Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1890, Image 3

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T > ATTv 9.7
JTntcliinson Attempt ! to Oontrol
is lrel Suctcssfal ,
n. MttlcKInunr 1 > ut Close
at TliurHitay's I riJCH-l'ro ! l8-
luns Ditll-Tjltc Stoolc
, Sept CO. [ "nofKl TolcijpAm to TUP.
tiKKl Tlipwinitt innrlci'Llookcilpouiillnr most.
n ( tlic tlrnctotlnj' . Itwasn inirkutln v\lilcli
llutrlilnson wm pitied njalnst tlio orowil.
Tlio old dciitlcninn nttoinptcil to control tlio
niarkft nml ilotlnjc must ot thost'sslon hownt
micu sful. Hobcsnn scllliiK on it ( try dull
market r-nrly nnil Ind fnllilns ? enou li to
( inltkly put llcconiliur wliyat unJcr (100. (
Tlicii tlio BCiiljilnR crowd Icciinio boirlsh Ith
tlio iil < l of 1 ui-go receipts at Mlnncnpolltt und
thamarketiuliiiiiiniurcil < lo\ui \ IOO 'HC. At
OOVicanil bcloMlfiitclilnson'H liol ) < orsiLinCl ; ) |
In nml took consldcroblo wheat , stopping tlio
( locllnu , Imtlioilid not bufora rally , llo is
rcKimleel as pretty lituvlly short ontlio mir-
kut , bub liu vas riot Roln Uiruii to co or.
N'o'vt lie attempted to lioli the i > rlto Ijclow
' IWl-iftOaJaC. tliliiklnj to Btt tt pile of
wheat "put" Lo him on Ills nlo
of iiHvllcic'fl ? Inst tillit. Durlnx tlwrnornliiB
tlioljcsU biiylnitwiii iloiio by M C Mltclioll ,
Conntock , IHinli.iniX Co\V11IImi Iliinnaiifl
Itlooin. Ilia notion of tlio market uiitol
o'clock vns n < iollo ( i : Docoiiiber ououtil iifc
fl.OO'i ' niiilsolilatSlWa toOOHotoOO'iototn'ic
to ttt' c ; > InyIO.'iJiJ toJl.O.i'J ' tofl.Ot to 8IOIH.
IMIiinenpolls ( mil Dtilutli lind CH ours , a .ilust
750 ens estimated , llio cstliualo for Mlnui-
nprilk for tomorrow U mditointo nt WO nrs.
1A\crpootcnblci wcro qtilct nnd Indifferent.
Weather In nortliwtst was very ( Ino niul prc-
dlctcil Motor Hjtu relay by tlio signal seivlou.
TlioN'orllirtcstcrn Miller imlillslict n. stato-
incul tluita grunb movement of nheut\vlll \
no v lake place In tlic north west und.Ml uncap-
ollsstooliiuroto , obc. Uccclptq
lioroueiobnt 67 CIM iiml for Saturday 109
car ? , TlioCltyof Itonio is olnrtored totnUo
BO.OOObushots of No Uwlint tocastcrn millers
nnd0OOObuslicls nioro urcsolilto KOtho simc
wjiy , Tlicro wore no oiport uloarancfs of
wlicnt ut Nuw Y"ork or Ilaltlmoio , There
\vns too much ( oo < \ . buying In vhuat
tholast hilf Imur toiillnw the marlct tocloso
heavy ornt iidocllno. Last jnli'cs nurtj ; boi > -
toinhor , fti'ici Ootimbtr , II'-H ® ) fe. 'Ao "D
trom bottom nnd Ut under lust night ; May ,
llio corn niirki'tlioldiup romarlably well ,
Tlicio wn ; hutUu iliiiiiv'cln the prliu of May
corn to 1 o'clocli.atul
up that \ is us iniiun
uliotu us bulow the hit jirlco ycstonliiy. riio
oullnolc is Konorally bcirlsb Kutclntswuro
Ilbiiul , tlii > utlinotqiiltoiip tollio rsthuiloat
450carB Tlio ostlnmto for fciturdiy WM MS
curt LCiportclonrincoHiirnoimtccl to lltllo or
notliltiK.Vi < itlmrovortliu cntlroconi coun
try WIIM most ( avorahlo ( or untilrlii ? thocrop ,
anil WiisliliiKldii iiadlctloiiH wcru fuvoriliiu
Iitt tomorrow , ICiich fee < l. iliiy Ifsscus the
clianccsof any frost < liim.ib. 1'iibllc ciblis
vr < < ro lover itnu prliato cables qtilto boirisli
Tlioinoumuiitliori ! ivjis qiiltei I Ik'ral , wll li
nliliiiiciils | of 101.M ) busliulH nml oiit-lnieo- |
I ion of 411,0001111811014. .Muysdlil at ftO'tu ' at
tlio opnliii. ( . tliuii at RO'.flJ.Xl'iianil ' ' oil wit li
tliclir < * : iklti Mhoatto 4nVc , with a qulotniar-
lo.'lat r * halt an liour licforotlio close.1. The
ncllon Inboptcrnbircorn was 48c to S'jo ' to
47JiC to Ike bid at tlio close ; Outolicr solil lit
S'o ( to 48'iSaH'io ' to47iitn- ! n.t tlio dote.
Hiccmliirclo d sitlT'jiC.Maysolilatno'ic ' to
fiOSiii.'Wj'jc , toW' e inno 'iOWicto close ,
Oits closed iirae'tluillj'ut list night's price.
Tinro-VMS n llttlo llnniicss oirly. whoii but-
tcmbur was iiii | > ttilatW4u : sinil Oitnbor sold
fiulilxli m Wic.vltli May npto41'ic. ' Those
j rlcos veto undo wlioli corn tppcnrcd strong
Tlicy wrrotholop fluurtMnf tlicdnybnptinibur
oliiicd nt i7. ' C ! Jlaysolil b.ick to 41Ht' , n < l
Hiitoliliison iiipportud cllio market , tiKlru1
iilimiL100.100 busliels. llio close was U ? < ii
4 i',0. '
'lliorowas llltlo snap to the provision trade
at any time. JIcCoriulfkA : Cii. lOiielit ( Jinu.
nrynork curly at 4ll.iXQll.i3M.biiiitlio ( ( tiiirkut
wnihcnvy. lliitclilusonu'ui n seller ol lard
and pork ut illlTortnt times. AVIiou com vuak-
uiicd from curly prices inovlslons vent slowly
< lu n also. Tlio dccllno for tlioilaj wan i't ' 'ic
In ribs , nboutSe In hid , nnd MCV'ic hi nicss
] > ark. Juiinnry pork sold ut il.j,011.53 ! ! ' and
cloiort nt * H5VOliri7'4. ' October pork ivas
Btiady iitfU..riO : Jlny 5u oT ( at. 112.15. Trices for
IcadlugtnoiitLs Inall products appear tolo-vv.
w/rzt'A / ct fM\-K \ si o e/c.
Sept. S3. [ Special Tcloznm to
TUB Btu.1 OVTTIE Bmluess Blow , vlth tea
down-turn oat liastlOjon lis hcivy stuors ,
of which there wasii largo iiiimboroii sale and
I ! only lltnltocl doninhds. The turn wusasur-
prlso tosalciincn , ai this chss lias bcuu rIn
demand all along- . Medium aixlconmionstoori
anil otlirr uiiJcstrablo stock Kdio ally allowed
lltllo erne ulmngo , Toxins and rangers w cdro
also roi'ortod ' steady. Jiatlvobntcliors' stock ,
ospcctully such m shop trade iiants , sold
equally us ell as any < lny this week , Idnt
Blilnpon shiinjd rcinuinbor tbat suchU yet
Hclllnrcat oxlioinolr lowjirlrcs. Tlio tops-ilo
today wasiMW , vvldlo coed to cliolco 1,100 Ioto
ltOO-lb , steers soldnt JIWOIPO. und comnion
Htoclc m'nt out at J.'tooiJit.'jj ; Xoiaus. { . ' .253
a.l.Hi. nnil riiiiuors f2.lKKJt.15.
llooH-SalffinuiiBiMierally rcnorlcd
turn ofanocd f > e on allirndsaiitl ! sales clussl-
lldl bo Inn- boar tliun out In tlielr ustlnintos , ; u
utllio close paokt'M were buying tost. mixed
utll.WWI.UV , nltli narti or loads and other
oiliK anil ends lit f IX > ( He5 , 1'iinio bntuhvr
\vclght4 and assorted iiot ! > y cloned atfl.UO ®
t.X , atidllglitsortsat
YoitK , Sent 2S.-Si [ > oclal Telegram lore
TUB Urr.l STOCKS llopoi of bulls wore
ruiluly dNpollcd by thonctlon lu itocks this i
morning Loiulonwnt afioosollor of Jxmls-
vlllo , jMchlhon , St. 1'uiil und othoM. Cable
iirtvloeslntlnntod that the Iliuinclal stfln <
Kcnuy abroad inlslit sjircad nnd keep specula
tion Kloff and further depress business. Cam-
nuck fort-csnlso sold B looks ( rooly , Com nils-
nloii hellos raillunlly unvo up the bold stand
they haru inado on the bull side , and long around. SuK-irKoflnorlta
Htot'Us nero pcrlmin tlio most unsettled , anil ,
iiltorljrc.ik Ins nearly 2 paints to77H rocov- ,
urcd to'SiS. and on a second liroaknoiitunder :
77 , Loillsvlllo wtxssolUhoavlly iiml ( locllnid
nearly Sporccnb to S3. 1'aolBo Mall lost ! ' . toIle
42 > i , Northern Puclflo profirrotl only
H to 73'f ' , Ilurllnston ? to 03V ,
Horthvcstorny to 10T , Rock Island
ni'illvldoticl S to 60'f. St. Paul was Jreoly
tnlicu \\cstoriiordonaiKllost but3 , n-lillo
IMNsourl I'ncltlc WUB ivoll unrportcd and
drop i > ill ) ut a fruition under 7U , Thim was
norecoioryiip tonoon.
IhorowiiHa fiilrrecoiory In price * of stnnd-
on ) stm'kK : iltor inlilduybut. the ruiirUutclostil
vlth 'notional ilculhiH. Union Paclllo was
nol < l ficely iiml olosutllth \ n lossof Ji atWV
0,1 ,
. 0,1.ho
is :
The Wool Alnrkot.
