Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Crowded All Day Yesterday With Curi
ous Sight-Score ,
Cursory Description1 ! orVlint IB
to Jo Bocn In tlio Different Dc <
) mrliiieiili Sccnci of Oriental
Splendor nml Hlolincss.
Thcro mny tx > larger dry pooJs stores In tlio
United States than tlint of tbo S. 1' . Morse
company of this city , but It Is quito certain
that thcro are none rnoro elegant , more com
plete or inoro thorough in nil Itaiiitiumcr-
nblo ramification * } and details , or in its
nrtlstlc and convenient nrranKOtnonts. It li
beyond n pcwdvcnturo the most claborato
nnililritahctl dry goods house In the country ,
mul n tour of Inspection through labyrinths
of magnificent departments , with their loids
nnd piles of rich , rare and costly gooJs , can
not fall to redound to the Instruction and
benefit of any ono , no matter how accustomed
they may bo to the enjoyment of all that Is
choice and luxurious in life.
Ycstor'day was Morse's opening day and the
Immense establishment from early morn was
such another sccno of Hfo and rush and
bustle as ono seldom sees in this hum-drum
world. All was brightness , color nml anima
tion tlio thousands of fashionable callers in
termingling In ono grand kallcdoscople con-
KloincRitlon that is mostcntrnnclnpto behold ,
llandsomo turnouts , from which richly clad
nnd beautiful women and charming children
alighted in n , perfect stream , and
lined the sidewalk In front of both
thoFarnam and Sixteenth street entrances
all day. Of course these crowds made
n stirring dories of pictures within ; intact ,
they couldn't possibly bo rnoro interesting ,
moro spectacular. The building I Wolf Is a
Brand ono , constructed especially for this
very puipasc , and In perfect consonance with
Mr. Moiso's Indhldnal views ns to the ne
cessities of such a structure. The consequence
quence is that Omaha c.m today boast of the
brightest , best lighted , most nttractivo nntl
convenient dry goods house In the world.
Nothlngcalculatcd to lessen labor and facili
tate ami expedite the duties of an army of em
ployes has been neglected. It is simply and
indisputably perfect.
Ono of the greatest innovations is the Lam-
eon consolidated cosh carrier system and
cable service for cash and packages which
lins been put Into the house byV. . A. Allgcr ,
the company's ' Omaha agent , and Ocorgo K.
Hemrich , the company's ' constructor. This
Is undoubtedly the greatest cash railway sys
tem over luvented , and as n labor saver Is de
signed to supercede the c.ish hey sys
tem In nil largo retail stores , ns
U is supeiior to all other contrivances
for carrying cash nnd memoranda between
clerks and cashier , or packages between
clerks and packer. It Is also ornamental and
adds much to the charm of this busy mart.
In Morse's , two cashiers In the main cilice on
the llrat floor handle all the money , the differ
ent lines radiating through the building
converging hero. It is operated by a dlininu-
tlvo motor nnd oxrcutcs Its duties in a
quiet , safe nnd expeditious manner. Thcro
line long waits for change or package , every
thing Is done like the llnsh of the eye , and is
universally commended. Mr. Morse has
scored a big hit In his store service. It runs
fifteen fuel a second , and Is entirely free
Irom dust , noise or confusion ot any kind.
It is a perfect piece of mechanism.
Commencing tit the top of this palatial dry
coeds house , wo have the sixth lloor , which
h fashioned into ono vast workroom.
Here carpets are made up and gotten ready
for laying , draperies of all Hinds prepared
nnd designed , windowshadcs , blinds and cur
tains all mndo up In a wonderful short space
of time. There is 10,000 scntarc feet of space
Uovotcd to this department , which Is ns light
nail beautifully arranged as any work
room iu the world. The .floor
Is laid off in squares , and no
mistakes are mndo in cutting canxjts from
diagrams drawn on the lloor. There Is a
corps of forty employes constantly kept busy
hero. The stairway leading to this Interest
ing department is very broad , Interrupted
1)V a wide platform from which n view of all
the lower departments is obtained , and
which is very impressive nnd beautiful.
These landings nnd stairways are all finished
in polished black ash , which gives ono of the
best effects Imaginable.
The llfth lloor is occupied with the dress
making force nnd goods. Mr. Morse will
nmko this nno of the features of Omaha's '
commercial Interests , carrying It on in such
nn extensive , Improved and thoroughly im
proved wuv as will completely eclipse the old
modes. Ho has engaged Mile. Vlctorino
1'otel , fresh from the French metropolis ,
nnd rankingwlththoinostfamousof Parisian
mndiatca nnd milliners. Alllo. 1'otcl will have
n largo assortment of exquisite goods bought
from the leading Paris dealers under her own
supervision ; fabrics which in lichncss and
luxuriance will surpass anything of the kind
Mr. Morse over dro.uncd of carrying before.
The novelties for the coming winter are al
most stnrtllngly taking nmtMllo. Potcl pro
nounces them the chef designs of the ago.
Thcso rooms are elegantly carpeted with
richest .JJrussels , while scattered nil about
In sumptuous profusion are rare and
beautiful rugs , ottomans , dlvmis and
other articles of rare beauty and usefulness.
