Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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A HVJIIT78EM jNTH ; for tkso columns will
* tv bertnkcniintlll-.Ml- ) the cvenlrij
tMlHIomiitl until 13D T > , m , for the inornlnj
: NI JU Jlr.i
1KIIM3O h 111 advance ,
! AdrcrtlncmcntsonthlspiRa * IU to
for atlho rntoof in cent p > r word
Insertion und 1 eeat per woru for
unit Insertion , and sift ) per line
month. " .No julvcrthcimnt taken for Icsl
it dcents for the lint liiwirtlon.
INITIAL ? , ( Iffurci , symbols , etc , , countonck
ai one word
: . , ndtcrUwmpnta must run consccxi'
ailli.T nnd under in ) clrcutuiitanors will
T 1 > c taken Or discontinued by telephone.
* to\.lt7IES aitvorlUliiHln tlieto rolumin nnd
JljiavInK their aiisworsadc3rcs' < cd to u "nurn-
bert'd Utter"In onroof TUB IIKK 1I1 receive
a nit rnixTcd ehockto t * nibUthcnilo Ktttholr
loiters , Answers will bo dfllvcrcd only oa
precondition of this clieek. Kncloso nn wer
in en vrlopofl properly n'ldrcs ' < cd.
A 1Aj ndvirllspriienti under Ilio litad of
"Hticclnl Notln-s" ftro pilbllilicd In both
mornlnKnudovenlnK odltioiiiot TIIK IIIB. the
circulation of which niSKrojatos more thnn
2"XX ( ) iappr"j dully , and Klvei the acUertlmr
tlie lM > m'llt not only of tlin lariso c-lrculnllon of
JTiiK lire In Omaha , biitnlsoln routicll IlluiTi ,
yJnpolnandothereltli-aancll'iwnilii ' the west
Advertising forthesncoUimnB vlll l itnkrn
DnthoahovccoudltloiK , at Ilin followliigbusl-
rienH liiu e who nro aulliorlwl1olak ' pcclal
notlchsat tliCHaino rites ; as can bo had at tlio
main olll''c.
JL'OSN Street , Mstcrltloclt.
0V. . l'humncUt , MJOSoutli Tenth
tJ fetritt.
rflllAfR fe EDDY. Stationers and Printers ,
* J IKlkiutlilOtliHroct
.1 , IIUOHES , rhnrniadst , 01 North 10th
direct ,
r.O.W. I'AIII ! , 1'harmaclst , 1J1S Jcavon-
worth Street.
UOIIKS'l'IIAKMAOY , Slth and rarnain
i , ctetee , fop of fivt column m Hit * jxitw
* \ \ 7'ANTBIIIy young man to learn tele-
i' KraphyorBliort hsind.siml workfdrboanl.
Bcforetico glicn. Address Uox 51Dillon Neb. .
COMPETENT , experienced u ml rapid ston-
OKrnpherdeslrts a iinsltlon. "Unquestioned
3-cforcMicp. Aildrus O ti. Uce , t'l-a ; *
pOOMOWn and siitlomry engineer with
Mh'oiiso. ( machinist ) \\ants \ \ situation Ad
dress T. UbslcUy-.BU Sltth. Ur > C-M *
\\7ANrnii-Poiltlon us iileslady In a dry
M needs tlrm ; hn\o htidoxnirloncc ! ( rood
* 0feruiices. Address O9J. lite. " "
"l\/AXTnil-A situation In an office or us
T ? ( jlorks f" yojirs * mperlinco ; good refer
ences. Address 0V ( > , llto. MffiJ-SO
\\7"ANTE1) ) Poiltlon us lioiisi'ltcopcr , 2nd
' lionscivorlf , clinnihurinnUl or iiumo for
Invalid. Call axDOS North JCIh st , up
upC'Ji ' "J
\\TAN'rEl-Day ) work or wnthhifrlo tnlo
IT home.Yorkdoriu \ well and clioun Call
tit 371-41'ninlnK ' Bt , O J-STi *
* \\TANTEII I'osltloubv lady
' mid bookkeeper : i jcars' o perlelloc ;
peed references. Address OiS' , llco. 47J-2.V
HT ANTED Situation by aliiniiilressln hotel
TV orprlvatn famllvi Knullsb or American
o rred. Add i pss O 01. Hie , C4J-23 *
I ) Ixperlencod arulilloctural
TV clMiurlitsninnto cote &t Louis , 1'ortm-
iicuL employiueiitto firit-clasHinaii. Ailclross ,
PCO , till * olllco. Ml 28
lIOROUOIII/y com pet entladyitonosrapher
ownlni ? iiiaclilnc , viKbt tears' cMHrloucc ,
OeslrosRltii'illotiOct. 1st. If cat city rofcroiico.
/\ddross O Jlllco. ; KM-I7 *
, ttc.sec top of fntt roliimn on Mb jxice.
ANTED VOIIIIB inun to receive Inslruc-
* * * .IT tliiim nnd tnko a set of bookto kenp , J.
jlBiullli , room DID , Now York Llfebnlldlnor.
nl\7 ANTED Travnlinz salcsninnon speolnl-
' " ties pnylnc $100 $ tofciV ) per month. Jolin
Allison & Co. , : ra Dearborn fct. , ClilcaKO
"TI7"ANTKI--W ) h'avoiin opCnlnjforayonni
IT nun nnxloui to lietlerliis condition und
Tilllhigtovorlo 0\11 ut room407 Slionljrhlnct ,
( 51 ( Wr
* XI7ANTKh-Aseats-ly ] the Equltnblo life.
IT Insurance companv oflown , Goon ter-
Jtory , favorahlocontracts and nbsoluto sc-
cunt.v to policy holders are Inducements
offered , r. T Martin , supurlnteiidcnt , of iiKcn-
1 clc.s. DCS Molnes , lit. M 081 U Si *
> O"VS and clrls wanted at Murphy. Wascy
> & Co'h chair factory. JJCIO 1 *
" \\r.ANTED.-A. Rood bakn. J , W. Johnson ,
VV Allirl ht , South Omaha.
ANTED Press feeders at once attlio IV
uclsloronicellU , H IGthstrctt. . K9 21'
: rJ'TED A first-class barlier , none but
TV llrst-olass need upply. A. . D , Klock , llar-
Tsrd.Nob. COT 2I *
W AN'I'EI ) 1'lr t class wlndovrdrcsscr. Kc-
< Jo. CM 2
1 two flrst-classncoatmak-
jjLt-H Imincdlutcly. J. 1C. Uhluian. llcatrlce ,
ftiib. QUO 25
\T7 ANTED--lInii andwlfoon dalrv farmno
TT c'hlldrcn.Address forono veok.070.Uce.
0(1120" (
\\TANTED Men nnrt teams for rallronrt
IT work nn Cnf-Otl Islnnd near wliltu lead
works. Waiies. Jl 7. und * :125 : jcr dav. 1'ay
tvury two IVCOKS , J. U , 11 ke , MGI7 30 *
. . _ . . . _ KI > Coal miners and shoveUirs at
T Deer Crcnlc eoal tnliic , Olcnroch , Wyo. ,
Cn KE. . & M , V. It. K. , Allen , McDonald , * Co.
M mi-aa
\\7 ANTKD A good coat , tailor at once. I.
IT A.HUHIP , Friend.Nob. COI-24 *
1XT/NTJ5D MMoariuto vork on graao nnd
IT linul brldcotlinlicr , Applyuteninp , tno
illeacit.t ! oH'upllllon , 010 5
llTASTJKI ) A rustler to orKanlzo a Joint
TT block : lompany for the purpose of hund-
Jlnc ono of Iho most Important electrical jnt-
cnts oftho present nse. A man of oxtenslvo
J-allriudaciiualiitancoiuefcrred , Address. O
60 , 11 ee. f > 'UiM ' *
"IHT ANTKD A first-class Dnnnm iihnrina *
IT elst. rfjlstorcd in Xubrisku.Kood habits.
Addii's- , A.V. \ . lluchhclt , Grand Island. Nob.
BOt-SO *
$10.00 cajillal required for stnlo nEcney for
Hunsom 1'loctrlo Uuest Cull ; ST poc m > t kla
t. Ueo. V. Uunbani , swy. , .Minneapolis , Allnii.
WANTF.D Anoxperleiiceil llower pardoner
vho iiudorstiiuls fierjuaix. Ajiply at U.
isth and \laton , aa'J-2
.1 > UINTElt Wsntod ) ono who can do Job
JL work and nil other nu > i > luuluuUvork IIOVM-
liry In Jieountrjolllce ; st.ito use , oxperlencq
nnd lowest -Nvugcs. Address Lyons Mirror ,
J ' yens , NoU _ _ _ S70-a
O ItN" 1 OEM'A-KEKS and tlnmr * wanted t
once at John Kponeler's , HIS JDodKUSt.baso *
incut Model stomn luundi-y , Mlisa
WANTI'D Aeariionterlo build house and
taUo llanscoin IMaco lot In piynient. lu-
qu Ire 115 South bluecnth hlroct. iai-'jT
WANTED J.OOO mm for ncwr.illroad work
In Oregon nnd WutililnRton Tor. Work
tilll Inst t o years : peed waccs suiiMntccd.
