J 6 THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE , SkTUREAT * , SEPTEMBER 27 , 1800 , ff TJH ONA IT A COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFHCE.NO. . 12 PEARL ST. rtlJurc ) l by Carrier Jmny part ottheClty. U. Htul HP si Office. No IJ. NljhtMllor.No.lfl. r i.vt'iu.\ : ' TY. , I1. Co Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . conl. Storage reasonable. .111. Snyacr , Pearl st Tlictc are about ado/cn oases of diphtheria In the cltj , but f cm of them are ot a mulls- nnntehniactor. ( Jeorgo WMhhlRton iChsfll nnd AValtcr 1'ovnsciid wcro run in hit night for lighting ingon tlio street and distu i bins the penco. 'XliO vcternm turned out inn boilv jcHer- flnylo attend the funeral of OiorgoW. lloyii- lou.vvhldi took i > laeo ntll o clock flora the resilience on Avctnio C. The republican irlmnrles occur this even- luff The Second precinct oftlio blxthnid \ , otherwise known m the Island , vvlll bo en titled to two ilolepates and the -.oters will meet to appoint them , Im Itatlnns nro out for the celebration ot thu fiftieth annivcisnry of the marriage of Uatituln uucl ih" I ) B Clnrlitvho will bent nt iioiiio nt Xo ! 50flVoilli sticet , Sntnrduy , October 4 , from ! l toG ntiJ from 7 to'J p m rJlifro\Mis arousing republican meeting nt \\VstUroid \ w.i ) he-win. ! ! inters lust even liifj Tlic quarters pi oatd to bo too small for thecrotvl 0 AI.lI.irloiindJiHlpolIubli.ini were thooratois , mid luukuncd a great deal of enthusiasm Conductor llerr } brought In on the "Q" Instcvenlng two KCiitieinen fioni Okluhoinn , \\lioiCKlstcrcd at Iho 1'u.illchoiiscns h > . T K. Whlwmid Joseph Jolin&oii. vVhito WIM nn oullinry Ciuc.islan , but Johnson uns a BiirmtloladJim and attiacted u giut deal ot attention 'JhursJay evening Miss EWe llutts enter tained ; inniiiljr > r olfrien Is nt her residence on liistnvenuo bya high-l e p.xitv in honor of two jounglidy guests , Allsses Mason aud Squires of Clilcuco. I'rlzei wciowon bj , Ivllss Kunlco Wells nna Mi. KMBovunnii The booby jrl/es wein iiuurdc-j to Miss Shnrpc olOiniha and 1'crrj liudolet ol this clt ) , John Hyers , an Upper Broadway siloon fccqer , who assaulted his mUticss , a Avomnn by tbe names ot . .AliceVhitc \ , was lined Wl nnd cost * by Judge Mcdeo jcsterdu1 , Ho pine notice tint ho would appeal the cnse to thodistiltt couit. If licilocsit will piob.i blygo the way of nil such cases , droppul foi Jnrk of piosecutioti whin it. comes to trial in thchighcr court. .At Si . i'etcis ch'urch the forty hours' ' do votlon commences this morning at 8'J30 anil closes Sunday , with high mass at 10 o'clock Hcv leather Lot-mius New , O S 11 . ot .Atcluson , Kim , will conduct the devotions iimlpieich n sermon tlih afternoon in Got- man Jlls sermon this evening and Sunday uillbo 5 n English. Sunday evening ho will loctuie on ' "llio Holy Sacrillco of Mass" Ho In sild to bo a very eloquent spe.ilicr. 1 , D. Kins & Co , the cigai manufacturers , Im\e foi sometime occupied a building on 33 road way ov.ncd by Henry Paschal As thiir business iiicunscd thcv found itneces- saiy to secure moro room , and so orectcd uoino himill tcmiiornrj butlmnps Recently thcllmi decided tomovoon October I to No J.0'JSouth Main street Mr Paschal there upon seemed nn injunction rcstralahithein ; Jrom removing the buildlnjfa which they hud c-rtctcd. Ida O .Tones , the little se en-ycar-old daughter of Captilti Jouos of the Pacific lioute , died at : . ! ( ) list c\cuinp after a week's cruel suuVriui ; from diphtlicictic iroui ) Lit tle Ida vas nbtipcht sunbeam , nnd no cueftt of the hotel could icmnln long witnout Ic.irn- ingto Vcnon- her nnd lo\o lior. EvcrjthiiiR that human love niul moital skill could do to relieve and snro lier was tii < d in vain The luncml u ill tike pluto this afternoon at 3 o'clock at Walnutliill tenictcry. fldio\ratinatta , the daughter of Pegleg Vnnnnth , Iscndcivoring to muka more giict for Mrs McAlistcr ho is now in the countj Jailsorving outnf'iU flno imposed by Justice Schurztor appropriatlnf ? some ot the old soldier's money. The daughter yesterday swore cut a scatoh warrant In Sclmrz's couit nuthoriziug- otllcnr to search the woman's ' vnllso now in possession of the sheriff Slio avtra that it should contiiu several yards of vchot. nine jardsof muslin and other per- Renal pioportv belonging to her , which she accuses Mrs. Me. of stealing The \vaarant w.is inttustcd to the caio of Deputy JMarahal " \ Vlteho invcstlgited and found seine of thoaiticlcH specified , but \vlileli Mrs. McA'- ' istcr stoutly claiiia uroher personal propoitj , mid that the Vannatta girl's ' story is Jalso in nil rcsjiccts. Jliss Nolllo TIarl celebrated her seventh birthday anniversary jcsterdav attornoon at tUo homo of hci patents , 4i-t Oakland ave nue , cntcrtalniap : a host of little folks , among \vliom-wero : Misses Ada feaigeant , Clioino Wills , Inez Dorland , Frcdericka Dorland , Ada Hesse , Mabel nnd Ethel Cook , Carilo Mun > hy , Fay iind Ioso IHeacrinnn , Mnry Ilozclton. liosoVard. . Millie Oi-nlmm. Mabel find Funalo Hodda , Lottie Connelly , Nellie Jones , Besslo Jones , Jxill.i Katzenmycr , Claudia Hail , Fannie Chetter , Kate Phelon , May .Tcnson , Iluth Harl. Masters Honico Askwith , j\lbcftrrojnor. Tornraip Buiko , Cljdo biiiltli , Paul Smith , Eddie Connelly , Bruce Hosso , l-'iod nnd diaries Alurpliy , Arthurliioilcrninn , Edaio ( Jialmm , Charles .licdda , Albert Iloughton , Lawrence Want and Cllftord Cole. Tivo housei nro builainf ; In Morningsldo. Tlireo npro will bo stinted in a few Unjs. Wanted fifty day hoarders at Homo res taurant , most ponular place hx the city , to { jet a meal or board by the week , j.i XIr. nnd Mrs. I E. Hart are the happy parents of a line little boy. Mrs. A. B Judson lias boon suffering some iveeitsi trom nervous illness at hci rcsldeiiio on I'iuno street. Her triends gro.itly sym- natliUo trltli hoiMn heratllictlon and liopo for ncr cmly rciovory. Nine different rlarticsha o bouclit lots In Morningbldo the last two days , ouo to four lots .being bold tocacli pinty , l < Ocy & Juiscn paint homos. J. C. Dlxny , stoatn heating , sanitary en- Binccr.Oia Life baildlnff , Ouiha , 201 Merriam riam block. Council Bluffs. Tirst-class dressmaWiif ; by Nls AVallaco. o cr Cattieiuon's bank , cor. Mala st. und 6th aw. Oliaracdltli rolslty. W.A Prultt ot Neola bus been charged be- Toro Justice Hendricks witli having obtained tnonoy under false pretenses. About a year ago hols said to have secured about MOO of F , Ueicliort , nuent f or Counsel man & Co. at IS'coliion tlio showing that ho hnd in. his pos- Bcssion , freefronmll incinnbriinco , 3 , 00 bush els of bailo\ and 1,000 bushels of corn , which liosoldto lleichcrt , scuirlngaii advance pay. Hicat. It is claimed that later Investigation shoed tlio grain to liavo been encumbered , niul as Prultt has not madoa sutlsfactory set tlement the proseiutiou began. M'.ss Rhodes ran bofoundat her former of- flco , No. U 5 1'cnrl street , Brawnbulldiiig , by those desiring lur scrUcea in Btonograuhr nml All jwrsons Indebted to the shoe business otK. A. Spoonor please call at thooftleoot "Vf , A.VoodA \ ; Co. , 5W Main street and ray the samo. "SV , A. AVoou , Assignee. Fuliool Squntible. A. transcilpt ot the proceedlngsof the board deduction In the school squabble liai been illcd ltli County Superintendent Cooper , to \ > hem tlio dlafteeted inombera have taiccn an appeal Oelobcr 13 Ins been net as tlio da ) of licnrlng. It U predlitcd that thorn will bo seine liiiottynucstiousfor Mr. Cooper to de cide , nnd as tlio case uill doubtless bo tnlieu to the state suinriutcmlcut for tlnal review , the cud socuia ( at uwuy. Buy la Moralnjildonowlf you wont to got niuro thing oa nuking money. 3J > u par cent odvnnco Oil. 1. To the Ladlos-MlisMary Gloosonls better Troparcd than ever to satisfy nil who want lint class dressmaking , llooou la tlio old library building , I'carl stnwu T1IE WS IN TEE BLUFFS , A Council Bluffs Girl's Harrow Escipo from A South Omaha Man's Trap. ANOTHER HEAVV DAMAGE SUIT BEGUN. Klnlcy llutko Wants .fsno.OOO rccl- cral iintl UlMtrlct Coiirt ZS'otcs- Mra. Ijjinan Sues 1'orljlfc lu- durnnoe Jllnor IVlattern , A week or 10 ao an Omnhi piper con tained nn advertisement that was meant to attrncttbu tiUontlon of jouiig gills socldnB einploymcnt. It shied that the advertiser dcjIiedayouiiK lady of good chancier and tlioproiu1 cimiitlcitlonsto act as tutor to the Ron of nKcntlciiiun of meant How miny respectable and poor youiiK Blil n"d women anawerid it is neb known , but the experience ot one jouiiKliuly of Council Itluffs was sulH- olcntly dlsaKiicablo nnd lilted with danger to .sen o us u warning for all. Tlio address of the gentleman was la the custody of the Mrs. Kidiards employment cWco , rifttmth nud Douglas streets , Omaln The young lady rcfcrtcdto answoicd it , and in the couiso of tlmo rciclvcd a tomnmnlc.itloiv from the alleged gen tlcmnn In his note ho Informed hci that It would lie neceisary for him to call on her and luv j a poisonnl iiitcrviow to satisfy himaelf contoriTighcnitialilkaticns.as hcwas\ory pnticulai about what sort of n poison lo whom ho must entrust the oaro of Ills young son A short tlmo aftci the note wis reuivod the Miitu called on the JOUIIK * lndy nther icsidcnco. She iscll ton netted and the daughter ot puicntsho stundwcll In tlie lominunlty In which they li\c , and is a handsome , rilluod young girl. The Intcr- viuv took video In the piescnco of the vouua lady's patents. Tlio m.in ga\o his name us Ilmry Ilortardund said ho was the owner of a higo cittlomncliluettcniNe - biaska , and Incidciit.illy runurkcd thnt Ills possessions in this \\oild would approximate a small amount , sonir > v\hoio In the neighbor hood of SJUO.OOO , and tint his love and solici tude foi his sou would prompt nlm to give theyioper pcuoa a very handsome silary for demoting her tlmo and abilities to tlio child. Ilosaidho well plciscd ith the joung ladj. and aftci ho made some inquiries con cerning her among the people to whom ho was refctred ho uouldietum nndconiludo The fdlovvnas not bad looking nnd hisdls- rcn"ird for some of tlio rules of smtnxnnd oithcop ) uero readily foiKi\cn xvhcn it was reLollectcd thnt ho was a wstcin prodncb , and Jiad wasted no time in schools , ind unl- vtisitics A daj or tvo afterward tic called again and informed the young lady's pirents that ho was extremely \\cll pleased with hei and would give horn larger salary than she could possiblj cam teaching anyivheie else It would bo se\ cud divs bcfoio ho would bo uudy lor her , but slid ho would call occasion- all ) when ho was in the city and got bettor acquainted. The \ouug gill's ' father took quite a fancy to tlio bicc < cy joungman and congratulated his daughter upon her good fortune in securing sucli ancinplojor. The next diy tie called agiin and en joyed along chat wltn tlio mother and duughtoi In t'ho ab- sinuo of the father. Uho motncr was busy about herliouschold duties and the daugh ter -ua < left to entertain their vis itor. bho evidently did so admirably , for wlien the man arose to go ho asked foraii interview wltU Jho mother ulone It was Kimtcdandho told the worn in a long story about lilmself , hov , his wifolnd died shoitly after the biitn ot his son nnd liow ho had buried himself in the solitudes of his westoin home in an cllott to ilnd surcease for his sorrow row , and hnd Uicn gone cast anil plunged into the KicVUvhlrl of society , whoio his -\\caUlinrocmcd him the entry into the best circles out that , of all the pretty faces and "buttcrllj touns that had sought to ensnare him there \\aa none that aivikencd oven an interest Tlio ouly worn 111 besides his dead Alfoho h W succeeded in doing that was her daughtei , and ho desired permission to piy this icspects to her \\inheiifho could. The mother vas surprised , nnd in formed him that she would acijuaint her hus band -\\lth his proposition and would gl\o him nn answer the next day If ho wouldrall for It 'Iho young man left , professing the most hon orable intentions and pledging his honoi that hokwould not sau word to the dnughet onthosubjcit cxicpt with the appiohation of the p 11 cuts. Iho following day passed nnd Howard did not leturn During the afternoon of that iky the father nad occasion to visit South Omaha Hols of GJcrman descent and likes his beer , and In company \\lthafrieiid\vent into a siloon Ho was consldeiablj surpuscdto Und the fellow who nsked pornilssloii to pay court to his daughter and lay his fabulous wealth at lur feet , be hind the Inr sellinp beer and "very strong tthlslo , The old man spoke to the fellow Imt was cut dead IIo did not know him , hid iic\er \ seen him or heard of him. "And you 10 not the fellow thnt wants to marry my d mghtcr and make her a perpetual tutor ot your boj , hcjl not the fellow who las bten comln0'to our lioiibo for several daysl" "Saj , you're diunlcold , man. and \ou'd hotter get out of net a or you will get hurt Jl > * name ain't Hovvnid ; inynnnio IsVolch ow git , or I'll tluow TOU out " Tlio friend of the father Jed hlinaway boil- inir with indignation and determined to get satibf.utioiifor the insult ottered his diugh tcr. Ho a determined to return to the place nnd make another demand for nn ex planation. His companion icfused to ac company him and advised him tokeopnway from the plue , Jor he had learned that It was asaloou with u dance hall attachment , where many lovvd women wcio kcnt. 