Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Tla Game Between Ibo OmnTii and Mln-
ueapolis Teams Yestardaj.
Bloux City J > cfnt ( Sf , l nul Other
tnmlliiKttf Ilio Clubs
TilH for Today's Ituccs
Other Notes.
JIlnnenjiollH ' . ' , OinnlmO.
IliN > 7U-oru , Minn , Sept. ITi [ Special
Tcloernm to TUP HIP. ] Minneapolis and
Oinlm [ ilaycJ wlnt proved to bo nbout tlw
Bhortoalcnmoof the season thi-4 afternoon
Both pltiliersiHd excellent work , tin ) hits
Itchu nbout canal , nnd Minneapolis secured
onoof Its rum by asplciulid homo run drive ,
directly foIlot\iiiBisinjlo \ ! [ byMcQunid , Th
support glvenwns fine , ai tliebullnns npped
nlwut the lloU in all < lirtctionj ! , tlioflnest clr
cuspln iandbrillliiit. stops being all that
ctitdovn thflrunsor hits. Thcs fiamo vns so
rnplil that otioside was ImrJIy in before it
ivM.sout , andhatl tlioro bctm any kind of at-
tendancethogarno would linvo been filled
with excitement. The features of tUopimo
ivcro Hp'cndldcntclioi ' ofhighllncnby Miller
miJ Tvvolipy In tholnfltlil , iind Carroll and
Worka In thoout. The work of 3) ) ly , Wilier.
Tuohej , Wnlsli and JUaur.ihan on dlfllcuu
stops was ulso worthy ofspoiul uotlco. Tlio
Bccro :
BTInno.uwHs . 0 OS 00 00 00 J
Cliniliu . 0 (10 ( 00 00 00 0
Turiiod runs Mhinojipolls J. Homo run
M Innohiin. Moloii b.isa W llll < . JlonlJlophiy
Murks to lauan to llinr.ilinn. liases on
lialH OIMInnuhanl. Fngan ! Illthy pitched
7 > all-Iliii Htrnekmit lly Alllcliol 1. lagan
3. Pa-wiil ball
Nownuin. Klrst Imso on ur-
rors .MIiniaiolls ! | I J vftnn liiso.s-Ml
otls ( . OiuiliiiJ Tlmi ) Ono liuiir and
minutes Uiilro--lloou'r. ] | )
11 , IJcnvor ( I.
DBNVEII , Colo. , Sept 25.-fSpccial Tolo-
pram toTiuBcrj Pollening1 isthoscoro
of today'spnino ' :
ut.vvrn. I
Karnodruns-Donvor 1 , Milwaukee t. Two-
hlti-SIcOlollan , IJcynolJ1) . 7hrce-baso
hltfl-Shoch , Jantron , Onrils. llasci
Donror : i MlLivanlciol.
on bn'cs heti-
V-or7 , Slllwauhco-J. Uonhlu plnys Messclt
toOUrltn. Jlasoaou balls
. lioo < l
1. - HrucKout-flooJ I. Hen
wick .
tismd balls \\llHon \ \ , Jniitzuii. Tlmoof
Ono liour uudthlity-lUoinlnutus :
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Falrlniry Itaocs.
Fiiunciir , Ifoh. , Sept -Special [ Tcl-
Bgrani toTiie Dnn.J-Tho attendance at the
bounty fiilr today vas very Jargo. IJoduced
ratcnvero ( jiien on ull roads and a large
number vcro iiwsentri-oninoi hhorlnj ( towns.
ITho weather was all that could be us Iced for
nnd the trick In excellent shape.
There MOWS Bit entries In the 2-10 : trottinj ;
clivsi and four
starters UiiionMcdium
, Tiaf-
, Ho , Amos and Kate Cattn.'y. ICato Caltioy -
money Union Medium second.
Flvo started In fhothrco quarters of amilo
ninniiiBr race Shi Lholeth , fold Dcclr , illko
Whltlnp , Frank C'app nna Ilcttio U. JUke
Wliltlnprcamola Jirst and Gold Deck second
I'inio 1 : l ( ) .
In the half mile and icpeat
there wcro four entries ITIory Edwards.
Quull , Mlnnio Walker and LnJyVlnneford. .
Minulo AValker captured hrst and 1'lora
end , Time 51. sec
Charles F" , Kcstorson A Tollcth's yoarlltiB
colt\vaa , \ stalled Ith Topsyto lower the
itatorcccrd foryoarlnifrs , Thohalfmileivas
Irotted inhSiJ/ ,
Jhinlap Itnocn.
DCS-LAP , Io.Sopt. , 25.-fSpecial Telegram
tol'iiK ' I3tK. ] An Immense crowd was pres
ent at the rncci hero toilny. In the throo-
mlnuto class AlmontVafffronor -won , Daisy
J&ocon < 3MikoSpiaj'uo third , Uest tirao
y : 3 ( { .
In the 3:80 : class , wlilch
vas unnnished ,
Nolllo Burrottwoa two heats , and Klnc of the
West to , The race will bo concluded to
morrow morning , after which will occur a
running- race ofouoquarter of a tnlloforUOO
R Sld ( .
Todnr'M Tips.
First race Drizzle , \rcronica.
Second race-Defaulter , Kurus.
Third rauo Evanjollne , Adventure.
ITourtliraco-DeiloD'Or , Quotation.
Fltth race Ben Harrison , Jlill Barnes ,
Sixth race Lady Ueol , Eola
First race Carter's ' Kntry. Ed Dell.
Second raco-BIllyPljikerton , Leuls Clark.
Third race Jed , I'ropliooy.
FourtliMco-fujctto , Miss Howard.
Fifth race Iloniilo Aiinlo , Souriro ,
Sixth race Good Day , Copiicrllold.
A. Hk Jiulfrmont Against , the Iron City
Urhltro Coinpnny.
PlTTsmna , Pa. , Sept. 25 , In court today
ft Judgment of { ISa.OOU npiinst the Iron City
bridge con > pany vas fornuvlly entered upon
the puUlo reoorils. The story of Jho
Dmtmrasmontls thli : The Oliver iron and
t lcompany were ondorsonon notes from
Iho brldgo company which were to fall duo nt
different times. Ola bond given v\as \ Uut In
casoof failure to pay these iiotosvthon they
pamo Quo Judgment by UioOll\cr'a \ cf$183,000 ,
jrcos to bqentoreil aRilnsttho hrldjrocompiny.
Tbli company defaulted on the llrst note , duo
BeptTOiber 10 , bc-nco tlio Judgment. The
pilver company bis limed atttclimmts
overjthini ? pojitUo duotho brUpo
company ntidtny they nro amply protected.