DOSTON. Ffpt. it [ Spoclnirolournmto TIIB
litr.-TUo wool market linibeen verjactlvo
nnil tlio sale ! liu.\ilecn ) large , omouiitlni ; to
CWOCK)0 , ) pound sot nil Unds. Manufacturers
Imvo Icon buylugfrculr , but salci uro almost
vholljon tliclraccount. There line spoeula-
tlon. Territory wools contliuio active , wllti
nlcs cdlnontaKlL.'c. Ino medium at iTOJCo
tiul iiiciUuinivt Wa 5o. Ccnsklorablo siirlnic
Collfonilti vool lias boon solil at Id&i'v nnd
itoruOr 'jou at IBCWio. Toxui vroils mo
fiulou Olilonnd I'onniylvunlailtccos ' arc Om
4Dil lii better UonUuclwlUualengt ) , Jw. ut Jl ®
K2C. XX alXKa-118 and No.l nt 3rte.Tf. ? jMlchl-
( tnn X llc-otvi tiru elllnjr At yyiVKo nml No 1 nt
illu. riipiclimboeii InrKO olllnB ol combing
anfldclalno llcrcot.irltliNn. 1 comlnff flrmor
at U iU'io , thin ( Ini ) dolnlno at MlMo and
Mlcrifciuifino dolalno nt WitPulled < wools
nru h stcaily Oeinniid. wllli HIIICM ot super at
uud c tn [ tit ? lt Wj , Foreign wool ) nro
drill ,
The CofTeo Market.
Nr\r \ Vonit , Sept. 55. ISpochl Tcbsram to
Till ! Ilir.1 ColTceOptions oponcil steady
nncl unclianseil to 10 point * tip : closed
Orniniiil uncliingpil to 5) ) points m . Sales ,
30.000bnq < lncliutln > l < upteiiilcr ut llS.fiOi Oc-
tob < r , * 0i , \ovi3iiilL'rIIT.O.Vll7.10 : ! ne-
pomlicr , Ihi.TVjin sj | .Tninmry. fH.8 3IV03 |
Murcli , 41 4V r.VjIny \ , lS.8iB13.i ( ( , ; Auitust ,
? U.W ! ; snot KID dull Ini Utuadyi fulr cargoes ,
' No 7 , SH.75aiO.00.
3ii an KTi.
Omciao , Sopt. 2i1-ll3 : p. m cto s Wheat
I'lrin : cash , U0\c ; Doccinl > orWH < 3'J'J7 ' ' u !
MIL ) , $1.01' ' . .
Com Moiiilyl ca li , 4So ! Ootouor ,
Oils J isy : ia.5l , lJ7 ci October , ISUcjMny ,
4 me ,
> IMVork Knsyi cmh. M50 < aOi215 ( ; Oc-
toinr. Smili : luiunry. ( .
Lnrd Mi-iul ) ! cash , W.Ojj October , 10 03 |
Jn.tiiiiiry.iu.4yf ! .
IJjo llwy nt COc ,
Uirlcv-Oulct ati'ic.
KhSIM ! stiMKirnt lir > 3
I'rltno Timothy bced b.isy at S12.V312T.
I'lmir I'liinantl iinclnnnodi winter wlicat ,
$2.2/Tt5.50i silting wheat , 41.80 f .ni rye * J 00
lliiik Montn-Shonlclprs. JJ7VIMS75i : short
deir. f. riV715.M | short rlb * . S.TKVJ. _ _ , . _ .
ull cream fhoddirs S3S'/iCj
Huts , H'4fli ' < 1i : yniiii < ArncrIci < , U'Mlii ! ) : .
rues UncliuiKoili fposli , ITSl c.
Illili5-lncliuiKeil ; licivy grconnHod , "
. . , _ . . . Krccii siltucl , O'Sci ' irrcin. fi'ioj ' silted
liullhlflis. 5uj Kioin sailed cilf , DiftSi Oi < ly l
Hint , HWii tirv ciilf. SISlu ; Ucioom o.ith , 2.V
'InlloM-Uticliiingctl ! io. lVoj ( No. . ' , 4c ,
Kecolpts Shipments
I'loiip. I > M . , l-'noo ' U.OO ) lill 4\903 l > l.tX
Corn , lll SWOOJ ,194,00) )
Nsvr YOIIK , "opt 2(1 ( , Wliont Rccolpti 000 :
. . < porti , 70) ; spot utronj ; ISn 2iol. SloPiffl
l.Oi'i ' In clov-nlori * 1.025 { < 2HO ! ;
ft.O."fiS&OI - ) " .o. Ij.l opllons ulosol . slciulj . . . . . . . ,
- '
lKhur ; No , lired , cntomborcloDliy lib IIOPJ.
Oirii llocelpts , 5,4."iO bmliols : uxports ,
40.CT liiishoh : iliot flriniri Ao. y , MUo
In cleviilor ; .Vi'itZwiC ufloif ! uuitrailcd intxud ,
r > T 1iW | ! > rl4ci oitlo ) slilKlicr , ! itpteinbor dosliij
tit > UI&c ,
Cits Uccpliits1S009 bushclt ; exports 1.30) )
bushels , spotitoidv : No. a white , 4r 3l5 > t !
nilxoil western , 4l iKlVcNo. | I whllo wcitcrn ,
( il'i , < c : options Him ; Oitobrr closing 144 1
ColTuo-Ujtlons elosod Hrtn ! ttncliiiitjcd to
2l ) point * up. Silca , : i(3 fl Ings : fcoji-
liirtl8.50 , Oclobor , 17.7jiil7.8) ) | spot Uio ,
stondy ; fair cirsoos , S'JO'j
iunr-Ua M , noniluiil ! red neil , quint.
I'ctrolciiin-Unltca ' closoU for October at
H -Steady ; western , SKJlKc.
I'ork ' fctcudy ; ruets , 8ll.wai.VJT .
l.ird Aloustcaiiyr { ostc'm stciin , fi.32'i !
llu tier-KI no linn : western dairy , 1014c |
creamery , 123iloKltcln,2iBa'4c. : .
t'lieuse-Ksiijr ; Iljlit sklrns.iffi'Mi ! '
Si. t-oiiia. 'opt. 2(1 ( IVIicit Cnh lower nt
Corn ( 'asiiluwcrat 47c ; May ,
0 its I'l nn , cnsli , y7ie ! ; May , 4l'io.
I'orU-Qulct ! JI025.
Iinl-Qulel : * . " ! .
MhlsU Steady at 8113.
lliittor-Flriu ; iruaiuory , 13 < a.23c ; dairy , 9
, Fcpt. M. Tlioro was a Rood 1
demand for spot vrlunt In tlio iiiornln ;
at ( ahiirluci Wliesit receipts , ncrcurs : 8hlp-
iiients , Tlctis ) , Ole < lns , No 1 hud. Sroptoin-
Inr , ODCi 011 tmck.H.OU , No.l northern , faop-
tcmbur and Oetolur , K oi nemnber.W i !
outrack/Jli C ! No i iiorlliurnSoDleinbir,804C , !
on truck. W > 891c.
.CITY. Sept. ffi Wlicat-Stoaily ; Ko.
2 lurd. cnsli , September , bdj bids No. 2 rid ,
. O.le
Coru-'Ucnily ' ; Ko. 2 cish , 41'ic lild.
Oits-StroiiUL'.Vo. , ! 2 cash , UG > t ( ! bid ; Sep-
MII.WAUKCB , Sept. 2n-\Vlicat Quiet ! No S
spring.c.isli , OlS'JJo ' : Dccoinbor , Who , No 1
nortliurn. OL e
Coni-l'lrtni No ' 1 , 49'iiir ' ( > 0c.
Oits-Btuaily : I\o. \ 2. white , 40c.
I'rovlsloiia-Qaict ' ; pork , January , allCJ.
CINCIWATI , Sept. Klrmi No. 2
reil , OSIiC.
Coni-Ii'lnn ; No 2 nilioil , We.
Oits-l'litii ! No2 nilscd. 53Uo.
Whisky 41 U.
UVEHPOOI , H pt. SO. AVhnat-Qulot "but
stciidv.doinanU iworjlioldcrsoll or moderately !
Callfoinlu S < o. 1 , 7s ! l'iia7s ' la per cuntil.
Oorii-Steiuly ; < lcnmml poor ; mixed -western ,
4aiS-Jil ) par cental ,
Cniciao , Soot. 20. I'.ittli , Ilocolnts 11.053 ;
nirkct lover ; tonuind tillliiR otr. stocrs.
- " Texatii , * 2.'i'J.Uli ; rangers , $ J.'JOCft
lloss-Ilecelpts 21.000 ; market slow nnil
lower ; paohirs , I1.S.V3IOO ; niUcil. (41VQ14.ri ;
ijrliuo lien \yuntl butchers * weights ,
liplit , , . .
Micen Hecolpt < , COOO ; mnrkot stoadjistocK-
r . * .l25tJ > 4IXesterna ; \ \ , t)03OUO ! i'cAaus.
jr. louis , Bcpt Sft.-Outtlo "Rcoolpts , 2.DO ) ,
Hhlpnicnts , 100 ; 1 llr to fancy intlves , Ji.'to
5 ( HI ; stooker3audooccrs. ] 41 71 T.1 50.
HoKs-Heoelpts , li.OXI , sliliinioiits S.100 ; inar-
l < ct weak : hoa-vy. MWdilOO ; mixed , J4.i53
415 ; Unlit. 41 Sixain.
iv j- r , Cirv. Bout , 2G.-Cattl ( llecoirts ,
S)0 ) ; shipments. 1KO : market Htcaily ; stons ,
$ , UOf44Wi ( ; cows , 3lr 0JI/J ; utoolcuu unit feal-
lioKS-lloiclpti 8,400 , slilpiiients 4,259 ; all 1
Krulos , $ l.Wil.l.Wi.
