0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEldi FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 , 1890 , THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL OLUFFS. OFFICE , NO. 12 PEARL ST. rdlverrcl by Currier In any part of the City. 11. W. TILTON. - - AIANAOKIl. TELEt'HOXESl ftimlnc * * Office. No. 43. 'Night Kdllor , No. Z ) . N. v. P. GO. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. Stornqo reasonable. J. II. Snycicr , Pcarl st The funeral of GeorRo Hoynton will take place from the residence of hli wife. Mrs. J. C. I-ango nnd family leave this morning for Oltutmva to HCO the coal palace. "Window W.suoi" Ilurko was arrested last evening for violating the common carrier or dinance. Kmmctt Tlnlov was admitted yesterday to praeticoln Uio United Suites courts upon ap- pllrattonof I. N. HIckciiKef. William Lewis , tlio haclcinan , settled with the oltv last evening fern sliRht Infruo'.lon of thooruuiuncolleoii-sltiK common carriers. Tlio several bodies of the Scottish Rlto , United States Jurisdiction , will meet this evening for tlio election of otHcers and other Important business. Tlio Infant child of J. C. unil Anna Hanson , died lust euenhitf at the residence on Nine teenth stivet unil uvcnuo H , The funeral will occur this afternoon. Hlldrcd A. Tulbolt , the two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. D. 1' . 'J'albott , dlcil yesterday ofcroupo. The fuiiural will tnko phieo this afternoon at ! i o'clock from the residence , 10W-Avenue 11. Unity Oiiild will hold an Important specnl ! mcatliiK tills I Friday ) afternoon at a o'clock with MM. llai-ris , South First street. All members particularly requested to uttcnd , Dy order of the president. The Twentieth avenue school building was closed yesterday by order of the board of health on account of diphtheria. Two or tlireo of the janitor's children , living In the building , were attacked by the disease within the post few days. Thuro will bo n political meeting this evenIng - Ing at the republican headquarters , 'JiiOl West Urondway. C ! . AI. Ilarl anil Colonel It. 0. I lubbnrd will speak nnd expect to address n largo nudionco. The West llroudwny bund will furnish the music. Robert Stack nnd C. W. Noonnn Rot into nn altercation in a Lower Main street saloon nt 10 o'clock last night and were , placed under arrest by Olllcer Peterson. E. S , Hobhins , ono of the friends of the parties , interfered with the ofllcer when ho was making the arrest and was likewise run in. A. largo number of citizens have been ofll- clnlly Invited to appear today In the ofllco of SquireFoo ilorso at Lovclimd. to tell what they know about the disturbance nt tlio recent butchers' plunlu. About sixty wit nesses have been s ubpoonaed , and the tax payers will probably have u snug little bill to loot. loot.Tho The lovely little eight-year-old daughter of Captain Jones of the Pacific tiouso U lying daiiKcrouslv ill with diphthcrotio croup. Vivo pliysfclans were la consultation around the bedside of tlio little sufferer last nlchl nnd they could give the heart-broken parents tut liltlo hope. The child has been sick only n few days. The members of the German social club left the city yesterday for u ilav in the woods. Tlio club went out In carriages , ac companied by a number of ladles , and ex pected to enjoy a splendid day's outing. The objective point was the residence of Air. and Mrs. Frolinrdt , who live near the scene of the \Vaba.sh wreck. John IJycrs was arrested by Olllcor Doyle yesterday upon the complaint of his wife , who charge ! ! ) him with having beatea and kicked her and committed a grevloua assault upon her nt his saloon near the old Bucket of Blood iilaco on Hroadwiy. The ivssnult was commuted yestcoday morning and the woman claims to have been seriously injured. The relatives of James James James , who formerly lived ntPcru. Madison county , Iowa , have written hero for Information concerning him. They say ho came hero several days ngo with a horse , which ho sold to n livery- man. Ho 1ms not returned homo and his friends have had no tidings of him. They fear ho has either become- suddenly Insane end wandered away or has mot with foul play.C. . C. W. Bovton , who died nt St. Bernard's ' hospital on Wednesday , lost his llfo as the result of having a tooth drawn. A trouble some molar was removed In the usual way , but it caused n violent hemorrhage which was very difficult to control. "When It was finally gotten under control a severe inflain- nmtlon sot Invhlch produced blood poisonIng - Ing and death in spite of all that could bo dona to save him. ThoKov.T. MoICStimrt , who has been selected as the new pastor of the Broadway Methodist church , is ono of the best known end most popular 'ministers in tlio western Iowa conference. For the past five years ho has been presiding older of the Corning district , and for four years prior thereto wns presiding older of the Chnrlton district. Hov. Mr. I'Yanhlln loaves rn Tuesday for his Hold at Atlantic , and it Is probable that the now minister will occupy thopulpit next Sunday. A telephone alarm called ttio West Broad way ilro department to the residence of Mr. Ingcrsoll , corner of Avenue D and Twenty- third street , last evening , where some chil dren luul set Ilro to , a hay stack. The stack burned fiercely nnd endangered the residence of the owner , but the quick response of the department and the ef fective work done when they arrived on the ground prevented any further damage than the destruction of the hay. Nine hundred foot of ho. o wns laid , The long lead and the terrific pressure burstod ono of the sections nnd delayed the work a few seconds. Only the West Broadway department responded to the call. Manager Kent , the unfortunate head of the itlll moro unfortunate Standard opera com pany , was acquitted upon his second trial on the charge of cheating by false pretenses pre ferred by Landlord Jones of the I'acillo house. 