Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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I. B.03EWATER , Editor.
im&u PTION
D.allr nndSuntlJy , One Vcir. . . . . . . . . . 81)00 )
HI * inontln. . . . , . SOO
Tlirco mouths , , . . . . , . i . .i. . S-.0
fu 1x1,1 y itir , OntYcnr . . . . . . . . . . . ZOO
Weekly llff , Ono Year. . . 120
Omnln. Tlin RrAlliilMlnR.
hoiitliOrnnliti. tnrnot.V atidSOtn Streets.
Coutcll IlliiITs , n I'r-ntl Htrcnt.
Chicago OHIco. JIT Olijinbcrnf
Washington , 613 l'ou rleon tb Strict.
All communication rr latlnuto MW * untl
MTl/irlul matter should la addressed totho
KUItorlul Department.
A-lllniRlncss Ipttorn.inrt mm tltancM. should
tip uiltl resold 1-0 ] lie lira PuliUqlilnu Coin piny ,
Uiiinlni. liriifUchvclm unil ijostofllco orders
to tniniKlBpifviblc to 1 ho order of tliu com ,
naiiy ,
TlicBce PoMiJhingCompy , Proprietors ,
Thollpp Illd'Kj'iiriiirn iind Soiontctntlifels
Btaltof > 'clira ku , ,
( xmtityuf Dounlm.
Koljcrt lliintcr , clerk ol The neoPtiblMi-
1nsomuiinr. ( . fleet aoloiiinly snoar tnnt the
net ml elmiln.11011 o ( Tin Itrc fortlio
wee * ending fccpt aj.ibtw , wuam follows :
hnnclav. Popt.1-1 . . 11PM
Moinliv. hpt. n . 3IISS
rticsdny.Kpt.liL . .W
Wuclni'HClnv. hc'iit. 17 , . . . . . . . . . .SOr K
Prlduv. ipt. ( J5 . I'll II"
Buliiriluy , bopt , 20 . . . . . -070' ' )
Avcrngo . . . . . SO. Nil 1
P orn tn l ) < * fore mo find Biirwnbid In niv
prcfmco inisUOtlularof Stnti'mior. A D..I8UO
lsru. . | N.l' , I'm. , Notary I'ubllo. '
Btiiteof Jycbrrulm , f
Con uly of HoiiRlin , ( "
Oenrco II. TzschuV , bo In ; ( T-nly sworn. < 1p-
POHHiimhiiyHllKit lie U su-rutnry ol TliolU-o
l > ulll4liiiiC' | : n | > nnvtlin.tlh nctital avcrnitn
dnilrctrtulnt Inn of Tin : D.M iv ICEE forthu
inunlli ol SipUinutr , 1H11 , IH.'IO copies ; for
Ocloliup , IOT , lftWcoiU"- , | Aoviinilici. lSS'1.
lO.IIWcoplM ; r < > rIM'iiiil > : r. 18SD IM.OH conlL's ;
for Jinn my , 1WJI , lit. TO copies : ( or lobi-uiry.
imio.i' ' . ? m < oi > i i for > Ii nli. json so.m i-oplun :
fop April , Hill. aVHH copies ; forMny. hDO , il.ISO
copH : for Juno , IfeU ) , IKMll conies : ( r July.
18lO , ! , U03u > pl | forAURinr. MO.2O.7Vl copies.
Swim lohofom me , mid nuburlbcd in ni > -
presMieo , this 10th day cf ciitombcr , Alt. .
} $ M N IM'uir ,
7\'otiiry \ Public.
Amu forMr.O'Fcrrall's '
IngquiLlllIcsU sadly rail-red by his /ool- /
hiLulv n.Uonil ] ) to block tliorotnorseloss
wheels of n quorum in motion.
Tlin first republican governor mid tlio
first democratic governor ol Kansas are
Btumpini , ' the state .aim in arm. The
Hpcetiielois nstrtinpo one , but prohibi
tion begets strati RO bed-follows.
Il "W'js n cold day fordcmocruts in
corweH1 ! E-vcn for the party sianwhole
tholiutiicdinto future jilfords no consol-
in < Z signs llio days are prrowing colder-
as tlio ZN'ovcinbor blixird approaches.
COLVMIIUS , Georgia , Is not draped in
the habiliments of mourning' because
of the I\IcA\3lliro-Slavin \ fiasco. On the
contrary , tlio Hags of the city are Hung1
to the bicozo , Too Coburn , a. back num-
, berof tlio jrrlzo rlntr , has just made his
lii-fit visit 1o Columbus , an attractive
feature at the state fair.
llvr.x In old roli blo Missouri the
tlejiiocL-flllc ship Is Mkiiiff at several
pores. A meeting of tlm party minnjjors
has been calletl tqplngup llio lo.iUsimd
pour oil on tlio Iroublod valors.Vitk
im actL e , A-igoroM canvass of the state ,
the republicans stand a good clumco of
Bonding the dismantlcil eraft tothobot-
. torn
njpulillcnns of the south are a
unit apTJiinst the tobacco schedule of Iho
turllT bill , and fhoropubllcm scniitois of
tliovest liavo eomUnetl ag-nliisfc" the
binding t\\-Jno trust. Tlieso two elements -
ments control the fate of the MuKinloy
bill In both lionscs , nnl if they stick to
tholipuiposo the high taiifTstociora
must como down.
'JUG cainpilgn la South Dakotapos-
sill the loud and lurid fcntuios of
n jwosidcntial contostln n pivotal state.
It Is a , tlull nnd Ustloas community that
Js not rasped or thrilled -vvilh onoor more
talkers a day , with tlo accominniiuonts
of processions , bands , banners and flam
beaus. Candidates are us numerous as
principles , smd putiesmoioso. Indeed ,
it Is a wise voter i\ho \ knows his own
t tlio nomination and election of
Grovcr Clorohuid as president of the
"United. States , Buffalo subsided , as it
veio , nnd gradually dropjiod hack Into
its noinial condition and provincial
coinmonplaconoss , Just locontly , how
ever , the town has become oxcltod , and
is assuming arrogant airs , because the
lioibos of OMO of its cltlzons ha\o \ broken
tliodo'iblo team trottingicconl. . It , is
notfeo Aory rauclito celobiato over , but
the prestig-a of llanihlln's horses will
nfford the tuorago BulTaloman a great
jdeal of consolation.