Sioux Onf. litSopt SO. [ Special Tclosram-
to THE ItKrl llo-ts Kocclpt . 1 , ' > 0 ; inurkot
dull : belUiigittSlOOKIirK :
srocjf ,
PrlUiv. ScpterntiorSO
Estimated receipts of cattle I,00 > . n com
pared \vltli \ 1,472 yesterday mid 1.18.1 I'rlOiv
oluistffcolf. The niarKufc opened uctlvo nml (
insoniocasfs stninvor There was couskler-
nblo Ucmniiil for light hniiily Uiiltla vclKhliiK
from 1,000 ti ) 1,110 Ibsiiucl th y were autliu
nnd stronger. Tlioro 11 betlor on
liutulurs' btuir , the best rules us
stroti ir onniuictlvo m.irUct. wlillo tlio poorer
Bra < loswor fullystoiily. llio ( tuilomiiirkot
w uctlve , tlio lnt ones scllliiKstronsor , but
the poor one * urcstill uoBloutod.iiiil are vuy
Estimated receipts odioRil.fiOO us compared
with WJS ruiterdiiv aim 0.01) rridiir of
last wink. Tlio market , -wis a sliado t-o Wo
lower. The shlpplns ( loinand A\is > cry llslit
unit light hogs mnt elf Oc Ilutelier olKhts
\tero moro or less Indoiuand : inu atmerod a
dcolhioof oiilv ' . wlillo ln.0.vynolKhtscro
ncclcctod and sold IOo lo er. The nuiKOof
iirfcoswas Jlb'.SI'i' , ; llu-ht , $1.154.'i'i , mixed.
aill.xaU'O : heavy , 81.a4.01 Tlio averaRO Bll.Of
tlio prices iildmi ) 3110 compared vlth II IU
yisturday and * I28 L'rldayof last cck.
Estlmitoil receipts of sheep 650 , ai com
pared wltli WiUyestcrdiij , The market 31o -
I'revalHne I'rloc1.
Tlio ( allowlnir K a tiblo of prleoi paid In
thl-J imrkotfort'io ' Krilo olstoale niontloneJ :
I'rlinostecr ' , l.UOto ItJJJtbi H.Tt f4l.7i
( lood stoor-i 12.13 to Hioms 4.03 fSI. :
( lood sloorn 10.11 Io rJWtts a.ST 4il.11
lair , 1JO ) tolt-W m : i.50 Stl.W
oiiuiioii,8'JtoX ) ! ll a : i--J1 -5
Coniiiionoiniiors l.OJ dtl.OJ
Ordlinry to.ilrco.vs ( , -.O3 < &lJt >
1'illr tOBOOileows 2. W S4.C'i
liood ( ooliiili'ti ooivs -.7 ttf.l.M
Uiolcuto fiuoy tows 2.u : ati.n
lair tonooilbullj . . . 1.73 f < t.f.'i
innuy uiui-t . . . . . . . . , . > j UUKUJ
olwrs unil focjors . 2.0 ] ( Tft'.lil
. U.VtolHJIbs ) . S.S.1 6ilI.M
Fair to cliolco Hshthos . 4.1A 6ft I.
l.ilr tochoko hnvy IIOXH. . , , . a.8j Ctl.01
lair to choice mixed noxs . 4.10 toJ.-'d
DiHpositioii of Stock.
SliowltiK the iiuuiborof ot stoclf pur-
eliaseil Saturday on this inirket , as reported
ly thowolshtniaitorsof tlio btoekyards com-
Sivlft.V Company . , , , . . so
The U H. lliiniiioiul comumy . 110
Tlio .Armour-Olid ihyp.ioKlnj coiiipauy. . iW
Oiniiliu . . . . . 48
Kothsclillil.tlJiiJor\MX > d . 174
Nelson Morris . I'M
\1. \ U. VatiSaut . 611
Total . . WO ?
The .Armour-OMilahy paoldns company , . 1,813 ,
Dinula packing company . ! < "r
Swift ! Company . < st
Thod.U Haininoud company . . 5 J
North 1 > . A 1' . Co . -II
Clovchiicl 1 > . &l' . oouipauy . l' t
Jones > t Stilus. . , , . 181
J , M.Doutl . , , . . . . - . " > v
Total. . . . MM
6IIEK1- ,
Swltti Company . -350
Total . , . . -
Rci > rcscntatro !
NoAr. Pr. No. Ar. IV. No. AT. fr.
2..KV . ) )00 ) II HIM M70 20.1090 JI20
5. M 2IX ) IU 107.1 8Ki ! W 1113 (20 (
1..1SK ) 300 r > 3 ,1190 300 IS 1121 (2.- (
S. 1050 300 20..114L 307J5 OT.,1HT CM
COM ! .
1 „ 020 1 ft ) 8 KW I 75 0 lOfiO 210
i looo ir > o is. 8-w ) lee a iioit 210
l. KM I no 2. OCA 1 U3 18. , 1 TO 211
22 017 1 Ki 8 lo : > 7 1 IV > lt . SOL ! 13
20 738 1M 10 R 0 2 00 10 R4'i 2 25
17 Ml 1 00 1 1370 200 21. 871 J.'O
22 7112 lOT , 1 710 200 111 1130 240
5 85(1 ( 1 ( V > 1 8V ( > 200 4.100" 243
4 IIU2 1 75 10. 033 2 05
C2 on la' n 7r s 8 > : to POI 2cv >
H r > 10 200 Co RK 250 20 ir.'t 270
4 1210 ! at SS 1)17 ) 2 65 20 1012 270
KI fkVJ 2 iC > 2.T 7t < t i 00 ilO 1020 270
0 700 2 40 21 K" > 7 S 00 18 tO-M 2 7.1
r > 2 1)X ) ) 2 M 22 877 2 M II tOte 2 Ki
11 > 870 2 fiO 1 870 2 > KJ ,1000 2 IW
ilO 77O 2 .VI 3 1104 2 Ki 2O 1118 JOO
! M > 872 2 50 24. , OM 2 l > 5 i , liOJ 305
20 IU7 i 50
1 l no l 75 i ireo t oo 2 lira 2 2.- >
i 1:1-0 : i so a HU5 2 25 a. 1450 s as
1 17GO I 83
1 . 4V ) 5 ai 20 2 1 5 OT 1 , . 170 350
1 ilOO ! . ' 50 2 , 2G.-J il IX )
'llIMJtHS ,
a , . is oo
lion' .
No Av. Sh I'r. No. Av Sh. Pr.
10 . . . .ffl IfflKl 70 70 . ITU HiOilO-'i
7 . Ill - U 0 OH . Sftl 40 410
( ) _ ' .TO S ) II H ) 04. . . . 'XV ) 120 4 10
BS . . 1'B ' IKS II M -II ) . . . .24.1 121) 4 10
0 . . .Ill 101) ) .1 M 77. . . -.I ( 200 4 10
SOu . . . ( II 1MO HIM f > 'J . . 'Jti ! hO 410
u _ 2.I.S 4) ) JJ IK ) KI. . .UM 40415
21 . . . ir , 1.1) ) 3 110 00 . .Ml 2)0 4 15
, . ( HI 40 3 110 74. . .Y.G 200 415
fl. . . . ! C5 - ii IK ) M. . . 221 4 15
1:1l : _ HIT 40 ill * 114 . HI ) 4 15
_ l . . . ,103 - il ! 41 . 240 120 415
12 _ B ) (0 U 10 11 . 1M SO 4 15
4 . . . m - il IW fil. , . . ! ? 120 415
21UI . . .M a 41) ) ! 1 ( CU . 20'i 420
UI . . . .iD IW 3 ! W ! ! T > . 21 ? 420
10 _ KO - - il ID 4ft . IW 420
19 . . . 'Hi " 0 il UI K > . . . .178 420
21 . . . .ICl 2M ) J in ( A ) . , , .2U 4 2O
US _ r - iMO 04 . 4SB 120420
47 _ 117 M a Ui'S ' ill . 201 420
7U . . . .817 : M 4 00 0' ) . , . .2(8 ( KM 4 2O
G7 . 101 ibO ! 4 IK ) 77 . 2-jri SO 4 1X1
17 _ 1,13 - 4 ( W ( l , . . 'J KM ) 4 2O
tl _ ' .CJ IW 4 00 41t . 221 40420
Til j . . . .Ml 1.11 4 00 01. , . .lt 80 420
74 . . . .SI MO 4 00 ( a. . . .201 40 420
4 ! ) . . .l' ' " > - 4 00 Ki. . . .207 83 4 2O
lii . . . W StO 4 00 41. . . .211 420
111 | _ "Hi 243 4 03 4' ' . . .I' ' * 120 42. )
40 . . . J74 - 4 ftt 71. . . .211 42. .
40OS _ M - 4 0 > Hi . 22J 80 42. >
OSHO 210 4 Oi 07Ml 425
8. I . . . J50 - 4 05
1 > J(1S ( AKD SKIPS.
10 . no 200 2 co 12 . a nee
51J . . . .III 40 2 M 1'J ' . . . .CM 40 il 2.1
J . OJ - 2 M ii . 118 1125
1 . . . 10 - 2 M U. . . . H'l ' ! 140
11 . . . .I1H - 2 75 711 . . .1UI 40 ! 140
II1J . . . ir - 2 75 22. . . .IW il.r > 0
1J . . . .107 1JO 2 n I. . . .270 il50
.00 . . . .IW : B ) 2 75 2 " . . .Itl iM )
4..J MO - 2 fc5 2 < J . 117 ilftO
8 . 5J - a on 101 . . .us 120 aoo
So. Av. l > r.
III stock wcthors . UJ 12 ST.
sai stock owes . TJ a oo
OIICFSE I'rcniliiin ' V. 0. , twin flats , iicr lb
lOUc : rreriiliini 1' . 1\ , oiuii.'Aiiurti'aii , UViC
lirlolc , Ito ; domestic tj\\lss \ \ , IITol7ci Edam , li
fulll each f 100 ; Llmbcrter , 12'ic. '
DATH L'nslaiiblblioDie. , .
l'\M > rs Cotton twine , "Ulub. " icry Hno ,
Hi bnlcs'c ' ; cotton twine , XX l > nnil ,
Ibbaln. 1 ISci honii | twlni > , Vi 11) bjlus , ISc ; MI !
1I t IniJOe ; ciiullovrlcK , "o ; 40 ft cotton clothe1
lines I , Ktoi UJlt cotton tlothosllnos , i\M \ ; ( iO II
( Otton lines fl.40 , DO llnus , SI. 73 , UJ fl
Jute J , J1UO ; Mool twines.b-iL' ! .
. KAHIS'S London Inyers , California Illy
PIT liov , fJ.7o ; "hortuslioc , " J..lKJ ; loon
muscnti'ls. Cillfornli ! lllj , S24) ) ; "lior > c
sliOL- . " $2.iVi | "sill" loose inusc.itols i-.20 ;
fciedloss Unllfornli. PJW ) ; Cillforula sioillos ?
siiltiii : , lu sicksiur | lb,8e ; Uillfoinlu raiisca-
Ids. insnclit. SKiiiiowvalencIus.ll'so ' ; ouUura ,
liver , now. WHu.
pAitlNACious OoODS-Ilrirlcj- ' ; farliii ,
Ic ; pins , i'c ] oatracul , bbis , $ > .7'iT6'ii ! !
half bbis , $ .i.OOQ i.2.ii inaciiionl , . WiDllc ;
UTtnlcelll. luQIle ; rice , choke , ViiflU. ;
( ; uicvli'ifi'i ; huul , 7csiiKO | and t.iplocu , ( < ' . >
7c ; Ifum buns , liUos split peusJo ;
PINO PArm Straw , per lb ,
i ; Mmlllali. 30c ; Ho. 1 , 8c.
