r\-i\r A \T I SPBOI nL NOTICES. EvEHTlSE KNTSfGr thfso column will IVbo taken until 12.1 : > p.m. . for the ever n * dttlon and until 8:3) ) p m for iho morning iKlltlonnndBuncAr IIKH mEHMS t'n hlnadranco. i , j > i t > ATE3--Aclvertl ! < amcntson tMipnit * will bo jA'OliirBodfor t Ihoratoof IHcentper won ! for the first ln crtlon and Icont nor word for ch nulxcqiu'nt Inicrtlnn. and tipper line , .f month. No advertisement talcon for inn than 21ccnli for the tint Insertion. TNITIAI.S , figures , symbols , etc. , count each 4 tin ono word. HESB advertlHomcnls must rnnconsocu- tlrnly and under no circumstances will .hoy bo tnkcn ordlscontlnuod by telephone. AUTIKS advertising In thcso columns and hnvliiK tholr answers nddreswl to a " 1111111- , cr d lctt r" In euro of Tim HCE will rrcdva R numbered check to rnnlilo thorn to get tholr letter * . Answers will bo delivered only on presentation of thlaclir-uk. Kneloso answers Jn envelope ! properly addressed , , A 1Ai ndvprtltcmontu under the licncl of P-V'Speclal Notices" tire published In lx > Ui the tnomliiB nnd ovcnlnffcdltlons of TiiKllEE , the Circulation of which fiRsrcsratfs inoro than W.OOO pnpirs dally , anil give * tlio advertiser Ilio ' benefit not only of ttiulnrRo circulation nt U'IIB IIKK In Omaha , but also In Council lllulfs , Lincoln and otlieroltlos mid towns Inlno west SUNOAY HAW HATES. lA- DVnrtTIBEMENTS : ! for situations or for > . - miilo or fcmslo liolp. not exceeding 21 > Words am Inserted InTiiKSt'Nmr HKtat half ' rntoftiliirlnit the months of July nnd August. The regular rates will bo chrirgod for tacli nUIItlonul wordrvbovo 21 words as wcHasfor Con BOOH tire Insertions. 'BRANCH ' OFFICES. A lrortl ! nf ? for thcso columm will bo tnkcn tm tlionboToconilltlonv nttliofollowlri ? liusl- pess hnimri who are an thorl/ud to tnko Hprclal Dotlccn. nttho amo rnt s UH can liadattlio rnnlnnllloc. . OMAHA IlItANTII OFFICE-No. 2021 N Street , Ll.stcr Block. OIIN VV.I1ELI1'h.irmaclst , 83) South Tenth struct. HASH & iimv , Stntloncrs and Printers , ] | 3Hoiilli ICIli utrcot. II , KAIINS VOIITII , IMiarmadst , SI13 Cum- InR street. J. nUQIIES , Pharmacist , C24 North 15th street. G EO. W. 1'Aim , Pharmacist , 1718 worth street. TTUQ11E311'IlAnaiACV,2lth and rarnum. "SITUATIONSVAXTI : . , tic , , eettnjt nf Jltdcnlwnn ontltts i ) llyr younK married lady , u sl- tlon la olllco or as uushlur. Address 1'13 Bee Ullluo. M 717-3 * ' ANTTD Situation In olllco or ns rlcrk. Addre < s P 15 , live. MTM-fl * ' [ UMHKKMAN wants situation ; clslit i cars J-'uxporU'iico In lutall hiisliuss nsmaiiacor nnd booUUcnpor , Address room 8 , t'ltv block , Lincoln , ob. 7I)5 1' "VVTANTl'.I ) A position by a lady of expcrl- TT cnco im btenOBraplicr and typewriter. Ad dress P. "I , 11 co. CU5-1 _ i\77"ANTlD [ ! lly u lunn of exceptional rcfur- T cnivs , a position as nininiRcr of Bcneral Btoroln uatturnor central Nulraska. Would ftceupt position us salesman If ( .ondltlons cio iatl faetury. Add reasS , draw orO.Wallui'c.Xob. _ _ _ [ _ 700 .V WANTED lly a ttiorotiRlily comiictcnt cook , iiUi-sl-cliiss pluco. t'.ill at 1719 S. 13th st. , city. Ilcst of references given. UIO 25' T , uxpcrlrnccd and rapid stcn- V/oRriplicr ilnslros ajiosltloii. Unquestioned rofeieiiL-o. Address 071. lleo. C7a-a ) * roCO.MOTIVKand stationary eiiKlncor with Jllci'iiso , ( inuchlnlst ) wants ultuatmn. Ail- ilrcssT. Kosleky , WHS tilth. GJO-2 ( ) ' 1'osltlon an naleilady In ndry 7 * Koo < li flrni ! have had experience ! Alifereiiees , Address0 fti. lleo. Blu'iO 2 TlT ANTIU ) AalHiatlon In an onico or as , , TT clorl < ! 5 years' o'cporleneoj good refers - s , Address OOo , lloo. 11032-V WANTKD Position as Iiousokcepor. 2nd housework , clnimhcrmnld ornursofor Invalid. Cull utlXW isortli IGthst. , upstairs. Day work nr wash In ? to take home. Work done well and cheap. Call lit 2711 Citinlngi. ! . < af-S.V I'osltlon by lady stonographur T T and lxX3kl < coior | ! f years' u.xporlenc'o ; good roforcncoa Address 6ai ( : , iieo. 4rj-r , WANTI',1) Situation by a laundress In liotol or iirlvnto family ; I'-nullHli or American preferred. Address 001 , Hue , 025' Of7 ANTii ; ) Experienced architectural TT draiiKhtsninn to KO to St. Louis. 1'onna- nent employment to first-class man. Address , \ca , this olllco. D91 a flfMOHOUQHIjY competent lady itcnosraphor JL ownlnmnauhluo , oiRht years' experience , floslri's situation Oct. 1st. llestclfy reference. Add n'SHOO lleo. ; ill-27 ) ( WAN'JL'UU a li HKLr. , For rale * , ttt. , tctop ( / Jlrst column onlltt WANTIH ) Clerk for Insurance ofllco ; must bo peed penman and stenoKr.iiihor. liof- croucea. Jilng\valtllroa. , llurkcr bloclc. ! J17IU-27 TJL7"ANTKIVo InnoanoponlnKfor.ayouiic fli man nnxlous to hotter his contlltloii and Tilling to work. Oall at room 40Hlici'Iy hloclc. JI toS-lM' ' "ANTED I'unts and Aost maker ut the Continental clothing house. MT-T-L'd ( \\7'ANTri > A brUht. rollalilo youns man IT for ijeiiornl onico work : must bo actl\o nd write n Rood hand. Address , stating ago and experience , with reference , 1 > 11 , lloo. 7150 WANTEl > Fifty men for track laylns.O U. I. & 1 * . Ity. App'y Louisville. Neb. Till * WANTii : > A flr-t class tinner for I ) cad- wood , S. Dak. WUKOS RUM ) per day and Bteadv work. Apulyvrltli rofoienco to Hector & Wilholiiiy Co , , 10th and Jackson. 71--'J WANTKD An oniilnpor. Apply at Kmntlor hteam Laundry , 1 > 12 Howardst. 1 > \ > T ' . W ANT KB Active man with jofoi-encu. .Metropolitan Mfg. Co. , 1000 Howard st , WANTED TOUHK man to receive Instruc tions and tal.oaset nf books to Uoep. J , II. Smith , uxnii MO , Now York llfe build I UK. MW187 I VT ANTED- Asonts-ny tlio Rqultnblo llfo K' Insiirancocompiny of Iowa. Good tor- I'firy ' , fa voriililccontrnota and absolute so- tpirtty to no 1 Icy holder ) tire InducenicntH fctl-.o . . _ i. i.i < Martin , superintendent of agcn- cles.lles Jlolnos , la. SICal O24 * > 13OVS and Klrls wanted at Slurphy , Wasoy i 43.t L'o's chair factory. JliflO ! ANT1ID--A Rood baVnr , J , \V * . Jolinwn , AlbrlKht , South Onmln. MOO W5' j /llAlI.OItSwantPd two llrst-classocoatinak- Kf JLors lmiiedlatuly. ) J , K , uhliuun. lleattlco , | \ Nob. tVW 25 W ANTKI > aian and wlfo oa dnlrv f.irnu no children. Addrt&s , foronu weokO7lloc. ! ' ANTED Won nnd teams for railroad ivork on Out-Oir Island near white load works. Wages. 11.75 and U.1S per day. fay every two \vcoks. J.U. 1'lko. Mot ? 