3u the trial bofoao Justice Schurztho jury disagreed , nnd the case was taken yes terday morning to Justice Unrnctt on a change of venue. The testimony and the arguments of counsel were presented to the court , who decided that Kent had done noth ing that made him amenableto the nUituto enacted for the punishment of people who defrauded hotel keepers ; that ho had entered into a contract which ho was unable to fulfill , nnd there was no criminal intent shown. The Justlco then discharged him nnd there never wns n hap pier man la the city than this palo-fucod , spectacled man who has been nmdo to bear the brunt of tin entire season of hard luck. Two of the ladles of the company still remain in the city and all of the gentlemen arc hero awaiting the arrival of Itanium , when they expect to got new situations. "Window shades at Losoy & Jensen , 11 Pearl st. If you wish to soil your property call on the Juttd & Wells Co. , 0.1J. Judd , president , 000 Broadway , Fine interior decorating , Losey & Jensen Wrs. I. Jefferson of Oakland is a guest ol Mrs. Dr. Stewart. Mrs. George Itowcll of Waterloo Is n truest of Miss Ida Wallace. Albert Dcotkln of Wyoming is a cuest of his brother , Or. C. Dcotkln , John J. lloiscr of Lincoln township , n dem ocrat of the ol > \ school , Is In tbo city. Islr. and Mrs. T. W. Barhytoof Burlington are guesls of the family of J. 1) . Atkins. Alderman Charles Kelley of Kcd Oak was in the city yesterday oxmumiDg the sewerage work. C , Aaldano of Now York , formerly a mem borof the ilrm of Wright & Baldwin , U in the city. Wr. and Mrs. Allen Brown of Newark , III. are visiting their daughter , Mrs , Charles P liallsback. Iky your lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. , 813 llroadway , _ The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 418 Broadway. _ Fashionable wool suiU made by Mrs , L Simmons , f5 to t7 ; silks , (7 to (10. Shorthand. Mlsj Rhodes , Drown building fihjns. Losey & Jensen's , il Pear at. THE NEffS IN THE BLUFFS , Tlio Oity Enjoined from Paying Over the Dodge- Light Guard Appropriation , THE GRIST IN THE FEDERAL MILL , Delays In the DigtrlctCoiirt Woman's Work In Hospital and Temper- nnoo Fields .Minor Men * * tlon Personal. John Short , through his attorney , LJolton , petitioned Judfe-o Mncy of tlio district icnch yesterday lor an Injunction restrain- tig the city olUwrj from pitying over to the . 3o,1go Light Riiards the $ W3 that was appropriated by the council from the city .rcasury for" their use at the lnt session. The petition Is very elaborate ana apparently carefully drawn to covvr all the phases nnd oontlngencls of the case. It was subscribed ind sworn to by Mr. Short. The things sot 'orth are many , but the principal onoiaro .ho facts that neither thocity , state or nation s In a condition of "rebellion , Insurrection or riot , " but on the contrary , so fur us ho Isablo to ascertain , profound and blessed pc.ieo is brooding everywhere ; that hclther the prcai- of the United States nor the govor- loroflovva has inado an order quartering irmcd soldiers upon our city , and that there s no contingency visible , probabloor possible n the pnucnt profound condition of peace -h.it will likely call for the cxerelso of greater force than the civil olllccrs of the city and county are already equipped with , nnd con sequently there Is no law , precedent or necessity calling for or warranting the appropriation of the public money to sustain nn arinod hand In our midst. The petition recites several other things nnd rtilU attention to the fact that the militia is a , state-military organization , subject only to the orijcr of the governor nnd the presi dent of the United States , and that thostato lias already provided for its tnnintalticnco by appropriating thousands of dollars nt various times , $10,000 at ono time and $35,000 nt another , and that each company Is allowed $ . " > ( ! 11 your from this gcnor.il stuto fund to defray the expense of armory rent , the pur- pOH' , for which the § 300 of the olty's money was appropriated by the council. This , Mr. Short thinks , with good management , ought to ho enough to carry the boys through. The petition was respectfully considered by Judge Jlncy and a temporary Injunction granted restraining the payment of the money. It Is inado ruturnnblo at the Novem ber term of thn district court , when argu ments will bo heard upon the motion to niako it a permanent restraining order. The notice was served on tne city olUcen yesterday afternoon , and the money is tightly locked up. Money at reduced rates loaned on chatto and real estate security by E. II. Slioafoi& Co JLojey it Jensen paint houses. .T. C. Bixby , steam heating , sanitary en gineer , 'JI3 Ufo building , Omuha ; UOi Mor riain block , Council Bluffs. The Federal Mill. Judge Shlras kept the millstones of the federal court grinding so rapidly yesterday that they wore fairly hot , ' nnd demonstrated his ability to prevent court matters dragging in the usual dreary manner. Court convened nt 10 o'clock lu the morning nnd adjourned about in the afternoon , but in tlio Interim three Jury trials wore held , verdicts returned and sentences Imposed , the grand Jury's ' re port received , u decision announced , a largo number of depositions read and the famous case of Crissinain's IlattioA. Hay , involving tlio title to nearly all of the town of Rlanawa , presented and taken under advisement , besides - sides the usual amount of little stuff. Toward tlio close oven the attorneys caught the infec tion to hustle , and Clerk P. M. Hunter found himself with nothing to do but to chat with the reporters at 5 o'clock. The ease of Kohn & Adler vs C. A. Mclchor was tlio lirst on the docket in tlio morning. The trial was completed and the case taken under advisement. The grand Jury reported sovenIndictments , all for violation of the revenue laws , and the following defendants wore arraigned and put under bonds for trial : John Tlcdcrmnn , John N. Kinkannon , William Wyatt ami Steve Wilier. The defendants are accused of selling whisky and tobacco without taking out the necessary government license , The case of Ulley Clark , charged with sending obscene letters through the malls- was taken up and disposed of. Clark lives at Ncola , and some tl mo ago ho wanted to talk pretty sharply to a fellow who had incurred ills displeasure , and ns he was out of town and there wns no telephone communication by which ho could bo reached , ho wrote him n letter. The rcceiplent of the letter took It to CominUsIoner Hunter and Clark was arrested and InOictoJ. Ills attorney filed n demurrer In which the claim was setup up that