Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' 2 OfflJ O3I.AHA. UAXL1T BEE , 8AU-JHDA.-Y ' ( , SEPTEMBER 27 , ISflO.
Omah Defeats Minneapolis In a Oloso and
Exciting Contest ,
Opening of Ilio I'lnnl Scries With the
.Apostles To lny Tin-re < Jamcs
on Sinul jijr Slnndliif ? of *
the Clnhn.
"Won. L Ml I'cr Ct.
Katms Cltv lir ? 'I ! ) '
Milwaukee Ill ) 77 .M7
MlnnpnnolH 121 rn
liemcr 117 rnKi 1/70
Mom Ultv 117 Kin
Omaha , lir n ! ! ;
Lincoln ,117 71
bt , 1'ulll ' 11H as
Oinnlm ' 1 , iMlniUniolls | < t. , Minn. , Sept , 'JO. [ Special
Tologrnm to Tim Uir , ] The Minneapolis
baseball team has stnicfc the [ toboggan and is
now pretty safely anchored lu third place ,
for ono dny at least , 'Iho K.IIIIO today with
Omnhn was apooelonc , with ono exception
that It never should have been Io3t. Tlio
locnltcamstarted oft -ucll unit succeeded In
maltliiK two runs In the lint Inning on a
couple of b.isci on bull , aided by two rank
fuiiililcu liy Moraii nnd apasseil ball. Omaha
failed to ( score for four inning * iindthoganie
looked booked for nnollii-r sluitrOtit , when
aftcrtwo men were out , Mlmielmii misjudged
n Hy , Twolicy luniblcd n ball , Dupdalo
dropped ono at the [ ilato and Uvo men got to
flrsion bills , all of which oecurrod so i-aj- )
Icily that Mhcn the dust dctirccl avay and tlio
Bldu was out Omaha had four unearned runs
to its credit on the blackboard. Btranfjo to
ny , the defeat didn't seem to annoy the
audience much' , In fact , It vent Into spaitm
of llendlsh Rico during the disastrous Inn-
lap.Vlllls pltclicd the atno and did Rood
work , nnd bis support-\vns excellent , \Vnlsh \
nnd Hiinmhan ifchlltiKln line form. Dny
ulso did f'ood worlc for the locals. The scores
Tuolier , ( lli .0 1 u 8 1 . 0 U 0 U 0
IliiKililu , c U 0 R 3 U Himn.rr U O 0 0 0
DilkiM ) U I 1 6 U .Mornii , ! ! ) U O 2 1 3
Tolnla. . .It IiIT jl T lnl & ! T11 C
Minneapolis . , S 0000 0 1 0 0 3
Omiilia 0 0001 0 0 0 * -4
fil'MJt UV.
I"irncd runs Mlnnuapnll 11 , Omaha 1. Two-
t > as Iiltv Mlnnoliin. Moli'ii buses Minne
apolis X Oniiiha 1. Double pluyn T nlmv ,
Juy inn ! Kyn. liases onbiills Uuko ( I , Willis
Newman 1. Wllil - . .
rirst baM ) on halls Oinnhi : 0. Time Ono
liourilndflflyminutes. Umpire IIooer.
Tlio St. Pauls Today.
The St. ljauls and thoOmahas AvlH mcot at
the local p.irk tbls afternoon and play the
flrat ( ramo of thci final series to bo played in
Omaha. The Apostles have been materially
stroiiRUieiied and ulll KVO ! the niaclc Sox nil
tlio fight they want , Tomorrow thorowill bo
thrvo Riiincs , ono in the morning andhvo In
the afternoon , the latter two for ono admis
sion ,
NlotixCity GSt. Paul.1.
Sioux CITY , la. , Sept. L'O. [ SpecialTele
gram to Tins Bisc. ] Following Is the score
of today's ' game :
Totula. . . . (113 27 29 3 TotnlJ 3 Of ! Itt
Cltjr . 0 00000 0 6
St. 1'aul ' . 1 01001 0 J
Earned runs-Sioux City 4 , St. Paul 2. Two-
bnsobltn MeLniiRlilln. Hnse ? onbiilh Wld-
nor4 , Undurmod 3. Htruel. out-\VIlner ( 1 ,
llndcTWimd 4. HUMS on crrois Slnux City .1 ,
Bt. I'uul S , Lcft em Imsn Slnux City 11 , St.
1'iinl 0. Hit by pltalier llrosnan. Passed
bulls LTniHhart 1. lUmcs sioltm Sioux Olty
! . HI , 1'anl . Tlmoof Kaiuo Two hours und
live m lu utos. Uiiinlre HoiiRlu.
litinlnp ItiiCOB.
Dcxi..u > , In , Sept. J20. fSpoclal Tclogram
to TIIK llni ; . ] At the finishing up of thoraces
races today considerahlo interest was mani
fested in the 2 : 0 class. Klnprof tlio West
won , Nclllo Barrett second , and Davrnport
third. Host timo-ariaij" , lolng the fastest
time ever trotted on this trade.
In the 510 yards runiiinff race totwccn
Koan Bill and Dolly Day , for $100 a side ,
Komi 13111voii. . This afternoon tlio same
liorsus ran a quarter mile , Ko.iu Bill wla-
Today's Tips.
AT nuvvnsEM ) .
First , race Omnlto , I'uzyio.
ScxMiidrnco Reporter , F'olsoro ,
Third laeo-ChcspoaVo , Kcmplatid.
Vourth race Stratogem. I'urthenla.
Wtli laee Kingston , Huono.
Slxtli raeo Strjko , Houston.
Tirst raco-Catnlpa , Sportsman
Second raeo Miss Hawkins. Eugenia.
'J'hire ! nico-Mumlo Tense , Tenacity ,
Fourth race Marlon C , Dlnrncy Stono.
Fifth Mco-Uoseland , Kineman ,
A 1. TMl'J JEttA.Ul\
SupproKsoil llvoltciucnt , lint No
Outbrcnlis Ouuiir , , Sept. 20 , The situation at Tiper-
nrj- this morning- much inoro tranquil than
yesterday. The streets nro still thronged
with people , who seem to l > o laboring under
suppressoa excitement , but there has boui
no collision with the police. Thu authorities
nro tuWnff special inwcnutions to puanl
against the possibility of an outbreak. A
detachment of soldiers 1 usslstlntr the pollio
in maintaining order. Tliospueoin front of
the court house is held by a strong Biinrcl
nnd both police ana soldiers are patrolllntr
the streets.
The session of the court for the trial of the
conspiracy caio vaa of Hhert duration this
morning because the judRO of the county
court required thotmlldlnir. Thoproccodinra ,
therefore , were adjourned over till afternoon ,
dojpito tliQ protest of Timothy Healer that
the trial should bo expedited. u\ further attempt -
tempt to brinjr SerRcant Kennedy of the police -
lice force to account for some of the cluublnir
" iu front of the court hou&o yeatcrdav will bu
AVhon court reopened In the afternoon
Koniui proeeedi > d with his statement of the
crown's case against the iiecuscil nien. Ho
read long extracts from the speeches mailo at
various nationalist mectini's since the In-
, niiRiinitlon of the plan of campaign and nlso
quoted frojJi the solutions adopted at these
meetings. It nppeiu-ed to bo the object oC the
prosecution to prolontjtho case as fnros iw-
elljlo. At ono jxilnt William O'Brienwho
\vlth Dillou was to linvo stilled for the United
States next week , clialllngty reminded Honan
that Ii Is shlpwas to sullfor America onThurs-
day next , adding Unit thoia appoawd to bo
a race ajninst time between the orowi coun
sel and the ship , "When court adjourned
lioiuui was jtlll spoaklni. . Whontlio oiljouni-
nient ivas announced Timothy llarriiiKton
inado a strong1 protest ngalnst tliecoursa
belnK pursued by the prosecution. Mho pro
test , lion-aver , hnd no effect on the court , and
the present policy of the prosecution will , It
is generally believed , bo maintained to the
oiid of the trial.