' Ii isory \ gratifying to loam from ro-
linblo sources that -tho agricultuial in-
teiostsof the two D.tkotas are looking
upward , and that crops promise well.
Especially aio tlio pcoplo of South Da
kota encouraged frorrt the hariostsRar-
jicrod nnd the outlool ; for the croi yet
in the Hold. Iho exhibit of guifiis ,
Jrults , llvo stock , etc. , at the South Da-
Icota state lair , just closed at Aberdeen ,
Is most llattoringly mentioned by our We-
'biftsknfi-londs-\\lio attondod. The Da-
Jcotas liavo a great future In promise ,
and the { jrcat north\\ost \ \ shales with it
tlio pride ot that promise.
the iwoplo of Nebraska
have trayolod through Iowa will
not truth the " "
actcpt as "testimony" o (
tlio district judges of Iova , , It they bo
not on the vltncsa stand and properly
BVOMI , partloularly attor- ono of thoin
has salil that the Charlton district
* 'would ha-vo boon entirely rll o ( the
Baleen for the past year or two It tlio
federal courts liad not intorforedwith
state Courts. " Tor the past "year or
two , " or throe , no loss tlun twenty an-
loons Imvo donobusinoss in Lucas , Lucas
county , a fv \ miles from Cliariton , in
tlio Olmriton district , presided ow by
tlio iron. Dell P , Stoivnrt , nnd for only
tlo brief oalstonco ol the original pack-
two hvvhnatho federal court over inter
fered vlth the prohibition hu\a \ of Iowa ,
and dining that tlmo It Is very doubtful
if any serious interference AVUS notice-
nblo at Lucas. The loryfacb that pal-
Liosoxillnicnt lathe ovoral judicial and
other districts ollova Is religiously re-
spooled by tlio olllcoholdors of the state ,
iinpoathos tholr testimony , especially
tostiinony given on the jwlltical
The Ittynolo of the alltanco movement
In Is'obrjuka. U the need of bettor gov
ernment , The platform of principles
which members ofthoalliaticoilgncil in
the call for nn independent people's
paily declares that the members otho (
nov party plcclgo themtolvct lo vote
only for pure and good men. In other
words , no man vas to bo supported as
a candidate for any ofllco unless ho wag
known tube a man ol strict Integrity
: uidgood moral character. This test
was to bo applied alike to the candidate
for the legislative , the candidate for
congress and the candidate for governor.
1an Judge McKclghan , the alliance
anddemocrntlc candidate for > congress
In tlio Second district , stand this test ?
Is ho honest nnd does his conduct entitle -
title him lobe classed among in en .of
jood moral character V Judge Me-
Kulghan his declared on the stiini ] )
Lhnt It did not matter what
liin own character or recoid luw been as
i publtoolllcer , solongas ho icprcsunts
a principle. Thisls viituitllyanopencon-
Tcsslon that the charges luvo been
brought against "him us n public ina.n
in das ji ulti/on are well founded , II
they arc true , awl \\o have abundant
evidence that they arc , then the pledge
Lo { , 'lvo w pure and good men for oflluo
falhto the giound.
* Jho question is , can a man bo trusted
-o lire up to a pilnciplo a congiess-
: nanihun. . ho has trampled princi
ples -under foot ami uoLsited llio
most tiered of trusts as the
custodianoC widoivs' and oiphans' funds ?
Can wo hope that Mr. McKolghan will
reslit the tcmptition In Washington
Lhsit ho has been unii/blo / to withstand in
It scorns to us that when a party sots
out to purify politics and uproot corrup
tion ami jobbery , It thouldat least start
out with men whoso reputation and
record are unassailable.
It ia jiot lo the credit of the great'
state of Pennsylvania that its two load
ing candidates for Iho ofllco of governor
uro on the rack of a defensive campaign
It Is not fair to presume that either is
guilty of eiimhntitics , and jet criini-
nalltioaaro "laidtit their doors , * ' iter
ated and reiterated about tlio stiito. It
jmiyhE5vorj probably is , the fault t > f
politics and not the fault of the candi
dates tliat hiwli sui unfortunate political
sitnition obtains in so grand and so
prominent astato. Uutitis there , and
the clamors and harangues of the
oratorrfaml organs of Pennsylvania are
being very liberally quoted hy tlio press
of otnor states , frequently embellished
with hlg-hly colored comments. It is
not good for politics , or for political
parties , thatsucsli campaigns bo toler
ated , and yet it isvoiy often llio fault ot
the pcoplo who deprecate most such
political lig-hts that &nch candidates are
named for olilcc.
lu > more is tlio federal constitution
tlio tmhai-liof strength of this union
than is tlio politics of the people. Poli
tics are almost TV holly responsible for
tholawinaldtig , as well as the judicial
audoxocutivo hianclies of tlio govern
ment , nnd should ba equally aswell respected -
spoctod Thcrocan bo no respect for
the personal polities tliat tao politicians
of Pennsylvania are agitivting- this fall ,
The liopo that Bprlnefs eternal from
every demociatiebreist at thcoutsetj of
each and every campaign , bsgins to wan
at this scasoi of the jcar , and despera
tion socnis to have laid Its he ivy hand
upon tlio patty. In July last th.o demo
crats olthcsKoyttoiio state were sure o (
electing Tattiion ; In A.ugust they
doubted the strength of their convic
tions , and now , in Sciitcmbor , the lopul- )
lican pwty is giTon an even shov , and
their campilgn has degenerated from
politics Into vituperation. It is a dis
grace that it hsis.
The vouthof this country , for the good
of the lounlry , bhould make a study of
politics , hut would Ltonnoblo a youth , or
man , to familiarize lilmsclf with tlio pol
itics of I'eiinsyl-vanin , or the candidates
that aio to the loref lout of the parties ?
The struggle in congress over the
question of jroviditif relief for the su-
piemo court of the United States , which
has boon going on for &o\oral \ yenis , Is
still undecided. Whether anjthLug will
bo done at the present session or not Is
uncertain. The diillculty to bo ovei-
come appears to bo chiefly inthooppo-
sitlon of the east to any charge In tlio
judicial arrangements of the nest. Tito
proposed changes relate eh icily to tlio
judicial districts of the vest , wlioio the
excess nnd grovth of business liavo bocn
iTiost ponounccd , aild the demands for
relief in the Eighth and Ninth circuits
hare mot witli more opposition than
any other.
