THE OMAHA DAILY vis TWENTIETH TEAP. OMAHA , FKIDAT 3EORXE3STG , , SEPTE3IBEE 20 , 180O , LOO , BRUTAL POLICE IN IRELAND , They Asanlt a Body of Eminent national ist Xeaders at Tipperary. DRAW BLOOD WITH THEIR BATONS. Tlic Victims Came a Sensation by Ap- penrlrijf In Court In a lattcrc ) l > Cou < lltlon-jV lllnscJ Dcnt.iv , Sept 25.-Much to the surprise ot the authorities who \\ero taking Patrick O'Prion to Tipperary for hearinR today , a large delegation of prominent nationalists Vw n1o * hr rtmr > train A mnncf thotn tvero * same iram. Among John Morley , John Dillon , Ufred Tillings- vrorth , member of parliament , T. M. Heaiy , Commoner Harrinpton and several others. On the arrival ot the trala at Tipperary the nationalists started for the court house In o body. Obey had uot gone far when they were stopped at the street corner and entered into conver sation.V'hil \ they were standing there , In no way disturbing the peace , they \\ero ordered by the police to move on. John O Connor , member of parliament , took very vigorous exception to this order and showeil his contempt for tbo police by calling upon the crowd which bv that time hail become IUUICTJWU , v.unu. ; very large , to Ki\i three cheers for John Morley The cheers -Here given uith peed will much to the exasperation of the police , who thereupon charged upon the crowd and nttcmpted to force It to move forward. In the melee that followed the policemen did not besltatc touse their batons. Due burly con stable aimed n blow at John Morley himself , but John O'Connor , who stood near , warded it off. The nationalists then continued their ay slowly toward the the courthouse. As this \vns the day fixed for the trial of the nationalists , the streets of Tipperary were full to overHowintr with people interest ed in the case. Early in the day it became known that still another arrest had been Winde. The victim this time was Thomas Condon member of parliament for Tipperary east. He wai taken this morning at Limer ick nnd brought to Tipperary. When court opened the authorities decided not to open the aoors to the general public , hut to admit only those who were Immedi ately interested in the trial. But the crowd pressed forward , trying to force its way Into the court room. Tbo police stoutly resisted , chnrpinp rcpenicdly upon the crowd and usmg their clubs freely At last the crowd VMS gradually forced hack and the police suc ceeded in malnUilnincT a clear spare in front of the court house. Durinjrthe ccnttict many persons were wounded with blows from the policemen's bludgeons Among the wounded were Timothy HarrinKton , member of parlia ment from Dublin , and a Mr Halifax. Both recei\ heavy blows on the head , which bled profusely. They made their -way into tbo court room as soon as they could , but by that time their hair and ccat collars were saturated with blood and they presented a pltublo spectacle. Their aD ! > ciiranco in court created a pro found sensation and lent additional emphasis to the complaint which William O'Brien was making to the court , as they entered , of the brutality of the police. John Morley then arose and addressed the court , manifesting great agitation. Ho earn estly pleaded with the court to protect the populace against the wanton use of clubs by the police. Meanwhile the nationalist lead ers continued to protest against the exclusion of the fieneral public from the court room. The authorities at last yielded and tte doors , wore thrown open. At the outset Dillon objected to being tried before Resident Maglstruto Shannon. The grounds of his objection \\cro that ho had a personal encounter vrith Shannon on one oc casion at Cashel. At that time ho asserted that Shannou had grossly Insulted him. Ho urged , therefore , that there would bo mani fest impropriety in Shannon's sitting at the present trial. Shannon refused to admit the validity of Dillon's objections. Ho knew no reason why he should not go on with the caso. Ho de clared that Uo would perform his duty with out bias. William O'Brien also objected to Shannon. The last time ha saw Shannon be said Shannon was at the dead of a body of police who were using their clubs upon people. Moreover , Shannon had already tried him three times on similar charges. His sitting In the present case , O'Brien said , was la- decency and an Insult. The mnristrato answered O'Bnen's oblec- tioiis In the sumo way that bo disposed of Dillon's. Ronan , counsel for tho. crown , naked per mission to malto some slight alteration in the charges ajainst the prisoners. Although the latur protested visorously apainst such permission , the court permitted the crown to make the desired changes , Ronan then pro ceeded with the case for the prosecution. He reviewed the circumstances -nhlcn led up to the arrest of the nationalists. Th < Fcellntr Jn Dublin. , Sept. 25. The excitenrcnwhen the arrests of Dillon and O'Brienwere made has Its counterpart In nationalist circles to day. The dispatches from Tipperary created a profound sensation. The fact that John Mersey is present at the trial is considered a fubjcit for much congratulation. It is thoueht that the trial will afford him more insipht to the true Inwardness of the Irish problem than weeks of ordinary travel and im estimation. _ ifuo Members Indignant. CIXCISVATJ , 0. , Sept. 23. News of the at tack of the police -upon the people of Tippe rary , inhlch Timothy Harrington received a serious wound nnd John Morley narrowly escaped death , aroused Intense indignation among the members of the national council of the Irish leacuo now in session in Cincinnati. President Fitzgerald sent a cablegram to Harrington expressing sympathv nnd horror at the deed and the admiration of the council torMorloy. " \Vonlc of Pan-Americnns ApproTetl. WJLSHIVGTOV , Sept. 23. Secretary Blalno Jbas received from Minister Abbott at Bogota the translation ot an citrnct from the mes- saffo of the minister of foreign affairs of Co lumbia to the national congress concerning the recent international American confer ence. The minister declares that the results of the conference will bo to the everlasting glory nnd satisfaction of all who took part in the meetingHo recommends to the congress of Columbia the adoption of many plans pro posed by the conference , and urges Immedi ate action with reference to au appropriation lor on Intercontinental railway , and the ap pointment of a member ot the commission soon to meet In Washington. The minister ei press