John Morley departed today for England ,
The Ilirchnll Trlnl.
V'OOPSTOCK , Out. , Sept. M. At ttoBlrch-
fcll trial this morning- Miss Cromwell of Kast-
\voodwas the ilrst witness. She tcstiflcd
that on February 17 slioweut to the station
to incot sonao friends - whocto \ ti oomo In on
flu ) 0 o'clock twin. She mot llirclmll iu
the lane coming from Ilrnntlorel
road to the station. T-IO was
dressed in a navy bluoniltJnel can. His
shoes yerotmiddv ami bis trousers were
rolled up. Shu did not know him at thor time ,
nut she Inul no doubt as to liliMontlty with
the pilsoncr , Ho ontercJ the station and
IwURhtn ticket for Hamilton.
James Ilaywnrd , n young storekeeper of
J-'astwood , Henry Jones nnd Mls Jlary
SivalzuulsotcMtlfled tosocltiR ft man at the
station , whom they afterwards Ideatltleil as
33rchail. !
nrr ; r/i < 3Ji/r KAISEU.
'Jho ew ami Successful Metlma Iltn-
jiloyrjl in tlin Tnsk.
SAUIT Sir , Muitr : , Mich , Sept. & . [ Spe
cial Telegram to TUB I3nThoihos Mur
phy of the Murphy \uecklaR conpany of De
troit arrived today ano reported that the Job
of raising the Magnet and her cai-RO of 1,002 ,
tons of ere had beta successfully a coin-
pllshcJ. The method of raising the craft is anew
now ono and 1ms never been attempted before -
fore , the pilnclplo used being to sink pumps
under Ihowater Into the main deck of the
vessel and force air in to displace the wtor
removed. Greattlifllculty was experienced
in raisins the stern llr t. ThU wm done by
jwntooni and b.vhnilJlnp ? two bullthoadi bo-
tweondeelcito hold vntci from midships to
forward. The cloven hatches liad to bo
heavily timbered and covered. The breik on
her side , uhlc-h was between two frames ,
cmshliK ? in the plunk , \vsis elaht foot "by six
Inches from tlio turn of the bil o up. Ttils
\vas oicrcomo bypatclilngand ciinias cover-
luff. Iho vork of pumping was begun three
vcolw apo. Vestei-flay tit t o'clock the wssel
liegnn to lift aft and nt 7 o'clock wm found to
uefour feotoft the bottonuift. Atthls point
the stern came up like a. thot , mlslng twenty
feet in loss than n niinuto and tliroivlng oil
the pontoons. After an hour's pumping the
VMsel lifted forward , and at 1 o'clock was
A. KTHXKf : rX.1lMiltK. .
Clilcnfjo Street C r Jlen to Go Out
KextMoiiilny ,
CHICAGO , Sept , SiJ.-Tho.Toiimallhls after
noon siys that a strike of omplojei on the
Went Division street railway cotnpiny U in-
c\itnllo and that the time set for it is next
Monday. It Is asserted tint there are sev
eral causes leading up to It , chief among
which nro the agitation by political
loaders , who wish to milco political
capital out of the situation , and the antago
nism between the two unions comniUing the
force. Officials of the company htiM ) reached
the conclusion that a strike must conic , ; iud
pieferto have It uo\v. 'I'hcysaythoypro
pose to inako nu niicomiroinisln ) > r llpht and
will never again employ any of tlio strikers ,
no matter what It costs ; Unit they will hire
now men and run cars if they have to load
them down with , polices as the only passen
Com Talnrc.
Sioux CITV , la , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin ; BEB. ] A.n immense multitude ,
estimated at fifteen thousand people , poured
In the city today , crowdlog all regular and
special trains. The principal open air feature
was the first of the sciles of parades the
arrival oC King Corn. It was a line of gor
geous Iloats , following the lloat of the king
there were , among others , floats sjinbollzinj ?
"Our Parasites , " "Our Flowery Visitor. "
' Our Garden 1'roducts , " "Our Arabian Vis
itor. " "Our Minerals , " etc. 'Iho coluina extended -
tended a nillo and a half. Tlio streets- along
the line wcio literally jammed. Uho palace
lias been filled with spectators since early
morning. The festival is a success far he-
} ondtho lluilt of thoprocodiuKfestlvsU.Saiid |
the serious question now Is the shelter and
entertainment of so many visitors.
Universal 1st Con von Uon.
MARSHAU.TOU.Y , la , , Sept. 2G.- [ Special
Telegram to Tim DHK. ] The TJnlversallst
stnto convention tioiv in session hero is at
tended by a larger number of hoth clergy
and laity than any of its predecessors. Hope
ful reports como front nearly all the parishes
and the missionary stations. The following
ofllcers were elected for the onsuInR year ;
Presld&nt , F. Bonier of DCS Woines ( rc-
clectcd ) ; vice president , A. Perry Lane ,
Waterloo ; secretary , Rov. Thomas E. Dot'
ter , Eldora ; treasurer. Franklin C. Platt ,
Waterloo ; member of the ejofutivo board ,
0. T3. Van Vet < hen. Cedar Rapids. Commit
tee of follow.shlp and ordination , Itov. T. "W ,
Woodrow , Mnrshalltown ; Rov. Matt Wing ,
Manchester ; E.Hurlbut , Marshalltowu ,
Got Drunk nnil Han the Town.
HFIINI > OV , iti , Sept. 2G. f Special Telegram
to TIIK BFE. ] Oflhors vero in this city to
day looking for William Smith , -who Is
charged -with selling liquor contrary to the
state law , Smith has for some time past
been running a saloon at .Tamalca , -village
three miles cast of here. Saturday night ho
KOt drunl < and demolished his salooft and con
tents , nnd then arming himself with two
pistols , went out into tlio town , driving pee
pie into their houses , and for a time ho hail
the town to himself , but fortunotolj- ono
was injured. Smith has served a term In tlio
state prison , having boon sent there for
stealing tnolvo horses at Coou Rapids about
live jears ago.
1 Dcntli of u Pioneer.
DBS MOIVES , la. , Sept. 20.- [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bur. ] John C. Parish , a
pioneer settler of Iowa , mid a resident of DCS
Molucs slaco 1SCS , died this morning , after
four jeai-a suffering with a stiokoof jnralj-
sis. In January , 1875 , ho was appointed
deputy auditor of state , serving- two terms
When Auditor Sherman assumed the povorn-
orship he appointed Mr. Parish chief clerk of
the executive ) department , and this position
ho held until September , 1SS.I , whan , ho re-
blgned to accept tlio grand lecordorshlp of
tlio grand cotimandry , and act as grand secretary -
rotary of the grund chapter of the Iowa
Hoyal Arch Masons ,
BIrs.Vilcox Acquitted.
CAIIUOU , la , Sept. 20 , [ Special Telegram
to THE Bcn.J The jury in \Vilcoimur- -
dor case , after being out ten minuses this
afteinoon , returned \crdlct of acqiilttnl.
The trial was against Mrs. Wilcox for tlio
latal shooting of her husband , n laundrjmnn ,
during a quarrel lost Mnrch. Wilcox mide a
dyiiiK statement that the deed was Inten
tional on the part of his wife , wlillo licr de
fense was that It was accidental. 1'ublle sen
timent is divided on the subject.
nt "Vale.
HEns-DON-IoSopt.2G-SieoialTolojrani , [ |
to TUB Brn.J Burglars last night effected
an entrance into C. V. Young's tjcneral store
at Yale , four miles wostof hero , and sccurol
a lot of Boods.somo valuable nniicrs and a
small amount of cash. There" is no eluo to
the thieves.
