Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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A WKimSKMENTS for lbo o columns will
/v bo taken until 1B..W p. ni. for the evening
edition nnd until fi.nn p. m. for tlio morning
edition and BtiNiiAr llr.r.
fHEIlMSOaih lu advance.
. *
OATHS--Advertisements on Ibis pigo will bo
XVohnrirpdforntlho ratoot IM contpcr word
for the flrstlnsortlon nnd 1 cent tirrword for
ncli siibie < Micnt Insertion , nnd fl/d per line
ter month. No ndvi-rthcnirnt taken f or Icsa
linni.'i cents for the llrst Insertion.
INITIAL ? , fleurcs , symbols , etc , , count each
as one word
rnill'si : ndvprtKemrnU must runconsccn-
JL tUoly mid under no clrcuniHtiincrs will
they he taken or discontinued bv telephone.
PAKTIKSndvcrllsliiRln UIMO columns and
liavlnjj their nnswori addressed ton "num
bered li'ttur" In rare of TunKK \ \ will rrrelvo
p. nil inhered check to riiiblp them to pot their
lettcM. Answers will Im delivered only on
prciuitathmof this chock. Hicloso answers
In envelopes properly ntldrosscd ,
Alili adverllHomrnts under the head of
"fpoclal Notices" nro published In hoth
mortilnj ! nnd f vonlnp editions of TUB Iiir. . tlio
clrciilntlon ofwhich nRKrcjialPS tnoro than
20.000pupors dully , nnd Rlvcs the advertiser
the IK no fit not only of the largo circulation of
.TiiicllilK In Omaha , but ftlso In Council ItlulT.s.
Mncoln nnd other eltlrsand towns In the nest
Advertising forthrsocolurnns bo taken
On tlio iiliovn condition' , nt , thn following busi
ness Iioi1 's who nro anthorl/ed to t iko Mpeclal
not IKS nt tliosamo rates as can bo lad at tuo
iniiln oIll'T ,
aj N Btroet , Mstcr Illook.
JOIINW.liLIl'haimaclst ) : , 620 South Tenth
GHASn A KnilV , Stitloncrs and Printers ,
lllSoutli lOthbtiort
W. S , I'luriuaclst , 0.4 KortlilOth
. fat rtit.
o. W. PARK , IMiarinuolst , 1713 Lca\on-
voilli btrcct ,
I'lIAU.MAOV , 21th and Tannin.
roriatts , tit. , rcf lop /intr/iliimn on/it ( / pngc.
° Y\7ANTii ; ) Printer A position by peed all
nronnil printer ; yonns initrilou man ;
temperate and rUl.ihli' ! steady Job wanted ;
nlsoplny lib eornut Address ut onco. 0 , L. , A\ocn , la. 507 S *
A I'llVHIOIA.N with over M years' oxporl-
I'lieoj who npoaKs several tnodoui Un-
Rnuires and knows massage und Hvvullsh inovo-
, wants a siiltalilo Hltuatlon. M.
Iiicntonro . ) , , Saiilturliini , Itid Ouk , In.
* V\7 ANTni ) Ofllce work by a yomijj inin of
fiiur jours' experience. Good icfornncos.
4l , caroof Hoc. Ml'tt-ai ' *
SITUATION Wonted hv a Incly to keep
house. I'lensocull ulUUd North Ifith sl.up-
RtlllH. M , kl-2i'
riTIIOKOIIOIHiycornpetcntlady stonoKriplior
- * - ( iniiliiminiulilnr. i Ixht veirs' t > \ | ) ilLtice ,
fleslns sit nation Oct. 1st. llestclty rufoicncc.
Addri'sSQ'lllen. nil-7 *
\VANT1UJ JIAL.1 ! Kiiil : > .
Forratt * , itc. , tcttop nfivt column un tlitipage.
\VANTii : ) Ono llrst-clnsi dlainond ctto
T mjd nno RoniTiil Jenpli'r , Address Meyer
Jo\\diy Co , 8V4 Main st , , Kansas City. Mo.
' *
f > 77-'il
P HINTKIl Wanted ; ono who can do job
und nil other mct'lianlcil work nec-es-
B.-iry Ina country olllco ! state a o , nxucrlcnco
and lowest wages. Address .Lyons .Mirror ,
Neb. r > 70-2l
A Ilrst-Hnst coatlimnn 122
bontli Sovrntecuth hi net. & 55-'J3
W ANTCD Twn lint class mnihinlstft T < 7r
SIlM-soiirl. * 'OD per flay , fare 11 iid. Ameri
can Agonoy , N. K , corner 14th und Doim
VxTANTKD Atoncc.onu flrst-classmoiililer.
TV Addribs Hastings Iron \Vork3 \ , Ilnstlngs
Nol ) 6&J a !
EXI'KUT milker , au Brown bids. , lIHIt and
DotiKlits. 44S3)
V\f\NTKO 1'or Undo Tom's Cabin troupe ,
T T iniislclntis nnd oxporlenccd people , \thlto
nnd colored.Vilto to K. Mason , llastlnzs. lu
181 SO *
rl Wlllhms st.eas
of KounUorcsiacnuu. II. Hall.
/"lOUNlOlvMAKEUS and tinners wanted a
V once utJohiiEpcnutcr'8,1112 Dodost.b ) ; i
nicnt Model steam laitndry. M 5SI
1 Amun totakochumo ofodlcc
Gal 1 loom 4Vt Shcoly bld . KUKy *
A flrst clnss and oxporlencen
Jo\v < 3lry salesman. U. i , . ErloKson. A1KI3-X
JW ANTED A irood watchmaker to go on
of , city OH mlary. An unmarried man
rood udctress and gond rufercuucs. Inquire u
too otlleu , Council muffs. 470 0
Ayomiir. man who thoroughly
understands the printer's trade to net n-
fotciiKiii In a country nowspipurolllce ; moderate
orate H.-ilnry ; cnmfortitblo homo utid hteud
work. Address 0 3t , lloo. 447 SO
'A UlINTS'lh o > ory county ( mala or fonialo ) tt
-Cvspll nn tirllolo lixllspuisnblo In every
hoiin liolilS cash rcqtilied , inollt pootl. Acl-
dress withatanip , room IS. City bile , Lincoln ,
Nob. ait > ai
\\rANTKD Tr.ivclliiB salesman , now Inven
i t Ion , bin nionoy to rlKhtpartles ; inonop
cly. Ouinhu patent ngoncj , cor ICth and t'ap
Itol ao a-3
A carpenter to hn lid liouso ani
taUolIaiiscom 1'lac'o lotln pjjnient. In
.street. .V > J-7
\\rAN'lEI ) Salesmen ( in s ilai-y nr eommls
Hldii to hnndlo the new put out ( -iKinlen
Ink erasing pencil. 'Jho srenti'st fcellliu nov
eltyu\orprodiiicd. I.niseslnU thoroughly 1
' rtwuscconds ; no abrasion of paper ) "OU to 50
ivvporcent profit. One nsont's Bales umoimtc
i toW.'O in lx dayss nnothertU in two hours
Wo want one eneruotlo general iiKont for eac
. . .stato and territory , b.tmnloby tnall :5."c : , t'o
' torma and fiillpirtlcul.n > > address the Monro
1 Kraser ilfjr. Oo , KnUrossv. UN. BTiVSi"
"O/ANTEll 1,000 men for now rallro-nl wor !
i In Oregon \VnslilnKtouTor. \ . Wor
\vlll luit two jeais ; peed :
Albrlitlit I.ahorApenry , 1 t'JO I 'urnani st.
' \SPANTCI > A few coed men as spoulu
iiKents to organize uranelies of thoMcr
cantlh ) Co-operative b ink ot Now York , doln
the .luiieral business of a national bnllUIn
and loan ns-ocljtlon. T. A. , Slat
Agent , ( Irjiul Island , Nnb. M1571" > *
"Vi < ! oed oiiok for hotel. Address
Ueo. Itoed , lircHlinin. Nob. M10 ii *
VUAN'IKI ) Man andwlfo to work on tarn
TI at Stinton , Net ) . ; will piy hUhost asea
Nnno hnttlioso used to fiirmllfo and wlthou
fttUdiun need apply , Address Owen llros
f M 1'V bilusman. Omaha shirt factory , lltl
\J rttrnam .110
G lucntainal.e . tlwo ( to JJ.OOO ijca
VJcanviKsoral } to * 10 per d.iy. sollln , ;
Celebratid Taylor 1'utunt AdJ stabln Slio
Tliauieluilvorurhttn . soil thU shoo In r
territory Is a > alua.hlo monopoly , uur systcii j
ofbolllnir this shoo Is tiuw nnd original. Ad
dre . ullliSo. ttuiiip. roiisollclutcu Adlusta
bio Phot' Co. . Siloiu. MUSH. S7i-i- ) *
\\TAMKU--Acmc iiiun with KOO < I refer
TT cures. Motiopollttin M.inT ; Oo. IGOI
Jloward st. it-o ' "j1
'ANTbD DfO laborers for stone mid urntl
. . work. Apply to I' . II. Johnson , Union
latMniKcr depot , Ointha. Ml
l\rAN I'llI ) Salesmen to sell good * to nier-
chants by sample ; Hilary paid to Rood
men ; sntuples furiilslied-.peimuncnt nltuatlon ,
R , , I..I .Maiinfacturlng Co , bouth llc-nd , Ind ,
VirANTHn Men to travel for our ( Jnniuilan.
T1 'niinorles.btoiiL'i&Wol llngtouMad Ison. WU
\V7ANrni ) feiiledincii nt * 73 jicr niniitli sal
v > ai-ynnd expenses to sell u line of sllvor *
jilnti'd ware , watches , ute , by simple only
lu > r * and tiMiin f iirnlshcii frt'e ; write nt once
fur full pirtlculaVa ami snniplo ciso of goods
free , tsiatidardSilverware Co. . lloston. Mass
AVANTii : > FKai
Iertat < i , < tc.trtto ) > oJJIrvtcotu > nHon pout
work on bookkeeping , Address Henry
biiutUPmaha. BU-JU * .