SES-ltbls , N. 0 faticy. perBal.K > ® 57c !
oholoc,4.VT'-t"J ( ; Rood. im.Uu ! Oubi , baking , S )
. . . . .
SODA I' kgs , CO Ibs to boxS c : less. Wc.
VlHEflAll-JO Kr , N. Y. apple cUlcr. lOc ! D. S.
cldor , l.'c : white , wine , 15u ; fancy , fimt , l u.
OirlMiirhno white , lie ) 1.V ) water white
llo : I'Shouilllstit , U5c74 ! [ Kisollne , iic : ,
SALSOUx-ltbls , 17iu ! granulated , So ; In bbis ,
VKOrrAiilES Tomatoes 3-lb extra , SI. 1.1 %
1 ; ; ( ,
Archer's stiiuhiid , $1100. Corn llnestgrown ,
ll.dO ; UatoUlty siiRiir corn , very line , Jl.W ;
( lllninnlb siuar corn. $1. 0 , 'J-lli evtri
llei'iiicr. 81.10 : tl-lb standaid ucstcin brands
> l 0.1. Mushrooms 1-lb Krcncli , ovtri line ,
Wiyxtl 1 Ib li'rcnoh , fine , IS ® . " , ' ! , ! 1-lb
I'ronili , ordinary , lliQjHi : . I'cis Triis , line , per
can , "H ! : dt'iiil-flni' . per cjin , iGulb ; sifted ,
tl.O'J ; Mb early June. $150 ; i-lbniarrowstiiiiil-
nrd brandi , Jl.lO ; --Ib soikcd , 800. String
bciiis---ll : ) IilKb Ptrade. llufiigce , 11 ; 2-lb
Golden wax beam , II ; S-lb strln { oc.ins. ! Wo.
Lima beam --II ) Hoakud , 8oc. llostonb ilcul
boaris-a-lliijowh , 81.Bi Crown lir.incli , 81.15.
fcrtuct potatoes J-lb Jicw Jersey , ll.r.t ) . 1'niiip.
IIHS-.J.U ) . 11.15. Okia anil toiu.itocs-tl.W ;
ocm.tM ! > 0 : sucuotnsli.ll.SO ;
t'TOlB lOL18ll-tJ.OOffl5.8" | IOr RTOS.
ItAdS Am. porlUI. SI7.75 ; I.ewMon , per 1M ,
( IT.T.'i ; Union sciuaic , JJ percent oil list.
SAi.i--IJ.iliy , aJ Ibs In bill , bulk , S-MO ; best
Kr.iilcXr ( ) -JObcstraihlOJ : | ! .Ii , ifc-MU ; best
Rr.iclc , 18 J < K $ i.'J5 : rock salt , criibhcd , Jl.bO ;
loiiuiioii. bbl. $ ! . ' " > .
OA.N\M > MiMib Corned bcof , 1 Ib , J1.50 ;
eoiiud beef , ' - ' llis , $1.93 : lunch tonsuii , 1 Ib ,
f..OO ; lunch totiRiies. S Ibs. Jl.7. > ; brawn. I ft
W. ( < 0 ; br.i n , 2 Ibs , SJO ) : 01 tonnuci , Ui llu ,
fi.OO ; ov toiuues ! J Ibs M.UO , ch limed Iicef. 1
Ibs , round can * . $ , ' . : r : roast beef , S Hi round
cans.J..OU : pottid ham , 'i lb , round cans Bc :
iiottcil bain , li lb , tound tans. II.-O ; dovilul
hain.U Ib.miindc.ini.ii.'w . : deviled ham , l lb ,
round cam , * tA ) ; iioltcd o\ tense , y lb.
round cnns. tl'JJ ; loin prcssod hum , 1 lb , onus , SJ M ; coinpiissoct ham , 5 DIB ,
siiuuro cans , JJ.75) ) tripe , 'J Hi , round onn' , 81.80 ;
iihmd unions , -Ml ) , round cms. Ji'JJ ; bonoKss
pips' foot. Jib , sijunto cans , ! . ' . > .
Sunui I'lrlb-Uutloar ' , 73 e : Cubes , t\t ;
Standard , powclired. 7JH'o.XXXpondoud ,
Bo : Krimulnlcd. standard. 7'ifi7Mc ' ( : coiifcctlon-
rrs' \lT.Cj"oi ( Mlnto e.xtraU , brilliant , (51 ( , CSc ; ciutralO , 5'e , Koldeii 0 ,
5 ie ; dirlc u , 5c.
M.AIMS yuiAii-l'or lb. 5o calces , : ffl-lh bo es ,
llu ; lOu cultis , U'J-lb boxes , UiJc ; 1-lb bricks , JOin
Ibs In bov , pure , lie.
CotiBH Koasted Arosla , 2J'ie ' ; Ilunoli ,
I'iSJcilioriiian , yi'Xc ' ; Dllworth's , ia ? ci Klon ,
5Vic ; MulIiwuch.S'ijc ; Cordova.Him Mocha ,
0. U. Javn. JUc.
Uiurn VniJii's-Tiirklsli pruiici , less tlmn
lilids , 1885. 7'Jc : orlclnil hbih. Jgoloss ; IJosnla i
nruiiii , 0-lb bo-vis , KOtoUO,7JXeapphs , ; , evap
orated , nowrhiK cholct1 , ICc : evaporated , new
rlnjsprlino , 15'Sc , uprlcots fancy , lu sacks. Mo ;
blackberries , cw , au'je ' : iispbcrrles , . Ibsto
box.l"B ; curiniits , new , lySOSc ; orlslinl casks
Uo Usa ; Vobtlzz.i currants , e.\lru , In bo MS ,
Nuts Almondi , 18ci Ilraills , 17c ; flllicrts , lie ;
pecans , lllc : walnuti. . I8e ; iiraniitcocks , 10ic ! ;
roiistul , 121-io ; Tuinessco iHintits.lic.
IlilonM Mle.pirlor. J.IOO ; 4-tlc , JJ.71 ; H-tle ,
Il.-Si ; J-tlo.pliiin , Sl.Hj niircliouso SM.OO ; toy ,
' 1.25 ; whist , * 1.0 1.'JA
or.iu-f Quarts , perdoz , (100 ( ; pints , per < loz ,
U.50 ; bulk , per Kill. 'Jji' , oz10
UoiiiiAnE-Miiulllii roio All sl03 from 7-10
to 1 In. 15c , sisal rope , ull sizes from 7-10 to 10i
In. , ll'iu ' ; 'now processes"all blzcs from 7-1U
to 1 In , he.
COTTOJI Itorn-'i ' In.lRc.
Soil1 Castile , mottled , | ier lb , 05IOoj ! do ,
white , pei Hi. He ,
I'lCKi.fcS-.Mcdfuin. per bbl , fO.PO ; small ,
[ 10.00 , gherkins , (11.00 ( ; I inIV Ulll , tlS.W , ( l > 5 fd
cisKit ) ! ual bbl HOO )
Ciiiiii l'cr bid , icllncd , M50 ; halt libl , NW ;
hard ( Ider.iiurc , per bbl , MdO ; oranfo older ,
half tibl , 8J.W : near cldor , liulf bbl , J0.5J.
I'ouis l'ri"li ImiiH. 20 Ibs JIIR. , 7Jid ;
K.,7JiCiU , lbsavff.,8Ucjslionhlors.5c :
porkloliii , T > oi porktundoi loins , JOlio ; leaf
laid , not reiufuiui , O'io ' ; spire libs. 4c ,
i SALT.MFITS Hblh Mess pork , bbis , $1100 ;
cli'iirporkbiiuKs , heavy. * l.\ai \ incdlurn , J1 Si ;
sbort cut clour poik , tiuw ; plu pork , Sl.'liO ;
newcxtruiness beuf , $0 OOj now oxlmplitto
boof. W.6O , no w plato beef , S0.00i now rolled
boneless 1 o of , K.M : now rumps , 8350 ; new
borulcss TUinpi , fJ'.iO.
OIIB HOIs Ixtrahrd. wlnterstralned. ITcj
nx nun u.i in riiH > u ; nu. j. mm. * iui > o , 2 lard
31c ; extrani > n.t < > foot.4te : tnllowoll. 4lo ; pure
uxatsfootoll , RDCJ A.ltullow. 5c ; Bteurlue. W.
1 < AHI > llurcos , iMiioluiiffl' e.
bMOKEDMKAT8 biifur cured hams , 12 to I 14
II ) a g. 12o > nicillutn , 13 to 10 lb UMT , 10'jo ' ' ;
skinned . to2jlb nip. lOJio ; shoulder ; *
boneless liani , B'Jo ; lirejkfnst bucon.
clear r > to 7 ibstrips , 8 lie ; brcikfabt bacon ,
rib , " ! iu ; drl ed beef hams , Bots.DKc ; regular ,
ImSAiT MPATS I.onn bads , 0' < c ; extra
short clear , OUc ! bellies , in to VI ) lb avurnjo ,
O ci kliort ribs , tmbhort \ clears , Cc ; lout ;
clours. Go ,
BMSAaE-Holopim ; , < ci bolona In wcas- '
satids * 5ic : frunkfurts , O'iu ; tongue. lip ( ;
blood , 4VicllvcrI'icilieudclioose | , 4VJi'i 1'ollsh ,
To ; pork taUHajii ( links ) , Uu : pork buusagu
( meat ) . In tin palls , fie.
cmoMAiuiAiiivK ai-lb tubs , lolld lie ; 50-lb
tubiboliillL' , | ( roils , l.'Sio.
nlroet I'roilnco ,
PoiLTJir-Cbolco leas , per doz , IttfJ
ciicleo - nilwl , K'J * ! ? ! roe lor ? , 2.fiOiM.T5 |
-lift neUrlii , larao , r-MWilJ ! / TV medium . . ) JJ.ooi3J.23.
I. 1.1 * I O , l.Ot .0.
; v.