PS regret that the conference did not take under consideration the Monroe doctrine nnd do Jure It to bo the universal doctrine of the American nations. Northwestern Conductors' Demands. Cmaao , Sept. 23. ( Special Telegram to TUB Bte. ] The committee representing tha conductors oa the Chicago & Northwestern railroad system , who are demanding a gen * oral raise of wages , was closeted with Gen eral .Manager 'Whitman today. It appears that there Is to lie considerable difficulty In reaching a settlement. Some of tbo conduc tors seem to think that the management of the road -would readily acquiesce in a com promise for about half of the advance which Is asked , but they jay the committee has positive instructions to accept nothing short of the scale presented , which calls for $115 , Ilifl and 1135 a month respectively for the three cla&sei or conductors. Sulciilctl at Hl AVIfe'a Coffin. I'ntUDEU-niA , Sept. 25. Special Tele irnmto Tu * Bxt ] John New committed laicUe this icoralngby shooting uinsclf at he stood over the coffin containing the body of hlsdeod wife , who will be buried tomor row New has boea despondent since the death of his wife. Twenty Chlmmen Arrested , Pont TOWNSRXD , Wash. , Sept 2fl Twenty Chincso wore arrested near here yes terday by the custom inspectors -while at tempting to enter the United States In small sloops. German Lieutenants right a Duel. BCRMX , Sept 25 In a duel at Hatzburg today between Lieutenant Blethstassor and Lieutenant Gorder the former was killed. The duel nas the result of a quarrel In a res taurant. Tlie "Weatlii-r rorec.nt. . For Omaha and Yicinitv Fair ; slightly cooler. For Nebraska , lovra and South Dakota- Fair ; clearing In eastern Iowa , stationary temperature ; variable winds. Donn Nominated for Connrcsi. CivcifviTi , 0 , Sept. 03 It was after 2 o'clock this morning when the republican convention of the Tenth congressional dis trict at 'Washington Court House came to an end by the nomination of Hon. U. E Doaaof Clinton countv Republican * Leave the Alliance. IsDtA. > oLA , Neb. , Sept. 23 [ Special to THE BEE. ) A largo number of republican alliance men in this locality have -withdrawn their attendance at the alllanco meetings , owing to the fact that the democratic mem bers are altogether too active in favor of Boyd and McKeighan. Australian ShearerVStrike. MELDOIKXE , Sept. 25. ( Special Cablegram to THE BEE. ] The shearers in New South Wales and Queensland have gone on a strike. Employers in Sydney Insist that the union ists shall accept the principles iaiddoun in their recent manifesto before they will con sent to hold aconferencowitn the strikers. The Death Itoll. DAME , Ind. , Sept. 23. Arthur J. Staco , professor of civil engineering In Notre Dame university , died this evening. Prof. Staceva * born in Husscr , England , in ls.1S. He has been connected with the university of Notre Dame since l&JO He achieved dis tinction as a poet , litterateur , humorist and mathematician. He was one of the commis sioners to the Paris exposition in I5b9. Will Vote the Indiana. CnA-xtnEHLuv , S D. , Sept. 25. [ Special to THE BEE J The Sioux Indians will be asked to taue a hand in the capital location question this fall. The fact that but a few of them are legal voters appears to cut nofigureina struggle of this kind. Already one cf the capital aspiring towns h.xs had men on the reservation arranging for voting places , and it is the general rumor that the noble red men will be initiated into the mvstenes of casting a ballot at the election in November. A ItcvcrcnU Bill-Fixer. MILTUUKEE , "Wis. , Sept. 23 [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Rev A. M Deford , mothodit aced twenty-eight a > t preacher , years , was arrested hero this morning for at tempting to pass a $2 bill which had been raised to 510. Several mutilated bills were upon Deford's person , and tlio evidence aialasthim is very strong. Tha reverend bill-nxer was on his way to the Methodist conference \Vhltewater. . Ho is very popu lar at Hortonrtlle , where he filled a pulpit while ho pursued his studies at the Lawrence university at Appleton. and the people of his church had asked the bishop for his return for the coming year. Deford has a vrifo and four children. A Railroad Su d tor Discriminating . PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 25. A suit for t31G- 345 vras begun yesterday against the Penn sylvania railroad company by Lewis J , Lev- ick under the anti-discrimination law of 1SS3. Levick's suit is based on shipments of oil from the oil regions of Pennsylvania to the Seaboard oil -works at Tburlow , Delaware county , during 1SS4 and 1SS3. The Soabaard oil works were owned by Crew , Levick & Co. The claim against the railroad company is based on nn illegal charge by the railroad company upon heavy ship ments of oil , on which It is asserted the firm had to pay 13 cents per barrel more than charged rival shippers. It is understood in this case to he the fatandard oil company. Nebraska , I ova arid Dakota Pensions. WismxaTOif , Sept. 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE.J Pensions were granted today to the following Nebrasirans : Keissuo Joseph Odreen , ICnosville ; Jeremiah \Vil- helm , Dorchester. Reissue and increase Haralson Tipps , Fairbury : John H. Shook , Hillsdale. Iowa : Kclssue Samuel S. Worley , Boone ; Gilbert \V Norton. Oskaloosa : Walter Car penter. Iowa Falls ; James W. Hyatt , Eddv- villo ; George H. Xycrs , Eddyville ; Henry P. Bugueblne , Sidney ; Edward JJeudick , Ecd Oak ; NVatson Jlolinycux , Hawarden ; John T. Hitchcock , High Point. Reissue and in crease Jacob Hughes , Milton ; William Pit- cock , Colfax : John Peters , Bevinsrton ; Jos eph M. HichanK Pitinger. Original - widows ows , etc Xaucv E. , widow of Peter M. Rey nolds. Vinton ; Huth E. , widow of Myron M. Brightman , Avoca. South Dakota : Reissue and increase John Byerly , Armour. TJIE ItlltCllALL TUIJIL. Evidence Introduced 'Which Made the 1'rlsoner riush with Shame. \YOOUSTOCK , Out , Sept 25.