WOJ1AN cook an furm near Uniaha. aij
llroiMi bldf.lfith _ und IjouKlas.IliiM
rAN'lKI > aTrl for Rfnornl lionsowork
> . Cull at room CCrt , Moi-cliants Nat , Hank
lug , *
for ccneral Iinusework.
TT only two In fainlly. ilrs. E.M. 1'ark , ItilJ
Blnnoy it. Ml.S-JQ
G gcnciul lioustwork , K S 18th
street , M 681-21
\\rANTr.O-At nrownellllall. younsl.idlei'
TT bcliooi. a tlrstclu&s latindrtf t slioinust
Da ro.spoiiBlblo. Wngcs 15 and ft Rorxl homo ,
Aliou-Bood pulu laundreuvucis ; tJ and a
good Home. BI J.iiJ
. - . , - . 'or ' central housework. Mrs. Tlios. I' . .
Hall , 1000 bhermanavenue. m
COO 1C Wanted llrstclnsuook.lOiT Turk uc (
Irish or Ucrinun preferred.
Olrl for ( tencral homework.
610 HU Mary's a venue. _
" " "
ITlTfallT" yniina lady" wan ted to get sitb-
JJ scribe for the Omaha Ktrclstor ) M per
centcoiiihilMlon. Apply 113 H Hth at. Mlltl _
A ODOF ) BfrrforTioiiseffork. llifoieiii' 5s re-
/Xrnilrcd. OiKxl wanei. Mrs. Duinont. U2
Iiitfiiyeltn nvi'iiiip. tK l
' "
AV/VNU'ii ; > lo'ltHXTL1.
Vor rat' , tic. , ttc to\iof \ Jlnt column ontlili
\\rANTRllto Hint % to 7 room cotfajo : no
TT clilldn'ii In fainllyt stnto locitlon und
rent. AdUms Oti , Hoc. Ml-KJ *
talM , tit. , ice fojinJlrif column on f/ifj /
llSl 7-iuini cbttaKeV. Hath and nil
A ; tnndpriHonvcnlcncri , rrady In few clnys.
' . S. KlRuttcr , 407 Tlrst at l Innk. Mi
7OK ltnr > T-Ita cmeiit , fh u nice rooms , city
- wntcr. 1012 N lUth El. "
JlOlt 1C I'M' A nlco 7-rixmi house. Inqitlro
U UU ISrlcUou.axJ S. IQtlint , Alasnnlc blk.
m -jo
. HOOMS. Inth and vralor closet , 2Sth and
' Hickory , ir. . .
7 rooms , lilli nnd Locust , Rood , KSM
8 KiciiriH , iiKiiIoriiconvtnlt'nccs , 1 inllo from
ostofllce , JIO
7 ronin hrlck , cor. lOtli nml AVcbstorHO.
K rooms , noir. 'K ! < \ and lobster , $15.
J. II , Kvnin , IIOT N. V. Mfo. 62T-M
71OK Itl'NT A Rood ton-room lionio on
J Dodge. N' . A _ Iv'uhri , Pirtocnth and I > ou -
ROOM , new house. 1'opplelon , Park. ! - ' ! ;
furmce. hath , city water , nil conveniences.
, A.buiicloil.inil , S. E. cor IGtli.incl DouglasD
rot : w
FOUUiXT Ilnus.0 , Will and Caldwcll , 810.
: cinl anil Jones. $10. i" ta llavenporU t O.
' _ , jojly. 11. UdTiadc. 4.'H
OiTirnNT The Windsor hotel In North
llciid , cl > . Address lock box II , North
'tend. M4SS-2I *
rp\MJO room Hats : all modern iniDiovcmi-nts.
X corner 'Jlth nud Li u.cimirtli pt.
71OU UKNT i larco loom house. City nnd
- oUtorn water. Kent , ) ? . 10th and II incroft ,
Foil UIC.NT-Ono natln the Mnton block on
tnc''d Iloor. 0 rooms , steam , newly
lapvreil. crite In pirlor. All In KOOU order ,
nijulroof lolin IlnmllnIn , the block , cnincr
f l.ltli and MustMists , room UI * . Ml tj-
POU Iir.M' U cottazes , sh nnd
looms , mwly pilnUd and papered , soulli-
ustcoinc'i 19th ami Chicago bts.j aKo ono
oui-iuoni house , 1012 Howard , near lOtli , ! 13.
KVHX rnoin house. Ijth and Vlntnn , * 1U
7-KHHn limisc.STith nnd Alluml , fl' ' ,
! * > -room house , 2.Mli and llrlstol , $1L
fi-ionni hous ( > . 'Urd and I'arkcr , 114.
S-rooin house , -iMli anilC'lililwcll. $10 ,
7-rooin house , % th and ( iarlleh. Sit ) .
5-iooru house. Mncoln I'laeo.10.
J II. Johnson , f.lU 1'axton Block.
FOU UiM' ; A beautiful nnd convenient
uitti ( Mit sLMen toniiissltli l > athfuriiaco ,
UIIRO.cellar , otc.Cor.30th at und Hawthorne
ive. .1. II , Dilinnntr. IIll
OIIHAI * rent. 3 and 4-rnom
flats , cent nil , with tlty water. sower.iRe ,
ote.ntfroin&Htn ltd per month. Hulls' Udit-
" ) & IHh st. 2iMo 11'
8-ItOOai house. XJd nnd Cuinlnx , 5-15 per
nioiitll. f I * . Harrison.Oil N.r.l.lfo. ! M
Foil HOP Nmt4-room cottaco.clty itor.
l > f miles duiul'.O. I ) . 0. Patterson , nil )
Curium. Ill
OOF. Ist.bulldhiKon N' . K. cor. 10th nnd
Douglas , " basements , 2 stores , und 7
rnonisnpstalrs , $150. Airs Kuliliiiiinii , 11 and
Vlnton. UC1
FOU Itr.M' liouso 8 i ( > ( > ins , peed laundry.
ImiulicHobt. 1'urvls,24th& . fat. Mary' * ave.
JLlENT A six room house near to business
JLl ientcr , ttJ. Mead Investment Co. . lice
TTIOIl HiM' ; Sly residence furnished orun-
J- furnished for winter or longer , desirable
location. Mrs. M. Ulguttor , Wi S. lOtli st.
n ? YOU wish to rent a house orstore see II. C
LCole , Contentll ! block. r 33
FOU ItKN'C To responsible parties on t
IfKxe line new brick and stone houses on
Georgia atomic ; fifteen rooms and alcoves ;
niorocoii\rnlciuci arid bettor < lnlsbi > d than
any liouso for rent lu the elty. 11. II. Hcndor-
8Oii,4iiO 1'iuton block , city. 5.M
rT-IIOOM house with birn ; nominal rent. C ,
I I' , Ilnirlson.Oll N. V.Mfo. CT
HOUh 1 1'or Kent 2400 Cass Ht. . 2409 Gass st. .
5418 C.iis st. . 10 nnd 11 rooms : nil conven
iences. \V.Kalney,315Omaha National
bankbiilldliiir. . f > H
FOR IlKNT A house ot.all conveniences ,
centrally located. Imiulre712 N 10th st
Fo > rate. * , ttc. . set tiij > of frat column on thlr
Ittf ] DODOU l , Nicely furnished rooms
with boird. A few table boarders will bo
tnken. 5Gt- *
I710U ICCNT Slnslo orsultof pleasint rooms
L ? with all modern conveniences , ( i'0 couth
L'Oth St. , or cor. bt. Marjs ami20th , brick le
doncc. 674-27
WAfiTH ) Mccly fiirulihcd room wlthli
J or ; i blocks of Ilco building for trcntlo-
man , Address , Ul . Upe. M5-.1 *
BACK piilor with comiuiinleatiii rooni.ilso
two rooms oasucoud Iloor , with board , I
nodgcst. 4 < J 20 *
TpOU Itr.M' Nicely furnished fiont room
-t : for two gentlemen with llrst clnss boird
. 1'iii Ilowunl , : ' ' . ' *
Ilcfcronecs required. t-t & > - ' >
HANDSOME rooms , also table board. IStSJ
Chlcneo. 277-27'
4UN. 19thSt. Handsomely furnished room
with boisd. Can accommodate a iiuinbe
tablt boarder . ftTvt 27'
NIUI ? room ; btcaiu heat. 1719 D.ivcnpor
street. W2-O11
N'EWDY furnished front room , gas , liith
stcitm heat. 711 S 10th'ml Iloor. r.lO..M *
O INK fiirnlslied room with gas , bath and
fuel. $10. lOUDoiulas. 510 2 !
TCT10K Koixl board , nice rooms , niodnrn con
Jonloneiis. . rates and lou.itlon , the I'ullmnn
hoii i' . 1:110 Dodge st. cannot bo excelled. Mrs.
Horn , 1'iop. Ol5-ii'
lOU nr.N'T Furnished room , with linird
1011 lon liisst. 474-L' "
Oll HPAT Nicely furnished rooms wil
boiud. Kefeunce. SWT L < 'nranin. 51 4M-1" >
IALC ! K , pleasant.well furnished front room
uientlcnKMi only. Moderate rent. 'JOIl St ,
Mary's axe. " 410- , ' !
"I710R ItHNT I'lojsunt south room sultibl <
-L for two Kentlonicn. PrUuto finally. 01
Doiiftlas. 4.\1-'J3'
1imNISIlin rooms with board , 190(1 ( Ciplto
ive n lie. M4U.4
room with BUS. batliaiu
foriiiuo heat , with or without board , b. n
cor , llarncy aitilij h a\e. 41 ! ) a'
JUU.Mbaud board lilt ) Chicago street.
i 40(1.10
! In ono of tliomos
desirable Hats , with all modern convcnluu
ce , for two or four guutletucn. 703 S littli.
M10 Itr.M' Ono front parlor wltn alcove
J- nicely furnishedon ground Iloor : his al
modem lnipra\cniunts , ulso llrst class table
bo ml. TenilH reasonable. Uall or addrcs
SOUN.ISthst. 215-S1'
T/IIUNbllRl ) rooms with Ras nnd bath
J-I.arBortMiui sultabln fortwo , furnished o
unfurniahcd. Itcforcnccs. LM1I ) llarnuy st.