the offensive epithets -wero not obscene within the meaning of the United States statute prohibiting tlio sending of such stuff through the mails. The court sustained the demurrer and discharged Clark. The decision will establish an Important preced ent , and people who Indulge tlio usoof such langugago can write it and send it through the mails , if they follow Mr. Clark's practice and spell the llrst word llko plain mill "dam" and omit the "t" in the last word. Andrew Franco , n resident of Red Oak , who wns served with a subnoena to auncar nnd testify before the court at the last term , and who disregarded It and went to Omaha , nnd who was arrested upon nn attachment for contempt during vacation , was arraigned and sentenced to pay n line of $ . ' 5. Two or three years ago A. S. Crowford , a register cleric in the postoflleo department nt the transfer in this city , was arrested for stealing n registered package that was pass ing through his hands. Ho was indicted by the grand jury at the term of court following the arrest , and at the next term was arraigned for trial before a jury. The jury was sworn and the trial was being pro ceeded with when It was discovered jthat ono of the Jurors had been a member of the grand jury that ludlctci ) him. The trial was stopped and tlio jury disbanded. Before the case came to trial again his attorney filed a de murrer settingui ) the claim that tlio accused could not bo put In Jeopardy twice for the same offense , and asked for his discharge. The case has been pending since then and Crawford has been out on bond. Yesterday Judge Shlras sustained the demurrer and dis charged the defendant. 1C , Lumber of Essex was tried before a jury for the offense of selling whisky without u license. The Jury returned n verdict of guilty and ho was sentenced to pay a line of $100 ami the costs of the cose. " \V. W. Orimdsborry of the same place was put through the same process and got the same verdict and sontenw. W. II. Hess , another violator of both the prohibitory law of the state and revenue law of the Kenoral government , had his case trlud by twelve good men and true , and they found linn ( jullty as cbargpd. The case of James S. Crlssinaa vs. , Ilattlo A. Hay for the foreclosure of a blanket inort- giiRO held by the plaintiff upon all of the property within the limits of the town of Manawa , was tried to the court. Sovornl witnesses were examined , hut the largest part of the evidence was submitted In the form of depositions on both sides. The cnso was argued and submitted and the court took it under advisement. If the same lively gait Is maintained today a score or more of the pages of the docket will ho cleaned up. Scott house , nice rooms , clean beds , faro equal to the boat , fl per day. Special low rates to regular boarders. SM and Si N. Main st. , Council muffs. Wall paper at Losoy & Jensen's , 11 Pearl st. AVonmn'H Work. The ladles connected with the Women's Christian association have purchased the property known as the McMahn liomostcad , and In duo time the house will bo raised and remedied. They \vlll continue iu the same llue of work u heretofore , 'i . jf . . - ? * afcfcLt' - or Iho lck nnd will receive Into this losnltablo Institution nny person neoillnR neulcal treatment. They nru at present cry comfortnhlv nnd substnuclully flxcd vltli all the necessary fixtures essential foe he canylng on 01 such a work , nnd llio mining ol nurses , of which thcro tire several drcndy In the Hold , who receive their trulti- ng at tills place and KVO ! entire satisfaction. Great care will bo exorcised to clvo special attention to applicants dcslrini ; thU-training , and In connection with this will bo the traili ng of Klats for house work. This last SUK- ; csts Itself from the fact that of the many lomcless plrls coming to this Institution wholly umibloto do the most tnlnuto service , anil do It well. Olrl.t can reccivo Instruction ! rom competent porjoiis In all the lines of lonso'hom work and cooltlnif. Asldo from thcso Is the "Womoti's KxcliaiiKC , " which should bo well patronized , Piwt chws cook- npls done by this exchange , iind ntnny tlino nilivldunls wishhiR to nssist In the Rood worn will llnd Miss Hottio How ready to ro- colvo orders , whlali will lie protnptly filled. Today will bo held the Women's Christian issociatlon reception , at tlio homo of Mrs , U. VI. Osborne. Let every ono holding a writ- .cn Invitation taUo tlio nrlvllcgo offered and "Invlto your friends. " lAir Unit. Fumlslicd room , Oil ) AVlllow avcnuo. Mrs. I. Lyinan , To the Ladle ? Miss I\hry \ Oloason Is better ireparcd than over to satisfy all who want- Irst class drcssinakini ? . HOOIIH In the old library building , Veirl stroot. DclnyH in Court. Thcro was a dreary dracr In the district court yesterday. Judge Macy has more than Llio usual amount of patience , but It was pretty well exhausted. Thcro had boon enough cases sot for trial to have kept the court busy , but as one after another waa called seine unexpected turn was announced which made It impossible to proced with n licarliiR. As several days have had about the same history .ludjjo Many remarked that ho wns getting very weary of sitting around waiting for attorneys to got their cases ready for trial , Tlio Jurymen were also Iliiding the wait rather tedious. They wanted to bo doing something. Thcro seemed no help for It , however , nnd at an early hour in the after noon court nilonrncd. ) This morning it is expected that the case of Iinloy Ilurko vs. tlio Citizens bank will eomo on for trial. Tlio Indications are that it will bo fought for blood , and that it will occupy several days , probably a week. A largo num ber of attorneys are retained on each sldo. The suit Is ono Invhich pcreonal damages uro sought , on account of action taken ngulnst Islr. Ilurko in the celebrated cattle caso. First-class dressmaking by Miss Wallace , over Cattlemen's bank , cor. Mala st. and 5th avo. _ All persons Indebted to the shoo business of E. A. Spooner plcaso call at the ofllco of "W. A.V \ oed ifc Co. , fi'JO Main street and pay the samo. ' W. A. WOOD , Assignee. The lioston store , Council Bluffs , Is show ing the latest In caps known as the Nellie Illy cap. The prices run from 50c to $1.10 , lu all the latest colors , plaids nnd blacks. Boston