Financial clrt'lci how arts uncaay ortftho
cmhnrrawmcntoftlittlroa CltybrMgovorlts.
'Jho afialr has been kort veryquicl , butthls
mornings Commercial Oazctlo , in spejkiiiR
of the matter , snldi " n nltacluncnt totho
nmjunt of fIS > 'J..T31 nftalint C. J , Schultz ,
owner of the Iron City brldgo vorki , was
served upon the Howard pinto plnsi coirnnny
byV. . II. KodfrcrJ , represeiilhifr the Oliver
lion and steel company. Iho Iron City
brldRC compiny had lullt some larso iron
structures forthoKlassc'onjjiaiiy and there is
still a Inlancoduoon contract , and upon this
the attachment vat Inld. J ! W. Oliver de
clined to give anv Information In regard to
tlio matter unit soaliodld hU attorney , jV
vhlt win paid to Schultz's resldunco. Vint ho
could not bo seen. Ills son-in law said there
u at nothing In thoinatlor tit all. The Iron
City biidKo company isalnrtfebujcr of Iron.
IVlaiiy laigo structures all oicr the country
have beta crated hy it"
An IiilcrvlexvVltf \ lirtroii rs'
Iilr1. * lin Vj rn.-r f
iaJtii\adoiiifi \ . JMtuctn
SrockiiorMSeit,23.-fNow , ) York LIcrald
Cable Special to Tirn Bir | 13irou Nor-
dcns ! < JolJ lmi'rcathopei ( thatthoicv \ polar
expedition \\hlch Norway is flttinj up may
moot \\ltli success , Tliogreit artlc exiiloror
Ls not to talto part In tlio new \ oynge , hut ho
watches every detail of preparation with pro
found interest , Ihnd nihntuith the biron.
Hooxprtssesa Him hollof that thonorthpolo
would to reached heforolonj ? ,
"I haio a son Iti the aitlo region just no\v. \ "
hosuid , "and am In dally expectation of a
telegram from him There Is every reisoti
for mo to belloM ) that my son crossed
the eightieth dogrco of latitude without
meeting ice. I shall not bo surprised
to hear that the water as clear of Ice eve n
as far north as the eighty-second decree , "
andthoharon'i ' strong features and deep-sot
o es wcro lighted mth. aa ounestness nncl
enthusiasm thnt botrnyod an eager spirit.
"This Is a pool period to made a dash. : for the
noith polo. All the conditions scorn to bo
favorable. I fool qulto certain thnt the north
polo will never DO reached by ships , I thinlc
snips should bo used to convey cocploreM to
tbo land neatest the pole , hut the rest of the
Journey must bo nndo norland. When the
scats compuntlvcly frco from Icootploiors
may reaih a ery hlh point and get there so
niiliIfIvtlinfcciv llttln nt tlinir oniilnmcnt 01 ?
energy n ill bo exhausted. U ho march to the
polo by land may then bo accomplished. "
"Honestly , baron , do jou thlnlc It isworth.
all this sacrifice of life , treasure and tiino to
dlscoverthe north polol"
"I will glvo jou Benjamin Fraiildln's
answer to the mmho nsked him what
utility there was in some frcsli dwcoury :
'What Is the use of the new-born bibo ? '
raanshould not rest until nf tcr every spot 011
oaith IIM been reached and
carefully ex
amined. Thonorthpolo may bo thokoyto a
thousand things who knovs ? When the
Bljcerlno combitintlonvi3 found la the
last ; century people smiled at the
discovery and asked 'what It amounted
to anjhow. Is'obody , not eicn the
originator , could sco any Imporhiib
result ; but today millions of people are enjoy-
ingtho benefits oC that nan's ivorlc and his
faith in Its-ultimato value in all scloatiflc de
velopments. There should bo no halt in the
polar regions. Science should press on and
on until the last secret h know n and no man
should raise Ms volco in discouragement , for
the whole world wi'l ' he the lieir of the cx-
ploicr who roaches the polo and brings back
full and accurate scientific details. It is
folly to cry 'AVhnb Is the use I1 Tliere isuso
in everything , and nothing terrestrial sbould
bo hidden from man
Baron Nordcnslcjold is hoplnninR to show
age , but ho is still n powerful man and re
tains thocager spirit that 1ms led him over
and over npaln to face perils in the active
seas moro striking than could scarcely bo
conceived His maislvobrow Juts out over
oycs that soon to look right through you.
Tell Off jiLoml
Thomas Qulgloj' drove to the city We tines-
day with a load of hay. On the -way his so
foil off the load , takmc a fork along , one of
the tines piercing the log near the thigh ,
causing1 an ugly wound.
It o Illicit of II Is Cloth e .
IM. . Davis
rcpoita the loss of a pair of
trousers , an open-faco sihcr watch and gold
cluiin , stolen from nis room in the Great
Western hotel. The police are on the track
of the guilty ono.
Hand IVTnsliod ,
Arthur E. "NVoodcott , employed In laying
rails for the Union
company , bad
a rail rollovoion ; his hand yesterday after
noon , badly mashing two fingers and bruis
ing the hand. A surgeon dressed tlio wound.
Notes A.lout the City.
Itcscu chose company room is being repaired
JNIrs. Jamei Trent is dangerously sick vlth
typhoid fever.
The G.ntn Citv club will play ball Sunday
moinliifrwitti the
Arniour-Cudahy cluhon
the Fourth \vaid grountla
ivo members of the South Omahagun club
residing cist ofthoiallroad trueKs , chulleno
nnyflvc members residing west of the tracks
for a shoot at fifty Muo rocks
each , for © B a
sidoand the iirlco of the birds ,
Cou iity Court.
In the county court Minor & ( laylord"bavo
hroiiftht suit ngainst Micltel , Ulley i , Co , to
recover $ J3J duo on a promlssoiy note , The
same plaintiffs have sued JohiiMuliorblllto
reco\cr \ § 1,000 , on contract
Brownell & Co. bnvo sued 51 , S.Mndsoy
& Co. f orfSOO duo on a noU ) .
Joseph A. Halnes Is plaintiff and OeorgoJ.
Paul Is defendant In a suit 'Ihls is brought
to recover250duo on a note.
J L. AVolslnns 1ms sued Sidney Smith.
WclshansnlloffM f.hit
Kmlth n\v-n ! lilm * ur >
which is duo and unpaid " \Yhclshans has
also sued J. E. Riley , seeking to
reco\er \
$5OO duo on a promissory note.