Ull-1 *
SUIT of roomsfnrnlshud sultablo for fou
jouns men , Rteam heat , pas , oto.i als
oni'slnRloroomblocks from 1 * . O , , Addres
O U , IJeu. 67U-J ; *
3IIOOM5 , llBhtliousekcpplns , 81J. No chll
drcn. Aildvcss 013 , llee. 311
- _ " _ _ _ _ _
YMof T"rooni tnitablu for gentleman. 131
J-1 DodKo , lift
TjilIKM > llii ) room to Runtlcman with coot
J- references : email prlvato family ; all mod
erurcn\enIeiKOS. 2715Jackson st.half block
west of fct. Mury a ave. Congregutlonul church.
* TO
IjlOU KtNT turnlsbod rooms. 1WW Uoiuhis.
Jj 'M
ST. GLAIR Europeanhotcl.wlthrtlmnfrroom ,
uteaiii hont In all rooms , Uth-Doduo.
Special ratoi brweok or tno. KJJ
TurrofCit , rfc. . . rretoj ) ot Jlret conmmun t/liiwcr .
TlToh KENT I'lvo rooms , with city water ,
Ju' b.ttlirooiiii.eto. 115.00 jicr month , lunnlro
U011 Webster st , or room 7 , U.H.Nat. Hank
bids. Sll-IE. *
T70UHENT 3 roumi. unfurnished , 2 ION. lath
JJjt. , prloo IOi will rent to colored people.
Apply toU. K , Martin , 7Ut N , ITthsU 5JI
" | jVU ) lirNT Suite ot * uufurnlshod rooms
- Ifar honseki'opliiK , to family without
ulilldron.iroa AVubalor nt. SIS
-ItOUMS unfurnished and roonn furnished
for runt In Uujgau bloclc , cor. 13t' ' < and 1'u-
clflc. ( M
Forrattt , ttcKt tup of jlrnt f oluinn on. l > il IKJtf *
QTOitE ref ltent-l. > 14 ItodKO t. ( 'has. W
Pltalncy. aiiOinalia National b.uifr bldg. f > U
inOK RENT-Ilrlok warehouse , two florle ]
JL1 n n ( I In sc mint , y , < m sijimro fept , irltli IM
foot of don bio track on U.I' , railway , south
SOth nnd Plcrco streets. AddrcsJ O. 0 > katup
Umabn.Neb. UK )
Illicit HIW > i i * v/Uw 1 , IJllinn na UIIKIU-
X'lnc , 1U Hroidrvny. occnpletl by ilnift store ,
Apply to Ocn.T. I'helps. jnnnoy ordordr
pi roflTco , Coiincri 'Jiiii'lTrt , la.
inOiniKNT-flTo l-rtorVbrlcKOullclIni , wltli
Jor vltlioutpowcr.forniorly occiiplcdby the
lleo PubllHliInu Oo.lia ) Fnrimnitt. TliobuIId-
Inz hn R fire-proof ceinnil basement , complete
ste.imhCatliut fixtures , waloronnll tbolloors ,
gas etc , Apply attlio olllcc ot Ilio Ueo. Ul'i
triOlt linN'r-Museniciif. store niorn. lor. l.ltli
J-1 und .Jiirksoii ht < . steam licut , Iniiiilro
Mrs. r , l.aiise.Ol'J S 13th st. JBJ as
. 00x121 ft. 4 stories und
. ' busenifrit.on JonfSBticct , botwcenlOth uud
Illh , wllli track In nllcy ; best location In
thu city for wholes lie. Inqulro JIG st ,
0 A. LlniliiulsU WKi
S TOURS nt709 S. ID , 20\r > 0 each , larsn sbow
windows , dtontn heat furnished , llios. F
llnll nil I'axUin blnclt. MM
IVrrolw , lop /intcoUiffin ori Hid
T 1ST your liousc to sell or rent with O. V ,
JJllarrlson , 1)11 ) N.V. Life , IfW
In. r Cooli , rental accncys loins , mortcajics
U bought. tn\os paid uiidcolleclloiit. Know
I N. V. li. billltlliiK. M ObOO 8 *
ISTyourhousesfflth Sbaw'srcntalaRcncy ,
s'loth st. uoio. 0.
HE. Cole , ronUil aent ( , Continental blk.
tV 3
_ _
EJ. lUKY.reiitnlngent.WO V. . .Life..VI
.VI ,
I'ortntti. ( letce tupof flttlcolumn on l/il /
ZlTOUAOH-sce us before storing goods of
Jany cloacrlpt Ion , Onnha btovo llopilr
VorKs. 13)7 Doiislns. Tel.UW. 671
nUAOICAOi ; storage ut lowest rates , W. M.
JL Itnslimaii,1.111 l.civunvorth. 673
QTOIIAGE-llnuicb & Co , I'M Howard.
STOIAOr-rorincrchniiill ! > , o and fumltnrp.
colilitniMeo nnd freezing ; tracKagc , Ii M
ole. 8rSl7 llnwiinl St. f 74
Forratt * . etc. , tee topofint column an Oil *
il-A. llslit Ijronn cow. loft horn
hnikuii oil. Ketuiu to 1'rcd ICruit.
20th st. 5.
Osl llotwi'on lltli nnd IMh on
Tliursiliiyovuiiliiir , i > oikitlx > ok contnliiliu
Kutnrn to 104 N , V. L.lf < S buildltiR
Ml 1
UTHAYIOD-l Ironpruj colt. l-)0iir-oll ) ( colt ,
I-hnlil fui-od buy , 1 crippled bi\ her cl nonj ,
biv. stir onfotelioi'1.fromMlliains'farm \ ,
Itolihrrs' Roost , on Military road. Hoturn
nnd Kit roirnul. 44120 *
OTKAYEUor Stolen I'alr tototilcr . i\af \
Ohlick nnd tun hunrt , white body ! hitch ,
brownherul , nhlto body , black spot on back.
Howard If atnrntO to 13U Uallfornlu H.
H.K 20 '
BOYLost-AuBU t54 , OcorRO nursliird left
liome. Ho IslJyoaM old. ilaik blondn
li.ilr , dirk blue oji-s. \\IB Imrcfootcd , had
ilioit pintnloous with two pitches on sc it
Hownid tiildfor hUieturn to .Murgurct
S. lOlh. SII
Fonaltx , ctc.rce toyiif frA cnliiinn onl/ifc / *
LADIHS Via line opened drossnuiklns
p.ulors In connection wltliour school of
cutting ; wo teach the Worth's tailor Ryu tout ,
how tiicut.bwtonnil UiiMiiciittlni ; unil llttlng
done ; patterns toordor. 1U15 rarnamst.
ENOAGKMENTSto ( Indrcss-niaUirgln fam
ilies solicited. Mlsa faturdy.WJfa ffitli ave.
Formica , etc tee top iptftnt coimu ontlite
> ltOK , Clnrlps I'clerson Plnno.vInlln.yUlicr
and > ocal Instruction.StudloOOj bjiccly
BKl'ORE buying u piano o.xiiniluo the ncvr
.scale 1 piano. A. Ilospo , 1513 IWuuln
f > 77
G-EO r.GBLLKXIIEaK.tonclior of tlio ban )
_ with Hospe. l.'ilJ IJoUshs. 248
riTIIEOninlui Klnilor nrlon will reopen Jlon
JLdny , bept 8,2000 Davenport. Sllss II OrlOlths
w I'.IIKH pianos for sale only br Ornalia
Music Co. . Ifilfl Dodv'c. Ol8 < a
USIC 0per cent dNcnuiit.and piniios on
casy terms. Umab.i.Muslut'o. , ] 5l5 Dodgd
for rates , ( If , sec lop ofjlnl rofurfn on l/ifs / jiage.
T ATENThwycrsandMiliultors. 0. W. Sues
JL A Co. , Hco building. Otnaln , Four years'
o\pcilonc ni examiners In U..S patent olliif.
llrinuli otllco at Washington. I ) , O. Consulta
tion freo. .r W
Forratt * , rte , , rcc fopofrit column on this jx
JT.l'ATCII.oxcluslvopoimlon and claim at-
tornoy ! ovorl'iyeari' ' oxperloiicoi all tlio
latestlaws .V decisions. Ullkoremoved from
1'ruiizcrblLto OhaiaberConmicrcelUI Oniiiha
"VTEWlawj poilsloii9 for nlinoit nil soldiers.
A.TI fithers , mntlaM , widows and minor thll-
clren of soldiers. Olulms jiinhi > < l by E. N" .
ClliiKiiian. IDiindSl Tren/ar blk. Omaha. Also
\Vaslihmton and Cincinnati. Circulars Ina
exporlenco. 570
I'nr rate i. flf. . per fop af _ fnt c oliinni. on Ihia page.
clunked , rented. J. 1' . Mexe tli , W7 l\ir-
nani street. -"JS
rilYl'EWUlTKHS for rent or sale. StenoR-
-L raphewsupplies. J.l'.Mosc.ith.lft ] ; I'ainaui
/"orios < w. etc. , M l'ip of ; rnt fiiliimu ( iirjti (3 | i/
( lite.Otli. . since saw you. Sent mcssajioln
"K. IV 12th. Will ho iti'T. H."it St."J" until
.11th. Aioynu Rnliu tosio * * UN. " boon ? Am
anxious. "I.O. . " "S. 0. " "B. " 1KSOtlf
Formfra. tie , , fe&lopofflnt column nnlltla vans.
A - KltlOAy mcitubt f o rtuno teller nnd
-TV busliusj luhlsor. Ilor inlriicles lu fore
telling lucky iiunibersund anything pertaliir
1ns to the fiituro lire inoro than marvelous ,
Mm Jias surprised the world. .Mrs. Dr. liddy
only foretells nuinhorsln snch reliable ln tf-
tutlons as the Mtoyul fcaxon"or Ilruiiswlck.
l/onioiind see wliethor you uro liuky. Loolc
at bor t-e.tlmonliils ! and bo con vine til. Mrs.