30' \T7"ANTr.D Coal miner * and shovolers at t T Deer Crook coal mine , Ulcnn > ck , Wyo. , On T. E. & M. V. It. K. , Allen , McDonald & Co. MGI-- WANTKD 50loams to work on Krado and liaul brldito timber. Apply at camp , two jullcrtt'infc of I'apllllon. ' A flrst-clasi Gorman plmrimi- _ cist , rvslstorod In Nolini.sk.i , Rood lialilu. rJclrca A. W. lluehhctt , Grand Maud. .Vub. KKKiC' $10.00 capital required forHtnto nKeiwy for Kiuisom Klectrlo Oiii'st full ; (73 per \\eok In | U Geo. K.Kauboin , saoy. , lUiiMiauoll * . Minn , WANTED Anexperienced flower jtnrdenor who umlcrxtaiids Guruiua. Apply ut II. linns , 18th nnd Ylnton. : fe2 , , and tinners wanted nt , /oiico at John Kpenotor's.lll Uod est. , basoj lit Model steam laundry , M&xl TAN'TKI ) AMrnontortobulld house and _ , . tako.llanscoin I'laco lot la paymont. In- Vilit ) 113South tiUtoonth slroet. Ma-'J7 KD Men to travel forour Ranudlin iiursurlcs.Btoue WoUluKtoiiMaUlson.Wls GHNK1IAL necntaiiiaUo 13,000 to (3,000 a year , ctinviissors fcj to Jio per day. sulllni ; the OelebratiKl Taylor i'atont Adjuntablo Shoo. TlmoieluslTorlithtto sell this shoo In nny torrltary l o , valuablomouopoly , Our Kystem Dfiolllnic ' thUshoo Id new and nrlftlnal. Ad- * s. wlthi'o. stamp. Consolidated Adlusta- Blioo Co. . Salem. .Mass. a < . i * - \rANTtD-SCO laborers forstono nna crndo work. Apply to 1' , II. Johnson , Uiilim < leuot , Omaha. fkSl lITYnaloman. - - Oinalia thlrt factory. I3U 8W WANTED 1,000 men for now railroad work In Oregon nnd Washington Ten Work will last two years ) need waiion iruarantfPd. Albright Labor Agency. HSU rnrnam st. M4.K ) WANTED Salesmen to * ell Koodstomor- chanta by sainole ; salary paid t < i peed ncnt nn triple * furnished ; pernianoiit clttiatlon , Model Manufacturing Co. , South liond , I ml. 707 SJ > WAXTKO KKMAdlJ IIKL. . ! ' . For rate * , etc. , trt tirpof Jlitt coiunid on t/iU WANTEu ETtperlrnced Kirl : Rood vanes- Innulro atw ; y , Y. Ufo bldtf. JIr . H. 0 Patterson. M7 i-3 U A N T El ) ! rs t-clasi cook. Slid Capitol Vfivo. . C69S5' ' ' \ V/A'NTl / : ! ) A 1 rl 10 to | A w ho wanH a homo V to ( to out of thoolty for company for lady. Apply Trldnyor Saturday 1 tn3p.ni , 401 S. rithst. 710-'i BHIOIIT younK laily wanted to Ret suh- sorltwrs for tlioUinaha Ilxoolilor ; TO per contconimlssloii. Apply 11U Hlrttli st. " \\7ANTiD , : Olrl for irnneral housework , W small family , OJJ N. Wth cor. California. W ANTHP A competent clrl for general houtowork , 2GU ] I'opploton avo. Cll \\rANTr.n A Rirl for lieu ownrk : BonJ VY WIISM nnilstujuly pUcu. Mra.E. A. Arch Ibtild , imiiJouthaiat. atCTtl.'O * _ Xr A NTKU A Kooil Rlrl for k'l-nor.il hou o- V V V , ork. Apply I'M X. grth Ht. J1G40-SC * ANTRD Mlilillo nsoil Indy to rccolvo In- striii'tldiniUKlkcoii books. J. 1) . bmltli , 010 New York Ufo DulldlnR. JIOW2T * A HOOD Klrl for lioiTslrtoik. Good wanes , Jlr . Dtiniont , ai2 ! Lafayette avenue , for merly I'aul st. ml LADV nciMitavniitod In every county to soil an article useful In every family ; 100 uw cent profit : $3 c.-mli required. Address with \V A XTK l > TO 1U-3.V P. Foriatrs , tie. , tcttojiof flnt column m this V\7ANTnn lly u Kriitlcinnn 'jlocutlonlst of V > lilsli standing , u fiirnlshcd pirlor with the use of a good piano , where logons p in 1)0 ) Riven. location must bo lli t elnss and 0:11- trul. Turin1 * reasonable. Huforincei ox- chuiiRoU , Acldrvas , 1' 14 , UPC. TWOS * M IsCIih Li ANIiOUS WANTS. 'for rntff , etc. , ten ioonf rntiimii n l/in HOIJSHSranteilWo want thirty liouies to i ent. Omaha , Ueal Dilute and Trutt Co. , 4 itcobiilMlns. M72-J " \\rANOni ) To rent , twn iinfurnlOicd roonn T T for lUht housekeeping , AUdiess fill N ISthat. Ida V.Muwn. TIM il ) o LOAN On real estate. $1X1 ut 8 prr cent. 0. I1. Harrison , 811 N. V. J.lfe. 073 L'tf " \xrANTKD To winter. ISO licnd of cattle at T T $ . " > forfi months. Address , U. 1' . lIilTn Mlndcn. Kearnov l'o. . rl ) . - r/.r ZV FOlt KKXT1IOUSKS. . For raff * , etc. , ite fojiuftnt column on tfifj FOR IlENT-6 loom , ntcam heated flata : all conveniences. fL',50 to 1)5.00. ) North 18th streot. Itvforcncoiicniilrcil 0 room cottajro N. 21rd st. , J2T > 00. O'room duelllnc N. 21rd st , JIO.'W. ' Inrpilrc of Nutlu'rtou Hull , room 1 , --Q South 15th st. , 2nd lloor. JI'lU- "T710U UENT-10 room liouso. moilcrn con- JL ? vcnlcnces , only sla blocks from post- olllct- . . . , § v > .oo (1 ( rooms oti .Ttlinn < I.riirn.uii -'D.OO 7 rooms , on Slivrmiiii live . . . . H'.CO ' 4 rooms on Klivriuun avn ] - . " > 0 i ! rooms on JIandorson st . 1 .00 5 rooms on Olark and 17IU st 18.00 Omaha Uca.1 FlsUUo & Tru t Co. , 4 , Dee 1)1(1 ) ( room liouso for rent , * o per month. 2212 Mason &t. Mr-M-lS * T\OU \ KENT-Hy Oct. 13 , furnished liouso , J 5018 St. Mury'a sue. 7111 * "VX TANTED Tenants for th"- new and modern - T T orn houses on 3ith anil llarney sts. Fn- t IIOII C.H nnd then tnitWo me anolTor. Win 1'aul. loot ) Farimm i t. _ 701 FOK RENT 10-room liouso. all modern Im provements , No. 1721 Uodgc. Ilnqutre No 13131'arnam. M 0"7fr27 TT10H HENT-rurnLshcd house of 0 rooms. JL ? liuiiilro at 2J07 St. Jlury'a avenue. T710II UrNT N'owOroom house , all Jiiodern JL ? Improvements , central Joeatlon. only fclll A. r.Ttikey , Kovr York life. MCIS SEVEN-room house , 18tli nnd VInton , lluV 7-rooin house. " > tli and Miami. tl R-roomhoUHC , LVitliand fiiililni'll. f.10. 7-room house. : ! rh and Oarlleh , 4U. [ 5-room IIQU--O. Lincoln place , ? 1U. J. II. Johnson , 5101'axton 1)loolc. SIX roflms , private flat , wlt.li all inodorn con- vonlenceb. Sl.'i S.lSthst. * ( HI-Si * A LARGE house of 24 rooms , corner 14th and I XjLJoneists. suitable for hotel or largo board- hiKhouse. All modern Iniprovoments. lor terms , etc. . cull oii.Muimunlii : Kltehutt , lual estate agents , S. W. cor.of 15th and Howard st. M Ol'J-S ) T710U RENT Two S-room houses and ono ( ( J- room house. Apply at 33141'rancls St. , west Bkloof Ilaiibcoin pnrlc. Ull T710U 11KXT-2 liouses slv anil seven rooms , JL ? newly papered , a. c. cor. IStii and Chicago sts. WH FI-ATS. steam heated. 7 i'00 S. 10th. Thos. V , Hall. 311 1'aUoii bile. FOU RHNT-T-room cottascs. Hath and all modern convenience * , roiuly In few days. O. S , El uttur , 407 b'lrst Mat'l bank. 5JJ Foil KENT A peed ten-room homo on Dodge. N. A. Kubn. 1'lftvcnth and Doug- Ins. KiO-2o 7110OM. now house , 1'oppleton , I'nrk. J23 ; f urnact' . bath , city watur. all convenience ! J , A. Sundcrlund , S. E. cor 10th and DaiiKlas.O Ml JO FOR UKNT Hmisp.SOtli and Caldwcll , * 10. : tlrd and JonesT > 10. 231J Davcuport. SIM. W. Iiecly. . i : , ltd Trade. 4J5 F OR RENT Ono flat In the Llnton block on tlm Sd floor , 0 rooms , steam heat , newly papered , xratuIn parlor. All In good order , .Iiuiiilrc . of John llainlln. In the bloek. cor of Uth and .Mason ats. , riKim < M7. JI4JG- OIinAl'rent. llmo biiveral .1 and -i-rooin Hats , central , with city water , lowpraeo , ( He. , at from fStn tldixir munth. llntts * lcut- ! IIIK liKencyMS 15th s > t. 200 o 11 * J-ltOOSI house. Sid nnd Ciinilnu , & 13 per 3inontli. U. I1 , llurrlsoii till M. V. Ufo. 550 FOIJ UE.XT N'cat4-rooincottaKOcltynater , Vt miles fiom P.O. 1 > . C. rutter&on. 1519 rnrnam. 1J1 OCT. 1st. . bulldlnKon N. K cor , 10th and Douglas , 2 basement * . 2 stores , and 7 rooms upstairs , 8150. Mrs. Ivultlmann , 11 aad VInton. U l FOR RENT liouso 8 rooms , peed laundry. Inquire Uobu rurvls.Itth A at , MuryNavo , RKN'T \ ilx room house near to h center , $20. Mead Investment Co. . Ueo building. 