Tlio Ninth circuit Includes livostntos
anil tciritoilcsand the ondenco Is that
umlor present conditions justice Is not
fairly dealt out. Tlio Eighth circuit Is
hardly any bettor. Senator Dolph ot
Oregon , in advocating the measure of
relief , shoved ory clearly tin extent to
Aahlch the courts of the Eighth circuit
hail been ovorciowded with business In
the past and thocortiinty of the condi
tions boinjT worse in the futuio
unless wnio noiv arungemonts
\\oro made , nnd urgijd tlio neces
sity ofcreatlnganothor judicial circuit ,
to bo composed of Oregon , \Yashlngton ,
Idaho and Montana Senator \Yoleott
plColoradosaidho thought tlioro could
bo no doubt that there isory great
injury and very great Injustice boinfj
worlcrd liy reason of the territorial
bouudarlosof tlioprcsontclrcults , and ho
thought tlio grcato&t inconvenience and
injustice caino from the piespnt toiri-
torlalnrrangoinontol thoElghth circuit ,
oxtendlnR- from St. Paul on the north to
XtttloRockon Iho south , nnd from St.
Xouisln tlo east to Donror In tlio west ,
rhcro was nodlftcronco of1 opinion In
the senatons to the necessity ofa com-
liloto 'change in the boundary of
the circuits , and perhaps the addi
tion oltwoor inoro circuits , but just liow
this should bo hcbt accomplished. In the
gonoril interest is the porplexlnj ques
tion. " Tholmportanco of doing sorno-
thlng\o \ rdlovo the great burden nnd
liressurq upon the supreme coin-tin fully
recognized and acknowledged. The In
terests of justice , already injuriously delayed -
layed , and\cortaiii \ to sutler mono KO-
\orolj in th\j future unless something is
< louo to relieve tha pressure , demand
eglslnllon thatirlll provide the needed
ollof , but constitutional dlnicultics ob-
Tudo themselves which it Is hard to
Ncrcomo , TJicro is no duty , however ,
do\olvlng \ upon the present congress
nero Important tlian that of making
jrovlslon to relieve the pressure upon
liosupiomo court , nnd the majority In
congress can in no icspoct mot-o surely
commend itself lo popular approval than
byonnclinglegislation that will advance
tlio cause ol justice in the final tribunal
of the nation. '
The platform of principles adopted l > y
.lie republicans of thoFlrst congressional
district takes nn advanced position in
nior ol independent action on all ceo-
nomicquestlonsaffccting the people of
tlio west. It Is practically a declaration
of freedom ; an assertion of Iho rights of
lie west. Tlio domination of the east In
ilio legislation ol the country has boon a
selfishabuso ol power. Acting on tlio
jilnciplo that might makes right , tlio
east hcrotoloro united , icgardlcbsof po-
itlcalntllliatlons , inspurniii" the Interests -
ests of the \\ost \ , Tlio people \\ero \ inadu
the liewors ol wood nnd dravers ot
viler" for llio monopolies of the older
states. IJ > reawn ol superior numbers ,
measures ol vital importance to thogreat
nlandoinplro were frequently aholvcd
; omako way for measures solely devised
ntholutciost ol the east ,
Despite this selfish provincialism the
west grovvnnd oxpindcd. Its marvel-
.ous fertility altrasted thousands of
; luiftj tillci-rf and homo builders , many
ol whom exchanged a iniborablo exibt-
once on ban-on , rocky Holds for a compe
tence In the vest. Coupled witli the
unlimited mineral riches of the mo.un-
tains , icsponding lavislily to Intelligent
l , hamlets have become povorful
Industiial and commoicinl communi
ties , villages , have become cities ,
and the great American doseit lias
cii pluco to productive farms and
stock ranges. Thus the maligned
rotvdy west , under" the Impulse of
rugged , fearless manhood , has become
the gicat productive * cmpho of tie |
country. The mon who have led the
march of clvillmtion nnd development ,
o have fashioned states and built
cities , \vhoha-\o opened tlio highways
that Ruidcd hundreds of thousands to
paths of usefulness , fame and Avoalth ,
impressed their follower \\lthaspiilt
oflofty independence , which is grad
ually and ofTcctivcly assoiting itsolf.
1\io \ present ia the first congress which
lias felt the expanding political power
ol the west. "What little has been ac
complished in legislation serves to show
the necessity ol greater unity and inde
pendences amen < r its representatives on
all matters affecting the welfare of the
The republicans of Iho 3h-st district
ol Nebraska sound the kej'noto ol future
action They pronounce for independ
ent and united action on all western In
terests , regardless of the edicts of party
A SCOUEor moro of yours ngo the
fiocclmon of the south HOI-Q a sourc o of
eonsidorallo ) annoyance to the provis
ional governors of the rebellious states ,
fioni the fact that each and every ono of
thoinvvns clamoring- a "foity acre
tract of land and a raulo " It has never
transm'red that nuj person in authority
mlbod the forty acres , or the mule , but
it took a long time to disabuse tlio mind
olthofrecdmen from that delusion of
great expectations , A parallel case ,
though not of such magnitude , is liable
to gi\o the Sioux Indian agency in Da-
Lota some trouble. Many ol them who
liavo talten their allotment of land In
severally are gambling nn tholr great
lichesof the future. Lach of them ex
pects In addition tools land two milch
cows , ono pair of horses , a lot of agricul
tural Implements , and fifty dollars In
cash. In this they "will only bo disap
pointed as to the cash , and they nay
ho.vo that , if the agency o\pends it for
them. This guardianship ol the money
Is what the indiui objects to ,
lor the reason that no "agency"
will consent to expend it at a
gambling boo , and that is the only ivay
an Indian can en joy a dollar or fifty of
them It 1& possible a. com premise may
be agioedupon botvvocntho Sioux and
somu of the sharper and -more thrifty
agents that will satisfy all concerned
and assist in dissipating , very speedily ,
the surplus , or the superfluous cash
bonus for good bohtulor nnd n taxed
THE democratic literary bureau of
Iowa has opened shop and is doing sonio
business. Ono of its ( Irst'cffoils is to
cheer the heart of the untcrrificd in the
Thlid district , It may cheer all but ono
heart , but the ono that it does not cheer
It will chill. Two yours ago the Eon.