Ut'CKS-Llvo , Derdu &sosns , dressed , HO
_ . . ' . DC-dot , f I 2.1.
lIlTrril Clioleo croainiry Ijnltor commands
5cd prlcei. Ureunifry , faiicy 'KS&S.'oi ' ercniii.
ry , cboloo , I87WOCI , < lilry. : luncy , I4ijl(5c ( :
luiry , cliolcoUT&Iik' , coilntrv.choice. l'J&iilc |
' oiintry , fair to good , li > t iioi country , lu-
'orlor , .
} ( ini The marlct ponld sifcly bo miotcd
OAMG-l'ralrlo " chli-ki-iii. ncr rtorcn , ti.T.'VS
> or ilo/en , ? J25t&J'iO ] tcit eludes , pur dozen ,
" "
' inalKril ( liicU < i.L * ill,0 | inhi'd duolci ,
ic dp/en. IUKXBI.Ojpio\t.r , per dozen , 50 ®
c ! snliL' | , pet dozen * 4031)00 ) : ijini 11 , per doze 11 ,
JI.002U.M. _ .
I'linsit-Pcrlb Torch , iCi.
Ickornl , 8Kej nUc , I'oi ' trout , Uei white , l cj
cruliplo . , ; cittlsh , llcjcod sioiilc. l.'o ; Hound-
cr l , lies Oregon salmon , I3c ; blnok buss , isoi
nnd "rioklcil C < xlnh , extra Goorse ,
now n'iid Rruml buiiK , nu4'iO ' ! tlHcr , 2-1U
blocks C'jcj ' < no > v- ulillcll > brluk" . now.S
turkey cod , luwo inlcldlo bricks t o |
snow whites , Ciit , ] . ' . -i II )
. - „ . , inedluiii scaled herring , 2oc | No.
I sciilul licrrlnt. Ste ; ilanicstlo llol-
Itind lurrlnp,40c , : Iliinibiinrer splied herring ,
BOci Russian surillin. " * . splcoil , < * ' ; Itusslun
Hiinllnts , plain. ftOcjInipjrtiMlllollnnd"
Crown brand , Kitlof ) n iif > nilll > i < rstl.O
Old , No 1 shoie , half Mils , trJ.fiJI ulimtors ,
linlf lilils , SISOO ; vliltu INh , half bbis iC.7.- > ;
tioiit , lulf bbH , M.f 0 fiiinily white llsh ,
$ . ) . ' ) ; silmciii WV ) per S bbl ; 2-lb hrolleil
tnackonl , . ; : i-H > 1" mustard. J..M ; il-lb In
tomato Hiiuii1.Wi , r-lb Maio incsi iniiok-
orel , f't.OJ ' ; 1-lb lirwilc trout ; ( I.2T j
: Mb brdiiU trout , KSS ; l-lli minion. * I.5i 2-lb
-\\hlto ilsli. S.T > ! 1-lb wlillu llsh. $1 ! ' .Mb lob-
Bleis , ( , l.ill ( : l-ll ) lotMi'is , J..ilJ ! 2-11) ) oys-
tir < , 12uf , flK : 1-lb ; oiilors r , or , SI..Hi 2-lb
, , , ,
silcct. Uo7. I.VKtll > iliirntarla,10oz.t-.l.l |
1-lb lluritiuh , 5 M , JI.OJ ] ralrinoiit. ) o7J1.0.'i |
Knlrinont , Kur(2.0Ji l-lb vliuiH. llttlo neuks ,
81 15 ; ! i-ib olnins , little ni'uU $1.73 ; Il-lbeliiin
fliondtr , S-.CO ; 3-11) cribs , J.VJ5lb ; crabs
S.'W. "
Fi-csli I'ruils.
FRACIIBS CillCornla. , | n-r bov. f I.T'iTiS 01) )
OliAi-H Cillfonila , | 'r crate , ( L2J&2.00) )
> 'iw Veil { . IloJIOoiror 1011) Imskut.
i'MWH ' I'niplo Duuno , Coluinbh , etc , l > rr
IMIX. tl.tmiyi.W ; wild KWM plums , y btibox ,
i' .
I.BMOTor ' box , UollMulorl , funuy , J3.)0ffl
OVli'eJi'olLM ) > fe sbiis , 67MS.i"i" ) . '
riiAiis-Ciillfornh , i trlo\fi.f > 031.2r .
MS Oertiiinprr box , sf-.UOl 1'raneli ,
' -20J ; RIO1 * * * , 6I755 ] 'JO )
'JoXiATOKS-lVfbll. T.VCJil.O ) . .
AIM-US Kancv eating , JJOCX3150 ; fancy
iial < itw.i.OOIl2.i."i _ . .
i irer'liinclil.riO.1.00. ) !
OIIAMIKS I'linoyJuiuiIca , pur liov , SIOO ; per
1)1)1 ) , S7.'iJ.
1'iiA.MiKHniES Capo L'oil , $9.00 , bell and
cherry , fs.OO.
und. Minnesota stock
issulllns nt dOeiEfl.lO per bu ; ( Joloiailo und
fcilt LaU' . BISUtMfi.
hwin I'orATinn-Tlio quotations jiteHOO ©
iOOporbbl nrcordliiK ti > iiiulitv. |
OAUIUQE IVr onto , t.1 TSQItw.
1IBA 8 Haiul iilckecl niv.vt..TS.
, lii.nis : : 5c pcrlli.
IIIK ) > SKI > YI.AI < Uholco mediumSSOci , light ,
J'io ' ! heavy , ! ® - > c
liiN rBo on. Itnv , fide ! boiled , Clc.
llOMi per II ) . Oc ! new
comb honeyfancy. 17Hu ; jholee , 14Q > IOi ! .
H-l'erWO. MM.
Hides. TiilloM , J2tc ,
Hiur . AVII TAr.r.ow Oreon salted
lilaes. No. l.hcn-vr , ViM34O ! N'o. I. lljrht.
O'jC.No 2 , llplit. rAvj.-.dry . Hint lildoH 'JUftfrei '
cilf bides , 5a'lotdulniKod ! hides 1'io loss.
Mii-up pelt , sroun , c'rtlh , .i > ( ; ffll.2'i Sheep poll ,
DLP llJ.lOJhlJ t
\ No I , 4\t. ; N"o 2 , : i'4'o ; Krenso ,
nluto , ' © | yellow. J'K&icimoarlno.O'itt. ' '
tatloii * urn fordi'lliory In Obi-
t.u. , > _ lrvr ) | , u truli ) , put ton J10.0J0I80D ; dry
. iintir , bloiolnjd , { IOOOT&IIIOJ ; dry country ,
damp and niuity.JS.rjoBIO.oo.
Dry ( loixls.
. IIiJAyr nnowN.CpTinNST-Atlnntlo.A , T'Sc ;
Atlantic II , 7e ; Atmnlk- ) , ( i e ; Atlantic I' ,
( iCiAuioia 0 , 43Xt ! Ituck's lieul. _ ? c ; Ciibob W ,
lloost.rKIVJo ; Inillnn Iltiii , 7J4C ; l awrunco
LIj. ft'tc ; Ilcnrletti IjL f > ! 4o
iNf ItitoWN1 COTTI /Vthntlo LT . fie ; Au
rora rora U. fctlnsO ; Nll.Tiio ;
checMKlotli,4e ; I'llitUm PP,5ic ! : ropperoUK ,
O'j'o : I/ntiKdoii O.ll , r.u.
l M ; ACHHIlCOTTO : s BerKeley cinilirlo fto.
LO'Scillcst Yet , B'jci Hiittcroloth XX , 4Mo ;
Cabot , ; < crirstOalIllVio ; : I'rultof tlioLoom.
Oo ; IMIISoiiipor Idtini , 8u ; llon tkeoper , HVSe :
KliiK I'bllllii uaTiibrhv , Wo ; Linsdon CJ II , ll'ic ;
Jxiiisdnlo. dc ; I onsdjilo ciimbrlc , 10Jo ! ; New
Yo tic MIIN. llo ; OiU Imvn. 7e.
Net rcpucroll , K-ln , M'So ' : lVinpcroU.8-4. 4 < c ;
1'epperell. 9-4. ate ; IVnncroil. 10-4. 2S' < o ;
Utluu,4J-lii , 15u ; Utlca , , r > 3-ln I'lici Otlca. 7J-
in , 2-4c ; Ullea. M-In. Site ; Utlcu , lM-ln,2S Sc ;
Itleuelied Not 1'epperoll , 4i-In , 104c ! ; I'tp-
licteIl,4J-ln ! lllAc Vcnpurill. t- ! ) , l. > 0 ! 10(1- (
perell,82te ; L'sppewll. l-4,234c ) ! ; I'oppi'fcll
10-4. M.VJ Utlca.8-f.24ci Utln , 0-1 , SGcUtIca ; ,
! Ainoskon ; . CWc ; irAinoskcag
. ; llatosG'5ciViinvIoU ,
Liinunstur , CUc ; tllunalre , 05c } , Whlttonton ,
( ? blue Net Jl.irthn Wasli-
lnBtonS'l. - > iAtiiirloaiiC1io | Arnold , Ole ; Ar
nold II , lonj cloth , inc : Stltul A , l-'os Mcrrl-
macIc,7-8 , 19c : ( Jold l caf , S'c { ; Iliimllton. r > Mu ;
Allen I'inUs.O'ioi ' Allen Oluinbray , Uci Glou-
cestor,55c ! ! Haitcl , n'ic.
1'iiiM.s rntioln Kddystono. C'Jc ; Steel
Klvur.iic ; Ihtiinpo , 4litbt. ; IcdRcr,5 c. Shlrt-
Inui Mnrtlu Washliistoii. 4i" ! ! Jlorrlinuck ,
We. lurKoy rc < l < I'oiintalii , O iCi darner , To ;
Crontleld. 8o ( { : Jlirlln. Wta.
\ HIAVB . > ui. Thistle. liUc : KedOioss , 7e.
Coi.niir.nC'AMiiuiCh ' Uro\Mi , 4'ic ; Kcd Stir.
J'io ' ; ItolliMlUIour , 5u | Slutir , Uoi luglieolurs
CIIASII Stevens'B ' , 18 in , d'Ac ; rjto ens * I ) .