Hero are iltttng rooms and reception parlors ,
In fact everything tliat rightfully belongs to
such a department. The dark room , in this
connection , designed for the inspection of
chnngablo shades and tints by gas light , is
mi innovation and ono that will receive the
most emphatic endorsement of the ladies ,
Handsome toilet rooms are upon this lloor for
the attaetics of the house. The portion of
this lloor not occupied by the drcssmakin ?
corps. -utilized as a reserve stock dcpt nnd
for wholesaling purposes , The entire
fourth lloor Is occupied with carpets
rugs nnd draperies , and is ono of the most nt
tractivo departments ot the whole Immense
Btoro. I. C. Schtlvcr is In charge of the drap
eries while ( J. 11 , Schonclc handles the car
pets , The walls are richly hung with mag-
nlllccnt paintings and engravings and much
attention has been paid to making the rooms
ns enticing ns art can make thorn. The lloors
look like old gold so soft and shimmering la
their yellow surface , polished In the hiirhcst
style of nit , Tlio stock on liana is amarvelous
ono , seemingly largo enouuh to carpet
the whole city of Omahii for years
to como. There are carpets of all kinds ,
grades nnd qualities , from the lovely Ax-
minster nnd costly 1'erslan velvet , Moquotto
nnd Brussels to the cheaper Ingrains and
lower grades. Nothing in this line Is lacking.
The same can bo said of the draperies. What
Mr. Shrivcr can't show you in line laces nnd
Bilks , plushes nnd brocades la not worth ex
amination. that's ' all.
The third lloor is occupied with ladles
furnishings , underwear , and hosiery , cloaks ,
suits and wraps , lurs of nil kinds and prices :
Boal sltins in the garment and uncut In sucl
nunntltles us have never been exhibited In
this section of the country before. Ladles
tmng on goods hero can have the ad vantages
ntT ° od by huB ° tolMng mirrors
tylilch elves an accurate rollec-
tlon of thu\ form from nil Hides
at oneo , and enab .M tLO fair customers o
exactly how she must look to others
Bho Is not compelled to tnko the clerk's word
for It , she can look anil she for herself. The
utock ot wraps exhibited hero Is nn endless
ono , embracing everything that Is now , fetchIng -
Ing , elegant and stylish. The seal skin ilo-
piirtment Is a tare ono. while each shelf devoted
voted to the furs m\il \ the costlier wraps is
pretentious enough to form emporiums them
Bolvci. emporiums that might pass for stores
in cities leas advanced aud up to the times
inoro than Omaha.
The second Jloor , into which the Imposing
JParnam strent entrance opens , is ono of tin
main ixnd CWWrnl dry goods lloors. Ladles
nnd children's slioC : , 1"u lwy roomsworsteds
yarns , flannels , comforts , blankets , shams
pillows , art goods of different grades and
Idnds , and domestics nnd wash goods. The
entrance to this tloor from Farnura street Is
ono ot the most striking features about the
"lyimin 'jsIlcSiBg. It mounts immediately
nbovo the llrst floor by a scries of innrble
stairs , two brief flights , with cozy landIngs -
Ings , marble wainscoting and balm-trades , to
ttio landtiig properly i fenced In by a unique
railing which makes ono of the mo t pictur
esque effects In interior architecture over at
tempted in this city , lloncath Is a grand
BUOW window , commodious enough to display
ttio outlro stock ot many Btorca. Midway
tack of this Ipiposlng entrance Is awaiting or
reception room designed for the comfort of
patrons. Access h given by means of a
Ucavlly carpeted stairway , but u few steps ,
nd ono Is then ushered into precincts 03
harming nnd odorous nnd beautiful as the
calms of fairyland. This room
ooks out over the whole first floor , protrud-
ng like the balconies of French malsons of
oshlon nnd wealth nnd affording the 1 lunger
bird's-eye view of the busy sccno below.
Sumptuous easy chairs and foot-rests abound ,
s well as tnblci laden with choice literature.
A complete library , mahogny nnd plate-glass
dorns the north wnll , while nn old fashion
ro place , with Its hugo brass andirons and
cctlciour ) back-log , occupies the jam to the
vest. Annexed to this is n handsome toilet
oem , telephone facilities and In fact every-
hlng necessary to one's perfect conveniences
nnd com fort.
The llrst lloor is the rmln dry gooJs floor.
On the Karnam street side is the incns1 anil
ouths" furnishing departments : then comes
ho llncni , domestics , muslins , silks , velvets ,
? lovcs , notions , perfumery , toilet articles ,
irnturo notions , brle-n-brac and novelties im-
losslble to describe or enumerate. The slllc
ounterisono of the llncst in the country ,
and the stock piled high in the bread
helves behind It , Is ono of the most cxten-
Ivo over offered In any western dry goods
louse , Chicago not exccpted. The trimming
and glove counters , too , are rhhly stocked up
ind where hours can bo prolltably spent
The basement Is filled with household fur-
lishlng goods , nnd is n sight within Itself , n
lepartincnt that must not bo slighted , ns it
s quite nsoxtenslvoas those nbovo mentioned
and fully as important.
The hugo building Is lighted from top to
bottom bv electricity exclusively , nnd can bo
nnilo as light as noon-day. Mr. Morse has
i is own engines nnd dynamos , nnd is dcpon-
lent upon no outsidoconipanics for any of the
accessories or elements used In running his
colossal and peerles * establishment.
Those on the O. & N. W. Have Formed
nn Association.
The engineers and conductors ot thoICorth-
vcitern road have formed a new and what
) romlses to bo nn important combination.