Dr. lildy. IKO Oouslus st.
July in. MM. I spud > ou hoio\\ltli an ex
press nionoy order for W > .00for tint nmnbor
w hldi yon advised mo to get. 111111 (700 ( ahead.
Yours truly , K Ilonsllno. C53 Wells st- . Chicago
cage , 111. KU--J7'
O LA1UVOV ANI--Madam DiUier , nvor 0108
Uth 6S.OO"
MJtS. MANNIU V. WAKICKN , ohlrvoyant
trance , speaking , writing and rolhblo
business iiu'dluiu , ) years In Oinahu , ll'J N.lotli
f 'J ' <
MItS. I > I1. RDDV. the dlstlniilsbed trance
clairvoyant , Into ot Hoitori. wlillo en
tranced will ro\oal every Ulddon injstery In
life. 1'reparusi C0itlau talbmeu. whlob will
overcome ) our enemies , rumoto family trou
bles , rostoio lost affections , unltositiiu. separ
ated , helm In all trouble , oto. I' and up
wards. N. II. I'crfeotsatisfaction Ruir-intcua
Mur mallend ( stamp for llliibtratodolrcular.
Sirs. lr. ) Edd > - , MM llouglus uticot , Omaha.
MADA.M Stover of St Louis , tlio wondeifnl
card reader , has returned to tlio city , and
wlllglvo perfoetsatlsfnctlon oa all ulTalrsof
life. Ciilland bocouvlncea. Ladles0 cts. ;
gcntlomun , 11. No. 'J2i N. 16tli St. , room 10.
Hours r ruin 9 to 0. 610 : ! '
MAKSA0111.VT1IH K it' .
For late * , cc. . tee tojt of fnt column on tit [ traje.
751 O.
cuous-\viia. > ;
Fornta.tle.eei9ii offlnt cohanrt pnlhtafaoe.
BI3T line hair goods In wcsstl
wl s , swltohos , banxs , hair chains , etc , a
specialty. Davles hulr coeds and milliner ;
opposite poslolllee , 111 S.IHh tt.On-aha. * J
For rtifgg. cfc. , ytf I"P of frtt coluimi out lit * page.
IjiUKN i'l'lUli ) honseliold Bloods , oto , ll Ulieit
cash price. HU L'anaiu. Ut >
\ ir\NTEl > irous > ehoids peed * of all Kinds.
T T Uxsli Data for ueoond hand Roods. Uata
City Auction Co.,2U and 215 b.Utlist. 719UI *
l < nrratetitc. , Kitoptlja-inhlnmnon
JIIlEn MOI1LG loans nipnoy on cttnmnnch ,
watchesjowclry.ctc.a. ! . cor.larnumA.Utli
TiN : Y , Mnrtl. 7 jc r 0vritli I'roa Molilf ,
JDloatiiMaUnoii dlatnotiiH wutclic i. Jcwolry
andnrtlclosofinluo. UnYlarnnmst. HliiOll'
Torratcietc. . * tojiot flrxtrolitmnon
AT a llarBiiln-StnnclarUbreil drlvlujiimre ,
-'lllvo jeara old. sonnil and icetitle , .jo ( for
Indy toilflvo. olhtllflQ. ( , A.V. . tcrlbtior , U ,
I' . lieaUqunrtcM. f 7J-21 *
IC horsolfi0.t o Iiar i )
work harness 11 O1 win trailo fop u
ROW ! llKhtsldobar buggyII U.Colo , Contin
ental block. * ao
Ti OH SATjK oroxclunRo-l'linolon fnrbucl.-
JL1 hoard. Must bo In Kood order. Adurixo 0
4fllloo offlco. MVS-J *
JLN TlOE\vood.lopwa80n. \ 1JU Dodge it
TT10H SALE SROod work teiiim Inmilro at
JhlH I'axtonblk. 41TJ
31 OUSES $60 and up. II. E. Cole ,
TilOUIUeaiiu llclit nuilw one heavy 1,500-
-Impoundhorse Itoom 13llourdof , 'JCnulo.
For rate ) , ttc. , tea tuvof rolnmn on t/iu /
T\rATSI iK 1 > -1 u w loiuls hleUory. oakor
'l munlo Doles for flood , \V. \ liseelvia , 1IJ
Trade. , H' >
. . tittoiio ! flrsttolunmon thti
TVI ASSAGn treatment , plectro-tlietmalba tin.
JH HCI | | > and halrtruatincnt. minlcuru mm
chiropodist. Mrs. 1'ost , U awn.lthnrll \ \ bllt.
Il llOIt llKXT-Itutcher shop with ( Mures.
JL1 11:10 : y isthst. 4M-Jt *
witresses renouited
1 ! 1'uccrsiin. 4J8-U : t *
o shoo ( I eilers : Tlio iNiiw Jiixoy rubncr
boots honurctlcs and snochltleswlll bo
cxIcnsUrly ndturtlseu the fomlnp fill and
vlnter. \ \ ritdfor catilouur , otc. C amvot -
rn u ent at Omaln. Sly suln this BOiisim
iivo beatou ulL provlous rtcotds. / . r ,
Mndsoy ,
FOIt 8AIK , MlSCii ; < Li\NKOUS. ( ojioflrtl roJiuniioii this
ITIOlt 5AUE-IirBCkafoolllso ; Ji k , piitfonn
scales and IKLuru. JJOJ Furuuii i > t olfjir
store. f > 3lSi ! %
TTlOli SVIjIduiicral stock of incrclmiitllw.
L clothing , ttc. All w > ll iissortp * ! nnd rilio
locution ! lu\olcc about stlJOJO ; will exchauKO
fortooil L-Ioiir piopirty mid pnrt uavli write
furpaitleular'j Address Oil , uaroHeo.Oinulu ,
cb. oll--'li
"IIIOH SLEdycliiK e < tihll > hmentovory-
thinscoinilotolnu | llu-ly western town ,
orwould tuKeis a | iirtiicra man tlitiluiidtr-
stands the business. Adilnss. 0.11 ,
fluent market In tlio
oltymid Inbustlncatloii ; ( joo'l rcison for
selling. Kuqulro at .No. UilXorlli Hit Int.
SI WlViJ *
TOOUSALT5-I.ot of bnsoburner st < cs. St.
JUlatrl nropoau hotel. Dm aii.1 UodjC.
rOHbALK-Ico In car Jots. Gilbert Hroi
Council IJIulrs. ' M Lt > 7
von SAMS rirj MTuitis irc. ;
l or 7ti ( , etc , , > te topof JlifycoiuianoiilMt
| J1OIAIjn-Tliofarnllun , leno and KOOI !
L wlllof a cord hotel ill i-ontli Onnha : for
lurtlculirs nddii's < t > U Uee otllco. Mi-xi.1 *
for .1 very
nice ( lo\Mi-towii huitidliiK liousu ; buraln
ami e.w teunt to llrsb
& .MuCulloili , catcml
_ _ _ _
FUltS\I l i''iirnlturQ'Md business of S > -
rooin hotel hi Lincoln , del tig ( rood piiylnir.
buslnisi Host of rcusoidfor selling Terms
city. M.V. . I'olsom , Ijliioln , Iseb. r 10
FOK SA.r.K--Ohciti Tbo furniture 111 tlio
homo , No 1818 Am Kin * Strict , for sale ,
and house for rent. Emiulre on the premises ,
For rtite , etc. , tee tnfhf Jl nl col limn ntilht-i
rillKAl' loans oil city uroportyfc collections
Vprompt attention. A. LurscnKEl ! , NV. I.lfo
4 o 17 *
TirOKEV to loan at all Units on desirable
i'Litnpmvcd property InOniuhw The money
laheruand thcro arono dilaysai wooiainlnu
the piopcrtj and tlllo ourselves It.ites Smith
& Co. . 1001Farnani St. XO ol4
MONBV to loan by B. 1' , Masters on chattel
and collateral securities for any time from
ono tosU nionthb In any amount to suit Lor-
Loans made on household goods , ulanoi.
organs , horses , mules , hoiibtis leasts , ware
house receipts , etc. at the lowest posslblo
rates , vrlthoiitimbllclty orrcmoial of property
My lotus urc'hO nirun nltluU jovi can nukt-
n payment of unraiuount at 11113- time and
reduce both principal and Interest.
If you owe a balancoou your property or
liivo a loan 5011 Mlsh chinked , I lll paylt
ulT and carry It for yon. If you find It nioru
convenient. Mil up telephone No. 111 ! and
your business can bo nrranieU at home.
MonoyaHvays onluncl. No delay. N'o pub
lic ty. Lowest rates
II. ] ' . Masters.
RoonH.AMtlmellblk. , 15th andllumcy ti
rnO I-OAN-HOO. prlvatomoney. t'.T. Ilir-
JrUon. . 11 ' . V. Life. 4V ) M )
" \fl ONEV toloaii.l'orresnonddiH of Ioii\liril )
otL In > Cb'tt'o. fchrlver&Buriis.Krtn/or blk.
KO 08
riOM.\IKr < CIAr > . : iiid soncral idioi t > tlmo pnper
wlioiijlit ; also regular Syear loins on Imp roved
ed property. Ceo.I.lllii- A.Ct > . , M lluiugo lildt
! tfKi
rTTfATTEIi llank , J1U S , IHh st , loanfiiiolicy
V/ouihattclsOi-eollateialut rcasoiiablo ratu.
PI ItsT & tecon < l iliorteIKOS on vacant .t liin
pro > ed city bron County wirraiitsboinlit
Money on hand. KM. UiiliarrtSon , 818.N. V. Mfo.
\fONnV-3J , ( W or t > 3 days on furniture ,
aiJLplinos. horses , houaesetu. , J , J. AUlUlmon ,
CIS nvton block. 5 t
FIltsD inert acolo.msat low ratciiind no
delay. U , V.tonolcs Oo.L'lOIst . Xatlbinik.