H , IT. Lotzo & Sons have brouRht suit
against II II. Vanarainuiand ? J , E. lilloi'.to
collect 8500 thnt was duo Juno 21 ,
Falkonan , Oppouhclmer & llamracrschlasr
havebroufht suit againstMux Uauer , They
claim fiOOduo on a iiromissory note.
Wary Zimmerman , for licrsolf andlior two
minor children , Clara and Frank , his
brought suit ngainst Charles F. BaufHor , a
saloon Jceci > er at 20o7CuinliiB-street , and his
bondsmen She nsks for the sum of $1,000 ,
alleging- that
on July M her husband was In
t ho saloon In toilca ted , and while there Ifrcd
II. ICruse the
, bartender nnd agent of
Baunlor , uounded unil abused her husband
Andro\'Vj to such ,
an extent that ho
was con-
llncdto his bed for many weolts ,
Stolen Wotoli ,
Harry Wheeler , a member of the Omaha
light fingered , fraternity , now languishes In
thobistiloat Kansas City. Last Saturday
II. II. Ilnradon of Now York City was la
Otmba putttug In ojob press for Crane &
Chandlorot315South Twelfth street. Dur
ing the afternoon he took oft his vest nnd
al d It on a ohalr.Yheolcr , -who was a close
observer , noticed that in ono of the pockets
of the veit there
nas a flno gold watch.
Hairy corned
the timaploco and
sneak from the room , taldng tooth
watch and
theft vas
until tbo not
tuiof had Wed himsollto the
thoKaw. Ilaradon
follo cd nnd succeeded
In having his man. placed behind the
An bars.
examination of whoolcr'3 cflocts
the watch to light. The owner has
to Omaha , and today wlllmakoan application
may twbrouKut
hack aud
IJorlno Kcoovcrlnij ,
Alllo Ilorino , the youngwomanvho posed
as a target for EdVlggand Just bofora ho
shot himself , islmprovIiiK at a rapid rate
and Iho
physician states that the chances are
will rooovor ,
A Baggy and Its Occnpast Stnick bj a
Hyisg Train Near Auburn ,
.Tlio Iloil ) ' oftlio hlttlo Girl Drowned
nt Onmlm TliroeVeek
I'linnd nt Silii ) llclil-
OlliorState N'ovn.
Neb. , Sept. 2. " > . [ Special Telo-
PLMDI to TUB Di c. j Rudolph "Richie , a tw onty-
ivcycnricsidcnb of Asplnwnll prcilnct , wns
iisUntlj * killed ut the crossing1 n hair tntlo
cast of .South Auburn , this morning at 11
gei Irani , "Whether howus attempting to
cross ahead of the trilnorwlicthcrhis team
vm running sway , wilt never bo known , but
.litiflroiiim siys the liorsesHero ruruiltiK'
' , vlicn hullrstsiw them , about live hundred
'cut distant. Ilio tnpltio struck the bupjy
between Hie vhcels , throivluj,1 the deceased
outontotlic pilot , -where the hodyremjilncd
mill they reached the depot. Ilia ikullnns
jadly crushed and chest caved In. 'Jlio horses
brolio loose from tUo wrecked Lumn'and
were uninjured.
Asplij-xinlotl In JiVcl1 \ >
ruvKEB CmKcb. . , Sept , 25.-Spoclal [
Tcloptrara to Tiirs BKK ] It Is rcportcdon
Uoitrecls tonlithb that Ji'ieliohi Stolnaucrof
Hoik Creek , ct-county coinmissloiicrnndotio
of the olJcst and most prominent dtlzonsof
tliocouuty , died In \velltoduyfrornfoulair. .
ltecr > ver < > < I.
SniiNXFiit.i ! ) , Noli , Sort 2.-Spccnl [ ! Tele
gram to THE BKE ] "Yesterday mornlnp
Coroner Miller WHS called to La Platte to
loldnn Inquest on the body of nllttlogirl
who was found lloatluj ? la the ISllssourl ut
that place , .Alter tlio inquest the body was
; uiuod oior to Undertaker Spearman for
MI ml , "who broiifjhttlio liody liero nnd burled
, t icstorday cioning. Todiiy the father of
; hollttlo one , Joseph Vcmntichkn , who ll\cs
.11 . Omaha , arrived , and the body was cx-
lutnod and idtntilicdas that of his llttlo girl ,
wliowas drovncd at the foot of Ilnrnoy
another little plrl , Jin account ofwhich ap
peared InTifnllni : atthotlnjoof tliodrrmn-
iip The body was ilccomposcj hcjoud ftll
rocwnltion and was only identlfled by her
long braided hair ar.du plcco of the dross she-
won ) when tliowucd
rJlio father will 10-
mo\c \ thti body to Omaha In a fe\v \ dajs.
North Xelir/iska 1'nlr.
NOUFOIK , Neb. , Sept. 23. [ Special Tele-
pram to Tin : BcK.J 1'ho crowd that attended
the North Netaislta fan- today \ vasarlously
estimated ntfrom four tosix thousand. Ccn
oral Van Wyck was the chief attraction , and
when became upon the grounds this after
loon the formers present ceased to admlro
the benutlful twin squash and the forty-
lound beet and nishedfroiiiAgricul-
.ural hall to meet and hear him. The gen
eral spoVe for an hour In his characteristic
stylound told the farmers some plain and
wholesonw truths.
The races toihyvcro all close and exciting-
and wore witnessed by a tremendous thrcuu.
* iotirtccnth Hcimtorml Convention.
VAII.VTIVB , Nob. , Sept , 25. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun DBi-Tho ] rcpubllcM sena
torial convention for the Fourteenth district
methnro today \vith o cry eoUnty repre
sented and almost eury county by full delo-
rations. D. P. Davis of Sioux presided.
Strong resolutions wro pwsod endorsing the
several republican -platforms. WalhcoVI1 -
sona fuinnor of Danes -
county , -wai nomi
nated by acclamation for state senator. The
utmost harmony prevailed , and the universal
sentiment was that-Wilson would bo elected
} y ahaudsomomajerlty.
Hi o An burn Itetuiloii.
Web , " Sept. 23. [ Special Tele-
at tlie reunion ted ay numbered at least live
thousand ,
Mere fed
at tliobaiiquotsprenil by the ladies of jVu-
burn , T-i. D. HIchards. M. L Haywaid ,
Judge Appleset.T. . W. Tipton , State Treas
urer Hill and T. J" . Majors aildressod. the
crovded ainplilthcatro this nftornoon. A.
dress parade wa ? jrucii later , the manual of-
arins command being hy Captain Morrison of
Nebraska City. Aig \ \ day is expected to
Joint. Debate
Bum'EU , Neb. , Sept. 2o. [ Special Tclo-
grara to Tiris Uii5.-Juago ] JVaronVullof \
Loup City discussed the political Issucsof
Iho day with T. Bissell of Valley county at
this place last night In joint debate , Judge
Wall represented the republicans and Jlr.
