCClat . or.N'orvuaa Ulio.uoa , liupotoaor. U/pliHliUloj unU Vurlcosjlo , wltli nuojtl
.1st Addtcis
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Corner Othund Harnoy Streets , Omaba , Nebraska.
inrniilim BI I.K
cuiUfn IltloUO M
Ho piytlll cuill. DIl J.BTEriIiHUL : | bkmijO.
PermancDt Alignment
GEO , H. SMITH & CO. ,
OoniralAgantiNiitr&sIcnand lovrn.
O10 S , lOthSt. , - - OrnoUa
GOLD JklED SL , PARIS , 1O70 ,
JTi utiHolutvlii IIK re unit
it li tolulle.
xre uiirj In lt prpirclloD.
rim ( linn iki inn.'f H Coa
l iilh Stiith , AmwrocUr Sucir ,
mil UlUrtfiH fir mora * co oniltil ,
tailing IK ( km C1 ( ml a ; . It II
ilr Iclou uourUMnir , lire * cthcilnK , li.
III.V I'luisrin ' , mna itriilral.ji.J ! i'ii
for IuviiJ : > BniUiiitr | ouilii br li.
Sold bjr Ororcn nerjnhorc ,
W , BASER & CO. . Borclfciter , Mast