-With the de- siroto push the Blrchall trial through In shorter time than it has threatened to oc cupy , the court met this morning at 9:30 : , half an hour earlier than previously. A large crowd gathered to see the prisoner arrive. The lirstwitness was S. B. Fuller , man ager of the imperial bank here. He identi fied the signature of F. A. Somerset on cer tain checks as that of the prisoner , who opened an account with the Imperial bank on the 10th or llth of December , IbsS. Ho also identified the letters as those of the prisoner. Osier , chief counsel for the crown , wanted to put in as evidence certain Utters to Mel- lerlsh , through whom the prisoner and Ben- well were brought together. The letters were rcaJ. They covered the skeleton of the correspondenro which took place at the Umo negotiations were entered upon , with tele grams tent ostensibly from theStafford house , Buffalo , but really from the prisoner , telling himself at Niagara Falls to ship the heavy bapcago to Niagara Tails , N"Y. The effect ot these telegrams was to show that the pris oner had carried on a systematic deceit on Bcnwelland his father , and , after the young man's disappearance , on jounp Felly , who waswith them and very anilpus about Benwcll not appearing. During ; the reading of these telegrams exposing his fraud Blrchnll's usually pale complexion suffused with a llusn of red. Conductor Poole of the Grand Trunk road testine-i that to the best of uls knowledge there \\cre onlv two passengers on his train from Eastwood on February U , They were , ho thought , Englishmen and answered in ap pearance to the prisoner and Bcnwell. The witness was rigidly cross-examined in regard to the way both men dressed and to what they carried. Miss Lookhart of Woodstock said she was traveling v est February 17 from Paris past "Woodstock. She saw two passengers get o2 at Eastwood. On seeing Birchall afterwards in Jail she identified him as the ono who hod sal before her on the train. The other she rwognlied hi the body of Benwcll vshen er- huracd. Cross-examined by Blackstock she acknowledged that througn reading an ac count of the finding of the txxiv she had not for some time connected this incident with the tragedy Something said in Dlrchall'a evidence tint brought the connection to her mind. On a previous occasion she had stated that she had taken little notice of the pas. sengen , but her tvidecce of today , as Black- sto .lc iba"ed , did not ajrce with tUs. i THEY ARE NOT TO BE ENVIED , Nine Days of Hard Work Tut in by tie Con ferees on the Tariff. A BITTER FIGHT OVER BINDING TWINE , The Opinion Prevalent That the Con * Terence Ileport Will bo Re.uljTor Submission Today 1'ostal and Other Matters. 513 "VWiiiNoTov D. C , Sept. 23 The con forces on the tariff bill are In such a frame of mind that thoughts of murder and suicide arise very easily. They have been at work upon the measure now for nine days , endeavoring to perfect It and come to an agreement upoa the disputed questions. Despite their best efforts to keep their pro ceedings to themselves their actions have become known and are repeated from mouth to mouth , and speedily find their way into the public prints , bringing down upon them hordes of persons interested in the schedules , who make life a burden to them by lyin s In wait in the corridors of thocapitol. But worse even than these are the congressmen , who insist upon certain action in regard to the subjects in which they or their consti tuents are particularly interested , threaten ing in cose of refusal on the part of the con ferees to vote against the adoption of the re port when It is made. "When they adjourned tonight they were al most fagged out phvsically and mentally. They all united in expressing the belief that the report would be aide tomorrow , al though none of them would state eipllcitely that tills was a fact. It is believed in some circles that the conferees have really agreed upon the two points which are still said to be pending sugar and binder txviae but with hold a statement or their conclusions in order to bo relieved as far as possible from the pressure that would be brought to bear upon them w nile the re port is being -written up. The clerks have been at work upon that all day , and it is believed have practically finished it and that it will be all rendy to morrow moraine to bo reported to the two houses. * The latest gossip about the two subjects under consideration is that So. 10 will be accepted as the dividing line befneen dutiable and free sugar , the duties of the higher grades to bo fixed at J < cent a pound. The bounty proposed to be tnven to sugar produced -will not apply to suears testing le s than SO degrees by the TwOnriiiviTV * Rpt.\vtv n Wl nnri ! X1 tlifi hnimtv . . will be li cents a poundand above SO 2 cents per pound. This is said to bo acceptable to the cane sugar men , whose product under the improved appliances now in vogue tests well up to C 0 and will receive the higher rate of bounty The duty on biadine twine will bo somewhere from J { to 1 cent per pound , prob ably 9-10 cent per pound , The fight over the duty on binder trine has been one of the most active and Bitter that has been known in congress for many a day. There is no binder twine trust , but there are only forty factories in the country -where it is manufactured , and these are said to employ 11,000 men , women and children. Tne most of them are owned or controlled by the manufacturers of self-binding : reapers. As e\erv particular reaper requires a pirticular grade of twine to make it work evenly and well , the reputation of the machine , it is claimed , depends upon the kind of twine thut Is used on them , and the manufacturers connected with or nt least associated vrith the reaper shops produce ex- aitly the quality that is required and no other. The cheap grades of foreign twine do not work well and as a consequence the farmers became dissatisfied with their ma chines and sent them back to the factories ; therefore the twine manufacturers are sup ported by the reaper manufacturers in their right for a high duty. On the other hand , the cost of the twine is a very heavy burden upon the farmer. Congressman Lind of .Minnesota , for example , who has 400 acres in wheat , claims that his time cost him 100 during the recent harvest , and farmers with ono thousand or two thousand or more acres have to pay bills correspond ingly increased. Ono man who has been taking an interest in the fight says that the twine used by him during the recent harvest cost him as much as the labor required to get in his crop. By placing twine on the free list it is claimed that the cost of harvesting a hundred acres of wheat will be reduced 20 per cent , but this is denied by ihose who want the duty kept on and they claim that the reduction will not be more thau3or4p r cent. They say , too , that the less of time caused by the use of cheap