Mississippi Constitution
JACKSON , Miss. , Sept 2G.-Tho constitu
tional convention today , after a lengthy de
bate , adopted the reportof the majority of
the committee on temperance--- 18. This
ropoit recommends non action , deeming any
agitation of the llqiwr question nt this time
Inopportune. The minority hnd urged na
amendment to the constitution declaring all
saloons and tippling houses public nuisances ,
which might bo suppressed by prosecution
or upon the complaints of any citizen. The
friends of the minority claim that they were
defeated because the franchise committee ) did
not care to provoke the hostility of so power
ful uu clement BH the saloon laterals.
Northern tMeUlo Indemnity Imicli ,
WASHI.MITOX , Sept. ft ) . Tno bill which
the house had finally passed after n confer
ence with the senate for the relief of settlers
on Northern 1'aclilo Indemnity lands applies
to about four hundred settlers who entered
upon lauds in northern Minnesota Hallows
tlioso who inncto settlement upon lands In
Rood faith and -\\oro \ qualified BO to do to
umlco settlement on other lands within a year
nnd to bo allowed upon those/other lands' the
benefit , oltho length of time that they resided
as settlers upoa the loads wlilch U had been
decided they had iiorlprht to make entry ,
Iho Death Itoll.
Loxnoy , Sept M Alfred John TroncU
KdKerton , member of tlio house cf commons
foe the Ecclw dlvlslou of Lancashire , Is
Griutil t.oljtnd Dobnle.
Tin ; lr.K ] i\lll \ soon hsuc In supplemental
form the entire Orniid Inland prohibition , do-
bnta. This will comprise the full ntcno-
pr.iplilc reports of nil the arguments On both
sides of the issue. In 110 other \uy cm
these Important , facts and figures bo pro
cured. Prices cents a copy ! $3 per 100. All
newsdealers ,
a ,
v , Sept. % la the homo today
Cnnillcrof Massachusetts , from the world's '
fnlrcoininlttce , rcportcil a losolullon pro\ld-
lugthntn sub-coiimilttco of Hvo mouihcrsof
Hiat cotntnittco shall bo appointee ! by the
chairman to Inquire into the progress of the
details for holding the proposed exhibition ,
to examine Into the space allotted to the \ & -
rlous clhplnjs nnil nil other jnattois wlilch
tlio subcoininlttco may deem advisable , and
report to the house ot the beginning of the
next session , Adopted ,
Mr. I'nlooof Tcnnosioe , rising to n qtics-
tion of personal iirlvllego , offei-cda resolution
staling that It is alleged that the postuinstor
of the housohni on the roll of hlsomployesat
$100 per month n Mr. Ilradlcy , vho norksln
tlio government glinting olllco , and that said
Bradlcypajs0.5a month tea son of the post
master , who does neb worlc In the postolllco ,
and dliccthij the committee on accountsto
iii\cstl'ate \ ( the allegations. Mr , ISnloo spoke
of his resolution of yesterday and coniplaincil
of huvlnp been deprived of the lloor In n - parliamentary
liamentary but rather unfair manner ,
Ihorownsquito a lengthy dlbcubslon ho-
tMcen. himself , the speaker aud Mr. IHouiit ,
at the conclusion \\hlch the icsoiutlouvas
Soon after Mr. McKlaley brought In the
conference reporton tlio tnnlt bill audit -was
ordered printed IntheUocord. Mr.iloKln.-
ley then guo notice that touorrow , after the
rcadlnKoC the jouinullio vould call up the
report ( or consideration and final disposition.
Mr. Mc llllln of Tennessee -protested
ugiinstsuchii sliort tlnic and nskcd that , the
re'iort ' | ho taken up Monday. There was no
disposition en thcpart of the democrats to
elel.iy Its consideration , but the bill should bo
Gainfully considered.
Mr. JlcICInley said thnt a itoultl bo
pilntedlt contalued all tno changes roccni-
nicndccl hy the conference committee. The
amended paragraphs \vould appear In simll
capitals .Asto tlio many features of the Mil
the points ofcllsaircemonthadbcen perfectly
well undorstooil for weoits , and It vas per
fectly the confereiiw com
mittee recommended The gentlemen , on
both sides -\\cro anxious togot homo and ho
must insist on a consilerutloii tomorrow.
Mr. JIoMilltm thereupon insisted on the
rcidliigot the conference leiiort
Ttio reading was iiotconinlotedat Oo'cloclc.
\vhentho.houso took a rcicss.bofoie wliieh
Mr , MdClnlcy ollered for reference a resolu
tion for the final adjournment of congress
Tuesday next at J o'clock.
'llio houaoat its evening session passed 112
private pension lulls and ticljourned.
Senate ,
\V \ \ sm.vcJTONSept. . 2(5. ( la the senate to-
clny the confereuco report prepared ycsteiday
on the bill to establish Rock Caxsk p.ir3t In
the District of Oluinbla ) was taken up , and
alter some rommrits by Mr. Snorinan , who
spoke affalust the designation of any ofllcers
forthoworltof lajingoat the park aiidncjainst
the requirement for the district to bear hall
of the expenditures , the report was agreed to
and the bill now goes to the president forhis
Dills on the calendar unobjcctcd to were
taken up and the following , among others ,
passed : Thosoiiate bill granting right-on-way
totho Jamestown &tforthom railway com
pany through thoDo-Ul's lake Indian , reser
vation in North "Dakota. The house joint
resolution appropriating § 1,000,000 , for nickel
ore and nickel matte for naval purposes hav
ing been received from the house , was laid
bcforotho senate and Mr. Cameron , offered an
iiinciidmcntpi'oviliii'tlmtsiicli nickel-ore or
nickel matte so purchased shall bo equitably
distributed among the contractors ol nickel
steel armor plating.
After an extended debate Mr. Halo con
sented to lot the Joint resolution go over -until
Consideration of tHe calendar was resumed ,
ana the following bill ? pissodi The house
hill grautliiK loaves of absence to clerks nnd
employes of Ilrst and second class postofllcos.
On motion of Mr. E'air ' the house bill to
amend the ) act to prohibit the importation or
emigration of foreigners and aliens under
con tract or agreement to perform labor was
tnkcn from the calendar.
Mr. PIunb moved , to amend the fifth sec
tion , -which pro-\ Ides that the net ahull not
apply to professional actors , artists , otc. , bv
insertlng before the \iord ' 'artists" the woids
"musical or otherwise. " Agreed to ,
Mr. Carlisle moved to substitute for the
words "regularly ordained ministers or the
f-espel" the -words "regularly ordained or.
constituted ministers of religion , " aafl said
\\lthoutthatuniendmeiittho bill -vouId ox-
elude Jewish rabbles Agreed to.
Mr. I'lumh moved to insert after the -word
"artists" the word "musician. " .Aprecd to.
Mr.Plumb offcredim. amcndmciitthuttho
1)111 ) shall not apply lo any organization of
nmsichna cr orchcstrats.
The bill went , over till tomorrow , leaving :
the last amendment unacted on , and the son-
nto resumed consideration of the bill to estab
lish a United States land court
Without action the senate adjourned.
TItK 3MA\lTtfJt.l
Il Fnolflo Coast Line IV ill Bo in
Operation Within a fear ,
CHICAGO , Sept. 2. 1 Special Tolcjrain to
TUB BGK.J It was definitely learned today
that the Great Northern ( JianitohaJ road
uoulilhuvoits Pacific coast line in operation
\vlthln a year. It willcross the Union Pacific
and Northern Piciflo roads in "Washington
and tap all Its Pacific const connections. Its
1'acillo const terminal will bo south of Port
land , with branches to that city and Seattle.
M . will toby i > 0 miles tlio short
est route -fiom the Pacific to St , Paul and. It
Is claimed , \villpisstlirouih ( a more fcrtllo
country than either the Northern Pacific or
Canadian Pacific. Humors uro also currant
that it will buy or make an ewicluslio tunic
agreement with some Chicam road. The
Chicago , St , Puul and Kansas City Isnowtho
onlv eligible road open to such a transaction
and President l an todav denied that anv
such deal wis being- considered , llo aeUed" ,
however , in relation to hUltne , that it-\\ould
liavo IU line in ICunsas City before January
land would then secure its sliaro of traftio.