Bissell the independents , _ A good many
fiirnicrs veto present and were favoiably im
pressed with JuJgo Wall's defense cf the re
publican party. A largorcrowd ffrcrtcd. the
speakers in tlio joint debate than willed to
hcarO. M Item in the afternoon.
Challenged to a Joint Dcliatc.
r iscoL , , Web , Sept. 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bun. ] Tonight J. II , Ames ,
( .hairman of the democratic congressional
coranilttoo of the First district , challenged
Chairman W. II.Voodvard of tbo republi
can congressional committee to have the re
publican nominee for ccnKrcsjV. , . J. Con-
nell.mcotW. J , Brjan , the democratic
pirant , in Joint dcbatoiu caoh countj-of this
ooiifrcssieual district.
The -
EIIOAH , Neb. , Sopt. 25. [ Special Telegram o ,
to TUB BEETho / ] joint debate between Me-
ICelphan nnd Harlaii eamo off today , Mo-
Koiehin enthused ths democrats that bad
surrounded the stand , but when Ilnrlan came
to answer the eathuilasmvas turned the
othonvny. Aoout a thousand auditors wcro
present and ilarlau
evidently made
\otos , Loud chcoritii ! greeted , his speech. mauy
aTlCo County
Is'cb. . Ronb. K _ ISnfH'lAl Tnl.
cgramto TMK liEU.J-Tho second day of the
Nnnco county fair brought the hrtrost crowd
of peoolo ever assembled intho county , Pee
ple eime from c\orynhoro and at 2 o'clock
When the bell tapped for the races at least
live thousand jieoplo had passed Insldo the
Kates Taken altopotlior it wzus the greatest
day In Naico comity's history.
Perkins CoiiMtjr Falr.
Ivr.Mi ) D , Neb , Sept. M [ Special Tolo-
gnim to Tim lie B. ] Tlio Perkins County
Agricultural association is holding its third
annual fair at tills placo. The agricultural
exhibit Is largo and of a quality scouting-
Idea , of damage by drouth in western 3So-
bras la 'Jho nt tendance is good and the rac
ingubovo the
f r. Stone Hoslm. .
Sept. 25 fSpocial Tclc-
gnuu to TUB DKK.-Tho ] diniculty at the
asylum today caused the resignation of JDr.
Stone , Itnlll take effect December 3 , Dr. F ,
0. Test in the meantime remaining in charge ,
The doctor will take a lewweeks' trip , return -
turn ins hero to a wai this successor.
After Septomhor 80 no orders for the
Americanized Eacyelopradla BriUinnlcawill
bo taken. AH persons wlio desire to avail
thonuclvosof ourllbcral ofler musthmotUclr
ordordn by that day ,
TACOMAWnsli | Sept. 25 Tlw ropuhllcan
state convention mot In this city this after
noon , John I- . . Wilson was renominatcd for
congress by acclamation.
Tlio only railroad tram out of Om aim
run expressly for the accommodation o (
Omaha , Council Bluffs , Io3 Moines and
Chlciijjo business la the I ock Island
Tostibuled limited , letivinpr Omaha at
4:15 : p. in. daily , Tlclcot olllco 1002 , Sixteenth -
toonth and Fuinaut sts. Omuba.
nr *
I .
Imrgo Cro\vd OmtTnno to Visit the
Oronf Hliou- .
There vras n isi ) nt the Coliseum last
Iff lit , byrxUla tha > largest crowd of the
season. Su-armi ol crowded
i > coplo the
uppernndlawcrpixMaonadc * tlioentlro
Ing- , and their cxcUitnntloiu of delight wcro
hotliireqwut iintJoiiiplinttft rJCho exposition
Is provitiRft splendid. 8UCCC" , and the people
owoavotooi thanls to Moasr * . Rocder.t
Hell for tlio tniigiilQ'ftnt show
they Imo
' pro-
K\ry \ cxhltiiut
thoCollsouui Is so com-
meiiihble limb Ills hml to make the claim of
lc ) < tfor nm-onoof bW'n , liut the display of
Hliiieljnuuli it'luvlorls certainly ono to ho
proud of. Ifrom tba chain 1cnce next the
nl.sloto thewocii rdpo canopy o\crhead ItU
complete. Thothreosldes of their display
present almost a solid wall cf fjlltterlntf
stool , nmonsfvlilch imy b < ) seen tlio sheonof
the precious inotula , In tlio center of the
lmclrouiul | ? is a column of cutlery sui-
mounted hy u Lu o IwfCulo head , typical of
the UulTnto scales , niliio speeinicii of which
to determine their o lrdupoH. 1'ho display
pf tlno bullJers1 hardware Is very attractive.
Theevydlzcd silver anil trolJpluleil door han
dles ! ono of thonoveltlcs of this exhibit
und Im hint to tlio coinplctoticss and rich-
nesiof the dlsplnv. On tlio rlitht isnshon-
c.iso full of inichinlsts1 tools of the llncst
malws and on tlio left Is another casoof elo-
gaut pocket cutlery , every sanmlo n gem
of its kind A. timshestorodoorhaiiillo with
loclcimd litch vhlclj. can boas easily operated
as ii screen door fastening1 , receive1 : much fa
vorable eonuncnt from these interested Tlie
dlsplav of fine Interior llnlshliiff hardivmo
and brouzo goods Is very complete , Tlio
coiiKsxvhlch adorn the corners of their space
havostgnnls toall parts of the building and
stnrlle the visitors vlth their sharp iilarm ,
malting cncryono iu oluntarily look for the
Hying lire department ,
Thodisfhy of Charles A , Harvey li worthy
of ncareful osimiuatloii. It consists of the
different styles of mantels nnd llteplaco oriia-
meiiU Islany of tbo designs are elegant and
nil of them beautiful. Ilaney lia ? an oiivla-
hlo leputatlon for line work and for being-al-
ways up tothotl-nesand carrying the latest
In hlslmoof pooJs. 'Ihis well arranged dis
play attracts merited attention.
A" , coal inlao inOmnlia would bo a curios
ity. But It is doubtful whether it would at
tract more hi tercUcd attention the roil-
istioioprcwntation of such a rnlno Inuutivo
oneratlon at thoe\hibit of A. f. Meyer & Co.