AlbrljjhtiXaborAtreney , lHJOKarnain .st. JUO
1717 ANTKD A few uood men us spocld
V > ngiMitstooritnnlzobrnnchos of thu lUur-
cantllo -oporallvn banket New York , dolnn
tlio ircnornl bufclness of n national luilldlnp
mid 10,111 association. T. A , Hutuawav. State
Agent , Orand Island , Neb. M1 > , . " > *
11TV salcsniun. Omaha shirt factory. 1114
/ T2NEKAh nceiit8 > naUi > * l,000 to\OOOayeiir ,
V3loniiVii .sors4to * 10 per day , solllntr the
Cololiratoil Taylor I'atvut Adjiistablo flioo.
Tlio t'lcluslro rlht to tell tills shoo In nny
territory i n , vnluablenionopoly , Ours/stem
pf solllins thlsBlioo Is new and crlRiinl. Ad
dress , with So. tauui. Coutolldateu Adlusta-
Mo friioo Co. . Sale in. Mass. _ S71-a > *
WANTED 2(0 laborers for stone nnrt nrado
work. Ai > ily ) to 1 * . U , Jolmson , Piilou
ANTri ) Salesnicu to sell soodsto nicr-
chuiiU by saiuclc : salary ualdto Rood
iienriiiiiloH ; CumlKhedi > trina.neat situation ,
Model Maimfucturliit Co , outh Iiend. Ind.
707 KM *
_ _
WANTED Slcn tolravflforour Canadian
mirsiTlu StoiioAVreninRton.MiwHson.lYla .
} "urtut , ( It , , vet top ajfliit ccluinii im lllj
ITT ANTCD ilr ; t-cliiBs cooli. 2110 Capliol
TT > Ve. eafljj *
* f\7 ANTED Olrl for lljflit lioUbcwork ut liis
V * N22d , CW-St *
ANTiD : An oxpcrlenced e.ook lu snitll
( aiullyi wugMv ld toac-bnipol
nt jlrL AI > I > ! J between S and J at i ffl Doug-
"THUOIIT young lafljr minted In gclfiub-
- J Hcrlbors ( or ton Omaha. f.ncelnlor ; M pet
cent commixing. Apiily 11U aiiltli it , M1CO
lioi wok
Gcnumiprc.Vrrca.Onll nt ITHDomUnst.
O40-M *
" \ \ A rKI-Ol l for Ronerul honscwnrk ,
M small family , MtU , Will cor. California.
" \yAM'KT-A fornpclcnt Rlrl for gcni-ral
i lionicwar SCM I'ljpplct/in nve. 014
\\7'AM'Kn-A. girl for lioiiHowork ; good
'I xrneow nnd steady phcu. Mra.K. A.ArcIi
, lOSl South 3W. '
- A'cto'l clrl for Koncral IIOHHO
work. Apply ITOa.N. 27th si. MOIS--'b-
CtllIr-l'iir general lioiisowrk. PO * 9 ISth
Htn-ct. M Mt-it
\VAKrEI-MI(1dlt ) ( fiuod Udy vorcjcclio In-
II Htrui'tlcin and Kc-on books. J. 1 > . Stuitli ,
A noun lrl for hoii'owork. Oocxl wnco ,
JAMrs Dnmont , Ml'I.afuycttu uruiiuc. for
merly I'aui tt. 161
OCO-J7 *
wU Ser
or Jblocks of llee lulldlngInrpniitlcinun.
Z'tr rait' . ctr , ee foj.flrnf column on' 7i/i / j > ct0
JO. l'll ' , m"rlsoi"oi.ltSV'Mte.a , 73& "
\\7ANTnil-To ulntcr. 150 head of cattle nt
IT ? " > forft montlu. Viddross , U. I' . IlclTiierl
Jtlailcn , KcarnoyCo. . Neb. TOO r > t
far raid , tit , , tee. dip of frst colum u oni H fintn.
TilOn linNT 10-room house , all modern 1m-
J ! provctnents , No. IT.'I ' Dod0'u. Inqillrrt No
3313 Famaiii , .M 7ll-27
Ii'OR UHNT Nlco 0-rooni liouso , porch , eel-
Jlar , well and city watir , ticos. etc. . on
motor lino. Apply to Sirs. Julh Stela. lUi
BOiith llth st , M as'-y
I1OR RUNT Viirnlslicd of G looms
Imiulro at2307St. Clary'savenno.
M C3.1-57 *
T Now 0 room house , all modern
JiniproM'iiiciiU. . eonlrul location , only $ ' . ! 0i
A. P. 'JukoyN-o\vYoftiLlfc. , MCH
"JilOR 11KNT A nlecly furnlsticd orunfur-
Jniched liout-o ofHuvcn roinis. all modern
linprureriicnt'i ; double windows , screens , oto ,
Three blocks froin tourt house. Address
room 31. U. S. ba.nk. 02 ! )
SKVIX-r win IIOIISP. Uth and Vlnton.HO.
r-ruoiii liouso. 3th and Miami. JI2.
8-room home , i'Mh and CuIihve.tJO. |
7-room house. IMlih anil Gitillch. t0. |
5-rooin house. Lincoln plucc. fll )
J. II , Johnson , 519 l'a\ton Woolt.
SIX rooms private flat , with ailmodcrn con-
vunlcnces , ( J3l-2 > *
AI AHGT5hou eof airooins , corner Uth and
Jones sts. stilUbln. for hotel orlarKO board-
lug house. All modern Improvrinonts Kor
termsiitc. . call on Arinniiiijtli & . Kltchttt.1 oal
estateajjenls. a.V. \ . eorof litU and Howard st
M 019-S9
T71OIIKRNT Two J-rooin liousei andonoC-
JL' room house. Apply at S3II rrancis t. , west
sldo ofllnnsioin parlf. U'U
F OK KENT 2 houses Hixaacl Boveurooiiii ,
newly yapoicd , a.c. cor , IStli and ihlcugo
PLATS , steam heated. 7WS. ICth. Thos. l\
Hall , : illl'.ixton blk , CSS
TJIOJl RENT 7-room cottsise.s. Hith and ull
A modern conveniences , retidylu few days ,
0S. Tiguttcr : , 4071'lrstNaf Ibatilc ,
rOIl HENT A Rood ton-room house on
Dodge. N. A. ICuhn , Fifteenth and Doug
hs. 531-33
7 KOOM , now house , 1'opploton , I'aik. S3 !
furnace , tath , city vator. nil conveniences.
J , A. Mmclcrliuul.S. E.cor ICth and Douijhis.U
r > oi : : o
TTIOTIRRNT House.Mth and C.ildwcll . , 810.
I1 IKril andJonci. * 10. ' H1 Davenport. $24 ,
W. Iioely.ltTJdTrude. . 435
T7IOI5UENT Ono Hat In tlio Xlrlon block on
J. tnc2d Moor. 0 rooms , Hloani heat , newly
papered , Kralo liinarlor. All in itooil order ,
Inqulroof John luinlln , hi the block , corner
otiatliand Mttsonata.room017. 1M4JO-
011EAV rent. Have several 3 and 4-room
HuK contiat , with city water , soweraRC ,
etc. , at from IS toilG per month. Hut Is' Hi-nt-
InB agency , 29) S5 Uth st , 303 o 11 *
a ' -ROOM house 33cl and Ounilns , $15 per
'month. ' UT. Harrison. DUN. Y. Ufo. 55J
FOH UEP T Neat 4-room ty water ,
1M miles from l > . O , I > . 0. 1'utterson , 15IJ
1'amani. 151
OT. 1st. , building on N. E. cor. JCtli nnd
Douglas , ii bnseiuontA U stores , and 7
roomsupstalrs , * IJO. Mrs. Kuhliuanii , II und
Vlnt43n. OCl
T71O1 ! UE T TlousoB rooms , croud lunndry ,
JJ Inqulro Itobt. I'urvls-4tli5t St Mary's itvc.
T nST Aslx room house aeur to business
JAccntcr , ( JO. Mead Investment Co. llco
building. S4. ;
> llIlEKT Wjr rosldenco fu rnlshodor unfurnished -
furnished forwliitcr or longer , dcslrahlo
locution. Urn. 51. Elguttor.llli S , lotust.8S3
TF YOU -wish torontahouso orstoro see U. E
LColo , Contontlal block. 5'i )
FOK KENT To responsible parties on y ,
those line now brlclc aml.stoiio housc.s on
Georgia uM'nucillftucn rooms and alcoves ;
more conveniences and bettor finished tliiui
nay liouso ( or-rent Jn the city. II , II. Ilendor-
EOII , 4001'uiton liloclc , city. S53
7-1EOOM lnusc with burnnominal rent. C ,
K llarrlsorr. 811 N. V. Lite. K > 9
HOUSES For Ilent 5400 Cass st.,2408 Onss st , ) and 14 moms : all conven
iences. CJhas.V , llulney , aiSOinaha r\iitlonil
banlcbiilHllnp. &I5
FOR KEtiT A house of all conveniences ,
centrally located. Imiulro T13N 10th st
f'orrnlw. < ( < „ reetiipo/fnittolilm _ _ < ionthlr _
SfflA" furulshea front room.eas , Ijjth und
J- > steal heat. 711 S.10Ui,2ud , floor.
? l GSC-27 *
TT1O11 UEXT 7wo nicely furnished corner
U and front roonib with board atl''l Rlltli st
M 081-2T *
> KOOMS , light housekeeping , 115. Aadrcss
POll KENT Parlor wltli coniicetlnit room.