William II. Chamberlain , vho this year
heads tlio democratic stnto ticlcot , op-
po&od tlio Hon. David Uonucisonfor
congress and Air , Henderson was tri
umphantly elected. Notwithstanding
Jlr. Chamboijain's political prominence ,
and notwithstanding Ills piominont c.m-
dldacy , the aforesaid litciary buieau
bulletins the Information that "hereto
fore Henderson , as a candidate for con
gress , luw boon opposed in aanio only , "
but that "tills year Judge Couch , a
strong man , will contest the election
ft i th him. " The bureau docs not say
positively thnt Mr. Couch will bo suc
cessful , but It strongly Intinialos as
much. Jlr. Chamberlain will no doubt >
accept tlio buieau's work us a doubtful
compliment to him , "but the assertion
that in name only has Mr , Hcndorson
been opposed for congress is a truth that
will bo accepted nil over Iowa , oven
though the bureau said wlmt it did not
uioau to Euy.
"VYroailNO scarcely recuperated from
the exhaustion of her first state cam
paign teforo political litigation was
begun. Trilling blunders in tlie. consti
tution mo magnified nnd every ousted
county olllcoris convinced that the dec
tion was a stupendous mlbtako. Thoj
Inbist that tlio election should nol In
clude counly ofliceru and pipposo to cling
to the public crib until the courts pass
upon their rights , Moanwhllo the dec'
are not In a very comfortable frame ol
mind. Thoyontcrod the campaign with
uncommon scoal , liavhif ? discovoied tliu
election meant nfour-voar , terra , as the
constitution ( ailed to provide forelectioi
of county officers In 1892. To have thcii
rights disputed atr tlta threshold of ofllco
easts n funeral shadow over the joys of
victory. The notorious ol the consti
tutional blunders , hawovcr , Is tlio claim
thnt Wyoming rfxiiriot legally partici
In Iho presidential election of 1892 ,
unless tuo proiprit constitution is
amended. It is said1 that no provision
vas mndo for mi election t\\o years
hence , and Hint nil officers olcctodon
the llth inst. must npccssarlly hold ofllco
for four jears , although the lorm of
state olllccrs is limited to two years. If
those claims lu-p wroll founded , stops
should bo promptly taken to amend the
constitution. It is the best and surest
vuiy out of the difficulty ,
Tin ; national convention ol undertak
ers \\hich meets In Omaha , next month ,
will prove ono of the most Important
gatherings of the joar. It is a mistake
to suppodothatthocoming olliundrodsof
professional Icadeis will cast a funcinl
pill over the metropolis. Indeed , the
brethren , of tlio casket emphasize the
fact , "From grave to gay is but n step , "
' nnd thoirannuil surcease Item mclan-
cholj cares is calculated to show their
ability to enjoj the good tilings oC life.
In selecting Omaha for tlio convention ,
they took Into consldeiiitionlts notable
hcalthfulncssso that tholr deliberations
would not bo innncd with eadavoious
suggestions. In return for the compli
ment , lotOmnha don her brightest robes
and pioparo to tender the coming guests
aheaity welcome.
G imATXHSS and prosperity invariably
breed a horde of jealous snails. The
wonderful progressive strides of Omaha
during the pi > t ten yenis piovolcos
howls oC lagcand dlsajipointinent in cer
tain quarters not necessary to iininc.
The howlers deserve pity rather than
censure. Omaha comniisseiates the vic
tims of inflatcl hopos.and niovosstoadily
onwaid and up\vaid , expardiug and de
veloping her industries , enlarging her
trade tonltorj and socking now fields to
conquer. The wiath of her pretended
livals , like IncaUcrs on a rock-bound
shore , dnsh harmlessly on her Impregna
ble position.
SrxATnu 'OJAOTT is supposed to
re o resent Colorado in the upper house.
His opposition to Omaha as the most
centra. ! polut lor the court of the new
judicial district shows he represents the
nariovv-inlnded dement of Denver ,
whoso lives have been "embittered by
Omalia'faprogiusblvo caroci. The t > ioad-
gauge pcoplo of Deiwor , however , are
nbo\o bucli unmanly conduct smd luvo
endorsed thiscitj m preference to St.
Louis. i
Ml ! . BnrAKis unfortunate in his selection -
loction ol Oinnha daos Hereafter euro
should botaljcti not -t-o conflict with Mr.
( JonnolPsengagements , As the gentle
man from LancdStbr is running for
amusonicnt- , his managers should see to
It that nodistractlonrt iaterlero with his
hilarious occupation.
SAM'S roocnt investment in
Omaha ical estate served to open his
eyes to its great value as a. sou rco of
lovcime. The fact that a thousand a
year is derived horn rentals doubtless
explains the anxious care which the
government bestows on its museum of
Now that V. J.Co'nnollis oilicially in
the field , theio is no further eicu&e for
Root hiding his eloquence In the brush
of the murmuring Papio. Up , Allen ,
and at him.
.Y lost the op
portunity of a llio tiino ia fulling to
count a quorum in the usual way. The
democrats , as usual , are behind the ngo.
UP TO the present time the odds are
slightly in favor of Bill Thompson as
the stormy pelican of democratic poli
tics in Nebraska.
Mil. Bo YD modestly icf rains Iron :
speech-making1. \ hasten to assure
IUB followers that silence In tills case Is
not golden. ,
Tun activity vvhichmnrks the prose
cution of work on the Tenth sti-eot via
duct and union depot Is very giatifjlner.
I1'Is } a significant fact tliat vital statis
tics show a liealthlul improvement with
the disiippoaianco of medical quacks ,
jNIu. CON tniYL was honored with a
unanimous icnoinimition. His reelection
tion -virtually assured.
Tin : lull in paving sensations fore
shadows a harvest of honest intentions.
1\cw "YorlcNccils n. Oliihls.
If Now York city had ono ranu lllco Cooreo
W. Childs of Plillddclihiu | nmonff Its t real
dents the Grant monument vouldUnvo bocn
built nnd paid for long ago.
JUiully Alcntinn tlio Onto.
liinlaii JI raW ,
* .All this rush to the cities , by cutting down
the ranlcs of the food producers. . Is bound ,
sooner or Inter , to give the raising of fura
products a tremendous loom.
Boston ! * l4cl to It.
"Tho cjes ot the world , " observes tlio Bos
ton Advertiser , "urobvor turned toward Bos-
ton" .This would "Jio ( "mbarrusslng " to any
OtllCr tOTVQ , lUt It is ILOtEO toCObloil. JlOStOU
is usoa to it. ,
A. Jtcotl ( q , IJrnu Upon.
St. I ' - -
Spcalccr RccJ is golaRto inalcoa scries of
speeches In Iowa , and' ' the pcoplo of Iowa are
going to bo moved thWtiy to giro a majority
that will restore thp s ajfi to Its old and proper
relation to tlio republican party.