Clio new organization is to bo known as the
association of the brotherhood of locomotive
engineers and the order of railway conduct
ors , The combination was formed In Chicago
a few days ago and II. U. Willis , a Chicago
& Northwestern conductor living at Clinton ,
a. , was chosen chairman.
"Tho now order will not interfere with the
vorkings of cither of the organizations cm-
jraced in it , " said aXorthwestern conductor ,
'but was formed for the mutual benellt of
.ho engineers and conductors nnd is designed
o insure permanent good feeling between
.hem. "
"Was the combination formed for any
special defensive purposel"
"It was not and It must not bo taken as an
ndicatlon that trouble Is brewing. The re-
nitons between the management and the em-
iloycs of the Chicago & Notthwcstoin are
very pleasant and there is no trouble in
sight. "
"In case of a strike will the engineers and
conductors stand by each other ! "
"Of course the two orders are expected to
stand by each other and act In harmony , but
ono of the objects of the combination Is to se
cure such harmony and concessions as to
make strikes unnecessary. ' '
The speaker further explained that the now
order would have a membership of
about four thousand equally di
vided between the engineers and
conductors employed on the 7,000 miles of
road In the Chicago & Northwestern system ,
which embraces the Chicago & Northwest
ern , the Chicago , St. I'aul. Minneapolis &
Omaha and the Fremont , ISlkhoro & Mis
souri Valley railways.
Juggling with the Kate.
A local passenger man was tiuotcd a
'ew days ago by Tnu UKE ns pre
dicting the Chicago , St. Paul & Kan
sas City would snon bo cutting n figure
.n the western passenger business. The llrst
fulfillment ot the prediction comc'j in the
shape of a complaint from the Lnlfo Shore
that the Chicago , St. Paul AlCnnsas City has
been Juggling with the rnto between Chicago
and St. I'nul. A meetlngof the lines nUeetcd
lias been called to consider the complaint.
The Alton is also cutting up n row in pas
senger rates that affects Nebraska roads and
business. That road is selling tickets from.
Lincoln to Chicago via Kansas City , nt a re
duction ot Sl.GO from the short lipo rate. This
forces a reduction on the other roads from
every point in Nebraska west of Lincoln.
The Alton declares that they mndo the open
reduction to meet their competitors who wcro
secretly cutting rates.
THE imiuai ; JDINIJ : aioxoroL-Y.
AVhy It Should Ho Compelled to Re-
( liico Its Fnro ,
ThomasJ vanstho man from Council Bluffs
who was so piominently identified with the
construction of the Omaha nnd Council
Bluffs motor and bridge line , was In the city
yesterday in consultation with IDr.Mcrccr.
Ho admitted what everybody knows to bo
n fact , that the Inldgo line is doing excellent
business , and with It both himself as wellns
the other directors of the concern arc satis-
lied."Why don't you reduce your faro to 5
cents ? " the energetic Thomas was asked.
"I'll toll you , " ho said. ' "I'm In favor of a
commutation ticket. I have advocated it ,
hut I have been sat down upon. In fact ,
almost every move I inako is knocked out. "
"What commutation diet yousuggcsti'1
" 1 wanted a ticket of fifty rides for a
month to cost § y.50. That would virtually ho
n fare of fi cents each way. I3ut 1 couldn't
inako it. "
"Why do not the papers take up the ques
tion of reducing the faro on the bridge
motor ! " nskcd a business man who had been
told wjiat Air. Evans had said * "Omaha is
giving up its streets free to n corporation
composed to a largo extent of non-residents.
She does not derive ono cent of taxes from It ,
and in return is compelled to pay nn exorbi
tant faro for a ride of four miles. The motor
company of this city charges only fi cents ,
with transfers to almost every part of the
city. Indeed , on ono of the lines , there is a
run of over ntno mllus each way , and the faro
is only a nickel , whllo this foreign monopoly
exnnts n toll of double the amount for only
half the distance. I want to see some mem
ber of the council introctuco a resolution or an
ordinance to put a stop to this outrage. "
Mrs. Mercer , manicure , -101 Bee bldg.
Army Notes.
Sergeant Mnck'cn , Company D.Sovcntcenth
Infantry , Fort Hussell , who was granted a
furlough for four monthshas had it extended
two months longer.
Sergeant Lemmon , Company II , Sixteenth
Infantry , Fort Douglas , has been granted a
furlough for four months.
Private Young , company D , Sixteenth in-
antry , Fort Douglas , has boon granted a fur-
fough for four months.
Hospital Steward Martin , stationed at
Camp Pilot llutto , has been granted a fur
lough for ono month.
Sergeant Orllch , company G , Seventeenth
Infantry , Port Uussoli , has been granted n
furlough for ono month with permission to
apply for an extension of two months ,
Lieutenant Sargent , Seventh infantry vis
ited army headquarters in this city yesterday
cnrouto to his station at Fort Logan , Col.
Troops II and II Mlnth cavalry , onrouto to
Port Uu Chcsuo will reach Carter station
Thursday , from which point the troops will
march ovoiland to their ; new station.
Snrah Iowa , infant daughter of Lieutenant
Abercrombio , Second infantry , died suddenly
at Fort Omaha yesterday morning. The
funeral will take place this afternoon. Inter
ment will bo In Forest Lawn.