Mio t\\o \ \ ether nicely furnished ro < , ms
with board , 1810 Dodge st. _ I > IC10.gj'
T71OI ! HENT Newly furnished roonu. batli
J-1 and ga.slCXt , ( llourd ht.Jd , floor , MC25-3j *
T71UitN'ISIini > rooms sin sin orcn suite , cas ,
I1 balh. fiirnacclioatK2 K.lStlist. KK ) 24 *
POK HE.NT Keatly furnished rooms with
board , 3019 California at. 03-30 *
TJOO.M and board 201 S. 25th avc.
01323 *
TpOKItRKT Slnsio or sultof pleasant room ?
1wllli nil modern ( . 'onvanlnncci. UJO Sontli
Mth st , or lor , bt. Mary a and -"Otli , brlclc roll-
do uco , Bil-L't
HANDSOME rooms , also table bowl. 183
Chicago , tiTWT *
111 N. lOtlut. lland oinoly furnished rooms
x wtlli uinsd. Oan acconunodato iinumUr
table boarders. r > 3J 37 *
N'ICK room : steam heat. 1719 Diurnport
Hlreet. KS-Ot *
POH Rood hoard , iilco rrains , modern con-
veiilciici's. rated and Itkcatlotith 1'iillnuti
liouso , f.lluDoducst. . cannot bo extolled. Mrs.
llorn.l'rop. D13-2G"
TTtOR KENT 1'urnlshcd room , with board.
JL : 1011 Douglas it. -17I-20 *
TflOH KENT Mcoly furnlshotl rooms with
JL ? board , liofcrcnoo. iio7 1'arnuin.
ROOMS Jind board 1 > IO Chicago ktroet ,
SUITE otdouVIo parlors In 0110 of the most
desirable Huts , with all nicidorn convcultu-
ces , for twaorXour geatlenieu. 7i(5S ( atlli.
POItHEAT I'urnUlicd rooms ; gasbath and
Blciun. 1510 , i
QT.OLA-IHEtirppcanhotfl.wl tli dlmnir room ,
O steam heat lu oil rooms , lUtli-Dodio.
Special rutM bvwook or ino. ' 3
P KONT room luitablo for BCntleiuaii. 1U3
TTiUKNISIlEI ) room to Rcntlotniui Tilth good
JtJ rt'foremt'M : email prlvato family ; til mod-
eru ccnvenlonem 2713Ja.eUon it. , half block
vest of StMurjr ttvo. Ooiitrcgutloualchurch.
U KENT I'urulslied ixwms , 1000
IXI.OE , plemnnt.wotlfurnhheil . ffoutroomi
JUentlcnicnutilT , Moderate rent. JMII St.
RUry'saro. 440-it
nnNrr : itoij > i8
UOOMS rorsiunnfainillcs. ! } niidll , (
N. latli St. l 2 ?
TT10H HKNT-a unfurnished or ftirnhhrd
JL'rooms , front rooms fauln ; south , 2.W )
/"S VKHstovo store , 1G31 Howard.
"TlOlt KENT Sulla of I iLnfurtihhad rooms
J ! for lieu nicociln | > ? , to family -without
children , 1703 WcbHer st. 311
HKNT-0 rouias. uof u rnl hcd,2IO Xl Lli
. prli' 110 ; vlll rtntuicolorcd ixoplo.
to Jl. 1' , Jlnrtlu. 701 N. litb st. Wl
G-HOOMS unfunilslioil and rooms
for n.nt Itillugcau block , cor , 13th ivuil 1'a-
2'wratvetc.tic top of fr& cdumtiontliU\Kio& \
'IMll KENT Mctropclltiin hull. 14th and
JL' Dodge , forball1 ! ptiLtlcs nnd wc
arwltliout Hupiiormoin , Tcnaa roasoniblo ,
GcorgolloynJ13 , SI3th t , K17-OJ1
l-'or Kent 1.1U Uodio Ft. riias.i
STO11E . aitUiualia National bank bid ? , 543
TT'OIt ' KENT Brick -warehouse , t\vo \
- -Uandhxsfiupnt kqujiro fuel , with KM
.futof Joublotrack oti U. I1 , ralhay , poutli
SMIi and I'lcno blrcets AUdruss C. O"kaini )
OmaliaNolJ. " >
T7IO1J linXT-Hnwinont , cticap , corner 24tli
JL'andlicavciiwortli sts. 403 JO *
MOltUBNT-Artcr Oct. 1. business kiltd-
JL'lnij,4U roul-xny , ocenplcd bydruuHoro ,
Apply to Gco.T. riielpvnuney otdor dopiii t-
meat , ] K toIllce , CuiincllUlul . In. M 50J-'J.
jlOll nKNT-Tlic4- ) ry brlclc r > ullllnit > wither
or vltboutlO\vcr. foiniorlyucciiiilodliy the
lice PuMKhliiK Oo.Dlti rariitinist. TliolmlUl *
luff limn -proofcoiiicntlusctuunt , coinplot
stc.uii hcatlnj llxttiroH , wittornn all tholloors ,
KH9. oto , Apply attlio olllee of Tliolloe. ll. )
1J1OU KENTntillillnsWsISI't4storlMan <
JL1 liascincnton .lonoi hlipet.lintwcrn lOtli and
ailhvllli U. K. truck Inulleyj best locution In
the city for wholesale , liujulro M S. IMIi st.
O A.
OTO tins at7W ) S. 10. KxOO cich. larjro sbf.w
Owlndotts. heat furnlaliod. Tliot. V
Hall ail I'axton block. M5
far rah * , etctee-top of frst coliim 4 on t/i < (
"T 1ST your house' to soil or rent with 0. 1' ,
3JHurrlsoiittl , JN'.V. J lfc. KS
JH. K.l'ook.rcntal agency : liiausniortfaRci
J boiifflit.t.ivoHpald . und collections. K
OWN. Y , I > . Imlldluit. JltM008
T TSTourhousc3wlthShnw's ) rental ngoncy ,
JJjOl S.1GUUI. IM1O.6.
HKUole , rental agent , Continental blk.
J.1UEYrental , nguit , SOON. Y.Llfc
J'orralw , etc. , ITC t ] > of frit column oil ttiti
STOIlAGE-Sco U3 licforo ttorlnz goodn o (
.uiy description. Omalia Steve Kcpitli
Tories. ISO" Houghs. Tel. O.U , 671
rpUAOICAUK storaKO at lowest rates.V. \ . U.
J. Huslinuin , Kil 1 Loavonworlli. 5'J
QTOK.VaE-Brauob & Co. . lill Howard ,
- and furniture ,
colilstornne and frcozlus ; truckage. Il.ivld
Colo. 8H-817 llovml st. 674
Forrala , etc. , sec nip of frst column on
TilAMONDrliigmarkcd "Hcrbortto Nettle ,
I/1-1-bO. " Howard for return tolGH Capitol
KM ! 4 *
Fur ratn , etc. , sec. tup nfIrat / enlunui oil tliii
'iriNOAGEMENTSto dodresa-iniiklnR In fani-
Jjillci solicited. Miss ftur'dy , CUoS3. > tlfavo.
IHS-sK *
1'orrata. ctcier. top ofllrst / colmu OH Uiti iiooe.
"DUOPi Charles l'utcr.-on 1'linio.vloHn zither
J- \ouulliiHtruotlon.Studlo5038lictly blk
_ . 470 QlS * '
BEL'ORE buylni n plnno cxainlno tlie new ,
scale Kiiubn.ll piano. A. , llospo.1513 Uonirlna
_ _ _ _ _ _ 677
GEO GTLT KNUCCK , teaoherot thcbau ]
_ with lto-.pi-- . 1513 Ooiiglan , _ MO
rplIKOnuihiv Klndorsutoiiivlll r 'opcn lon
lduyBcpt.8,260 , Davenport. SIlssE. OrlllltlH
_ _ _ 74B-01 *
WKHElt pianos tor saio only by Oniutu
Uluslc Co. . l.lll Dodeo. COSsM
" \rtJi > lO BOpor cent discount , and pianos on
J.'JL ea y terms. UinaluMuilc Col. , > l ( ) Uodgo
.pvvrJBM soiaciTons.
J or rnlts , ctetec ( oi of fist rolumtion
PATENT lawyers and solicitors. G.l , Surs
JL & ( Jo. Bco bulltllnK. Oninha. Pour years'
cxperlcnco nsoifamlnors In U.S. patontotHcc ,
llranuhotlicoat Washington , D. O. Consulta
tion free. ViS
for rn ( ' , ett. , eee top nf frst roliitnnort t/iln JKIOI
JT.l'ATClt.oxclnsl ' vo pension and claim nt-
torney : oror li years' OTnorfenco ; all the
lutestlaws It decisions. Otllco romovofl from
85t 04 *
i pensions for almost all soldlorss
J. futl'era ' , mothers , Mldowsand minor chil
dren of soldiers Clalnn pushed by K. N ,
ClIiiKinin , l'Jm ' ; < 121 Krenzor hik. , Omaha. Alai
\\uBliliuton \ und Uiiiclnaatl. Ulniuari free
I" > yoars' oxpcrlcuie. 570
lorrtitu' rtcrca lop of jlmt fiili u > iia
JL clunked , routed. J , 1' . Mo eath , 1GJ7 Far-
, for rent or sale.
ruphcrs ( uppllcs. J.I' . AlojcatliJwT rarnum
Tor ratu. etc , see lop uf frst column on tlili moi
incdliiiii.jiist arrived from
l'arl , 15 years of aso. jonnfst and most re-
ll.iblofortiino teller t'vor iMforu the public *
born ivlth double tell ! wonder ! ulplttof hoc-
end sltht ; can bo consulted nt lUl9I > n\eaport
sirouL UlW 1" > *
irADA.51 Stovcrof St. I ouls. tlio wondcrfid
J-'JLcurd ' render , has n'turntd to the olty. anil
wllBl\o ! \ perfout satisfaction on all uKali-sot
llfu. Cull and bocou'Nliic a , lindlcs , M CL.S ;
guntlcnicii , (1. ( No. XI N.lCtli St. , room 10 ,
Hours from 9 to fl , 84024 *
A MEIUOA'3 creatofit lortuno teller and
.IV liuslness advisor. Her mlinclcs In foretelling -
tolling lucky miiiborsnnd.anytlilnjt pertain-
Ini ; to the future aru moru than marutlous ,
Hit ) t\m \ surprised the world , ilrn. nr , Eddy
only lorotelU number * In such Tellable Invi
tations as the 'lioyul Saxon" orltrunswick ,
Coinoand sea wliethor you are luoky * I < ook
at lier testimonials nnd bo convinced , Mrs ,
Dr. Eddy. IfGO Donglaast.