13In. I * ; Stcions'A , 10 In , Tc : Moveni' P , 18
In , 7aic : .steions'M. IS In , 8'iu ' ; Hoens' N.0
In. SHc ! SUtoiiVXN. 23 In. ll'ic ' ; Slovens. SltT ,
20 In. IIJ-Jc ; ble.ithod. Io oxtri.
IJK.MMS .Not AmosKciiB. 9 07 , lOKc ; Voik
eamlit , liej l vcrett. standard. 12'ic ' : llny-
iniikor's , 7io ( ; I > 1 < 1 VorK , X..X 10' c ; Lawrence ,
22U. lil'ju ' ; lawiuioe. Do15'Jc ' ; f.inuy ' ' es
York Naiil.ln , 10'io ' ; Kvorctt ,
8 < > / , I8e ; I twlston , 10 w , 2-Jlu { ; Morklnt'iimn's ,
Ho ; corkscrew casslmcro. if-'c. '
12ft 14ft 111 ft 18 ft 20ft 22ft 24 ft
2x4..JH 00 115 00 lift OuJIU II3I ( UO $17 50 $18110
2x0. n oo n no is DO in 00 ir w isoo is no
2x8. . n oo r , oo in oo in oo in oo isoo as.w
2xio. n oo r oo is oo i 10 m oo is oo 30 so
2x12. 10 00 Ni 00 IU 00 17 00 17 W ID 00 111 00
8\H W 00 1(5 ( 00 10 00 17 00 18 00 10 00 20 00
BOMIDS Xo. lcom.tl8OONo.2coin ; , JIOOO ;
N'o. : i , com. , f IS IW ; No. 4 , coin , $12 W.
Sim- r.Ai'-No.l , plnlii. 8 nnil 10 Inch. 81800 ;
No. tpliiln,8 ; audio Inch , fill)3jNo. ( ) .1 , plaln ,
SiuHliO Inch. flfiCO ; O.U..8 Inch. 16IOc.
l.'Bf.ciNd-\Vlilte IMne No 1,4 iui < l (1 ( In , 13
and lift. , JID.SJjXo. 2.4 arid 0 Inch , 12 and 14
( t. , $1100 ; I\o. 2. 4 undo In. 10 11. , 110.50 ; No. J 14U
and Gin. , nil Icii.-lliB. til oo.
SlDINO A , 9S1M ; lt.jn. ! > 0 ; O , SIO.OO ; D. JiaOO.
Kf.oouiNn-WliItu 1'lno A and 11 , WJ.OO ; 1) ,
Bi.ooio , 62ooi ? ifir.a : ,
Uiin. > o-Xo. 1 white , t-ln f.11 W ; No. 1 liard
nine.-la.lir .r 0 , So. 1 hardpliie , fln , IJOOO ;
No. 1 bird plno , * i-lu. 1 4.00 ,
STOCK ItoAiius-A and W , B-lii , Il2.00i D , 12-
ST7)cic'noAiii S-No , 1 common , 12 and 14ft.
I.UKlftlll ( ) , ( ] > ; No. 2.COIHII101) , 12 nnil 14 ft
11800:11 : ! ft(17.03j ( No.2 common , 10 , 18 and 20
biioovBi ) Ronrisro-rNo. 1 common white
pine , 12 , II nnd HI ft$10H ) ; o. 1 common
\ nine , 12 , II niiilld ft , fts.OJ
roiiAU Olcarl-lnjiU , widths , 134.00 ; clear.
'llAm s , WKifcTrtws'a. PICKETS O 0. liats ,
2',5-In ' ( i5ej 'i'NJ , WI > , ; r > o | il-ln well tublnu' ,
II. JbM. aiid'Hoi , J-IJ.W ; iilckotsD. All. lUt ,
-.ooU. : . All. Mi.j2i. ' i
rt.MKiiiM , WHITE riNu--lsfc nnd Sd clear.
aiO.OO : | l. iii- ) i > itSO.OJj : ul olunr. 1
In. , 1500 ; lu , I'l line Jin. . (1(5 ( ( ( JO ; A select , 1 In. ,
112.00 ; 1'4 , | i , mid S 111. ! JIJOO ; II belcct. 1 hi. ,
U4.00l ; i. 1IJ ami 2 l , jatnoo ; ( J select , 1 in. ,
H.IUI2 I n , $ .03.
. . Vm.owl'i.vt-OIenr. I In. , $2t.00 ) ;
1'i. 1' ' ! uiidS ln.-7. ( ( ) star , 1 lnf-M.oo.
bimntKi , IMIII Utrn. XAA , J2.73 ; stan
dard , XA.X.J-.Cl : 0 lu. .20 ; 5 In. * J.Wi No1. .
ll. ! : CodiirX/VX , fJ.71.
POSTS hltocedm-fi in. 54 s , 12'ic ; 9 In. ,
qrs , Ito ; .H , in. , 'i ' H. . ifc : Bin. , DC ; 4 to 5 Inch
round , Iil'jc ; oalt , Hpllt , t > o ; red icdnr , 13 < ? .
Sash , BU | ior cent : dodrs , 40 per ei > tit ! blinds ,
M porcuiits iiiouUlinifs , 4U percent ; lime. idsm ) ;
halr.Moi rcinoiit , Aiiicrlciin , $1.50 ; ceraont.lin- \
poi toil , J.1.50 ; plaster. ( .MIS ; straw board , t\W \ ;
tar board , II.WD ; lar felt. C2IO ,
Slom Cltjr Corn 1'alnue unil Itoturn.
. The Clileago , St Paul , Minneapolis &
Ormihn railroad ( depot 15ttiand Webster
Bts. , ) \\-lll run a special train fiom
Oranhn toSIou c City nnd return , Suu-
ilnr , September 2S and Sunday , October
6 , leaving Omaha at 8 n. in. , arriving nt
Sioux Oily nt 12:15 : p. in. , and returning
leave Sioux City ut 7 p. m. , arriving ut
Oranha nt 11:16 : p. in. Ono faro for the ;
round trip. 1. W. ' ho.a
G. P. AO
Through conches Pullman pnlnco
Bleopora.illnliiff cars , frco reclining clmlr
cars to Chicago und intorvenlne point
via the grcnt Rock Islnnd routo. Ticko
olllco IGOi Shtcontb " "
list ofleltcriroimlnlnn nncnllM for In thepost-
ojf | for the eek cixllnt ? Joptcmber 2i ) , 1W. !
Koto ' 1'artlci calling for thcxa let ton wlllplomj
nij"AdtertlscJ , " RlflnK tlio ilnto nt tholicndof the
Hit . , and Inqulro for Mtuo at the lajles'dcllrerr wlu
How. ,
How.To nvclil mlilnkci Imvo your mrtll addressed to
you itrcct nnd nutnter.
A ,
Aitsn onP Aie on A Adnni C F
Allen C A Hinder \ \ Amnrlno 13 ti
Anilerncnlt Amlcrson J AriuilroiiKJ E
Ambroitnlsli HOT. S
Uolkoy II W T llnrtrr Tt Hnlilwln C |
MakeJ linker U It Unit II I )
Ilnlljr .V J llmtcr J llntesJ
Uully N J llnlnl T linker ( > IT
Hunker U H Dennett W V Ilockmnn Vf
Heard lj Heeler 1) 9 Mock IV
Hell N llujrJ Ill-hop C U
lllnkcrholt.t O llcctfor < l V llorclill
llowlmj-ll U lloiliisV It 11 rooks .M
Ilrnilli'TC I' llruwa I , U llrunn U
Mums H lluckV3 IliirkoJ
lljrno .M llrlfus J I , llrlKbam
CnlllnMnA CnmphollA Cnllnhnn J
Cnrmnck I * It Cnriuiiu J M
ClilUH AO ( -liurili A Clirl < leni < cn J
Ullno.t 0 rinrko Will Took II.I
fobl < : s Collllll IIU Coulter U M
ColllllBWOOll J Colrruniill Coin A K-3
Coles Dr .0 Covth lr A.V Cooler T
Colin U Cowlen 0 Coonly K
Cooper OH Combe * 113 CofooO :
Conxion II M t'roii'hmv J U
Cress .1 W CrukmoreS It t'rosiey S 11
CiiihltiK Mnycr Cimtk il K Curtail NK
Cliurcti / II
Dnrlon It Drtvli 1 ,
Dntin'rs IllHoltVI' Dlukerinin 3 N
] ) uli \ \ O Donl I , IKinnliuo J A
JMMIllllWtl A DoniiliuoJ Dotiilr J
Dm per 1 ! IMinawuy J U Dii floe 11
IXrlns mr nnd mrs 1
IVfle * .1 K KiVertnn J '
Ku'lnncl A Kills A 0 iiliior'YJ SI
Uversol \ S 0I
I- ' .
KnusjcltJ rnciley 0 Knulker nr. K 1 !
Hnloy | W Kljnn T 1-olicy .M I !
HiKiirtj M I'ltlbcriserM It rrolilnmii Itov. VI
Franks A U I'rlslyV I ll.i ) I.
Hoyd . inr I'recnliHilron t )
Onlvln J 2 fSnlrln O Oooti.1
< ; iubuni I CIti'oli H tillekM S
< iriivcMjU ! iny A 1' lirantnir
( irn Uraliiui CRT
< ! rny W uiMn mn SI
tirolilo mr and mra 1
llaynpi 0 llntleton \ S llnckclt T ,
llanriiiln F llnrrln A . lluicbrUUe W
Hawk J A Ilnll.l lluriier 111-2
JlanitciiHC , JliiniilnuM O IliirinT H
Ilnii'onJ Hull II II Iloiulerj-onll M
Helm ! ! 1C lliki.lV ) loir A
llcisulli ) IIIIL\V lloniiKl 1 !
Hooper ; JO lIookJA lloliiiisVII
iiooVW J lurneii M O Uullt'M
Hull CI HubbuU.V
' I.
Inilen ! W r I.J.
Jonneaon U I ) .incknoii J U Jnek < on .10
Jaeobsll .liukionN .leiulim K l
Jonv * II .lonc'i ot ) Jones 8
.lolini AK Joliimni VK
JobliaunU P Jonliin IIM oLiison J
] ( .
Kiino W K Kulm T , ICcllr T
Kclilo F KfllwIiHlK Kcnil ill RCT U
Klrliy SS KIlKoroW Kirk A U
Kloliloilf Mr Klooi ) | > ir X ICyloJ L1
I , .
Inllnnnln r.J Ijinlmtil ) 12 J.milJ M
lniiBcliin.I ti ) , irriiloH l.iiiuiV A
lanti A K Lanx J I lKKOll 11
I.atlnun 11 I Inr'onD K J.nwion MV
I.IIIKC Vf ] * wiunlj O I.onion < < II
leflioh ] H V IKIncirO C I.lmlnay A
lxj ilcr K ] XTClt ) V lAmciy 0
l.uixl Upt II I.JOIIB T I.lplor B V
Jlnlor J Mnrqiult P Mnlte'onCl C
.MiitluttcB Aliiedur A Mulonuy CO
Miiyt-rW .Mnrz O Mnrkluy 11 13
May AJ Jlcnku llr Mercer 1.0
Mcrrlinan J Jllnnort1 Mlraolo V
Mlnno1 -Miller I' MIcliuH 1
.Mdiirllrt'li T ! Jlolnmlcr C MonaulicrJ A.