Idiocy qn Accord.
JUnnwfAflli Ti tbmie.
Tlioccordsof congrcai sliould bo a fultl-
ful transcript otvhnt Is said and done , Tlie
printing of ipeoches not actually delivered
and the custom of material alternation In
speeches under the excuse ol "revision,1' ' are
abominable. Tlio expunging of speeches ac
tually ziiudo Is idiotic.
llio Man for llio Place.
Dmrer Xeiot ,
JudeoGrofl ii a western nan. Ho knovs
BoniotUinp of the country vest of the Mis
sissippi river , In his administration of the
land department ho has brought to bis aid
a practical knowledge of the working of the
land laws in the country wlioro the United
States evvus and controls nioru of the public
domain tnim In any other section. With the
aid of tills knowledge "bo lias bocn enabled to
bring to bear la llio administration of tlio
nnd department practical common. ion 0.
Thohoadof the department of the interior ,
nmlof tlio land and Indian Vnrctiu , of nil men
connected wllli tlio nlmlnlstrallon of the
nffulra of government , should conid from
tbo vest. Tlioy should bo nia
who know the country by knovf-
edge Burned from aetml experience.
Many of llio lurdshlpq the vest liis liad to
endure live p own out of the ignorance ot
, ho men plncoJ nt the held of tlicso depart-
nonts , men \\ho never knownuythhigof the
west bojond what they hnvo roadj Uicorist *
> f the cast , whoso Ideas oC government have
icon gained from the lows , customs anil hob-
is if thoen t Itli n sourcoof grntlflcaUon.
to the western pcoplo to know that Micro is a
man at the held of tuo land department who
rises to tlio situation. This much the News
celJ Justified In snjhifj , In view of tliu I an on-
table failures of former land coinmlsslonoi's ,
whoso ideas were coflned nnd restricted
solely to tlio country onit of the Mississippi.
By that section they undertook to Judge the
whole region vvebt oE the great river , the
region most affected by the existing land
! U\S.
The farmer ofthcl-'udtrc ,
Jfiitton llei-nltl
2\Ir. Uijpow has gl\cu tlio farmers some
thing to think about. All this rush to tbo
cities , by cutting down the Links of the food
iroduceis , is bound , sooner or inter , to glvo
Luo raising of farm products a tremendous
boom. When Iloraco Grccloy used to go
about lecturing totho larmTs lie told then
the best thing they could do was to sot out
sundo trees. Ho thought liOKiievvsoniothinfr
about farming , but tlio mll'lonalro ' railroad
president goes farnliaad of him. on practical
iMlss Cnrnuln Ansortln IlcrsclP.
CJitcnt/ii ! fcut.
lha Quebec Telegraph comes out forCana-
dlnn niincxutloii to the United States in. an
editorial which siys , among other things :
"Tho MclCitiley bill Is a decided blow at our
trade , and trade is what we want , nottwad-
dlo about 'loyalty to the crown. ' " Horrors 1
Trade vs. Tvaddlol Canada seems to bo get
ting restive uiidortho restraint other apron-
strings. _
Tlio republicans of the Second congres
sional district hiwo nominated anhoucst arm ,
an able man , and a man who is clcurl ) n nnn
oC the pcoplo , and ho should be , nndvvill bo
elected by a handsome inajonty over the
double-horse acrobat McKcighan the man
afraid of hisofllcial record.
Queen Margaret of Italy is given to malting
uuinnounced visits to charitable Institutions ,
particularly those dewted to tlio ciro of
children , uudIs kindly critical about tbcir
management -
Cavendish Bcnttck lias dUco'vercd , stored
najas lumber in a damp cellar adjacent to
tbo cloisters of Cantciburv cnthedral , tlio
archbitiliOD'stlirono pieseutcd to the cathe
dral by Archbishop Tcnlson
UaronRothschild manag'esto devotoa Httlo
tlino from his business to collecting : postogo
stamps. Ho bos spout a great deal of money
outhls hobbj ,
Jlrs. Do Miltro , the sister of Itobert TL.oula
Stevenson , isa contributor to Iho London
magazines nnd one of the wits of the Literary
Lnilles' Dinner club.
AtitonRuulustciii is staying In the Black
Forest , and is so busy composing that ho
raicly yoca out except for an hour's stroll
latolu the afternoon. Ho is thought to bo at
work on n rraud opera
Cardinal Ts'ewnnu , "like rniny other great
preachers , vas only stronp when bo used Ms
pen All his printed sermons wcio rcid from
manusciipt , and -when the pen -vvas out of his
hand hH felicity ot diction quite failed him
1'opo Leo is now busy with his encyclical
letter. lie locks himself upln the pavilion of
1'aul V. , suiioundcd liybooki , "brochmes mil
sodal tiacts. I-To has bis lunth cnirledto
bim in his study , and spends sacral hours
every day roailinganddigestlnprthornaterials
on which bevvill baao his encyclical.
Prime Bismarck's temper has been greatly
itnprov cd by his recent cxporicncos. Amii-
billtj * has taken the place oihis former stern
ness , mid from being 010 of tliomo t ump-
proicafolo of men ho bus come toicfranl Bi-ate-
iujlj" ' demonstrations ol respect and tokens pf
auiiiiration from mon and womenho meets
Mr. Gladstone's tour In October is llkolj to
bo considerably curt.iiled. Ho vvill not inako
aiiy speeches wlntover , except in Mindlo-
tlilannherolio is to nddrau his constituents
atUUinburgh. Mldcaldcr and Dalkoith. Jlr.
Gladstone will stay with Lord and Lady
Koseberry at Dalmouy about ten davs , and
on his vuiy south Is to pay a visit to Sir An
drew and Lady Clark at Calciuihwran castle ,
AVoiitlifnlVouldBo Murderer Pun
ished by rio 'gine.