.July . 19. IS'JO ' , 1 iiend you uercnlth an cj-
press mouoy order for RW.OOfor that nuiuuer
which you advised nioto sot. I nm$700uliend.
Yours truly , f. Ueutllne , C2iVell M , Cul-
cago. III. *
Madam Dolaucr. over 01DS
mh ( KKOO *
M RS , NANNIE V. WARIIEM. clalrioyiuit
1'JL trance. spoaklntf , ivrltlnn uud ii'llnblo
cdlura,4 , yean inUmulia , HON.lGth
I'orratis. cteee lop of first column on Will pafl ,
rp\VObay ponloi , nlno and four years , prlro
J--5and 1,15. Double cottage , cor. Liilli uud
Jackson. 017243
FOllSAiE lilaolc horso. cheap , 12 ; 8,17tlut.
liorso SOO.two horse wagon $20doublo
work lurriesj SIS , Or will trade for a
food llcht sldo Iwr busiyII , E. Cole , CmiUn-
cnta.1 block , fclO
VTLCE wood-toj wagon , 35U Dodjo st.
OK BAI.E-2 seed work teams. Inquire at
tild 1'uxtou bit , 4i i
OltSES 150 uiid uii , U. E. Cole ,
FOt'K ' teams lltht nmlcsi ono heavy IJj
pound home. Room 1J. Hoard of Trade.
for rattK. fie , , tftttnp of Jln t ilumn on lAU
\\TANTED to liny Platform ecilcs. II.Tru-
TT mau.liaiKlUtli6t. & 1C17-S5 *
IIMJHKITUKE. household toodaclc.
JL1 vaib prico. 11111'amu.ui.
"TlT'AtJTnD-ro tmy &M i oncl-1iima
Tt typewriters Itailnglou iwrforrod. Itoom
37 , Darker block. v C3.W5 .
"YUANIED-A 8S.OCO lo l5Wstcx of rndsc.
YI for rash dad good jirqportr. Addrmi O
57 lloo ofllco. rl 007-1
- Of U .
Cash call for ncoond Nnllil cooils. Unto
Cllr Auctlonl'o. . JU atidiia a.lUh it. 74)0l ! )
jfiliu GOOIKS
Fvrrattf.tte. , ite toy of flrn column
BnSTllne lulr Roods lu west ) hair dre ltiB.
wlps , switches , biingOiair ehnlns. etc. , &
specialty. Davles hair frooni and milliner ,
oppoaltcpostoillce.lll S.litli ' 't.Oiiiulu.
MAKSAtiK UfVi'ils K fo.
For ratti , etr. , ue top ( if fail irolumn on Ihb
' OcUlor. over iSs. 13Ui.
COM Dull and takn n ma wiiro treatment :
lunirllilnenaw. 1'orlors , OJ7s. tlth st.noxt
Uarkwrliotuf. (93 ( ffi *
, ctc.icj tnyof jint column vnthtu fage.
IjlllEn MO1IM2 loan money nn diamonds.
JD watchesJTelryoto.Sb. ( > \ , , . cor.Karimni.Ulth.
"IHEN" 1' . Rhrtl. 7 yenri with l-Vcd INIolile.
JJloansmiiileou diamond * , witches , Jewelry
and articles of value. 1110 rarnanut. liliiOlf
Fur ralu , ttc. , nee lei > ocotriinu onIM
Itt'AM' a seed fresh cow In exchange for a.
liorseitilsosovcral hundred yards soddliiK
andKrailliii ? doneliivoalso ; neoodvoll bouso
nnd wlmlowsand blinds to ( llsposo of.Vm. \ .
l-'lcinlnz , 1401 Dounlis. MOSI-S5
For rat a , etc. , tec tup of fnl eolm n nntlita faqe.
rnui'TCT bust guaraniced In 30 d ivs. Ad- .
dr < * ssIUcc. . M tlbS-l *
7A | ASSAGEtri'atn.cnt.clootro-thcrmal Inths ,
-l-H Bc'ilptiml ' Imlr tieitliicnt , lunnlcuro anil
chiropodist. Mrs. I'ost. ' 11 SO31Vltlmoll ulk.
. -Ml
TT l'l IOI.STEIHNO and matressos rcnoiatod.
U llISON. lathst. K. I'ctersun 403-U3 *
TITO shoo dealers ! The Now .Torscy calmer
-A boots , shoes. arctics and siioc-hiltlus will bo
o\tonsl\olv" \ advorllsocl the loiiilni fall nnd
winter. tt'rltcforcatalojlie , itc. I am west
ern tiReut ut Omaha. My biles this season
niuo beaten all previous records / , T.
Ilndsoy. _ IOT * ? )
Forrata , etc. , sec tnp of fnt column onijj ( ioe
'A.TCU Spmlcl3 for sale , 13U a. I'lth ' st ,
MOsO 3 >
IlOS'IAnK stiiinps , rate collection , foreign ,
etc. Principally NMICpilor to ' 71 ! . Ad
dress JLook box 17- , Council muffs. M ( W-ia
T71OI1 SiVI.E-Oencral stock of merchandise ,
-Vclothln ? , etc. All veil nsiortid ami nice
location ! invoice aboutJ13,00lvllleehanjio ) |
forKood clear property and pirtcawh : write
Tor particulars. AliliessO'ja.caio ( lice. Omaha ,
Nih. - oii- : :
"IjlOTCSA KI-Lotof base burner stoves. St.
JL'uiair European hotel , 13t i and Dodsc.
Fur ratn , etc , , tec top of frit commit on tlili i7.
JlOU SA.LE-Splendldfoldin ; bed , now mattress -
; tress and plllons. $11 , tjCK , t' , Uce o' "
s M
7IO1I SAL-Elcgant ; flat top double doslc ,
L' hlnck ualiuit , purtltipnl and < irawcrsi
rlco 310 , Add ress R. 3 , Ifoo Olllco. JI ( )77-2V
T71OKSALI-nheap , , hrao booK case , sult-
J. ublc for a Itiwyor's onlcb. EnquIrDnf A ,
J , llnnscoiii.ljOO-ramumst. , Una lloor. 6i-2ti *
TTlO It SAtn Olioaii The furniture' in the
-JL lioiijo. l IS'o. 181S DonslaS Mroet , for silo ; ,
and house for rent. on tlio prcmlsea
TTIOR SAI-T-Furnlturo ; .and business of
J-1 room hotel lu Lincoln , doing coud jny
nnslnesi. Uist o ( roitsonsf-forselling. Terms
easy. M. W.l'ojsoni , Lincoln , Neb , .MS
Torralti , ctc.tee top o'-frs ( c win on thta
CHEAl' loads oncity propnty--&collections
proiuot utteutlon. A t'L < arson.Ulll N.Y , Ijlto
, 440 o 17 *
"jlfOSEV to loan at all times on doMrnnlo
-ULiinprovcd property in Oinalin. The money
Ishoreand there are iiodehiys , aso oxandna
the property and title ouraulves. ] ] atoshinlth
A Co. . lliOii 1-arnainst. 350 olt
toloanby II K. Masters on chattel
-iind collateral securities for anytime from
ono tosk mouths In uny uuiouivtto suit bor
Loans made on household goods , ufimos ,
organs , horses , "mules , houses , Icasos. ware-
Jiouso ri'colpts. eta. , at the lowest possible
riiU'd.wlthout publicity or romova ) of property
My loins are so atrmiKcd that you can make
n payment of any amount : if any tlino aucl
reduce and Interest.
If you owe a bilaiicoon ynur property or
luvo nloaii you wish chur'eil. : I will pay it
off anil carry It for yon. If you flnd itmoro
convenient , call up t.clcphona No Hl ! uuij
your Iinlnosi oanbu urrancod at homo.
Moueyalwaysonhand. No delay ,
llo tjr. Lowest rates.
B. K. Masters ,
Room J.mimcll bile. , 13th and lUruo y sts.
" * 5(3 (
3H1 OHF.V toloan.Corresnondont.sof Lombard
Inics'tCi ) . tlirlvcric Unrn.s.rrun cr bih.
COMHEICCIAti and BenoraHhorttlniopipor
boulit ; uNo iTeiilarSyeurlo.itison iinpiov.
cdproperty.Uoo.KllliistAUo,2'J3miiiKollds ,
! toJ
/1UATTEI Hank , 31US , IStlist , . loins money
Von chattels or collateral ut reasonable rates ,
"BU14ST& second inorlzisoS on vnc.iut k 1m-
J. uroiodclty prop. ( Jounty warrantsbousrht
Jlonoyoaliand. KJI. lllchardson. klj N. Y.Liro.
jVfONRY 35 , (50 or 0) ) days on furniture ,
-i'LpIano * . horses , housci.otc. J. J , Will.lnsou ,
CIS L'axton liloolc. Ol )
inortiTuao louni at low rites and no
U , V. Sliolea t'o , ' - mist Knt'l hmk.