This entcrprislnp ilrm Invo succeeded In
liroducinga vcrylifolilco scene from the In
terior of a coil mine , nndjudcliif ; fiom tbo
torostlt excites among the visitors , their
their picks und torches all in the
different attitudes in which they appear In
the actual work of mining coil , homo of
thoninro apparently Inthoaut of driving en
tries from the main room , lUiilst others ap
pear to bo breaking1 the preit massesof coil
thattho bhst liu tumbled to tlio iloorof tbo
miuo. I3 cll tlio patient mule and the dump
car nrotoboseen tit the further end of the
mine Justin thosidowinKOf tlio picture sits
McGlnty icftcctltcly scrabchluK liU heudus ho
holds n clnv pi po between his teeth , studying
lio-\v ho will fill the empty coal hlu nt homo ,
The smoker's set , candlestick and otber
ornamentsmadoof pura coil are a source of
curiosity to visitors. Thoioarofcw liner ex
hibits at the coliseum and certainly none
moro novel or original tlnn tint of A. J.
Meyer As Co. UTio scenic -work of the exhibit
is by the aitlsb J , U. 'ftchudl of Omaha.
Onoof the most unttuo anvellas beautiful
exhibits Is that of the W. A , Page Soap
company. The feattiro of this display is a
comjileto liouso from , foundation to the chim
neys made entirely of soap , of their ovn man
ufacture. The dilWrent portions of the build-
intr tnulrt < if flifTproiil Vnlnrod snnns. 1ifiln < * to
mai < oa oeautuin structure , enure ar-
ranpcmoiit of this booth , is as neat and. nr-
tlstioas could l > o\vb \ > licd for , and In itself is
an e.\amploof the cleanliness that must per-
\adouny jiinco whorePapo'ssoaps ' arc found.
This is a home institution and the people of
Omaha arc proud of thp fact : that goes with-
outsajiugfo those who witness the nowds
who Inspected this jn niature soap palace at
the Coliseum. ,
The sporting goofls uopartmont Is well rep
resented by A.H. . Poriipo & , Co.ofiai. > Dod'o |
street , wboso fine disnlay of "Victor. Swift
and Llttlo UiantbioycWs eucltcsttio liveliest
Interest araone the wJieelinen. 'llio c\hlblt
consists of ovcrj'thinjf * Ipglotiglnu to the
cycling profession suits , supplies , nnd all
kindsof bicycling sundries. The glittering
array of hauasooio uucds makes a nice
Thcynro Appointedl > y tlio Council nt
Xase Xlutit's ' iviceting.
The following registrars of election wore
appointed ly the council lostnight :
TIKST wino
First district-Robert Glenn , Low Hill ,
Charles Iospiscl ,
Second district IM. Lenard , Charles
Brnndcs , Iko Sundci-s ,
Third district-JohiiZellcr , O. 11. Nelson ,
John \V. \ Honza.
Fourth dlstrict-E. 1C. Lomr. II. Hanson ,
a. II. Uedutlg- .
Fifth district-IIeiiry Mattiesen , John
Brandt , Pat Barrett.
Sixth district August \VIlliauu , 3SI.
Charon , Fi-anlc Talasok
eocoxi ) iv.vno.
First district Julius Nagle , IM. C. Jloany ,
Sct-ond dlstrict-T. L. Van Dorn , J. P.
Dehm , Ell Garrett.
Thhd district-C. M. O'Doiiovan ' , John
Sehrnlnko , John Worth ,
Fourth district-Joseph Mchal , Al. Mas-
tcrnuu , Thomas KUriic-i. -
Fifth district M. Morrhoa , Michael Mc
Carty , Ueorgo Stryker.
Sixth districfc-L ) . O'Kocfo ' , John. Hooy ,
riiino wxitn
First district-Thomas Crosby , " \VIllinm
O'Brien , .r. J , Donovan ,
Second district-William McCuno , D. L.
Dapley. D. J , Burpe s.
Third district 1 . H.Nofl , Henry 1'arrisb ,
W. JH.Smitlison.
Fourth dirtrlot-Willliti KlniieyVHliam ,
S , Jones , "VVIllluniMcCauan.
First district J. M.l'ish , F. W. Pickons ,
Walter Wills.
Second district-A. I1 , Nicholas , Gcoigo II.
Leslie , Chinles A , Wills
ThirJ district A. J.Uouck , D. II Tcbault ,
J , D. Pilchcr.
Fourth district Ales Molntosh , Oscar
Slovens , GustavoIlnhn
Fifth district Bert 11 Downs , H. E , Max
well. W. F. Hetchor.
Firstdlbtilot Paul Paulson , J. P. Croft ,
M. Clarlc.
Second dlstrlct-13. C. Erilin ? , K. n.
Knight. II. M. Hudson.
Third district J. U.Hruncr , Pctor O'Don- '
nell , 'I\A. \ I/yon.
Fouith di8lrict-Tolin AVullaco , Frank J.
riiedcy , C.J. Wcstordifcl.
First district--P. Vf'Lcsscntln , AV. G ,
JIonsha\v , John I'ugo.
Second distrlct-J. I'.l ' > eiiny. JT.O. Thomas ,
\f. T. Nelson. i
Third district 1101117 Heal , Thomas John
ston , D , A. I'owoll. .
FomtU district-W. 'I'.T ' ? . Wood , J. II. Iko ,
J , W. Lynn , i
Finhdlstrlct HarrjJ.\Vcll3.E.R.\VlffC3 ,
1' . O. Hansen. ' / {
Sixth district Tliorms A. Golden , George
Jones , Henry Percy. t ' -
SKVBNTflAltn. ] \ .
rirstdistrlct CharUi'LIhoniaa , George
Sahino , II. ] { , NoHcoinl | >
Second dlstrlct-Jobif'E. ' Bonenltz , II , E ,
Coehran. It. II. Olmst < .5a7
Thira dlbtrlct-E. ii.i Baldwin , Nicholas
Chorok , J. U , Huso. .
K10I1TII l\rUU \ > .
rirat Dlstrict-Jumos Bryant , Dennia
Lane , William Anderson.
Second DIstrict-A. W. Parker , J. II.
Schmidt , L.I' . MaRlnn.
Thli-d District M. C , Ilussoy , O , L. Bang- ,
jVaron Hool.
Kouith DIstrict-R. E. McDanagb , Julius
\VoUT.P. \ U. Allen
-MNTU ll.UtK ,
Pirst Dlstrict- r. AV , BoivrnanV. , . O.
Tatton , S. S Van Uuren.
Second Blstrtct-A. U. id\rnrds : , J. G.