813 FOR HKJJT My roaldcnco furnished or un- furnlbhcd for winter or longer , desirable location. Mrs.il. Elguttcr , 111. S. 10th st. 820 IP YOU wish to rent a house orstoro see II. E Cole , Contcntlal block. f J ) THOU HENT To rosponstMo parties on y , Jthoso Dno now brlclc and slono houses on Georgia avenue ; tlftccn roonii and alcoves ; mproconveniences and ucttur HnUlird than liny linuso for rent In the city. II. 11. Ilcndor- son,400 Paxton block , city. 5M rr-llpOM house with barn : nominal rent. O , Hturlbon , Oil N. V. Life. 659 OI'SKS KorUent-240flCass8t.ilOS Caw st : Ub CIM B . 10 and II roomg ; all convcn- lencet. Olias. ff. RalnoyS15 Omal.a National bankbulldln ? . M > T710R IlKNT A. house of all conveniences ' , J- centrally located. - Inquire712 Pi 10th ct von HUNT -UOOM.S Fur tateite , , _ ftetnii of firtt column on tlilf pane. FUltNISIIP.I ) rtioms , Blnulo or on suite , irn bath , fiirniico lie.it , X.-J N. IMh st. 50027 * N'KWI Y f urnlsliod front rcom. pus , bath and Moani heat. 711 S. Ititli , L'nd lloor. il CSC-57 * FOR KENT Two nlet-ly furnished corner nJ front roonib with board at121H. . lltn st liROOMS. . Ihjlit houselltiiuliig , tli. Address li 'Hh. 311 FOK RENT Newly furnished rooms , bath and jjas , 1C03 Howard at , 'M lloor , Al ti'ii-Sd' FOK RENT Neatly furnu > hod rooms with Iward.SJlU CiUfomla it. G03-X T > OOM and board 'XI S. Sth avo. 013 2S * FOR UKNT Slnyio or suit of ploa.nnt rooms Mltli nil inodorn coiivciiluncus. GJU t'outh VUtli st or cor. St , Alury aud Mth. brick resl- donco. 674-27 HANU&OMIroouii , alto ta'jle boitnl. l iJ Clilcajo. K7-K' 411 N.lOtlHt. Il.indsomolr furnNhed rooms with bond. Uun accouimodato aiininbcr table boarders. ttl K1 \TICE rocia : tonui bent. 1H9 irivonport IS street , CS-O4 TT1OH iroo l lx > anl , nli-o roomH. modern con- -L vonletices. rales anil location , tlinTill Itnnn , liouse , 1110 DudRost. , canaut bo excelled. Mrs. Horn. Prop. v 515-20 * IflOIt ' IlEa'T I'urnlslicd room , with board. J. 1011 i oimUs su 1JOOMS and board 1810 Chicago street. Jv m ij\UnSWIIBn \ oroafarnlshcd rootniwlthifa * JL1 bath and lieit. llcfercuces. asio llarney street. SlilS-'J1 SI ITE of double parlors In ono of tlio most delriblo Hats , wltli all modern convenien ces , fortuour four gontleinou. 705 S 15th. " 1JIOR UIINT Furnished rooms ! gusbith and Jsteaw. . 1519 Howard , WE ! ST. CI/A.IUHiiroucanhotcLwlthdliilnproom , steitn heat In all nwma , la Special ratt'D by week or 1110. MtONT room siutalilo for gentleman. 1312 room to Bcntlcnmn vlth - reXircnceA ; Bmall private fa.inlly : all mod- cm ccnvenleiices. 2715 Jackson tt , . half block west of St. lury'savo. CoagregatlonalolMirch , pen RENT Furnished rooms , 1009 lloiialas. flVVvonowly furnlshcil rooms forrentto xen- -L tloiiian or laily employed during Iho diy ; refoiences. 1U12 llarney st. 7IIL27 roilKICM'-ltOOMS UNKUllMSHHIJ 1'or into , etc. , tea top ot flint todtniil n tHIa for srnall ON. 13th st. nnOR KENT Jl unfurnished or furnished roomH. fiont looms f.iclns south. 1550 lA'avenworth st. 0"EKstovo store. 1(21 ( Howard , Gil "II1OJI 1H > T Suite of 4 unfurnished rooms J.1 for lioii'-pkeoplru , to family without child it'll. I'M U'tbstorsU : tl3 T . ' rooms utifurnished.210 Jf.llth JL'at. , price JIOvlll rent tocolotod people. Apply to M , K. Martin , 701 N. 17th st. Wl 0-ttOO.MSunfiirnlslicJand rooms furnhlied for lent In lu.gftin block , cor. Uth and I'u- elllc. 501 I'oit UIJ.N r sroima AND ot For rates , etc. , ice top o } Jtrtit rotuinii ojilhfji TT10II IlEiNT Metropolitan lull , llth and JL' Dodge , for ball . p.ntleaand \ > ed lliiK < i ltk or without supper room. Terms rmsonablo. Gcorso iiujn , yias istiist. cv-oni STOltn 1'or Kent W Itodpo st. Thai. VT lialnoy. 315 Omaha National Innlr bltlg. &L > POIl KENT Ilrlck warthouse , to stnilo i and basement , 7,000 snuiro fooC , with UK ) feut of doiihlo track on U. 1 * . railway , south ath and L'lcreo streets. Address C. Oik imp Omaha , Nob. W > l ' nndItHNT Jiascmcnt , cheap , corner Mth nnd Loatcnwoitli sis. 405 1(0' ( The 4-stnry brlclcnuIMInd.vlth \ JL' or vltliout power , formerly occupied l > y tlio Ili-o L'ublKhlnt ! Co. , UlOKarndtu < ? t. The build- in ; ; hnsa IIrr-pr < xif cement b.isciuontcoinpleto sloain lieatlns llxturci , water on all the llixirs , His , etc. Apply at theolllccof 'Iho Ueo. 913 TTIOK KENT HulldliiiSltt.xUM ft. , 4 stories and JL1 basenifiit.oii JonoastriH't , b twecnlOtlianil 31tb. with It. 1C. tr.iek In alley : best local Ion la tin ; city for wh . Imiulro 310 S. IMhsU O A. Llndipilsu STOliSnt709 ! : S. 15 , MxOO each , larzo slit.w- windows , steam licat furnished. Then V Hall U1I L'aUon block. Stf JlKNTAIv AGIINOi. lrmtnt , etc. , no top of flint column pnl'itx ' jmo . IISTyour bou c ? to sell or rent with C , K. Jllarrlsonlll N. r.Llfo. 1SJ E. tf.Cook , rental aReueyi loans , mortsrases bought , taxes paid anu collections , liooiu ICT N. V. I , . Imlldlni ; . M 00 OS * T ISTyourhouscswlthShaw's rcntnlagcney , JJ304 i. 10th st. U010. 0. T.T E , Cole , rental agent , Continental blk , Tp J. 1KEY , rental agent , 800 N. V. Life. bTOIUVOK. Forrata. ttt. , tej ? lop of flnt column on. ( Aft puo - STOli\OE-Sce us bofort storlns goods of .my description. Oinuha htovo Kcpalr "Works , 11W7 DoURlas. Tel. W. B71 rilKAOK AGE storaso at lowest rates.V , M. JL Biisluiiaii .1:111 : Leaunnvortli. .172 CTOliAGE-llranch A , Co. , 1211 Howard.ST3 ST3 Si TOltAGK 1'or merchandise and furniture. Ocold stornito and friczlng ; tracKago. Ilavld Cole. Wi-817 How ird st. 574 LOST. For fates , f f c. , rec top of first column on thtx rage LOST Lady's Rold watch anil chnln. Ho ward If ictnrncd to Ueorgo Oatrom , room a , Urowti bloek. 702-2U * FOUND. For rale * , ett , see topojJlrst column nn'.hls jiaae A. J. Salu-o" . -tr-0 Rico st. , 'i blocks south of lluiscom park. Jir.'J-a' rilAKEN" UP Sept. II , " .W , at Grlilln farm , -t southwest of llanscoin park , one biy liorse. wltti halter and chain on , whlto lilnd feet. Maryl1. arlflln. BlTil-HS' lUiSSMAJING. : 7'or ro/fn / , etc. , nee top of flrnt column on tht * ilndrcss-nnkliiBln fani- . MUdbtunly , MiS LVilh a.ie. MUSIC AllT A.\l ) rorrutts , etc see top oltHrntcnlmnonthti jnye. "TUOr , Charles 1'oterson Plano.vlollnsrlthor JL and vocal Instruction. StudloJOSSlicoly hlk 47U ol § * IKKOIIE buylne a. planooxamlno the now JbcaloKlraballplan , A. llospe.lSUl Ii ) > UiU-i r.77 3n0.r.GrMEN' ECICt aohcroIthol > anJ : with Ho pe , 1013 I > ou lus. 'J19 rplIBOmaha IClndcrairtonwlll reopen Blon daytiept.S'Ji > UIIJa\eiil > orU MIs E. Urltlllhs 74S-U1 * KlIHlt pianos for sale only by Oiualia MiKle Co. . I'M Dok'o. n - J TirilSlO 50ior ] ci'iit dbcount , and pianos on J-ll- easy torms. Omalu tuslo Co. . 