'Iho old man secured thocompmy otnuotneracimaintnuco in South Omihaand niado a second vsit to the place , but the bartender was gone and in his place was another fellowhosaid ho was one of the proprietors , and that the man he- hind tlio bar before i\as his partner , Ho also adised him to keen nivay and RO homo Thocmagcd Council llluffs parent was still not sattslicd , and half an hour later went into the pi ice alone Tills time ho found his ould bo son-in law behind tUo bar atrain wicstlliiB the beer kegs. The old man had not time to speak before the fellow loaned over the harwith a revolver In his hand and hissed , "Loolc hero , old man I'll ' ph 03 on some moio good advlto. You're onto tno all light I wont over to pet your girl nnd in , tended to run hoi In heic , forsho's devilish pretty. Now go homo and tell her tthntuimriow cscapo she had. ( jit , or I'll put tiholo thiough you " The fnthci who tolls the story says ho left the place , and Ins been thinking siiico and endeavoring to ascertain the best course to pursuoto bring the fellow to Justice aud pre vent the trapping of other Window shades nt Loscy & .Tcnscn. 11 Pearl st. _ If jou wish to soil your property callon tlio Juad & , Wills Co , C. B. J uda , iirosidcnt , two liroadw ay. Flno interior docoratiu g , Loscy & Jensen Buj your lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. 813 Broad wiy. A Heavy Dnuinno Suit. In the district court yesterday was com menced one of the most interesting and im portant cases of the term. It is the case In which Finloy Burke seeks to recover dam ages trom the Citizens' bank on account of having been indicted for grand larceny , Fin- loy Burke U one of the most prominent attor neys In Iowa and his well known integrity and financial responsibility does away with the slightest notion in the minds of anyone knowing him that ho would Intentionally jjct Involved in any transaction which sa\ored of crookedness. This suit is aa outgrowth , of the Jainous cnttlo paso , Tlnoo jcars ago M\o men , Abbott undGreenumoyer , vcro engaged In bomo heavy cattle deals , A-bbott gathering up the eattlo in different parts of the stnto aud sblpi ' ( . ' thoni into Council Bluff s , where Otoonatnojerhahdled thorn and sold thora , Thcso two men disagreed as to the terms of the arrangement existing between them , J\b- , pptb Insisting that the eattlo nero his nnd Urc aaiuecr liclue Interested only m the profits. Orconamojcr insisted that ho was the owner. The bank had been advancing money to Qrccnaincor ) with which to meet payments on the cattle , nnd thus Ib-vui inter ested to a largo amount -when the open rup ture came between the two dealers , At the timotuorowoMBomo eattlo in the ymds hero wtilcli Abbotb claimed wcro his. Mr Durko was employed as attorney for Mr. Abbott. IIo became- satisfied that ( Irconatnaycr's claim to ownership wni imnlld , and ho also thought Iho ihatUl morlgngoheldby thobanltwas of no account , as It purported to bo given byOrecnnmcjcr as owner. 'Iho cattle wcro taken out of the yards hero nnd sent to Mononn county wlthoub Abbott's consent or sanction , aud learning where they wcro in pastuio , Abbott anil A man named Armstrong , together with his attorney , Mr. Burke , hurried to that county to secure posscsion of the eattlo. They found them In a pasture , took possession of them and bad them driven tothe rkcr , whcroa ferry boat was used to transfer them lo Nebraska , when * they were loft in charge of Armstrong. Mr AbbDttandMr Burke rt.tiiriicl home. In n sh6rt tlmo the liank folks had taken possession of the eattlo again , taken them ncioss the rl\cr \ nnd plnted them In theold pasture. .At the fall term of the district couit la thnt county , December , lbs , the proud Jury found an Indittinciitngainst Rii. jJurko and thoothcH for grand Inrcuiv , In having tnltcn li < 0hendof cattle. Mr. llurko claims that the bank ofllchls were inilnly instrumental in securing his Indictment and that it was without cause or right , therefoio ho demands $ .10,000 , damages. The indictment was promptly dismissed on the motion of the district attoincy himself , although Mr. Buiko demanded u trial of the case , desiiliig a thorough showing for the sake of selC-Un- dlcition. Quo case promises to bo very liotly con tested. Mr. llurko has , besides his partner. Mi Hewitt , the well known llrms of IMd- win itilght md bipp d Pusoy , together with Qcoigo A Holmes , mnklnp about as stiong si combination as can bo well formed. O n the side-oftlio b ink there h also a biil- linnt arny of legal tiletit , including Stone iSi Sims , Ilailcs L McCabe , l llekingcr IJros. andO. O Saunders A Jury vis secured jes- teidiy afternoon , and the decks iaiily cleared foi action Tlio case will probably occupy a week. Iho dcfensoof the bank ofllchls , as gath ered fiom the opening address or Mr. Sims , uillbandcniiilth.it the representatives of tlia hank had anything to do with securing the Indittmotit , except tint they answered thnpioccssus compelling their attendance ns witnesses ; also that the cattle did In fact be long to Greeiiameyci , and that the bmkeanio into lawful possession of them under their chattel inoitRage , nnd byroasonof a wiltof replevin , and that while thus having right ful possession of the enttlo the plaintiff ulth others took thorn out of the pasture and drove them into another state. .niorningsidots booming. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , US Broadway. Fashionable wool suits made by Mrs L. Simmons , S3 to f 7 ; silks , (7 ( to } 10. Shorthand. Miss Rhodes , I3iown building. Signs. Losey & Jensen's ' , 11 Pear st. The Federal Court. In the federal court yesterday Judge Shlras took occasion to Inform the bar at the open- ingof the morning session that ho was there for business and not for pleasure or his health , thnt an expensive jury was being- maintained for the beiicflt of their clients , and thatif they did not push forward the business n little faster tnan they have been manifesting- inclination to do hoould discharge the Jury and lot their cases go over another term. The reading of the riot net creited aelccided stir among the members of the bar , and the effect wll bo apparent for several days. Jfo cases of great importance were tried , although the court was ury busy all day. Ambrose Burke vas admitted to practice. Iho grand Jury made its final report and was discharged. Several Indictments -vveio returned nnd some against parties i\ho are not in custody. Nearly all oE the indiet- , incntswere for theUolatloti of the levcnuo laws by selling whisky , beer and .tobacco wlthoutgovernment license. The cases are quickly disposed of Henri Hawkins entered a plea of guilty to the charge of securing a pension by fraud and was ilned 1100 and costs. His wife , who was arraigned on the same charge , followed the same course and was lined $50. The most important ciso during the day was thatofKolm & Adler aKalnst Melchor. Iho case involves over ? 10OCKI , and growsoub of a liquor deal , 'Ttio plaintiffs wcio liquor dealers In Rock Ishnd. 111. , and sold to Mel chor , who was an Iowa saloonkeeper , web goods tothe amount stated. The saloon man did not pay for them and the dealers began suit to recover , In his defense the defendant sets up the claim that the actof selling con stituted a conspiracy between ICohn & .Adler \Iolatotholawsot Iowa , und for this rea son weio not entitled to recover. Charles Haldntie , now a resident of Now York , is the attorney for the plaintiffs. The cose was submitted , but no decision icndored. Wo nro not trying to boom Mornlngsido It booms Itself. It if just what people want. Scott IIOUSQ , nice rooms , clean beds , faro equal to the best , ( I per day. Special low rates * toicguhr boarders 23 and ytN. Main st , Council IllufTs Wall paper at Losoy A , Jensen's , 11 Pearl st. Monevafc roducaJ rate lowoJL on chatto and realestato security by E. If , Shwfo & Co ' \Vnnts Life Insurance. Mrs. HachtlLymaa began suit jcsterday agamsttho Northwestern Masonic Aid asso ciation to recover soveial thousand dollars clihnedby her as duo from a policy on the lifoof her latohusband , Major Lj-man. It Is understood that the company lias refused to pa ) the policy on the ground thnt Major Lj man allowed several assessments to goun paid , thus lapsing the policy. They came , they saw , they bought , is the rule in Mornlngside. The Uostonstore , Council Bluffs. Is showIng - Ing the latest in caps known as the Nellie Bly cap The prices run from 50c to 81.19 , in all tlio htestcolors , plaids and blacks. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. , WinrEiaw < Ss Co. Republican 1'riinarlcn. The republican piimarles of Kunotownship for the selection ot delegates to the republi can county convention , whichmects at Avoca on October 1,1800 , , will ho held this evening at8 o'clock at the following places ! First Ward At the oflleo of John Hammer , and select eight delegates. Second Ward At Iho city building , and se lect eight delegates. Third Ward .At republican headquarters , li'o. 5 Touith street , anil select clghtdo le gates. rouith AVard At county courthouse , and select nine delegates. Tifth Ward At Charles Shields' store , corner Filth avenue nnd Eleventh street , nnd select Jive delegates Sixth Ward At republican headquarters , Tfo. D301 West Bioadway , and select live dele gates. ICnne , Outsldo City Select ono delegate. The delegates thus chosen will again moot in convention nt republican hcadeiuaitern , No. fi Fo\irth street , on n date hereafter named for the purpose of nominating town ship ofllcers. WILLUM Ausn , Chairman. 33Vpor cent advaucoou Mornlngsldo lota Ott. 1 , J. G , Tipton , real estate , 537 Broadway. The best auctioneer la the state is II. H , Inman , Council Blurts. Special attention to b'oodea ' stock sales , anil all branches of mercantile ) goods. Ofllca 503 Broadway , Tor Kent , Furnished room , 020 Willow avenue. Mrs , J , Lyinan. _ Tlio Woman' * ) Hospital. The Woman's. Christian Tomreranco asso ciation , having- purchased the McMahon property , now occupied by thorn , for hospital purposes , some permanent Improvements may bo looted for. Among seine of these owningpri'ato , residences la that vicinity thcro Is heard sorao complaint , not against the way tbo Institution is managed , but be cause they do not like the idea of having any ort of hospltnl located so near tholr homes. 'ho maiHifjcnaonihas been very careful to ivold any thing \viichwould provo offcnslvo p those Ihlng in the vicinity , nnd thoobjoo onswill wobdbly'iiotbo stroiiRly urged. In connection \vlUi \ the hospital work tlio i-omcn have arranged for training school or nurses. They uro also plnnnlni ? on Rlvinif ioedcdinstructl nf to young vometi In nil arms of liouse\vorK , thus rendering them oin potent to bo self-supportlng. The wo men arc ; doing nobly and they will ouhtlcss continue to receive the generous upport o t an admiring public. With the ox- ctislvo plnni before thorn nnd the additional mi-dens which they have assumed they will iccds meet with inoro liberal responses to hclrnppeals than have bofoio been glvcu. SHOT AT AN flio ClinrRe Iioilneil Annlnst Street Commissioner I'luiinory. .Tnmcs Flanneiy , the stiwt commissioner , ot into a. low in his saloon at Eighteenth and 'inton last night about 10 o'clock , and Ofllccr laucrwcntln to iiucll the disturbance The ncn engaged in the disturbance with Flan- cry all escaped , butKlanncry was nncsted , Ofllccr Bauer bilng obliged to use his club In laltlng the arrest. IHannery caino to the police station with uilf a do7en friends and ball v , as deposited o guarantee his appearance in court todnv. lo then , left the station with his filoiids lalf nn hour Inter Officer Ilauorcalledup the tatlon and called fortho patrol , sayin ? tint " "laimory had met him on his beat nml hnd hotnt him , Ciptaln Rlostyn and Ofllcei Ouslck went with the patrol , und taking Oili er llauerwith them , they found Flamiery at ils homo nnd phccd him under arrest upon ho charge of shooting at an officer with in- ciittokill Planner } was agaiu plnced be- lindtho birs. The stoiy is told in quite n different light > y nunnery's friends. They sny that the hooting vas pmely accidental. One \oiiiig imnuld ho was doing his best togettlio 10- 'olvcr away from Planner ) * when itis dh- haiited , and tint neither nunnery nor his ricnds it now nt the tlmo that mi ofllcer was icar , They say that ITlannory hnd been drinking a gooil deal and that this was the nusoof the dlillctiltj in his saloon. The case will come up in police couit to day. _ KIGIIT3 WJAOUK. Itccclvctl I'roin All the Itranulics , The executive coinmlttco of the Douglas ounty personal lights league held its weekly ncctlng at Goimauia hall In&t night , with nest of the members In attendance. A. now Iciguewith a mcmbeiship of thirty vas reported from the western portion of the Seventh \\ard. President Boonstra of the Seventh -ward caguo reported tliatn chew In p gum factoiy at Portland , Me , hnd contributed $ > The nonoy was accepted and paid fnto the league rcasury. A Fricka of the Tirst ward league ro- jortcd a membership of GOO aud ? 