Jllnor , P. P.Soward.
Third " District 0. J" . Johnson , JT. V. Pattor-
sou , J" . V. Gardner ,
After September SO no orders for the
.AmericanizedEiiQelojU'dlu. ' Itrltniitilcawill
bo taken. All persons who ilaslro to avail
themselves of our llbcnl o.Ter mast
their orders In > > y that day.
The House Adopt ? tbi Oonferonco Report on
tlie LnnJ Fotfoituro 111.
Tlio llotine Post in nitc-r Clinr cilVllh
Ileocliln lllntfal I'orqulrtllcs
and an IiivoAll ittloii Will
be Itistltnlrd.
U'AIHIKOTOV , Sept. 25. In thchousotodny ,
on motion of Mr. Laccyof Io\vn \ , n resolution
was ndopted directing the clerk of the homo
to forward to the go\crnor of ArUunsai a
copy of the resolution declaiing that there \aeaiicy in the Second congressional
district of that state.
The house tlujn proeecdort to the ronsldora-
ilon of the coiifcieuce ropoit on the laud for-
fdturo bill.
Mr. Payson of Illinois , In clnrgo of the
reportmudaa , bilof c\'planatlon of its pro
visions ,
The conference report -was then adontcJ ,
as wcro also the reports on the bill author-
atod cities and towns for cemetery and paik
itirposcs , the bill for the rcllof of settlers on
Northern ljicillc ) Indemnity lands , and tlio
bill gijntingn pension of § 100 a mouth to tlio
uldovof General Ilaitranft ,
Mr. Knloo of Icnnesseo then offereil a reso
lution reciting tliat it is alleged that
in istor of the house , J.J. AVnoatvhosoduty , \
It is to lot the contract lor the aiming of
mails , lot ncontmct to ono Snmucl CulbiMt-
sou for .OJOa jcar on condition that Cul-
bcrtaon should nay him ( Wheat ) $ IW per
month ont of the money icceivcd from tlio
government , and that Wheat did iccono Unit
amount for fire months , anil diroitliiK1 nn in-
\oitiK.itionof these fhirpcci and other mut
ters pcrtainliiff to Wheat's administration.
Mr. Cimu'll of Wisooiisinsuid his informa
tionVM thnt thia pruitlce on the part of the
postnvntcr had obtained
dutlnjr soveial con-
tresses , The postmaster hid Iweoino satis-
lied tint thU money vas not a pie | > or and lo-
ftlthnato pouiuislte , and therefore had cov
ered e\ory dollar Into the trcnstirj.
Mr. Hopkins offered an amendment cxtond-
\ncf \ f lin Il \ * iotli-r iflrtti fntrt f-.lin Tit.iriMr/iVta nP flirt
postmistcr lit the Porty-nlnth ami Infticth
congresses. After some deo.vtfl this \VSH
to and the resolution as ainciideJ
Air. 1'iiyno of Xew Yorc ] , chahmaii of the
special eonimltteo on the Silcottdofalcitior
( nllcclup the bill dofining' tlio duties of the
icrfjeant-at-nnns , and It passed , itm framed
toguaid iipiliist liny possible lepetillon of
the defalcation , and it Is only when pajmoiit
is actually midu by tlio scrgearit-at-uima to
members that any receipt tan oo required ,
Ills componsitioii is limited to the present
Salary. A bond of ifTiO KX ) isioquired.
The bill pissed appropriating ? l,0i)0,000 to
enable tlio secretary ° f the navy to pinchase
nltklo ere or matter for the inauufacturo of
jilcldo steel armor. Adjourned.
\VASIIINOTON \ , Sept. 23. In the senate today -
day the house Mil to provide for the estab
lishment of a port of delivery at Peoria , 111. ,
ivas reported from tto cominittco on com-
mercoaad pissed ,
fPlir % wmmsf nF Iho hnnanfrt ? * n nnnfoiinnr n
onthodallcloncy bill i as complied with und
Jlossrs , Hale , Allison and Cockrcll wcro ap
pointed eon forces on the part of the senato.
Mr. Plumb reported the souuto Jointroso-
utloa aiithorUingtho oxtentlon for one year
as the time for the
payment for land on pre
emption or homestead claims , whenever ,
through flny reason of the failure of crops ,
the settler is unable to m.iko payments with
in the time prescribed by law.
The calendar was then taltcn up. The first
till upon it the house hill to prevent the
production ofconUct labor from being fur
nished to or for the use of any department of
th.o government , and to prcncnt the pioduct
of convict labor from licinptised upon public
buildings or other public woilts passed after
a short dobato.
The housobill tonmcnd "
the "act to pro-
prohibit the importation and immigration of
loielgncrs and aliens under contract oragroc *
nictit to perform lahor In the United SUtos.
its territories , and tlio District of Columbia , "
VMS taken up
The bill was laid aside \\ItUout action on
objection by Mr. Gorman.
The tolloivins- bills union ? others wore
passed : Senate bill for the relief of the
Stookurldfjotriboof Indians Jn Wisconsin :
ncnato bill to authorize the acquisition of
lands for col o ovens andother hnpiovcnient-s
nnd for right of-wny for w.ipon joids , rail- - ,
roaus mid traniwujs inconnectioinvith cotil
mine * ; senate bill lecjuliini ? the United States
todofond thotitloof homestcarieiiiunder the
laws of the United States in all suits uhore
land is claimed to bu ininoral because ) of phos
phate deposits.
The senate icsumod consideration of the
scmito bill to establish a United States hind
couit , but adjourned without disrobing- it.
One toUoBt00,000 to -IJrcotcil fn
Hie AVai * I'utiiro.
"Yes , " said C. X , Yost , general imnairer of
the telephone camp my , last night , "wo have
purchased thoMcCord property attho south
west coiner of ICiphteeiith and Douglas.Vo
paid $ ai,000 , for the lot , and ai soon as the
city council establishes n grade , so thut wo
can caleulateon whcro our foundation is going
in , wolll commence the erection of a build
ing to bo used
exclusively for telephone pur
poses. It , -\\ill bo lire proof , probiblylivu
stoilcs hiph , und -v\ill bo HU M feet on the
giolind , Just what plans wolll adopt I
cannot say , as I want to visit No-v\ York and
some of the other c stern citlo < and imcstl-
pate the question moro thorouithly. It Is our
intention to nuilco the Omaha sjstoni the
moit complotoin the country ,
"Onotliiiigl can say , und that Is that the
oxpunclltuve111 not aniuunt to less than
$2W,0 ( > Oaiid possibly moro.