.Moliroc.M MorrlBonV A Alurphy J
Mcllrldo C V M ( Cull It MtC.iil UM
JlcCnrlliy D 0 McKlnney J
Nelson I * Kcl ? nJ2 Xolnon .12
.Solnuna MckullR L. Nuuall8 2
O'llnnlon J OIlouieyerTI , Owens J U
0) ilur J
PndtlenT I'ncnnaJ rcttold I1
1'onitullDr Q D ' 1'urnoIiC 1'elcrson P
1'uwnrsJ I'owcrall W 1'rlni ! o II
1'rlco II 1'urlellA l urvenciV )
1'unthcr It
ItappoT IlombcrrV It RecdF C
Hcildlni ! P lleltar M lloiiol < HJ W
Killer F Uldoimn C IS HobcrtH S K
Itono II ) lloscllci ; IE Itothsclilltl N
Uoblmon Jj E llussollO 1:2 Hull Q
HynnV \ Kjruu M
fautcrl' ' Sailor 01 , HalomskrO
SclinclilorFA ficliolIcU Mr
Hchniiler l > bclirelnlor J A Seult J II
Piaholm AV 5cc-iro t bianuinliO
r-clniltiWl ) ' ' bhcllJ
SlllcWJ btodo'r Hmllli 110
SuillliUll Sinllli ll.M Smith K V
BnowTT Splroy J T Himhrll
btulibc'lllclilLA Slanxcl ( r HICVCI1H II
Mnnt0 A SlucktrK S blrom I'll
Hunt ( I A Slnrk 1)11 ) hlnniiu NA
McrTenH Mcplien'on S S lurch U
Bthsur K HlanluyMr Klevens IIM
bvvnson It Svenano K 31 Sully U
Tn Ver\V II Thompson J II TomllsOdJ M
Tlionias IS I1 Tollt J
Underwood A Vf U.V.
Vnll W S YundcrimltuM VlsneaurJ
\VnltsJ H \\nlliicoll A Withlncton G
Wnrner O U \\lmtlnirl' Mcllor W
WeitM1 Wilson T Wills 1IA
\VllionU MlliturA A AMIionl )
\ \ lKlitinaaVU A\oudinmi P
Wool A 13 \\uuil \ It
Vouns\V TJ lounRO To'ioJ II
Adnrai A AlevnnclorN ATOM run P
Amlorion M Anderson M Ii Anitcrnor M
Andurhun Ii Anduiion mrtdr Aniterwonrnrx It
Anduriun H Andcrwii V AnJruwsiiirs .M
Aiinuttu mrsC Arruatrunu S
Bnxterrnra S1I Ilnrnliart nirsJC Hall mrsF
Ilurrli llemler mrs A lleckmnn mrs I
llendlomrflM Holt d Illiinck mrs I
BliilconirD A llniviiian nirs li llDiiuhinku 1.
lloawortli IS llrunorlj Uryaut mro 0
fnvnlln Jt Carbcrrf K CurlsnnS
CnrlHon A l&rrollN Clmmlms It
tlodymra II ( IslerA Cooluy I'll
( CllllIJ I , Colyormrd Clt C < itfc'lns mr J
Ctaect K Crouse.MU Crutt ran T
t'usBlnsor Jllss turranA
Dnnlols ran K navleimrs AB nclbrldeo.M
Do nn Iso n A Doinincy K : i loii IK ii
JllnnUinrsM IHnlMOn 32 Iiolanoy mrs III
Don nor It DuollttlomriMA I < own A
Dunolioo airjj O Uutioax JJrnko 11
Dworak 1C
KtzIcrC A
Kcto ' mrs A Unhcity K Frey mr lj
I'OBtc'r mral ) II
finlcy 1C nnrrlson mrs J fiotty mm Vf V
( illllura I , ( Irony A N dra > s wra J 0
Urejjory SI Ureenl ) Orcclojm
UnnsonT Ilnnlion mric.i. HarmsT
llnrrlili llarrliinrs M llnytvooilrnreIi"3
Holmes K HonryM Jlcinrkko
HtlKonniraA IIowomraA lloviiiimraO
llnlrns nir S llnmphre/ J Hudson F
UutcblnsonA D Horn I ,
InmliM Intram nira o Ironmouecr Jt
Irvur V SI
Jnmlcson rarsE r Jnmciinrs hit JnrvU H
JonrrU K Johnson u JolumonA
Kooland M Klnsslcy mrsl ) Klnnoj M
KlngH T luilckiucll Kului mrs WV \
Ijivficnco II I-cmniona mn A Lenta mra It M
lancn A. l.o doll uiri U A.
May II Martin mrs M Slalcr A
Mntteson mr J AMnllcion mrillA Mack F
MnlurM Mn t II Jhlliowf inriN
Mntnon S Mulc.llf It Jlirrllll ,
Mellon K Mcttim.M Miller A
Mitchell inn M HonlKomery Mlddloton A
MuIccagonK ran u Murray N 12
Murloy mnll Uurpur J Muurer F
Mutlliowa mra B
Mcllaln 8 McCnrly mnUW McDonald mn J
Mcfrarlandmn J
Neuile A Net lion K Nugent mra J Q
I'atton J 2 1'ctcnon K 1'otler mro Nil
Itnylcr mrid UalinAS IteosonB J
Illi.inJes inriVVIIHIloy mra 0 Itlckholl It
Itlcuarda A K Keller M UUBBClIK
Pnurll RaROtmra II Branlonmra K
H xton mnJ Ht'yiuour It bcckot U
Hlmcfor uiri O blunter K blierwln mra ( I
Hllvli mmO Klmpion iiin.M Hmllli mm 1 *
Huillliinr ll O hmltliJ hnillti mra M
Hinlley mri Iia pohnmrx T J Mowurl M
limit Bloltmm 15 HturKemn M
htrom A Huiiiinem O BrniiBOU 1'
Hwuniuii ur > It tiypliem mnO
Taylor B Tarlor N Tliomai N
Tivloar U Turutr inn D 'lumzcikowakl
Vupclt mrs O Vanpclt mn M
XVarron mr § J XVnnlmr J Wnrncf inn I ,
XVilll * KB XVntilMIj Wnllneo mrlS
XVilkcr inra I * II Wnnlmrslt WnlkcrA
XVarnor nirn J S WnttriimiM Wnlralli mriOCl
\\ellduiMCl Uo'tfall I , UVlli nr * V
\\ell run O White nirj M 13 W INon N
\\lliqn UN Wllion U
mil 0
ffool oncofteonn < liiloo | coinpnnjr , irqnltnblcfnrm
nnd Ktock linproTrnieiH romi'niir. U vnti llcllor \ L'ti ,
1)S llar.cor , v Co , Klmoltn AMa on , UnTK.V Slialmn.
jlowconi | nr. Limrenco improvemoiit
compnnr , I lux Ml , .Mr S Illl , William II. J Ilioinii-
nen & --'on , J tinner .1 Co , K i : Vim 'Illo * Co , W
'rnckobcrrr.A. . . Co. C tlrom A Co , ( limrillati , N ONcl-
Fulnqglo Pnrrolottl , lluwppo liirnlrello. 7edoro
v.cnimll. Miicenin Serlinnl ill Dunicrlnio , Mirnlo l'o
traJKO , I.ulKlo IcIlKtio
Mlpiinlnir. Ml * H ( iren on. MNs l"iiillh , MM
OH Ttil tot , Mn i : T.Mill ! . ( . ' , JllcrUT Hood. 1)
II Huston
C V nAl.litnilKII , 1'ostmnitor.
. , ncrvoiii prosinition , nervous
iJ\ipoiijli , iliilhios' , bltios , cuivJ by Dr.
ivllles' Norvliio. Sampled free at ICulm iSt
Co.'s ' , Utli nnd Uouirlus.
Tlio following i > jr.nlt < were Usti3i by Uio
supo rinteiulint of buildings jcstonlay :
li M. Vruvn , ono ami otioiiunrturtdry
fraino 'ilnillltiir , 'I'vuiti'-ilrst tuul
( IrucostreiU { 1,000
lloliotnliii cliuicli. t\\o-ilnrv , frainop if-
soiinvi' . I'IftiL'iitlinntlllll \ \ im ain-ctH 2,000
TlolitMiiltin t < iliool ni'ioolatloti , oiu" lory
frnmuAcliuolliomi1 , Twelfth anil 1'lerco '
lillOt'U . . . . . . . . . . W)0
< .Jior.r < 3II. I'nno. ) t o-stoiy fruinorcsl-
dcin c , Tlmty-sMli .intl Ilnniiril
llirliur usplnlt iiiinpiiiy , ono-slory
fiiinii ) wiui'liouM ! , rourtciiitli nml
xV.'ii" . lliinelutt"two stnry lirlck rosi-
dciicP.Toiitli tuul I'UiKtist nets 10.0JO
Olubo In in unit trii'-lootniiiiiiv.oiii'-stoiy
fraiiuiilnullliiK. llilrty-llrst and l.uav-
uiorlli stni'ts l.W
Tluuu minoriiurinltD - ' >
Justliow nnnltci.itlvomctllclnoclo.iiisMtho
sjstunils nnopuiiquostlon ; but tint Aycr-M
fa.irsupuiUailoos | iroduc3ii iMillcalcliaugo in
tlio blooil is vull uttustol nu .ill slilcs. Ills
oa'iyvheioioiisldei'eil the best rciuody for
Wood disorders.
The Park
The piflc coinnilsstoncrs licltl u mooting
ycatcriiy nftornooii to laUc o\or the < iucstlon
ofhon amihcii the biiilKc ; , in Klimvooil
jwik should bo orcctctl , The cnglticct * of the
Allhvn'tkco brlBo nnil iron varies presented
sonio jilans for iron bridges. These wcio ex
amiiicd by the commissioners , unil it \\.is cs-
tlmutcilthntthc tlueo bikl c3 could be coin
jilctcd for S10.0JO. .
Thej seoretiry icportcJ 3 ,000 of f units on
hand aviiilnDlc.
AfLcr bomo discussloa the jilins ivcro
ndoptcdaiul the engineer was instructed to
piopaiospcclllcatlons for thieo biiilgcs.