tvrino will bo very great and the necessary repair * to the machines mil subject the farmer to a great loss. In fact , they argue that there is no economy in cheap twine , but the farmers are willing to take their chanccj , anil the twelve senators from the northwest who voted with the democrats for free twinodeclare they will beat the bill if the duty goes back. JWESTIGATIVO rOSTMJtSTCK WHn.lT. Postmaster Wheat of the house Is the latest subject for investigation. Some time ago , it will bo remembered , ho had a difficulty with one of the employes and was assaulted by him. Thoemnloyc was one of the democratic holdo\ers and was shortly thereafter dis missed. Ills said that from information fur nished by him Representative Ealoe of Ten nessee today introduced a resolution calling for an investigation of the administration of the office by Postmaster \Yheat , the particu lar charge being that he received from the contractor for hauling the mails of the house 1150 a month out of the (5,000 ( annually ap propriated for that purpose , nnd which was the nominal amount of the yearly contract. It was stated in "Wheat's benalf by Repre sentative Caswell and others that tha prac tice was ono that had coma down from for mer administrations of the orace nnd that ho was simply following the example set him by bis predecessors , but that after several months he had concluded that the perquisite was not a legitimate one and bad converted the amount Into the treasury. The resolution was adopted with an amendment including the administration of Postmaster Dalton In tne scope , but it is not likely that anything will be done in the matter this ses sion. r-ECTTtmXO SEXATE PAGES. There has been a general clearing out of pages in the senate , which nas occasioned some remark , inasmuch as the position is one greatly desired and sought after hy boys , paying as It does , fJ50 a day. Inquiry was made this afternoon as to the reason for the change. It being thought that Itvas due possibly to the installation of a new sergeant-at-anns recently It was learned , however , that the boys had fallen into bad habits and yielded to temptation to acquire that which did not belong to them at the expense of the senate. Several desks have been rifled , and the guilty ones having boon discovered , a cumber of them nere dis missed. POSTAL MATTERS , Postmasters were appointed today as fol lows : Luton , Woodbury county , Iowa , D S. Phillips , vies G. M. Holder , resigned ; Ecsard , Sioux County , Nebraska , A. H. Wal lace , vice H. Booster , moved awav ; Mildale , Custer county , Nebraska , C. C , Gnfilts , vice A. Harris , resigned. Upon the recommendation of Mr. Dorsey the following postmasters have boon ap pointed i LevlGojtmar , at Lisbon : E H. PurccU , Verdigris , Knox county , Charles Junnemeir , Snyder. Dodro county : Arnold Smith , Hggs. ! Sheridan county , Postofflces have been established at Kirk , Banner county , Nebraska , and Moody , Brown county , and Sarah E. Kirk and Daniel Klg- ler appointed postmasters respectiuly. John Bristol has be n commissioned as postmaJttr at Bradgate , la. , and Annette _ . . . . at Lushton , Sob. , eboth to take effect Octob rl The postofflco at Winchester , Chose county , has been discontinued. Mleliljran Lumber I ! timed. BAT Crrr , Mich , ScpL ' 55. Three million feet of lumber on 3Mdy Bros. & Co.'s wharf burned last night. The loss is fW.OOO , nearly covered by Insurance. Dim-title Miners AYtll Strike. DA > VIU.E , lad , Sept. S3. rspeclalTele gram toTmBEE.Tho ] coal miners of Dan- Mile and vicinity will itrtko Xo\embcr 1 for an advance of wages according to the Coluta- bus scale. Ex-Minister J r Injured. NETV XOUK , Sept , 25. Hon. Joan Jay , ex- minister to Austria , -was knocked down by a cab today and seriously Injured. This evening - - ing he Is resting easily , ilr. Jay Is seventy- throe years of age. Lisbon Police 3tnk ; a DUcovcry. LtsnoT , Sept. 25. The police have discov ered the authors of the circular distributed yesterday , assailing- the stability ofncll known banks with tho' < objcct of creating a politico-financial crisis. Coal Goes Cp Another N'otch. 2s BW YORK , Sept. K. Eastern and west ern coal agents at a meeting in this city today decided that western agents shall ad- van ce prices 25 con t ip2r ton at Buffalo and 15 cents a ton at Chicago and other lake ports October 1. Made Itetnark8Vtotnt His Ruler. BERLIK , Sept 23-Hcrr Sonneburg , a so cialist , has been sentenced to three months Imprisonment bcca-oscha , remarked that Em peror \Villlam. himself nvould in time become a socialist noucicanlt'g "Will. XEW YORK , Sept. 2 > . The will of Dion Boudcault was offered f or probate this after noon. It bequeaths all his propeity to his wife , Josephine Louise Thorndvko Bouci- cault. It is expected that objections will be filed Immediately on behalf of the actor's di vorced wife , Agnes Robertson. A Ghastly Snlfide. SUT LIKE , Utah , Sept 05 [ Special Tele gram to THE BEF.IJulla Westering , a woman cf forty-six years of age , cut her throat this evening- , nearly severing her head from her body. The s-n capon was a meat knife , sharpened untiltit would almost sever a hair. The deceased vras the widow of a ' Mormon. Arrest of a atlnlstcr. Maw U-KEE , Wis , .Sept. 2. ) . Rev. A M. DeFord of Hortonvlllo , JiVis. , was arrested in this city this morning "tvMe on his way to at tend the Wisconsin I conference at "White Water , onthecharga of raising bank bills. On his -person were found a number of mu tilated S10 and 20 bills ; tocethcrwith a bottle tle ot mucilage and scissors. He is twentv eifiht years of ago and has awlfoandfour children. The Baltimore's Triumphal Crnlse. [ Copj/Hcrfit / ISMttyfama Gordon Btunctt. ] KIEL , Sept. 25. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THE BreHJ-Tho United States cruiser Baltimore , wtilch left Stockholm Tuesday morning , arrived hero today durinp a fo ? . The courtesies extended to the officers of the Baltimore at Stockholm continued to the hour of her depirtcn-e. Thousands lined the quays and banUJ.cheering and wishing God-speed. All aloa. ho course to the sea young girts in boatsufexewcountless bouquets on board as the ship steamed by a. novel tribute which no man-of-war has before re ceived. The visit of tha Baltimore to Stockholm helm will long be remembered. 9 The Itankln Divorce Suit. NEW YORK , Sept. 5. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Mn. Elizabeth I. Hankin ob tained an order from Judge Lawrence of the supreme court today requiring her husband , McKee Hankin , against whom she has an action for divorce pending , to show cause why ho should not support her and their daughter , Phyllis Rankln , sixteen years old. Their other child , Gladys , twenty years old , married Mrs , Rankirt , in her aflluavit , states she owns the "Knolls' " at Rivcrdale , but that it Is mortgaged for J20.000 and she has been unable to sell the property advantageously On the other hand , her husband Is mikinc aweeV from "Tho Canuck " from S300 to JTOO , which play she says is worth $50KK ( ) . He has property , she says , at Spokane Falls worth S70.00O. Althoucu an actress herself , she has been 111 and unable to support herself la her profession. Colorado Democrats. DE ER , Cole , Sept. 23. The democratic state convention this morning nominated Judge Caldwell "Vearnan of Trinidad for gov ernor , after which a recess was taken until 2.30. In the afternoon the ticket was com pleted as follows : Lieutenant governor , Platt Bogers ; secretary of state , William F. Toreman ; treasurer , JN. Carlisle ; auditor , " \V T. Skelton , attorney general , J. H Man- ' ; superintendent of public instruction. > S'n Coy , conirc-essnjan , T. J. O'Donnell The platform renews alleciance to the principles of the national democracy ; denounces the action of the present house of representa tives ; condemns the election bill ; demands a lower duty upon the .necessities of life ; con demns the republican administration for it reckless nnd unnecesiary waste of public money , demands free and unlimited coinage of silver , renews its pledge of ballot reform based on tha Australian system. The re mainder of the platform is de-voted to state matters. It denounces tha corrupt , lavish and unparalleled extravaganca of the last general assembly in its appropriations to the citent of 5TW.OCO in excess of the constitu tional maximum ; denounces the republican party for having failed m iU recent conven tion to condemn or apologize for the stupendous deus offenses made by the party la power and by its silence condoning them. Various re forms in state laws are demanded and pledged in the evcnt-o ! democratic success at the polls. JUKS. Her Son. Says tha lieports Are Kxacccrated. Mi\VEAPOi.isliIinn.jSept. 25. The Trib une tomorrow -will hare an interview with Lieutenant Francis Preston Fremont , son of the late General Fremont , now stationed at FortSnelHng , 3Unn. , who says the pubtiiied reports concerning the financial condition ol his mother and sister in California arc greatly exaggerated. While they have no means of their own. yet they have a regular income out of his era and his brother's sal- arv. Mrs Fremont also looks for the restor ation of seven acres of land m Sin Francisco formerly on-ned by her husband , and which the government seb-cd and used for a mili tary reservation , inasmuch as fifty-tivo others who \vero on the tract at the same time as General Fremont have had their titles restored. She is also hopeful that the . ' ,000 pension for her relief will bo passed at an early date , Mrs. Fremont and daughter re side In California on account of throat and lung troubles. Lieutenant Fremont says ho would have them matte their homo -with him If they could enilure the climate. The same Is true of his brother , stationed at Phila delphia. Irtah Nationalist Conference. Loroos , Sept. 25. [ Special Cablegram to Tins BEE ] The conference of Irish nation alists referred to in yesterday's dispatches will txj held in Dublin on October 0. tGermany'B New "War Mln Inter. BEKU3 , Sept , 25 , The Post announces that General Le > zcynski has been appointee Minister of war to succeed \ ernois. SlOffi CUTS CORN PAUCE , The HagniEcent Temple of Ceroa Tarcm Open to the Public. A DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE. Two freight Trains Badly \Vr2cVc I on tlicKock I.latnl Uoail A ClilliTa Miraculous Hscapc Tlio Cxuc > Siorx CUT , la , Sept. 55. ( Special Tele- pram to THE Bit ] The fourth annual corn palace festival opened today , but it was In- possible for the formal opening at noon , as advertised. The work of decoration was not complete , either outside or inside , and tlcro wre great masses of exhibits still to be put into position. The corn , palace wai on so much larger a scale than heretofore that the time required tvas miscalculated , and It was impouiblcto nnlsh it , notwithstanding tbnt for more than a week work has not ceased night or lay. Over ono hundred eutra men began this morning , and towards evening the debris had been buMciently cleared away to allow the admission of the public. At 8 o'clock the doors were thrown open and a vast multitude poured through the portals , filling the building , -which was bril liant with Innumerable electric lights Soiao of the. exhibits are not completely arranged yet , and there still remains some work to bo done in the palace , but the decoration is substantially finished. There was no formality at , the opening tbo doors were simply opened. The failure to secaro the presence of Secretary Blalne , which was confidently expected tea a late moment , caused an entire change of programme , and it was decided to dispense with formality. At the hour of opening the great Elgin military band of fifty-sis pieces struck tip nn air from their position at the east side of the court , amidst the cheers of the crowd , and it is already evident that the attendance Ihis year will by far surpass that of the preceding festivals. The trains yesterday on all the roads ivere late on account of the pressure of travel , and today they have b < n even more crowded. The entertainment of thevisitincr multitude is likely to be a gra\o problem But thecitl- zens ha\e arranged to throw their homes open to stranccrs. The corn palace is the fourth structure of the kind which has teen erected In Sioux City. Each has been an improvement on its predecessors. The palace this year shows a great advance in the peculiar art of-uslns natural products as decorative material It is a vast pavilion , a frame sheeted , with lum ber , aud covered outside and inside with corn and other northwestern crovuhs arranged in fanciful and artistic forms. The structure has a frontaceof 270 feet on Sisth and 2TT ) feet , on Pierce street , These are the main facades. The corner is cut , makinga facade ofsbwtyfeetinside , through which is the grand entrance. The main \ \ nil is forty feet high O\er it , on each , side , rise three tovrers to the height ol 11O feet The roof rises from the vralls to the center in the shape of a pyramid , and over the cvn- ter is the main lover , 190 feet high. There are side entrances mid-nay of the two street points. Between the towers oneaclisid there are elevations like fables. Sue h au eitenor design , presenting so many angles , projections and broken out lines , affords cmveuient surf aces for the dec oration s. Every square Inch is covered with some agricultural product. Corn U the main material , The ears ara sawed into trans verse sections ono Inch thich or JooffthwiiO into halves. These are fastened to the boards by steel brads driven through them. Tae great variety of colors , red , white , yellow auil the blue "square corn , " and all intermediate shades , give a wide range for combination , contract and blending. And ttas the ex terior is covered to produce effects which at a .short . distance seen to be those of tlie painter's brush , only more vivid than any colors ever inbred. AVith corn are used all the other grains , flhent , oats , millet , fias , etc , as well as all the grasses and all other suita ble agricultural products. A stnkinc exterior feature Is the Immense globe , -which Is intact the base of the cen tral tower and which rests upon tha point cl the pyramid formed by the roof. 1'ho ploba is forty feet la diameter , and the outlines of oceans , continents , laics , etc. , are vividly brought out by the different colors of com can , nailed in solid masses thereon the oieans in dark : blue , the continents in yellow , tbo great lakes in red , etc. 'Ihirty feet above the globe there is a ppintic crown-shap < xl frame all covered with the gold ol the yellow cornears , which can be seen for miles in all directions. The interior of the palace Is an octagon. A gallery twenty-six feet deep is lullt. around the wall on all sides , and vwenty feet above the ground floor. The space next to tlio wall , both on the ground floor and in the gallery , is set apart for exhibits \vhlchthero arc a great many There is thus a great central space or court , around which there is a prom enade both on the main floor and la the gal lery. The diameter of the central court , measured from face to face of the gallery , is 130 fet. This central space is spanned by eight trusses , resting ; ipon stronsr buttresses of timber , and sustaining the roof , It forms a dome hko an expanded umbrella. Ihe cen tral height is ninety-eight feet. All the interior Is decorated with natural proaucts , out i\oven into finer forms thaa those on the exterior. In large part the dec orations of the interior are the -work cf Sioux City ladies , ot whom an averasre of 300 worked daily for two iveeks. They -were supplied by the management \\ithmaterials and laborers , The building will be lighted electrically , dav as well as ni ht , there being nearly one thousand separate lights. There are eats and flra escapes by which tha building can be cleared In two nlauus The Elirin military band will give three concerts daily in tbo palace during the festival , -which opened today and closes October 11. Each day there will be a parade or other street aemonMra- tlons , the most important of which is the MurdlGras carnival parade on Wednesday , October 1. Bad AVrcckonttie Itocl ; Island. DCS MOINES , la , Sept. 24. ISoccial Tele gram to THE BEE , ! At Altoona , fifteen miles east of here , last night , a disas trous -wreck occurred on tha Keokuk and DCS Moincs division cl the Hock Island road. The rear section of a special freight nas standing on the main track wnlla the forward section -was being sidetracked.o warning , it seems , had been let for the trains following , and pretty soon a regular freight came thundering around a curve and crashed into the standIng - Ing cars with temblo force The caboose and eleven cars o ( Vh9 eyctra were wrecked and the engine and tender of the regular train , wore badly shattered. The engineer and fireman jumped and escaped from injury , and no ono was hurt. It took nearly all day lor a wrecking train from this city to clear the track , Meanwhile the passenger train from Keokuk : was Held there nearly twelve hours , and nothing in sight to eat. The passengers were nearly starved when , tney arrived hero this e\en- \ ing , among them being ; many women and children. A. Chilli's .Miraculous Escape. GIUT , la , Sept. 23. - [ Special to TUE BEE , ! A remarkably narrow escape from death has just occurred to the two and a .ilf- year-old daughter of tlio postmaster here While playing aroand the Jwell the other day the little girl managed to open a door in the well platform and f.dl to the bottom , thirty four feet , nine feet cf water being inthowel at tbo time. She fell betweeni.two pairs o cross braces that. hold the pump tube to its place that arc about twelve feet apart , also mUsed the loivnr curbing , which U built o bnck and Is nice feet from the bottom to the surface cf the water " \\hon \ found she was clinging ; to the pump tubing andhcr lltU feet resting oa a coupling ofthotubutba happened to be about fifteen inches below t T 1 surface cf the waur , She had been there 1 probably ten minute * , but was soon rescued aid is apparently unharmed. of Hog Cholera. MI OUJIIJLILET * , la. , Sept. 23.-Spfclra [ oTiiBBsz , ! Itog cholew is raping near Magnolia , Largo numbers hnva died , with no apparent cessation of Corn , llntlly Duiinjetl. HE\DBJISON- . , Sept 03 [ Special toTrtu JBK. ] Farmers arc commencing to pnthor com for leodlns , and finl It much lighter him expcitod aaJ about one- third of it soft rom the effects ot th froat One former \ ho , a fe-w days ajjo , claimed that hU corn ros not hurt awl v.