45O In the reasury. The Second v ird reported two complete organizations , with an iticieascd membership n each. Tlio Third ward reported that 150 voters md taken out thciu fiist papeis. Tlio Pouith vard sent in n icnort that a rre.itdealof intcrcsthnd been msplncd nnd .hat nearly all cf 'tho Germans have enrolled hemselvts The Sixth ward' icportcd thlity-two new * members and § U > uitho treasui ) . The Eighth ward showed an increased membership , \\itU tboflnnnces In goodshapo Vt the picsent tjrrjb the league has seventy nembcrs. , . The representative from the Ts'mth reported an increased membership with nearly 5JOO In ho treasury. - TRACKING- VKLiUV TIIIKVES. A Milliard Hotel Employe Arrested on a Serious Charge. Edward H. Dowcn , Itecpcrof the check andbatrgagoro6ia'at thoMillard hotel , -was arrested last niglit upon a seiious charge. For several -weeks there has been a man about the Jewelry stores and particularly the > a\vn shops oE the city , trying to sell some small diamonds. IIo aroused the sus- ilclon of several of the shopkeep ers and the detectives were notified. A careful discretion of the man -was fur nished thodctectivcs and they sot to work. Yesterday Detective "Vaughn becnmo con vinced thatBowen "was the man wanted , nnd astnlghtho took him to the station. HBovvcn sold a watch a few days ago in a Tenth stieet pawn shop which pro\cd to bo jno that had been stolen from Windson's ' iowehy store about nmonthago A llnoclustcr pin found in Bovven's pocket vhca arrested was also Identified nsa pait of the property stolen f iota "Windsor. Bowcn claimed that tie found the pin In the water closet at the Millard , and before ho.h ad been asked con cerning the watch ho said : "And I found that watch in the sumo nlace. " Detective Ellis searched Bowen's room and found a gold bar -which had evidently contained eight small stones , nndpaitof the bar w as missing This is said to bo a part of a line bar pin that was stolen from Wind sor's , containing seventeen small diamond ! , . Uovvcnhas boon , cmnloyed at the Millard for two or three jears , nnd has hitherto berne a good reputation. IIo is a single man about twenty-eight jcarsold. Contractor Con Icy Kxplnins. James Conley , the contractor to whom Councilman Ford referred at the last mooting of the council , baying thnt ho had rofu&edto pay claims against him for wages of men em ployed in grading city stieots , callou at THE Bin : oQlco last night and stated that the chaiges mndo by Councilman Fold -were wlthoub foundation IIo snld that James Conloy , a saloonkeeper , nnd Dick Uurdish , Ford's brother In-lnw , had bought nbout $100 worth of tlmo diechs from men employed on the grading of Mnnderson and Coimneiclal stietts and bad pushed their payment. Mr Conloy stated that his paitiicron this contract , Joseph Butler , had madonnnguo- mcnt with the holders of these time checks to pay tbeinwhen the final estimate otitho work wns received , but this did not seem to suit Messrs. Eurdishaiid Conloy. IIo also stated that Mi , Ford went to the place wheio they wcro grading , a few days ago , nnd declared .that Oouley should never have another contract for grading. Mr. Conloy says that ho will defy Ford or anyone else toprovo that ho has not paid his honest debts , and he intends to pay thtso claims -when the tlmo cornea.1 'Iho statement inado by Mr. Ford , that Conloy bad assigned his claim ngainst the city to Tom Hector , was untrno Ho bays ho has assigned his claim to John Ilottor , the city treasurer1 of South Omiha , und the claims of Messrs,1 llurdlsh and Conloy liavo been filed ngaUstJ.lt , so that they are as- suicd of their money , i ii . 9 Her GopdH Held 1'or Rout. A replevin suit was begun in Justice Holmes' court yc tcidny by n poor woman named Katie Itoflfansborg , who lives nt iFlfth and Walnut streets The lady has recently been left destitutely a recreant and Improv ident husband John Cathro owns the house where 'Mis. KaTpij8berg ( lives nnd she is de linquent m her rcrit , 10 Cuthro savs , to the amount of > I.SO , Cathro wont to the house in the lady's absence and took possession of her household g6p'dsnnd removed them , bho took ou t replevin papers yesterday and found Homo of the goods , but seveial articles she could not Ilnd Cuthro declare. H ho did not have tlio missing1 pieces of.futnituro in his possession , but a neighbor of the lady who o\vns thostulisaysthatsho saw Cntliro carry the things out of the house and that C nth ro offered to sell the ( 'oods to her , Two More Victims or lllcotrlo I ty. \Yir cni'XDov , Jdass. , Bopt. 2(5-Edward ( T. Uyan , ngcd eighteen , and O. Barnard , aged tvi only , were , Instantly killed tonight by an clcctrlo light guy wire coining In contact with an Incandescent clrudt on Pond stii'ct. Barnard's ' hands -\\ero badly burned , and it is supi > osed that Hvannt temp ted to assist him and hlnibclf fill a > lctlin A UmvorMiiii'i Mieinp , A , M. Van Anlccn of Denver Is in the city fortho purpose of Inducing Omaha capital- iats to go into nn Irrigating company. IIo proposes to organize a company witha capital otjj,00l,000 ( , nnd then dig a ditch IK ) miles long , carrying the waters of the Colorado river iuto central Wyoming. L-OltOUl ) A OIIllOIC. Frank Sicoikn , a Ofnllor , Wanted fnt Crookctl Worki I'mnkSkolka is a tnllor , nml ho Is also a smooth swindler If the story of Frank "Vodlcha Is correct , Vodlekn keeps n tnllor shop In the i car of the United States Hn- tlonnl lank , nnd Skolkn hns been In his em ploy for several months. The proprietor has been lotltif ? odd pieces of Roods nnd some valuable rolls ot line suitings at Intervals of a few week * for some time , but did not suspect thht Skolkn hnd anything to do ivltli the theft until yesterday tlio latter disappeared nnd two line rolls of Avoolen goods dlsappemcd nttho tame time , in thonftornooii n check -\\as presented at yio Ncbruskit TJntlonal bank , and as the signa ture did not look lllw l ranlc Vodleltn's ' the clerk sent It don n to the store. Vodlcka recognized It iw being inado out by