Mr. J. U. Wasson of Des Moinos. la. , for
merly of the Fourth cavalry and major in
the pay department , was a caller at depart
ment headquarters yesterday morning.
General Wheaten and Hon.V. . J , Conncll
wow visitors at army hcailnuniters yesterday
"Chain Lightning1' ' Is the tltlo ot Ncllio
Mcllenry's latest play , in which , she is creu-
itcd with having scored a great [ success on
thcj Piiclflo coast. Miss Mcltenry and her
Company will glvo four performances ot
"Chain Lightning" at the Boyd commencing
Sunday evening next.
The engagement of the Hess opera company
will bo tlio llrst season of strictly grand opera
that has been given nt the lloyd in three
years. The Omaha repertoire will onibraco
four operas , none of which have been given
hero ivcently-\Vlllnin ! Toll , " "U Travl-
ala,11 "Lucia dl Laimueruioor" ami "Hlgo-
letw , "
Tlio bank clearings . ycslcrdny
amounted to 8807,007,51.
George Drown , a vng , goes to tlio hill
for the next thirty days.
0. M , Frnzlor lost n gold wntch nnd
chain Snhmlny night nt Sixth nnd Dor-
ens streets. The property was recovered
by Dotcctlvo Snrngo from a grader who
found it.
Frank Dlnan nnd Will Williams , a
couple of suspicious characters , wcro
ordered out ot the city with n suspended
thirty dnys'jull sentence , hanging over
their heads.
Judge A. II. Savapo of Ohio , supreme
dictator ot the Knights and L > niilcsof
honor , will bo In tlio city on Saturday
next and will address the monibcrs of
the order on mutters of Interest.
Judge 0. A. Ilildwlnjins gene to Da
kota Glty , where ho will defend Pat
Toohoy , charged with the murder of a
gambler in a saloon iu that town last
winter. The gambler , It is dtilmcd us-
suultcd Toohoy , who was a coolc in n
restaurant nnd was stublied to death.
Why It is Popular.
Because It hns proven Its absolute merit
over and over ngaln , because it has an un
equalled record of cures , because its business
is conducted in n thoroughly honest manner ,
nnd because it combines economy nnd
strength , being the oulv medicine of which
" 100 Doses Ono Dollar" Is true these strong
points have mndo Hood's Siirsnpnilllu. the
most successful mcdidno of the day.
James L. Brlggs died at his homo ntH13
Davenport street yesterday morning.
The deceased was the father of Arthur II.
Biiggs , the hatter , and had llvcl in Omaha
for nearly a quarter of a century. Ho was
ono of the first men to crosi the plains to
California In 1819 , going from Marine , 111.
Ho made the trip again in iSol nndrcturnlng ,
was married at Alnrlno , III. , in 1S.YJ , and went
to California. Ho was n part owner in a
mine In Cnlvar.ii county nnd was working
in it in 185'J , when ho met with nn accident
that crippled him for life. Ho was working
In the mine with his partner when a wall
caved In , hurrying the latter. In going to his
companion's rescue Mr. llrlpgs was caught
under a falling rock nnd had his back
crushed , the Injury resulting in a paralysis
of the lower limbs from which
ho never rccoveicd. When ho had recovered
sufficiently ho returned with his family bvtho
way of Capo Horn to St. Louis.whero ho lived
until ISli'J , when ho removed to Omahn.
Tlio deceased leaves two children , Arthur
II , nnd Nora L. liriggs , both of whom reside
in tins city ,
Miss Uriggs was in the east when her
father died , She has been notified and will
reach homo tonight or Friday morn
ing. The funeral will probably bo held Fri
day afternoon.
Great auction snlo of lots nt the
future county seat of the eastern half of
Knox county , Nebr. , Tliursday , Oetober
2. A special excursion train will leave
Sioux City , In. , Wednesday oveninpr ,
October 1 , at 7 p. m. for iJloomflelcl ,
tlio terminal town of the llnndolph
extension of llio Omaha railway. Great
auction snlo of lots Thursday , Outobcr - ,
nt Bloomlleld , Knot county , Nebraska.
In the geographical center of Knox
county , Nebraska , and sure to bo tlio
county Bent is Bloomfleld , the terminal
town of the Xlnndolph extension of the
Omaha railway. If you wish an ex
cellent opening for business nnd n
splendid invcstmont.gct in on the ground
lloor and buy n lot at the great auction
sale at Bloomfield , Thursday , October 2.
Rooho CJnrvcs n Bartender AVho Re
fused Him a Drink.
Roche Is an ideal anarchist in appearance ,
and his bushy bair , llamlng- rod beard and
dirty , repulsive features did not appear at all
out of place in police court. Ho was before
the court Tuesday morning on the charge of
disturbing the peace , but was permitted to de
part without lioiug required to spend any
time patching up the infringements that lib
had nicked in the law. Ho proceeded to cele
brate his release by gcltinc full nnd at
tempting to dissect Thomas Cleat , a barten
der at 1011 Chicago street. Ho used his pock-
ciknlfo , nnd cut a long , ugly cash in Gent's
shoulder. The blow was aimed nt his head ,
but Gent ducked and avoided it. the blade
ripping < lo < vn across the breast. The wound
was not ilccn and Gent was able to appear in
court and toll how itchappened.
Hocho could not understand a word of
English , mid nn interpreter was called in to
tell him that he would have to go to jail for
thirty dnys.