LOANS-Cltrandfarinloainniottasoifiper ! ! )
bought. McCJa/no Ipvestinontl'o. 5sS
K "ETSTOSK Mortsaw C > > . - rani of M to
§ 1WO ; Kctourrntusboforoborrowing and
savoinoauyiloanson horses , furnitureor any
unproved Hccurlty wlttioutimbllijlty ; notes
boiiRlit , for now loin , renewal of oil nnd low
est rates , callU-OliShocly blk.,13th& lloward ,
TTN"tISUAMA' low rates
U of Interest on llrst iiiortsae * of Ini'.irovod
real I'stito for thnno tl ) ) dnys by tlio Ivans
City Imostinont Uo. IMoniyJ , | loar.d ot Tr.ido ,
J , 11. 1'ease. maiiagor. M3
_ _ _
CIIATTKI/ loans lowmt rates , bmliioscoutl -
dcntial. 11. J. Hall U C'ontlnontal.blli ,
"IVroMCY-toloanon nnr si'curlty
J.U. for short tlmo at low
rutu. . Lowest rates
onpersoiialpuMierty ,
The llcudcrjoii MortjaKtiilnvoatmont Com-
pany.roon4Q3. l'ii\tun bUt. 501
UILDrND loans niailo a.Jowu t rates.V. .
> ai. Harris , room 20. I'r. 'r ' blk , opji. lO. .
CIIEAl * eastern money _
1'hlladelphla Mortgasq ana Tnut Co. .
iilwuyjroadyto loiti and pli promptly ; firat
mortsazos vranted , OtorrfiJ W , 1 * . Ouatcs , lop-
rcsou tatlvo , room t.boirapf radq .ill
"OEAIvEstito I iuns luncl. Olouo
-tVlxian& 'I'rast Co. . : uS ; Kth st. No delay ,
aooxtracharRes. Howes' ' for rent ; goixl list.
wi-xi MJ
OKi O.M. ANrilb.Vy'3 'N.Y.Ufo build-
Ini , londnioncy onfa'rnnIn rholco coun
ties ot Nebraska tmd iRVft ! also on Rood
Omitlia residence property ; | o\vfcst ratoii best
tcrmsi no dolnyi-money rtidy. Titles and
on hero. . jTaf ! ! M
\\r-AVrED-IMrbt-claii4 r Wo loans. Lowes
IT rates. Call and sco u--Mutual Invest-
ricnt Co. . 15H Farnam. ( u KB
TflASTCKJI money to loan'on olty proport vj
-Uuiortgagopaperboujht. ll.U.lrey.Tt.V.hlio ,
Kl )
, _ lowest rates Itemoved
V to 1)21 ) , y , Y. Llfo JUds.QJ. U. Eminlinjor ,
TTIIRUT inortKaRii loans ou Impnivwl nnd un-
-L improved property , Ohurles \ \ , Itainey , 313
Omalm National uaukbulldlns (15
MOSKY loaned at low rates on furniture ,
horses , la.without publicity , IliniUejo
InvcstmoatUo. , aDoujlos bllc.iatliaudDodKc.
"I > TJIIIIKO loans. 0 ( o 7p roont | no addi-
JJtlonul oMr oji > r comuiisslou orattoiney'n
fees. W. U. ifofkle.l''intNatloaul ' uanU tldg.
TVf OHHV tel un , to delay , In lauo or small
Jl11 mount ! lowtut rateu. Apply O. K. Key-
o New Vork UfubldS. Telephone HOI
"TJ1ASTEBN money to loarl ! lowest rams no
JUdcUy : largo loans a upeelaltyi short tinio
wporbounliU Omaha Jlortiuco Co. . grouul
floor Clianibcr of Cumiucrc * . 115
KM loans-Star Land & ho an Co.
44) ) ! M
For rates , tie , , j rtfop oJlrat folunwem ( M * txij .
njo vacant lot for hone and
bUKjty. Addrcs0 07. lloo. MW9 2 *
rpo KX011AM1K IlusltiC8' lot on Leaveh-
J-wort Int. and rvnlduncolot Innortlinurtof
to-nn , both eli > ar. for liouso mid lot \ ortli$4,000
to000. . 0. F. lliirrlson , Oil N. V. Life. _
x ) o. oiiRas nn nniani.n n
'of ' business , for . ' resldcncpsi property U
oloar , C. 1' . Harrison , Oil y , \ " . Life. < > > ; > ai
11S1S. Wth : Kuwl 8-rooni lieu\v niid nuxt-
urn , forcloar lots and mortKiinM vroporty
Is clear. 0. 1 \ llnrrlsou , Oil N. Ti i.1 fe.
AT\VO-story \ ftna baBemrnt brick Btoro
bulldlnitvltli nlnnty-nlno jruur Rrotind
lon e , for n stock of hardware uud ttoves.
Address 0.1C. 49 , Rcncral delivery. Oil
KP elty properly , worth J1WMO. for
-j-ood Iowa farm : will add M.OOO cash. O. I' ,
HarrisonOil > , V. Life. Oil M
H Ot'SK for sale or tridc for cnwrlesor nier-
chandlso. Olson. 3IIU rariuini st. Mlttt-201
rflU K.KUIIAMllK Horse HUH jilmoton for lot
JLln Walnut Hill.-Clifton Hill or "Ualicr
I'lncoj"lll paydirrercnce.lf any. Iiinulrouf
K. 0. Morrlll. Cnsa and 41st. 4J-JO , a
ri O KXrilA ar ll-room brlclc houio In
JVorlc. . Nob. , for farm. 1'or particulars nil-
di-os Mrs. Ifato Ilarrlsou , Yorker U. P. Harrison
risen , Omaha. C1I-2H
lOU EXClIANQl-J-KlBht mules forOmaha
real ostatf. It. ii : , Hoard of Trade. 4IC >
Stock of ceneral indso. , lavolc-
. . Ins $ . ' ,000 to 110,000 , forcholco Oinnha Im
proved property undcash Address , JlM.Uco.
cold AValtliam watch nml work horsn
SOLID for Rood side bar buggy , H. t-
Cole. Continental bloclf. b'H '
TCTOIt E.X01IANGK-A peed Inrgo horse , 0
JL7 yoarsold , for llslitiniilo team. . .T.iJolin -
son , Albrlfht. IfdutliOmaha , M OtU-'JO *
Fornttenetc. nitoit of Jlrttcolumn on Uit
$100 per foot for ! tr ( cot on Capitol u\e. n. few
lilocKs from high school , O , T. HarrisonOil
N. Y. Life. C75 UO
TClOIt SALE The liest liarfinln In Oinuha. 2
Jt : lots on n corner , U ) ft front.iRO on Califor-
111.1 st. . inclndlnir. a ID-room house , alinostiiov * .
1'rku $7.W ( ; 5 per eont discount for nil uush.
Also uu liujirntcd lot In tlio saino location for
fS.WlV ) , M. V.itus , ujt. . U2d and California st.
$2)00 forcholeo bulldliiR slto ClxlOOat N. W.
cor. 1'iirk. 0.1\ Harrison , Oil N. V. Ilfo.
BAHGAIN Choice lot in HrlRM place , iinln-
cuiiilieiodrtlSOO. Market nrfco SJ.OOO. Need
money. Addiess Kd 1'rlco , ISvlrf California st ,
IJuin er. Col. RU'-oai *
"fjlOll SAIiK Clionp. on easy forms , a ulco
- > - culture In Lowe's Add , , und a 7-room bilik
hoiin1 , vllh all modem convenience" , on M'lth
and Juckson sts. Koomll.t'liauiucr COIUIIKMCO
OUSFS And lots from $1,200 $ to SoOOOO nml
to suit almost uny liincy ; Rho usicill.U. ;
J. & li. , room 1) ) , Uhumbor of Conmicrco ,
_ _ _ _ _
$1)0 nor fCHit for 85 feet nst front ju t south
of uol.fccott's line residence near Aliyaliits *
chuich. 0. ! ' . Harrison , 911 N. Y. lilfe.CI3S5
S M A tL-Cottnpes , houses , well located at
low prices and very easy terms. C. J. & L. .
room P. Olianilicr of t'omnicrco. EGO-S4
T UK chance of allfetlmo to buy a homo In
one of the best neighborhoods of the city
for25 per cent less tlitiu Its valuo. I can soil
No.KM fconth ' 'Sth st,0-room house , seed bain ,
lot 30 by 140 , In lot 7 , blocks , Itedluk'ssub. . for
S5.VJO. i : . 1Scavor.N. . Y. Life bids. 519
per foot for east f iont on XVI ave , r 0x242.
0. K Harrison. Oil N. Y. Elfo. W.'l 23
"OCR SAL.K . S 5-nwni cottazes In "Unkci
JD 1'lacc , " 1 blk west of Clifton Illll. Prices.