Skolkn 'riio check \\.as cashed before It , icachcilthobmk by .Tolm Slmonek. the sa loonkeeper nt Mot/hall , on South Thhtcenth street , and was presotuul tlicro bySkolki Ihursilay evenlnj. . Tbo amount wns fin. Vodlelca sajs tint there nro thrco other checks missing from his check book , nnd ho expects to hear of them soon in the same manner , SUolka left a largo bo-c trunk witli hn cmplojcc. Asonreh warranted w.is Issued jcstcnlny afternoon mil the tiunlc avis opened to see if any of the missing goods \vcro tnerc. Nothing belonging to Yo- dlelca w is found in the hunk , SUolka is n thoroughly educated JJohoiiilan , ami those \vlio Icnow him say that It ho Ins decided lo heeomou cioolc helms the shievvdness to boa clever one. His cmplojcris inclined to think tint Skolkabns committed suicide , us ho was of a vciy despondent disposition nnd oftou said ho was tiled ot life California St KO Hold Up. Rniimxn , C.iln , Sept 20. The Reading nnd Cedar-villa stage vas holdup last iii'ht ( by two masked men ahout twenty-five miles fiom hero. The Wells rnrgo expieis bo < c ttnd tlio government \vay pouch weio lohbcd of about 4500. 9 IJonlniiycrAVIIl tloln tlio Socialist * . PiiiS Sept 20 Prominent socialists do- claio that I3oulangcr hus promised to cast bis lot with tue icvolutlonnrlus in tlio lust ciul cointnotioti. J'EKSOXA I , J'lff.If.'JC. 1VII S. W. I Luskof tit Pnulls tUtho 1'ivton. T. A J3tono of St Louis is at the Casey. .Tiuncs Roberts ot Chlcigo Is at the Mill ml. B. A Johnson of Beatilce is at the Barker. H. .A. Ilojtof Cbadronis registered at the Casey. J. Q Williams of darks Is at the aicr- clnnts Henry Forest of Salt Luke is a guest at tlio Itarkei , T. .A Moon of Chicago was at the Murray lastulgbt. A. D Morse returned yestcrilay noin JNcw York city. W. C Lojd of Chicago is stopping at the Merchants. J. ti Uoultoa of Montreal is la tlio city , at tbo Pai ton. H. T. Stnmford of 2\'cvv York Is a guest at the Paxton A. S Haio of Cansas City Is registered at the Barker. A. S Werner of Duluth Is In the city , at the Mm ray W. P Robinson of St Joseph is a guest at the Millnrd. M. AV. Stone of Hastings is In the city , at- the Millard. , J. J. Lindley of Kansas Cltj was at the Pax ton last night H. T. Hamilton of Milwaukee as at the Barker last night G. r , Stovvo and T. E. Blown of Boston are at the Murray. L. 1 Plcico of Syracuse , N. Y. , was at the Casey list night. V. W. Carter of Richmond , Va. , was at the Merchants last nlglit. C. U Diss of Nebraska City is registered as a guest , ntlho Casey. Mark Hopkins of Rock Sptings , AVyo.a.s at the Millard lost night Miss Mary ILoulso llobortson , who has been spending the summer In Omaha with her sister. Mis. W. K. Kurtz , left for her homo In Maiylandon "Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L Jones of Milwaukee aio In the city the guests of Mr. R. W. Bnkcr , supeilntcndcut of TIIL BEE bulliliap , 83.J Pirk avenue. Mr. Jones Is an extensive galvanized Iron manufacture ! , Ho put the slate loot on the first Grand Ccntial liotel building in this city. Mr. AllTali brother has quit the service of Tun Bbu und will remove to Durham , N , C\ , theio continuing In newspaper work. IIo rmkesttio change in the hope thut a wanner cllmato mayirnjirovo the health of his vlfe. Mr. Talrbiolliex- a ready \\riter , treats of matters and thlags in n crisp and original way , and will not bo long in making himself felt at the south Mrs Mary E. Uca of St. Louis , the picsl- dent of the national convention o ± Duifjlncrs of Rclicknh , the highest ofllco in the older , is in the city , the truest of AIis Sadlo Wright , at her homo on Decntur street. Mrs. liea has hccu engaged cliirlntr the pnst ye.it in \isitinga laigo number of tbo many Jurisdic tions of tbo older , und. feeling the need of rest , she came to Omaha for a quiet v Islt. &ho will make an onieiiil visit to Ituth Hobekah tlegioolodpe this evening nt itMiall. Tour tec n th and Dodge streets. Mrs. Itea will Icavo the city the first of next week , A AVoiiilcrfnl Uriel c. David Ciownn , who lives in the north- cm pirt of Gilncounty , .Atl/ona , in vhnt is known ns the "Tonto Ihibin , " is the owner of ono of the fjK-.itobt natiiinl curiosities in the United Stntos , if not in the world. Govviin's wonder is the fa mous natural bridge which sptiib Pine creek' y it single nicli o ( 200 foot ; the Malison , eithoi sidotibiiigto nheiffhtof 'roin 700 lo 800 feet , on ono biclu fofiuln a pcipondloulur precipice. The biltl u is OOOfoetin width ; fiom the bottom oftlio nrulito the top it a-.enifres 10 foot ; &pan , ns alovo ) moiitlonod , 200 foot ; lower sldo of nich , 150 foot. Tlio notion of the water , Avhioh has pouicfl under this natuial span for iigos , liasarn \ it as smooth m though It had been ehibdocl nnd siindpapetcd by iv stonoinnson. Al though the nrch , which Is solid llmo- stone , nvoiitffos nbout forty foot In tliltk- no s , tlieio is ono plneo , near the top of the arch , whcro tlio thickness scaieoly oxcecdH bl\ feet ; no.ir tlio center of this thin plnro theio is n soml-ciruilar' hole t\vo foot in diameter , through which ono may vvntch the wutois s\\ltly ( gllillnt'200 fcotbolovv , TJndorntath the bridge , ns well us in all the Bpui-B of inounttilns tontiguoitb to 1'lno eieok , lire nunicious caveins , suggesting the Idon that the cicoU ilbolf wns once a siibtoriaiienn pzissif o , tlio loofofwhich IUIH biolvciiilovvn , loiulntr \\nndciful \ bridge its a reminder of what "usoil to bo. " ThobO caves abound In splondld stalactites , stalagmite and potilfnctions n [ nil kinds. Ono of Iho Btalnctitoain the cave under tlio brldfjo la a lomnrlcablo ropioscntiition of iv female - male llcuro. Visltorri have nnmtd it "Lady Ucnvan , " in honor of the ffeiitle- inanly David , ownci Of the brldyo und caves. Tlic Alps Olnolers llctrontliifj. Ithas lonpr been woll-lfmnvn that the glaciers of the Alps are gradually ro- tioatln M. Martin haajufat publhhed ubiouhuio in which ho chaws attention lo the fact thnt while the lower limit of gluclors Is tfoing up , the higher limit of ( llfforonl kinds of cgotutloii Is coming- ( lovn. 1'or oxaniTln , tlio ihcxlodonelion , which ubcil touvngoup to 2'IJO motroH twenty \CU.VB nye , now leaches only to 2,000 , " Do cites inanj- examples of other planlB to nhoxtno iluuigo iHagoneriil ono , Thooxjilanatlon hu ofFeis is that theio is kss feiiow , tlioreloro less protec tion ngaiiiitt the cold of winter and less moUturo tluilng tliu hcut of Hiiinmor. The lower roylons nio simllaily afTccled nnd tines