OACltyallclfarl llOlllSmlrt ) ? 'lB paper
| bought. JlcOjigim Inicstruuit Co .Iv )
KKYsru.NK Moru.ico Co. I/ ) i n s ot ? 10 to
* IOJO ; Kctotu-rites b'orobnrroilii ( and
( avoinoncyilo-inson UoHi- , , fumlture.or unapproved \ -
approved security wltlunt publicity ; notes
biiiiRlit , for new loin , renewal of old and low
est rules , ealllt. 203Sheolyblk.l3th , A Howard.
_ W
TTNUSUAUA * lovr.iteJ
U of Interest 011 Orst iuort aes ot Improved
real estate for ttioiiOYb'JIdavsbjr the ICaims
City Investment Co. KoMiUo , lloirdof Trido ,
J , It. IVase. iiiuuincr. r > Sj
Oil ATT 12 h lo.i f is low ait ratrs , bus Inrss contt-
dcntlal. M. J. Hall 19 Continental bile.
j i 4 sil !
TV/TONE / Y toloaiipn an/sfeourlty
-L'-L for short tame at low
rat < n raton
on pirsniiiiltroporty.
The Henderson .Mort ani tmcstrncnt Com-
pany. room40J. I'qvtonltlk. . ' O1
Dl Kir Hrokor In rual juitoinortnss ; ot > -
taln nionoy at lon .cost to borrower
open Saturday'Uooin3 ' ! ) , UirKorbllc.
iiii SU-s'J '
\J I'hlladelphla Morttuo and Trust Co. .
ahvaysrcadyto loju aiilpaypromjitly : flnt
mortjairi's wmtud. tiuuuu W , | > . O'ojton. ici > -
resentatlvp , room ? , bonrjiof traili * . f ' '
1 > UIID11 > ' ( I loans madi'fft ' lomi'Jt tat c . W.
J-BI , Harris , room SO. Mnr.tit blU. , Hip. , P.O.
FA It51 loans otur-Liund & Loan Co
eu\ \ W CO
T > KAI < Estit8 r oans Uasa on liund. Glolio
IVLoaiutTrasb Co , Ji'JiS. ' totlisc. No deity ,
no o'xtra cbarse1 * . House * Torrent ; good list.
OE. & OM. AMIIONVu9N.Y.Ilfo : Tiiillil-
Inn , lend money on firmIn choice coun
ties of Nclir.iHka and Iowa ; also on coed
Omaha res Idcneu property ; lowest nl " s best
tornisi no delay ) money roady. Titles ind
valuesimssed on hero. )
V ? rates. Call und st-uiib. Mutual In > c t-
luonttti. . ISM Kiirnim. HOi
TT ASTnUNmoueytb' niipltyprnncrt/ :
JKiuorlgago paper bousht. 11.11 Iroy.N. V.Mfc.
1 ill Hi I' mortgaKO loans on liiiirov | < > il nndun-
-U Improved property. Charles\V. Italiioy.JIS
Omaha Nutlonul bant bulldlnj W5
1 > UIMrKQloani,0 to 7 per cent : no nddi-
J- > tonal : cliiirasor ( coiiiiiilkslon prattornoy'a
foos.V , It. MelUloJIratNational bank , bldt
] 5BJ
"VfONKV tel an. 10 delay , In larze or small
liJ-nuiouuti lovrtjt rates. Apply- . Elley -
nolds,111 ! ) Meir Vork UCobiair. folonlioiio 1101.
T\CONrYlonncd nt lovr rnton oa ftirnltuw ,
J.iIhor cj. Vcwltlioiit pnblloltr ,
riiifstnitiitCo.B , iisblk.lCtl
- loans ntloxrcit ratti Removed
VJto ICI.N.itt \ IHdgaJ. II , Kmmlni ? r.
TnUSTI UN nionoy to loan ! lo st rat"s ; iio
JjJoli\y | lacgoloanta npeclaltri sliort tlmo
Rapor bought. Omaha Morlgagu Co.ground
oor Clinniberof Connnomi 415
ixon.\Nci ; : .
Forratfi ttc. . Mtartof frsttuluimnn
* fIOlTltmlllneIl locfttoOeloKiintiiefflioviio | (
-A. with o\cry convcnlcneo-fiimicp. In
Ilnnicoiiil' wllUalcptiiiltniirotutl ground ,
lliitchlnwii s tulli3-l , DotlKla ) MTJ
"lOUPKformlo orlrtulofor nrocrrlesoriuer-
chnnJIso. Olson.JllH Inrnaiitet. ' "
riW KXClIA..NOK-Iorsonua | iilnotonfor lot
JLln Walnut Hill. Clifton Hill or "linker
I'hco\illl \ inyrtltloroncMf any. Inquires of
KO. Mcttlll. tasi jimUlst.irJJO
\ liris5CON t ? IN wnt or po ct mill , ft IthWncrM
li liviul.clear , oxchaiiRotor r
otly , SoaOcoatur. ai'J-sJ3
IjlOU EXt'IIASaii-KlKlit mules fotOniulu
L' rcul c liitc , K. 33 , lloatilof 'Indo. 4J5
mdso. , Involc-
iigl'.OOOIotKMvO , fortlioko Oiunlii Im-
ptovoa pwpotly atidcasli Address , J
SOI < 1 liooldYnl \ t hum wnlolt and worK horse
to timlo for peed Hldu bar bUKKJ. UK. .
Cole. Continental block. 891
SAMS-1113All JiSfATI ! .
Ftfratet.ttc. Kttttjiot fltvlttilutm on
ijlOH SAi-K-iiirKaiiis In
-LMlcnutlful lionius
llovciiuo iiayliiR proportloa.
Lots I in II i ! I rum iioMoltlre , u\sy tornu.
llrandlots for rcshliinTOJ
Cull nml Kcumo.
J , It. I.UUIS.JM X.Y. I lfe M3-23
VO iiiiULeav-tiittortlistrccti. four bltxls from
tlio torinliiiiH o ( tlio IjOiwt im o rlli si i oct motor
lino. "Jlntu lols uroolluicittit the lo\\irlco ] of
StjOO each and on thoc.islisl j > o lllo Icrms-
SlOdovvnniKl ( Id pet month , 7 pericnr IntL-rott.
I'hU furiiNlidl on iip ) > lkition ut tlioolllco.
II I ) . Uccil , soloiiKiut , ltdotii l'JIloaril , Trade ,
"II OUSM And loH from JI.COOlo J.TOOCO
Jl to suit Hi mint , any /itncy ; K\\O \ \ UM iiall.U.
J.A. Jj.tioiaB ) , Uhnmbor ofUoiuineruv ,
'StAI.b Pottapcs houses , veil located nt
S low | viry osny tornu. C , I. te Ii.
iwin O , I'liatiibcr of Lonuiaroo. 5WJ-2I
rlin2ilriiico | of allfetlmo tobny aliomoln
Joncof t lie best nulKlihorlKxiils of the oily
for25 per font lossllinnln vnlup. lean Mil
Jo fiti-s ' oiithMh stD-rxmi lioii < c , seed barn ,
Int3i > bjllO. In lot 7 , block : . Keillck.'bsnb. . for
W ) . U K. hnvur.N. . V Life bids. 519
"II1OH bVUTI-J lotsou thos. vr cornerof Cil-
J lf > rili : and y"d sts. . Incliulln ? u 10-room
liousovlib \ tlio conu'iilinccs of city wulir ,
c iM'ni | ( ' , ote Vfry clone to the renter of
Inisliicshl 'li school. Cit'li lHou collr o nml
other lureo school * , Price only * .l 0 , \ > orth
. Mu .t have } - > , OOOcisb. W. Jl , Vutes ,
. Nel ) . Jut. 1) ink. fiiy
$1 ( lOO will V > uy IL Kooil lot on Doilco npir 401 li ,
.iboMjcrade. O.1' llarrlsoii.Hl ? \ V I-lfc.
$ l.r f > 0\rlll \ TJUJ a. ? roosii iotti ; "eln noilli tnrt
of tlioolty , O. IMIiifilsoiiUN. . Y Ufe.
MM 1 Israel in ? of IWIi bt cniinncecty ina-
J lorlilly the vnlno of the lot justwestof
Miltonl ! ( > ners' plaie , IKJxIV , , S. and 1' corner.
Itcanjct heicoui-ed afcold price. O I' . I lar-
rlvin. till N. \ . l lfo. _ MO
ATTIH It Is too late , HOIIIC onowllNiiUoup
aiiduoiuler why ho could notseelhat tlio
lot at ( hoV. . corner of Hitmconi 1'iirL ,
lOOvlHO,11 anil n. loincr , WIIHery cheap at
$ ,500. ( J.K. Harrison. Oil N. V.LIfu. 4N ) W
W AfcT f i out on UViiil live. MJ x.'IJ , ! fr > , llilJ. C. P.
JllHurrlioii.Olt N.V. J lfc 4W-SO
$ . ' , ( > JO will buy a line lot on ] > ivccl slicot In
\VIndoor \ Place. 0. K Ilairlson. Oil N. Y.
l.lfo. 4SS-L 0
$ J. OOwill liuy a very Kiwi lot near 40t1i on
\V \ s.trarinin ; very sightly. 0 l \ Harrison ,
811 N. II Mfc 4S8--JU
Ijluit b\i l"J rrooii iiittu.'CH In "linker
I1 L'liwc , " IbllcMtt of Clifton Hill. Prim.
Jl ino and 31 WO ; small invineiit. biluiiceS
H'.ir.s. liKiulru utUiss ; nul 41 t 3U > . , ofowner ,
K a. .Merrill
, at a Gruit Sacrlllcc-riill lot
- iililiu\\ ' 10-rooin IIOIIM'hi nbiaiitlful loci-
tloii onUaslst , 1 lilkvo > tof IjOffo me. 1'rlco
i.lOOtl'tiH ) eish. li.uici)0yoirjit ! ) 7for cint.
Infill Ira 11L tbuhonso. iTKiO *
EASTfrontou Ciorslnavenue , 8J.700.
MliuKor Place lot ut srude , * 1.0i .