County Court.
In tlio county court yesterday tlio fol
lowing judgments uero rcnilircil : Pat-
crsonetal tlio Omaha Linking coinpanj ,
$ . )2.10iEclnaril Maroncy vsj. II. Johnson &
Co. , $ iM.l ! l.
MuDonnld& Ogllvy Imvo sued Furroll & ,
Co. toicco\ci'S- > . iliio on account.
John McDonnhl hnd brought suit against
Charles E. Wincoto to collett $03.17 , duo on n
The now ollicos of the gi-cnt Rock
Islntid route , ICO. , Sixtconlh stud Pwrnatu
streets , OmahaU-o ! thu lino-it in the city.
Call and &co them. Tickets to till points
cast at lowest ratos.
IIou-toFiml tlio Cow lii Ilnttcr.
Thofollonnie mctlioJ of discovering oleo
In butter is proposed by Dr. Tnylor of tlic
department of aRriculturo : Dissolve in CO
.cubic centimeters of petroleum bcnzlno HO
grains of n mixture of olco anil butter. Heat
s'ifjhtly to ceouro a perfect solution of tlio
fats. Cnscino nnd animal tissues may bo
icadily removed by pissing the liquid wlillo
uarrntlirougti line muslit : . Fill n test tube
wltU the solution and jilnco in ice writer. In
about twenty minutes the olco fat will scp-
niatfj from tlio butter fat sind full to tlio bot-
torn of the tube , boiiig insoluble In colil ben-
zlno , uliilo the butter fut ulll remain in &o-
lutiou lu the benzine.
After September 30 no orders for the
Americanized Encyclopaedia Urltunnlci will
bo takcu. All perions who desire to avail
themselves of ourliberal offer inu3tha\othclr
orders In by that day.
iio\v to Hill jin KKK >
Not ono cook in fifty , nor housekeeper
cither , knons lio\v to boil nn egg. And yet
most tieoplo think they know this bimplo mut
ter. They will tell you to drop it Into boiling
water and lit it remain about tlucu inlnutei i
tmdtobosmo the wntcr is holllnjf. Hero Is
where the mistake is iiiiulo. An OKKSO pie- ! ! !
pared Is iiidlKestlblo anil hardly lit fora well
person , Ictnlonoouowho issiclc , to eat. The
moment it U plunged Into boilinir water tlio
v , hito hardens nnil toughens. To boil an cjri ?
Iropcily put it in a vessel , cover with cold
vliter , pluuj over the lite and the second the
\\nter bopins to boll your egg is done. The
Mhitols as ilelic.lto as u jelly and as paslly ill-
gcbtcdaiid nutiltlous , ns It should be , Try
To Nervous Dehilitatod > fen
If you v ill send us jour address wo will
send jou Ui. Dyo's Celubr.itcd Voltaic Celt
and .Appliances on trial. They will ( illicitly [ |
rcstoio you to vtfor , inunhood and health.
Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC Bin Co. , Marshall ,
Maddox Look here , Slmeral , don't you
know It is dangerous to go into the water
after a hearty iiicaH Sltncral I'm n "G
n after a meal. It's a Imth I'm ' after.
Accounts ot Banki , Hankora nnil Corporations so-
OiirfacllltlM rarr01 < UCTIO.NS : nro excellent , and
wo rc-illscount forlftiiki when LiiliiiKO , warrant tlU
liOBton IH it Hcicrvo City , am ) bnhncci ! ) with ill
from lumV ( not located la olhor llcsorvo Clttoi )
count n rowvo
Wo draw our o n exchange on Ixinilon nnil the
Continent , nnd mnko cubic Irumfi'rn unit place money
by Iclogral'li tlirouvhuut tlio United Status und Can ' *
Wohavo n market for prlmo nrsl-clasn Investment
Becutlllcs. and Imlto propoiali Irani btutei , Coun-
tics unit Cltlti when | HHuln | { bundi.
Wtida u KcnerultiunklnK builness , ana Inillo cor-
rcupondenco ASA P. POTTKtt , PiiissiDENr.
National Bank
Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO
Surplus Jan. 1st , 180O - 07.OOO
OOlcer * nnl Dlrector "Henrr Vf. Talcs. Freildent )
. Ilool , VUO'1'roildonti JnineiW. , w.
V. Horse. John t ) . Cullloi , K. 0. Uuihlntf , ) . N.
I'nUIck , W , U. ii. Ilu lici , cunblcr.
Corner ISth ind Fnrnain 8ti.
AOencral Daaklni Business ) Transacted
Omaha MamJfaotUrerb.
Boots mill Hlmcs.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots&Sliocj
AgeotaforllootonUiiMirr Slice Co ,1107 , , UOI nnd UOI
llnrncr yiicol. Unmlin.Sel > .
Lager liter Brewers ,
1H1 N'dth 18th Street , Oruilm , Neb
1\ \
"EA aLETcoumcrvouK3 : , "
Manufacturers | [ of Galvanized Iron Cornlcf
Window c p nmt motnlln akrllxlitt iolin I'l1 _
pnurlotor 103 unit IIP South lOlli tiriH't
A. 110SPK , Jr. , V
Artists' ' Materials , Plinos anil Organs/I
Ul" DoURlm Ptrcot , Onml Nob. ,
Conl , Colic , Kto.
0 , , cocE ANDLIMB coy
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
i. K. Cor. Ititli and llouclni Streets , Ouinlm , NoW
= = 4
f , AHMtSTHONG fc CO. ,
Wholesale Cigars ,
07 N IClli Slreot. "llollol' 1435
Dry Uooilu mill NntloiiH
Dry Goois , Fnrnlsliliii Goods and Notion !
Corner 1 1 111 nil I lownnl hlrooH
Importers ] and Jobbers in Dry Goods
Qents' KumtolilnclJomti Corner lltU anil Uorao (
Blroolt , Omnlia , Neb
ft STONE ,
Wholesale Dealers- Furniture ,
> nrnnm Street , Omalm , : < ebraska.
Onmliit , Nebrnskn
McCOHl ) , BIUDY & CO ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
inndLertTcnnrorlh Streets , Otuilin , Kobrnik * .
Litiinbcr , Etc.
Dealers in Hardwood Lumocr ,
YirJ 1.110 N Ibth bl. . Omaha
Wholesale lumber , Etc. , Etc
Imported m > American IMrllnnd Cnraent. SI
aentfar Blllnnnki'a Hyilrnullo Coraont , anil
OulticyVnlto l.ltuo.
CHAS. 11. LEE ,
Dealer in Hani wood Lumber.
Wood otrpots > nA pnrquct flooring IHh and
BlrcolB , Dunlin , Nubrmk * .
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner Oth nml Doiiiilns Streets , Onmha.
Milliiicry nnd Notlom ,
Importers and Jobbers in Millinery ,
SOS , 210 nnd 212 South lllhttrect.
Notions ;
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Gooflgj
1121 llnrnoiticnl , Onnbtv.
Wholesale Mined and Lubricating 011 $
Axla urcuso , etc. , Oranhn. A. II. lllahop , Munnecr.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a vies Block of prlnllnB , wramilni ; find vrittfl )
paptr. Special nltuntlon given to card paper.
Goncrnl Agonm to ? \
, ,
Ml and 323Soutli Will St.Omnhft.
H. HARDY & CO. ,
Jobber ! ol
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
nou o iriirnlslilnu Goods. Children a Carriage , 1
I nririm itrccl , Omulm. Neb
Steam and Water Supplies ,
wind mills 018 nd MOJononU , Omiha
U. K Ituti ,
Iron "WorkH.
and Cast Iron Building Wor
Knglnci , brnmwork , uoncfnl foundry ninrlilno oa
bluckBpiltli work. Ofllco nnilwurki , U. 1' .
llr. unit lilli Blreut , Omulia
_ _
f A
Manl'ts ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safe !
Vaults , Jail work , Iron rbuttur ) and Uro cnpc |
G. Andreonpropr. Cur IHUMiUnclmon Sin.
Bnwli , DdorH , Eto. _
CO ,
\Vbolo8nla mnnufacturera of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Moulding.
Branch offlce , litlmnd lord streets , Omnlia , Nobk
Of South Omaha , limited. .
= = a
El CMA b P | F | |
trlth npi tnonulntlonipproilmntlnit 20cm nnO
llio ralo of about t > , UAI annuulllaj
Ilzo coniiUurvil l ,
ipltiil , Huriilu , nn4
Jiidlvlluit l > rilllH. )
Monlunn " * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . ii irnutfiFv
llolcni " * ' fen , lil.OO ( (
"o ° on'iints" ' " : . ' " . ' : : . " . ' 'i. " . ' " ii2o2:88 ; :
Ainerlriin" " liui , 0 ( > . o
To8CthOPhol < JlnBavor i < iii ' | ioliiii nt oljjlit tiill *
lUinmif tlollnrn. wlilcli imls Uilcim flnnm iillyon
BlovclwltliclUPHllkp ItmhOHUr.N. V. , I IK ! Iniiiipo.
] l , Jnd.Oraml IUilil | , ill'li. , nml Coliiinliim. Olilo ,
illcluisoU u uni'MiKllio wi".illlilo luii'l IIIOHI proa ,
ixtroui In Uio l-a'U'rn hluluii , nrltli populollou *
runklMiiiibovoon < vliiiiiilroillli < ) U iir lciicli.
' 1 lie tuirtbliicil wealth or tlio clilzum of Helena
IninlnoH. ruuloHUiln.ciilllo unil otlu-r nroixirly U
nriio jBtKueonoliunilrcil million o ( aollur , uriii
siTiarodiltof DntttfowyonrsilTort. In Uio dovol-
ouniontof re onrcci. mnrkliiK Montnnil uMaSlnto
niuroloiuilKully 'ii'l'i ' iiliy | naluru Uuui IUIJT ulu ,
nr iirtOn of tlio liahllulilDuIotHi.
TIIHHTATIJ Ot'MOM'ANAwlth lens tlian tw < J
hunOreil thonitundpeoiiluiirtxluocniinniially UiKOlu.
nllvurcoi , > pcrini < lln < l. niltlo.hornus. < KI | , lililq * '
uliroii I'lo. . i * < portalli commo'lliluH ammiiitlnn to
ill > .liOOOio ( id. ni'iiilyniiiillUK In Tuluo UiOMiol
Uio Maiu of TUJTUI , ivIUi a poiiultllun of iwu-aud-ui
For full Infornintlon , nddroni ,
L. G , PHELPS , Scc'y Citizens Committee ,
Helena , Montana )