Store , Council Bluffs. WlIlTUIAW & Co. J. O , Tipton , real estate , 527 Broadway. The best auctioneer in tbo state Is H. H. liiman , Council Bluffs. Special attention to blooded stock sales , and nil branches of mercantile goods. Olllco 003 Broadway , The Stars Shone There was a brilliant constellation of silver and gold stars at Masonic tcinplo hall last night. The new uniforms of the police force wore conspicuous In 03 elegant and well dressed n party of ladles and gentlemen as ever assembled iu the hall , and the police men's ball vent off with an eclat and bril liancy thut was certainly pleasing to the members of the force and all others Inter ested. It was the first ball of the season , nnd will be remembered ns the dressiest and most enjoyable event tbut has occurred for a long time. At midnight a banquet wns given nnd iv special table was reserved for the re porters. Throughout the entire evening there was nothing but pleasant surprises for all who attended. SWKl'T OVW T UK DOCKET , Judge Don no's methods of Bringing Litigants to Time. Judge Doano had a matinco that corrobor ated the statements in the court columns of Tun Bin : that the court had decided to make tardy attorneys suffer for their delinquencies. ' Stubt & iinmel against the city of Omaha , " called the Judge , nnd added : "Plaintiff's attorney not bore , ehl Very well , then , I shan't carry It on the docket nn bour longer It is dismissed at plaintiffs' cost. " Having niadoan entry accordingly , ho resumed : "Herman ICcstnor , appellee , vs John Flan- nagan , appellant. Are the attorneys pres ent ! " A pause and searching glance about tbo court room. "Not hero again , chl" said his honor. "Very well , then , I dismiss the case. I gave fair -warning on the opening day of this term that I should not ondura uny moro of this sort ot thing and I certainly shall notl "First National Bank of West Virginia vs. Henry FVltinan \ ; are the attorneys herol I know something about the circumstances in this case , but it should bo ready for trial. All right ! I won't dismiss It , but I shall , how. over , continue it for trial for tbo term. "This ends today's call , " added the judge In anything but the best of humor , "and wo will lay by for another ! " If the courts of Iowa had their celebrated calf case , those of Nebraska are beginning to realize that they nro producing a mntch for it. Reference Is inado to the matter of "Morso & Bruner vs. Traynor , " the Jury In the third trial of which was locked up for deliberation at 10 o'clock yesterday morning In a room lu the suite of district court apartments. The plaintiffs have been suing for $400 which they claim the defendant owes them for real estate commissions. The case was started two years ngo , nnd the expenses are now moro than double tbo amount involved , At the ilrst trial Judge Hopowcll took ttio rase from the Jury and Instructed that a ver dict be returned for defendant. The plaintiff appealed to the supreme court , nnd that branch of justice reversed Judge Hopowoll's ' decision. A verdict was rendered for plain tiff. Then the defendant made a motion for a now trial and Judge Hopcwoll sustained it. Thus the third trial came on and was ended vostcrday morning as noted. Tbo National Bank of Commerce lias en tered two suits In tbo district court , ono of whlsh will probably have a very interesting appearance about It for the financial public. It Is against Charles Coroctt alone. The batik- sues him for 18,770.53 on two notes made In October and November of last year , running sixty nnd ninety days , the sums being $ lOOJ , and $10,800 , there having been $ aOOU and $ se.ai paid. The other case is ono wherein plaintiff brings foreclosure proceedings against Will- lam Latoy and others to foreclose a mortgage. The amount Involved Is 81,409.80 , The case of K. C. Patterson vs P. P. Dick- son of Kansas City was dismissed by plain tiff's attorney at his request and cost. Sleeplessness , nervous prostration , nervous dyspepsia , dullness , blues , cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuhu & Co.'s , 113th and Douglas. TtlK SKrAUA. tltt\'EUXOKSMtIl\ \ A. Complication Willed Mny Cause CoiiHltlcrablo Trouble. CAIISOX , Nov. , Sept , 25. The recent death of Governor Stevenson has resulted In the question as to who is his legal successor. Lieutenant Governor Davis died a year ago , and Frank Doll , who bos been president pro torn of the sen ate , has been regarded as lieutenant governor ever since. Homo persons hold that Bell becomes acting governor , but owing to a constitutional provision ho cannot draw tbo salary. Others hold that tbo governor and lieutenant governor being deail , the present president of the senate takes the place , while others urge that the secretary of Btato Is tbo party wbo really Is governor. Considerable trouble may result on this account. For Ilhounmtlsin , Lumbago , Neuralgia , Crump uud Cello there Is no remedy supcrloi to ttio gcuuluu Lr. ) TUouiai Kclectrlo Oil , XATHtSA.lt Tiio Twentieth Annual Convention OIIQIIH in litioliinnll. CINCINNATI , 0 , < ' Sept. 25. The twentieth nnvial convontloli cf the national prison ongrcss held Its opening meeting tonight , lovernor Campbell was unable to bo present , nd the welcoming address on behalf of the tate wns made by Hon. .Tohn F. Foiled. .An iddrcss was also made oti behalf of thocity y City Sollcltbrjloi-stman , ' When the prosl'Jcnt of the congress , cx > rcsldunt Htiyci'ftroso , to respond there was warm nnd continued tribute of applause. General Hayca In his address said , referring o the work of the congressVo : cannot escape our neighbors1 calamity. "Wherever my stratum ot society Is wronged or op pressed till , sooner or later suffer , Society is ; o compacted together that the crime of any s in some way sooner or later mischief to all. The crimes of today are due to the business and social spirit of today. There are two classes of crlmolti all civilized countries nnd especially In our own country the crimes of capital , crimes of sudden wealth , crimes of hose avm-Icloui for gain , avaricious for noney , not always merely for money but for lower , ambition for the power that money ; lvea , power over place , over posi tion , over ofllco , influence over con ventions , over legislative bodies ( I lope not