Jiosald his line would linvo been In ICansas
City beforeno\yexcipttliat , itims absolutolv
Imposslhloto buy steel rails , the mills hnviiip
contracted for their whole output months
JUl'SfC fX AllEMllC'A ,
Cavnllero C rpi Snya "Wo Are Into
3 > lunlo IjoiorH.
Cincioo , Sept , 20 fSpsciid Telegram to
TIIK Un-rjmaHeroVlUorio Carpi , tbo re
nowned Italian hArltono , Mho will enter upon
Ids duties as vocal director of the Chicago
conservatory Monday next , has reached this
city. Bald ho today ;
"The world ia still Improised with the | do/\
that Italy Is the homo of muslo. American
Blrli go them to learn , on general principles ,
but tlioy Jlnd ere long that they have made a
alstnko. The famous masters nro aprccl anel
can tcuch only theoretically. Ihcro nro hut
two nations that lo\o music bocnuso It Is
umHl * ' Germany and America Germany is
pre-eminent in this respect , I inustsnybut ,
Amencansai-o also deep lovers of tho'art.
r.nglish pcoplolovo uuslconiyivhcnitlstho
fashion. I go to a drawing room to slug- .
The fact is announced , and I am Ihtoncd to
simply because my nppcaranca Is made the
feature of the c\oninf. \ Ills -\vltli nil ar
tists when first appearing hut once let them
bccoino an old story and the people buzz aimy
at u conversation during ; all their efforts , The
Knglishliavo not the soul for music that
divolliln the ( Jermanand A.rnerlcaii breast.
I know , aa all European artists linow , that
Atuorlca loves the grand opera , That "knowl
edge inado tno enthusiastic over tlie thought
Of cominghero.1' '
Sonntor Washliuru'i Son Married.
POBTI.A.M ) , Ore , Sept , 20. Mitw Florence
Agnes Sailor of this city nncUV. 1) ) , Wash-
burn , Jr. , son. of Senator Washburn of Ulu-
ncsota , were married hero lost e. veiling.
Senator Sliding Dmtsses tie Ainondmont
\Vith Ei-Goterar LarrabM ,
Injurcclln Tloartllnj Tram Anthony
1 > J His
brusko ,
NNeb. . , Sept , 2O.-Srcoial Tel-
fgram to Til K HUB. ] EJ Governor Law-abec
of Iowa nnJ oj Senator J , II. Stirling met In
Joint dccato on tlio anieuilnicut question
today , Uhey adclresiod a hwgo and attentive
auOlcnco on the ( air grounds. Governor
Larraucomncloa very earnest address nnd re
ceived iloso attention , Senator Stirling
nindon strong- argument and gave Us hcarora
food for thought.
Gmernor Larrabeo opened , tlio discussion
by advocating the adoption of the amendment
for tlio reason tliat It woulil close the open
jaloon und remove its evil iullueuca on tlio
yountf. Ho submitted no facts toihovvthut
tbo sale nnil use of liquor -va < 8 induced toy
prohibitory law ,
Ills opcnliiBspesechoC thirty minutes \vas
followed by an address frotiifcjcnntorStirllnK- .
\vhospol \ < ofbrnn hour. liie scnntorurged
the Impoitaiicoof tlnrouifluv and soriouslv
conskluring any proposed radical change in
our orgaulo law , ana ur.ged that tlio same
should uc\er \ be done except when clearly
ueccssne.yandaioptcl ] ( by aa ovowlielmlnR
majority. Ilothcti proicc-dod to shov by
facts and statistics that prohibitory laws ,
ivhcMvorcnae-ted , Insteadof reducing drunlc-
cntuw and crimes , Ixxot and stltnulato both.
Ho showed that thelaw lnlo- mid ICansas
especially retarded Improvcinmt , hindered
progress , dcpnssed business and bred con
tempt fortho laws of thostate.
tSovernor Larrnbco closed the argument ,
neb with an endeavor to disprove the facts
and figures as presented by SenatorStirllng- ,
but br insinuating- that t'lio senator repre
sented fhosnlooii. lie totally failed to reply
to tlio arguments of his opponent.
1'imml Guilty of
DIKOTA Cnr , Mcl > . , Sept , 20-Special [
Telegram to TIIK Bin.-Tlio ] Toolicy trial
cnmoto a close this evening atS o'clock , 1'ho
jury being out for three hours , finally agreed
ana rendered a verdict of manslaughter. The
trial has been avery short one , occupying
onlya dnyanda hall after the jury \vns em
paneled. rhc\erdlct is ft surprise to many
whocxpectcdavordlct for A mo
tion for a new trial will tornado tomorrow.
Injured jn Hoarding & Train ,
\\AYXF , Neb , Sept. , 20. [ Special toTiii :
BEE ) Cal Hutmanof Sioux City .was badly
hurt while trying to Kit on a moving train
here lost night. The train was going too
rapidly for hlni , and ho was dragged for
several rods , and vw found Ijiiighcsido the
track seine time n-f tcr 'In an uneoiiscious con-
clition. Ttie lleshuan , torn Irom hl < left leg
between , the kiee du\r \ tlio aiiltlo and ho was
badly cut and bruisjxl..1 Ho Is unnhlo to tell
just how tiie injury vrdp Inflicted.
Robbed liy Ills lloom-IMate.
NinujtiKA. Cirr , ffeb.Sejt . -Special [
relcgrntn to TIIK 3sK7-D. ! Hatch of ilol-
clrego was stopping Vt the Claolnnatl house
In this city last ni ht and was rotted ot all
his ivoaltk by a raui-junto , who has disap
Tlio I alrlVury
, Keb. , ,5051.20. , [ Special Tolo-
grsim to Trie 33 EP ] 4 The Fairbury fair
closed today. A.lthjhtho \ opening dii not
look very promising , yet It lias proved to be
a very successful session , The agricultural
exhibits havoboeriunvi iially line nnd the col
lection largo. The floral oxhiblt nnd ulso the
display offaticj' work has called forth much
favorable commont- The attendance ) today
has greatly exceeded t tut of any day dicing
the fair , 'roday's ' races were as follows :
ITrce-f or-all trot , best two la three , purse
P5OO There vcro five starters. Wallace C3.
owned by M. Bon.i'dsley , Omaha , tooiilrst
money , and Guolpli , owned tiyA. L Turuoy ,
Rod Oak. la , second. Time 2,28 , 3i20 ! > i
and 2:33J { .
U'ho last race was a novelty running race
with a purse on eadi quarter , U'horo vero
six entries , Blue Ilird won lirst q _ wrier ,
Belli ) Redmond flrst half , Khibboleth three-
ciuartor and ono milo.
Noilli Kebraslca Fair ,
IS'OIIFOIK , Neb. , Sept , 2G.-Spceial Tele
gram toTirn BEE ] Tie flortU Nebroslca
fair closed today alter a very successful four
dajs' exhibit. The association conies out in
good sliapo , making enougli to juy all ov
pcnse and pretniums-Lnfull. Ono feature of
ttxo awards \wis the "wav in which the ladies
caino into man's domain and vuestcd llrst
premiums from their male coinpetitoi's ,
T.TIO last day's ' rates -\\cro the most interest-
Insof the veelc. In the a : 40 trot Cap Wim
ple won , N"e sboy second , JlllUoF1 tlilrd , A
B 0 fourth. TannyFruwon in the freo-foi-
all pace , Jacl\V ( \ scconO Tlio three-year-old
trot , half-mile heats , was won by Misfit ,
Hapnv Jlay second , Claudia third. The free-
forallruniiinif , inllo heats , vas won byllov-
ardA.rnctt , Doc Jioward. second , Choilster
Presbytery of IIs stinis. ;
SLPEIIIOU. Nub. , Sept. 20. [ Special to Till
BEE , ] Ttio rresbjloryof Hastings mctheri
Tucsdayovenliig and UosodUst niRht. Jl
xvmbpeoed with a sermon by Rov. .Tohn \ ,
Halm \Vilsonvillo. . Itov. John ( HI more l
Mlmlcn was elected moderator and Her.V
II. Nilesof Nelson anil Mr , .T. II. Scars ol
IVlinJeti tcmporaiy clerks. Between thirty
nnd thiity-li e members \rcioprcsent , The
routine i\orl { wascarricd Jonvarl % vith dis.