15IQ Dodjo 1 ATI3XT SOMCITOIIS. For rntts , e < fec top of frst column an JL & Co. , lleo bulldlaK , Omaha. Four yunrV experience ns examiners In U. S. put out otllco. llr.inch olllco at Washington , U. 0. Consulta- tlon f roo. RM _ I "KXSlbN ACIIXCV. . etc. , tee topof frt column on Oils Ti'ATcl.oxcIitslvoponjIon and claim nt- itornoy : overlSyears" eiporlcnco : all the latu-itlawa i decisions. Olllcn removed from I'ronzerblk tuUliaml > orCniiuorooIUV.0iialii. ; "XTKWluw ; pens-loiiH for nlmostall -4.1 fatliors. niotlicrs , wldowa nnd minor ohll- ftren of soldiers. Claims puslied liy 1C. N' . lIiiKtmn , lOand 21 Trvuzer blk. . Umuln. Also U'usMiiitoit and UmolnnutL Circulars frcu ISjears'e.xpcrlonco. 570 SllOl'.TlIAND AND Fbrnita , etc. , tee tap nf frtt fttfumii on ( tna pays , riWl'EWUirnUS. all niaUosbouht. sold. cx- changed , routed. J , 1' . Mc oatb , 1W7 Kar ri am street. ii)3 U'I'KWKITEItS for rout or silo , -L rapliera snppttcs. J.I1. Megoatli.lCOT . Fiiriiam 'M MjAlItVOVAXT. JFor rota , itc. , ite cop uf frst fufimin on QiU txige. JirADAME GOUVAT. the 1'rcneli olalrvoy ) -i-'iaiitniid Iraneomudluni. . Just arrived from I'arls , 111 years of HKD , ) ounsMt and most ro- llable fortiuio teller urur before the publloj bora with double veil ; wonderful gift ot sec end slutit ; can bu consulted at low Daroupurt street. M TOtti * Stevorof St Louis , tlio wonderful -canl rou ilc r. has ruturnei ] to tlio city , and will give perfect satisfaction on all ailalrsot llfo. Call and bocouvlncna , l < adlosM cts. : gontlonien , II. l > 'ix SS ) N.Wth it. , room 10. Ilours from I ) to P. SW SO * _ LAlUVOVAXT-Slnilatn Dulzicr. over 0103 I3tb i\rii3. NAUNIE \VAKKCM. . einirvoyunt -L'itratice , siHJAUInj , writing uatl rollnblu busIuobiuie < llLiujtyourj luUmuha , UDN-lCtU AMCHICA'3 prtttMt .fortuno teller aad business advisor. HOT iSlracle-j In fots- telllnti liiokjnuiuboraaad KnytliltiK Iiertnln- In to tlio future are riiorji.flmii matvolom. } ? b has iiirprlscnl the worw. JM. | Dr. KclJy only forctol H numbers In'Vllth rellnule ln lf- tutlons us the "Ili > y lSax n"orIlriin wlck. Coma anil see whellioc wu uro lucky , I wlf nt her testlinonlaU ami 'ba couvlnucil. Irs. IJr.Eddy , 1(2.1)Uou ( ) lnU July U Ib'JJ C 8i'iid fan herewith an ft- pri' ! nioBoyordcr for KXi.tMfnr time number which you adrisediae loRot 1 rim JTOOnlnwl. Yoiiw tfuly , F. llotislluo , 02 Veils it. Chi cage , IU . fja-27 ) KOIt Forratcictc..iie foponjt ciilumnou iM * F OR SAUE-Ulatlthorsu.trtcap.l'Ja S17thst. f 5'Jl _ _ ; oitK horse fr/itwohor iewaKoii SSDd work hnrnoss tl * . Or win trade for it , cool llglit stdo barbuggy. II. li. Cole , Contla- ciitil block. _ _ _ tetO E wood'tup wagon , 13IJ UoJjfu st FOR fALE-2 RoJd work teams , Iiinulroat Ills I'axtonblk. 42 ! H ( SJOnndtip. II. X Cole , TTIOURtcanH lljzlit niulus ! ono hoiiiy l.MO- -1 ? ixjuiiJ horso. lloom 13 , Jlo ird of U-'r.ido. 178 \VANTIL ; TO uuv. Formtcttc..ttc AllU&lMnf'Sot ' any lilnd fcnonl store prii- foircil : wlllKlvoH toH casL , lul. Intrada. Acldro-ssro , flco. 7B-S7 VrANTI250clcirlcf tn9iibntb < i of city : i i glvolocalloii and prlco. Addresdl'7lKa. , 70t PUIlNlrtJllR. hoasolioia soods.ctc. lllclust caali prloo. llliruTnim. 5CJ o buy a , good si > c < > nd-linnd typewriter ; Ueuilujtoii perfvrruU. Uooia 37. Darker block. ti.15-25 "WANTED-A 8J,000 , tof 15,000 stock of niclso. > > forcishaud Roodpropctty. Address O 57 JICO olllco. W7-1 eoocls of all kinds. Cash pala for socoml band seeds Gate City Auction Co. . ! IJ awl 215 . ritli st. 740 01 * > 1AIU GOOUa-XVIfiS. I3TO. mrintcittc.icc till * of firtt columnnnthis jxiae. BEST line Inlr Bonds In west ; linlr dros-tni ; . vlKS , switches , baulti lialr oliiliis etc.a. specialty. 3)ivle ) * linlr iroixls nml milliner , ouiiosltucostolHL'e.lU rilitli st. OM.UIII. . 1WJ JIA.SSACL : Forrnfvetc. , , tec tiy of jlrst coliiiiinon tilt * 7x188. IJcliler.ovetijlO . COM Ball and take a ninss-iRO troatiuent : foiuuthlnsnow. I'arlors.W * S. Uth . next IJurker liotol. 40327- Fnrrtilcf.ctc.teytti ) > i > fjlrst columitati tMi lliED MOIIMO loans money tin dlainoiiili , \mtcliosjc \ olryotc.S.li. , cor rartiunuVlltU Bra 1' Marti. 7 years vitli Irocl Molilo. loatminndoou illtiniMidM , watclios. Jewelry and urtlclus of value , lilt ) I'dimini st. SlbOll * Forrcifeji , clc. , ice toy ofrat.c uni. oit tlth 7Xjg . P FIJI-TOT Imst gutiruntoedln aotliiyi Ad- ilriissl'2 , Heo. J M trt-1 * T\,1ASSAGEtroatwcnttlocro-t ( li'crruilbiths : , -L'J. Bcnli ) ajid hair trcrtinent , iiiinlciiro and chiropodist. Mrs. I'ost.ll ao-Jl , Vlthrull bile. UrilOLSTFllINO and w tresses ronorated. IKK ! N. 18th St. H. IMcvjson. 4'J3-O ' 3 rr\0 shoo dealers : Tin New Jenay rutanor JL boots , shoes , arctics anil' ipoc littles will bo extensively ailvortlscd the com In ? fall nnd wlntor. l\rltoforcatalozucCtc. ( I nm"\vost- ern ugont at Omaha. Jly S.ihw thla season liifio bcaton all provtous record * . 7T. . Llnilsoy. ' 009 s2 < ) I'Olt SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Forratcf , tie. , KO fop nf fnttt cctumnoii Vita ] * aqt " taps : iiJ lJia" . in th st. FOlt SALE-Oencral stocle of inoruliandlse. clotlilnR. etc. All well- assorted anil ulco location : Invoice about tii.OXl : ; will forsoocl clour property and piirt cash : wrlto for particulars. Adaressl > 2ncaroDeo.Oiiuiha , NoU 5IJ-2 ( > TT OIt SALE Lot of ba j biirnojr sto > e * . St. JL ? ClairKuropean liotol , 1'Jtnand l > odge. I'OK SALK PUJINJ-TUKB KTC , Foi mtm , etc , , ire topof Jtnt column on Ihti pi ; . FOR SALE. Ohcap , larso hook case , ault- able for a lawyer's olllcc. iJniiulro of A. J. llanscoin , IVH ] li'ariiain St. , Inn. lloor. 072-26 * FOR SAI E--Ohcap--Tlio fiirnlturo in tlio houae , No. 1818 Ootislas Street , for sale , aadliouso forreat Eniulroou the promises. POIl SALE-rnrnltttro and business of 32- room hotel In Lincoln , doln seed puylnj : haslncss Best oC reasons for selling. Terms easy. &I.W. i'olsom , Lincoln , Noh 510 formtcG , etc. , KC tnfof } rtt column on thtt jxw property Acollcctlom iironiDt attiutlon. A.L'.ljarson.Hl N.V. Llfo 411) o IT * MONEV to loan at nil times on desirable Imp roved property In Omaha. The money Is hero and tluro jiro nodelajs , a.swu uxiinilno the property mid title oursultes. D.itei , Smith & Co , JUB I'arnam St. ar > 0 olt MONEV to loan by U ! ' . Castors onchnttcl and collatiral semi rltlu.s fur any tlinu froia ono to six months hi any amount to suit bor rower. Loum made on household Roods , Dlan < H , orsans , ImrsLN , mules , housct , leases , ware- lioiho receipts , otc. . at the lo\\c t pos.-tllilu rat < .wltlioutpublleltyorr(3inovalof propcily My loans arose airangcd tint yon can inaki ) a jiaymrnt of any amount at any tlcio and reduce Iwth principal and Interest. If yoitowo a bahncooa jour property or have a loin you -ulsh chamed. ; I win pay It. otr and carry It for you. If you Had It more eomonlcnt. call un tolcphono No. IGil and yonrhuslnosse.in hi ) arraneed at homo Monoyulwayi on hand No delay. No pub lic ty. I/nvest rates. B.T. Misters. Itooin4\V.Uhuo'llullc.,15thaad llaracysta 578 OXEV to loan. Corrcjpoitdontsnf Combard Inves't Co , tjlirlvori Hums.rrciizcr blk. IWJoS /"YflJIMTRCrAL and Boneralshorttlmopapcr V-'liouKht ! ulsoregiilarSyenrloamon Improv ed proiietty. Gco.h .Bltisti : Uo-'ouHaiueo bldj llink.310 SISthsU , loanamoney v ouohattolsorcoIlatoralutraaBonablo rates. WO T71IKST i second inortuiRCSOn vacant & Jn- vrovedcltypron County warrants Iwnslit Money oiihand. F. Jl. Iticliurdion , 813 ' N.V.LI ( a 531 MONEV-30 , m or 90 t\nyi oil furniture , planes , her os. liouBi otc. J. \Vllkluson \ , CIS 1'dxtoii ' block : . 