( 'ot.tic ; and lull f lot , "itli iindDoiixlas. $2OCO.
lliiUlilnaonit Wind. IJ1 ! Hoiulivs M. X > -
FOHSAI > l'-U-rooni liouso. modern iinpratG-
nicnlt liiirn. ctc CO-foot lot , oil Wirt t.
thu btjit residence St. . In the city , for WiOO.
II.WO cash , tjil.iiioi'ti ) t-iilL
U-roora house and 50-foot lot on Park ave ,
for ? 1 > , TO. Ti.rnif tosiitt ,
E-room liouso atnlUJ-footlot on 2Ist avenue ,
Just north ofbt. aiary'M ave. . for8 ! > ,0 < K >
D-toom liome , all modern improvements , CO-
foot lototi , bpeuccrst. , for * r . .rwll
broom liouso a iid hath Ilio nliicpwltli onlc
miiittlc'ItyH.itorRis : , etc. . ntiltli mid Jack
son sti.for JT.1K ) . on terms to suit buyer.
One Lit In Kllliy I'lnce.Jl.OOa.
Tlireo'.otsln ICllby I'lace , 3J.I01 oath.
fx\roa\i . JJOOJ ; tin cash ,
b.ila IKC to suit.
fcou tli front lot , corner on larnam street ,
ti ' "ij ) ( |
'Hawt front lot onlowoavc. , 11300 , UV ) cash ,
bilance to suit.
An defiant corner. ( VhirK ! . suutliaiul east
frotit.oii llurney bt , Inaldo tlio in I to limit , for
01 by 15" ! ftob nortli nnt ciit front , corner
on Doiigo st one of tlio nicest residence sites
In t hotlty. forST.M to adcdlrablo party who
will build ugood icslilunco.
Splendid aoiitli front lot In Orchard Hill ,
* "
A'cloulilc rornor , poiith front.on . Iowo , ave ,
InOrclunl lllll.S.'WJ.
Twobfiiutlfitl cist front lots oil 41st st , In
InKllby L'luie , jiifhI.N)0 )
\V. It.ilonian. rooms 8 and 10 1 renzcr bl k ,
\\ril01iiisalotior deslriblo ennltyto olTor
TT IncxcluiiKo for Hlxliorrit'S.V. \ . 'lSuiiiiinn.
Omaha's largistvarloty w igoniandc u rimes.
_ _ iSiS _
NF and two ncru tricts ll\\i'ou I'limam
ami HoHird. ill. , only 'i n o t of
llrlfTfls plsno liny ono nml ninko nionoy.
lloiiutlful building blts. W.I , . Silliy. lomi
II , Itriuil 'I'riilc _ : tS
Kninuni H i4 inllo wet
- I'hcis a bountiful hlih ii nd sluhtly
tr.ict.birgaln , AV.L. faclby , J3Uuurdof Trade
. and lot.SIrd anil .
sti.vcrylo\v. ilOOUoffn. Uiihiicolliniontli-
ly > \ hiilby. 1 1 lion , rd Trade _ l.t ! >
XTrt'Bhoine , Hiirdottoaiid SMlh , rroom. . dit-
i > tn , Si.sw. asottasli , a. r , Ilnrrl-on. oil
" t lIwVl's"-&tnr L.ind i Loan Uo.
. idt ( > $1,10) ) forllur-olnl'lncoamll'iii tbao
$ lotSicasjtornis.\V.riOlby,13 \ , Hoard Tnilo.
A SMAIjIipnynicnt donn und J13 per niontli
JiL-wlllbtiy i4-room liouso ainllot on lUlli 'J
bloolnliuiiiimoturi llrst-clivsi chiiiiio to c-
qiilroahonienn eisy ttrnib. Apply to U.K.
Col p. Continental block. _ ( ail
VlTAN'riSii-T'opuruIia'.a . eel city property ,
IT linpro\ed or unli iproviil , l > or sulo or
rent. fK > d farm landclo - > e tocIty.ln4J-.iero
lots or mo re. lleiits collected and fornoiionl
real sli > t bnslncki upply to U , n. Ituynolds ,
BID Now yorknrohldjr. TelcphoneHJf.
N I'luco lots JI.'JoD . toJl.KW , l > cxlor
Jj. Thonm _ CP )
riOTTAGElioincj In most any addition for
Wsaloat from 81000 upon easy monthly pay-
inoiits , ! ' . Ii , Diirllu , .ill 11 kcrbllc. IVJ.1
LIUA-Nf traiksso lot. K'xiaj ' , fr < ntlntf
pn\ed bt. track lu alloy , lor saleor luaso
on 10113 time. The Mead In vestment Oo. . lloo
bid's. 017
_ | _ _
ft' UU line iinyttilnzto fell 01 c\cliango
Icallat ' ( TUl'uxtoii block. _ CCJ _
LTO'MKS Svrbot Homes deifuit. llunin-1
O-aiiiotTdrlni ? tliohe-.tbu-Kaliis InOmaluor
Inthuwoiluon Wett Fiinuni slrcot.hlx elegant
IIOIIM * .all illlTcrint , 0 toll rooiiii , fiirnace , hot
and told 1 aler , tjm , Kmrlvtnrcliath , -\vuor
tlosct. mantel , ulcgajit hrluk i.ellart , jinoil
strfutiind inortijnu , f lOlto tsn , orinmo cull ,
nnd luhincoat 7 pur cunt to tult. JJ , V , bliolcs ,
Ml K15C NnllouuUiuilr. m
T\7TUGII&\VobtcrncWreaUstatc,3.Onnhiu \ , ,
TfUJII teAJjK Iteal estate llouso and Kit In
Kouiit/.oriliodnt T-.MJ lessthanemt. Cot-
tatre of& rooms nnd full lot , California and
Jltli tts , , 41 , TO. L.S. aVIiuiL-r , IOH larnain bt.
_ _ _ J _ fill
POHAI-E 10. 8J , 120 , Hn-ucro pieces just
fcoutU of tlio llniltj of Chlcaso , These
properties are tlioninHtdcslrahlo for Iriven-
moiitof uiiytlilnsnosv offcrod.ln . Cook county ,
l > oluliloBOtora.Il ! ay service and directly In
tlio line oT liiiiiro\eiiieiitsftoutli , Some owners
will take K od Omaha property ai a part of
fln > t laih payment , IM ) . llurnarj. 417 ( Jliam-
bcr olCniiiuercubtdK. Chlcuso , 111. 541-JI'
ForTcifoi , etctee topnjirit cofumrt ontliU jutge ,
VlTANTED-l'nrlnop-lCOO Hill buy hull In-
i tcrcst lu inaiiufacturlnj biislnnso nuvr
clearing iMOO per mouth. 51 tin must write lair
liaudanU lujwllllnj to devote entire tlmo to
tlio builness. Atlarou * with teforciices , O , Cxi ,
lice oOlce. irii-21'
T710II SAI < K IlriiKStnro In oltr of Fnstcrn
J.1 NolirisUat locution. ! lM-Jli\ : ln\nlco
about 87on ) : im luc of 4IMXW vcryonr. Tor
particulars address Lock ilex Ol , Lincoln , Neb.
SAI.K-Chcaii-Honnl of trudo oliop
-i'liouie , Kearney , Doing a good lU ) lni < ,
Addresall. II. Achuy , Konriipy. Xeb. fioa Ji *
"IjlOU -Mockofdrycrxxl sliest ccrncrln
JL'tho thrlvlni railroad olIror iiperlor.Nobl
stock will Invoice ? .lft l to | .WJ ; muvt ! H onlil
utoncoas wohavo other business. AildnM
O.E. Ito orman t Co _ -a > I.
rpO TlVt ! , E-lo7 ( estate and cash for
J. slock of jieiioral incroliindlMcor lianlwnro ,
tx , I' . U. Hex IM , Tlinnnuii. la. ( IJ 2.1
l" : A pcellonul pliotoirnph giilliry
--'wltlior without ontllt. 1'or Inrilier par
ticulars address lloicr i Shaw , 'lcrttiu > d ,
IScb. '
_ o410-'JJJ
"TjTlOH yAljKCIin.M'-A llrstolasi rcMaurfiit
JL1 for tasli. lloln aRooilbusliies-i , ( loodlo-
cillon. IWSNMth. 3M-1
"lj j10U SAljT--7 : | { U. lunch anil eat Injhouie ,
-A I llxturcs and 10 furnished lodslnc rooinsi
fieds twoii.issetiRorand sixteen fioluld tiulm
< Ialiyj eaih buslnessll.OOOiicr mouth. Inspic-
tlon or ( ( irri pniuloiico solicited I * . II Kreb < ,
A\ccpItijiJVatr \ , Neb aM-ia *
T710K asafolOpor icat Invest meat siibscrlbo
-L for shires In the.Miitiiii11onn and ItiilW-
luff association series No. \\ape-workers ) \ \
Hhoiild tnkn shares toxccure low rate * of In *
trrest Intniylng their IIOIIIH. liooni Iti-hnm-
bcrof coiiimcnc. U.M. Jiattlujcr. sccretnrj.
173 U 10
"TUlUfl stock Mid fixtures. Invoice about
J-/JJ.OOO ! notany olilstocki will sell for iiirt
cish , or oxehaiiKo for : x firm Address W
rborn.lojk box'Jll. l.ltclilleld. Keb. fv > 5 SJjr
| 7\OIl \ SAMS At a birRsiln a peed store homo
J-tlt toil IID wllli shflvivs mid iiiiiutrn. baio-
incntcs rooms for ilnollliijt. Rood elslern nnd
well , will cell or tnnlo for aNo. Ixtockof tni-
cerlos. Address Keel Ac llccl , C.O. l > . grooors ,
TTIOIt SVIjI ? or trulo A firstolasihot olla
JL1 a countysoat In eastern Nehraski lor
mttleulnrs Uirjulro ofV. . L Sclby , room 1J ,
Jjoiril of Trade , 7.'st
A llARRcliinco. City HotelofMllliird. IScb ,
J-ifor tent , silo or exdnnso for farm or
Omtha piopcity. Hest Iwativl hotel In Sill-
lard : ins biir-roomdimco hull , leu liouso nnd
stable : all coinonleticu II. P. Colo. Conti
nental blk. , orO. Zliiiiiicnn.iii. Dili unJ Jones.