The only railroad train out of Omaha ,
run expressly for the accommodation of
Omaha , Council Bluila , Tos Moines and
Chicago business is the Ilock Island
vcstlbuled limited , leaving Omaha , at
4:15 : p. in. daily. Ticket oillco 1002 , Six
teenth und Farnam stg. Omaha.
The Prodlignl Son.
Uudolph , the ten-year-old son of Karl
StacHan , a painter of this city , ran aw.iy
from homo seven weeks ago. The other day
ho was found four miles below Council
Bluffs , near Lnko Mnnawa , by a farmer
named 13d Olden. The boy wai at once
questioned , and upon his state
ment was brouglit back to this
city. Ho said that for eight
days after he loft homo ho stayed under the
wagon bridge : then ho went to Council
liluIts , where ho stayed two weeks , after
which ho went to IJellevno , whence ho aim
lessly wandered over into Iowa again , whcro
Mr. Oden found him.
Bankers , merchants , everybody dcslr-
intrnchoieo location in a coming com
mercial center , should attend the great
auction snlo of lots at Bloomliold , Knox
county , Nebraska , Thursday , October 2.
Not ice.
After September 80 no orders for the
Americanized Encyclopedia Brltannlca will
bo taken , All persons who desire to aval
themselves of our liberal oft'or must have
their orders in by that day.
A Xow Way To ( Jet A. Wntch.
Theodora Wolff has fllol an Information
charging J. 1C. I'.itcrldgo with obtaining
property under false pretenses. Wolff is nt
agent for the Sams Jewelry company , mu
the uufortunnto alleges that Patcridgo wen' '
to him. representing that ho had been sent by
the said company , and demanded \yatch
that Wolff hud , clalnilni ; that the company
had a chance to make n sale of It , but had
none In the store. Wolff gave him the watch
under these representations , and aftcrwan
found out that the company had not sent
for it.
Ita ( 0 rlor iaelence rraToa In rollltoni of hem
for mor than > quntter of n cunttirr. It U U § 1 Jr ;
the United BUloi aoT : nm i > t. KnUotmtt > r " >
hetti of the grunt un'ruriltlci i tlio Btroniou ,
Pureil and if oil lloslthf ul. Ur l'rlc ' Crenm Ilik
Inii I'owder ( loot nut contain ouituoiiU , lliaior alum.
i ° " ftaA IMK1NO , .01v1)Kl ) | co
N ) r TorK , gialcegl ) . bun 1t nclo.
Nothing Else
equals Aycr'sTills Tor gllmiiliitlng n torplA
mer , slrc'igUidftlnc and
digestion , ropi-
latliig tlic action ol tlio bowel * . They con
tain no cnloBicl , nor any other Injurious
drug , but nro composed ot the net he princi
ples of the focittvcgctablo cntli.irtlcs.
"I was a sufferer lor jcars fr0m dyspepsia
riml liver troubles , mul ( omul to permanent
relict until I coniinciicctl taking Aycr's 1'llls.
They liavo cflcctcd n eoinplcto cure. "
George Moonpy , AValla Wnllri , W. T.
"Whenever I am troubled with constipa
tion , or suffer from loss of appetite , Aycr's
Tills set mo rlftlit again. " A , J. Klscr , Jr. ,
Itock Jlonse , Vt .
" 1'or tlio euro of lie.iri.ic.lio , Ajcr's Cft-
tlmrtlo Mils arothcmoflteftectlvo medicine I
c , er usctl. _ ] t. K..Inmcs , Dorchester , Mim.
"Two boxes of Aycr's IMlli cured mo ol
severe licailaclie , from which I was loiiRtisiif.
fcrer/-Uiinna Kcjcs , HnlibarilstoiCoiiu. ) ,
Ayer's Pills ,
DR. J. 0. AYEB & CO. , lowell , Moss.
Sola by all Dealers In Medicines.
r ,
Our line of boys'
and children's cloth
ing for fall and. win
ter is now ready for
the inspection of all.
To our many pat
rons we would say
we have spared no
pains to maintain
and even to improve
upon the high stand
ard of excellence
which has alway
characterized our
stock , and that our
exhibit for. this sea
son is replete with
most desirable nov
elties amd staples.
Under the Management of the
Mexican International Tanking Co. , Concessionaries.
Incorporated By the State oi Chihuahua , Mexico
ice , lor Charilablo Purposes.
will take place In pnblle at tiio city of Juarez ( Jor-
luurlyl'UBodol NortcJ Jlnrlco.
Wednesday , Oct. sad , 1890
undprtlio pcrsonul m.ervinion of Gen. .7Ui.u
N. MOHISY , unit Mr. ! AUII.U AKtiUJU.-
L.KM , both gentlemen of liluli etan < llnK.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $60.000.
Only60,000 , Tickets ! Only 60,000 , Tickets !
I Prize of $60,000 . $60.000
ITrlzoof 10,1100 . 10XK >
ll'rlzoof M x ) . WXXJ
lll'rlzoaaf J.Otttoneh . . 3U X )
10 1'rlzcH of axicncli . . l'HK ( )
eorizoan ( ] ( K ) o.toh . ? t > .U
Itwrrlzosof M each . | 6,000
! ! 60 1'rlzos of UU ouch . 7,600
Apjiroxlicntioa 1'rlzps.