581 PIHST mortjaao loans at hiv rates and no delay , U. "V.aiioles CM. 1 2101st Nat'l binte. SO LOANS-Oltyand farm loaaflinoruag * paper boiiKlit , McOaRuo Imc tycnt Cu. foil T7 EVSTONEHortgato ( ) o.--r.oaiii of (10 ( in J-Vti.ooOj Rot our rates bjfj > rti borrowing anil savumonoy ; lojns on homifi.urnlturo.or any approved security wlthUU.ptlblI ) < ) lty ; uotoi bought , for now loan , renewal of oil and low est rates , call . , | ] . , : , TTKUSUALLY low rates 1. l-J nf Intere-iton llrit niorjitqes of Imnrovoil ri a.lfstato for tlm nett UianVi by the Kiu < * n City In vc > tiuoiit Uo. RooiaUS , lloaril of Trade , J. 17. 1'oaio. iiinuaKor. ) * > tli fws Inins lowest rStl-i , Wdcnttal MJ. Ihll 13 poiillnontnl blk. A1"ONEYto loin on anysoourlty IU- for short tlmo at low rites. I-owMt rates onpersnniklDropcrty The IIonilcrtMn Mort azo Investment Com pany , room 4X > , l > nstonhlk. Ml B loans inucle at lowest rates. U 21 , Harris , room SO , Fruiiztr blk , oiip. P. U , /"IIIBAl'eastern inonoy- w I'hlladolphla JlortRsso and Trust Co , always ready to loan uinlpa.yprorcptly | ilrst mortgages wanted. UoorsoV , 1' . Caatc * . roy rcscntatlro , rooiaT , boarJof trido , Ui R E\Li Estiitolvonni Casa on hand. Olobi ) Lo.in ATrust Co , 3Q7a. ICth at. Nodolay , no extra charge * . House * torrent ) Kood list , E. & 0. M. A.N7IO | ' .3lSN.y.Mfo build. lnz , lend inonoyou farms la oholua coun ties of Nebrmlca and lowni also on KCMK ! Omaha rt'ildonoo property ; Jowo.it rixtoii best torins ; no delay ; inouoy roaJy. Titles uiij value * passed cu hero. W V\7ANTKD t'lr t-cla , ( ! nslifl ! loins. IxjwciU ' 'rates. C ll unJ aoo us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , IM I tarnani. KQ ' nwnfyto loin on city nrotinrty ) wrtstfo iUorbomlit. | ; II ll.lrtiy.N.Y.I.tfix loin' * at lowest rtoi licmovril to ICIN , . V. I lfu UlJg.DJ. 11. Eniiiilnici. B7 171IHST rtiortj ! ! ? Id imon Iniprorwl nml tin- JU Improved iiwp rlr. Cliarlci W , Italuey. 31 ] Oninlia Nitlonil liank bulUlln ; M5 fiTlonned nt low nttM fti on rnlturi\ . .soi.&c'.i without publicity , llankcjo Invnttneiit Oo,3U , Douglas blli.lOUiaurt llndxa BUILniN'O loinsllto 7purcont | no adrtl tVnaldiarji'H forconitnlislon ' foes.V. \ . 11 Molkle. ilrst .Vatlon.il orittoraoy'i bank Mils. SSJ EA'TElltf inwioy to loan : luwt-st rnte ; no delay ! Inrxo loans a. unechlty ; short tnvo paptrbought. Omaha Nortgaico Co. , gniuuJ lloor Chamber of Uomnicn'o. 113 Kins-Star Lu.uJ.fc Loan CD. 449 KXCIUVMJli. For rufc * . r/c / , . trttojiof flnt cuhnnMon f/i/jj / ro' , fpOTISADK-Pliolce clcir Iniproied farmi JIn Nelir.iska to cicliuio for good stocks of niorxliaudUo. UIL finndors si. HOTKli nnd restaurant to c.vluuieo for liorsts. UM Sauaderi sfc. M W-\J * IjlOll EACHAXGE-llor < e > anil cash forstock V of iriocorlcs , Additiss 1 * . W , Ucr , ofllce. M7SO-S * BOOK and stationery or wtll inpc uill Rlre forsutmS ciib. bil. laNobrasKi farmland AdJrcss 1' 8 , lieu. 7U3-J WANTEO Horses and biisulo1 * Inoxcli for clear lots and equltloi , IMJ lleo.TO4 TO4 FAUM lands wanted la Nebraska , north or vest part ; will assume mortgages .mil pay for 11111 Itv sonic cusli anil Onmua iinipnrty , Address 1'W. ' llee. 7(11'7 c InouHdo towns or hntl In ox- v-yolnnpofor Cinalu uuultlus In houcj and lots. Address , 1'0 , lleo , o70l fno CXClIAMl'llHsInc < * s hit on Lciven- JL vortli ( t. : uid reslilenco lot In north mrt of townhotiielo.ir , forliouso and lot nortliM.UOO to * ol)00. ) 0. F.Uarrlson.Ull K. V. Life. 27'5vWi 1 > ct. 'DoiiKlnsaadParmm , In thohcart of bu lnos-5. for ! l rosldonccs : ptoyirtx * Is clour , O.F Ilarrlbon , 01I.V. Y.Mfe. tll'M . ptopcrty vatitoil for clear lots anil equities. Aildrew , I' 3 , Hoe. 104 Ilvni ! ) . Salli ; peed B-rooiiihou'enew aiiilmoa- urn , foi clour lots and nioitcasti property Is clear. 0. KHariNonJU K. Y. Ufo. 64125 A T\\'O-story \ aac basement brick store iXInilhllni wltli nlnoty-iilne yeir ground lease , for a stock of liiirdwnro and stnxci Adtlmss 0. K.H Konoralilull\ery. 611 WANTFD Clear lots , cash , furniture , pi- line , liorso inclbujiKy , whips. robeit > tc , cte.or Improved property. .Address , IM. Ueo city property , worthJI5.000. for Icoixl Iowa rnrm : will add $3,000 cash. O. 1' llarrUou.Oll K. Y. llfo. OL'SIv for silo orlrudcfor erocrrles ortner- o. Ulson.Ml'jrariuia bt , ailJO-iiu1 rOEXCIIAXBE IIorso anrttihacton for lot In Walnuc Illll. Clifton Illll or riarc ; " ! ! ! pay difference , it any. Innulrti ol E. G. Merrill. Cass and 4Ist. 4.J-JO * 0 rpo EXCIIA.\fin-ll-room brick liouso JL York. .Nob. , fi > r faun. I'orpartleulnrs a l- drc * > ) Mrs.Ivuto llunlson , York , orU. 1' , Harrison risen , Omalia. 1OK KXC'HAN'Gfc-Kljilit nudes for Omaha reil eitite H. 33 , Board oITiado. lie WANTFO Stockof Renural mdso. , Involc- Ins S.WO ' to$10,000 , for cliolco Oiniiha Im proved property andcash Address , M UUco. ) SOLID sold Wtltlnni watcli &nU\itCKhorso \ to tritlo : for coed sldo Uar l > uggy. U. Ji Colo.Coiitlne itii block. i SOI POIl KXOIIANGE-A. ? oed largo horso. II jearsold , for llxlitinulo team. J.W.Johu- son. Albright. toutliOniaha. JlG70-aj * FOIl For rules , tie. ttttujxif flnt coJunni mtttttpaat. POIl SALE Bargains. 3.td.tO. linf lefrou P. 0. 81,500. 3 < > ( cot , east front comer , 1 mlle from I1. o. , i.too. Eut fronts In Plalnvloir. Carthage , Xlncoln plucoVcjt Cumlng ; south fronton JUin 11- ton , near lowoavc.jilitelats InJjuV'otniilac'e , htuiitjn phew. Thoinborj ! , lu tlinruo , Illtoli- couK'sndd ; ? 1WO to > ( lMM on snmllcashpay ments , Hiid monthly puymeiits , These lots are line nnd terms > ory easy , O'M. ffl , WJorCOfeot. on uurt , ly ) 150 deep ; flno shade trees ; per foot , $ . " . rjlloiutlfiil "ust front , 1 lOfecton 3Jtu. 2blocks northof rarnum : per foot , only 4V Ent fronts , Lowe a/\e , ufur Ia.vcnport ) , K.IXW. Kino cottaRC , Hanscora place , cast front , bath , w. c.munlol , etc. ; cisy Inrrns , gfOJO. SHflper foot , ath s > t , north of'st. ' Mary's. Gbulco aero 1'irlc pluco.lS.'O feot. front,0,000. Klnpst aero \\cst \ Omalia. $10,00. ) . 74 foot cor lotTrnckncc.a snap. SU.OOO , Varnanikt. and ntlior IjusIneSH piiiperty. A good now Hroomhouao a mllutroui 1' . O , near schools , earn , etc. , to tudo for a Kooi Unu. Also clear vacant lots ( or nfalrtracle. J.I1. Evans,603 , S. V. Life. 7CW-M P1ASII for -two Kood lots north ofVaItiut O Illll. llutcliluson&eacl \ , 15'1 Donahs. 