81,100 and { 1.300 ; .small ( uvment. balaucoS
yeara. Inqulroat Casa aud41st sts. , of owner ,
E.G. Merrill. 47J-IW *
ICOoastby 120 sou th front at IS.V. . cor , Hans-
coiu uarlr. } 7,500 , H cash. cO. V. llnrrlson ,
011N. V. Lite. U.1 ! J5
HfjlOll SALE , nt a Great Sacrifice-Fill 1 lot
JL } aad nuwlo-rooni house la a beautiful loca
tion on Cas-s ht.l blk west of Lowe nvo. I'rlco
S-f.WU. &lJfl cash , balance 5 yonis at 7 per cunt.
1 1 mu I ro at the ' , _ 4i.KK ) *
EAST front on Lowe nvo. , near California ;
make iin olfcr. "O.f. llarrlson , Oil N.V. IJfo
_ _
TT710R 8ALE 9-room house , modern , improvo-
JU monts , barn , etc. , 50-foot lot , ou Wlrt st.
tlio best residence st , In the city , for SO.MO.
Sl.MOcusli. bulanco to suit.
0-room houHo and 50- foot lot on Park nve. ,
forB,5 W. Terms to suit.
8-rooinhousjand 00-foot lot on Slat avenue ,
just north of Ht. Mary's nvc. , forJD.OOi.
S-rooni house , all inodorn Iniproronionts , 30-
foot lot , on S pence r St. , for5,5UO.
C-rooni house nnd bath , ( Ire place with oik
mantel , city ivnter , Ras , etc. . at rath and Jack
son sts. , for $ . ' 1.200 , on tonin to suit buyer.
Ono lotla Kllhy I'lace. $1,000.
Three lots 1 n Kllby 1'luce , J1.100 oaeh.
! , , ist front lot on Lowe avo. JOOU , : J30D cash ,
bnUncotosuIt ,
South front lot , comer oa Itanium street ,
East froat lot on Lowe a\o. , 81,600 , W50 cash ,
bnlaneutobiilt ,
An oleiaiit corner. Cfixin ? , south and east
front , on llarnoy st , lasldo thu uillo limit , for
fll by K > feet north ana onst fronti corner
onDodseht. . onn of the nicest residence sites
In the city , forS7.rOOto u desirable party who
will bu I M a Rood residence.
hplcudld south float lot lu Orelurd 11111 ,
C Urt
UrtAiloublo oornor. south front , on iowoc ,
liiOichanl Illll , 8J.W ) .
Two beiiitlful east front lota on 41st st , In
In Kllby I'lace , uachJI.SOO.
W. U. Hoiuau. roonw 8 and 10 rronzcrblk.
homes In iiiont uny addition for
COTTAGE - - , up ouoasy inouthly iuy-
nicnts 1' . K. Darlln ? , ajlarltur hlk. OOi
. Is cheap for SO-foot lot no XJodzo
at. near 4Ud. U. I' , Harrison , Oil X. Y. Llfe ,
Cl'i ! o
_ _ ' Star Land i , LoanOo.
. f ? 448s 20
A SMALL , payment down and 115 per month
-clwlll buy u4-room house and lot on IGtli. U
blocks from ; motor ! tir-it-class chance tone-
< iulro a homooa easy torwa. Apply to U.K.
Cole , Uoi'tliicntnl ' blook. C04
"OrANTED To piircliasocooil city propctty ,
TT Improved or unimproved , 1'or sale or
rent , Rood faim lands clew to city , in 13-acro
-lotsor more. Kontscollected nnd forsoneril
realnstnto hiislneai apply to 0 , E. Iteynolds.
010 Now York life bids. Telephone 1481.
I'laeo lots 81,853 to 11,500 , Dexter
Jh. Thomas. MW
\v ATJOII &Westcrfloldrcal , cstate.aOmaha. OOJ
"ITIhEGANT tracltase lot , TCxl32. frontlnK
-SJJpavtd bt. . track In alley. I'or ualoor luase
on Ions time. The Moiul Investment Co. . llco
bUVp. 1)17 )
II' YOU have anything to soil or oxchnngo
call titCJS I'.ixton block , tf
H05IS : Swcot lloinos-Eleffant Homos-l
am olfcrlni ? tholio t bargains In Oninhaor
Intlio world on\Vefetrarnam \ strcot-SlxeloKiiat
houses , all dincrentt > to I ) rooms , furnace , lint
und cold u a tor , Kas , KUS llxturcs , bath , wiitor
oloset. innntul , elegant Irlulc collars , pi\ed
street nnd inortjraso , SJOO to S.'iOO , or tnoro eish ,
und balance nt7 pereeut to suit , D. V , Sholes ,
2U First National bank. 103
"V\r iIOhns a lot or desirable enulty to olfor
TI in oxebuiiito for six hordes. W. T , guanian ,
lurueat variety wagonsand carrln ts.
_ : m
"JTIOU PALE-Heal estate House and lot In
JL' liountzo 1'Uco at . ' .000 loss than cost. Cot-
taiu of , 1 rooms and full lot. California and
aitli sts. , II , MW. L. S. HUlnnor , 1C11 Faruani st.
Formtaitc. , tittup of flnl column onl'ifa '
JT IOU : ItKNT-Snuill creamery , 2J miles from
Oiuahru Addiess , for ono week , O70. lire ,
oa iw
"ITOH BALE All established general iipcnoy.
J-Binull capital required. AddresdOfis. lieu.
C70 L'O *
IlOU HAI.E-A. dyeing establishment , overy-
Uilnitcoiiiplotoln a lively western town ,
or would take a * a , ptirtnci a man that under-
atands Iho business. Address. 031 , Heo.
AHAHB cnanee-1'or salo-A- first class
"cash croecry" In small lively Iowa town ,
Htock.wlll ln\olco about t..OOO. best location In
town. Bales last year 118,000. Host rousony
for soil Ins. Wrlto ' at once to OC2 , Hco.
< | ! 12OOOkocU | fonoral uierohandlse , with Rood
PbiiHliH'Si. nnd 2-itory hrlok , 2ftx80 fuel , to
tradu forooBh anil clear laud In eastern No-
braitu. Addrcis box I , Ountrul Ulty. Neb.
T710U SALE or trade The old established
JJ hakcrr , confectionery and cafe BU N Uth
Mtrurocimuco to right party ; good reasons
- Call andluvcstlcato. 477
-A batb r' outfit 'for anent ono
J- ' chair shop , ouoap. A. I ) . Illock , Harvard ,
Nob. COI 2 *
fflOK SATjl'-A Kiwi mnrhlo top hotel coun-
' 1" ' ntlttlro Milliard liotcl oHIcp. 671-no
TVHttO stock and fl\turc5 , Invoice nbout
-l-'K.oM : not any old stuck i Mill soil for part
cash , or orchanua fop farm Addr " i W
Thorn , loolc box ! i , Ijltcliflold. Nob. K SMf
II.U5IIHNO for Kilo A rnro onKirtunlty |
for * good prnoth'ul man lo make WMIO
money i no inluako about it. Trade well i" -
tahllslud ; In fret , morn than wo can do If
joit want to luiv , nnd are ifponslblo nnd
want toronioloMnlt I ake , yon can't come too
twin. The Inilldlnxboom N now on. I have
Rood rcainin for seltlnK , Address , L. y. A , , 01
Mate st , . Suit l.aUoUlty , TUiih. Cflll - ?
"ITIOUSAI KOUKAP AflrstclM re" li iirout
X1 forcnnh. l > etna good buMuuss. Uoodlo-
catlon. 1KW Nlflth , ! MS-l _
1J1OH S.VT K-K. H , lunch and oatliiKhonso.
JL1 IKturt's nnd 10 furnished loilcliiK rooms ;
feeds tvso p.nn'UBeraiiiMlxtren fiolnlit trains
( laliyeasli ; biislnoslJI.lWi ) ticrinotitli , liiipco-
tloa oriorrosponilenuo solicited. 1-M . Krebs ,
Water. > 'eb. iV--Si'
"IjlOlt a sa.fclO poroont InveitMont nuliorrlbo
JL' forsharoi la . I onn und Hiilld-
IIIR iissoeliitlini serle-4 No , \Vnuu-\vorkur3
dlinulllnku buro4to < < ccuru lov rales of In
terest In buying their homos. Hoonill cham
ber of commerce. 0. W , Nattlnser. iccrclnry.
17i ) U ID
POlt PA I.K Olicap Hoard ot ehop
house , Keariu-y , Ilolnjr a Rood buslne-.s.
Allan-sail. ll.Achey , Kcirin-y.Nob. fxB80
: -At a bargain. a KOOCI store liouso
fitted ni ) with eholvH and counters , basemen -
men tl ( rooms for dwellliiK. uood cistern and
well , will hellortrado fora No. 1 stock of gro
ceries Address Keel & Heel , 0 , o , I ) , grocers ,
KHNlMh st. flil
_ _ " _
\ nAUi"chano . Olty llotolof Milliard. Mjb. .
jV-for rout , silo or oxchanso for farm or
Oinuli.1 property. Host loi-atod hotel In Millard -
lard : has bar-room , danCe hall , Ice liouso and
stable ! all convenience II , K. Colo. Conti
nental blk. , or O. Zimmerman , Kith und Jones.
-II. )
WmnEAS , A Joint resolution wns adopted
by tholuKlslnturoof the state of Mobraska.ut.
tlio twcnty-lltst session thereof , atid approved
March 90th , A , 1 > . l su , proposing nn tuiirnd-
niont to section two [ 2j four [ 41 and tlvo [ of
Artk'losiv lit ) of Iho constitution of said state
and that snul section IH aniemled shall read
as follows , to-wlt :
Section I 'Flint section two (5) ( ) of lUtlclofd *
ffi ) of the constitution of the Bt.ito of Nebraska
bo aniondcileo us to read as follows !