do not grow iiHhlghnfi former ly. Thoh'irdj racoof niountnlneoisaro naicl to bo not living now ut buch alti tudes ubformeil - XIIK MIT ASSOCIATION , Kolnjc Jtmlo for the An * mint Inhibition , The Omahn trtlsU were well represented nttho meeting of the Western nrt association licld at tlio Llnlngcr gallery lost ovcnlng , The in cell IIRvns oalleel for the puiposo of taking some nctloti with reference to HxliiR the ttniofor the nnnunl exhibition of the ns- soiiation , Mr. Hojdcn , a noted I'arisian urllst , was present nnd made n few lomarlo , speaking principally of the ; mirpilsltiK nil * % nnco nrt has tiilcou In thU country during the past few J cars , mill inrtlcularly In the west. Ho also rofcrreel to the European nrt exhibition now open In Minneapolis , nnd ald that ho hoped tome means would bo devised to hringlt toOinatm The meeting discussed the matter of having the exhibit brtnitilitlic.'ro , and Mr. Llnln cr was apiwlntcda eommltteo to 10 to Mimic- ( ipolfo mill sio onvhat torins He-em Id lo ) so- cured. The piovnlllnn sintlincnt heemeel to bo that the cost \vouhl l o nnio tbnti the as o- elatleii could stand at the present time , nl- though all of tlio inenibcH fu\oiud nrriing- Ing as hu go an exhibit of local nit ns possi ble , Air. Llnlngcr iccommcndpil the organl/a- tlon of nrt flubs in nil latto ; cities in the state , which could bo cemented by a st.ita associa tion , tnul the outflow th would bo the estab lishment of a circuit , by which tbo work of the dlircunt cities could bo exhibited nil tluonih the state Ho staled tint tlio end that all aitlsts nio now \sorlclnt ! for is to develop the ui t mnrUet , nnel this can only ho clone by educating the ) puolielii art IIo maintained that the way lo accomplish this w.is to give them fioijuent opportunities to Inspect worth \ worlis of nit , ami achocatcd earnest , liiiul woik on the p.irt ofthouiomhcii ) thU winter with that end In v lew. Itvis decided to postpone tbo selection of a date for opcnini ? Iho niinu.il exlilliitlon until the next mcctliiLr on tl o lltst Tuosd.u in Oc tober. A committed coii-tUtlng of Mesdaines lr ) 13 M. Parke , Minniuih ; , I1 T ilmeison , Geared I , dlboit , Winn nnd Stiinincl nnd Messis LJ 11 nurReolsc , OootituV Kiold , 0'IsTeillunel ' Staiihui.viis . appointed to h.ivo charge of the ovhibltion. \ Keneial prefeumce was expressed In favor of ha\liiLr. tbo exblbltion as nc.ir the holldavsns possible1 , und U vvilluiuloubtedlj bo held 1 ite in Noember. . m : \\\s A so.\u. AMlllnm Klt t M , tv ljnl > nier , Hadly Itentcn and ( Jut. William KBS | is n dnjlaborei nnd ho some times t.iltes a glass of beer.Vhlle indulging In tlio latter jesteiday afternoon at Shult/c's ' saloon , corner of Sovcntli und Pacillc , thieo men came in who wcio entire strangers to Hlptfsimd began to talk nnd swear about "scabs" "Theio is ono of them light now , " said the largest man of the paity , and stalled for Hlgtrs , w ho left , the saloon without much ccretnonv or delay. IIo was closely followed by the big man , and Ilicgs ran > up the street to the I'aclilc hotel. Ills pursuer gained on him and ran him into and through the hotel anil taught him In the back yaul , wlieio Klggs lecelved several bad cuts nbout the fate and head with n shnip knife or a raor. Some of the men about tbo hotel hitcifcred and stopped the tight. Iho attading p.irty then Joined bis companion : , at the siloon aud they nil vanished before the police oltitcr on the beat could bo summoned It is supposed that tlio ninn who did the cutting was mistaken in the in mho attacked , for Riggs snjs lieis not a "sub. " Ho Ins been working for tbo telephone company on their lines. A ra/or was found on tlio walk ncnr the siloon ifter the trio had gone , nnd It is sup posed to havnbcen the weapon used. Ills Irara Wore Groundless. E. J. Bunt ? of Noithboro , In. , was In Omahaesteiday In a frame of mind not cal culated to piolonp life or increase his happi ness. IIo came fearing that ho was the vic tim of a mad dog's ' bite' , but ho returned homo in the evening com Inced that his feais were groundless. Mr. Buntz used to keep a dog , anil a few weeks ago the animal became stupid and out of health , so ho chained him UD. The brute bcciime cross , and ono dny he snapped at his master nnd Inlllcted a blight wound on the back of his hand. Shortlj afterward the dog died mid then the ncighbois began to in.mufai.tuie mad elog stone * All. Bunt ? looked nt liis hand and trembled , and the longer bo looked and thought about It the moio flightened ho bo- came. Knowing that Mr. L. L Henbow , who lives at 550 South Twenty-sixth stteet , has a in id stone that has relieved several people of alleged rabbles , Mr. Uunt7 took tbo train , for Omaha and lost no tlmo when ho reached the city in findiniy the i evidence of Mr. Henbow. Tbo stone vas boiled in milk and then npullcdto the -wound , on Mr. Ihmtz's hand , but it wonlel not adhere to the wound , showing that theio vas nopcison in the hand. 11m stone was tried two 01 three times , but it failed to ex pose anv evidence of tabbies Mr. Buntz went back homo feeling gioatl ) ivlie\ed. This mndstoiie which Mr. Henbow hns Is n family icllo and hns been hundcil down from generation to generation as \.ilunolo heirloom. Marriage The following ; marriage licenses were is sued bj .Tudgo Shields jcsterday : Name and address Ago. I Thomas Peterson , Omaha . 2. > I Anna C. Hanson , Omahi . 1'J I Bern ml Gross , Omaha . ' . ' .J ( Anna Colin , Oiunha . - - Democratic Ccntial Com mil too. Theio wil | bo a meeting of the democratic conttnl coinmlttco of Douglas county nttho rooms of Julius 3 Ior , comer of Twelfth nnel Parnani stiett , October 1 , at 8 o'clock p in. All member. ) of the coinmlttco are leejustect to be present , Uucim Minns , . Chilli num. The Ninth waul penonnl lights lengno will holet its i ocular inciting ; Sunday after noon at 2 o'clock at X.ogonson'.s hall , Lowe avenue and Hamilton street. HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? Wo icfor to tlio full and compiohcnsivo tio.vtlso on the Blood and skw Whether jou nio sick orwell , every homo slionlel lia\o n copy. //you are well , it tells you how to keep so. ou are it tells yon how to rcgiln your health. Tills valuables pitnplilctvvlll bo ra.dl- edfreo tonppllcaiits. TIIK SwitT Sriccit'ic Co. , Aa LAN TA , GA F. M. ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS And Building Superintendents. Komiiti-KiOnml 4JJIIco lliiHiUnir.Oiiiiiliii.Noli. . and KooiiisSII and Jill Me.rrl.uu Illou cCoiunll , lllulls , In torr ! | ioiicluico solloltud. SPBOTATj COUNCIL BLUFF3 -pOO.MSfor rent , In suite or sliiftlb , 413 , o , Jir.lglith street. \ V"ANTinAtonco. . a liuly who lm < bnd Roinoexnotleiiooln polloftlng , to take ho- sltlou ns county imuniffer. ( looiUiliiry lo the ) light i > nrtv.Ailtliess\V. _ H , , euro of UcoOlllce , Ciiuiicll 1J10H Itl'NT-House's and room" ! ono J store miar court house , nnd ono funds / * room at J. It. U IN idsou's , oil PI f ( liavo , * , . , , . . . , . . . .nil roonn , two blocks fitiin motor , _ : four from postoilleo : furimco hcnt , Imili room , lint awl colil viator To gcutlniU'ii ot iniin and wife without children. T4&Na hIng. ton UN e Jit c"cclintiP--'OOiioreM | : , ICnnsis , we'll Improved , ion uoics , Cliiiutinniim Co. Knn , , well 1m- jro\ ) eel 210 nctcs , Ticyo Co , Ivnniiisoll lmpro\od , "lOnctcs , UoiiiaiiulioUo. , Kan , , null iinpiov * IJOncrei , Morris Co , ICixnsm , well Imptovod. , rMiu'ref , I.OIH ( . 'o , \\eliimimnc'il Ifi0ui'ie < , runris Co , > nlir iskiii .tWaoro-t , llolte.'o. . .Nohr.i-tliu. ! f.'T acres , Miihluubcrg Co , Kcntueliyivcll unproM'd ; ule ir. uVlauir , well Imnrovoel ; Meoni Co , Mh lil < Klllli CllMf. 41 ucrii , HtissCo . Ohio ; clear. Will ti vdo rlthoivorall fin mimliiitidlsaor clly iirnperty . * In ( . 'omu'll ItlulTs or Oiiinb i. m I'le'ai hnd ltistonouiiil Ilirry tV , Mo mV ( 'roniniiv Inl'lminnin , lllcklti on To Ivan ( I Mn ) , 1st UK rtitiiiuioti * tint tn the fiinit I vllltttdo .1 Ii 1'rlev. ICIoI's hold. 1J1OU cb iiijtn In Inislmislll soil stn < iTTt J ilniia und ll\t nits , all now mid HHI t luss , ill a ( llsioiiut , It sold ttlthlii noxl Wdi ; > in- Milio iibniit { ! , VJ Address ii , Hoe ollito , C'oniK-ll lllnlls irToU Vl.n-i'liiustiiiil.iril bud ti'iitn bnj , ' -I ? nnd H yoirs old , imloliiMl 1 idv < m drUo tin in , cllv buiko : will nntsliv. ( .ul.it J ) Malnst . ( 'oiniolt IliulTH .1 I1'ilu " notlNTvliitol Iniiic'sDii , I'osii'sslonuUon Oetolior 1. I'nr Infiirnn. tlnn iielilrii' < s Win t-leiloiitonf , ort'luls ' tl I'ouncll l 5AM Pho Homo Itostmirint foi sail ) on cisy ti inm , Iho must jiopulai nl ICM m thoulty. . . \ \ bootl..t.l7 HID idvv ij * T71OU S/VM2 or Iti'iit flanlen land , wit. JJ houses , byJ , U. lilou. Ui.M.ilii st. , Lounel I lllulfs. Wlpiy \ rent wncn you can liny a homooti tlii'stimo tui ins , unil in e- iso of yum de- ill > ninny Uiau loivu your f.iiully tlio homo tluir onUiu following tornn : A homo worth * I,0)J ) it ill per month Aliomei woillilr ) ) i\t f H per month. A homo wortbl'.OJlatsf'l pur month. A ho na vvorlli.tOOiitillur ) | inonth. A homo vvortb if t.OJ ) nt $ H ] , ur niunlli Other pi leu 1 hoiumon tbos unu toi nn Tlif nbnvo MiDiithly p lynumts liiclmlo linn . . , nndlatoroit. > 'or full pulluulin e.ui on nr addrosstlio . .IndilVulls \ Uo. . OJJ Hro.ulw.iy , Uouiiulllltuird I e. DR. BELLINGER'S ' Surgical Institute AND Private Hospital , Cor. Broadway and 26th 3te. , COUNCH , Hl.tTlH , lo A. V Tor thotre'.itmt'titof all siir k dniid chrexilu dKoasts nnd dlso isi s of the tileioil I'rlvitodlsciSL's of the urln iry anil orRiins , us syphilis , us strloturi > , ev tltl- nuitorrolio.i ! lost in inlioude'Mi il linpoti. IRS anile lUneis tieatcd uteissf ullv I'.irtlLiilar attention pnld to < ll > eisi-s of tha IIIMKK , lib Astlini i. Cunsuiiiptlon Hrone'hltts , Citurrh , Htu. I'm ilysls. Kidney IH | > ISI > S if Diabetes Hrlght's Dlso.isc , Hhunin itlsin IMles , Cincor , Varlocolo. llydroult' . Dioiisv.Tumor , Dlsousti ejf the Eio and Knr I'luli l'eet. , fcjiln.il Ciirvatuio and all dlsoiisesnf tliolioim. \ \ ono \ u de'pnrtniont do\otul o\elusl\cly to the tre' itincnt , eif Ute'rlno l > lsi i"-e"4. Modlcliiusenthocurely pack-el nnd fieefiom obser vutlon. Correspondence oonfluontlnl. Auelress : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute and Private Hospital. , Cor. Uroadnnjr ami2blh fits Council Illutls In. DRIVING PARK. Uall Meeting , October 7to 10,1800 S4.OOO IN PUIiSlilS. PROGRAMME- IMONOAY , 0010Iir.lt 7. 2 11 Piiio-l'nrsc * . .A . 1100 . Si'iTroltliic-l'ur-.o . J-j ear-old Tiottlii ? btiiko TUKbDAV , OUrollI.lt 8. 2VTioltlnK-l'iu ) > , o . . ' .MTioltlim-l'tiiaO . . . 13 * J-yoar-old Tieiltliu-htnko w HUN ns i ) v v. ooroiir.it a. 28Tn > tUnj-l'ui- > . . 03W 1 ici'-roi-AllTuittlni ! 1'iirM * 03W \e.lilliuTiotthi5 ! Unco bt dtci W rium&nue. oL'Toni. 10. 231 Troltliw-Pniso . . . WO I'lOO-lor-Allriioiiu'-l'iuso. VH lico-leir-AII , Stallion I'm so Nutlnnul 'riottliiRiissoi.litlon to nv- orn. 1 ntrlesclosoOcitohor4 M cn friti. Ulllo tueslc. J.V. . 1M3KI HOY , I'l uslih nt. Uoinuill HlulTs , lou L Address all coiiimunle.itloiis ti ) A II. Olllllb suoiotiry. Sll South Utlibt. . Oni.ilin Neb. ATTEND Strictly In bmlnevj" hn m > li'mlM motto nt HIIUISH In ovorr line of liuiiinneiitTK ) lire'iuliel lijrlilm who holils to uiuo uloptoil tpojliiltjr , WESTERN I'cnplonro proiiroiilvo fullof onor jr. " "d uioucf iinkliiu tcliumoa They noad spoclal tralnliiiTor llU llll ) IOWA loads In poiuilnr odiicitton Her public cl liooliT \ nru diilnKiiriiiil work fur tier noruislnj mlllj > M \Vuatorn luwn , COLLEGE , CdMiTncncni fall term Hopt Int. Slio nclcrti Ilia rcnlly I'nicllcul fur her Mnloiili Normal Hull * iiu n 8liurtliitnitnn < l ruiiiiinn lil | > LOUMUI well or- unnlru I unit cirofullf coniluctuil BtmlonH luar niter ntnny time. Wrlla for further particulars 10 W. U I'aulsoii Council Bluffs , Iowa. J I ) . KUMIIXIKOS . I'ros. 15 ikSiiunAiir Vice Tie' . CIMHI is u Cnnlilur. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350.000 Dun crons-I. A. Mlllin , P. O Glniisnn L I' Shimurt , i ; . K llurt.J. I ) IdrnnnilKnn ( linK : t ) . Iliiiiniin. Truiisnut gcnunil litnUlii ; ; liusl- luts. ImiKcst eaplt.il and Hiiriilus of uny bank In houlliwestorn Iowa , : < INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS OFFICER& PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Mulu and llroiidvrny , COUNCIU BLUFFS , IOWA. TlmilerH In furolKn nnd iloniLsllo cxchiiiiKi ) Cnl lex t Ion H niiidu und Inloioul paid on tliu duposlu. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. lrI U-iA Iljclrnulic nntl Sanitary Engineer. 1'lana , Esliiimtoj 151lKiIlDlI16 ' " tlons and Supervision of I'ublioVork. . Hrovvn , Council Bluffs , la. * li Justice o ( the 1'emco. Olllco ovur Ainorlcaii Exjiroas , No. I'JL | yin Nn Uulllll L I3rondway , Council Blulls , lotva. Of AH A JPr Oimn Attorneys nt Law , rraotico in the State nnd I'ouoral OLUllu OL k ) I 111 5 ? u.rt3lT.K ° omlJ 7 ani1 a ShuKurt-Uono Block , Couiicll