-ould & thirty" bushfli to he aero , says on cntherlng n fexv loads he Inda It only mikin ? twenty tmsncls and a argepor cent of it is so ft corn , The iTurj t Siorx Crrr , la , . Sept -Sixvial [ Tele- gran to THE DEC. ] Tie jury in the Minler murder ca < < ? , -which has been on trial for ton lays , today disagreed and -was discharged , -ce Minler , withoat provocation , fatally tabbed I.elgh Scott on January 29 list. Min er's brother ? , who are wealthy farmers near L'ekanah , Neo , hired able lawyers and the lefense of Insanitv was set up and the trial has cvciud great local Interest. The Comtc de Paris' Li tter . FiRia. Sept 25 - Special Cablegram to TUE BEE ] Monarchist journals capress heir approval of the letter of the count ol Paris to Senator Boeher , Justifying the rourso he ( count of Paris ) took in his dfal- nprs with theBouUng jts. Kopubllcnn pa pers strcngly condemn the count's action , and accii'o him of admlttins tlMionorablo compromises and ncknowled ping that be was nreparing to sacriflco his country to his o-wn imbition and hatred. Europe ami tlie .McKinley Hill. LOVDOV , Sept. 2o. lSpecial Cablegram to Tire BEE ] The Standard's "Vienna correspondent says : "Americans hero de clare that Europeaa reprisals for the Me- Kisley bill will have no effect upon the America-is. An acting American minister told mo that the McKinley bill must not tc considered a final measure , but the com mencement of a well worked-out scheme which the entire nation , -with the exception of asmall uninlln ntlal resolved : o see realized and will not abandon until it .s riven i fair trial The feelings and inter- estsof .Europe cannot bo taken into eonsid eratlou. The differences of opinion In tlio senate or house of representatives refer rather to the means thaa to the principles" TJFE JOIVJ.SIOJ OFTK.IFFIC. Will "V'ithilraiv from the Southwest * em Association. CHICAGO , Sept. io. [ Special 7elegram to TUB BEE. ] A local railway news bureau says : 'The board of chairmen in authority over the division of traffic from southwestern Missouri river points made a decision yester day which strains that agreement almost to bursting The decision was in the shape of an order for the -\tchison to turn over during the nest seventeen daysl cars of grain to the iissouri Pacific , 400 cars to tlo Wabash - bash , and ICWcars to the Alton , President Mauvel has agreed to obey the order , but. he left no room for doubt that on November 1 ho would retire permanently from the agree ment. The Atcnlson , so far in Septcmocr , has carried nearly 35 per cent of the business from tie Missouri riv r points at and southof Kansas City , and President Manvel claims tbat it is riphtly entitled to that percentage and more , althouea nine lines aio competing for the buslnessr * The Colorado > 11tllan < l Doal. Cincico , Sept. 2. . [ Special Telegram , to TDK BEE. ] The papers in. the Colorado Mid land deal were completed today and the ownership changed -when they were signed by the officials of both roads , General Manager ' -ilbraa signing for the Colorado Midland and President Manvel for tlo JVtchisbn. The story of the purchases ol the RioGrando " \Vestern by the Atchison -was nzaia revived today and President Manvel denied it ex plicitly and in. detail. The facts are , the Colorado Midland had made such trafflc eon- tracts with the Ilio Qrando Western that it -was yractically one line. These contracts bivo passed to the Atchison by the purchase of the Colorado Midland and -would be. according to President ITanvel , the heightof follv to buy a line whien caa bo used as fully and satisfactorily as If oivced. To .Prevent DiscrlmipaiIon. Crticioo , Sept. M. Beprc-entatives of leading boards of trade throughout the coun try are mectlnc ; here for the purpose of form ing a national transportation orpin nation for the protection of snippers nnd merchants from unfair dealing or discrimination on the part of railroad' Various committees -wbrc appointed to draw up an agreement. South Dakota. Politic * . MncnEix , S. D. , Sept. 15. [ Special Tele gram to THE BTE.J Bartlett Trippand Mor ris Tajlor , democratic candidates lor United States senator and governor respectively , are to speak at a public meeting lathis city tnis evenimr. Itis becoming pretty cenerally understood that the independent candidates for tte legislature are to support Tnppfor United States senator , should tbey he elected. The republicans had their third picnic and campaign meeting In the country today , where George A. Silsby , H. C. Preston , George Watson , A. E Babcock and others made speeches. M > I'reston , republlcan can didate for state senator , threw out an open challenge to II. ILoucks to meet him In jointdbcTisslonin this countyor ilsevrhero la the state. * The csmpali-n will bo a lively ono from this date to election. For Publishing Lottery .Vis. MOVTGOJIERT , Stpt. 15. "Under instruc tions from Chief Inspector Sharp Inspector Booth today scUed all of the issue of tha Bir mlngham A go Herald of this date and the Issue of the Weekly Atlanta Constitution o this wee K ana all otner papers coming : hero for this place and for distribution In this sec tion , which , upon examination , were found to contain lottery advertisements The officers of the Aavertiser companv of this city were also required to give bonds for appearance a the November term of the United States court for publishing last Sunaay lottery ad vertlsements. I'on and England. LosnoSept. ! . 2o In an interview with English Catholic noblemen tlie pope said ho fervently hoped fora renewal of permaaen diplomatic relations with En gland Undcrtho beneficent ruloof Ylcroria , bo continued , the church enjoyed throughout the British cm plro substantial liberties , He had the deep est personal regard for tbo queen , whoso thoughtful care for the poor and suffering had won golden opinions throughout the world. _ Steamship Vrrlvals .At Southampton The Saale , from New York. Passe-d the Lizard The Augusta Victoria from New York for Haaburi , ' . I'or tlie Australian Strikers. XOXDOY , Sept. a. [ Special Cablegram Jo Tut BEE. ] The dock laborers' union hero hoj cubld TM ujSydnoy , N. S.V. . , for the boreflt of the jtriltrs. Advanced Rate of Discount , IOXDOV , Sept. 35. ( Spaclal Cablegram to TUB Bee. ] Tbo Bank of England has ad vnncod Its rate of dLscowt from 4 per cent to 5 ycr cent. Clilcaco Wants a 15ranch 3fint. WASUISOTOV , Sept. . A bill was today intraduoed in tbehousa byrflopkins of 2111 nets to locatij a bwuch nlnt at Chicago , SEMVTIOX. The Rejablioa to Central ConnrittaDnV eirthsa Combine. ALLIANCE AND DEMOCRATS IN CAHOOTS , Tlie Macliiircllan Scheme f Aalon Anil Apportionment aT Tat ' Coiublnntloii. " tlio " \\nr-Cry. \ Sr. r ri , MinnSept. 