patch and care , Tlio short crops ha\o \ had
an unfn ratlo effect In church "work as well
as In other lines , but there seemed to bo no
thoiiEhtof rclixingln dilit cnco orof Icconi'
infidlscoura > ? eil. The report ) of lr. Sexton ,
synodlcal inlssionarj' , and of ISIr. ICulcker' '
bodor , Sunday school missionary , -MOI-O ol
especial la tores c. _
Nnncn County Fair ,
iirojf , Nol ) , Sept , 20 - [ Spoclal Tele.
to Tun DRB , ! The fourth mid last day
oC the Nanco county falrcloscd today. There
were flvoraccs ontho inofrronimo , The llrst
% vns the 1:50 : trot , with five star ten , -\voa hy
Munsonitimo 2 V.U-'ho aSJtrot , with three
startei"s , was \\-on \ JyrrcKOiiPatclioii ( ) | best
time 2.31. In the match race between Prod-
dioIC and Barney D .tlia foimeron \ In 2 : ! $
The double team racel was postponed on ac
.tlio Grimm ) .
tic , l\'eb. \ , BeJ ? | , 2U.-Sieolnl ] Tolc-
pram toTiieDGE.j 'l iehouto of John Me-
CarrlKani a farmerilh nff lour miles from
this city , burned tofitiii Rt-ound this after
noon. 'IhorowasiB iali amount oC lusur-
anco on the house .but the contents are a
total loss , 1t .si
IticlcpoiulonH IDat Con ven tioiu
Is'EnttiSKX CiT , j 5) ) , Sopt. 20 [ Spocinl
Telegram to Titr. J cj ] The Independent
llont convention fjr Otoo nntl Cais counties
\viuhuldiit Duiibaj'HfwUv ' and A.Jncquett of
Cumin K Conn ty Pair ,
\VeaTpoiM \ , ICcb , , Sept. a. LSpeclal Tol-
Ofrrarn to TUB BKE , ] 'Jlio Cuinlng Countyi
Fair association open edits exhibit heio yes-
tordiv. Thoatteiidantols light but the ex
hibit is fur nhoad of list juar. The stock
display , however , Ii snail.
II , I * . SlJnin\vi ) ? < iiiiinntc < l ,
UiiiTivoTOV , Neb. . Sept. 20 [ SpooialTolo-
rani toTiiKllEK , ] At the Bonatorial con-
vor.tlonot thoEighth district , hold lust nitrlit ,
II. I' . Shuimvay ol Dliotx county was nom
Colonel I311 ivorlh nt I nlrbury.
riiuimr , Ifob , Sept. 20 , [ Special Tolc-
prm to Tn Btt. \ - - Colonel 3JII worth of
13ciMonoIn. ! , save an nntl-prohlbltlon lec
ture at Steeloife Jlerry'thullUorotouigUt. '
31ay Itioovrr
, Neb. , Sift. 20 , [ Special Tolc-
KrnmtoTnn ltr-rroJiVnthoiiy ! , the vouiif
manwhowaq seriously stnbbod Imt b"ilda >
night , is Improving , The doctors nay that 1
they can pruNcnt blooJ poisoning lioinuy b <
Onnlsli Antl-l'rolilbillmi CHil ) .
, Nch. , Sept. W. [ Spcchl to Tin
A Danish antl-prohlllllon club ha ;
boon orpmlzeil hero -\\lth \ aniomkrslil | ) o
107 , Nnturallmtlon papers for twenty-cigh
hn\o \ aJre.vdy boon taken out nud tlicroar <
tnoro to come ,
I'rcmuiitTuiMicrs. .
VEST POINT , N"c b , Scjit. Stl.-S [ 9clnl Tjclo
RIMIU to Titi ; IlKEl Anoxquwiou partyo
tumors from IVeniont niilveucn tlioovcnliif
train find \vLllKlvonn e.ihlbltlo'i in lCwus <
tonlhfcnftei'\vhUhthoilovotocs ( of toijtsi
clioro will hold u carnival.
1'rol ' illii 1 1 mi N uiit i Tint I o n" .
I'U.LS Cnr , I\'cb. , Sept , 'JO.-f
Tcleuralnto 'I'm : EIK. " ) The prolilbltlonlst !
of this county met at Salem today nud win
i tinted the following : Amos l raulr , Jesai
l c < d and Lundon Vuntbt for rcprosintji
UMI , ivioies lloyorfor cleric of tlio couits
aiidi-ndorscdJohiiNesljitor 1'axviieo ' county
f o r lloat senator. _
Tlio I'liir nt Jlnrt Inpton.
1UHTOTONch | , , Sept. 20-lSpiclnlTol
csratii toriiiiDuK , ) Tliouttcmlanio svt the
falrhas been excellent tliat of today ant
yesterday from 0110 IhotuSnd to flftooit hun
dred poople. The stock oxhiblt i snporior ,
wlillo tliohorlleultural and Horal oshlbltsar *
not so ijood in in former yean , HiidngoacJ
baseball arc timotigtho attractions.
the Sidney l-'nlr.
Neb. , Sopb. M. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB EFE.I The fair closed this
afternoon.rXho ntteudancu 1W . Ivlany
premiums wcro awarded for 11 no stock and
iitrilcultural exhibits. Uho Crete niirscrlos
had a splendid display of njiplo and futlt
trees , vihleh won many enmmlums. Iho
horse ran * \vira full of Interest auJ elitltcd
hearty applaiiso.
Countj l ulr.
rALi.sCiTyN'ebSept. , SJG.-SpDcial [ Tel
egram to THE BEH. ] Iho tlilrd ihy oltho
fair opened today with gloomy prospects.
Tlio sky was heavy and tbo rain follnt inter
vals all diy. In tlio afternoon , ho vevor , the
attendance ) ixnchcd a"bout l\vo \ thousand.
.TuilgliiK from the ilisplay of agricultural
prcduoothls county has not suffered from
thodrouth. In the trotting raeo today Balsj'
\von in three straight hcita in 251 ; in the
combhijitloti lace hitno won tlio half-milt
wallc atidSuclwr T3ov tlio lialfuilk trotnnO
run Tlio promlso for a largo attend inco to
morrow ID good.
HICICMINNob. . , Sept , 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tiii.DnK.j Tlicro vis n , good at-
tcndancoat the southern Lancaster comity
fulrat lllckuian today , especially in the after
noon. Hon. S. E. Richards , Confrrcssmar
Connell , lion Gcorgo H. Jlastingi , State
Tnisurcr Hillimda delegation from Ijincolu
came clown on the 2 o'clock train and mdc
tlio acquaintance ofthofair. Shoitspecihes
\vcro delivered at the grand stand and the
machinery pr round by Messi-s. Kicliards , Cou
ncil and Hastings , The republicans nt
HKkman are widta\valwand \ havono doabt
alwut thoBucwss of the ropubllcan ticket 111
southeiu Lancaster precincus.
JDVX'S K riJW 4)F 'aifJB irJEEK.