100rrl7Cflof jnOraoh . . . 8B,000
1X ( ) Vrlrosof Itouucli . U.OdO
100 I'rlzub or Pencil . : , &UO
TCrinlniil 1'rlzon.
690Tormlnnl8 < o'fX.000 | Prize ors Ooaeli. Sll.ON
6liy7orinlnnlatotlO,0XrrlzooriJIOoiich. ( ) t.UW
1914 Prizes amounting to . $125,97C
We , the uudcnlirniil. licroby rcitlfr tlmt tlio
Ilancn Nncliinnlof Mejrolnriilliu | liii5lm8 cnrto-
I ) BH from the M ICAII Intcrnntloiml IlinkltiK Co. ,
tliu necuBiir > Hint' to unnrnnicu thn ( inyniunt of
ull iirlieH ilMWDlntliqUruii I.nlri Iu .liiurrc.
\Vo Inrlliurctrtlfr tluu < ) lll ( vipurvlio nil tlio
nrroniieingntt. ml In I'i'rmii mnruijo nml contro
nil thuilrarliiRiflf thin IxHterjr. nml Hint tlio mint
uro rend tided wllli li"neotyfulrnc J , und In I'ooU
lultU townrrts MlDarllm.
JOHNS. MOSBY. ComtnliHtancr.
CAMII.O Aimurr.i.ES ,
'Btiporvlsorfur tliu aorurnmont.
Ifany ticket tlr ln ri prlio In nont to tlio umlor-
rlKnoil , Iti ( net ) valiiu will Lc rollecled und remitted
to uo owner thereof. '
1'roi.KI rasoNutloiml llault , Kll'uau , Tex
AflCNTH 1VANTii : .
For club rntrn or nnr other liifnrmntlon. write to
tliuunil riluiu li tittlni : y'lurnililroR ; cloarly.w tl
Htiite. County. Hf t and Numli r , .More rapid do-
llvory wiljluiuiitirixlliy yuuruiiclomnit un eunl-
opoln'nrlnu your full auilro" . . ,
Clty of Juureilcxlco
Send roralttnnoo fntlckm hr ordinary IMUr
contalnlnii Mnnrr > nlcrlnueil lir till oiprou coin
uan a > . New Voii KichniiKO. liiint lr tl or poslu
Lott ) . AiWri ) llri' lJter 'dlettrrato
City of Juuroi. Alcxlco , via Kl ruso.Tox.
rmto C3U3 tub. in , N. *
iuie BUT ANosuipiiisoa
, ( or
| o.t , Cur. .1 ntMtiltlo ( li.l.m , fl l l Irrtlj. IIIWJ" tli
Int. lnnlU * u ( nrrti.ll or Kl lrlcllf Ihrouit all U KAI
Kl.tlrlc 1.11 llr , ' rtrlflt Dtul In c
IIKIT d San , . . . . C | .U . IP IS , J IP. M > nt Mi l'
MUlllll luc.J 11 Iht. . IIHiUl'i. H. 1 > 1 r > Ubl.l | > !
This coming week we will make a specialty in Fall Overcoats. We have an iniinenspi\J
variety and no larger or finer assortment can be found anywhere than at our store. If wcjyul
room enough to display them properly they would fill more than half of one of our large floors ;
as it is , we have to crowd them into pretty high piles. AVe scarcely know which of the many
beautiful styles to mention particularly. We have all the latest shades in fine Meltons , a
large variety in p'opular Black Cheviot , also Clay Worsteds and others , many silk lined , and of
elegant make. In short , the most dressy garments which the market affords , and what is most
attractive about our Fall Overcoats is the prices these are positively the lowest ever heard of.
As our special offering we place on sale ,
A lot of nice Melton Overcoats handsome shades , with full silk facing and well gotten
up at $5.50. We challenge any retail house in the country to show a like bargain.
A lot of excellent all wool Cassimcrc Overcoats , in fine Diagonal and a bcautifiul shade
ofgray with good serge lining , at $7.00 , worth $10.50. | i
A lot of very fine Meltons in a new shade , silk faced and satin sleeve lining , at $9.5 * )
Any other house would charge 115.00 for this coat.
All the above arc well cut and made and perfect fitting garments , which no one need bo
ashamed to wear. They have some style about them which is generally not found in garments
sold at such prices. Our finest grades of overcoats are marked $ i 2.75 , $ 14.50 and up to $ i 7.50.
These cannot be excelled for quality of material , workmanship and fit by any tailor made gar- *
All our other departments receive every day new additions of fall goods.
All mail orders filled promptly. Send for fall catalogue and samples.
Open until 8 p. m. Saturday , 1O p. m. ' 1
Nebraska Clothing Co. T
Corner 14tii and Douglas Streets. I
TIII : i"iGtmn " 9. "
The figure 0 In our dales w 111 inako a long itny.
No man or woman now living will over data a
document without using the flguto 0. It stands
In the third place in 1800 , whtfro it will remain ten
yours and then more up to second placa la 1(00 ( ,
whcro it will rest for ono hundred ) ears ,
There Is another " 0" n hlch luis iilsocomo to stay.
U Is unlike the figure 0 In our dales In the respect
that It has already movcj up to first place , where
It will permanently remain. It h called tlio "No.
9" Illsh Arm Wheeler . \Vllson Sciviuc Machine.