yet over the courts ) , Hut the power of money gained rapidly Is not always by the purest means , With this msto to get rich comes imxietyln the com- nunlty , cverywhoio dlspiir : , laclc of hope , nek of opportunity in thousands , In the mul- Itudes , In the masses , to whom the path to thcso great prizes Is closed. Ami thcro comes again a stimulus that increases almost the crimes In the country , where there is a largo mass of people without hope mil In despair. Nothing is moro true than this : That the Ideal community with reference to crime , with reference to the con- -inuation and perpetuity of free institutions , s that community in which every human 'eels that with tbo virtues of economy and tempernnco and industry it Is within his lower nt least to own a luunblo home , to educate Ids children , lay by something fora wet day. prepare ; for old age ; and that com- nunity in which there are largo masses of icoplo who have not that hope Is ono where free institutions arc not safe and where you may predict -with the utmost confldeni'O that crimes will continue to in- crc.iso. Wo reply that tbo productiveness of : hls country brought to it from abroad moro than a fair share of the criminals. That is ono thing. Cut again the opportunities here by speculation , by g.inibliug , by every de scription of Illegitimate effort to make great fortunes , leaving others without that oppor tunity , Is the great cause of crime .11 this country. What Is the remedy 1 If I have a great fortune , if all my business is prosperous , is it not largely because of men working for low wages under mo , and is It not well for business men to pause and think , 'must I not share 11 portion of the profits of this prosperous business who made it prosiierousl' ' Tills is but a part of Lho consideration that may bo called the theory , doctrine or idea at the bottom of this whole business in reform. I have believed for some years that wo are passing towards a Niagara on this question. It Is quite certain that running backward along the line of history wo see everywhere that the situation and condition as to the welfare In all respects of the men who do the work , the labor of tbo country is a test , is a mark of true civilization in every community. Today the laboring men of the United States are in a better con dition than laboring men were perhaps ever before any whero-upon the face of the globe. Let us see to It thtit we continue thcso condi tions ; that whatever may bo done by the law , whatever may bo done by the sociul custom , whatever may bo done by business shall bo to give every man what Lincoln desired and promised that every man should have in this country a fair start nnd nn'equal chance in the racoof life , fApplause , ! . With thatcondltioncrime will diminish1 ' , Qcneral Hayes passed to the consideration 01 practical questions , in which tie made a point against the system of making our jails and lock .rip academies of crimoby placing young offenders where they are sub ject to the Inlluenee of professional criminals. Ho spoke strongly lu favor of severer treat ment of the Incurably criminal classes. Sioux City Corn 1'alaeo a ml He turn. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omuha railroad ( depot loth and w ( abater els. , ) will run a special train from Omaha to Sioux City nnd return , Sun day , September 23 and Sunday , October 5 , leaving-Omaha at 8 n. m. , arriving at Sioux City nt 12:15 : p. in. , and returning Icavo Sioux City at 7 p. m. , arriving at Omaha at 11:15 : p. in. Ono faro for the round trip. T. "W. TKASDALK , G. P. A. AXOHIEIl BILIjY WVTTEKSON. air. John SuntlcrVnats to Know "Who Clmrconleil Hia Eyi-H. John Suntler escorted two extravagantly decorated eyes into the police court and ho wanted somebody punished Jor attaching so much crape to his features. Ho was In u predicament , as ho did not know -who the somebody was , and there was no ono in court who could tell him. As nearly us could bo learned , ho was in the vicinity of Twenty-fourth nnd Cuming- streets Sunday afternoon and was "pretty \vcll organized , " according to tbo stories told by the boys at No. 1 engine houso. Informa tion beyond that point is very scarce. No ono seems to know who bit him , or whether ho was hit nt nil , although Suutlcr's eyes nro conclusive evidence on that point. Ho says ho was In the yard in the rear of the saloon nt Twenty-fourth and Cuming with a friend looking for the bar tender , when n stranger ordered him out nnd then struck him twice In the faco. Ills friend told him that the man who struck him was "tbo chief. " Suntler know of no such Indi vidual Iu that vicinity and hastened to fllo n complaint niraliist Captain Murphy of No. 1 engine house , as the nearest approach to n "chief" in that part of the city. Murphy was in court to answer totho charge , but was not given a chance , to deny It , ns Suutlcr declared as soon ns ho saw him that ho was not the man who struck him. "Well , who did hit you ) " inquired the court. Suntler hadn't the faintest idea , nnd the matter would probably have dropped right there , but Just at this juncture Detective Dempsey walked in. "That's ' the man that's the man , " de clared Suntlor , excitedly , pointing to the ofilccr , whd looked nt him in blank surprise. "This Is the first time 1 have seen him since it happened , but ho Is the man that hit mo. " The court told him ho must bo mistaken , as Dempsey was an olllccr and a detective , and Doiupscy himself denied that ho had over seen the man before. Suutler could 'not understand It , and said it must bo some other fellow who looked like Dompsoy. Ho looked carefully about the court room , but'"could llnd no ono whoso features bore tlio slightest resemblance to Dompsoy's , and-ho had to give It up. Ho carefully tucked- - his worse-looking optic under his arm arid'took ' Ids departure. Rheumatism is Caused by a poisonous acid In ttio blood anil-yields to Aycv'a Pills. Many coses which socirt'chroiilc ' and hopeless have been completely ( hired by this medicine. It will cost but llttli to try what effect the Pills may have in your cose. "NVo predict success , 31 UHlt + lKOilfy TllUOl'S fX IXW/.1. i i Three Hundred People Reported KlllqIli ( , Two Days , Loxnox , Sept , 25The Chronicle's Cal cutta corroipomlcnt says It