701.J5 T71OK SALE A farm adjoining lllilr. Neb. , E stocked , cbeap. H. > VMelrIde ) , lalr. _ ,07 , en * flJlOfl po r foot for B3 foe ton Canltolavo.a few "Pillocks from hlgb. school. Or. Ilirrlsoii.Ull N. Y.Mfc. OTJiii ltS,0 | forcholco bulldhis MtcfllxlM atN . "W , n > cor , Park , CUi1. Harrison , Oil N. V. Llfo. C-UJ5 BARGAIN Choice lot In Brljss place , uiiln- ciiiulurod. ! I'JO < ) . Market prleo I..OOO. NucJ money. Address Ed Price , 1S11 Oallfoml.i &t , Homer , Col. WT-oil" POli SALK Cheap , on eiisy tnrms , a nlco cottiiKolii Lowo'sAdd. , anaa 7-roorn brick house , with all modern conveniences , on : i5tli and Jackson sts. liooni tlUhainberl'omiiierce , 615 $15flper fix > t for 85 feet eisb frontlu'stsoutli of Ool. Siott'sfliierosldcneoniiarAll halnts' cliunh. 0. F.Harrisontill M , V. Ufo. rpHEchanco of allfotlmo tobuya homo In J- ono ofthobest nelRliborlioodsof clioclty for2Jper cent leallianlls value. I can soil No. .IS bonth SMh it.0-rooin liouso.foodbarn , lut 30bv " HI , liilotT.lilocl' ' . Jiedluli's sulj. for n.500 , "E. 1' . SoavorN. V.LUobldK , Ml ) $10flpor foot for ca t front on12d. a\o. , V\S4J ) O.K. Harrison , Oil N. V. Ufo. (54.12T. ( POH SALE--.1 5-mom cottares la "llikei I'laee/'l ' blkwest of tllfton Illll. 1'rlcos II.1IK ) and fl.tl i HiirUL pay mi'lit , biilanco 5 jcaii Jniiilreat Cass and 41st sts , of rumor , K. ( S Jlorrill. 1-J-JO * 100 last lr ) ISO M > utli front at K. W cor. Hans- i compart. 87,500 , ! i csish. cu. IMInnlsum , Oil N. V. Ijlfo. 043 r E , at n. Great Sacrifice Full lot 1 ? and iiowlO-rooni liou.si ! In a bouutlf ill loca tion on Cnsi St. , 1 nlkweatof Iiowo a\-u. 1'rlcc | .Uii > 0fl'JOOL-u > lilahiico5yoar3 all porcouu Inqulru ittlliu liouso. t _ EAST fronton Iovo avo. , near California ) ruako anolTi.r. O.lHarrHon. . UllN.YMfo TTIOIt HAM ! fl-rooin liouso. inodorn improve- 1' meiits , b.irti , etc. , ra-foot lot , on AVlrt st , Iho hcst rcsldonco i- , . , In the ulty , for ( i ! , ! > 00 ( I , Mdcus 1) ) , balance t suit , ( i-rnoru liouso and bath , flro placowlth oali mantel , olty water , g is , etc. . ati'aliancl Jackson - son sts , f.irL-W. oiilornii to suit buyer , TJireo lot ? In Kllby IMaic. 8I.1DO each. Kast front lotoa lavro arc. tOOU ! ; (500 cash , ttlanco tOBiilt. Kant front lotou Iowa arc. . 11,600 , $3Oe.isli , balaiicu tnsult. SnlondlU so u irout lot In Orchard Hill , ? > < ) . T wo bo nn tl fill cast front lots on 41stst , In In ICllhy l'hcoeacliJl.Stt ) , W. It. II cm mi. rooms ti and 101'ronicr Ulc. R homos la most any addition for V- > sale attroniH.OOO up diioasy monthly pay- menu K.K. lUrltnj , a lUrkerbllt , C)5 $1.0 Is cheap for fid-foot lot DO Undue sUnoarUd , U. l-MIurrlsou.Dtl . X V. Ufc. bHA LI puyiuoiH down ami 1 13 per month /Xwlll buy a 4-looin liouso ainllot on 10th. t blocks from ) motor ; Urst-clusi chance , to u" ' nulroa homo on oa.ijr terms. Apply to K. 11 Colo. Continental r > look. 601 LIACOLN VIKO Iota 3I , 0 toiltw. Jioxter UThoiuxs. COU AUGII&WcstorSolclrual , cstatc.S.Oniaha cat trickajo lot , 112x132 , frontliu . , nek In alley. I'or sale orlons * time. 'Iho Jlcud Investment Co , Iie TK YOU hiivo anytliliiK to bell or JcnllatOlJI'ttJton WooU , B aur t-aud - & Loaa Co , 43 ] J"OllKP-Swcci lloinos-KU'itint. HojiiM 1 J-Lnm ofTtrltiHllio kit InrKnlni hilliiinlri or lath irorldn csttarnini sttcoL-flxolfjuut hoiiBis. iillilltrvn'nt J to Brooini , furnncAliot Mid cold % atertaA. | ( as fliturcs , batlu inter closet , nianlel , eU'Kant brlolc cellar * , paved Mrootmul iiiort/ajro. WOliVA or morv and l\luiieo atiliorct'utto suit. 1J , \ ' . blmlo I'll rir t National bank- . SW A\7 1W lias a lot or do-slnblo cimlly to off > r IT liioxchntiReforMx horses , w. 1 Soniimu , ' gest nirlety \\7 E liac three cliolcc rc ltitnc < ullos pi 100 IT feet frontnjc each on I'lirii'iin t. Kasy terms and loin time. OniahiiltcnlKstiilo i U * Itenl odatc-Hoiiso nnd lot In KniintzclMnn ) ntf..OiKtc ) s I him cost , I'ot- tieo olG moms mid full lot. Ciltfornla and 31th sts. , SI MX ) . U S. tktiiTCi1(14 ( Ij'imum st. OU ClUVNOliS. f or ratt f , etc. , ttitoji f flrst column unlhtt in O it S A I/Ii Vleixtiaiini-y , \voj ] 1 ocalo t. J. dulnK Kood VjujlnfO.ervclioupforcisli. . W , A , Srjciicer , roniu 7 , Itcird tif Trndo. M T-Jl-W AI.n The Hniist tnuot unrkct In . Onmln. Sltnntloa vooquiUul ; as fine : tridoas Inllio city : best ol rciwiis for M-ll- lii . Address orlmiulro & 'l North .11 Hi street. . xVr.n Alialf Intcrwt Intho be.st fro- . cury In city , Sttlotly cash. Jfouo but a first ehss MIII ineauliig btisliioss ncinl iitiply. C.1I raUunblK. MIJ5-W' 1 Smallcroanipry.JlJ miles from Omaha. Addnss , for ono vet It , Oft ) . Ilcu. POKSATJ' Ajoodmaiblo top hotel conn- tor , Innulroiit ailllardhottloillco. ti-M ; T\ItVO stoolf m l fixtures , Invotco nboufc J/ii,0D ( ; tint uny olditouk \ \ \ sollfor pirt OT h. or oxchaiuo for a firm AdJroV Thorn.lochbo'c.'U. IJtoUflcld. Sou. PT TJMniSCr for sale A rare opportunity fora peed prnothil nnti to nuke some inonoy , nomKtako aliuittlt. Tr.ido well os- tibllsliiMl ; In feet , innro tlnli vo onn do 1-f you want to buy , nnd nro responsible and vtnt ID eo mo totiLlt-h.iko.yoiiciii'tco mo too ' ' soon. 'I'liobuIldliiK bootuH nowoa. C liavo iwod rcioiii ! forsolTlni. Aihhuss. I S. A , , 01 State St. , Halt Lake City , ttah. aft LT T7IOUPATiOIinAl'- ; first olns ie < t.-nin > nt ; J. ' for cash. Doing agood business. Gooillo- - TTOH 3A.I.E An established qcncral as Jhtiull ' capital required , /VUdres.sU ( is. lieu. TTIOTISAT.F Adyolnj cslabllslmicnt , iMcry- -l-1 thlnij ccnipleto Ina ll\ely \ nestcm toisn , or would tike ana partnora man that unJiT- sLiudstho business. Adtlnsn. Oil , Hoe. JIKI4OI7 * AHAUE chance I'or silc-A. llrst class "cash Brocorj" liismall lively Jcwa town. itockulll Invo ice about j > 2 000. littt location In toiyn. Sales last yeir SWOO. ) lU-st roawns for bulllus.Viltoatoueoto.Ol . ) . ' . Itcc. ClS.OOOstoel : R-cnvrnl tnerchnnillso. itlth itood 'Tuusiliiesy , and 2-story lirlok , 2. " > x80 fcctto _ tradufor cash nnd clcir hud In onstomN'u- bra ka , Aildrots bet ICentral City. Nob. JjlOIl SA I-E U H. luiicli and o.-itlnsliouso. JllNturohiiitl 10 f urnNluil loililns rooms ; feeds t 'O jisscnur ami sluteonfrolnlit tnlns ililiyiciislibusIni'S } . JHXXJ iier inonlli Inspec tion orcorreipondenio solicited. I * . H. Krebs. AleoplugVater.Xcb , iM-35' TjlOlli fcnfolO per cent Ijnestt.icnt subscribe -1 forslinres in the .MutualIjQun anil Hnlld- Inj lunoclatlrm sirlen N'o. 20. H'a ri-workers > uouldtakoshares tohecuro low rates of Iti- terostln buylnstliolrlioinci llootnll clnni- bcr of commerce , O.M. Kattln tfr. socroljry. iao jo pOI ? SA.ln Chuaii-llonnl ot trulo chop house. Kearney. Helm a pie < l business. drm 11.11. Achoy , KoarncyNub. ; CMjilO * I OllSA.LiE At a bargain a Jcood store liouso J. llttcd iiiiwlth sholvt's and eounters , baso- inciit6rooiiis for dwellInif.cooil cistern and \ \ elllll \ sell ortrndofor nN'o. Istoik of jro- ctrlos Address [ tool 4 Itcol , C. o. D. grocers , 5. > JN 16th ht 021 A KAUK clianci' . City Hotel otMUUrd , I\ob. \ . -n-for rent , wvU or excliuiKo for farm or Oinalil i > roporty. Iteit loctti'd hotel In Mil lard : lias rjar-room , rmqaliallca , ! liouso and sUble ; nil coriifiilenco IF. K , Cole , Oontl- uintalblc.or ) | , O , lniiiiernun. Uth nnd Jnnoa. T7rrinBAS. A. Joint resolution was adopted by tliolealslaturcof the state ofN l > r.iskiRt. the ' tventy-flrstsesslon ttitreof.inct nppro\ed 1'cu'ruary 13th , A.l > . to3 , proiiosliiK anttiticnd- mciit In tlio conitltiitlon of Slid atato. nnd thitsald amendment ahull road aifollotra , to-wlti Stictlonlt That a.t the general election to hehfld on the Tnosiiliiy siiecoitlins the llrst Slonday of Novcmber.A. . ] lls9ttli roshallUy suuilttcd to tlio cieotcw of this atatofoiap- provttlor rojaotlou unamendment tolhu con stitution of thlH stito In words usfollotts : "Iho iimnufacturB , sale and krenlnitforjalo ollntoxloatlnjr IHuonns a Uexftamnirotnr- evcr prohltjle | < l la thli Htntc. and tlioluslila- turosliall provlda uylnw for tlio on forcemeat of thli pnivlslon , " And them ihit.ll nl.soat sild olcotlon bo scparatolv suljmlttod to Iho electors of this state for tlidr tipproul orro- Jectlonan amondniont to tlio coiistltutlonof tboHtito In words us follows : "Tlio manufac ture , sale mill kct'pIn ? for silo of Intoxicating llfUiii | us a buunigo shall bellounsed. auil ululated lyla. ) > v , " Si > < > . > Af niirh olwtlon. on 110 lullot of each vleutorvotln ? to.r tuo prflpos- nieiitslt ) tlioeonstltuUon shall bo vvrlttonor printed the word'Kor proposed rumnil- inent. to tlio constitution , prohibiting tlio iniiiufiuturc , silt * and koupln for sjlo ol IntotlcatluK lliitiors ni a nev ! rae , " or "Aftalnst the iironosid iimcmliiiont to the constitution prohibiting tlio manufacture , silo and kcoplia fur f > : ilo of . Thoroshall iilsobo wrlttcnor printed on tlio ballot of each elector lotlni for the proposed amendment to the constitution , triij word- . : 'rur iiropo ca amendmontto tlioconitltutlon tluttlio manufacture , sulo and kocpuip lor Dlo of lat-onlcathiH llouonas i bou riKOln his slito shall bu llcoiwd and riifulatftl by law , " or "Agili > t suld proposed amend ment. to tlioo tttulloi tliat tlio imiulau- tnro , silo and keeping for * ilo ollatinluatliiu llquorsas a bo > crae bhull bo Hocused aad , " Sec. J : II either of the sild proposed amendments shall bo approved by is. wnjorlty o ( thu uloctoisutiiu : tt tlua uhl ductloii , then Itshall consltuto socllori twuniy-soven 127 ] of article oiieLHoltlioctmMltutloii of this Therefore , rTolin SI. Thiycr , Goiomorof the stuto ofNolr slcado , hereby tflro i ollco in accord mica with sti'tlonono [ H artlol [ 15 ] ofthocanstltiitloa and tlio iiroilslom of tlio not ontltlocl'-diiact to prondutho nianiicrof IiraposlaK all nnicnilinciiUsto tlio constitution jinu aiibinlttliiK the snmo tolhocloctor * oftlie slato. " Approved February 13th , .A. D. IJT7 , tnit said proposed anioiiUiiioiitw 111 bo sib- inlttodto tlio nualKIcd voters otil ( ! stttlor iipproul orroloctlonat. tlio cenuraluloctlon to uo livid oa tuojtli day ot November , AU. IkOO. In vltncsnvhcrpof I liorruntosct my bind , and cause tobo alllxtil the irri.it seal of the stito of Nobra ki. Done at .L.lncoliilhls2llth clay ofJuly.A. IlBOOancltlio2lth ) vcaroftho HI ite , and of the ludtnoiidciiooof tlit United StiLtusthi ) ono tiimdrcd lif tn'iiti ) lly tno uon mor. jmr < .M , ENJ IUK It. UowDKiir , taut , . ! beoutarypf Stato. August J(13m IOV. \ViiiucAS \ , A. Joint re siilu tlon wai ad optoa ly theloKlslaturo of tlio state oINotimska , at the t\\enty.lrstcsnlon \ | tlnreof.inU approved MarchTJth.A. I ) ISaO , propoblnu an amend ment to Section Thirteen ( II ) ofArtldo 8li < a of tlio constitution of aulil tattii that , sild station as auiundod shall road : as follow.H.to- wlt : Section l ! Tliatsortlon thirteen fI3lof nrtl- clo sU ( ( ! ) ofthaconstlttitlonnf thiistaln ot.N'o- braskaho auiondod JRI tn road as folio vs ; beotlon U ; Tlio Judfos oft-lioiiiprtinc court wiall eaeh rccelto a salarjof thlriy-Uvo In a- drud dollari ( U.5W ) ptriuinmu and tlm jinljes ol the district court ihallrccolio nstlaryof three tluiusand dullaritaa9) par annum. itnd thu salary of each 5 lull bo payable fjnarUrly. Section Kuch IXIISQII rntlnj In favor of this amonilnontihnllhavtwi-lttou crprlnted upon his billet the following : "Korlho proptuod amuiidiuotitto tlmconstl- tutlon , rolallnBto tlmsulary o Judges of the en promo and d Islrlct court ' riioreforo , i , John M. 'Ihuytr , pa\ornnrof \ the stitn of.Vonraska.ilo . hcroliy elYO iiollcu. Innooardanco with hectlon oaul [ ] arllclollf- tODa 111 ] of the constitution , unit the provl- hlona ol an not entitled ! "An uct to provide tlio manner of jiropntlnic all uinoiiiliiiutitito the ooaitltutlon and Biibinlnliu tliosnnioto the oloitoriof tlio stale. " Approvoil lobniary Uth. A.I ) . 1877. th-.it mltl pro osod iim"nd- ii : en twill lie a u built to I to thp qiuilltlcil votcm olthintuti ) for approval or rcjeotlon , itttlio sen oral w lection to be held oa the -thdayof ( > ovomlor. A. DIS i. la wltn si\vicreof ] I ha\e li ro rjto Botmy liand anil caused to Iio atfltod tliu groutieiu of the state of Nubritka. Done at Lincoln. tlil LCIh dnyot Julr , A. U.1IOO. nd tlio twea > ty. fourth ji'.ir ol the state , and of Iho Indu- rcnclcnco o ( the United Slated the ono Imu- ured tiltocntli. lly the Oorornor. JOHN Jl. T1UV B. HtN.rxiiiN U. ( Jownr.nr , [ Smr , . ! Beorctarjof Ststc. AuHuit Idlrn _ rou.linlKSUXI.r--E ) ' . I > e4oaa I'trtodleal I1IU U. b"rfKti remedy. lot oa the iminalrunl ajitaniincl core suppro ilon twin whatcrtr ouae. I'rumote jiitmtruulon. Th'n plllnlioutl nollc5 tikun dur- t | preinnncy Am. 1111 Co. , Itofultr JTuoi. . 8p n- c r. Claj Co. , l . Cimulutbx Bhonnan.t .McCOfiinll ll , nesrl * . O.Orailhuj . C. AMelclur , . I'tiliJ,0 , < JU cll lllm * . Uor TIME OflRD UllAUUHUHUNUlON .ty. I > cpot tOtQind MftHorutrt > cti . P rn . , . , . ClilMKO Kiprcii. . . , < n n PH a m . . . . . . , , .Chlf Ko KtpruK , . . . . . . . . IM j nl l > lip ni . . . . . . . , Clilt o Ktprvii 9JD n ni _ B.Mp ra . . , . .Olmtro I t"nl . . , , l ui | UUHf.l.Vi WX A MO ) CIVKIL UraUi . | Domt lUlliitnaMit Omnltn , 10.H a m . . . . .Denver Unt -U ( i > n 10 I ) n n. . . . . . . . IHjDTPr Liprni . . . IU p u B.M J' m . . . . . .l > uiiTtNlRht * C.xi ! . . , 535 H. ni 8.1) ) n 111 ! ! _ i JJnoUIn , n ) | > ni . . - ] ir. rvsivi * c.n .lirlTui * iv-ln pol tdt Unit } | \M > mtro li l > if KtprtMt . ( lii p m J . lmlK- ! -MshtKtp. < l IT. I1 Trim (10 ( n Hapot lUlhtricl 2.Mp"rti . 7o7frl nJHT ! C 11)1 ) p TJp ) iu . . I'tlnu Ki | > r t ! , . . . . ini i > , u lO/Vn til . . . , . .l > oicr Fiprox . . . I ju i > m li.ffl n ni ' t fc1 . . Ulii n in 10.1) ) n in KnlnloUH.ti ) , ( otcuitrtuiil | ( U | > ni OlUl'AtlO , U. 1 , V I'ACIKIO i Onlllla. [ U 1 * . Oi'puUOth till .Mircy Jti i OuXhn. HlS I _ Hcput _ tJ U I < Up ) nn , _ . . . StI'ml T.liuttftl I Vti fttu ht r esTiTiriTM i uTMO 11 [ IT Vvl'sl' Uif N i Ain oi" omhiu | U. I.ilei ot , loilijiru ! Mirer 8t < Ontha s > .lli tiif .r. . < 'ril Ko kiiTr > < i. r * W < .lp ) ni Vastlliulo l.lmlM I 9)0 ) a iu 6.lip m lowaAccnnnnu < litim ! < ( < u. SanlJ 7 ; u p in V.Dp ui Ktilorn Hyur . . . . . 