HiliuUIation in N'csuly All Jdiicls ol
Speculation ,
Nr. > \ - YOHK , Sept. 27 , Special Telegrair
to TJIK BKC ] B. G. Dun.lCo.'sVcekl ' >
"Rc\lo\vof \ Tratlo says :
Liquidation in nearly all kinds of specula
tion conies , to the disappointment or nvmy
1 n connection with largely increased supplies
of money , aiidprepires the way forhealthiei
traijo in all legitiimto branches.Vith loivei
prices there appears the desired Improve
mcnt incxpoits of products , and the de
crcaso fqr the past three weeks is now onlj
4.1 t > er cent , comparing- with last year. The
imports are much enlarged by fcho effort tc
get goods intothceountry before anew tur-
ifl pees into ctreotbut , the current account *
olsucli Increase aio exaggerated. The value
of all imports for three wcokshas been hui
15) ) percent above last year's record. A
considerable increase appears in woolens
linens , silks and other dry goods , but ther
is a fair prospect that the merchandise ex
ports -will now exceed la value tlio importi
fortlio _ mouth , Oialn docs not mov <
freely as yet , but the exports o :
cotton exceed last 5 ear's materially , amlpro
visions move in largo quantities. ' .Chore-
polls from other cities show a rcmarlnbU
adlvityln all branches of IcgitimatAj trade ,
The excess ofbauk clearings over these ol
tie coriesponcUnir weekn list jcar , In all
cities outside of New Y"ork , rises to lOpei
cent for the month thus far , and at western
nnd southern points the gain averages about
U.lpor cent , iloston i-eports more tmdowltli
easier monoy. .At Philadelphia tlio shoo MIC
leather trad cs are exceptionally good , but in
procerles trndo falls snort of anticipations ;
baidwaro is actlvo and ilrnj nnd thoiron
trade improfcs. Chicago notes n licavy
decline in grain receipts , compired
vith lasfc 3 car , but a largo increase in
dicsscd beef , liu-d , hides and wool and ado-
cllne in butter aud cheese : the dry goods ,
clothing and bocfc and shoo tiades exceed lust
year's , with satisfactory collections. Cln-
clntiatlalso reports quite a 'pood trade and
fair crop * , Vwtsoino pressure and alargode-
inaud In tlio money market , , /Vt Cleveland
tiailo Is good , though ore is iiucti\e \ , buttho
demand for ilnlshcd Iron products liuuinruo-
dcnted , and at i'ittsburp : It holds iirluoa
Unnly , thouh tlicio is a slight 'eakeniug in
pig iron Milwaukee ivports a tr.nlo . much
H1CXCCS1 ol Inst yeai's. and Detroit also ,
vlth sninufiiituring 'vvorica fully cuiployocl.
M IMIuneapolia lumber hits advuiicecl
5U cents , ivkilo vhcut ; Is unsettled ,
-v\lth receipts of 1,100,000 , bushels ,
and the Hour output is 17iOO ) ( ) barrels. Kim-
saiGityranorts steady trade , and Savan
nah noun a general activity , nlth llrm inlcea
for staples.
Though money Is ury active nt most
points , and very stringent at many , the
vein mo of business does not seem to bo any-
\vhcrocurtiiilcd thereby , aud the reports as
tocollcctlonsaro much moro-favorablothan
usual. Thogi eat Industries , as reports al
ready citecl show , are decidedly sictlvc , the
\vcol nwiiufactuw liavlng ospeilally ini-
proved , \vitli much mow satisfactory orders.
Una cotton manufacture is sustained by u
largo ilommd for goods , aud in
iimno rous minor iinlustilea the ox-
peitcd chiiugo of duties is said to
bo the basis of greater activity. Iron
ia mow firm at Philadelphia cud isnotmucb
pressed for silo hcio , tlougli sotiio Chluigo
sales In tli is legion uro reported ; but tliede-
iinnd to bar Increases , with an advance in
price , anil tlionlato and all structural mills
arc croiulcel , though steel rnllmrostlU Inaot-
i\c. Some impix\cinont is also reported in
coil. 1 hero ha.s been more liquidation in
stocks without fecrlou-i declinoiu prims oruny
excl to men t.
The business f allures occuulng durhigthc
last ao\cu \ days nvmbcrSlO , iiicomparod wltli
llfl last weeli for the corresiwiidiug week of
lust yearUioflffiiix's were 1S ,
Thoonly railioad trainout otOnuho.
run ojqirossly tlio iiccointnoiliitloa of
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Jo3 ) J > IoltieaHud
Chlcujo "buslneii is ) tlio Rock lalaiiil
-vestlbuled llmitod , loavinff Oinalw ut
4:15 : p.m. dally. Ticlmt o.llco . 1002 , Slx-
teontliandrai-iialn sta , Omaha.
A. Grrniiiii l * | ior folxrd.
CIN'CI\X.V.II , O , , Sopt. JiO-TUopostofilcc
authorities linvo seized the entire nooklyoai-
tlou of the Yolkhl'reund of this city bccaubc
iti'Otitalncd lottery advertisements ,
S cptliy nOycloim.
Sept , -Adlspatch from Algiers
says ucyelono hauweptovcra lar o portion
of Algeria , Oclut ; aa irawonso amount of dam-
UJlJ. _ _
Inllucnxa. In Berlin ,
DKIIIIV , Sept. i ! , An epidemic provolU In
the southern suburbs of this city , Tbo dis.
ease la Infectious. Tuo doctors Ucllovo It Is
Tlcltots lit lowest ratw and superior
acconamodatlons via thu great HooU
Islam ! route. Ticket olllco , W2Stx -
tcvticli and rarimia fatroots , Ouiaha
They Open n Vigorous Campaign lu the
Fourth Ward.
I2ntcrtulnctl by Iho iie ; > -
< liicnua r Slrawn , "Webster
mi el ( Jrocn.
Elon. TJ D. rjlclinrdsvlio wni to address
the 1'ouith vard rcpuliilenui lost night ,
failed to catch his train at Lincoln uud could
notnuolttho clt.r.
Tlioaudlcncol'liafc comfortably filled Wnih-
Ington hall did iiotlnekfor cntortauiincnt
and Instruction In the principles oC true rc-
tiubllc.misra , however , Uon.Y , S. Stravn ,
Goiutiil John \Vchstcr and lion . Charlei
CIrcenvoro pu'sent utidimulo stlirlutJ nil-
Mr. Stiiwn vas t lie first speaker. Hovt" &
\vavmly greeted anil went at once Into
a discussion of the issues bcforotho peoploof
thostate. lie said hohadeonlldencocnougli
In the 1 n tell I KC me of the peoploof Ncbnx-ska
to Tjillovo that when It ( aino to bcitoxvliiff
honors tlicywould awnrilthein to the men
\vlioworoiHtriota \ xvlicn pntrlotitm cost some-
thhij , Ito bilclly wvicttcd the hlstoiy
of Iho t\vo \ pirties nnil loncludccl a
vigorous ai-rakntnent of the democratic
party by the statement that If it had not been
for the patriotism of such men asLi. i ) , Kith-
ards ( hero would bo jiocountry today for the
deinoeratsto seek possession and control of ,
on the ground only tint they wore dissitisllcd
\vitiitho \ iwty inpovcr.
Kcfcrring to the position ol tlio democratic
party ho quoted fiom the J\'c\v \ Orlonns
'J'itncs-IDcniocrattho confcj lon of Oencial
PeathBrstone , an exooaCoicrato oHl cr nnd
prominent democrat , that Mississippi vas
soviuly to oichty thousand rcpublhan. and
that the cloniocnits must devlsownio nienns
of o rrconiliiB- the inijoritv. llo discussed
the lari IT question hiiolly and then five hi ?
ftttontlon to the prohibition iisue. Ilosho cd
hy stitistlca tbatprohlbitionViuiiiJuilous to
the wolf are of aetuto. Ho demanded for the
republlcsin party the credit oE passing the
Slccimib \ uud uskod the democrats to bo
honest loioiiconnd admit thut this yrcat law
\vas a republican in casure
Awaloqunrtoitc , composed ofj. J" . Jerome ,
first tenor ; Fred Hicks , second toiior , Ii. U
Wesloti , Iliat bus ; Tred ( l.Adamson.socond .
basswhlih had done scrvico at the opening
of. the 111001111 } ? , then enlivened the. session hj-
thu rendition of the follow-lu tropical song ,
coiiiosed | ) by Mr , Jerome :
Coiiiratlojwo uro lioro assembled , on this all
To form < rai pl.-un tor victory and prove our
rlRhtof war.