The "No. 9"vris endorsed for first place by the
experts of Hurojic at tlio 1'nrls Exposition of 1880 ,
xvlwre , after a scvcrocontest with the leading ma
chines of the world , itvns awarded the only
Grand Prize given to family sewing mndilucs , all
others on exhibit hnvinp ; received lower awards
of gold medals , etc. The French Government
also recognized Its superiority by llio decoration of
Mr. Nathaniel Wheeler , Prcsideutof the company ,
with the Cross of tbo Legion of Honor.
Tbo "No. 9" is not an old machine Improved
npon. but is an entirely new niachlno , and tlio
Grand Prize ct Paris uas awarded It as the grand *
rstndvancoin uewincmachlno mechanism oftha
ago. Those wlio buy It can rest assim-d , there.
tore , of having tbo very latest aud beet.
185 nnd 187 V/ahnsli Ave. , Chicago
220 North Sixteenth Street.
fhronlc , Nervous , Illood nnd Snrirlcal Dlipnin nnd
DIHCII3C3 oftlio lye ! , , Nuio , Throat nml Clmst.
ti | > uuiil Attention to IHsonsoj ofVo
molt nnd Cli I III roil ,
Tlio doctor * Invo had ypnri of oxpcrlom-o In the
lionpltuNof llronklynimil .Vuiv York.inul iironinonij
thonioatiucfUMfuI u'lJ whtoljr kruwn epoclallsts In
To Y'ouiitt nnd Middle-A coil Plpn.
IxntMnnliooil , Ncrvoin Dobllltjr. Siicrmntorrlimi ,
Scmliril lo'isioi , I'liysli'al IJocay , nrlNhik'from hnlli-
crt'tlon , iiroilurlnir Blci'plc sni'f i , ilcspondcnry , pint.
plus on ino face , nvorilon to society , omlly illacour-
iiKod , luck of rotillilumi ! , dull , unlit fiM-btinU-ur lititl-
nuss , nnd llmli lltu a bunion , uuCi'ty , pertmnotitlr
aiidBpcoillly cured.
lllooil nml nKln
X a dhraso moat dreadful In Iti rcmilt ) ,
ulr crnUlc.itoJ.
( iL-iiitd-Urlnnry Snr cry.
nonorrlup , ( Jloet. Hrphlll ! , Hyilrocafo , Vnrlrnrolo ,
Mid Ktrlrturo , radically nml safely cured without
palii or detention from Inulno.n. All Hoxual Do.
lormltlcs nnd Impedimenta to murrhiaosueci'jsfiillr
lumovcil ,
Alt UocUt rtlsenici unrjoly and permnnontlrcuroj.
Hours , Ua. in. till 8 P. Ill Hunill : ) , II ) till 1. ' .
N. II. rcrtxHi ) iinnblo to visit 113 mny lie troatoil nt
their homo * by correspondence. Mudlclnuannd In.
Btruitlonsiiont by oxpress. Consult Hloii frco.
tjcnd 1 ccnU In etuiups to Insurureply
1218 Fifteenth St. , Oppnsllo
Opurn HOIIHP. Omaha. Noll.
\\\E \ \ \ WEST
I.lncii CuIIurn mul C'uU'a ,
Correct Stylus.
Dost Quality. Perfect Fitting.
Mnrlililim Ilnlill
tureafnloto odaji
Hop rtlllcur.d Ull J BTEPUCNd.L biuon'o ,
Graduate Dentist ,
A Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber
For Five Dollars.
A perfrct ( It Kiinrnntccd. Tcctli oxtraotcd
without prtlii or ditiwrr. am ) , wlllout nniiM ;
tlictloH. O.ilil . and ( .liver 1111 rig * tit lowest
rates. IlrlUiso and frown AYorlf. Tooth with
out plutctk All wgrlc vrurranlud.
Hntrarcc , lOlli slroot elevator. Open oven-
u ; until b o clock ,
The Popular Jewelers ,
Are rocolvinp daily from the londinu minufaoturors of tlila
country nnd Europe , itll tha LATEST NOVELTIES in FINE
DIAMONDS nnd n'.l ' other proaloua s'ono3 , mounted nnd
loose. GOLD , SILVER nud NIOKBL , WATCHES , in all gra-los ,
for Indies and gontlomon. HOWARD \VATOHE3 A SPEC
IALTY , but wo carry all other flrst-clasa malcos Biffin , Wiil-
tham , Sprlnaflold , E .c.
GOODS nro WARRANTED. Space will not nllow us to QUOPE
PRICE ? , ai our stcck is too LARGE nnd VARIED , but como
nnd eoo for yoursolvos. It will OB : you nothing to LOOK.
Visitors nro always WELCOME , and should you WISH to buv ,
wo Will make it nn object for you to DEAL WITH US. Wo
are ehowhitr HUNDREDS of nrticloa uuitnblo for WEDDING
and other GIFTS , at prices ranpflncr from 81 up to $1OOO. ,
All our customers are TREATED ALIKE , whether their
purchases be SMALL or GREAT.
MAX ME.YE1R & BRO. , ancl Farnam SLrooLs , Omalia. Mob.