"Seetlon2i The supreme court shall c,3i -
UtollM ( ) ( jjuU'es ) , a majority of whomslmll
be necessary to form a quoruinor topronounco
adechlon. It shlillhi : > o orlRlnal .Inrlsdlctlon
In caes rehtlne to rovoiuie , civil eu < ei In
\vhluhtliOhtntoahnllboa narty , mandiinias.
quo -\varranto , corpus , and tuichuppol-
late JiirUdlcllon asti'ny b prorldcil hy hw.
Sootlon2 : Thatsootion fourl ( ) of nrtloleslx
(6) ( ) , of the constitution of the stntoofNubrask.i ,
bo nincniludKn as to road us follows ;
Si-ctloa 4 : Tlio Juduesof the supreme court
shall bo elected by tlio duct oriof thestalo at
hrK , iiutl tholr turnin of ollleo , \copt as
burolmftcr provided , uhall lie for aporlod of
Ilvo ( fll years. "
Section a : Thatsoctlon flvop ) of arllolosK
(6) ( ) of the const I til tlo n of the stale of NoUas-
ka , bo amended sons to read as follows :
heotloa 5 : "Attlio llrst jjonoral election to
bu held In the year IBOI , and nftcr the udop-
tlon of this nmendment to the conitltiillon ,
tlmrosluill bo elected three pli jinkus ofthu
supri'ino court , ono of whom shall bo olcclod
for tliotormof ono (1) ) year , one for thotorm
of three ( a ; years and ono for tlio term of live
( J ) years , nnd nt each Rcaoral eli-ctlon tlnre-
aftcrthcroshall bo eleetod ono .ludco of the
supreme court foi the term of llvoO )
I'rovldiHl , that tlio judges of the supreme
court whoso terms ha\o not expired attlio
tlmo of holding the eonurnl election of IS' ' ) I ,
shall continue to hold thul r ollloo for tlio re
mainder of the term for which they vrerore-
peutlvoly elected under the present consti
tution. "
Section 4 : Th at eacJi person voting In favor
of this amendment shall li.ivo written or
printed upon his ballot the folio wine :
"Korthu proposed amendment totnoconstl-
tutlon rolatliiK Ui the nuinliur ot supreme
Therefore , I , John M. Thaycr , Govornorof
the atiito of Nebraska , do hereby give notice
In accord it neo with Noctlon ono ( laitlclo ) flf-
loen (15) ) of the constitution , the provisions of
Iho uot entitled : "An net to provide the manner -
nor of propoitiiR all unicndinoata to the con
stitution nnd submitting the sjnin to thucloc-
t rs of the st.ito. " Approved Kobiunry 13th.
A. I ) . 1S77 , that said proposed amendment will
He presented to Iho qualified voters of the
state for approval or rejection at the ironcral
rlco t Ion to bo huldoti the 4th day of Novem
ber. A. I ) . 1890.
In witness whorcof I have hereunto set my
hand and caused to bo afHxed this great scu.1
ot the stuto of Nebraska. Dana nt Lincoln
lids 28th dtiyof July , ATI ) . 18IW , and the twen
ty-fourth year of tlio state , and of the Inde
pendence nf the. United States the onohuu-
drod fifteenth.
IJy the Governor , JOUN M. T1IAYEB.
[ SeAi."j Secretary otStato ,
August id3tn
A. Joint resolution wus adopted
by thelCRlslaturoof the state of Nebranka , at
the twciity-flrst session thereof , and approved
1'obru.iry 13th , A. D. 18h9 , proposing aautnead-
mont to the coiistlttitlon of Said state , and
that said amendment shall read as follows ,
Bectlon-l ! That at tha Reneral election to
bo hold on the Tuesday succeed i us the llrst
Monday of November. A , IXIWO.tluire sh.ll ! by
sumlttcd tu tlio electors of this state for ap
proval or rejection an nmcudmeiitto thncon-
stltutlon ot this state In Mortis as follows :
"Tho manufacture , sulo and ItcoplnB forsulo
of Intoxicating liquors as a boveiaco are for
ever prohibited in thlH state , and too lunUlu-
turo shall iirovldohy law fortho enforcement
nt thU provision. " And there sliull iilso nt
said olcotionbe Kcparatelv submitted to the
electors of this state for tholr approval or re
jection an amendment to the constitution of
the state In words as follows : "Tho manufac
ture , sale and keeping for saloof Inloxlc.Ulim
liquors as a beverage shall bo licensed and
rokulated bylaw , "
ace. : ! : At such election , on the ballot of
each elector voting for the proposed amend
ments to thocoiistltutton ahull bo written or
printed the words : " 1'or proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting the
manufacture , siln and kotplng for sale
of Intoxicating llrjuoM as a lievcraKO , " or
"AKalnst the prooosud aniendiiient to the
constitution prohibiting the mami'nctnro.
sale and lii'oplns for BJ.IO of intoxicating
llnuonaa ubuvoruga. "
There shall alsobe written or printed on the
ballot of each elector voting for thopropo > od
amoiidmeut to the. constitution , tlio words :
'Kor proposed amendment to the constitution
that the manufacture , s.ilu and licupinii for
ale of Iriwxlcatlns liquors ns a bevoraito In
his stnte shall bo licensed and renulatod
by law , " or "AKnlust sdd proposal amend
ment to the thoiiianut.iu-
tnro. B do and keeping for sale of liitoxlontlnsj
lliinorias a buvcr.i e shall bo llcoiiacd and
rc ulatlnjby liiw , "
Suo. 3 : If either of tho. said proposed
amendments shall bo approved by L majority
of the electoia voting ut the s.ild election ,
then It shall consltuto section twenty-seven
[ J7 ] of article 0110 [ Hot tlio constitution of this
state ,
Therefore , I , John 51. Thayor. Oovornor ol
Ihohtato of Nobiuskn , do huroby Klvo notice
la accordance with section one Mlaitlcio [ 15 ;
of thu constitution und thu provisions of the
act entitled "HII act to providn thu manner o
proposing all ainondmentH to the coiislltiitlor
mi ( I submitting tlipHiima to thu electors of tha
state. " Approved February lllth , A. 1) , 1B77
that said iiroposed nmcnanicnt will bo sub
mitted to the iiuallflod Totem of thli state fo
approval or rejection at the ICCIICM ! olectloi
Ki Do beld on the 4th day of November , A. . U
In witness whereof I hereunto setniylnnd
aim cause to bo alllxed the great oul of the
state nf Ncbmskii , Done ut hlncoln thls2Uth
day of July , A. D.lS'JD.ana tboSlth voarof th <
state , nnd of the linlcnuiiilonco of the Unltei
btutcf ) th ono hiindrcu Itf trentn.
llytlmOoiornor. JOHN M.TUA.YEK.
llENJAMIN It , ( JOrtllKIlY ,
Uoorotary ofStute ,
, A joint resolution was adopted
by tholoBlslaturuof thostateof Nebraska , u
Ino tvientv-lli-btbosHlonthereof , und aplirovet
Marchautli , A. I ) . 1WJ , propoilnR nu umond-
mentto Section Thirteen ( l.i ) of Artlclo blx ( G
cf tlio constitution of Bald stat-ei that suit
section us amended shall rand UH follows , to
wit :
Section 1 ! Thatseotloif thlrtoon (13) ( ) ot artl
do six ( G ) nttho constitution of thostatoof Ne
braslci bo amended to as to read as
St-ctlcn M ; Tlio Judges of tliosuprenmcour
shalloachrcculvea salary of tlilriy-IIvu ln.-ii
( Ired dollars (8.J.50W ( per annum an I tlio Judge
of the district uourt shall rccolvo n salary o
three thousand dolIarsl.iOQOi3r ( ) | annum , an <
the ailarv of each shullbo payabloiiunrterly
hcctlon 2 : Each pomn voting In fainr o
thlsariiondmont&liallhavo wrlttenor prlatec
upon his bullet tlio followlm ;
For Iho proposed ninendincnt to the const !
tutlon , rolatlna tu the salary o 3udcso | ( th
supremn and district court. "
Therefore , I , John M , Thnyor , governor o
the etato of hereby dvo notloe
In uccordancu with Hcctlan out ) [ lj artlclu tlf
toon15 [ ] of tlio constitution , and the provl
slonsof anaot entitled ! "An aut to provld
the manner of proposing all amendment ) ) t
the constitution tad suhmlttlriK tlio Hiuno t
theeloctnrjof thostute. " Approved February
Idth , A , O. 1477 , that laid propoiod uiuead
ment will bo submitted to thuquttllllcd vutor
of tills stntc for approval or rejection , at th
central election tu bo buldoii the 4th day o
November. A. U , IS'JO.
In wltniu vrhoroof I hnvo hereunto et in
hand and oausodto bo ulQsed tlio great s u
of the state of Nebraska. Done At I.lnoolr
thlHltjth day of July. A. L ) . IsW , and tint twon
ty-fourth yearof the itattiand of thulndu
pondencoof the United 8tato > tlia onouun
IJy the Gorornor. JOHN M.T1IAVEU.
UKNJAUIN it. Uowucur ,
[ SiAl .l Secretary of 8tat .
Aujust liw )
iicMiio. Htilitjt.NiiroN , V Q. I Arritti
IXpol Utli nml .Mnion wtrcoK. I Omntin.
, thteii0 Kxpre" mi. . . . SIX ) am
. . .Vhloo o KTi'toxi. , , , , . . . , f.W pni
Kxproo . M nut
OJ n\
* MO.