\Vnr.nB\s. \ A Joint resolution was ndoptcil
by thaliRlsIituro oft lit- state of J o lira iki nt
the twenty-ilibthosilon thereof , and approuil
JlnroliJOth. A.I ) . HW , proposln ? an nnionil-
mcnt toRuotlnn twolB ) fonr41 nnd llin 15) ) of
Artlcloilv fof ( | tlioiotistltiitlonnt * ald stain
ami t tiatsaidicotlou as unieiiilid ulull read
as follows. Lclt :
Section 1 That section tno ( Jof ) mtlcloMx
( llof ) the constitution of thestntcof .Nebraska
uoamcndocl sous to read as follows :
'PecllonTh nupreino court shall con-
slit of live ( OjudKci ) , a majority \\lioinslnll
bcnecissary to foiniaqtiaruin oitoiininouncu
ii decision. ItsIiallliavoorlKinil Jurliillotion
In cnwii rolntlnp to roonue , clvlteasesln
whlcli tlio state Kiiall bo a party , ni.incliinuis
quo tviirrnitoliuV : > ias corpus , anil siiolinppcl-
hto Jurisdiction nMi > ay bnprofldoU tiy lu.\\ \ .
Sections : Hint < ocUnnfour (4)of ( ) ntllcloilx
(6)of ( ) tlio conMltiitlonoC the stnloof riobruskj ,
boaincudcct sous to read a ? follows :
bootlon4 : Tlits jiules ( of the snprcno court
sli til Iwcloelfil by the olcclorsnf tlivttatout
larRo. and tholr trrms of ofike , eiuuptan
hcrelinfter provided , slull bo forupciludof
fl p(5) ( ) jcars"
So 'tlon3 : That section fl vo 0) ) of nrllcloslx
(01 ( of the constitution of the .stito ot.Vobris-
ka. boaineinloil so is to read iufollfi < :
bcotlon5 : 'At thelli-iit general olcotlonto
bit hold In tlio > carIMI. ) and utter the adop
tion of this amendment to the constitution ,
there slull liuelectcd tlirco < : il Jndvcs of Iho
siiprorae court , ono of whom sluill IM eletlcil
for tliolorniof one II ) year , one for Ilio rcrm
ofthrC(3)yeirs ( aim ) ono for tlio torn ) of Ilio
ffl years , and nt each Rcnoral clnetlon tlitro-
after there shall lie mooted ono Indue of tlio
supreme court for the term of tlvoi ( ) yeira.
I'rovldi'd , tliat tlio JuclRO' * of the siipitnio
court ffhosd terms linvr not expired at tlio
tlmo of holding the election of Ml ,
shaU roiitlnuoto hold their offlco for thore-
milndcrof the term for \ihluh tlmy wercro-
pectldy elected under the present consti
Eoctlon4 : Thntcacli personlotlngIn fn\or
of thin amendment stiall hn\o \ written or
print oil upon Ills ballot the following !
"Korthc iiropOBi'damcmlmrntto thoconsll-
tutlon relating to the number of supreme
JudKc-s'1 '
ThereforeI , John M. Thaycr , Qoiornorof
the auto of Nebraska , do hereby glvo iiotlco
luuecordunce with suction ono (1) ( ) articleUf-
teen 'IJI of the constitution , the provhlonsnf
the uotcntitlrd : "An act to provide the man
ner of proposing all amendments to the con
stitution utid submitting the sinio to the 0)03- )
tortofthu stato. " Approved rohruary nth ,
A , D. 1877. sain proposed nmcndmimt ; will
be pnsontcd to the qualified votura of tlio
, slute forapproriLlorroJcUlon at tliOKencf.iI
dcotlonto Iio held on tlio HU day of No\cni-
bcr. A.I ) . 161)0 )
-witness whereof I Imo lioreuiito set lay
hind nnd caused to bo atlKod the Rrt'ntscat
of the stntu of i. Done nt Lincoln
tliU L'dth duTof July , A. I ) , mw , nnd tlie tvea-
tj-fourth y ar of tlio state , and ot tlio Indo-
poiHleiico of tli united Stnton the one liuii-
dri'd fifteenth
By thn Gortrnor , J01INM. TIUYEB.
Iafr _ , . " ] fcccrotary of Stato.
Auauat l < 13m
Wii > niAS. A Joint resolution wns adopted
by tboloslalUurcof tlicsUtoot
the twcnty-llrstsciilon thercof.and approved
lohruary 1.1th , A. D 1880proposing nnamend-
mont. to tlic constitution of Sdtd stittu. and
that said umendtncnt sliall read ui follonn.
Section 1 : That at tlio general election to
beheld on the Tuesday succeed ing the first
Monday of November. A. D.lhUl thorn shall by
suinltted totho olictors of tills state forap-
provnlor rejcctlonan amendment totho con
stitution of thin state la words us follows :
'Tho muiufnctiinsualo and kiuplnf foraalu
of Intoxlea tine llomn-s as a bcvoiaitoarofor- .
c\or prohibited Inthli Btate.aiid the lojrljU-
turo shall provldoby luwfor * thneiiforcoinciit
of tliU provUlon. " And thorn shall alsoab
slid elcuttonbo separately HUbniltlul to tlio
electors of thU stale for their approval orru-
Joctlonan ainondnient to tlic constitution of
llui stito liiwordiat follows : "Thomaiiufau-
turc , silo nnd kerphiK forsiiloof InloxIcntlnR
Iliiunrs as a beverage shall bo licensed and
rcKulatcd bylaw. "
bcc.J : A.t such election , on the ballot of
each elector votlnj for the proposed amend
ments to tlieconatllutinn Hhull ho wrlttonor
printed the words : "lor proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting Ilio
mu 11 tificttire , H lii nnd keiplnj ; for silo
of InUixIcntlnR liquors a * a liuvcraKi' . " or
Against the proposed uinrndniciit to tlio
constitution prplilhit Ing tlio niuniifautiire.
tile nrd ItceplilR for sulo of liitoxtcall
. ' *
Iliiuorsiis ulievernito.
TlicrosliiillulRobo written orprtnlccl onllio
billotof oacheloclor voting fn tbupiopOMid
nmondmont to tlio constitution , tbu worJa :
Tor proposed atncndmont to the constitution
Unit the immif.tcluro. Kite mid keuiiiii ? ( or
iio cf lut oilc.itIm liquors n u livornie ) ; li
nls state shall ho llcuiscd iincl reiulalo.
by law , " or "Ajralnst tilU proposed amend
ment to the constitution tlint tlieiiiamifjc-
turo.silo and kcvpln forntilnof Intqxlciillna
liquorsns a bnverine shall bo llcensud mid
rr > inlatln by In w. "
Hoc. J : If oltiicr of the s.ild proposed
uniendineiitsshallbo uppiovid by uniiijorlty
of the elcctoia Mil Inn nt t lie a iid election ,
limn It shall eon ltntu it'otlun t wenty-.seu-n
UT ] ofurtUloonuinoC tboconstitution oftlil
, tnt ] .
Thcreftire. I , .Tohn JVI. Thayer , Governor of
tlio state < ) ( Nobriiskn. do hereby giro notlco
In aecordnmo wlthuec-tlon ono [ I * ] tittleio(15J (
of tlioconstltutionand the provisions of tlio
act eiitltli'd'an ait to provide tliuuiaitncrof
piopusln nllnmendinGiils totho conttltntloii
anu submitting the Hn mo to thcelcctnrs ufthu
state. " A.pprov 'd Koliru.iry Uth , A. ! - > . 1177 ,
that 8'ild nroposi'il unioiifliiiriil will lie sub
mit ted to tbniitillfled vuteriof thlibtatofor
tipiiroviil orrojuctloii at thu eenural eleotlon
ti beheld cut lie Uh day of November. A. U.
In wltnosiwhorrnf I liereunfo sctiny Iianil.
anu ciiis tobn alllxcd the iiroat n .il of the
itatoof Nebraska. Uono at Lincoln thli th
oay of July , A. . L ) . BOO. ana t boSltli yearof thu
itnto.and of the liidopendoiico of the Unltod
Btrttestho ono hnndreudftotMitn.
By the Gofornor. JOIIt > M. THA.Y&R.
UKNJAUIK It. ( JovitnY ) ,
ISrAi , . ] fcccrotary ofStuto ,
August -Id3in
XVunderful Spac. . . .
nonicily. liHoldwItU
it 1V'rItl niiiiirati-
to ti > ecu till Mir\-
C > Ulll8tDIIlBUChnB |
W" nk M mury1 I/om
of Ilraln Power , Jlend-
- - . . - , , , . nctf.WBkcfiilMfe.
Bcforo AAftorllso , LoitManhi > od , crv-
I'tiuluKrapIinl ( ruin uTu. omntPH , I.HBB ! lode.
All drilui * und lup H o ( power of the QcucrativuOr
paun.lo eltbcrBuXjCiiiucdby ovcr-cxi-illon , youth
ful ludlecrctlonB , or the ceet > lV9 imo of IODMCO ,
opium , or illmnliiile , valch nltlmatdy U-cil to
liulrulty. Couunnijitlon ird Infinity. I'utnpln
conveolinitform tocarry Intbu vrnt pocket. 1'clcu
Slapacluise , nrCforS . U'I til every ( } ordir\\u
KlvaiiFrifeii ( fuaniHtte to tunr or rrfuntt
tlin mon if , Sc-iitliy null to lay aclilrcea. t'lr-
cnlarfrec. Mention thlipapor. Addreia
117 JI-nbTuMt rt. ( HII'MIO . . , U.L. .
FOJJ fi 4 f Vj ( r M M , - ,
KulintOo.CorIlth and Oouilnsftreoli
J. A. I'allcr&Co.Cor.Ilth nnd Doujluajju
A. lJ.ru3Uri.-Oo.Council Illnlls. Iowa.
' " " CHtBlntoa uij or money ro-
fuuled. TlymullM. Seournly iwaled from ob-
mttoa. COOJC UKMKD31CV. , Oio h , Neb.
l * voi I rllll'MiO , IHmt.lNlJTOX A I A.rrtT
_ Otj > H lOtlmml MA < un nrooti
I.SO l > 01 . . .'hlcicro Ktprt * * ! , , . . .i
i > iv m , , . , , . , ( * lllCAKO KlprOfll , ) , . . .1
Jia p m CMrnito Klpruil. . . . .