S-3T ESTABLISHED I860. . © )
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
For the treatment of nil CIIUONIO AND SUIIOIO.U , DHRA.SIH. llncoi , ApnlUneos for rtoformUloi nn < 1
Truesott , Host Kucllltlot , Apparatus anil llemodlo * for fjacoisfu ! troitrnuntof orery louti of iliHOiin n *
gull-Inn medical or IrO.itmoiit. O.VU HU.NIIIUSl ) A.N'I ) Trt'lSVl'V-HVIJ UOOJIS roll I'ATIIIVPA Attendance , Host luuiiiniuoilitlons In tlnwoft.Vrllj fur clronlirs on DofuniilUui ; ui'l ' Hru at ,
Trusses.Cltilj Kcot. C'tirvattirns ot tliuSplno. I'lloi. Tumors. Cincor , CiUrrli , llrmichlUf , lulnl uiou Ulof
trlclty , I'nrnlyalfl , nnllopgy , ICIilnoy.llliiilorKro. | , Har , Skin imil Illood nml nil gurulcil opcritloiH DI-4hAHI& )
\VO.MI1Naspuel.ilty. . Iloolcof Dlsimosot Womtm froj.Vu liiivol.itoly mliloil u J/rlru-lnileiKirtmont ,
for women ilurlni ; contliiomont ( itrlctly prUiit > . ) Only lUllilila MtMlcil IniUtiU'j iiiikln/ unucnlty o'
rillVATK DHKASIIS. All blooil iltca ! os sucroiifiilly troatud Syphilitic ! p > lson roruou'l mini the usloia
without mercury. New Iluitorallvo Truitincnt for losi of vital powror. rarllm unublo to vlilt uimiybt
trcntodnt homo by corroipimlenfo. AHoomiimiilc-iUomcoiiiMontlnl. Mollclirj or liiitritmonti Htmt by
wnll or cxpreis securely lucked , no mirk * toimlloUo contents or xonJcr. Ono i > erin illntorvUMprod'rrixl '
Call nnd consult UN or mind lilstnry of jour unto , nmt wo will ion 1 In plain wruiipor our I1OUIC PH MI5M
HlKlOtil'OM ' 1'rlvnto Special or.Vorvbns IHso.uus , luiputcncy , SyiihllliUloot , and Varlcowlo , ltli < ju < ut < ju
.lit. Address
AddressOmaha Medical and Surgical Institute.
Corner 9th anil Ilurnoy Streets , Omaha ,
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nob.
FoTcnlocn jrenrV experience. A rosiiilnrerntlunto In moillolnt" , Mdiploma * show. Ii stlllnittrlM w
Ilio k'rcatcnt tuctoiinll Ncrvoiu.Clironlo nml TrlfAtn < ll ca i'i A iwrinnnrntciiro idinranl J'l' > rtitnr
Bpcrniitorrluin , I.iint Sltinliood , HamlnalVoalcnc , Mjilit J.u 'o , ImiHitviicr. Hrplilll" , Srrinu nn I
ill n\si's of tlio Illood , Hkln nnd Urinary Oruaiis. N. II. I uiiiirinteof.'OJ forovorjr c.nolun In tik ) n > j
tocurc. CunsiilMitlgn rtoo. llook l.Mx turlo of Llfo ) out froc. OJlco liours - a. iu. w i | i " " aaail
111 a ui , to 12 m. '
T *
Cabin Passage $35 to $50. accordlnd to locallon cl
ttaleroom , Excursion 503 to $95.
Stocraira to nnd Irnm IJnropoat Ixiwcnt ll.itcs.
AU5TIHDAIOWIH 4. CO , , General Asenti.
S3 BrosdwaT. NEW YORK.
Jno. IJlcscn. Oi-iioMl Wrttcrn Aji-nt , 13
Kanilolpli r-lreet , uiilctiRO. Hairy l Jlooro ,
Inn ,
Wc Offer for Sale ,
ronrtlioiisitul Ions cliolco llulcil HitV.O. .
II. unra. r-lnitiKo'ii Hlilliiir , , / " ' } < 'ii or Ifornlolc
stittlons. on 0. .M. .t bt. I1. It. H. . In loU to Htilt
nurflmicri prlcs ro ulatoJ by tliu market
Cull mul MU us.
81OUX 01TV , IOWA ,
Ipoolllo for 'lyX/i-rla / , niiilnwi , Ft ! , Krantl-lt , SfaVli
ulne.i. JUnlol l pim lonHoltMli t iC Iliu UroTX r *
ulllmr'In lniimtj 7'l ImUnaio tutory tlw rXi4
loitli.rrciimturo out Ate , l rrcnn.---l.i. - i. . \ ' < n i
Inolther ailiiroluntnrif
cau e > l by oforierilu of trio , re f 'luse
oviToiit. i
nipnt 81 nl.nx. OP U lor 8 > , lint ly mailrp | | > l 11 * , .
With cicli ordop lor tli l.oi . wi I urn ! ini'- '
ffuariutco la ri'fnnl nonry irtlui I rMlini'nl
euro. Uuar&ntvualMUtxl ami iftuumu tula oulrly
lliorarnum Street. - . Omahn , Net ) ,
will tut well I r li licnJiorillolt liuljnorcs.otir
WHrnlllK. .ItvllttnlH lirrlllflvtl Hlltfr * "
r'lilgur. TliouiancU rt'si'ir l liy Jluma
'friiilnifiit. ( iimrnntred 'Ifttlinonlnla.
. . . . .
arid Mrn trcat < bI ( nn < l rurc < l AiMr * ' l
to-day , , , lliiIuU.V. ( .