OTTAWA , Ont. ] Sent , 24 [ Special Tele-
Krain toTiiEBucJ "SVhen Da id Smith , the
tcn-j-oar-old boy who t\\o weeks ago last
Suudaj , stabbedjoung Peter Ha son close to
tlo licai-t with , a pockeUuUc , was before
Maistrate ( Dumblo at Coliurg- for 'sentence ,
the Judge sold tbo prisoner had been guilty of
avcrybad offense and had slionu n bravado
that was astonishiug. Ho was undoubtedly
a boy ofbadproc'ivitics ' , yet tlio magistrate
felt that to send him to prison , n lad of his
tender age , would simply confirm him In
crime. Under all circumstances his honor
thought the best tiling that could ho done
\\as to gi\o the boy a sevcro Hogging. He
said that if Smith's fatlierwould give the
boy Uunty-four lashes OH the bare back vith
n birch ad and Iniliit the punlshrncnt coti-
sdentiouslv and to the satisfaction of the
coutt , ho would not send the boy to tbo re
The futhcr TOidily accepted the niagis-
tratc'sBUffecstionandln the police cells be
low , in the preicncoof Uio chief constables ,
the boy culprit was sovcrcly llog cd by his
futhcr , Ka < li stroke of tlio gad left a livid
welt upon ttio back of the boy , vho cried
with the pain. .After the hey hid icoovcrcd _
somot\bat fiam his castigatiou ho vas taken
hack to thocourtroomaut ] sentenced to close
coulincmoiit in the county jail for tbo bal
ance of the month.
The magistrate's novel moJo of punish
ment Is gonorolly commended by the towas-
liooplbasvlso and snlutory ,
Miiiourl Vnllcy Matters ,
MissouiiiVAi.icv , Ia. , Supt , 24. [ Special
to Tim Brc.1 The foot race bctvcon Clom
IloiighandC. It ILuntloy hn aroused the
bportinp fratomlty and the two members
lave again been matdicd to run October 11 ,
for § 200 n Mile. The limomttdo byllouuh
Wf scionds Is almost withouta parallel , nnd
still Jlnntlcy and nis friends claim ho can
Tbo county fair begins bora next Monday.
"With goodvvcathor itwillbo the most suc
cessful ever held Several voiy close mid in
teresting races nave filled with fast stoppers.
The Latter Day baintsof viostcra Jovvn
ivlll hold their nanual cami > ineotint ( begin
ning next Monday. A. largo attendance is
anticipated ,
_ _
Tlio Ant l-Sln.-vcry Conference.
PAIIH , Sept. 24 [ SiccinlCallegrani toTne
DEE. J The anti-slavery con fircnci ) recom
mends that the work of the suppression of
sliveiy ho divided among national cominlt-
v > 111 I'll sli all hnvo a common nlm , but \\hlch
shall act separately , chloUy through missions ,
to mornlizo the native. The poixi wilj bo
asked to sanction an annual appi-al for funds
for these comiuittocs ,
llooli.N'ol I'olsoiicil.
Bnmix , Sept 2 1. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB Dun. ] A. post mortem examination of
tbo body of Marie IToch , the actress who died
on Sunday , reycalod tbo fact that death was
not duo to poison , but was probably hastened
by thopoudor gi veil to her.
31nor | Iioriiuiii'i Siiioidr ,
BuiitlN , Sept , ! -Special [ Oahlcgram to
Tim llKE.J-lt transpli-cs that Major Lonitan
coDiuilttod sulfldu because a soldier giuo 111-
foriiiatlou that lie was guilty of fi-ou miscon
The Terrible Suicide of Inrmer Tiyo of Lan
caster Ootinty ,
Asked Tor n. Ptvll from
falrcct C r Dcclslonw of tlio Su
prctuo Court Oilier Cap-
ilal Clly.Vu\ .
Li.\coiNNol > , Sept. 21 [ Special to Tan
Dui.l Henry lVyoawelltodo , farmer liv
ing1 In Pntinnii pwcliict , committed sulcido
jcstcnlayby blowinff his brains out -\vlth a
shotgun. The deed Mas committed hi n
biruashort distauco from the nouse. The
old gentleman his boon the victim of mel
ancholia for seine tluio and It Is supposed
that tlio uct vi in comtnlttcd vvhllo ho was
temporarily insane , as ho hnd been acting
very quccrly duriiigtbo morniufj.
Keene kno\\swhm tlio old man flrod the
fjtaUHot , aiultho ilrst linownof llio trigcdy
was when his bloody bolyas found by n
duu8hter > lnln.who , hil stepped to visit
with the olupeople , Itli supposed that ho
had loaded the gun to thoinii/zlo nnd placing
its point on the foichcad just between lib
eyes , pulled the trlgRCr. His head was
literally blown off Coroner llolyolto win
notified tind ho ropiirodto Uio BCCIIC , vvhoro
au inquest was held Death , by suicldo wa
tlio u'rdict.
Fiyo wts n mm of about fifty. Ho had
comoto JLmcastcr couutj frojiPcnnsj'lvania
a 11 umbcrof jc.u-s ago and by hard woik hnd
accumulated JKomputcncc. Ho nuncd two
farms and cousicicr.iblo cattle. Ho tui al
ways had a consumlnR- dread of pov ertv and
alwnjs hcllored ho was 6n the brink of ruin
Othtrvvlso hovas of a JorUl disposition
Ho leaves a wife and five cuildron , the
jouugesttoii oarsolu.
JIB ronoivES itrnwruis-cs' .
EUROIIO IlohcrLsou tiled his icply this after
noon to the suit for n divorce Jlled by hU
wlfoSarjh a few coles ago. Hodatmsthat
soincboay elsols nt the bottom ofthoalTair ,
His. wife , lie says , U of a rather woalt mind
und easily susceptible to the influoino of
others. Jlr. lioberUora -willing to tnlto her
lnicl ( in to the fJuiily ailu if she will come ,
Ho therefore asks that tlio petition bd dis
OEiiru : ISFUCE ,
.Tuilpo , Chapman this morning granted
Gortlo AIulvo.v n dlvorto from her husband ,
Hoiato < J The plaintiff is a prepossessing
vounir l > runes to who bus inndo bur homo with
nr. Diizynrd for seine time. The defendant
h dliloclau [ answer denying the plaintiffs
storj , but lie Tfiilod to nppcir when tlio cnso
was called 'Ilio iihintllt does not loolr to Iw
oyei twenty-tvvo and said tint she was mar
ried to Mulvoy in a small town in Illinois on
Marcli 13,183'J-that , ho had ill-trcatcd her
oltcuaudou ono occasion drove her from her
homo in Aurora , 111 -\vlutershodainw
ho deserted her , leaving her without money ,
She was granted a divorce and the use of her
maiden maine , Oertlo Tiautoii
811 K VVX > fT3 1110 IIAM OKS
.Tosophino Slovens is the latest person who
looks with coutous eyes upon the camiiifis
of the Lincoln street rallvvaj companv , Slio
asks for J5.000 Tlio plain tiff sajs "that on
Monday of hist week , -wailo she , was a pais-
seiiKCr on thoTonth street llne > , she > jerked
the uell cord at 1) street Iti obcdicnco to the
signal the driver stopped the car for her to
get off. She -was on the steps , hcu the cai
started upajjain , mid in attempting1 toalljjht
she was thro\vn down.