I ( Op n Cliluigo Uteal . . . ,
I * M Illlf laiNlITO.V A MO. IllVHlt
_ pot IDthjinil MHO _
lolra l > tiff Unr K tir
101) i ru IH-nttr KIITOSI
( ID r > m . . .iilHmvtrNldit > C
Hi iv m
K iMn1 , j k . - . n I A trim
Omaha. 1 > eHit | lOtt ami Mien itrooti | _ Om liiv
7 n S . .hmsitslltjr" < f ifp m
K C MtfhtPtn tin IT I' Trnnt I
Uuinha. n pot Hnhniul Muror Uroetj I Onnha.
250 | i ni , , T. urfrlnfiiHIror MuITp m
I'M p ra . , . , . , . . .lnrtnc Vtpresi . . . , , , | ? ( ] in
10 M r n IHuirer Ki | > ro I , ( .J5p m
600 it n . . . .Knnui fit ; Kxprcn IliWixui
10 IS n m . . * ilrllt < lilK > D. ( iri > | 't8un I , J I JJ p i
"l nroi WAiru : ll. 1 S. I'AllflU I.VrnW *
Uinnhft IT. I' dopoUOth nil alircSli " lOi _ ha. _ _
ilO p m MTitTitTdprpsi , , , . . . „ . in
JOS n m AtUntlo Kipro'i , . . , , , n u i > m
in p in .Voitlbiilo MlnlKvl 111.tin in
frnvei ' SlOlJ.XTU'V * I'Ailtlti. i Artlvo *
IT. V dp | > oUOUiliiil _ jkhroy SU
! I5 n 111 .illoui Cltr l'imsoticr. . ,
ISO p in . . . . . .St-I'mil Riproi ! . . . . . , , , 110.10 Ik tm
"loarei l SlBo.X'll'l \ ii I'ATlhlS. i ArnrM
Onmln llflHlt lM llllin\Pb \ tlTSl . I < Jni lui.
C.IX1 p m St.l'niil llmlte. ! , . . . , " I t l ! nnr
UrrmliiUlT. 1'alo ot , 10t.h nd Mirer > 1 . I CJnutitv
ttS n m Kiureii. . . . . . . . rt.2up to
< O p m .V lbuln l.iiiillm ) O.W * 111
( . ) & p in lowiAcooiunioitntlnn ( hie. Sun ) 7.0 ! p lu
I III p m . . . . .Initorn Href . . . . . . . ,
. . .nTaat K . . '
tpril K\prcs .jiii 8.01ji in'
Icnrui . AJrifoi"
Pmnln ir _ _ r.ilci > ot,10tti and M rcrSH _ OninliR.
(00 ( p nil . Clilcauo KtptcMi . . . . , , O.IJrt m
HIS p mi..11.rMilciiCO | ! ) 0.1) ) p in
* "
iT Arnvo *
| IT. I' clojipl. lOLh unit Sl rcr _ fit
iLi..r't. ! l ouli Cnmiciri Hull _
. " "K"MO VA I.TKK
t litliammelMltf St
ll . llliifk HUH Kxprrn A SI POT
800 n. nil. . . Uniting KM ) ( Kf. Mmilny ) 5Wp in
(10 p mUVnhC'o.VIJncolnl'nH ( KiSiind ; ) lUMn lit
\0 \ 11 ni ] .York . \ _ \NorfolklKx-
| _ n pot 15th
! U ) nml .Mum ittrAoi.imiiiiiHliitlun , T > 81 p in
100 p ni .tjloux ntr Krprois CKi Sun. ) , 1.1) ) p m
500 i > ml . HI I'nul l.lnntcl . ll Until
815 u rajillnncoft I'l ( Kt Hinili _ 8 li n in
I envoi T " Jl7B I Arrfvo * "
Omalin I HtpntlUh \\VU-ilfr Sti | Unitliiv.
JO 10 n nil . M IxjuTi A iHt , Kipro , 4 SI p en
BIS pin' . . . Jl iMiuli A. KX _ ( Kifro a O lj ) ni
lonv < | ClllDAcTu , k. T.V I'ALihiU 1 Arrlton"
'rnnHfcrl ' llnloii lioppt. ] * llluni | Trim for
. Mht U II n m
9SO nin ! . AllantloKlprv f Up m
COO pin , Vclli\ilo | l.lnillfil . ItUIOnni
lcnvc !
. A Jolnb rcsolullon was adopted
by thelffthintureof tbostatoof Nubia R , at
the twentv-llrstseHBUinthoriof. and approved
Miirdi.WLli , A. 11. 1880 , proi3slna ait , ninciul-
nieiit to Section Thirteen (1.1) ) uf Attlolo fix ( I )
of 1 lit ) coiiKlll utlou ot Hil ; < l state : tliattrild
section an amended Bliall road as follow : ) , to-
wit : >
Section It Thalsoctlon thirteen 111 ! ) ot artl-
do slxti ( ) nftho ioii tltutlonof tljustatoof 'Ne '
braska lie amended BO as tore.Kl as follnwH :
Hcctlon li.rjClieJu ltes oftlmsuprenioioiirt
shallcat'lirocolvo a salary o ( thirty-II > e In111-
ilriMldollars(5 ( . .VO ) purnniium nni tho'iuilffc '
of thodlatrlct c-ourt slull rucctv-o a. tuiliry of
three thousand doIlaralW.OOOlpar iinnuin , and
the anlnry of each shall be payatiloiiuii'rltrly.
( section 1 ! . Knch iiorsni nthiR In Caior l
this ninenunior it bliul Hiivo Kilt ( en or printed
upon hi < billitt tliufollowliui
l''orthepripo cd miioiiciment tothoennstl.
tntlOn , relatltifito thosilarrot judgosof tlio
supreme nnd district.court.
Therefore , I , John M. Tluyor , ( toveraor of
the stito lii'rclvclvo iintlce ,
In uccnrd/incu Avltli sietloti ono ( I ) article III-
totnr [ > l of the constitution , and thuprovl.
fitomot anaot rntltled : "An act to prnvldo
thu manner of pmixisInK "U ainuiiltnuits to
the ennstltutlon and submitting tbu Miniiii to
thoolectoMof tliOMtate. " Appn > ved Kohruary
l.lth. A. I ) . WT7. that , slid proposed innoiid-
tnont will ho submit toil to the. ( iiialltlod uitor.i
of tlili state for appravil ir nj ctlonat tlm
cenoral olcitlonti bo held on tlio 4th day uf
Novembur.A. II IS'13.
In nltiian whereof I have horcitnt < ? fiet rny
htindand ransol t bo nlllird tlio KniltHi-nl
of the stnlo of .Nttbi aska. Dune lit Lincoln.
thlslGth day of Inly. A. I ) . IbW , sind tholwcn-
ty-fnurth ) iar of the slateatidnf tliolnUu-
neridenco of the Uuttol States thu onohun-
Hytlio ( lororror. JOHN M.TIIAVEB.
l Bucictary of State ,
A. 1'ijl Ociitleiiitin.
AnintciCBtliifT collection of flno photo-
ic > lu\V8 , KrnuuH sind liguroa , taken
* Mr. J'lrnest W. iloiiiloi'son -
Iry . . dtitlnfj-
six months' crulso on board the jaeltl
Sybil amonjr the different Islands ot tlio
South Pudllc ocean , has been ptiWIshcil
by n Loudon iirm. The pictures of
Fiji uro very striking. They pro-
oont Kratid wiitct'fulli rlvor atid
niuuntain ecciiciy of n. vit-
rlod chin-actor. T ho
banana nml eocotiiiut plantations , Fijian
houses , nnd tlio special studios of different -
ont Kinds of pilms , ffonih and otlicr IM-
tanieul specimens , are of peculiar inter
est. Tlio portnuturo of the native1) ) ,
with theh' caimcH , urniH imil droaa , Is In
many uaseH | wr octly uniqtio similar
Bnbjects never having' boon taken "bo-
Hoomflold tups the liu-prest torritoiy
of nny town in nojtlieiistorn Noliuwkn ,
It istho googiapliical centroof ntnidc
fifty miles In dlumctor with Hartinjjton ,
Randolph , Cieiphtou nnd Yiinltlun , S ,
D. , on tlio outer border * .
A. Stron Mun' \itul AVn rcr ,
.A curious nugor , vithnttil / rcnults ,
as recently decided at Sloprlny , In
Unvuriik A notcrioiHly strong m.m
natnotl Pioytitg bet that u horse could
not move him finin the iloor of ] ils
house. 'Ilio liorso WIIB bioufflit , nnd b'roj-
tu put hlB anas nnd ( cot iit iiinbt thu
dour-posts , wlillo Stern , thu man
with whom tlio hot hud been made , lixcil
u i-opo arotind Frcjtojj's ueclc. At the
Ih-ht pull the lope liroico , A now ropa
having boeii brought , Storu pllcil Jits
whip with all his miL'ht , vvliou J'roytifr
PIIYO a bcrcMin , nnd , letting L'O ,
( Iritfipod along for eotna yardn. tils ncclc
wus In-ukon.
There Is notliliifr llko Dr. Thomas' ' Electalo
Oilto quickly cuio ai'old orrullotouoarsnui.
\Vrlttoji by Mm M. J , fellows , llurrOakSt.
Joseph Co , Mica.
Choke , the grout KnjjIlBh chohi'doil )
of grief at liuving boon porvprtcJ froit
his ' bollof.
roIit'lotiB . i
"Watcrl.llyboaplccnUa ciku. '