Forthu tlimociats alntln II , 110 matter vvlial.
} > UM > ' .
As vtago march Ing on.
Cliouis-Gleiry , glory , hallelttjili , etc.
N'OTfOninha Is Inlt , and sliokiiows what she's '
, i bo ut ,
And In eo.iKrrss will put Connell , of tliat
tlierrt nota douht.
And Will HryanbaeMo Tvlncoln , entirely put
to rout ,
Asvogu marchliisoii.
AndJlm Iloyd upon his "hick vlll In sorrow
Mc i IID laid ,
Forltlchonlt % vlll bo governor , ot that wo'ro
neb ndiitcl ,
l < "orho doi'Vnt blnw Ills stuff on the t'hlonjo
lioiinlof tiiulo.
Asjwogo iiiarchtngon.
At the conclusion of the song1 , which
aroused Rrcat enthusiasm , General John L ,
\Vchtcrarrivcdat the hall , andtho audience
at once calling for him. The rotiuest
took the form of an emphatic dciujwil , and
Mr. Wcletor toolc tua plntfonn amid clieers.
After explaining that he cuuld not ranko an
extended speech , JSlr. "Webster referred to
tho\crsoof the sonj ! rendered ly tbo n.uar-
lotto wliiih rcfciToil to the return or 3Nlr.
Council to congress. He ucliovcd it , ho said ,
and was willhiKto Aiork and ioto for that
end. Ho said ho did not knowmuch about
Mr , Bry in except that ho was a ple.u.aat gen
tleman personally. Mr. Webster told of a
rccuit mcctlntj-ot thoUarassochtloti at TJn-
coln , at vhieb. nriiniBenients inado for a
haiitiiiot. Mr. Bryan was pro < cnt mid of-
fereua resolution pwhlbitlnff thousoof vlno
nt the banquet. Hemudoa speech In snp-
uortof hUro3ohitionnnd scoured its adop-
tior.niid at the Diiimottholav.cRisiUnrouiid |
drinking butt-crmilU and wcarinjf blue nb-
lionsas iisifjn of their abstinence , principles
Y"etMr. Di-yangooson the stump anil siijt
: io Is opposed to prohibition. Ills iwordnt
the moo tinp of the Lincoln bar association
vvasaprainst him
Air. "Webs to i1 dosed bj * astinlng1 denuncU-
ilon of tlio foolhardy principles on the tlico-
rich espoused by the nlllaucu inrty and pw-
licted that more danger \vas to bo expected
'rom that party than from the doniocnts.
There were rails for J".C.Vhirt iiat the
close of Air. "Wcl tor's address MrVhai -
X3ii moved that H.OII Charless ( Jrtjcn bo In
vited to address the mcothijj , sind the motion
went through vlth iihurr.ih. Mi. Grocn VM
, varndy greeted , lie said ho was on his way
ionic , -tvliui houns met nnd conducted to the
lallby "tliatdlslliiRuUhud patriot atidstato-
nan , Uolonol Jrank 1' , Hunlon. " Mr. G rccn
mid ho vas not propired to mike nipocih ,
Jiitw a republican oftwenty yeirs sUndlnu
10 was ah-ajs ready to testify to the
'Kith that vas In him. Ho
bviclly the history of the party , rocltecl Iti
jloilous ai'hieieuiente , and said lie would
vote for the republican candidates fiom tr.i- .
lition or forces of liablt until lie found seine
jiuty holding moru eonvlucing and stable
> riiiilplcUbun aiiypirty now In oslitcnco
except , t tie republican part ) ,
On the question of iirohibition MrO rcon
allied very plainly. lies fiald tlio prohibition
crunksvcio loud andentliuslnstio in their cf-
'ortsto phturotlio nntul evils of uitcniper *
nice , atidtdkol uathotlcally of thodrank-
ird'dlioini ) . On the question of thoivila of
ntcmporaueo , he said , the .id vacates of hkh
iccnso uirrood perfectly with the prohibl-
ionlsts and theru all smitlment , shoiidl
end , After that was tlic question of how the
uvlhbhould botost overcotho , by suppres
sion or byio ulation , All statistics anil the
> xpiienio of states Avhcio prohibition liid
) ecn tiled , ho said , give ovointiolm *
nu tostlmony in f-nor of tiic oflicacy odi
lishllcenso reirulatiou of the liquor tratllcas
compared with prohibition "hho\v mo ono
iiilille saloon , "ho said , "that haihccu closed
> y piohibltlou In any state and I \\lll Hbo\v \
von a hundred secret saloons tint ha\o \ boon
opened. "
isir Oicen c'loiod with aforclWo nrdumfiit
n fj\or \ ot the icpu system of protei-
ion ,
of Giemui-iH
Xovi > o\ , Sept , 26 ] Special CaiMcffraiu
to'J'iiKBir J AHi-llMi nuii-of-Hos has been
ordeiod toproeccd Iroin lhir to Vitu , to
liiqulro into the recent massacre tlicro of 11
Gennim murchaiit anil seven Cloriiiau t'ni-
plojcs bynnti\is.
W dispatch from Uerlln ilcn lea the report
thatliernimy In ? dcmaiidM satisfaction und
ooinponsutlmi from Inland fortho lillllngof
Oermun tubjccts at Vltu.
Tor Omalm uud Vidnitv-l < 'lulrj stationary
1'cr Kohra lraanel lowa-lTuIr ; stationary
toinpuratuio ; variable winds.
I'V ' Souili Dilcotj-Falri anncri vurla-
blo winds ,
! lopo\voll \ gave notlco yesterday
atteriioon that Ivloiiihiy morning at U.H )
> 'clocic the following parties vlll habroudit
jofoio him to plead to tlio charges \vhlcli
, hcyaroaccusnj : Chiirlis Crook , ferKory ;
lolinll. Cliin.iiltt , shooting -v\llli Intent to
clllj DoralCnowlot , adulUry ; Josophltosuih ,
istault : ( leoruoCrcUc , foriory. .lainoa Har-
rold , assault ami latteryvilllnin ; (5 ( rccn ,
Hollinj , ' inortj'agcd vraporly ; 1-arryKltiiic/ ,
donUnf ? euunl rlRhts tocortalacitiiciiH ; 0.
D. C'imuoii , olUiuini , ' pwportyby faho iiro-
tcnscs ; Churlos L , Jihwcr , lorglniia bill of
exchange ; AVIIItam Fletcher and \Vllliaui \
Kninsoy , potlt larceny ; Andrew Soronscu ,
rcsbthiKau ofllrer.
JJ. Braiidlo-s roturneil from r cw Yorle
. . . . . i
YatcrLlly Soap vlU neat.
Be Sure'
If jou hvo intdo up jour mind to btij
noexls S.ntsajinrllla dJliot bo Induced totnko
anj other A llo < toiilHlyuhosocxainplo is
we tlli- ) Imitation , tcllslicr experiences kloivi
44 In one ttoron hero 1 vent tobiiy llooel'i
Bnrsiiarllit | tlioelerktrloilto Induce irobtiy
Uic-lrowMlnstcadof lloou'slie | toMmolhclr's
wouMlastlongcri that ! might take It on tou
To Get
ilays'trlnlitliatll ' I ilMnotllko HI noodnoJ
iniyaiiytliliiR. etc. lint lioccuild not inev-all
on ino lo clmiite. I tola lilni 1 hail Uken
Iloexl's Siwaparllln , knew\\hatIt \ \ < , \vw ;
satMliHl vllli ltwd , did not want any other.
WJicn I liCBan Ukiug Jicod's Sirsinrlll. |
I was focling rr-il inlscrabli\vltlnlysiioisla ) | ,
and to vtak tint at titiiw I could hardly
stand. I looked lllcon pcrwn la ce > nwmp.
lion , Hood's Sirsiurlll.idld | 1110 sonuich
good that I womlur at inj elf ( oincllines ,
luulni ) " ft lends ( rriiucntly ; > | vik cllt. " Mus.