Depot IQtli nmllnwn ntr l . _ _
. .tvraiZl. . . . (6i ( pia *
) .15 ni Dcnvpr Kxpros * . i D.U put
Ucnior Mjlit Ytprun. . . . . . HM in
8.13 m | , , . Lincoln l ionl . . , „ , . . , | VOO pnt
I nti > j K"C. . T.l ; AlMt. - jArMroi
JuiMio. | HupollOlli nnd.Mn'on itrcctv | Oiunlia.
0.33 n ml . . , , Knn i Cllr l > r Kri > r ( ( . . . .j C-lo lira
. < 3 p mi JK.C. Nlfht Kni vlnll , P. TrinO IUJ n ni
" *
OumliAI I DtH'ot 10th imil Marry _ _ _ _ _ _ Oinnli " ,
2.SOpiu , i.Overliiul Flyur. . „ , , . . . . D 03" pot
" . 'M p ml I'nclllflKipren 11.15 | i ni
' ' 3M ( MU
000 a [ . . . . , . Kipross ! , . , ! ! ! KM nm
lO.IJn in | . . .lulrllcM K\v. ( oxccpt Sun. ) . . . ft ) p ni
"l ntiMTi VmCTOOTlt I. VSCIHlS.
Uninhik it.l' ) . _ depot , lOtli nml MurcfSty
6.10 p in . . . . .S'lKl'tK-finon. ' . Hi.iO urn
U.OJ > m ) Atl.tntl > ! Kiin | j 8 10 y la
4.30 p ill ) Vestibule l.lmllQiIii ID.41 n lit
Lonvoi i - KInllV UifV * I'ATPIM. ' "
_ Om lnU. ' . 1' . dfiiot , igth nml Murcy St
7.15.1 mi . . .Tsimix Cllr PitiionKor
4.HOpm' ' M. Paul Kfri'.M.j |
Ui to j Hum" CUI I'XtMHlf ArrlVo ( "
JJimhii. I _
t"UO t" p m 11 Paul
lyeiMC. It'lll ( . MiI.V
Om lm. I U , 1 * . tlcpol , IOM nn-l Mnrcf !
" 61 S m CliTcngo 6 31 | i m
4 30 p m \fstlbulo llmltr < l 9 W a m
6.15 p m -AiToiiinHi.atlmKc | ( , Sun ) 70o pin
0.10 p in KiiiUTii Klrer , i 45 p 111
1.13 p in Kn't Ktutorn lilpn-Ji , . . , ft.0.1 a in
jAinvui | ( llll.ikl. . Miu , A ST. I'.Uu , | ArriTe <
Unnlia. | II , I1 , iloimt. IClli ninl .Mnnrjtt .ljhnnliik
5.00 p ui I . ( lilcnto Kxprv s
S3j jm' ' . . . . <
| DMTi AA s'l' . m U is
IJLI * . tloppt. IWIi nnd S
Uimhn. I lopotr > th mill WclntorHli
Hills Knpross
PCU in .HaitlnK * Ki | > . (15i ( , Siinlnf ) . . . .
610pm WaliootMncoln 1'ns ( Kx.t < unit'r ) W.'JO in
SlOpMiil , Vorkt Norfolk ( Ki , Similar ) . . W.'M n ni
V-nim T ( VTBin1. . "M AlT. TXfrl r
Omnlia. I DapctlSth anit Websturlti. | Unitut
I. A l'AU > it | Arrives"
'rnn'for I Union Dopot.inmn llluffs. iTrnimfor
iClllOAtior JlliT. A
'rnniforl Union Duixit. I'mmcll lllnlls.
ml t'hlcnRO
> ml
' _ UiionJiH [ > ot.joiinclllliiff ] ITrnnifcr
OO1 mT . Knjmsf Cllf n T Brpn-u. . .U4.t p iii
102jp ml Kaiis ritjrNiRht.Kiyir sj. . , | 6S n m
ixiStoi I oWMATkUT.TOim" TArriter
Trnnifcrl Union Doiiot , Council IHiilfs ll'iitnsfcr
K.OUj ; m | . . _ _ isit.lxi l _ J'nnoii.Hull \\l.l \ \ ! > m
"I SetTlClllUATlO. lllfUn > J < i "OtllXOYIArrTtes"
Trnniforl Unhin lo | ot , Council Hlurfn. ll'rnnifor
Hldn lor
lllds-\vlll bo rceoi\uJ by the 8tatol > oard of
printingut thoolltcoof seert'tary i > f stateon ,
or lief ore Sept. ; ) th , 18M ! , : itJ ! oVIooic p. in. , for
prliitlnsiiini binding In cloth l.OJOeoples of the
report of the lioard of traiiHportation for the ISHO.of ll\o hundredp.ureboaeh , iiioroof
IP.SS. Smnplcsnt work may bi ueiii nt thoof-
lleo of bccretsiry of state , lllglit reserved to
inject any or a ill ) Ids.
DEN 11. CovriiKtiv ,
beeretary of Suite.
XIKCOLV. ICcb. , Sept. 18.1SUO.
NSTUU.MEMW ulauoU oa ruuord rioiitoiu-
ber 23.
R H Chapman und wlfo t K L. Oarllchi ,
lotr > , Ulk7. OrehardHIll $1,000 ,
S U Damon and wlf ole Oni ill u , union do-
> ott'Oiuriny | , 17 , ! > 7IT. > hiinaro feet lu
1 nisi , _ ' . .1 und J , blki.'u. Oinalia G9030
E SDntidy. jrimd wlfotoJ K llcltn.Int
i ; , 11H Diuidy , ] r' . stih In lot "IV1 Hus-
ciiU'fi add to Oklahoma „ . . . . 1,030
J IMlolIn and wlfo lo I/ < - > * llo StaKTt.loti
l. anil : i , hlk 8 , Alhrljiht'H anne t to
Soutli Omahi 1T 3
N AKulin. truslco. toO Ml art , lots S , 11
'andia. Iillc7 , Urulgliton llolslib
O O Lobuk , meoiitor , Lo US IJutaforil , u
55 lot fitirhiK | Valley 1,250
Sainn tosiine , n ' .J lot 10sitnt > 1'JIJ
E SKoodund wife to K .S llush , lot 3.1.
oik 4 , AlbrljIifH Atinev to Houth
Omaha 4.F > 0
E WSnon and Iinsli.uid and John Mu-
Conulck and wife to A V Ackerluiul , o
Hsu ID-IO-'J
A f'Tulwy titul too H Collins , lot W ,
blk 11 , Ullfton Hill 8,530
J Fltoyd.shorlir , toO J Iloll nnd M I >
lloedcr , ( 'olUoiiiu building property
( ival cstiitc und building ) . 3T > 9
Total amount of transfois . , , , S7I.UV )
1C02. Slxteontn and Fai'natn stroolfl la
the now Hock tiekot oflioo. Tick
ets to ull points ut lowoit ratus.
lluildliiii 1'cririlts.
ailti wora UjtioJ by Iho
suiiorintendcnt oE buildings yesterday :
ScoieldBhurinnn ( A. Traitlc. ono-stoi-y
fr.nniiollloo.Tenth and UlarK S M)3
W. \ V.Yi'Uh , twu-stnry Irainodwcllinj ; ,
Porty-llrsb and IMuyno 8trui > ts 3,000
llattas Kratiicr , oni'-HUry ' ( ruino cot
tages blxtucnth und Illctory otiocls. . con
Saints ,1 wu
A.S. lirovriiu. ono und ono-iuurtur-story
frame ilwolllns , Tvvunty-nlath and
HrlMtot streets 1,000
1'oiir minor jicrmlts 1.00. )
Total , . . . . 0,700
Water Lily Soap win rioat.
The following marriage llceusoavcre Is
sued by Judge. Shields yesterday :
Nnme and address. AK ° -
f JosopUO. I'richaril , Omaha . . ' 50
1 Mlunlo Shields , Omaha . I.'JJ
( John N , Dentils. Oinuba . , . t,41
( Catharine Shanahan , Omaha. . . . 415
Warren L. Hamilton , Omaha . 27
{ Eva Maker , Omaha . US
Notice ,
After September 30 no onlnrs for the
Americanized Kncyclopacdla Driiuimlcn will
ho taken. All por.ion * who df.slro to fu'iill
thoiiisolvo- our liberal offer musthavotbolr
orders in by that day. i
Tin ) WiKcaiid lriiU | Ht ,
The coroner's ijiijijcqt lid J over tloroiualns
of Kd. Wliwand at IlurJsctt'a ycstenluy u'ticr-
noou developed only ono fact , and ttiatwus
that tin ) youiiK man suldilu.I , The broUiUr ,
Otto WlKtrand , bus tulfcn cliarKo of tlidro-
. TUo funeral will bu beld at'J o'qook.
tills afternoon with lutcriicntii | the
Qatliolloccniclcry ,
.Serve mid I-iivcr l > | | lf ,
Au IniporUat icovtry. Tliuy act OQ the
Hvi-'r , t omucli uail uqvvoli throJeU llu >
' prlucjplo. 'fhoy aiicjodlly
CUre bl'llOUSUW , iMd tabto ; , torpl'U liver. I } ° *
and couttlpatlon , Kplundid for ; noi , WQIUOU
nnd chljareii. Smallest , niUdejt , turost. W
dosoi for as ceuts. riuuiiiloj free aiJCuho St
Co.'B ' , 15th und Douglas. * r