"I thlnlc the foundation for the new build
ing will bo laid this fall , and If thooulinnncc ,
as It is now before the city council , passes ,
wo once bopin the work of putting
dersrouml by the tiuio our new building is
ready for occupancy , "
IMIIen * Nerio mill Ijivcr
An Important diseovciy. They act on the
li\cr , Momma and liowcls tlirough the
noies.V \ now principle. They bpeullly
cuio biliousness , hul taste , torpid Il\or \ , pllo *
andconstlpitlon. Spluiitlld for men , women
andchildien. Smallest , inililest , surest , : u >
doses for'iS cents. 'Sampled free atlvulm Sc
Co.'a ' , ISlh and Douglas.
SKtliWnMl Jleiiiocrato.
Thcrowas n house full of democrats ntthe
Sixth ward club rooms last night. They had
assembled to hear Lawyer Illggins , who Is
the candidate for attorney fictional , discuss
the political issues of the day. The band had
been hiied to serenade the BCiitleman , but
owing to not having made his connections ho
wai unable to reach the city nnd the time
Wiuusodup by Jiillng in with local omtors.
T. J , Mahoneyled oft with onoof hUold time
cainiiaiKii HpcCLhes Following him. Albert
S. Hltchlo , .fudgo Folder , Wnrrcn S\v itzlor
aiid'l' . .1 , MoifarityheliKd to kill time and
expound Jefferson inn doctrines ,
The musical and dramatic concert given by
M. and Mine , Planol last o\cning at the
Bojd , while not largolj- attended , v s a very
artistic success , and merited a much larger
audience. ThoAixjllo club lent very valua
ble assistance , Mr. Cahnocqulttinff himself
admirably in lib accompaniments.
The now odlcca ol the great Rook
Island louto. 100:2 , SIxtcontluiiidl''nriiaiu
Btrcots.Oiuumi , uruthullnest in the city.
Call and BOO them , Tickets to all points
lowest rates.
Ono of the Notorlom MeCnrtyw
in HorloitxTroilblo ,
At 3 ! ? 0 o'clock yesterday afternoon .Tohn
JlcCaily , Aho resides In Sarpy county , Juat
south of Albright , with hlood In his eye mid n
i-cvolver in his haml valkcd into Doglcy X
Onllahan's saloon and without n inomciitN
warn Ing leveled Ills jim at Aden U. Morris1
liead nml threatened to shoot. Mr , Morris is
Inrtondor for Deploy It Callahan. After n
llltlo i irlo.\lni ; RlcUnrty Avent out and in a
few minutes toturncd tothosutooii , and us ho
cntcrclthu door ho leveled his revolver on
Jlr. Norris and ilred , but foitunntely mhsed
Ms niArlc. llofoio the smoke hid clcnrcil
jway , and as Mr. N'orils w w running out of
the roar door , MiUarty shot agUn. After
31r. Noiris a < ? out of the house the murder-
ojs man shot at him again ,
McCarty ns ntrustt'il and tnkon before
Judge King , who placed him uniler { 1,000
bonds for his appearance next Tuesday tit
J o'clock.
There has been moro or leis had hlood In
the nclttliboihood for some time nnd Xorrls
niul AltCnrtyhavo not heen on the Iwst of
terms. McCarty took Uiisdcipoiato iy to
iwoiifro a real or fimcicd wionjr.
Mr. Norrlsla tiqnlot.lnotlcnslveinnn.novcr .
before liaviiif any trouble tosi > eak of , and Is
ucll llketl by nearly nil who know him
JUCaity is ono of the MiCarty bo s who
liuro 111 .do that neighborhood notorious for
miles around , and bears
anything hut
: m cii-
Justhow .in nltcratUomeiilclnecto.msestho
sjstoiiiIs iin open question ; hut that Ayer's
feirsaparilliidoes produce * a , tailtcalcliango in
the blood is well attested on all sldo . It is
werywheroconsidered the best ivinedy for
blood disorders' .
It JIado ' '
'J'liciu Tired ,
Any number of Omaha ladies paid the
United States express company a visit yes
terday. The day bofoto 1,000 postal cards
pissed thro ugh thopostoflleodlrccto.l to that
number of ladies , iioti/jlng' the to call at the
express olllco nnd each iceelvo a prepaid
package Visions of piesonti from husbands ,
relatives and friends caused the army of
ladlei to look pleas mt as they formed in line
Mini ga\o their names to the aci'omiuodating
cleik behind the ulukct. The nrosents wore
R\OU | \ out , and I\IPII | It\vusiltaco\crodthc )
vcro simplv some advertising catalogue's
from nNe\v York donk houro , a moro dis-
Runted lot of women never wended their way
tothoir resniutlvahniiipii.
Persons advanced in j ears feel joungernnd
stiontjcr , as well ai freer from the Infirmities
of ago , by takingDr. . J" . II. .McLean's Sarsn-
Imildlntr 1'ei-nilt.s.
The ; following p'rnltswerj isjuoi by the
superintendent of buildlntr ? yesterday :
II T. Clarkp , throi'-itory find brick ton-
riniMit lionii1 , 'Jnunlj-flftli andCass
stro'Ms . .
} 50,003
C.astelhr '
strcut I'rosbylorl'in church.
DUO and O'm-dmtih-story friino
i liu roll , lloiilovuul nnd Nicholas
stieols . . 3,000
lied tatiolly , ono-story fr.mio eotttso ,
Hxttiuth nnd Illt'lcoiv str-oetH . . C03
II M. llurlljuit. tivistorfriino ilurol-
ling. llilrt-llf tli.ivuiiiii ) : iuit Di\en-
purb itrout .
' 3,000
I'milc Sivalnxhi.
two-story frinm < , tom
and < hvollln0' , SlMeonlh und \VI11I mis
sti uoti
. 3,000
Trink Mvnholn , t otnrv 1 r.unu ihvol-
llnt ; . Slvtocntli nnd VMIflaiiHstrii'ts . 2,010
IrinlcbwnlMida. t o sloiv Uwol-
17lvo llng , blvtonitli nnd NMlllainsatrt'Cts . 2,00 ]
minor pirnilts . l.OUO
Total 9 ci.fiao
Tielfcts nt lowest rates and superior
accommodations via the great Koclc
Island route. Tiokot otliee , 1003 Six-
tceiithand Farnam streets , Onmha
\\liero \ Blr Coiuicll.SpenkH.