Ui.UA. ( loi'-i'iCl TtnacoStreet , Uoslon.
plilx-forfi. | TropartJouly
by ai.lOOD ! AlO.AotIiucifloa. |
10O Doses Ono Dollar
/vi"ricii3Xi'osiriox :
Kfllllatit e > r Om.itm'a A u-
tnniiinl Onla SOIIHOII.
Despite the tlircntonliigiaLlier \ \ , tlictistial
hrRcaud brllliiint turnout niaiked the attendance -
tendance nt the Coliseum again lust nlKlit ,
Iho grand concert by the colossal bniul
Mas a splendid Tlili hindt \
dcmonstrntlntj itself to bo ono of tlio finest
must cil orp in Nations in the tountty , and
Director Irilno Is doing himself prouJ with
liU siileiididsclcctlons ,
The royal Mtatunry , the tnipero perform
ance , anil the eouutlesi scores of other nt
tractions tire , all nic tln > c with much attun
lion from the puullc.
'riioOmnh.i commercial colloRO has a vorv
attruetlvo exhibit , o\ery tart ofihluh U
students' vorlc. This o hlbit seemed for
Jlcsars , Kohrbaugli llrotlicrs nearly all rf
the Uuo ilbbom at the state fiilr. .Ami , liy
the \viy , tills Is the only Imsiiics * colle o In
Onialii which hasovei madouplts ontlro ex
hibit , of stuilouts' ' v oik alono. Thu excil
Icuco of all | > recludc5s the special inenllon ol
any.No person who is Interested In n wium
housoor a well uoolcil meal can fall to Iw
Interested in the oxlilblt of William l vslu
Dickey t Uo. Thu display iLsolf Is imritoil
ous siiul the firm liuro thoughtfully jilaceel , i
capalilo niiu in ( hai-ROto cvplnln thoiucrib
ot tho'ooeiexliibitecl ( ! In tlio front portion
of tliodisphy is a line of dopant basobnni-
or * uhluh. uro supplied -\iith thu latest in
provcnioiits aiidllnishod In n. style which
laiuiotbutplcoso thomost fastidious tisu-s.
Among which we noticed tilio ftiinotiH SlcrliiiR
icntilitor. In the baokK-wund Is a bulwark
Of splendid ranges. 'Jho o coinpiiio the
famous Rt. & O. round ( Iro-pot , iiiiKcsinudo
of vt-rouKhtsteolivhie'li ar < i uulcnuwlcdCil | ( In
lave no supcrloi. In addition , to thulr hifih
cbiHH foods they hi\'o on cxhibilbn : i fo\v of
their medium i > nccd niiifrui nudsclf-fcodini ;
hard cwl buinoH. The durations uroinaiiii
up of kitchen and liousehold ntonsiN , con
spicuous amoiiflilcn \ \ uro cooliknUei and
carvers. They display u very limelsomo line
of eoffco uins for hotels nnJ rtituurjiits of
their own manufae-luro. The exhibit of
William Xjsle , Dickej So Co. Isoiioof the
most practical us well as Interesting at tlio
Visions ofdrifthip snow and muddy itrccti
Bit licforolhu cjos of the visitors to the Col-
Isouni us tlioy exainiuo tlio line display ot
snow excluders , rubbers and rubber goods
KCnerally , shown by 7 . T. Liiidsoy cf 1L11
liar ncy street. It would "be nniJto imifjlno
anioro complete display than hisoroneinoie
advanLiR-eously arratiited. The Ninirudi can
not BIV enough iapralsu of the splendid line
of hunting boots and coats which are proof
against the storms and elolifrlu of
the game llelcls. The Dre Uadics am
Interested la the firemen's coats and caps ,
whilotlio absolutely -uatcrprooE minors' ' coat
Just takes the cake b its lino. This coat ,
nhiuh is paitly the Imoiition of Mr. TJndsuy
himself , is sold totho'olil ( aud silror minon
of thowest\vhowearlt , durinRthrco shlfti
ofvcrk of eiphthours each , thrcu dlfforesnt
men nsln > ? ltln tKontj-fourhoun. The coat
Is so perfect as to keep them diyall of tlin
time. Thonow butchers' apron for use in
the p.icWnij houses Is a feature of
the exhibit. The waterproof sllckei
for the cattle men is thciw
as well as the ( jcutloniuii's ' ffObwiiipj , Tlio
ladies are not forgotten , as mi bo soon hy tlio
ihlntrllnaof sbapoly possamcis iiithoux-
hlbit. In the center of tlio display Is am
cnoruieiiH mbbor o\cr.slioe , and arraiiKotl
aroundthisproat shoj are to hosuoiiovevy
style of rubber footwur known to the trade
Tlicro are rubier .socks , muii's wool knit
boots , men's ' sheepskin boot * -with tlio woolen
on the outside , inon's oriiltliorjnuhus ,
with the hair on the outside ; nlsu
a full line of Udirs' ' and contlc-
neii'a Imviost felt shoes und slippers
\lr.lJndsryhassucctvclodlri \ kccpiuK up to
ils inottoihichU \ - " ( let tlioro aboad of all
the rest , " in his rubber Koods dikpliiy at tin )
giuat ex position. Mmiy of these line jjoodi
ire from tliofactory oflbo New Jorsc-y rub
JCLslioo company , \\hicliMr. . Llnclsoy ii
ho western nfjont , ami all of tlicin uw tlie
icst brands that money can purchase.
\V. V , Stoctzol struck tlio keynote In tlio
soiitfttof tbo\VIiiUT's Ihesiclo when hoplucod
one of the ncatcht displays of lic-iitliiK stovn
and iMiifjea hoforc the pulllc at thucxpobl
ion ever shown In Omaha. Win in hearts go
\lth \ Mrmlxtdici JSo icicloa can n tbor on
ho he'.irthstono hcro the "I'nliuc All.ulln"
and the famous liouiidOakhotd thoirchoer
ull n\iiy. 'Iho snmplcson exhibition wrvo ui
n lndi"c totho lnijo ( stoc-kat tlie store , K5JI
lo ward st. Thoiijputationof \ . If. Stoot
aaautot'o \ munis apuarjiiteoof tlio worth
of anj stove h may otYorfor sale , und liH
neat ciisplav is in koeplus ivith the neatly
, cpt .store tlioy e mo frutn.
VV. It. Druiiimond & Co. , the carrlnfio
nikcrs , occupy a number of sjucos In tlio
) iir ojipualiloa. Their soiiil-circ'ular g.diisy i
iflluevohiUca formii8j > ectuolo which it Ii
lard to snipes. T hero HIM phiu.toiiH. l .ocV'r.r- ,
aivays , ICcmlngtons nnd fiiuov buclc-bou di ,
nil Itiproiul procesaion. licadetlbj' a hand
omo dupiilcd groy. ivlio piou.dly seems to
ay : "I cuino from Uiiiininond'soppoillu thu
ourtliousi'by | the way , to capture thu cjilw
his day. " And from appearances Drain
lond's will have \\-atlles fin breakfast about
Oetohcr la ,
I > niliiij ; UmnijUts and ( iroe-ers
! ell llxcolslor SpihiKs , Mo , waters : nlwnji
old in bottles never In bulk. 0. 15 , Moore
4 Uo , wholesale agent ) .
After Scptoinbor 80 no orders for tlm
Ameilcun heel KncyclOiu | dh JJrltiuinliuwill
K ) taken. All persons wlio dculrn li > uv.iil
limnsclveaof our liberal offer inunt lima
heir ordcn in by that day
"Water Uly hoip Siontaa cake , '
iiK I'Ymlc ' Munn willb ar.
aljrncd to plead to thorhnrco of adultery.
Absolutely Puro.
A crcamof tiirtnr tut'lii ; po-vrdcr. Il\ic | ( t
t loavonlii3hti nKtti-U , S , Govcmnicat lit-
cirtug. . 17 ,