is reported that the troops In Goaaro committing the wildest excesses and shooting people Indiscrimi nately , Several popular leaders have been arrested and shot. The residences of others ore besieged and a lively fusllado proceeds between the besiegers and besieged. It is rumored that the governor general is hiding In the tinlaconndis deaf to jietltions from tliolnhnb. Hants , Many women and children who lied tldther for protection have been bayonettcd by the palace guard , Several dynamite bombs have been thrown Into the palace by u band of citizen Midlers. The governor Justi fies the acts of the troops on the ground that revolution has been declared. Ills estimated thut .Sou persons 1m-o been lulled unit wounded la two day lighting. As soon as you discover any fnlllnp of the hulr or grayncsa always usoilairs Hair Ho- newer to tone up the sccretlous and prevent baldness I'llKfillUlXT tHAX SMtOT .IT , JIc is Matlc the Victim ofnu Attempted Assassination. N'r.wOni.EAXs , La. , Sept. 23. A San An tonlo , Tex. , speclalsaysi A prominent railway - way official who reached San Antonio this morn ing from the City of Mexico relates n startling story of an attempt on the llfo of President Diaz during the tmtlonol celebra tion on the llth lust. An immense crowd of people of all classes gathered around the ex ecutive pnlnco that night to do honor to Diaz , During the climax of the festivities , while the bands were playlngaud fireworks popping , the president , accompanied by his personal staff , stepped out on thoplnzza in response to deafening calls to witness the pyrotechnic display , No sooner had ho appeared before a volley of musketry sounded nbovothodlii of the niuslo mid Jlrework * and bits of brick nnd timber bepan to lly nround tils bend , Ho retreated hurriedly to his room , followed by his staff. Three bullets whizzed danger ously near him. Forty men are known to bo concerned In the murderous plot , II f teen of whom nro now In Jail mid others nro llcelng ptcclpltiitoly from the country. The das tardly deed has been suppressed In Mexico by povortimcnt officers. The reason of the attack Is assigned to a vnrlctv of causes , the most important of which is that the president is strongly suspected of coiiuettlng of Into with the clerical party , which Is in direct conflict , politically and socially , with the lib erals , to whom Diaz owes his power. J , .VJM > .V 1'ieiHiS C T/.T/t'-VT. v VnrlnitH Itofcrcuco Kocardlnic Jlor- Icy'w Presence lu 'Ilpporiiry. LONDON , Sept. 25. The News' Tlpperary correspondent declares that a marked change occurred in the demeanor of the police when Morlcy issued from the court on the appeal of several voices imploring ; him to cotno and save the people. Evidently the police had no deslro to treat English commoners with courtesy. A brutal police attack was inndo on Keating , proprie tor of the Limerick Leader , who was so so- verelyinjured that ho bled profusely from the mouth. In an. editorial the News says ! "On this occasion the presence of Morley has given Im portance to events which nro commonplace in Irish administrations. ' * The Chronicle says : "Mr. ISIorley's ' life is of so much mine to tbo stuto that wo nro compelled to protest against his entering such scrimmages. Irish men will cosily misinterpret his presence , but for which it Is probable the riot would not have occurred. " Whllo exempting Morley from any intention to Influence the court , the Times thinks ho has set nn unhappy - happy unpreccilent and afforded n refreshing example of the ignorance of the people ho has ruied. The Standard , while regretting his rough treatment , says ho fared just ns nny ono else must risk faring who is present during such a struggle. Fits , spasms , St. Vitus' dance , n ervousncs and hysteria are soon cured by Dr. Miles Nervine. Tree samples nt Kuhn & Co.'s ' , 15th and Douglas. Prize KijKht Hetwecn Cutlets. ST. Louts , Mo. , Sept , 25.A special from Lexington , Vu. , says : Cadet Wirrcn Talll- affero and Cadet Frank McConnlcc , the former of Virginia nnd tbo latter of Texas , quarreled. They decided to settle the trouble , by a prize flght and thir teen desperate rounds were fought , After the encounter TalialTcrro retired to his room , and two hours later , when friends called , they found him dead. Young Me- Connlco tried to commit suicide , but was pre vented. Ho has been placed in Jail. Intense excitement prevails about the state military institute. TalllalTerro was fifteen years of ago and WcCounico twenty. The Secret Art of Deauty lies not In cos metics , but is only in pure blood , and a healthy performance of the vital functions to bo obtained by using Burdock Blood Bit ters. A Protest from Detroit. DF.TUOIT , Mich. , Sept. 2j. An enthusiastic meeting was held hero tonight to protest against the arrest of Dillon nnd O'Brien nnd the action of the police at Tipporary today , Ex-Postmaster General Dickinson , Bishop Foley and Kov. Charles O'lloilly , secretary of tbo National land league , were the princi pal orators of the evening. Through coaches Pullman palace sleepers , dining cars , free reclining clinic cars to Chicago and intervening point via. the grout Hock Island route. Ticlco ollico 1G02 , Sixteenth andJFuriwrn. Iho Chicago Stockyards Trouble. CHICAGO , Sept. 25. As a , result of several conferences the switchmen nnd engineers working In the stockyards have withdrawn their objections to working with Chicago , Burlington fc Quincy railroad crows except in the case of ono engineer. Water Lily Soap Flvo Cents A Cake North Dakota I'rohlhs. FoitKfi , X. D. , Sept. ! 