Hon. V7. J , Council , candidate for re-elec
tion to congress , leaves this morning to mnko
a series of speeches to his constituents of the
ITiMt congressional district. Today ho speaks
at Hickmaii , Lancaster county ; Satiuilny
e-\cningat Nebraska City , and on Monday at
Falls City. Mr. Council Is in excellent
spirits and will entertain his hearers with a
consldcintion of questions of Intcicst to pee
ple of this part of the state such as they have
not beard formally a dav.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren teething Is the family benefactor , 52
cents a bottle.
marriage Incenses.
The folloivlnp marriage licenses were is
sued byJudgoShiolds yesterday :
Name nnd address. Ago.
f HubcitK. Jonei , Omaha 82
I Hose Sidner , Oinahu C2
( Oliver Allen , South Omaha ! ! 0
I Llzzio Fai-icll , South Omaha 85
( Sivnnl'ittcison , Ornnha 2(5 (
I AitKUSta Peterson , Omaha 2.1
AlbeitW. Liter , Illinois 27
JcnnioA. Waeohjowa 2t >
Van Ilouton's ' Cocoa Lnrg-cit sulo in the
Siwlflo Mr 'lynterlft. Dlitlne . Tita , lVur lla , Wako-
lulnrsa , Mental Drpiviloii , HounUiniir [ ( the
mliln In ln nnily njl luiwlltw to nilicry dmav rj
ileit1) * Prcmafnro O1 < 1 Affp , JHrruiirirBS , l.osaof Vowcr
Ineliliur 10 * . Itnoluntitjr l.oi"M , ami fiiiormstorrhaja
cagicil lir orcM < urtIoor I lie liraln. rfll liiso or
o erlndil nco haclibox contaltiaonuiiiontt trcit-
Tnent. { I a box , or til tor 3) ) , pent by tiialltr'pnld. -
Wltli oncb urotr lor tit liuxn. will rcnil rurt-Jmwr
Btnranti'3 lo lefnnil narmy ir ( lie trmtmcnt fniuto
cum , ( Juuiuitiuli > onlyliv
3110 Karnam Street. - - Oinalii. Noh
Absolutely Pure ,
A oream of tartiuhaVlriK jiowrtrr , Hlth ( a
oflijartnlBK slriMiglli V. S. flovoinmout Km
rt A.UI. 17. ISy.
Physicians , Surilcons aad Specialists.
Th moit wliloly and
fa\orallr know
) * poc-
lalUU In tlio Unltcl
Htntn .
* flinlr lon
< ox-
porlenco , roniarUulilt ) s' 111 und u lit ycrsivl suo-
ses * In the treatnient nnd '
ciira of N'orvous.
Olimnloanil fcurKli il Dl9u.i4i i , ontltlo Ihosn
cmlnontiiliVHkluiis to the full coiitldi'nrooC
ntorvMlioro. They trimrantco :
A OHKTAI.N AM ) L'lbl L'lV'i : UUIIIJ for
thutiwfuIulIVcts of iirly vluo and the
oiH'vlNtliiitfillo ( ) In ftitriiln ,
spidlllyrnniiilnti ly and iinrininontly uuiod.
01iKSyluldruullly { | ) :
tothoir bkllKul t au
i < iiK9 , risTtrrA AXD HKOTAC VLCC.M
Kiiiimntceil cured without ii.iln or dotoutlon
from Inislni'ss
nonlly nmi suicos tully mrud In
nerr .
' ' cuso.
niatDrilicj. Hon.liiul '
U'unknn-.sLostMiuiliooil , ,
NItlit ; Knilssluns , leeayiil Pucultlu , Foiniiln
Woiknowand ull ililluato dlMimlura peculiar
to rlthor mix positively ( \rdllin-ill
fuiKtlonal disorders that result from
fill ' ' folllosor the ' oxctHs o ( niiitiiro yours.
l , auiriuitcod pnrmanu ntly
uurud. roiiicital con iiletu.
afToi'tud nt 1 1 oino by patluut wltliout
' uinu-
nicnt'H niln or nnnoyniu'c.
A QITKIJ rMIPTJTho nxvful oHoofcs ol
OUl\h UUf\I/lriy , ! vloo whiJi lrln a
orpanto weakncxs. ( k'strojlu both mind niul
body , with all Its dru.idoil iIH iiermaiiunty
cii red.
nt ? TPT'IAiMrPsithoqoivJiolixrolm ?
U ij. . Ul * I KJ -
iiilrml thoiiisi'lvoH
by Ini-
proper Indulgence nnd Holltiirvli iblH. which
ruin holliiiilntl nnd body , unllttlnj ; thumfoi
business , stud v or inarrliiiriv
AlAltKIEI ) BIKN or thtw ) ontorlnfton that
harp/ fo.awaro of physical dohlllt-y , quickly
Is based upon facts. Pirst Practical oxporl-
on co , second Kvery caiiols.spoi.liillyiitiiulou ,
thus starling rltflit. Tlilrd Meillolnea nn
prepared In our lubonttorr exactly to null
eucu case , thus c ( Tooting euros without InJ ury ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
tireitil almrs r lhbb Jmlle * , flft
t rurlMniiiord Itraoiltlnnd tuvitu
nualiNlwlth bluurltboD ' 1 uKnno uthcn
( .rti ; ) f > r rrtJeulon &r < l * tjtellcffoi
tM/'f rt Ittttr , by rrtu rn m ul 1. Mm * J"ua
< JhIchw'ur * hcni < u . ladbun * < .
. . . REGULATOR , i
. . . . . In to a ilijr at money
Ily mill. ? . ? . Si'ourply nl < l from ob-
oormtlou. COOK JtEVKDr < DQt OmahaN > .
Curl ) Dccny nml Aliuic ,
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Qlmpouncy.loit Vljor , and
healthfullyrtitoril Varlcocoiecored PartmUrC'J ,
Kucrciy. I'rur. KevItamiTroitliiientlteaandltaltil U.S. IK fTM , 171 Jt'ultuii bu , m. V.
boc-clil niuiKoinciit nnd Grand I'rodnctloiiof
I hu I , itoatConiloUDir i
Elegant Staging.
Ricli Costumes.
Complete Chorus
I'oiiuliirjirloos Boson-oil sonts 2 c. Sit" , { fli ,
] l v hOits TV ) uiidil. Hov shunt ojion batur-
day null alii/ ,
B i ) l
Ivtrj o
MDN8. MUN8ULLHJri6l6ymnasl
Afternoon and Evening. l vcry one should sec him. Tlio
greatest living high wire walker ; and trick trapeze
performer in the world ,
Magnificent Commercial and
Mechanical Exhibition ,
The Automatic City , Costing Over $2OOOO ,
Ma-ny New and Novel Attractions !
ADMISSION , 28 Cents