A. IA1 ) > HOT.
Gcorg-qC. Spencer has found that lie can
do nothing with his son bearing the saino
nanw und wants him sent to tlio reform
school , 'llio latest devilish net by the boy is
a theft that would send him to the countj
jail. Tbo lad was tried before Juttleo Fo\-
worthy and found pullty. As the boy Is
under eighteen , the -justice could not Impose
sentence , and the case was tnkcu to tlio
county court this morning to bo treated ac
cording to itsmeiits. The boy , though only
seventeen , seems thoroughly steeped lu sin.
Tim GllllSTIli StlSSlKO.
The sheriff's force of deputies I ? still un-
abloto get the slightpst clue to work upon in
icgard to the inystcriousdisappearancoof tlio
thirtoon-j car-old gul , .Alta Waud Hniiwiond ,
who was debauched by her futhci. There Is
no doubt but that hho has bocn spirited nway
to save tlio brutal father fiom a long- term in
the pen itontiary. 1'hero is every reason to
believe that Airs. Hammond Is a party to the
scheme to get ttio girl out of the way , as slio
shows the utmost , IndilTeteuco concerning the
disappearance of the child.
Jim Clark and Jim Wurlc , tbo silk thieves
wholnsido of twenty-four hours managed to
burglarize two dillci out stores and get away
withSl-KX ) worth of sllKs , uio on trial In the
dlbtrict court today. Ihoy were ariaigncd
llrston tlio cliai-goof hurKlarlzhigHlnclilo.v'a
storoou Ostiwt on tno night of August H
Mittim. -whoso possessiou tlio goods were
found pleaded guilty.
WAS KOI AJT FMnazzi.nii
Harry Smith , late manager of. the Postal
Telegraph cable company , i\as tried ycstcr-
dayia the district courton the cliirgoof em-
bo/zllngovorJOU from that cornnanv , The
trial resulted ia an exoneration of Smith und
this luoraing tuo Jurv declared him not
guilty. The defendant had given the Amcii-
/jansecuilty comnany a ? his surety in taking
his position with the telegraph company , lie
wnsut considerable oxpuiso in bringing his
family "nest anci buying furnlturo and drew
souicvvh it heavily on tlio coinpanj's money.
Thomanageu were informed of this bv him'
self and they wercsatbllcd with his offer td
pay them in monthly Installments. While
he was thus endeavoring to square accounts
BradbuiyVilllains , an inspector for the
American security company , cansoil his
arrest. All this vas hrought outin o\idctico.
BuriiE\n : count.
The following dcclbions were haadod dovvii
this morning :
youtli Onialia National Dank vs Chnso.
Appeal from TPilloioro county. Judfrment
inolllicd Opinion by Chief Justice Cobb.
1 , The objection that the plaintiff , which
sought to establish a lien upoa certain per
sonal property in the hands ofD as tlio prop
erty of C , a judgment debtor of tbo plaintiff ,
-was , as to the property , It vas only a general
creditor of Cnot hiving attached the saino ,
and the question not Ii living been raised in
the trial court , held that It would not bo
board when raised , for the first time , lu this
court , on appeal.
S In Alow of tlio fLndliiRotid jutlpmontof
the trial court the evidence of the defendant
D , hold to boinsufllciont to roiuoio the pre
sumption of fiaudcastupoiitho iliattclmort-
gages executed byC to D by the provisions
oC section 3 of chapter .U , compiled statues ,
fl The stipulation between tlio parties set
out at length in Uio opinion , hold to recognize
thoiights of 1) to bid off uny property at the
salotbesimoas any bIJilcr , nrul that It was
tlio money represented by such bid , .rind not
the property sold thnt ho was required to
hold upon thosaiiio terms tint the proceeds
the Bale was to bo held by the bank.
1 Thodccrco modUlcd accordingly.
Seubiock vi ITediwa ISrror fiom Lancas
ter county. Aflliinod , Opinion by Jubtico
1 The burden is upon tbo proponent of a
will , both in the count } court und in the dis
trict court on uppeal , to prove not only the
execution of the Avlll , but tbo capacity of the
testator ,
y ThQ proponent Is Batltled to open nnd
cloio thoai uinentto the jury.
: ) Where His alleged thnt the execution of
" a \ villtt3 procured by undue influence , tbo
"bunion Is U | > on the party allOK'lim it , to
establish thnt the testator was Induced by
improper menus to dispose of LU iiiopcrty
difforunt fiom what homt 'mlo < 3.
i Thosujneinocourt will not reverse a
case on llio KiouuJ that the trial court repeated -
poated In the Instructions tlio same proposi
tions of law , where it d es neb appear that
the purpose was to mystify and loufuso the
my , and that thojuryvvas misled b ) rcosoa
thiroof ,
S livldcnco hold to sustain the verdict nnd
Martin vs Stato. T.rror from T nncasUsr
countv. Reversed and reiiiundud. Opinion
byJustlco Maxwell.
In uii In formation for tlio silo of Intoxlcat-
hi | ! liciuora thu iiutnot. of thepurnouH \vlioiu
liquors ivcrosold , if known , should bu al >
lugod or llio fact , of thilr being unknown bo
UA erred In ocuso ,
Moo revs Ainstlcld. Appeal from
cxranty. Affirmed. Opinion by Chief Jn >
Uco Cobb. , . . .
1 , The pleadings and ovluoncft csamlnw ,
nnd held tosustnln thojiulifinctit.