23. The prohi bition state convention today decided to unite with the farmers' alliance convention. Henry SchocnhaH , foreman Henry Krug Pncklup Co. , St. Joseph , Mo. , uses Dr. Thomas' Kclcctric Oil with his men for sprains , cuts , bruises , chapped hand.sctc. It is the best , Cincinnati Ilaues Postponed. CIXCINSATI , Sept. 25. The Queen City driving park races were postponed on ac count of rain. 1C02. Sixteenth nnd Farnnm streets is the now Rock Island ticket oflico. Tick ets to all points cast at lowest ratos. Tor information regarding Bloomlleld sale of lots Thursday , October 2 , address J times Peuvoy , Sioux CityJa. A Bicycle llnby CnrrlnRo , Bicycling is all the i-ngo just now amonfr tlio ladles of the northeast , where the fad , which started in Now York two or three years ago , litifl just been taken up , Bays the Chicago Tribune. In Min neapolis and St. Paul nnnrly every wo- mini whose husband or father could bo induced to Invest In a wheel for hoi- has joined the army of the "knights of the road , " and those who haven't boon able to procure tlio necessary niuchino have decided that the sport is unwomanly. Mrs. Florence , Lewis of Minneapolis found nodilnculty in getting a bicycle , but for a while she. found ( considerable difllculty in getting away from liur litllo two-year-old child long enough to enjoy long rides on the silent steed. She IUIB solved the problem now , however , by ni. invention which makes the machine- combination between u bicycle and a baby carriage. A seat is securely fas tened in front of the hnhdlo-bar , where the child sits , and both mother and babe enjoy the ride immensely. Theatrical Kllqnetto Abroad. A curious contrast is that In tbo London theaters etiquette requires that all these In the dress circle and parquet , gentlemen and ladles , must appear In full dress , hi Purls , the head of thu social system in the world , it Is Just the reverse. Those actually in the dress circle must appear lu full dress , but In the parquet never. I was possibly the only ono In full dress amonc 1,000 people In the parquet at the Grand opera , hearing Faust says a writer in the Atlanta Constitution AYhen 1 asked for nn explanation n polite Frenchman said that it wns duo to the native pclltcnm of the nation ; as so ninny struiiK- ers nro thcro who are not expected to have dress units , the Frenchmen do this in defer ence to them , Water Lily Soap wil > .Vl 'has been established in London IOO YEARS both as _ / COMPLEXION and as a SHAVING SOAP , has obtained 10 v TEicfATtONAL AWAUDS , rind is now sold iu every city of the -worlcl f It la the purest , cleanest , jlncst , Ulhc most economical , and t7icreforo The best amimost popular of all .sorrp.i for CKNKRAI. TOituT viiRrosES ; and for use in the NVRSGKY it U recom mended by thousands of intelligent mothers throughout the civilized world , because while serving ns ji cleanser and detergent , its emollient properties prevent the chafing and discomforts to which infants arc so liable , PEA.HS' SOAP can now be had of nearly all Druggists in the United States , IJUT HESL'UKTiiAT vou GET TUG OKNUiNi : , < t/iereare\wrlhlcssimtttiions\ \ ! aorl SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. " \\fANTKn-At once , a Indv who him iind ' i some uxpprionro In Millultlnji , to tul > e po sition MSiMHiuty iiKimiLrrr. CJood salary tuthu rlsht pint v. Add i essV. . It. , care ot Ik-i-olllco , CoimiMI I TjlOU nKNT IIoiw and rooms ) ono ever X1 btoiti nuiiri'ouH lionoo. and nnii fnrnMiud room atJ. it. Davidson's KM I'lflhavo. \\rANTHl-i'irty day bonrdcrs at Ik-im- - it restaurant , most popular jiliu'O In tliu city to get a mi'iil or hoard by the ) rooms , tuo blocks from motor , ' four from postnUk'ci fiinmuo licut. bath room , hot anil cold water. To grntli'im'ii or man and wife without child i-cn. 7-li Washing ton avo. II10II HKXT-1'our rooms unfiiriiMicd ; al n furnished rooms. Ulu'.ip. No. ! . " > X. Mnlnst , S . Ivnnias. well liniirovi'd , 100 acres , ClinntiiiHjuii Co. , Ivan. , well lin- provcd. 24U acres , Troyo Co. , Kansas well Improved. "Macros , Coniiuu'lio Co. , KUILvvll limil'ov- cd. cd.ISO nores , Morris Co. , Kansas well ImprnriHl. ! tt ) acres , Liuim Co. . Kan. , well uupi-ovod. Iffl acios , I'uniiH - ' < > . , NiihiMsUiii IBOncros , Unit ( Jo. , Nebraska. C7 ! notes , JHihlonbei-s L'o. , ICentucky ; well unproved ; clear. lot ) ncies. well Improved ; Aloona Co. , Michi gan ; clear. Wneri'i , floss Co. , Ohio ; ulo.ir. Will trnila oltburoriilltnr inorulninillsuur city propoi-ty In Council lllulTs or Uniiiliii. Clunrlund In Stonu anil Utirrv Co. , SIo , ( Jroainory In Chiiptiiun , DU-kltioiin Co. . Kan. } I.W 0,1st innrtKinto notes. Get to thu ftont. 1 vrllltrmlo. _ J. h. I'lloo. Idol's hotel. TTlJTl UfiNT--AfU'r October I , husliu'sshitlld- JtiiK.414 llMiulwiiy. oi'eiii > ! rd by drn storu Apply lo Ooo.T. I'liulp-i ' , money onlor dopart- nu'ii , iwitolllce , Coiinoll Illull'-i , TjlOK change In buslnoHs will sell stock ot -L' ( IniKH anil fl.xtiircf.all new and llrstoliiss , ut u discount , If sold wlllitu next , : w iltiy-t. Invoice - voice ulinut S'i.MO. Adili-ess B. , Ileo ollluu , Council HIults. "filOU SALK Kino standard lirt-d team , bays , - 17 anil 8 years old , matched. I.ady can drive them ; city brnko ; will not. shy. Cull at ; flS. Main st. . Council lllulTs. .1. L , I'l-lco , ' T71O11 UKNT Hotel .laniesnn , all furnished. JL1 I'osiessloniilveii Octiihorl. Kur Inforiiia- tlon aildrusAVin. \ . Siuduntoiif , or Chris H trail I ) , Council HIultd. TTlOURALr-Tho Unino Hcstiuir.int for sale -L on easy terms. The most popular jiluco In tlio city. ! j. W. Scott , id ? llfoiulwiiy. TT1OU SAIjR or Iloiit-Qarilon land , with J-1 houses , by J. U. Klco. lU'i Main St. . Couuull Bluffs. \\TIIYpayroiitwneiiyoii can buy iv homo on IT tliosaiiiotornis , nnd hi case of your dniith Btanytlmoltiavo your family the homo olour on the following terms : Ahoiuu worth : ! I , ( J at $13 per month. A homo worth Jl.-VU atilH ] icr inontlL A homo worth $ -iWJ at1 per month. A homo worth $1,000 at JH jiur month. A homo worth $4,0 > D at JH pur month. Other prlcod homes on the sum ) torms. Tin above monthly payments Incliido principal sndlntnrost. Korfull tiirtlculnn : cull on ot addrcsstlio.Tinlcl.V Wells Co , , 00(1 ( Broadway , CouncilItlulT.s , la. F. M. ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS Ami Building Superintendents. Ronm44tOand : 4'Ciltee iliillillii .Oiiialin.Nob. , and Itooms2lt and -Mil Murrlnm lllock. Council lllutr.s , In Correspomleiieoisol lulled. TinT.I itiw niii , . Conferees Will Itcportlt Uncle to tlio HOIIHO Today. WASIUSOTON' , Sept. 2,1. , Late this evening It was learned that the conferees have definitely decided to report the bill back to the house tomorrow. It Is expected that the report will l > 0 disposed of beioro house ad journs for the day. A. Ijlght in Kvory ficrtlt. To the Chicago , Milwaukee k St. Psiul raihvuy ielongs the urodit of boiiijj tlio first In the country to reduce the mutter of olcctrio llsrhtinp : of tvuins to sciontilio tiorfcetion. Ono of tlio novel features introduced in the bleeping1 cars in a patent electric rending lamp in each suction. With this luxurious provision reading at night before and nttor retir ing1 bccomob as comfortable us by day , nnd when retiring' the toilet niuy ho imulo iti comfort and seclusion. The berth rending lump in the Pullman sleeping cars run on the C'hlenpo , Mil- WiitiKco & St. Paul railway , between Omaha and Clucayo , la patented , and cannot bo used by any other railroad comimnv. It is the trreateat imnrovo- inent of the aye. Try it and bo con vinced. Sleeping cars lonvo the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , at 0:10 : p. in. daily , arriv ing at Chicago tit 0:30 : a. m. Secure tickets and sleeping car berths at Union Ticket oillco , 1501 Fnrnum street ( Uarkor liloulc ) , Onmhn. J. E. PiiusTON , F. A. NASH , i'ass. Agent Gen'l ' AgunL Sldnoy I tmiiH. 4 SiDXcr , Neb , , Sept. U5. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun Dm : . ] The attendance today at thoChoyeiinorounty fair was nearly lif ted ! hundred. Farmers largely predomi nated , The city wns handsomely decorated. About twenty of the most prominent horsemen - men orBnnlzed today tlio Western Nebraska Trotting and I lorso Breeders association. II. 15. Yeks , a prominent young merchant married , this ovcnliif , Miss Agnes I oftus ot North Platto. Attention. i Great auction Bale of lota nt tlio future county seat of the eastern half of Knox county , Nobr. , Tluirsilny , Outobor 2. A Bpccinl excursion train will lonvo Siou.x Olty , In. , Wednesday evening , October 1 , ut 7 p. m. for Bloomlleld. the terminal town of the Randolph extension of tlio Oirmlui railway. Grunt auction giilo of lots Tlitirfidiiy , Octoiior 2 , at lilootnllold , Knox county , Nebraska. In the treogninhical center of Knox county , NabriiHKu , and Hiiro to bo tlio county seat IH Bloomficld , the tonninal town of tlio Ilnndolph extension of the Oinnhti railway. If you wish an ex cellent opening for business and a splendid Investmentgot in on tiie ground lloor and buy u lot at the great auction sulo at Eloonifiold , Thmvihiy , October 2. KontuuUy I jo t lory MMCIIUCH Void , LOUISVII.I.I ; , Ky. , Sept. 2.1. Attorney On- oral Ihirdln today gave Auditor Nodman his opinion on thostantlhiB of the Frankfort and Henry county lotteries. Ho holds that the license under which the lotteries claim to operate Is void , It is loft for the prosecuting attorney hero to closa the general ofiices of the lottery under the now law. j'/ ; .so.v.i M. t'.t iti < iit.t MM. 13. C. Harris , a leading grain and stock man of Lewis , la. , wusiuOinutm yesterday. AV , M. Alkman , ono of the leading business men of Kustls , Xeb , , Is iu the city uud callcu at Tuu 13ut olllce. DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute AN'I ) Private Hospital , Cor , Broadway nncl 2Oth Bts. , COUNCIL lii.ut-ra , IOWA. Forthnlrniitmt'iilnf nllmiiMlcal and chrnnll d houses and ilKoi i's of tlio lilooil. 1'rlvale ' illse.isosot tlio urinary anil cvirj orpins , as syphilis , us Hlrluluri1 , cy.-lltls , .perl inalumiliou * . lest , nmilinnil , M'Minl Impoli'iiot ' and weakness I ruuli'd Hiiccexsfullv , I'arlli'iilnr attention paid loillsuaios of tin Inn ITS , iis Asthma , Consumption , llroncliltln Catiirrli , Kte. I'nrnlyslH , Kliliioy Discuses ni Dlaliutcs. lirlglil'MliKunse. Klieiiiiiiitisin. I'l1 Cancer , Vnrloi'isle. llydroi-olo , Drojuy. Tun lihcasi's nf tinIlyo and Kur. t'lul ) I' Sjiliinl Cui-vntiii-o nnil iilldfsonsi'sof tlu > lining \Vo \ have u deimrlmunl dovolud excluslvolj totho treatment of I'torlno Diseases. ModlclnuNcntsccuruly pacU-il and frectrou olisurviitlon. Corrospomlciico coiillOentliil. Address ; DR. BELLINGER'S ' Surgical. Institute anil Private Hospital Cur. Ilroiidway and20th Sis. Council IlliiUs , la. DRIVING PARK. Fall Meeting , October ? to 10 , 189(1 ( © 4.OOO IN PROORAMME : UOTU1IKII 7. C-l'ur. > o .sa U-yuar-old Tmtttnx Stake . TUis : AV. OOTOI1KU S. . ' ' - . 2'iOTrottlnK-I'ui-.o : ttiSOTrolllnir-l'nrso Il-yuar-oltl Trotting Stake WEDNKSIIAV" , OOT011EU9. 2:113 : Trnttliiu-l'iino 4M Kii'O-Kor-AllTi'oUiiiis Purse MM YviirllniTroltlii-j ; Itaeo Stnku. 01 TIlUItSDAU , OUTOI1KU 10. 2:30 : TrnltliiB-Purso 401,1 l'reo-l''ii--All ' ) 1'noliis I'ui-.so WO ' . ' not Fico-li'or-AII , .Slalllon-l'urso Nat loniil 'riottiiiBassm'tiitluii rules to irov. nrn. Kilt rlosclosn Out olmr-l. Stiikurnoo fruu , Jlllo traok. J.V. . I'HUKUOV. I'nslil.-nt , Counell HI u Its , IOWA. AUdicss nilcoiiinuiiiteatloiis to A. U.UIlillS. Soc'iotary. SIS South lllli tit. , Umalia , .Neb. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS AH kinds at DyliiK and Cleaning douu In till' HlKlicstHtyloof the Art , Kado < l : unl Ktalnod J-aurlcsiniitlo to look as onil us now. Worlj liroinptly donu ami dullvuruil In nil parts ui the country , Somlfor nrlun list. O. A , MiVUHAX , I'roi ) . , i 013 Uroadwny , Near Noi-lliwchtcrn lopot\ , IA. J.I ) . UiiMt'.viifiONrros. . u. ti. SIIUOAHT , N'tco-rrok ClIAllI.UH IL 1I.ANNAN , OllKllll-r. CITIZENS STATE BANK Or Council Bluffs , PAID UP CAPITAL . $150OOJ SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS . 350,000 DililicrnuR-T. A. Mlllor , If , O. Olcason. 1C. li. Slmiiirl , K. K. Hail , . ) . I ) . KdmiiiKlson c'liurlcd Ullannitn. Trans.iut gonural lnnlcln I > IIH | . iicsi. Jjir : i < st capital mid biii-nlus ot an bank lii.Sdiilhwustorn Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , Council Bluffs & Omaha TRANSFER LINE. H. Bcccroft & Sons. , Props. BAGGAGE , EXPRESS & IIEAVX FREIGHT , , Making tlireo trips every day u.xcopt Sui diy. : diy.Umnhanfllco nlthn A , Stoivaro Impress flr Delivery ( ! a , WMl Howard st. ( 'omiell llull's ulliuo , Citl Hroadway. Tolo l.uivves Council UliilTsO mm 13 n. m. and 1 p. in. Oniivliii , 1 ! a.in.Ip. ) in.iiiKlD p. in. Ordcis promptly aUcmlixl to. Belts , Chest ProtectorsEtc. AGENTS WASTED , DR.C.B. JUDD , OO6 Broad-way , Oounoll Bluffs , la ' 27 MAIN STHKKT. OvorO , II. Jacciuuniln k Co'u Jewelry Strca OFFICER& PUSEY BANKERS. Comer Main and Ilroadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Toftlur > i In rorelin nnd domoatlo oxcliaiu * " ' * UI111 iutcri't' * Uu wltlt1" * ' V * on tlui M [ / W _ -1 $ It , G I'd Tli In tin O