2o-rSpicinlTet < 3. graii tol'iiEUK&l-Tbo Mlnnasoti republi can state central committee ran do\\ti a sen sational bit of political news this aftomoon n the shape of a combination of the farmers' ' all I m co and democrats to deleftt the rvpubli. can state co.igrcislonsvl and leglsliUvc ticlj ets The alliance oxecutlvo commlttco a ookcd the field over and figure 1 that iu ickct vouldreceive a total \oto of 50,000 to > oOOO. Calculations made by the democrat ! ndlcated that " \Vllson. for potemor , will poll a little abovo90,000 votes , l-'rom tticso totals t\vas plain that neither ticict could Mln , as t la everywhere almlttod that Governor Morrison will poll more than ono hundred thousand votes. Something must bo done , so the leaders of the allhnce nnd democratlo jartiea held a meeting and determined on a Ino of action , -\dulph Blurmaun , the demo cratic nominee for auditor , wu placed upon the alliance ticket , nnd before the end of another week David T , Caluouil , the democratic nominee for at- tomcy general , -will bo put upon the satna tkket. "Combination is the war-cry , and itnlll ha worked clear througb the congre slonal and legislative tickets La t night U illHm 1' . .Murrnv , a leadins Stl'aul democrat , went M Wells and secured a letter from Morton S Wilkinson , democratic candidate fir con- press in tbo Second district , \\ltudnuvin ? from the race. Tod.iy MrVi'ktnson ' nnd 3Ir. MurruTtnet leading democrats of the district at JUnkato , and , althouch Mril - Mnson's letter vas U'mpoririiy suppressed , it will be made public In a few days Thca ( jcneral James liakor the alliance candidate , will becndorsod Next , an allimco ccnven- tlonwill bo held In tie First district , nnil Cipta'n Harriet , the democratic catulidiite , will be endorsed la the Third district the alliance candidate will withdraw In fiver of 0 M. Hall , the democrat , nad In the fourth district , compofecdof faLPaulandMliiiieapolis , a dicker has already b-en nude by which tha alliance nnd indixbtriil union \oftc Is to bo thrown as solliilyns possible toJ. X Castle , the democratic nominee. In the Filtn dis trict the flat has f one forth to leave matters Just as they no\v stand There are four can didates Comstock and Gilnianrepublicans ; Halverson. alliance , and \Vhiteinan , demo crat and It is nzuredthatthe combined dam age that can bo done by "WLlternan in Duluth and Halverson among the 'armcr ' * will defeat both the republicans and draw many votes from the republican state ticket Tne pins are aire.iuy Dem ; set up in every direction on the li'Rislature. In democratic communities democrat will run and in doubt ful dktricla the candidates will bo alllanco men , and an effort -will be naado to sccu ro a majority in the legishturo on the cry "that fanners can get justice only b ) making their own laws. " COLO It At ) ft COf.VXV SEA'2 TIMB ? .V Battle Bctnrccntlic Partisans of Two Hivnl Towns. LAM.UI , Colo. , Sept. 53. Word has been , received of a serious county scat strif o be tween the towns of Boston-and Sprinjjflcld , la Haca county. Springfield secured the scat , at tbo election held last fall. Boston. claims that Springfield lias not tbo amount of county property necessary to prevent the scat from bein ? moved by a minority v < ti this falL The only available bui dine for the county court house was a hotel building In Boston A. few v celts ago this \vns EOld at sheriffs sale and was boupht by Spring field parties. Saturday night a party left Springfield for Boston to move the building to the former town to use as a court bouse , thus preventini ; the county scat issue bcinpt raised this fall by reason of prominent Im provements being made Tlio building vaa moved about five miles toward Sprinfield , Which is aDouttv.enty-fi\e miles from Bos ton , when the pcoplu of tha latter place dis covered the trkk and immediately organized. All the available horsts and rifles were brought into requisition and a pursuit made. Upoa overtaking the party a b.ittle began , which ended in the Springfield party being driven from the bulldmp , which was then burned by the cBostonians. Great excite ment prevails , but owing to the locations of the towns nevs is hard to obtain , Se\eral parties arrived hero from Springfield last night and departed hurriedly after tbuyinj ? all. the cartridges thev could Jlnd in town , It is reported th&t s e\eral parties were seri ously wounded and two killeol during the light , but the news is not authentic. TMIOV11LE .V il.iK.E\'S KOAU9. A. Temporary Strike Ties Up tlio Frcicht Business. TERRE HA.ITE , Ind. , Sept. i ) . Some ttmo ago a federation was formed of a number of operators and clerVs on the roids comprising the.Mackay sjstemwitha view to searing Increased pay It was the intention soon to mate a demand , but yesterday , lenrninz thnt the secretary of the organization , W D. Sears cf Princeton , had been , discharged , many of the men decided to strikoat o&ce. A. demand was made on the company for his re instatement and an Increase ot pny. The of ficials replied that the matter would have to betaken under advisement , nnd laj > t night tbe men struck. Today , honover , President Hopkins of the federation telegraphed the men on ttio EvansvlUo Si Term Haute and Evansville A Indianapolis roads to go to work praain ? a conference. The company claims that bears was discharge ! , not be cause of the federation , but for other peed reasons There was some delay to freight trains this icorcicg but none to the passen gers. The Denrer Swi tell men's Strike. DEXTER , Colo. , Sept. 2o. There was very little change in the switchmen's strike In the Union PacLflo yards today. The company is working thirty-five new men and se\cn en gines , and declare that tinder Bums they have today moved more freight than they did with the old force of Ii5 men and thirty en- pines in the same length of time , fone of the strikers have signified adcairo to return nnd probably all their places will be lllled by new men , and it is likely also that tha Snitchmcn's brotherhood utll refuse to Uilw up the fight Hotti Partira Coiicoilctl 1'olntn. Cntciao , Sept , S3. A compromise has been effected between the ILinois Central railroad and the train men , who inajo a demand a four AU-oks ago for an iucieaso in u-a rs , Tha- nUter was settled today , both parties CM- . ceding points. Harvard Opens. BOSTON , Sept. S. Harvard college opened today witb. a fresmnan class numbering 400 , the largest In its blatorv. The n mber of new students entering thcadiar 'Jclasses this term li particularly noticealilo. Atalo , NE-VT HJ VBV , Conn. , Sept. 23Tho fresa- iraii class that 111 enter Vale today Is tbo largest that ever entered. The academic freshman dans will have 2W > members and the scientific class will number 150 , a total of110 frtuumen. Order Restored inMunlpiifr. CAtaTTi , Sept. si3 Order has bwn re stored in Miuipuer Tha maUara ah bu-i at > > dlcutxl ( In ( i\crU UU brother.