2.U P HI I,111' in . . . .la't Kxtorn Kxr" i - . , , . HIin flvTvifu. tllio , \ . Im vat omlm. | ir , 1 * . ili'iotlitri | ) tnj ; Unulin. . . . . . . .ctilmeu lipr ( . . i uTJ i ra . Clilfijtu Kinnt.M .1 fill p in opotJUth mil lirqyJH. I Omnrm. Ixnili < 'iinnou IIAIK . , , . . ll'J p til OtMha , | Depot miianct WoUsurHH Omtlii 9.CO& iu | . . . lllncnrifuTkxpnisT. . . SS P n VMn mi .IlmtlneiliTp. ( Kr. anituy ) fin p in & Up m U'uhflO.VI.Inmln I'm ( .KiSiitnl j ) H ) l a in 6.1t | > ni Votkt Notfollclhr. Smutn ; ] . | J I ) i ) u in IX'MTUS I c , . Mf IVTM'.t 0 arrive 1" Omitm. | lupct I5th ncl Uoliiii'r ' Sts Onurf * . 7.Uft in .HUmr CUT AodmiinoiUtltin 1)01 ) p iu l.OOp ni , blou'UETt ri ! ( > i < auu ) . 1 V v in S.OI | > iu . St. Tail I Uiiilt.nl . UJS n , iu 6.1l ! > niLllnnmft I'wou r ( KHnijl ) 8Wii in - Arrive ? _ . K.ft iTipn-sf " _ U.llp luV KC. Kjfrosn II I ) u in l.t I'AfJtbiU i j\rrtT s friw I I In Inn 1 t 4f itnrii ( i IlItlfTt l rfliiii f at Uli ii 111 . . Atlantic I'tpro'i. . . QU p III C.OOp m . . . _ . Vuillliiilo Umlli'l ' . ID ( I It III It'H. ' iCIltCAIIO ANOIITUWKM M.llrMllvoi | Transfer ! Union I > i > pot , Cunnoll Illutfi lTrimrer in . . . . . ( 'hldiro Ki | > rosi . tllll f in e.ttip iu . . . . Vuttlbiilo IlmltAl . 01) ) a iu 01 . . . . . . ICa'UtmH.ri'r . 2(0 ( p in IU 7 W n in IUmlliiwn , ( pc-oiiimoitnllun ( Hf. Sun ) (110 ( p in f > . * j5T iVA't'l ' * I \rrlvoa Trrmfor Uiilcm Uewt. OraiH'll lllulls i'l'iinifor m . . . . . .CUlcatfQ Jini . = = hi T .H. JOB I Trnn < forJJnloii | l > jpt > t. Council llluRi Toln it in 1 . . KMIIU Hty 'Hr Kjprost 10.31 | > nil K nijv tllf Nlnht Kipro-M TlMAllAjc. riT 1XLH. Tri\niferJlTiiliin l > gpot. Oiancll llluITi 6.OOJI IHJL . . "I lei | _ < jncin Hull. . Triinitcrl UnionI _ > e | itCouncil : llluITi U.4li tufm. . , .ClitiiKO I'lproai..JT. . lO.UOp ml Ulilfwo Kipri" " ) . . . . . . . . 7.SOP ml . . . .Cniton local. . . . . . . I XlOUTAMAriOV. . v\ Joint resolution was adopted by the legislature oftbostatuof NcDraxlia.u.t tliot\venty-IIistho \ > > slm ( there < iaiidapprorod ( Mnith UOth. A.I ) . . ! > . iiropoiln ? tin ainend- iii nt to section two81 [ four [ -4 ] iiaclllvo [ 3 | of Article hlx IClnf tliooonilltutloii ofnaUlstuto aaillhiLtsiId vutlon as aiacndu l shall read tus fiilUiMto-ll : Si'ttlonl Tli.it qcetlontwoiJI of artleljslx Kl ) olthucniistllntlimof tlm tito ulN'obriskn be amended MO us toi < ; ndiis follows- "Section" : Tha supreme court shall caii- Bistof U > o ( . * > ) JudKosa. niilorltyoC vhoimhall bo ncoo snry toforiaa | iiorui > iortoironounco | , . rlnoltllrM , YlBll..llh..t'nn l * llnI Ill lurllifl tv , lii ci , 03 reliitliiK tn roiciiue , clill caw * In \vlilih thOHtatoshallbo a patty , mintlaniim , Cii < ) wnrriiitc > .luibf is uorpnt , and such : iipol- | liitoJiirlMllctlon lusii'aybc provided by Iw. Section ! : .llhat H i ion fourlO of nrtlctoslx ( W.ofthoconslltiitloiiof Iho state oINobruslcj , bt * aiuiiiidua sons toioiLdns follows ; Section 1 : Thn jii'L-osot ' tlio siipromo court nhnllbo cloctcd by the olectorsnf the Htnle at lame , nnd tliulr IcrtuH of dflh-e , ovcriituH hurclnatlor provided , bbill be foraporlod of Uvc(3) ( ) yiata. " 8cclloii3 : That section flvo(1) ( ) of artl 'lo l.x (0) ( ) of thoconstltu tlou of thu sutnof Xulras- kii.lio amended so ai to rend us follows : ycoUonJ : "At tliolli-ht K i ral cleutlon to bo hold InthtjjfarlMM. and uflor Ilia ailop- tlonof tills Mnnuidnieat to the constitution , thcro shall bvelcctoil tinea ( Jl Judaea ctthu Hiilireniocourt.ouoof vhoni shiillbo olectxd for the term of ono (1) ( 3iar. onti for thutiirai of threopiyaars ami ono for tlio term ol ttvu ( ! > ) years , and. at anili ntnoial uloctlon thereafter - after thcro ulnll Uo oloutnd or.o 1udin ol the RiipreniQcuurtfor Iho term of tlvo.l ( ) jc.irs. I'rovldod , tli.it the judges nf the siipromu eonrt wioso terms have not expired nttho time of holding the qoncra.1 iiloctlon of IHUI , Bluill oolilliiiuuo Iiold tholr oHIcofor tlio ro- malndorof tlio term for which they WITH ro- povtlvoly elcttuil uudur the present cons tl * tutlon. " Section * : 7lmt < noli personvotln ? In favor of tills ninondmmil shall linio vrlttca or prlnlod upon his ballot tlm following : "Fur tli propouiiliimondi knt to lii o consti tution ulutluK to tlio iiiiintior ol , " Thoiforo. 1Jol n M. Thijor , Oavnrnorof thuitiitoof NohrasU. do lioroby iilvo ngtlco In accordance with Huctlon ono ( lartlelu ) llf- toonU.T ) of tliouonilltutlon , thu piiivlsluni o ( thonot mtltlid : * * An act to provltlo tlionuui- norof propoHloir all unipndiiitnts to id o con - tttltutlitnuad iiibmltt-iiistho . to - S.MHU tbCDioo- tonof tlm stato. " Approve * ! 1'obnnry llth , A. I ) . Jfi77 , Diatialdpropo'cil nniniidmunt will ntattforapproriLl or rojoil ton at thu ctinu cloclkm to buhcld on the 4th duy of bwr.A. X ) , 181)0. Jnwltiiest whornflfl haui IiOroiinto set niy liiiinl nndcaustd tobo alll.xc'd tbcxruntsuixl of the slate of NcbrasU. Uino it Lincoln t lilnlithday of July , A. I ) . IRrtl , and thn HVIHI- ty-fniirtliyoaruf tno htato , anil of the Indu- pi > nilMic ( of th , Uultutl btatos tb ono him- dreiinftcciitli UrtliuOnvi > rnor. JOI1UM. THAVEll. KAMI | K. Cowntnv , ( SKAI.I Secretary of State. Auc ust id3 m T3ldn lilt- TllOs will bo received by tlia state bojnl of printing , ut tlio olllco of Mrotary of tati > , on or ln'or [ ifeoi > tOtliBK ; ! > . at li n'clockp. in , for prliillnKinu liludlmlii cloth 1OXcopies , ) of th i iciictt. of the liCKircl of tran-tpurtatlon for tlm uar 18t)0of , fun hiiiidrodpauosuncli , innro or .oss , Smupli-sof work l may iihciiii at tlio of- lleo of sfcrotjry nf stitto , Kljlit risorvoil to reject any or ullljlils. - Oowiiiir , IHMLTHE UORLOlHEBUij BUT OK CURE DRHAIHES' GOLDEN SPEGEFIO. I c fun IJtirlTcilN OIMI rr lT4. ur ! ( . or In or * tlelMuf fwJ , wiilioatt&0 liDawriedfa olttrn pancai. tl anufAii. ltl < at > < olutoljhnmlu uiiiwiiltnuct , &mi > ) r < artaliror ta laoliUlu wwok. irj KAII.s. Iiopcnlen nquinilf uud wxt luoli cnr tatxiiy tUAtthe pitloat uutlergow * B9 luoanvtftilino * . Biidtra hit * ! * , bin eoaiileli reloim tlop in etrojud. < lp gitc > o' olparticul r > rrooTobti1ol JCUllti CiUO. . IMh ft lone Ull , A ; lim tJCumli ] | t . - co.tad 3'tlm ri , Bocwilar jcr TcrtUrv wnuuuilljcurod In itlo vicl.iyt \ \ o tlliiliu'.o n'lpoUot from tliu r/alcin , 0othatlhert > cm nour Lo ftrrturnof ilio dls- cai | n AD/forn I'arllcit CAH IrtatiHl ithutn4for tboumoilco | . .11 _ . m HBB lo\ * 'Kl UBilir lb aj > Kuirm SPlif HB | HIl IlU tu , ( Uvltllli thu wb pro A B PrwIB Ix ' ' ' to couiu Iicri cuntheuior , > lll V H I I HIBoillijP toii'iwl rtfnnjkM to l.iontr .iijpajrtntlrotinenfiaf ccmlnir. nllro ifar niiJIiorelfcllU'a \ cllllenci thotorlit f r K cue wo cannot euro , llmtloilhli wr. XOdrwi , C"tU/C ) i'/jafW > y CO , Omatut O.1toSt,0 ) l lr Hutu ) . Cor.