2 , Inn stilt whcro the i-ollef demanded con
slsts In the correction of n mlstnko In tin
drafting and recording of n docd convoying
Innds thirty years bo fore tlio commencement
of such suit , and the correcting ot the inli-
tnVo InvolvcJ no change oC notunl po osslna
ordlittubanco of Investments niiuio by tha
puty ngaiustvlioiu tbo correction is sought ,
nnd loaves the enjoyment of the property to
RO on in harmony with llio prior nets of thu
parties In intoreit , the stat'itea of UmltaUoni
beingplendcd < Hold that the statute began
to run upon tlio disco\ory of the mistnko , or
of such fact or fuels ns woulil nut n person ot
ordlnnry IntclliRcnco and imulonco oiuui In-
iinlry , which is pursued would Icul to such
discovery. Ortnsby vs Longwoitli , 110. St.
OM.Dctwlllor vs Dctwlllcr , j\mionl from
Douglw county. Hoversi-d and bill dismissed.
Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Cobb.
J. B , D. bought certain city lot' , pnjlnsr for
them -with hl o\vn means , mid by hli illrec
tlon tticdecdtheroforvviis undo by the ven
dor and gnuitora to M , A. 1) ) . , mother of J ,
U.D. Held , a trust in said lots resulted In
favor of J. II , IX but if the title was thu a di
rected to benmcloto M , A. ] ) . for the purpoiu
nml intention of dofraudlue the crodltoi'sof
said J. 11. D , heboltiK Insolvent and contem
plating bankruptcy , could not cnfon-o sucli
trust by action , hut the legal tltloaftcrvvaidi
acquired b.vhlmwas ivcchod free of any
equitable claim of other heirs of M. A. I ) ,
she being deceased.
Brugumnvs Burr. Error trom Lancaster
county , Afllrnicd. Opinion by Chief Justice -
ice Cobb.
1. 'Jho phlntlff wniowncr of n store lionsn
i n r In wlu of which dcfendctit was t nant ,
tindermvilttcn lease , the ixnt luyablu
monthly. The i-cnt being In nrreara about
four months , tlio defendant wave plaintiff
three short time , interest bearing , negotiable
notes therefor. Afterwards , the plaintiff le
slriiiBloenhrtjohls storehouse , the pirtlw
entered in to nn m-recmont which vjs .
dorse don the lease , and by which defendant
relinquished all his right , title nnd interest
in said IciibO reserving the right to remove
liKstock within fifty diy * of the day thereof ,
Jlurr to Imvo thorlghtto Boon with the im-
lirovomont ! ) Within ilftv days tlio ] ) lahitlll
pulled down the rear wall , romovoil a part of
the roof , took up the eldevalk and nude ex
cavation for an area in front , The notes
liaving become due , suit \\M brought there
on , Uho defendant set up counter claim : 1 ,
Dtimngo to his stock of hitrdvviivo kept in tin )
store by plaintiff's removing the roof and al
lowing the ral u to on tor und Hood the store
room. 2. Ihmngo to his Dullness by reason
of tailing tip thesidovvnlk and excavating in
front of Lhostoro Held , tint such damages
\vcro not the subject of counter claim , not
arlsiup out of the contract or transaction set
forth in the petition nstbo foundation of thu
lihintlff'H claim , nor connected -with the sub
ject of tbo plaintiff's action ,
Maxwell , J. , dissents from the first action.
13. 33cfororepljlup totuo answer plaintiff
moved to strike out the woids of the second
clauseof the counter claim as InadvcrUint
and Inelcvant , which motion was sustained.
Held , not reversible error.
J.rJCo \ \ objection thnt a counter claim f alii
to state facts sufllclcntto conttituto a cause
of action , or defense to the action , niiy IM
taken ac any stage of proceedings , or upon
error or npiwal.
Gustavo Kroogcr , esq. , of Douglas county
\vas admitted to practice.
Baldwin vs Rbea. Defendant orilcrod t *
Hie briefs lj ) Tuesday , September30,18'H ) .
Thofollowlngcauscswerearguod mid sub-
inlttcd ! MUJluy vs Lincoln , Saiulfoixl v
Mm ford.
Court adjourned to Thuraday , September
30,18'JO , , nts.aoa m.
A rostauraat nnd fruit stand bolonglnprta
II E. Loctloin and V. (1. Dav vas closed up
last even itig to answer judgments secured by
IMwinW. Allen and Irov\n ) & ; House who
held claims respectively for f 100 and f)7. )
MiltoMcCami , a hack driver was airalgncd
before Justice Biovynjestcrdaj' aftoruooa to
explain his actions in citching hold of a col
ored girl and tearing her dross iie.irly from
her body in his efforts to got her futo the
Al Tancoand A. "VV. Petit , who are working -
ing on a building at fourteenth nnd I1 , had a
ilisputoas to whcro some brielc should ba
dumped , A quarrel ensued and Vaucewho
is a colored man , g&v61'cttit a terrible beat
ing. Ho win arrested ,
Ouidi has written twenty-seven novels ,
nnd they have paid hcnnoro thanniiy history
published vvitluntho last quarter of a ecu-
second article hyK. /.OOIIAUM , do-
hulblnchls cruise with tlio "Squad
ron of n volution. Illustrated by the
author ,
lly U EIIIIKIIILAMS Wismi. IllusLrated.
WEST , lly JOHN W lloor. With
many llliihtratlons.
AVItli Illastntlomliy J , U. Woodward
uud MJ. liurub.
Jly O. P , JVUcICiu.
GIRLS , UySIrs Svr.\AMrsItnKii
ICA. lly N. S. SIUMH.
JERRY" . The fccrlal which luisbron
doolarod by a hottof riailorsto Ijullio
HtroiiKtst Amoricau btory Uleh lain
upiicaiccl for yours.
POEMS by Sir. J.AMES T. Turns ,
r.iirn M. THOMAS , O.I' . OIIANCHund
others ,
THE POINT OF VIEW conclude *
tlio number ,
25 cents a Number. $3.00 $ a Ycir ,
8utflorlbed and Qunrin toed Capital. , , , (50X1,01)0 )
I'ftld ' la Oapltrd . KM.OOO
lluji nndiullntocU anilhondit negotiator
coiaiuuroltl papur ; rui-clvca and uxuculex
trusti ; uuU aa transfer nut-lit tint truiteo (
corporatliai. tikou charKo of property , col-
Omaha. Loan Se. Trust Co
S E Corner 16th and Oouglns Sti
1'uldln Ctpltul . . . , , , . Mme
eut > scrlbedanUiinrant ( Uupltal. . , . luO.tKKJ
Uabllity oJ Btookholdura . VXW.OCKJ
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